After Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton jumped ahead in early August polling against rival Donald Trump, the mainstream media was unable to contain it’s glee.
Headline after headline declared the race a blow-out. Journalists and news talking heads began citing major polls as evidence to their narrative that Trump and his supporters had no chance for victory in November.
One problem — no one told Trump.
Since, poll after poll are showing the race has returned to a virtual tie — and indicate that Clinton’s early August surge was little more than a post Democratic convention bounce, which observers note Trump also enjoyed following the RNC a week prior.
The Horn News first reported on the presidential polling dead head last Thursday.
Since then, polls from Rasmussen Reports and UPI/CVoter have reported similar results — the race for the White House is back to a virtual tie.
And Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus is predicting that Trump could take the lead for good in national polls by Labor Day.
“I think what you are seeing on the campaign is a continuation of a good couple of weeks that Donald Trump has had,” he said on a conference call, noting the rapid maturation of the campaign efforts of the Trump campaign.
Priebus went on to predict Trump’s upcoming immigration speech as a noteworthy chance to convert voters to the GOP candidates side.
“I’m looking forward to those remarks, I know he is working on them and I think he is going to do what he said he’s going to do — he’s going to be fair, be tough, and be humane. Those are some pretty good principles for us to look to when dealing with this subject.”
— The Horn editorial team
Main Street says
People are tired of low paying jobs, a declining nation and open borders.
Patte Bahl says
Deb says
I say Amen too!! Hope Trump surges way ahead after Labor Day. With no turning back. Bye Bye Hilliary
retired says
TRUMP/PENCE 2016————-2024 The only duo who can bring down the corruption that has been going on too long… Washington D.C. the only two who are actually for the legal american citizens of the U.S. Trump tells it like it is and 90% of the population agree with him…. Some openly and some who are quiet majority who are for Trump/Pence
No more Obamas No more Clintons, No more Comey, No more Loretta Lynch, No more Kerry……
There are going to be a lot of job openings when Trump/Pence take over as CIC and VP
Sick the Clintons and the other corrupt people in Washington that would be a great start to make america great again…
Welcome to the White House Trump/Pence 2016 thru 2024
Steve says
Great comments. Agree with everything. The only big thing that Trump and Pence need to do is put Obama and Clintons in prison. Needs to make a point that the government is NOT above the law and set them as the example.
Barbara says
We have got to figure a way to monitor the votes! We need Poll watchers, to challenge any voter you suspect of cheating, or not be a legal resident of the USA!
The Obama administration has just unveiled a plan to run the entire 2016 presidential election like one big Chicago ward — and it’s a very real threat to democracy itself.
It’s not as far fetched as it first seems. With the stroke of a pen, Obama could nationalize every election board in the country and make them follow any voting standards he draws up.
Unbelievably, the president says he’s doing this to fight voter fraud.
Last Monday Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson told the nation’s top election officials that the Obama administration is considering designating certain electoral systems “critical infrastructure” – like banks and the power grid – which have to be protected from cyber-hackers. That would allow Obama to intervene to “secure” the system underPresidential Policy Directive 21 and Executive Order 13636.
Right now, voting policies are set by 9,000 jurisdictions nationwide. This plan would transfer that power from local communities and elected officials to the Obama administration.
Johnson says he’s concerned about electronic voting machines behind hacked, possibly by foreign nations like Russia.
As if on cue, the mainstream media has rushed to cover the vote hacking threat, including outlets like the New York Times,NBC News, ABC News, CBS, CNN, Bloomberg, and Politico – all of which ridiculed allegations of voter fraud from Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and other conservatives.
And the whole thing is very suspicious, because there’s one glaring problem with the Obama administration’s new push: Right now, the system is safe from being compromised on a national scale, because local authorities are responsible for each of the 9,000 districts.
70 percent of districts use paper ballots, and even among electronic voting machines, almost all have a paper trail, and the machines are not interconnected.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest even admitted having 9,000 different systems makes it more difficult for hackers “to identify a common vulnerability.” Still, he insisted, “It’s important for the federal government to offer support to state and local governments” on voting machines.
