Republican lawmakers are fuming after a letter emerged proving that the Obama administration intends to help shield Iran from new laws meant to strengthen America’s borders.
In the letter to his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry claims America is ready to help Iran get around the new U.S. visa system checks designed to keep potential terrorists and security risks out of America.
The scandal started after Congress recently voted to tighten security requirements of its visa waiver program, which allows citizens of 38 countries to travel to the U.S. without visas. Now, people from those countries who have traveled to Iran, Iraq, Syria and Sudan in the past five years must obtain visas to enter the U.S.
Under the Obama-Iran nuclear deal push through this summer, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Obama administration had promised to refrain from any policy that would affect normalization of trade and economic relations with Iran.
In the letter to Zarif, Kerry reassured Iran that the visa law is something, “the Administration has the authority to waive,” and “will not in any way prevent us from meeting our JCPOA commitments.”
Kerry also noted in the letter to Zarif that there are “a number of potential tools available” for Obama to use to avoid the new visa restrictions for Iranian travel, including multiple entry 10-year business visas and programs for expediting business visas.
But giving Iran a free pass isn’t sitting too well with many lawmakers.
“Instead of bending over backwards to try to placate the Iranian regime, the White House needs to be holding it accountable for its recent missile tests, its continued support for terrorism, and its wrongful imprisonment of Americans,” House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, R-Calif., told Fox News.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Denise says
When will congress get up their nerve and impeach this so-called president?
Ron says
Don’t forget, Obama is half black, and half Muslim. There would be riots in the Blue City streets if this fraud was impeached. I don’t care, I live in the red state of Montana. Impeach this TRATOR!
John says
OBAMA is not half Muslin he is FULL MUSLIM and his aim is to destroy USA and he really has a good start.
He even in today’s news ready to bypass the new law by executive order and not by congress the screening of all Arab countries for entry to the US. YES he should be impeached
Al Schmidt says
By birth, Obama is half white & half black as his real father was Frank Marshal Davis. He became a Muslim through both of his Muslim step fathers. His real father taught him communism & love for jazz.
anita says
if that SON OF A BITCH is selling us out to the Muslims then he is a Traitor ,and Traitors need to go before a Firing Squad and be done away with . why is Congress allowing him to betray our Country ??? are they al Traitors too ?????then lets get rid of them too ,
Annette Howell says
I’m with you 1000% – I’ve been wanting him impeached for the last 6 years. Yes, I’m beginning to think they are all traitors in the government by allowing him to damage our country so much!!!!!!!!!! Makes me so mad but what are we going to do? How can the American public force this action since the government won’t?!?! Anybody know?
Paul says
Anita you hit it right on the head! Traitors should be shot!
Larry says
The time is NOW
As soon as he comes back from his vacation.
When he steps off the Air Force2 .
Have the handcuffs ready to put them on him.
Do it now be fore this gets out of hand.
This was planned out a long time ago. These evil people are very smart and we Americans are too trusting.The state of our country is very, very bad! We lost our moral compass and now God is not going to intervene. Obama has another 14 months to finish us off! I am not even sure that we will have another election !!
Marie says
This is Treason. There is No excuse for letting Obama and Kerry get by with this. I’m gonna call and raise some hell. I urge you to do the same. Call everybody you can think of in gov. And you people who plans to vote for Hillary THIS is what you will get. The “Let’s help the enemy take over America” Get mad at me. I don’t care.
Larry says
To the people of the united states.
Now is the time to take back our Government and our country.
It starts NOW
Walter Adams says
I believe that would be the most reasonable thing to do, however, I believe we have waited about 7 years too long.
Dan says
I am with you brother Half n half cat is out of the bag and should be impeached now so that AMERICA can begin to heal the division the black/white cat has caused in AMERICA and in countries around the world he has encouraged.
