Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is furious over her loss to President-elect Donald Trump.
Numerous reports say the Clinton family is taking Trump’s victory as bad as you could imagine. Insiders say Hillary has been reduced to a near depressive state, while Bill’s temper rages out of control.
It’s easy to imagine why
Critics say they’ve uncovered evidence of massive voter fraud during the election recounts. And to help pad their phony numbers even more, the Clinton campaign had the mainstream media completely in their pocket for months.
And if there are still people who doubt that the Clinton campaign all but controlled mainstream media during the election cycle, they need to watch this.
According to “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzeninski, after she questioned if the election were close Hillary called MSNBC — and demanded she be removed from the air!
Thursday, it became clear that Hillary may even have grown delusional. Rather than look inward as ask why the American people so flatly rejected her, the former secretary of state publicly blamed so-called “fake news” for the loss – despite the serious evidence that revealed her OWN campaign was feeding “fake news” to the American people during the election.
“The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year — it’s now clear the so-called fake news can have real-world consequences,” Clinton said during a an appearance at Capitol Hill.
Does Hillary still think the American people are so easily fooled?
Or is she drinking from her own Kool-Aide?
Either way, Hillary’s campaign staffers and supporters are taking it poorly, openly weeping and yelling “Oh God! Oh my God!” at her very presence.
After the Reid event, Hillary Clinton greeted several Kaine staffers and young supporters, some of whom can be heard sobbing in this video
— Monica Alba (@albamonica) December 8, 2016
Chin up, liberals. There’s four more years of justice coming.
— The Horn editorial team
JW says
In true LibTard fashion the blame game has begun.
I’m not sure if any of these relics own a mirror.
Sorry to say they don’t get a trophy for participating.
You Lost….come up with a game plan to recapture the office you so readily claim as yours.
Start with some younger, more vibrant, dynamic and relevant candidates.
If you think Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and yes Hillary are going to lead you back to victory look into that non existent mirror mentioned earlier.
Walk to light it will be Ok…..hey we survived 8 years of Obama………
DAN says
thank you god for the leaving OF THE MALADO
bub says
You seem to have a hang-up about age. It isn’t age that makes candidates irrelevant. It’s the absence of all virtues that would make them relevant, such as wisdom, knowledge, logic, honor, reliability, honesty, justice, compassion, courage, and commitment to what is good and has worked, with the capability to incorporate new ideas when they would bolster our historic, individual-supportive ideals.
Youth is fine, but does notn general provide enough experience or knowledge yet to support all of the above qualities in a candidate. Of course there are rare prodigies who possess exceptional talents and gain exceptional life experience at an earlier age. There are also plenty of examples where age has not bestowed its owner with any redeeming qualities, Hillary being a fine example of that.
People don’t know what they don’t know, and until one passes through a considerable amount of life, one doesn’t really know squat. But one onl;y learns this when they’ve moved beyond their ignorance. This is a lifelong process, hence one should respect their elders. Many have forgotten more than said “one” will EVER know. Om the other hand, many are obvious dolts, and always have been. They deserve only respect that God created them, and loves them somehow. That is no small amount of respect, even if they are despicable …. such as is Hillary Rotten Clinton.
John Trocki says
Can you believe that someone, ANYONE, would cry over HRC’s and her Crime Family,s loss to president elect Trump’s overwhelming victory over
her? The should, and will, be laughing and praising President Trump!
bub says
Previous comment did not appear, so I’ll re-state it again:
You seem to have a hang-up about age. It isn’t age that makes candidates irrelevant. It’s the absence of all the virtues that would make them relevant: Virtues such as wisdom, knowledge, logic, honor, reliability, honesty, justice, compassion, courage, and commitment to what is good and has worked, with the capability to incorporate new ideas when those new ideas would bolster our historic, individual-supportive ideals. There are VERY few ideas that haven’t been thought out in times before ours when it comes to the human condition and human nature.
Youth is fine, but does not generally provide enough experience or knowledge yet to support all of the above qualities in a candidate. Of course there are rare prodigies who possess exceptional talents and gain exceptional life experience at an earlier age. There are also plenty of examples where age has not bestowed its owner with virtually ANY redeeming qualities, Hillary being a fine example.
People don’t know what they don’t know, and until one passes through a considerable amount of life, we doesn’t really know squat. But we only learn this after we’ve moved beyond the ignorance we’re born with. This is a lifelong process, hence one should respect their elders. Many older people have forgotten more than we will EVER likely know. On the other hand, many are obvious dolts, and always have been. They deserve only respect in that God created them, and loves them somehow. That is no small amount of respect, even if they are despicable …. such as is Hillary Rotten Clinton.
Nelson Beadel says
It’s time for the liberaltards to buck up and stand proud. Because help is on its way. Jobs are coming back to America
Tax cuts for the liberaltards also. And lots of jobs.
Paul says
Eva says
They don’t want to work! They think we owe them a living. Sorry, but it’s time they got out on their own and stop this crap. Bawling and blaming…needing a calming room? Grow up people!!
CJ says
Ain’t that the truth
Robert Wayne says
These dysfunctional millennial fools who are crying and making such a fuss out of their corrupt candidate losing are partly to blame. But their parents and educators are partly to blame too. Apparently a lot of them were raised as spoiled brats who were waited on hand and foot by their parents while their educators are to blame because they filled their heads with idiotic left wing globalist propaganda, which shouldn’t have any place in any public schools or universities.
scott says
well, well said!
jack says
Just remember George Soros is still alive and well. He WILL find another puppet.
Maybe he already has acting to oppose anything Trump proposes. WATCH for it.
Nancy says
I won’t rest easy until AFTER January 20th. I don’t trust BO, I don’t trust Killary, and I certainly don’t trust Soros or the Islamic Terrorist.
I feel the same way. Obama looks like he knows something is going to happen that will surprise us all who aren’t prepared for a disaster. Will the grid go down? Can’t wait for the (PRIVATE) swearing in of Mr. Trump. I think the public swearing in is for show. I think all are sworn in in private. I might be wrong but I hope the swearing in is already done before he appears in public.The interruptions (paid for by Soros) will be for naught.
Janine says
As terrible as it sounds, I wish the old relic Soros would croak and receive his just rewards from his father Satan for all his evil deeds.
Ted says
Soros should be shot on sight. He is an enemy of the world, not just any one country. Shoot him if you see him or tell the Russians of his whereabouts….
Jeanette says
They own mirrors. When Hillary looks into her mirror, she sees Marilyn Monroe’s face.
These people are MASTERS at seeing only what they want to see!
James says
Yes Hillary; the fake news did get you out of the running, but it was YOUR fake news and the fake news of YOUR media darlings that cost you the election. That and the fact that America can’t stand you!
Elizabeth Davis says
I was thinking the same thing people were not as stupid as she thought. It was her fake news that lost her the election along with her corruption.
