President Barack Obama very publicly suggested that Donald Trump is a whiner, attacking Trump after the presidential candidate warned that the general election may be rigged.
Now, there’s smoking-gun proof that Trump supporters are right. A disturbing undercover video from Project Veritas has uncovered a huge, multi-state voter fraud conspiracy — and it links directly back to the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Conservatives have long warned about the potential for serious voter fraud influencing national elections, and this video offers smoking-gun proof that liberal Super PACs already have a plan in motion.
The Clinton campaign has been largely quiet on the issue — and the silence is deafening. So far, two of the Super PAC directors exposed in the alleged voter fraud plot have been quietly fired from their positions.
Scott Foval released from Americans United for Change… Bob Creamer resigned from Democracy Partners after release of @Project_Veritas vids
— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) October 19, 2016
The incredible undercover video comes amid heightened scrutiny of voting systems ahead of the general election on November 8th.
Justice Department officials warned Tuesday that they will be dispatching fewer specially trained election observers to voting booths this year.
The reduction is likely to diminish the department’s ability to detect voter intimidation and other potential problems at the polls. It comes as more than a dozen states have adopted new voting and registration rules.
“It’s cause for concern,” said Dale Ho, director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project, told The Associated Press. “It’s hard to know ahead of time how significant a problem it’s going to be.”
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In Indiana, thousands of voter registrations were altered, raising concerns about possible fraud, the state’s chief elections official said Tuesday. Her office warned voters to check whether their information is correct online and encouraged voting early to avoid problems on Election Day.
Secretary of State Connie Lawson said in a statement Tuesday that Indiana’s online voter registration database had not been hacked but records were changed on paper forms, online and at Bureau of Motor Vehicles offices.
“At this time, my office is not sure why these records were changed, but we have evaluated the Statewide Voter Registration System and have found no indication it has been compromised,” said Lawson, a Republican.
The Indiana voter registration problem surfaced when voters contacted the secretary of state’s office after discovering through the online system voters can use to check their registration status that their dates of birth or first names were incorrect, the office said. That prompted the office to run a report in the statewide system and it found that thousands of registrations had been altered. The office declined to provide a more precise number.
All of those who contacted the office after discovering changes had voted in Indiana’s May primary, Lawson’s office said.
The information collected on the altered registrations has been turned over to Indiana State Police, who already were conducting a separate investigation of possible voter registration fraud in 56 counties, said Valerie Warycha, a spokeswoman for Lawson.
That investigation focuses on the Washington, D.C.-based organization, Patriot Majority USA, which was founded by longtime Democratic strategist Craig Varoga.
State police are investigating whether some voter registration applications submitted by the group were forged, or other possible fraud. Indiana State Police spokesman Capt. Dave Bursten has said investigators found “a number of applications” with signatures apparently written in the same person’s handwriting.
Bursten said in a statement Tuesday that state police only received information late Monday from the secretary of state’s office about the changes in first names and/or dates of birth “and will investigate to see if there is a specific connection.”
“What I can tell you at this moment is the changing of a first name and/or date of birth is consistent with what we are seeing on a number of voter registration applications submitted by” Patriot Majority USA’s Indiana Voter Registration Project, he said.
Do you believe large-scale voter fraud is a serious concern? Comment with your opinion below.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Hondo says
Everyone connected with this fraud MUST be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!
Main Street says
He calling Trump a whiner is comical. He has blamed previous administrations for nearly 8 years for the nations problems. He has yet to come up with a sincere solution. Then overrated comic Amy Schumer went into an arrogant rant in Florida, degrading anyone who supports Trump. Another example of how less than mediocre talent is considered great these days.
Dianne Meyer says
Yep and she’s got one of the filthiest mouths out there. The movie she did based on her life is as filthy as it gets but let’s all make a big frigging deal over hearing the Trump tape.
Kevin says
All the shit call the crop shit Hillary Clinton is done over there many years is much much worse than that stupid ass mood recording tape of Donald Trump! The stupid, ignorant foolish people voting for Hillary Clinton Donald of real facts about that corrupt no good female! This country will go down the shifts with her as president! We will be a Third World country!! It will be chaos over here
Yes – the coup d’etat in the U.S. continues on this election day by the Globalists & NWO
B King says
Oh! I so agree! Wish they’d pull their heads outta the sand or whatever dark place they’re stuck in!
DL Connor says
I agree! God help us if Hillary is elected!! Then we most certainly will have a dynasty. Glad I am no longer serving and am retired as I would never be able to salute her! God Bless America and Our Children and Our children’s children! The worst of the worst is still HRC!
Carol Walker says
Yep and read the huuuggee rant Killary had after the Matt Lauer debate because he asked a question about Benghazi or the email scandal that wasn’t on her “prep” list…..she threw things and screamed at her staff and everyone around, filthy language…
OracleGuy says
Carol, and you know all of this how? You were in her office? Oh, you read it on TheHorn so it must be true? Fantastic burden of proof there.
Silver Eagle says
Oracle Guy,
I see you not do much reading. A member of the Secret Service published a book regarding her behavior. She is capable of crass behavior. And understand you didn’t have to be in Japan to know the Atomic bomb was exploded no more than Carol had to be in Hillarys office. What are you smoking?
William Meredith says
Hey jerk you weren’t there either. Why do you support a thief and liar?
Laura says
If you cannot see the lying of Clinton or their voter fraud, maybe you can take your blindfold off now
John G. says
OracleGuy – your leftist crap should be saved and shared with those of your limited gray matter and party affiliation. Just finished watching the “Free State of Jones” a great watch especially if someone is interested in early beginnings of the Democratic party and what you people really stood for which certainly has changed much 151 + years.
You need to don your hood and robe costume for Halloween – you idiot.
Oracle Guy- There were many witnesses backstage to the event that Carol talks about, post-“Commander-in-Chief” broadcast. All you have to do, if you really want to know, is search for the video. I saw it. Just because she didn’t get ALL the questions ahead of time THAT time, and Matt Lauer was her ‘”friend” and ex-employee, she pitched a filthy fit. If you read the “emails” they admit they get the questions ahead of time….
Kay says
So now I guess the Hitlery supporters are going to shoot the messengers! The Horn is bad because they investigated the election fraud. No one can deny that these tapes are real…especially since one was “released” and the other resigned! The problem is that they will just start up another organization again and continue doing the same thing. Corruptness never goes away!
But…all those stupid Hitlery supporters will go to their grave defending the bee with an itch!
Arthur Hartsock says
Oracle Guy, I guess it’s hard to see anything with your nose buried in her backside.
Kaye Williams says
You are a real egomaniac!! You are also just plain rude!! Why don’t you grow up!! That story about Killery has been making the rounds for quite awhile!!