Clifford says
lying sob, phony, fraud, what else is he that he”s not
Eleanor says
He may be half white, but the other half is 43% Arab and 6% Black He even lied about his race to get elected!! The race card is null and void. He hates his white blood as well as his black blood! He gets his dark skin from his Arabic daddy folks. He’s an Arabian Muslim, as his Kenyan cousin can tell you! ROTFL. We DO NOT have a first black man in office. If Ben gets elected, he’d be the first. LoL
me says
I have been saying this for the last 3 years, all he is doing is causing more hate among the already divided Americans and religious groups!!!!!!!!!!!! Impeach HIM already and send him where he wants to be with his brothers
Eleanor says
Right now he and Killery are trying to get Latinos and Hispanics against whites, blacks, and especially Trump. Since Cruz is Latino, they attack his little girls( via The Washington Post) – howdespicable anddownright sewerdisgusting can you get?
Eleanor says
Sorry about running my words together above, but it is so disturbing when a “reputable” news source prints attacks against two little girls who innocent of any wrongdoing!!
Thomas K Masterson says
obama & hillery GO TO JAIL
Frank says
Never, if they do it will cause a fire storm here and the race card will be beat to death. He (Obummer) has already used the race card in his talk about Trump.
anita says
Frank ,obummer is in the same boat as Sharpton ,both are Racist Bigots ,
Dan says
Sharpton should be in prison NOW for tax evasion,,,,,,,,if it me or anyone else, we would be wearing prison garb .
Dave Sanders says
Obama is a Muslim and will do no harm to a Muslim! That has been his Modus Operandi since he was crowned King by the Democratic Party because he delivered a keynote address for them early on . I did not hear him so I did not know who he was no matter how hard I tried to find out but my wife heard him. Was he using monitors as he has done on every speech I have seen since. His right hand advisor Valerie Jarrett is Iranian as i have heard from many sources and it is possible she is also Muslim. She was from Chicago and was I believe instrumental in getting a lush job for Michelle and a nice piece of property for Obama at a cheap price. She was also connected with a man who at the present time is serving time in some jail. Looking ahead, he could be on the list for a pardon from Obama when he retires from his present job as emperor. That would follow suit as Bill Clinton pardoned a criminal who was jailed during his administration. I believe that man is now the father in law of Bill and Hillary Clinton”s daughter. The fruit does not fall far from the tree. This seems to be the avenue of highly ranked individuals from our government any more because we never seem to know enough about the ones we elect to high office. It may be that we value the I phones, Fantasy Football , and who is going to win the Heisman Trophy this year. I am not saying stop doing what amuses you but concentrate a little more on something as important as the person who will govern our nation. He or she should be able to straighten out this mess and make sure our borders are secured, our country is safe from Muslim Terroists, and the person the President selects to be our Secretary of State is not a perpetual liar and does not advise the enemy (Iran ) of methods to circumvent our laws to prevent illegal entry for the purpose of deadly attack. We are Americans and it is about time we started acting like it. Our Congress just sold us out ; especially the new Speaker of the House and he should be high on the list to replace next term. Add that to tthe list along with Marco Rubio and the other Senators involved in submitting B153 to allow unlimited Muslims in to our country. This was our present day trojan horse. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Dave Sanders 706 356 4164 .
Sondra Dailey says
Thank you for your comments. I believe they are noteworthy & true. We will probably never know again the USA of old & that’s sad. Think the only person in our cast of the GOP who can stand up to the Demos is Trump.
Sondra Dailey
Brian says
Very well stated Dave Sanders
Shirley says
Amen. America is in terrible trouble and mostly because of her leaders. Wake up majority of America’s people before it is too late. Maybe it is already too late. God please help America.
Shirley says
What does that mean “awaiting moderation”?????
patsy miller says
Your last sentence, Shirley, is our ONLY HOPE!! GOD!!
And it is our Country that has shunned and turned away GOD and any and everything that pertains to HIM and HIS WORD and WAYS! It is our Country that needs to humble ourselves before HIM and repent of all our wicked ways before a Holy GOD. We are reaping the consequences of a Godless nation!