Holice Pender says
As far as I’m concerned they brought it on themselves. They got just what they deserved, most of all Hilarious Hillary. I guess she was stupid to think “we the ppl.” would forget Benghazi, all those mis-handling of emails, all the fraud & pay to play, plus her marxist/socialist/NWO agenda. She just thought she was Queen Hilary, & the American ppl. would just fall all over themselves to get to the polls to usher her right on into the oval office. I really don’t care how much crying she does, I imagine the families of those dead brave young men whose lives were cut short due to her incompetence in doing her job. I have had me one stomach full of the Clintons. I have nothing but dis-respect for them & hope they ride off into the sunset, never to be heard from again, however it wouldn’t surprise me if she doesn’t show up again in 2020. Lord, I hope she NEVER gets near the oval office, ever again.
SICKofLIBERALStupidity says
I like liberals , they’re silly dumb bastards .
SlimboTex says
VERY well said JW!!!
aw says
She’s right about one thing…….”fake news” helped her LOSE! Her repeated B.S. stories, Her biased Media……..did she think “WE THE PEOPLE” are blind to the slated media????? And did the media think we are blind to their B.S reporting????? The alphabet media needs to wake up; we can see right through you (and you haven’t learned because you’re still doing it)……I have permanently SWITCHED CHANNELS! And now, you’re trying to put government regulations on what can be said……..this is why you lost, we don’t want Communism here! MOVE OUT!
Freedom says
Well Stated…
For Decades the Liberal Marxist Communist D***RAT Party has operated on ONLY…EMOTIONS & PROPAGANDA…..The Chickens have now come home to Roost….So their PHONY RADICAL DESTRUCTIVE AGENDA has now been Fully EXPOSED….
Caren says
They think we , the people, are dummies. So typical of Clinton’s, this Administration and the Press. They have been feeding the public lies and distractions for years. Now in true Democratic liberal fashion they cannot accept defeat and blame their losses on everything but themselves. The public has had it with the status quo of government running everything and failing. We are so deep in debt and a nation divided! This thanks to this failed Administration and the cronies that have supported him and the Democrats and Hillary.
DAN says
BETWEEN HER LIES AND THE media LIES they thought that they could pull it off
rodney Burke says
deplorable = fake news, = voting fraud = lying to congress and the American people, OPENLY taking money from a nation that wants our destruction? SA? an unabashed disciple of Saul Alinsky, a communist? Really hilary? you have NOTHING to offer America except 4 more years of abject failure, anarchy and economic loss.
Yeah, you are finally being forced to look in the mirror and can’t handle what you see. payback time.
Betty says
This woman has committed so much crime of the years (even deaths) I can’t believe that she is not in behind bars. Any ordinary citizen who had commited these same offenses would have been convicted and sentenced to life in prison or worse (Treason). When is the Clintons going to realize that their time is done. We don’t want them anymore, EVER. Go away and stay away. We’ve had enough of them
Elisha says
You’ve got that right, Betty. HRC is a fake and a fraud, a synthetic human being, an intellectually-advanced, spiritually-dead animal. An utterly, totally reptilian humanoid.
Carol zamba says
Ditto ditto ditto!
bessie morro says
yes she thought we were stupid. she said it herself ” Trump supporters are stupid, ignorant and uneducated I put the in a basket I call deplorables”. WELL ALL THE DEPLORABLES SHOWED HER!!!
Paul says
Shhhhh,frank don’t give away her surprise lol
jackpack37 says
You are right Paul. And let’s not forget, that PAYBACK is a BITCH!
Jeanette says
Well, to be fair, we were being compared to the World’s Smartest Woman. Ha!
Stanley Predki says
Finally silent majority has awaken and showed Clinton’s that they are not to be trusted and did not listen to alphabet news.
dwight epps says
Ed says
I agree aw. The only fitting thing now is to “LOCK HER UP!” She is a typical brain dead, egotistical sociopath. She has lost touch with reality. I am just waiting to see all those people who donated millions to her and Bubba’s foundation begin to demand a refund.
Holice Pender says
aw, they just don’t get it, Hilary or the press. I have nothing but dis-respect & dis-dain for her & the liberal media. They think they are so much more intelligent than “we the ppl.” We didn’t go to “Havad” you know. We are the un-educated, “deplorables”. We are the peasants as far as she is concerned. Oh man, they were going to throw one big, humongous celebration party. I wish I could have been there to see her ugly face when she found out she had lost. I don’t feel any sympathy for her at all. I hope she has plenty of time to sit around & feel sorry for herself. Her & Bill have taken enough from us poor, working ppl. I wish both of them had to get up at 5 AM, fight traffic, & go to work like millions of other Americans do every day.
jwb says
CMD says
Americans voted for Trump. Informed Americans.
E G. Hammond says
I think it has more to do with pissed off Americans who hate Clinton and were tired of the establishment. So far, however, considering all his cabinet selections, it would appear we are in for more of the same, or worse! Every one of them are just more of the wealthy ultra conservative elite that represent positions quite opposite to what he promised he would be doing to help the people! It appears we have been hoodwinked by yet another billionaire capitalist who doesn’t give a damn about anyone who isn’t just like him! So much for making America great again.
SICKofLIBERALStupidity says
Man I fear you may be correct but pray that you’re wrong . Tis good to know that other people despise Clinton as well cuz I’m surrounded by dumbasses over here who hold her in some sort of false hierarchy of benevolence and wisdom .
Ron Petit says
Like Shakespeare’s Faustus, Hillary has sold her soul for the promise of the ultimate wordly power and control. Problem is, she now hears the footsteps of the one coming to claim her soul in the bargain and she can’t live with herself. The Truth will set you free Hillary but I fear the risk of owning up to that is a price you are unwilling to pay so you must continue to rage and point the finger. May we all learn from this agony you have brought upon yourself.
fedup@64 says
Lookin pretty rough their Hillary.
Mike W says
Look at all of the money Hillary raked in as Secretary of Take. Look at all of the money paid for speeches and “donated” to the Clinton Foundation. Since Hillary lost all of that money has almost completely stopped coming in. They are furious because they cannot deliver on the promises they were “paid” in advance for. That should be blatantly obvious to everyone.
Kathy Washburn says
Oh, I doubt they are “worried” about not being able to deliver the items the money was given to her to deliver. I suspect that IF they are worried about anything, it is retribution from the donors who were promised but cannot now receive. I suspect her “donors” are not Christians, but enough Muslims to make some people nervous.
DAN says
THE TRUTH shall set us FREE
SORRY killary or HITLERY whatever they call you
Betta says
HiLIARy is what I call her. A straight-faced LIAR.
rodney Burke says
so what does that say about hilary. Muslims are more important than Americans? I would think so. There is a phrase for that action and I think everyone on this forum knows what that phrase is. Too bad we don’t have anyone with enough cajones to carry out the punishment for that crime
IrishEyes2c says
And one of the federal crimes she committed. Both Hillary and Obama placed members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Here is the reason they both broke the law and should pay for their crimes.