Suzie says
The worst blind is the one that doesn’t want to see. Hillary is involved in the assassination of at least 40 people. Let me tell you one that you can’t refute. Two pregnant women (from Bill) both assassinated, but it gets better, one with 17 stabs and a shot on the back of the head. Hillary Criminal Clinton’s top executor seeing entering and leaving the apartment the night of the crime. A neighbor trying to tape something, incidentally taped the goon entering and in his tapes he had footage of Clinton there as well, so he turned the tape to the police. What happened next? A week later the man is assassinated. Verdict of the murders by the coroner? Suicide. Now explain to me how someone commits suicide by stabbing herself 17 times and then shot herself on the back of her head. If you have a love for justice, which I’m sure you do, and you want what is right for this country, please check the facts and don’t engage in the criminal rhetoric the Clinton’s do. For instance, she says ” I had many meetings and discussion with Foreign government but they–media, congress–pick a few to where those 30,000 emails related to”. The implication here is that people are being selective to frame her. The reasoning she offers is like this “I’ve met thousands of people and said good-morning to all but one. Could that be that I forgot or made a mistake” or ” I said nice things to all but just a few of them got scolded by me. Does it make me a bad person?” Or “I was quiet and respectful of all but only touched this one woman because she was flirting with me”. THOSE ARE ALL VALID DEFENSES BUT to say “I have met thousands of people BUT ONLY KILL ONE” is not a valid defense and HIllary knows that but she also knows that many people won’t catch her rhetoric and because she is a nice person (smiles and is poised) so people mistakes it for decency. Mr. Roger seems like the most pacifist you ever met, yet he was a Sniper for the Army on missions that defies the most cold blood of us. When HIllary says “This is the most difficult period in a woman’s life and we need to support her.” The implication is of a woman that is forced into an abortion for medical reasons and in such case everywehre in the world, including America, this woman will receive the necessary treatment and the abortion will be performed. There are only two situations where a woman is forced into an abortion, the one mentioned above and when she is young and can’t support herself and her parents or fiancee forces her into an abortion. In this case there are places for adoption and the young woman can be nurtured and can be in a special home to deliver her child (here in the US). So what hillary counts on is the fact htat most of her supporters won’t catch on that, and unfortunately she is right. We don’t support pregnant women by paying for her to abort a child even in the day of birth. There are health complications that may last a lifetime. There may be emocional scars. Abortion is a personal choice and government should not be involved with that, but hillary rhetoric catch some people umprepared. Didn’t obama say that the average person can’t think or make decisions for themselves so we need a Global Government. Now this is on tape. Anything that the underground media says–unlike hillary clinton–is DOCUMENTED please get hold of this true. Nothing, nothing that the underground media says is undocumented, otherwise they could not survive. They don’t have the equipment or resources to oppose the mainstream media. The only thing they do have is the truth and the backing of God because God always upholds the truth. If you can look at the emails, the implication that HIllary Clinton knew of the death/assassination of Judge Scalia and so did Podesta is obvious as stated in their email. HIllary says that Scalia will not finish his vacation (2 days prior Scalia received a hint in his email, not a hint a message that he could be assassinated–leaks from the underground media–) Pedesta replies “I’m in”. Can you defend that? “There’s not hidden that will not be brought into the light”. I’m assuming you’re not a Christian since you are voting for Hillary, but I may be wrong. One thing is certain, no one can name anything good HIllary has done during her time in office and mostly everybody can MENTION DOCUMENTED CHARGES about her treason, stealing, assassination and more. The Justice Department caught imposing heavy fines on banks (illegal fines) and turning the money to Hillary. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT THOSE ARE DOCUMENTED FACTS and for your own sake of mind, if they weren’t, those people would be in jail BUT I DON’T KNOW OF ANY DEMOCRATIC OR REPUBLICAN COUNTRY where it is a crime to speak the truth. THE TRUTH IS NOT ACTIONABLE. NOW if we are talking Sharia law, this is different, that is why I mentioned DEMOCRATIC OR REPUBLICAN. If you still want to vote for her, that is your prerogative, but be sure you will partake of her sins, since you do know enough to realize who HIllary Clinton is.
Jerry says
Shes done that for years I know someone that was her body guard when Bill was president she treated people like crap no respect for others
barbara schaefer says
you guys must be high
robert ginn says
All American Citizens need to take note – To vote in this November Election Honestly and Legally !!!!
If you want changes in this country – Better Economy , Limited Government , Better International Trades ,
Better Job-opportunity , Laws & Orders – more security / strengthen our borders / fighting Terrors , Preserving Our Constitution Rights with Supreme Court Judges , and Protect Our Rights & Family Values …. I suggest to vote for the Right Candidate for the Presidency of USA . Thank-you – God Bless of America !
Pedro Zorza says
I didn’t see any evidence Hilary is involved with these proposed schemes. These small time hacks are throughout the system…Republican and Democratic….let’s not fool ourselves into thinking one party is worse than the other…IMHO, Trump is singing the rigged election song because his “winner” brand will become the brand of a loser….unless the elections are rigged….
J.Schoondergang says
They are rigged as wiki clearly showed , so try not to tell us it isn’t so, the democrats have been doing this for years , it would not be bad except that Hillary will degrade the USA to a 3rd world country where her socialist friends will make sure the poor stay poor and only a few have the power to control everything. Think about that when you vote, do you want a socialist country or a country for the brave and th free.
atilter says
which the VERITAS tapes have proven and confirmed tacitly by the silent resignations of these operatives! if there is nothing to these tapes (it is hard to make their mouths say what they did so candidly and almost with swag and bravado), they would not have slinked off into the night like whipped dogs. the other shoe will invariably fall in the form of crminal indictments.
Rod Roberts says
Of course you didn’t see or hear anything about it. The media covers it up and just doesn’t report it; Like the woman that was stabbed 17 times and shot in the back of the head committed suicide. She may not pull the trigger, but has someone else who does. She doesn’t actually receive money for her treasonous kickbacks, but the money in the Clinton foundation keeps growing. All you have to do is lie and keep telling that lie long enough and people will believe it.
S. Coy says
In 1981 a Judge signed the “Consent Decree”. Which is an agreement signed by the Repubs and Dems which states that the republican party is precluded investigating VOTER FRAUD.
The judge comes out of retirement each year to sign the reinstatement order for the decree to be continued for another year. The decree expires in 2017. The judge retired this year.
write consent decree of 1981 to research this action.
William Meredith says
What else would you expect from left wing democrat losers?
OracleGuy says
You’ll be choking on the word losers in November, you nitwit. That’s when YOU will be the big LOSER.
John G. says
OracleGuy – WOW a little short on comebacks and retorts you wimpy simpleton.
Arthur Hartsock says
Your only true statement. Yes we will be big losers. And you will be too.
B King says
Great comparison! Well put! Just what has the big “0” and I didn’t mean “O”, done anyway? Don’t know about you and yours but our community is worse off than we were eight years ago by FAR! And and the big “C” is just another Obama 2.0.
tony says
Here is why Hillary Clinton wants Open Borders !!!!!
