There’s a reason even many of Hillary Clinton’s biggest supporters don’t fully trust her. They worry she will say just about anything to get elected. And evidence says, they’re right.
She calls her ever-shifting views a sign she is “evolving,” but others would call it something else entirely.
“You wonder if it is a pivot or whether she is saying what the moment demands,” liberal activist Sally Kohn told CNN.
Even kids, who are normally more trusting, see right through her.
“I feel like she’s trying to appeal to young women and liberals but it doesn’t seem like she genuinely cares about the issues she says she cares about,” teen activist and blogger Alexis Isabel Moncada told The Daily Beast. “She changes her ideals a lot.”
Here’s how Clinton has changed her views on five issues that will play a key role in the 2016 presidential race:
#1 Immigration
If there is a position to be held on immigration, odds are she has held it at some point or another.
“I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants,” she said in 2003. “People have to stop employing illegal immigrants.”
Her position was so firm that a conservative commentator called her remarks “Pat Buchanan-esque.”
Even as recently as 2014 she said the unaccompanied children crossing the border should be “sent back.”
“We have to send a clear message: Just because your child gets across the border doesn’t mean your child gets to stay,” she said.
Now, this popular issue in the 2016 presidential election has seen Clinton apologize for even using the word “illegal” to describe clearly illegal activity, come out in favor of giving them access to Obamacare, and claim she even wants to offer a “path to citizenship.”
#2 Trans-Pacific Partnership
You might say she was for it before she was against it.
Back in 2008, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the TPP “the gold standard” of trade deals.
Today, as Bernie Sanders picks up working-class supporters who oppose TPP because it will send American jobs overseas, Clinton came out against the deal and even tried her hand at revisionist history.
She has insisted several times that she said she “hoped” it would be the gold standard.
But that’s a lie.
“This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field,” is the actual quote.
#3 Debt Ceiling
Some of the biggest Washington battles in recent years have been on raising the debt ceiling.
When Republicans demanded a little fiscal responsibility before passing even more debt down to future generations, Clinton noisily accused them of being obstructionists and said raising that limit is just “common sense.”
But as senator during the presidency of George W. Bush, she voted repeatedly against raising the debt ceiling.
“Raising this debt limit while embracing policies that further exacerbate the deficit is in essence a ‘children’s tax,’ a burden borne not by this Administration or this Congress, but by our sons, our daughters and our grandchildren,” she said during one of those occasions. “It is for these reasons that I oppose this increase in the debt limit.”
Well, which one is it?
#4 Gun Control
This one isn’t just a flip-flop. It’s an impressive flip-flop-flip. Clinton supported strict gun control as first lady and as a senator from New York, calling on the Feds to enact a national gun licensing and registration program.
When she ran for president in 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama campaigned on a platform of strict gun control – so Clinton ran quickly to the other side of the issue, saying the federal government shouldn’t impose “blanket rules.”
Today, she has come full circle, and like rival Sanders is pushing again for stricter gun control and universal background checks.
#5 Gay Marriage
It may be hard to believe today, but Hillary Clinton was once a passionate defender of traditional marriage… or so it seemed.
“I believe marriage is not a bond, but a sacred bond between a man and a woman,” she said in 2004 while promising to stand up for “the sanctity of marriage” as senator from New York.
Clinton said marriage “exists between a man and a woman going back into the mists of history as one of the foundational institutions of history and humanity and civilization – and that its primary, principal role during those millennia has been the raising and socializing of children for the society into which they are to become adults.”
Today, of course, she is all for gay marriage.
Given a shift in the political winds, Clinton’s convictions will shift whichever way the votes push her.
With Clinton, only one thing is really certain — that she’ll say whatever she has to say to get elected in 2016.
– The Horn editorial staff
Main Street says
She is what she is. Despicable. However, what kind of citizens do we have who would even consider voting for her?
Peter says
Stupid citizens.
nj says
Ah, but never under estimate the power of stupid people in large numbers…
Example: Obama
ees says
I agree. This extremely low class citizen will say and lie about anything that her supporters want to hear. If she should become president , Her and Obama are making deals, Obama will not prosecute her for the emails, if she appointments him to the supreme court. Interesting plan. Bernie called into the Whitehouse by Obama to tell him to get out of the race and he can be Secretary of State.
