Throughout the 2016 election, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been blasted repeatedly in the media. Journalists and TV talking heads have called Trump all sorts of nasty names, and for months have promised that Trump will lose in November.
But with less than 60 days to go until the general election, it appears Trump has been playing them from the start.
As the pieces begin sliding into place, recent data shows that Trump has been playing an elegant game of chess while political analysts were trying to play checkers.
According to a recent UPI poll, Trump has opened a three point lead over his Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton in the popular vote.
But what Trump and his team have focused on isn’t the popularity contest. It’s the all-important 270 votes needed to win the Electoral College.
And while Clinton falters, Trump is nabbing just about all the pieces he needs.
The Horn News recently reported on the “Trump election surprise” — that crucial union voters in states like Ohio and Virginia were defying their Democratic loyalties in staggering numbers to jump on the Trump Train. But that’s just the beginning. New data released by The Associated Press has uncovered more — Republicans have gained ground on Democrats in registering voters in crucial battleground states across the country
“Encouraging news for Donald Trump eight weeks before Election Day,” AP writes. “Republicans added hundreds of thousands of voters to the rolls since 2012 in states including Florida and Arizona, and narrowed the gap in North Carolina, according to data compiled by The Associated Press. In Iowa, Republicans prevented Democrats from surpassing them, aided by a court ruling upholding a ban on voting by ex-felons, who often register as Democrats.”
Recent polls offer evidence that this trend is widening in these critical electoral college flashpoints.
In Virginia and Nevada, Trump has rapidly closed the gap with Clinton and is now locked in a virtual tie, according to an Emerson College poll and an NBC News poll. With Trump’s recent surge, and Clinton’s health scandal dragging down her polling numbers, it’s not hard to predict those will likely tip in the GOP’s favor soon.
That’s not all. In North Carolina, Suffolk University reports Trump is up 3 points.
In Florida, JMC Analytics’ most recent poll has Trump up 4 points.
And in Ohio, a Bloomberg poll shows Trump enjoys a huge 5 point advantage.
What does that all mean for the election? Take a look at the playing table for yourself —
— The Horn editorial team
teresa wolfe says
To bad california didn’t have the sense to vote for trump. With the scrum running calif and the lack of jobs… no wonder california is failing (note jerry’s money in his pocket train)
Linda says
Jerry Brown and his regional gov in play has driven the Republicans out if a power voice in Ca. Businesses moved out and it’s run by appointed instead of elected officials BUT not all and the State of Jefferson going forward by cities/counties that have had enough and they are developing their State Jeff. Constitution also, takes time but will be a success! JB’s work at putting Ca under UN power will fail! He will be exposed re all his corruption when Trump/Pence take office! All the rats are squirming and biting!
Linda says
But not all Republicans are gone!!!
John says
You mean Democ-rats don’t you?!!!!!
Nelson says
This is a warning to the golden state. Check out Jerry Brown past with Linda ronstead. Why he was kicked out of the governor office. back in the 70s. Plus he ran against rapist Bill Clinton. Then California. Gave brown a pardon. His ex wife wrote a song about Jerry brown. Your no good your no good baby. Your no good.
Trump should go into California and remind the million of people what Jerry brown is all about. He is a freak. He has so much criminal crimes under his belt. It would make all the people sick. The worse ever governor to take 44 billion for a bail out. Then he has open the boarder for the criminal illegal imergrants. California has more sancuary cities than all other states combined.
Trump should take his reform agenda. There. People are to high. And selfish
They need help
Daniel Spickard says
Wait til Trump Pence get into office and cut money to all those states that have sancuary cities in them! Let’s see how fast they get rid of those sancuary cities when there well of federal money begins to dry up! Let’s see how many rats start jumping ship! Let’s see how many Democrats are still in the house and senate after this election!
Masanja says
I am sorry you have been duped by Trump lies. You know Trump is a polygamist. Polygamists are usually liars. They lie to each wife that they love her more than the other wives. That is why polygamists never look into eyes of their wives. Polygamists treat their wives as token or sub-humans. Sharia law people. You have seen footage of Trump slapping his wife on the butt. But you have never seen Trump kissing his present wife who tries as much as possible to kiss Trump. If Trump lies to his wives, you will not tell me he is not telling me lies about his plan for this Country. Trump promised to build an electric wall to kill all Latino children crossing the border; then he told you he was going to ship out all illegals including their children born here. The same Trump has been telling us that he hates Muslims and foreigners. But his staff are not telling us that Trump is softening his stand on these issue. Trump is another Romney-Both are liars and flip-floppers. Please make your life easier – vote for Hillary on November 8.
s. You know
m j says
More like “Sanctuary State”, Kali has become!
Ruth Allen says
C says
True I live in CA and Brown is the worst Gov. He raises taxes as fast as a Leopard runs Everytime he had project to fund and illegals enjoy free of everything. That’s why they vote for Democrats illegally bec. they give them a temp. Card and they cheat so this election is rigged if the liar wins in CA
debdell says
The first time Brown left office there was a massive deficit. When the turd recently ran he played commercials saying he left office the first time with a surplus of money in the till. What a friggen liar!
Doris lauter says
Don’t forget that Brown has given permission to all those illegal Mexican citizens to vote in our election. They will be streaming in to vote against Trump.
Leilalglidden says
My sister is an elected official inTulare county California an a republican. She has been re-elected 4 times.
