It’s one of the bloodiest mass murders in modern history — the November 2016 terror attacks on Paris, which left 130 innocent souls dead and hundreds more wounded.
Now, a shocking new report claims at least one of the weapons that turned the world’s culture capital into a citywide bloodbath may have been provided indirectly by President Barack Obama’s administration.
Judicial Watch claims a law enforcement source said a weapon used by ISIS terrorists was part of the botched “Fast and Furious” gun-walking program carried out by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives.
That was the bird-brained operation in which federal agents secretly allowed some 2,000 guns to be sold to Mexican cartels in hopes the weapons could be traced to drug lords.
Instead, they lost track of the guns… until they began turning up at crime scenes, as if the criminals using them were taunting the Obama administration.
Two of those weapons were found at the scene where U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered by drug traffickers – and if the new report is true, one of those guns may have been used in the Paris attacks.
The ATF has denied any link between its guns and the massacre, telling Judicial Watch that “no firearms used in the Paris attacks have been traced.”
However, the watchdog organization — which has doggedly pursued U.S. government schemes including “Fast and Furious” and the Clinton email boondoggle — said a source tells them otherwise.
The weapon used in Paris was traced to someone in Phoenix who sold it illegally, the organization said. They also found evidence of two federal firearms violations — but the individual was never charged, and some believe it was to help cover this whole thing up.
“Agents were told, in the process of taking the fully auto, not to anger the seller to prevent him from going public,” Judicial Watch quoted a veteran law enforcement official as saying.
If it turns out a “Fast and Furious” gun was used in Paris, it would mark at least the second time the program’s weapons have ended up in the hands of radical jihadists.
Nadir Soofi, the terrorist who tried — and failed — to attack a Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas last year allegedly bought his gun from a Phoenix store that was part of “Fast and Furious,” according to The Los Angeles Times.
Sadly, the botched Texas attack, the mass killings in Paris, and the cowardly murder of Agent Terry aren’t the only examples of “Fast and Furious” weapons being used for evil.
Judicial Watch recently found that the guns have been linked to at least 69 murders by drug lords in Mexico.
The Obama administration and its allies are pushing relentlessly for more gun control on law-abiding U.S. citizens — but as the latest reports make chillingly clear, they can’t even control their own guns… or the lawbreakers, drug lords, and Islamic terrorists they’re arming.
— The Horn editorial team
When will the country come awake and impeach this President. If you don’t believe in Laws of this Country then your vote for Hillory-ass will continue the lawless actions of these democrat polices.
Your sentiment are fine, he deserves to be impeached! In reality it takes a super majority in the senate to impeach.. Unfortunately not one democrat will vote to impeach, and probably not a couple of RHINO!!!
If the American voters are as smart as I believe they can be, they will vote in a super majority of conservatives!!!
Also to consider are the 49% of the public on the dole!!!!!
Larry, as much as I hate to predict it, nothing will ever be done about the illegal fast and furious fiasco. They tried for some time to blame it on George Bush. Now they try to say it never happened. A good example of what’s going on with that and so many other crooked schemes is the way the Director of the FBI whitewashed Hillary when it comes to her emails and classified information. In the establishment the fix is on no matter who or where it concerns people in government. Personally I feel a better word for them than people would to call them ALL traitors. Both Socialists posing as Democrats and the other Socialists posing as Republicans.
Sorry Larry but we need a Congress that works for the people not obama. Our congress are sheep and The obama, lynch, administration lead them around.
Obama should have been impeached long ago. If we had a Congress he would have been!
You are so right. I want impeachment process to begin now.
I wholeheartedly agree with your statement! I’m a Canadian, but I definitely think that Mr. Obama is guilty of treason.
He is guilty not only of dereliction of duty to uphold the duties and responsibilities of the office of President of the USA, but most importantly, not protecting the citizens of the USA from internal as well as international terrorism.
This is the most stupid thing that anyone could ever have dreamed up. How stupid it is to think that illegal guns would not be used for illegal crimes. It is far better that crimes are committed with ‘legal’ guns???? People use guns to kill people. Guns do not use people to kill people. Obama you are a blithering idiot and take that as a compliment as I do not know how to say this better. Islam has corrupted your mind and it is infecting weak minded Democrats too. Mullah Obama try tracking people and getting to know who you are letting into the country and who you are arming. The Democrats will sell out their homeland to Islam and it has been happening fast under your guidance. Are you the Anti-Christ? Probably but you term is done and now someone decent has to fix all that you have intentionally broken. Democracy does NOT work when an idiot becomes a president.
This article says it all! Ignorance is bliss with our cronies in the Obama Hussein administration. Feed the Mexican cartel weapons, and take away our constitutional second amendment. BRAINLESS!
I hope the French government files some sort of international legal suit against Obama and Eric Holder for allowing this to happen. It seems that nothing will come of it here as there is so much of this administration stonewalling everything. The muslime in chief has learned to hide things well, starting with his records proving he was NOT eligible to be president, something intelligent people already know.
Me too! God knows no one in our country wil!
Yea, me too ! Unfortunately the whole thing (NWO) is run out of the Vatican just like it was during the Dark Ages.
He needs to be put to sleep with the fish.
He wa never eligible to be president.
Criminal in Chief
The obvious long-term alliance, if it has not already occurred, will be the cartels with ISI/ISISL/ISIS.