Donald says
Amen! You know that Trump is a marked man. All in the upper ranks of government are afraid of Trump, even the unions. Trump will ruin their way of life and expuse them for what they are. I’m for Donald Trump and hope he can overcome and survives. Pray that in this coming election Hillary won’t get elected. All those on the government’s purse strings and those who don’t take the time to get informed will vote for the one who will keep providing the free-be’s. Hillary is an Obama reincarnate! A democracy only lasts approx 250 years until the voters realize they can vote in the one’s who will provide and they don’t have to work. We are in this stage. It happened during the Roman Impire which resulted in their downfall. I stand with you all…we need to get Obumer out!!!
Amen !
Jim Evans says
I agree with you one million % Dave Sanders.
Shirley Cairme-Garcia says
As occurring in other countries, it is like the poor selling their votes. The poor in this country of ours always like handouts and will vote for politicians who do such things, mostly the socialist politicians and those tied to communists parties especially in the early days of their life. The present administration seems bend in destroying America. The very big increase in our country’s debt occur in this administration and the last one now is allowing us to join free passageway with our communist neighbor, namely Cuba.
anita says
just look at obummers nasty looking snout !!!
You read my mind! All I know is when we turned our back on God to whom we founded our nation and began to worship the Golden Calf. Even our currency says in God we trust. Is it too late? I don’t know. I do know that our Whitehouse is FULL of muslims
and the sick joke is on us.
willr3 says
Exactly. This is a clear case of TREASON. Get a Twofer and impeach Obama plus put Kerry away for life.
anita says
obummer and Kerry are traitors ,they sold America down the drain and got big money from Iran for treason against America , wake up all you IDIOTS who are on obummers side
Please include the Clintons!
Tammy says
WHAT IS THIS? The article proves that Mr. Kerry, by his own oral and taped admission, is actively and materially “Aiding and abetting enemies of the United States of America”. These are Secretary of State John Kerry’s own words in a letter to his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif, that he- Kerry- reassured Iran that the visa law is something, “the Administration has the authority to waive,” and “will not in any way prevent us from meeting our JCPOA commitments.”
“Kerry also noted in the letter to Zarif, that there are “a number of potential tools available” for Obama to use to avoid the new visa restrictions for Iranian travel, including multiple entry 10-year business visas and programs for expediting business visas.”
From my memory of a recent reading of the Constitution this constitutes Treason. And what an outright, overt, act of TREASON! And our(?) Congress is okay with it? Must be, as all they do is sit around scrahching thier butts. It seems it is any Secretary of State’s authority to do as they do as they are told and “get paid for”. The Honorable, or is it Horrible, Hilliary Clinton bragged she did it while Secretary of State. She even okayed selling our Uranium to Russia. The contract went through a “Clinton Foundation” subsidiary company so that is alright, according to congress.
So, it may be that Secretary of State John Kerry was only doing what he was “paid for.” How much did you get for your act of Treason, Johnny-boy??? “Just following orders” isn’t, ever, an excuse for Treason. During times of war, people were killed on the spot for Treason! He and Obama should be glad they have an anti-American congress that looks the other way. Jerks like this make me sick.
Why are you so surprised? This started the very day Obama became president! I have never been screwed so much and so hard, and gotten nothing out of it !!!!
Ben says
He doesn’t need to just to be impeached–all of the Muslim infiltration of our government and society needs to be removed.
Teddy Tys says
Denise you are right on, so is all the above reply’s. Obama has committed several acts of aiding and abetting the enemy that will stand up in court for a conviction and the charge is treason. You can throw Kerry in with the same charge. They have both conspired to commit treason. I believe you can also put Hillary in the same category.
Charge all three with treason.
We have freedom of Religion in America and no test of Religion to hold public office. BUT; is there anything in the constitution that demands that we, the USA, must accept a Religion that has in it’s fundamental doctrine that it must be the state Religion and has the God given right to kill all other Religions that does not accept it’s ideology?
This is very dangerous people to be in our political offices. They will chip away at our constitution and laws just like they have done in European and other countries until they, the Islamic ideology becomes the state Religion!
How do you think they have become 57 Nations of Islam with growing influences in 179 additional countries?
The people we elected to do just that will not do anything about it!
