Political insiders have long speculated that major changes were coming to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign — and today we saw the first of them.
Trump’s campaign has announced that longtime campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has been fired.
“The Donald J. Trump Campaign for President… has today announced that Corey Lewandowski will no longer be working with the campaign,” the campaign said in a statement. “The campaign is grateful to Corey for his hard work and dedication and we wish him the best in the future.”
Lewandowski was not considered a major player in national politics when Trump picked him out of relative obscurity to run his campaign. But Lewandowski’s blunt style often rankled both the Republican establishment and the media.
In March he was charged with battery in Florida for allegedly grabbing Breitbart News reporter Michelle Fields.
Throughout the campaign, Lewandowski’s strategy was to “let Trump be Trump.” But with the campaign pivoting to make Trump appear more electable, that game plan seems to have fallen out of favor.
— The Horn editorial team
Dawg# says
Trump is a business man and I think it is inappropriate to call this change a “Firing” which indicates a falling out. Trump is merely making changes to accommodate the Party. Notwithstanding, nobody gets what they want instantly. For example, the wall Trump wants to build may take a few years or longer, so don’t expect him to be some magician concerning any of the issues. Our Government is so messed up that it is going to take some time to get things in order, but the principal thing is to be methodical and that is the beauty of Mr Trump, he is a methodical businessman and will surround himself with the most experienced and professional people he can find to obtain his objectives. I have stated before that, no man is an island and Mr. Trump is no exception; but given the opportunity, he will get the job done, just cut him some slack, and allow him room to work.
Bill says
Why on earth would it even be a consideration who Mr. Trump has as his campaign manager or not have, or if he fires one and hires another? It is none of our damn business what Mr. Trump does because he is either the boss or he is not, so which is it you want, a man that knows what he wants or for you to tell him what he should do? Please, let all of us together keep our noises out of Mr. Trumps business and let him run the show because more likely than not he’ll do a much better job than any of us – period!
Connie Condra says
It is a consideration BECAUSE the campaign manager is responsible for the logistics that result in an individual elected. I wonder which of Mr. Trump’s narcissistic itches Mr. Lewandowski was unable or unwilling to scratch.
Dawg# says
Trump is not a narcissist, He has already made his Billions by using his brain for something besides putting on some facade like Obummer does. Trump may brag about what he has done, but at least he isn’t lying when he tells it and that’s more than the other worthless politicians in Washington can say……. TRUTHFULLY!
FRED says
Don’t you guys get it , corey probably resigned but Trump made a deal to say fired
and the media swallowed it right up for free publicity and got it ,
smart marketing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP IS A SMART MARKETER !!!!!!!!!!
Joy says
1.Trump finally explains that he’ll get Mexico to pay for his wall by banning money transfers from immigrants to their homeland –
2. Donald Trump circulated a memo on Tuesday outlining a plan to force the Mexican government to pay for the border wall he has proposed
3. It calls for forbidding money transfers to Mexico – the ‘remittances’ that illegal immigrants routinely send back home
4. If the Mexican government pays for the wall, Trump says, the proposed change in US regulations will never go into effect
5. Trump’s plan uses a provision of the USA Patriot Act to clamp down on funds transferred out of the United States
Just try stopping money orders from leaving the US can’t be done.OWNERS like-Western Union said they will not work this way. It is their right to send it to people around the world.
Lloyd Roberts says
Joy, you’re so naive. Stick to selling your wares at the Sunday market.
Paul Bouffard says
Dawg# says
Whatever you say, but I sincerely believe that Trump “TRUMPS” both of us when it comes to business sense of any kind,
Wayne says
sorry, Joy! It is to the protection of our economy and our jobs! he can do it! he knows business!
Arthur Hartsock says
Just add a $2/3 fee to every money transfer to Mexico or Latin America. The 2s and 3s will quickly add up to a large fund able to pay for this project. If a man like me can figure this out, then a big business guy should be able to figure it out as well.