rick says
California has to have some off the dumbest people in the US, Mainly in my opinion They are going to have to have more manufacturing jobs to get a big percentage of the people in poverty as far as we define that! And the Hillary increases immigration up by 550% their state will be the state that gets all these new job takers so if they would vote for Trump as I see it. If he drops corporate tax rate to 15% and get rid as many restrictions that have strangled our businesses, And makes the Biggest Manufacturers an offer they cant refuse because as far as I think we don’t need to have a company like Ford I don’t care if the new manufacturers call them selves ords . That is the biggest thing I would do If I was the President of the US I hate the Idea Obama and Hillary have tried to bankrupt our country for to reasons one is we would be ruled by Queen Hillary and King Obama no term limits in a socialist country where I you could show me a country that has at least 300 million people and show me were socialism worked! They don’t really care about of handing out scrapes that they would give us off their table , they truly only care about them selves . Their is no way that Hillary wants to get America the greatest Economy if run right that could actually if it was run correctly that we could easily have 5-9 % growth every year! Until we pay most of our debt off we could open these Manufacturers that have the factories already built! We just have to think about cranking our Economy back to their highest levels and that would take a 15% corporate tax rate That would mean 15% = fica another 15% state taxes of say 6% unemployment tax depends on your mode lets just say 6% so you have 42 % or 42 cents of every dollar they make they have to pay 42% compared to now Corporate Tax Rate of 40% = 15 % fica, plus the Same 6% state and 6% unemployment that is 67 % so how can you pay high wages! So In my opinion is if Trump does what he says he will do I think our Major corporations need a kick in the ass and if they don’t come back to the US than the New manufacturers will have to have an advantage yes do I think this strategy is non American yes but we have to pay off our debt or we will become a socialist country! I love my country and if we give young African Americans to go to a tech school and a regular school that works better what does a cracker like me know well The city that yahoo ranks as the worst city in America East St Louis were I taught High school Algebra for three years until my fourth heart Attack! I have a BS in Chemical engineering and a BS in Economics , with minors in accounting , statistics, and business! So did I have to teach there no but all the blessings I had received in my life that it was time to give some back! So I looked for the worst city which was a 45 min drive there and back which sucked! But I will tell you the truth is that I couldn’t teach these kids about life they live in the DMZ with no real good jobs unless you think that working in a gentle man’s club! A casino, Fast food , Gas station , liquor stores , prostitution, or selling drugs! No stereo classing it is just the way it is in that city ,but huge amounts of federal land wasted! Yes I taught some of the Algebra but when you live in a city that young men 17-27 70 % have access to a gun what a sad society that voting for the Democrats hasn’t helped that city. I am 57 when I was 18 that was the drinking age there and all bars had killer live bands I went there every weekend and now all I see is destruction! It honestly bothers me this was a killer town that the democrat’s have ran it into the ground and then 50 ft under it! The only good chance of employment is a 40 min train ride then a 40 min bus ride to a place that has tons of jobs! There is one thing that my opinion isn’t Fair lets spend tons of money taking care of Illegal aliens instead of giving African Americans they have earned the right to be called Americans and for society to bring them back to prosperity that we are offering Illegal aliens. People that have no right to be called Americans where African Americans have earned much better treatment This is a fact because since the revolutionary war , civil war, WWI and II , Korea, Viet -nam , Iraq, and Afghanistan they have fought side by side with all of the armed forces and they have done so with destination. They have earned the right to be called Americans and should be treaty with all the same respect they have earned! My Opinion for Illegal aliens is say there is 16 million so a family of 4 with one head of the house hold say 4 million people should be given the right to try and pass basic training in which ever branch of the military they would want to if they say no then it is time to go back to where you are from! Now if say 3.8 million pass basic then they would be required to do a four year stent and be paid the same amount that any solider makes so if those are first priorities we would increase our labor force by 12 million people so we will have to start making the things we consume be made in America for Americans No more selfish Assholes. I hate someone driving a Ferrari and then saying They had to have it I would put a stop to it! Then we should go though every and I mean every government program audited by the best of the Big 8 Auditing firms it would take two or three! We need to get rid of all waste, stealing, fraudulent , and the stupid studies we do own do you think Americans drink how many soda’s a day 1.5 million dollars! Make all our banks bring back there money to the US. We will have to have 3-5 yrs of this then we could start to branch out if we don’t concentrate as a country one for all and all for one. Then we will sink I know some of you say it wont be that bad but that’s BS our country is teetering and spending more money isn’t the answer . If you havent figured it out yet the Clinton’s, Obama’s close confidants , and all the departments of government only care about one thing there money! Come on America I would love to have our country back!
Elle says
Cal gal says
That was a very difficult read from someone with so much education; but I do agree with his opinions.
The stream of thought could have been reviewed and organized in order to be more understandable and effective.
I think that many may have missed the great messages, due to the frustration and giving up trying to read.
Bo Didley says
Top geezer, you put some work into your report.
Debby Pratt says
I found it to be quite a bit of work to just read it! I’m far from ‘uneducated’ but–whew! LOL
Terry says
LA,SF area goes mostly Democrates. The rest of the State Not. Winner takes all the counties. It is a racket. If the people vote in something they want and the State doesn’t like it they throw it out. They only fallow the laws the power people like. I am 6 generation ca and want out. To many people from other countries most don’t have a clue. They don’t like to teach history in calif.
jan says
I hadn’t heard that about JB….. The Bush’s can’t be trusted. I know at one point there were interested in the one world government and were interested in moving their cattle ranching to South America, I think it was Argentina. I do not know if they accomplished it.
D. DeRossett says
Linda, I get the gist of your message, but most of it just doesn’t make sense. Your sentence structure needs a lot of cleaning up.
David says
The Establishment needs to disappear or be taken out!!!
Rosech says
You may be surprised how many republicans ARE voting for Trump and even some democrats, as I live in this tax-ridden state and, yes, moonbeam’s legacy train a joke and exponentially growing costs means more money in democrat pockets here while no one wants the train!
I think we will see a difference in November.Many do not say that they vote for Trump because you have the Clinton Gangs out there to intimidate the People.This all is very UN AMERICAN.But what is NEW.There are so many NONE Americans in the USA on Free Food,Medical Help and Housing paid by the real Americans.
steve says
i agree and don’t forget all the refugees, FREE rent,food,health insurance,and last but not least $2200 each every man women and child from social security no wonder its going under.
Jeanette says
Since it’s so easy to see what will come (mathematically) of Obamacare’s forcing Americans to cover all insurance and medical costs for a polygamous (ICE allows Muslim multiple wives into the U.S.) and exponentially exploding Muslim population, I believe that Trump well knows that Obamacare is designed to give America to Obama’s beloved Muslims.
The federal government owns 60% of home home mortgages. When Americans simply cannot pay any more for Obamacare, they will lose those homes, and it is all too likely that the Feds will sell them at a steep discount to Muslims as part of Obama’s Muslim America Plan, which I believe he was hinting at when he said that America is a Muslim nation. It wasn’t an error; it was a prediction.
Trump won’t allow that to continue, and for me, that alone is reason enough to vote for him.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Three witnesses ordered to testify Tuesday before a House committee investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server asserted their constitutional rights against self-incrimination and did not appear or refused to answer questions.
