The Hillary Clinton campaign emails released by WikiLeaks Monday are the most alarming yet – and they’ve revealed what supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders long believed.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spent years preparing to rig the 2016 presidential election.
An email from top Democratic party lobbyist Erick Mullen to Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta in 2015 has revealed that Clinton orchestrated a Democratic coup to install Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to the head of the Democratic National Committee – all the way back in 2011.
In order for Clinton to get Wasserman-Schultz, the co-chairwoman of her failed 2008 presidential campaign, to the head of the Democratic National Committee, she needed to get the then-chair to step down… and also recommend Wassernman-Shultz.
The DNC chair at the time? Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, Clinton’s current vice presidential nominee.
When Kaine resigned in 2011, he pushed President Barack Obama to appoint Wasserman-Shultz as his successor.
Why? Turns out, Clinton had already promised him the vice presidency as payment for his cooperation.
In the revealing 2015 email, Mullen complains of the “unseemly” way political insider Bob Glennon was bragging to Sens. Sherrod Brown and Heidi Heitcamp about Clinton’s underhanded plan at a dinner.
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Busted… but not before the move did the trick. Thoughout the highly controversial Democratic primary, Sanders supporters accused Wasserman-Schultz of rigging the process against them. The evidence was so damning, at the end she was forced to resign as DNC head.
By then, Clinton had won the Democratic presidential nomination. As thanks, Clinton quickly hired Wasserman-Shultz to her campaign – and then nominated Kaine as her vice president.
You scratch Clinton’s back, she’ll scratch yours.
Americans who have so proudly admitted, “I’m With Her” don’t have any idea who she truly is.
Clinton has successfully fooled the American public, despite opponents saying she doesn’t have a genuine bone in her body. And every single statement, stance, and even emotion was calculated by her desire for the White House… and no matter what Democratic voters wanted, she was going to make sure they had to pick her.
It doesn’t end there. The recently released documents show that Clinton admitted to having separate public and private opinions on major issues.
The leak that followed Monday exposes exactly how those opinions differ, and the dishonesty is shocking.
The emails reveal that Clinton’s public opinion is whatever her staff tells her is the best way to seize the White House.
Although he was chastised by the media for it, Republican nominee Donald Trump was completely right about Clinton “playing the woman card.” Her staff was discussing it’s power to manipulate voters before Clinton had even publicly announced her candidacy.
In March of 2014, Robby Mook, who was later named her campaign manager, wrote that “gender will be a big field and volunteer motivator, but it won’t close the deal.”
Her staffers also decided how much emotion and outrage she should show at the Benghazi hearing. Her massive mistakes, which cost the lives of four American heroes, became another political ploy that her staff worked tirelessly for years to twist to her benefit.
In deciding whether to back the reinstatement of the 1993 Glass-Steagall Act, that separated commercial and investment banking, her team discussed if it would cost them the coveted endorsement of Elizabeth Warren. So they disregarded the rule of the law, and focused solely on the potential loss of an endorsement and the effects on the Clinton campaign.
Everything neat and in put into place YEARS ago by the Clinton campaign – All these backroom deals and shady conspiracies just to seize power.
And she could be just a month from getting away with it.
Once Clinton is sitting in the Oval Office, and voters no longer possess the ability to decide her fate, there’s only one thing her past can make us certain of – Clinton will do whatever it takes to STAY in power.
That’s a scary thought.
— The Horn editorial team
Hondo says
May Almighty God’s justice come upon her very soon just as He brought it upon that wicked queen Jezebel.
He does all things perfectly an in His perfect time, so let us keep our prayers going heavenward and wait upon the Lord!
thamir says
And I say AMEN
Elaine says
Amen. Its going to take the power of God.
JustMe says
Amen. [“Thy will be done.” (If she wins, I don’t expect her to survive the first four years — her health is in God’s hands.)]
Carolyn Wilson says
Elaine, you got it right!!! Only God can keep corrupt Hillary out of the office of president. If only the majority of Americans could have known how corrupt both Bill and Hillary are, we would not be where we are now!!!! When I get upset about all Donald Trump has been up against — the mainstream media, the lies of the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton, Hillary’s longterm plans to rig this presidential election, and some of the Republican members of Congress suddenly turning their backs on our Republican Nominee, the only thing which calms me down is praying and praying some more. I think you know what I mean, Elaine.
Howard Forschler says
Of course she rigid it. Thats the only way that trater can win any thing .She is already working on the 2016 election (overtime)
Howard Forschler says
Of course she rigid it. Thats the only way that trater can win any thing .She is already working on the 2016 election (overtime)
Marge says
Ronald Hamby says
Judy Dees says
Yes Hondo I do agree. God is our source for everything and certainly for this election. God will get the glory for winning this election. I’m with you about praying, we should continue to pray and pray hard for God to take charge.
Southern By Choice says
Don’t forget in your prayers, as has been in mine for months now, that the good Lord protect and keep safe Donald Trump and Governor Pence.. I fear for their safety and would not be surprised at an assassination attempt on either or both.
Bruce says
really? When there is no way they are going to win the election? Current offshore odds have Hillary a 6-1 favorite to win, So you best get used to president Hillary
Southern By Choice says
And there is no way Clinton can win without the voter fraud – and they know that Trump would not go quietly into the good night like Romney did – so don’t get your hopes up too high that all of this criminality will be forgotten after the election. Care nothing about offshore odds – after all the same or higher odds were given on Brexit and I assume you know the results on that vote
Teresa says
God is bigger than anybody, if hillary won thete is a reason for it, america is doom like rome and israel read bible its there, and his word say if u repent god said i will restore u
Deb says
U better pray hillary doesnt win!why would u put someone in the higest ofc when she should be in jail, u and I would be in jail for far less. What aboyt DNC worker, shot dead in the back, think hillary had him taken out?Think about it.
Judy says
Another blind dem talking. She can’t win without voter fraud. Be it tampering with the voting booths or registering illegals to register as dems.
Bobby James says
Think again, Crocked Hillary “ain’t gonna” make it!! Go back and hide under your rock.
Bobbie says
No matter how the election goes. She just like Barack will NEVER be my president. Because they both will ha e gotten to the office by fraud which in my eyes makes them illegal as president. I have zero respect for either one of them and never will. They have both ruined this country and she will just finish the jobthey started together.
Michael says
Bs get used to Hillary think again, we the people will rises up and route out Hillary and her cronies, civil war will break out and you can be sure our military and police will be on our side and those BLM best move out of this country or hell will wrath.
Chucky says
Spoken like a dumb liberal! Hope hell gets ready for the stupidity!
Mark Plenn says
1933 all over again. Hitlery would be the American Nazi leader.
Tom Day says
Forget offshore betting, look at the enthusiasm around Trump, turnout rules and Clinton cannot match trump’s enthusiasm. There is no enthusiasm for clinton, the area I live, there are no Hillary signs nowhere and i mean zero, and this is N Va. The Msm cannot lie about her enough to fool people because they are going the way of the typewriter, obsolete.
Robert Taylor says
Hope she sends you to Benghazi. Anyone who would vote a traitor into office needs to be on her front lines.
mike says
and wwi III because of her
Ann says
Bruce you are so naive. You can read and hear how mean and corrupt she is yet you want her to rule our country. The way they blame Russia for hacking her emails, she is going to start a WW3 because Russia is getting very pissed off. You better pray that HC does not get the WH or else you will not live to see another election. I will keep you in my prayers that you will open your eyes and listen to what this women is all about. God bless America!!!
Ai says
Who can get used to someone selling the country for power, for money in her pockets
Hondo says
You chose to trust “off shore odds”?
We will put our trust in the Lord!
Jeanette says
Reagan wasn’t going to win, either. (He was just a clown; only got to be governor because he was in California and had been an actor, etc.)
Only he did win. 49 states, in fact.
As someone else here has said, Hillary’s secrets are all coming out; and now too many people know, around the world.
Charles says
You my friend are very ignorant no offense sir it’s your democratic party that endorsed slavery President Andrew Jackson and almost analatedNative Americans and yes sir it was a Democrate who started the KKK our Republican founder Abraham Lincoln fought against the Democrats and we won we had to stop the evil the Dems were commiting Democrats are the true racists and bigots it’s proven fact we have to stop you now you attacked a Republican polling place in NC fire bombed it stop shifting the blame on Republicans you are such a blind fool.
