The U.S. State Department is warning Americans traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday that three of the world’s deadliest terror groups could be planning attacks.
The agency issued a formal travel warning Monday, cautioning citizens to be on high alert – especially during the holidays – following increased threats from militant groups around the world.
The new travel high alert, which is to be in effect until Feb. 24, said current information suggests that militants with ISIS, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and other Islamic extremist groups continue to plan attacks in multiple regions.
U.S. authorities said ISIS fighters trained in Iraq and Syria have begun returning to their home countries, which is escalating the risk of attacks around the world. There is also a possibility that other individuals not affiliated with terror groups could use the busy holiday season as an opportunity to engage in violence on their own.
“U.S. citizens should exercise vigilance when in public places or using transportation,” said the alert released Monday. “Be aware of immediate surroundings and avoid large crowds or crowded places. Exercise particular caution during the holiday season and at holiday festivals or events,” it said.
The travel alert was issued the same day that Belgium’s prime minister announced that the country’s capital, Brussels, would remain at the highest alert level for at least another week. The increased security measures following the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris that killed 130 people have virtually shut down Brussels.
An alert from the American embassy in Belgium warned that an attack in the country could be “imminent.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Brian G. Henneman says
President Obama is a Muslim and should be removed from office. He is a disgrace to the USA and not doing his part to eliminate ISIS.
Bruce says
And just what should he be doing to eliminate ISIS praytel??
Christine Edera says
How about allowing the bombs to fall?
Mary says
They are not under one roof. There are many innocent they are out among.
Frank says
There are no inocent Moslems only bastards! So don’t worry!
Wendy says
And Daesh knows that. You think they respect the Geneva convention?
Jerry says
Yes, we’ve all heard it before – and pray tell – let’s not endanger or harm the children or the youngsters or the wives just because their husbands are out there bombing, shooting and killing innocent people (Men, women and children in Russia, France, Belgium, Israel, Great Briton and the USA. We must remember that the ISIS Terrorists don’t care who they kill and they’ve already taken out thousands of innocent husbands, wives and Children. President Obama is absolutely wrong when he instructs our military to be absolutely certain of their targets when they do their Bombing runs, or when they storm suspected terrorist sites and be very careful and selective about who gets bombed or shot because he wants No civilian casualties done by the US military! None, Nada, Zero! The only problem with that kind of warped thinking is he forgets these are the same terrorist bastards who have already killed thousands of innocent civilians in the USA, France, Belgium, Israel, Great Briton and Russia . And Considering the Youngsters and wives of these Terrorists, If any become casualties of a War their fathers have perpetrated – it’s just too bad! AND unfortunate for them but we should remember who will be training them to hate and it’s also true that little snakes grow up to be big snakes! When you go in to wipe out a den of snakes – the objective is to destroy the entire nest of all the snakes that happen to be in there! Sorry, but I don’t believe all bystanders who are in close proximity to a terrorist cell or den are innocents!
Roland says
Elect Trump
Sherry says
I certainly hope so he has more to give us as President of America!
xhomer12 says
a mule has more to give than what we have!!!!There are no innocent one being killed by what few bombs we drop. Some of our planes were ordered to return without dropping their bombs
Ben says
yes elect Trump…I am a democrat but i wil support Trump
Craig says
Comments from you Liberals make me sick, get your head out your ass.
These ragheads are looking to take your and your family out, permanently and yes that means men, woman and little tiny babies, they have shown that is their mission as preached by allah their blind as a bat leader.
Stop playing the BS Political Correct War and ELIMINATE them and the threat ONCE AND FOR ALL, if not everyone will observe the end of America as you know it today.
Annick Stiefel says
Or Ted Cruz.
Ree says
He should have taken them seriously the minute they began taking hostages and decapitating them while taunting us. He is hands down the most dangerous incompetent president the US has ever had
Sherry says
For sure!