So, what’s really going on?
Here’s what we do know — Obama is placing his people in charge of elections from coast to coast.
— sponsored —–
Hillary CAUGHT… red-handed… committing her worst crime yet.
It’s bigger than her email scandal…
Deadlier than Benghazi…
And it affects nearly every American citizen over 55…
To find out what it is — and how THIS could finally be the nail in Hillary’s coffin — go here now.
What will they suggest? In 2002, the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) encouraged districts to use electronic voting machines, which are vulnerable to hacking. Will Obama finish the job and promote electronic machines in place of paper ballots nationwide while pretending he’s “solving” the problem?
And just whose is he working on? Obama and Hillary Clinton’s most important benefactor, George Soros, has tried to control the nation’s election policy for years. In 2006, he funded the “Secretary of State Project” to elect the top election official in each state. But the voters have mostly rejected Soros-backed candidates. This would let him take the state completely out of the picture.
Instead, the new policy would let Obama put his hand-chosen federal enforcers in their place.
“Designating the nation’s election system as ‘critical infrastructure’ under a post 9/11 federal statute may be a way for the administration to get Justice Department lawyers, the FBI, and DHS staff into polling places they would otherwise have no legal right to access, which would enable them to interfere with election administration procedures around the country,” wrote Hans von Spakovsky, a former member of the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
In the 2012 election, Obama sent hundreds of federal election observers to 23 states, where they helped those who did not speak English vote in the presidential election. But this year, thanks to the Supreme Court’s ruling in Shelby County v. Holder, Obama’s Justice Department has been restricted to only sending government officials to five states.
Discovering a new, urgent voter hacking problem is their “Open Sesame” to send the feds back in.
Experts agree that electronic voting machines, like all electronic machines, are vulnerable to being rigged. But there’s a problem: The vast majority of them aren’t online.
The only way to control them is to somehow hack each machine manually. That means the would-be vote hackers have to be able to physically place something, like an electronic card, into each individual machine. Then, they can set the election’s outcome at will.
Brian Varner, a technology expert with Symantec Security Response, tested electronic voting machines and procedures and showed CBS News just how easy it is to hack a machine by hooking a small, electronic device to a voting card.
“For $15 and in-depth knowledge of the card, you could hack the vote,” Varner said.
“I can probably put about 400 votes in myself in less than a couple minutes, and the poll workers would be none the wiser,” he added.
Others have shown how a hacker can secretly insert a card into Diebold electronic voting booths, which are still in use in a handful of areas, and pre-program the election results for their chosen candidate.
But to do either of these, the criminals have to get their hands on the voting machines directly – not an easy task with 9,000 state and local officials watching the machines every minute.
Not, unless, these local officials are stripped of their powers.
Declaring voting booths “critical infrastructure” would give the Obama administration – and any group it chose to share that information with – “in-depth knowledge” of the cards each machine uses, possibly even the ability to choose the machine.
It gives them legal permission to in close physical proximity to those machines. It also gives them the authority to stop local election officials from interfering.
Therefore, it potentially gives the Obama administration proxy access to the nationwide voting network that has been proven vulnerable on a local scale.
That’s a very real danger to our democracy.
Lisa says
And the Dems keep INSISTING that there’s NO voter fraud!
sharon says
LIsa: I thought Obama didn’t know what voter fraud was or that it didn’t exist. That’s what he said when trump brought up and warning about voter fraud.. He goes what’s that. The federal government doesn’t do the elections!1 The states do!! Yes Obama we know you lie as much as Hillary and we know you won the election in 2012 with voter fraud!!
Arthur Hartsock says
And the Political Party in power handles the voting machines. Anyone remember the ballot fiasco during the Bush/Gore recount in Broward Co, Florida? Since that was a heavily Democrat County those democrats were in charge of maintenance on those voting machines. And most large cities in US have Democratic majorities. Even in red states like Texas.