According to a London newspaper, fears are being privately expressed that there has been “massive postal vote rigging.”
Open Borders = supporters who will support Hillary who has expressed the desire to change the US Rule of Law as she expressed at the end of this Video ,
OracleGuy says
Hillary merely said that if someone is a bigot, no politician is going to change that. All government can do is change laws to eliminate discriminatory practices.
John G. says
OracleGuy -or In the case of the Democrats screw everything up to name a few.
1) The economy.
2) O’bozo care.
3) Foreign policy.
4) Immigration.
Philip McKee says
I agree this is criminal, and Barack Hussein Obama the Blowhard should be first in line to be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law. Right behind him should LYING Hillary R. Clinton, along with William Jefferson Clinton.
Also all that band of crooks in the Democratic party.
Jim says
What rule of law with democrats-they only want a one party system called Communism, one state run medical system ( like Va) , one Federal police force. one Federal education, all newspapers run from the Whitehouse, open borders (sanitary cities )- Jim
B King says
Well put, Jim!
Arline says
Let’s get him first for being in office illegally. His grandmother, his half-brother, and his half-sister all say he was born in Kenya. His grandmother said she was present at his birth and that she has never left Kenya. Obama should be removed from office, have a trial, and be sent to prison!
William Meredith says
Hung or shot as the traitor he is.
Donna says
Arline, after obumass grandmother made that statement on where he was born, remember how quickly she died..wouldn’t be the first time obumass has had someone come up dead..This POS fraud has lied about everything.. He claims to be the best president this country has ever had in our history..this POS was bought and groomed by the Nazi George Soros as he wants to destroy America because he hates us and our freedom..This POS has stated he will not leave the WH if Trump is elected president..pretty sure of himself isn’t he.. Killary is just like obumass, thinks she is the greatest thing alive.. She is a Killer plain and simple..She and obumass must be related as they are both traitors to our country, both are liars, taken money from Soros and other countries who hate us..The election both time were rigged with obumass and you can be sure they will be with this election, amazing how dead people rise from their graves and vote, especially ones who been dead over 100 yrs and also the people who admitted that they voted more then once,that they were paid to do it….
Arthur Hartsock says
Too late to worry about Obama. His term is done. Several courts have ruled on his status, and they allowed his citizenship to stand. You have to move on to today. Forget yesterday-it’s over.
F. Egan says
Butt !!!! Mama Obama is going to get a huge pension. Also, who owns the voting machines, The large donors to the Clinton foundation.. And you think they won’t be rigged !!
Jim says
including Hillary Crime Fraud Foundation, Inc. known as the Arkansas mob or Cartel-Jim
retired says
Lets get rid of the big threat and that would be Hillary and the weasel FBI turncoats would be a great start. what is the problem are they waiting for the grim reaper to come in and do their job for them or waiting for the people to revolt against our own government. i would hate to see the later but the people are fed up with all the corruption in washington D.C. lets get Trump/Pence in office to clean out the corruption that has been going on way too long.. Hillary and the Clinton clan are liers, fraud, embezzlers and close association to murders and or un truthful suicides. Act now before its to late.
Time to clean house starting with the washinton swamp!!
Carolyn Wilson says
Dear “Retired”,
I am retired, too, and having trouble sleeping — in view of my strong desire to DO SOMETHING to help Trump, who has been up against possibly more than other Republican candidates. When I heard about the demonstrations at Trump rallies orchestrated by Hillary and the DNC, I could hardly believe it. At my age of 77, I can recall so many election campaigns when you didn’t have to be so very concerned about the outcome. You didn’t have to even comtemplate the idea that your ballot could be destroyed, if you are a Republican. They went so far as to even bomb one of GOP Campaign Offices in North Carolina!!! I do believe that the Far Left won’t stop at anything. Remember what it was like when Romney was running?? The DNC and the biased mainstream media were up to NO GOOD then, and it could easily be worse now. This is what happens in Third World Countries — certainly not expected in the United States of America!!! However, we must remember that both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had some schooling under the totally corrupt Saul Alinskey (not sure about the spelling of Saul’s last name, but you will know who I mean.)
Praying Often that Trump Can Fight to the End AND WIN!!!
P. S. Please be informed before voting!!
CNT says
Lets not forget George Soros, a man who hates America.
Della says
Agree but the whole administration is corrupt so they won’t do anything about it. Another good reason to vote #TRUMP and empty the swamp( as he said)in Washington!
harryv says
really get a life. starting with bush and Cheney and finishing with mr .taxes evasion himself Donald trump .
JS says
Hillery Clinton did the same thing as Trump and many others did on their taxes which was to follow the law. She did not pay any taxes at all in 2016 because she had a deduction, of close to a million dollars, that cancelled out her income.
Judy says
He went by the law
The same one that half of DC. Has used
And anyone who has gone bankrupt in business uses
Dawn Klich says
OMG!! I completely agree!! We need to get this VIDEO OUT TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC!! Please someone HELP US !! DISGRACEFUL!
Chucky says
It’s on fox and of course being denied. The liberals are corrupt!
Trump 2016 says
Budman says
Absolutely and the one thing they need to check in this election is absentee ballots and verify their validity before allowing the vote. I know for fact that the Democrats are flooding the system with phony absentee ballots jut like they did in the last Presidential election and I am talking about thousands. In Florida alone, they placed 4,000 ballots late on election day in one district because the Republican was leading by over 2400 votes. When they checked one third those 4,000 ballots after the election, every one of them was phony which suggests all of them were phony.
We need to verify all votes before confirming the result. Another district in Florida, where I live have a 156 per cent vote of registered Democrats and the Governor let this pass also. Governor’s can hold the results until a determination of the validity of ballots is made. They did this twice for Al Gore who got two recounts of the ballots and also tried by going to court the vote of our veterans overseas from being counted. Why is it the Democrats always cheat. The Republicans should return the favor just once and then maybe there will be fair elections.
Helen Blanton Allen says
I know for fact the voting was rigged in the last two elections. How can people brag about voting 27 times for Obama? They voted in different states under different names. They were bused into Nevada the first time and voted like crazy without having to show any proof of residence. During the last two elections, thousands of dead people voted for Obama. Some had been dead for over 100 years, yet they voted for Obama. Eric Holder threatened Florida they better not purge their voting records. Folks, don’t you believe the lie the voting wasn’t rigged and won’t be rigged again to make certain Hillary wins. It happened to make certain Obama would win by fraud. Trump told the truth, but people would rather believe a lie. They can’t handle the truth. Oh, by the way, I’ve worked the elections as an Elections Judge.
Irwin says
It’s so sad the massive fraud that goes on in what is considered the greatest nation in the world that I see a total collapse or a full scale revolution by the people and long over due. People have had enough, power too the people.
