It’s one of the most outrageous examples of contempt for U.S. law ever seen — and it came straight from President Barack Obama’s administration.
Newly revealed documents released only after years of legal battles and a federal court order show that Obama’s Justice Department waged a campaign of disinformation, deliberately obstructing Congress as it attempted to investigate the “Fast and Furious” scandal.
That’s when federal agents allowed some 2,000 guns to be sold to Mexican drug cartels, hoping to track the weapons to drug lords — and then lost track of them.
Instead, the weapons were used in a string of horrific crimes in Mexico — and here in the United States, two of the firearms were found at the scene were U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered by drug traffickers.
One “Fast and Furious” weapon was even found in the hideout of El Chapo, the notorious Mexican drug kingpin.
Now, the 20,500 pages of newly released Justice Department documents show the federal government waged another kind of war here at home. And their war wasn’t against gun-runners and drug-traffickers — but against Congress and, by extension, the American people.
Instead of cooperating with lawmakers as they engaged in their constitutional duty of oversight over the Executive Branch, federal officials conspired to keep Congress in the dark as much as possible and as long as possible.
“Over the course of the investigation, the Justice Department has provided false information, stonewalled document requests, produced scores of blacked-out pages and duplicate documents in order to bolster its page count for public relations purposes, and refused to comply with two congressional subpoenas,” House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz said in a news release.
The new documents show that even as the Obama Administration was accusing Congress of politicizing the investigation, the Justice Department itself was playing politics — and the obstruction went right to the top.
Senior Department officials, including then-Attorney General Eric Holder, “intensely followed and managed an effort to carefully limit and obstruct the information produced to Congress,” according to Chaffetz.
In one of the documents that feds have desperately tried to keep hidden, Holder revealed all too well what the department’s strategy would be.
“Ok- but everyone get ready- this isn’t about facts,” he wrote to his senior staff, according to a summary of the documents released by Chaffetz.
At another point, a department official drafted a letter to lawmakers promising to cooperate.
It was quickly edited.
“I’d stay away from the representation that we’ll fully cooperate in the future,” Department official Faith Burton wrote, and removed the language from the letter to lawmakers.
It was a rare bit of honesty, as the department of course didn’t cooperate. Not fully… not even a little.
The House ultimately voted to hold Holder in contempt of Congress for blocking the investigation. President Barack Obama also stepped in, declaring that the documents were protected from Congress by “executive privilege.”
A federal judge disagreed, and now some have been released to the public — and they only scratch the surface of what really happened, because the Administration is still holding thousands of other pages of documents with critical information about what really happened.
“Given that even after years of stonewalling these are only a fraction of the documents that were subpoenaed by the House of Representatives, at this point, the usefulness remains to be seen,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), head of the Judiciary Committee, said in a statement, according to The Hill. “I look forward to seeing what was actually produced, and what President Obama continues to refuse to be transparent about. It shouldn’t have taken a lengthy court battle to get this far. The rest of the documents should be turned over so that the litigation can end and the American people can know the whole truth.”
– The Horn News editorial team
maureen says
I said it all along impeach him take away his pension and guards for life she how they get along then.
John says
Good points – I agree totally.
Gungadin says
Me TOO !! Lock his sorry ass YP !!
alfy says
S A says
Roy S. Mallmann says
Trump does and one little secret, you DO NOT have to hold that office to get impeached. So a Writ of Impeachment can be filed after he leaves office. They need to do it on Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder. Seven Federal Agencies were involved in this “Operation Fast and Furious” on a daily basis and only one person in this country can make that happen and that is the President of the United States, period. Him claiming “Executive Privilege” has sealed his fate on this one. By the way a part of this was to have drugs shipped to Chicago with everyone to look the other way, was part of the agreement. I have everything on this printed off and I have made it a hobby to follow as it shows his true colors as a criminal with criminal intent. Holder was his firewall.
Daniel Spickard says
It’s time we hold this administration accountable for all the atrocities they hid from all the people of the United States of America. We need to make them pay for allowing terrorists to cross our borders and kill American citizens. We need to hold them all accountable, and bring the full extent of the law down on them. We need to freeze all of their assets and auction it off, then put them all down in GITMO (the place that this administration has been trying it’s best to close), like all other terrorists foreign or domestic.
Pamela Therrien says
This is why Ms. Nancy was never meant to be in the Supreme court, no member of the Supreme court is meant to be an activist but rather to carry out out the laws as they are now but rather write them, that is the job of Congress according to the law. The Supreme Courts’s Job job’s is to to hold to the law not re write it in any way shape or form. Tpo carry out the law as it is written. purely.
jo says
When people really find out what all obama/hilary have done to this country with the intent of abuse in our face, we will have millions of folks wanting to take him out along with the senate and congress and then work downward removing the thugs he has placed in high power. many folks have signed petitions for his removal with impeachment for treason, but senate/congress sat on their rear ends doing nothing.
R AStaylor says
They are ALL in bed together, Making money on us they think stupid Americans
Tarheel says
I don’t know how money was made but I do believe Obama was sending guns across the border knowing full well they would kill Mexican citizens. Mexico would then protest about our lax gun laws and go before the UN and all the leftist there would agree that the US need to rein in our liberal gun laws making it easy for Obama to push his gun control agenda. There really is no other reason as there were no arrests and the administration tried to make the whole operation as convoluted as possible involving so many different agencies non of which knew anything about the others involved.
