Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton wants the American people to know that the hacked emails that revealed the shocking corruption in her campaign and the Democratic National Committee were a plot by Russia “to undermine our democracy” and were personally ordered by President Vladimir Putin “because he has a personal beef against me.”
Since then, the media has eaten the story up — and if Americans only read liberal media sources like The New York Times and CNN, that’s what they’d believe.
There’s just one problem with the mainstream media spin machine: It’s a complete lie.
That’s according to Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. The controversial Assange, whose organization was behind the major leaks, came forward in a revealing interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity and admitted the mainstream media spin is simply not true.
It’s something The Horn News has been warning for months – the mainstream media was covering up the real truth behind the Russian email hacking plot, and Democrats are exploiting it.
Assange confirmed our reports in quick preview of his Fox News interview, which was revealed Monday.
Hannity: Can you say to the American people, unequivocally, that you did not get this information about the DNC, John Podesta’s emails… Can you tell the American people 1,000 percent that you did not get it from Russia or anybody associated with Russia?
Assange: Yes. We can say, we have said, repeatedly over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party.
Even after the election, Hillary won’t stop lying straight to America’s face.
Is there any wonder U.S. voters didn’t want her in office?
The full interview airs on Fox News’ “Hannity” Tuesday at 10 p.m. Eastern.
You’d better believe we’ll be tuned in.
— The Horn editorial team
Main Street says
Hillary and her staff keep on telling tales of the Russians. However, they never talk about her husband getting a huge fee to speak in Russia a couple of years back. It’s a very happy new year, knowing that Trump and not she will be our new leader.
Alicia Morales says
So true…thanks God
spktruth200 says
Horn News is a right wing bunch of cleptocrats…they deceive their readers with fake news stories. All 17 of the US intelligence agencies agree…it was Russia. Is Trump worried his contacts with Russia would reveal HE knew the entire primary campaign they were helping him? You right wingers would throw your government agencies under the bus and stand with the biggest commie dictator on the face of the earth. Wikileaks wasnt trusted by you right wingers when they posted information about Iraq, etc…but all of a sudden Assange is your best friend…Your pathetic, unamerican fools that were bamboozled, and hoodwinked by the billiionaire con man.
Charle says
spktruth200= another liberal/socialist idiot heard from ! Did your mother have anyone in your family born with a brain ?
Charles Rappa says
That Lived
Ray says
I think when God was giving out brains, he thought he said trains, and he missed his.
Douglas says
Liberalism is a disease that there seems to be no cure for. Godless communist socialists with a liberal cloak. 17 agencies where did you get your info the Hillary camp. But regardless of the source the information let’s be reminded of that.Liberals live on lies and part truths and ride on unicorns idealistic fools. Your liberal derailment of the train us is over.The dictator is almost gone and a patriot who loved America is almost in.God bless America.
Roderick Morgan says
There are fools and there are idiots……… are both!~
T4WH says
spktruth: must be confined to a small room with an old black and white TV that has only two channels via antenna. Both of which is either cnn or nbc, the biggest contributors of fake news
in the World and has the New York times delivered. And yes, he is likely to be on government assistance the reason behind his brainless views on and also the reason he supports socialism.
Sal Belardo says
Roderick Morgan–I agree with you, Hillary is a fool and an idiot! I would also add liar, murderer, and trader. She betrayed our trust as Secretary of State and made millions promising favors! A foreign government should put a hit on her because she cannot deliver more favors because she is a LOSER!
Candice Bobeck says
Fools like you show their vindictiveness. Poor loser!
cuning says
And the democrat occupied body bags are piling up,as their money runs out.
jack godwin says
Lets look at who are lairs ! The imposter gay kenyan . Has a dead mans Social Security number and a forged birth certificate and was and maybe still a member of a gay bathhouse in Chicago and has a male as a wife that is a tyranny ! Now who do you think is a lair ? Now lets look at Hildabeast ! She killed 4 Americans in Benghazi and lied about it . Also lied for Rapist Billy Blye and he said he did not have sex with that woman . There are a lot more examples of the lairs and i believe you can come up with a bunch more of these examples yourself !
Scott says
r u trying to say Hillary is a trusted , viable candidate t run our country? what about what the messages revealed as opposed to the messenger
Scott says
r u trying to say Hillary is a trusted , viable candidate t run our country? what about what the messages revealed as opposed to the messenger
Jeanette says
Who would believe anything that anyone who supports Hillary says?
Evidence is piling up that she is a pedophile, and possibly even a Satanist.
What is the word of any of her followers worth to anyone other than her fellow Satanists and pedophiles?
alicia says
Jeanette, so what about all the babies you killed and hid under your bed, are you going to tell us about them.
Twila says
That she is, both a pedophile and a Satanist, but a socialist she is not! She leans toward the republicans, just like pedo Bill.
James J. Kirksey says
I believe Russia and other nations, hostile to America, listen to our communicatiuons, as often as possible. However, I see no evidence that Russia has in anyway attempted to change our election results. Inversely, I believe Wilikleak has all the information that HRC tried to destroy/conceal with her criminal transmission of State Department emails over a non-secure system. Do you deny that these hacked emails are valid copies? If not, why not? These emails reveal facts that cost a “shaggy haired” politician her DNC leardership position, after she was caught tilting things in HRC’s favor, discrediting Sanders. There were other revelations of HRC law violations and lies, which IMO did indeed help President-elect Trump. I have no evidence of where the hacking originated. I do suspect Snowden or maybe some “whistle blowing Democrats.” The CIA and finally the compromised FBI spokesman, have joined the Democrats in this Russian Spin. These agencies serve at the pleasure of the President, who called these shots to decieve America, one last time. Neither CIA, nor FBI, have provided any credible evidence of Russia impacting our election. As we say, down south, “THAT DOG WON’T HUNT.” Simply it is another Obama LIE. In two and one half weeks, our country will again have a leader. Praise God/Jesus.
Don says
Obama DESPERATELY needs an excuse why the Dumbocrats lost the election. He surely can’t (or won’t) admit that his failed administration had any bearing in the dramatic upset.
For the narcissist, it’s so much easier to lie (as he has done for the fast 8 years)
The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!!!
He He He. AND, OBAMA is leaving, OBAMA is leaving. (Thank God and Greyhound!!!!)
Jeanne Stotler says
And we listen to their communications as well, and have since WWII, Obama interfered in England elections as well as Israel, “that is the Pot calling the kettle black” , Regardless, there is NO WAY anyone other than the Dems could have altered our voting machines, and in Mich, they showed that Hillary got more votes than showed voters, that was just in 2 or three pcts. wonder what a complete audit of ALL Machines would show??
cuning says
Julian assange “Wikileaks” will be free of all charges for enlightening this country and its people of the crimes of the Obamas and the Clintons and the DNC. Infact Trump will ask him to take top spot in our ciber warfare,
Shirley says
At least he doesn’t have to lie to the American people.. all the dems is get rich on destroying America. Killery will cut your throat for a dollar.. she and her friend Obama will destroy our country for a dollar… so get off your high horse and pray our country will be strong again. I hope and pray killery and Obama are punished
`Connie Condra says
Shirley, my message was not intended toward you, but to “spktruth200” who obviously does not know anything more about the truth than the Hildabeast does.
newdelman says
It sounds like you are still lamenting Hillary’s loss. Face reality she is the most corrupt person to ever run for the presidency. She is not an honest person. Were you privy to some information that no one else has heard or seen? How can you say that ALL 17 intelligence agencies agree? That hasn’t been reported nor confirmed.
It is possible that the Russians are behind it but there has been no proof yet. Assange has said that they received the documents from someone not in any “state” position. Perhaps the Russians hired a courier to deliver the documents who knows. But, the last time Assange tried to avoid answering a question about where the information came from, a DNC employee was shot in the back.
Killery is just pointing fingers everywhere but where they should be pointed. The reason she lost the election is herself. The idea that the Russians were somehow able to influence the election is stretching the excuses a bit. We didn’t want Hillary because:
1. We didn’t want her corruption to do more damage to America,
2. We don’t want her brand of socialism here in America,
3. We didn’t want her lies to effect other nations,
4. We didn’t want her creating another Benghazi somewhere else in the world,
5. We didn’t want her routine of personal character assassination of her opponent or anyone who disagrees with her to cause a war, and
6. We didn’t want the Clinton Klan to be used to influence people of other nations to go along with her way of thinking or suffer the consequences.
7. Hillary Clinton is a career politician with an unsatisfactory track record.
You can add more to this but that sums up a lot of the reasons we didn’t vote for her.
Jay P says
Substitute ‘CRIMINAL’ for ‘politician’ in #7… The words are synonymous in her case.
Daniel Doyle says
I read on until someone said it. I knew someone would sink the tacks right into the framework which holds Hildebeast’s upholstery in place. She is what she is, and you so eloquently handled it. My hat is tipped to you, newdelman.
Joel says
8. Hillary’s losing means “Slick Willie” wont have access to young White House interns.
tom says
Your boy in chief Obama has had 8 years to lead you pathetic left wing morons, what has he delivered to you that gave your vote to Clinton ? I suppose the emails that were leaked , hacked or stolen as the case of Clinton’s girl Huma were also Trump lies are those emails false as well. Maybe it was a VIDEO, at this point in time what difference does she make. She can not bring back four slaughtered Americans , can YOU ?
Cliff says
Why don’t you put your money where your Gaping Mouth is you left wing UnAmican! Have you ever served in any branch of the Military? I think not or you would not have supported Clinton, she recalled the rescue party for Bengasi and let the civilian and military personal die. This is fact and can and has been verified by several sources. She committed murder and everybody knows it. If you stand with her you are no better than she is.
Maria says
Cliff, I read an article where both Obama and Hillary were responsible and involved in the Benghazi murders. They did not have Congressional approval when they SENT Amb. Stevens to Libya to retrieve the Stinger rockets as they were afraid they were being used against our own military in another country. It was a “do or die mission” and that probably answers the many questions as to why no military were not called in to rescue the Americans. They instead blamed it on a You tube video and watched as those Americans fought and died in Benghazi. The mission failed and they did not want Stevens to come home alive as the truth would come out then and both of our “leaders” could have been arrested for it. I think our govt. should still look into the matter as Americans died and it was murder…..there is no statute of limitations on murder. But as Hillary said. “at this point what difference does it make?” The difference is, 4 Americans were left to die without any help from our military,, because Obama and Hillary didn’t want not want them back alive.