John says
Today is 6/20/16 and this is a old email. Why do you keep putting old emails in about Trump and not Hillary?
LIN says
MJPerkins says
Yes, I agree, Trump is the only one who will work hard and fast to ‘take our country back from the ‘users and abusers’ and give it back to We The People.
Eve says
I think most everyone with a little common sense realizes that all things (changes) take time.
Dawg# says
Ms Eve, you are soooo right; but, that is what is lacking in our society and Country right now….. Common Sense!
Bobbie says
Ralph Ormsbee says
I don’t think we have to have the wall built to stop the crap on the boarder all we have to do is give our security the support they need to shoot when need be, and post that all illegals will be dealt with as need be. And i do see your point of view
Dawg# says
I agree wholeheartedly, also, if we stop the benefits for everyone who isn’t an American Citizen, it would solve most of the problems.
Wayne says
Agreed! good comment! foreigners always want to upset the freedom apple cart!
Constitutionalist says
Just got this in recently(it’s attributed to “Maxine,” a cartoon character):
I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it
lovingly with seed.
Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.
But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue. Then came the shit. It
was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, the table…everywhere!
Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.
And other birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night, and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.
After a while, I couldn’t even sit on my own back porch anymore. So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio. Soon, the back yard was like it used to be ….. quiet, serene….and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.
Now let’s see……
Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care and free education, and allows anyone born here to be an
automatic citizen. Then the illegals came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly, our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor; your child’s second grade class
is behind other schools because over half the class doesn’t speak English.
Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to ‘press one ‘ to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags
other than ours are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties.
Just my opinion, but maybe it’s time for the government to take down the bird feeder.
If you agree, pass it on; if not,just continue cleaning up the shit!
Don’t know that this’ll add to the conversation, but this underlying resentment is feeding a lot of anger at illegals – and even LEGAL immigrants who think they’re here to spread Shar’ia law to replace American law.
Dawg# says
Thank You Very Much Constitutionalist; I have seen that before, but it fits in here PERFECTLY!
Dawg# says
Constitutionalist, I forgot to mention that it is OK if you wish to just call me Dawg and drop the pound sign. I put it there because I feel like that is where I’ve been living since Obama has been in office, lol.
Gwendolyn De Koning says
Well said.
Sue Burbach says
I agree with you!
Arthur Hartsock says
But please remember, Mr. Trump, the issue that gave you the most traction early involved immigration. Hopefully this issue will be among the first you address in your Presidency.
DustyFae says
May be there is a bit more then what is known to the public and Trump knows what is best
John G says
It’s about time he quits playing and starts a real campaign using obvious facts against Hillary the “Hun” to illustrate just how bad she would be for the country.
She and her lying husband would continue the BS that O’bozo has put us through the last 7 years & 7 months – pure agony.
John says
He really can’t start until the convention puts him in charge and then watch out Hillary.
MJPerkins says
Zinka says
Is a trade who does not fulfill promise.
Mr. Lewandowski will be happier it’s far away from “Trump”, regret his success in future.
Betty Coonner says
Trump had better start looking and acting more presidential. He is losing ground because of his rude, crude and coming unglued comments. A lot of people will not go to the polls now as they are beginning to see that at Trumps Stump speeches are nothing. They tell us nothing new, only his bragging about how rich he is and building the wall. I despise Hillary Clinton but every time Trump gives a speech she looks better and better. At least she has some ideas on how to keep her mouth shut. Trumps tongue is loose and both ends and tied in the middle. He is beginning to really turn a lot of people off.
Joy says
We call him a Narcissistic (BRAGGART at heart) oops no heart , He is a great manipulator of words and makes you think what we all get when he is elected -BETTER—like selling land or cook ware to us. Be careful of a BARKER he’ll sell you -your own shirt..with a smile..