Londoe says
Let’s not jump the gun on a revaluation lets first hope trump wins but if not he has got a great movement started so if Hillary wins (let pray she don’t) but we need to keep this movement going remember we still have our constitutional right to abolish a corrupt government this is a much better solution to the corruption than a revolution that should be the very last resort
SUE says
Chucky says
I will vote for Trump! Where do they get their polls, no one has asked me. By the way I’m a female who didn’t get her bloomers in a twist from that video. Guess I’m not a prude!
mrp says
They only ask democrats for Hillary.
Kevin says
We Americans have got to stop just talking about this and take actions to make sure Trump becomes potus which is rightfully his!
Dave says
Unfortunately, the majority of the people here in the US are like lemmings high on Koolaid heading for the cliff… and taking us down with them.
This will be the last election the US sees.
Sarah says
Democrats are so dirty. Put them in jail for voter fraud. That is how Obama won the election. He had acorn writing in names,etc. voting hundreds or Obama votes. Nobody stopped it, because u have to many dwmoceats that working at the polls encouraging it. Crooked Hillary is working hard with the illegals to get them registered. But I will be voting Trump for President. It is a sad time in our world , when our votes don’t count.
Joe says
If Trump doesn’t win, we the people will throw hilly out on her ass! This election is being rigged and we won’t stand for it! Fuck The clintons!!!
Juliet Lacrosse says
until this gets resolved. I would give it at least 1 year. If all of you can handle another year of Obam. I would stop the election if I had the power to do so.
mrp says
Fat chance! Crooked Hillary has gotten away with so much so far, she knows she’ll never be held accountable. She has the president, DOJ, FBI, MSM in her pocket and nothing will stick to her. Every time I used to hear about her latest downfall, I would think that now she’ll have to pay. Never happened and now I just don’t pay attention anymore. And the more she gets away with the more she continues her crimes.
Arthur Hartsock says
But nobody in position to prosecute will do so. The DOJ and the FBI and every other related group is either allied with Hillary’s Democratic machine or is just not fighting her. And of course the Establishment Republicans are just sitting on their hands doing nothing. So, I say again, who’s going to prosecute?
Arthur Hartsock says
If Mr. Trump had not entered the race, and another Republican had been nominated they still would have been facing the full fury of Hillary’s Democrat machine. But Mr. Trump is fighting Hillary and the Republican establishment. They are waging a scorched earth battle to beat him at any cost. And the big-name donors who usually back Republicans aren’t contributing to the campaign. So Mr. Trump is fighting 3 battles at once. This shows how scared the Washington, D.C. crowd is of admitting any outsider to their circle.
tom says
SHE IS ABOVE THE LAW, I MEAN WITH HER WEARING HER NOW FAMOUS WHITE PANT SUIT LAST NIGHT AGAIN, DIDN;T SHE LOOK ANGELIC? When the president responded the way he did the other day you knew that they had been caught in something again. He reacts the same way everytime he gets caught in something. His famous, I didn’t know about it until I read about it in the papers couldn’t be true as the Papers are always one sided in the reporting. This is a crime and I am glad it is exposed, now WHO IS going to do something about it? NO ONE. As Americans we either tolerate this or just not vote for iLLary and send her fat a$$ back to New York where it belongs, and that would be a life of punishment for her. She has skated on way to much not to be punished. Vote no SEND HER HOME
Holly Nicholson says
Hilary is crooked through and through, so I wouldn’t put it past her to pull something off like the rigging of the election that she is doing. I’m going to pray like everything that she doesn’t get into the office of President of the United States of America!!!
Ellie says
But they won’t be prosecuted if Hillary wins by rigging the election.
We have to monitor our polling locations for fraud. If using voting machines, if possible, HAVE THEM TESTED before election day by a certified computer technician. If using the ALMOST tamper proof paper ballots, set up a committee to monitor the counting of them. Let’s do what we can to combat voter fraud. Any illegal caught voting should be deported immediately. The hard part would be checking for illegals or non-citizens in those democrat-run states, like WHEN they came here and WHEN they were naturalized. (Don’t forget, those ”naturalized” from July 2015 to today DID NOT SWEAR BY THE ORIGINAL NATURALIZATION OATH, where Obama had amended it!) We also know we have to keep an eye out for illegals and felons being driven to the polls in groups, so we can take pictures or videos, including the plate number of the vehicle. We should also be putting “Alien or Non Alien” on all drivers licenses! We have opened the doors to the country, given away all legal citizens benefits and removed all reason for those people to stay where they are. Here is another good idea from a FB friend.
Jose Leo Garcia says: Any polling location accepting, knowingly or unknowingly, illegal voters to cast a ballot, democrat or republican, must have all ballots cast to be held for verification by the proper authorities and witnessed by an independent committee of registered voters. Results should then be declared and official count then included in the national totals and all illegal votes declared null and void and those casting such votes must be brought to justice and deported.
sharon yates says
Americans know that the voting can be rigged just hoping it will be fair but we all know they will put in who they want no matter what its not been fair in years
Lynn says
No, They need to have a bullet put through their heads to send a clear signal to Obama, Clinton, and the other totallitarianists that we won’t put up with their SH_ _ anymore!
Lawrence says
For those of you voting early or on election day be sure and check your ballot before pressing the cast your vote button. There have been instances in Amarillo and Arlington where they voted a straight Republican ticket but the box for Clinton/Kane was checked. They had to get help from the staff to get it corrected. Be alert! The Clinton fraud has begun. This has to be made public. How are we going to fight this?
Jerry Branson says
So, Trump is right after all. I am not worried where I am but I am very suspicious of more balanced voters in many states.
Della says
One of the biggest frauds democrats created is NO ID required for voting in some states! Also Votes from felons,illegals,& the dead give them a huge edge. Crooked mfs
Chucky says
Not only that I saw on the web where they found six large bins in a vacant warehouse, I think in Ohio that had some 500,000 ballads filled out for guess, hold it, hold it, who! Of course that witch Clinton!
shopdrop says
ID’s help curb the voter fraud, however you can’t get a phoney driver license to use for an ID.
Ellie says
See my earlier comment on how to combat voter fraud. If each state, COUNTY, CITY, AND TOWN follow the above steps, we might get a more honest vote.
Robert Bradshaw says
If you are concerned that the voting machines may be rigged in the precinct in which you vote, you can always request a paper ballot. Each precinct is provided with paper ballots in case the machines break down.
Larry says
harryv says
only losers use that as a cop out for losing.
Della says
But videos have shown Hillary’s campaign workers ripping up republican registrations, who’s to say they dont destroy paper ballots as well? We’ll never really know if our votes are counted properly &equall.such a shame
harryv says
stop it …..did not show that .
Carol says
Why are we as Americans voting when the VOTE doesn’t count. That Bitch Hillary needs to be put in jail for the rest of her life!!