Michael A. says
If Obama put in any of his people at voting place, if I regonize any of em in Oregon I,m going to cry wolf to get them out.
Arthur Hartsock says
The Black Panthers didn’t just cry wolf. They beat up potential voters. You need to do more than talk.
Michael retired US Navy says
this is a very good information. thanks! Trump voters should be staying in the polls during election to make sure that their votes are counted…legally, and not corrupted.
Nancy says
I’m so depressed I could cry. Of course they plan to throw the election. With George Soros and the rest of the OWO supporting their efforts, they stand a good chance of stealing the vote again. Can we stop them. We can sure as hell try.
Michael A. says
If Clinton gets in through rigged election, you know what will happens civil war will erupt.
Antonio oppus says
Does the trump campaign know this? Please pass this information to CEO Bannon . I am one who is willing to volunteer as precinct watcher.
M Hennesy says
You are SO RIGHT ! Obama and the Democrats ARE STALINISTS . Stalin said ” voters don’t decide elections ….the people that COUNT THE VOTES …..DECIDE ELECTIONS ” These Marxists have been manipulating our elections since 2006. Judicial Watch and True the Vote have exposed NUMEROUS VOTER FRAUD cases. WE ALL need to support these two organizations who are fighting the criminal Democrats who ARE RIGGING our elections. If Obama tries to determine this election …and Hillary wins when the silent majority does not want her ….there could be civil unrest we haven’t seen before.
Michael Sweigart says
Agree 100%!
TONY says
hwrudolph says
. . .better name: HILLABITCH. . .!!
thats what i think too !!!
Michael retired US Navy says
yap! she can be the woman Hitler, that’s what my wife and relatives were saying! Wake up everyone! if you love our country, keep your eyes on the polls! Secure our votes!
OracleGuy says
You somehow have the idea that the Federal Government should create high-paying jobs. Get an education, be willing to relocate, and you can have that without government intrusion. Not willing to do those things? Then quit bellyaching.
Lisa says
Who are you proselytizing to? Explain to us how all those engineers and computer people from various companies, who have great educations, have been replaced by foreign nationals on H-1B visas.
OracleGuy says
Where I live there is a shortage of software engineers and companies are bringing in people with H-1B visas to meet a need our own students won’t fill. Apparently they don’t want to work that hard.
Masanja says
Those expecting Trump to win have to give up. A mic just caught Trump really angry with American women. The mic caught Trump calling all American women as “Fat.” “Pigs.” “Dogs.” “Disgusting animals.” And that is why he goes to poor Eastern European countries for wives. We are told in October Trump is leading an entourage of American males to Eastern Europe. Included in the group are: Pence, Herman Cain, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Gov. Sanford, Newt, ugly Giuliani and Bill O’rielly who has just divorced now accused for harassing Andrea Tantaros and other women. Trump should hang-up and go to his wives some are now wrinkled and wants to replace them. Please join me and vote for Hillary.
Not dumb blonde says
And where did you read or hear this garbage? Sounds a little off, don’t you think????? If this was true, the news media would be all over it, as they are, when Trump says anything, even a single word they don’t like.
John Wy says
You really are full of “S..T” The dumb get dummer!!!
M Hennesy says
You are SO CLUELESS ! It’s people like you that are giving us the CORRUPT GOVERNMENT and LYING CRIMINALS in it ….like Hussein Obama and Hillary and Bill Clinton !
Barbara says
and what third (fourth) world country is this coming from ? This writing style is from someone who just learned how to speak english? and has a hard time writing/typing it.
Barbara says
and what third (fourth) world country is this coming from ? This writing style is from someone who just learned how to speak english? and has a hard time writing/typing it.
Judy says
Trump has to win. We can’t let the Clintons in the White House again.