Don says
An attempt HA who’s fooling who ??? We prayed hard for an attemp6t on Obama never happened Maybe God has a different way to eliminate bad people keep those prayers comming !!!
Charles says
Voting for Hiliary because she is a woman is like eating a turd because it looks like a tootsie roll vote Trump for President
cinda says
You are so right Charles!
Ai says
Hitlery does not care for the country, does not care for the people. She only cares power so she can line up her pockets by selling the country. She is laughing behind her supporters who believes she cares for them and the country. Whoaaa! Hitlery only cares for Hitlery. Trump is it. I voted today and happy to vote for someone who cares for the country
youknowwho. says
Be sure and pick that turd up by the clean end!
Jeanette says
Voting for anyone because of their gender is just as sexist as voting for anyone because of their skin color is racist (those who voted for Obama apparently actually believed he is black, not the less than half black, some Arab, half white mix that he really is).
Sarah says
We need to stop fraud voting if it takes putting National Guardsmen and women at the voter locations. They could check each person and if they see them voting at different places ,arrest them. Voter id should be required. But democrats has pulled all the tricks to get their way.
VC says
Ai says
Did you see the DNC pushing a whole case in the ballot box? As usual, they only win by cheating. This woman should be investigated. It’s on video.
Anita H. says
I pray every night to keep Trump & Pence safe! We need them to save our country!
Judy says
If Hillary gets in the WH, you can expect more religious freedoms removed from us. I hate it at Christmas time when the schools are out for “winter break” not Christmas. and Easter vacation is now spring break.
When you go shopping, they are instructed NOT to wish anyone a Merry Christmas but Happy holidays.
What’s happy about Christmas if Christ is no longer in it??
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Calling Easter vacation Spring break is very degrading, now they did it to Christmas vacation, next will be calling Thanksgiving vacation Fall break, and the degrading won’t stop there at all. When the day comes that Mothers Day gets degraded, that’s when the bottom will fall right out. I just cringe when I hear the words Spring break, Winter break, the damned atheists are getting their way. I will still call it Easter vacation, Christmas vacation, Thanksgiving vacation, never mind that so called political correctness which that is a bunch of garbage.
VC says
Christmas is Christmas and I will say Merry Christmas to one and all!
Politically incorrect says
Chris, I am not a religious person (although I do believe in god) but we now have is a politically correct world that is actually destroying this country and with Hillary in just expect more terrorist attacks and open boarders as well as death and destruction and heaven help the young kids growing up under the democratic regime.
ch says
When I go to the store at Christmas time, I loudly say Merry Christmas at the register in any store. If it offends someone, tuff shit! The cashiers will then say Merry Christmas back. I go thru the parking lot and yell Merry Christmas Everyone on the way to my vehicle. If people don’t like it they can go back to where ever it is they came from.
Same with Easter–Happy Easter and
Thanksgiving–Happy Thanksgiving.
I am proud to be a patriot American that believes in what we were founded on
Anita H. says
I do the same thing regarding Merry Christmas and don’t care who hears me either! The ones that respond back probably want to say it but are afraid! If you keep it to yourself, the atheist win!
Frank Lee Annoid says
Then you will know why all these changes!
There is also a very informative article at:
Once you become aware of what has been going on, you will see how deep this goes- and what we have to do to free ourselves of this.
Read about the very extensive list of Rothschild controlled banks, worldwide. It all starts to get very clear.
However, the tide IS turning. Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Iraq, (Although Iraq was getting one – don’t know if that got finalized or not),Iceland, Russia, and others have since pulled away and arrested Rothschilds- France searching for Baron Rothchild who was involved in massive fraud…the tide is turning! Russia issued an international arrest warrant for Soros. I think I also read Switzerland was starting to prosecute them as well.
Russia, China, Egypt, Iceland, Ireland, Hungary, Iran, & Crimea. so far(2015) have booted out the Rothschilds. That is something the US needs to do, as well.
When you see how all nations, the UN, etc. have been controlled for quite a long time, you will see that OF COURSE the elections are manipulated. This illusion that WE have some say in the outcome has been pulled off for a long time- those that stood in their way got killed. To date there are something like 72 bankers who have died in the last year- because they knew too much. The ones dying, be they politicians or bankers, have ‘suicide’, car wreck, train wreck, plane wreck, heart attack, mysterious sudden deaths; all of them knew too much. Like the scientists and researchers and Drs. who go against the grain and try to expose what is going on- they end up dead. Hmmm.
You might pay less attention to main media news, as that is owned and controlled by these same ‘controllers’. (According to them, Russia is the ‘bad guy’ and not to be trusted; how quickly we forget all the favors Putin extended to US after 9-11; NATO is doing their best to make Russia look the part of ‘the enemy’, as is the main media). Use the internet, look up INDEPENDENT news sources- they are still doing their job, and several countries have them- Iceland, Russia, Ireland, the US, etc. Compare the news from other countries from these independents and use your skills of discernment. OUR main media is not going to tell us the truth about anything.
These controllers have been planning WWIII a long time, seeding the racial divisions and inundating countries with ‘ethnic diversity’ (who intend to kill us). They create a problem, and then offer a solution- which is all devised to our detriment.
Please pass this information on. This is NOT a ‘theory’ – it IS what has been, and is happening. This small group includes the Bildenburg group, the Trilateral Commission, CFR, the Rome Club, UN, etc.,etc. they work in concert to break down sovereign nations whilst attempting to replace those with a one world government.
Have you noticed the reduction in choices at your stores- all being replaced by store brands? Have you noticed the reduction in quality? Have you noticed these large corporations buying out or destroying small businesses?(just look up any major company and find out how many other companies/brands they own; it is startling). These mega-corporations are owned by the same people who comprise the above listed groups, or are related to them one way or another. The news people are related or married to major politicians, who are all being told what to tell us. This is not by accident.
Have you noticed no matter how much money we spend on education, our kids learn very little (except how to be part of The Group mentality)? Read John Taylor Gatto’s book called The Underground History of American Education – you will learn why and how all this has happened, and where it is going.
We HAVE a choice. We can either pretend it is all going to be ok, or we can stand up and act to protect our diminishing freedom and make sure we pass our precious liberty on to future generations. Thousands have died because they believe in America; they believe what America stands for is worth defending. Ultimately, it is OUR call.
And I say “Merry Christmas to All, and to all a GOOD KNIGHT(little play on words there). 🙂
Oh and a bit of warning- just because these controllers have been thus far successful does not mean we need to get overwhelmed and freak out. “Keep your head” and realize there are EASY and NON-bloody ways to regain our balance and our freedoms. Those doing all these dastardly deeds CAN be rounded up peaceably and tried for their crimes. THINK and then ACT. We do not have to go down. We can reclaim our UNALIENABLE RIGHTS
[“Unalienable: incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred.”
Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, pg. 1523
“You cannot surrender, sell or transfer unalienable rights, they are a gift from the creator to the individual and cannot under any circumstances be surrendered or taken. All individual’s have unalienable rights.
“Inalienable rights: Rights which are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the consent of the one possessing such rights.” Morrison v. State, Mo. App. 252 S.W. 2d 97, 101
“You can surrender, sell or transfer inalienable rights if you consent either actually or constructively. Inalienable rights are not inherent in man and can be alienated by government. Persons have inalienable rights. Most state constitutions recognize only inalienable rights.”
There is a huge difference between the two definitions.
Many make the mistake of using ‘inalienable’ when speaking of our Constitutional rights. In truth, our rights are UNalienable, and our Constitution does NOT give us these rights; it, instead PROTECTS our rights by affirming that no one can take them because they are ‘God’ given (use whatever term you deem appropriate for ‘God’;the Founder’s used Creator). Our unalienable rights include the right to bear arms, among many others.
It is NOT the Constitution that gives us that right; that right was Creator given, so as to protect us from tyrannical governments and for self-defense.
The Constitution does not give rights- it simply is a guarantee of those Creator given rights.
The Constitution is stating that they cannot be infringed upon by anyone or any government, or other entity.
In addition, these rights were NOT “handed to us through laws of the United States Constitution, the Magna Carta, and other documents from antiquity and historical situations wherein mankind fought, suffered, and died to win these freedoms”. These rights were strictly gifts given to the individual- by the Creator.
