Infamous Romanian hacker Marcel Lehel Lazar, also known by his moniker ‘Guccifer,’ made a shocking admission during an interview yesterday.
Not only did he gain access to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s home-brew email server repeatedly; he was one of nearly a dozen hackers who did so, and getting in was “easy.”
It was the strongest proof yet that Clinton’s email setup compromised national security. And experts say that Lazar’s admission, along with an immunity deal given to former Clinton IT specialist Bryan Pagliano, mean the FBI may now have the proof it needs to recommend criminal charges against Clinton.
“For me, it was easy … easy for me, for everybody,” Lazar said in an interview with Fox News from the Virginia jail he is being held at on other hacking charges.
In the midst of an intense presidential race, the admission could spell big trouble for Clinton. Lazar has openly expressed his eagerness to cooperate with the Clinton investigation, and if Lazar can prove that potentially dozens of foreign nationals accessed the data because of Clinton’s negligence, it could lead to an indictment of the Democratic presidential frontrunner.
Lazar described the process of hacking her email to Fox News, saying he first gained access to aide Sidney Blumenthal’s email address through research.
“When Sidney Blumenthal got an email, I checked the email pattern from Hillary Clinton, from Colin Powell from anyone else to find out the originating IP. … When they send a letter, the email header is the originating IP usually,” Lazar explained.
An Internet Protocol (IP) is a unique numeric code, like a phone number or home address, that identifies the location of the computer behind it.
“Then I scanned with an IP scanner,” Lazar said, using easily accessible computer programs to test if the server behind the IP was “alive.”
According to Fox News’ report, Lazar came across evidence that he wasn’t the only one who had broken into the Clinton server.
Lazar claims he saw evidence of approximately 10 individuals accessing Clinton’s server from all over the world.
The Associated Press reported in October 2015, “Clinton’s private email server, which stored some 55,000 pages of emails from her time as secretary of state, was the subject of attempted cyberattacks originating in China, South Korea and Germany after she left office in early 2013, according to a congressional document.”
The Clinton campaign has repeatedly claimed that none of the classified data she’s accused of mishandling on her private email system was compromised, but Lazar’s claims have credibility.
In 2013, under his alias as ‘Guccifer,’ Lazar released to various news outlets multiple email exchanges between Blumenthal and Clinton, and they were first reported by the Smoking Gun.
The FBI is investigating whether national security was compromised by Clinton’s email arrangement.
Hold that indictment till after the election. Trump won’t grant a pardon…. ovomit, of course, will.
HAS any body seen it take so long FOR AN indictment of a known criminal?? this GAME is sure taking up valuable time when you know for years she is a crook and murderer,
DON’T REALLY TRUST the FBI they know the truth already.SO WHY THE GAME PLAYING???
I guess this is another show of dirty politics.
Not true. I think they are waiting until after the election on purpose. The reason is that if prosecuted now, she will be pardened by Obummer. If they wait until after the election, Trump will not let her off with a pardon. Just read between the lines. The F.B.I. Has spent to many hours on this to mess it up now and they know what they are doing. 😉
Yea, but what if Crooked Hillary WINS in November? She will use her new power to make it all go away. At least she will try!
I believe the FBI will hold off until a point is reached that the dems will have to throw a candidate into the ring. Hillary is buying time, a lot of negotiation going on behind the scenes. Guccifer is proven truthful, will be the nail in her coffin, and Huma isn’t going to take the sword for Hillary, so that’s the second strike. 3rd will be sid Blumenthal, he won’t fall on the sword for her either. Smell the toast burning
Sorry but Obama is the one delaying this in hopes that she will be elected and serve as his third term because she owes him big time.
Nah! She has something HE doesn’t want known, so he has to protect her so she won’t “spill
the beans” on him.
I agree that Obozo will likely have to pardon her, but this would
also disqualify her as a presidental candidate. “What difference
does that make?” No crooked Hellary anyway.
They can put one charge against her so she cannot become POtUS and after Obo is out they can put other chargers against her so she cannot be pardoned.
Intelligent thought !!
Or they could indict her and that would take her out of the race, and hold her for prosecution until after the election. Surely, there are enough intelligent people that can pull that off! Ya think?