Lori says
people are sick of the corrupt Clinton’s and all their games and back door “deals”. I find it offensive that she is not even bothering to campaign anymore she is so confident in her poll numbers and now she can just lolly gag with her Hollywood supporters. One problem… we still get to vote. Unless… like her fake primary run and her multitude of criminal actions she already knows the outcome? If that is the case, and she already knows something we don’t that she is our next president she might as well send Obama packing now.
MangusColorado says
Not to mention her failing health – how many times has she fallen down since the ones that broke her elbow and then gave her a brain blood clot that appears to have given her seizures now? What about her brain short circuit on Fox?
Jemb says
If Hillary is named the winner, we need to demand a re-count.
Lloyd says
No recount,Trump by a landslide.
Michael retired US Navy says
100% agreed!
OracleGuy says
Ask for it now, Jemb. Trump is saying the election is rigged even before he loses in a landslide so he can save face later.
Lisa says
The Dem primary was rigged. We have proof! Why wouldn’t we think the election has been rigged?
M Hennesy says
Why don’t you do a little research into all the State voter fraud cases since Obama ran in 2008. Judicial Watch and True the Vote have brought lawsuits on BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE to stop what you seem to ignore.
Not dumb blonde says
I believe Hillary can ONLY win, if somehow the voting is rigged, and I PRAY that Trump has lots of security around him at all times. She is evil, and death seems to come to those who oppose her.
shirley sans says
Let’s hope the American people get it right ! VOTE TRUMP 2016 !!!!
Mary says
Trump is bringing it to the finish line with democrats desperately propping up tired platforms and a sick old woman who needs to find a rocker and shut the f up. Illary Hillary.
OracleGuy says
According to NPR, If the election were held today, Clinton would win in a landslide of 2008 proportions. Keep relying on polls operated by TheHornNews and be very disappointed in November. TheHorn only asks Trump supporters who they plan to vote for, so the results are pretty predictable.
Vito Geneovese says
Hey you moron, talk about biased polls, the liberal media polls a majority of liberals, they would not dare to poll conservatives.
And I must say I do not review these blogs often but when I do your remarks are the most idiotic and have no substance what so ever, without being cruel, why don’t you do yourself and everyone else a favor and shut TFU because you really are not an intelligent person. Your intellect leaves a lot to be desired. I am really trying to put it in simple terms so even and idiot like yourself can understand.
Michael A. says
Skepteekal says
Good answer. How long did you have to scratch your a$$ to dream that one up. Imbecile!
ron says
Vito … He knows what a jerk he is but gets paid per response to his asinine comments so please do.. NOT.. feed the assigned to this otherwise intelligent site TROLL.
Be ware he uses many names.
dskap says
GIve that Oracle guy both barrels Vito!
Not dumb blonde says
It appears that Trump is in the lead in polls today, so don’t speak so quickly, when you say that only here on the Horn, we are the only people who want Trump. Not True… TRUMP for President 2016!!!!!!!!!!!
NAN says
Milanka Jevric says
I’m agree totally Trump is for sure the best to put aur country back and give us better like. God bless him and his beautiful and smart family.
Yadja says
The Establishment is against him, lobbyists, big business, Bilderberg, Globalists, Soros, the Communist Party has endorsed Hillary, the Main Media against Trump, all our enemies against Trump, our only hope is for H to drop from her “Short Circuiting” cause people face it the Election is rigged.
Constitutionalist says
i predicted MONTHS ago that the CCMSM would continue to proclaim a near “dead heat” tie between the two with their rigged “polls” so that when the vote totals were skewed for The Liar, they could point back to the polls and say, “Oh! Close, Trump, but no cigar. Too bad, so sad, buh-bye.”
i think that Trump would be quite foolish not to seek the same treatment 3rd-world countries get – multiple international observers who do exit polling and compare results with actual vote totals, such that any disparity greater than 5% would result in a null election, a declaration of Fraud, investigations, prosecutions, and a NEW election day.