J.W.Lee says
The additional benefit to the marxist/socialist pukes was the terrorized masses “south of the border” were then “driven” north in fear for their lives.
This proves this POS/POTUS and his minions are international criminals responsible for aiding and abetting the international criminal organizations (drug cartels, et al) that have killed hundreds if not thousands with the weapons they supplied via this heinous program.
This is precisely what the International Criminal Court was created for: and they should act and indict them as co-defendants for crimes committed against humanity.
pjt says
Don’t you think they have considered the possibility of racial riots if Obama was impeached? And then Obama could call martial law and declare himself king, dictator, ruler or whatever he wanted.
Jean says
maybe “they” have all been castrated?
Joe says
Congress has no balls because too many of its members have ghosts in their closets and they have all been black mailed to do as they are told otherwise they will be outed and their careers will be over.
William says
Get every one involved in the fast and furious into prison now including the president whom is nothing but a damn lier and thief.
Rod Roberts says
you forgot the word traitor!
Barbara says
These actions should have been done yrs ago. When you see a con man it is setting in the WH and all should be in jail. they are traitors. Just because he can’t stand our constitution and bill of rights —that alone should have been and eye opener and he should have been watched for any wrong doing. And to the Gop. you failed horribly.
bennie says
William How right you are.
SG says
Agree also!! How deceitful to the American public!
Mark says
Why were they running guns in the first place?
We have to guess for the answer but, it’s an educated guess. The ATF had come forward and said “the ability to purchase firearms on the states that border Mexico, should be reduced”
Citing a large number of guns (guns they were supplying) are flowing from the southern states to Mexico.
Our government was trying to install some new laws that would make citizens ability to keep and bare arms more difficult to possibly extremely difficult
In my eyes this is an act of treason. For a president to try and undermine the very constitution that he swore to uphold and doing it through a carefully orchestrated and very sneaky program concocted in league with probably the Mexican government and whatever drug cartel…..
Those guns killed a lot of people on the Mexican side…….Obama and Holder dont care.
They have an agenda, and if a few people have to die in order for them to get their agenda through, then a few lives don’t matter. The end justifies the means.
Lastly, if they are wanting our guns so bad that they are willing to get ultra creative.
It begs the question…….
k9 says
This very same thing happened in Benghazi with Odumbo and hil LIAR y.
They was supplying guns to ISIS, and the Embasador wound out and that is why him and the other 3 men was killed. these 2 slum bugs, o’dumbo and hi LIAR y had theem killed because they knew too much.
Diane Santucci says
I agree!
Ben says
Absolutely agree!!
My Two Cents Worth says
I agee with you 100 % . but for some reason, O’bama and Hillary seem to think they’re above the law…ever notice that they’re never wrong…..Impeach O’bama and send Hillary to prison for what happened in Benghazi.
James Greer says
impeachment is far to easy. prison would be better.
dave says
Right on, then send him to Iran to live out his life
I agree with you…this FAKE has Faked the American people long enough & it’s far past time to do something about it…all they (the congress & others) want to do is “FUND” RAISE CONTINUALLY…NOTHING WILL GET DONE WE JUST KEEP HEARING THE SAME O SAME O..ENOUGH WITH THAT…DONALD TRUMP 2016 & 2020…MAKE AMERICA RIGHT AGAIN!!!
adrienne says
Why is he still in office? He has done so many things that have broken the law. If it were a citizen not in office they would be under the wouldand forgotten!!!!
Alvaro Rodriguez says
I would like to see the American people rise-up just like the Islamism’s did for change here in America, do you remember the one million man march that took place in Washington D.C. in 1995? its all a set-up this freak and all his criminals friends are setting-us-up. Obama want to change American laws for Islamic laws,he said “I bring change to America” when running for the white house. Obamas top 5 advisors are all Muslim and Hillary Clinton top aid is a full blown Muslim who has connections to the Muslim brotherhood. They (Obama) want to change America plain and simple. They are all criminals stealing our country; The whole establishment is starting with the Bush family. Jeb Bush has been exposed by the release of a book entitle THE BUSH CRIME FAMILY that’s. Why he
dropped out of the presidential race.Donald Trump will clean house but apparently there’s to many people who believe otherwise as the media has them “brain washed” to lead them to believe who they should vote for president. Its all a set-up and they will end up kill us all because we are not full blown Muslim they already have every one surveillance, there’s over 200.000 satellites spying on us to see if we will be loyal citizen of their wicked one world government because its written In their Quran, Obama is their puppet. They come to this first class country from a third world country to tell its people what to worship. They took over the military and NASA its a war and they are winning. nothing matters at this Pont unless Obama is arrested along with all his perverted friends who want to micro chip us in 2017. spread the world rise now or u die. worst come to worst better find Jesus Christ.
Brian says
You obvoisle mean President Bush who started this.
Marcia says
Wirite your congressman and women in the Federal government tell them about this article and tell them to IMPECH the man. I do this every day One all of write we may get some action
Change Secret Service Guards for Prison Guards….