The Constitution is a stated guarantee that those inherent rights cannot be sold, transferred, infringed, nor surrendered, and cannot, under ANY circumstances, be surrendered or taken. They belong to the individual. (which is defined as being different than ‘person’-corporations are listed as persons; individuals are the ‘createe’ of the Creator).
It is critical that we do not lose sight of the true definition of this crucial word ‘unalienable’. ]
Feel free to pass on this information- and hopefully, enough people will begin to stand firm. America, and world, are relying on us standing for our beliefs in freedom. Many people from many nations all have said the same thing- “we will do as America does; if America takes a stand, so shall we”.
The future of mankind rests on our shoulders (common man’s shoulders), and we have the strength to do this.
It is time.
Ai says
Yayy you got that right. That is Demonrats alright
Lupe Sanchez says
Your words are so true, I’m also praying every morning and night, Lord helps all of us if she’s our next President.
Trump please talk to our Country and stay strong and honest. God bless you Mr. Trump.
Isabella says
Pray to God! If, Hillary won the WH,We as a nation,the whole world is done.She said in a second debate that – she will stop any overflight over Siria. If she will win, WORLD WAR III, will erupt. And, then wery few people will survive. I read many European news papers, TV, and find many things, you can’t find here. Putin said: If Hillary will get the presidency , we would not be able to stop the war. Many of you, don’t know that our government installed in Europe, Bulgaria, Polland, Romania, nuclear war heads, tanks,aircrafts(fighters) army , and you want Putin just to stay and wait? We , also know, our life is upside-down, because of the unnecessary war in Iraq, think, how those people are feeling. I don’t want anything, just PEACE and for that, Hillary , has to be stopped to ever get in the WH, as president..To succsed, people has to read.
Edward says
If He don’t and that is doubtful we need a human to take her out.
Bruce says
You best be careful with words like that. You’ll find yourself in jail.
Robert says
Bruce, Many people made statements about Bush being assassinated, and even a movie was made about the same. Not one was ever incarcerated for their point of view or the movie. Because it’s Hillary that may be the point of interest makes it different ?
Budman says
Bruce, he might find himself in jail because I assure you this and many other comments from many other people are passed to the FBI and this administration. On the other hand, the Clinton’s have connection to at least 59 deaths over the last 30 years and not a word about this in the Liberal news outlets. Two people connected to actions that exposed or were about to be exposed died within the last two months; the latest was a man who was to testify about the Clinton Foundation but two days before the testimony was to occur, it was first reported he died of a heart attack; oh, no wait, they changed it to an accident where a barbell broke his neck while exercising. Pretty lame if you ask me but did it go any further? I imagine a lot of retired State Troopers know a lot about some of these mysterious deaths but try and get one to talk.
Earlene Hammond says
The incident you mentioned actually occurred around 6 months ago, not 2, and there were actually 5 deaths in 2 months.
Michael says
I rather see ms Clinton dead by sniper fire in real life not no bs bout phony sniper fire…..come get me for saying that, I,m ready to die are you?
Clarence Clark says
Bruce are you a Dem or Rep ? Or are you just one who likes to start Bull Shit.
pam says
Amen, government removed God from our country a long time ago! Time for America to stand up and reinstate him and then and only then will he reinstate our greatness! Vote Trump and save our country!
JoJo (please don't report legal name, Beverly Jo says
God has called a number of judgments on countries/ empires who were guilty of gross misbehavior, corruption and idolatry. Sadly this is the case with our beloved U.S. Let’s not allow the selfishness and deceit of many of our leaders bring down the greatest country in the history of mankind. Before casting your votes on Nov.8th, make sure you have ALL of the data on each candidate as opposed to basing your decision on one misdeed which the media reports. It recognized that significant numbers of their reports withhold or skew information to promote advantages for their candidate, themselves or both. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
It started in 1962 when the state of Alabama took prayer out of the public schools, and the rest of the country followed suit. Every session of the Hous & Senate in Washington, DC starts with a morning prayer, the same with many state & territorial Assembly & Senate, many cities in city hall & counties in the county administration buildings and the courts start their session with prayer.
Jeanette says
“Every session of the Hous & Senate in Washington, DC starts with a morning prayer, the same with many state & territorial Assembly & Senate, many cities in city hall & counties in the county administration buildings and the courts start their session with prayer.”
Not if Hillary and her Satanist/Muslim Mafia get the country by the throat!
Earlene says
+Pam No one removed God from our country, he lives in our hearts, and everyone always has and still has the right of religious freedom! However, the constitution calls for separation of church and state, meaning religion and politics do not mix well, and no laws are to be passed that are based on religious convictions.
trumpt blast says
No earlene it does not read the constitution for yourself you will not find that phrase anywhere just a ban on creating a state church and nothing more !!!
Trump 2016 says
Judy says
Trump/Pence 2016
Jack says
They got my vote. !!!!!!
Edward Foster says
Sunshine49 says
The MSM will say this is just another right wing conspiracy and ignore the truth — AS USUAL. The only women that will maybe vote for Hillary have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to realize that they are being used. Hillary doesn’t give a damn about other women. She only uses them!
Her slamming Trump is a joke. At least he didn’t put the whole country at risk or cause people to die like she has! If she gets in a lot more Americans will die from all the potential terrorists she wants to bring here. OR maybe they will just starve to death when the economy completely collapses from her policies of tax, tax, tax until people are destitute.
For myself, IF she gets elected, I will know that Satan is getting his one world order together and I will try to prepare for the hell that’s coming.
Teresa says
Yes i agree, we need to pray, we know nobody is perfect so we cant judge trump just for mans ego joke but much more better reputation speciall being a good father than crooked hillary that sell her soul to devil just to get the power to be a king god have mercy on our country
DonMann says
Judy says
Amen to that. She’s the wicked witch. We need Donald Trump in the WH. A political Outsider. I believe that most politicians are crooked, not just democrats…but democrats seem to be the worst of the bunch. Politics is full of shady deals and shady politicians. But of them all, Killary and slimy willy have to be the worst of the worst.
Get out and vote for Trump/Pence on election day.
Donald Trump 2016
VC says
civa says
Jeanette says
I shorten it down quite a bit:
One candidate, through unconditional support of Muslims, supports girls and women being mutilated.
One candidate is horrified at the very idea.
Guess which is which?
brenda sinclair says
Carolinavoter says
Through God, all things are possible! Keep praying!
Lying, Crooked Hillary professes to be a Christain. Why does she believe it’s okay for mothers to murder their babies in the womb?
Abortion is Man’s Law—-not God’s Law!
Vote Trump/Pence in November!
America First!
R Burns says
Hillary Clinton truly is the whore that sits upon many waters, who has prostituted her self with the kings of the earth.
R Burns says
And her judgement will come in one hour.
AZfederalist says
We just need to remember that God is in charge. I pray that he finds 10 righteous in our country to spare it and not let it fall to the evil within. While a Trump as president is what we need in our secular world, what we really need is a concerted effort to spread his word to the unbelievers among us and to stand firm in the faith.
Mike says
She resembles The Great Whore that rides upon The Beast (O’Blame-a). When she becomes president (and he becomes the leader of the UN), she will say, “I sit a queen and am no widow.” Together, they will divide Israel, and she (and this whole country) will be incinerated off from the face of the planet. I know that sounds drastic, but you know she will go out in a blaze of gorey!
Main Street says
ABC, NBC and CBS have headlines suggesting that Trump quit. Little or nothing about Hillary, the queen of incompetence, and her numerous unethical behavior’s scandals. The U.S. media has taken a page out of 1980’s Pravda.
thamir says
abc,nbc,cnn,fox and many others are nothing but false and fake ,they all work for the wicked one.
Jack says
They have been bias all through this phony ass show the public doesn’t have a clue that George Soros is bankrolling Clinton and he is a great admirer of Hitler, Mussolini , and stallin !! He is the most evil sonofabitch to ever breath air !! Out of his own mouth he admitted to being crazy as hell and that he was so rich and powerful he felt like a god !!! Soros as well as HITLERY want open borders and international gov. With us ruled by the UN which is a Communist organization !! With the new world order they strip us of the constitution and Bill of rights and want to enslave. Us !!!