If Trump does NOT insist on this or similar safeguards, he’ll lose, plain and simple; the same BS was in effect when D’OweBama “won” in 2012: multiple voting precincts reporting well over 100% voting, NO ONE in the district voting Republican, and multiple other easily-seen-through scams and cheats – none of which were followed up on, and no prosecutions resulted…and certainly, no recounts insisted upon by probably-complicit Republican shills like Mittens Robme, the ungrateful jackass who loved Trump when he donated to Robme’s campaign, but hates him now that Trump has declared for America and to hell with the globalists, of whom Robme is a charter sold-soul member.
Cynthia Hunt 73@ says
I totally agree. That’s why she’s taking a back seat idiot. Just pray someone with guts, money and big power comes out with the truth. This is what money does to people.
Bob Montmoran says
There is ennough evidence that HRC has taken advantage of her cozy Obama connection which allows her the advantage of the DOJ and the FBI. She has used the media to help propell her image. All the main stream media has democratic connections,and rich donors like Soro gives plenty of money to ensure his influence. Its possible the American people can wake up and save us from the disaster of HRC.
Alice says
God Bless American and God Bless Trump!
Awake says
The poll above shows Trump leading by over 80%.
Even the conservative media is lying to you.
Americans get tough and DEMAND that all of the media tells the truth!!! The American people want TRUMP
OracleGuy says
Actually, a good many educated Americans do NOT want Trump. They are not enthusiastic about Hillary but know that Trump would be a complete disaster. The media irritate Trump by repeating his inane comments and he has the gall to complain about bias? Stop saying stupid things and the media won’t have anything to report.
Lisa says
You’re a troll.
Skepteekal says
The majority of educated Americans realize that Clinton will say and do anything to get elected. They are aware of her criminal past and we all know she has no intention of changing her mendacious ways. Truly educated people understand that when Clinton says she is fighting for us, she means bubba,chelsea and herself. She doesn’t give two hops in Hell about the American people. She cares about how she can work the system for more power and money. These are a few of the reasons why intelligent people do NOT trust Clinton (less than 11% do) and do NOT want another clinton in the White House. The global elite NWO/CFR Bilderberg crowd are all in with the MSM because their agenda depends on maintaining the status quo. clinton represents the real danger to the Republic and in reality will trigger WW 3 within her first year. First, disarm the American people through the Supreme Court and gun confiscation followed by censorship of the media and abolishment of the First Amendment. The British rejected the European Union. Citizens of the United States of America reject the Trilateral plan for a North American Union.
We are not thrilled with the uncertainty of a Trump presidency, but the alternative is beyond catastrophic.
Lucille Atwater says
Educated people. I do not like the way that is used as though it means intelligent people. Education in our present way crazy liberal institutions of “education” is no assurance of intelligence.
clarence lipscomb says
WE have not had a real and good leader since Ronald . How many years has that been ???
Donald will be close to Ronald. For some reason that’s easy to say. Sounds good to me !!!
John G. says
Go Donald – do the Witch in.
Alice wilbur says
Donald Trump had me from the first speech I heard him give last sept October . He cares about the people in America, that includes all people red yellow black and white. I pray for him and our country everyday. I Sometimes wonder why he puts himself through all the bias media and the hateful remarks people makes against him. When he doesn’t have too. That makes me respect him even more. He has raised good kids and has a wonderful wife. Melania Trump. America has needed someone like him for a long time to fight corruption and big money here in America. Lets don’t let him down, might be our last chance to get our country back in the people’s hands the way the constitution meant for it to be.
Alice wilbur says
This is what I meant to say
ELI says
“I’m With You” on this!
EMILY says
Jb says
Just a,quick note …if its,not trump..kiss your ass ,good by ,im sick and tired of these clinton bastards
Lisa says
Just to tell you….it was short, sweet and to the point. We ALL feel this way….
Karl says
I have a question that I’m just not sure about who wins in November of it turns out to be a tie?
Lisa says
I’ll have to look that up. Hope it’s the Senate because the Repubs are in charge for now…
Lucille Atwater says
I believe the House of Representatives gets to decide if there is a tie.