As far as I’m concerned both Obama and Hillary committed treason and should be brought up on charges I thank God that Hillary did not win the Presidency as I can’t see having a treasonous person leading us, and I thank God that Obama is finally leaving the White House!!!
`Connie Condra says
Another brain-dead kool-ade drinker heard from. I could say the same of CNN (Clinton News Network), CNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Politico, Twitter, Facebook, etc. The FBI–you know, the guys who said that the Hildabeast had been “very careless” with classified documents–says that there is no credible evidence of ANY Russian involvement. If any government was involved, I would say that it would have to be the United States and the Obama Administration in a failed effort to guarantee the Hlldabeast’s coronation. After all, at least three states have reported attempts by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to hack into their voter registration records. If Russia wanted to interfere in our elections, it would have been to help the Hildabeast. SHE is the one who was committed to continuing the failed policies of our current “Caspar Milquetoast” leader.
Big R says
Gayle says
Assange owns Wikie leaks he knows where information comes from an the democrats are behind all this BS an Hillarys supports are stupid enough to believe it all. God I pray for them an their blind sightness. They have been so lied to, an still are, I pray they open there eyes an see what the Obamaa & Hillary ARE Evil!!!!
Jim says
All those agencies are ran by the liberal democraps in office . And you want me to believe anything they have say. Just 2 more weeks & by by to all the lying Democraps.
Çathie Moss says
Stuff it! Americans aren’t buying the Democrats BS anymore ! And Hillary belongs in jail!
Michael Burch says
So everything the Russians were saying about Clinton and her organization were all made up by the Russians…or if the Russians really did hack into their real e mails..them all they did was expose Clinton and her den of thieves for what they really are..the Russians did all of us a favor for exposing the pathological liar Clinton and her pathetic bunch
Dennis says
They are all blood, urine, and spermicide drinking satanist, and the have the ordacity to criticize God fearing Christians.How evil and repulsive! I will never be able to eat pizza again….
alicia says
Yes spktruth200 you are so right, I bet non of these characters on this blog even care that Trump broke the Logan Act, talk about unpatriotic.
Juanito Ibanez says
Explain in great detail about in what way Donald Trump acted “with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States.”
–The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799)
Bill Saunders says
Eat shit Democrat. we don’t care what you think, dirt bag, because you are a stupid moron
Mikey says
Alicia says “even care that Trump broke the Logan Act, talk about unpatriotic”
I fixed it for you. “even care that Obama administration broke the Hatch Act, talk about unpatriotic”
Vernon says
Look Are you this stupid. it doesn’t matter any more.The people has spoken. Trump is going to be the next president.So get over with it and move on with your life.
David says
The entire Obama presidency and Hillary’s candidacy was a parade of fake news, i.e. Benghazi was caused by a video, if you like your doctor you can keep him, Ben Rhodes lying about the Iran treaty terms, Jonathan Gruber saying they had to lie abut Obama Care because we are all too stupid to understand it, Hillary landing in Bosnia under fire (where she departed the plane to a band and girls handing her flowers). Its a real laugh hearing liberals now complain about fake news.
Bruce Wilson says
An of course we should be Hillary who blamed the Bengazi attack on a video — of course we all know that was the truth – NOT
Tracy Cole says
So you would rather trust a habitual liar and manipulator?!?! God help you my friend! And just in case you think I’m unamerican, I served my country how about you?!?!
Nikita63 says
There has been so damned much corruption in the Obama Administration and his controlled media with the help of Former Nazi Collaborator George Soros Funding every Anti-American THOUGHT for the last 8 years that no one can put ANY CREDIBILITY in ANYTHING the mass media says. period. And, that is more true of the left than the right but STILL true to some extent of all. NONE can be trusted. YOU ARE A FOOL IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE. HAD HILLARY AND THE RIGGERS OF THE ELECTION , DNC MEMBERS AND SUPPORTERS FOR SURE HAD THEIR WAY. IT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN LONG UNTIL ALL OF US HAD NO RIGHTS, NO CHOICES AND WOULD BE LIVING UNDER U.N. MANDATES IN A GLOBALLY CORRUPT SOCIETY, PERIOD.! Obama has NEVER had any use for the Constitution or Rule of Law and neither does the entire progressive left cabal of clowns and misfits. They all belong in prison, not office and that includes the aiding and abetting RINO pond scum who along with the lunatic left enabled and empowered the unconstitutional abuses of this Administration for the past 8 years. I doubt the Russians had anything to do with the hacking and I also doubt it for good reason: WHERE IS THE PROOF? All we have had is allegations and all , every one of them UNSUBSTANTIATED! Democrats are MARXIST, period, They use the favorite tactic of denigration and charges of malfeasance and dereliction with no foundation to smear ALL who disagree with their plans and they should ALL be in prison where they belong: NOT IN PUBLIC OFFICE where they are all unfit to represent Real American Citizens and so, DON’T! If there is legitimate proof and it can be confirmed then SHOW it or shut the hell up. America and American citizens are sick to death of all the lying, raping and robbing of freedoms and choices and the attempt to enslave us all in the New World Order. WE WILL NEVER TOLERATE SUCH, Especially not those of us who served in the military, at least , not those of us who served in Vietnam and I would know as I am one of them. I am heartsick at what this nation has become since the Kennedy Assassination in 1963 when I was a college freshman. Then we had morals, values, and moral consciences; today, there is nothing in the colleges but indoctrinated, not educated, SIMPLETONS with no idea of American History or accomplishment because it has been “educated,” out of them like Pavlov’s dog. More is the pity.; because they will be their own worst victims and not even smart enough to KNOW IT!
Elle says
Keep this letter and read it again in 2 years. Trump is not a con man— if he is, he is one who is at least on the side of WE THE PEOPLE! 4 more years of the DEMS and we would not have a country left.
Roy says
Nice Left wing talking points. Can you name all 17 so called intelligence agencies ?
Pink Panther says
Where is the evidence from these “17 agencies”??
LibertarianSoldier says
Other than islam, there is no right wing of consequence in the United States of America. Both the democrat and republicrat parties are racing to the left and while Liberty, Constitutionalism and Federalism are certainly not left wing constructs, that doesn’t make them any kind of right wing. You haven’t a clue of what you speak.
Frankie says
Islamist right wing??? Obama and Hilla the Hun are the ones backing Islam, not right wingers.
Joe LeBlanc says
If Hillary and her campaign was so honest and lacking corruption why was she so afraid of being hacked??
Dennis says
And what evidence was provided as proof that Russians were behind this. Irregardless of who is responsible for the leaked information I am thankful that it was brought to the light of day.
Satan queen Clinton is quick to blame Russia for the leaks, however she failed to refute the validity of leaked information.
So I ask, are not her deeds worse than those responsible for bringing it to light?
You liberals always choose the wrong issue to battle over, frankly I don’t care who leaked the information. I am thankful for the truth being made public so Americans were able to cast an informed vote!
You people need to rethink who the enemy is here, in doing so you will conclude Clinton is by far the bad Apple as opposed to the person responsible for bringing into the light of day. If you continue with this logic and fail to reform your party and yourselves your Democratic Party will cease to exist!
R from Washington says
You said, “….. would reveal HE knew the entire primary campaign they were helping him?”
That is something absolutely hard to believe. During the primary Trump faced down over a dozen other Republican candidates. Your statement implies that somehow Russia was helping Trump beat the Republican’s who challenged him for the Republican nomination? So Russian hackers were what destroyed Mark Rubio, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz? I DON’T THINK SO.
I think you are a source of fake news. If you have any evidence that Russian hackers helped him during the primary to win the Republican nomination, I would love to hear it.
kjones says
There is not a word you can believe from the Obama’s or the Clintons – they are all Sociopaths and do not know the truth from a lie.
Joan says
Calm down…It’s just a little kid trolling on mommy’s computer while she’s at work…When his mommy gets home from work and finds out he’s been trolling on her computer again… She’s gonna slap the taste out of his mouth…and ground him for a month.
RKae says
What information in those emails was something you think the voters shouldn’t have been exposed to?
zappo777 says
spktruth200—why don’t you kill yourself before its too late—You are a follower of Depravity and deception!!!Hillary continues to LIE and you believe her—Your just a CRACKPOT!!!
Blu says
Watch Hannity interview tomorrow with Asange
Then we’ll see who gets nervous…the LEFT!
Mike S says
Do you not understand that you guys LOST the election? Yet you continue to spew venom and hate toward anyone who disagrees with you. Here’s a thought….Look at the evidence. Look at the clear cut proof of Hillary’s guilt over the emails, the foundatation illegalities, the lies she has told and not bury yourself in the main stream, media distorions and foolishness. Why were the polls so wrong? Why were the EXIT polls so distorted? The media is so torn up about it, they continue to distort and lie knowing that people like you will believe them regardless of the facts. For heaven’s sake, grow up, get educated and seek the truth….it’ll make you free.
James Greenlee says
Don’t they presently work for the Obumbler and his MB string pullers? Get a grip!
James Green says
Why can’t you “progressives” (sic) get over it. Trump won the election because Hillary is a corrupt lying globalist insider and we the people are tired of it. We voted for change…to drain the swamp…etc…Its amazing how unintelligent hillary supporters are.
Askjrsk says
Is this post a con? Really would anyone be dumbed down enough and full of enough hate to not only write this but actually believe such falsehoods. It sounds like the crooked HILLARY wrote this piece to cover up her loss. Eight losses in four years. America needs a buisnessman to run the country. Not s cocaine head that sells the state department. Special investigation of HILLARY should lick her up for treason.
Askjrsk says
Is this post a con? Really would anyone be dumbed down enough and full of enough hate to not only write this but actually believe such falsehoods. It sounds like the crooked HILLARY wrote this piece to cover up her loss. Eight losses in four years. America needs a buisnessman to run the country. Not a cocaine head that sells the state department. Special investigation of HILLARY should lock her up for treason.
Terry says
Assholes mite believe that .?
Mike says
Just another shit talking lefti Liberal, the only fiddling with the election was Obama telling illegals to vote, corrupt DemoCrap’s are finished.