What ever you do , don’t give up your guns !!!!!
Anita H. says
Apparently, you don’t watch Fox, especially Fox News channel! Try it sometime before you put them in the class with the others! You might learn something! Anit
Jeanette says
I watch Fox all the time, because it is the least dishonest of the TV news outlets. But they don’t tell it all like it is, either. In my opinion, they’ve been on the “Trump was not nice to women years ago” bandwagon much more than they’ve been on the “Hillary has devastated women in the past AND hAS done things that endanger all Americans recently per Wikileaks leaked emails” bandwagon.
Michael Savage and a few of the other outspoken radio hosts throw it ALL out there like it really is; I have often thought that he and some of the others are putting their lives on the line.
Gerry says
They truly have become nothing better than a pile of donkey dung !!!
Edward says
Yes they about to shit on all of us.
Lori says
Kaine and the Hilda Beast have some nerve calling Trump a Con man every day because when the uninformed sheep elect these two crooks it is going to be the biggest CON job in the history of presidential elections. Wikki Leaks has shown the Clinton campaign is nothing more than a perfectly well planned, well rehearsed orchestrated CON job. People need to wake up, stand up and realize Trump/Pence is our only chance.
Kay says
The biggest problem we face is the mainstream media today! They are liberal biased to a “T”, so, therefore, people who watch ONLY the local channels have NO idea why everyone thinks Hitlery is so bad!
I visited a link this morning , that I joined. They have forms to sign and click ‘send’…asking the advertisers to please move their advertising to slots OTHER THAN the news time slots. The only way the mainstream media is going to start reporting ALL news is through advertisers not advertising during their broadcasts! They will either straighten up, or dry up! They have a list called the “dirty dozen” and those are the advertisers we want to move their ads to other time slots. And, stop buying their products until they DO! The only problem I see is that most of the companies are liberal themselves, so they don’t care what they news reports. But, they DO care if thousands of people stop buying their products. Please visit the site and decide for yourself if you want to participate. It is free and they don’t beg for donations! What do you have to lose….other than our country?
BetsyAnn says
Thanks,Kay! great info. I’ve been wondering.
Jeanette says
They would just be bought by Latter-Day Nazi George Soros, and will continue just as they are now.
We really need to see his immigration and citizenship papers if that is possible (Obama may have had them sealed), and find out who signed off on them. Who thought he would make such a NICE addition to America, right after he had been sending fellow Jews to the death camps? In other words, who was paid to let him in?
Jack says
I preach vote for Trump everyday, we must not give up the fight !! Maybe Putin will help out !!!
Jeanette says
It will only be the biggest con job if Obama is a U.S. citizen (which I doubt, after looking at that pathetic forgery of a birth certificate on – anyone who hasn’t seen it should take a look while he’s in office; they may remove it after he’s gone).
If Obama isn’t a U.S. citizen, then HE is the biggest con job, because even though Hillary is an evil monster, at least she isn’t an illegal alien!
thamir says
Lock her up forever and ever
rog hunt says
I think Wikilinks should quit hacking and stealing. Hello that is illegal. He is just mad because Obama tried to extradite him for hacking and stealing and releasing the list of our operatives and special forces serving around the world. Thus putting them and their families in danger and causing us to be less effective in fighting terrorism. He is a pediphile and it is obvious his rag isn’t ‘free press’ but like all the rest a press with an agenda.
Bill says
Really! By the time you pull your head out of the sand it will be too late, enjoy the rapture.
Gerry says
Without Wikileaks — how would we ever learn the truth ???????? Certainly not from the corrupt obozo administration, or the lying POS clintons or our lamer than lame media outlets. As for your obozo — he might better worry about sealing our borders, our national security, our economy and wiping out organizations like the worthless blm instead of worrying about a single person. Even if Assange was brought back to this country our dept of injustice doesn’t prosecute anyone, them and the FBI are too busy covering up for the witch clinton to worry about an estranged pedophile.
civa says
Our government officials are pathetic. There is no justice anymore. They’re all in the tank for Hillary. She has probably threatened their lives.
Concerned says
You idiot. Did you forget miss almighty made a statement about having Wikilinks killed. Is this how she approaches her enemies. She is a vindictive hateful person.
Ronald Hamby says
Obummer has spent the last 8 yrs setting this country up to be taken over , I have NO respect for this administration , if Killary is elected , its the beginning of the end for America !
Alan Humphries says
Really azzhat? We can’t get the truth from Hildabeast or anyone in this current administration so let the good times roll.
People like you are sickening.
CWF says
Wikileaks should stop hacking, because it is illegal? That is priceless. What about Hillary’s e-mails? Obama trampling of the Constitution? I assume some behaviors are more illegal than others, so it depends on what side of the fence you stand. If Hillary becomes president, our illegal and corrupt government will be representative of a third world dictatorship. She has told us what she wants to do. Is anyone paying attention?
tlc says
Some illegal things are more illegal than others. Look at all our Illegal Immigrants taking over our country. Remember, illegal means: Against The Law! She already promised amnesty to thousands of Syran refugees. That’s a ‘drop in the bucket’ compared to how many MORE illegals she’ll bring into our country while we have homeless American families living in our very own neighborhoods.
VC says
I am, but it seems so many are not — especially the so call Democrats!! I hope the ones with some sense will GO out
Elaine says
And yet all his leaks have been proven to be true.elainr
trumpt blast says
Rob hut you are so dumb it must hurt to think !! If wiki leaks did not hack her sites and get the truth and share it some other hacker would !!! Hacking computer files is a way to test your skills for some people but most only hack and run some take time to study and sometimes some will share thing like a crooked political take over such as h robinghood Clinton is trying to pull off !!!!
Constitutionalist says
rog hunt-
I think Wikilinks should quit hacking and stealing.
Translation: stop telling the truth. Besides, Wiki are SELDOM the ones doing the hacking/”stealing,” as you put it; it is simply the outlet for the release of Truth.
Hello that is illegal.
Virtually everything that the American patriots did was “illegal.”(same as Hungarian Freedom Fighters in the 50’s.) Everything Hitler did was “legal.”(so was the Soviet repression of the Hungarians.) “Hello” back atcha.
He is just mad because Obama tried to extradite him for hacking and stealing and releasing the list of our operatives and special forces serving around the world.
Prove that ONE(1) American was hurt in any way by Wiki’s releases. It appears you have been drinking MSM Koolaid.
Thus putting them and their families in danger and causing us to be less effective in fighting terrorism.
One of the first things released was video of a helicopter pilot MURDERING unarmed Iraqi civilians. He also released evidence of TENS OF THOUSANDS OF FELONY CRIMES by USG agents. Guess how many have received so much as a reprimand, much less been arrested?
He is a pediphile(sic) and it is obvious his rag isn’t ‘free press’ but like all the rest a press with an agenda.
Yeah, he wants to Truth to be known, which is an ADMIRABLE agenda.
If you oppose Wikileaks’ job, you oppose Truth, and are therefore a hater of Truth. God is Truth. Opposing Truth is opposition to God. You SURE you wanna go there? Don’t be an idiot.
Jeanette says
Hello, so is mutilating girls and women illegal, but Hillary will support it through her UNCONDITIONAL support of Muslims.
Would you rather see documents hacked that might save these girls and women from being brutalized by Hillary’s favorite people, or would you rather allow the butcher to proceed?
jay says
I have tried to warn my neighbors about the level of criminal the dems have running, Bernie would have been a much better choice byut never had a chance against the Clinton war machine and syndicate of evil.
Dr. G says
After all of this has come out (with a whole lot more in the wings still to come) there are hordes of lemmings that continue to leap off of the Hillary Cliff. This tells us much, much more Them than Her.
Fred says
The criminal conspiracy that was allowed to continue with the FBI and the Attorney General completely destroyed my admiration of the FBI.
Being a former Criminal Investigator I cannot believe that no one has been indicted.
God help our Country!!!!!
glen d mckinney says
the clintons have all ways been for them selves. they just uses people. she wants to rule not lead
Jim Macklin says
It seems obvious to me that hillary had Vincent Foster’s body rolled in a rug and taken out of the White House.