That refusing to answer is a signed sealed and delivered answer that says GUILTY even by association it still means the three so far along with Hillary are GUILTY AS HELL no two ways about it….
TRUMP/PENCE 2016—-2024 The only duo who will bring down the corruption in Washington D.C. and the corrupt are scared shit less!!!!!!!!!!!!
No more Clintons or Obamas
OracleGuy says
RETIRED, not answering questions from a panel of buffoons who will ask the same questions again and again and again seems less like GUILTY and more like SHOVE IT to me.
HeywoodJablowme says
“Shove it” is your response to our government trying to weed out corruption? No wonder why we have the corrupt government we have with enablers like you voting.
Clayton Sibley says
good answer.
Cal gal says
I watched as the last man questioned was served a subpoena immediately after his “non-testimony” in order to force him to answer the questions at the next session or be charged.
I saw a short mention the following day that he was missing. Then…nothing! Another victim of the killing machine?
Constitutionalist says
Their refusal to appear and answer questions also constitutes Contempt of Congress, punishable by a fine of up to 100G’s and a year in prison.
i sincerely hope that all who treat Congressional subpoenas with contempt pay the price.
JCS says
I wouldn’t hold my breath
Sicklesteel says
They won’t. The worthless fucks never do.
Cal gal says
I have a feeling that the man that was served the subpoena on camera has “paid the price” already..but from the Killery side. There was a brief mention somewhere the next day that he was “missing”.
yes no more crooked Clintons and obamas,well how does America like there 1st black president,i gotta laugh
KRIS says
you are so pathetic!
you are such a D*** ID***!
Alexiy says
Answering “How do we like our first black president,” Reality is TX is and was since pre Civil War like 38 current states, “A one drop blood state,” meaning if a person has a drop of black blood they are black by the archaic law. Ike was born in TX. Both parties wanted the 5* General. His beautiful grandmother was a freed black slave and according to TX law we had a black president from 52 to JFK in 1960. Ike sent 5 million illegal Mexicans back, they returned, he built airstirps in So. Mexican jungles and shipped in ’54 5 million illegals back and they never returned then.
Judy says
I find it interesting that Obama ‘s mother was white and he was raised by his white grand parents but he still identifies as black in every way shape and form. I think he has single handedly caused a great divide in the US.
Jeanette says
He would never have gotten anywhere politically unless he identified as black.
We haven’t seen anything yet, as far as a great divide.
Wait until each non-Muslim American is paying for several Muslims’ free insurance and healthcare (along with non-Obamacare freebies that they get).
Of course, it will be too late by then.
Trump is the only one who will stop that freight train.
Kenneth Stelter says
Don’t forget the Bush Family – for 28 years the Establishment has controlled OUR Government with their Liberal RINO and DEM Puppets. It’s time to END them Milking the Cow and stuffing their pockets.
Jeanette says
No more people whose names we don’t even know are legal!
I’ve never seen a document showing that Obama legally changed his name from Soetero.
Lori says
RETIRED..We DO have the sense..the Dems always CHEAT BIG TIME HERE and take it!!! Trump got all 271 delegates in the primaries and is winning the popular vote here by a landslide!!! That means many of us gave him the vote that would take him over the top and then some!!! It’s just the Democrats..they always just paint us blue!! We are not blue!!! We used to be red many years ago until damn Hollywood and their Elites started schmoozing up to the filthy DEMS..and the worst of it, most those crazy actors and actresses are not even from CA!!! They’re from every state EXCEPT HERE!! We have very little actors that actually were truly born here. They come from all over and then they love our state, get messed up in the use of drugs and then they decide to stay and therefore, messing our state up! I’m tired of people thinking it’s so’s not!!! Except for some of the Bay Area and most of Hollywood, we are pretty Conservative. We voted marijuana down by 70% last vote. Again, this electoral college must be demolished!! It’s just a HUGE CHEAT FOR DEMS. No way are we blue!!! They just keep taking CA for themselves!!!! Many of us here know that and hate it!! We want them’re right, they’re ruining our state!!! But please, you other states, keep your crazies to yourselves when it comes to people wanting to get into acting…we got enough of our own!! You think I’m wrong, look up a favorite actor or actress and you will learn, they are almost always not from here. They just came here to work, then settled here cuz they liked the state..and stunk up our state because they’ve gotten mixed up with the wrong crowds. Like I stated, we have enough of our own as every state does, we don’t need more garbage from elsewhere. CA, if the popular vote counted, which I feel it should go back to that or paper ballots better yet, would be a landslide for Trump, therefore turning us red. Get rid of the whole CROOKED Dem/lib party, they just aren’t who they say anymore!!!
Judy Selich says
Among the many ridiculous statements Clinton has made over the months, the worst one was saying that Americans must put aside their religious beliefs for “the good of the country”. That was a clear indicator of Clinton’s lack of morality and her refusal to acknowledge that Americans are Constitutionally-guaranteed their right to religious freedom. The Constitution gives all Americans the right to worship God in accordance with those beliefs. Clinton’s attempt to deny the language of the First Amendment proves her unworthiness for the presidency.
Constitutionalist says
Judy Selich-
The Constitution gives all Americans the right to worship God in accordance with those beliefs
Not exactly.
The Constitution prohibits gov’t actors from MESSING with religion and religious practices.
Many people labor under the delusion that the Constitution “gives” rights, when nothing could be father from the Truth. The F&F believed that all Rights are God-given, and therefore out of the reach of lawmaking powers of men. As the DoI puts it:
“…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Know Rights or no rights.
Dr. Robert Schwartz says
This was well written! It touches on several crucial elements of the election. It slightly suggests the truth that the many towns and cities outside of H’wood and S Fran are truly stalwart and morally upright Americans. The trash that is promoted via H’wood is so obnoxious to us upright Americans that anything and virtually anyone in or near H’wood is totally transformed since arrival. Example? the former Disney World girl! What has she become? a beacon for vulgarity and obnoxiousness.
Which female H’wood woman started the “Plunging V”? or was it a designer of blouses who decided it was time to turn H’wood’s females onto a new line of vulgarity?
California is becoming a sardonic joke for “progress,” i.e., progress in revealing new parts of the female anatomy via the marketing process. What H’wood film lacks the violence of guns, cars, exaggerated material wealth and sex?