Dennis Forbach says
For what, doing his job in spite of republican do nothing congress, except start wars and not pay the bills.
Democrat s or nothing!!!!!
Bob says
Never, Denise. The RINOs in charge of the Republican House and Senate must be benefitting from their support of Obama. Why else would they (the Establishment Types) continue to fund everything Obama wants? The House leadership are all corrupt. Just look at that weasel Paul Ryan and all his committee chairmen; they all voted for the very bad Obama and Democrat funding bill they call a budget. This tells me they should be Primary(ed) out next year. I will not vote for my congressman ever again.
Gaby says
The worst president that ever existed He got his Noble price fir being the worst president and also needs to go into the World genius books the stupidest president destroying America.
Impeach the idiot.
Thomas K Masterson says
4americans died & obama & hillaryLIED BENGHAZI TERRORIST ATTACK
Thomas K Masterson says
obama & hillary should spend the rest of there life in JAIL Thomas k Masterson
Karrie says
Our government is helping make the world more frightening. I am afraid for the young people who will face a much more fearful future than I did.
Tammy says
As do I, Karrie. Our grand-children will not know what Freedom means, or, feels like. However, as a wise man said, “One can never miss what one has never had.” With all the reminders that will survive, they can piece together what it could have been. Once that reality strikes home, we can hope they will pity us for being so stupid instead of hating us for our pc complacency.
“One can only hope and pray. If they be so cowardly as to not fight!” Quote my friend and bestest man, Steve.
Larry says
Time to do a all outright cleaning of the White House and get rid of the dirty laundry.
The time is now because its over do,
Ether we stop it now or there will be nothing left of this country a year from now.
Lets get on board and take back our white House and our country,
This is why Obama wants to take our guns! All Hell is going to erupt and he wants us to be with out any help at all. I believe we will see them kick in our doors and either kill or imprison us when we try to fight back.
Linda Thomas says
Instead of “fuming”, why don’t the Republican Congressmen and Congresswomen get up off their fat asses and DO SOMETHING??? They are worthless to us as they are, the entire lot of them. Owned by special interests of every kind, they can’t speak up and throw us under the bus with their silence and lack of action every day. God help us if Trump doesn’t win this election.
C. J. says
Obama has destroyed the U.S.A. and I can’t believe he has not been
Impeached. He is a Muslin and a crook….saying he was a Foreign
came and got educated in U.S.A. …. he can’t be born in Hawaii and
be a foreigner too. His “Father’s Dream” has turned out to be
Obama’s Dream….living in the early days …. when Britian headed
up some many colonies in other countries (today independent).
Even Obama’s half brother (who’s Father had many wives)..says
Obama is not in touch or accepts the world of Kenya …continues
to spend and live with his life style and many vacations like an Emperor.
Even in 2011, traveled to London with a Staff of over 200 people with
chief, own drinking water and many vehicle….all at Tax Payers expense.
Has NEVER set a good example…continues to keep boarders open to
who ever wants to enter U.S.A. Books will be written about him as the
Worst President Ever of U.S.A.
Obama smoked marijuana in college and from all he has been doing
since in Office …… must still be smoking….his thinking is indicative
of Worst U.S.A. Leadership…AND DRIVING U.S.A. INTO BIGGEST
DEBT IN HISTORY…Now 18 Trillion Dollars.
C.J. Parker
big red says
GOD bless TRUMP 13 months to go
Mike says
amen Trump may impeach him
I hope all Americans will rise up and elect Donald Trump. He will fight for us and together we can “Make America Great Again”Hillary is a female jackel Obama!!
Laurie says
God help us if he IS the nominee. It would be the 1st time in 50 years that I didn’t vote or voted 3rd party!
Laurie you may not like him but he is the only one that can beat Hillary. And he loves our country! Hillary is another Obama and she and her husband are thieves, murderers and liars! You should go to freedom watch and read up on them !!Their reign og terror has been going on since the seventies!!
willr3 says
Linda, You hit the nail on the head. Mr. Trump is our only hope. And neither side of the aisle D or R crooks in D C want him. We must fight to get him in office, They will try all the dirty tricks they know to rig the primaries so Trump does not get the nomination. Karl Rove is the worst dirt bag of the GOP PAC, I tun off FOX every time they put his pig face on to comment.