18USC§371 – Conspiracy: Obama “cooperated, incited and assisted the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes”, like murder, rape and ethnic cleansing, per lawmakers in Egypt, who’s filed criminal complaints against Obama. Obama also funneled cash to high-ranking Muslim Brotherhood officials, who mass murdered police and Christians. Hilary aided Obama in a secret $8 billion bribe to the Muslim Brotherhood to turn over the Sinai Peninsula over to Hamas.
Jeanette says
Considering that her “aide” Huma has a mother who writes books about how all females should be subjected to Muslim genital mutilation, I think it’s a good guess that she cares more about Muslims than about non-Muslims in general, and more than non-Muslim females in particular.
Not a Trump Voter says
Trump was receiving more money for his paid speeches than Clinton was collecting, yet you seem to ignore that fact. The one reality which Trump supporters fail to recognize is that Trump is not for them, only for himself. His economic proposals don’t benefit the working man, only the rich, such as himself. More tax cuts for job creators, yet some in the middle class which Trump claims he wants to help will see tax increases. His proposed Dept. of Labor Secretary is against increasing the minimum wage, and Trump has gone on record stating that American Workers are “Paid too much”.
Unfortunately, Trump voters will discover they have shot themselves in the foot , but then what else can you expect when they believe a President Elect who has been proven to lie to the American Public 71% of the time, but worse, has been proven that he can tell the truth to us only 4% of the time?
You are expecting change? All he is doing is bringing more alligators into the swamp he promised you he was going to drain.
cliff says
I am afraid there will come a time when these so-called “donors” Will want to “collect” on promises made.
We may not HAVE to worry about HITLERY anymore. Her “donors” being bilked out of their money may just do a “clinton” on HER. If I were her I would be watching my six.
Inspector Tom says
My main concern with her ‘donor’s collecting what is do is the ‘collateral damages’ (innocence persons) that may get hurt, otherwise as far as I’m concern the ‘donors’ are more than welcome to collect how ever they choose too
HELEN says
Cliff, the worm has finally turned. She should watch her back after those who donated all that money to her and now she can’t deliver. Could she be on someone’s hit list? Her rumored hit list is long and has been completed or soon will be. I think the Clinton’s are pure EVIL.
Henry says
Mike W,
“Secretary of Take” that’s a good one.
The Clintons are done, has-beens, losers, thought the American voters were too stupid to see through the clinton buased media. I can only hope that she and Bill-the-red-nosed-alcoholic disappear off the radar.
sejmon says
$1.2 billions…. spent for nothing….
IrishEyes2c says
Not everyone, only those who are paying attention, who don’t watch or read the MSM and stopped drinking the liberal kool-aid.
Holice Pender says
Wonder if they can claim that as a loss on their 2016 tax returns.
CaptTurbo says
All that matters in the end is that a house landed on the wicked, Marxist, criminal witch!
Harry Flouhouse says
Crooked Hillary and the crooked media that she controlled did not work. The majority of America could see through these lies. ThankGod for the wise American voters.
john furlong says
Ding Dong the witch is dead. Thank God and Greyhound she’s gone!
BILL says
Diane James says
Hillary is so sad and demented that she really needs to put on her pantsuit bathrobe and go back to bed. Now here comes her daughter who looks nothing like she or Bill. Whose daughter if this really. She is as dead as her so-called mother. Give it up Clintons, your day is over.
Not a Trump Voter says
The Horn is a classic example of “Fake News”, which did succeed in putting Trump in office. Now, made up news stories which read as though they were written by 12 year old children are being used to keep the Faithful stirred up and angry.
The reality is that if many news sources seemed to prefer Clinton over Trump, it was only because they recognized the fatal flaws in Trump’s personalty, and psychological makeup, which are now becoming more evident every day, one example being his refusal to acknowledge Russia’s attempts to manipulate this past election, and his refusal to read his daily intelligence briefings. Bush II chose to ignore warnings about Ben Laden from Clinton, and the outgoing administration, and what was the result? 911.
Look at his proposed Cabinet picks. Each is a member of the very elite Trump voters were trying to keep out of office. There was Trump promises of “draining the swamp”. What is Trump doing? Nothing but bringing in more alligators.
Vicki says
Everything that the left are saying right now, is totally disgusting and if I was Hillary Clinton and Obama I would truly run for cover The Dems who think they are going to do anything more to stand in Trumps way better wake up because they will be walked over the top of, Get Ready to either work with the Repubs are lose more seats in the house and senate..
Holice Pender says
I hear you, loud & clear, Vicki. I’m with you. I will never vote for another democrat until they learn “we the working ppl” do not want to live under Marxist/Socialism & we are not interested in their NWO. and NO, the sky is not falling, & global warming/climate change is very little concern to ppl. like me. I see through it, it is a money scheme created by the likes of Al Gore & Micheal Moore. It hasn’t been proven, it is fake news, from fake scientists & spread as the gospel by fake journalists.
TOM G. says
Abe says
Remember when you would light a silent stinker and blame others? That was Hitliary, the Lame Stream Media, and there Presstitutes! It is funny watching them young and old snowflakes melt down though! If I need a good laugh, I go to screwtube, and watch them all. The only thing better, would be my smile just after getting laid.
outlawliberalism says
0bama hasn’t left yet and I will not celebrate until he does. The left is nasty enough to pull something really nasty to try to keep 0bama in office and I fully expect it. I know any stunt they try will be fully supported by the clueless half of the country and could head us toward a civil war which the left would be wiped out.
ron w says
hell outlaw why wait till odumbo makes his move!!!!!!! lets clean house now!!!!!!!!
Hanko American says
A clean house is a house without dumbocrats!! I have my cleaning supply’s ready! I’ll help you guys with the “trash” cleanup!!
j S says
Yeah, i wouldn’t be the first to celebrate either, considering all the “slight-of-hand” garbage they pulled over their 8 long years in the White House.
buzzsaw says
Life’s a bitch ain’t it?
ron w says
i have a story i think you will enjoy,its long so i will try to cut corners but get the point across,my wifes uncle was an adm. in the navy,he has passed away as of 3 years ago,but the adm and myself which i’m a ret ssg from the army,him and i use to play golf when he came home on leave, the adm had several commands he had been in charge of,2 tours too Viet Nam ,he had rubbed shoulders with some of the big boys in washington,and was offered a seat in several of slick willies cabinet(bill clinton)one day he came home on leave,we were at the golf course,about the 3rd hole i knew something big was bothering the adm. really bad,so i asked,i always referred to him as sir!!!!! even tho he was related to me by a marriage, it was just the respect i had for this man!!!! i asked SIR with all do respect,what seems to be bothering you today, he set there in the cart for a moment,and then started talking,he always called me sarg!!!! lol i guess it was his respect too me!!!!! he said sarg, i cant take it anymore!! i can no longer serve my country with any type of true honor,under this admin.(clinton) any longer!!!! he himself and his wife are the most crocked and dishonest people i have ever served under,he is a liar,as much as she is and she has a mouth on her that any sailor would blush at!!!!!!!! she hates the military,total disrespect for the secret service,and i actually believe and think she hates america!!!!!!! so longer story shorter, he retired from 20 plus years from his beloved NAVY,and i almost believe he died from a broken heart!!!! he had said too me that day,sarg if that b**** ever runs for office do not vote for her,i made him the promise!!!! i wouldnt,and as we can all see as of today,i kept my promise!!!!!!!!!! god speed home adm. we miss you 🙂 i hope you all enjoyed the story!!!!! as much as my wife and i enjoyed his life with us!!!!!!