Yep! That is exactly what will happen under O’Bummer. Don’t depend on the Department of Justice because Loretta Lynch is a contributor to Hillary Clintons campaign and is probably under orders NOT to prosecute Hillary Clinton on ANY charges by Prez O’Bummer.
I agree with you a 100%. If it was us, they would do away with us at a blink of an eye. They are going to wait with Hillary until after the election. So she become President and she can swipe it under the carpet like they always do.
The FBI has to ratify evidence on each and every charge to ascertain the charges and the case……the delay is mostly from the obstruction and the delays caused by non co-operation of the State Dept, the DOJ and the WH as well as the Clinton’s attorneys..The judge in this case is being pressured for allowing evidence to be discovered and extracted……The wheels of justice grind slowly but also exceedingly fine…..
Obama will not let DOJ
Thank you, “ONTIME” for your well-spoken (or I should say, well-written) comments. It’s a real pleasure to read a comment made by someone who can spell correctly. Keep it up!
Very well stated
solid evidence is needed and thankfully it is coming. The FBI director is solid and will do his job. Approximately 10 hackers from around the world got into HRC server and read her emails. She is cooked and the water is just starting to boil. Keep the faith.
You know the expression of money talks and so on. She is a major criminal!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m tired of hearing we’re closing in on Hillary dam it I want to hear Hillary has been ARRESTED!!
Thank you! you are the only one who has spoke what i have been thinking all along. she is guilty as sin……arrest her and put her in jail. obama needs his rear end thrown out of the white house…..bodily! he needs to be hanged for treason. sorry piece of dog poop.
For anyone to vote for a person that is so stupid as to put classified material on an unprotected server should get to go to prison with her or a mental institution as they are nuts.
it would take a bit of time if the FBI is going to do this right…..where there is no loop holes for liar Hillary to slither out
Obama and Loretta Lynch will stop any indictments the FBI may have to charge her ,Lynch already said so two reasons Obama would be involved and he wants Hillary to win the election and Lynch is following Obama’s order to see that she is not indicted that way he is off with no charges against him and she wins the election as planned or it maybe that Obama has others plans and that is his third term plan to stay in the office he has mentioned this several times
You are just one of the liars, conspiracy theorists and right-wingers who are continuously delving into this crap to try to undermine Mrs. Clinton.. You have NO credibility and your goals are obvious to anyone with a brain. Get a life. Learn how to tell the truth. Stop vilifying innocent people. She has been investigated over and over and there is nothing to find. Your ignorance is incredible and disgusting.
Don’t wait on the indictment…..wait on the trial ……
Exactly–we need to see her humiliated in fron t of the entire world….and then we will have a lot of foreign leaders who gave her money–demanding their money be returned!!!!
Yeh but if she gets into office she will make it all disappear, and I wouldn’t doubt the establishment would fix an election in some way, they are all crooks and know if Trump gets in they are going down. So by the grace of God lets hope Trump gets in
Does she think we’re all stupid? I guess she does. But in reality, we will never forget. She’s a lying, cheating, thieving, manipulating shrew. Doesn’t give a damn about this country, only her own aspirations to power. Again, WE WILL NEVER FORGET! Don’t take us for idiots.
She thinks she is of a different species than we, the lowly voters are. I lived in AR when Bill was governor there, it
was unbelievable the way they acted and got by w/it. It is time for Justice to be served, for these two! I am over 75 years of age, I just hope I live long enough to see it happen!
Republican Bear I believe Trump will go in by a land slide so lets all vote for him!!!! TRUMP 2016!!! TRUMP 2016!!! TRUMP 2016!!! November 2016!!!!
Amen to that!
Wouldn’t it be cool to see a “newly elected ‘President’ be hauled out of office by her thinning hair??? Yee-Haw!! I wanna’ see that!!! Nail her!!!!!!!!!! Later is better than now, doesn’t matter. She’s already done her damage and has a big bulls eye on her “reputation!” She’s hanging herself.
Then her VP is president, better to have Bernie opposing Trump, as he is more likely to defeat T than C anyway.
Why is mr Lazar in jail while she is free!? Under NORMAL HEALTHY GOVERNMENT, she would be stop and detained!
( written in e mails!
Benhazi. Plus!