Sue says
Agreed Christine
Rosa says
Anything would be better than what he’s doing. I think he’s got rose colored glasses on. I don’t think he’s done our great country any good. There’s a saying that goes something like this….the way for evil to flourish is good men to do nothing. I think Obama has shown us he cannot handle the job he was given by the folks he hoodwinked
Jane says
Obama knows exactly what he is doing! He was sent here to destroy our country from within and the stupid people who voted for him two times are to blame! He wants to flood this country with illegals and immigrants that can’t and won’t be vetted! People need to wake up before it is too late. He is the devil’s advocate!
nick says
I would agree…
Emmett says
We are living in dangerous times and we need a president that has got some common sense, that can surround himself with people that is not stupid, and listen and take advice. We need a president that can lead us to victory. Emmet
Lori says
Jane hit the nail on the head! That is so true and these dopes who voted twice do not even try to educate themselves..
They are the ones running around with rose-colored glasses. Especially those who don’t care about keeping up with the current events and don’t bother to learn. You sure can’t find the truth on any of the networks other than FoxNews and some independent channels. Most of the young and others who don’t work know more about keeping up with the Kardashians!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!! Most people posting here really have it together!!! Thank you!
Jim says
Considering the fact that Obama was born and raised a Muslim, in Mombasa, Kenya and given that his supposed Christian pastor, Jeremiah Wright, is a worthless excuse for a Christian pastor AND that Obama spent over 2 years in Russia (in his early years) AND that he continually lied about his birthplace( having been born in Mombasa, Kenya ) AND having done more, than any past President, to bring America to her knees … especially having been accompanied by Communist friends during his life here in America ( even having one by his side at his attendance of the Senator’s house party … where he was introduced as the one she wanted to take her place when she left office). Sadly, he had little to no experience for a Senatorial position and much less for a Presidential position!! He should really be impeached and hung as a Traitor!!!
Sarge says
There are two important telltale signs that BHO has communist connections which I haven’t heard anyone address. Why would he give both of his daughters Russian names? What does that tell you?
Laura Ayala says
How about NOT BRINGING THEM INTO THE US. THAT WOULD BE A START. Instead, he is importing them by the thousands, ignoring court decisions and Congress. So come down from your fairy tale castle and wake up.
Sherry says
It was said in the beginning of this mess,that it would
be done in a way that Americans would not even think
of. Obama helping the enemy, A plague in the White House.
Philip says
True for sure.
Sal says
Isis will not bomb the White House because their Muslim Brother lives there!
Those that he wants to invade the US with are 93% Muslim. Did you ever see him give the high sign to another Muslim when he puts up one finger, the index finger, that means there is One God Allah. Lets all give him a finger, the middle finger.
Sherry says
I’m afraid if they ARE LET IN
we are in sever trouble Don’t
want to think were gonners,
I mean think about it 10,000 and what are already here
Karl says
I say don’t question them if they are part of ISIS- shoot them before they do act.
mirage says
Very ignorant comments regarding Obama! White racist terrorist American groups ( law enforcement) are killing, terrorizing people of color daily in, America! America is, a, totally white supremacist country, genocide the Native Americans, took their land, enslaved people of, color, in the name of, Christianity! Obama hasn’t been allow to institute any of his planned policies thanks to white supremacist in Congress, in the Senate, both parties who do whatever to sabotage any constructive bill Obama puts before congress etc, White people with all your hate, barbaric attitudes throughout the history of this nation are face to face with your karma worldwide! As the Dalai Lama said quote: “Buddha, God, and praying to them won’t solve the problems, man created these problems man is responsible for solving them.” It starts at home, if you’re teaching children to hate, discriminate, be racists, prejudice, disrespectful of individuals because of their ethnicity, you’ve falsed as a parent! You’ve misrepresented you faith denomination and mankind. Thump isn’t the answer, none of those running for president are! Drop the drama, stop the greed, fulfill the needs! Namaste
Sue says
And allow them in the White house where Obama takes full responsibility. Including food,medical,educational, housing everything
barb says
Seems to me Mirage that you are the hater with vengeful prejudicial statements like “white people with all your hate” and “white supremacy” Pardon me dear but you sound very biased and racist;like one step away from Nazi ethics or the Klu Klux Klan. And you are not respectful of other cultures and religious beliefs. Not all of us are Christians, but many of us still believe in God. Read your statement. It is hateful and full of venom. It sounds like you do not like being an American. But….you remain in America and reap benefits. Just saying. As to Obama, our checks and balances system helps to keep overaggressive leaders at bay.
barb says
how about not inviting them to come live in america? how about not letting them take over things, like they are? that would be a nice start.