Jeanette says
Feel free to copy & past the zero symbol!
Alan R Gladstone says
I think most of sane people in the country have gotten enough of the Clintons in my opinion. Maybe they will leave the country with the rest of the “crybabies” From what I have observed from media sources one could get the impression that the Clintons are “so crooked that they can’t lay straight in bed”. Bon Voyage!!!!!
Tom Young says
And takek Cher, Whoopie Goldberg, Streisand, Baldwin, all all the other crybabies with you.
Mabe next time Clinton, you know Nelson Mandella spent 27 years in prison and he became president so there is hope for you after all.
Holice Pender says
Now that’s funny, Alan, I have just been all teared up because I read where poor Hilary has been down in the mull-grubs from mourning over her great loss. Her & all the milliniels [ millidiots ] who were so distraught because of her loss. Oh it is sooo sad, I think I am going to tear up again, I feel it coming on, oh! oh! oh! I’m going to have to stop, I can’t see for the tears!!!!!!!!!!!! OF PURE JOY.
John T Koszalka says
Just think about it——The Queen of Lies blaming fake news for her loose. She is dislusional.
Let’s all face it, these are very Evil People, who have SOLD THERE SOULS, and they have received there just reward.
Holice Pender says
Thank you John, she thought she had it in the bag, but every time you saw Mr Trump he was surrounded by thousands. I went to one of his rally’s in Smithfield, NC, back in November. I think they estimated between 15 & 17,000 ppl. I told my wife, if he doesn’t win, we will know there was voter fraud big time. He was great, before he came on stage, we heard from several Generals, Admirals & Marine Commandants. It was like an old fashioned revival, back in the day. The crowd was orderly. I met many ppl. like me, that I enjoyed talking to. I felt almost like I was with family.It was great. I would love to go to his inauguration, but at my age, it might be too much for me. You can be sure I will be watching it on TV.
bbbecker says
Most of the fake news was from Hillary supporters to stop Trump. Burt this is a bigger issue then Fake so called news. Its about freedom of speech and who gets to have the power over what the American people get to hear. Who decides what’s fake news and what’s real news. The Person or Persons who do get to make this decisions will be totally the most powerful in our country.
Janet says
Hillary, this year we decided to chose Trump because we knew you and the entire Clinton clan and others in the DNC were out for themselves. WE THE PEOPLE just don’t trust you nor do we think, with your history of people dropping dead all around you, that you were a good choice.
Also, the very fact that you and Obama ignored the cries of those in Benghazi for help. You also have sold uranium to Russia, laundered money. People you are associated with was a bit hard for us to swallow, i.e. George Soros. He led to the destruction of many Jews because he said someone would have done it. I’m sure he made money off of this travisty.
You have done every underhanded thing to win this election, so we had to stand up against you. I wondered when were you going to tell the american people that you were running an Imperial Campaign? I’m sure many that are here may have other things to add. You have blamed Trump for the very thing you have done for years. It’s time for you to accept the vote of the people. This is one you couldn’t buy, WE made our choice.
Dee says
The Fake News was coming out of the lame stream media . They were constantly covering for Hitlery and downplaying All her Dishonesties IF they even reported any . Then there was their BS on the poll numbers for months . If the only fake news they’re complaining about is the leaks , I have news for them, even without that Trump would have won . These bums lost because after 8 years of Total Corruption and Our Country being sold out to Radicals , We the People were going to put an end to it . Who the hell would want more of that ! So the looser libs can keep coming up with excuses for their loss but no matter what we were changing this Sick cycle these morons have inflicted on us .
E G. Hammond says
I’m just not sure we are changing it for the better though, because of the people he is selecting for his cabinet.
Holice Pender says
DEE I told my wife, if she wins, the country has gone down the tube. I was so afraid she would pull it off with voter fraud & the liberal media that was entirely in the tank for her. Thank God for Fox News & thank God for good, honest,decent loyal Americans like you, who love their country, but have been saddened by the B/S we have seen out of Washington for the past eight years. We did it. I am anxious for him to go to work now, it has been a long time, since I felt this good about my country & my President. If he fails to do the job, we will FIRE HIM!!!!!! too.
leverett lefty curtis says
read it and weep hilliary supporters. God is great!
Tom says
The only “fake” news was that a lying criminal was eligible to run in the first place.
Ronald Wheeler says
Betty says
Right one. You got that right.
tc says
Well her an Bill’s offspring is not much to LOOK at unless it is at a HALLOWEEN PARTY. BUT THE BAD CLINTON’S POLITICAL LIFE IS DEAD. Can I get a AMEN on my birthday today
John Soroka says
Intelligent americans do not want communists AKA democrats representing us in public office. Sadly there are enough stupid people who do and you can not fix stupid.
Rebel with a cause says
There’s the mother of all D.C. scandals looming..”Pizza-Gate”…and they know with a Trump administration they’re Pedophile, Satan worshipping, child kidnap, rape, torture, murder goose is cooked.
Mikeyavelli says
So some geniuses replicate authentic IP addresses and write lots of emails from Podesta to Hilliar to Huma to Sidney Blumenthal and attaches pedophilic pictures and sneaks into the Podesta brothers homes and hangs pedophilic art on the walls. And plus, they hated Bernie Sanders. Boy, these guys are good at faking news. Hilliar and Podesta were shocked.
gerald serlin says
It is not anything other than the voting public reacting to the proposed policies of Hillary. They rejected her plans to turn the USA onto a socialist republic. They must have read “Atlas Shrugged” and compared the current situation to the insightful novel written so many years ago and said to themselves “OMG. That is where we are”. They then pulled the lever and defeated Hillary.
Texas Son says
I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy for CROOKED HILLY!
Ronald Wheeler says
She has personally learned, “What goes around comes around”.
Bill says
Texas Son, nor BILLY!
Rifleman says
I`m not sorry, and I got no sympathy for Killiary
Quizzal says
Why can’t we get rid of the Clinton’s and Obama’s completely somehow? I am truly sick of seeing her and anything about her. Either GO AWAY OR LOCK HER UP NOW,NOW, NOW, NOW!
al simmons says
I thought by now, both Hiliary and Bill would of jumped off the Brooklyn bridge,
since their lies and fraud as been found out.
Danny Jain says
Even the professional/ ethical Journalists (e.g., of NYTimes, Time, WaPO, USAToday, ABC, etc. fame) were resorting to Fake News, forget about common masses, your typical Voter. But Voters are smart enough to tell right from wrong. They knew how to tell what was fake news, and what was not.
The single reason, Hillary lost, is because of Obama.
He really took the country backwards by at least 10 years. (this is a fake news, I admit). Worst mistake was to pull out of Afghanistan, without an element of surprise – springboard for ISIS.