If he is president, they will not touch him— when he is through. Then, he can be investigated but….. Haa! ?? Lots of others! Pulling strings!!
Sick of accomodating punks!!
And feeling our country destroying!!))))
And he will protect her!!!!
He wrote a letter to Mr Gowdy asking to slow
the investigation on Benghazi process!!!!!!!
IF SHE GOES DOWN,,,, probably she said. AND SO WILL YOU!!!
What else could you think
Once you see this clearly!! ?
Lazar is in jail now over other hacking charges. He has come forward for this case to prove that Clinton’s email can be hacked and in fact has been hacked not only by him but at least 10 others. I presume Lazar is doing this for some sort of a deal on his charges that he’s doing time for now.
I believe that! She is threatening and blackmailing people now so she gets away with her illegal, self-serving behaviors.
Obama should make a deal with Feds. Tell them everything he knows about Hillary. Exchange he gets full immunity. So there! What can Hillary do to him?
Also as sometimes happens, Lazar might be in jail so he can stay alive.
IMHO……the FBI is waiting until the Demo’s Party in July to DROP THE BOMB because that’s why Bernie is hanging in there ….he knows that if good OLD BAG LADY is indicted …….BERNIE WINS BY DEFAULT. TRUMP WILL STILL WIN THE ELECTION AND THE BAG LADY IS OFF TO PRISON.
we can wish, can’t we???
You’ve not noted that Bernie defeats T in the polls?
It doesn’t make any difference when she is indicted. If she is indicted at all. Even with these hackers supplying evidence of her E-mail being breached the FBI is under orders not to indict or to delay it by the current administration and or certain big money interest. It will take many months for this to come to trial if she is indicted. If she is indicted between now and the general election her candidacy will have to be withdrawn, and that is not going to happen.
There is NO WAY ovomit will have her sent to prison; but, maybe, just maybe, congress will grow a backbone! They may want to run for office again, so they’d better listen to the voters!!!
There may be a lot of wisdom in what the FBI is doing (dragging its feet on the indictments). Obozo can only pardon Killery AFTER she is convicted, not before. (If she is not yet convicted of a crime, then there is nothing to pardon). If we have an honest and fair Justice Department (I know a BIG “IF”), they can whack her with a laundry list of charges before the election, but not try her until closer to inauguration. That way, she could “win” the election, but then, before she takes office, it could be taken to trial. And the trial would drag and drag through the election and after, but no conviction would occur until AFTER Bozo has left office. I seriously doubt if President Trump would issue a blanket pardon, but BOZO would. But if there is no conviction before he leaves office, then he can’t pardon her. Very clever, Mr. Bond! If there were even 51% of Democrats who still care about this country to NOT vote for a criminal who has been indicted and is waiting trial, it COULD stop her from winning the election. And that would accomplish the goal of keeping Killery out of the White House. I don’t care WHEN she goes to prison; I just don’t want to see her get anywhere near the White House, ever. If she is convicted 1 day before she is inaugurated, I THINK that would prevent her from taking the oath of office. Yes, these are unprecedented times to even have to think about this kind of stuff, but this is Killery we’re talking about, and she is one of the most evil women in the world, so expect anything.
I would bet that there is more than enough evidence to convict Hildabeast even in a Ney York Left Wing Liberal court
that turns a blind eye to justice and is drunk as a skunk on Saturday night. But that will never happen, the Mau Mau
from Kenya will never let it go that far or even have charges filed. He will ,behind closed doors and no notes, insure that
the DOJ will ignore any and all attempts to file charges or even acknowledge that they have the paperwork. It will be
stoned walled before it even gets to the filing stages. If, by some freak of nature, get to the filing stages then Mau Mau
from Kenya will issue a Presidential Pardon for all crimes committed past and present up until the charges were filed.
If charges were accepted and filed then it would open a can of worms for the occupier of the Oval office and many others
in the political arena probably on both sides of the aisle from the Democrat Socialist and the GOP where jail would be
mandatory as well as loss of political office. power, privileges retirement and other benefits stolen from the TAX Payers
Sadly, nothing will be filed under Mau Mau from Kenya’s watch.Best case scenario,Trump gets elected and after he’s sworn in,the Fed’s file.