What is wrong with the Justice Dept. that they let her get away with this. It is our RIGHT to VOTE and it should count.
Justice Dept., FBI sucks! They are not doing what they were supposed to be doing!!
Steve says
I agree with you 100%. But till the government stops all this wrong doing from the Clintons (which they wont) it will continue to be a mess.
Trump said he will put Crooked Hillary in jail if president, lets hope and pray that this really happens. Also make sure that Bill is right there with her.
Della says
And Obama & many in his administration are also guilty
JG says
The FBI is in Kiliary and Bill’s wallet and has been for years otherwise both would be in jail, anyone else would be. Just think of what’s to happen to the good ole US of A if the treason,murderous bitch wins in Nov. There gooes our USA down the drain. Herr Hitilary and obama will declare martial law, send congress home or to jail fire the SC justices a1.1nd we will have a dickator. Our money will be no good if you have a home you will have to share with the poor, we had to share with the military during WW11. Raped my sister wh was about
And so it the quest for greed and power with criminal who should be in jail along side her advisors, billie boy, Coney and Lynch.
I cannot think fof a better place than Gitmo for the b@$tards.
younman68 says
Carol we all have to vote, that will be the only thing that will stop the corruption. I received this letter this morning and it is awesome. Please feel free to pass it on to everyone I am.
My Fellow American Citizens
I feel I need to try and do something, so praying and writing is all I know to do. This election is so important, and no one can afford to sit home or not care. If the one person is put in office we are going to loose the freedoms that our families risked their lives so many years ago to come here to avoid.
Main stream media is not telling the truth, or reporting anything at all, there is a lot at stake here. If we do not care about this country for ourselves, lets care about our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren. We owe it to them to keep their country free and safe. That is why I am doing this, I cannot sit back and let a unlawful radical group of people dictate our future.
My suggestion is to watch FOX News, they are the only media that is reporting everything that is going on, there is so much going on that I could not even began to write it all. But we need to be informed, diligent, and not just believe everything we hear.
This is a very important time in America, are you going to be one to stand up and break this chain of corruption, or are you going to be the ones that do nothing and cry when your rights and freedoms are gone.
You have a choice my friends, and I pray for you, your families, and friends and the rest of your fellow American Citizens you will make the right ones.
One day how will you be able to tell your children and your grand children, you sat back and let the corruption win, and you lost everything that our forefathers fought so hard to keep.
Its your choice America. Please make the right one for our future generations to come.
God Bless you, and God Bless America!
Arthur Hartsock says
America is facing a catastrophe as severe as when the British attacked and burned Washington, D.C. in the War of 1812. But at a crucial point in the British invasion/attack there was a violent storm with tornados. This storm stopped the British attack and gave American forces time to recover and further reinforce Ft. McHenry. (Famous for Star Spangled Banner battle.) Maybe we’ll be spared again, and Divine Intervention will aid us avoid this catastrophe. But we probably don’t deserve God’s help this time.
Hondo says
I pray the Lord’s blessing upon Mr. Trump in tonight’s debate and throughout this election.
Dianne Meyer says
Judy Selich says
Amen! America needs Donald Trump.
Jim Dagata says
Where is the DOJ, and where is the FBI to investigate these people that where uncovered by Veritas, you or I would already be in deep crap. Its sad to see our country fall in such a corrupt state, with the White House dictating what they want or not want done, its got to change, or you truly wont recognize our country in just a few short years with the most corrupt individual running to be Pres. With all the lies that came out of her mouth , how would we believe her if out country gets in trouble, most of it caused by her, anyway we are in a sad, sad situation. jim
Peh says
capt ron says
Peh …
. Guess you mean appointed ? …
. Please PRAY GOD will give US TRUMP !
Candace says
In the video it is implied that Obama’s elections were rigged as well though not stated outright.
Farmer john says
Hondo……What else is new? The entire Clinton Cartel is CRIMINAL……like I have said in earlier posts. This election like the last two is and have been rigged in favor of DEMOCRATS. Obama say’s Trump’s a Whiner… least he’s an American Citizen and he is married to a WOMAN and he is NOT a CRACK smoker or a MUSLIM like this CLOWN that currently occupies the OVAL OFFICE. To ALL you people out there voting…..VOTE ALL incumbents OUT of office……VOTE for change …….but all what I just wrote really does not matter because this election is RIGGED so most of our votes won’t matter…….this is what they ( politicians) have done to our country.
Laurie says
Obama says Trump is whining before the election of occurs! Hey BO, complaining afterwards is like closing the barn door after the horse gets out! Interesting that the DOJ under Obam is not going to send out as many election monitors this year! Once again l, this in itself is voter fraud!
Susan says
Thomas wilson says
Voters seem to be mesmerized by Clinton. The millennials are banking on free college with Clinton. Sorry to break their bubble but free college is “States pay half and Government taxes from Taxpayers pay half”. States don’t have enough money to run normally let along fund free college. Wake up America – don’t vote for lying Hillary.
Jim says
Free college means I will pay taxes for my life-time called investments by liberals – Jim
capt ron says
Thomas …
. Not mesmerized by HRC but possessed by satan.
Laurie says
Obama says Trump is whining before the election of occurs! Hey BO, complaining afterwards is like closing the barn door after the horse gets out! Interesting that the DOJ under Obam is not going to send out as many election monitors this year! Once again l, this in itself is voter fraud! CROOKED HILLARY
Bruce says
WHINER? who the H E Double Hockey Sticks cares what H/C says when the woman can not be trusted any more than a rabid dog has rabies! this woman and her traveling side show goes to Georgia and dumps T-paper and crap on the streets of Georgia and says, OOPS we thought it would go down the sewer when anyone who has one of those cruisers KNOWS they are not dumped except in the designated spaces for that purpose! Yet, she thinks she is above the LAW! Donald Trump may be many things but at least he speaks what need be spoken! “BLAST” this woman Trump. spare NO words to show her lies and deceits!
Marie says
Trump should mention this, that Hillary dumped her shit on the streets of Georgia. People do not know this because MSM does not report all the filth about Clinton.
Justin W says
Vote fraud should be treated as treason and those participating in this crime should be executed. I’m tired of seeing a group of hoodlums ruining our country and stealing our constitutional freedoms. On election day we can send a message to Hillary Rotten Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the Democrat National Committee that we want our country back. On election day I encourage everyone to vote the straight Republican ticket.
It’s time to clean up the corruption in government. Removing the dishonest Democrats from office is a good starting point.
Candace says
That’s what I did but unfortunately that doesn’t do anything about the corrupt republicans that are in the tank with Killery, IE” the Bushes. I did vote no on reelecting any judges. They all need to go.