Fred says
Pretty much anyone who will typically …to kind of quote John F. Kennedy…ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you. Can you give me welfare? Free Medical? Subsidized Housing? Free Phones AND Free Minutes? Preference for any job, although I have no real desire to work, only to receive a check? And on and on go the list not of requests, but of demands. I demand that you give me more; I am entitled!
Wendy says
Citizens who aren’t given much of a choice. Any truly responsible candidate will:
1) Get bought off by the Establishment
2) Get so much mud (real or manufactured) thrown at them that they’re forced to withdraw
3) Get smeared so badly that nobody supports them, even if they don’t withdraw
4) Get “disappeared” (a.k.a. “committed suicide,” had an fatal “accident,” etc.)
jackel says
How did Bozo win last election, voter fraud in a few swing states. According to the Columbus Dispatch, one out of every five registered voters in Ohio is ineligible to vote. In at least two counties in Ohio, the number of registered voters exceeded the number of eligible adults who are of voting age. In northwestern Ohio’s Wood County, there are 109 registered voters for every 100 people eligible to vote. An additional 31 of Ohio’s 88 counties have voter registration rates over 90%, which most voting experts regard as suspicious. Obama miraculously won 100% of the vote in 21 districts in Cleveland, and received over 99% of the vote where GOP inspectors were illegally removed.
anita says
the clinton bitch is a piece of shit like obuma ,there are too many idiots still believing the lies they get told by those two lying assholes ,the stupid cows in this Country are too stupid to know what’s right and will vote for those two lying pieces of garbage anyway ,
Carlo says
anita says
the Clinton Bitch has Liar written all over her Snout ,she belongs in a muddy Barnyard with the rest of the Pigs
Robert says
Why are you insulting pigs?
Connie Webb says
Yes she is????can’t wait until she is put in prison!!!!!!
Connie Webb says
Those who are uninformed or dumb!! Do your “homework” read about the canidates and make you decision based on what you have learned! Don’t vote on someone just because “they are a woman” !!!
Becky says
I have been told by a women from up north that its not about Hilary it’s about the 2-3 Supreme Court Justices that she would put in. I was wearing my “I Like Ben” button on and started up a conversation with, “No one could be stupid enough to vote for Hilary! Well she said, “Its about getting liberal judges and them tilting the power in our Nation:( “
Steve says
She calls her ever-shifting views a sign she is “evolving.”
Yeah, evolving from an ignorant bitch to a stoopid crack.
I wanna barf…all over her!
Linda Abernathy says
I ones that arise from the grave and of course the college student and seniors in nursing homes that she has picked up to vote for her, another Obama slug
dick says
she has no class and does not deserve to be a first lady
why would anyone vote for her
Peter says
Because they are stupid.
Fred says
And greedy, don’t forget greedy.
anita says
Dick ,there are too many stupid idiots in our country who don’t have the Brains to wipe their asses ,and will vote for the Bitch Clinton and Traitor Obuma ,because the Idiots are Brain Dead .
JJ says
Hillary Clinton is a very, very frightening analog of a guy in the world’s past history who went by the first name of Adolph. You might also want to include the first names of Jozef, Mao and Pol to that illustrious little group of colossal megalomaniacs. However, if the American people are dumb enough to elect some like Hillary Clinton to be our next president (and possibly our last), then we’re merely marching right off the cliff like bunch of human lemurs. I wonder if ANYONE would even DARE to take responsibility for being so utterly clueless about the evil that is in our midst on a day to day basis?
Wendy says
At least those were devils you knew. Predictable. Hillary’s a loose cannon.
Connie Webb says
I think some people are waking up! But there are those who want her in office just because she is a woman???? jail is where she will end up soon!!!!! She is finally going to pay for her lies and everything else! she has either lied or tried to cover up everything she has done????????
dick says
she has no class
and does not and is not qualified to be a first lady
Peter says
She can’t be a First Lady anymore. But she can be first b*tch president. God forbid!
Wendy says
Don’t know that there ever were “qualifications” for a First Lady. (Except, perhaps, putting up with a husband throughout a Presidential campaign.)
Connie Webb says
Or a president???????? she is in big trouble now and won’t be able to do anything about it! She is going to jail!!!!!
