President Barack Obama hasn’t just been trouble for America – his disastrous policies have practically ruined his own party.
That was the message that Wisconsin Governor and former presidential candidate Scott Walker delivered to a packed Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) just outside Washington, DC today.
The Horn News will be providing live coverage from CPAC all week.
Calling Obama an “incredible recruiter” for conservative causes, Walker pointed out that there were 29 Democratic governors when Obama took office – and now there are only 18.
“We even have a chance to elect a Republican governor in the home state of Bernie Sanders,” Walker said about GOP hopes that the party may be able to take over the governor’s office in Vermont this November.
Democrats have suffered similar setbacks in state legislatures under Obama. While Democrats controlled 27 legislatures when Obama took office in 2009, the number has dropped dramatically to 11.
That’s been good news for lots of states that are finally getting the opportunity to see conservative policies in action – and are liking them.
“Americans are looking for leadership to counter the failed policies of Barack Obama,” he said.
Walker pointed out that in his state of Wisconsin, a traditional blue state, he’s been able to lower unemployment through right-to-work policies and has been able to defund Planned Parenthood.
In South Carolina, Gov. Nikki Haley’s economic policies have helped move 30,000 people from the welfare rolls to employment.
And in Tennessee, Governor Bill Haslam has cut taxes twice as much in the past five years as in the previous eight.
American citizens nationwide are learning a key difference between liberal and conservative principles, Walker claims.
“They believe in the government,” he said. “We believe in the individual. We believe in you.”
-The Horn editorial staff
Walker has been a disaster to his party and to the Great State of Wisconsin. He is the poster child for everything wrong with the Republican Party.
He’s the best thing that ever happened to Wisconsin!!!!
One of you John’s has been to the outhouse too often. I suspect the Union John has been to the cathouse too often. STD’s have a tendency to weaken your mental capacity.
They are all going over to Democrat and destroying their own Republican Party , they want a one Party Government and that is Democrats, And they all made Trump sign a agreement to not go third party on them, but they are doing what they did not want Trump to do Look what these Republicans have done so far, they all backing Democrats with each Bill .
Food for Thought. I will call it the Big Trifecta. Big Govt., Big Media, Big Business. The Big Three has a billion $$$ investment in the Status Quo of CONTROLLING the conversation. With a few exceptions the present Congress and 1/2 the SCOTUS are Progressives ( never mind the R or D behind their names) and the POTUS is an outright Socialist Progressive. The Game is Rigged . Proof of the pudding is the Establishment coming out with Guns Blazing against what the People are obviously embracing and that is enough of promises it’s time to deliver and it’s obvious the current crop is too dependent on the Big Three for survival politically. Brash talking and punching back (That’s how bullies are handled BTW) saying what I think instead of what is politically correct. We have had enough PC B/S, and the numbers I am seeing proves my point. R voters out in numbers not seen in the past 100 years and D numbers down. He may not be Michael Reagans , Reagan but he is turning Patriots heads.
Democrats are reregistering by the thousands! You need to do some catching up!
Regarding the Liar in Chief imploding the demos, that is about the only applaud able accomplishment I can think of. Sadly the RINOs have all too often kowtowed to the that blight house viper and l have lost my interest in the RINO party. We need someone like TRUMP to make America great again. ! Go Donald!
Bob, yes go Donald and take bob with you, hopefully really, really far. Why aren’t you voting for Ted, he is a perfect Tea Party leader, Trump is the slime that falls off of Ted, that narcissist, cares about one thing, his thrown. What year in America was great for you? I’m with Hillary, America has been always been great and still is. If your unhappy with your little world, then change your little world, but leave America to the people that love America for it’s freedoms. Why do you think Russian people like Trump, he is just like Putin, and do you know they wealth that Putin has amassed, 78 BILLION. Trump can hardly wait.
John, skunks don’t smell their stench and neither does the republican party.
Pot calling the Kettle black ? Be extremely careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the M is silent.
John, Walker’s Act 10 has saved the taxpayers of Wisconsin $5.24 BILLION since 2011. If he were my governor, I’d be ecstatic.
If he were your Governor, you would be out of a job, looking for some place to live, and for something to eat. If you don’t live in Milwaukee (where voters support Walker) he could not care less about your success or survival.