That is a minor crime compared to many major national security breaches.
law5960 says
As usual, there are not any facts to support the ranting in this article —- but that doesn’t matter any more. The election is as good as over. Donald Trump can keep spewing out his venom, but it will make no difference. Paul Ryan recognizes the inevitable, most Republican consultants recognize it, most Republicans running for office this year recognize it. Trump has become even more unhinged; he has “lost it” and lost the election. It will probably be difficult for a lot of us, but we will have to get used to saying “Madam President.”
Gerry says
BULLSH!T !!!!!!! I have never referred to obozo as president and I certainly will NOT EVER refer to the witch as madam president. You sound like our new Navy — ready to surrender without firing one single round.
law5960 says
I understand that you are still in denial, but you need to start facing reality. If you want a souvenir of this absurd election, maybe you can bid next year at this time when the Trump Tower is being auctioned off by the bankruptcy trustee. If you don’t want to wait that long, I received a communication from Mr. Trump today offering an autographed copy of “The Art of the Deal” in exchange for a $184 contribution. Even the Donald doesn’t want to keep his promise to self-fund a losing campaign.
Alan Humphries says
By selling his book with his autograph he is self-funding nitwit.
Elaine says
Self fund.means to raise the money on his own.He matches all contributions an is only obligated to the American people not Wall street or lobbyists
trumpt blast says
Law 50 you make many false statements of h robinghood Clinton lies including the one that she will win !!! but the truth is Trump won last year on the day he said I’ll run !!! But the media being biased toward socialist only reports h robinghood Clinton lies with the exception of her opinion of all constitutional laws !!! Then she said “” What does it matter anyway “” you can put your name in place of the word it so John doe what does John doe matter anyway ???
law5960 says
I certainly appreciate reading your cogent argument in Pidgin English. Unfortunately, your efforts to convince yourself are doomed to be counterproductive. The hour is getting late and soon you are going to have to accept the fact that Donald Trump has lost, and it is too late to save himself. Bill Clinton certainly expected something like this when he convinced Mr. Trump to run for president. It is too bad that a con man like Trump didn’t recognized that he was being conned by the former president.
trumpt blast says
Law5960 you are truly a moron you can’t stand the truth so you claim poor reading skills on your side by saying words like pidgin english yet anyone reading all repossess to you can see the truth !!! That you are a blind follower of a blind leader who could care less about you and would not notice if you dropped dead on her bed !!! As for the next president Trump you might want to open up your eyes so you can see the wall called h robinghood Clinton being torn apart !!!
Jeanette says
Is there really any point in wasting words on someone who supports a candidate who has admitted that she will further flood America with foreigners from primitive, anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-infidel, terrorist- and disease-infested countries?
A candidate who has admitted that she will raise taxes and spend LOTS AND LOTS more money even as we close in on $20 TRILLION in debt, half of it run up in a mere eight years by her fellow Traveler, Obama?
A candidate whose Muslim “right-hand girl’s” family has Muslim Brotherhood connections, and whose mother has admitted publicly that she thinks girls and women should be mutilated to Muslim (Saudi, in this case) specifications?
A candidate who supports Obamacare, with its built-in 21 new taxes and its strategy to strip non-Muslims of all of their assets by forcing them to pay all health care for all Muslims (and their children and grandchildren, etc.) FOREVER until the end of time or the end of America, whichever comes first?
A person who wants all of that perpetrated on America and Americans isn’t going to listen to anything other than delicious plans to further destroy America.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Law5960 elections are rigged by whinny, coddled, spoiled brat,cry baby, constantly complaining NON VOTERS who do 99 9/10% of the complaining in public, they find fault with elected officials and about the political corruption going on in our country, but will never vote at all for NO DAMNED REASON. The NON VOTERS are Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton’s best supporters. If that damned POS white trash B@&CH is elected as our next Figurehead, I will be having everything I own put up for sale, once all sold I will leave our once great country and will never come back until that B@&CH is out of the White House. HKRAKC will completely destroy our country. Former Figurehead Sleazeball draft dodger Bill Clinton who is another POS white trash is why I quit being a Democrat which today is the Clintoncratic Party=Demoncratic Party that the Clinton’s own. The Clinton’s have alienated the Veterans, the military, the Senior Citizens, the Working Class, the Working Poor which the Clinton’s act like there is no such thing as a Working Class & no such thing at the Working Poor at all.
law5960 says
Keep venting all you want, if that makes you feel better. Still, the election is basically over right now. I hope you find a nice country that will let you in as a legal immigrant. Maybe Mexico. I have friends who live there part of the year, and they like it; plus, you could work on getting a wall up on that side of the border. Maybe Canada. I also have friends there, and they tell me the healthcare system is quite good.
trumpt blast says
Yes 5960 it is and Trump is the winner by an unexpected landslide that made all the cheating useless !!!
Jeanette says
I suspect that “5960” is probably some numerology message that decodes to “Satan.”
“Satan’s law” would explain supporting the evil over which Hillary licks her lips.
Inspector Tom says
If the Canadian health care is “quite good’ then why do many of them come south to get to see a specialist or get surgery they need immediately or they may die before it is scheduled to be done in Canadian?
Kimberly says
Where to go though? I’m not sure.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
I’m going where Senior citizens are respected, veterans are respected, where I don’t have hear that damned Press 1 for English, Press 2 for Spanish when I make phone calls for travel & hotel reservations and product information, and no desert heat, no extreme cold at all.
law5960 says
In most places senior citizens are respected if they show they are worthy of respect. Good luck.
R Burns says
To Christopher S. O’Rourke :Sounds like heaven man, when are we leavin’ ?
Jeanette says
My husband and I have an escape haven like that; we don’t often say which country it is.
In case this country is destroyed, we don’t want people like Satan’s Law arriving in our new country to destroy it, too.
youknowwho. says
I chose to believe that it is Mr. Trump that’s running the ‘scam’ on Hitlery. Ever see “The Sting”?
It looks like the ones running the ‘scam’ are gonna get screwed when in fact they are the ones that end up on top. The trick is playing into Hilary’s greed. She might be crafty but she ain’t all that smart. Otherwise she could have made it big without having to commit so many crimes.
R Burns says
The group of Haitians demonstrating on the sidewalk at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia were furious with Bill and Hillary Clinton. A passionate Haitian-American named Joseph Mathieu frankly accused the couple of “destroying Haiti for the decades. They pretend to be our friends when in reality they are our number one enemies…the Clintons were running Haiti, stealing our money, our resources and we are out here, outraged for the crimes of the Clintons!”
Then Mathieu labeled the international power couple racists: “The Clintons don’t like black people,” he thundered. “All they do is more welfare, more jails, more food stamps–-we don’t need that, we need more opportunity, more education!”
They have good reason to wave their “Hillary! Where Is the MONEY?” signs. Following the horrific 2010 earthquake that devastated the island nation, killing over 200,000 and leaving over 1.5 million people homeless, some 9 billion dollars in pledges and aid flowed in from sympathetic individuals, nations, and charities for the rebuilding. The Clintons together became the royal arbiters in charge of just how and where this vast treasury would be spent. Dubbed “The King and Queen of Haiti” in a Politico piece, like medieval rulers of yore, their majesties doled out favors to their loyal courtiers and nobles. In the case of Haiti, the nobles were the Clintons’ millionaire pals and relatives, and the favors amounted to billions in grants and contracts bestowed on them.
Those billions intended to rebuild the ruined nation instead disappeared into fantasy houses and roads that were never built, jobs that were never created, a national revival that never happened, and often private bank accounts never traceable. And a company with Tony Rodham, Hillary’s brother, on the board, somehow scored a lucrative 25-year gold mining deal.
Haiti is important because its colossal need and its suffering people gave Bill and Hillary a shining test case to demonstrate how much they love the less fortunate, to be the do-gooders they always claim to be. After all, for decades Hillary has insisted that her life’s work has been improving the lives of the poor and oppressed all over the globe. Haiti also holds a very special place in the Clintons’ hearts; it’s where they chose to spend their honeymoon in 1975 and marks the re-igniting of his political star.
