If the mainstream media headlines are to be believed, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is running away with the 2016 general election.
Story after story is being pushed by liberal journalists about how polls are proving that Donald Trump’s bold, take-no-PC-prisoners attitude is costing him big with voters.
But there’s one thing they’re not saying: There are also major polls that tell a completely different story — and the majority of the media talking heads are ignoring them.
According to the most recent Los Angeles Times poll, Clinton and Trump are in a dead heat — 44.0% to 43.4%, well within the margin of error.
And that’s not the only poll that says the race is too close to call. A Zogby Analytics poll released Tuesday had Clinton at 38% and Trump at 36%. Considering the poll has a 2.8% margin of error, Clinton’s 2% lead could actually swing either way.
Critics and the Trump campaign say that the mainstream media polling methods are to blame for the huge discrepancies — and they may be right. Polls that Trump consistently dominates are ignored by the mainstream, who push their own data instead.
“Trump’s team believes that online polls more accurately show the horserace because more and more voters prefer to give their opinions anonymously,” The Washington Examiner explains.
Pollster John Zogby agrees, and points out in Tuesday’s news release that he is a specialist in targeting under served voting blocs that are often ignored by mainstream pollsters, voters he calls NASCAR and WalMart voters.
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Liberals are speechless over THIS shocking video
It shows Hillary CAUGHT… red-handed… committing her worst crime yet.
It’s bigger than her email scandal…
Deadlier than Benghazi…
And it affects nearly every American citizen over 55…
To find out what it is — and how THIS could finally be the nail in Hillary’s coffin — go here now.
“Another interesting development is over the years we have tracked voting habits among NASCAR fans and Weekly WalMart shoppers. Ten years ago these groups tended to slant conservative and Republican. That trend has been reversed during the Obama Presidency, and these consumers tend to be more liberal and supporters of Democrats today,” Zogby reveals.
“Trump has reversed this trend. Both NASCAR fans and WalMart shoppers favor Trump over Clinton. Donald Trump is winning NASCAR fans (44% to 36%) and weekly WalMart shoppers 41% to 36%,” he concludes.
If the mainstream media continues to ignore these results, however, it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The media is trying to discourage Trump voters so they’ll stay home on Election Day and hand Clinton victories in crucial battleground states.
And that could decide the presidency.
Do you think that polling is unfair towards Donald Trump?
Or is Hillary Clinton really running away with the election? Comment below!
— The Horn editorial team
Joe Z says
Trump hasn’t even started running TV ads yet. By November 8th, Trump will be the clear winner.
cathy says
AMEN, we dont want that Illuminati witch in the white house
anita says
I think it is catching up with the old HAG ,she is looking more beat up every day ,she falls ,she twitches ,she shakes ,it is really getting to her ,that is KARMA BABY !!!!
Re says
You got that right. She is dead in the water.
Julie Sharp says
Amen, from your fingers to God’s eyes…
Dave Fiorini says
Well, as I see it, she is a liar, corrupt and can not be trusted. What the hell are the loony left thinking??? She can not win. Trump is on message and clinton is trying to stay out of jail. Now if the dishonest press does there job properly and not be in the back pocket of the loony left Trump will win big……
Deborah Reeves says
I hope she goes down hard, Bengazi is her undoing, the big lie! Good riddance Vote Trump, make America Safe again.
Taylor says
She is a duplicitous criminal low-life! In addition, she is a big-time elitist snob!
Barbara Walker says
James says
I cannot believe this is American journalism! They are suppose to report without prejudice! Not tell us who to vote for! I believe Trump is a movement,and we who are the movement must not listen to polls made of past political races because WE THE MOVEMENT ARE NOTHING LIKE A TYPICAL PRESIDENTIAL POLL!! We are those who make this change and don’t let CRIMINAL HILLARY’s Fixed polls scare us,WE ARE AMERICANS AND THIS IS OUR MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE: MR.DONALD TRUMP
Lola Martin says
illuminate? she will not be given a chance with that group. She is opportunatic! She doesn’t have the required pedigree.
Cy says
Haven’t you ever heard the term the communists use “useful idiots?” That certainly describes Hiltlery’s position relative to the worldwide globalists. She has NO pedigree. She is a tramp. But, they will use her and her slippery disgusting husband to steal more of our freedoms from us if we let them.
Trump 2016 – Put out the trash and clean the house!
DB says
Hay, she is not on our membership rolls. We have more honor then that!
Illuminati Management team
The Redhawk says
pOLLS that MSM likes to talk about are usually Dominated by having over 67% Democrats or Prigressives being Asked Questions…WEIGHTED to make HUCK FILLERY look good!
Dennis Woodhull, Sr. says
Ever since the Democratic Convention, the only poll results being reported by the liberal mainstream media show that Hillary Clinton is slowly pulling ahead of Donald Trump. Of course the same liberal mainstream media had been conducting a biased editing and reporting campaign to show Trump in a bad way and glorify Hillary.
They edited his comments about the Muslim parents of whose son was killed in action while serving in the US military. Trump stated about the mom not speaking, the liberal media intentionally edited out when Trump stated that that’s what others have written. They made it to look like those were Trump’s own words.
Now all of the controversy surrounding the way liberals have twisted Trump’s comment about people who value the Second Amendment. Hillary and even the Kennedy family have twisted it in such a way as declare Trump is inciting violence in some form. However, none of the same liberal media, nor Clinton nor the Kennedy family mention the fact that Hillary once stated that Obama could be assassinated.
The sad part is that so many people today believe everything they hear and see from the liberal mainstream media. They take the reports as gospel.
Did you know that in most of the polls, where they are reporting a Clinton lead, are conducted in such a way as to bias the outcome? Often, they only poll 100 up to 1,000 people. Not only are their sample sizes statistically small, but they often poll areas that are known to be predominately Democratic, hence, it only makes sense that Hillary is ahead.
But you probably have not heard about one poll that was recently taken where they polled 1,000 people from every state. Yep, 50,000 people were polled. They intentionally called 33% Republicans, 33% Democrats and 34% Independents and the results were so astonishing that none of the national liberal media have dared to report it.
The poll was conducted by the Arizona Freedom Alliance and according to their post:
” We’ve been telling you the difference between a media poll and an internal poll. Media polls are driven by the desire to achieve a certain outcome. That is why you think Hillary is leading Trump by 10 points. If you were paying attention, one of these polls had Hillary up by 15 points before the GOP convention. After the convention, Trump was up 15 points, a 30% jump! Statistically impossible. After the democrat convention, Hillary was up 10 points, a 25% swing. Again, can’t happen. The media is jerking our chain. DO NOT believe them. The only polls that can be believed are internal polls that are rarely made public. While the poll below is not an internal poll, it was done in a most interesting manner – with no perceived bias. And it is YUGE!”
“And by the way, it nearly mirrors what internal polls are showing. By any accurate measure, Hillary is NOT leading Trump in the minds of the voters.”
‘We have just completed our own poll since we cannot get factual information from the mainstream media!! We called 1000 homes in each of the 50 states and asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick.”
“Economy was the number one factor that Americans are concerned about and terrorism was number two.
Presidential pick was Trump by a large percentage.
Trump 33478 votes 67%
Clinton 9788 Votes 19%
Undecided or other 6739 votes 13%”
“My friends and I are all Graduate students from all walks of life. We meet to discuss stuff… 13 people who like and have served in the Military. It took us most of two weeks to be sure our calls were to all people and not just one party or another. We called Americans.. our poll is by taking registered voter lists and we accumulated 33% repub, 33% dems and 34% ind.. our poll consisted of 1000 calls per state. all 50 states. 50,000 people are in this poll not the 100 like other polls.”
“Please everyone copy and paste to your status so everyone knows that the other polls are rigged!”
Can you imagine if word got out about the results of this poll, which was conducted with a 50 to 500 times larger sample size than most of the national polls and was conducted equally among Republicans, Democrats and Independents.
They have asked that everyone share their results so please do. Let America and mainstream liberal media, and especially Hillary Clinton know that Trump has a HUGE lead over her in one of the largest independent polls conducted. Let’s blow the liberals out of the water.
Richard Bronson says
Amen To your polls. I believe it shows a much truer picture.
Michelle says
I actually think that letting the liberals think they are way ahead is a better tactic. In this case, many of them won’t bother to vote, similar to what happened 2 years ago. I recall a liberal in an interview saying “we lost because more people voted Republican”. Yes, thats pretty much how this voting thing works!
Mathew Molk says
You would expect an intelligent comment from a useful idiot ???
John Lamb says
Here’s another thumb nail from NBC
Joyce says
Please share this information to my Facebook page.joyce doodle hardy,thx
James says
Dee says
I said way back this is going to be just like Brexit , way before Trump did . Because of the way the liberal media depicts Trump many won’t admit he’s got their votes, and come Election Day the media will be So surprised The People Will Make The RIGHT Choice !!
Mike says
I took a poll on a site that took over 3.2 million votes and it had Donald Trump with a more commanding lead with 3.1 million for Trump and Hillary only had 297+ thousand votes! I think American’s are finally to the point that they are tired of ALL paid politicians and are desperately hoping that a Trump win will give us America BACK! Obama has done everything in his directed power to kill American’s, kill America sovereignty, bring us the brink of a racial war so that he might remain in control for however long the OWO and globalists want to continue to reign with tyrannical power to subject us to their will! If the election gets rigged there are too many that want a revolt to take back this country from these crooked people in which Obama and Hillary are in bed with.
Susan Doten says
I have seen the graduate student poll and published it everywhere it was noted that the polls were a big deal. Thank you students and congratulations on teaching the other pollsters what a real poll is and how it is done. Kind of sad those other pollsters are so corrupted.
Marycos says
I knew this. No poll has those numbers that the media is showing..
I a day last week as I was running errands, Dr’s visits etc. I asked people how were they leaning to vote.
Our of maybe 25 or 30, only 2 said Hillary, a nice black guy I have known for awhile and a clerk that is from Iran, Syria, or Pakistan.
Richarď Noriega says
I love this and know that there trying to get Hillary in the white house no matter who they have to step on
george roman says
Thank you for a nonbiased poll i cant believe that clintpn with her small rallys can be leading anything
Mathew Molk says
I have been saying that all along.
Just an FYI for ya. I travel all over NE Ohio. The only Clinton signs I have ever seen say “Hillery for Prison” but there are dozens, and dozens of Trump signs all over the place. Further I have NEVER heard anyone EVER say they were going to vote for Clinton. This is where the polls have the Cackling Witch up by 10 points.