Gov Walker endorse Ted Cruz so the Democrats will not have a win again in the Oval Office.
Incredible that the democrat party can only field a criminal (clinton) and an over-the-hill senile hippy (sanders) as presidential candidates. The party has fallen a long way since the days of honesty and integrity days of Harry Truman!
The GOP has not fallen far from the ‘non-traditional’ Goldwater. Nice to see the GOP rehashing the past with the predictable same result.
Look who is talking. This is a screed of pure projection. I have no doubt even in the face of
the unified Republican party of no no no to Obama – that he will be ranked as one one of
the United States’ best presidents.
OMG. If u believe that go get help. Or join HUD terrorists buddies
Not to worry his title say’s it all, Academia PhD=Permanently habitually Dumb. I work around these type daily. This is BTW not hate speech. The Truth shall set you Free. As an aside the present occupier is the best thing to happen to the Gun manufacturers in a 100 years or at least since WWII.
The kenyan born raised in Indonesia son of a muslim tribal kenyan and an expatriate communist mother with a shady and hidden past who has undermined America from the Whitehouse? That great American president?
I truly agree w/you Mikey Avelli: Yet America gave in & even all the signs that were posted around the U.S., the demoncrats allowed him to fill that office. Yet they made such an issue when John Cain run for President, cuz he was born on an American Military base outside of the U.S. Yet they let a muslim terrorist who took the office on the Koran rather than the Holy Bible, & has put his bosom buddies in the White House to protect him & bolster his authority, not only refuses to support Israel! I pray Ps.109:8-15, over him. rather than write all that, read it & you will understand.
Betsygal, maybe you ought direct the prayers to yourself, as you need them more, just agreeing with hateful Mike makes you hater, now go pray for a cleaner heart.
Alicia Salinas – since you are a confirmed Socialist (a Communist cousin) and it’s obvious you have no idea of what you are talking about when it comes to Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama. It’s also obvious Mikey Avelli has been doing his homework – something that you should do when it comes to the President. Everyone in this country is entitled to their opinion of course, but when it comes to stating “facts” they should make sure they have actually researched them. Mr. Obama (like a tremendous number of folk in political circles) has several ‘skeletons in his closet’ which a great number of people here and overseas are not aware of – but this ‘fact’ is not unusual, especially when it come to folk in high places, where, I might remind you, makes it considerably easier to hide certain ‘facts’ about themselves!
But this, of course, does NOT necessarily make him a ‘bad’ person – it’s how a person behaves and what he does, which is important. Remember the old adage: “The proof of the pudding, is in the eating!” If The Donald is elected President (which I think is highly probable and likely) we’ll see if what he promises comes true – if not – well, he’ll be elected out of office!
Folk seem to forget that Donald will be having a Congress to work with. DJ Trump is a true American and has the U.S. and it’s people at heart. That’s why he’s running for President – not for the money, (he doesn’t need it!) which is what 99.9% of other candidates are in it for!
you must be high !
I would think someone with a Ph.d would know better then to talk out there back side. But it is clear you have you head up there. 96 percent of the American people want this man impeached are they all wrong an you are the only one right.
Grammatical errors in your letter include:
then when you mean than
there when you mean their
you head when you mean your head
an when you mean and
Factual errors:
A large percentage of the supposedly 96% of American people realize how much better the economy is now that we are not charging the cost of Bush’s war and unemployment is a fraction of what it was. So this, too, is incorrect.
Who brainwashed you?
It took this country 212 years to rack up 8.5 trillion in debt. It took Obama 7 years to double. Now that’s a record to remember.
catfish, 96% of the people. Are you talking about a room full of GOP ‘s, that’s not 96%. Where did you obtain your Ph. D, on line for $9.99?
Gibbs, I agree with you President Obama has done more good for this country, then any President before him, and to think, the no, no to Obama do nothing for America GOP party think they are any better.
Let me guess! This is you first election after receiving your degree in Women’s Studies ! History written by real scholars, not socialist, will dispel your not too clear thinking. The shrinks have medications to help your delusions. My Sister in Laws are on meds and their outlook has improved dramatically, They are actually having lucid thoughts now.