It was a bittersweet time as Bill had just lost his congressional election in Arkansas. Dejected, he was thinking about abandoning his ambitions until the honeymooners attended a voodoo temple ritual honoring Ogou the god of iron, war and politics. Then an all-night talk with the voodoo priest helped them “reach the conclusion that the pursuit of God is the pursuit of excellence” according to the priest. Right then, Bill decided to run for Arkansas attorney general and his meteoric career was launched. Later, when First Lady Hillary told the world she liked to wander the halls of the White House, conversing with the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt…but that’s another story.
R Burns says
And did not Barrack Obama appoint both G W Bush and WJ Clinton to over see this vast amount of pledged and donated money ?– Clinton Foundation–
Jeanette says
Not to mention she would have passed the Bar exam on her first try.
Lois-Anne Nichols says
I hope/pray not!!
Lois-Anne Nichols says
Well, I replied to the comment…..we better get used to saying madam president, but it showed up elsewhere. I hope/pray we do NOT have to say madam president!!
chris alisi says
perhaps if the country is lucky she will suffer a cardiac arrest
Jeanette says
“Madam” is quite descriptive in a certain way. In a twisted way, she was a “madam” for Bill, wasn’t she?
Robert Taylor says
Perhaps you will say that but this disabled vet will never say those words. A traitor is a traitor and she fits the name like a glove and I don’t mean OJ’s glove.
Jeff says
With all this info, people still vote for her??
Gerry says
It’s a mystery to me also Jeff. I will write-in my Doberman rather than vote for the witch.
trumpt blast says
Socialistic indoctrination while in school is the main reason but if the lazy older voters will get off the coach and vote she will loose big time !!!!
Mikeyavelli says
Trump is up against the entire establishment, and the republicans are more against him than the Democrats.
If Trump wins, the old GOP is finished.
If Trump wins, illiar goes to jail.
Both sides are fighting for their existence.
Trump is fighting for America’s existence.
Hondo says
Those are very excellent point you made Mikeyavelli
May God be with us sinners that we are, yet hoping for His mercy and deliverance from the wicked powers that be.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Donald J. Trump has my vote in 4 weeks on Election Day. Our once great country started to go downhill when Bill Clinton was falsely elected Figurehead in the rigged election of 1992. Our nations defense has suffered more than long enough. We barely have a Pacific fleet in our Navy. There were military cutbacks and base closures that went on left & right during Bill Clinton’s 8 years as Figurehead in the states of CA,OR,WA,AK,CO,OK,TX,MO,IL,IN,PA,NJ,NY,MA,RI & FL, the majority of those states voted for that POS white trash SOAB in the rigged elections of 1992 & 1996. Military base closures in the states I mentioned were former Figurehead Bill Clinton’s thanks to those
states, there were many unhappy civil service workers that work on the closed and realigned bases that were forced to move to states where they didn’t want to go to and live, but were forced to or go without a job, many communities in those states have gone broke and have lost populations, some have bounced back, but it took them 2 decades to bounce back. We don’t need anymore Clinton’s at all and NO MORE STATUS QUO. TRUMP-PENCE 2016 & 2020.
trumpt blast says
Not all Florida voted for wild bill I didn’t and most of the county I lived in didn’t yet he somehow won ?? Maybe it was the Democrat governor and Nelson that helped him there !!!
Fredrick says
The old GOP is finished whether Trump gets in or not. It’s time to start a new party. The United States Congress is made up of NWO and Nationalist. There are no Republicans or Democraps anymore. Remember, if nothing else Trump showed the American people whats wrong with our government( Thomas Jefferson wrote about this fear in great detail ). It’s up to us to make it happen the changes (e.i. term limits, No Federal paychecks or retirement etc. ) The states should decide what benifits our repesentatives get. They are not Federal employees. They are state employees representing us in our Federal government. EVERY STATE should have a recall clause and use it when they don’t represent the peoples wishes. If Donald does’t get elected History will remember him as the person who opened the peoples eyes. God bless Nationalism. I love this country and God bless American the shinning beacon on the hill.
Concerned says
Every one read the book Guilty As Sin. Hillary is a phony just like our present CIC. She claims a happy childhood but her father was an abuser, she swears like a pig, she beats up on Bill, she treats her Secret Service protectors like dirt. From her actions in this election she strikes me as being a low class pig. I prey to God she doesn’t get elected. If she does we might as well kiss this country good bye. She is a wheeling, dealing conniver and belongs back in Ark. where she came from. Also I would like to know if she has a problem shaking her head all the time, that to me is not normal. Let’s all keep praying as hard as we can.
Jackie says
Hillary has at least one neurological disorder and probably won’t live another 4yrs but she wants the power !!
Jeanette says
And she wants to have that power pass to someone who is even more Marxist than she is – Kaine.
Yadja says
The U.S. and it’s citizens owe a great deal of gratitude to Assange for all this because without him things would have gone merrily in her favor. Even now her people claiming we don’t know if these leaks are real and in the same breath saying that if it is discovered they were leaked at this time to get Trump elected there will be serious repercussions. Wow so the truth will be put at Nuremberg type trials if H wins but she and all the culprits will go free. Hello Stalin’s Russia.
Vengeance is mine sayth the Lord and a vision was seen on 9/11 atop one of the beams of light that went viral around the world, on that day Hellary fell out, flat on her lying face. Bring it on Almighty bring it on.
John Wy says
Deplorable Rick says
Hitlary is PURE EVIL not just corrupt. If the sheeple allow in office the time of BIBLICA REVELATION has come!
youknowwho. says
Yeah. I been reading the Bible. But being a sinner I cheated and peeked at the end.Our side wins!!!!
CaptTurbo says
America is doomed. Corruption is winning again.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
We can thank our constantly complaining, whinny, cry baby, coddled spoiled brat,fault finding,finger pointing NON VOTERS that have never voted at all in their lives and never will for NO DAMNED reason and the dumb, stupid, ignorant, idiot,lunkhead, SFB that will vote for Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton(HKRAKC). NON VOTERS are the best supporters that HKRAKC has and NON VOTERS fix & rig elections by not voting at all for NO DAMNED REASON.
bill says
Say’s; It is unfortunate that the medium of the press will not publish or show on TV any of this true commentary on what SHE is truly made of.
It truly boggles my mind!!!
Aaron Volkman says
America is not doomed, vote Trump/Pence. Don’t believe the media lies, there are trying to discourage us, don’t let that happen.
chris alisi says
nothing the media will keep me from voting for Trump if hillary is elected the countrys name will have to changed ,it will no longer be america the beautiful
Jos. C. Moore says
I am extremely worried about how the massive election fraud, that is sure to occur, can be mitigated. Elections of past were never fully exposed and this coming one is going to be the mother of all fraudulent elections. Both parties seem to have no morals or fealty to our constitutional laws and such criminal activities will be met with the proverbial “tch, tch” but nothing done about it. The destruction of America for the globalists is rapidly approaching with far too much complacency and collusion by our “so called” leaders.
Martin says
When we have a corrupt news media that is in the sewer with the Democrats it is hard to win. Even FOX doesn’t tell always tell everything.
It is hard to put a fire out when they keep shutting the water off.
ABC News executive producer IanCameron is married to Susan
Rice, National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes,
Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former
Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie
Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special
Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary
Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
*Ya think there might be a little bias in the news?*
Lisa says
This is so blatant! I would hope that Donald Trump would take these leaks and make political ads out of them to air on tv during prime time. WHO would ever vote for this woman especially if these types of ads air?
Trump! Our only hope.
Frank says
That is one sneaky bitch. She goes out there campaigning just to fool the public but the public does not know how sneaky that bitch is that is the reason Bernie Sanders lost because she rigged the voting. All I can say if that bitch get in the white house America is doom. America will not last the four years of her been in the white house.
Rudy says
We have a sick power hungry, greedy, liar and a novice running for president. At least the novice is straight and truthful.
SoldiersCross says
Hillary does not have one redeeming character quality suitable to be President. An Obama endorsement is worthless. Yet half the public is not informed because of news media suppression. I’m bewildered.
Aaron Volkman says
Also in reference to the establishment republicans that are jumping ship on Trump , they are worse than democrat liberals. At least with them you know they are back stabbers, but with the elite establishment republicans they reach out to shake your hand as a friend while stabbing you in the back with the other. These people are so called RINOS a democrat with an R behind their name. They will be dealt with when Trump wins. Hang in there and encourage as many people as you can to vote Trump, He is the last hope to save this nation!!!
