Last night’s GOP debate was a knock-down-drag-out brawl, with plenty of candidates presenting ideas while delivering zingers.
Now that the dust has settled a bit, we want to know who you thought shined brightest in the second Republican debate.
Let your voice be heard — vote below. Then, share your thoughts in our comments section. Order is randomized for fairness.
Donald Trump talks a lot, without saying anything really substantive. The word “progressive” needs to be tied to him soon and frequently. Carly Fiorina is substantive and concise. She could beat Hillary Clinton. I like Dr. Carson a lot – but he is perhaps TOO mellow to be heard. If he were the candidate I would certainly back him and vote for him. I am not a Republican, but a conservative independent. I think both parties (R & D) serve themselves and are more worried about their political careers, power and money than in the American people. I don’t care to align myself with either party, as neither one represents me.
I stand exactly with you, Nancy.
I believe Trump will do as he says, he is not a politician but gets around and does many business deals. His man has survived the kitchen sink throng at him and he still draws people by the thousands we have politicians in Washington do nothing congress so it is refreshing to here Donald Trump we can make this country Great again none of the politicians says that. The democrat’s call Trump followers low information racist well screw you Chris Matthews and the people with you are brain dead. Your nothing but deceivers.
Donald was the only candidate beside Rand Pau; that did not rehearsed. He speaks from his heart.
Donald Trump For President !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You could tell, this debate was orchestrated by “Rhinos against Trump”. Attack and then Ignore. It was a set up to fail.
Why waste all our time and the astronomical amount of money, for ‘drama’. All I want to hear about is solutions to the issues. The most of the rest of it amounted to ‘stump’ speeches, that we’ve heard time and time again.
The most interesting thing to me is how everyone…Fox News, CNN, Carl Rove and dozens of other “pundits” are trashing Trump. The more they do so, since they are on my list of “dis-honorables” the more convinced I am that he may just be the best guy for the job. So far as Fiorina – sorry, I am a woman, but with what is going on in the world right now, I don’t think we need a woman (Fiorina or Hitlary) in the White House. How do you gain respect from those in the middle east if you are a woman when in their countries you are basically worth less than cattle? I think women, including myself, are work units….just like men are work units – but the talents of each category are different. I like Trump, I love Cruz, I like Carson….but a lot of the rest are RINOs and I have had all of that I want for my lifetime. Go TRUMP/CRUZ!!
I agree. At least Trump isn’t beholden to anybody and he is stirring the pot, good. Carly is smart, but not strong enough to win, except against Hillary, and won’t be effective in the Middle East.
I like Cruz for POTUS, Carson for VP, and Trump for SOS (Secretary of State). Huckabee for HHS secretary. Fiorina for Commerce Secretary. Rand Paul for head of the Fed.
Very good choices!
I go along with what Joseph has to say, Sounds like that crew would make a clean sweep and clean house top to bottom, Cruz for POTUS…
Trump Train,Cruzin above and. Beyond.????????
Trump all the way! Why should he give all his ideas away – they the whole world will know and be ready to pounce. Stupid, Stupid.
Stay on track – Trump 2016!
With all the problems in USA and the world, we need the most intelligent candidate of both parties to solve these problems. That person is Dr. Ben Carson.
I think Ted Cruz demonstrates exactly what we need to raise this govt. out of the gutter. He is extremely smart and has a quiet no nonsense reserve that no foreign government would dare to disrespect.
They are all good men and woman, I would vote for any of them except Jeb. He always looks like they just caught him cheating and he probably was. The Republican establishment needs to pick a solid conservative to get us out of the gutter again. The last to choices we had to vote for were merely rinos.
I am so tired of the political establishment. These debates are like a train car full of clowns attacking Trump because he is the Biggest threat to the Washington Establishment. He tells it like it is and that threatens all of them. He is a true patriot and loves this country. I am a female and he has never offended me. PL made a good point a female is not what this country needs now. Carly Fiorina would be good as part of Trumps cabinet. She is smart, and always well prepared. Dr. Carson would also fit well in there too. I would like to see all of Congress Fired without any Benefits. They all have feed off the public troff long enough. They are only self serving bafoons! They are week and pathetic as well as liars that only say what is needed to get elected and are never working for the best interest of the American citizens. Instead of bashing each other it would serve each of them to be bashing Hillary, the liar and cheat, as well as the avowed socialist Bernie Sanders. If the American voters don’t wake up real soon, we will be living in a third world country under a dictator.