They (Voters) punished her for all his miadventures!
Jim Clayton says
I’m,just glad the Hildebeast didn’t get in.She’s also blaming Comey and the Russians for her loss. Typical sore loser.Surely it’s impossible that it was her.One bathroom, open borders, socialized medicine and worsening economy, her failure to ever take a question from the press and it’s own bias to her was overwhelming proof to the informed voters.
The only thing I’m disappointed with is Trump letting her off the hook.after all the major crimes she committed. Martha Stewart went to prison for lying to the FBI once.Hillary lied to them 22 times.She destroyed 30,000 e-mails that were supeonead by Congress along with smashing 13 instruments also supeonead by Congress,selling 20% of our Uranium sources to Russia through the corrupt Clinton Foundation.etc.You can be sure if the reverse were true they would go after Trump. She belongs in jail.
sejmon says
Severa says
Ban the Clinton’s empire from USA!
Ronald Wheeler says
What does Trump and Thumper (Disney) have in common. Both are full of crap!
Why of course, now he is a politician.
newdelman says
Some of the problems with the Clinton campaign is the fact that the campaign of the Democrats for many years has been character assassination of their opponents without any real substantial policy statements for their own campaign. Hillary has a knack for presenting that negative message with too many distortions and exaggerations. I’ve been turned off by her since Bill was president. She has orchestrated so many distortions of hte fact and attacked every one of the women that her husband had affairs with that America doesn’t want someone in office who is going to take that behavior to the international level. We don’t want a person who has a disagreement with a foreign leader to use character assassination to try to get that leader to agree with her.
dlmstl says
Like dust in the wind now, gone is the prospect of side by side libraries in LR, a Hillary School of Government at Wellsley, numerous HRC public schools, a possible monument on the Mall and on and on……..Well, maybe, remember, they though Napoleon was ‘done’ when he was exiled to Elba, too.
NotJim says
@dlmstl: If you ever read an account of the Battle of Waterloo, you too will be aghast at the amount of suffering and destruction caused in the service of Napoleon’s (and France’s) vanity. (Even after he had been ostensibly gotten rid of.)
Pointy says
If TRUTH were known, the choice facing the American Electorate was a man who used boasting about what he ‘WOULD’ do versus a Woman who decided that she could do whatever she wanted.
Not an awful lot of choice their, but on balance I guess the American Electorate had to go with he who said he would aid America, as opposed to She who said America was fine & Obama Policies would not be changed.
Well folks, you have chosen, now you put up with your choice.
Robert says
You will see what our choice does!
Bill says
Pointy, you sound bitter?
Jeanette says
Pointy Head, maybe.
Lets face it the DEMS had 8 years to even semi fix the country and didn’t even come close Obama didn’t even help his black constituency they are no better off even possible worse. The Dems had their chance and blew it. AND talk about lying the uNemployment is close to 25% and the governmenT keeps sAYING 6% ALL POLITICIANS LIE THERES DUMB FALSEHOODS AND NOT SO DUMB . THESE POLITICIANS ARE TOO LAZY TO LIE CLEVERLY NES PAS ANDY
Kenneth Stelter says
The HILL-BILLY Klan could be on any number of hit lists or to save their butts will have to refund tons of money paid for favors to be rendered. Life’s a bitch sometimes and after 28 years of the SOS I’m starting to smile again. All the tantrums, whining and crying are soothing. “A Liberals tears are music to my ears”……;-)
Gary says
Your famous words have to be repeated as you said about the Bengazi tragedy. GET OVER IT. Enough said. You lost
STEVE says
. James Maxwell says
The millennials and other who typically fall into the Democrat Socialist camp are in total denial that their choice of the Left
wing Socialist could lose. But they have forgotten that not all Americans follow or believe in their goal of Socialism. There
are many who are old enough to know and understand the results of such a corrupt system and the damage it can do to
a Nation. Those who survived WW II, Korea and other wars are well aware of the risk and for the first time in a long time
they joined together to send a message to Washington DC and the political parties. People are tired of the politicians
lying to us and when Trump spoke to the people they heard him and listened. The results are we have broke the mold
of the corrupt political hold of our nation. Trump spoke and people listened, the results are in and the left is in shock and
disarray as are many on the Right in the GOP who though they had pulled another one over on the American People.
Even now the resident of the oval office is attempting to find a way to disallow or contest the results of the Peoples
voice and void the election by using the CIA or the FBI to claim that outside sources (Russians / Chinese) tampered with
the results. A last desperate gasp of a terrorist who has invaded the Oval Office.
Victoria Barrett says
One piece of fake news not reported in this post: Hillary’s fake announcement that the Benghazi attack was fueled by a movie by Di Sousa.
Jeanette says
It wasn’t a movie by de Souza; it was a video by someone unknown, who is reportedly STILL in jail for making a video that DIDN’T cause the Benghazi massacre.
Dan says
In a most satisfying way, the 1/10th of 1% who “engineer” election frauds, regime change, color revolutions, media monopoly mind control, financial fraud and rigging of markets, endless wars, etc., has recently come to the moment (defeat of their stooge hillary clinton) best described by Mike Tyson, former heavy weight champion of the world:
“Everyone has a plan, until they are punched in the face”.
Jeanette says
Amen to that!
Adjunct George says
I’m disappointed at many of the comments. The writers have shown themselves to be as infantile as the Democrats. Tone it down folks. We have enough slanders being tossed at us “deplorables.” Stop giving them ammunition. Respond directly to the attacks with logic and compassion. Their world view just got slammed.
n says
thanks, lets prove how polite we are in the face of unfair criticism.
and lets work together with the liberals to decrease (eliminate) deaths from drug overdose and veteran suicides. every one is capable of some good. We have free training and free overdose kits at NY state OASAS owned facilities, look us up on the internet if you want to save American lives. Another idea is to send your used books to the jail, prison, addiction center or hospital for people to read and perhaps improve themselves. I’ve been asking that all US doctors (MDs and DOs) be allowed to see veterans free of charge if they wish, in this way, the vets will always have health care…..
Kilroywashere says
THE SOW REBELS. Hitlery like any good liberal socialist plays the Blame Game when they lose. It’s his,hers,there’s and the medias doing that cause me to lose not anything I did as I had this all fixed. They spent others money,had Ovomit spending ours on his flights to back her at he meetings. None of theirs just others. Had she had a clean record and was for the people it MIGHT of come out difference. This time GOD stepped in and saved America from a fate worse than death and that was liberal Dummycrat Communism led from the shadows by none other than Ovomit. This is the reason Cegar Willie and Ovomit had the big riff as Willie wanted to lead her but Ovomit said he was as he was much better at sliding Communism into the way of life in America than he was.
Awake says
TRUMP WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And TRUMP WILL MAKE AMERICA WONDERFUL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahahahah. Christmas CAME EARLY FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank GOD!!!! HE BLESSED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Howard Donigian says
At last I have now regained my faith in the American voting Citizens. They out lasted the fake, doctored, voters for the Communist backed Hillary. Soros must be furious he was outsmarted by the True American Voters. Up your donkey Soros We are onto you as a deliberate anti American, Communist, traitor to our country. You put your ill gotten money on the wrong nag, old and beaten scum, criminal. Hillary.