BobbyG says
The average American has been left in ignorance so the Gov’t can pursue its Agenda ?Personally I feel the Upper Eschelon hasn’t thought our present situation out thoroughly.The rich can only get richer if the middle class keeps getting fooled into paying taxes etc.If their Agenda is met the next phase will be to wittle down the Upper Eschelon.This means the Rich will be soon at war with each other,since there would be no fall guys like the middle class.So heres to all you snobby,spoiled,ignorant Rich ones,start thinking into the future in order to save yourselves.
Lorraine E Blazich says
hillary has everything “rigged” to put her back into the white house. All a person has to do is watch the so called “debates” and observe the corporate media attack dogs supporting and assisting her while they join her in the attacks on Donald Trump. hillary owns the corporate media and has the support of her comrade george soros, RINO ryan. the democrat and RINO parties, the oligarchy, the one world shadow government masters, the universities (a.k.a. government indoctrination centers) the CFR, the trilateral commission, wall street, the bankers and the communist u.n..
Donald Trump is the People’s Choice but the voting and polling process is so entirely corrupt and controlled by the democrat party that it would take a miracle for Donald Trump to win. The Donald only has a short time to try to correct some of the gigantic fraud in our national disgrace of a voting process.
Joanne says
Robert Taylor says
It is unfortunate that we will not be able to see her pay. While here on this earth she has everything she wants and does whatever she wants with no one to make her pay. Her paying in another life by God does not do anything for me. It may be wrong but I would like for her to pay like the men and women she put into harms way had to pay and for her own greed.
Paul Booth says
So the Devil’s Angel wins again. People like law5960 could see her Kill some one and would still swear she didn’t do it.
Evil begets Evil. So nothing will sway there minds people like him are blind to anything good and God like. The Demoncrats
have been taking God out of everything so they can commit there evil and get away with it.
kipkowalewski says
Very True!
Grace says
Hillary has been corrupt all of her life and it will never change. She will ruin the country, but make no mistake that she will do whatever it takes to win and step on anyone in her way. I am all in for TRUMP. No matter what he said 11 years ago just think what she has done and what she will do given that kind of power.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Grace Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton(HKRAKC) was born & raised in Crook County, Illinois & her husband from Arkansas where political corruption is, always has been the norm there till Mike Huckabee became Governor of Arkansas, plus that damned POS white trash B@&CH was falsely elected U.S.Senator of my no good ROTTON birthstate of New York in 2000 when that damned POS white trash B@&CH never ever lived a day of her life there, and the Clinton’s pay no taxes at all, they are tax exempt just like all the clowns we have in Washington and in most of the state & territorial capitals.
stevenl says
Any normal woman would have run away long ago from this sadistic Billy. She did NOT.
She does not suffer from a Stockholm syndrome either.
She is an exception to the rule.
Her thirst for POWER is the problem. For that she has been willing to swallow ANYTHING!
She has accumulated 40 years of anger and abuses. Billy is the ladder to the WH!
She is a danger for the country!
angelika griffin says
We all know the “DEAL” now and we have to act so her PLOY won’t work….
Lisa says
How brazen! Donald Trump should be airing ads of this on prime time tv. If the people still vote for this evil witch after seeing those ads, they truly are sheeple. We are doomed if Hillary gets in even if information like this is out there. She knows no bounds!
Trump! We need him.
stevenl says
As Donald stated, she sold her soul to the devil for getting the POWER!!!
Rico says
While I don’t think Trump is the best answer for our country I do think it is without question he is the ONLY choice. Only the brain dead, brain washed sheep will vote for Hitlery. She will continue to have her supporters no matter what she is guilty of. It’s up to us (the ones who know Trump is the ONLY choice) to help the undecideds make the right decision. So many stupid people believe in Hitlery while she keeps spitting in their face and telling them it’s raining. It is so obvious how she panders to the women, the African American community, and the Latino community as well just so she can get their votes. WAKE UP!!! That’s all they are to her is votes. Look at her record of accomplishments as a career politician. What has she done to actually do any good for those groups? She doesn’t care about them. If those people want to believe in her when she is and has proved to be a pathological liar then go right ahead. If she wins they’ll just get more of the same of what they’ve had for the past 8 years. It’s an uphill battle when most of the major news networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN) are all so biased that they never give the truth about how big of a monster she really is. Because her money controls them like it does the FBI (Jim Comey you are a coward and an embarrassment to your country!) , the DNC, and anybody who has ever donated anything to her crooked Clinton Foundation. MONEY can get you anything from being exonerated from major crimes all the way to President of the United States. Follow the money people . Connect the dots. This plan has been in place for a LONG time and if enough of us don’t vote to stop her it won’t be a pretty outcome for the people of our great nation.
Dan says
Nothing to see here, move along.
Bernie of Va. says
A Nuclear Attack on America would be nothing,compared to having crooked lying Traitor like having Hillary Clinton as pres.There would not be any thing left any way it went So please there vote for Trump/Pence.At the least they would fighy for America to make it Great Again
tomini says
How low has America sunk that a corrupt, lying, two faced fraud has an 80% chance of rigging the election and becoming the next occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. a place she should never be allowed into again. She has brought disgrace and embarrassment to our once great country. Get out and vote, get your friends to vote it may not be too late. Imagine the excitement of overcoming the evil witch and the corrupt Washington establishment. Then and only then can we deal with this law breaking, corrupt, entitled POS. We failed with the current POS in the White House let’s not let it happen again.
Trump/Pence 2016
El Tejas says
Yes Clinton will smile and tell the public one thing and then do the opposite. And one should be careful a back scratch by Hillary. The scars will last a life time.
CJ says
Does this woman (I use the term lightly) know no shame?
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
CJ shame is a deadly cancer to Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton(HKRAKC), if she gets shame into her, she’ll be on life support in a hospital.
john-atlanta says
Basically what you have is the “woman” of Babylon and the king of Babylon running for POTUS 2016. This is what you get when a nation forsakes and MOCKS God. Congress was warned by their own stenographer on their own floor and in their own hallway that God will not be mocked. She said it three times (the writing on the wall – Daniel).
The (sorta) bad news is God is killing Congress and our country is at it’s end. The good news is the true King of Babylon is about to arrive to claim his place on the throne in Jerusalem to deceive the whole world by 2018 (1948+70). There is a lot of killing and civil war the world over that has to happen before then and I imagine it starts when God wipes the Sodom states off the face of the earth. Then when we no longer export abortion, porno, homosexual marriage, FOOD, and oil, the rest of the world will join us in having a civil war of their people, until there are left only 1 man left for every 7 woman, as God’s written word states.
John Soroka says
I along with many others do not believe the polls. I think Trump is really ahead of the beast. Therefore we must constantly be on the alert for voter fraud which I promise you will surely happen.
Carolyn Reilly says
Bill Clinton is possibly the only ex President whose family became billionaires and they had no businesses-only jobs in government. They clearly have great talent at planning ahead. They took a fund for Bill’s Presidential Library and turned it into a 100 billion dollar slush fund for politics and favors. They offer benefits, cash and whatever to people who promote them.
Some of Hillary’s top level staffers were sending e/mails about Catholics and Evangelicals last night on FOX . They see themselves as elitists who are very superior to the very people they are courting for votes. One Wiki-Leaks e-mail mentioned a head staffer for the Clinton Foundation who attempted suicide by driving her car into a waterway. She blamed all of the Clinton family for the terrible atmosphere in the Clinton Foundation offices.
Terrence M. says
Think about this for a minute. ( I hate the woman ) if she dies in office look at who she picked for the veep.
Now it’s really scary, that guy has a brain the size of a pea.
deplorable bob says
Pea brain Kane will probably do less damage than Witch Queen Killiary Rotten. If she wins hope for the best. VOTE TRUMP PENCE
rodney burke says
we should be shocked at anything illegal, immoral or disgusting Hilary EVER did? I don’t think so. She is so disgusting she should be in jail or better yet, hung for treason and so many crimes that they would take a whole page single spaced to enumerate. Anyone else would be in jail or executed for treason. She is not, why?
Terrence M. says
I want a job Mrs. Clinton. When you hire me I will follow all orders and do everything as you say it should be done.
