Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s debate performance Wednesday was full of fabrications, misinformation, and straight lies — and we’ve got the list.
Here’s a list of the five biggest whoopers to come out of Clinton’s mouth last night.
#1 — Clinton’s lie: “I don’t add a penny to the national debt.”
The Truth: Not true at all. That’s according to the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, which estimates her large increase in spending on infrastructure, more financial aid for college, and early childhood education would increase the national debt by $200 billion over 10 years.
In other words, Clinton would add 200,000,000,000,000 pennies to the United States debt.
#2 — Clinton’s lie: She didn’t call for open borders in a paid 2013 speech to a bank: “I was talking about energy.”
The Truth: This is just a straight lie. She was actually talking about more than energy… and her call for open borders is right there in the speech transcript released by WikiLeaks.
Clinton said, “my dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, sometime in the future with energy that is as green as sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”
The remarks suggest a broad interest in open trade of energy, yes… but clearly implies she would support free, open movement of people as rival Donald Trump had suggested.
Sponsored: Strange “instant pain relief” secret caught on video
Have you seen the weird “little brown bottle” video?
In the short video, you can see how more than 535,311 people have discovered an underground sensation in pain relief — with NO mass media advertising. Some people are saying that just one or two drops of a clear substance relieved their pain instantly — and for hours or DAYS.
If you or a loved one is suffering from arthritis, shoulder, hip, or joint pain you MUST see this brief viral video. It will only take a moment, and your pain could finally be gone.
In fact, the little brown bottle is a nightmare for those highly paid “Pain Specialist” MDs. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to get the video banned or discredited. While it’s up there, watch it now.
#3 — Clinton’s lie: “I want to make college debt free.”
The Truth: Clinton is trying to capture Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ popularity with millennials, but she has only proposed making college tuition free for in-state students who go to a public college or university.
Yes, Clinton’s plan would bill taxpayers an estimated $500 billion over 10 years for in-state tuition at public colleges and universities for students from families earning less than $125,000 a year. But it doesn’t go as far as Sanders, whose promise for free college energized students. Under Clinton, college-goers would still need to foot the bill for housing and food, which makes up more than half of the average $18,943 sticker price at a four-year public university, according to the College Board.
#4 — Clinton’s lie: I didn’t support the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal: “It didn’t meet my test.”
The Truth: It definitely met her test when she was secretary of state. She promoted it worldwide and called it the gold standard of trade deals.
Clinton claims she no longer backs the proposed trade deal as written because it does not provide enough protections for U.S. workers on wages, jobs and the country’s national security.
Her campaign say otherwise.
Hacked emails from Clinton’s campaign, released Wednesday by WikiLeaks, showed that Jake Sullivan, her top foreign policy adviser, called her a “big champion” of the deal and worried about how to handle the issue in the face of primary rival Sanders’ opposition.
#5 — Clinton’s lie: President Barack Obama health care law “extended the solvency of the Medicare trust fund.” and if America repeals Obamacare, “our Medicare problem gets worse.”
The Truth: Wrong. Medicare’s funding problems are FAR more complicated than she implies.
Obama’s unpopular 2010 Affordable Care Act was partly financed with cuts in future payments to hospitals, insurers and other Medicare service providers. Obama promised it would extend the solvency of the Medicare trust fund to 2029.
It failed. Medicare still has significant financial problems. The trust fund is currently projected to be exhausted in 2028, and the program’s trustees have repeatedly warned Congress and the president that action is needed to sustain Medicare over the long haul.
Did we miss any? Comment below with Hillary Clinton lies YOU caught
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Farmer john says
Bottom line here is if We The People were so concerned about what’s happening in Washington,……..Why have We The People let this Government get this so far out of control?
Dawg# says
Farmer John, you have hit the nail on the head. I will not elaborate further, because I don’t want to take away from or dim the meaning of your profound and wise words. ….. Thank you sir!
Steve says
The reason is that most of America is listening to the MEDIA and not the facts. The media has caused ad will continue to cause major problems in this country. The media is the biggest problem with military, elections and over all shit.
Debby Pratt says
This has been a long-term agenda of our government. Hillary has been involved in one way or anther for a very long time. The agenda–to quote her, was to keep our citizens ‘unaware and uninformed’! Until recently, they’ve done an excellent job with that. Now, it seems, with Wikileaks, etc. it’s blowing up in their faces. All kinds of information, successfully hidden for years is coming out! The people have lost faith in the press and their, now obviously slanted, statements. This was never intended to happen. However, Hillary and her cohorts, still have confidence they can complete their agenda and take our government over.
Don says
I just wish Wiki-Leaks would have started their e-mail dumps 4 or 5 months ago so they could sink in to the brain dead who still rally for the B*TCH.
After the debates last night, I tuned in to one of the C-span channels, and a black woman was saying that she couldn’t vote for Trump because he had no political experience. I wonder if she voted for Obammy???
Huck Finn says
This has always been the plan of progressive liberals.
They consider those running the nation should be the elitists in Big Government. They think the average U.S. citizenry to be ignorant and in need of Big Government to control all outcomes in our lives.
Make no mistake,she and her cronies want total control over the people. And they will manipulate,lie or do whatever it takes,including controlling the mainstream news media.
RJ says
Huck you are on the right track. The elite do run the nation and the world. They have run those in government here since 1913. W. Wilson allowed a certain elitist family to take over our central bank, which they named the federal reserve, after they blackmailed him. They did promise to get him elected and they succeeded. This family and their associates own every central bank in the world, except for 8 countries. These combined elite families (13) own all media, tv networks, most radio, the press, the movie and music industries and most other major industries. They control everything! They lend money to all countries (except those few) involved in conflict to keep them in conflict. They have the power to print money out of thin air, lend it to governments and banks, that we borrow from. It all gets paid back with interest. A worldwide financial scam! We are their slaves. Most populations are ignorant to this (uninformed). Their family names are never in the news because they own all media. Most politicians are placed by them to keep the scam going. There’s one non-politician in this election that they are scared of and we need to put him in office, to make America great again!
Charles says
Another problem is that people are so gullible and believe most things they hear from the media and don’t take nor have time to fact check what they hear. It’s very easy to fall into that trap. My guess is that we all have at one point in time. But the fact still remains the same, HRC is evil; corrupt; above the law; arrogant and a power monger. Therefore, she just cannot be the POTUS.
Jeremy Auldaney says
The media works for the Marxist United Nations who are orchestrating a World Government.
Jim says
Ditto dawg#, and then some!
Su says
Thank you, Sir!
wolf says
Because we are so ignorant and self concerned, that we just don’t care who is running the country.
Ironhorse says
If the dumbing down of narcissistic America isn’t rectified starting with this coming Nov. 8 election, the nation will be reminded of their ignorance for generations to come..
Rob says
You are.correct, but here is the problem–Obama was elected and re-elected. 50% of our citizens are on some type of govt program, and looking out for themselves vote for the dems.
Annette says
By holding down and keeping Americans under their thumbs with public assistance like Welfare and food stamps, which some of the recipients sell to support their drug habits, the Democrats are guilty of slavery.
John says
This is what Trump will stop and that is why we need him
Mike Snowden says
Well Rob, even Malcolm X said the biggest obstacle that Blacks deal with in this country is Welfare!
LarenceClarence Reddick says
Annette I’m in total agreement with you. And in addition to what you have said, may i say from my independent perspective as a Black person, fear renders a person helpless and places them in a paralytic state. When the white party which is now called the democratic party got started, the klu klux klan was recruited as the strong arm of the democratic party which instilled fear viia harrassments of lost of life and or property if Blacks voted oher than democratic. And as long as we remain in that state of fearwe will always be a slave. The house on 1600 pennsylvania ave is called the white house, the house on the plantations was always white. There were slaves given special tteatments to serve inside the house which were not given to those of the fields.Barry sorotor is of one given the privilege to work in the house. Now that he as done what he was hired to do and I’m not speaking of the people who truly thought he would do the right thing in the best interest of them, he did exactly what he was orchestrated to do. Now those same black servants are now in the fields among those of the fields campaigning for the owners of the house. And we Blacks are so gullible we don’t see what is going on and to be frank some of us don’t really want to see or even care as to what is going on. Let me give you a for instance. Lets say you are a trapper and your desire is to capture animals in the wild. You first place food in the animals area. You do that continuously until they become accustom to getting fed without laboring for their food. Each day while they are eating you put up a section of fencing until you have them fenced in. This is what the democratic party with the help of barry sorotoro has done to the people especially my race. Now those that care about being trapped is because they are getting free stuff from the trapper. Bottom line i wondered how i got trapped and comtemplated how the hell i was to get out.let me share how i escaped. Very simple. I GOT OUTOF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.
houndog says
well, maybe 40%+, The rest are either dead or non-citizens, With some made up votes.
Jim says
You are right. The public schools are doing everything they can to dumb down our kids. Jefferson said it: “the secret to a true democracy are the educated masses.”The American people are apathetic about any of the major issues. As long as they have a flat screen TV, a six-pack, and the NFL, they’re happy. They don’t give a hoot about the weapons of mass distraction the government (both parties) throw at us, they just abdicate their responsibilities in the name of ‘representative government. As far as I’m concerned, both parties are just two different crime families chasing power and big money.
John says
Need the draft back so they learn what they were not taught
kiburt says
Right on! The’re like the Crips and the Bloods. The only way the pacts can be broken is electing a non partisan conservative. We have a chance with Trump. Vladimir Putin respects Trump and they should get along well. This is a GREAT relationship, it will eliminate the possibility of world destruction which both countries posses in their arsenal of weaponry. Clinton has no idea of war or she wouldn’t have left Chris Stevens and the others die in Benghazi Libya. She, ha, ha, LOST 6 Billion dollars as Secretary of State. (How the hell does one loose Six Billion Dollars?) What a joke. Bill and Hillary are Bonnie & Clyde multiplied 10,000 fold. Anyone who votes for Hillary for our POTUS is ANTI-AMERICAN and should be run out of the country before the sun goes down on the 9th of November, 2016.
kris littlefield says
Our schools aren’t educating our kids they’ve been indoctrinating them. The bad guys are winning. Hillary’s only goal is to become the first woman President. I hope nothing happens to Trump.
bob555 says
We are now & have been for a decade on the down-slide to becoming a 3rd world nation, a “banana republic ” where the “ELITISTS ” tell the masses what & how to run their lives, & will dole out just enough to continue a meager existence, BUT never enough to get ahead & challenge them in the positions they hold.
Clayton says
Hillary said, I have not sent or received any classified emails, so I have not broke the law. Yet she broke the law in the debate last night , by publicly speaking , and told the world, classified information on our response time for nukes, which is highly classified , live on TV, straight out of her own mouth. There is the proof , that congress needs to prosecute her. It also shows the she is very incompetent , about anything that is supposed to be secret in our country, therefore , we would not , and we must not , let someone as careless and that dumb into the white house …
It is TREASON! Case closed, arrest her and throw her into jail. How about Club Gitmo???
Silver Kitty says
Trump was right. She is a NASTY woman. Even as she paid for the messes at Trump’s ralleys. I do not doubt the “ladies” who are suddenly so upset about Trump – 10 + years ago are adding tidy sums to their accounts.
John says
The one who was on tv tonight and they said she put the info into her file 4 days before Bush cannot be lying. that was her prep time
kiburt says
If you listen to the news, the only real reporting being done about Hillary Clinton has to do with her email scandal. Even though she violated the Espionage Act, the FBI refused to prosecute. Her family’s foundation is under heavy scrutiny. But did you know these other important points about Hillary’s life-long run to the White House?
Saul Alinsky
During her college years at Wellesley, Hillary Clinton formed her political ideology as a close friend and confidant of Saul Alinsky, the Marxist firebrand who resurrected the “Communist Manifesto” and urged young liberals to agitate and create unrest to establish communist ends.
Hillary Clinton’s senior thesis at Wellesley College was locked at her husband’s request during his time as president. The 92-page thesis was about Alinsky, with whom Clinton shared a mentor/apprentice relationship.
According to NBCNews, David Brock called Hillary “Alinsky’s daughter” in his 1996 biography, “The Seduction of Hillary Rodham.”
Hillary Clinton wrote in her thesis, “Much of what Alinsky professes does not sound ‘radical.’” This, coming from the man who dedicated his book, “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer, “the first radical.”
To read a more in depth article about Hillary and Saul Alinsky, read, “Alinsky’s Daughter: Here’s the truth about Hillary the media won’t tell you.”
Leftist Law Firm
After college, Hillary searched for a leftist “movement” law firm and secured a spot at Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein.
Treuhaft was a former Communist Party member who defended the Black Panthers and other radical leftist groups.
Walker was an avowed Communist until the day she died, and was notorious for successfully defending Angie Davis, a California Communist, on conspiracy murder charges. Davis purchased two firearms two days prior to an armed takeover of a county courthouse. While governor, Ronald Reagan barred Davis from teaching at any California University because of her militant communist beliefs. Walker made a living defending Communists against the Smith Act.
Burnstein was a defender of leftist radical protesters, taking the side of the Communists in Vietnam.
Hillary claimed to work on a child custody case only at the radical firm, but others recall differently. “We did a lot of conscientious-objector work,” during the Vietnam War.
Why did Hillary go to Treuhaft, Walker, and Burnstein? Carl Bernstein quoted Treuhaft as saying, “The reason she came to us, the only reason I could think of because none of us knew her, was because we were a so-called Movement law firm at the time.
As a college student, Hillary embraced the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and admired its leader Yassar Arafat, once defending him as a “‘freedom fighter’ trying to free his people from their Israeli ‘oppressors.’”
In her run for senator from New York, Hillary claimed she had Jewish roots by bringing up her grandmother’s remarriage to a Jewish man.
In reaction to seeing a menorah in a friend’s home, Hillary wouldn’t get out of her car, and friends heard Bill explain, “I’m sorry, but Hillary’s really tight with the people in the PLO in New York. They’re friends of hers, and she just doesn’t feel right about the menorah.”
D. Armstrong says
Put into gizmo & let her grow her own food, PERFECT.D. Armstrong
robert ginn says
Why Clinton gets so many people support ? Her polls are much higher than Trump’s ? Most of the media have declared she will be our President this Fall – she will win this election – in Landslide !!!
Are we the people are so dumb to elect this person in the White House in running this country – She will put us in very Danger position ….. People need to wake up / we need changes to improve
our country – this corrupted government – Dems & GOPs alike in DC .