J R Young says
This is so un American. Makes me sick. These folks should be prosecuted but just like Hillary they will escape. God, our Heavenly Father will only allow so much. These lier’s an deceivers all will be judged one day. Heaven help them
Edward shick says
It makes me sick but at least it shows that people may wake Up ,I first saw it when working in Chicago in the 1980’s, I have written letters to every Govenor and each senator all of Ohio”s politicians and always told it does not exist ,We must up date our Election Laws , In Ohio they only require a Utility bill or a Pay stub from last year to Vote ,With Trump bring it out maybe some thing will get done, What I hav written about many times is the need in Ohio and other States is We need a Voter ID card issued only to Americans , The card should have A Picture of the Voter, Important Information and a MAGNETIC CHIP which gets scanned when you receive your ballot , It works for Credit card Co. They are pushing vote by mail in Ohio and they wish 50% would , but that is Ripe For Fraud as no one checks ID , Then people do vote in other states , We just do not even think how Corrupt our politicians have became!
enchanted says
Wow the ACLU is concerned? Good they need to step in, for once and do what is right for EVERY ONE. They have already found 14 boxes full of thousands of ballots in a closet in CO and every single ballot said hil-liary. Just waiting for election day. Most of them were votes from dead people. I am sure my parents, long dead have been voting democrat the entire time.
WAKE UP people. The future of this country depends upon the correct choice. You are not voting for personalities, you are voting for the futures of your children and their children. They didn’t fly the communist flag over the democrat convention with no American flag in sight for nothing.
reggiec says
Ignoring voter fraud:
There are some precincts that are completely run by far left Democrats. They are in complete control of the voting process in those precincts and can do anything they please. How else can there be more votes cast than there are registered voters? How else can there not be a single vote for a Republican out of thousands of votes cast?
Sheryl says
There have been so many crimes committed by these Democratic Dumbshits, that have and continue to be pushed aside and under a rug. It appears with all of the evidence that we have against the “Clinton clan”, that they are still paying their way out of the situations that are being brought to the public eye. This is not only a federal crime, but also shows the lack of moral integrety and how little regard they have for any of “the people” who employ them. They should all be tried, convicted, and imprisoned until they rot in their cells. Theyve done nothing but lie, cheat, fraud, and buy their way out of the trail of troubles theyve made with their corruption.
I hope we can all bid them a goodbye and good riddance and not have to deal with them any longer.
Hal says
At this late date nothing can be done.. The ballots and sample ballots have been printed and sent. I would suggest the whole election be declared null and void and an alternative method be selected. Oh wait, the democrats would rig that as well.
Rob c says
Ok let me see Hillery rigged the primary against Bernie with Obamas help this is proven fact! Now they say there’s no rigging going on here, I sure as hell don’t trust the system. I’ll be voting Trump! on the down ballot I’ll be voting against the corrupt people that didn’t support him.
John LaMorte says
With a fair election Donald Trump will win by a land slide. There is no place in USA for the corruption the Clinton’s have done to
to this country.
mary strous says
I read all these things about Hillary and wonder why we have such a cowardly bunch of people in our justice system who are afraid of this woman (bitch) Personally the entire bunch needs to be ejected from their jobs, no retirement, and several of them jailed along with Hillary, Bill, Kerry, McCain, etc. I am not speaking as a radical republican I am speaking as an America citizen who is completely fed up with her lies, her corrupt ways, her deceit, and her ability to get away with destroying human lives. There are those still out there who are mesmerized by her ability to make you think she is a saint this is sad for they are only tearing down he Country with their stupidity. God saves us from this woman.
Fred says
What A waste that Hillary is.Hope she falls down and cannot get back up She is so corrupt I just do not know how anyone can waste a vote on her Let us hope she has a stroke or something real serious because then it will show she has never been truthful about what has been going on with her health If she lies about her health you know she will lie about everything else All I can see is she would send the americans into another useless war Think what she has done in the middle east But of course the biased media does not see this. Let her do what she wants. Watch what happens when there is total anarchy.Use your heads
Dave says
Certain electoral districts e.g Cook County. ILL., where the call to “vote Early and Often” originated, have a tawdry history of voter fraud; however the environment today, with hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants being conscripted to vote (for guess who) brings voter fraud to a never before seen level. Really, what is inappropriate in asking for visible proof of identity before anyone is allowed to vote?
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Crook County, Illinois is what I call Cook County. It has always be, always will be politically crooked, politically corrupt, prior to 1955 it was the Mafia that ran Crook County, Illinois, from 1955 it was the Daley family, the late Chicago dictator Richard J. Daley, then Jayne Burne, and the years later his son Richard S. Daley. Chicago was run better by the Mafia than the political crooks who are a trillion times worse.
Crook County is where that damned POS white trash B@&CH Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton was born at. Crook County, Illinois isn’t the only place that has always been politically crooked & politically corrupt, the Loser City Tucson metro area in Pima County, Mexizona is another, but it’ run by the damned POS 1870’s Party whose attitude & mentatility are 1880 & beyond are just street addresses, not year, not decades, but just street addresses & many states such as Arkansas,New York,West Vieginia,Louisiana,Alabama,Georgia,Kentucky,Tennessee,North Carolina,South Carolina,Mississippi & Hawaii are also have always been,always will be politically crooked & politically corrupt, and then our nations capital, that is a real prime example of corruption right there.
Louis says
Like most media coverage of election issues this year, it is necessary to take this video with a grain (or probably a large bag) of salt. James O’Keefe and Project Veritas have been criticized for years due to their use of deceptive and misleading editing and presenting information completely out of context, (see and he has plead guilty and been sentenced for criminal conduct in connection with his so-called investigative reporting. Reputable academic studies have found almost no voter fraud in the US during any time this century. (See summary and abstracts at
I wouldn’t say that the points the video are trying to make are not true, though I doubt them. I am just saying that believing them without further investigation is like saying something is true because it was included in a Michael Moore film.
Candace says
I’m not sure how else you can take the video’s when they come right out and say it…. also Snopes has been proven to be a liberal shill. I trust project veritas far more than I trust snopes. Frankly I don’t trust any of the media at all and take everything they say with a grain of salt. The only one I believe who is at all fair is FOX and even they skew things the way they want them. Megyn Kelly can take a hike over to CNN.
Louis says
Believe what you like. I generally distrust the media and try to verify whatever is reported that I consider important, but the world is too large for me to actually verify much. I am pretty sure that the elections are not rigged, though; and that, to the chagrin of many, Donald Trump has lost fair and square. To illustrate my distrust of the media, I think the media is exaggerating Trump’s popularity so the public will think the election is reasonably close and will keep reading and watching for information about it – and advertising money will continue to flow.
Martin L. Robillard says
Whats the sense of voting if the Washington elites rigged the system for clinton. We may just as well cancel the election and let Hillary clintons government junta rule as she likes. A complete TYRANT. This may cause the second American Revolution.
jackpack37 says
America be at the ready! Lock and Load immediately. The second revolution is nigh.