Louis Cortez says
This video of them crying like babies makes me just want to GAG!!!
Thomas Duncan says
This is the result of our eduacation system being infiltrated by communists. Our children are being indoctinated into their form of political thinking. Our schools in the U.S. don’t teach American History anymore. They teach kids how to protest and burn our flag. Now this BS about fake news from the left is the same type of communist control over what we are allowed to hear and read. Wonder when the book burning will begin. Like it did in Germany during the Nazi take over there in the 1930’s. This type of evil will always be at our doorstep. We must be wise enough to not let it take hold. A free man can vote himself into slavery, but a slave cannot vote himself into freedom.
Leonard (Slim) Huntington says
I have no idea how many other American Voters prayed for this to happen, but our God certainly heard our prayers. I am 85 years old and I could not stop the flow of tears from my eyes when the Pennsylvania Vote was completed and my Fox news anchor announced, “Donald Trump has become the 45th President of the United States. Shortly after Hillary the Left Wing World Class Liar conceded, and is now finally been hung out to dry for her many sins of commission and omission. Thank you Lord, Slim.
n says
yes, we were desperately praying for the best president for this country and the world, many great choices this year like Dr. Carson, Dr. Jill stein, Mr. Gary Johnson, dear Dr. Ron Paul’s son, but only one person promised to end Obama care. At least the doctors have hope.
Cameron Thompson says
The Clinton’s are not giving up with Washington, grooming the Dau. for Congress already, waiting for someone to die or retire from N.Y. “VULTURES” Anything for POWER. The witch is not finished. If Trump proves himself the first four years then another term and better, A THIRD TERM. For the Clintons, LETITGO. YOU LOST
Maria says
IF Chelsea is being “groomed” for a seat in Congress by her lying, thieving parents, I should hope that anyone who knows that another Clinton is running for office, would have the intelligence not to vote for her, lest the same things start to resurrect themselves once again…we don’t need, nor want a repetition or any semblance of what we’ve been through with the Clintons, to smack us in our faces again!! I hope everyone has learned a hard lesson from them! By the way, Chelsea and her husband were, or are running the Clinton Foundation. She might have already been “infected” with her parents’ bad traits, and that’s the sad part. Too bad she couldn’t distance herself from her parents’ activities, and just stayed in the clear.
Don says
Remember the warning given about all the dogs gathering at the feeding bowl? It is coming to pass. According to some people, hillary and trump were friends once….really? It doesnt show. However, notice all the back biting, lies about each other, behind closed door plans and scams. How can anyone of these politicians hope to win on merit…they cannot. I guess its who is the most convincing liar…what a shame. the actual biting will soon begin. If all out honesty and godliness were presented right from the start we wouldnt be having this problem to deal with now. Even so God will have His way in the end.
No-Mo-BO...AT LAST! says
I want to hear them crying when she is exposed for the criminal, abusive traitor she really is and put behind bars.
Tommy Goodwin says
Jaime Salomon says
Quizzal, que pasa ?, Amigo.
I could not have posed the question better.
Let me see, have you seen even just a copy of the original birth certificate yet? People say, it is old news and is an irrelevant issue now. Especially because this WH occupant will be POTUS for another 40 days, at least until January 20, 2017 when President-elect Donald J. Trump gets inaugurated as the 45th POTUS.
How does it feel to have been hoodwinked for 8 years and up til now you and I have yet to see a so-called, “birth certificate” purportedly from the State of Hawaii ? Answer this question- if BHO was really and truly born in Hawaii, explain why there is in existence a copy of what appears to be a long form certificate of live birth from the Coast Provincial General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya that the legal counsels of BHO have referred to as fraudulent. Oh yeah? On the other hand, all document experts both from the government and private sector who have examined, analyzed, studied and scrutinized that short form certificate of live birth from the State of Hawaii flashed on national TV on April 27, 2011 is nothing but a poorly done computer-generated fabrication ? So if the birth certificate from Kenya and the State of Hawaii are both fraudulent documents, you mean to tell me that this current and already overstaying WH occupant is in fact or could be a man without a country?
I resent the notion that taxpayers will now have to continue to provide for all the perks an ex- or former POTUS gets entitiled to. What if he is nothing but an impostor or could in fact be truly fake?
Now, Jim Clayton above expresses the sentiments of millions of fellow citizens out there that HRC ought to be in jail. What she
is alleged to have committed is far more eggregiously serious a potential breach of national security is, compared to what General David Petraeus, a West Point Military Academy graduate ever did, sharing some documents with his biographer/lover probably as part of an intended biography in the works and yet was charged with a felonious crime, if memory serves. I am aware that General Petraeus admitted his error in judgment. So does it mean that if HRC does not admit to receiving millions of “donations” to their so-called, “Clinton Foundation” when she was the Secretary of State and therefore was a federal government employee, that she could not be charged with any criminal wrongdoing.? Why the double standard of American
justice. The last time I looked at a photo symbol of Lady Justice, she is still under blindfold. Or, could it be that Lady Justice peered through one eye while I was not looking?
I happen to share Mr. Clayton’s disappointment about the recent pronouncements from the President-Elect that he may not pursue the email server scandal that plagued HRC’s presidential candidacy. As a retired federal employee, I was aware that government employee are not allowed to receive gifts, monetary or otherwise.
Bill says
If the truth was known I would bet Trump won the popular vote. How many illegals and dead people voted? Jill, your OPM would have been better spent looking into this side of fraudulent voting.
Leo Younglowe says
Just when I thought the Wicked Witch of West won the election or she thought she did, she slipped in the biggest cow pie ever known to man kind. We all have one major problem though and that is there one other worthless off spring yet in this world. The only thing she has going for her is the name Clinton and she is being trained by the one and only the Wicked Bitch of the West. GO TRUMP!!!!!
Jesse says
Hillary has only herself and Soros to blame for the FRAUD that was found. Had they not bankrolled Stein’s FAKE recount for voter protection. Hillary just wanted what she thought was hers even though it NEVER was NOR will ever BE hers. She claims to have been elected via the most voted but I think if all the ILLEGAL votes are removed she would loose even that.
Oren says
Is there any hope that she and her delusional staff will experience a “Jim Jones” moment and really consume the cool aide? That would be a world saving event.