Bill Saunders says
Eat shit loser. Quit your left wing whining and take your loss like a man, which you turkeys can never do. You played dirty and lost this time. The bitch you backed is a murdering dirt bag and you got what you deserved. Well, here is news flash for you. It has just begun to screw up your day. We, the silent majority, are silent no more and you party of Alinskyesque lying scumbags are done, and good riddance to you.
Frankie says
Commies are so far left that they endorsed Dumbama in his last election. Right wingers are Never commies or Nazis because those are all extreme left wing, you Moron!!!!!
William Sullens says
Spktruth200 obviously doesn’t know the truth when he hears it. You must have been drinking too much of the DemoSocialist party koolaid and have no concept of what the truth is when you hear it. The truth has been told, not through the main stream media, but from an outside service with direct copies of emails by the DemoSocialist campaign leader, party leader and the lackluster candidate they brought before the American people as a candidate for President. Thank goodness the American people are smarter than the DemoSocialists thought they were and elected Donald Trump.
Bob Britt says
You left wing liberals will never stop crying. Is any of the information WikiLeaks disclosed proven to be untrue? Information on Hillary’s corruption, on the DNC’s corruption, on the conspiracy by CNN and other news networks to double down on Trump so Hillary could win. Has any of that shown to be untrue? NO. If it wasn’t for WikiLeaks America would have never been told how corrupt the Clintons, Obama and the DNC really are. Just for info, Bill Clinton sold missile technology to the Chinese that has the capability of bringing down satellites. This was for campaign contributions from the Chinese Army command staff. Hillary was an integral part of a deal brokered through Canada to sell enriched uranium to the Russians. Did the Russians Hack into our computer system? probably no more than we hack into theirs. Clinton and DNC corruption lost Hillary the election, not the Russians.
Dc says
Hey dumbass the actual person that put those emails out says it wasn’t the Russians and even if it was the Russians it’s the content of the e-mails of how corrupt the Liberals and the Democratic party is. That’s the bottom line it showed the corruption do you know what that word means corruption.
Intelligence agencies have not put out any evidence because there is none to put out.
Wake up you silly little liberal whiner you lost and it was not because of some stupid emails about how corrupt the Democratic party is we all knew that already that was just proof.
Let’s not forget the only reason why Hillary got more votes was because of all the illegal votes that she got in California and New York bottom line take those away and Trump would have won the popular vote also but he kicked her ass and electorial vote ,it is what it is get over it I’m so sick of hearing idiots like yourself as all Americans are tired of idiots such as yourself.
And what’s funny is you probably didn’t even vote.
photoboy4 says
You wouldn’t know the truth even if it hit you over the head with a 2 X 4, and slapped u\you in the face with a sack of s..t like the mass media spreads.
Linda Anderson says
Thank goodness for WikiLeaks and Mr. Assange for exposing the corrupt Clintons.
Miriam Wert says
REALLY??? You don’t expect any of us to swallow that garbage, do you? And we are thankful to know that Donald Trump is already Draining The Swamp which includes not only Congress but dunces like you! Be ready!!
Ron Drucker says
Juliane Assange and Wikileaks are reputable and accurate. They are releasing information that the “Mainstream Media” is not. We need some organization to reveal the truth and that’s what Wikileaks is doing. This left wing moron is ignorant and misguided to the point of absurdity. Why does anyone support the “Democrats”? Because they (often mistakenly) believe that their government “benefits” will be cut by the Republicans (who, for example want to protect Social Security, as opposed to the Obama Administration that just past the largest Social Security cuts in history!). They believe, quite mistakenly that “Big Government” (Big Daddy or Mommy) will somehow provide them with a free lunch and a free ride. They ignore the historical facts that the Democratic Party was and is the party of slavery, the “Trail of Tears” ( American Indian genocide), Political corruption (bought votes and polling fraud (voter fraud), the modern city “Plantation”, Planned Parenthood (more genocide), idiot presidents such as harry Truman (who dropped the Atomic bomb twice; even after the Japanese government already agreed to surrender), (more genocide), big government, the destruction of individual Rights and the the Constitution (the greatest political document in history), the United nations (World Government) (more genocide and elimination of personal freedoms), high taxes, more Government regulations, the dumbing down of our children, “Affirmative Action” (lowered standards for minorities (reverse discrimination), less productivity, etc., etc…
df says
Think about this. Why would Wikileaks offer $20,000 for information on the killer that shot and killed Seth Rich? Seth Rich was a part of the Clinton campaign. He was shot in the back. He still had his car, wallet and an expensive watch. It wasn’t robbery. I personally think that Mr. Rich is the leak.
Tom says
And you my friend are a total fool!
Brian says
You do not know that foe sure and if you do show the proof…………..
Madmarmot says
Poor Clinton’s it’s always someone out to get them. Never their own behavior that gets them in trouble. Funny how no other democratic candidates have these kind of problems. Who’s blind?
Remember Monica Lewinski scandal, according to your saint Hillary, was a “Vast, right wing conspiracy”.
Foreign governments,not only Russia, are and have been hacking our systems 24/7 365 days a year. (which is also why a secretary of state should not have a private email server-but that’s another bedtime story for another time). Why wasn’t the media in a frenzy like this when the Chinese government hacked our steel industries, costing thousand of American jobs?
William Meredith says
You are a lying sack of s**t.
Arizona Don says
Can you name those seventeen agencies you claim agree?
EmperorMing says
You call Putin a commie. Actually, under Putin Russia has become a very strong Christian nation with new churches springing up around the country. Putin is very religious. The commies are the Clintons and Obamas. STAY IN SCHOOL.
William L. Sasman says
You must have been born yesterday. You don’t know who the liers and cheaters are. You don’t know Clinton is one of the biggfest. Your obama ‘s pals wsere commies. Just craw back under your rock and sleep some more.
Coolbreeze says
Another LOSER IDIOT, LIBTURD OPENS his head hole to remove all doubt about who he is! Un-informed POS, if your candidate, Hitler’y had won America along with your freedom would be “FOR SALE” TO HIGHEST BIDDER! Just like it was when she was SOS, WHEN SHE SOLD 20% of USA URANIUM to Russia, $145 Million donation to Clinton Criminal Corruption Foundation (CCCF)!
jim haney says
You obviously were dropped as a baby and suffered significant brain damage as a result.
madmemere says
You really are mentally damaged, if you even believe what you’re saying!
RAY says
You are the problem and people like you….You are probably one of the students that had to have crayons and coloring books….Just accept the fact that the hard working tax paying Americans won the election for Donald Trump.How could you ever trust the demon-rats….How could you ever vote for Hitlery….Do you know the background of the Clintons….How about Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi….These are the people that you trust….You are a joke ….
Scout II says
there is an old saying, if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. I think it was Karl Marx, or Saul Alenski. Either way , the Russians didn’t f**k up the elections, the American people spoke loud and clear, we’re tired of the Libs and their war on liberty! So, if you don’t like DJT, Christians, the 2nd amendment, the flag or freedom…….. get the hell out of the country!
Vlad Dracul says
Assange said it was not Russian State Sponsored – there are ‘hackers’ all over the world who are private individuals, inside of Russia too. FBI said HRC was careless AND stupid with her private email server, and, knowing that Obama’s chosen minority-owned IT company obliterated his Obama-Care application and needed other-than-minorities to bail that out, what sort of rocket scientists do you think configured the DNC server? (answer: the same or other incompetent minority-owned IT company).
jude2811 says
jude2811 says
Gary says
You have lingua do fuoco and you should stop calling conservatives names
Gary says
Horn news tell it like it is your Lingua do fuoco has to stop saying unkind statements about the news paper and conservatives
JoeyB says
You are the idiot of idoits. What is it you did not get from the video where Owebummer told PUTIN ‘I will have a lot more latitude after I get re-elected back stage when some camera guy was still filming. The Democrats are the real communists and TRUMP is going sa us from waking up in the SOCIALIST REPUBLIC that Hillary and OWEBUMMER have envisioned and worked to create ince day one. Watch theGanesh movie ‘Hillay’s America’ he produced if you have the guts to really hear the truth
Raymond Babcock says
They only thing that matters is the truth. Who ever revealed the truth has done they American people a great service. In Washinton DC the truth is lost to a bureaucratic monarch system. This is a great chance for they American people to get control of the federal government.
Roland Osbold says
I agree with you, Hillary can’t tell the truth, I am very happy she lost….go to my Webpage on Facebook ,search,, ,the cure for any cancer, ,its free, the cure itself is so easy you can do it yourself at home, and it works 100%, cost 2-3$…..People spending over 100.000$ for a cure, at the end they still DIE….. plus many more information you never heard of. GOD created Human Beings 1+billion years ago out there in our Universe, learn how they live and travel, they are far, far ahead of us, why 1/3 of the Angels rebelled against GOD, no Man has seen GOD, I did, find out what happen, it is a must read, you will be glad you did
George says
Read God’s Quantum vortex by Jim Walker (my pen name). Black hole power generators, Chi force, healing of every man made sickness. The quantum cone and development to vortex with yoga meditation. I sent my book to Obamas in October 2014. They couldn’t stop talking about climate changes (I do) since. Obama steals ideas and acts like God’s sent to earth. I shared my ideas and formulas with LIGO in Cal Tech. I met Al Pachino and offered him a role as God in my movie script. Waiting for Hollywood to awake is painful. Only a cosmic disaster like next Big Flood will recognize my predictions (10 of them jist last 12 months), but nobody recognizes ignorance more than God. I did calculated the sequences of spirals and repetition of events – the secret number of “perfect 10”. All numbers align with Georgian guide stones and Mayan calendar and of course with Nostradamus, with some corrections of true cosmic time and dimensions.
alicia says
Alicia do you really think God had anything to do with electing a pussie grabbing, rapist, adulterer, fraud? Think again, you have some explaining to do when you get to the pearly gates.
Clement says
Alicia? everything you mentioned above is true of the Clintons, pussy grabbing, Bill Rapist, Bill Adulterur Bill&Hillary Fraud Bill & Hillary And they are both Liars and Imoral ,So what’s your point??