Finally, “Is this what us real Americans want?” We want a morally upright citizenry, focused on the moral qualities that brought our country through to today. We want to avoid the ills that we have indulged in over time. And, we want leaders who will articulate the noblest values and attitudes of mankind, and that will negate the sickies of H’wood and their minions and admirers.
Jeanette says
I hate to have to say it, but I believe you could add other large cities to that list – Houston, Dallas, Austin, for starters (since I live in Texas)!
KRIS says
Hanko American says
Trump has already won, KRIS!! Sorry to pop your democratic bubble! WE THE PEOPLE are fed up with corrupt politics as usual!
Ileana says
Kris, in case you have not heard , Trump has been anointed by
GOD and will be the 45th President of this great U.S.A.
Judy says
If Trump doesn’t win…this great country will go to H___ in a hand basket. We can’t afford to have crooked Hillary win. She’ll just keep lining her pockets with gold on the backs of the working poor.
Phil says
Right into Hillary Parkinson Clintons
Deplorable BASKET
Jeanette says
Says the person who is apparently incapable of typing in anything other than all caps?
We’re really going to hang on to your every (capitalized) word, I’m sure!
ron says
. Is that straight from …. satan ?
Jim says
Well said Lori. I really don’t give a rat’s bottom what the self important actors or actresses think.
James says
you have to have a paper vote.—the machine voting can and will be rigged in favor of the witch Killary. You tube showed the man who made up the software and he demonstrated how it worked . One vote for Trump 2 for Killary even though he had put in 3 votes for Trump. Look it up!!!!
Jeanette says
I have a similar message for Mexico, from Texas!
Hope says
So true, We heard Californians are Democrats but most everyone I talk to is Republican and has conservative values. I think even Jerry Brown stole the election from Whitman with some kind of democratic tricks. Most Californians are easy-going and they accept what is happening without putting up a fight. It’s time we start putting up a fight and turn the silent majority into a screaming majority.
Debby Pratt says
Same for the state of Maine!! On their ‘maps’ we’re painted ‘blue’ but even our elected officials are talking ‘red’!!! Where do they get this ‘stuff’ anyway?? Granted, your ‘average’ Maine resident is quiet and keeps their opinions pretty much to themselves–but, the ones who are talking are supporting Trump!
ProudDeplorable says
The as is true about N.Y. once you get out of the city. Mostly conservatives who believe in working hard AND who have been really hurt by this economy. Jobs and national security are the big issues there and I’d love to see N.Y. go red!
Larry Blake says
It’s not over yet. Internal polls have Trump up by 3 in Calif. We’ll see . . .
Judy says
I’d love it if he won California and Oregon.
ann says
That’s why California is called the “land of the fruits and nuts”. They’re the ones who started all this politically correct garbage with their high and mighty ideas coming out of la-la land, Hollywood.
BJ McCorkle says
The truth is that the Democrat votes are coming from the high population cities of SF, LA and SD. We who live in the less populated parts of the state of California have little or no say in what happens. An example is that our waters are shipped to those cities and Democrat control prevents those very waters from going to farmers in favor of a small fish and lush golf courses.
This fact is one of the reasons why there is a desire by some to divide the state.
I am not in a county that I can vote against Pelosi and other Democrat elite and I sure didn’t vote for JB.
Steve says
Yes they have their private personal well being as their focus, on the back of the already over burdened tax payer. The tax system causing buisness, jobs and income taxes to exodus.
Minerva Moser says
It really sucks to be a Republican in California. You sign petitions to send to the legislators, and you know at the same time it’s useless. I feel sure that even if over 50% of their constituents asked them to vote in a more conservative way, they’d ignore it and still vote with a liberal bias. My only hope is to support term limits so we can maybe get these old liberal crones out of office.
Judy says
It sucks to be Republican in Oregon also. We have a governor who is as far left as it could possibly be and no Christian values. It’s sad to live in such a beautiful state but have to live amongst such flaming liberals.
Rachelle Berninger Cambra says
I don’t understand why New York is a blue state here on the map as shown when every county in New York voted Republican except one during the Primaries !
debdell says
There are lots of us here in CA who like Trump. I’ve been with him since the beginning. The dems big problem is the corruption that angered Bernie supporters who will either not vote or vote for Johnson or Stein. If a great candidate like Trump can’t beat despicable Hillaroid then the country is in big trouble. I predict that Trump will win in a landslide. Lots of dems won’t say they are voting for Trump, but when they go into the voting booth I think they will vote against Hillaroid the hemorrhoid.
Michael retired US Navy says
just wait until these people from California, Oregon, Washington and other democratic states learn that 110,000 more Syrian Muslim refugees are coming to invade our country on January 2017, aside from 10,000 coming next month, this October. Our christian country will not be safe any longer if mixed with their religion.
Liz says
I’m from California citizens are voting Trump not a one for Hillary. In fact the whole democrat delegates walked out on CLinton at the DNC…..If Clinton wins California it will be fraud and illegals recounts will be needed if it matters at that point.
Dan says
Ignore polls and vote Trump. This is NOT the “election” to sit out.
Beverly Skinner says
EXACTLY!! This IS, THE MOST important Election in our History!!! If Hillary wins, our Country is DONE, as we know it!!!
Linda says
It will become a Socialist/Communist UN controlled region in the North American Union! We will all be controlled cheap labor for that world economy. Does anyone care about their lives and children/grand children’s lives? I hope enough do! MAGA
WASHINGTON (AP) — Three witnesses ordered to testify Tuesday before a House committee investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server asserted their constitutional rights against self-incrimination and did not appear or refused to answer questions.
That refusing to answer is a signed sealed and delivered answer that says GUILTY even by association it still means the three so far along with Hillary are GUILTY AS HELL no two ways about it….
TRUMP/PENCE 2016—-2024 The only duo who will bring down the corruption in Washington D.C. and the corrupt are scared shit less!!!!!!!!!!!!
No more Clintons or Obamas
ann says
What I don’t understand, Retired, is these three witnesses were granted immunity if they agreed to co-operate and answer the questions. Well, now that, that hasn’t happened are they going to be prosecuted?
JCS says
I wouldn’t mind if the “the 3 omega’s” get off as long as Killary doesn’t.
Cal gal says
One was served a subpoena at the end of the session..with the press coverage documenting it. I saw a short mention the next day that ghetto was missing. Nothing since….?
ron says
ann …
. Didn’t see an answer to your question but don’t you guess there is a good chance they fear for their or families lives ?