Dawg# says
I believe you have Trump confused with someone else……… like OBAMA, or Hildabeast? If Trump did not have a heart, believe me, he would not go through the hell that he is going through to try and save this Country from utter destruction. I THANK GOD FOR SENDING A MAN LIKE TRUMP. AND I THANK TRUMP FOR HEARING THE CALL!
sharon says
Betty: Trump is and looks presidential!!! What are you talking about??? OH! You don’t want him to speak the truth and be political correct!! You know that doesn’t work right??? Oh and those polls!! Why don’t you do some hard research and find out about the truth on that!!! By the way subscribe to the conversative treehouse blog by sundance and learn a lot more!! And stop believing everything the media tells you including facebook, twitter, google and other social media who are lieing and censoring anything good about trump and making Hillary look like she is GOD!!!
Dawg# says
Bobbie says
Look at the mess our country is in because of obama and hillary. Trmp will HONESTLY try to fix it and help us
BigTom says
To Connie Condra: Surely you must realize that withholding your vote in November only helps get Hillary elected. If you don’t vote and we have 4 more years of Obama-like administration, you can rest knowing that you contributed to the certain downfall of the United States of America as we have known it. Rest easy!.
Connie Condra says
Sharon, I must respectfully disagree with you and the other Trump-ophies. The Donald and the Hildabeast are two sides of the same coin–both made of base metal. I don’t believe or trust either of them. And the Bern is a senile old socialist. If I cannot find a reputable third candidate, I will be withholding my vote for president come November.
BTW: you Trump-ophiles remind me quite a bit of the Obama zombies of the past two elections. When anyone disagrees with you, you resort to insults and character assassination–much like your idol. (I use the term “idol” in a Biblical sense.) I would like to think that conservatives are able to reason for themselves, but I am not sure about the Trump-ophiles. Remember “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.”? Mr. Trump’s version is “Make American great again.” when he means “Make me great again.” If you want to trust him, fine. Go for it. I do not.
Dawg# says
Connie Condra:
Trump-ophies?? are you saying that we are flying snakes?……… and Arabian snakes at that???
Ophies= feathery-winged Serpents which guarded the frankincense groves of Arabia.
Oh Well, I surmise that I have been called worse, lol. You did do a more pleasant job of insulting in the next paragraph. Ophile= occurs in words which refer to someone who has a very strong liking for people or things of a particular kind.
then we have another degradation of character: ” I would like to think that conservatives are able to reason for themselves, but I am not sure about the Trump-ophiles”. and if that isn’t enough, you then making a comparison between Mr. Trumps slogan and some despicable lie thrown out by the big liar himself, Obama!
My goodness Connie, sounds to me like you are the one who resorts to insults and character assassination and you darn sure are not a bit like TRUMP, because he tells the truth. If you would like to have respect from others, you are going to have to earn it with TRUTH. You certainly won’t get it by spouting insults and innuendos about others who DO like Trump..
Dawg# says
So you would rather have another sorry lowlife, murdering scumbag Liar like Hilary in office than you would someone who only speaks their mind in truth? OK, I think we know where your allegiance lies and it is not for the betterment of America, but for your personal perception of what is acceptable and presidential speech……….. Lord why can people not think logically instead of with their own emotions?
A system of morality that is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion; a thoroughly vulgar conception that has nothing sound in it and nothing true. (Socrates)
Sandra says
U r so right, he needs to act more grown.up and mature, people r always going to say something about u, but u do not response to them, more and more I too wish he would quit praising himself and get working on the campaign
NoChumpinDC says
Q: Who do you consult on international matters?
A: “I consult with myself. I’ve got good brains”
Seriously Trump? Wake up people!
Patti Nowak says
Kudos to the above answer!!
Dawg# says
Are you implying that it is you and not Obama that caused this mess? lolol.
Estrella Cash says
He has to act more presidential and concentrate on attacking hillary only. There are more issues that he is capable of tackling against the clinton than perdonal issues ir focusing on others. I believe that he is a way much better than clinton.