Robert says
She was already “First Lady” for 8 years. —— SHE ran the country for 8 years! —– Nancy Reagan did a much better job of thst, even with her astrologers.
Why should the “Sea Witch” get another shot to make it even worse?
max surkont says
She still is better than all the silly buffoons the GOP is offering!!
bob says
Max lives under a rock
Peter says
Max is a rock.
Don says
Why would you want to insult a rock?
jon says
The only buffoon running on either side is her.
Wendy says
Why anyone is supporting a candidate that’s already committed impeachable-level offenses before even securing their party’s nomination is proof of why America’s crashing and burning.
Carole says
They re-elected her husband even though they saw what he was.
terence says
“She still is better than all the silly buffoons the GOP is offering!!”
Perhaps, but that can’t be a sufficient argument to elect her as president – what is required is a first class, positive and honest personality as president that the nation and world can look up to.
anita says
Max you are a bigger Idiot than a baboon ,
Tom Rutledge says
the voters who vote for any currant elected official do not want a future for our once great country, we need term limits to get us out of the hole the congress and senate has buried us in. Why are so many billions of dollars just given to country’s who hate us, with no strings attached, it has been going on for years and if we don’t make changes, they will bury us forever. While I think Donald Trump has very rough edges at least no one has him in their pocket, he cannot be bought. We need him to break up the money grubbers in WA DC
Eleanor says
Max still hasn’t got a clue does he? I don’t think his elevator goes past the first floor labeled ‘Liberal Democrats’.
J H says
she isn’t better than anyone….not even Bozo the Clown
andreas elias stradis says
Mrs Clinton demonstrates what most if not all of the political (dare I say) elite do every hour of their time on this planet. This way today – the opposite way tomorrow. How can mere humans like us possibly ever vote for a chosen leadership to trust with our lives and our deaths? For the lives of our ageing parents – our ageing children – our ageing pets, dogs, cats, cars, roads, homes and pensions! Who do we elect and what must they do? How about stripping away all incomes for being a politician and providing each one with accommodation and food during the time they “serve” their Nation? Each one can offer their services and we elect them if they have a commitment charter which is legally binding. To serve. If they are good – we the stupid ones will know and they can serve “another Term” I can write a book on this stuff but look back at how the ancient Greeks did it bro n sis!
Wendy says
Because if you strip their income, you restrict the field to “independently wealthy,” and it’s proven that wealth alone creates the sort of elitist attitude that has so many Americans feeling the disconnect with Washington. Better off putting a cap on campaign spending.
Wendy says
Oh, yeah.. And the Greeks did it by RANDOM DRAW. No elections. How many average citizens would WANT their entire lives upset of a whole month? They grumble enough at jury duty!
Howard Sonn says
She needs to go to JAIL for all she did 4 dead REAL AMERICANS.
Kevin Beck says
There is a word for this despicable piece of filth: Opportunist.
There are a few more words for her, but they are not words that I would bother to say in a friendly conversation.
Joe says
Leadership, responsibility, entigrity, commitment and courage. Traits you should have in a president, but will not find in Hillary
Eleanor says
But Donald Trump has those qualities, Leadership, responsibility, integrity, commitment and courage, Joe. And furthermore, THIS IS WHY I WILL VOTE FOR TRUMP….???????? #VoteTrump2016
Trump is not a lifetime politician, which is EXACTLY why America needs him to straighten out our debt & deficit.
. Trump is NOT a Muslim
• Trump will not stir a race war.
• Trump will not leave any US soldiers in Benghazi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims.
• Trump will not send the US Navy to fight for Syrian Al-Qaeda.
• Trump will not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East.
• Trump will not betray Israel.
• Trump will not provide financing and technology to Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
• Trump will not give our military secrets to China.
• Trump will not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia.
• Trump will not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans.
• Trump will not cripple our economy.
• Trump will not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars.
• Trump will not double African American unemployment.
• Trump will not increase welfare recipients to all-time high levels.
• Trump will not sign an Executive Order to execute and imprison Americans.
• Trump will not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay.
• Trump will not steal your rights, violate U.S. Constitutional law, or commit treason dozens of times, unlike the current traitor currently occupying the White House.
Trump is being ripped apart in the news nonstop; Barrack Hussein, Hillary Clinton, and the other criminals occupying our government, are not.