KRIS says
Hanko American says
O’Vomit was elected twice because mooselim money bought him into office both times. Money will always do this with corrupt politics ruling. O’Vomit was “twice a loser!” & so our country can testify to!! Ken-you must be a mooselim dumocrat!!
debdell says
McCain was terrible and even I didn’t vote for him and his stupid 100 years of war.
I thought Romney would win and I voted for him, but he got weird at the end as if he was scared about losing and decided to follow others advice, which was a mistake. Watching his last debate was pathetic. Also, the RINOs pissed us off when they black balled Ron Paul from the nomination and many said screw you and didn’t vote.
Jeanette says
There was also a tremendous amount of fraud in Obama’s second election – dead people voting, 150% of some cities voting; pets receiving voter registration applications (and those with Democrat owners probably voting); underage kids voting (in fact, one 17-year-old admitted on national TV that he had voted at every mall in his town); military ballots kept from being counted, etc.
The penalty for fraudulent voting needs to be severe, but of course, the Dems won’t have that!
cliff says
Yes he was….. by VOTER FRAUD! Polling places “patrolled” by the “new black panthers”, (and not prosecuted,) multiple “voters” taken from place to place in buses, Rigged Machines , ILLEGALS VOTING, DEAD PEOPLE “votes” And all the usual SCUMOCRAT CHEATING. All proved and covered up by the scumocrats, Rinos and all the other “elites” that want to retain their CONTROL, MONEY, AND POWER over the FOOLS looking for all the “freebies” they can get.
Lori says
EXACTLY!!! This is do or die!! Get out and vote don’t sit out..request paper ballot..try to work as a poll observer and write down who people voted for. That way we have proof and a trail…DEMS will cheat. They are counting the votes in Spain!!! Soros the nonAmerican is behind this! This must be stopped!!! Enough is enough!!!
James says
yupper he owns the counting machine and he can rig them to put Killary in as Pre
Betty Lowery says
I agree with Dan….if you haven’t registered, please do it there’s time left to do so….GO TO THE POLLS AND VOTE….please don’t sit at home thinking, “My vote won’t count”….it does….it is a privilege. If you don’t vote, please don’t complain about all of the conditions our country is in…you don’t have a right to.
Ai says
Your vote will count. Stop whining. Trump will stop the corruption in Washington.
CJ says
…. aided by a court ruling upholding a ban on voting by ex-felons, who often register as Democrats. That should tell you something about the Democrat party.
Nick says
Don’t forget illegal aliens,and the dead always vote for Democrats.
OracleGuy says
Then Trump needs to figure out how to get his share of the dead vote. Do you imbeciles really think that polling officers, usually representing both parties, will allow unregistered voters past the first table? You really need to get a better handle on reality and stop saying that if Trump loses the election was rigged. If Trump loses, it will be no surprise whatever.
Sandy Ssmith says
As an Election Official, I’m here to tell you that the ‘rigging’ takes place prior to entering the Polling Place.
OracleGuy says
Then you must, according to the oath you take as an election judge, report the activity. If you don’t have proof enough to do that, you don’t have proof.
John G . says
Sandy, OracleGuy is a thickheaded dimwit without any redeeming social value’s (typical Liberal) who can’t reason logically so give up on him.
John G . says
Glad to see the “Liberal Moron” has returned to spout your incoherent Hillary the “Hun” babble while drooling all over yourself. The two of you should be diapered and put in a corner somewhere out of sight and hearing range..
Jeanette says
My husband once saw four illegal aliens vote for Democrats here in Texas.
They claimed that they all lived at the same address, and all four of them had the exact same name.
They likely had fake documentation, but that wouldn’t bother a Democrat election official.
They’re lucky I wasn’t there; I would have shouted the rafters down so that everyone in the room knew what was going on.
Lori says
CHEATS…BIG TIME!! BETTER YET, why can’t we overthrow that party before the election. They cannot stay honest..they do not deserve to be in the race. Trump gets placed in automatically..that’ll teach them to stop the cheating. WE THE PEOPLE need to take our Country back!!! Stupid people(welfare lazies, liberals, etc.) either conform or suffer the consequences!!
JCS says
I don’t know how anyone can affiliate them selves with the democratic party when you see all the total distasteful corruption that it stands for. If I live to be a 100 (which I doubt) I’ll never understand it.
Jeanette says
They act like it’s an addiction that they can’t overcome, no matter how much damage the addiction causes.
ron says
Jeanette …
. SO Right. …
. satan does not care how he destroys US.
KRIS says
Jeanette says
From the Cloward-Piven, Marxist-trained, liberal, “progressive,” Democrat communists, of course!
Don’t you know what you are?
One major party has more than 75 members who openly belong to the CPUSA – want to guess which party that is?
Jeanette says
Make that “One major party has more than 75 House members …”
Lilly Putney says
We just need to keep spreading the good news so that it out shouts what the talking heads and pundits are saying. Since Trump go in this race they have all been wrong.
Buzz says
A Trump win over the Evil Witch would be Awesome.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Three witnesses ordered to testify Tuesday before a House committee investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server asserted their constitutional rights against self-incrimination and did not appear or refused to answer questions.
That refusing to answer is a signed sealed and delivered answer that says GUILTY even by association it still means the three so far along with Hillary are GUILTY AS HELL no two ways about it….
TRUMP/PENCE 2016—-2024 The only duo who will bring down the corruption in Washington D.C. and the corrupt are scared shit less!!!!!!!!!!!!
No more Clintons or Obamas
law5960 says
Since you are retired, it appears you have nothing better to do than cutting and pasting this comment. Do yourself a favor – get up out of your chair and take a little walk.
Ronald Robinson says
Kiss it law man . a lot of us are retired but do not sit on our asses. That is our option to sit or do other things. Another old man.
law5960 says
I commend you, sir, for taking the time to make an original comment. The other “Retired” guy just cuts and pastes the same comment (which was probably copied from someone else) over and over. Is that deplorable? Is that a troll? Anyway, I worry about his physical and mental health and hope that he will get up and move around a bit.
Lori says
RETIRED..good post!!