Vern says
Trump is a business man that takes on each situation as it comes up and decides how to handle it. He doesn’t have a round can that he tries to force each situation into, some are square and some triangular and won’t fit a round “canned” solution like most career politicians try. A successful leader tries something and if it isn’t the final solution they adjust and try something else, they aren’t like the Chicago leaders that keep saying the only solution is gun control when that obviously isn’t working.
Dawg# says
Praise The Lord! Vern I hope everyone reads your post…… Keep Posting!
Diane B. says
Using the word Fired is inappropriate because that was the words used in relation to him leaving. What the heck is the matter with the press these days. Just SPIN, SPIN, SPIN.
Gray says
I agree that “fired” isn’t the right word for this change. The announcement was compassionate to Corey. The media loves to make things sound more emotional than it really is. Being the Republican Nominee Trump will need a different type of campaign manager, now.
OracleGuy says
Trump got what he wanted from Corey and then fired him for doing what he was asked. Surprised that a fat cat would do something like that? Not anyone who has ever worked for an egomaniac.
OracleGuy says
You mean if I actually use my brain, an unusual practice on this site, that I must be a liberal? What does that say about conservatives who can’t see that Trump is NOT one of them but is on an ego trip of epic proportion?
Dawg# says
I do firmly agree with you OracleGuy. “It is an unusual practice for you to use your brain on this site”! But, I am not sure if you are a Liberal or not, I don’t know….., but three things are for certain……….. 1) you need to work on your sentence structure and 2) you need to be advised of the power of the comma………… 3)you need to vote for Trump and I am sure you will when you start using your brain on this site.
Sandra says
Well that person is right, Trump got what he wanted and then he let him go, whereas this man Corey stood with him for months, the truth will come out
Carlos says
The media and the rest of the parasites want us to believe that they don’t get our anger and frustration towards anything and everything that looks,smells and acts like a politician, they do get!!!. They know that Trump represents our voice. TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP, ’cause we love AMERICA !
NoTrumpinDC says
Womanizer? Check
Racist? Check
Inexperienced? Check
Narrow minded? Check
Unqualified? Check
Divisive? Check
Dictatorial? Check
Liar? Check
Self absorbed?
Mocker? Check
Bully? Check
Disrespectful? Check
Finger pointer? Check
He’s rich, he must be doing something right… Correct? No. People, I’m sorry you feel powerless but Trump is not the answer… Please reconsider.
Lilly Putney says
He just described Hillary and Obama
sharon says
NoTrumpin DC checked: Idiot, Hillary Troll!! Hillary Virus checked!!
Sandra says
I am not for either of them, since I have listened to all of his speeches, Trump praises himself too much, and Hillary No way she will get by with all she did wrong, Obama and the Democrats will not let this go to court.
OracleGuy says
You forgot to check self-absorbed.
Dawg# says
Wow! another person who has Trump confused with OBAMA and HILLARY!……….. REMARKABLE!
jwb says
awesome, true dat ……
Dee says
I am in London and I agree with the sentiment of your post!
John says
Where are my 2 previous comments
Rev. Tom says
The political campaign is much a war campaign the five star general must make major changes with his general staff if he wishes to win the war…the different stages of the campaign changes with different methods for different battles during the war times call for their mindsets with different generals. Trump believed it was time for a major change in leadership to win his war/campaign against crooked Hillary.
Dawg# says
Amen Pastor Tom!
Lilly Putney says
Why does Mr Trump have to change to Paul Ryans agenda why can’t they see that what brought the people in was not Ryans agenda it wasTrumps. If we wanted Romeny and Ryans agenda we would have voted for them .They let us down before so why would we give them a second chance. Me I won’t vote for any one but Trump
Sandra says
Trump will probably fire everyone if he could, we do. Have some great leaders that r trying and wants a change in the great U. S. A
Justin W says
Donald Trump is 70 years old. He should not need a campaign manager to tell him that he needs to act in a more rational manner. Donald’s loose cannon style is scaring many Republicans. The problem with a loose cannon is that it eventually may destroy itself. Donald may not be worried about the future but younger people are. In this race we have a 70 year old and a 68 year old running for the presidency. Both seem to be better suited for an episode of Irresponsible Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous or JackA$$ than the job of president.