Jarhead says
Until an aggressive oversight policy starts sends thousands of FED/GOV employees committing crimes to prison they will continue to receive high salaries, job security, enormous perks, days off with full pay, huge benefits and even bonuses. The only hope for America is to DEFUND IMMEDIATELY many of the worse corrupt FED/GOV Agencies: (i.e., ; IRS, VA, DHS, EPA, BLM, DOE…………
doc says
What you say maybe true they both lie. We have to choose between a rat and a roach. What makes me mad is the Rep. or the Dem. could not come up with better canadates.
Robert Taylor says
The media is preparing the people to accept Clinton’s win in a landslide so that when the rigged election lets her win by a lower number than “landslide” the people will accept it because the fraud part is not as easily spotted.
Mike W says
The polls say whatever they are paid to say. Look at the attendance at Trump Rallies and look at the attendance at Clinton’s. I think the reason she quit campaigning is she does not want to be shown with so few in attendance. Bill Clinton came to a scheduled rally in Orlando, Fl. 400 people showed up. A week later Hillary came to a scheduled rally in Orlando and 600 showed up. That’s 1000 people total at 2 rallies. Trump has much more than that standing out in the parking lot who couldn’t get in. Hillary lies. The media lies.
T. Martin says
Unfortunately, you’re right. The media is so afraid of the Clintons that they’ll say anything as directed. It’ll be interesting to see the news today after watching Hillary obviously losing the debate.
Look at the “untouchables”, the FBI. All the Clintons had to do was have a short very private meeting with the Attorney General to get the FBI in line. I’d be so ashamed to be the FBI that I’d resign. Again. like most Clinton people they’re so busy playing CYA that Hillary can do or say anything she pleases and get away with it. My best guess is that she will be elected and be even a worse President than Obama!
bob555 says
Hillary gets her support from 3 main groups.
The “Black ” community who in very large %’s get “FREEBIES ” & will vote for anyone who will continue to promise & keep the freebie coming.
The “Hispanic” community who see only one word for their vote ” AMNESTY “. That means open boarders & anyone getting here will get it, & all the social freebies that come with the ” underprivileged ” class in our society.
The “Women” community, who also want freebies ( free birth control & free abortions ) & other free things they think they are ENTITLED too.
That’s the Liberal Democratic platform in a nut shell.
Joan Skee says
That’s what the paid media says an the people believe her stuff because it’s a free ride
sara atkins says
Silver Kitty says
Not hard to win a poll if the majority of those polled are Democraps!
ALR says
Only one reason…….the American Press at her side !!
Jackie says
How Hillary made it thru college and law school is a real puzzle to me!!
DBMagnum says
Ever hear of “ghost writers”? She more than likely did not do her own work!!!!!!! Law school is not a slam dunk!!!!! It take a lot of work, which she seems to void with anything she does, to get through law school! Go Donald!!!!!!! ????????
Rosemary says
She did flunk the bar the first time, she’s not as smart as everybody thinks.
debdell says
She is not dumb. She is sly and verbally manipulative. To be able to make excuses for every corrupt act like she does is amazing. She is caught lying to congress and the FBI and she still goes on TV and lies about lying. She is skilled and corrupt – a dangerous combination like all dictators and criminals of higher intellect.
bob555 says
Well you certainly know she ” DIDN’T BLOW or breeze her way through, she OUTSOURCED that job ( which is the one job she created ) to Monica.
barry says
After attending Yale, she could not pass the bar in Illinois or Washington, DC.
Charles says
My guess is she bought her way through just like she gets everything else, she buys them out.
youknowwho. says
We Obama’s college record. That’s how. Oh yeah his records are off limits. Never mind. Nothing to see here.
k9 says
Why didn’t she answer Trumps question, “What happened to the $6 billion dollars that went missing in Benghazi.
He didn’t get an answer from her on that one. The answer is, it went to her overseas bank accounts.
Judy says
Well said.
Trump 2016
Laura Park says
AMEN, K9 !!!
Amerigo M. Cimino says
Hillary said; Ambassador Stevens was sent to a hospital in Benghazi and treated for smoke inhalation!
That fateful night; someone gave an order to “stand-down”!!
(Had to be a “big-wig”)!!
why haven’t we heard anything about these?
Hillary said; her giant jet, made a “corkscrew landing”?
That jet needs a ten mile straight access to land!
However the news reporters accepted her delusions!
Re; Hillary’s e-mails; destroying evidence is a crime of mammoth proportions, and Hillary is a Lawyer!
How can she get away with this?
Ronald Davis says
Too many blind-minded supporters
kiburt says
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
Do ya think there might be a little bias in the news?
Ya Think?
Su says
Ouch. I think you’re RIGHT! chuckle. I hope the IMPORTANT people caught that. I did notice she said that and thought it was strange, but I didn’t actually realize it was against the law. You kinda, in a weird way, just made my day. lol
Jail time for her.
Doug Sand says
How true! And I totally agree with you 100% ! People’s lives are on the line and being threatened as we speak, which is why she hasn’t been arrested yet for any of her recent crimes of the last eight years. Lets face the facts people, WE SCREWED UP! WE let this happen! We are supposed to learn from our past mistakes, not to repeat them. Think of who a lot of the voters are. Eight years ago they were only 10 years old. The Clinton scandals were in the early 90’s so these kids don’t have a clue who the Clintons really are and the crimes that they still to this day commit. Time flies doesn’t it. I never taught my kids about any of that stuff because I took it for granted that it would be taught in school. NOPE! We let the government have too much control on what is and what is not taught i n our schools. So at least get out and vote, because it will mae a difference!
Nancy says
Amen! America needs to wake-up and open eyes and ears! Hillary has lied and lied and will continue to lie! WAKE UP FOLKS …. We absolutely cannot stand 4 more years of Obama and that is exactly what will be with Hillary Clinton … let’s not let that happen … VOTE FOR TRUMP …
Ronald S. Zimney says
Exactly. The Founders concept of self government escapes us. This was brought on by the dumbing down of the Public Education System for the last fifty years. Students are no longer taught objective reasoning. Instead, their heads are filled with socialist dogma. Trump 2016.
Mary Martin says
Absolutely!!! I was in school in the 60’s and loved world history. Then, bam…no more “World History?”
Instead, Social Studies!!!!! Since the 60’s all our schools and collages has been teaching our students socialism.
L says
She said the Clinton foundation spent 90% on aid are you kidding me
Su says
Oh Really? I never knew that. I am home educating my children and will definitely not use that term anywhere anymore. I just thought of it as covering several topics-history, geography, government.
Thanks! Now I know. (I grew up in the 70’s.)
Su says
Excuse me, let me clarify. I never knew when History was changed to Social Studies.
I DID know the socialistic nonsense they teach in colleges.
KATHY says
DRD5508 says
The reason(s) for out of control government begins with the Electoral college. The majority, voters, don’t elect the POTUS. Then you have too many believing the main stream media. Then, less people get involved, just look at the PTA meetings, it is called apathy. And finally, messengers of truth/whistle blowers are silenced; look at Snowden and the host of people around the Clinton’s and WikiLeaks founder holed up in an embassy.
Lizzie says
First of all, the Electoral college is a very corruptible and stupid situation and should be abolished. And the electoral votes that are needed to win the Primaries to see who will be running for president should be abolished. The demorats would like to keep them so they can bribe people to get their electoral votes. They don’t know how to win without cheating. All that should matter for the elections is who the people have voted for.
Enough of this unfair way of choosing a president. All we would end up with would be the sleazes like Hellary. And we have had waaaaay more than enough of that!
Robert Taylor says
The elections of the far distant past needed the electoral vote system for a number of reasons. First the voting in a Republic form of government is vastly different than a Democracy. The distances involved in getting an actual democratic vote total took months so the electoral college sent people to the national convention to cast the votes of the people they represented. This also allowed for vote buying just like today. For example;”In 2000, George W. Bush was declared the winner of the general election and became the 43rd president, but he didn’t win the popular vote either. Al Gore holds that distinction, garnering about 540,000 more votes than Bush. However, Bush won the electoral vote, 271 to 266.”
debdell says
Someone should publish a list of the people doing the electoral votes, so they can be held accountable if they are corrupt.
pantherman says
i agree the electoral college needs to be abolished all votes should count
Martin says
What would you put in place of the Electoral College?
If you believe in “One Man, One Vote”, then you surrender all elections to the big cities like New York down to Miami, Seattle down to Los Angeles and Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans. All of which are controlled by Communists (excuse me, Democrats) and have been for over 50 years.
iris cross says
Timothy Thompson says
Snowden was the first to sacrifise his personal life to let the public know our government was getting way out of control and spying on us. If you see the movie it will give you the answers too many of our prevailing problems with our governments intrusive and abusive behaviors. These whisleblowers are actually hero’s, trying to tell the truth which after seeing the Project Veritas videos shows clear abuse by the Democratic and Clinton cartels. It is going to be clear after the November 8th election that If Hillary wins her health issues will come streaming out and she’ll more than likely be a ghost to the White House, Bill will have access a known rapist and true abuser of women. All sorts of revelations will be found out about voter fraud used by the Democrats.
DRD5508 says
The reason(s) for out of control government begins with the Electoral college. The majority, voters, don’t elect the POTUS. Then you have too many believing the main stream media. Then, less people get involved, just look at the PTA meetings, it is called apathy. And finally, messengers of truth/whistle blowers are silenced; look at Snowden and the host of people around the Clinton’s and WikiLeaks founder holed up in an embassy
Ronald S. Zimney says
Sorry, but your wrong about the Electoral College. It Prevents two or three states from holding onto the Executive Branch, which has a lot of control over the Judicial Branch. Without the EC forty seven or forty eight states could be made slaves of two or three. The problem you’re concerned about is caused by the passing of the XVI and XVII amendments in 1913. These amendments destroyed Federalism, (The supremacy of the states.) and gave the Federal Government the means to finance all the havoc they’ve subjected the states too. Trump 2016.
Paul Parsons says
You’re right. This is a Constitutional Republic. The founders were very careful to avoid major population areas dictating to the rest of the country. The EC was carefully thought out and is a safety gap for roughly 45 states. God forbid NYC, Chicago, LA, etc, run everything. Theschools under Progessive leadership have avoided Civics so that they can push their agenda. It’s disgusting.
debdell says
The EC usually goes along with the popular vote of the state. If they don’t they better have a good reason for it because corruption will definitely be suspected and probably true.
Paul says
Unfortunately, we have millions of people who do not have the common sense & analytical skills GOD gave a goose!!
Annette says
You are so right Paul! I am so sick of people being so lazy they can not educate themselves and do a little research to find out what has been going on behind closed doors for way to long! Greed Greed and more Greed is what our leaders are all about! Fellow the money and you will be amazed at the corruption in our Government!
Nina says
Right you are. Unfortunately this country has a lot of clueless people. Like Obama, Hillary is like the Pied Piper leading those stupid rats down to the river. Thought some of the people were wising up but if she gets elected then those idiots casting their vote for her have learned nothing.
Doris says
Paul and Annette, your both so right. I always blamed myself for all the stupidity in the world. I figured it was because when God gave out Common Sense I was first in line and took it ALL! !!!! Joking aside, God have Mercy on America and it’s souls before the hammer comes down. This was and is supposed to be One Nation Under God. A government for the people by the people. Not Government programed robots.
shopdrop says
You mean hammer and cycle?
shopdrop says
Hammer and sickle
Ann says
Larry Nichols , 4 attempts on life, is coming out in Enquire if Soros doesn’t Halt it. He did The Clinton Chronicles, he and Newt G. Claim we’re in a Coup and If she gets In, within 90 days , Won’t be Same country. His interview last night on Alex Jones. He knows Clinton’s inside out.
joe says
because everyone is far in debt, on pharma pills, unemployed, trying to make ends meet, don’t have time to control government…with the massive tax increase when SHE gets in the rigged election…. this world we live in will be a holocaust
Mike says
Because the people who are NOW beginning to see the big picture and are they really ready to make the change necessary to get rid of these globalist people, like Obama, Hillary, Reid, Pelosi (might not spelled it right) then you have the republicans who are about the same as these crooks and they need to go to, Paul Ryan #1 on my hit parade as he doesn’t care that Trump garnered the nomination and they don’t want to help Trump win over Hillary and their contempt for those wanting Trump. Since seeing videos of people from Clinton’s camp talking about how to go around the voting system and even saying previous elections have been rigged since 1993 gives credo of my belief that Obama didn’t win in 2012! And to see that the DNC favored Hillary from the beginning of their primaries tell me the DNC is crooked as they come! So many lies Clinton has spun of her own violation and spinning the media to try to ruin Trump by 11 year old things he said then, but what of her things said just in the last year?
Gerry says
They had better be ready to make that change next month Paul or it will be too late for generations to come. If these voters who are just waking up to the extreme corruption in our government don’t ALL get out and vote for Trump, to cancel out any voter fraud we know is going to take place, they might just as well go back to sleep. You are absolutely right about the rinos needing to go and lyin ryan is just one of them — mcconnell,mccain and many more need to be ousted ASAP. They have been raping the American people long enough. You are also right about the 2012 election — obozo did NOT win the election — he was placed back in office which I(my own opinion) believe actually happened in 2008 also. They were dead set on putting this half black into office.
youknowwho. says
pam says
That is why like him or not NO HILLARY! Time for Americans to stand up and take back what is rightfully ours! The people in Washington don’t give two shits about the American people it’s all about keeping their wallets fat while the working class people have cobwebs in theirs despite working our asses off daily only to get nowhere! Wake up America our country depends on it!
william crescenzo says
william crescenzo says
william crescenzo says
william crescenzo says
william crescenzo says
william crescenzo says
Clint says
Farmer John.
Correct…the time is now to rid Washington of the Obama’s and the Clinton”s. GOD BLESS AMERICA
A member of Nixon’s “Silent Majority” and Hillary’s “Basket of Deplorables”
chris alisi says
if Trump gets in you may even see God bless america on public buildings and the ten commandments
on federal buildings
robert m. says
i say the pledge of allegiace every day at the senior center, but obama wants to delete the word god and as hillaary is a deciple of of bo she willhillary will continue obamas saul alinsnsks s b.s.!
debdell says
You will also see the Koran up there too, so no way – keep all religious stuff in the church and off public land.
Richard Miller says
No one made it clear what was going on until an outsider decided he would use his own money and declare war on both parties, and they are scared-the entire pay to play game is upset. Who is going to give millions if they don’t know they will be repaid with largess? We knew the “conservatives” we voted for were just not doing what they promised. There was no way they could bite the hand that was feeding them-RNC & DNC. These power money guys showed their colors when they abandoned the RNC because Trump would not honor their “investment,” even to going over to the enemy-the clinton’s a sure fire way to get repaid. Who set up the appointments from department heads to Ambassadors, even the vice president? The elected candidate was the puppet of the party committees who bowed to the big donors. Like it the way it was/is? Vote for Hillary. if you want the government you thought you had and want to clean up the mess-VOTE FOR TRUMP!