Shirley Cairme-Garcia says
As for me, Mr. Trump is very narcissistic and bombastic and say things at times without thinking very well what he says. I like a more refined candidate like Carla Fiorina.
Melody says
Would you rather have someone like Donald Trump who will tell you he truth, whether you like it or not, or do you want to continue with liars?
Tammy says
It seems Obama must ‘have something’ on all of them. Is that possible? Well, all of his spying on “everyone” could well be a cover to single out the ones he really wants ‘the goods on.’ Sort of like the idiot that wants to kill one person so goes into the same location– a school, theater, shopping mall,etc. Any crowded place, so it looks like a “shooting spree by a deranged person”, instead of out-and-out murder. The ‘mass killer’ doesn’t get a needle full of poison in a prison, but a needle full of thorazine or the like in some psych hospital. “Deranged”? Me, too!
Ben says
Buy a gun. Buy lots of guns and, join a patriot group.
Dam straight!!!!!!!!
Robert says
I still can not understand why our Military can not arrest this tyrannical president and remove him out of office. I will never get it. He has broken laws time after time and nothing from congress or the military. What was the landslide victory in 2012 about then if not to protect us. Obamas oath of office in part reads to defend and uphold the constitution and defend us from all enemies foreign and domestic?
ida says
Yeah!!! It’s time to arrest him for TREASON!!
The so called Congress has to impeach and then the military will take him into custody. Don’t look for them to do it as they have sold us out!I look for Obama to call martial law for some reason and stop the election. Then he will remain in control of us!
Sal says
Did you expect anything else from this low life Socialist, Muslim, Traitor? Nothing he does surprises me! My question is, what else will he do to help destroy our country in the year he has left?
Eldridge Vinson says
It is absolutely unbelievable what President Obama is getting away with…..the way he is running the show, by-passing the Congress and belittling the Constitution, while evidence abounds that He is not protecting us and keeping our nation secure! How long will Congress sit on the sidelines and let Obama continue to destroy our country? He said he would change things and boy has he do son!!! Apparently we have many spineless leaders in Congress…..”No Guts and therefore, No Glory!!!” Our enemies are laughing at us, taking advantage of our weak, cowardly leadership in Washington. There is a minority that is faithfully and courageously standing by the Old Ship of State…..refusing to surrender to the liberal, left-wing faction. They can’t do it alone. What will have to further happen before impeachment becomes the order of the day? I personally conclude the time is NOW!
Tammy says
Eldridge Vinson, you put my thoughts and feelings into words. So elegantly too: The “spineless leaders in Congress”
followed with the reminder of “our weak, cowardly leadership in Washington”. Exactly what I believe, but in a more acceptable, polite language. When it comes to describing the asx hole usurping and defiling our White House, the anger builds inside me and I revert to four-letter words.
Richard says
The RINO house is as useless to conservatives as the house filled with dumbocraps was.
Tammy says
Yes, they ARE the same thing, useless. Arizona is finally going to dump McCain. I haven’t voted for the clown in 3 elections.
Tony says
If there ever is to be an Anti-Christ. This profound IDIOT is it!!
Tammy says
Amen, Tony, amen!
Brenda Collins says
He is a traitor. I have never referred to him as “President”. I refer to him as the resident imposter potus . This is the reason that we voted in 2014 and gave the Republicans the majority, and they go and vote in Paul Ryan, Bohner’s twin, another RINO, and pass the Omnibus Bill, all but 95 Republicans!!! All RINOs!!! People can’t understand why we want Trump, an outsider. #1, He is willing to Make America Great Again”, and with God’s help, he will. 2. He put up his own money to run, not relying on other’s money, which makes him not beholding to anyone. 3. He is going to make a great President. 4. He loves this country. 5. He is a decent man, and, sure, he has his faults, and he has to deal with those between him self and God. 6. We don’t need another politician, we need one of we the people to president, and I believe Donald Trump can and will. Amen and Amen
Tammy says
I will vote for Mr. Trump even if I must write-in his mane. In fact, if he is not on the ballot we must write-in his name. Please, do not say you will, then cop-out and vote for Obamaclone, or even worse, don’t vote at all.