Jack Wayne Gee says
My wife and I are supporting Mr. Trump as well as millions of other Great Americans. We intend to see him President of the United States of America. In our view Mr. Trump is the only person that can lead this Great Country back to senseability in order to insure that USA will continue to be strongest nation on this planet and the leader of the free world.
Dawg# says
Amen Brother Jack!
Jack Wayne Gee says
Jack Wayne Gee says
We appreciate this time to voice our concerns.
Rox says
Wow people!!! All I can say is Did you hear what our president been saying? Our president is the one that seems to have NO CLUE as to what is going on. He just wants our guns so bad that is all he wants. Actually I believe there’s more but I dare not say what I think!!
If we ALL DO NOT STAND behind Donald J. Trump since he is the man that was nominated for the Republican candidate WE ALL WILL be screwed FOREVER!!
Judge Thomas just announced this morning he is planning on retiring after the election.. That’s 2 more LIBERAL JUDGES WE CAN NOT HAVE!!! THERE WOULD GO MORE OF OUR RIGHTS BESIDES OUR GUN RIGHTS!!
WE MAY NOT LIKE THE DONALD..BUT WE HAVE TO VOTE FOR HIM SO WE DON’T GET HER!!!!! It’s not like Donald can do anything without approval anyways…he WILL be better than ODUMBASS
OracleGuy says
Kind of jumped the gun on “since he is the man that was nominated for the Republican candidate” didn’t you? Trump got fewer than half the primary votes cast and he still hasn’t been nominated. The majority of voters split their votes among the 15 or 16 second-tier candidates that challenged The Donald.
Constitutionalist says
Even if what you wrote is the absolute truth, it doesn’t change the fact that Trump got more votes than any Republican candidate in history.
jwb says
Lyin’ Donnie does not need any embarrassment from any staffers. He does not need them since he does not listen to anyone including himself. I WILL VOTE FOR TRUMP, LETS GET THIS STRAIGHT, YOU PEOPLE HAVE SHOWN ME THE LIGHT, since we need funny in the white house, NO MORE SERIOUS PEOPLE AS PRESIDENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go trump U
Dawg# says
I am so sorry that you have bad feelings concerning the peoples choice in the primary’s. Believe me Sir, there is no animosity against you. Any one of the candidates would have been a good choice, but the American people fell in behind Trump and so did I. I do so Thank you for supporting Trump. I can tell that you truly love your Country. Actually in the last election, I felt the same as you do now. I just didn’t want Obama in so I was forced to vote for Romney. knowing full well that he was not a good choice, but, was the lesser of two evils. I pray that Trump will do something for our Nation, because nobody else has in a long time and mostly because of Congress.
ho hum says
GOOD — Set the tone for useless government parasites
Arthur Hartsock says
I’m sure that Mr. Lewandowski is being well-compensated for his work. And the people he met working with the campaign will be very valuable to him as his business life continues. Lewandowski was adequate to fight the Republican political light-weights in the primary campaign. But now Mr. Trump is up against the Clintons and the Democratic machine. So now Mr. Manafort has to prove why Mr. Trump hired him. Mr. Manafort is a political veteran and knows all the Republican heavy-weights and donors. In sports terms Mr. Trump has been competing in the minor leagues, and now he has been promoted to the Major Leagues. Time will tell if Mr. Trump can compete.
Vic says
Wait till Russia gets done dumping all of killarys e mails that they hacked, some of them has already come out, I just can’t wait,!! Go DT and win so we will have a great United States again, I will vote for Trump only, if not him I will stay home!!
Michael says
“Constitutionalist” is spot ON! I loved the analogy!!
Michael W. says
“Constitutionalist” is Spot ON!! Well done analogy!!
Stephen Russell says
Hire new blood, ideas & proven ideas for next campaign.
Madmouth others OFF Camera.