Remember that pole where they released with trump ahead but then recalled is and “recalculated” it and set it back out with the Hilrat ahead? – Never trusted any of them since.
Deborah Flynn says
I sure hope so or Hillary has that BIG ONE seizure and drops like a fly
Judy Selich says
Although I abhor and despise Clinton, I cannot support the concept of hoping someone, anyone dies.
Steve Simas says
he never said that …in his words, he is saying that the 2nd amendment people will gather to vote against her
Lucy says
Me either. I cannot wish bad health or death to a candidate. That doesn’t bode well.
Mathew Molk says
The world I live in (real world) is a little tougher then yours. We do not subscribe to the PC crap that got the country into the mess we are in right now.
If the Cackling Witch dropped dead right now there would be a party the likes of witch hasn’t been seen since they killed Osama bin Laden. – In the working man’s world she is hated like poison. Adolf Hitler is better liked then the Hilrat and everybody is glad he is rotting in hell.
Too bad if that offends you but it’s the dying truth.
Trump for the White House.
Clinton for the BIG house!
Carolyn Allen says
I just want Hillary and Bill to leave the country and never come back. Maybe they can move to one of the countries who’ve donated to their crooked foundation.
anita says
Deborah Flynn ,since the damn useless Democrats won’t put her corrupt evil ASS in Prison maybe KARMA will soon get her nasty ASS ,good ridden;s corrupt crooked nasty COCKROACH Clinton BITCH ,maybe the Muslim Traitor COCKROACH Obama will join her ,
pam says
I Don’t believe the polls! They all said the same thing in the primary. Can anyone just report the truth?
Judy Selich says
Polls are almost always notoriously rigged, particularly in this election! “Pollsters” always have an agenda!
Dennis Woodhull, Sr. says
Ever since the Democratic Convention, the only poll results being reported by the liberal mainstream media show that Hillary Clinton is slowly pulling ahead of Donald Trump. Of course the same liberal mainstream media had been conducting a biased editing and reporting campaign to show Trump in a bad way and glorify Hillary.
They edited his comments about the Muslim parents of whose son was killed in action while serving in the US military. Trump stated about the mom not speaking, the liberal media intentionally edited out when Trump stated that that’s what others have written. They made it to look like those were Trump’s own words.
Now all of the controversy surrounding the way liberals have twisted Trump’s comment about people who value the Second Amendment. Hillary and even the Kennedy family have twisted it in such a way as declare Trump is inciting violence in some form. However, none of the same liberal media, nor Clinton nor the Kennedy family mention the fact that Hillary once stated that Obama could be assassinated.
The sad part is that so many people today believe everything they hear and see from the liberal mainstream media. They take the reports as gospel.
Did you know that in most of the polls, where they are reporting a Clinton lead, are conducted in such a way as to bias the outcome? Often, they only poll 100 up to 1,000 people. Not only are their sample sizes statistically small, but they often poll areas that are known to be predominately Democratic, hence, it only makes sense that Hillary is ahead.
But you probably have not heard about one poll that was recently taken where they polled 1,000 people from every state. Yep, 50,000 people were polled. They intentionally called 33% Republicans, 33% Democrats and 34% Independents and the results were so astonishing that none of the national liberal media have dared to report it.
The poll was conducted by the Arizona Freedom Alliance and according to their post:
” We’ve been telling you the difference between a media poll and an internal poll. Media polls are driven by the desire to achieve a certain outcome. That is why you think Hillary is leading Trump by 10 points. If you were paying attention, one of these polls had Hillary up by 15 points before the GOP convention. After the convention, Trump was up 15 points, a 30% jump! Statistically impossible. After the democrat convention, Hillary was up 10 points, a 25% swing. Again, can’t happen. The media is jerking our chain. DO NOT believe them. The only polls that can be believed are internal polls that are rarely made public. While the poll below is not an internal poll, it was done in a most interesting manner – with no perceived bias. And it is YUGE!”
“And by the way, it nearly mirrors what internal polls are showing. By any accurate measure, Hillary is NOT leading Trump in the minds of the voters.”
‘We have just completed our own poll since we cannot get factual information from the mainstream media!! We called 1000 homes in each of the 50 states and asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick.”
“Economy was the number one factor that Americans are concerned about and terrorism was number two.
Presidential pick was Trump by a large percentage.
Trump 33478 votes 67%
Clinton 9788 Votes 19%
Undecided or other 6739 votes 13%”
“My friends and I are all Graduate students from all walks of life. We meet to discuss stuff… 13 people who like and have served in the Military. It took us most of two weeks to be sure our calls were to all people and not just one party or another. We called Americans.. our poll is by taking registered voter lists and we accumulated 33% repub, 33% dems and 34% ind.. our poll consisted of 1000 calls per state. all 50 states. 50,000 people are in this poll not the 100 like other polls.”
“Please everyone copy and paste to your status so everyone knows that the other polls are rigged!”
Can you imagine if word got out about the results of this poll, which was conducted with a 50 to 500 times larger sample size than most of the national polls and was conducted equally among Republicans, Democrats and Independents.
They have asked that everyone share their results so please do. Let America and mainstream liberal media, and especially Hillary Clinton know that Trump has a HUGE lead over her in one of the largest independent polls conducted. Let’s blow the liberals out of the water.
Mathew Molk says
Hey Dennis,
The “NO” I posted was to the person who asked “can anyone tell the truth?”, not to you.
And just and FYI for you, my very unscientific sign and bumper sticker poll runs just about like yours. I Travel all over NE Ohio (where the “polls” have the Hilrat up by 10) the only Clinton signs or bumper stickers I see say “Hillery for Prison” but here are dozens and dozens of Trump and Trump/Pence bumper stickers and yard signs.
so I’ll add my own.
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house!
Mathew Molk says
Very Angry Voter says
Truth doesn’t matter in this country anymore. It hasn’t mattered since the PC revolution and the selfish, spoiled children they produced. I am sick and tired of the lack of truth in this day and age. I am constantly looking for the truth and I haven’t found a shred of it in today’s media. I think I would fall over in a dead faint if someone on TV today actually spoke the unadalterated, no biases, honest to God truth.
Frances says
The polls are as corrupt as Hillary. DO NOT beleive any of the polls by the SO called pollsters. Go Trump! He gave a great speech in Wisconsin. Keep it up.
Hillary Clinton’s last rally was held in a High-School Gym! (SMALL VENUE)…..Donald Trump’s last Rally had Tens of Thousands of People attending and many more that could not get in because they ran out of room!!!(HUGE VENUE)….I strongly believe they are SWITCHING the poll numbers!!….It would be so easy to do folks!!!…Yes Donald is winning by a landslide!!!!….This is why he complains about the media??? …I would too!!!
Dennis Woodhull, Sr. says
A Hillary rally couldn’t fill a phone booth even if she was giving away free i phones !!
Mathew Molk says
Is that the same thing as the ‘Boma did whe he gave out a “PON” to every welfare participant?.
Jc says
Then there’s the fact that he draws 10’s of thousands to his rallies and she draw just hundreds of her support morons.
Mathew Molk says
Those are her commie “useful Idiots”
CJ says
Amen, brother!
Liza says
I am going to get my story out no matter who likes it or not! Donald Trump ripped some very good friends of mine with his Atlantic City, New Jersey casinos. The business wasn’t that big but the work they did was outstanding! Trump wanted the best but didn’t want to pay when the job was completed. He loved the job but when it came time to pay he failed and they had to go to court. In the end this construction and contracting business almost lost everything while Trump walked away with millions! I have seen this with my own eyes and now I see that Chris Christie even gave him a break on what he owed in back taxes. I don’t think I want someone who doesn’t pay their bills (especially when it’s small businesses and individuals who don’t have his kind of money) to be running the greatest country in the world!
name b free says
Liza the Clinton Global Initiative pays most of the travel expenses for non campaign expenses for the Lewinsky- Mezvinsky-Clintonites. In business you often have your unpaid bills end up being settled for a fraction of their face value. The politicians who by and large are lawyers, frame laws to benefit them and their colleagues. The biggest winners in bankruptcies are always the lawyers!!
Mathew Molk says
Liza, I would rather send this to you in an eMail and not bore the rest of the people here but I don’t know where to send it and although your reply has NOTHING at all to do with Trump running for prez, and neither the Trump Organization which is a holding company, or Donald Trump himself are directly involved in construction of anything, here goes anyway.
Kid, I have been in the trades likely longer then you have been alive. I got stiffed by a lot of generals contractors and by others including Howard Johnson’s and someone a lot bigger then Trump. the Ford Motor Company. I went under twice in something over 40 years because of not getting paid and came back 3 and then retired. Although I will still service an occasional old client and I do still manufacture a small line of tradesmen tools but for all intents and purposes I closed down the 3 companies that I owned as my boys didn’t want to take over. (The oldest is in Local 38 Electricians and the other son is in Local 17 Ironworkers.)
Now, You do not sound like you have been around so I’ll try to hip you up. The way it gos is like this. I our industry we have the wolves and we have the sheep. If you are not tough enough to run with the wolves you won’t be around because the wolves eat the sheep.
I am sincerely sorry about your pals getting eaten, but that is the way this industry is. and BTW, Like Paul Harvey, I’d like to hear the REST of the story. Were they over their heads with too big of a project? Did they sign a contract that they couldn’t live up to or that had clauses that were completely not to their advantage (such as penalty clauses for not coming in on time?) How ’bout contingency clauses and requiring written and signed change orders? Did your friends ever hear of a performance and wage bond? – How ’bout a notice of furnishing and notice of commencement and mechanics liens if they don’t get paid? Did they get a sufficient materials deposit? Were there progress payments? Did they require a final draw BEFORE they asked the authority having jurisdiction for a final inspection which is required prior to getting a certificate of occupancy? (could have kept Trump’s people from opening unless they got paid) If they ran it that way the only thing left is the retainage which is customarily 10% (And I only allowed it to be 10% of the labor only.) I have filed many a lien on retainages and i was batting about 900 after I learned “the way” . Good judgment comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgment, and brother, do I ever have good judgment now. – At one time I liened the Northfork and Southern RR – The general didn’t pay us so we filed the lien on the RR property which was one piece of property over 700 miles long (which was a few feet short of the legal description papers lined up end to end). Other subs didn’t get a dime when that general went bankrupt but because of our attention to detail we got paid in full plus interest by the bonding company. (BTW, just like the situation you describe with Trump the NSRR hand nothing to do with the General Contractor not paying us)
Bottom line if you don’t know what you are doing in this business you can get killed in an eyeblink. Commercial and industrial work is no place for kitchens and Bathrooms guys
And lastly, I will bet you anything that Donald Trump himself had nothing what so ever to do with subcontractor payments yet you say “Trump didn’t pay them” . As I stated before the Trump Organization is a developer and IS NOT a General Contractor company His company (and not Donald Trump personalty) hires general contractors to do his work and they hire the Subcontractors. If your friends didn’t get paid it was the general contractor that stiffed them and np matter what they are trying to tell you it was not Donald Trump who owed them the money.