Rosa says
Anything would be better than what he’s doing. I think he’s got rose colored glasses on
Valerie says
And who told you he was Muslim? I don’t know, but all I see is that gasoline hasn’t been this low in I don’t know when. The unemployment rate went down quite a bit. There is available health care for everyone and not just some. He did not go into a war that wasn’t necessary and lie about the necessity of going into one.
Patti says
He should first stop avoiding calling them what they are Islamic jihadist extremist war mongers hell bent on destroying the west and freedom–stop apologizing and trying to appease them, second stop trying to broker a deal with Iran, and third go to WAR—be the Man in Charge-stop talking on tlak shows and get to work protecting this country–thats job #1 and the only thing he should concern himself with—OBAMACARE CLIMATE CONTROL_please- stop wasting time and money
Leonard says
How about contacting president Bush to help handle the terrorist,
or at least advise. When you have a medical problem you go to the
Dr. Well this is a terrorist problem time to contact the pros.
Would be a very smart thing for Obama to do, we are all u.s.
citizens and none of us like our rights to freedom being taken away
because of the crazy terrorist, Obama has no experience at all in the area, call it what it is and use others who do that’s being
presidential. Will he dare do the right thing for this country?
Bety says
He should stop aiding and abetting them. He should also resign. He is doing all he can to destroy USA and what it stands for.
Mark says
Aerial spraying of pigs blood and they will all freak out and die!!!
Craig says
If you got to ask what should Obama do to eliminate …”you are also brain dead, and one who surely voted for that Muslim 2x. Did you feel the Change Yey ?
Andy Miller says
#1 he should never have supported them with money and weapons!
#2 Having started them knowing they had gone rouge: should have stopped them in the beginning!
#3 You say when? Thanks for asking the day after they killed four people in Benghazi!
Michael Cain says
there are many comments about the faults of Obama but none on how to remove him.
Sherry says
I’m sure every one knows !
Dave M. says
I have a feeling that ISIS has a plan for removing Obama. But I’m pretty sure that it’s not through impeachment.
Donna Diaz says
Charity begins at home. How about fixing the US homeless and getting the jobs back in the US before bringing anyone into the US!!!! I’m tired of all the freeloading….
California used to be the Golden State now its the free state. I am in awe of how many non- English speaking people are collecting US Social Security know as SSI. I’m tired of the free ride. I didn’t vote for Obama and I sure as hell hope he drops dead.
Annick Stiefel says
So right!
Leonard says
What good will that do now, we need to do the best we can with the year he has left. Hope all Obama supporters learned there lesson
why to vote for the strongest presidential candidate and not just vote
the party line. Pay attention people the next election is very important to all americans.
Bety says
Have the secret service all take dinner at same time, gate allows green berets in white house and kill him
Russ says
Sherry says
Hes helping Isis and the lot.
Phil White says
AMEN….. Obama says there are no Terrorists Threats.. He has ISIS under control. He wants 10,000 Syrian Refugees to enter the United States…. May God Protect the American Citizens and Christians from their elected representatives !!
chris says
Get ridd of oboma along with the libs and socialist
Joan Burke says
What is so sad and disgusting is that so many of our Veterans are homeless or ill and before they let anyone into this country everyone of our veterans should be taken care of. Then there are children who go to bed without eating every night. But no take care of foreigners and refuges first OH BOY Makes me sick to my stomach!!
Sue says
Exactly take care of our own..Vets, homeless an hungry…my brothers Disability check is 3 yrs behing.He has tried everywhere to get it fixed. ..So much for agent orange
Sherry says
You are so right. I say keep our money here.
our people need it. Why do our people have
to do without
Elect Donald Trump
Sirblu says
We need Trump NOW! I am afraid a year from now maybe too late!