Mary Paul says
Hillary Clinton is the biggest liar on this earth. Her and Bill make a perfect pair of liars. They just want more and more money in the Clinton Foundation.
They don’t care about the American people. And I believe the Clintons can fix the election. If Obama can do it, in which he did, he is not even an American, fix the race twice, then the Clintons will fix the race also. We all need to get together and vote for an honest man like Donald Trump. He has plenty of money, he does not need any money from the Lobbyist like the Clintons and Obama have been filling their pockets. The nerve of the Clintons taking things out of the White House thinking it us theirs. They are nothing but thieves. They don’t care about the American public. Let them go to the countries and live, the ones that are Islamic Terrorist so the can buddy buddy with them. Vote for a leader, Donald Trump. Watch our country get back on its feet.
Brad says
All social media polls have Trump winning in a landslide. News media polls are rigged. Can’t wait to see Trump demolish her in the debates.
OracleGuy says
This is a laughably ignorant remark. It’s like saying, “All my Facebook friends are for Trump so he is going to win.” That’s hardly reasonable projection. Scientific polling is more accurate and reliable but climate change deniers will probably disagree with anything scientific anyway.
froggy57 says
Get back under the bridge, Troll.
stop watching the soory networks.
boycott cnn and aol.
James says
I thought Americans see far than a guy who got millions in 19th century and also inherited lots of money from a rich father to claim he made billions when he did nothing other than turning the same money over time .with inflation those millions are equivalent to billions today .
Neil says
You are mistaken. The 5 million dollar loan would be worth about 30 million today. His properties alone are in the 10 figure range. Hillary stole her money. But then…..all liberals are dishonest so who cares…right.
ron says
Neil … Don’t know if he is a retard or a Troll.
Personally I would prefer to be retarded over being a Troll.
OracleGuy says
Actually, if Trump had retired in 1982 and invested his inheritance in index funds rather than play at real estate, he would actually be $10 billion wealthier today and would happily share his tax returns.
Lisa says
What are your credentials? How do you KNOW that he’d have that much money? I call BS!
froggy57 says
If he did this, if he did that. If he had bought winning lotto tickets with it, etc..
You are either profoundly ignorant, or you think the readers here are. You are almost certainly a paid Hillary shill.
froggy57 says
Do some research, idiot. He took a loan from his Dad and paid it back. What does it matter who he got the loan from… a bank or his dad.
Peter says
Very sad how many deeply troubled morons still support Hillary, Obama and the Democratic Party?
Tom Day says
And I got news for the Democratic party, Trump will win over 40% of the Black vote, and the rest will not come out for Clinton, they do not like her, forget what the talking heads in the MSM say, they only talk to themselves, not everyday people like us. The few who said they might, said, with Hillary you get pedophile Bill, so they said no deal. Obama has little appeal in the Black community, so he can’t help. This election will be a landslide for Trump, even the Hiphop crowd loves Trump, he’s in their music, they sample his videos for their own, because he is what they aspire to be……..wealthy. Blacks are through with so called spokespeople like the NAACP, Liberals and race hustlers on tv, no one cares about the BLM crew, they look at those people as resentful, used, racist. Much like Margaret Sanger’s view of finding enablers to keep the poor and minorities in line, spewing hate, racism, etc, in reality, they are the racist. Normal people care nothing of race, we’re all mixed up in this country, normal people care about money……. and Trump knows how to make it.
ELI says
Amen. God bless America !
Wehms says
Easy to tell what group reads this news source…..
Too bad Gov. Gary Johnson never got the free exposure Trump got. The Libertarian Party may be our only true hope to restore Freedom and Democracy…..
Tom Day says
Noooo man, he doesn’t know how to make money, LOL, Gary Johnson’s views make no sense in this time of strife.
ron says
Wehms … What do you like about GJ ?
Is it that support of TPP or his commy VP ?