John Canavera says
A perfect assessment. A lot of voters figured,”what’s the point ” when the choice was between an establishment democrat and an establishment republican. I’m 66 years old and have voted in every election. Before it was always a choice between the lesser of two evil professional political hacks. For the first time in my life I am truly excited about having the chance to vote for someone that I believe in. Can’t tell you how much that means to me.
debdell says
I’m with you too – same story except I didn’t vote for McCain or Oturd – they both sucked and I didn’t want to look back and be responsible for picking one. I voted Romney because Obola turned out to be 1000 times worse then expected – a perpetual liar! As soon as Trump stepped up I was with him all the way and have never faulted. I’ve posted thousands of posts in his support and sent him money. He is smarter than Ron Paul, but Ross Perot started the movement going against the lobbyists. Then Ron Paul laid out the truth about the corruption with the fed etc. Trump is smart and knows no one can beat the fed and you can’t take away deductions from the top. He is doing it very well and if he can’t beat that corrupt lying slut in a landslide then we are finished as a nation.
capt ron says
Richard …
. Ron Paul opened a lot of eyes until he allowed Jesse Benton to sell US out.
Janie Sheehan says
It seems to me that obama, who had neither military experience or knowledge, seems to believe that the title Commander-in-Chief magically bestowed military knowledge & experience on him, thus his firing of generals who disagreed with him. IMO, Clinton will copy obama but to a much worse degree. Trump said at the beginning that he is a businessman and has no military experience and will trust his generals. I believe him. Trump says he will get enormous tariffs placed on the products/goods of American companies who are outsourcing their manufacturing, forcing them to reopen their plants here in the USA thus creating a huge number of jobs. Google “Trump sues city of Palm Beach to allow him to open his resort to Jews & blacks.” This was only back in the 1990’s and country clubs in that area still didn’t accept membership applications from blacks & Jews. Trump insisted his golf club-resort be open to everyone including blacks and Jews, sued the city and won. Trump has many people of color in positions of high authority in his businesses; a black woman is second only to Eric Trump. The Clinton campaign & the “Clinton” media try to tell the public Trump is a racist. Trump doesn’t care what color skin people have, only that they are here legally and want to assimilate into OUR culture. We would never have considered opening our borders to people (esp fight-age males) from Japan, Germany, or Italy during WWII. We are fighting a war with Islamic factions in the Middle East who have said they are sending infiltrators here; Trump wants a temporary moratorium on Islamic refugees from these areas where we are at war. I agree with him and also think we should be granting asylum to Christians from the Middle East. I am not a Christian myself but Christians are being persecuted by both ISIS and many Islamic refugees. Every other country in the world safeguards and has stringent rules regarding their borders & many have draconian penalties for those who enter their country illegally, including death. Why do people think the USA should not protect our borders? We don’t imprison or execute illegal aliens; the most we do is deport them. Vote for Trump even if you don’t care for his personality. We are not voting for “Miss Congeniality”; we are voting for a President who will put America first; who will put our military, both active and veterans,first; who will put our economy first; who will put our Constitutional rights first by nominating moderate to conservative Supreme Court Judges.
Rosech says
Farmer John, we have been spoiled by our way of life in comparison to many other countries, we thought that no one could hate America so much because of what it offered, we, like lobsters, were cooked by the rules of Alinsky and the DNC’s published on the Congressional Record their 1963 Communist Manifesto to take over America in 44 steps and introducing it slowly but also slowly increasing that communist control over several decades, so like that lobster we have been cooked almost to death. Trump is an outsider, not a politician, came to the rescue. He didn’t have too, but he felt he had too. We have now been awakened to all the communism and control and globalist evil elites desire to overtake our country and lives, and now the battle royal is on! Millions of us do NOT belong to either of the 2 parties in 1 and so they can’t control nor poll us either, so they create phony bought and paid for polls to frighten the many still ignorant, lazy, or brainless citizens who want government to own their lives and give them freebies at all levels without thinking about where does the money come from to do this – it comes from the working people’s taxes and since many millions are no longer able to have or get a job, the intake of taxes to the feds is way down. People also think that an administration is actually a government. It is not but elected/hired employees who have betrayed us in our ignorance and disbelief that anyone could do this to OUR America. Well, wake up, and smell the coffee and get ready to roll against these administrations both fed and local and they will lose their control over us and we will again control our America as we are the Republic of by, for and with the people given to us by our Founding Fathers fighting against the same caca!
Richard Miller says
WOW, you got that right. Trump cannot say that often enough. Sooner or later it will sink into the leftist skulls how bad it is when it finishes the job. both Obama and Hillary worship this manifesto and destruction of America. They are making their unthinkable fortunes in preparation.
I used to wonder why the media was so blind, but like the rest of the sheep, I believed what I was told. Now there is a new story of truth. The media is mega-money giants who live to build power and rule America then the world. Their sycophant “journalists” have no control, and they spew the company line.
The hallowed position of the media is no more, they are up to their necks in the corrupt system. THEY ARE THE CORRUPT SYSTEM.
Elizabeth Davis says
we no longer have a free press. When a country doesn’t have free press and is controlled by the government, or should I say by one party with the help of the other party, We the people do not have a good source to provide us with information we should know. Therefore the people can not make an educated decision. If you lie enough people will began to believe it.
Ronald S. Zimney says
Freedom of the press is guaranteed only the man who owns or controls the printing press. The rest of us are at their mercy, and they’re mostly socialists. The internet gave decent people the power to level the field of distributing information. Our culture has been corrupted by socialism, and now we’re at the crossroads. Will we join the socialist One World Government or will we maintain U.S. sovereignty? It’s the voter’s choice, this election! Trump 2016.
Robert Sylvester says
Obama was elected twice because he was able to ” pull the wool over the eyes of the flock of naïve – gullible sheep ” – Obama continues to exist in his ideological world of fantasy – he continues to ” ignore truth and deny reality ” !
JT says
May I share your comment? It was spot on.
GrannyJo says
Very well put, Farmer John. And, if people care about our Country and their Freedom, they will not vote for Hillary, because she will quickly do whatever she can to take it away from us.
Thom says
Because John Q. Public has become deaf to anything political…good or bad!
She lied about the 90o/o from the Clinton Foundation going to charities when we know that it is really only 10 o/o
going to the needy and the 90 o/o going directly to the Clinton’s.
Fact check
Victor- says
Wonder why Trump didn’t ask her why she just transferred i.8 billion to the bank of Quatar,
Victor- says
oops, that was 1.8 billion
Jack Craig says
It is only between 5 and 7% that they give.
Robert Monahan says
In the 1960’s President Eisenhower told the American People that there was and underground
government that would eventually try to steal the country and the individual freedoms away
destroying the American spirit and culture. That underground government is the Clinton
Cartel. They have bastardized the State Department, Justice Department, the FBI Clintons
control from comtributors to the Clinton Foundation even is costing the lives of Americans
since Big Farma pays her to have here agent at FDA allow killing drugs into the market
while keeping drugs that the Health Research Institute cannot get permist for Cancer Cduriing
drugs, Diabetes curing drugs and many others into the market. She gets $100,000 dollar
speaking fees and never nakes a speech. The Equipen is example, the price is set because
FDA has instructions from Hilliary not to allow permits Disgusting
Gerry A says
Farmer Jhon, that’s because we let the foreigners Obooomer run the country. Now is the right time to change, wake up let’s VOTE for a big change
Vote Trump for President landslide to take the country back
Belle says
I don’t blame Trump for not committing himself to support the winner of the election if it is Hillary because it has been proven that the Democratic machine has hired people with mental impairment to disrupt Trump’s rallies with violence and some have even destroyed voter registrations that Republicans and others have submitted; some even submitting dead people as voters. Hillary did pivot on the open border ?. She lied as usual. We need to keep supporting Trump or this country is going down the drain!
thad says
if you have tried to change things you would understand, goverment now days only listen to the highest bidder, those would be the corporations , people dont matter to goverment they are corporations slaves to do with as they see fit. if people was considered by goverment they would fallow the constitution not destroy it.
Victor- says
Makes ya wanna run right out and get yer flu shot, get you a big ol gulp of fluoride and chase it down with a big ol glass of chlorine [ now don’t it ]
johnny richard says
The BEST statement I have heard from either candidate came from Trump last night, “I would put term limits on member of congress, both houses”. In the early days of this country, the members of congress operated in a much different manner with the countries good as the important reason for their need to be in Washington. Today they have formed what is known as the “Establishment”….with their personal good/influence/riches/power as the central reason to continued to stay in DC as long as possible. Therefore I would wish that idea be implemented ASAP. “GOD BLESS AMERICA” said while standing.
Ken says
And if the witch gets in, we will let it completely spiral out of control… Imagine how we’ll think about it at this point..
Jack Stamper says
Various reasons. Fear of not electing a black man, wanting to assuage white guilt, showing I am not prejudiced. The big one is this, give people their cable TV, and a cell phone, and they are hypnotized for life!!!!! Also, dumbing down our children in school, lack of serious education through out, including College, and Colleges run by liberals teaching our children tripe. Believing the MSM. There are many answers, the problems been building over time as the Libs get in the proper places where they can peddle their nonsense.
Gary says
Simple, We trusted the government, people we elected, and they lied to us. Like Clinton stated, one view for the public and one (very different view) for the people or organizations that pay and support her. The whole 535 need to be replaced. Greed has taken over and most of our problems started with NAFTA. The NAFTA that RR wanted is not what BC signed into law.
JS says
If Obama had not put out a lie about his competition, 3 days before the election for his senate seat, he would never have become a senator.
William Meredith says
Voter fraud and other illegal measures taken by the democrats.
American Vet says
The why doesn’t make any difference… What “we, the people” do now to make serious, positive changes at the polls on November 8th will.
Robert Powers says
No additional singular lies to add due to the fact that her lips were moving so lies were constant and inevitable!! One observation that no comment has been offered was the fact that she told all that were listening just how long the reaction time is after a nuclear attack! Perhaps our known enemies already are aware but did she have to reveal it to those that aren’t? Perhaps that just might provide her foundation with a donation from somewhere?
Diane says
You are so right but the reason it happened is because so many wanted to brag about how they voted for the first black president. (He’s half white) He was the most unqualified person running for President at the time, he’s still unqualified. Then in 2012 millions of Republicans stayed home and didn’t’ vote because they didn’t care for Romney and felt he wasn’t conservative enough. Like O’bama was!!!? We cut off our nose to spite our face.
The same thing will happen this time if the people don’t start looking at what is at stake if Hillary is elected. We don’t need a woman in the WH for bragging rights. If our country is destroyed further there will be nothing to brag about as there is nothing to brag about now!
Paul Bouffard says
Lou says
It’s called a dumbed down America. Our young citizens ranging from 18-40 years old are ignorant to the facts and look at candidates for singled out opportunities that only affect them. Americans no longer care about patriotism and the constitution, but instead, asks the question what the candidate can do for them on an individual basis. Example: Woman’s rights, Gay rights, Abortion Rights, etc., pushing Safety, Security, Economy, Massive Regulations, and Historic Values second to last on their priorities.
Dane says
Though I agree that the media, the Dems, the Clintons are corrupt beyond repair, they are not the reason that Trump is going to lose this election for all of us.
The only person totally resoonsible for this is Trump himself. He has a big mouth and a little mind. He publically acts like a two year old with his childish remarks, insinuations, adolecent behavior, attacks on everyone who doesn’t agree with him, his disrespect of women and disrespect of everyone who has been trying to steer him in a professional direction.
He can’t help himself, he is a narcissist and America is his victim.
I will never support Hillary but none the less, Trump has failed us all.
Thanks Idiot!!!
susan fuchs says
it is our fault as a nation, trusting others instead of being involved ourselves. this must stop and it’s gotten bad enough to rile the entire country! Good things will come from this!
trumpt blast says
The real answer is hard on US citizens as a whole !!!! We the people elect representatives to work for us in the federal government so we can do our own things and not worry about how government is being run in our name !!! And if we elected wisely there would be no troubles !!!but the people have been lazy and have not vetted those running for office as close as we should !! So we ended up with wannabe Hitlers in office now !!! Who could care less about our freedoms !!! Now we have very few choices of who to put in office !!!and I’m not just talking about the winner Trump but the other office holders up for election like McCain who stabbed the veterans in the back along with Nelson Anderson and every other congressman that voted to cut veteran benifits !! Who do we have running against them ??? More of the same like-minded possess or real citizens that care about the future and the constitution ???
FRED says
Farmer John , your right 2016 is the chance of a life time to change the system with TRUMP !!!!!!!!!!!
debdell says
All dictators take over the media when they get into power and disarm the people. It was no different with our organized crime cartel we call the establishment. They have controlled the media for decades and have corrupted our election system, so they were the only ones that determined who would be elected by only allowing their puppets to win the nominations. Good men like JFK, who tried to print money and take it away from the federal reserve private bank corporation, was killed because he broke away from being a puppet. Only bad people could stand being a puppet and lying all the time and that is why every president has sucked. Controlling the media was enough in the past but now with the internet and social media the cartel of globalists have not been able to stop the truth from circulating and that has allowed Trump to break out against them. He toyed with the idea of running decades ago, but realized he had no chance because the media totally controlled the people and the corrupt establishment elite controlled the media. Trump is our big chance for a government of and for the people. Hopefully, the media brain washing will fail this time. If Trump can’t win against a known criminal liar where her crimes are so outrageous that even the corrupt media must report them, we are finished as a democracy and the current dictators will become even stronger.
Absolutely right!
James says
It has gotten out of control because we take no interest in our country & who is running it. We are soooo damn busy trying to make ends meet, that now a days both the spouses have to work to be able to afford anything of a decent life. When I grew up my father told me to buy and live off of the husbands pay only and bank the wife’s income for savings & retirement, but the prices of everything just keep going up & up, so now it takes two really good incomes to keep our heads above water, then when one spouse loses a job, they “lose the farm” Our bread winner’s the men, are worried more about: “What time is the game on” than learning about and voting for the right people and we go just by what you have seen on the Debates and most won’t watch them live when their being shown, but instead listen the next day to the Lop sided news media! which lean the wrong way and get their watcher’s to do the same thing. The Government knows this and takes advantage of this all the time. All part of “The Dumbing of America” keep our minds busy doing stupid things that don’t help us get better or both spouses working all the time and having lots of kids then we don’t have time to do the positive things that can make a change. We really have idiot’s running this country! and we are Dumb to not recognize it. Then along comes Trump whom has a little bigger ego than he should, but has very good idea’s down deep in his soul and could probably pull this country out of the whole we’re going into but the voter’s are too stupid to see it, the American people have this “One and only Chance!!!!! but they are not searching deep enough to check out what Hillary & Bill are up to to get back in the white house, People had better get smart quickly before Nov. 8th or you can kiss this country’s AXX good bye.