Tammy says
NAME, not mane. Fingers move faster than the keyboard can register!!!!!
CBDreczko says
I am not doubting that the letter mentioned exists, but I am saying that if it does exist then best to show it rather than simply refer to it. I never did like this administration but hey give the people the real proof.
Roger says
Obama, the Muslim sympathizer, getting ready to go out of his way to kiss the behinds of this terrorist regime once again! Iran which is already in violation of the drop-dead, stupid one-sided “deal” made earlier with them with two missle launches DOES NOT deserve any kind of special treatment! Enough is enough with these sponsors of terrorism!
Gary Smith says
He has to help Valarie Jarret.
Danny Stewart says
America is in grave danger from all sides. However, the greatest danger is from the commie muslim pos potus in the WH. We can defeat any external enemy, but the internal enemy will kill the US, especially since the dems have been completely taken over by the communists & the repubs aren’t far behind. GOD, please help us.
Tammy says
You are right. He must be eliminated. Eliminated ASAP!
John Tucker says
It is time to either impeach this son of a bitch or put him in front of a firing squad and have shot for treason. If that does not happen then it is time for a revolt and eliminate this asshole ourselves. Obama’s dream is America’s nightmare and will be our downfall. Time to rise up true citizens of America and take our country back from our corrupt government.
Tammy says
John, I would vote for the firing squad. And pay for the necessary cartridges.
Larry says
I do think that would help solve a lot of problems ,
No need for a trial and save the tax payers a lot$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$’
We have been taking this for 30 plus years,
The hard working people of this country have seen our tax dollars wasted ,
Then still wanting to cut every program to fill the rich mans pockets at the cost of our labor.
I stand with Burnie Sanders and Trump.
They both have my support and I hope they team up.
This is what our country needs NOW.
These two men will make this country great a gain.
The people of the UNITED STATES Demand our government back and our country,
We will not settle for any thing less.
Dianna Lansdowne says
We already know that Obama, Jarrett etc. are corrupt but what is just as upsetting is our Congress that seems to have no power to do anything about this. All they do is have meetings and waste the American peoples’ money. They are a joke including the Republicans.
Tammy says
It seems like they are in on the deal to sell us and our Country down the drain. As long as they get some huge amount they don’t give a hoot about us. “Hurray for me. F you!”, is the New Motto of Congress. It’s: “Every man for himself!” now. Grab what you can and f your neighbor every way you can.
It started with George Bush and his partner, Dick Cheney. going to make billions of dollars, for their families by stealing oil. using the military as a front. Also a ARMED CAR. disappeared with a Billion Dollars! I am quiet sure It’s in some Swiss Bank. Under Dick Cheney 60 % George Bush 40% of the take. They got rid of SIRDON WHOSAN! Now look who took his place! SISI !!
connie says
Iran giving a free pass? This is one of the most dangerous moves that Obama has done to our people. That is aiding and abetting the enemies.
Iran is an enemy, and with no other purpose by the Ayatollahs but to infiltrate the US, and finally take over for their god.
Tammy says
Who appointed him? We must get rid of the illuminati-controlled Electoral College. What do we get from most colleges today? College-educated idiots, that is all. They may know a lot, but do not know how to put any of it to good, practical use . So they, like doctors, practice and experiment to see what they can get away with. Then, they EXPLOIT the hell out of it. That is how we got into this mess. Greed and Lust for Power. Power? It is only ‘power’ IF someone gives into it. I say, “Shove your “Power” up your “Power”less behind and see what that does for ou.
Dave Ngbea says
What gives you people the right to be so righteous and mean? This is the President who took out Bin Ladin and countless number of terrorist operatives, and continues drone strikes on terrorist strong holds up to this minute. Mr. Sanders, your words are inflammatory and unfair.