It looks like your friends are trying to make out like they remodeled Trumps bathroom on a verbal order from him personalty and then he refused to pay them when the job was done. – Things do not work out like that in the big boy world. We have the owner, and we have the developer, and the General Contractor and the Sub Contractors and Second Subs, all with individual written and signed contracts. AND………..If you don’t knoe what you are doing and don’t pay attention to detail ……. the wolves eat the sheep. Again, my sympathies to your friends, but it happens all the time in the skilled and licensed trades. Big and small companies go belly up all the time. The residential grade people come and fo with the wind.
My suggestion to your friends,,,,If they have an actual contract between then and the Trump Organization which was signed by Donald Trump that was not paid in full, put it on eBay. It’s got to be worth a TON of money. – My bet, though is they had a deal with a general or a first sub Nothing binding on Mr, Trump at all.
Joanne Walczak says
Thank you for the most enlightening post on contracts.My son is as you called” Kitchen and Bath room” contractor. Does the most beautiful work ever and he too has been stiffed. Jeff is a practicing
Christian whose word is his bond.But what about the people whose word is not? As Jeff
says “all life is a learning lesson,so move on’ About Mr.Trump,there people who do not want America
to be better will do and say anything to deride him.
jack says
Thats a great explanation thanks
Joan Henry says
Thank you for a detailed description of how big businesses work on construction projects. I do not think a majority of people have a clue I hope more people read your comment.
Very Angry Voter says
That was beautiful and absolutely spot on, thank you!
Dee says
Like Trump said , “what have you got to loose” . The hell hole this Great Country of ours is falling into , Needs an outsider and business person. The Corruption of the Clintons with ” Pay for Play ” is So Dangerous to us . The Democrats are Destroying Every Fiber of our society and looking out for foreign governments Not Ours
OracleGuy says
And the winner is ……………not The Donald. What a surprise – not!
Urbisoler says
And . . . just wait ’til they are face to face in the debates. She will cower under his overbearing energy level. I expect her to either have a seizure on stage OR to wimp out of the debates altogether.
Linda says
Urbisoler Or maybe stay in the bathroom !
Deb Miller says
I can’t wait to watch the debates either. Donald Trump will remain calm and speak with knowledge and authority and will speak the TRUTH! Old hillary will raise her fist and shake it in the air, and her eyes will explode and pop out of her head! She is so ugly when she speaks. She just lies, lies, lies! Someday we might have a woman president….but old, mean, lying, corrupt, thieving, evil beast “killery” won’t be it.
She should just dig a hole and jump in so we can be rid of that Clinton forever! I feel bad for her innocent grandchildren to have that blight in their DNA!
Katheirne says
And I have known few individuals telling me that they call their listed names consisted of most democrats. No suprised they manipulate , cheat, fraud and do anything to win.
Ginger says
I agree. Also, they don’t like to show the polls where Gary Johnson is added into the mix. Gary Johnson tends to pull more votes away from Hillary Clinton, leading to Trump leading Hillary. Also, many Bernie Sander’s supporters will not be voting for Hillary, and are choosing Jill Stein instead. So, I think this election will be influenced more by third party candidates, like when Ross Perot ran in 1992, than just a competition between Hillary and Trump.
Donald Trump (88%, 1,710 Votes)
Jill Stein (5%, 88 Votes)
Hillary Clinton (4%, 87 Votes)
Gary Johnson (3%, 63 Votes)
Kevin says
From 8/15/16
New Independent Poll. 1,000 people from each of the 50 states. Please read below, as this was copied from the comment section of a new article.
FIGARO Bert • 3 hours ago
Here is what a Real Poll looks like in America. Please take the Time to Read. A Total of 50,000 people Polled in 50 States….
PG Farnsworth, We have just completed our own poll since we cannot get factual information from the mainstream media!!
We called 1000 homes in each of the 50 states and asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick.
Economy was the number one factor that Americans are concerned about and terrorism was number two.
Presidential pick was Trump by a large percentage.
Trump 33478 votes 67%
Clinton 9788 Votes 19%
Undecided or other 6739 votes 13%
My friends and I are all Graduate students from all walks of life we meet to discuss stuff. 13 people who like and have served in the Military.
It took us most of two weeks to be sure our calls were to all people and not just one party or another we called Americans..our poll is by taking registered voter lists
and we accumulated 33% Repub, 33% Dems and 34% independents.. our poll consisted of 1000 calls per state. all 50 states. 50,000 people are in this poll not the 100 like other polls.
Please, everyone, copy and paste to your status so everyone knows that the other polls are rigged!
Mathew Molk says
God bless ya.
And Although I do really hope you vote for Trump, I am proud of you as a game rooster that you will go vote.
Main Street says
If the millions of frustrated Americans who haven’t voted in years come out to vote, then Trump will win. Their votes will offset the faux elitists and baby momma/ daddy Hillary supporters.
Bud webster says
Don’t believe one poll from the media/print. According to the primary (reported by the media) trump wasn’t gonna get the votes needed to clinch the nomination. We all seen him win it with ease. The media and HILDABITCHES only chance besides actually rigging these electronic machines, is to discourage YOUR VOTES, BY SURPRESSING THEM Thur discouragement. If they have you to feel your vote doesn’t matter, the Marxists are hoping you’ll just stay home. Remember the premature call in Florida for al gore? THAT WAS ALSO AN ATTEMPT to thwart the vote out west as those polls were still fluid. By calling Florida prematurely, the hope was to keep westerners from going to the polls. The progressive assholes must be so proud of themselves, can’t win on merits and standing, but rather cheat and steal elections. The Chicago democrat Marxist way
jim says
Gosh I wish the old bag of wind Hillary would stop breathing good air
Carol says
Hillary should retire and start baking cookies for her grandchildren.
He should start right now to get after here Asssss of the Stage because she is a dangerous Person to have as an ENEMY. She is his biggest ENEMY because he stands in here WAY to be the FIRST WOMEN President of this Country.She would KILL for this Privilege.So many Christian Women in this Country like to see here in this Position,even this means a bad Future for there Christian Children.There is no Future for them with Hillarious ,because they are not Muslims and SHE stand’s with them.
mark Smith says
That Bitch is going to crash and burn, any day now.
Peter says
I like the heading of this article. “Dead Heat”. Clinton wants all anti invasion people dead and Trump wants to turn up the heat against the invasion.
Dodie says
The polls favored by the liberal media, that by the way, are the only ones they want the American pubic to see are a farce. DONALD TRUMP will win the election, and be the next great president of the United States. Hillary who??
Randle Taylor says
Trump is ahead of Clinton by massive amounts in every online poll that I have participated in showing 80-90% Trump and 10-20% Clinton.
Something stinks! You see massive crowds at Trump rallies and Clinton can barely half fill a high school gym, and most of those are students.
The corruption and lies of the Democrats and Media are almost beyond belief. TRUMP/PENCE 2016!
tom says
I have said from the beginning polls don’t mean crap until after sept 1st. After that and the 1st debate, that is when you start paying attention. the liberal press has a habit over the last 3 to 4 election cycles to promote their candidate usually democrat and say they are so far ahead that they is no way the other candidate can win, always trying to suppress the other sides voters, so they will stay at home and not vote. This time it won’t work because the people see the truth which is something that Hillary is not accustom to, and will vote for someone who I really think gives a crap about this country for a real change. Hillary is always surrounded by scandal always, and I believe the people are tired of it. The fact that they are willing to give up money for the foundation, goes to show you that they have been cheating for years and taking money from people that they should have not been taking it from, period. Now all of the sudden they have a new lease on Life, bullsh*t,,,, are they going to keep that promise if she is not elected??????? Doubtfull, that is why anything they say is nothing but CRAP
Sky King says
Dream on. Trumpy is going down.
T4WH says
In a recent article, a group of about 13 college students took a nation wide poll. They called 1,000 people
in each of the 50 states asking those people what their choice for President was. When all 50,000 calls were
completed and tallied, Mr Trump had 67% of the poll and there was some where around 15 percent undecided
leaving The !@#$ witch with the rest, I have forgotten the exact number but some where around 29 or 30 %.
This was an honest poll without the usual bias from the main stream media which always lies in her favor.
I’m fairly confident now after reading about the poll that we have a New Commander in Chief with the name of,
“President Donald J Trump”. Damn that sounds good.
Carolyn Allen says
I hope and pray that he is or America will be doomed forever.
Ken says
MrTrump is getting farther without big money, superpac or the news media backings. I think he is our only chance to make America great again
brad USMC Retired says
One thing is TRUMPS Stamina, he will make one to two speeches every day for a week. he can when needed work 6-7 days a week, he barely sleeps. He seems to have Unlimited energy. For an old man I don’t think we have ever seen any thing like it. Hillary can’t keep up with his constantly being on the news and press conferences and rallies. He is running circles around her. She looks like she is on her death bed.
brad USMC Retired says
One thing is TRUMPS Stamina, he will make one to two speeches every day for a week. he can when needed work 6-7 days a week, he barely sleeps. He seems to have Unlimited energy. For an old man I don’t think we have ever seen any thing like it. Hillary can’t keep up with his constantly being on the news and press conferences and rallies. He is running circles around her. She looks like she is on her death bed. It will fun to watch the debates as to wither Hillary needs a stool. Trump prefers to stand, Hillary prefers to sit.
The Media want you to think it is close so when they try to STEAL THE ELECTION, THE POLL NUMBERS WILL PROVE OUT THEIR LIE!!
Kat says
GO TRUMP!! I believe the media polls are trying to convince Trump Supporters that he has no chance, so stay home & don’t vote. But that won’t work!!!! And, even though we are being spit on, physically attacked, or verbally abused-which nobody Team Trump as ever attacked Clinton) Trump is in Louisiana , Obama is golfing at Martha’s Vineyard,& Clinton is still trying to work out deals in Washington & New York!!! Who cares about Smerica & American Citizens?? Trump is the Only one in Louisiana, and how long ago did this disaster begin? Hmmmm…..