Trump and Cruz both vowed to prosecute her if ele Ted, so in that way is runnin
Seriously? Unless Obama wishes it otherwise, all this will do is ‘prove’ Hillary is as pure as the driven snow! They have what they want! Trump is the Republican nominee, therefore they are guaranteed to retain the White House! As long as Obama has faith in Clintons promise to continue his fundamental transformation of America, the results are a foregone conclusion!
In your DREAMS!!!
This is an interesting link that puts Trump in the White House.
check it out.
I think the FBI has farted around enough & should convict the crook of all the things people have indicated she has done over the time her & Bill have been in politic’s.
If Obama is keeping them from moving forward he should be convicted also.
So FBI get at it and do your Jobs!!!!
If it were me they would hang me. They should put her away and throw away the key.
If the FBI were serious about indicting her for anything, they would have done it by now. They seem to be in Odildo’s pocket, so nothing is going to happen to Hildabeast.
Hillary would have been better off if she would have cooperated with the congressional committee investigating the Benghazi attack. Her flippant answers attracted a deeper investigation. As long as she has been in Washington she should have known this isn’t the way to handle a political matter.
Hillary committed a second blunder when she erased her emails and tried to censor what was handed over. At that point her personal server became the issue. What this shows is that Hillary has a history of extremely poor judgement and a general disregard for professionalism. It is unknown how many people accessed Hillary’s email, who they worked for, what they saw and how the data breach affected the situations covered in the emails.
A Hillary Clinton administration would be one scandal after another. Her administration would be so corrupt that it would make Watergate appear to be insignificant.
If that damned b@$ch Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton does get indicted, I sure do hope they throw not only the book at
her, but throw away the key. If a person who is active duty military did what Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton did, take a
Government e mail server and used it for their private home use, they would be reduced in rank, loss of pay, would be
dishonorably discharged, and would be put in a Federal prison for 20 to 25 years, any other Federal civil service employee
would lose their job and would be in Federal prison for only doing a tenth of what Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton did.
I agree 100%
The BEST part of this? Not only did he have access to her e-mails (hopefully he downloaded and saved them) but to those THOUSANDS of e_mails she deleted and those from Sidney Blumenthal et al. I’ll wager she committed espionage and possibly treason as well. FBI Director James Comey needs to move MUCH faster. He doesn’t need every crime fully investigated to make a referral to the Department of Justice.
I hope that hacker had the foresight to send copies to others and keep backup drive(s) in a safe place lest he suffer from a “hangnail” while a guest of the FBI. Hillary is dirty. VERY DIRTY. 92 dead bodies (including Justice Antonin Scalia agree.
A Country Founded by Geniuses but Run by Idiots! AND TYRANTS AND BUREAUCRAPS!!!
If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old girl who is confined to a wheelchair can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion, while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide incentives for not working, by granting 99 weeks of unemployment checks, without any requirement to prove that gainful employment was diligently sought, but couldn’t be found — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If the media panders to your openly socialist leader while the IRS targets groups with dissenting views— you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your government ‘cracks down’ on legal gun sales to law abiding citizens while secretly supplying illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels— you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
If your local government (Chicago) outlawed gun ownership for ‘the safety of its citizens’ and now boasts the worst murder rate in the country — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.
What a country!
How about we give God a reason to continue blessing America?
This was borrowed from another blog, authors unknown, please spread it far and wide!
If you live in a country where you elect politicians who bribe you and you let them, you do live in a country founded by geniuses and we gave the idiots the right to run it that way.
We are in trouble! Are there enough votes left ot fix it!!!
If the CIA and FBI or any other governmental agency cannot be trusted to do the necessary and legal action required then it would be up to THE PEOPLE/citizens to rectify the situation and take action. It is at a point where both parties (democrats and republicans and all other forms of political parties) are so corrupt throughout that the situation needs to be rectified in an expedient way. The PEOPLE fought one revolution—and they can do it again.
Please, oh, Please Lord; let justice prevail in this Clinton ordeal. Hillary Clinton is a very evil person.
She, along with Obama (and many others) have created so much animosity and hate in our
country. They should all be tried and jailed. My Father, my husband, and my brother-in-law all
gave their lives for our freedom and now we have liars, cheats, and immoral people taking
away our freedom and ruining our country. Please, Lord, let justice prevail.