Ann L Mitchell says
This man needs to be impeached before he can do anymore damage to our country. I believe
it is his intent to see how much damage he can do before he is out or kicked out of the Presidency.
Something must be done soon before anymore damage is done by Obama.
lola martin says
Nothing will happen
glenda says
This Administration is Corrupt and so is the Republican, Democratic Party and the DOJ. No one is ever found guilty because of all the crooked back door dealings. The .Republican Party is in Shambles. Most anyone in the establishment have proven they can be bought if the Price is ‘right” and it doesn’t matter who the Crooked Buyer is if the ‘price”; is right! We have one running who hates Cops, calls them Idiots and then goes on TV telling everyone the ”Idiot” Cop threatened to arrest,him, all Lies, all caught on Officer’s Dash Cam and all over the Internet.
Steve says
Maureen, I am going along with the general feeling that impeachment and loss of some benefits is NOT near the punishment the TREASONOUS, no-good, Piece of Crap BHO has earned. His punishment for his treacherous and tyrannical actions and treasonous deeds would include 20 years in Gitmo, if it were up to me. Hell, IF it were up to me, he would be hung at dawn from a tree on the White House lawn so as all could see, “You reap what you sow.”
DEATH to all muslims. Let God sort them out, as if He would dirty His fingers on such Satan’s spawn.
Charlene Holt says
This president should have been impeached years ago…….why not? He was put on the Democratic Ballot in 2008 as a candidate for president of this country. A lot of people had never heard of the man……when I went to researching this prospect for president I found out all kinds of things about him (any party who had him added to their ballot) could have just as easy as I did found the same information………that was not done at all or if they did it was kept from the American people. This party did some extra work to make this man look good………they knew what he was, who he was being forced on this country by a person or group that is working to bring this country down. What is hard to understand is why one of our political parties (Democratic Party) was so ready to have him placed on their ballot? What their reasons were will probably never be divulged……..maybe 50 years down the road someone will let the secret out. This man had served a very short term as a representative in a state government and was not very active there, except to say “here/present” when there was a roll call. Never had anything to do with presenting a bill or backing a bill. Other then that, he was a community organizer in Chicago………that was his credentials for president of this country. How many of you people knew he was NOT qualified for the presidency of this country. Also found out he was born in Kenya and was born a Muslim and educated as a Muslim. He came to this country as a foreign student to get an education under the name of Barry Soeteoro……..his records have all been sealed, by him, so no one would ever find out his background and his real life……..and real name. Our politicians and our political parties should have known more or at least make an effort to find out more about him. This kind of stuff is not hard to find out if people would only make an effort to know your candidate in an election. He has done so much damage to this country, it may be hard for anyone to be able to get it back on the right track now. He has been the president for almost 8 years now and he is not through with us yet……..he has allowed so many (thousands and thousands) of illegals into this country and has allowed them a lifestyle they never heard of in the country they came from……..on the backs of the American taxpayers who foots all the bills. Now he is allowing thousands and thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees into this country and is immediately set up to become legal voters in this up coming election (some have already been flown into this country as I write this) hasn’t been broadcasted or no statements from the press/media……..strange isn’t it? Again all at the expense of the American taxpayers and given the benefits that are suppose to be for the American citizen. Now we have a Democratic woman running for president of this country who vows to carry on with Obama’s policies ( policies which have all been failures so far) . Now Obama and the Democrats and liberals want to take our guns away from American citizens……..answer me how are we going to be able to protect ourselves and our families with all the illegals and refugees (these refugees are not being vetted/checked out to who they really are) so they don’t really know who is truly a refugee or a Islamic terrorist (terrorist groups have made it plain they plan on trying to get into our country posing as a refugees.) Obama says it is a time consuming job to check out all these refugees so they are planning to not do that……..wonder how many terrorist will get into this country to join the ones we already have here? The FBI says we now have terrorist groups in every state now. This is something the woman Democrat is going to support with Obama. That is another issue to be discussed……..the woman has a trail of scandals so long there is no end to it………all starting back when she was first in politics in Arkansas, she has a very questionable pass and is like Obama ……..they both do not in any way have any respect for this country and it’s people………but plenty of American people are voting for her with no concern or regard at all as to what It will do to this country……….with her vowing to carry out policies Obama has tried and failed. All of this Obama is getting ready to do to this country before he leaves office……..none of this has been approved by Congress at all……….in fact he is doing this without any ones support, even the American people. Our politicians in Congress will not even talk about this. This concerns all the illegals, Muslin refugees, our guns taken, our healthcare in shambles, we have lost our standing in the world, he is also depleting our military to the level of pre WWII………..that is the level we were at when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Our county was not ready for a world war then and certainly not now. I know this is long but please read it and think really hard about the issues I have pointed out……..we have got to be supporting this country and protecting the American people. Think twice about the candidates and who will really help to get this country back to it’s original self……..the American people are the ones to have to do this………our politicians and this administration are not going to help us at all. hank you!