Bill Skahan says
America is being sold out by a lawless POTUS and the Congress has no stones to stop him. Congress is as complisant as potus and both have violated their oath of office to serve and protect the Constitution against all enemy’s forigen and demostic1. Clearly that’s not being done. citizens need to stand up and hold them accountable to us who sent the there to serve us. Until that happens They will continue to destroy America and right now they are winning. STAND UP SPEAK UP before it’s to late and time is running out.
ida says
Hold on to your hats boys and girls we have one more year of this ass and his administration! Hopefully he’ll just go golf, as that’s all he’s good for. I’m praying GOD will Bless and hold the REAL AMERICANS safely in HIS hands while this bozo continues his STUPIDITY!!!
Larry O'Connell says
Enough is enough…. Impeach, Impeach, Impeach. How blind is our society not to see what has become of our great country. Send a message to congress that Donald Trump will turn the tables upside down when elected. These lawless members of congress must go. They all are nothing more than blood sucking parasites of society.
Lining there own pockets at the expense of all Americans. The trouble with todays society is the offspring of the Woodstock crowd are in decision making positions.
Larry says
Not So Free says
What do you expect from the
Muslim-in-Chief ?
mike says
Since a letter emerged that is proof on paper. A fact that can’t be denied, So let’s hope it isn’t lost or stolen Somebody needs to make copies of it and quick
Gary says
Well, that was an interesting read all the way down to here. All I can say is, Welcome to the party. Where were all of you in 2007 or better yet let’s not just back up and blame Bush. How about Clinton and the anti-American morals of that bunch. But here we are. Now blaming Congress and the White House. Wow. Did any one of you ask yourself how these guys (All 537 of them) got to where they are today? I’m 73 years old but maybe we should go back and take a look at what we allowed to happen in our education system to let our younger generations have such contempt for our country and system of government. This isn’t the system of Government I grew up in. For instance, From day one, where was the Constitution on the qualifications to become President in the first place? Is there NO testing or Proof of who we are and what we did? Also Where is the Constitution (supposedly ‘The law of the Land) on allowing the President to by-pass Congress and write his own laws about everything he disagrees with? Is any of the Constitution taught in any of our schools today? Except for how to circumnavigate it in Harvard and Yale! If you have children, go ask them who they would like to see elected this time.
If you want to know what is coming in 2016, let me give you a quick sinopsis of what to expect. Besides letting everyone from any country into our country. He (O-bomb-her)will be releasing more prisoners onto our streets! Also closing down Gitmo and giving the land back to Cuba! Next he will issue another order to “Disarm everyone” and Police will only have to have “Night-sticks”, like the old England days. Next, he has his own army of thugs and anyone else in our armed service who want to join his to shut down our military and issue his own militia to control the dismantling of America. After that it will be easy for him to decrea himself ruler of the Western World. Who can oppose that?
Start remembering when you point that finger, there are three pointing back at YOU!
Let’s start cleaning up the mess before it gets too deep!
Charlene Halgren says
Isn’t this the last straw? Where is the House of Representatives? Why don’t they start impeachment proceedings? He has committed treason several times and Congress just let’s him. I hope every American is watching their Representatives and Senators action or non-action on impeachment. The People , who are the government, want Obama impeached.
Larry says
Better but 3 pairs of hand cuffs on him when he steps on to American soil getting off Air Force 2
Happy new year MR president.
Mike says
We all know their isn’t anyone in congress that has the balls to do anything to anyone in the white house. They’re a bunch of sissys. All they care about is getting reelected and filling their own pockets.Don’t forget about Jesse Jackson as racists.This is why I have never trusted anyone that wants to run for anything.If they aren’t crooked going in.They will when the get there. I agree,we let certain people take GOD out of everything.We have nothing left.All we can do is PRAY that the right people are voted in next year
andrew sankey says
We need a 10 million man march on washington and make congress impeach him and whoever is against this get rid of them too.
This is a government of the people and this is what we want.
sooz22 says
I hate to waste words re this POS. Simply IMPEACH him and try him for TREASON.