Gee, Alicia. It’s nice to see that someone else who knows anything about anything is posting on this site. Very few literate individuals seem to have read down this far. Most of the persons posting here are simply repeating the ‘facts’ they gleaned from Faux News (which made them up and will continue to repeat them until they become common knowledge).
You have got too be out of your mind, or on drugs to think Obama has done anything good for the United States of America. Obama himself has, caused division, bad race relations, a Muslim sympathizer. Our enemies do not fear us. He said he was a uniter, not a divider, no proof of that over these past 7+ years he has been
the Liar-in-Chief of this Country. This Country hasn’t been more divided in my my life 60+ years, and it is because he has NOT Presidential material. be a surprise when a “community organizer” is incapable of performing successfully as president? … So, his presidency, So, his presidency is useful after all, because it
illustrates the perils of government run by believers In the Senate, he’s done nothing. But make a biger mess of things. and dont know how to fix those things. “PEROID”
If you think that, you need to go see a Doctor!
Awesome! Light at the end of the tunnel!
Hey Gibbs What are you smoking? The debt. the true numbers on unemployment, the lessoning of respect sround the world, the Iran deal, ABORTION, obamma’s vacation budget, hillary, kerry,… obamma has surrounded himself himself with liars and feeble incompetents! He is a con man sorta like Trump only stupider! Smell the coffee.. Tim
What is the difference between ABORTION and ADULTERY in the bible, or is the problem that you men like to control women and their own body decisions. George and Laura spent a lot more on vacations then Obama and Michelle. Name one republican that hasn’t said a lie? Hillary is a smart lady and very capable of making America greater for ALL. Kerry has done a fine job in coordinating with other countries, the fight against ISIS. America hasn’t seen the death of American citizens under the Obama administration, as we did under the BUSH dynasty.
Not only are you obviously a Socilaist – AND an ignorant one at that, but it’s clear that you are also a person who’s masquerading as a ‘God-fearing Christian’ who obviously is an admirer of a woman, i.e., Hillary Clinton, who represents just about everything a good Christian is, and should be, against! Yep, Hillary IS a very smart woman (for her own ends) but her capabilities are not for making ASmerica great again, unfortuantely! By the way, forgive me, but you stand to be corrected on your statement about the amount spent on vacations by Barack and Michelle…especially if you take into consideration what they have spent (mostly taxpayers’ money) in Hawaii with their ‘holiday home’ – er, sorry, mansion.
Re the American deaths under Obama against ISIS – the number is presently smaller – and Amen to that! – but think about it – Obama, who is actually a Muslim, – born, raised and educated as one, by the way – isn’t going to tackle the Islamic problem -including with ISIS – head on. Period.
As for Kerry – what you say about him with other countries looks good on the face of it…BUT he is under Obama’s control…I would go so far as to suggest that Kerry would and could do a lot more under a different President. Donald Trump? Ha ha! Wait and see…Mr Trump just might make all you Socialists ‘eat their words.’
Sorry about the typos…am getting as bad as a lot of other people in these posts!:…*Socialist..*America.. !!
Not to worry. I sometime have trouble with my anger management when dealing with Idiots and my keyboard shows it.
Why is it the republicans are suddenly coming out against Obummer? Where have you been the past 7 years?? We know where your heads have been, glad you came out, wiped the #### from your eyes and seeing what intelligent working people have been trying to tell you!!!!
We’re sick of hearing we’re a muslim country whose success was made to the detriment of others.
Obama was America’s worst mistake.
Trump is the cure.
I find it comedic that ole mitt has to get up
To renounce trump on the news. How ludicrous. I once had respect for romney
But now i see a whining looser. You know…
If i cant have it no one can. Just turned him
Off. Going to watch scarey movie. I find it
More believable than what romney is
LOSER….NOT LOOSER!…….. Scary…NOT SCAREY…. don’t be like the Socialists who can’t spell!
This guy has brought Wisconsin to the brink of bankruptcy. What a nerve!!!
President Obama will hopefully deliver another round of Republican victories in November. This president has done wonders for gun sales and Republican candidates.
President Obama has done more to help Republicans get elected than anyone in the Republican Party. Maybe they can give him an award at this summer’s convention.