The media IS the Democratic Party. Save your culture. Stop listening to them.
Trump has said NOTHING derogatory about MEXICANS. He has said what American citizens already KNOW to be true: this country must close its borders to ILLEGAL Immigration otherwise we will no longer be defined as a nation!
Donald Trump is not part of the government/media complex
geobcon says
She epitomizes the definition of political correctness which is ” trying to pick up a piece of excrement by the clean end”
Justin W says
Hillary Clinton hearkens back to the day when politicians would change their position on an issue depending on what group they were talking to. That worked good in an earlier day, but today’s social media and video cameras make that more difficult to pull off.
The story is right. Hillary will say whatever needs to be said to get elected. I’m going to guess that she will govern as a radical if elected.
Joe M says
Can you a imagine if she actually wins and becomes the first woman president? She will have to out a Chasity belt on Bill and not allow any cigars in the oval office. There won’t a woman working in or near the WH that would be safe from that pervert ! As the other pervert that was in the White house once said “Ask not what your country can do for? Ask what you can do for Me?
Robert says
Hmmmm. —- Interesting thought. —– Of course, I once talked to someone who worked in the White House back then who intimated to me that she “liked the ladies” just as much as he did. — Interesting rumor……
Violet says
Killary is an evil, despicable, egocentric piece of trash who will do, and say, anything to get what she wants. Heaven help us if this she devil is elected.
Ann valenzuela says
She cares for herself. Can’t stand to see her and change channels when she is on tv. She is the worst of anyone running for president.
keola kid says
Hillary is not as absurd and frieghtening to me as the fact that there so many voters who blindly support her. Why is this, I have to ask myself and I don’t think it’s just stupidity. What is it about her that can turn reasonable thinking Americans to become so mezmorized by her despite her obvious lying ways. And what is very worrisome and problematic for our country is that even when she loses this election we are goinng to be stuck with these fanatics…who are also Obama followers who have blindly worshipped this poor excuse of a leader.
Annick Stiefel says
keola kid, It is indeed very frightening to see how many of these blind followers would still vote for this liar Hillary Clinton.
It would be a real nightmare indeed.
Frank says
If anyone thinks Hillary is a viable candidate the should go see the movie 13 hours before they cast their vote to see how she would have our six.
Robert says
I’d rather go see the old movie, “13 Ghosts.”
Marc says
All the Killary supporters have abandoned the bitch today———when they have no arguments for this true article!
Bear says
She flip flops so much she should be working for the International House of Pancakes!
Randy says
One can go even further back from when she said she was shot at in Bosnia. I am not a Republican but it is beyond my understanding how any person can support Hillary. It just simply amazes and disturbs me.
Do also says
Some people wear blinders and are so opinionated they do not even want to hear about facts. The dems have two great choices, the pathological liar or the socialist. The basic problem of the democrats platform is sooner or later you run out of other peoples money. Obama has all but destroyed this country and we have reached a point where we have as many deadbeats as we have productive citizens, and guess which way they’re going to vote. You guessed it, for all the free stuff.
Marta says
I feel the same as all the others,she is not the woman we need to have as president, No class,she lies,and has a lot of BAGGAGE , God forgive those who vote for her…Shame.
Robert says
—– “baggage” is obvious —- Just look at her eyes —– 🙂
Robert says
The “Public” has always been fickle, and has exhibited a very short memory. — Example: Nixon was key to closing China and was very “Anti Red” in the ’50’s. He was then later the “ONLY ONE” when it came to opening China.
Well, Hillary, A.K.A. “The Sea Hag,” is playing to that very short memory.
Once a BUM, always a BUM.
Best suggestion: If you are a Democrat, vote for Bernie in the Primaries, and then vote Republican in the General.
If you are a Republican, then continue to vote Republican.
Carole says
Don’t forget, she’s the Bride of Franken-food. A big Monsanto supporter. Says those who refuse to eat them are stupid, or something to that effect. I can’t find the exact quote.
And then there’s this one –
“We just can’t trust the American people to make those types of choices…. Government has to make those choices for people”
(From the book “I’ve Always Been A Yankee Fan” by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 20 – Hillary to Rep. Dennis Hastert in 1993 discussing her expensive, disastrous taxpayer-funded health care plan)