Peter Joffe says
Why is Obama still in the White House? How many people are protecting him at the massive cost to the people of the USA. The USA did not vote for Islam, they voted for freedom that they have fought for since the time of George Washington. Believe it or not there were no Muslims in the USA in those days but with Obama they are coming in in the droves. South Africa has Zuma, Zimbabwe has Mugabe and the USA has Obama, a triad for untouchable evil. Each of them are dictators in so called democracies. Democracy no longer exists and we have to fight to get it back.
william g munson says
I agree with you on impeachment and no retirement because he is not who he says he is and his kenyan birth certitifcate just release and you don,t hear and thing in the media and if they can not get the documents that they request then no use in have any comittees either for in other countries it is king and his decrees Period and it time to stop excutive privileges too and put these people in Jail for ofstruction of Justice like with the police department when they investigate something and you or someone gets in the way
Semper Fi says
It’s to late for impeachment.He needs to be arrested by our Military and put behind bars and drug out of our White House like an animal
barry1817 says
to which one asks what will the media do, besides protect their unvetted, irresponsible, unpatriotic chicago thug, half white, arrogant
Joe says
Nothing! We will never hear anything about it!!!
s seymour says
think this is bad. wait until Hillary is pardon by the president for all the illegal she has done
William says
Hillary and Obama should both be in prison right now,
Gary Smith says
Chism says
In the same cell. Could you even imagine that?
Rh says
They can’t be in the same cell. Muslims won’t have any thing to do with dogs.
James Greer says
You mean “Hitlery”
Jeff Irwin says
Rh says – you mean pigs !!??!!
lee says
I agree ,to the fullest. They are both from Chicago,Al Capone Country of thugs.
Steve says
OR, even better, declare ‘Open Season’ on the fools. See if we ever see or hear from them again.
James Morgan says
You forgot “illegal alien, muslim, traitor, criminal for using stolen Social Security number”
William says
Right on I agree with you.
The reason WE don’t see Obama’s birth certificate is because on line Father: UNKOWN….his real father is Frank Marshal Davis & Obama senior agreed to marry BHO’s mother if the line “father” said unknown…Obama senior got help to Harvard…It’s all documented on DVD “Dreams of my REAL Father” available at WND!
Kevin says
Time and time again you found evidence against President Obummer that he is committed treason against United States American people. What I don’t understand is why can’t Congress impeach this Muslim traitor for what he is.
Susan says
Because he isn’t our President. You can’t be the president if you’re not an American citizen and they know he is not an American citizen. You can, also, not impeach a President …. who is not the President. To do so would be calling him “President”.
We can, though, hang his ass for treason.
chip Cnterbury says
sounds good to me.
S A says
John says
Great idea! Do it NOW!
Buster says
I have a rope. let’s get started.
Steve says
Just knock the SOB off. You would most likely get the Medal of Merit for being so heroic. DO IT!!!
David Dolcater says
They “can”; the question is, why WON’T they?
David says
Because of ONE MAN…..HARRY REID stands in the way of Impeachment and that’s because they are bed partners in crime against the People of this country.
Let Trump get in and order the DOJ to Dig and find eveidence that can be used to try and convict all concerned.
S A says
David says
Like you say Kevin Odumbo has shafted the American people and should be imprisoned for the rest of his life, and given the shaft right back to him, oh he might like it, supports the LGBT !!!
Gerry says
Kevin — I believe there are 2 reasons why Congress has not done their job
1) they are scared to death to be called racists and that is the first thing that would happen in the black community and by the POS sharpton and jackson and most of the blacks in Congress.
2) I believe a majority of our Congress is just as corrupt as obozo and his muslim regime. They are afraid of losing their golden fleece jobs and having to work for a living. I think they figure if they do nothing then nothing bad can happen to them — go figure.
Anthony Sperrazza says
I agree totally
Paul says
OK now that we have all this information about how Obama and Eric Holder stonewalled Congress about Fast and Furious way the hell the both of them are not being IMPEACHED by Congress, Plus why in Gods name is Hillary Clinton still capable to run for the President with all the illegal things that her and her whole family have done wrong????????
Awake says
Fast and Furious is treason.
It happened years ago- and the elite has the same “what difference does it make” mentality.
Holder, Obama, Hillary amongst others, should ALL be in prison. But nope!! They are running our country …into the ground.
And Hillary is running for president !! God HELP us ALL.
Liberalism is a mental disease which there is no cure.
Vote Trump! That is the ONLY way that these evil doers may have to pay for their crimes. All others running will be puppets and schmoozing with these animals within days. Including CRUZ and Kasich!!!!! puppets!!!!!
Earl Watters says
nasty the whole dam bunch hilliary is just as bad her and country is not the same any more and will never be the only thing that will save america is a revelution throw these SOBS out of office hang the ones who are guilty and move on and take the muslims put them back on the boats sent them home to fight for there own country
Awake says
Congress loves Obamas butt. They all love each other. They are each other’s bread and butter. Do as I say not as I do. Look the other way blah blah.
Nothing will happen to any of them. They are protected by the evil filthy lower than low we have in our country and beyond
Cliff Blake says
Tear jerker Boner should have acted when he was Speaker! As the record shows he gave OB and OB staff. Everything they put forth????????He screwed the American people and he walks out with a golden handshake!!