Elizabeth Vasquez says
All you guys haven’t said anything I haven’t thought or bitched about already! I was really surprised she Didn’t winlll. The way her campaign was going all the publicity she had-the negativity she threw at Trump! The money she and the crooked DNC raised, the news people who rehearsed her on questions asked during the debates. And where are these people now? Still In their same jobs doing the same thing! They should be held accountable too! Crooked is crooked and wrong is wrong! WHO gave these people a pass? Washington D.C. isn’t much better! Have you checked your local newspapers? Have you seen how many. Of our elected officials are still going after Trump? The electoral college thing is still trying to debunk the election! Dont they understand the majority of American voters want Trump in office? What gives them the right to say what the vast majority of registered voters. Want? I think they need to understand if they hadn’t of been on the ballot with Trump they wouldn’t have been elected either. I’m a native Texan, and believe me I wouldn’t have voted for Ted Cruz.
ernest Carroll says
And now i just wonder if the bitch will go to JAIL… Sure hope so
Sandra Johnston says
Four more years? Try eight!!!!! I for one am sick and tired of hearing about these ignorant fools who can’t accept reality. Let’s move forward and work on real problems.
Peter Anton says
Reality is Hillary won tnbred idiot, screw the electoral college.
Jeanette says
And screw all the rest of America’s laws and regulations, along with the Constitution, no doubt.
Scoot on down to Venezuela and see how communists/Marxists really live, not how ignorant Americans are fooled by people like Hillary into believing they live.
Don’t take any pets with you to Venezuela, as they would likely be killed and eaten in that communist paradise.
HelenM says
Stein’s recount was not a fake and was stopped by Republican obstructionists who seemed afraid of it going on. If trump said the election was rigged, we have a right to know for sure, hence I gave money to the recount effort. It was not to overturn the election; just to verify the safety of our election process. True fact #1
Another: get over it, Hillary won the election, trump won the electoral college. His crafty advisors had him make maximum effort in the swing states, Hillary campaigned to everyone. Don’t believe it? Petition to have the recount go on. Do you like the idea that outsiders can hack our machines? Or that because of trying to get old scanners to work, some ballots were pushed in more than once. How about all the people that were not allowed to register to vote? Oh, they don’t count – not white enough.
And if you think you will be better off at any time during the next four years, I invite you to drink the kool-aide right now and avoid the horror. It is my hope that I will be gone before we totally lose our country to the filthy rich.
btw, did you know that IBM helped HItler before and during WW2? It was all about the money for Watson, the company president – a close resemblance to you know who. He continued, just as the Bush family did, even after we entered the war and trading with the enemy was against the law. Do some research guys, it is all there to be found!
And think about this Horn News poor excuse with all its fake news. Doesn’t anyone wonder why nothing ever comes of its headline news? Click bait.
Don Sepulveda says
It is beyond comprehension how Democrats are so brainwashed as to totally miss the point of how much devastation their idol would have inflicted on his nation if she had not LOST the election. Just her open border issue would have brought OVER-CROWDED conditions, crime and economic hardship, strain on resources and on our welfare system. It is an understatement to say this would not have been a world that would have been a good place for our children to grow up. As an Insurance Professional for over 38 years, I can tell you, whether you realize it or not, she would have forced socialized medicine that would have been a complete disaster in this country for MANY reasons. Russia would have been a serious threat with her in the white house because they have ZERO respect or FEAR of that woman, just as it was with Barak. Open your eyes after you quit boo- hooing and pouting, and know that you are SO LUCKY that you didn’t get what you THINK you wanted. If we could endure obummer for 8 years you can get past your whining as you sit on your butts and watch as some ultra successful, motivated people with morals and common sense come in to correct the problems and damage done by the democratic regime over the past 8 years. You are too blind and ignorant, obviously, to even recognize that Trump and his team just gave America a reprieve from devastation. Even so, you will still benefit from the intelligent voters who saved this country from Hitlery continuing the destruction obummer began.
Carolyn Reilly says
There are so many questions about Obama; why would he spend 85 million dollars on his vacations while he was president, how did he pay for a Harvard education, why did he hide his two step brothers from Kenya? In Michelle Obama’s biographical info her father worked for the City of Chicago and her mother worked but then was a stay at home mom. The father had a blue collar job and somehow had the resources to put his 2 children through Princeton and Michelle through Harvard Law School? He was a precinct captain for the Democratic party. Why did Obama say, in his bio when he was writing for the prestigious Harvard La Review, that he was born in Kenya? Hillary had no job experience to be Secretary of State and the Obama’s are reported to have been angry over her campaign insults to them. He did get rid of Hillary for his second term. His father died in a car crash. His mother died. When he left Harvard he did not go into a law firm. He met Michelle when she was his adviser in an intern position. She ended up working in Mayor Daley’s office, in law firms and had prestigious jobs. she was very intelligent and to write for the Harvard law review he had to be at the top of his class. There seem to be many fake or strange things involving the Obama’s and the Clinton’s. The press failed their readership by not fact checking into curious things about these two couples. why did Harvard have a news and info black-out about Obama?
Kas says
PATHETICLY MORONIC!!!????????????????
Kas says
PATHETICLY MORONIC!!!????????????????
Martin Higley says
The largest fake news came from the Main Stream American Pravda. They have learned the lessons of Lenin well
kevin says
Hillary got dumped before the big on prom night she went home, but before that she wailed on her committie people and went home got drunk and threw a hissy fit! So her supporters-men-women threw one with her! pricless.
Peter Anton says
Trump a lowlife draft dodger that bragged in his book “I was out chasing women while other FOOLS enlisted or were drafted during Vietnam” doesn’t belong anywhere near the White House. As a disabled Vietnam Vet I can’t understand how anyone could cast their vote for that coward. He’s a disgrace to all the men and women presently serving, all veterans and all the patriotic citizens of the USofA. What next, is Ted (pants full of crap) Nugent going to be the entertainment after Trump is sworn in? Trump, a Putin wanna be.
Jeanette says
You really are potty-mouthed, aren’t you? A sign of a person with real class in your crowd?
I can’t understand how anyone could vote for someone who allowed the torture and butchery of four Americans in Benghazi, to cover her own evil deeds and her special deals with the Muslims.
Or how anyone could vote for someone who is so enamored with the Muslims that she has a Muslim “aide” Huma whose mother actually writes books about how all females should be forced to undergo Muslim genital mutilation.
Is that more your style?
Takes all kinds.
Maria says
Wake up from that awful dream you’re in! When he gets this country back on track again and gets our Military strong again, gets jobs back in America, let’s see what you will say then. As a disabled Vietnam vet, I think you are bitter and I can’t say I blame you there since you guys were not treated very well by the Americans when you all returned home, but that is no reason not to want to give Trump a chance to see what he can do for this country and for all of us. And perhaps, you might have been reading or listening to too many “fake news” out there to dislike trump so much……do you know him personally by any chance??? Would you appreciate him more when you learn what he will do for the veterans, such as yourself that the other presidents have not done? I pray your heart will change and soften. And just who is this Ted Nugent person?
kevin says
kevin says
If obama had only helped black, hispanic and white poor in this country for the last eight years, things would have been different- but he does not seem to care all this time- we should have seen a lower class come into the middle class easily..he was a loner- he barely even got with democrats to converse and where was hillary all that time- she says now i have a lot of ideas to help all american workers, well why didn’t she come forward and talk about it for the last 8 years..sorry- but it was all talk and bullshit
Frank says
I wish this evil lying bitch Hillary (ROTTEN) Clinton would just go away like the stinky FART that she is.