Annick Stiefel says
I agree 100%.
R. G. says
What politicians forget is that they work for the American People, we don’t work for them, my feeling is thrown the bums out or vote them out , they are a lazy bunch that do nothing but line their pockets. What do we need to do to realize that Obama is a real problem, and he is a Muslim not a Christian. WAKE UP AMERICA..
Candie says
I think OUR Local Government need to step up to the plate and make it MANDATORY for every “AMERICAN” to be trained in hand to hand combat, and learn how to shoot rifles and handguns, and be ALLOWED to purchase the weapons necessary to defend themselves along with enough ammunition to defend themselves for at least a month at a time. I also go against some opinions in saying that “WE” should NOT have to Register them ONLY so to PREVENT Obama from coming to our door and demanding WE GIVE UP “OUR” PROTECTION From ISIS and any other countries that intend “US” Harm!!!! IMO our Country consist of maybe 99% Honest “AMERICAN” CITIZENS and 1% CRIMINALS. And IMO the CRIMINALS ((((((ALREADY)))))) have weapons!!!!!
Howard Sampson says
If republicans had balls, I’m sure they could find multiple charges to IMPEACH the useless puke.
Sal says
That’s insulting puke!
Bety says
The democrats are puppets of obama, hillary is the worse, she already showed she keaves Americans helpless…remember Benzazi
Raincroft77 says
He is guilty of Treason. ARTICLE III, Section 3, says it is Treasonous to give Aid and Comfort to our Enemies. Call your Congressmen/Women and demand his impeachment and removal from office now. Help save America it’s almost too late.
sonny dillingham says
that is so true
Philip says
That statement is so true. But the American people are the ones who can make thing’s happen in Washington. If they just set back and don’t do anything to stop this man or his party then our nation is Dead. I just hope we can get someone in to bring back our nation as it once was.
Karen says
How can we start the process??called reps Gotta get him out. he is a devil
sonny dillingham says
yes so do I
Sherry says
He hates us, thats why he is helping. No Muslims
in America. I know some might be good, but we
need all of them gone right now!
bonnie derr says
and the senators and reps, do not have our backs—they should be instigating his removal!!!???
Dolce says
I believe in my heart that Obama is ahead of ISIS. He never showed any backbone to fight or stop ISIS. He spends all his time fighting the Republicans who wants to stop ISIS.
LAb says
He IS a treasonous traitor!
Mark says
Very well said Brian..
I don’t know you but I like the way you think!!!!
Alfonso says
Obama may have been a muslim at one time, but you don’t know that for sure. He is religio-fluid, and at this time I believe he is a secular christian. But it really doesn’t matter if he were a muslim or whatever. You are blaming all muslims for the acts a few. Using your republican logic of “more guns equals less violence”, I say more muslims equals less terrorism! I fully support bringing in as many syrian refugees as possible, even several million. In fact I’m influencing the administration to prepare for taking in ALL the refugees. After all, most refugees are peaceful and just want a better life. America is just the country to provide it to them! You can’t punish millions of law-abiding refugees just because some of them MIGHT do some bad things. That would be like taking away the guns of millions of law-abiding gun owners because of a few whackos shooting up schools.
So remember…….you guys always say that ” more guns equals less violence”, so then you must also accept that more syrian refugees equals less terrorism. You simply can’t argue with your own logic!
When the millionth refugee arrives, I’m opening a bottle of bubbly to celebrate. Then again for each million, until they’re ALL in america.
Bety says
He is not a Christian. He is the worst eccuse for a president. A dying dog could make a better president that obama
Carroll says
I have a copy of a direct Obama quote which says I am Muslim.
Sarge says
You sound like a bonafide moron. Maybe a ‘wetback’ as well?
Ben says
you are a Idiot
Terry says
He’s the worst enemy we’ve got!!!!!!
Howard Sampson says
So true!! But he’s a Democrat……The ONLY reason he was elected.
Some of us read what he stood for, saw this is EXACTLY what would happen and voted for the other guy.
Stupid voters just vote the party, not the man (or jackass, in this case.)