James says
I agree (another retired)
Arthur Hartsock says
I hope that Mr. Trump stays focused and discusses the issues for next couple months. Please no loose cannon statements. Every hard-working, tax paying, middle class American has to know the truth by now. Hillary will be train wreck of all time. Trump isn’t perfect, but Mr. Perfect didn’t run in this election campaign. I just have to trust that Donald will find the best advisors possible. I just can’t believe that he’d work this hard to be successful and then ruin the system that allowed him to succeed. Early voting is almost here in many states. Every statement is double in importance now. Focus.
Frank Adamo says
Totally agree.
Mike says
Agree with you 100%
Rosech says
There have never been any “perfects” in our history of candidates running for president (and unfortunately most were democrats) because they took and gave bribes, took care of their cronies such as Franklin Roosevelt “creating” the Social Security garbage, had mistresses and most were progressives (meaning communists as this is the cover word for same), and had a lot of troubles of various kinds. What we want is a real leader with accomplishments (remember, over 30 years of promises of what she would do and to date nothing NADA ZILCH done except ways to disrupt America with Benqhazi, getting Qaddafi murdered, causing Arab Spring, and, yes, I do believe Obama and she enabled ISIS with our money in more ways than one), who actually loves America and is know for seeing problems and getting the solution and problem solved. No one and nothing is perfect in this world since time began!
OracleGuy says
Rosech, the website Quora says:
Despite confusing rhetoric from the right-wingers, progressivism has no direct correlations with socialism, communism or liberalism. Instead, progressives are concerned with advancing society for the benefit of everyone in the most pragmatic and innovative ways possible. This means a progressive advocates advances in everything: technology, health and well-being, more equitable laws and civil rights, a broader application of science in modern decision-making in all levels of society, and often more egalitarian access to resources and opportunity.
If you read something besides TheHornNews and you would realize that.
John G . says
OracleGuy, yeah take from one and give to another great way to even things out except you add untold freebies to create a whole social network that relies on government for everything and insure a steady stream of uninformed voters you flipping jerk.
Jeanette says
I doubt that these socialists/communists in Democrat disguise have ever spent any real time in socialist or communist countries.
A few years in Venezuela or Cuba (and not the tourist section), or even some of the old Soviet satellite countries that have not been able to recover, would clear up their vision amazingly.
MSSouth says
Wow, Oracle Guy, your definition of “progressive” sounds kinda like what we conservatives want. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE is, we think that individuals should be doing those things instead of BIG GOVERNMENT.
All the major advancement (medical, technological, true science, etc.) this country has made in last 100 yrs. was NOT due to a group’s (read progressives’) fin-naggeling.
We are individuals, not robots. Some of us want a better life so we WORK for it through, education, and self-discipline. Then there are those who are more than willing to sit and let daddy government take care of them. There are NO excuses, you set goals and then work to obtain them. Every American of this country has an equal opportunity to succeed or fail. It’s an individual choice.
Jeanette says
And we would expect them to say nothing else.
Patriot says
He won’t when he commits do do something he does it have faith he will deliver his best for this country unlike liberals that want to destroy everything this country stands for and as you see world leaders have no respect for a weak stupid antiamerican president.
Go TRUMP 2016
Ronald Robinson says
Patriot, when Donald wins and gets rid of the crooked half of our politicians they should be able to do all the things he wants and increase our Social Security as well.
Heather, funinthesun says
We that at least rely on SS and Medicare for half of our monthly expenses have not had more than 1% since 2009 from the obamas government is shameful. They insist that the cost of living has not increased because gas has gone down?? Hahaha have these fuc..ears absolutely lost their minds. I meet so many fellow single women retires in the supermarket crying because they cannot afford to buy a bag of potatoes, it’s heartbreaking, TRUMP HELP US! The lease is to end November the complex is increasing my RENT AN EXTRA $100 a month, how are we supposed to come up with that.THAT 1% LETS SAY IS $25 SS TOOK THAT TOWARDS MY MEDICARE PAYMENT RIGHT OUT OF MY CHECK SO I HAVE NOT SEEN A RAISE NOT A PENNY BECAUSE ITS TAKEN OUTOF MY SHECK BEFORE I GET, IS THAT FAIR “OBAMAASS ” or maybe it goes towards your golf lessons or your family very expensive holidays?? GO TRUMP FIVE STARS …..
Lorna says
I am Canadian, but our governments are run about the same. THE PRESIDENT does’t have a vote!!!! The entire cabnet votes even against the President. Just read ROBERTS RULE it covers it all regarding how to run a meeting to how a government is run.
For most of us in Canada we do care how you vote (who gets in) so far you have to choose between the worst or best of 2 evils. TRUMP will NEVER listen to ANYONE he rules with an iron fist. He said so right in the begining, the only reason he changed his tune is because the REPUBLICAN PARTY told him to do so. He still believes in raising taxes. And putting the money in his pocket. They ALL if smart start their own CHARITIES just the same as all the rich people do.
Anyway I will be watching with interest to see just how the votes go, It all changes at the polls.
Allen says
If you don’t go to vote…then you are
voting for Hillary. Vote for Trump and
turn this insane economy around!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Very true there Allen, I agree with you entirely. NON VOTERS who constantly complain in public that have never, ever voted at all for NO DAMNED REASON are the ones that will always point their damned fingers at all of the political corruption that goes on. Those DAMNED
POS NON VOTERS are the ones who keep the crooks in power and fix & rig elections by NOT VOTING AT ALL FOR NO DAMNED REASON want that damned POS white trash Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton in the White House and are HKRAKC’s biggest & best group of supporters that she has. The POS NON VOTERS are the ones who are destroying the country by not voting, but constantly complaining & pointing their fingers and finding fault. If a person does not vote at all, the person that does not vote at all has no right to the freedom of speech and thereby forfeits that right and should keep their damned mouths shut if they are not voting.
Anita Luper says
God be with Trump and Pence!
Chris says
Here in the UK, Wales in particular, many of us would be devastated if Lucrezia Clinton were to win. Or should I call her Lady MacBeth Clinton. How can America ever have voted for a bloody muslim, knowing islam is sworn to take over the world and destroy civilization? We all hope Don and Vlad will get together and wipe islam off the face of the Earth. There is no place for a brutal and evil creed that practices ritual slaughter and butchers little girls because in islam women aren’t supposed to enjoy making love, or in their case, rape.