At least we have a new chance with Trump. Democratts no nothing about economics. Douche Bags ,Retards and as George Prepard said, Jesus Freaks and Candyasses
Robert Taylor says
Maybe this post is set to confuse the readers…it succeeded with me. The only real thing I got out of it is there are either tow persons with the same name or this single person has a split identity. The post was written by Alicia with a question to Alicia. Maybe God will sort it out.
Donna Slivka says
She’s too stupid to get it….save your breath………
Francisco Machado says
The one that got the girl’s husband killed so he could marry her? Sure. It’s in the Bible. Wikileaks of the day. Told all the bad things people were up to, even what happened to some of them for it. Read all about it..
Jeanette says
Possibly God saw someone who supports Muslims and their genital mutilation of little girls and women; the rape of small children and women; burning innocent people alive in cages and coffins; drowning people in cages; crucifying small children; and the murders of ONE MILLION Christians …
Donna Slivka says
ABSOLUTELY ~~~~~~~~~~~
Pat says
We know that all things work for the good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans8:28) You can rest assured that God is allowing suffering to happen. A proper response on our part can even bring us closer to Christ.
reggiec says
I think maybe God let Bill Clinton get elected so US citizens could see how corrupt the Clintons really are.
But you did describe him perfectly.
RebNcity says
Get your lib-TURDS head out of your ASS
Madmarmot says
Alicia, are you talking about Bill Clinton?
jude2811 says
Antone says
Yes. Thankyou JHVH. Please Lord bring our people to repentence and have mercy on our land of NAmerica!
Antone says
In Jesus mighty Name
Sharon Green says
It’s not going to work, but, Jill Stein is trying to get Lorreta lynch to do a full scale investigation into the election.She says it was rigged! Well, yes, it was rigged for Hillary to win and she STILL LOST!!
Camille Gilliam says
Yes, Thank you God! We know that all of our prayers to get Trump/Pence in the WH worked.It is too bad that the liberals don’t believe. I think it is going to be the first time the WH is going to totally work as a team and that is exciting.
DRD5508 says
Food for thought: Hillary and the MSM know they are lying, they just want Americans to believe the lies.
spktruth200 says
Throwing OUR media, our government agencies under the bus is anti american. This is a dangerous game you play, while the plutocrat Trump is already violating the Consitution. He is a know nothing, con man who thinks he knows MORE than anyone on the planet…his ego is bigger than our country.
Douglas says
He is a self made successful man who loves this country. Not a man who spent much of his time apologizing for it.He destroyed race relation destroyed our morality and helped our enemies and undermined our allies. Trump has evolved and had allowed his advisors to guide him.He has done more to help this country as president elect than the pretender has done in 8 years.People are hopeful again and the stock market seems to agree as well.If you are a liberal then you must hate this country as he did and if you don’t like it leave. May God have mercy on your soul.
Clement says
Speak the truth 200
Yea Yea Yea , Ok Cum
Jeanette says
Many millions of Americans do not see the government or media as “ours;” they are viewed as arms of the communists/ Marxists/ Hive-ists.
Better someone who doesn’t know anything than someone who supports a known Muslim apologist like Hillary. I wonder how Huma’s mother is going to do with her books about how all girls and women should be forced to undergo Muslim female mutilation, now that Hillary can’t help her out.
Francisco Machado says
Violating the Constitution? Misuse of government agencies? I cannot wait to hear all you had to say about this during the eight years of Obama! Give us some reprints! Fast & Furious/AG Holder/Withholding evidence should be a good start. Then, maybe a bit on the IRS selective persecution of Conservative groups/crashed hard drives/erased backup tapes… You could even delve into the Benghazi incident or Uranium to Russia.
Jeanette says
The Obama IRS didn’t just persecute conservative organizations; it also persecuted conservative individuals (this was confirmed for me by True the Vote).
As soon as Trump gets in, I’ll be writing a letter to the appropriate person in his administration (cc to True the Vote) about my father, a 90-year-old World War II vet who is in a memory unit due to dementia.
The Obama IRS denied for years that memory loss caused him to forget to file some forms which do not require payment, but which carry a 50% of the entire account PER YEAR penalty, despite diagnoses of dementia by THREE psychiatrists, and despite the fact that he had filed various tax forms and had paid income tax on time for 60 YEARS prior to his problems beginning.
His tax attorney says that under Bush, this matter would have taken about three months to resolve (and that was only because the system was slow, not because of IRS taxpayer discrimination). The Obama IRS has taken over six years, and the matter is still unresolved. Under Bush, this situation would likely have cost a small, nominal penalty; Obama’s IRS has run up six years’ of attorney’s fees – a small fortune – and we still don’t know what we are going to have to pay Obama’s IRS.
And we have no way to know how many other conservative Americans have had this treatment from Obama’s IRS.
Meanwhile, my dad is having to pay for his expensive care out of his own pocket, since his memory problem caused him to forget to pay insurance premiums (the memory problem that Obama’s IRS denied the existence of for years).
I can’t think of anything bad enough to happen to Obama and all of his minions, AND the people who supported him either because they didn’t bother to educate themselves about him, or because they actually APPROVE of this kind of thing – as long as it doesn’t happen to them.
Robert Ballew says
Hey DUMORAT go into the desert and get lost–Your stupidity and ignorance is not needed–
You idiots lost the election– Practice, while in the desert, PRESIDENT TRUMP !!!!
Constitutionalist says
Apparently, you’re completely unaware that the MSM is owned – lock, stock, and barrel – by 6 corporate entities, the corporate board members of which are globalist/NWO/OWG satanists and general creeps.
It seems you’re ALSO unaware of the fact that the USG reorganized itself as a corporation “doing business as” the government of the UNITED STATES(note the all-caps) in 1871, too. This corporate entity has declared bankruptcy several times, meaning that legally speaking, it is under the thumb of the “holders in due course of the bankruptcy(ies)”.
If you think that not trusting Satanists and MSM is a Good Thing, then you’re on OUR side; if you hold to your opinion that NOT trusting the likes o’ these is “anti-American,” then you are either ignorant or an idiot. The former can be cured, with humility; dumb is forever.
Donna Slivka says
HA ! no matter what he is, he’s 20,000000 times better than the crooked, lying, thieving Clintons……….did you ever read their background OR are you too stupid to read ????
Jeanette says
These people are generally addicted to the liberal agenda.
Truth holds no interest for them; in fact, they will leave a room to avoid hearing anything that they don’t already agree with.
Diane says
Spktruth200. You say throwing our media and government is anti- American. Can you please explain how the truth is anti- American? The news media has admitted to favoring Hillary ( a form of lying ). They fired an employee for giving Hillary questions before a debate. They cried and got a major headache on national TV when talking about the election. So the news media deserves no respect and trust from American citizens.
Hillary while being investigated by our so called government got off Scott free for putting our men in uniform in possible danger, for placing our national security in danger. While under investigation our Attorney General chose to meet privately with Bill Clinton on a plane. Our President chose to endorse her for President while still under investigation. The DOJ refused to look at all the information. To finalize this situation Hillary was placed above the law. Received no punishment for her crimes and you think they to deserve respect and trust from the American people. In your dreams.
Just because you people support druggies, criminals, Liars, traitors and unethical people does not make you a good American, it makes you stupid and in American.
jude2811 says
Mike7 says
The sad part is, according to the votes, many did and still do. The school system and the news media has and is brain washing U.S. and so many brains have been bitch bleached God will have to give them new brains to think correctly. They have truly become little snow flakes. Hopefully when the light shines on them they will disappear.
Douglas says
Love it brother made me laugh.Great.
Jeanette says
McCarty was not allowed to finish draining the communist swamp long ago.
Then the communists announced in the late sixties – in writing – that they were going to infiltrate the school systems at every level and indoctrinate the children and young adults, and that they were going to infiltrate and take over one of the major political parties.
We all know about the schools now, and guess which party has over 70 House members who openly belong to the Communist Party USA?
Right – the Democrats. (And there are likely many more House members who belong to the CPUSA, but are not open about it.)
We should have nipped this in the bud long ago, and are going to have a much harder time because we let it fester for so long.
Jeanette says
I know it’s “McCarthy” – my fingers are cold and that’s messing up my typing.
Joel says
The Communist Party USA supports many of the identical principles endorsed by the Democrat Party. Joe Simms, co-editor of the Communist Party USA online magazine Peoples World stated among other things “the possibility that the Communists may be able to ‘capture’ the Democrat Party entirely.” Joe Simms, the proud little commie went on to brag that among other things, “heightened class and democratic struggle have all combined to produce an unprecedented situation – and opportunity.”
The Communists are seeking to destroy our Constitutional Republic and they are using Democrats to wage class warfare, promote black lives matter, wage war against police, and pit imaginary groups of haves against equally imaginary underclasses.
Our educational system has evolved into Socialism if not Communism, the purpose of which is to train our young to work for the communal debt system. Our children are being indoctrinated and inculcated with big government propaganda, such as, “majority rules,” and “pay your fair share.” Where are the words “fair share” in the US Constitution, Bill of Rights or even in the Internal Revenue Code (Title 26)??? NO WHERE is “fair share” even suggested!! The philosophical concept of “fair share” comes from the Communist maxim, “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need!”
This concept is pure Socialism. America was made the greatest society by its private initiative WORK ETHIC.
Mike says
Hillary Alkatraz wait for you crook shit
Çathie Moss says
Dan55 says
It’s not WHO released the emails. It’s what is contained in the emails!! The emails were so damaging to Hillary’s campaign that she deleted, BleachBit and hammered as much evidence as she could.
It’s so easy to blame the Russians, James Comey, Whitelash, Fox News or whatever. Even the illegal voters and dead people couldn’t get you the win!
Face it, Hillary. America doesn’t want you, your husband or Chelsea!! Just go away!! Donald Trump is our new president and will Make America Great Again!!
Kay says
So true thanks for saying this
Maxx says
And “who” was responsible for selling our raw Uranium resources to Russia? None other than Hildabitch while sitting in the SOS chair and allowing Chris Stevens to pay the ultimate price for her and Barry the Fairy’s gun running operation into Syria. Uranium mining operations are going on today and the results belong to Russian interests thanks directly to Clinton and also Kerry for not stopping it. That is treason in my book. They both should pay the ultimate price.