Kat says
The reason there’s so much strong opposition to Trump is because they know that he has a good chance of winning! Otherwise, they would just ignore him.
We just can’t trust the media. They will continue supporting the elites – Obama, Hillary, the large corporations etc – because the media financially benefits from the elites. The mainstream press in the US is no longer free and independent!
Ronald Hamby says
AMEN !! Trump will absolutely win in Nov. !!
Cynthia Hunt 73@ says
Who the hell would vote for Hillary, something wrong with the American people
JT Gardiner says
All I can remember was how close the last election cycle the last time was predicted to be based upon the polls. In the end the Republicans ran away with the election, those democrats that were labeled as shoe ins, were all close races to the end. The polls were wrong. The swing was about 4-5% so I can’t help but believe that Trump is in a dead heat or possibly leading at this time. Also Hillary’s health issues have been kept out of the news for quite some time. Once people find out she suffers seizures when under pressure, majority of independents will drop her. Some will come to Trump.
confused says
One reason the polls were wrong all through the primaries, the pollsters have never seen an election like this one. There were a lot of people surprised by the results of the election. Even the ones showing Trump leading never thought that Trump would win the primary as early as he did. I think there will be a lot of people surprised at the results of the general election in Nov. also.
OracleGuy says
More polls than this one show Hillary with a greater than 8-point lead. Trump’s popularity, such as it is, has leveled but Hillary’s has been rising steadily since Trump started speaking off-the-cuff again and showing what a dolt he really is.
Dennis Woodhull, Sr. says
Maybe you should start checking more RECENT polls bonehead !!
name b free says
Oracle she never ever ever goes over 45%…
Mathew Molk says
Mr Oracle , I keep saying this over and over,
I travel all over NE Ohio (where you bogus poles show the Hilrat is 10 points ahead) and have never seen one single Clinton bumper sticker or yard sign that don’t say “Hillery for Prison” on the other hand, in my travels I see dozens and dozens of Trump and Trump-Pence bumper stickers and yard signs. –
Hey Boracle,,,,Where are your Cackling Witch supporters. We can’t see to locate any around here.
Katheirne says
HiLiary has to take awaking pills to keep her awake to campaign, she probably should hire Biden to accompany and hold her up.
Darren Garcia Sr says
Trump will win! Clinton is a lying, greedy hag!
jerry says
The media is an extension of crooked establishment politics. They are all in the tank for Hilda Beast. Trump will win in the end as most people except the brain dead zombies see thru this crap.
Peter says
The liberal media will not be able to defend Hillary and her lying and deceitful ways for to much longer. The hens are coming home to roost and if Trump stays on message he will do well.
william says
Mary says
Sure hope Trump wins. If not- we are really in trouble. Hillary will just continue the policies that Obama started. The Democrats want control of the people and it’s already happening little by little. Trump can turn all this around. So please VOTE FOR TRUMP.
T4WH says
Mary,,,, Take a moment and think of all the consequences if by chance the Bewitch gets in there. First of all, one of her top priorities is to put the other liar in chief, “obomb us”, on the Supreme Court.
He is a self admitted muslim. A backer of the Islamic ways. Then imagine the the things that will happen to this country say he is on the bench. It would be the beginning of the end to a once Great Nation with absolutely no chance of recovery. Right now we stand a good chance of bringing this Country back from her knees where the first Liar has put us. Him and all the other Democrats AND Republicans that are in her favor because they will lose their grip on the nest egg they have given themselves,,, Our Tax Dollars. If people listen to that oracle guy and believe what he says, we are in a heap of camel dung… A lot of people want to see a first women as president and will vote for the Bewitch just for that very reason. My advice to them is have patients,, a REAL Women will come along when the time is right,, This is not the time. So to them I say take the second best choice,, vote for TRUMP,, my first choice by far. TRUMP and PENCE to save AMERICA from DISASTER !!!
Steve Smith says
Oh yes, stay on message. What are the odds of that happening. He bounces around like a pin ball on steroids. He can’t put two coherent sentences together unless he is reading a teleprompter – and he does read from one, using very small words.
Ladd says
Small words are better, if you desire to communicate — like Trump does. Notice hopw he DOES get the message out, DESPITE all the media lies that he is not on-point…. You seem to love the obfuscation possible with a larger vocabulary, which just goes to show what a noisesome existence you must have! Show people how smart you are? It is FAR more important to communicate — and that is done by KISS principle ONLY. I find that when one shows how smart he/she is, it just shows idiocy. If you are smart you just open your eyes and see what is there.
pam says
Hey Steve , at least our candidate has never let anyone die or bilked hard working Americans out of their money! Funny u can believe someone who has been recorded lying time after time! Maybe u need a teleprompter to explain to u that the definition of lying is to not tell the truth!
OracleGuy says
Pam, as for “bilked hard working Americans out of their money” see http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-trump-baja-snap-story.html for the story of how Trump abandoned the Trump Ocean Resort project after collecting and spending $32.5 million. He left 250 people with nothing to show for their trust. He’ll do that again if he profits from the activity.
Dennis Woodhull, Sr. says
Just some more liberal media false reporting !!
Mathew Molk says
And BTW, Knob head. Anybody that invests in anything worthwhile BETTER know the money is at risk (If you are in business you would know on Sch C of your income tax return it asks what percentage of funds you have in the business are at risk – Mine always reads 100%)
And, hey, Why do you not ever talk about anybody that invested in a Trump Organization project that MADE money. How. bout the paychecks issued by the Trump Organization companies? They don’t exist either in the world of the Cackling Witch’s commie useful idiots.
And on that subject, Useful idiots like you see to think Donald Trump personally either pays or fails to pay people. It’s the giant Trump Organization that he owns. The Trump Organization is a holding company that owns MANY other companies. Don Trump has nothing what so ever to do with the signing of checks in these companies. –
If you know nothing about real world business, or more likely never had an actual job, look it up on Wikipedia so you don’t sound like such a damn fool..
Pat Mathews says
She just don’t not talk for she know she would just lie again.
Liza says
If big question? I don’t think so, sorry!
mike says
I hope Donald trump beats the hell out of (BILLARY) CLINTON. this country needs to be run like a business, because it is a business. politics and politicians have all brought this country to it’s knees. ( damn a politician)
Sky King says
This Country is not a business and does not need to be run like one.
Mathew Molk says
He Mike,
Like the Britts say in their machine shoppes
Elaine Morris says
We have been given permission to copy and paste this anytime a poll shows up that is wrong:
50,000 people polled in 50 states, 1/3 republican 1/3 democrat 1/3 independent. Trump won 67-19
1,000 people polled in each state
50,000 people
Trump 67%
Hillary 19%
Kris Kvarnstrom says
I do not believe news or polls …voting day will tell us. Disappointed over all GOP not backing Trump. Very poor form. GOP can win but all GOP a
& good part inderpendent need to vote. No one would hirw Hillary for a job & you want ro make her Pres? Crazy.
Judy Selich says
I agree, Kris Kvarnstrom, Too many people are trying to be “politically correct” and some on Facebook are trying to bring in a third-party candidate. This idea of running a third-party candidate is akin to the GOP “shooting itself in the foot”!
theresa Williams says
I don’t believe the Polls, I do believe they are trying to discourage Trump Voters. I believe they are neck in neck.
Gregg says
I don’t believe they are running neck and neck either. Just look at the crowds showing up for Trumps speeches verses the small amount of people showing up to see her that will tell it all.
Eileen Ross says
Right Gregg. And most of Hildabeast supporters are paid to be there.
Elaine Morris says
My Lord! They think we can be smoozed and tricked!
Clinton’s reputation has been in the crapper for years and years as well as her so-called husband.
Elaine Morris says
Paid Government and Corp Trolls are real:
Patriot says
The mainstream media polls are a bunch of crap. They hated trump with a lead over Killary. There is no way in hell that she was up 10 to 15 points if she has had any lead at all its not more than a point or two.
Lawrence TYuller says
F…kthe polls. Trump speaks for the people. for all of us who don’t have the health or resources to speak ourselves. I believe the entire Electoral College process is rigged and that the RNC and DNC have already decided Hillary will win. They will be shocked when Trumpster shows them the door. Hopefully that will be the death knoll of the political Establishment and if we’re lucky the Repub and Demo parties.
Steve Smith says
Actually, the people speak for themselves, either in their response to the questions of the pollsters or at the ballot box – and we will see how that turns out in November. Not well for the Dumpster fire in my opinion.
Dennis says
I totally agree. I have been a Republican for 51 years and never realized how much the Republican “establishment” was screwing me over. Vote for Trump and send all those a-holes packing!
Sky King says
The only one that will shown the door is Trumpy.
used to be a liberal says
The Hilda-Beast ahead in the polls ever???? I really don’t think so. Left-Wit media should have their collective butts kicked. I think that the real indicators are below
Trump: 10,174,358 likes.
Clinton: 5,385,959 likes.
Nearly twice the number of people that “like” Clinton, like Trump.
Even more, take a look at how Trump does when he posts a Facebook live stream video:
Trump Live Stream Post — 21 hours ago: 135,000 likes, 18,167 shares, 1.5 million views
Clinton Live Stream Post — 25 hours ago: 11,000 likes, 0 shares, 321,000 views
Even worse for Clinton, the top comments on Clinton’s Facebook posts are often from Trump supporters, whereas the top comments on a Trump post are regularly Trump supporters, according to The Truth Division.
That doesn’t look good for Hillary at all.
Trump: 10.6 million followers
Hillary: 8.1 million followers
Not only does Trump beat Clinton on these numbers alone, The Daily Caller reported that researchers found that 70 percent of Trump’s Twitter followers are real supporters with 90 percent having a history of voting.
According to the Washington Examiner, 41 percent of Hillary Clinton’s “followers” on Twitter are not real people.
YouTube Live Stream:
Trump: Averages 30,000 live viewers per stream
Clinton: Averages 500 live viewers per stream
Trump gets 5,900 percent more eyeballs on the screen than Clinton.
Trump: 2.2 million followers
Clinton: 1.8 million followers
Trump beats the Clinton machine once again where Clinton should do well, since it’s got lots of pictures and not much substance — perfect for a Clinton supporter.