Richard says
I am really disgusted with Hillary and her continued lies. I am also disgusted with the liberal media who protects the Clinton’s and their corruption. Whomever votes for Hillary deserves what they get.
Linda Stadtlander says
People are complacent, resist change, are “crazy-glued to their parties”, and are too lazy to research and dig for the truth. It doesn’t help that the corporate owned propaganda media pick and choose what news they will let you hear…especially when they are part of the One Party Centrist Movement that Bill Clinton has been one of the architects for over the years
Jerry says
The Democratic Party is a monster and from what I’ve seen over the years have an agenda to destroy our country from within and they are paving the way for a take over by the Muslim Empire…..I know that many think that is absurd. We the People lack the ability to retaliate thanks to “Big Brother”. But, consider the Muslim President now in office and how he has secretly allowed so many Muslims to infiltrate our country and all they have to do is bide their time and wait for the signal. Or, could it be gaining multitudes to vote and in about 2030 they take over by voting for an outright Muslim President and all the government posts filled by Muslims …….and eventually We the People will be phased out. Our country would then be turned into war zones and deserts just like where the New Order infiltrated from. We the People could not fight back due to the subtle way we were taken over and the Democratic Party made it happen with people like the Clintons. Ok, I think I opened the proverbial can of worms…..lets tip it over and see what happens!
mike says
Because of Social Engineering and Media brain washing.
Ian says
Because of the same apathy prevalent today. For the first time there is a non-bound candidate who actually has extra-important business experience, and we have nothing but idiots resisting his obvious support to. Ring about change-even and particularly from members of his own party. An anyone with a brain say that his success would be worse than our electing the miserable puke who opposes him.
Bob says
“We” have believed the corrupt main stream media’s lies about “how well” things are going in this country. Well maybe for them where most network news people are making thousands of dollarsore than the average worker. They have none concept of the struggles many of us are going through.
PAUL says
Marilynn Reeves says
One of the BIGGEST LIES I noticed that was not mentioned here was about Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood does NOT offer a wide range of other Women’s Health Services. Very few services are available other than ABORTION. In fact 95% of PP Service is ABORTION and only 5% other and we the taxpayer are forced to pay for it. Then PP turns around and sells FREE FATAL TISSUE that you and I have paid for at a 100% profit and keeps that profit. Don’t kid yourself MURDER,INC. is only there to make money for themselves and could care less about WOMEN”S HEALTH. In my view you would have to be a sick SOB to work there.
Jack says
We haven’t been responsible.Been thinking ,I guess I guess Nothing I can do about it.Need to get our head out of the sand.
Judy Selich says
We do not pay enough attention. We make excuses: “I’m too busy”; “I don’t have time for this”; “what’s the big deal”; “what we want doesn’t matter”. Actually, we’ve all probably made these excuses, and we will keep getting kicked to the curb unless we clean up our act. Our job is not to sit back and let the “powers-that-be” pull the rug out from underneath us. This is OUR country, and if we do not step up to the plate, we will soon be waving good-bye to America. We only have a few weeks left to secure our America so it’s time to get off the couch and get to work!
Don King says
Political correctness
that’s how we let it happen.
tom says
Farmer that is because the people of this country has lost their moral compass. We have allowed our values to accept people like Barack and Hillary to be our leaders. Neither one of them have enough morals between them to amount to anything but deceiving people. When the election is over if iLLary gets elected in less than 2 years you will hear people bitching about her just like they did Barack. We the People need to wake the hell up and do what is right for this country, so we still have a country left.
Dick Shinn says
It’s simple. The so-called ”Journalists” of today, went to LIBERAL ARTS colleges to get their educations (and I use the term loosely) taught, largely, by Liberal leaning or even Far Left instructors. Polls have shown that 80% of the teachers are Democrats!
Naturally, the news is going to be slanted in Hillary’s favor.
Lastly, the modern youth can’t be burdened by anything that is out of reach of their iPhones.
Any other questions?
CLARENCE Reddick says
I like to make a correction on a typo. The correct LETTER SHOULD READ “T” instead of the “the letter “L” , in referring to the minus sign of the word Tool. My appology.
LEE says
Because we the people, at least 47% as Romney said, are on the dole and will anything to get the bitch elected. I’m Catholic and you’d think Catholics, listening to her rant about abortion, would say she is promoting murder. but, when looking at her platform they say to themselves the other issues are so important that they come ahead of abortion.
Puzzling to me but that’s the reality. Free this and free that plus women’s rights makes her abortion issue moot.
I continue to be amazed. Trump scares the shit of the welfare people because they may have to actually work and give up their free stuff. And Catholic Hispanics, who look so holy in Church, put the border issue over abortion.
brenda sinclair says
i so agree with your comment…al we can now do is ask GOD TO SAVE AMERICA FROM HILLARY CLINTON AND HER LOVER HUMA her aide. vote for trump and save the america we know for our children and grand kids
brenda sinclair says
good question answer is we just looked the other way, we did not educate ourselves on the many things going on in congress and world affairs, voters if you vote for Hillary Clinton, you will vote for a criminal aa proven lair in her debate, she is corrupt and she will lead us to war as Russia Putin declared if she won as president, others nations do not trust Hillary a known lair so it will be impossible for her to negotiate with other nations for peace. to save america vote for trump
Rick w Dominique says
Betty says
Just today, it was reported in the news that increases under Obama care will be huge. Also, many doctors and hospitals will no longer take patients with Obamacare.
Kenneth says
When, When! is the people of AMERICA going to wake up? Hillary
has lied so many time to us for the last 30 years, I can’t tell you you how many times, if you want the same as you have had in the last 8
YEARSthen vvvvote for her, BUT YOU CAN GET YOUR HEAD OUT
Robert Jaworoski says
History shows she is all talk and no action and not honest
Harlan Cohen says
Clinton Foundation does not give 90% of its donations to the cause. They only give 15% and spend the rest on themselves and overhead.
Beverley Dawson says
It is not even as high as 15% it is actually 5.7% of the Clinton Foundation money that goes to charity!
JS says
HRC daughter get $3,000,000.00 salary to be on the Clinton Foundation Board.
trumpt blast says
3 ?? I heard 9
susan fuchs says
no kidding, another lie from the queen of lies! payback day is coming!
brenda sinclair says
Bob says
Actually do we give 5.7% to charity. The rest goes to their employees and of course to line their own pockets. So we have just another of her many many lies.
Pat says
Hillary lied about the Clinton trust foundation which she said gives all it collects to charity. In fact they have only given 6% to charity. The other 94% is spent on their travel and meetings making bad deals for the USA but collecting more funds for their personal use. Where is the IRS WHEN YOU NEED THEM?
Richard Miller says
Remember when we expected the Justice Department to find the crimes and prosecute the bad guys. I guess that myth has been exposed. Another DNC appointment head, from Department to FBI chief.
GrannyJo says
Doesn’t she realize when she gives facts and figures and lies about them, that many Americans are smart enough to check out her figures. She knows the percentage has been in the news for some time, yet at the debate last night, she still lied about it. And, Haiti is still waiting for all that money that she said they gave to them.
thad says
hillary is a bumbling idiot ,she cant function on her own. take away her prop up by medea ,telepromter, ear bud, notes, rehearsals ,and she would fall flat on her face. she has disqualified her self from any public office, by destoying the supeanied emails after the supeana, read the law its in the us code title 18 part 1 chapter 101 paragraff 2071 read it and weep boys your old pal clinton goes to jail as soon as you read that on air i dare you.
J. emmi says
I heard her say that her fund gives 90% of what they take in to charities. I have heard and read that the amount they give is between 5% and 10%.
brenda sinclair says
did you not read at last debate hillary told 5 big lies, she is corrupt and can not be trusted, VOTERS WHY WOULD YOU VOTE FOR A CRIMINAL HILLARY CLINTON TO BE OUR NEXT PRESIDENT VOTE FOR TRUMP TO SAVE AMERICA
Beaulah says
Not only where is the IRS but why does the account have over $20M in it? Given to charity? Yeah right.
How can she say things about the Trump Organization’s taxes but don’t check her own who took the deductions that are allowable by law?
Hillary should be in prison now.
Jim Dziak says
If DT loses this election every voter needs to support a TEA Party Indepedent representative. The Republican Party no longer represents the people and America and the principals it was founded under
Lies and more lies is the norm in today’s political and we are in a life or death struggle for the future of our children and county
Damn Paul Ryan John McCain and every leader that would not stand against HC!!!!
Jim Dziak
Alan says
Lie #6:
The Clinton Crime Foundation does not spend 90% on charitable programs unless you consider salaries and benefits and travel charitable contributions to the criminals that work for the (sham) charity.
Nanci says
Watch the John Bowers Agenda ! & 2
Donald Thomas says
Clinton said, in the debate, that 90% of the money in the Clinton Foundation went to recognized charities.
I was under the impression that only 15%-20% went to charity.
Was she being truthful and am I wrong?
John says
You missed a big one. The Clinton Foundation only sends 10% to charity vs the 90% she bragged on.
Google “Clinton Foundation Percentage”
Trump blew it, he should have pointed out the total lie. To start with 33% goes to salaries so no way the numbers she threw out.
Huffer says
A portion of American’s told God to: “move over we can handle ourselves with our own rules for prosperity”. Well, how did that work for us?
That right there is the basic cause for our man made predicament. We definitely made the wrong choice!!!
TJ Schwilling says
What about her statment that the National Debt has been cut by 2/3rds since O BUMMER has been in office.
Tired of the lies says
what about her “we helped the Haitian people” comment ? She only helped herself and Bill along with the Clinton Foundation.
The president of Haiti just recently asked why his country never received more than about 5% of the collected and donated money given to the Clinton Foundation after the earthquake disaster. The president of Haiti indicated that that over 90% of the money or millions and millions of dollars, which was collected by the Clinton Foundation was never received by Haiti or its government for relief efforts.
The media chose to ignore and not report this information, but why am I not surprised?
Richard Miller says
Maybe she forgot.
debdell says
Her biggest lie was that 90% of the Clinton Clowndation went to charity.
Are you ok with the fact that she admitted that she lies to the public, so she can take care of the special interests in private? Do you care that 85% ($1.7billion) of income to the Clinton Foundation goes to expenses and only 15% ($300million) goes to charity? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Don’t you wonder what those expenses are that cost $1.7billion?
Ronald Hamby says
Its because of people like Hillary and OBummer that say one thing and do the opposite , when we trust them to tell the TRUTH ! They have betrayed and sold us out !
Buster says
If there is a shred of truth to what Hildabeast say it’s in what she says and why. She is so demented that she lies and believes her own lies. She thinks if she says something enough, even if it is a lie, it must be true. Trump saw her mouth tell lies in the debate and he called her out on many of them. She no more can run this country than the three stooges. Hildabeast is the biggest criminal ever to run for president. She is even one step ahead of Obama who is the second biggest criminal to ever run and win. We the people NEED Trump to stop the criminals in Washington. We the People are tired of being fleeced and lied to. Hildabeast and Ryan must go. Ryan is the biggest Rino in Washington. He is just as dangerous as Hildabeast is. Go Trump, make America great again. 2016. And throw Soros in jail with Hildabeast.
Fredrick Ross says
You forgot, she also said, that she supports the second amendment. False, she commented early one that her greatest achievement was that she is the enemy of the NRA and its members. She fully supports the defeat of the 2nd and those amendment that are connected to it.
Deborah Tomlinson says
This woman is literally the devil. She lied about her open border comments…energy???? Give me a break! Donald won the debate, but, when he said he would not accept the outcome, no matter what it is, he screwed himself. I have watched politics more in the last year than I have in my whole life, finally really understanding how much the presidential race means. I watched CNN because I didn’t realize there was a channel(being FOX) that stood behind Donald Trump and really told the truth to our country. Poor Kayleigh and Jeffery Lords, always having to defend themselves against all those Hillary supporters. My hat is off to them. Then one day, my daughter enlightened me and said “mom, watch FOX news, they tell it like it is.” WOW, what a breath of fresh air. Back to the subject, I thought Trump did a wonderful job, but the media will just tell about what he did wrong…saying he would leave us in suspense over his views of the outcome of the election
I'm4Trump says
Deborah, I think you are wrong about Donald screwing himself for saying he would keep us in suspense. Now I don’t know if I missed something there but Hildabeast never even answered that question. She slammed him so hard for his answer but she never said if she would support the outcome at all. Just skirted around the question like she always does.
By the way, if you want to watch another news station that tells it like it is, watch OAN, short for “One Americas News”. My favorite news station.
Inspector Tom says
Unless I miss it completely she was never asked that question, it was only asked of Trump. The whole while the moderator asking it was smiling like that smiling cat from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ as if he had Trump by the short and curly ones. … and it was asked at the last second trying to catch him off guard
Linda DuBose says
She greatly exaggerated the health services Planned Parenthood provides for women. They are almost exclusively an abortion provider. The few other services they render or refer to other clinics are a front to add legitimacy to a highly profitable “killer for hire” industry. Planned Parenthood exists for one major purpose, to make a killing! Pun intended.
Michael Laurich says
all those worthless lying Democrates should all be Behind BARS , ODUMA, Biden, Clinton, Kaine ,Michael Obama Queen of the Fudge Packer and Obamas Favorite Muslim GOAT they all take turns on , all those Sick Bastards,poor Goat they will all need it when they are in PRISON where they all belong and they all fear it. Biden would like to take Trump behind the Gym, well Biden is all Bullshit ,He could’nt whip his way out of a wet Paper sack, Hes a punk ass Bitch. Democrats are all talk and no action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charlie says
If Hillary was a private citizen and had no power and had a foundation, how much money would the Saudi’s, Qatar and
all the other countries contribute to her ? ( no brainer) many or what per cent of the American voters know what a ” globalist” really is ? My guess is about ( at the most)
five per cent ( 5% )
Wes says
What about her saying that 90% of the Clinton Foundation Funds are donated….isn’t it more like 10%?