Helen, I’m very sorry for your losses and as a former Veteran I’d have thanked them for their service. Unfortunately we don’t stand a snowballs chance in hell that these socialists will not be elected, the American people’s votes don’t mean a thing anymore it’s all about the Collage Electoral Vote, who is ordered to name the winner. It’s all a fix!!
Helen, keep the faith, trust always that God is in charge and simply stay in prayer and wait upon Him.
The whole world is falling apart at the seams because of very sinful, evil people and this is to be because we are at the very end of time and the judgment day and return of our Lord Jesus Christ is very near so don’t be surprised if things get worse.
Heaven awaits all who believe, love, and follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and go not in the ways of the world.
Makes me sick that most likely she’ll get away with it, just as she has all her other scandals, scams & lies.
The ONLY thing I can think of that would be better than KILLERY getting indicted would
be for OBLAMER getting kicked out of office NOW ! ! !
This is what needs to be done. Hillary needs to be indicted, then they need to drag it out until the election in November is over. Once it is over keep it going on until Trump gets into office. Then when he has been inaugurated then he will get her put in prison for life. There will be no pardon, and we as a country can rest at ease that the Clintons are now toast!!!
Bob, I am very, very conservative, but I wish I was as confident as you that Trump will win.
The large voting blocks Killery has in her corner, e.g., welfare recipients, fake disabilities recipients, food stamp recipients, minorities, unions, Govt. workers, and just outright liberal dummies, would vote for her if they sentenced her to lethal injection. You can just about double that figure when you consider most have spouse, significant other, etc.
Facts don’t enter into their limited brains.
NEVER HILARY !!!!!We voters feel she is a racist, a bigot and discriminates against women and children, the domocrates give people the middle finger have no respect for the police and are are people if you don’t agree with them they feel they will shut you down and not let you speak they commit crimes , Hilary and Obama are the politicians who influence this kind of violence we do not want this violence this is what Hilary stands for we will only vote Republican they are the only non violent adults in the room! We are done with the Democratic Party. That’s why we are voting for Mr Trump because he will stick up for Americans and put America first.
Federal Bureau of Incompetence…hillary should already be in prison…..The powers that be could care less….when she is in jail, then AMERICA will be on the right track to be GREAT again.. I guess it’s true Stupid is as STUPID does
OK Horny News, don’t you think it’s time to stop trying to bulls*it the intelligent American people!! The baby boomers and later generations of followers might swallow this crap. But we all know nothing will ever come of any indictment against this phony. The FBI will not be allowed to follow thru with this as long as Odumbo is still around, he has them scared sh*tless just like he’s had Congress for the past 71/2 years. It’s a damn shame that nobody in our government had the guts to follow thru with the IMPEACHMENT of this TRAITOR! The FIX IS IN, the way Odumbo won the last two elections HIL-LIAR-RY will win the 2016 election and Trump or anyone else won’t be able to do a damn thing about it!!!
Impeach Obummer before he can pardon her. In addition, if we don’t impeach the bastard we’ll be paying him and providing security for the rest of his life.
They will do NOTHING to Hilary no matter what she does or has done. They have not done a thing to Obama and he
has broken so many rules. BUT it is okay for them to do it. If it were anyone else they would be under the jail.
No hope at all in the right thing being done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hilliar won’t be indicted. No one has the guts to prosecute hilliar or obama. The two could dine on screaming live babies on national TV and the press would praise cannibalism and make serving suggestions for you at home. No one would think that eating children was bad.
It would be nice to clear Hilary from the Democratic ticket. Sanders might be able to defeat Trump if she got off the stage, but she’s going nowhere.
President Obama will not allow the FBI to arrest and charge Clinton which he should do. If he did allow the FBI to arrest her, then he too could be up for charges since he allowed Clinton to use her own server with full knowledge. If they wait till after the election and she wins the election, she will expunge all the evidence and hide all her criminal activity. The FBI needs to get out of the political arena and arrest her and charge her making her run for President null and void under law. Clinton is already breaking the law by running, knowing that she broke the law and is hiding behind Obama to protect her. If you or I did half of what Hillary has done, we would be in Federal Prison for a long time. The elite protecting the elite. It is a shame that laws are only meant for the average Americans.
