Career politicians familiar with the national stage like Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul will be well prepped. But three candidates: Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and even Donald Trump are more used to the world of business, not debate. That leaves them vulnerable to a technique Reagan […]
Campus officer charged with murder in Ohio wants job back
CINCINNATI (AP) — A University of Cincinnati police officer charged with murder for shooting a motorist during a traffic stop is trying to get his job back through his union. Officer Ray Tensing was fired shortly after his indictment Wednesday on charges of murder and voluntary manslaughter in the death […]
FDA warns of drug name mix-ups
NEW YORK (AP) — The Food and Drug Administration said Thursday that some doctors and pharmacies are getting confused by the similar names of an antidepressant and a blood-thinning medicine. The FDA says it’s not aware of any patients who took the wrong drug, but the agency says it has […]
Sen. Cruz takes on more traditional GOP target: the IRS
WASHINGTON (AP) — After a week of fighting with other Republicans, Sen. Ted Cruz took on a more traditional GOP target Wednesday: the IRS. At a Senate hearing, the Republican presidential candidate told the head of the IRS that his agency has become “the embodiment of what’s wrong with government […]
Clinton to testify before Benghazi panel on Oct. 22
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, says Hillary Rodham Clinton has agreed to appear before the panel on Oct. 22. Committee spokesman Jamal Ware says Clinton will be questioned about the attacks as well as the unusual email arrangement she used when she […]
Health law’s nonprofit insurance co-ops awash in red ink
WASHINGTON (AP) — Fed up with the insurance industry, Democrats used the health care overhaul to create nonprofit co-ops that would compete with the corporations. Now a government audit finds co-ops are awash in red ink. Only one out of 23 — the co-op in Maine — made money last […]
Unusual terror case going to trial in US court in Virginia
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Hundreds of terror suspects have been tried in federal courts since the 2001 attacks, but a case unfolding in Virginia differs from most in at least one key respect. Irek Hamidullin was a combatant captured on the battlefield — not a financier, recruiter or schemer arrested […]
US paychecks grow at record-slow pace in 2nd quarter
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. wages and benefits grew in the spring at the slowest pace in 33 years, stark evidence that stronger hiring isn’t lifting paychecks much for most Americans. The slowdown also likely reflects a sharp drop-off in bonus and incentive pay for some workers. The employment cost index […]
Virginia’s Gilmore makes 17 GOP presidential candidates
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican presidential contest has grown to 17 candidates with Wednesday’s entry of Jim Gilmore. The former Virginia governor told The Associated Press earlier this month that he would announce his candidacy in early August. On Wednesday, he filed the necessary paperwork with the Federal Election Commission. […]
GOP leaders plan Senate vote on Planned Parenthood aid
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate will vote before its August recess on a Republican effort to bar federal aid to Planned Parenthood, GOP leaders said Tuesday, as anti-abortion groups clamored for action by lawmakers. Democrats said they will strongly oppose what they called the latest Republican effort to weaken women’s […]