Trump: 197,696 subscribers
Clinton: 24,429 subscribers
Hillary for Prison: 55,228 subscribers
Not only does Trump have more subscribers, more than twice as many people subscribe to “Hillary for Prison” than just the Clinton page.
The hacked Democrat National Committee emails released by WikiLeaks proved that the Clinton camp has to actually pay people to support her online — Trump supporters actually want to follow him on social media.
These statistics easily refute the biased media and rigged polls that Trump is up against.
Clinton and her cronies are afraid of the support Trump garners, which is why they resort to dirty tactics like this.
Trump has the support of the people and in November we’ll see just how strong that is.
The above is as of August 8 2016
cathy says
yeeha gotta love it TRUMP 2016
Socrates says
You did your homework! I can now sleep tonight knowing that Hillary should go down in flames. Wish sheriff Clark would get more press time. He tells it like it is.
OracleGuy says
Seems like lots of people with time on their hands watch for Trump’s latest misstatement. The risk is that they’ll be too busy looking at their phones to vote.
Bernice Denison says
When the media is editing everything Trump says and puts in things he didn’t say, some people believe it. However, I find it hard to believe anything the mainstream Media ever says.
Sky King says
Why don’t you check the state polls. HRC has a lead in enough states ( above the margin of error ) to amass 272 electoral votes She only needs 270. Game over start crying, Conservatives. IF you count her lead in states within the margin of error it swells up to 346 ev’s.
T4WH says
Used to be Liberal guy,,,, You have done your home work and have done it very well.
My Hat is off to you Sir. Thank You for the valuable comment and yes, all the info you
collected on subject is all variable. Not like that oracle guy that is all BS.
Trump, I say Trump and Pence.
Cynthia Hunt 73@ says
Who the hell would vote for Hillary, something wrong with the American people
Sorry don’t believe the polls. When they have their debate he has to make her answer a yes or no and not talk around in circles and still have no answer. She’s very clever with that. A YES OR NO ANSWER pass along
RTD says
I don’t think main stream media is telling half the truth. They are just telling people what they want them to know. When was the last time you saw anything negative about Hillary from NBC. CBS, ABC, CNN?
Zinka says
Traktorist Trump , like a crazy clown
name b free says
Is there a virus named after you ? OR are you the Virus
Carl Pyzowski says
Of course it is unfair. The media is decidedly liberal and Democrat so why would they not push for the Dem and liberal. We saw this in the last election where Romney was beaten by O’Goofa. The elections were rigged with bus loads of people crossing borders to vote more than once. Keeping themselves in power and keeping minorities under control by welfare is their ticket to a free high ride on taxpayer money. Look at O’Golfer and his wife and the Clinton’s. Put there by ill informed liberals who think we live in a Camelot
where everything is free from the government.
Susan Lindauer says
small correction— the media IS the Establishment. they follow along in the sunshine of the elite. These guys are ALL afraid of losing control of the power structure. They’re afraid of becoming irrelevant. Ironically, the more they screw people like us, the more irrelevant they become. They just haven’t figured that out yet.
John Porter says
Image may contain: 1 person , meme and text
IT IS CALLED, IN POLITICS, CREATING CONTROVERSY. You see, Friends, if the media can create controversy where none really exists, they don’t have to spend their time covering the REAL AND ILLEGAL CONTROVERSIES surrounding Hillary Clinton, whom they are supporting with extreme bias. It is a very old political trick of the media, or an opponent for that matter, of both sides. I can honestly say, in my 60 years of dealing in the political arena, it is the worst I’ve seen it. It came close to this level with Barry Goldwater but not quite. I will forever remember how they flooded the TV air waves with a picture of an atomic bomb exploding over a bunch of children playing, insinuating Barry Goldwater would blow up the world. It was plain and simple created controversy, but many fell for it. I’m surprised people are falling for it again, but that is exactly why the media, and in this case Hillary’s campaign does it, some people fall for it. Read what Cicero said at the bottom of my letter, and think about it very carefully.
We must all understand, the press is part of the establishment and have received their marching orders to push Hillary. They are vehemently against Trump, as are many of the Republican Party bosses (elites) like the Bush family, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Bill Krystal, John Kasich, and several others, because those in Washington want to rob the people, continue to drink from the public trough as always, and are desperately trying to cling to power. The claimed Billionaires for Hillary are buying the White House and various positions on committees in their efforts to hold on to their power, full well knowing that President Donald Trump, for the sake of the nation and her people, will surely destroy that power and mess up their playhouse.
Those in power in Washington fear a revolution is in the wind as they have watched in Europe with the Common Market countries. Politicians know all too well that what begins in Europe spreads to the USA as a contagion in politics just as it does in fashion. Hillary and Bill Clinton are part of them, and both the Democrats and Republican elite are behind Hillary to prevent any outsider from changing their power base. It is all about protecting their power over you and me. These people, with the help of their allies, the bias media, will do and/or say what ever becomes necessary to stop Donald Trump from returning power to us.
Read Cicero’s words very slowly and allow them to soak in deeply…….
In a speech to the Roman Senate, as recorded by Sallust, Cicero said: (I changed only the gender and inserted in parenthesis to apply to today’s issue.) John Porter
“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious.But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable,
for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But
the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his (her) sly whispers
rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government
itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he (she) speaks in the accents
familiar to his (her) victim, and he (she) wears their face and their garments and
he (she) appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He (she)
rots the soul of a nation; he (she) works secretly and unknown in the night to
undermine the pillars of a city; he (she) infects the body politic so that it
can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is
the plague.”
Portia says
Thank you Mr.John Porter, we need somebody like you to express and articulate everything that you said. You surely represent exactly what my sentiments are, and I’m sure almost everyone if not everyone in general would agree. Thank you again, for being an American Patriot! God bless.
Sloughfoot says
Washington D.C.is a cess pool and this country will never be right until it is cleaned out. Both Dems and Repubs are clinging to their power. They have sold this country out.
Spartacus says
There seems to be a disturbing trend in America, of which the lamestream media is taking
full advantage. It’s the “I want to vote for the winner” crowd. Their only concern is being able
to claim they voted for the winning candidate. The media is trying to exploit them, the same way
the democratic party is exploiting black voters. They are putting up false numbers, in order to
steal the votes of folks who are on the fringes.
Mathew Molk says
Yea. Spartacus, I agree.
These pencil neck types even like to see records set without viewing the consequences. They were elated at the snowfall in Buffalo. I remember a few years back when it was over a hundred here in Cleveland, and the bust out weather man said Nuts! one more degree and we would broke the record (Don’t remember but it was something like 104) What are these mental midgets thinking? Vote for the devil incarnate just so you can say you voted for the winner.
(Just a side note,,,,What happened to Global Warming? It was one of the coldest winters in a long time the last 2 years and I haven’t seen 100 degrees here since we railed to break the record. —- OH, I forgot, Since it is not ACTUALLY getting hotter they now wnat to call it “Climate Change” Climate Change yurass. – Typical liberal progressive BS tactic. When you a caught, lie.
Roger says
As a Trump supporter I am guessing that HELLary has a slight lead (4 or 5 points) not the 10 point lead that the biased, socialist liberal leaning press suggests. If I’m correct this is nothing that Trump couldn’t overcome in the weeks ahead ASSUMING he doesn’t come out with any more blunt remarks that he has to again dig out of down the road. In my opinion, the upcoming debates with the hag in a pants suit will be the real turning point for Trump!
Brad says
Trump demolished 16 governors and senators in the primaries debates. He will easily demolish Hillary.
Ben L says
All I know is , I live in Kalifornia, one of the states that is supposed to be in The Witches Brew Kittle, I consider myself one of the most conservative, conservatives, but because of where I live, I have not registered to vote in years and years, until now. My vote will go to DONALD TRUMP in hopes that he can save this country from a fate worse than death!!!
John Porter says
Dear American Friends.
John Porter
IT IS CALLED, IN POLITICS, CREATING CONTROVERSY. You see, Friends, if the media can create controversy where none really exists, they don’t have to spend their time covering the REAL AND ILLEGAL CONTROVERSIES surrounding Hillary Clinton, whom they are supporting with extreme bias. It is a very old political trick of the media, or an opponent for that matter, of both sides. I can honestly say, in my 60 years of dealing in the political arena, it is the worst I’ve seen it. It came close to this level with Barry Goldwater but not quite. I will forever remember how they flooded the TV air waves with a picture of an atomic bomb exploding over a bunch of children playing, insinuating Barry Goldwater would blow up the world. It was plain and simple created controversy, but many fell for it. I’m surprised people are falling for it again, but that is exactly why the media, and in this case Hillary’s campaign does it, some people fall for it. Read what Cicero said at the bottom of my letter, and think about it very carefully.
We must all understand, the press is part of the establishment and have received their marching orders to push Hillary. They are vehemently against Trump, as are many of the Republican Party bosses (elites) like the Bush family, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Bill Krystal, John Kasich, and several others, because those in Washington want to rob the people, continue to drink from the public trough as always, and are desperately trying to cling to power. The claimed Billionaires for Hillary are buying the White House and various positions on committees in their efforts to hold on to their power, full well knowing that President Donald Trump, for the sake of the nation and her people, will surely destroy that power and mess up their playhouse.
Those in power in Washington fear a revolution is in the wind as they have watched in Europe with the Common Market countries. Politicians know all too well that what begins in Europe spreads to the USA as a contagion in politics just as it does in fashion. Hillary and Bill Clinton are part of them, and both the Democrats and Republican elite are behind Hillary to prevent any outsider from changing their power base. It is all about protecting their power over you and me. These people, with the help of their allies, the bias media, will do and/or say what ever becomes necessary to stop Donald Trump from returning power to us.
Read Cicero’s words very slowly and allow them to soak in deeply…….
In a speech to the Roman Senate, as recorded by Sallust, Cicero said: (I changed only the gender and inserted in parenthesis to apply to today’s issue.) John Porter
“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious.But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable,
for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But
the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his (her) sly whispers
rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government
itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he (she) speaks in the accents
familiar to his (her) victim, and he (she) wears their face and their garments and
he (she) appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He (she)
rots the soul of a nation; he (she) works secretly and unknown in the night to
undermine the pillars of a city; he (she) infects the body politic so that it
can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is
the plague.”
Nancy McGowan says
Polling has been unfair since the beginning! Another of Hillarys underhanded deals, I don’t pay attention to these polls. I think the National poll that was taken last week giving Trump 67% of the votes is more accurate! We’ll find out in November won’t we? I don’t think that there are that many stupid people who would vote for Clinton on her track record, I know I wouldn’t if I was a Democrat. Loretta Lynn not wanting to charge her and the FBI answering questions afterwards admitting how she lied how can anyone with any common sense at all put her in the White House?