Nancy says
She also lied about the $6 billion dollars missing from the State Dept. Just because she doesn’t want to address or be held accountable or talk about it, she considers it “debunked” because she considers herself above the law. That money was NEVER accounted or answered for! What a thieving, lying, corrupt CRIMINAL SHE IS!
trumpt blast says
As h robinghood Clinton knows where the 6,000,000,000$$ is she is correct in her own minds eye it’s accounted for !!! Just not by the proper at hours ties as we well know !!!
Captain America says
Next two huge lies! Our (Clinton foundation has helped the Haitians more than anyone else, I guess that’s why they have held two huge protests in front of it’s ny office calling her a crook thief and liar for the hundreds of thousands of dollars in relief money that is missing! #2, I respect and support the second amendment!??# when she has actively worked to eliminate it from the bill of rights!! She advocates stealing personal property from Americans and destroying it; her calls for confiscation and destruction of all privetly owned firearms as in Australia several years ago!! She has stated over and over that she will destroy the nra and plus her calls for universal registration she has pledged to destroy the nra and it’s members because we support the constitution ,her goal I’s to destroy it as well as all freedom in America plus her comments that the Supreme Court “got it completely wrong in ruling that tTHE right to bear arms is an individual right” that’s exactly why she wants to appoint communist justices who will rule against the constitution as written by our forefathers and their intentions to keep us all free. She is pure evil thru and thru! Trump Is for America while she is all for the new world order and a satanworshipper just like them, as well asanti American and for all our enemies just like satan that’s in the White House who’s trying to get satan junioress in there!
Hank says
In light of the above lies, this hardly matters, but: Hillary said that we live in a democracy. She is wrong. We live in a republic. The Constitution sets up a representative government where people elect many of their government officials, but the officials then write the laws which hopefully represent the ideals of the Constitution, and presumably the people who live under the Constitution. The Electoral College is part of that form of government, which prevents hysteria of the masses from eliminating the freedoms protected by our Constitution. I would think that her educational background at some of America’s best schools would have included the concept that we are a republic, not a democracy.
Zinka says
And where T Donald donates 18 years after $50 million taxes other than salary and was required to pay federal taxes to the state????
Southern By Choice says
Does anyone see the corrolation between the plan to “build the economy” and the New Deal of FDR after the depression. All of her plans are basically for the government to become the employer – not private industry/business. Trump wants business to hire people – Hillary wants government to hire people. When are some going to realize that nothing is FREE. Someone has to pay for it and it is going to be US. Her programs are again a repeat of the stimulus that we had at the beginning of Obama’s first term. It was filled with corruption, “pay to play” and downright fraud. And she wants to do it again. Guess the Clinton Foundation hasn’t gotten enough money yet. Notice also that none of the media coverage points out she did not say she would return donations to the Foundation (the Clinton piggy bank) that came from countries that hate gays and women – she just talks about how she wants to be president of all the people – BULL hockey
donttreadonme says
If only Trump could speak factually and to the point. Phrases like, BAD OMBRES, telling
Wallace he is CORRECT and missed opportunities to nail Clinton on her lies makes him look sophomoric. His heart is in the right place. He cares about the people and saving the country from criminals like Clinton. Amazing how a lying, cheating dog, so full of hate and disdain could well be our next President. Like the man said, “Never overestimate the intelligence of the American people”.
Southern By Choice says
Why is my comment awaiting moderation. Seems this is happening more and more to my comments – when there is nothing wrong with them – no bad words, no threats – so what is going on
law5960 says
I think the Russians are doing it to you – or the Ecuadorians.
Grace says
Douglas says
We the people cannot allow the liar get by the 5 big lies she stated in debate 3. She will be the next president if we don’t expose her. She has two speeches, one to public and another to her”pay to play group”. We must stop her to save America.
ariesca says
She stated 90% of foundation proceeds to charitable causes, whereas more like 10%?
Everett says
Hillary must have had the questions beforehand because she read from her teleprompter for everything she said except for the last 1 minute question. Watch her eyes!
Inspector Tom says
or she was lying and couldn’t look the camera in the “eye” while doing it!
Will Dole says
Hillary wants to put an end to the 30,000 gun deaths in USA/year!!! Not a true number!!!
Hillary would rather climb a tree to TELL A LIE, than stand on the ground to tell THE TRUTH!!!
The criminals will always have UNREGISTERED GUNS, some of them from Obama/Hillary’s ILLEGAL SALES TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS, or
the “Rebels” (Isis) fighting in Syria!!! She is a programmed robot of the Soros ilk !!!
Pam says
This debate made me so mad and nauseous because of Hillary, it was so painful to watch, I had to turn it off! The Democrats need to hear and see all this!!! Wow! I plan to pass this all on!
Steve the K says
I hope that the Ryan’s and Kasich ‘s and the rest can get a glimpse of this board. If you don’t support Trump, don’t ask us to support you when reelection comes around. I live in Ohio and Kasich will not get my vote.
William A. Spencer says
Everything she says is a lie, so you should have just said as soon as she started talking she was LYING and the LIES did not and will not STOP until she is put in PRISON WHERE she BELONGS!!!!!
It is a shame to see the land that has been a sample to other Countries as a role model for Liberty, Freedom and Justice, and now we can’t differentiate ourselves from third world countries politics, This election like Mr Trump said, yes it has been rigged from the very beginning Mrs Clinton should have not let be allowed to run while she was investigated by the FBI, but of course Mrs Clinton represent the establishment, They’re think and believe that Justice is not for them, but for the common citizen, or are we stupid enough that Mr. Trump sample does not click in our minds ” A Four Star Army General has been indicted by the FBI for not been truthful in his deposition or investigation ” but Mrs Clinton has done the same thing God knows how many times, but she’s eligible to run for the highest office of the land instead of a jail cell, If we can’t digest this and put a stop to it, simply Washington is right we the people are a bunch of Ignorant, Stupids that don’t know any better, So let go vote on election day knowingly that we ourselves are wisely picking and digging our grave.
Beverley Dawson says
The lie that I hated the most was Clinton saying that the Clinton Foundation giving 90% of their money to charity! In fact the truth is only 5.7% of the money from the Clinton Foundation goes to charity! What a lie she told with this one!
capt ron says
Beverley …
. The Clinton Foundation’s favorite charity is the HillBillys !
Frederick says
Trump has broken every rule in the book beating out 17 of the best candidates that the Republicans could offer and won the primary on top of that. He will do it again to win the election and it will be the end of Hillary and she and others like her can scream all they like behind bars. Praise GOD!!!
stu says
A majority of the Hillary supporters I know, believe her hook, line and sinker. It is beyond comprehension. I am very well aware that Trump has his issues. However, with Trump, what you see is what your get. He has a better understanding of the needs of our country including our safety first (borders, proper vetting of refugees, and built up military), job production and economic growth, improved affordable health care, and a rebirth of pride for our country. Hillary, however, is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This is the most dangerous kind of leader. Almost anything she says in public must be taken with a grain of salt. She has an agenda bigger in her eyes than being our leader. Through her multitude of scandals and lies, she has proven to be more concerned with her own power and greed. Wake up America. Who really has our best interests at heart?
Lake Ellen says
I was so happy Trump spoke about partial birth abortion. All abortion is murder, not “womens health!” These women need to be given birth control pills and quit the killing of innocent people!
david f. gard says
she never answered what happened to the 6 billion dollars that went missing on her watch at the state dept. !! she blamed trump for inviting russian espionage when nothing invites it more than using an unprotected server for classified government secrets !!
JRM says
I wouldn’t put it past her to have put it in her own bank account. Oh! And she claims that Clinton Foundation gave Haiti 90% of the money it took in? Liar! She gave more like 1% and kept 99%. That’s why Haitians are so pissed.
Martin says
The problem is Trump has no debate skills. He did not really confront her on those lies. In baseball he was given a pitch to hit a grand-slam and he struck out.
rpinky55 says
Trump is a deal maker not a debater big difference, He looks for ways to make things work to achieve the set goals, not pander to the whims of some polished lair politician.I thought he did pretty good and made her look like the anti-American person she is and has always been. There where a few times he could have hit her hard and scored more points but he did pretty good at keeping on subject. And he did not go off on endless rants like Hillery.. Trump/Pence 2016
William says
She claims she supports the 2nd Amendment, That’s a bunch of crap, she wants to shred the Constitution, she also said she doesn’t want to take our Guns away, another LIE!
John Tee says
She believes the constitution is a silly piece of Paper and she will tear it up soon after her Crowning
Wendy Mantooth says
I am appalled by the deep corruption that is the Democratic party and their despicable “leaders”…..Obummer and Killary. It goes on and on and there doesn’t seem to ever be even one single consequence for all of their heinous actions!!I am totally done with all main stream media due to their blatant bias against all things Republican and especially against Trump.I am totally disgusted by the Clintons and all those who support her.If you want to save the country and all it should stand for (as in the Costitution) VOTE TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frank Martino says
Here’s another one of her lies:
Clinton said that Obama deported millions of illegals.
Joanne says
Joanne says
Robert says
She lied about the 2nd amendment , she said the justices of the Supreme Court got it wrong. The gun control issues she talks about to the American people are lies, she wants to disarm America like Australia. It’s time for the American people to stand up for their rights before they are slowly stripped away as they have been. You will see the real Hillary and her meaning of gun
Control when the executive orders come down to ban all AR platform rifles and automatic pistols an automatic hunting rifles. Hillary Clinton does have a lot of experience in that experience is screwing over the American citizen for her own personal gain , how grabbing her way to the top of our government no matter what it takes . I wish Donald Trump the best in fighting the beast for the American people . God be with us all !
Lee Tousignant says
When Hillary is stuck on a lie, like a Pit Bull, she can’t let it go! I actually have a pure breed Pit Bull. The dog is kind to children, women and republicans but has a taste for democrats, gives him bad breath.
Trump had an opportunity to hammer Hillary a number of times. But the problem with discussing major issues is you can’t make the point in two minutes or even and hour. Worse, the voting public does not understand the language. I am referring to Finance & Economics. Trump does try with sound bites but comes across anemic. Hillary was good at side stepping an issue she did not understand.
I am 73, having no trouble understanding Trump and his positions. However, those under 45 have no reference point to that which Trump speaks of. When Trump speaks of ‘fixing” an election I am flooded with mental images of past occurrences going back 50 years. You heard in last nights debate that we are to accept this for the good of the Nation. Well, the founders of our Nation did not accept this. There were actual Duels fought over this sort of thing. Note: This topic of this paragraph could easily be 1,500 to 2,500 words to properly address – not going to happen in two minutes.
1MARINE says
William you are right on! She claims “reasonable compromises”, which are based on Australian and British models – both of which are registration of all guns and mandatory confiscation. You’ve seen what’s happened to ammo prices – just wait to see what happens to firearms prices if she gets elected next month.
john mcgarry says
Hillary said the vast majority of late term or partial birth abortions are related to the life or health of the mother..NOT TRUE…they do not induce birth is health related issue as the can perform ceasarians with out involving the birth canal…partial birth abortion kill a viable fetus in the birth canal ..and of course late term abortion guarantee well developed organs for harvesting for sale…She disgusts me
jwb says
Go Donnie, you have been voted most likely to succeed, you are truly a miracle and a national treasure. Your debate last night was typical of your rudeness and a trivial disgusting pig.
Justin W says
Hillary is wrong about a lot of things. She claims to support sensible gun control laws because she cares about the 30,000+ who die each year through gun usage. On the other hand she supports Planned Parenthood which slaughters hundreds of thousands of babies each year and makes a lot of money doing it.
Hillary’s tax and spend scheme will not work as promoted. The spending will increase more than expected and the revenue will not increase as much as expected.
Free college tuition sounds good, but implementing such a proposal would be expensive and in time would probably do little to lower out of pocket costs for most students. This reminds me of Bill Clinton’s hope tax credit in the 1990s. The tax credit would provide $1500 per year for the first two years of a college degree. My local university raised it’s tuition so students “could get all of the tax credit.” What few people realized was the credit didn’t cover anything past the second year. Within a few year college costs were higher than ever.
S.L Tennyson says
Ninety per cent of Clinton Foundation money goes to charity? Only if the “charity” is the CLINTON pocket!! What a joke.
Charlie Moshenk says
I don’t believe that Hillary or Obama knows the difference in a lie and the truth.
Justin W says
Hillary is wrong about a lot of things. She claims to support sensible gun control laws because she cares about the 30,000+ who die each year through gun usage. On the other hand she supports Planned Parenthood which slaughters hundreds of thousands of babies each year and makes a lot of money doing it.
Hillary’s tax and spend scheme will not work as promoted. The spending will increase more than expected and the revenue will not increase as much as expected.
Free college tuition sounds good, but implementing such a proposal would be expensive and in time would probably do little to lower out of pocket costs for most students. This reminds me of Bill Clinton’s hope tax credit in the 1990s. The tax credit would provide $1500 per year for the first two years of a college degree. My local university raised it’s tuition so students “could get all of the tax credit.” What few people realized was the credit didn’t cover anything past the second year. Within a few year college costs were higher than ever.
Justin W says
Hillary is wrong about a lot of things. She claims to support sensible gun control laws because she cares about the 30,000+ who die each year through gun usage. On the other hand she supports Planned Parenthood which slaughters hundreds of thousands of babies each year and makes a lot of money doing it.
Hillary’s tax and spend scheme will not work as promoted. The spending will increase more than expected and the revenue will not increase as much as expected.
Free college tuition sounds good, but implementing such a proposal would be expensive and in time would probably do little to lower out of pocket costs for most students. This reminds me of Bill Clinton’s hope tax credit in the 1990s. The tax credit would provide $1500 per year for the first two years of a college degree. My local university raised it’s tuition so students “could get all of the tax credit.” What few people realized was the credit didn’t cover anything past the second year. Within a few year college costs were higher than ever.
Justin W says
Hillary is wrong about a lot of things. She claims to support sensible gun control laws because she cares about the 30,000+ who die each year through gun usage. On the other hand she supports Planned Parenthood which slaughters hundreds of thousands of babies each year and makes a lot of money doing it.
Hillary’s tax and spend scheme will not work as promoted. The spending will increase more than expected and the revenue will not increase as much as expected.