Make that “…ISI/ISIL/ISIS.”
Right Jim, most call them ISIS. The government calls it ISIL. There’s a difference and I feel its just a play on words. As a boy I herd them called Moslems (also spelled that way.) Then Cassius Clay came along, became Mohamad Ali and they became Black Muzlims. Now they call themselves Mooslems, or Meuslems. I, for one, would like to know exactly what they really are other than a bunch of terrorists or terrorist sympathizers. They’re all nothing but a bunch of trash that should be thrown out of our country instead of having government officials tell us what “wonderful peace loving” people they are. And that won’t happen as long as we have a Muslim named Obama for President. Or one of his stooges named Hillary in the Oval Office.
They (whomever this “they”is) may hate us for our freedoms, but they love us for our stupidity. Maybe when Hillary is Queen she will follow suit but will use Tanks, Missiles and Drone Aircraft as the “bait” material to track.
Obama is doing his best to take the guns from law abiding citizens and through HIS CRIMINAL acts he armed the terrorist’s. Who does he think he is. Obama is a defeated foe and will not win in gun control in Christ’s name,AMEN!!! He’s blaming innocent people and he is a genuine criminal and supporter of the terrorist’s all over the world!!
Maybe a gun control law should be enacted which bans the federal government from giving or selling deadly weapons to anyone. President Obama and the Democrats want to take your second amendment rights away while arming known criminals with extremely lethal weapons.
Where is the NRA? Why are we not hearing about this anywhere else? People need to know that President Obama and Eric Holder provided the weapons which made the Paris terrorist attacks possible.
I agree he Barack Hussein Obama, the liar- in-chief should have been impeached a long long time ago. Congress could Impeach him, but doubtful the Senate would convict him and put him out of office. A General could send the Sergeant at Arms in and arrest him and kick him out of office. He has broken many laws and no one has made any effort to do anything about it. He thinks he is above the laws of these United States of America. Acts like he is the King, Emperor, Dictator, and LIAR.
Unfit to hold the Office of the President, he is NO Leader, has no strategy to manage the procurement of the war on terror.
And don’t look like he ever will, but he should be able too after nearly (8) eight years of O J T. All he can do is waste money
“OUR MONEY” we the tax payers. He should be put out for all the money he has wasted jet setting around the world.
and using Air Force One on campaigning,, Who pays for that? Barack Hussein Obama and Lying Hillary are using Air Force one today campaigning for her, who pays for that?
How is it that this brainwashed and lied to citizenry hasn’t been able to see through the haze of deception and evil machinations that have characterized the Obama Regime, beginning with the last word of his misleading Inaugural Address? I’ve always been convinced that he has crusaded for the cause and expansion of Islam, and done everything possible to secure the demise of the peoples of the USA through Ignorance, pride, spitefulness and uncaring- unawareness, Apparently it’s working. Are Americans actually being fooled by the millions of lies fed to them on a moment to moment bases, through a barrage of subliminal messages diffused by biased and corrupt media sources, namely the spoken, visual, and printed so called journalism? How about the harmful, damaging propaganda on the packaging of the poisonous engineered food they ignorantly and willingly consume? The Americans have always been targeted, but more so in the last 2 or 3 decades.The enemy has largely succeeded with the cooperation and manipulation of nations such as China, and Islamic Entities, always with evil intent. The Feminist Social Overhaul, and the Liberal Education System has placed National achievement and Moral and Educational values out of sight, safely hidden and secured under heavy lock and key. So the answer to this siege, I believe, will not be won over by Economic growth, Immigration or even with the defeat of Isis, which is imminent. “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord.” Don’t you agree that when we impeached Him we might have lost our way?”
I think Obama and Holder should be tried for accessories to murder…..espionage for aiding foreign governments…..perjury, etc….
How about getting the date right? November 2016 hasn’t happened yet.
This was it’s plan from day 1. Now all of the dots are starting to connect. It hates America and all Americans. It is carrying out it’s plan just like it planned. People say he is dumb, don’t know what it’s doing. Remember what it said it it’s book, “I will always stand with the muSLIMES. It does this because it is also a muSLIME.
why is this happening in America? we can stand together and take our America BACK in NOVEMBER!! VOTE TRUMP!! VOTE TRUMP!!
Obama really does not like Hillary, but just to piss of congress who was a thorn in his muslim beliefs, Obama is backing Hillary to piss off the american voters and congress… plus Hillary as much promised him a position he can not get voted out of….
corruption at its finest…. a vote for Hillary would be a vote for communism in america……
NO MORE CLINTONS, NO MORE OBAMAS, NO MORE LORETTA LYNCH, NO MORE COMEY….. i can remember growing up that communist was called (comey).. makes you wonder!!!!!
TRUMP,TRUMP,TRUMP,TRUMP,TRUMP the last hope for this country as being a democracy.
***************************************N. R. A. **************************************** truly is a friend of gun owners and non gun owners
do you really believe its inadvertent??
And Holder was allowed to resign but was never indicted for his criminal activities connected with this gun running operation. Now party politics is being given priority over justice to allow Hillary to walk away from her national security violations. Comey said that he will not recommend prosecution because Hillary did not intend to violate national security. But whatever her intentions were she did commit the violations! The least that can be said is that she is guilty of negligence and incompetence. Do we really want an incompetent person who will put our national security at risk to be President?