Margaret burns says
The media is so bias against Donald trump that it is sickening. I hope that the more that Hillarys crookedness and evil is exposed that the people will wake up and vote for trump to save our country while we still have a country so save. Obama has done his job that he was put there to do. He has set this country back 50 years. He should be impeached. And Hillary to prison. God help us and God bless Donald trump
JMC says
I don’t know how one person with a functioning brain could vote for Clinton. If 135,000,000 people vote, the final vote should be Trump: 134,999,997; Clinton 3 (herself, Billy, and Chelsea). She is a habitual liar and criminal–if she was Republican, she would have been in jail months ago for the e-mail scandal; she clearly violated the Espionage Act. What I can’t figure out is why the liberal media are in the tank for her–DON’T THEY KNOW THEY WILL GO DOWN WITH THE SHIP IF SHE IS ELECTED PRESIDENT? And minorities, you need to realize she doesn’t give a DAMN about you–she just wants power, money, and your votes!! Wake up! All the major cities having problems (Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, etc.) have been run by Democratic mayors and city councils for decades–what has that gotten you? You need to realize the Democrats WANT TO KEEP YOU DOWN–WANT TO KEEP YOU DEPENDENT ON THEM SO YOU WILL VOTE DEMOCRAT!! If you began to succeed on your own, they wouldn’t like it, because you wouldn’t need them anymore.
Zelda says
You only have to look at the photos of the Trump rallies vs Clinton rallies. Who shows more supporters? Duh. Then one pollmeister was caught cheating and Nate Silver was taken to the woodshed by the White House and told to predict Hillary. The White House under this administration controls the polls and the media. We are living in a dictatorship which is what happens when you elect an America-hating Communist Muslim determined to destroy this country and a lapdog press who fawn all over him and more importantly, an impotent Congress and Senate afraid of their own shadows and more afraid to offend the Mulatto-in-Chief because they might be called racists.
The Democratic Party who started this huge mess by endorsing Ovomit for Prez continues on the same path of destruction by endorsing Alinskyite HRC who can’t even stand on her own two keg legs without keeling over and needing a stool or other support.
The insane MSM needs desperate reform and new laws on the books which will stop them from fabricating constant lies. This country is in a real mess, folks. It just didn’t start with Ovomit. The Bushes and their not-so-subtle New World Order are in this up to their necks and have been lying low like cowards always do.
Brad says
You are correct, media polls are bogus.
L8blumrtoo says
It was just announced on the morning news that hillary-bag has the delegate votes needed to be elected. If we don’t stop attacking Donald Trump and start supporting him and the survival of our country, it’s OVER!
Becky Rivera says
I have been a democrat all my life and this year I am voting for D Trump! I have had enough of the Hillary/Obama government. Yes, the polls and media are strictly endorsing Crooked Hillary! Especially CNN. I have stopped watching CNN and have now turn to FOX news instead. They are the only ones telling the truth! Crooked is as crooked does!!
Mike dar says
I believe in Polls. Trump went from one point up, to 6 points down, a 7 point swing the day after Hillary was coroneted by the DNC. Three days before in a different polling by the same organizers.. but with 3 words different, Trump was up that one point.
The wording change was directed by CNN orgs, for Hillary’s benefit.
That’s how polls can change 7 points over a weekend. While Hillary may lead, it is quite likely a couple word change in the polls would mean losing about 5 points. CNN has dropped in its own ratings to below MSNBC, dreadful, and largely due to commentary during this election cycle. CNN knew full well they were trying to get momo under the Clinton candidacy this way, for a candidate that has to continually spend on adds, as the media seldom gets to question Hillary and the citizenry never gets to pose follow-up questions.
Hillary may well be the first President to have been elected entirely by media, without going to the public forum with the people.
Brad says
I just participated in a poll on Twitter where 990 people voted. The results were 74% Donald Trump / 26% Hillary Clinton. Trump will win in a landslide November 8TH.
H Allan says
I just discovered how politics works . . .
Here’s my discovery –
I asked my son; “Will you marry the girl I select for you.”
He said, “NO!”
I told him; “She is Bill Gates’ daughter.”
He said, “OK.”
I called Bill Gates and said; “I want your daughter to marry my son.”
Bill Gates said, “NO.”
I told Bill Gates; “My son is the CEO of World Bank.”
Bill Gates said, “OK.”
I called the President of World Bank and asked him to make my son the CEO.
He said, “NO.”
I told him, “My son is Bill Gates’ son-in-law.”
He said, “OK.”
And this folks, is how politics works . . . ! / ?
Susan Lindauer says
Peggy Stanley says
CNN & NBC are bought and paid for by the ESTABLISHMENT Democrats AND the ESTABLISHMENT Republicans. They want us the PEOPLE to think and do as they say. They plant bull crap in our heads through TV. They would not tell US if the polls were 80% Trump and 20% Hillary. They want us to be swayed to go their way. The bad thing is that so many Americans do not search for the truth they just go along with what they hear on TV. That means the ESTABLISHMENT WINS not Trump or Hillary. The ESTABLISHMENT runs this country and they know that Hillary will kiss their ——- ‘s for money and they see to it that her and Bill get plenty. I believe and pray with all my heart that TRUMP is ahead in REAL polls. GO TRUMP !!!!
Ted Wright says
WHEN will the corrupt media (how about NEVER) mention that today’s election parallels the match up
between Reagan and Carter when the polls had a “dead heat” between the candidates on election day
BUT Reagan won by a HUGH landslide? DUH !
Constitutionalist says
Ted Wright-
Months ago, i predicted that “the polls” would show The Liar and Trump “neck and neck” near election day, no matter what the truth is.
They WANT to do that so as to make the election steal plausible – just like they’ve done every election since Reagan, at least.
One way to stop this is to apply to American elections the same standard applied in so-called “3rd world” countries: International observers should be stationed at all or most polling stations to take exit polls. At end of day, the vote totals from each station are compared with the results of the exit polling. Any variance greater than 5%, and a Fraud is declared, the results invalidated, and a New election day chosen, repeat as necessary, until an HONEST showing is obtained.
Trump should INSIST on this, repeatedly and publicly.
Suzi says
Forget the polls. Trump was the last man standing, the people spoke period.
Southern By Choice says
Last night on Fox Business, Charles Payne, he had a panelist, Jehmu Greene, who stated Trump said “the black voters were going to steal the election from Trump”. . When called to task by Payne and another guest, she finally admitted that what he said was “some communities are going to try to steal the election – but we all know he was taking about black communities.” Thank God Payne had the guts to call her down on this – but this is what they get away with. And the smirk on her face said it all “I said it and people heard it.”. What a crock – but this is what they get away with, and on any other network, she would never have been called down on it. She also had to criticize Trump for supposedly going for the black vote in the Wisconsin rally this week, but to an “all white audience”. And she “did not hear any solutions to the black ‘problem’ from Trump. Well, maybe these people should look at themselves first. After integration of the schools, neighborhoods, affirmative action, minority based government/private contracts awarded, and on and on with SPECIAL right, all of which were supposed to “CURE” all of the injustices, NOTHING has changed, and all they do is ask for more, while giving nothing in return.. Now it is “income/wealth inequality” – income and/or wealth which apparently they do not want to EARN, but just want it given to them by the rest of us who do work hard every day – even at 75!!
Charles King says
I know the media and established polling agencies are ignoring polls they don’t like, and, voters they actually don’t care about. I’m 62 years young, have voted in every election with federal candidates since I turned 18, comment regularly online, yet have never, ever been polled although I live in a major metropolitan area of the south, have been a registered voter all my life…. My observation of rallies of both Liberal and Conservative candidates shows me what the term “reality” really means. It is obvious that the Left is propagandizing both results and polls and the media is shamelessly, and, unethically (in my opinion) supporting them.
To be called “objective” so called news stories must be carefully constructed to avoid bias or opinions. Now, there are ways to be subtle about it, but recent reporting in print, TV, internet, and other forums convinces me they aren’t even trying to appear “journalistic”. It’s laughable, and, I think any educated person sees it easily. It’s the “low information, drive by crowd” who sucks up the cool aid with a straw that worry me, but hey, life’s a bitch then you die. I just hope my country doesn’t die because people obviously refuse to learn the lessons of history, namely “appeasement, failed socialism, failed communism, failed nanny states”……
Frank says
The media is for the sorry worthless piece of s–t Clinton. You are right the media wants the people to stay home and not vote so the bit-h will win. So the America people should not listen to the media and get out there and vote for Trump.
Skeeter says
I fall into both those categories mentioned; avid NASCAR fan and Walmart shopper. I can definitely say that I favor Trump. I am a Republican woman and I am so tired of hearing how Republican women are more for that other candidate. All of the Republican women that I know, and I know a lot of them, are in Trump’s corner.
Aaron Volkman says
Trump will win and here’s why. 1 the last polls I seen on the latino vote trump is way ahead of what Romney and McCain only wish they had. 2 he is appealing to blue dog democrats, independents, and republicians who didn’t even vote in the last two elections. 3 remember the brexit vote and how all the polls and pundants , both theirs and ours had that one called just the opposite of what happened, surprise!! I believe the same is happening here, the media and polls are trying their best to heard americans like cattle down a shute. again I think they are going to get a big surprise. And finally America is tired of almost eight years of liberalism and the news media, and the establishment in Washington.
Newry says
Ignore the media scat! How many of you have been polled? Any ideas about how the vote counters will finalize the election?????
name b free says
I am a loyal viewer of FOX Business news and Fox News. However, when Chris “mikes son” Wallace is on turn to other option. When Megynn Kelly is on watch taped of Lou Dobbs show aired during Greta. When one of the Others Oreilly or Hannity have the likes of Krauthammer, Juan Williams on switch that segment. George Will most likely never be on my TV again. Hopefully when sweeps are doe we can show our dislike and the empirical data may surface!!