We get the government we deserve. ..
brewer says
why would he do his part to destroy isis when he’s the one that made them what they are to day …but that’s ok cause they won’t exist long trump will take care of that… go trump 2016
Irma Desiderio says
He is the one setting us up! No one wants to swallow that big bad pill!!
Rob says
The big thing now is that Obama and the dems want to disarm us! Gov Abbott in Texas is not about to let that happen to us Texans!
I am very concerned. Not only do I carry, but I have decided I will be carrying at least one rifle in my truck with at least 4 magazines!
My family is more important to me than Obama’s futuristic gun ban. He can kiss my ass!
Eric Rohn says
Alfred Alder says
I second that!!
Carol Bowers says
Amen brothers. I carry and will do what is necessary as a vet to protect those around me. My oath is never ending to protect from enemies, foreign and domestic.
chris says
Amen brothers and sisters .if us true red white and blue country lovin second amendment holden AMERICANS want to save our freedoms you better be ready to step up and hold firm on our constitution and libirtys
Howard Sampson says
Thank you, Carol. If only there were more patriots like you The USA wouldn’t be in such a mess.
Jay Sadler says
Jeff says
Amen brother!
Bruce says
With the NRA around how the HELL are they going to disarm you? They can’t even get a law for background checks to pass.
Ron says
Are you living under a rock or something? They already have background check laws.
Philip says
Obama will try ever thing in his Worthless power to disarm the American people so they won’t be able to protect them self from Obama and his gun grabbing party. Trust Me this man is out to take down our way of life, our nation, and our freedom. It is time for true America to stand up for our freedom as a nation. Obama must go.
Howard Sampson says
Michael Cain says
Amen to self and family and friends protection . Use what ever means that is necessary.
A.Daywalker says
Frances Morris says
Why not have Texas secede???
Raincroft77 says
My family will move to Texas.
Ree says
Mine too! I’m packin in Cleveland
Howard Sampson says
And Youngstown.
Sal says
I never leave home without it!
Sherry says
Mine too!!
sonny dillingham says
I agree with you BUT I don’t think that just 4 magazines is going to be enough!!
S.Lee says
Since an option for the Thanksgiving menu is beautiful, delicious, baked Ham, followed by Israeli wine, perhaps the terrorists would enjoy a place at the feast table. Apart from that, keep the powder dry and guns well-oiled!
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Eric Rohn says
chris says
Can i get an AMEN. I hope we get a gun lovin no crap takin real man in the white house.thats right obama man neither you or your wife knows what that is.
tonyn says
Put these 2 links together and what do you Have ????
Emails show DOD analysts told to ‘cut it out’ on ISIS warnings; IG probe expands
CBS News says Obama made ISIS ,
Martin says
I think that George “W” Bush and Cheney made ISIS. Obama is just perpetuating and nurturing it. It has been told by our military that Obama,s administration doesn’t allow our pilots to drop bombs to take out targets, or Very few anyway. To me, Obama isn’t an American loving president. In one of his books he states if ill winds blow I will side with the Muslims. He is certainly proving that correct and shouldn’t be leading this country.
Gary says
Martin, how can you say that about our previous President and VP?
Isis was not even in existence until OB’Wan pulled the troops out of Iraq and left a few behind to “train” the Iraqies with enough military gear to tempt even Iran to move in and gather it all up. Our equipment made it possible for ISIS to take over with a handful of troops to watch the Iraqies run for the hills.
YOU have been terribly MISINFORMED.
Louis says
The roots of ISIS go back a lot farther than the term of the current president. President George the Elder knew what President Reagan wrote to his staff: that the removal of Saddam Hussein, brutal as he was, would unleash a greater more dangerous chaos and savagery. That’s why George the Elder stopped short of eliminating Saddam. Look at what’s happened after his son, George the Younger, ordered our troops into Iraq! ISIS has filled a vacuum. First Iraq then Libya and then Syria. The “Arab Spring” has become a terrorists’ field day. And it wasn’t Obama who opened the door.
Howard Sampson says
You are correct, Louis.