Michael G says
Obama, Hillary and the rest of the Socialist/Democrats are guilty as hell of crimes against the PEOPLE of the United States. They pretend they are protecting us while they sell arms to our enemies and criminals. Then they scramble to make laws to take away our first and second amendment rights to keep the scandals covered up and make sure we cannot fight back. They try to crush Citizens United meanwhile they FEED MoveOn. Emily’s list, BLM and Bloomberg’s Anytown anti- gun organizations, which in essence do the same thing for the left. As long as it is anti-American or anti-Christian, or anti- white it is acceptable to them. They fight to protect pedophiles so they can use the ladies rooms to target our women and young girls then accuse the conservatives of being extremists or radicals who are against the government. Well they are partially right we are against CORRUPTION AND PATRIOT-A -PHOBIA. We the PEOPLE are not the enemy. When Muslims cry for Sharia law that is UN-AMERICAN and against our laws. This new brand of socialism justifies violence against our country and it’s supporters to make sure we are suppressed as soon as possible. George Soros, Bloomberg and the rest cheer every time our rights are trampled. It is high time we fight back and rid our country of the unhealthy “negative liberalism” they hold so dear. You may think it is over but we will not go quietly.
raksdog says
You know I read this stuff on the internet every day. But I never hear any of the talk shows mention it Like Linbaugh Hannity Mark levin.
These are the guys you think would mention it if it were true.
Mikeyavelli says
I agree. Ain’t a person in Washington or in the media who doesn’t know who, what and wherefore obama is and what he’s doing to America. Yet, they fight Trump. If Trump wins, down goes the biggest lie support system ever built.
Dennis says
It is a sad day that this is what is happening to the best country on earth and a bunch of liberals that want everything given to them and are willing to turn their backs to their own country to get a free handout. The country would be better of if Bill Hillary and Obama were all put in prison for treason where they all belong. A patriot that loves his country.!!!!!
Lorraine E says
“Executive privilege” again and again and again. The appointed president said that he would have the most transparent administration ever. Eric Fast & Furious Holder was working with the rainbow house in its never ending quest to destroy our Second Amendment Rights and disarm innocent Americans so that they can’t defend themselves. If the Fast and Furious scheme had worked, it could have been used as another false government created excuse to disarm us.
So purchase as many guns and as much ammo as you possibly can because you are going to need them.
kjones says
It takes too much money now to run an honest person. Tell your state if they have not already signed up to sign on to the Convention of States which on the agenda is to discuss “Term Limits” and if they agree they will write an amendment which will not conflict with the Constitution (for you can not conflict with the Constitution due to the Supremacy Clause) This is why the Constitution is called the law of the land. We have got to do something with those “clubs” up there and this is the only way to get the dead out of office now. Also read this H. Res. 198 which is developing as a tool if needed to hold the President accountable for his actions and this is a perfect example of his actions for he did this when he was first in office. Look under the “text tab” to read what it states.
Constitutionalist says
Introduced in House (04/13/2015)
Declares that the following presidential actions shall constitute impeachable “high crimes and misdemeanors,” which will cause the House of Representatives to vote articles of impeachment to send to the Senate for trial:
initiating war without express congressional authorization;
killing American citizens in the United States or abroad who are not engaged in active hostilities against the United States without due process (unless the killing was necessary to prevent imminent serious physical danger to third parties);
failing to superintend subordinates guilty of chronic constitutional abuses;
spending appropriated funds in violation of conditions imposed for expenditure;
intentionally lying to Congress to obtain an authorization for war;
failing to take care that the laws be faithfully executed through signing statements or systematic policies of nonenforcement;
substituting executive agreements for treaties;
intentionally lying under oath to a federal judge or grand jury;
misusing federal agencies to advance a partisan political agenda;
refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena for documents or testimony issued for a legitimate legislative purpose; and
issuing executive orders or presidential memoranda that infringe upon or circumvent the constitutional powers of Congress.
While this SOUNDS great, the president would have to sign it; if he refuses, would there be enough to override his veto? That’s the question.
And besides, as i’ve often opined, D’OweBama doesn’t DESERVE impeachment, but simple arrest and trial for a multiplicity of crimes, up to and including the most important one: Treason…IOW, whatever it takes to get him the HELL out of office!
Armyof1 says
They they deserve the firing squad all of them for the treason they’re lying and all the evil things that they’ve done to this Country and the American People.
jim johnson says
when the republicans wake up they should realize the objective should be “stop Hillary” not stop trump or cruz.
M. Feldbusch says
If all of you people know so much and can do so much, why aren’t you running for Pres. O any office that needs experts such as your selves? You are all just full of hot air just to be heard.
john says
as you are simple minded
Constitutionalist says
Gee, an Unconstitutional Current Occupant who Obstructs Justice, lies under oath, commits fraud, and engages in Treason – who’d a’thunk he’d try to bury evidence of malfeasance in office by claiming “Executive Privilege”?
i knew this long ago, intuitively; couldn’t prove a damn thing. But now that CongressCretins have smoking-gun evidence, wha’cha wanna bet that they don’t do a DAMN THING about it?
OTOH, if they DO get off their duty-shirking behinds and make some ARRESTS and PROSECUTIONS, there would be a chance that a tiny bit of faith in these overpaid do-nothing blowhards might be restored a freckle.