Justin W says
Donald Trump’s rise will be helped by the Clintons’ never ending ability to create a scandal. The latest one showing a direct connection between huge donations and access to the secretary of state could sideline Hillary for the rest of the campaign.
If Donald Trump will spend his energy sounding and acting presidential it should pay off for him. A large amount of his previous poll slippage was self inflicted. This race is very winnable if he will just watch what he says.
jwb says
Lyin’ Donnie can’t act presidential, he is a spoiled little brat that bullies his way about. He is a boob that can not be the least bit professional. What a jerk he is. I WILL VOTE FOR THE CHUMP BECAUSE HE IS BETTER THAT HRC, GET THAT STRAIGHT. HE WILL WIN BECAUSE OF THAT, NOT THAT IS ACCEPTED …………. THE END
Tom Day says
Lol, Lol, you’re a funny guy JWB, with all the name calling, you must be a reformed democrat, thanks for your vote
jwb says
thanks, gotta love it, this is such a groovy voter season …………..
Donaldo says
My Democrat wife informed me she’s voting for Trump. Had enough of the Clinton LIES and CORRUPTION!
Ann says
Good for your wife! She finally sees what the Clintons are all about. Lying, scheming, corrupt sob’s! Glad that she has come to her senses and will vote for Trump. Now………..if only I could convince some of my friends to vote for Trump. But, I guess they still have their blinders on and don’t see what a true BITCH she is.
Hervey Sande says
It truly amazes me that so many people are blind and appear not to give importance to the fact that H. Clinton is totally dishonest. The liberal class, supported by ABC, NBC and CBS do not report to the American people that Clinton is a crook and probably should have been indicted. She appears to wear teflon and her mis-deeds and crimes do not stick to her. She denies and denies and tells additional lies to defend her nefarious ways. God help America if this corrupt, wicked person should fool the American people and become president.
The Texan says
It is time to remove and keep despotism out of the Whitehouse. It is time to return to the fundamentals of the Constitution. The Constitution has not become outmoded because it was applicable only to a particular time, The Constitution is founded on human nature which has not changed since the Constitution was drafted. An essay found in the Federalist provides the following insight.
“It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but greatest of all reflections on human nature? If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; an the next place oblige it to control itself.”
George Washington had this to say: “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence. It is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”
Pursuant to this attitude, the Constitution was drafted in such a way that federal authority would extend only to those functions which because of their nature, could not be satisfactorily by the people themselves or the separate states.
Since most people’s ordinary activities could be well by the people themselves or the states, the federal government would have no authority over the daily lives of the people.
But now we have people like Hillary that don’t believe that people are capable of managing their own affairs and that she and select others know what is best for everyone else. To this end she wants to take control of the federal government the federal government to take control of the rest of us.
ron says
Texan … The Don may need some of that Fire to fumigate the WH to remove the swarms of flies and stench from B O !
froggy57 says
(You had a hunch the news system was rigged, but you couldn’t
put your finger on it, huh? This might solve the puzzle: ABC News
executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice,
National Security Adviser. CBS President David Rhodes is the
brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security
Adviser for Strategic Communications. ABC News correspondent
Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary
Jay Carney. ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is
married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary ABC
President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special
Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood. CNN President Virginia Moseley is
married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
And now you know why it is no surprise the media is in Obama’s
pocket. Think there might be a little bias in the news ? This may
also explain the cover up of Benghazi, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.,
Isn’t it interesting that every place you look in Obama’s
administration people fill positions because of who they know, not
what they know or how competent they are —- and you wonder
why our country has so many problems.))
Susan Dix says
I just hope and pray that Mr.Trump will not be swayed by the special interest groups regarding his stance on immigration.
He needs to stick to his guns regarding deportation of illegals. Also he cannot go back on his word and allow Muslims from
nations with terrorist problems into our country. He also needs to stay on point about his law and order platform. The MSM
needs to start reporting the news instead of being biased for the Demoncraps!!!