She’ll look radiant in her new “orange” pants suit ensemble including diamond hand cuffs while waddling the “perp. walk.
The problem is Oba is implicated in the Libya scandal an he will prevent prevent the Justice Dept taking actions so FBI said they will leak info to the public if the Justice Dept does not prosecute, my belief that this hacker story is some of the leaking because this clearly shows she has put our country at great risk. We may see more until Justice Dept commits to prosecuting Hillary. Otherwise their hands are tied.
The FBI is just the investigatory body, everything the FBI has is turned over to the DOJ. The FBI people involved are not allowed to speak about something affecting National Security… they are not allowed to ‘Leak”.
There are 4 Democrat appointees, then Obama, before any case the DOJ has, could come to an indictment. There isn’t a chance in hell the administration will allow this matter to get to an indictment.. the records will be sealed for 50 years and parked next to the Kennedy info.. and disappear.
When Obama said before a Tv screen that Hillary never broke the law, he was signaling, just like with the IRS/’not a smidgeon’, that nothing would be exposed. This is as much for the 30>< million dollars for every year in office for redirecting commerce for the Power Providers as Obama got for redirecting commerce for the Health Care policy providers.
Hillary go to jail? Better remember the some 300 million($) reasons why Hillary will never be indicted.
I personally believe the world will be in shock when Hillary is actually behind bars!
She will surely be cast into the eternal pit by Almighty God Himself on that judgment day which is approaching very rapidly!
We love you Mr Trump you are fighting for the middle class and the American DREAM keep IT UP HIlary Obama and Corey Booker are all part of the party that thinks to shut down your freedom of speech if you don’t agree with them, destroy police cars, throw bricks at law enforcement, give people the middle finger, provoke violence is this the kind of America we want, saying to people we will shut you down if you don’t agree with us Obama Hussein and his friends are bad people but yet his children get to go to Harvard what about other American children he only cares about himself him and Hilary are such fake Wall Street democrates!
Our religious belief is a marriage is between a man and a woman that’s our right Who is Diblasio to tell us where and where we can’t eat if we don’t agree with him. Keep the lines going at Chick fi A!????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yeh
Hilary and Obama are racists and bigots we voters feel!
Its clear she’s made a deal with Obama to keep his AG off her back. Maybe a Supreme court justice seat? No love lost but they need each other.
All you have to do is read this article:
Then go to the Judicial Watch website which is a neutral site and look at all the information they have accumulated through Court Orders forcing the Obama Administration to reveal incriminating evidence regarding Hillary’s emails, Benghazi testimony and money laundering.
This gives anyone who really wants to know what she is all about all the information you could ever need to realize she is a criminal, pathological liar, megalomaniac with no ethical or moral underpinning whatsoever.
Then read this.
Personally, I don’t think that Hillary will ever be indited. After all, she’s a Washington Insider. The Democrats certainly will not prosecute her and I don’t have very much confidence that the Republicans will either.
I’ll believe it when I actually see it.
While everyone gets on the indict Hillary bandwagon the Greatest Traitor Every To sit In Our Oval Office Is Getting Off Scott
Free !! Not only is Ms. Clinton Guilty, but So Is Obomer !!! I for one do not know why Ms. Clinton can even be considered for the office of President, I guess it is because Obomer is still in office!! Go figure !!
Wake Up America before We End Up With Our FIRST muslim/islamist Dictator and Chief !! We Must Rise Up And Take Back Our AMERICA !!!
If they indite her now, OBAMA will pardon her… LET SET TIGHT AND WAIT TILL AFTER NOVEMBER that is the last time OBAMA can pardon anyone…
First, i’m glad that this Romanian hacker has provided evidence to the FBI.
Second, i think that the FBI are WELL-aware that D’OweBama will probably pardon her…which may explain the delay in turning over their evidence to DoJ.
Third, i’m not certain what the rules are regarding presidential pardons, but i THINK that pardons can only be granted to someone who has been CONVICTED, so if that’s true, then the FBI can turn over their evidence to Justice and monitor the situation closely, to find out when or if they’ll impanel a Grand Jury or appoint a “special prosecutor” or whatever, and use “discreet channels” to release at least some of the info they’ve got.