Free college tuition sounds good, but implementing such a proposal would be expensive and in time would probably do little to lower out of pocket costs for most students. This reminds me of Bill Clinton’s hope tax credit in the 1990s. The tax credit would provide $1500 per year for the first two years of a college degree. My local university raised it’s tuition so students “could get all of the tax credit.” What few people realized was the credit didn’t cover anything past the second year. Within a few year college costs were higher than ever.
james vallely says
You missed one Google children’s deaths by gun you will find 17,360 not the 30,00 Hilary she state starting off with A lie. Can’t determine at what age a Toddler can pick up a gun and shoot it so had to Google children, B y the way these are broken down into catergory’s further proving her lie. James Vallely
Presela Anne says
The American people need to send a GREAT BIG MESSAGE to Washington D.C. on November 8th. And the message should be this: NO MORE CORRUPTION, WE WANT DONALD TRUMP AS PRESIDENT, WE ARE VOTING FOR DONALD TRUMP. What ASTOUNDS me is that there might actually be enough STUPID PEOPLE still running loose in this country who actually think that a Hillary Clinton presidency would be “GOOD” for America. GOD HELP US. This woman is so radical in her ideas, and in her thinking, that she should actually be locked up. Not only for her corruption, but because what she wants to do to our country is basically UNSPEAKABLE. And to know that SOME of the GOP, and that traitor Paul Ryan, would actually NOT SUPPORT TRUMP in this election is completely mind-boggling. It is insane, even. Something very very wrong is going on in all of this, and it apparently ALL has to do with the obvious fact that basically, EVERYONE in Washington is CORRUPT. Everyone is afraid that with a Trump presidency, their corruption and their evil ways will be EXPOSED. As they need to be exposed. Trump said once that he will follow the money and “every penny” will be accounted for. GOOD. That is what needs to happen. We can only hope and pray that there are enough smart people still left in our country that KNOW Donald Trump is the only clear, sane, rational choice. IF we want America to STILL BE AMERICA, Donald Trump needs to win this election.
FACT CHECK; 10 o/o of the funds donated to the “Foundation” goes to charity. The other 90 o/o goes right into the CLINTON’S bank account
Tom says
Bill’s budget growth was achieved by the ‘creative mortgage financing act’ that created the real estate boom and RESULTING BUST THAT WE STILL SUFFER.
He also legallized the ‘hedge funds'(outlawed in the ’30s for destroying the economy), making many millionaires who donate to Hillerys’ campain, and allowed big oil to crank up their prices, making us suffer at the pump, and Eventually Crashing Wall Street and Our Economy.
He hand picked 5 Al-kida leaders to release from Gitmo to Maylasia, Yemen, Seria, Afganistan, and in 2 weeks there were terrorist bombings. Recently, he released 15, from Gitmo to Yemen, world headquarters for Al-kida, and now our fleet is being fired on.
FACT CHECK; 10 o/o of the funds donated to the “Foundation” goes to charity. The other 90 o/o goes right into the CLINTON’S bank account
Barbara Dauber says
I have heard years ago that Bill Clinton said. If we are ever going to form a NEW WORLD ORDER, The US economy would have to fail. Seems like that is where we are headed. I have heard the term often. Nobody ever asked Hillary for her definition of a NEW WORLD ORDER was and why we should embrace it.
Presela Anne says
Donald Trump needs to WIN THIS ELECTION. If people want America to STILL BE AMERICA, at least for the foreseeable future, than EVERYONE needs to go to the polls on November 8th and VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP. A very, very clear message needs to be sent to Washington D.C. on Election Day, and the message is this: NO MORE CORRUPTION. WE THE PEOPLE ARE PISSED OFF, FED UP, SICK OF ALL THIS, SICK OF THE LIES, SICK OF PROMISES BEING MADE that get flushed down the toilet by power-hungry ego-driven tyrants who have no idea what they are even doing. It is WAY PAST THE TIME that someone should have done SOMETHING about this situation, and Donald Trump might just be the man who is going to do that. While no one who gets elected to public office can fulfill ALL their promises, Donald Trump just might be able to do SOME of what he wants to do. He has been successful enough in his own life that he could make necessary changes to our country, and Washington D.C., that are SO DESPERATELY NEEDED. Those who are still undecided should be asking themselves what could it possibly hurt, to try someone OUT OF THE CORRUPT NORM, for a change. Donald Trump deserves the opportunity to TRY, he deserves to win this election. As for Hillary Clinton, she does not deserve to win a game of Monopoly. The woman is corrupt to her core, she is vicious, arrogant, smug, she thinks she has already won, and that is simply despicable. God Help our country if she does win.
Denny says
Well put Clayton!!!
Robert Poloski says
Hillary cannot open her mouth without telling a lie. After a time she and fellow democrats actually believe them.
With all the problems she has created I cannot see her elected . GOD help us if she is!
O Fortuna says
Hillary lies convincingly and being an excellent debater can persuade people to think her way. She is a very smooth and polished political speaker. She is downright scary. The worst nightmare. This is the most dangerous person to lead a nation. Just like the devil. Smart, cunning, confident, persuasive. A liar who looks you straight in the eye. God help America if Hillary wins in November. Huge tax increase. More obamacare. More Obama agenda. Open borders. Weak national security. Millions of babies terminated by abortion. A leftist Supreme Court for the next 2 generations. A dominant liberal/Democratic Party. A non-existent Republican Party. No right to bear arms. NRA will be history. Etcetra, etcetera….Whatever happens I’m still voting for Mr. Trump. He is still the right person. God bless America. God help America. By the way, if Clinton becomes president, she can even tell Americans that God does not exist. She is Evil.
Tom says
I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but since the ‘Pledge of Allegience’ and Lords’ Prayer have been taken out of schools there has been a steady increase of juvenile violence.
I remember in 1st grade, saying the ‘Pledge’ gave me the feeling of the country having my back. (I was always smallest in class.) And saying the Lords’ Prayer made me feel like He was also looking out for me, giving something to have faith in when the chips are down.
I think that with so many decades of children having nothing to believe in has destroyed societies inner structure, allowing them to run wild.
Anyone who refuses to say the ‘Pledge’ should face deportation. And our children should have the moral base restored to their upbringing with the daily ‘PLEDGE and PRAYER’.
DT reality says
Paul Ryan and all his RNC cronies that think “we the people” are so ignorant (as does Hillary) that we are unable to see the truth is an unbelievable arrogance on their behalf. The only reason they have done everything they could (aiding the DNC) in the effort to squash Mr. Trump is only for their self interest, not the good of the people or the party. I am all in for Mr. Trump and commend him for his strength and resilience not conform to the RNC world as vision by Paul Ryan and his gang of thugs. He has done irreparable harm to the GOP. If Paul Ryan thinks that all republicans think as he does then he is sadly mistaken, but I’m not surprise, he is out-of-touch as Hillary is. He is not a leader, he’s a politician, and the GOP will suffer badly in the future for his inside wrangling, just wait and see. I do not see him getting the message right now since his head is too far up is you know what, but he will when Mr. Trump is the POTUS. Go Trump!
Tony says
I think that one day not so long ago ,all the democrats woke up one morning and took a stupid pill. Thank God I switched to republican just in the nick of time. I can’t believe that the democratic party would back someone with so much deceit in her heart, with all the lies she has been caught in and all the under handed deals she has had her hands in. It’s really pretty sad to think that the democrats would stoop so low as to back a liar and cheat. It doesn’t wear well or look good for them.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
I haven’t been a Democrat since 1992, I quit being a Democrat because of the Clinton’s. The Clinton’s stole & hijacked the Democratic Party and made it the Demoncratic party. When the Clinton’s did that, us Veterans, Senior Citizens, the American Working Class people and the American Working Poor people were snubbed upon, looked down upon and alienaited by the POS white trash, bigoted,racist,egotistical,greedy,selfish,rude,nasty,arrogant,bullying,bossy,snotty,pushing, murderous Clinton’s. Former Figurehead Bill Clinton invented the Government shutdown, closed and realigned military bases left & right, weakened our nations defense, did military cutbacks, stabbed labor unions right in the back. I voted absentee for Donald J. Trump for Figurehead, Michael Pence for Vice Figurehead.
DT reality says
She has had 30+ years of DNC training. This is all she knows. She has said all of what she says so many times that she thinks it is all true. the correct definition of stupid is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Tom says
That’s the def of insanity
George Nelson says
“Paul”: Quite right! We as a society have lost most of our ability to think “critically”. In part due to 1:public fool system. 2:MSM. One must be able to think for them selves when they go to vote. Not let CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, or the other sewer-holes think for us when voting.
WhiskeyMan says
Was so hoping that you would point out the fact that HRC is only lying whenever her lips are moving.
Send the witch to prison, 2016!
Concerned citizen.. says
Be serious, every word that came out of her mouth was a lie………. She isn’t interested in our kids, or women.. All she thinks about is power!! And money… Does she think she can buy her way into Heaven? Does she have a surprise coming if she does.. Theses people on Capital Hill live in another world. They don’t know or care about you and me… Hell no.. She does the talk but she sure doesn’t walk the walk.. Donald Trump lives out here with us.. He see’s and he knows what is happening in America.. He’s a brilliant man and so are his kids,, We need to get on our knees and pray God will bless this man and protect him from the evil of Hillary Clinton and her cronies.. Watch your selves when you go to the poles to vote………….. Bless all of you Trump People.. I’m with you………. VOTE TRUMP!!
martha says
Where I work, there are very few Republican and the rest are Democrats. We are about 200 people, mostly Blacks and Hispanic. You ask them why they are voting for Hilary they will tell you because she is a woman and she is pretty. They have no idea about what’s going on in this world and any issues. But they told me they will make sure vote for Hilary. This country is in trouble because there are uneducated, ignorant people take up the population and growing. They may be smart in computers and smart phones but they are not interesting to read or wanted to hear about the issues and their futures. When I talked to white male in the gym, they are the same. They are not interested in debates, I was told they don’t care and it has nothing to do with their life. it’s really said.
Evelyn Kubanka says
She proves she doesn’t know how our government works when she answere the Supreme Court Justice question. It is Congress who enacts law based on our Constitution. It is the Supreme Court Justice that determines if a case brought before them based on the law enacted by Congress is Constitutional. The lie by Clinton is that Trump is ignorant. She proved that she is ignorant even though she has a law degree and has been in politics for 30 years. Maybe she doesn’t understand our government because she doesn’t believe in our Republic. She wants a global, socialist, borderline communist government, where they tax the hard working Americans and then waste it. Remember the IRS and their big parties? We know that they spend ten times the price for something than an average person or business would spend. How about Michelle Obama having a girls weekend with her friends and flying them with her to Vegas and spending a crazy large amount for lodging and food. That came out after her husband trashed Las Vegas! They are so phony that they really can’t tell a lie from the truth anymore. They think they are above the law and that we are unable to decide on how to best spend OUR money; they know better even though they didn’t earn it.
allenP says
I think you missed the one where Hillary claimed her Clinton Foundation provides 100% of its donations to helping people like Haitians after the earthquake (when actually the housing project promised was started and never completed). Where did all that donated money go?. Also, it has been reported that only 20% of the donations to her Foundation ever goes to help anyone (other than Bill and Hillary).
iris cross says
kirk kahler says
OMG I bet that there will be nothing on this in main stream media ! why cuz it is a damn rigged system !!!
female tax payor says
Hillary is a very practiced master at lying. Goes deep. Can’t think of one thing she’s ever said that was sincere, let alone the whole truth. Let alone the public could count on. Integrity matters & she has NONE.
Keith says
Lying Hillary made the statement that she supports the Second Amendment. Yet, at a Town Hall event that took place in Keene, NH on October 16, 2015, when she was asked about gun confiscation in America, Hillary Killary was quoted as saying:
“I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level, if that could be arranged.” (Source: NRA-ILA)
So there you go. Don’t be fooled by this lying scumbagette. 1930 pre-WWII Germany is in all of our futures if she wins on November 8th.
Col Summers says
What abut the one where she said President Obama has actually “cut the deficit” !!!! Was that the TRUTH?????
Jo says
She refers to Trump as a racist. When Trump acquired his golf course in Palm Beach County blacks and jews where not allowed. Trump immediately changed that rule admitting blacks, jews and anyone else interested in entering. Doesn’t sound like racism to me.
Gary Larivee says
Hillary just happened to think of a conversation she had with a young girl named “Carla”. The implication being that “Carla” is an ordinary commoner and not one of her inner circle. The last time a Clinton talked to a commoner she was on her knees under Bill’s desk!
garry says
There has been a for sale sign in front of the White House now for 8 years, and wouldn’t be surprised if it now says “Sale Pending”. Her first day in office, all the foreign country’s and lobbyists that have given the Clintons money will knock on the door, and say “We did our part, now you do yours? The really sad part will be, that the selling price was only 1/4 to 1/2 of a billion. At that price, they actually stole it.
sagatel says
To all those woman who are going to vote for Empty Suit I will advise to be prepared to go and fight the wars that she is going to start if with your help that nasty creature becomes a President.
Robert Sylvester says
As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had access to classified government E-mails – but, she could not – did not own those E-mails – consequently, had no right to secure and keep those classified government E-mails on her private computer system – and then had over 33,000 government E-mails destroyed – by ” Bleach Bit ” and also destroyed devices – I-Pads – I – phones – which are considered government property because they were used to secure government E-mails. She then lied to Congress – the FBI – and to the American public about her illegal handling of government E-mails. Hillary Clinton is the ” Puppet ” – she is bought and paid for by Wall Street banks and by Arab countries that she accepted millions of dollars in donations from, for her Clinton Global Foundation – Arab countries who persecute women – Christians – Evangelicals – Jews – members of GLBT community . As Secretary of State she was responsible for – and should be held accountable for lack of security at Benghazi and the murder of four brave Americans – she then lied and perpetrated the video story – along with Barack Obama – because there was a Presidential election in seven weeks after Benghazi happened – Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama continued to push the video story for weeks – on TV – Barack Obama at the United Nations and on TV show ” The View ” . Hillary Clinton’s thirty – plus year history of public service has been built on ” Deception – Lies – Hypocrisy ” – Notice at the debate she pivoted away from answering or taking responsibility for accepting millions of dollars from Arab countries – or her campaign’s and Democrats involvement in attempts at voter fraud – busing people with false addresses and ID’s to other states – inciting riots at Trump rallies – also responding to WikiLeaks reports of her campaign supporters questioning her ability to handle being President – her decisions about trade – financial contributions . I also believe that Hillary is hiding details about her medical conditions that are more serious – some chronic – more possibly acute and needing to be addressed – it has been reported and documented that she has refused ” open heart valve replacement surgery ” – she continues to take prescription blood thinners – related to her fainting spells and blood clots and brain concussion.