I have no concern about going to jail(even murder) as you will make sure I don’t because I protected and supported your endeavors. I would like a modest six figure income and really not have to work hard. I am entitled to a position, same as you are.
I am a lying, deceitful, cold blooded person. I care about no one or whom I may cause damage to in my effort to become successful.
Joanne says
jwb says
Good news today, Donnie has just declared Nov. 28th voting day, HRC’s people will be so on the wrong day. Her motto, keep america late again ……………………The good news just keeps on coming ………….amen
Charles says
If Hilary wins we are screwed she is the most corrupt person i have ever witnessed and she is also a psychopath who in thier right mind would vote for her are they just as dishonest and corrupt as her?
The Texan says
Hillary will take care of the people that are part of her in crowd so long as they are of use to her. Her in crowd are people like Huma Abedin, Valery Jarret, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Sheila Jackson Lee, john Lewis, Tim Kaine, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Paul Ryan, David Scott, Joan Burl, and Maxine Waters. But if Hillary perceives you as a threat you better watch your back. She will do more than scratch it. As for all the rest of us peasants; she could not care less so long as she can control us and heard us in whatever direction she chooses.
Timothy Thompson says
The last election we now know was rigged, Romney should have won that election since our country was in a state of freefall in reality but the Dems had all the inside tracks. Benghazi and the middle east was on fire, our economy after four years with Obama leading from behind was in a shambles but with the help of the progressive media all the lies that they told, the whole thing was coreographed to get Obama a second term. Can it be that Romney was a ploy, if you look back on his performance he looked like he was a sheep not fighting the truth of how bad America’s economy was, the middle east was being mismanaged and finally his last month of campaigning he was almost missing in action. Obama won and shouldn’t have.
Now here we are at the end of Obama’s eight years, Clinton a known lier, a security felon but we see the FBI, DOJ are in cahoots with her not getting indicted and able to run for the highest office in the land. We are being led to the slaughter house, the communists have won, we are being lied too, we are asked to not look at facts but believe what is being broadcasted by these pathetic haters of America telling us Trump is going to be the worst thing ever thrusted on America, but don’t look at the dismal facts of Hillary’s corruption, criminal acts of conspericy and lawlessness. Who is married to a habitual sexual preditor who lied under oath about his time in office attacking and raping women almost to a point of brasen criminality. These people are being protected and thrust into the White House by criminals, haters of America and our well being. If you do not believe your eye’s and listen to them and believe what they say we are in worse condition than ever before, electing a known felon who was let off the hook by a crooked Obama administration FBI and DOJ, love your country and vote for Trump a known business man who loves America and wants to make us great by cleaning out this sewer of political crime being perpatrated by the Democratic party and progressive politicians who want to remain in complete control of our couintry. God Bless America.
ScienceABC123 says
Say what you will but the Clinton’s never leave anything to chance. And they’re not going to leave the November election up to the chance that the American people don’t vote for her.
Bruce says
N.O.W., they do! : Average Americans remember, Hellary HATES Y’all !!!
Mark Tittle says
The Constitution of USA gives by law a Free Press. Free Press is free of deliberate twisting of reporting process. So we have a press not free but in bondage to put all else there. Constitutionally they ARE illegal & illegally issuing propaganda. Has anyone heard this from anyone. There surely must be legal recourse to correct this trampling of citizens rights by the pure words & meaning of our law the Constitution. The illegal use of the press for propaganda is not one bit justified. I pray the legal good guys can see this and activate every means in their power ie ACLJ.
Mark Tittle says
We have the right to a truly free press.
Mark Tittle says
That right has been stolen after years of slow depreciation & mind control. Let us get it back. Go Trump!!!
Justin W says
WikiLeaks just continues to keep the hits coming. I wondered why Hillary picked Kaine to be her vice president. Now we know.
It’s safe to say this conniving woman has a lot more plans in place for what is going to happen if she is elected. We have a choice to make on election day. I’m with Trump. He is our best hope for a government which will be run by the Constitution rather than a greedy person’s unbridled lust for power.
Abe says
I’d love nothing more than to rape and bite Hillary’s lip off. Now I’d never do that to a woman, but Hillary’s no woman! She’s a $$nt!
Paul Booth says
They already have 50,000 dead people registered in Florida.
Wonder how much damage Acorn will do this time.
Lets face it Demoncrats are evil they kill babies they let men marry men and women marry women
They want Men to be allowed to go to the bathroom with young girls.
They have taken God out of schools and everywhere else they can.
One fact above everything
Buckeye012 says
they started a long time ago getting dead peoples vote in Ohio too. Demoncrats !
God will punish them. what goes around comes around.
Dan M says
This is one more nail (a wooden one) to be driven through Hilary’s heart (if it does exist). She has committed so many illegal and impeachable acts it is hard to believe that she could not be disqualified or prosecuted at any time the House or FBI should choose to pursue legal action. Now is the time for Sen Paul Ryan and FBI Dir Comey to stand up and lead this country from the brink of socialism ala Sol Alinsky and George Soros.
JC says
Need a house from Kansas to fall on this witch too!
Wes Falkenstein says
If it looks like sheet and smells like sheet, it probably comes from and is sheet!
Ann says
The second coming of Christ is near. The Bible mentions a anti-christ. That is Hillary. She is a devil, look at her smile. Sneaky and hateful. In back of her mind she is saying”vote for me you bastards”. Make a list of everything she did wrong and a list of everything she did good for America and I bet the list of good is blank. Really what did she do for us?? I am a Democrat and she never did anything for me. But I will do something for her and that is not to vote for her. I am supporting Mr. Trump and i am very proud to say that. He is a very proud man and does not like failure. He will MAGA, to prove to HC that he did it. Please go vote and do yourself a favor and vote for Trump/Pence. Thanks!!!
sagatel says
NBC released those tapes now in order to hurt Trumps presidential bid. They had those tapes for a while but waited for a crucial time and released them before the debate giving Hillary a cover for Wikileak e-mail releases. Now I don’t trust their polls, it is a ploy to make us believe Trump is far behind. Trump is fighting unlike Romney, we should continue supporting him because we don’t want someone like Soros to have his stooge in the White House.
Politically incorrect says
This is exactly why the democrats do not want voter ID and making as many immigrants citizens this year as did Slick Willy during his 2nd run. The democrats want total control and a democratic regime and at this point there probably is nothing anyone can do about it.
The media wants her elected and the powers to be are so corrupt and want to be able to continue to be just as much (but probably worse) corruption. What is going to happen is we are going to be fighting with Russia and what people have common sense sooner or later are going to storm capital hill and the WH and make the terrorist attacks look like kid games.
May not happen in the remainder of my life time but some time down the road enough will be so tired of the gov’t corruption that it will be a 3rd world issue and a civil war on our gov’t
A vote for Hillary is a vote for gov’t corruption, destruction and death to America
warren says
Every dirty crooked politician should be sent to Guantanimo .
sagatel says
Buckeye012 says
don’t you people remember the 2012 election ? they were bussing the same voters from poll to poll and it all came out & nothing was done to anyone! They got away with having convicts & repetitive voting It all came out but no one did anything & Romney dropped out. there was voter fraud big time here in Ohio. They all got away with it.
Conservative1 says
A female reincarnation of Joseph Stalin
RUCA says
Simply not fit for anything!!! when a human been go to length of trying to obtain power at any cost using any crooked way in the books to do so is: SICK IN THE MIND!!! I am very sorry for the American people to be so STUPID AND BLIND not to see what is really happening around them , the timing of making DT LOOK BAD IS SIMPLY TOO OBVIOUS!!!!!!!!!?????? I am socked of the lack of insight of the American People, IT IS ABOUT TIME THEY GROW UP AND STOP BELIEVEING IN FABRICATED LYES TOO MAKE DT LOOK BAD!!!!! WAKE UP GUYS IT IS TIME TOO GROW UP AND FAST FACE THE REALATIES SPECIALY OF THE ONES THAT SHOW “POOR OR NO INTEGRETY AT ALL, THAT IS WHAT THE ILUNINATIES DO THEY LYE TOO THE PEOPLE THAT THEY SAY :THEY LOVE: “GROW UP AMERICANS IT TIME TOO DO SO THE END AND COMING OF THE SAVIOUR IS VERY SOON HAS PROMISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RUCA says