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Sunday’s second presidential debate has just wrapped up. Who won? Vote here —
marie callihan says
Hillary is fraud,criminal. she say she wants to help children. they bring up margaret sanger. she wanted to kill blacks children. and Hillary admire her.
OracleGuy says
Fraud ? Perhaps. Sexual molester? Unlikely. The creep never answered a question or accepted blame for his actions, he just tried to deflect well-deserved blame away from himself. Too late P.O.S. We know that you’re not nearly as smart as you wants us to believe.
William Scotrt says
But you are as dumb as we think you are.
TRUMP 2016
Watchman says
OracleGuy is one of the Lie iberals, jusy like Hil Lie ry is. Their mind is twisted and call wrong right and right wrong. If Hil Lie ry does get the President Position and the country sinks like a lead balloon, and all of those fruit loops they protect start robbing them and raping their wifes and daughters, it will be to late to change their minds. I’m not real fond of Trump, but he is the only choice we have. We have got to take a stand for what is right and Hil lie ry is wrong. You can always tell when she is lying, her lips move!!!
cirt says
You surely live a small life. It would be the exception to the rule if when two men are together one or both will invariably bring up the subject of women.Each in turn will try to impress the other of their macho by telling stories of multiple conquests, sometimes in a graphic way. The descriptors used do not reflect the manner in which these men view women.Rather it is the manner in which each of the other wants to be perceived as a warrior capable of controlling his empire and enjoying himself as he does so. None repeat none of these comments behind closed doors reflect any man’s true thoughts. So again we have fools attempting to make other’s look foolish when in fact the remarks were not then nor are they now intended for public consumption. Many of you out there must learn that difference,and begin to focus on what is truly important and will in point of fact affect our lives and those of our children. Crooked Hillary is a perfect example of someone who can, and will hurt us all,if elected our next president.
OracleGuy says
Actually, cirt, that is not true if the men are real Christians. I find Trump repugnant and your description of how two men behave is equally repugnant. That’s not normal unless you are as degenerate as Trump, apparently.
John Cannon says
I am a believer in the Messiah. Donald Trump has ask for frogiveness for his sins. Are you saying that you have not sinned and will not forgive him. You can now cast your stone.
HHH says
What stupid remarks you make. Have you ever been with soldiers living in tents or holes in the ground there will be pictures of women in some state of undress discussed verbally. Haven’t you ever seen a world war 2 bomber or fighter there will always be a picture which members of thew crew will kiss before flying to fight. Most of these men are strong believers in Christ.
Marcia says
The lesser of the 2 candidates is TRUMP. Clinton has been lying to the American people for over 30 years. The Secret Service does not want her back in the white house as she treats them like servants. “get this for me and that for me NOW”
Adela says
Oracleguy….YOU are the the repugnant mentally retarded stupid idiot! You accept mrs. clinton’s serious cheatings and murders while you give so much importance to 2 men exchanging their wishful thinking.
marylou says
But as christians and he apologized for what he said we are to forgive the problem is the hillary has never owned up or apologized for anything
Anderson says
I agree cirt says. Little boys start when they are just past the toddler age comparing the size of each others penis, their father’s penis and it goes from there. It is called “locker room” talk, but it is not limited to the locker room. Trump’s lovely wife was right… Billy bush lead him on and I think Bush knew the mic was picking up the conversation. When they exited the bus he (Bush) said to the the young woman something similar to…aren’t you going to give “The Donald” a hug, he just got off a bus, and then he ask for a hug for himself. The young woman appeared to be uncomfortable with the request made by Bush. Billy Bush used this young woman. In my opinion Bush did this on his own to ingratiate himself to his democratic news media bosses. I’m not sure if his “firing” for taking part in the conversation was real or for show. I believe his departure from his job on the 3rd hour Today Show is temporary and he will be rewarded handsomely for his contribution to the Clinton & Democratic cause…if he hasn’t already been. Can’t wait to see where this corrupt money trail leads.
Ardy says
O.G. Were you listening to the same debate I did? To me it sounded like he did take responsibility and apologized for them. It was Hitlery that manage to defer all the questions asked of her.
henry beam says
I’m with you!!!
marylou says
He apologized twice because the first time he apologized the media was like he should not have read from a teleprompter it did not sound sincere thats why he apologized at the debate, I blame the media everything is timed to come out at just the right time for deflection of hillarys wrong doing
Arthur Hartsock says
Hillary hasn’t answered any legitimate questions during her campaign. She hasn’t had to-the Press hasn’t put any pressure on her. Rather they have enabled her. And it will be this way until election day. Rather it will continue indefinitely after her election if it occurs. The same as with Obama-they haven’t asked him very many tough questions either.