Stop Government Corruption says
I suspect there’s another one: Illegal immigrants pay taxes. Does anybody really believe that? Even if taxes are withheld during employment, the bottom line is not calculated until you file (and possibly get a refund). The bottom 50% only pay about 3% of our tax burden. Perhaps they should talk about the NET economic impact of illegal immigration.
Linda Hendrickson says
Hillary wants open borders, but will vet for terrorism. How do you vet for terrorists with our open borders?
FRED says
People of this country are so overburdened just trying to keep pace with the cost of living because of slick talking LIARS. WHO has made this occur, the POLITICIANS . They have forced the women into the workplace during World War 2 . The politics since the early sixties have made it TOO HARD for only a one income household to be able to keep up with the cost of living. Ask yourself who benefits from having both parents working harder than ever and are still falling behind on the bills. This is the WORST economy in the country since THE GREAT DEPRESSION ! DOES ANYONE remember when OUR military found PALLETS full of U.S. cash in IRAQ. The politicians LOVE going around the world giving away OUR MONEY. TRUMP has been trying to WAKE this country to this BUT the media remain quiet because they are in the pocket of the system of the ELITES. If the reporters do ASK the TOUGH questions, they are fired. AMERICA WAKE UP only us can clean up this mess. IF WE DO NOT CLEAN OUT THIS GOVERNMENT WICH WE HAVE NOW ,IT IS ON US ! Almost every GOV. AGENCY has shown a TOTAL disrespect for the LAW. If this is allowed to be to continued WE wont have to worry to long we WILL LOSE THIS FORM OF GOVERNMENT FOREVER !
Art Ayres says
Two things, “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” Next: TANSTAAFL=There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
Elaine says
Hillary Clinton said the Clinton Foundation paid out 90% for charities. I have read that they only pay out about 8% for charity and the rest for administration costs, etc. I also read that they have never had an internal audit. Don’t know what is the truth.
D Dowell says
Neat example. My brother in law
Sent trump info in answer to his attempt switch me to clinton.
Now none of my emails are delivered.
I think he now has a bucket of sand next to his desk
Mr D
James Scarborough says
She defended Roe v. Wade by, in essence, saying it allows late-term abortion when the health or life of the mother is at risk, as if there are a lot of those cases. Roe v. Wade was never intended to allow late-term abortion at all, in fact conceded the right of states to place any restriction after the first trimester. By legalizing it in the first trimester, the Court in effect said life begins at three month’s gestation. But is Hillary really claiming that pregnant women just discover, with two weeks to go, that delivery is going to endanger their lives, OR that the fetus is so malformed or handicapped that the merciful and safe thing to do is to have an abortion?? As if ultrasound and modern medicine doesn’t catch very early those problems? You can find out a lot more than just the sex of the child through the right screening. But Hillary would have us believe that these cases in the ninth month actually happen, just so she can defend the “for convenience only” abortions. Not to mention Planned Parenthood illegally selling baby parts. And they want healthy, well-formed baby parts, too.
”home is where the heart is–teach your children-god’s way of living….they can’t go wrong..,pray for god to bless America again..
iris cross says
Robert Taylor says
For those who think getting out to vote is too much trouble I offer these names from the signers of the Declaration of Independence. They paid a price many in this country today would not even consider. Look up the names and see what it cost them then get up off you’re a** and vote to try and save this country from Clinton’s destruction plan. Some of these names you may not know of them or their sacrifice. William Ellery, Richard Stockton, Carter Braxton, Thomas McKean, Thomas Howard Jr., Edward Rutledge, Arthur Middleton, Thomas Nelson Jr., Francis Lewis, Honest John Hart, and the most famous was John Hancock. He, Hancock, and the Continental Congress fled from Philadelphia to escape the British Army. Due to the hardships from the trip in December of 1776 his infant son died.
Mike Cave says
I have read most of the comments here and all of you that support Donald Trump need to keep getting the message out that Hillary is a criminal and needs to be prosecuted to the extent of the law. We must demand a special prosecutor to finally put a nail in the coffin of the Clintons and the Obama Administration. The Justice Department and FBI directors should join her in prison also. This was the greatest cover-up in our nation’s history. Richard Nixon was no saint, but he was an angel compared to these criminals.
Kevin Beck says
Regarding her statement about free and open borders: The problem with Killary’s speaking pattern is that she likes to speak in run-on sentences and filibusters. Therefore, she will continue to make such statements so that she can always say that she was talking about something else. Remember: She needs to have both a public and a private position on every issue.
John says
Clinton feigned this great contribution to children and advocated giving women the unfettered right to kill them the day they were to be born, describing it as a tough decision. I should hope the heck so! But this horrific lie should have been hammered on every time she tried that huge lie.
Glenn says
Clinton says she wants secure borders, too include protecting the US from cyber attacks from others like Russia, and willing to spend the required finances to do same, WHY??? Why waste the money ?? There is no amount of money that can secure our borders, nor protect our people from terrorists, nor protect our jobs, etc,etc,etc, when she doesn’t even use a secure server, thereby allowing Russia or anyone access to our government secrets, sells our Uranium mines to Russia so they have all they need for Nuclear bombs, gives our H1b (I think this is the correct reference ) visas thereby allowing companies to fire Americans and hire foreigners.
And how can she lower taxes if she allows hundreds of thousands of foreigners and illegals to come here and then pay for whatever they want?
And how can Hillary expect the people of the US not to have another civil war, no different than third world countries who are fighting the corrupt leaders, when she routinely lies, cheats, promotes dishonesty, and only acts in ways to benefit herself and her close group of turds? She (and the congress/senators ) have been in office so long that they are all evil, dishonest and self serving, only performing covert acts to eventually harm us all, and thrown in jail if we speak out or eventually acts out. If you want to address mental health and stability, and cure 98% of it, then she and the rest need to be removed from all gov. positions, Top start with , TERM LIMITS.
She and her associates like her, have corrupted the Attorney General, FBI etc,etc,etc to make their standard practice , to act no different than the common criminal,but when caught at least the common criminal doesn’t deny it, AAAAHHHH screw it, just arm yourselves and get ready.
John Tee says
Question!! Who will the Military Leaders support Killary or the constitution ? When she try’s to tear up that as she has said.silly piece of paper
Cor Hoff says
A couple of months ago, Hillary Clinton said that it is high time for the Roman Catholic Church to change their stand against abortion, same sex marriages etc. What right does she have to make demands on the Roman Catholic Church or anyone else who follows the Biblical stand, to urge them to change what they believe, to something Hillary believes in. From where does she get the AUDACITY AND AUTHORITY to suggest to the R.C Church or any other church to no longer follow God’s biblical standards BUT replace them with Hillary’s own humanistic ideals. Who would want a president upholding these thoughts and ideas??
Hitler had a meeting with ministers of the churches in the German republic in the late 30’s. Hitler said to the ministers: “You and I will get along very well when you do agree with me and do not obstruct my policies. (Niemuller) Concentration camps are waiting for you when you do not follow my orders
What more can I say
Does anyone see a similarity here
robert says
Hillary is a crook. .We all know this from her long history of misdoings. She has not gone to jail or even been arrested or indicted Why you might ask. Its simple. She is protected by .a whole network of crooks and thieves in Washington. The Clintons own or have a strangle hold on most of the politicians in one way or another. Those that have brought misdoings to light ,many have ended up dead, jailed, blackmailed ,whatever it takes to silence them. Todays leaders are the most corrupt in the history of the country. Covering each others crimes and sweeping every sort of despicable act under the rug. We all have known this was going on for a long time despite the press not covering it on the news, we knew. And what did we do? NOTHING I crook will do all we let them get away with. We have let crooked politicians run amuck way too long. Things will not change until we say in a vary LOUD VOICE ,we have had enough. We trusted our leaders to run the country in our best interest and they have run the country in THERE best interest Lawyers as a rule are bottom feeders. They make a living on others grief. This is who we have. running the government With a few exceptions government is run by crooks. Sad but true. This is what we have become under the leadership of our government. They MUST be held to the same standards as the common citizen. And when they do things in there own self interest, they need to GO TO JAIL, not give immunity to the offenders. A fox guarding the hen house is not the policy we should be using. Until this changes, everything stays the same.
debdell says
The democratic party has been taken over by criminals – here is the indisputable evidence you’ve been manipulated – New Video –
debdell says
Did the Clintons kill your relative? Watch this and your jaw will drop.
debdell says
Bill Clinton’s Former Girlfriend Breaks Her Silence –
debdell says
Trump to Washington insiders: You’re fired! –
KW says
Since the days of the 1860’s election. The political elites have controlled the direction of this country through the electoral college vote. From that time until now, we the people have had no real voting power. Many times since its inception the people’s votes overwhelmingly chose a different candidate, than that of the people’s choice. Only to have the bought and paid for electorate vote, cram their choice down the People’s throats.
This process must come to an end. If the electorate will not honor the people’s choice, then they need to be disbanded, and the colledge done away with, and the popular vote returned to We The People! Then our outcome votes will be our outcome by popular majority.
The electorates should really pay close attention, this time around. The people are fed up with loosing more rights and priveledges that have been taken away, because of their votes
. I fear that if they ignore the people this time around, there is no telling how severe the backlash could be. Obama is preparing to declare marshal law in the event of civil unrest. If that happens, many people could be hurt. And all because of, politically powered, manipulated votes, and greed.
This country has changed dramatically in the last two decades, because of their votes. Everywhere you look, it is easy to see that most of the promised change was not for the better. We as a country may not survive a continuation of the same garbage, if it continues. I hope and pray that this time the electorate will follow the votes of the people.
John G. says
WOW, lies about past comments made and shown to her in print – unbelievable.
R.J. Smith says
Now, Now Children settle down. Don’t you know we have brought all this upon ourselves ? We have stood by
and allowed them to take prayer out of the schools, abort babies, do away with the Ten Commandments. and let
us not forget the redefinition of marriage.
Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God:
the powers that be are ordained of God.
I leave you with one final thought to ponder upon:
2 Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and
turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
jose says
I hear her and the same words I heard when Castro came into power all lies but some will still vote for her because they never lived under a communist regime. Those who never worked and live off the handouts from the government think they are going to get more freebies but they are going to find out later that by getting those freebies later on they will have to do volunteer work for the government like in cuba they force you voluntarily to cut sugar cane and work the fields all in the name of the revolution
Frank Durham says
Did u miss one!??? are u kidding, to say “JUST 5” when ever her lips are moving there is a lie, being told or about to be told, or finishing up on a lie. One big whopper was the “CLINTON FOUNDATION GIVES 90 % to charity. True if u consider her daughter and the Clinton’s as the “CHARITY”!! they actually give in the area of 6 percent to charity. and 94 % goes for “OVERHEAD”!!! can u imagine, if this was how good the red cross did!!! They would be out of business. But because it is pay for play, the Clintons both walk around with a big smile on their face. This is how, when they left the white house, they were “BROKE”!! and now are worth about 200 Million!!! THEY ARE NO BETTER THAN THE CARPET BAGGERS OF OLD!!!! CROOKS!!!!
W. Workman says
My recollection of Hillary’s statement concerning “The Clinton Foundation” was that the foundation contributes 90% of their received contributions. Please fact check as the amount previously reposted was 15% or did I miss hear her statement
Marc Jeric says
On October 18, 2016 we witnessed the last debate Trump vs. Clinton; we learned nothing new – or old – for that matter. The election is 20 days from today. In my opinion the principal problems ailing this country are as follows:
1) Government employee unions, especially the teacher unions, where all work deadlines are illegal and overmanning is standard;
2) EPA with hundreds of new regulations aimed at the destruction of our industries;
3) Marxist policies by our Muslim President B. Hussein Obama;
4) Enforcement of some 400 executive presidential orders;
5) Murder of Justice Scalia;
6) Marxist racist Supreme Court justices Sotomayor, Ginsburg, Kagan searching for new laws “emanating from the penumbras of the Constitution”;
7) Hundreds of Marxist federal judges nominated by Obama;
8) Enforcement of rules derived from the Global Warming hoax (now renamed as the Climate Change scam after 20 consecutive years of global cooling);
9) Closure of oil exploration in Alaska in order to preserve some mosquitos; veto of the Keystone pipeline for similar objections;
10) Promotion by trillions of dollars of “renewable energies” that do not exist;
11) 220,000 new federal government employees;
12) Obamacare enforcement leading to the total nationalization of our health care.
13) No mention of jihadist murders in Boston, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, San Bernardino, Orlando, New York, New Jersey, Minnesota…
None of these disasters were even mentioned in that empty debate – let alone what to do about them. Finally – what about the ongoing disarmament of our military, about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that Bush had won and B. Hussein Obama lost?
Blabby says
This lady lies through her eyes, her smile, her teeth, her mouth, her ears. She lies through everything. Comey needs to be arrested for endangering our nation, ironically. When the FBI is suppose to ensure the safety of this nation.
He has unleashed on America one of the most dangerous person EVER on US!!!
Mrs Kay Carranza says
Only 6% of Clinton Foundation is for charity. 94% is for Clintons according to their own tax returns. 10 Pinocchios!
Donnie says
As Trump said we need a constitutional lawyer . Hillary on the other hand says otherwise can you elaborate more on her appointment to the Supreme Court justices please. Thanks,also why Mr Trump didn’t commit to giving into Mike Wallace last question on excepting the vote count that there won’t be any illegal things happening. Nixon should have challanged Kennedy on voter fraud,but the technology wasn’t there like today. Also why do we have early voting?I understand about absent tee ballet such as sugary,out of town and things of that nature. Al gore contested,also I think Mr Bush. Thank you
AW says
Harold W says
She lied when she said 90% of money coming into the Clinton Foundation goes to charity. It is 15%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ray says
Out of over 14 Billion collected for Haiti, the leader of that country said that less than 2% reached Haiti, and that was mostly in the form of trailers, rejected due to formaldehyde. I saw a video of him at a Trump rally imploring Trump to ask Hillary, at an early debate, “Where is the money for Haiti?”
Donal Trump knew every time hillary told those lies. Just look at his expressive face when she answered! And she wants us to believe he doesn’t have the temperament to lead us. She is the one who doesn’t have that!!
Ray says
Amen, Sister! And he quietly said “Wrong” several times when she lied about him. Her calculated misrepresentations of him were some of her biggest lies.
El Tejas says
Hillary Clinton and Deloris Unbrige have a lot in common!