Jack M says
Nobody is talking about the one person who can really fix this nation . . . Dr. Ben Carson. He has given answers to all the problems and nobody is paying attention. He might be outspoken, like some of the rest of them, but he is the one who stops for a moment and thinks about the right things to say. If you listen to him, you will start to here what he is saying. I think everyone in politics is afraid of him . . . he has no commitments, he will owe nothing to anyone and all his donations are coming from the people . . . not big business that wants something in return. Wake up America, he is the one and only candidate for this tough job.
LEAH says
Sharon Gookin says
All of these comments are right but they will do absolutely no good at all if everyone who made them does not get ahold of their congressmen and representatives and demand that they get some guts and do something about it. Let them know that if they do not do something and we are not made aware that they have promoted impeachment, they will be the next to go. Preaching to the choir just lets us know that there are a lot of us feeling the same way.
Jerry Dixon says
I contacted my senator Rubio, I am from Florida, I also contacted McCain. I got a form letter from McCain informing that he would consider what I said when it came to a vote, What I said had nothing to do with a vote. At least I got a form letter from him. Rubio never replied to my letter and it was sent months ago. Rubio could care less about the American people and he surely doesn’t deserve to be President he isn’t what America needs right now, We don’t need another do nothing politician. After what I read about Rubio he thinks he got the Presidency locked up cause of the backers he has and he will futher destroy America.
missourisam says
Why would anybody be shocked that Obama and Kerry, America haters both, would conspire to prevent terrorist from entering the USA. Obama is an illegal alien muslim, and Kerry should have been executed as a traitor in the early seventies.
David Ben Moshe says
Obama is a Muslim triator hiding his treason under the guise of humane treatment.
David Ben Moshe says
Obama is a Muslim traitor hiding his treason under the guise of humane treatment.
Joe S. says
THIS SCUMBAG SO CALLED PRESIDENT NEEDS TO BE IMPEACHED, We need to start an IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT MOVEMENT, WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH……. he uses his color and arrogance to ruin this country , he and his so called wife need to be ousted, if they hate this country so much let them go somewhere else the both of them……………….and they can take hillary and kerry with them and don’t forget pelosi……………………………IMPEACH HIM WRITE CALL OR EMAIL AND TWEET YOUR CONGRESSMAN NOW AND LET HIM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL COME ON FOLKS JUST DO IT BEFORE IT’S TO LATE DOOOOO ITTT……….
John kastran says
Even though Trump is a bit rough, he speaks the truth and from a “blue collar” perspective. We need to stop Obama NOW , not allow him another year in office. It isNOT a racial issue, it’ an American issue.Wake up congress!
Fran says
All that is necessary for evil to win is that Good folks do Nothing.
There is talk and talk and talk…
Where is the ACTION???? from the Good folks?????
Where are the Protest????…except on line..
Jerry Dixon says
When is America going to stop this destruction of America, Obama continues to break the laws, He continues to bypass the congresses, Don’t forget about Kerry he was a traitor to the Vietnam Veterans and now he is following Obama in his plot to bring America to its knees. Maybe Kerry’s Iranian son in law has converted him to be a muslim that is the mission of all muslims. The time has come for the congresses to do something to about these two radical in the Obama administration. Something should have been done a very long time ago when Obama bypassed the congresses. I hope its not to late, Another four years with the likes of Hillary will be the total destruction of America as we know it she is just another Obama in a pants suit. Its time for our law makers to do the job they were elected for. If they don’t want to do it if its not to late, the next election Vote them out. This was the job of the republicans cause they are in control to impeach Obama.
Jerry Dixon says
Freedom of Speech is an American right and The Horn encourages healthy debate. If this is true why have my comments not been posted. Or is the Freedom of Speech comment just lip service? Jerry Dixon
James says
This is treason. And Obama and all the democrats need executed. And anyone stupid enough to vote for them needs executed also.
Justin W says
President Obama hates America. President Obama has worked non-stop to destroy America. I can’t believe people were stupid enough to re-elect this guy.