Fourth, what i’m REALLY hoping for is that there are MAJOR discrepancies between what State turned over to the FBI and what the HACKER got; if so, the Obstruction of Justice charges should hang over several heads like swords of Damocles – i.e., either you indict the vixen NOW, or we’ll indict YOU for lying to us about the emails you kept back instead of turned over.
Fifth, once an indictment is handed down and a trial date set, normal legal maneuvering should postpone the verdict until WELL after D’OweBana’s departure, when he’ll be powerless to pardon SQUAT.
So, some time after January next year – supposing that there are no intervening incidents like major earth-changes(the passing of Planet X and/or the brown dwarf star) or a declaration of martial law for some BS that’ll be made up out of whole cloth, we should see the Liar’s Commie pantsuits exchanged for good ol’ American Orange onesies…with numbers on the back and above the shirt pocket.
Let’s see how soon this ‘Guccifer’ fellow gets “depressed” and commits “Arkancide” inside a prison cell. “Arkancide” is a real term.
Id like to see them announce her arrest a day before convention. That would make Mr Sanders very happy.
Aren’t we glad that people like Charles Manson was not a politician, he would be roaming the streets a free man.
The FBI will not do anything to Hellery, they are afraid of her. They may wind up in a cement overcoat, the Clintons hold interest in a concrete co. As I remember the FBI are afraid of politicians. She tries to intimidate people and she is still pissed at slick willie for his antics with the young gals.
Trump in the White House 2017 , Hillary in Prison 2017 !
She may also be guilty of violation of federal law that states no person can double dip income from the government for service. She was paid for being Secretary of State, as well as receiving her government allotment for being the former First Lady. Which means she drew two paychecks in violation of the law.
There will be no indictment until after the Democratic Convention and Hillary’s nomination. THEN she will be charged and disqualified as POTUS by virtue of her ‘No Security Clearance’ status. Expect “Uncle Joe” Biden to save the day for the Democrats. The ‘elite’ in both parties want no part of Bernie or Trump. End of story. That scenario only plays out if there is actually an election in November. We may be under martial law by then with Obama in charge and Russian troops (they’re in the country now) enforcing his will. You heard it here first.
Obama controls the DoJ, and therefor the indictment. Obama’s preference for his follower is certainly Joe Biden. Joe will probably keep the Obama programs intact and probably rely on Obama for advice and support. Biden is the only subsequent President through which Obama retains relevance. After Bernie Sanders is eliminated as a candidate, Hillary will be indicted and Joe will be drafted to save the day. Biden could not win the nomination in open competition, as he is slow (not too bright) and prone to “misstatements.” However, in a shortened election cycle where he can limit his appearances to canned speeches and maybe only one debate (where canned answers can play), Joe Biden can come off with a decent appearance. Joe is a decent guy with little in his background of a criminal nature and is much more difficult to attack than Hillary. I think this scenario has been scripted for many months: set up Hillary and then kill her chances in order to have Joe Biden. This scenario suits the type strategic planning Obama has attempted to use previously, sometimes with success. Get ready for Joe – Obama’s boy.
This statement has been proven false. The hacker is a nut. This sight is nothing but Yellow Journalism
See how DimoCraps justify voting for Hellery? Call it all a Lie made up to persecute poor ole Hellery. Call the hacker a nut, claim Yellow Journalism.
All you have to do is read this article:
Then go to the Judicial Watch website which is a neutral site and look at all the information they have accumulated through Court Orders forcing the Obama Administration to reveal incriminating evidence regarding Hillary’s emails, Benghazi testimony and money laundering.
This gives anyone who really wants to know what she is all about all the information you could ever need to realize she is a criminal, pathological liar, megalomaniac with no ethical or moral underpinning whatsoever.
Should Lynch decline not to indict Clinton before the election there will be leaks at the FBI or even some at DoJ that she should have been. That could hurt Clinton as much if she were indicted. The fact that the FBI leaked that Clinton’s aide Mills stormed out of her interview indicates they will leak on Clinton too.
u will only gey it done if u get of your dumd yanky ass holes and vote