Patti says
When Hillary remarked at the high marks the Clinton Foundation received from watchdog groups…lies…and she said 90% of the Clinton Foundation funds are dispersed (to themselves)….only 10% of the funds are actually used for the common good…which is min. payout required by law to be a “charitable” organization…Total B.S. Don’t forgot how she clamored on about their good work in Haiti, where she claimed the Haitians just love them….NOT. Also, Miss Hillary was quiet as a mouse when asked how she LOST 6 billion dollars..Hmmmm. Most of her debate speech was enveloped will lies where I could hardly stand to listen to her. She is disgusting and hard to believe we are at this point in time where “anyone” can be Pres. without having proper vetting.
Darius says
If Hillary wins, the Obama’s will be singing “Let’s do the White House again….” (to the tune of Let’s Do the To Time Warp again)
Voters jump to the Left
It’s a lose for the rights
Put our hands in your pockets
And bleed you to death
But it’s the media crush
That will drive you insane…
Let’s do the White House Again…..
BALL says
Being retired military, I quickly picked up her National Security Breech again. Everything about our Nuclear launch protocol is TOP SECRET folks. And she stands there and tells the world there is a 4 minute delay from time the order to launch is given and the weapons are actually launched! Unbelievable she has not been arrested forTreason!
chuck garrison says
every time she opens her mouth lies come out!
AW says
DEAR CLINTON-LOVING MILLENIELS, many of whom live off their parents:
You are about to lose your financial support system, because parents are scheduled to die under Heil-Hit-Liar-y, READ ON…….
Pay SPECIAL ATTENTION to pages 58 & 59
Obama held all of this until his term was almost over. The fee also for Medicare goes up something
close to $237
a month per person starting next year.
If you don’t read this, and do nothing about it, don’t complain when it affects you or your loved ones! This is the second Judge to have read the Obama Care
document comments. More highlights of Nancy’s “pass it and then find out what’s in the bill”! Show this to everyone nearing the ripe old age of 76. These are just a few of the things that we seniors are going to have to deal with which started in 2014.
THIS should be read by everyone, especially important to those over 75……. If you are younger, then it may apply to your parents. Your hospital
Medicare admittance has just changed under ObamaCare.
You must be admitted by your primary Physician in order for Medicare to pay for it! If you are admitted by an emergency room doctor,
it is treated as outpatient care where hospital costs are not covered.
This is only the tip of the iceberg for Obama Care.
Just wait to see what else went into effect in 2014. YOU
age 76, when you most need it most, you are NOT eligible
for cancer
* see page 272. What Nancy Pelosi didn’t want us to know
until after the healthcare bill was passed. Remember, she
said, “We have to pass the Bill so that we can see what’s in
it.” Well,
here it is.
Judge KITHIL of Marble Falls, TX highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200. Please read this…… especially the reference to pages 58 & 59. JUDGE KITHIL
Page 50/section 152: The
bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.
Page 58 and 59: The
government will have real-time access to an individual’s bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.
Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the
government) for all union members, union retirees and for
community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now – ACORN).
Page 203/line 14-15: The
tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)
Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors’ fees.
Page 272. section 1145: Cancer
hospital will ration
care according to the patient’s age.
Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.
Page 425, line 4-12: The
government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an “end-of-life planning” seminar every five years. (Death counseling..)
Page 429, line 13-25: The
government will specify
which doctors can write an end-of-life order.
HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goes on to identify:
“Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress.
No wonder they did not see the need to read it….doesn’t apply to them!!! THE
Winds Of Change — is
asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address
list; in turn, ask each of those to do likewise.
At least 20 if you can.
In three days, most people in The United States of America will have this message.
Ernest says
Lots of missed opportunities last night by Trump. Hillary told him that he used Chinese steel in his buildings. He should have said because of your trade policies all the American steel companies were put out of business-even the Golden State bridge in CA was made by Chinese workers and they came here to assemble the bridge! Then she said he used illegal immigrants to make the Trump tower. He should have said due to Obama and your policy’s they are here and it does bring down American wages and you want open borders to bring in more of them counter to helping American workers.
jwb says
I have a perfect plan, instead of cryin’ like babies, don’t vote for HRC. Vote for lying Donnie like I will, or shut up. What a bunch of poop here today. It is your election, don’t blow it Donnie does when he opens his yap. He is suck a jerk as seen last night . A complete ass of a person. Good grief, vote early and get over with children …….I am NO LONGER amused……….. VOTE PENCE
Richie says
The democrats are now the party of hand outs and buying votes. I do support helping the less fortunate of our citizens but we have become a lazy and disfunional society. Not a true test for the idea’s and values that my parents instilled in our family. Play by the rules was my way of life and I am sadden by what is happing to our great country. God bless America and keep us safe from the corrupt people that will not hold firm to our constitution. May we over come this rhetoric and vote for our true values.God bless us all.
Cas says
The American people are ignorant! How can you explain the winning of Obama, when no-one knew anything about him? Ever see the man on the street answer questions about our government, politicians, and world affairs? THEY DON”T KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING! As mentioned earlier, welfare recipients, women’s lib, homosexuals, government employees, criminals, illegals, and many other groups, think about themselves rather than what is good for America. These non-patriots will see our country go down the drain, and won’t even know or care about it. They and all of us will pay the price in our freedom and rights.
Welcome to the dumbing (sic) down of our country.
Su says
About ‘education’. It’s not about caring for our youth. It’s about CONTROLLING our youth. WHY on earth would ANYONE want to send their child away from home at SUCH an early age? Studies show that children THRIVE in their families, not away from them.
And FREE COLLEGE, simply means she wants as many people as possible to get into colleges that teach any and all anti-God subjects.
I had read a quote from a college text, that trains students to become teachers. That quote mentioned how ‘we need to get children AWAY FROM THEIR FAMILIES’ VALUES as EARLY as possible.” I am not kidding.
And please remember, that Hillary declared that ‘we need to change deep-rooted religious beliefs’. Sorry? You don’t just simply CHANGE something people believe in.
This is rottenness to the core.
Byron Mullen says
Why did the moderator let her get away without an answer to her treatment of he WOMAN that Bill Clinton molested or raped. It is a know fact that Lying Hillary had these women threatened with their lives.
Byron Mullen says
Everyone agrees that it is unacceptable for Russia to HACK our intelligence systems. However, no matter who brings out the Truth, it is still the truth and Lying Hillary should be held accountable and be required to give an answer not just rag on about how the Truth that she won’t admit is coming from the Russians.
Cap'n Kirk says
Hillary is still lying and is still the biggest crook ever seen… this woman has multiple problems but lying is one of the major isues she has… if you like the underhanded thieving lying ways of hers, vote for her, you must need more crap in your life… what a waste….
Duane Bowen says
There are a lot of Americans who will not accept Hillary Clinton as president. Maybe that’s why she choose Kaine as her V.P.
Because a potential assassin might think, “As bad as Hillary might be, her vice president would be worse.” Because he is a loser
with a capital “L” or an idiot with a capital “I”, or an asshole with a capital “A”, or a dumb fuck with a capital “D” & “F”, etc….
Aachmed Hazmat says
And yesterday’s STFU award once again goes to Hillary Rotten Clinton! We always print them on slightly used Charmin, or White Cloud!
Elvina says
too bad we can not put all these together and place it so everyone can see it. If you have not paid attention most every comment was in align with what the other person said amazing to see that much cooperation amongst Americans now lets put it all to use
Don A. says
Hillary lies and makes statements to deliberately mislead and get the people to believe her. Here are two example from last night’s debate:
1. While talking about the 2nd Amendment, Hillary said there are “33,000 gun deaths per year” in the USA This is wrong. In 2012 the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Report stated there were 12,888 homicides with only 8,897 committed with a firearm. And Hillary wants to ban “assault weapons”, yet from 1982 through 2015 according to “Mother Jones” there were only 8 mass shootings that used an assault weapon.
2. Hillary said that the “Clinton Foundation give 90% of its revenue to charity. I don’t know how they come up with such creative accounting. I have read the 2010 to 2013 Clinton Foundation tax returns and here are the real numbers:
a. The Clinton Foundation and its Initiatives have very high cost for Employee Salaries and Compensation; from 2011 through 2014 it ranged from 20.2 to 35.8 % of total revenue. Worse yet the Clinton Health Access Initiative averaged 42%. How do you get to 90% with these numbers.
b. The tax returns have two line items for “Grants Outside the USA and Grants Inside the USA” (these are the charity items that Hillary is referring to). However, the total of the two grants for the Clinton Foundation was 33.9 % of revenue in 2011, 15.7% for 2012 and 11.3% for 2014. Even worse the same two grant totals for the Clinton Health Access Initiative were 7.2% for 2012 and 11.3% for 2014. They do other things to mislead, i.e. all the grants to charity for the Clinton Global Initiative went to the Clinton Foundation.
So to summarize, the Clinton Foundations and its Initiative actually give between 10-15% of the total donation revenue to charity. I wish Donald Trump and his campaign could have had these numbers memorized and shot them back to Hillary every time the Clinton Foundation is mention.
I have written an article “Clintonism: Power, Position, People, Payoffs” which give you much more on all the interrelations between the Clinton’s speeches, the Clinton Foundation, their friends, businesses and governments. The “coincidences”, donations and interactions between the Clinton’s and their foundation are spread throughout the world and are unethical at best, but illegal in most. What happened in Haiti is unbelievable and I believe what Donald Trump said that “the people of Haiti hate the Clinton’s” is correct.
God help us if Hillary Clinton becomes the next President. The Bushes, Romney, McCain, Graham, Meg Whitman, Kasich and other RINO’s should be kicked out of the Republican Party.
Evelyn says
You forgot the lie when she stated that 90% of the donations from her charity go to helping people around the world. We all know that figure is only about 10%.
Courtney says
She is either uninformed or she lied repeatly saying we are a democracy when in fact we are a republic.
ron j says
I just cant help from wishing I could get my wish. that Hillary would accidently step in front of a fast moving train. she is without a doubt the biggest s.o.b. to ever walk the earth . why in hell isn’t she and her child molester husband in prison ? the day that happens will be the greatest on earth. I have a lot more things I could call her, but ill keep it to my self because you really cant say how you feel .
BO says
Wikileaks has become a threat to the Clinton Machine so through the Obama/Kerry duo they devised a way to get at Wickleaks and stop him. they know they cannot go in the Embassy in London so they posted snipers outside to nail him if he steps outside. Then that didn’t work so they threatened Ecuador if they let him still use the internet to release more of the incriminating evidence. It worked so the Ecuador Embassy cut off his internet access. No doubt there are other ways for him to continue to distribute the needed material but it must be getting hot in the Clinton Camp for them to brazenly devise plans to stop him. I can only hope that if Trump does get in office that he turns the dogs loose with a special prosecutor against both Bill and Hillary Clinton for their evil empire and deeds against us.
Bruce says
Why only 5 lies ? ? Everything Hillary has said and ever does say, is by definition A LIE .. She does not know how to tel the
truth about anything. And as to the Government (aka us Taxpayers) paying for College Education, that is a total waste of the Tax Payer Dollars. If you want a College Education, you or your family pay for it. It is not a Freebie from the government and it should never be. And we do not need an open trade agreement with every other country in the world. All that would do is open us to more cheaper imported, second quality merchandise, stiffle our exports as other countries would buy less from us and open the US to more meddling by the European Market.
Elizabeth Davis says
They say Trump is like Hitler. the younger generation and some die hard democrats need to study true history about World War II. He did the same thing Hillary is doing. FOOLED THE PEOPLE into thinking he was the greatest thing since slice bread. and look where it got the German people. No only were the Jews slaughtered but some of his own people. He took their guns so they could not fight back and said if he could have a child for 10 years he would train them in his ways . Abortion yes and also experiments on children that was like a horror movie.
Ted says
Her whole life and that of her supposed family is a lie. Chelsea’s real father would probably agree….
Barbara Finney says
She was telling a big lie about all the help the Clinton Foundation has provided for Haiti.
Tennessee Hillbilly says
When Thrump gets elected he need to clean house in the FBI
Everett Downing says
The other lie was the Heller ruling. It was about “the toddlers” (per Hillary). The issue was the right of citizens to keep o weapon in their home for self defense. It did not address safe storage of firearms to prevent access by children, it was a ban on ownership period. Hillary is in favor of a total firearms ban (except her personal security of course) and her support of the Second Amendment is nothing but total BS. Her support of the “assault rifle ban” which was shown to have no effect on gun violence is still one of her priorities as well as allowing law suits against gun manufacturers for crimes committed shows that she is strictly anti-gun. This is an immunity (per her) that no other industry has. In that case, why can’t I sue Ford when the drunk driver that hit my car was driving their vehicle? Total hypocrite and liar.
Kathy says
I didn’t read all the other comments, so this may already have been covered, but I’ll put it in anyway. One of Clinton’s ads that just makes me sick is this one: It shows her during many stages of her life “supporting children” in all areas of life; however, this totally contradicts the fact that she is fine with the aborting of babies, clear up into the ninth month! Sickening…and a LIE that she supports children! Actually, just about everything she says is a lie (such as being all about women’s rights, yet having a history of defending Bill…socially & in court…over & over & over again in his HORRENDOUS treatment of women for decades!) Enough said; so very sad that the dems & undecideds don’t get it and will vote for her anyway.
messup says
“Marxist/Communists” have always had a carefully organized, well implemented plan to arrive at the “3rd Stage!” First is feudalism, second – Capitalism, third – communism. That is every “Marxist/communists” game plan. Simple and easy for any uneducated American citizen to grasp and understand. Is this true? One asks! Yes, and here are four points to a “Marxist/communist” achieving their “3rd Stage.”
1) Religion – decimate Judeo-Christian Heritage. Wipe it off the face of the map.
2) Education – Centralized, under complete government control with “indoctrination.” Need proof? Check out Jesse Watters (FOXNEWS) report on millenials.
3) Governance – no separation of powers. Three branches of government functioning as one.
4) Finance – long gone is Capitalism, replaced with “redistribution of Income” from Bretton Woods and John Maynard Keynes.
There, that is the New Progressive Lefts agenda ever since Mao Tse-Tung and Trotsky broke onto the national consciousness in 1922…aided by “Big government himself…TEDDY ROOSEVELT. Now you know how long this lie has been around…have a doubt? Teddy “Rough Rider” increased federal ownership of swaths of this land…was the nations “trust buster” (usurped Rule of Law). Panama Canal and a contrived war with Colombia.There’s so much more…but, alas, slumber is the doctors prescription for “incremental Marxist/communism.” Pray. Amen. God Bless America and ALL Americans. Read A Bible. NKJV Psalm 128.
Mark says
HRC stated thet 90% of CGI goes to work of foundation while in reality it’s more like 90% goes to the Clitions and their friends lifestyle!