Chucky says
Ready! Don’t let that bitch come near us!
Victoria says
WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Obama has put our Great Country on Life support & if YOU!!!! Put HRC in White House she will pull the plug!!! Believe It!!!!
Frank says
That worthless (Obama) need to mine his own business, which he can not because America is 21 trillion in debt that he created.
KWP 64 says
There are a lot of good comments on this thread. With the DOJ not sending out as many monitors as usual this election shows that this election is rigged. What is really sad about this is-WE THE PEOPLE-have lost this country. There is no where to turn to for redress. With all of the released emails and other sources out in the public domain showing how corrupt this system is and what the democrats have done to this country to keep it under the control of the democrats the only thing left to is fight or flight. It may be time to take back this country. The last hope we have as a country is voting the people out that we do not want to be our elected officials and now we find that we are being duped and there is no voting. It’s all rigged. The only last chance we may have is to overwhelm the polls with TRUMP votes.
But then do we know if the votes will be counted. Pray that the turn out will be like BREXIT.
Ted says
Could it be that this time something will finally be done about it? In the past all we have seen is the evidence after the crime was committed. Hardly ever does anyone connected to the crime get held accountable for it and the filthy candidate takes office in spite of the crimes committed against the public. It’s time to put an end to this bullsh!t….
Are these two scumbags that just got fired walking away form the criminality of their actions? They only got fired for being caught, now how about some real justice for a change!…
terence says
The problem of the principal American MSM refusing to cover Hillary’s unacceptable behaviour both in office and in support of her husband’s sexual assaults is not confined to the American media. I know people who have sought to provide the above Democratic-election rigging video link into their comments in the British -pc obsessed- MSM and have had them immediately deleted. This is particularly the case with the feminist-controlled Guardian which has virtually turned over its paper to a propaganda instrument for the Clinton election campaign.
Terry Brown says
It’s the American people who allow this repugnant
person to be competing for the leadership of the
highest office in the land.Hillary and Bill have always
been deceptive and evil, They cannot stop now:
They don’t know how.
This election is not between Trump and Hillary: It’s
between Hillary and the American people: Trump is
just there representing their last hope. He does not
need to do what he is doing; he is doing it for the
country and people he love.
Yadja says
Like Assange said if the news doesn’t get out there then nothing happens to her. She is a sleazy and filthy person and she needs to be out of this race, she is not fit mentally, emotionally or physically. In a real America she would have been taken out of politics years ago.
Americans are 100% alone with nobody to listen to us, to protect us or do the right thing for us but Trump. This would be the worst mistake ever and take the bleeding of our rights and our Constitution from a slow drip to a total bleeding out via our jugular.
Ronald S. Zimney says
We’ve had state sponsored voter fraud in my state for years! How do you suppose Al Franken became Senator? Trump may carry the 49 other states, but not this one! It’s been a criminal strong hold since the New York World’s Fair, during the sixties. The state booth was empty because it was imposable to get the money to New York, to construct a display! Trump 2016.
Errol says
Deceptive and misleading editing is why the mainstream media is distrusted by most Americans. If the video is deceptive or misleading, why did two of the main subjects resign? Without a corrupt media, the Democratic party would be in the toilet where they belong.
Chuck Taravella says
Put Trump in office to clean up the Dems. mess. Put all Clintons in JAIL and throw away the key. If they have their friends (Obamas) with them then the country will begin to be safe from the TRAITORS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOD help us!
LEE says
Their is a lot of that going on at a lot of electipon. I also that is how the bummer got in both times.
Harold says
It seems that America has become like Nazi Germany was under Hitler. It largely comes from the Democratic party. The news media, better known as the “Joseph Goebbels propaganda society” is so involved in this that they are guilty as sin. As far as Hilliary is concerned she is a life long pathological liar and who knows what else. The so called justice department, and now the once respected FBI has been in bed with these crooks.
F. C. Hilnbrand says
There are MANY agents that are really PO’ed with what went down. The FBI is not the same one it used to be thanks to Obama and Hillary. Maybe those agents will do something to Hillary down the road. If WE the PEOPLE vote in TRUMP by a LANDSLIDE he will turn things around.
F. C. Hilnbrand says
Of course it is. Obama wants Hillary in his office and will do what ever is necessary. Hillary will do what ever is necessary because she wants MORE MONEY and POWER. And to get that she needs to cheat and being she is now Obama’s BUDDY the 2 of them will do as they wish. We know this is TRUE because he has been doing this for the past almost 8 years since he has been in office.
Pam says
America wake up now or if Hillary wins you may wake up with a illegal alien saying he is taking over your house. Hillary has lied all her life and if you people believe for one minute all these wonderful things she is going to do, think again. All Hillary is for is Hillary, her pocketbook, and the power she wants.She will cheat, lie steal or kill to get what she wants. The truth is she is scared now as the Trump in all truthfulness is ahead of her and he is right to say this election is rigged and has been from the start. She gave Bernie Sanders a house and a plane to drop out of the race, now how many people do you think she has bribed? to many to count. Since Trump is doing better, they have found out that someone, has to be in a mail room somewhere, is opening the mail in ballads and throwing the ones for Trump away, as they are turning up in trash in different areas. The hecklers just started up everywhere this past weekend and the better Trump gets the worse the fraud will get. Trump is right when he said it’s rigged.They have ballads turning up from people who have been dead for 10 years and of course all the illegal aliens they have brought in so they will vote for her.The Obama election was also rigged because he told good lies just like Hillary and people fell for it and what has he done for America?NOTHING but sell it down the toilet and she will continue to do the same. They both want socialism or I prefer to call it communism, they want total control of you and your life just like a third world country. If you remember one of Obamas first speeches where he said no country should be better than another, we should all be the same. Obama and his wife as Hillary show just how much they dislike this country as he gives more money to illegal aliens and countries that want to kill us, than he does for our vets and poverty stricken Americans. Hillary showed how much she cares for Americans when she ignored a years worth of E-Mails begging for more security in Benghazi and four men died and what did she say?WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? It makes a big difference to the families of this men who died. Please think before you vote and realize what Trump offers and what the Washington establishment is offering you In Hillary.
Jerry says
I want all Trump voters to not be discouraged, What Trump says is true, The media is in with the polls. This is another mind game Hillary and the Green monkey with a red ass, are doing. There are so many of us Trump will prevail. With the others in the race Johnson and Stein It will work out Perfect. Hillary will lose, and Trump can go to work on the Mass Prosecution to the Democratic Party to the Green Monkey with the red ass in the white house. This will possibly go to the FBI, The Supreme court. Does anybody think Scalia died by accident Now??
