Joe Biden is in major trouble with his own party—and the biggest challenge may be coming from his predecessor.
Biden has been bleeding support on every front. The average American says the economy isn’t working for him anymore. Young people on campus are exploding with rage against Biden for his failure to bring an end to Israel’s war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
The forces inside his own party which don’t want Biden to carry the standard for their party this November may have launched their final move to force Biden onto the sidelines.
Barack Hussein Obama has announced he is going to show up at the Democratic Party’s nominating convention this summer—and his presence has set tongues wagging that a low-level coup is on its way.
Obama announced on Monday he will show up at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in his adopted hometown of Chicago.
Officially, Obama said he will be a delegate representing part of the state of Illinois.
That’s a little strange, since Obama lives in Washington, D.C. After all, he bought an 8,2000-square-foot mansion, with nine bedrooms, andeight-and-a-half baths, for $8.1 million as he left office. Of course, that’s just one of his multimillion-dollar mansions.
“Former President Barack Obama will be an Illinois delegate at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this August. He’ll be among 147 total Illinois delegates supporting President Joe Biden,” reports Politico.
Among them is former Illinois Senator Carol Moseley Braun, Governor J.B. Pritzker (a longtime Obama ally), and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson—who has presided over a terrible crime spress and a humiliating reversal on honoring his pledge to make the Windy City a sanctuary city.
Obama’s presence has made people wonder about Biden’s future—which age assures will be short, no matter what he does.
The possibility that the Democrats will dump Biden in favor of somebody else has been discussed for years—with the most likely replacement being former First Lady Michelle Obama.
“Here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps most likely and most dangerous. In August of 2024 [at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago], the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama,” said Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, about a year ago.
ICYMI: "Here's the scenario that I think is perhaps most likely and most dangerous. In August of 2024 [at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago], the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama," says Sen. Ted Cruz
— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) September 25, 2023
It’s possible that the Obama plans to be on the floor to stage manage the nomination of his wife to replace Joe Biden as the party’s nominee in 2024.
In the book The Long Alliance, Gabriel Debenedetti reveals that Obama has always hated Biden…and Obama lives rent-free in Biden’s head. The president is constantly complaining he doesn’t get the love, credit, or praise that Obama did.
It’s no secret forces aligned with Obama has leaked—and sometimes openly rebelled—against Biden since day one of his presidency. Former Obama campaign advisor David Axelrod publicly begged Joe Biden to reconsider whether running for president in 2024 is really “in HIS best interest or the country’s.”
Privately, Obama confronted Joe and talked down to him like a child. “Obama read Joe the riot act,” an insider reportedly told the National Enquirer. “He told him to up his game or step aside for a candidate who can win the race.”
Is it possible Obama is taking things public? After all, delegates get to vote on who receives the party’s 2024 presidential nomination.
Obama will be an “automatic” delegate…who is not officially pledged to any candidate. Or, at least, that’s what the media reported—but things seemed to change once the word got out.
Strangely, Obama’s name no longer appears among the names on the “Final Delegate Selection List” posted online April 29 by Democratic Party of Illinois.
Has he changed his mind? Is the gambit off? We don’t know.
But everyone admits Barack Obama outshines Joe Biden—or Kamala Harris, or anybody else in his party—every time he’s on the stage.
In March, filmmaker Joel Gilbert noted that “Barack Obama is attending a NYC event to raise money for Joe Biden. The donors are 100% donating only because its Barack Obama asking for money. This money will no doubt be passed on to the DNC for Michelle Obama’s 2024 campaign after the convention.”
Barack Obama is attending a NYC event to raise money for Joe Biden. The donors are 100% donating only because its Barack Obama asking for money. This money will no doubt be passed on to the DNC for Michelle Obama's 2024 campaign after the convention.
— Joel Gilbert (@JoelSGilbert) March 28, 2024
Remember when Obama showed up at a White House event, and the entire room—including Obama himself—ignored Joe Biden?
Imagine the same thing every single day of the Democratic convention.
Obama intentionally ignores his "Puppet Biden" and uses his "Southern Black Lingo" which he turns on for predominately African American crowds. 👇
— Lido Key Dude (@LidoDude) December 11, 2022
No matter what Barack Obama is up to, it only hurts Joe Biden.
That may be why Obama plans to be there in the first place.
Frank Holmes is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”