Lori says
Why is our safety even in question??? That idiot we call a president is the enemy. He is behind ISIS and everyone knows it. He must be impeached and put in prison for treason. He is an imposter and the military or someone with authority should use water boarding on him! We would find out what other sickening things he’s been up to that are against America. Waterboarding is even to good for him. I’d say hang him by his beady little b—s or pretend he’s a voodoo doll. He deserves slow harsh intense pain because if this keeps up it will be one of our loved ones that get hurt or killed soon here. What does he care he is protected every day by the Secret Service.
Michael Cain says
remind the secret service exactly what their job is. to protect the office of the presidency from all harm. He is the harm ..
Raincroft77 says
Our Congressmen/women are ignoring and usurping The Constitution by not Impeaching a Traitor. Call these Criminals and demand they remove this scum from YOUR White House. Tell them they are breaking their ‘Oath of Office’ to preserve and protect the United States Constitution.
Howard Sampson says
Good point.
Raincroft77 says
Right Lori. He has continuously given in to and adhered to our Enemies desires. That is a Treasonous and he should be Impeached and sent to prison for the rest of his miserable life. Actually he should stand before a firing Squad.
Jeannette says
God Is Good, And His Compassion Failed Not!
william bayh says
I really ‘love’ what Jeanette says! Happy Thanksgiving, all! Please, EVERYONE CONSIDER; the ‘MEDIA’ live for ‘SENSATIONALISM’! IT IS A BAD ‘TIME’ FOR THE ‘WORLD’ BECAUSE OF ‘HUSSEIN OBAMA’ AND HIS ‘REGIME’! “PRAY,” TO ‘GOD’ TO PROTECT ALL PEOPLE THAT “BELIEVE-IN” ‘GOD’! We all know, at least, Obama has an ‘AGENDA’ that ‘isn’t’ in America’s ‘best’ interests! Do you see Donald Trump as I see him? He is NOT the man he says he is… He is a LIAR, A PERFORMER, A ‘BOOB’ WHEN HE SPEAKS! IMPEACH ‘HUSSEIN OBAMA’, FIRST! RULE OUT THE ‘DEMOCRATIC’ PARTY; ENTIRELY, SECONDLY! “PRAY” THAT DR. BEN CARSON IS OUR NEXT ‘PRESIDENT’, LASTLY! ‘GOD’ has ‘His’ Hand on Dr. Carson! “TRUST IN ‘GOD’!” Our ‘America’ “DEPENDED” on ‘God’ to make this Country FREE from ‘THE BRITISH EMPIRE’!!!
Ronald says
ISIS is not an aberration of Islam! They are commanded to do these evil things which are written in the Qur’an.
“Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for them in every stratagem or war.” Sura 9:5
If Islam is resisted: ” Their punishment … execution, crucifixion or cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or exiled from the land.” Sura 5:34, 35
“Prophet, make war on the unbelievers … and deal rigorously with them.” Sura 9:73
“believers, take neither Jews or Christians to be your friends (helpers); they are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their number and Allah does not guide wrongdoers.” Sura 5:52
The Qur’an also claims that God has no son; Jesus was only a messenger; there will be no resurrection; heaven and hell are not separate and coexist. In Sura 5:51, there are six days of creation yet in Sura 10:3 there are eight. Sura chapters 32-48 distort the origins that are stated in Genesis such as: Abrahams father’s name is Azar, Abraham lived in Mecca, attempted to sacrifice Ishmael instead of Isaac, he had eight sons, was thrown into the fire by Nimrod and the flood occurred during Moses’ time. Sura 3:106, 107 claims that only people with white faces will be saved and those with black faces, damned.
The Islamic concept of Allah is of a god that is unknowable, changing, and one where peace, hope or faith cannot be found. Muslims therefore cannot be certain of eternal life. Their religion has always been spread by force; occupying territory and then by enacting commands above to force conversions. This has been their history. Just because the laborers or war are few does not mean the many of them support their actions and triumphs as we have witnessed them cheering, parading in the streets after 9/11 and just recently after the Paris attack, a pause for a moment of silence at a soccer game in Istanbul turned into the whole crowd booing and chanting Allah Akbar …
Raincroft77 says
Right Ronald. There are at least 109 Verses in the Quran that says IF you are Muslim – you will kill ALL Infidels – anyone who won’t submit to Allah. To infiltrate us with ‘niceness’ then turn on us and stab or behead us when they have us where they want us.