Southern By Choice says
Exactly what I do – except I tape Greta and watch Dobbs.. Don’t watch Megyn at all and haven’t since that first debate/ But for the past couple of weeks she has not been on – Trish Reagan is in the 9 PM slot, and she is very good – give her a try. I also boycott Wallace, Krauthammer, Williams and Will as well, also Rivera – and turn off any program where they appear. Also am about fed-up with Charlie Gasperino as well. He acts like such a know it all, wonder why he doesn’t gt into politics, he seems to know so much about it. Saw Kennedy once (on after Dobbs) put him in his place after I think one of the debates., pretty much told him to shut up! . Her program is usually too silly for me, at least her monologue, , but sometimes has some pretty good guests.
law5960 says
ROFL, as they say. Seriously? It’s a dead heat because of what Zogby says NASCAR fans are thinking?
Remember, Zogby is the organization Nate Silver called “the worst pollster in the world,” and that its results “should not be published by any legitimate news organization.” I know that may not apply to the Horn News, and I will give these editors credit for trying to keep a cheery outlook. As for me, I am not going to believe the election is close until I see a respectable Trump University poll (which the Horn News should be publishing soon).
Until then, I assume Hillary Clinton will simply use these results to increase her fundraising.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The true & real polls that MSM deliberately, intentionally and purposely ignores has Donald Trump wY out in front, Gary Johnson-Libertarian and Jill Stein-Green, Alice Cooper 1970’s rock singer & radio announcer and Darrell Cassel-Constitution party are ahead of Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton(HKRAKC) is way back in last place in reality. MSM is pro Clinton, acts like there are only Demoncrats & Republicans, the MSM doesn’t want to cover the other political parties and have the people have a true & real choice. My choice is Donald J.Trump, he has my vote in November. TRUMP-PENCE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TRUMP-PENCE 2016, 2020.
H Allan says
There is a New App – flying off the electronic shelf!
It’s called ‘Zip’ Questions and Answers –
Anonymous participation; with a greater sample than polls by far; show Trump has a tremendous lead –
Go to your App Store and Download this: ‘zip q & A App’
Making it much harder for FaceBook & Google to suppress the conservative views –
You will find/get this info from real people . . .
How can Zip’s results be so different?
“We’re not a poll. We’re a conversation, and 100% anonymous,” Militi says.
“People feel comfortable answering questions without fear of being bullied or being called a racist. People can express themselves safely, and you get a pure answer.”
rich baratta says
I believe that if DJT stays on message he wins. This is going to be a slugfest of an election. No holds barred. The drive by media is trying to discourage the Trump supporters. DJT has “NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT”. This is the new KFC Hillary meal. 2 FAT THIGHS, 2 small breasts, and 1 left wing.!! LMAO
Susan Lindauer says
You guys at “The Horn” are why I LOVE the alternative blog media! Thank you for this highly perceptive article! I am voting for Trump, and it absolutely galls me to examine these polls, which are over-weighted for the the number of Democrats, and under-weighted for the number of Independents and Republicans. One poll continuously asks 150 more Democrats than GOP voters, and twice the number of Independents. That’s “common core” mathematics. It’s cooking the polling books & it’s not a proper analysis.
Americans need to understand the Establishment’s fighting for its survival. They’re on the ropes. Trump’s policies are rational, not extremist. But he’s challenging Establishment control of the power structure. And he’s not a globalist. Frankly, the more we learn about Trump’s highly reasonable policies, the more we should all support him.
This is our BREXIT vote. We can win so long as the Sheeple don’t get stampeded into accepting the inevitability of Hillary Clinton.
mary says
It should be a crime the way the media favors the Democrats. News media SHOULD BE UNBIASED!
JS says
The voting machines are rigged in HRC’s favor. It won’t mater if Trump gets more votes, with the voting machines giving HRC the wining total. She will win. A computer programmer has said that he wrote a program to change a voters vote and the officials can’t see that the voting machines have been programmed to do it.
Also in the primary election, more people voted in some districts than there were registered voters.
law5960 says
This is hilarious. It is back to the old excuse of saying the election is rigged – just like when Obama won and Mayor Daly won in Chicago and all those other people. Arizona State’s News 21 project investigated and found less than 300 cases of voting fraud across all elections from 2000 to 2011. A study from Loyola Law School found only 31 credible incidents of voting fraud out of more than a billion votes cast between 2000 and 2014. There are other studies, but the results are similar. It is time to realize that the pollsters are not against Trump, the media is not against Trump, the computers that count the votes are not against Trump, it is the vast majority of the American people who are against Trump. If the Republicans don’t understand very soon that it is Donald Trump (a long time Democrat and golfing buddy of Bill Clinton) who is a RINO, and move away from his candidacy, the Democrats are going to sweep the House and the Senate to give strong support to a new President Clinton.
JS says
It’s a proven fact that Bernie Sanders would have won if not for the rigged election.
law5960 says
You know, JS, I would have liked to see Bernie Sanders as the nominee. Of course, any consideration of “rigging” this year’s primaries would not have been included in the studies I mentioned. You say that is is a “proven fact” that Bernie only lost because the primaries were rigged. I have not seen any such proof, though. Could you tell me what facts you are relying on?
SGale says
I just threw up a little bit when I read that last line.
God help us if a lying criminal with a perverted husband runs our country.
law5960 says
Then join with the folks telling the Republicans to dump Trump, or you may be throwing up a lot over the next four years.
Mathew Molk says
Law ?????
You sir, are a consummate asshole
Constitutionalist says
You have yet to visit http://www.blackboxvoting.org, it seems.
AL says
Jack says
NOW, polls are again accurate when they show Trump doing well.
Both of these polls are not as credible as the other polls upon which predictions are made, and if you look at the L.A. Times poll, you will see that there is a lot more information than presented here and it is designed to measure fluctuations in time in response to external factors.
Susan says
Never under estimate of the white “silent” majority! Trump is our only hope! We will get out and vote!
Robert Vance says
I’m not sure at this point. I do know that if all is true about Hillary Clinton, and I know some of it is true, I wonder how she could even be allowed to run the president. She should be taken out of the race. If people have not learned anything in the past 8 years and they go and vote for Hillary, we will have an other 4 years of Oboma Care. Hillary is a rerun of Oboma Care. Hillary Clinton will continue to destroy America. If people stay home because of the showing of the polls, then Hillary will probably win the election, so, let us all go out and vote and I hope your vote will be for Trump. Nobody is perfect and Trump has his bad side and we don’t agree with everything he says but over all, he is the best choice. I believe Trump cares about America and the people. I believe Trump will do his best to get America back on the right track and among all the things Trump says he will do, I hope one of the things he will do is put God back into our country, America. I don’t know if Trump is a Born again Christian or not but even if he isn’t, he still could be the one to get America on the right track again and put God back into America. I believe America’s downfall is Sin, America is worse that Sodom and Gamorah put together. I and I hope all Christians are praying for God’s forgiveness for our sins as a nation and then God may heal our land, America. Don’t stay home, go out and vote, and I hope it will be for Trump.
Irvan Johnson says
I fail to see HOW IN THE HELL hillary is even getting votes. Only a brain dead person would even THINK of voting for that BITCH.
dprato says
I have been wondering the same thing except the truth is they are dump as a rock, in denial, and just don’t give a crap what she does. If you listen to people speak about her they never address her lying, money laundering and perjury under oath so they are as morally and ethically bankrupt as she is. Its a shame the value system of so many Americans is in the toilet that they could and will ignore the obvious and that is she is a degenerate.
William Meredith says
They cant come up with lying polls showing Hillary the Whore ahead,so now the lying poll says they are tied. Trump will win in November by a 60 to 40 landslide. It will be a great birthday present for me. My birthday is 11/5. It will cap a great day.
Yochanah says
Trump is driving leftist media crazy….the more they attack, the more crowds he hauls in wherever he speaks. They are turning themselves inside out to try and tell voters that the election is a done deal, however, people are waking up, and Trump’s ads exposing Hillary are on their way….Wait till after Labor Day, and the we will see who is who and what is what
dprato says
I have been saying for some time now that you can no longer believe many of the polls because the left media and bought pollsters are manipulating their own polls to come out the way they want them. Just another example that the Hillary crowd will do anything to win and cheating, lying and fabricating stories is the main ways of doing it. The better indicator than polls is the number of people Trump draws to rallies vs the number of people Hillary draws. Furthermore if you look at the comments on articles in the liberal media in particular you will see they run generally in Trump’s favor particularly on the 3rd rate news of AOL and HP. Trump is going to win this election and Make America Great Again. Vot Trump for 2016 and quite listening to the leftist BS.
tmbz says
Polls are truly unbelievable. Years ago they showed Dewey beating Truman. So how did that turn out?
I’m 61 and have never been polled. They only ask who they want to and knowing that they’ll probably answer the way they want them to.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Our country is the only country in the entire world that has the electorial college when it comes to electing a Figurehead/President & Vice Figurehead/Vice President. 537 people get to vote twice for the Figurehead & Vice Figurehead, first on Election Day and then on December 15th. unless December 15th is on a Sunday, then the electorial college votes on December 16th. There is no longer a need for the damned electorial college, it needs to be abolished. Only the popular votes should & really ought to count in all elections period. None of that damned electorial college. It’s way more than long overdue to abolish the electorial college.
Marilyn Regan says
Trump connects with Americans and Hitlery thinks she is better than the average American. She uses blacks and women for their votes, but their lives have not improved during the Obama/Clinton administration. It has gotten worse.
Rigged voting machines, illegals voting multiple times, and dead people voting need to be investigated or else we will get the most corrupt President in our history. Trump is right and I have no problem with his comments. That is only MSM driven to protect Hillary’s corruption.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton is way far out of touch with the people. The only way a Clinton can win is by cheating.
Look at the 1992 & 1996 Figurehead elections, and the rigged primaries of 1992 & this year on the Demoncratic party side. The Clinton’s we know are exempt from the law, they can do anything they damned well please all they want to their hearts content, while the ordinary everyday people can’t. HKRAKC is total disaster for the free world. Another Clinton in the White House is the end of the United States, the entire free world.
Alan Bartley says
I don’t believe or listen to anything a Liberal says. All liars. Please note: In the original King James Bible; not revised , standard etc. the original version , read the 32nd chapter of Isaiah; verses 5 thru 8. This is prophecy, it calls Liberals , vile, wicked, (churls) witch is a deceiver. Says that they will be no more.
law5960 says
And read 2 Peter 2:1-3, which seems a prophesy about Mr. Trump.
Gail Gadziala says
Trump is our only hope to turn this country around . I hope and pray he is elected President of our Country. He is real and on point with all of the issues we are encountering in the Country. Hillary is a lying, deceitful crook who should be locked up.