Rosech says
Thank all of you and especially in Wales for being more alert and awake than many here in the USA drinking the fool’s aid. Frankly, we were pleased with Brexit so keep up the good work for freedom there!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Chris the UK did the right thing by leaving the EU, I wish my ancestoral Ireland would do the exact same thing. Atlantic island nation of the U.K.,Ireland & Iceland should not be in the EU at all, great work there in leaving the EU.
Lanny D Wren says
pastriesqueen says
I hope we will follow BREXIT. USEXIT!
Davy says
seems to me that “trainwreck” Trump could be back on the tracks! Get off the train Hillary hobos!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Davy the only train wreck there is is the Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton train which is only a rotted out hand car that can’t even move at all.
Debbie Davis says
So glad to see this, the National Media has been so Biased!! I just do not understand how so many could support Witch Hillary!! Her & Obama are selling out our Country and it needs to stop!! Thank you Donald Trump for stepping up and running for President!! We need a Strong American Leader like you, not the corrupt politicians we have had for years!! Let’s all work with Trump to Make America Great Again!!!! Oh & by the way his kids are awesome!!!
Margaret Robinson says
You are so right that says a great deal for Trump all his children are equal in his sight and I admire his respect for the 2 exs and their respect for him. Something you rarely or ever see. I didn’t start out supporting Trump but the more I learn about him the more I respect, admire, and support him. People we have been given a second chance please get out and vote “TRUMP”
Lori says
Vote Trump! reading this makes me so happy! i hope it’s true because i honestly don’t know what i will do if that evil sick (literally and figuratively) woman wins. and i am so mad that she has Obama out stumping for her is anyone else outraged by this? That is so disgusting it makes me want to puke to see a sitting president campaigning for an evil corrupt candidate and i wonder how much tax payers got to spend for Air force one yesterday so he could campaign for her.
Margaret Robinson says
Lori, Birds of a feather flock together. Its not hard to figure this out each one has so much knowledge of corruption on one another they have to protect themselves because when Trump becomes President there is no doubt reality will come to light. And those feathers will start to fly that’s when we will Thank our God for His blessings and answers to our prayers. God bless America
Roy Stevens says
Lamont Frey says
I don’t believe the polls. I live in South West Florida and Trump signs are 10 to 1.
Rosech says
You will enjoy this real Random Control poll as to real truth and the democrats/leftists/soros, etc. are frantic!
Judy says
And just look at the rallies. Trump fills stadiums, with some still left outside that wouldn’t fit. IF and WHEN Hillary has something, there are hardly more then a couple hundred people there. I can’t believe that doesn’t say something–like the polls are probably rigged. I have never been polled. If you poll 75% dems, the dems will win that poll. Lets vote for Trump, even if “the polls” say it is hopeless. If we all get out and vote, Trump will have it.
John G . says
Good, he’s staying on message and putting out excellent platforms – he deserves it.
Sylvia Chilton says
Yes!! Trump all the way to the Whitehouse. We desperately need new ideas and leadership running our country, especially now. Trump is a very smart businessman and his ideas for the country are just what we need to get this country back on track the way it was meant to be and what our military men and women have so bravely fought for all these years. I too, am a Vietnam veteran (US Navy woman–wave). I don’t have children or grandchildren, however, I do want what’s good for the people left to hopefully enjoy this nation and stand up with pride , salute our flag and thank God our Creator for a nation that was founded on Christianity. One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. amen!
Ronald Bethoney says
Mary Eich says
Am glad to see that things are changing. It never does any good to lie and cheat others just to be able to win. Sooner or later the lies show up and that is bad for those who believe in the one who is lying because they are the ones who get hurt and it makes it hard for them to trust anyone else. What surprises me is that no matter how much Clinton has lied there are those who go on believing her no matter what.
GoNavy! says
The democrats treat elections like they were a football game. Their team has to win regardless of the consequences.
joe says
all good comments. we are voting early sept 22, 2016 All Aboard 2 votes in the Good Basket for TRUMP
Cliff says
Good! America greatly needs a real American in our oval office after so many of these godless NWO anti American puppets going around putting dog poo on everything.
Kath says
Our only hope to stop corruption and to stop the Clintons control over Fbi and witnesses pleading the 5th and getting away with murder is to vote Trump and he has to win in a landslide or it will be easy for them to fix it in her favor. We all know it’s fixed for her since she is the chosen one. Obama is helping her but people see that he is beyond corrupt.
C Goodson says
Hillary will not make it past the first debate and the way it looks she may not even appear at the first debate she may send Bill instead
Ai says
I say.
iwojimafan says
You mean the Rapist Sexual Predator Lying Bill Clinton
asp says
In the past Trump’s Foundation was not a problem at all. None brought this issue up. Now that he is gaining in polls, the hounds from the other side are after him. Hillary has problem hiding her serious health conditions to be the leader, even the media is carrying water for her. She has proven once again how she cares only about herself and not about the security of our nation. Who knows what is entailed in the new hacked Wikileak’s emails?
At least, we the Voters, through Asange, are finding out all the shady activities Hillary was involved in, while she was handling the job of our Secretary of State; she took an oath over the bible to protect our country over her own needs, but while in that chair, she was focused on beefing her foundation donations and that is not a good trait for an experienced politician i think.
charles stephenson says
VOTE…it is a matter of life and death for the country as a democracy or republic…If the democrats win and pack
the supreme court..they will RULE from that position ,making the senate and House or even oposing president IRREVELENT
think about it, get off your fanny and go vote,and take people with you/
The Texan says
A lot of people tend to forget that a Presidential election does not depend so much on the overall popular vote as it does the electoral vote of the electoral college. While the electoral college does rely on the popular votes in individual States, Each State is only allocated a specified number of votes based on the size of its population. In the past the Democrat party has always presumed that a larger voter turn out would improve their chances of winning. But everything in this election seems to be turned upside down. And it would seem that a smaller turnout might actually be more to Hillary’s benefit in the electoral vote. While Hillary has her staunch die hard supporters who appear ready to defend and justify her no matter what, she has also managed to alienate segments of the traditional Democrat base. She has openly admitted that she would work to shut down the coal industry and put people out of work along with all the rippling affects that would produce. She has espoused an energy policy that would make us more dependent on foreign imports. She has demonstrated a careless attitude toward national security. And she wants to raise everyone’s taxes. On the other Hand Trump has his distractor even among Republicans that say they will never vote for him. But he has managed to energize a portion of the population that almost never bothers to vote. So a larger voter turn out in this segment of the population would tend to favor Trump in the electoral vote. This election is not over yet.
dennis says
How can any reasonable human being even consider voting for hillary when it will be giving america 2 more (considering her health and mental issues) years of the same old coruption and dishonest y that has made AMERICA a third world nation and changed our culture and our freedoms so this country is run not by the people but by corrupt politicans with only their own agenda to make them selves rich at the expense of the citizens and ignoring the constitution!!!!!!!!