Jeanette says
The Democrats spun the story to look as though who released it was the important issue, just to get (I’m sad so say, easily led) Americans to look at something other than the guilt of the Democrats.
Jeanette says
The above message was intended to go under Dan55’s message – now let’s see if this one goes where it belongs!
Mike says
YES , YES , YES !!!!!!!
Ne says
Why Obama doesn’t think this is serious?
Irene Elizabeth Grooms says
Pete says
True, true and true. Well stated. It’s what’s in the emails that matter.
Sherry Brookshire says
Yes, I totally agree with you. Clinton’s and Obama’s just go away. You almost got away with DESTROYING OUR country with your evil agenda. American’s are fed up with you and just want you to bow out and keep your mouth shut. You both need to answer for your treason and locked up in prison. The Russians had nothing to do with your actions.
Constitutionalist says
Long before the election, i repeatedly posted that should The Liar lose, she’d be smart to be on the first thing smokin’ OUT of this country. Right now, she still has a choice to GO away; soon, she’ll be PUT away. Or to death. Either works for me.
Jeanette says
Death costs too much – let’s sell her to her beloved Muslims!
Chris Roberts says
Not sorry to speak ill of those who aren’t here to defend themselves, but the muslims wouldn’t give a cent for her. She isn’t worth one. You’d have to operate the dowry system and pay them to take her off your hands!
Christine B. says
And don’t forget the Clintons sold Russia 20% of our uranium! What kind of a “beef” could Vlad possibly have with her?
Jeanette says
Of course Vlad is going to prefer whoever seems to approve of his country’s political system – that would be socialistic/ communistic/ Marxist.
And that would mean Hillary.
Sw says
Hillary is a true narcissistic, delusional, psychopath. As soon as the lie leaves her lips she will deny ever having said it.enough of her the Russians did it. She plain and simple lied herself into oblivion. Enough of the DNCs’ tantrums, tears and infantile finger pointing.
I’m fairly sure we hack them, they hack us…and so on.
Patrick George says
I heard she was standing in the yard over Christmas yelling “The sky is falling, the sky is falling” over and over.
Jeanette says
She didn’t slip back into “the video did it”?
Richard Schuller says
Our Founders in their infinite wisdom created the Electoral College to ensure the STATES were fairly represented. Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation? The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet and it should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense.
There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.
There are 62 counties in New York State.
Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.
Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.
In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)
Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.
These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.
When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
Charle says
Well said ! Thank you for the information . The reason for the Electoral College could not be more clear !
Michael Niermeier says
Thanks for that information! I’ve been wondering for several weeks how the election total split up.
Frank dwyer says
Richard,I give an A+ for a great presentation,wasteful on these people,but good try! Nothing logical will ever change these idiots.have a great day and keep giving them facts because their minds are very small!!!L!!!!!
Jeanette says
But Hillary had all the nonexistent people, the dead people, the illegal aliens, the Muslim terrorists, the cats and dogs, and the multiple votes from election fraud criminals.
She feels that should count for something!
Constitutionalist says
Maybe it’ll count for at least 57 counts of voting fraud…
Andy says
Richard Schuller
Finally someone explained it so that I could even understand it. Thank you so much for the explaining the electoral college and I am only 70 years old.
Constitutionalist says
Richard Schuller-
Thanks HEAPS for posting this info.
So, 57 counties, eh? Should make checking up on the voting fraud MUCH easier…let the prosecutions begin!
JG says
What about MRS Hitlat giving our uranium deposits to Russia why would Putin want to defeat the best friends he ha ever the White House , give, give giveme and Putin would want to destroy for Trump who who not a giver but a take, Come people fill that space between your ears with facts and truth not air and lies and more of the same
Constitutionalist says
What about MRS Hitlat giving our uranium deposits to Russia
Now, now…be fair…she gave Putin NOTHING. She SOLD it, and for a pretty penny, too – around 158 million, iirc, plus a 3/4 mil BJ Billy speech in Moscow…
So, once she’s convicted of this conspiracy to defraud and her Nastiness is imprisoned for unprecedented Corruption, perhaps the fine should be – say – 158 million…or more? Like ALL their assets? WhereEVER they’ve been hidden, wherever they may be found…
Dale says
Obama told the Russians he would have more flexibility after his reelection. Hillary was responsible for a bu–load of our uranium to go to Russia. Bubba is on friendly terms with them. Seems to me that Putin would prefer the Hildebeast to Trump. Just saying.
keith mc williams says
The Demoncrats did it to themselves , They were so transparent and did not even know that they were being watched < All the evil they did puts them in the ranks of 911 , pearl Harbor , hitler , etc, etc etc Thank you Lord for Draining the Swamp
marucha says
and about Ted Kennedy, the cowardly lion, dealings with Russia during the 80’s, meaning kissing back posteriors and the media trying to convince us Russia was our friend…just to go against Reagan. The libtards are so stupid they cannot think even on another way to try to fool.
E. Jannicelli-Rodgen says
That pig KENNEDY >>> He should have DIED YEARS AGO; He s the reason we have ALL the MILLIONS OF garbage in OUR country NOW.
Im so glad hes DEAD. Just that he left this imgration MESS …..
Twila says
Antone says
Why did Glenn support Hillary by standing against Trump. My first pick was Cruz and Donald not even a close second; but unlike Glenn and company i prayed and fasted to defeat Hillary by supporting Trump- the only viable option. I cannot pay for BlazeTV until Beck explains if he can. There are many Christian disciples of like thought. Can anyone explain Glenn Beck??
Jeanette says
Cruz is my senator. I did not support him because I was afraid that his Goldman Sachs executive wife might have too much influence on him.
I feel the same way about him as a Supreme Court Justice.
We’ve had enough damage done to the middle class by the monster banks – people need to think about who they are going to marry if they plan to have life in “public service.”
Constitutionalist says
Can anyone explain Glenn Beck?
3 words:
Insane and greedy.
Bad combo; bad nino; bad karma.
E. Jannicelli-Rodgen says
There is a GOD!
Buck Farack says
You know, I thought the Dems were practically in bed with the Russian commies. I wonder why they’re on different sides now?
JK Wemyss says
Well said my friend. Well said!!
mrp says
Nor did Hillary mention the fact that she as SOS provided 20% of our uranium to Putin in return for donations to the Clinton Foundation. She is so do as I say and not as I do. If anyone had ties to the Russians, it was the Clintons.
Dr. Mike Hirschberger says
Well, at the end of the day even if she acted in her septine way to bamboozle the Public like she has the Press, she still would have never made it to Presidency. Remember she needs to be sworn in and under the noonday sun in front of the Public for everyone to witness that is known as teh Swearing In Ceremony. This is ceremony that CNN, the Washington Post, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, The New York Times, The Daily News, The Huffington Post, George Seros, Charlie Sheen and his wacko father, Michael Moore, The Reverend Wright, Bill Clinton, of even Barack Hussein Obama himself cannot manipulate.
A part of the Ceremony, Hillary would have to place her right hand on the Bible. The Ceremony would end there.
1) Even CNN would have to keep the cameras rolling on her and her asbestos pants suit.
2) Even if she were to limit touching the Bible with her right hand by wearing only asbestos gloves, she would run a serious risk of redirecting the her immolation through her eyes which would put others at risk of catching fire such as Bill-if he were not preoccupied with other more serious encounters.
3). If she did catch fire despite wearing an asbestos pant suit and matching gloves (Oscar dela Renta exclusive) she runs the very likely risk that Putin appears next to her as the Devil to take full credit for swaying the election in her favor and the two walk off hand in hand into the Dark Side.
uhhhmmm, think its fiction??
rick says
Hillery’s own staff LEAKED the e-mails and when she LOST – they even popped the cork and celebrated – Podesta made millions on the uranium deal and fell stupidly for a phishing scheme….. Even though russia and other countries hack the US (even allies) – Obama has allowed them to do it AS LONG AS IT WAS OUR 411. Right now – the establishment politicians are going crazy attempting to remain in power to the point of pointing fingers elsewhere…..The 33K missing e-mails WILL be supplied to trump and others – IF REVEALED TO THE PUBLIC – MAJOR POLITICIANS – FOREIGN LEADERS – BUSINESS LEADERS – and their flying monkeys would cause another french revolution in this country. They are that disgusting…
Dc says
Who cares who leaked what the bottom line is the content of what the leaks where it showed all kinds of corruption in the Democratic party that is what should be and should have been talked about and should still be being talked about but we hear nothing about the content of what the leaks were that to me is mind-boggling. If if Russia leak those emails they should be considered Heroes because they brought forth the corruption and criminals that the Democratic party is.
Terry says
Well done comment and not fiction! I wonder what are the consequences for the DNC for all this hacking BS? Lying pols never die, they just fade away???? Like HO, HO, HO?
Dee says
Exactly . I Love the fact Trump is upfront directly to us . These morons in the mainstream media will continue to push false narratives for their comi govt. I’m so Greatful we Americans turned out in the polls to elect a Real America First President and get Our Great Country back to where we should be , far away from where this bum has taken us to . TRUMP / PENCE
JK Wemyss says
You feel like I do. It Stinks we still have to deal with The Lame Steam Media. I hope Trump puts them in their place. If they were gone completely I wouldn’t care.
Maxx says
Now to “house clean” America of “communists / liberals and progressives”. If they are American citizens, revoke their citizenship and declare them “persona non grata” and kick them out of the country. That’s what a sane society does to it’s enemies. And these people are our enemies.
Jeanette says
The US will not revoke the citizenship of anyone who does not have citizenship in another country. I know this because I know someone who wants to revoke his US citizenship (feels he’s being robbed by US over taxation), but the US refuses to allow it because he doesn’t have citizenship in another country.
And, okay, the US also gets to continue collecting taxes from him if they refuse his request.
Antone says
George says
*uck that evil, corrupt lying clinton *itch
John says
Who would touch her. ???
Jeanette says
Well, there seems to be a lot of thought that Webb Hubble (sp?) did, anyway!
Stan says
Zactly !
JoannaDevine says
Problem is the “low information” people listen, read and watch the corrupt, radical, and fake MSM so they (mostly Democrats)
believe these unproven lies and misinformation.
Jeanette says
They believe what they want to believe, and nothing else.