NAN says
Justin W says
If Trump’s poll rise comes in the last few weeks before the election it could be a problem for Hillary. A last minute poll shift could cause voters to join the crowd as it moves to Trump.
law5960 says
What can you think about polls? This article came out this morning saying Trump is catching up, at least among Walmart shoppers. This afternoon there is a new article (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump%E2%80%99s-crucial-pillar-of-support-white-men-shows-weakness/ar-BBvMotQ?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp) telling us the latest polls show that Trump is losing his support among white males – which is the only group that previously supported him – and especially among college educated men – who were always too smart to support him. The only reasonable action is to find a good third party and vote for that candidate. Let Trump fight it out with the Walton family to become King of Walmart.
David says
…if you believe that …you’ll believe anything…….
David says
Here in Virginia….There is not one Hillary for president sign ( I travel through the state frequently) ….only Trump Signs ???? Yet she is leading n the poles???
There is definitely something…. in the wood pile….
David says
…point is… Who the heck is voting for her?? The media is full of bull….
If we are dumb enough to believe them …then maybe we are dumb enough to believe anything…
Mathew Molk says
Lots of Clinton signs here in NE Ohio,,,,Just they all say “Hillery for Prison”
Other then that it’s the same here as Dave sees in VA. Dozens of Trump and Trump-Pence signs. Nothing but negative for the Cackling Witch.
I’ll add my own slogan
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house
Annette says
Just wait until the debates. When the old Bitch goes up against Donald Trump she’s going to keel over like the old Geriatric that she is. She’ll have 3 people surrounding her and holding her up. She’s going to be twitching like someone with Turrets. She’ll never know what hit her.
david says
what ever we all know how the liberal media lies about poll results just more lies and propaganda spread by these toilet mouths and liberals. TRUMP ALL THE WAY KILLERY ALL THE WAY TO PRISON.
Annette says
Not only does the Electoral College need to be shown the door but we need to get rid of this “playoff” system called the primaries. That’s all it is, a “playoff”, where all the candidates who want to be president, or any other office for that matter, run in these primaries until there is only one candidate standing in both parties. Get rid of the primaries and put every candidate regardless of party, even third parties, on the ballot in November and REALLY give the people a choice.
F Ken Skinner says
This is the best, most wonderful news I my wife and I have had in months! Thank God.
Chris Brock says
It’s pretty simple folks..the media has an agenda there is no such thing as journalists anymore..They lie to manipulate us the American people.. Don’t fall for the phony polls..Don’t believe the liberal Democrat news media..If we all show up on Election day We Win..If we stay home..We lose..simple as that
Ben L says
Like I said before, I’m registered to vote, and I’m voting or DONALD TRUMP… I want to see that other mess behind bars!!!
Freedom says
The Lame Stream Mafia Media no longer does POLLING…..They are 100% in the Propaganda Business….So what they call polls are just Propaganda to Swing the BRAIN DEAD VOTERS to Vote for the MARXIST COMMUNIST LIBERAL that they want them to vote for…
Constitutionalist says
Even though less than 6% of people believe what they see or hear on CCMSM, it’s still an extraordinarily powerful tool – or weapon:
“Television, I would say, isn’t an advertising medium. It’s a selling medium.”
— William S. Paley, (1901-1990) Founder of CBS, Source: Quoted in Broadcasting, May 31, 1976
If you ever watch someone watching tv, the cause is readily evident; a semi-hypnotic state is entered into, in which suggestibility goes way up.
i had a roommate once who could hypnotize people; he told me that 30% or more of people are “somnambules,” meaning that they’re highly suggestible/easily hypnotized. In a country like America, with a population nxs of 300 million, 30% is a sizable pool – 90 million plus, more than enough to swing the vast majority of national elections.
Dodie says
How anyone with “anything upstairs” could vote for Billary and her “economic advisor” is beyond me. He looks, talks and acts, most of time, like a demented old fool. Just what we need in the white house….a mentally unstable, angry, old bag with health problems, and her demented old fool of a husband, who are both sociopaths and pathological liars….just spending time wandering around the place looking for… who knows what!?
Donald Trump will win the election, and be the next president of the United States of America, and a great one,
something we haven’t seen for a long long time. Hillary who?
Dodie says
Oh, oh, I see that I posted twice here. I didn’t think the first one went through, and to make matters worse, I left out the l in
the word public, which then became pubic…..Hey, cut me some slack, it is the first time I’ve tried this!
I’m tired now, so I’m going to bed.
Mathew Molk says
No sweat Dodie.
The real people here take typing with a grain of salt. The only crap you get normally from a Clinton/Soros paid troll or some useful idiot with the mentality of a 14 year old.
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house!
Sleep well my friend.
Dodie says
“Your comment is waiting for moderation”? What the h— is that supposed to mean? I posted three (3) comments and
there is only one (1) left…”waiting for moderation”? Since I’m a Trump supporter, I guess I could only use his name once?
Have at it liberal moderators!
The Texan says
Polls can be skewed by the way the questions are framed and by the demographics of where they are conducted. The alleged purpose of these election polls is to let us know how the candidates are doing relative to one another. The reality is they can often be used as a propaganda tool. If people are led to believe that their preferred candidate is not doing well they may decide it is not worth the bother to even vote. Unfortunately this can result in win for the opponent and appear to validate the poll. These skewed polls can also at times have an influence on the undecided.
Mathew Molk says
Anyone who needs polls to tell them how to vote belongs in the safe zones in the liberal collages and should not be let out with out a keeper.
In fact any mental midget like that has no business voting at all (You have to have a license to drive and you can only kill a few dozen yet you need no license to vote and you can kill off the whole country).
The problem is if you only have the MSM to rely on you will NEVER get enough reliable information to make an intelligent decision.
What has my country come to?
Anyway here is how I see it
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house
joe davison says
Do NOT believe the polls just look at the crowds
Rick Wenthe says
If it is to close to call that’s when the real lying will start Trump’s having an affair,Trumps kids are all addicts, or some of the worst things you could ever say about anyone! But you have to know by now that Hillary is protected she can basically do any thing and they will classify things that we should see she will promise the AG a job, and Jim Comey some slot in the Clinton Foundation! Their are so many terrible things in her life but lying to the parents of soldiers who gave their life for this country they should receive medals for letting those people get to the Annex! So Vote for her if your on her payroll or you just want to destroy the US and we can become the socialist country that Obama can be King and Hillary Queen!
louann says
I have learned to never trust these polls. Also the media . They will not tell any truth period.trump will never give up. Some sites said trump is leaving the race hahahaha! That will not ever happen.hillary is called the crow .very Evil women.obama a black soul. Trump must win period.
Jeanette says
Very good point.
There have been a couple of private, and more importantly, anonymous polls that have shown Trump from 50 to more than 60 points ahead of Hillary.
A lot of people apparently don’t want to take the heat they might receive if they reveal that they support Trump.
Jeanette says
It is shocking that we have enough Americans who are Marxists and supporters of supplanting U.S. law with Sharia law to allow Hillary to be tied with ANYONE.
Seldom says
These network talking heads don’t want to lose their jobs, or worse. So they just rattle away. To say that a certain person is running away with the vote is just a good way to keep Trump voters out of the polling booths. The thinking is why bother… That’s what they want you to believe, and it’s easy. Don’t believe it for one minute. How many times have you seen it turn out the other way around. Bernie probably won. Think about it…That’s why we need land slide Bernie Voters, and Trump voters for a change for once. I know Democratic friends who don’t want to give up their gun collection, have become republicans. God Bless America 🙂
Seldom says
Where are my remarks?
Ron says
I live in communists California where one party has rule this state which has created high crime, terrible infrastructure, high taxes and California school system ranks 9th worst in the nation. All run by Democrats. Without the high tech industry unemployment currently 5.5 would match the underemployed rate of 11.7. If you live in central valley or far northern california unemployment ranges from 7.2 to 15%. Because of liberal policies the timber industry and farmer have been reduced. When I was kid I remember when unemployment under Nixon hit 5% is was major concern. We need President that in game not for filling they pockets as Clinton, that put America first and it citizens. Why do we have H-1 Visa program? For cheap labor instead of training are own citizens and probably some deals the political class has with the industry. It time to bring companies back to USA, jobs back to USA, put the underemployed and unemployed back to work and get citizen off subsidize programs. If you listen to mainstream media here in California you would thing everything is a bowl of cherries.
lizaz says
The hillary and bill clinton media will continue to say she’s winning even though at some point she will be so far out of it that she might as well quit. They remind me of Bagdad Bob (Saddam’s PR man) during the Iraq war….he stood in front of the camera telling us how they were resisting the American advance while behind him the U.S. tanks were rolling up the street. We can do without the media (including Fox) calling the latest staffing changes a “shakeup”, like it’s something very negative going on in the campaign. Trump is not a practiced politician and it’s taking time for him to learn what works and what doesn’t work to receive the desired effect he wants. Any time the ignorant media can say something negative about him they will!!!
NAN says
Stephen says
A recent independent poll of 50,000 voters put Trump ahead of Hillary 67% to 19%, a TOTAL LANDSLIDE!
Do you still trust the mainstream media to properly inform you?
The Shrillary campaign is being constipated, the party of crooks and liars is unraveling and the evidence continues to flow and get to the public…the non transparency is in decline now thanks to hackers from here and abroad, Capitalism may have a real chance to be resurrected and capitalism may become a way to do biz with a moral parameter again, cronyism be damned and the communist and globalist can go pound salt….American can look to higher exports, cheaper goods and energy independence and a labor market and industrial force to brag about in the face of weak minded socialism, to whom risk is a danger…….Bring back America’s Yankee Traders and Let’s Roll…..
Charlie says
The problem for ANY republican running for President is the Electoral College…it most certainly favors the democrats..they start with 244 votes and only need 26 more to win…A republican has to win around 5 key states (North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan) to win. You can throw in Indiana and Wisconsin also. If only one of those goes to the democrat running, it’s over for the republican nominee. In other words, the republican has to win all 5-7, but the democrat only needs one of them to win. Mickey Mouse could run as a democrat and there would still be staunch democrats voting for him. So, unless the EC changes in the future, we may never see another Republican president again, not in our life time, even though the USA is overwhelmingly conservative. And this my friends, the democrats know.
El Tejas says
Polls are unreliable as predictions though it often appears that they are attempting to be self fulfilling. Not only can they influence the undecided. They tend to be a Pied Piper to all the lemmings that follow the crowd. Pollsters often start their polls with a predetermination of the results they want or expect to achieve. This election is not over yet.