Solo says
Imagine that….wants to take and control guns, but yet, wants to give them to known terrorist and drug lords….hmmmmm….pathetic!
eyeball says
I REALLY want Holder to be DRAGGED before a Senate Committee, presented with the facts, asked if he denies them and, after he spews, “I wasn’t at work that day!”, hauled off to jail awaiting trial for perjury, conspiracy, sedition, and complicity in wrongful death of Federal Employees. And after he’s convicted, put in a fed pen in TEXAS, close to the border, if possible, for TEN FREEKIN’ YEARS!
Next, Obama……………..
Cliff Blake says
We the people that are paying local,State.Federal and Sales taxes fees and taxes have had enough. It’s time to vote out the ruling class and try Trump for A real honest change. It’s time to bring out the Roto rooter!
john says
This country needs an enema
57girl says
I remember when Obama was campaigning for POTUS, he promised TRANSPARENCY in his Administration, should he be elected. I didn’t fall for that lie, but evidently a lot of people did. So, now I ask, “What happened to that transparency”. For one branch of Government to tell another branch of Government that a situation as dire as Fast & Furious is none of their business simply blows my mind. Is it any wonder our Nation is sinking fast?
There WERE 3 branches of Government set forth in our founding documents to alleviate this sort of nonsense and to balance the scales of power throughout the various levels of Government. And then, the DOJ was founded, and Congress became obsolete. Am I the only one who sees a problem with today’s lopsided Government? If I had my way, the DOJ (overseen by the President) would be totally abolished and all of its Czars fired on the spot. Why are we even paying Congress given the fact that they have obviously been demoted to the role of very expensive ‘yard ornaments’, left in place to keep the American people under the illusion that our founding principals still exist.
Eric Holder should be hung for treason, the way I see it. DItto for quite a few others in high government positions today, including the ‘man at the top’, who never qualified for the job to begin with.
Terry says
There is a higher, overarching org that influences who is in office, who get appointed to SC and manipulates all three branches. It is the undocumented establishment consisting of all the super rich who fund elections. This establishment has slowly infiltrated and captured the political system making it like a branch office of the establishment. It is like a cancer that has grown throughout the political system. And if dealt with too harshly will kill the host, the Constitution and America. This is what the one world movement wants and I image is rooted in sharia law, in socialism which is govt by the govt, for the govt and of the govt.
Constitutionalist says
What Holder did is criminal, surely, but “treason” might be stretching it a bit. Treason is the only crime actually defined in the Constitution itself. It’s found in Article 3(Judicial powers), Section 3, and it reads as follows:
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”
In addition, Congress – and Congress alone – gets to set the penalty for Treason.
Now, that said, i suppose an argument could be made that Holder gave known enemies of the United States aid and comfort, but that certainly wasn’t his INTENT, and intent is usually the crux of the matter when it comes to Law.
Don King says
Constitutionalist says Barack and Eric really had no intent of harming America with actions taken in Operation Fast and Furious. Don’t let the name of the Operative mislead you.
Many innocent lives have been lost as a result of this genius of a plan to arm the cartels,
to more easily identify them. Wow!
Bonnie and Clyde really had no ” intention ” to raise hell either, like Dumb and Dumbo, they
just wanted to have some fun.
In the course of this operation did anybody ever stop to question: What the hell are we doing? Obviously not, it all was already ” well planned “.
After all the rest of those involved just followed orders, not issued orders.
Nobody, nobody ever, ever could have concocted and carried this stupidity over the head
or authority of Dumb and Dumbo, period.
The True name of this operative was: Wishy washy hog wash.
No intention to clarify the issue, I am a good citizen and I could never imagine our
leaders to be so naive.
Jackie says
People in congress just don’t give a crap ! All they care about is themselves and their pockets ! Please call your senators and tell them that it’s about time to take action now and get Obama and his so called party the hell out of there ! It is time that we the American people spoke up ! We do not have a president ! And we sure in hell do not want him ! He’s a very corrupt THING ! HE DOES NOT BELONG IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ! IT IS TIME TO GET RID OF THAT PIECE OF CRAP ! I AM ONE ANGRY AMERICAN !
Jerry says
This Terrorist and Holder should both be in Prison, Why didn’t the house Impeach him??? He has done so much to destroy the world, The EU even hates him now. They could have impeached him for incompetence all though we all know everything this Liar terrorist does is on purpose to hurt some faction of America. I hope when Trump gets in He will punish these Loser’s, I know he will go after Hillary. Come on Bernie Voters Your welcome in Trumps Campaign!!!
Jim Evans says
I have said it before and i will say it again, if they tried to impeach or vote Obama out of office, he would scream ” Discrimination ” and he would throw out the race card, because he is Black. TRUTH !!
Mikeyavelli says
Obama ain’t but 6% black. 50% white, which is illegal to mention, and 44% Luo Deng Arab, a muslim tribe.
Jim Evans says
And what about Eric Holder ?
Mikeyavelli says
He’s only part black too
Gerry says
I really don’t believe this is anything new. My memory isn’t as good as it used to be but it seems to me that all this was talked about years ago but the question is — why did it take soooo long for it to be made public. I think the answer to that is — obozo is almost done and SOME of the people who were hiding from him or scared of him think it is safe to come out. I don’t think every soul in his administration was corrupt but they were certainly over shadowed by the many who are — just like in Congress. If anyone ever thought the F&F scandal and cover up wouldn’t lead right to the oval office, they were either delusional or on kool-aid. Many if not all of these scandals and subsequent cover ups will lead right back to this corrupt fraud.