GI Joe says
It is time for the libterds to just stop their whining and crying and go back to work, if they have jobs, and begin to behave like sane people again, if that is possible. The country may well be already turning around, which is a good thing for all of us.
Maureen says
Hill’s not gonna be President of the USA, THANK GOD!! I’m reminded of a joke about her, maybe she can get another job. The joke said: Every morning, Bill Clinton would run around the block in his Chapaqua, N.Y. neighborhood. At a certain corner, there was always a prostitute. When he’d run around that corner, she’d yell to him,”100 bucks”. He’d yell back10 bucks” and continue to run. One day Hillary decided to join Bill in his run. When they ran around the corner that the prostitute was on, the prostitute said to Bill,”That’s what you get for 10 bucks.”
steven b says
At least Trump didn’t rape a 12+13 yo girl and pay there family off. And that piece of shit was a draft dodger.
steven b says
The piece of shit is bill clinton
Judith Dey says
It’s very simple — Hillary Rodham Clinton should be tried for TREASON. TREASON is her crime. Selling America’s secrets and pocketing the cash is TREASON. So WHY don’t people call it what it is? It’s spelled T-R-E-A-S-O-N.
Just give it TIME. Sooner or later, she’ll be locked up.
Rick says
Lets do a fund raiser to buy enough TROPHYS to give to these cry babies in the democratic party to stop their whining . TRUMP “WON ” GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!
RJintheUSA says
Hillary and the rest of the Hillatard’s along with the real fake news and that would be the liberal left mainstream can pack up and leave the country before you try to do what we all know your going to attempt and that is the deliberate take down of Trump by any means possible, or as I like to call it the start of the second American Civil War. This will be a war that the leftist liberals will start, the liberal media will support and those of moral backbone and a belief in God and our United States Constitution will finish. When I say finish I mean put an end to liberalism once and for all in this nation, incarcerate and then deport these insane liberals who think up is down and down is up and put an end to political correctness and go back to being a moral nation that believes in God the rule of law and the Constitution being the law of the land.
John says
Fake NEWS? iS THAT THE pc way to describe LIES?
Gary says
More than likely, Hillery is aware of how Obama won two elections, cheating the system.
So, instead of owning up to past party sins, she accuses the oposition of doing the same.
This woman is so immature, I wonder how she ever made it through high school – let alone
college and law school!
Gary says
More than likely, Hillary is aware of how Obama won two elections, cheating the system.
So, instead of owning up to past party sins, she accuses the oposition of doing the same.
This woman is so immature, I wonder how she ever made it through high school – let alone
college and law school!
Let’s not forget that she blamed the Right Wing for her husband’s adultery – though not until
she’d already expressed how SHE had wanted to wring HIS neck.
The way I see it is this: SHE can require him to do was SHE wants, but the law of the land is
supposed to allow him to break laws anytime he wants.
SHE is a wanto LIAR and FAKE. America should be happy SHE won’t be moving into the White
House, in January!
Nolan Raborn says
LOL LOL LOL LOL So damn enjoyable!
Rocketman says
It’s not a all surprising that Hillary refuses to see the real reason that she lost. Narcissists like her are never at fault in their own minds. They just refuse to except how they can be at fault for anything and they have zero tolerance for anyone other than themselves.
David Watkins says
As a UK citizen I am amazed how many of the comments I see reflect those said by the Leave losers. All of us who voted for Brexit are ignorant, senile, duped, racist little Englanders who shouldn’t have been allowed to vote. In fact it’s a miracle we were able to vote at all considering how many years we have supposed to have been walking around with our knuckles dragging on the ground !
As for the Russian’s releasing Clinton’s emails and the concern it has raised over your Presidential election, I cannot fail but see the biased reporting yet again from the media. The concentration is on the fact that Russia hacked Hillary’s emails and released them for the public to see her true views. Nobody has stated that these emails are forgeries or that they contain false information. No, what is important to the press is the fact that they were allowed to be viewed by the american people against Hillary’s wishes and attempts to hide them. Enough said!
Justin W says
Hillary lost because she is corrupt and out of touch with working class Americans. She campaigned at a leisurely pace. Questions about her health and emails caused many to wonder what surprises would come to light once she won the election.
MSNBC has never been known as a conservative or moderate channel. When they begin to raise questions the Hillary campaign should have taken it seriously. After all, they were all on the same team. MSNBC and much of the rest of the media wanted Hillary to win.
Sgt. Shotgun says
Until Trump takes the oath of office….. We are NOT free of killery or obuma…..
I don’t trust them or anything they do….
I pray that I am wrong …….
daniel alon says
The Clintons and Obama bought into the Saudi Agenda for world wide terrorism for years. Connect the dots… they (Saudi Arabia) is the number One financier of Muslim Extremism. So called “moderate muslims” don’t exist. They all follow the same Credos of the Quran. The One World Order folks are in dismay that their plans for borderless world isn’t happening. Not saying I believe any of what Trump says either. We traded one set of elites for another one. Oh, where is Huma now? Where are all their Arab Muslim friendlies now? Wringing their hands, and oh well… as they say… Inshallah!
Judith Dey says
To whoever wrote (in effect) – “To HELL with PC and all those liberals trying to sell “Down is really UP, and UP is really DOWN”…and RIGHT is really WRONG…and wrong is suddenly RIGHT”. HEY! — You must’ve read Ayn Rand’s bible “Atlas Shrugged”, which lays out this whole sinister ideological PLAN for control of the masses by the few. Or, if you didn’t read Ayn Rand, then you figured it out for yourself. CONGRATULATIONS.
Yes, folks. It’s a lily-covered POND…just a short “hop” from Progressivism…to Socialism…to Communism…and then, a last small hippity-hop – to full-blown DICTATORSHIP. No ideology trys to claim the masses using a big stick and ordering them to heel. Like all “cults”, they start with small carrots until people are doctrinated, and then the masses suddenly exclaim “SHIT – how did we get HERE?” It’s mind-boggling that half the FOOLS in this country don’t seem to remember what the U.S.S.R. actually stood for? UNITED SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC. Please – everybody – try to explain this to any liberals you know who are still smart enough, or willing enough, to LISTEN and try to grasp the concept.
And you know what’s WORSE?????? We’re STUCK with our childrens’ brains being affected by this dribble. What we REALLY need to do is: “Drain the Swamp Of Teachers Who Are Teaching Our Kids This Kind Of C-R-A-P”. The problem is – we can’t WAIT around till all these liberal teachers DIE — because by THAT time, more of the same like-minded teachers (possibly our OWN children) will be teaching a new batch of kids this same kind of C-R-A-P. And the beat goes ON till somebody thinks of something SMART to do about it.
SO folks – anybody got any bright ideas on how we drain THIS particular Educational Swamp? Damned if I know, so I’d love to hear any ideas you readers might have. Preferably something remotely LEGAL (lol).
ClaudeA says
Does anyone here appreciate the fact that Amazon’s Jeff Bezos OWNS The Washington Post?