A.W. says
Linda Bennett says
Florence Millard says
A lie-detector would not work for obama! He lies so much even the lie-detector would get confused. I don’t believe he even knows how to tell the truth!
Irma says
And how the confused detector will react if is used for HC. You’re sooo funny; I really needed a good lough.
Ann Blanchard says
Why ? the lie detector would surely blow up
Eleni Stil says
Bombard your congressmen with calls and emails. Tell them your expectations. Their contact information is here on the Internet.
Raincroft77 says
Absolutely. Deluge them with demands to follow the Constitution – Impeach him under ARTICLE III, Section 3, giving Aid and Comfort to our Enemies – AND adhering to their wants…
Get off your duffs now – help save America while there are a few more minutes.
Sherry says
But can you really really prove it?
Its to late now,
Elect Trump
Christopher says
GENERAL MC INTYRE said in an interview that he was told by the administration to limit bombing on ISIS headquarters because civilians were in the area. ISIS sympathizers but not actually members of ISIS. We must do what we can to make progress because ISIS kills innocent people just for the faith. WE NEED LEADERSHIP WITH A STRONG AND DECISIVE VOICE.!
Raincroft77 says
ISIS/ISIL has no compassion for Civilians – they kill women, babies and even animals. Muslim’s strap bomb vests on their toddlers and send them in to a crowd to detonate their vest. How can any woman – or man for that matter – kill her/his own toddlers, as young as three years old.
Read the Jerusalem Post. It’s not being carried by the MSM, but these ‘peaceful’ women are waiting at bus stops, and kill Jewish women and children as they get off the bus.
Muslim women are totally under the control of their husbands, and when told to kill an Infidel, he will invite her to heaven to be with him. Such stupidity. Muslim women are not allowed to drive; to say anything they believe; to say what happens to their children; to be educated or have an opinion on anything. This is total slavery for Muslim Women. You cannot trust a Muslim Woman, they are under their husband’s orders.
Justin W says
Any time you have a crowd there is a possibility that someone will take advantage of the situation and commit a terrorist act. We need to be vigilant. We also need to see that those accused of such actions are severely punished when they are caught.
Sherry says
I know I’m afraid to go places now.
Elect Trump
Alfonso says
@Justin W,
You up against an invincible enemy that cannot be seen or located. They have no centralized country or government that you can simply bomb or send troops to. Also, thee no way to punish them. Most of them fully expect to die in combat. How do you punish a dead militant? Take away his green card?
JIMBO says
Why hasn’t he been impeached……………..
Raincroft77 says
The decent people of the United States is just sitting on their duffs and not demanding their Congressmen/women support the Constitution. To not Impeach a Traitor is a crime. Tell them they are committing crimes by not Impeaching according to ARTICLE III, Section 3, Giving Aid and Comfort to our Enemies, and adhering to their desires.
Only if the good people of America wake up fast, and deluge their Criminal Congressmen/women, will we be able to save our once Beautiful Nation.
Raincroft77 says
Should be ‘are sitting on their duffs’. [My Bad.]
Pat Whitehurst says
I want to know why O refuses to call our enemy ISIS? He calls it ISIL. WHY?+
Jerry Rodrigues says
Thatta Girl Lori!!! THAT would be an Excellent Tribute to What this Obummunist-Islamist Impostor should get, along with his cohorts!!!
I never thought that I would ever say this, BUT… I’m surprised that our “Pro-USA Military Generals, Admirals, et al have Not
stopped such a regression of our military & have allowed this Insurgency to go this far…
Jerry, In California… AMERICAN FIRST!!!
Louis says
Of all the nonsense I’ve read scrolling down through these comments, yours is the most dangerous and traitorous. You sign it American First but advocating a military coup is about the most unamerican thing that could. I don’t agree with the president’s strategy in the Middle East but “to protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic ” would involve protecting our nation from those who might agree with you.