Ronald Bethoney says
Thank you God for sending us Trump.
Jake says
When you look at the map of blue states and see California as blue, but then the LA Times has Trump up by nearly 5 points over clinton, something just does not seem right there!
If the LA Times has Trump ahead of clinton and it has been that way for weeks now, I would not be so certain that clinton will win California. LA is democrat liberal central, something is going in Cali and it is not being discuss at all!!!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
California, Oregon,Washington, Hawaii & Alaska which is the Pacific Coast region of the nation is for Donald J. Trump, so is the entire 9
state Northeast Region of the country. Where I live at in the damned Sh@thole, Loser City Tucson metro area there are hardly any Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton signs, posters, bumper stickers, badges & pins. There are lots of Donald J. Trump signs,posters, pins, badges & bumper stickers, the next are Gary Johnson ones for the Libertarian party & then Jill Stein of the Green Party,
it has the Demoncrats and the City of Tucson’s 1870’s party all scared. The city government of Tucson’s attitude is 1880 & beyond are just
street addresses, not years, not decades, but just street addresses. I’m planning on leaving the Loser City Tucson metro area for good by next year and be as far away from it as possible. I ended up there because of the military base closures that went on during the Bill Clinton years in the White House. TRUMP-PENCE ALL THE WAY, TRUMP-PENCE 2016 & 2020.
Frank says
All I can say is you watch the DNC they are going to register voters who already has pass away and also illegal aliens who comes from other countries. This election is going to be so rigged it is not going to be funny. That is a crying shame what a world we hard working Americans have to live in.
Jim says
I really feel thar Trump will win 45 states. And to top it off, Hillary won’t even run. The DNC is already looking for her replacement.
For the Clintons it called karma.
Yadja says
The backlash Trump is getting from all the “Enemies” of “We the People” hasn’t slowed him down one bit and this time, unlike before when the rigging worked when the Popular Vote shows that almost all America for Trump there will be trouble if he doesn’t win. Yes I know the Popular Vote doesn’t elect the president and that is why Andrew Jackson wanted the Electorate done away with, but this time so much at stake they will pay for it. This country will erupt like never before and Hellery, if alive we haven’t seen hide nor hair of her since 9/11 will pay the people won’t allow her to be president.
Romeo says
That’s true! We need strong leadership in the White House so let’s vote for Donald Trump and tell your relatives and friends let’s make this country USA Great Again!
Steve says
If you want the truth about the Democratic party and what Obama and Hillary have done the last 8 years go to Judicial Watch .Com These people are doing amazing work with the FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) which has uncovered Obama and Hillary’s lies and dastardly deeds including Benghazi,HRC’s email coverup,Fast and Furious,Voter Fraud and much more from this adminstration.You need to get a copy of EXPOSING OUR GOVERNMENT’S SECRETS AND LIES / CLEAN HOUSE by Tom Fitton president of JUDICIAL WATCH. This book is a must read, you will be shocked at what they have uncovered from the FOIA. Get a copy and share with your friends and family
RLS says
Trump wants to go in the opposite direction of the far left, he wants to create a better America, and you do that by listening to the people….not shutting them out like Obama and Clinton have done.
jon says
Not a Trump lanslide….but instead……an AVALANCHE… with heart and mind…Americans will not let their Country fail…go trump
Jeff says
Let’s all go vote. We need them.
Justin W says
Donald Trump said he was a master dealmaker. We may find out that he was right all along. The best strategies are usually ones that the average person doesn’t recognize. Some of us may find on election night that our worries about Trump’s ability to win were unnecessary.
Rocky says
California needs to build a wall….but, can they afford it?
Nancy McPherson says
I’m a volunteer with the NRA Political Victory Fund and we are making hundreds (maybe thousands) of calls each week reminding voters how critical this election is. We also have teams out knocking on doors and leaving literature. If all the gun owners and NRA members turn out, we can swing this election.
female tax payor says
Great news. My Calif. friends and local family are 100% Trump. Also hearing pro trump talk around town a lot here in San Diego area. Think Orange County is leaning Trump too. But then we don’t think like San Fran. & San Jose but LA times this week has had it with Hillary cover-up crap so amazingly heads are coming out of the sand in some liberal pockets too. Love to shake some sense into all of um…Keep going Strong Trump!
Tom Day says
Trump will not only win here in Va, but will win the election with the popular vote and electoral coll., it will be a landslide. Here’s why, certain things happen in life where we seem to have no control of and just along for the ride, here is a man who beat 16 pro congressmen, senators, doctors and business woman, the Democratic machine, the Republican elitists, consistently beats and out smarts the liberal media and use them to further his campaign without spending so much, foreign leaders, globalist trying to destroy us, even the Pope and he has gotten stronger. He has an ear for things that we the people care about and has run a campaign that inspires us to not accept the status quo, and communicates that ” this is what’s wrong and this is how we fix it’. Nothing seems to stop him, why? Certain things in life is just God’s will, his will does not steer us wrong, it’s the natural order of things. Trump is god’s will.
Tom Day says
We just have to help him, help us by mass voting
jwb says
Praise to Donnie, you are the one appointed by the people. You wear a crown of thorns that will stick anyone who gets in your way and we bow to your greatness and give you the theater …………………..
Robert Hagedorn says
Horn editorial team: Change the blue “270 TO WIN” to red!
iris cross says
NAN says
Jean says
Is Hillary using a fake name, Masanja ???? Who could endorse a known and proven liar like Hillary
Clinton. Who has failed at every position she has ever held. She was instrumental in pressuring the
military into burning the children at the Waco church. She has covered for Bill Clinton in the rapes
of a number of women. She abandoned the men at Bengazi leaving them to be murdered. She destroyed
Libya which was a great country with a good leader though demonized by the Obama administration.
She voted to aid in the murder of 1 and a half million Iraqi citizens. She is the worst thing that
could happen to this nation and the world.