James Morgan says
Wonderful comments – now for ACTION! Vote every Democrat and RINO OUT of office, federal, state, and local!
Frank W. says
Get rid of all those dishonest pieces of you know what there mouth is full of it????????
Thomas Ryscavage says
This entire guns sale activity was to topple the Second Amendment from the very start. It was to sell guns from U.S. gun dealers through the U.S. Gov’t secretively and then tell the Mexican Gov’t where to find the guns (Hillary was down in Mexico not too long before the agents killing) and ultimately having a case to restrict gun sales. It fell apart. They couldn’t find the guns and then one of our agents was murdered. Then the cover up started.
Alan Humphries says
None of this matters because we have cowards in Congress. The few that do have the balls to do something won’t because they will be labeled racist and Senior leadership in Congress will ruin their reputations and lives. Cowards all of them.
Mikeyavelli says
Once one of the many lies supported by Congress, the supreme Court, the Media, and Democrats in mass is exposed as a lie, the others will quickly follow.
If I know it, and you know it, once someone in authority gets the courage to expose obama, his huge pyramid of lies comes crashing down.
Joe Toy says
Members of The Justice Department should form a circular firing squad armed with those leftover F&F guns with The Muslim-In-Chief in the middle blindfolded and puffing on his last left-handed cigarette from Colorado.
Ralph Ormsbee says
Congress in the dark I don’t think so they need to be chaged with treason as well as Obama
wizard says
Eric Holder resigned from office but he has never been indicted or tried for his crimes in connection with “Fast and Furious”. After his resignation the investigation just faded away. That should never have happened. It is suspected that had that investigation been taken to its conclusion Eric Holder would be in jail and the President would have been implicated in the scheme. It is also possible that the Secretary of State also played a part.
Anthony Sperrazza says
question whyvos this info not being put on public meada TV and radio new so more people know what going on
Terry says
There is an attitude problem in DC. they think of themselves now as rulers instead of public servants. And will hand out patronage in the form of welfare, food stamps, .and even rights to get votes. Or in some cases to get judicial decisions. Whispering akbar allah as they go about their daily routine.
By now we were supposed to be marching in the streets pumping our fists in the air at all the outrageous stuff in DC so martial law could be declared by Benedict Obama who could cancel the elections. . But instead this is going to be the vote heard round the world!
Bill Rose says
The fact that this fraud President, Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton are not in jail already is more than disturbing! It’s high time the military got together and removed these traitors and put them in prison. Boehner and McConnell belong there as well. Our country is on the very edge of bankruptcy and destruction and a major house cleaning is required immediately!.
James Greer says
Rise and fall of the Obama’s and the Clintons. What goes up must come down.
Bob Noorigian says
Seems like everyone you talk to says they NEVER voted for “Obama” How the hell is it if fact he got to be in office, and why is it that he is still there ????
Dennis says
flking JOKE no one is going to do anything about anything it is totally corrupted its self behond repair LIES deceit corruption america has been sold and islam bought it LOOK around how do you like your change now and Hilery will be the next president and no one will understand how or why
Patricia says
Absolutely absurd and disgusting. I am surprised he has lasted this long.
He does need to be impeached !!!!!
Jo says
Nobody in our government has the balls to stop the corrupt system in Washington, D,C,
I use to respect Paul Ryan and even now he has become one of Obama’s pee ons what happened to that nice man he portraited himself before he became Speaker of the House. He is a man of many faces he does things to make sure his bread is buttered on the same side of his corrupted cronies. I thought more of him than he was worthy of what a disappointment not just to me, but his party the GOP. How come he has not come out and endorsed anyone yet what’s his story does he want to see which way the wind is going to blow.
Al Walters says
You know, I find it very interesting that with all these supposed criminal complaints and lawsuits filed against Obama and Hillary, nothing is even slowing them down from continuing their illegal practices. I can’t help but think that a majority of these claims of illegal activity on the part of whomever is posting them as facts is nothing more than a bunch of hype to get people angry and upset so they’ll vote for Donald Trump. The “Horn News” may even be a Trump-run operation. Listen, I’m not a democrat. I don’t want to see Hillary or Sanders anywhere close to the White House. But, with all these claims of illegal activity on their part (and, trust me, I think Hillary belongs in prison…I think she’s the biggest criminal in politics today…and that’s saying a lot, when you consider all the crime going on behind the closed doors of the Congress and White House), all I’m saying is that, if all this is actually happening, you would think that someone on the opposing side of the fence, would bring it to light (even the Donald), but it just isn’t happening. So, I am doubtful that all these hyped up claims of illegal activity are, in reality, actually happening.
shari says
It appears to me this is more proof that there should be many impeachments within DOJ and White House. It is about time that someone actually follows thru on their duties and quit being afraid of being called a racist. This is not about race but law and criminal activity. The Congress has been both cowardly and lazy getting paid and not doing their JOBS. Most if not everyone in government should not be paid and return salaries made for last many years including the President. If ordinary people performed their jobs like these lazy *sses we wouldn’t last an hour. They all (both parties) have for the most part done nothing to control spending and unlawful activities. The media almost totally is one the side of all the criminal activities because there has been almost no reporting on any of these problem, Fast and Furious, IRS, Hillary’s Benghazi, email, and Clinton Criminal Foundation, plus who knows how many other schemes or criminal activities we are still unaware. Very few Congressmen or Senators are doing oversight duties of government department and agencies Obviously no one take responsibility for anything just Blah. .Blah Blah. I am totally tired of the lazy old fools feeding of the taxpayers and getting fat wallets.