Howard Sampson says
“All enemies, foreign (ISIS) and domestic (Obama.)”
ad says
I will carry my gun even though it’s illegal to carry a gun in my state.
chris says
Only if you listen to dems, libs, and socialist.your doing the wright thing listen to the constitution.
Hoffhack says
Well, that may not help him after the fact, But it may save his life, and the life of others!
ad says
Chris and Hoffack
Artiewhitefox says
Quran followers are extremist. Jesus told us to not be a terrorist. Jesus obeyed God. Quran followers are what Jesus said we should not be. How can Quran followers obey God?
Alfonso says
@Artiewhitefox ~ the Quran didn’t exist until many centuries after Christ, so obviously you’re making up a story, since Christ never mentioned terrorism or the Quran.
John Linardy says
Obama is a “closet” muslim!!!
Annick Stiefel says
Annick Stiefel says
And he is also a closet homo.
Annick Stiefel says
Jarhead says
Carpet bomb them & turn their desert into glass….if they do not get the message….NUKE ‘EM……cheap, fast and minimal collateral damage.
Zerubbable says
From my perspective, the POTUS is doing exactly what he wanted to do. He is a student of Saul Alinski, the author of a book titled “Rules for Radicals. Alinski dedicated the book to Lucifer, who he deemed “the FIRST Rebel. POTUS stated from the beginning he was going to fundamentally change the United States. He has been thoroughly successful at doing this, to deny this means you’re either ignorant, stupid or both.
But what I find most appalling is that there are people who call themselves Christians who would vote for ANY Democrat. This is the height of hypocrisy.
There are some who will say that there are pro-life Democrats, that may be true, but the party that they are members of does not support their pro-life position. So we have to question the sanity of those people in the first place. It would be like being a member of PETA and saying it’s okay to kill animals.
So if we are being honest, society’s problems must be laid before the pulpits of today’s churches. For if these hirelings(John 10:12) had been preaching the word of God, calling people to repent and not teaching “feel-good-self-esteemism” then I honestly believe that our society would not be where it is today.
But the reality is, here we are: a Godless, evil and wicked generation, full of pride and mendacity, seeking only to serve themselves, and I am the worst of all. GOD of all, help us.
107 BAKER says
I agree with most of you but you must understand that the reason he dances around any responsibility:He is a man who taught the Constitution! He can dance around anything.
Did any of you see the movies “2016” or “America”, both of which were prophetic and were vey successful books (still available, by the way). Dinesh D’Souza paid a hefty fine, and was incarcerated for his beliefs.
We have been duped by a Muslim, who did say that he was a Muslim, in his book “Dreams of My Father”.
Elect Trump and Cruz, please.
Annick Stiefel says
I read the book Barack’s Obama Rules for Revolution “The Alinsky Model” by David Horowitz.
Interesting and revealing.
He still have one year to achieve “the Dreams of his Father.” and his goal is to
destroy America.
He is succeeding.
God help us.
Mike says
I wonder is the liberals and Obama will let the refugees live with them for a while
Michael Prokop says
I believe President Obama should resign before he is impeached. We need somebody in office who is going to do what is right for our country. Russia is willing to work with us, so take advantage of this and get rid of ISIS once and for all. Also while this is going on, local police departments should start running classes for citizens who want to help and work with the police. They can show them proper gun rules and the right way and times to use them. Citizens can be a great asset to the police if properly trained. It worked for us years ago. In this world today we need to learn how to protect ourselves, our families and our neighbors. We all need to start working together as Americans. Forget about race or religion, we are all Americans who live here and we need to protect each other as Americans. Now Americans have something to protest against and fight for, our American freedom!!
Alan says
We have the ISIS problem; because, Obama was in such a hurry to leave Iraq and go to Afganistan. We should have stayed in Iraq longer to get things in order. We did not achieve anything in Afganistan just wasted money.
Ben says
Nothing has changed since the early years
in this old American land, except, back then
Women had real breasts
and Men didn’t hold hands.