I don’t think that if the MSM came clean and admitted all the lies of commission and lies of omission that they have committed for decades, that it would make one bit of difference with regard to the lying liberals.
My experience has been that they not only don’t want to know the truth, but they will actively avoid any possibility that they might be exposed to it.
bette breazzeal says
why don’t you put her in jail where she belong. and get it over with we are tired of listen to her lie
Bud webster says
She needs to be hung
Angelika Griffin says
She needs to be tied to a stake of wood and burned for the WITCH she really is…They wanted to take us back to Medieval times with the invasion of Muslims, spreading Islam, and this is what they did to witches back in those times….
Jeanette says
Send her to the Muslims and let them get rid of her.
We don’t want to behave like primitive, savage Muslims, which we would, if we burned her.
bette breazzeal says
why don’t you put her in jail where she belong. and get it over with we are tired of listen to her lie
Pinky says
Why don’t they put all the liars in jail. This would be our complete government.
Angelika Griffin says
I have said it so many times that they DON’T even have enough Prison cells available to put ALL of them in there….Truly sad of how many of them are out there now believing all of this CRAP they have spread the last 8 years….
Francisco Machado says
Not practical. It isn’t possible to be a politician without a lot of lying. The ones that tell too much of the truth don’t get elected to office. Can you imagine if Obama had campaigned that he was going to create a health care system that would cancel your current insurance, shorten your work week, raise the cost of insurance, reduce your access down to one insurer in some regions, bankrupt itself, suck money from other programs, even motivate doctors to leave the profession? Trump is confronted with an elephantine government with twenty trillion in debt that spends more than its tax base can support. If you think solving this problem without some pain is going to happen, you’re unrealistic. Obama and Hillary demonstrated in one careless instance what telling the truth can do to a campaign – “We’re going to put coal miners out of business. We’re going to close the mines.” West Virginia used to be a Democrat state. You can see what a little honesty can do to people’s assessment of political realities.
Tommie says
You. Can go for her. Ass hole
bette breazzeal says
why don’t you put her in jail where she belong. and get it over with we are tired of listen to her lie
bette breazzeal says
why don’t you put her in jail where she belong. and get it over with we are tired of listen to her lie
Clement says
And her piece O $hit husband too!
Leighnlterry9294 says
Praise God for small favors. Just look what he could do for big ones
ron m says
exactly, God threw us a bone call Donald Trump. thanks Lord
John G. says
According to O’bozo the “Big Eared” Clown the “Most Qualified” person ever to run for the Presidency lost again due to her “inabilities” and lack of understanding of what the People really want which is not her and Obozo’s failed policies.
jude2811 says
jude2811 says
Bacon eater says
If Russia were to help one of the parties, it would be the democomunists! The lying beast is far weaker and easier to manipulate than Trump.
Putin already paid her $150 million for brokering a deal for the Russian govt. to buy interest in a Canadian mining company that is as this is written, mining uranium and thorium in the U.S. and it is going to the Russian nuclear weapons program. Since he already has serious dirt on her does anybody with a mind think he would help Trump?
Wake up America and stop listening to the liberal scripted media!
jude2811 says
Charles says
Not new information. This has been out there for months. Haven’t heard the Lying Lame Stream media report it however; anybody really surprised? The five arms of the DNC (CNN, ABC, NBC, CNN) propaganda machine don’t want you to know this.
Ed Winkelman says
No kidding, this is getting out of hand
Ed Winkelman says
No kidding, this is getting out of hand
Bud webster says
From fedex?
jon says
H Clinton will not give up.That the way progressives are wired, the only way to end this is extermination in one form or the other
MrTruth says
The Democratic Party is one giant rectum and Hillary is the most prominent hemorrhoid. And we all know what comes out of the rectum, don’t we?
JK Wemyss says
Yes we do. She’s a filthy liar and people here in Ohio and Kentucky came out of the deep woods and hills to make sure she didn’t win. Lots of us were first time voters in our 40’s and 50’s. (I see Hidabeast paid no attention to the census bureau) That’s what her fat a** gets for taking ppl for granted.
Praise the Lord! We got TRUMP.
James says
The White House will be Much bettrr place with out the liles of hillary her husband billy and obama and his wife God Bless MR TRUMP????????????????????????????????????????????????
Ronnie says
She couldn’t have possibly lost by her CORRUPT CLINTON CARTEL CAMPAIGN , & all of her lies.. Remember she EMBRACE the black THUGS mother’s on stage @ the DNC .. all she would do is talk about the poor african americans ,& what she’ll do for them ,it was a sickening display of pure ASS-KISSING & PANDERING for their votes.. The demo’s have done ZIPPO,ZILCH,ZERO for them over the years,& she wasn’t about to change that fact.. So in conclusion ,is is a well seasoned political BULLSHITZ-ARTIST.. Forty Years of doing nothing ,but talk her rhetoric, & it’s unbelievable that people would actually pay to hear her crap…Well P.T. BARNUM said ” There’s a SUCKER BORN every minute.”.. .
Commonsenseamerican says
The Democrats…. specifically anyone associated with the clintons. You are a joke and I have never seen a bunch of cattle that on follows what they hear, with no research. I am sick and tired of hearing about democrats and their lie’s and the wasting of out $$$$, for there own personal gain. This whole thing shows how corrupt the “cue” really is. Get out!!!!!! Its Trumps turn to run this Great Country that all you democrats tried to ruin. You all lost…. now get the “_uck out”. Especially Osama…. Obama and and his corrupted lying wife, that trying to ruin the next 2 generations. All 4 of them belong in JAIL!!!.
Commonsenseamerican says
The Democrats…. specifically anyone associated with the clintons. You are a joke and I have never seen a bunch of cattle that on follows what they hear, with no research. I am sick and tired of hearing about democrats and their lie’s and the wasting of out $$$$, for there own personal gain. This whole thing shows how corrupt the “cue” really is. Get out!!!!!! Its Trumps turn to run this Great Country that all you democrats tried to ruin. You all lost…. now get the “_uck out”. Especially Osama…. Obama and and his corrupted lying wife, that trying to ruin the next 2 generations. All 4 of them belong in JAIL!!!.
Christopher O'Rourke says
Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton needs to get a real life, but she’s allergic to the truth, reality. She’s the story lady with her comments.
James says
Don’t worry you got a president now wait to see what he can do for you the not so well informed.
Patrick George says
Yes, I see this morning he has convinced FORD to cancel the plant in Mexico in favor of the United States. We can see it happening every day and he isn’t president yet!
Jeanette says
Oh, how the Democrats – liberals – socialists – communists – Marxists – collectivists – progressives —- must HATE that!
Angelika Griffin says
“The not so well informed”…??? You mean, we that have a brain and stopped listening to all of the LIES and are ready for the TRUTH…!!!! Well, we have watched in silence for 8 long, dark years of how the Constitution and laws were TRAMPLED, ignored, pushed aside and for WHAT..??? Just to destroy America who was founded by BRILLIANT people, who were the FIRST to give people real FREEDOMS and LIBERTY, because they truly had enough of TYRANTS who OPPRESSED and killed the people who wanted just THAT….If you don’t like it then move to CUBA or any country who believes in this NONSENSE, after all, YOU have the FREEDOM to choose, others DON’T who live and endure in countries like CUBA…..And why do YOU think that these people are fleeing countries like CUBA any chance they get….Yeah, they are fleeing, they DON’T immigrate out of these countries because they are NOT free to choose like you, you IDIOT…..
Jim says
The one thing that they are extremely careful not to address – the fact that revealing truth does not undermine democracy. It strengthens it. The problem in the minds of Shrillary and company is not that they did anything wrong, but rather that anyone had the audacity to expose them.
44jon says
Bud webster says
Lennon said,your quote, the marxist, just like the entire donkey party, with some GOPers mixed in, ones like ted ahole cruz, bitch McConnell paul ryan, Lindsay gay graham john i know about 250 pows still being held against their will in vietnam mccain. All marxist puppets
Bud webster says
The horn is a censorship machine for the leftest, everyone of my posts now get a monitor on them. First amendment rites are for the elites only
Jeanette says
Several of my comments aren’t showing up at all, with or without the moderation announcement.
Let’s see if this comment shows up.
Jeanette says
That was one of Hitler’s propagandists who said that.
It worked for the Nazis just as it has worked for years for the DemoNazis.
Gerry says
Every one I know voted for trump but when are laptop ,desktops and phone were bombarded with Hillary Clinton campaign adds we just said yes we are with her to make it go away then voted for Trump
David Johnson says
Hillary Clinton is a fraud, always has been! How Obama ever thought she would get elected is a mystery to many! Did Hillary win the popular election? Absolutely not. Voter fraud was so rampant that many who did the voter recount said if the results were ever published it would stun the US Public! Fact is almost all of the fraud was Democratic and indeed was ENCOURAGED by Obama! Obama has earned his reputation in many places in the USA as the worst we have ever done! On the way out he has thrown up every road block he could! Time to get rid of Obama and let the USA move forward! But Hillary Clinton was the most vile candidate to ever run! Why did Obama win……he was running against Hillary Clinton. It was a deversion! Nobody seemed to catch on he totally supported Islam…..even if it were to cripple the USA!
Jeanette says
“Hillary Clinton is a fraud, always has been! How Obama ever thought she would get elected is a mystery to many!”
Since he got in, he probably thought that being a fraud wasn’t much of a problem.
james dethrow says
time for liberial lying media to go with the Clintons straight to hell for lies to Americans and take Obama with you.
drbhelthi says
The western world “media” has consistently supported the DNC, Obama-Clinton, and even published that Bush Sr. was planning to vote for the chief administrator of the Clinton Crime Foundation, in the presidential election. The same media continues to support the Clinton lies and the reversal of Americans´ choice for the next president. Obviously, the owners of the western world news media want Hitlary Clinton in the POTUS slot, and are busting their guts to prevent Donald Trump from entering the POTUS slot.
Thus, what is the question about the media using Hitlary Clinton to continue to smear Russian leadership?
Richard says
Even the DNC Congress lies about the Russian emails and never bring up all the money that Clinton received from Russia
snake hunter says
Attention-span check : How about the big “O” visiting England to to campaign against Brexit, or his efforts ( money & minions on the ground ) to derail Israel’s last election, or the numerous manipulations of mid-eastern politics which has led to millions of deaths ? It seems the suspicions about Russia need a little fact checking, especially since the results haven’t advanced past a speculation level.