George Nelson says
Yes, if they took his SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION away from him he MIGHT need a GUN to protect his family & his self, but wait! That is what he has been trying to TAKE AWAY from everyone else. Maybe the best thing to do is he&Hitlery can SHARE A ROOM TOGETHER at GITMO.
moe says
This administration knows they are dealing with ignorant stupid { SUBJECTS}—–True citizens would have had Obozo impeached and gone a long time ago!!!!
Linda Anderson says
Is anyone surprised at the fact that Obama and Holder lied to all of us. This has been a pattern for the last seven years. He will never be impeached only because of his COLOR. A white man would have been in prison a long time ago.
chucktilley says
Remember Transparency ! Obama and Hillary are liars !
Uncle Tom says
Don’t forget, most of this crap, is being planned and financed behind the scenes by multi-billionaires like George Soros, along with other, top-of-the-chart members of the “New World Order” movement. Believe it! It’s not just made up by so-called “Right Wing Conspiracy kooks”. The Socialist Left is running the whole attempt to eradicate freedom, except for a privileged few. Most activist’s don’t realize, if they succeed, the little Snowflakes will get run over by the train.
Red White & New says
Communists will always run interference for their comrads committing anarchy in guise. WAKE UP AMERICA!
Michael says
OK, So now what? We all knew that they were involved or why else would they not turn over the Info that was requested. The only ones who has something to hide are those who are guilty of wrong doing, so now what will Congress do to this guy?
Justin W says
President Obama wants to take guns away from responsible, law-abiding citizens. Maybe he should take guns away from irresponsible and incompetent government bureaucrats. The Obama administration is a greater threat to public safety than most gun owners.
Dave says
Nothing will come of it. It’s just like Hillary Clinton. The Federal Government has plenty on, on her. Obama slows down the process, after being threatened.
Godzilla_vs._KingKong says
Carl says
you all don’t get too excited about the left’s article, remember he still has Loretta Lynch protecting him. Its a short run now to retirement with full privileges and who’s going to stop him? Surely the majority of both the Senate and house held by our own elite group of Republicans can but won’t do it. So Mr. President bask in your retirement and reflect back at all the damage you have done to the country. You truly have transformed the United States of America. As a Democrat would say (Job well done).
Arthur Hartsock says
Senator Grassley (from Iowa) has been a hard-working honest public servant for a long time. He started his life as a farmer. And he is still a hard-working honest farmer transported to Washington, D.C. He hasn’t been involved in any scandals or unethical activities. Mr. Grassley needs more support from ‘go along to get along’ Republicans.
Jack Kinch says
It was obviously a very bad mistake electing him. I understand Blacks voting for him. It was first chance to vote for a black man.
Who wants to be called a racist? Who is more of a racist than Pinocchiobama?
He and Hillary MUST go AND then erase everything they did. Do not let either escape the USA.
WhiskeyMan says
“Obama busted in “Fast and Furious” cover-up”
Q: Will ‘establishmentarians’ do anything about this despicable lying moslem mamzer?
A: Doubt it! (… they’ve already been PAID OFF, ‘unsubstantiated’, to ‘look the other way!)
Q: 7 trillion dollars disappeared in 2008, and where is the ‘so-called’ GAO report of same?
A: *d’oh! (Look it up yourself, it’s now actually a recognized ‘word’! ???)
Q: What was the benefit to our Nation?
A: (see *d’oh above.)
Jeanette Rost says
So, when are we going to see the proper authorities heading to the White House, with handcuffs ready?
Ted says
“I look forward to seeing what was actually produced, and what President Obama continues to refuse to be transparent about. It shouldn’t have taken a lengthy court battle to get this far. The rest of the documents should be turned over so that the litigation can end and the American people can know the whole truth.”
You do mean so that the litigation can end with regard to the fact finding and so that the PROSECUTION can begin don’t you representative Grassley? If not, WHO CARES?! The truth in this matter is a useless waste of tax dollars spent on a dog and pony show if not followed by the swiftest of justice. Would you not agree Mr. Senator? The American people already know about what you are hoping to uncover, supposedly on our behalf. Justice is what we crave now. Plan your prosecution. Don’t wave proof positive in our faces, gloat about your success and then let the guilty walk free. You are held in very high regard by the American people. Make us proud of you yet again….Please.
FED-UP! Taxpayer/Voter Merger says
He belongs impeached, and imprisoned for several life terms without parole for treason; and the DNC belongs investigated and prosecuted under the RICO Act for organized crime and running a syndicate with the intent to defraud the American people, after all they almost tripled the National Debt in only 8 years of O-incompetent/malicious.