Babs, the way I have see things we are ALREADY living under a dictator… his name happens to be Obama. He must have been using “Chicago Politics” to get whatever he wants out of a Republican Congress, and I have been wondering what he has “on” Supreme Court Justice Roberts.
Everyone should take a long look at Marco Rubio and really listen to what he says (whenever they give him a chance).
I like Dr. Ben Carson, and they never give him a chance to expand on his words. Listen to him, read his books, learn what a brilliant mind he has. A “steady hand” is needed on that “red button” in the oval office. Carson for President, Rubio for Vice Prez, Fioreno for Sec. of State, Trump for Secretary of Commerce, Cruz or Christie for Attorney Gen. — What a line-up !!
I agree with a lot of what you say, Mildred. We are under a ‘dictator’ who pushes his way on our country & is always trying to find more ways to take away more of our Constitutional rights!!! He is out to destroy America!!! He must have more “on” the Supreme Court Justices than Roberts…else how could he get something through as “law” without Congress…the lawmakers of the land!!!
Personally, I think Trump & Fiorina are RINOs. I’ve seen too much of Trump’s camaraderie with the Clintons & those like them. From what I’ve seen about Fiorina, she’s not ready to truly uphold the Constitution as it was written & designed by our forefathers…she wants it to be selectively applied.
I like the idea of Carson for president with Cruz, Rubio, & Huckabee in leadership as well. They have all shown great insight to where the country was, is, & where it could be again. The current trends have got to be STOPPED before it’s too late, or there won’t be an America for long.
Mildred: I agree on Carson. He is brilliant and I have read hime; but I think that he lacks the business and wordly experiences with foreign countries to lead this country. Christie is just another liar. We are living under the “Bozo” dictatorship fast on our way to being a third world country. We are on a teeter-totter of financial collapse. I agree with you that someone on the to top has something on Roberts and most likely on other Justices as well.
Amen to that!!
NO WON THE Forum, my personal view is we have a multitude of opinions which all have value, however we need to revise the organizational structure of the white house team to allow a President who controls the strategic position (with staff) and a VP’s of each area of the work, the VP’s would have scope over the elements of tactical solution, with a Board as in business models.
We are in debt which is always a good thing, AAAA is not the issue, this is why Wall street is higher than it ever has been since creation.
The President would have veto over the Vp’s, without having a democratic vs republican conflict every hour, as seen last evening the talent is there, it just needs to be organized differently.
And lord knows they need to be “QUIET” which stands for Quit, U’re, Inconsiderate, Excessive, Talking.
should have been type as “No one won the forum”
Yesterdays Republican debate showed a bunch of six year olds with a similar vocabulary all vying for their mama’s attention and thinking that they could run the country. Up to date Republicans have run the country into the ground with the status quo Democrats and who have all been cut from the same cloth as infantile republicans. No American in their sane mind or with an ounce of intelligence could watch 3 or 4 hours of this childish debate by a bunch of grown infantile men and women. Even the questions from the past FOX debate and now asked in the CNN debate are shameful and clearly shows that American’s are being dumbed down by the Media and these infantile men and women braggarts pretending to be leaders of America.
No wonder Americans get no respect in the world. These republican candidates seem to be stuck in the 50’s Mc’Carthyism where grown men and women were afraid of the word socialism. America is still in the dark age mentality and some like at yesterday’s debate seem to be proud of it. Yes, they want to put their mommies on American money. How diluted can a grown adult be wanting to be president. First these candidates need to grown up and free themselves from their mommies and become adults than a bunch of ranting little children looking for attention. Good old Bernie Sanders or Hilary won’t have anything to prove to this dumbed down and childish Republican upstarts or motley crew.
Did you not listen to those who did not take part in the “trash talk”? There were several who asked that the forum be allowed to speak on issues. The Moderators took no notice….. perhaps they avoided the issues on purpose? They seem to have wanted the candidates to ‘tear each other apart’, but not all of the candidates took part in that. —
Marco Rubio without a doubt. He was articulate and enlightening about issues discussed and appears to have the backs of the people of this country. He didn’t spew forth the comments of others. Instead he defined his goals for us in a thoughtful manner, showing the resolve it would take to be our leader.
Ben Carson as President and his VP should be Carly Fiorina OR Susana Martinez the conservative Governor of New Mexico.
Why don’t we pick a day and have a ral
lley all across the u.s. to show them that they [congress] are in trouble with the voters .Every town to have their own
I chose Ben Carson because he was the one that refused to be included in the mud slinging and blame game. He was dignified and respectable
Bring Romney back into the running.
I agree. He is a very moral man and that is exactly what this country needs in a leader.