Ray S says
We are going to have a president in a few days that is not afraid of nothing. Can you emagine if Hillary got in what this country would be like in a year. Good luck Donald Trump and family
Andres Guerra-Mondragon says
Its a sad day when the first Black man to win the Presidency of the USA tarnishes his race and his name on the last days of his apparent reign.
What a legacy of lies,treason,and bad faith.Has just brought shame to all Americans of all colors and races. Hope his library is never build, it will crumble like a house of cards.
Jeanette says
Obama is half white (unless there’s something we don’t know about his mother’s side of the family), and the other half is a mix of Arab and black.
He is a less-than-half black mix, and belongs to no one race.
Dwight says
Hillary is such a loser. Move on and find a life outside the U.S. All of us would be better off if we never heard of you and Buba again.
Et says
Face it; you lost fair and square and you wanted the presidency at any cost. It would have been more embarrassing if the millions of illegal voters were not counted-it was a trashing. You had it all; the media, backers, special interest groups etc and the deplorables saw right through it. You and your minions got what you deserved and my recommendation is to respect the outcome retire and live out the rest your life with the wealth that you have accumulated over the years. I hope the other half of the population that voted democrat will also see the light!
Howleyesque says
But it must have been the Russians… or the MARTIANS that’s right it was the MARTIANS fault! Right you crazy excuse making old bat? You AND that OTHER liar, the big eared Kenyan PHONY!
Jeanette says
Maybe it was the Inner Earth People!
John Soroka says
Obama and Hillary are two POS communists who hopefully are gone forever. If they insist on hanging around just put them both in jail to get them out of our hair. I am totally sick of looking at them.
Steve says
There are a couple of issues going on here. One is whether the Russians hacked the email server. This is only a smoke screen. The real issue is what is contained in the email and who wrote the email. I have not heard anyone state that the emails were not authored by who they claim to be written by. The content is the primary issue. Do they contain information relevant to criminal activity or unauthorized dissemination of classified information? The issue of hacking them is secondary – still an issue but secondary to the content and location of the original message.
Tweeter says
Hillary, Obama, and the whole democrat party, after Clinton defeat, claimed Russian hacked the election to make Donald win. These are all about political destruction. This is to cover-up their shame of losing, and to nullify and destroy President-elect Trump who was legitimately and overwhelmingly chosen by the American people.
Obama and even some of the traitor Republicans McCain and Lindsey Graham vehemently accused Russia of hacking the election to make Trump win. All false. THESE ARE ALL ABOUT POLITICS AND HATRED THAT TRUMP WON.
Obama knew that Russia has been hacking, but he did not stop it to limit the damage. Why only now after the election? Because Hillary lost, and they want to nullify Donald Trump’s victory. They shamelessly did everything to deny President-elect Trump of victory by counting and recounting votes. Take the victory from President elect Trump by convincing electoral college votes for Hillary, and many other means. But all their malicious efforts did not prevail.
Few months ago, they already suspected that Russia was hacking. They did not do anything. China has been hacking, Obama did not do anything, Iran and North Korea have been hacking Obama did not do anything. Much damage was done to the US of foreign hacking, Obama did not do anything. Now, during his last few days of his term, he is moving heaven and earth, after the defeat of Hillary.
If Hillary win, Obama and the whole democrat party will never investigate Russia’s hacking, though how much damage have been done to the United States. Obama did not do anything protecting the US sovereignty during the last 8 years. But now within few days of his term, he is moving heaven and earth accusing Russia.
Another purpose of Obama destroying relationship with Russia, is to create a COLD WAR between US, and Russia to create huge problems to President Trump. Obama acted as a traitor to America, and the US security. He emboldened Radical Islam that has been terrorizing our country and the whole world. By his actions, Obama has been defending Islam, his religion of peace.
Anne Rosales says
I can hardly wait for Trump to be sworn in as President and get Obama the hell away from the White House, i only wish he would leave the U.S.!
rodger says
Putin is pissed at your hrc. because you sold him low grade uranium an a higher than market price, it will probably not even make the needle move on the Geiger Counter , what a cheap hustler.
Carolyn Reilly says
Maybe Obama did not fully realize it is over-no more expensive vacations, no more front covers of Vogue magazine for Michelle, no more tax payer financed vacations in Spain for their 2 daughters and 15 of their friends and no seat on the Supreme Court for Barack Obama. Obama is meeting with Democrats to strategize on how to maintain Obama Care. The Democrats are exempt from Obama Care while the rest of the nation is paying hundreds of dollars a month for a flawed health plan or they will have to pay a penalty. Why not just remove the penalty clause, as unconstitutional, and let the plan collapse.?
Road Runner says
HEIL HITLARY!!! Can you imagine the amount of wood that the American people would have available for use in “wood-fired” power plants if Hillary was actually a modern day analog to Pinocchio? This would be the first time in recorded history that one person’s NOSE EXTENDED FROM THE ATLANTIC OCEAN TO THE PACIFIC. Now if we could only bottle up ALL of the HOT AIR that comes out of Washington D.C. we could decommission ALL of our electrical power plants and run ALL OF THEM ON THE HOT AIR FROM our American politicians.
Clarence m suggs says
As a country we should be used to all this BS it’s been going on for years in and out of government presidents as it goes we have not had that many really honest men however I have to say Obama was something special maybe the worst ever and if Clinton had won there would be even worst more dishonest government
I think with trump we have a good chance at last for some really honest government
L. Walsh says
What is very troubling is that Hillary Clinton and the Media tell the lies so much that they start to believe them!
John P. Centonze says
The most beautiful words in this whole article are the first six…actually the first word: “FAILED Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton…”
Peter Rushing says
What American would want to vote for the First Woman American President, with a deceitful background, that took money from foreign governments illegally to bolster thr Clinton Foundation, that allowed our Americans in Benghazi to be murdered, and that would comtinue to be investigated by Congress and perhaps ultimately be IMPEACHED.
ronald applewhite says
jusi want to know. why is everyone upset over whoever got the e-mails rather on the proof that hillery and the dnc has been lying and selling out the U.S.A. i am a service connected disabled army vet and having a very hard time trying to support my family. i am very happy that the dem. didn’t fool anough people to steal another election.
Robert Taylor says
First let me thank you for your service. I too am a DAV from Vietnam era. I hope the same thing I just had done to me does not happen to you or any of our other vets. I received a letter from the VA stating that I had been over paid with no reference why or when just that it happened and they would begin collection this Jan 1st. Thus my check was totally withheld. I may end up losing my home if I cannot get something done. I contacted my Congressman but I have only found out that he gave it to one of his staff persons to look into. Meanwhile I am left to pay bills even though I live from paycheck to paycheck. Happy New year.
rog hunt says
Our Republican Congress is looking into this, because next time it might be us. So we need to know whoever, if anyone, is trying to tamper with our election process. As far as child melestor hold up in an Ecudor embassy like the criminal he is, Julian Assange, Who gives a crap what he thinks or says, he is slime IMO.
Huckabuck says
Pure unequivocal Trash … Hilliary and Her African Douche Bag Buddy , should both be tried for Treason ..
Vera says
What’s happening in USA if Hillary would be nice person I would understand all that fighting, but she is the liar (always has been) people lost lifes for a reason of her in position in government all the other dangerous acting of hers with using uncontrolled telephones and thousand other liars speches and comments other people in her position would be sitting long time in prison and she is still fighting and her alliance of another krugs an liars are helping her and our present government do anything and don’t to wont stop the person who was not born in USA and do also everything for smooth transition of presidency because he wants to stay for the third term as the president of USA and decimate our beautiful United States of America. Please GOD help USA stay as it was 8 years ago, may be it was not perfect but we had freedom, this time we would loos not only many lives in prison but freedom also.
Stan says
16 more sorry days until that POS is escorted out of our Oval Office and America has a strong, resolute, and intelligent President who wiil return Pride and Honor and law and Justice back in America. TRUMP, 2017……………….
female tax payor says
Assange has said for months it was not the russian gov. or ANY STATE. There’s a higher probability it was an insider to DNC & Hillary click who had access & it wasn’t really a hack. It was a leak. As careless and stupid as Hillary & Podesta’s click were discussing their crooked dealings & cheating agenda, more than a few insiders had to feel twinges of moral disgust & been tempted to blow the lid … What does it matter who? It would matter a lot to the people if the person was acting on moral consciousness as US citizen fighting Hillary’s type of corruption of US politics, right? By leaping to scapegoat “an outsider” to the US as a threat to the US, the story of a brave moral US hero rebelling against Hillary/Obama dirty manipulation of the election gets buried under a bullshit red herring of a “US enemy” manipulating the people… Ya but means was exposure of Hillary’s corruption & power over the DNC!!! A Good thing for the people!!! You gotta wonder if there isn’t something to the possibility this Russia red herring isn’t really about distracting the people from cold blooded murder of a DNC insider or whoever really copied the files?
Arizona Don says
Correct. What Sean Hannity reported last night in his interview with Julian Assange is likely the facts. Julian Assange did not get his information from any Russian source. The word I understand is a disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporter released the emails while working at the DNC. There is little doubt the whole of the democratic party is corrupt. To them the end justifies the means. The fact is the progressive communistic democrats are crooked, criminals if you will. They will do anything absolutely anything to take control.
Joseph P. Bottini says
It is a sad day when a defeated presidential candidate won’t go away quietly. It, “the defeated going away quietly,” is a hallmark of our democracy. The Dems (Hillary) seem to not care about hallmarks, democracy or anything American. It is just about them or nothing. How pathetic can one get. Hillary ought to go volunteer in a nursing home to make up for all her crimes against America. Bill ought to volunteer in a veteran’s hospital. I hope they live a long and pleasant life; just not as our representatives in any capacity.
Jay P says
The demonrats care nothing for the American political system, American way of life, much less, the American people. They are Socialists- plain and simple. There is much more to those ‘Russia did it’ fake accusations, not only kitlery spewed, but, the master of lies has continually repeated. All of that with NO concrete, much less circumstantial, evidence whatsoever. The 0bama administration is so corrupt that it has infested and infected every corner of OUR government, whether by threat, pay to play, extortion, or promise of benefit from the deceptions. The entirety of people in these federal, and some state agencies, needs to be purged of the evil of socialist demonrats and their abettors.