Arlie says
I sure will be glad when this election is over. Sick of all the lies plus the media comments. God is our only Protector. The Book of Revelation tells us what is taking place. The videos on Revelation at YouTube have really opened my eyes and given me peace of mind. You, too, can have great peace. I pray for our country. May the Lord bless all who study His Word.
jay says
The Clintons and Democrat parties have been doing this for decades, look at Chicago for example of the most blatant corruption ever known and yes folks, it WAS the Democrat party doing it in EVERY case! Why do you think the current potus ran his first campaign for Alderman in Chicago? He is corrupt to the core, just like Clintons and Rahm Emanuel who is now Mayor of that wasteland that once was a great city! Does anyone really believe another Clinton is the solution to anything but MORE corruption and stealing from the hardworking people of this country? I think NOT! I am working as an Election Judge in my district, and believe that anyone questionable WILL be interrogated before casting any ballot!
Rick says
The fact that Hillary Babe and the Clinton Machine can do *** NO **** wrong is so evident in this video. ///////////////
Time to shut this WICKED WITCH of the EAST up once and for all with a VOTE for THE DONALD at the 2016 Generla ELECTION. ///////////////////////////////////
jwb says
Ok Donnie, it’s yours to lose tonight. Don’t blow it by doing your Bill did this or that routine, no one cares. Also, quit cryin’ like a 2 year old, grow up and stick to the issues not your usual crap. VOTE PENCE FOR REAL SOLUTIONS …………………….
Wesha says
OMG how much more proof do you need???????Of course it is a BIG problem,….the disgusting piece of trash that is a liar and killer has had this set up from the very beginning..Benghazi should of sent her ass to jail..but because she has all the prominent people on her payroll she slides by scott free..WELL ENOUGH..IF SHE ISN’T KICKED OUT AND SHE WINS …THERE IS NO WAY THAT TRUMP SHOULD TAKE THIS LYING DOWN…SHE SHOULD BE IMPEACHED IMMEDIATELY IF SOME PEOPLE ARE FOOLISH ENOUGH TO VOTE FOR THE DEMON PARTY….WE NEED TO HAVE HER NEVER BE IN CHARGE OF OUR COUNTRY. IT WON’T BE FIVE MINUTES AFTER SHE GETS IN THAT AMERICA IS UP FOR SALE..THE HIGHEST BIDDER THAT GREASES THIS DISGUSTING PIECE OF TRASH POCKET..SHE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU OR ME, THE BLACK COMMUNITIES, HISPANICS NONE OF US MATTER…….ONLY HER..
A voter says
It’s one thing to expose this fraud. It’s completely different to prosecute the fraudsters. So now we have proof, who takes it to the next level with arrests and prosecution?
SgtYork says
This needs to start at the very top. First Obama,Biden then down thru the Devilcrat house then the Devilcrat Senate,Devilcrat state Govenors and all Devilcrat state office holders. This whole thing is Devilcrat started from years ago.lyndon Johndon robbed many Mexican Graveyards in South Texas as a big start.
WhiskeyMan says
“Video PROVES Hillary rigging election”. (Ya think?)
Don’t need no stinkin’ video to come to that conclustion.
It has been reported that no less than 16 States will utilize
voting machines supplied by none other than George Soros!
The America hating, socialist billionaire, major contributor
who has been jerking Hussein Oblamo’s strings, and now has
thrown his support to ‘puppeteering’ Hildabeast Rotten Clinton.
And certainly, none of our well ‘paid’ (off) legislators are in any
way concerned about any questionable signs of possible collusion…
It’s not who you vote for, but who you allow to count them! Hmmm?
David Reniewich says
All the polls show Hillary has a YUGE lead over The Donald. Why the need to cheat? Because the polls are false. If Hillary gets in it’s 4 more years of Obama policies. VOTE TRUMP!!!
Martin Christensen says
I haven’t read all the comments preceding mine, so I don’t know whether this is a repetitious. My opinion is that Democrats control almost all, if not all, the voting rolls in the country with the largest numbers of voters, and you can bet that there is fraud in any system they control. If we had a decent media they would be investigating this rather than the nonsense sex crap that is the fall back strategy whenever the Democrats get in trouble or in danger of losing their monopoly on all those who have been made dependent on their income by the Democrat programs. They run more of our economy than the private sector. Most large businesses are obligated to support Democrat positions or lose money. It is called crony capitalism, and offshoot of State control of our lives.
Gary W Jensen says
There is no doubt that this has been going on for some time. Obama was elected through fraud, he even had radical groups standing out front with clubs chasing people away that were not voting for Obama. The modern day Democratic party even did it to Bernie. This needs to end!
Barbara says
DCJ says
We’re talking about having one of the most, if not the MOST, corrupt Federal Gov’t Administrations to oversee the 2016 election process. That’s like asking the “Wolf” to “Cattle Yard.” Hopefully State Elections Officials aren’t as corrupt as the FBI, DHS, etc.
Charon says
So what do we do people? The mainstream media is thoroughly corrupt and serves the clinton empire that’s trying to regain entry to our executive office. Hillary is irredeemably corrupt but no one seems to be listening to the evidence brought against her except those who already support Trump. We’re preaching to the choir at this point until we press these issues forward.
Charlotte Hudson says
We all know that this bastard lying corrupt president came into office with the huge political statement that he wanted to fundamentally change America and that is exactly what he has spent the last eight years doing on top of the fact that has added 10 trillion dollars to the national debt. Now he is expecting the lying bitch to take over and continue his dirty work. Between the two of them we will become a third world country if she is allowed to become our next president. Our Good God will not allow that to happen to us who care about this country. Trump will be elected so he can begin to end the corruption in our government. These two criminals are not the only ones that have to be eliminated. Trump has a big job ahead of him.
Dr S Vigneswaran says
There is an easy way out on this, though it might be too late to implement it right now………..follow some systems adopted from other countries where they are forced to conduct fair elections……..maybe after TRUMP wins , i can suggest..
Dr S Vignes-Malaysia
ron j says
get rid of her like she has all of the people that worked for her. what I would really like to do is cut her head off and shit down her neck.
Justin W says
Folks, if Hillary becomes president we can expect more fraud and corruption in the years ahead. The best way to put a lid on this is to send Hillary Rotten Clinton into retirement on election day. Donald Trump is not perfect nor is he the most likable person to ever head the Republican ticket, but he seems to avoid political corruption.
If we truly want America to be great again we need to remove the crooks from power who have corrupted our nation and is intent on taking our freedoms. Donald Trump is the best qualified of the presidential candidates to end corruption in Washington.
Craig says
by changing the first names/birth dates on voter registrations, i can find dems to bus in and vote under that name.
Example: find 50 registered republicans in Indiana with last name Adams. Change the first names/birth dates to fit 50 voters (dems) named Adams. Now bus in these 50 dems to Indiana and their names will be on the registered voter list while the legitimate voter names are not listed and can not vote. That is essentially 100 votes for the dem candidate—50 republican voters negated, 50 illegitimate non-existent voters added to the dem side.
Doesn’t seem to matter dead or alive.