Bill Miller says
What is really scary are the 60 million people that voted for Killery. Even if 5% (3 Million) votes were fraudulently acquired that leaves 57 million people that have been duped by the MSM. To correct this, we Conservatives have to keep telling the truth because the untruths will expose them for what and who they really are.
Jeanette says
Sadly, it likely won’t help, as the liberals believe only what they WANT to believe.
All evidence that they are incorrect is unwelcome, to the point that they will turn on their heels in mid-sentence and leave the room if someone tries to inform them of anything other than what they already believe.
It’s not possible to reason with unreasonable people. Period.
Adorable Deplorable says
Already President-Elect Trump has made major inroads to keep American jobs at home. Obama said the was “no way” and yet the reality is VERY different.
Obama tried to provoke Putin with his lame move to expel diplomats (OK, spies really!), and close a few Russian properties. Putin wisely saw through his childish little tantrum and will wait for President Trump to make things right again, and “make America great again!”
The man-child Kenyan imposter will be gone in less than 17 days and real government, designed to benefit Americans over foreigners will begin. The Kenyan imposter should go back to his grass hut and resume his position as village idiot. His village has missed him for the last 8+ years!
Sal Belardo says
Julian Assange is an American Hero! November 8th will always be remembered as Julian Assange Day forever!
Sue says
You people at The Horn are absolutely full of crap. Exactly what do you have to substantiate a Russian connection? Hillary’s word? Not hardly. No one believed her before and we certainly wouldn’t believe her now. Like all the rest of the left media, you’ll say anything for a headline.
Unsubscribe me from your site.
Jay P says
You are still in your delusional fantasy of “LeftLand”- the Horn isn’t a left asshat media extension. Try reading comprehension one (1)- they may still teach it in preschool, if not, catch it at an English as Second Language course- at least then, you would have an excuse.
chester says
HOLYIST OF HOLIES! Ms hit Billary Rotten Clintinious (a roman style ceaser) lost the Election because of her wanton desire for control. Iffin youse was a coal miner, steel worker, or working in the auto industry and some idiot made the comment that he/she was gonna clean up the air for the world and bespoke of the coal fired electric plants and that to end them he/she was gonna shut down the coal mines which effects your livery hood from work to your families ability to stay warm. Who in the Sam hill would you vote for?
Howard Smith says
Please give us all a brake Hillary lost fair and square she can only blame others because of her stupidity the only difference between her and Nobama is he is smarter than her but they are still scumbags do the country some justice and just go the F away you would both fit in well in Kenya better still go to Russia and see how that works for you I am sure Mr. Putin would love to see you both.
Michael Morrow says
Who gives a rats ass who hacked the DNC, the result was the Dem’s lies and collusion was revealed. If they didn’t want to be hacked they needed to have a stronger security system. The Dems and Killary keep harping on the Russians to divert attention away from their emails and her criminal activity.
Michael Morrow says
To ad to my comment, hacking the DNC is not tampering with the election. To tamper with the election the hackers would have to mess with the voting machines and such, oh, that was the Dems I’m sorry.
Clarence Lipscomb says
Donald Trump (with the grace and help of GOD ALL MIGHTY from HEAVEN ABOVE) will have become our fearless leader later this month !
Spring-Cleaning will start early and officially for the first time ever after that momentous event ! The cleaning process will include a TRUTH SHOCK which will be similar to someone’s polluted water-well being ‘shocked’ with chlorine to have removed the toxins.
Many of the toxins, to include those hidden LEFTISTS Liberals embedded within the internet comment establishment ( operating as censors), will of course be exposed as well.
TRUTH AND JUSTICE WILL BEGIN TO RULE AGAIN for the benefit of all people. The Opinion-Controling Main Stream Media will wither away in an evolutionary manner for lack of so many LEFTIST recruits/replacements. (Longer skirts will also be more in vogue.)
The United States of America will officially begin becoming great again with the management of Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, the New Administration and a revitalized U.S. Congress and Supreme Court/Judicial System together with more independent State Governments…….all focusing on less giant federal government, more and better jobs, lower taxes, no more active involvment with the corrupt United Nations (whose building in N.Y.C. will be closed and demolished!), a much stronger and efficient U.S. Military/FBI/CIA/NSA/DIA/State&Local Police, a revamped Federal Tax system (a Flat Tax), maximized immigration control (deportation of criminals/other foreign blood-suckers and terrorists), a rational remodeling of the thought-control Federal Department of Education (education control returned to the individual States), a remoleling of the EPA, reduced crime, welfare/entitlements streamlined, Social Security redefined not as an entitlement but as the original pension plan that it actually is with the reimbursing of the money which CONGRESS ‘borrowed’ from it many years ago which is a forgotten FACT !!!!!!!, total energy independence, all States’ Political Primarys will no longer be “open” (and therefore subject to voting by opposing party voters who can and DO TOTALLY SKEW RESULTS–they will be “CLOSED” henceforth and ‘open’ only to voters registered to that party/no more voters crossing party lines in any primarys !!!); and, OUR LOVING BIBLICAL GOD FULLY RESPECTED AND IN CONSPICUOUS CONTROL. Globalism be gone ! GOD BLESS AMERICA ! THE SILENT MAJORITY HAS AWAKENED AND VOTED LEGALLY TO RESTORE OUR U.S.A. CONSTITUTION !!!!!
S F says
Please take this source off my email. I wonder how these odd beliefs are formed. These emails seem to be full of anger and make believe, not on true understanding of Wikileaks operations. How can one believe any quote when it comes from the founder of Wikileaks.Even if you won’t accept my question please see that your email does not come on my email.
Constitutionalist says
S F-
If you’ve made good on your request to be unsubscribed from The Horn, then you’ll never read this; chances are, even if you are still around, you won’t go back to this thread – but i’ll say what i want to say anyway:
Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have NEVER published an untruth. NEVER.
Your not liking the truth doesn’t change the truth an iota. Deal.
S F says
Please take this source off my email. I wonder how these odd beliefs are formed. These emails seem to be full of anger and make believe, not on true understanding of Wikileaks operations. How can one believe any quote when it comes from the founder of Wikileaks. Even if you won’t accept my question please see that your email is unsubscribed.
S F says
I wonder how these odd beliefs are formed. These emails seem to be full of anger and make believe, not on true understanding of Wikileaks operations. How can one believe any quote when it comes from the founder of Wikileaks. Even if you won’t accept my question please see that your email is unsubscribed.
T4WH says
lot a comments on this one,, over 95% positive for the Donald,, You would think the losers would get the hint by now,,
specially, spktruth200,, what a joke,,
T4WH says
go back to cnn Sue,,save space on here for the Horn readers,, BY
Justin W says
Hillary and the Democrats continue to operate in denial mode. Hillary’s real problem is that America sees her as a corrupt and incompetent politician. Hillary was the best known candidate in this year’s race. In the closing days of the election with her polls showing her comfortably ahead, Hillary started working on assembling her cabinet. She should have focused on campaigning.
The problem is that too many Americans realize the Democrat/Obama/Clinton agenda is not a good one for America. Their agenda is one of moral rot, bankruptcy and failure.
Politically incorrect says
Obama and the Hillary camp are not going to admit that her losing is a combination of both the Obama administration and all of Hillary’s scandals that cost them the white house. It also seems that the mainstream media doesn’t have the balls to say flat out that the Obama legacy is the worse administration in the history of this country and that with the stunts Obama has committed in the past 2yrs is boarder line treason and that with all the scandals Hillary has been in she should not have even been able to run and by all rights should be in prison but they won’t say it because of no balls.
I am glad Assange brought all the corruption the gov’t and Obama and Hillary blatantly are doing and with all the technology in todays day and age it will be very hard for anyone in gov’t office to hide any corruption they are doing. I will wager to bet come 4yrs from now it will be even worse should president Trump and his administration do the same kind of corruption. This is going to be the new media and it will not hide the facts like the mainstream media does.
Thank you Assange for showing this country the corruption going on and keep up the outstanding work no matter who it revels
RJintheUSA says
Anyone who believes Hillary Clinton should have their head examined and anyone who still believes in main stream corporate media is totally lost. What was that old saying? Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see? For this criminal to complain about anything would be laughable if there weren’t already a trail of dead bodies of those who were either associated with the Clinton’s or their former enemies. The Clinton’s are the modern day version of King Ahab and Jezebel, and we know what became of them.
marlene says
Assange was not “behind” any leaks. He merely published them. And thank God for that!
Duncan Mulholland says
America’s biggest problem is NOT political corruption, but a populace being led around by the nose by a corrupt Media. A free press must be a responsible press. We lost that many years ago. What a shame that the first woman to run for the high office of President of our great nation was a lying criminal. Have you seen that in our free press? WAKE UP AMERICA!.
Shelba says
The reason obama and hillary is making such a fuss they are hoping to cancel the results of the election and install hillary as president (choke on it, it ain’t gonna happen)
Val says
Hi All,
I am from Canada. I am so thankful that Mr. Trump was elected, I knew he would win I kept telling everyone but they wouldn’t believe me. Anyway I just hope that President Trump and all of the government refuse to do any interviews with CNN or NBC. It would serve them right for the way they acted through this whole process. I was under the assumption that the media was suppose to be bias. They were anything but, if nobody could see that they must be blind and deaf. Congrat’s and God Bless America.
El Tejas says
Putin has a beef against her? What about the great working relationship and deals she claimed to have with Russia when she was Secretary of State? She can’t have it both ways! Besides there is not any evidence the Russians had anything to do with it. And who would pay any attention to them anyway? Hillary lost because people rejected her and her plans for America.
Kevin Beck says
This woman Hillary has a sense of misdirection that would enthrall any politician. She also has zero ethics, another characteristic shared by politicians. So why didn’t she get elected?
She really thinks it’s the Russians that prevented her election and coronation. What a lie! She was not elected, nor selected or coronated, because she had zero appeal to most of the nation. There were only the enclaves of the Northeast Corridor, California, Chicago, and a few other places, that decided she was the best choice. Which is the best reason for not abandoning the Electoral College.