Adela says
Andy don’t pay attention to anyone who’s envious of Donald Trump’s excellent performance at the Debate. I can’t wait for the 3rd and last Debate. I love him for PRESIDENT!!! Meantime we MUST continue to encourage Mr. Trump to keep studying more and more ways to uncover mrs. clinton’s wrongdoings so as to make sure the whole world hears all of this for the first time since the mainstream media have never ever published any of her and her dirty old man bill’s cheatings and thievery AND making decisions to help the radical islamists into our country! Also to encourage him to list all the repairs of our poor injured America!
Adela says
Sorry Ardy, I made a typo of your name by writing Andy.
rafael says
O.G. you are a miserable person ; you suffer just like billy .
Adela says
You’re speaking of that dirty old man bill clinton aren’t you?
threefingersh says
Has to be speaking abot Bill he’s the rapist,
Ron says
Hillary is Scum…Trash!! She should be in jail with the rest of the Scum!!! And Paul Ryan is a fagget!!!!
robert says
You are right! She is a criminal and scumm but when in Washington she is in good company because most of the ones there are the same. Trump finally said something I have been saying all along. He said Obamacare is a fraud and was put in through fraud! So why has there not been one politician to state this fact and have it brought up in front of the supreme court on the grounds that it was put in through fraud? Is it because they really don’t want to repeal it?
Charles Dewald says
I didn’t watch the debate. I’m so fed up with the politics in America that I ‘m sick. The establishment candidates in both parties that we elect don’t follow the constitution anymore and it just makes me angry. I just may become an Independent as People like John McCain and Jeff Flake and not much better. We need border security now and we also need to stem the flow of illegal immigrants across the southern border.
John says
You should be watching the debates. These are not like past debates between candidates. Hillary is a criminal and I can’t believe that Democrats call themselves patriotic Americans while Donald Trump wants to take the garbage out in Washington and put in true patriots who follow the U.S. Constitution and not the benefits of office.
Frieda Wickerhoff-Strömberg says
I’ve never seen or heard America this way. My God what are they doing?? Are they crazy??
Frieda w.s.
Kenneth says
Bunny Howe says
Then it would seem like your choice should be Donald Trump. He is the only one with the guts
to take on the establishment and clean house in DC. Voting third party does not help the Country.
Sue Burbach says
So Vote!!
Adela says
Charles Dewald…..in your rage for bad politics you’re missing some wonderfully hopeful people like Mr. Donald Trump. He’s different, he isn’t a politician, he tells things as they are despite the risk of being killed by crookedhillary, he’s courageous, he’s the ONLY one who’s been shouting the truths of what’s happening to America and showing his face without fear and he did a magnificent performance at the 2nd debate. Mr. Donald Trump and us citizens deserve his as President of the United States of America!
Better find a rerun of the debates and see how youe future President has done in the debates. :o)
threefingers says
can’t do that voting independent, unfortunately we are the two party rigged system. The electro college, is unfairly in place and thats just the sad reality of the USA
J G says
Trump won. Even though he made a stupid verbal mistake 11 years ago, I can’t help but wonder why they waited and who on earth taped that 11 years ago?? Donald Trump is still the lesser of two evils and the BEST candidate for President.
I agree!!!!
threefingers says
Well said
Lou Seretta says
You sent me this Email at 10:15PM EST “”Sunday’s second presidential debate has just wrapped up”.. How and the hell can the debate be over? You MORON.
EmilieLouise Ille says
believe me this debate is over for clinton
Rock Bodock says
People already knew the winner was before it ended, Moron.
betty ballard says
Obama has a p*ssy tape. Go to youtube, titled, “gotta have them ribs and p*ussy too”. No one has impeached him. He talks about Trump being lewd, he’s doing the same thing….hypocrite…
Zana Ennis says
I saw that! Also Robert De Niro said some horrible things about #Trump. He called him all kind of names over that “Hot Mic” ordeal. Just look at all of the violent movies he has played in, and “Meet the Fockers”, the nastiest name they could come up with! I was embarrassed just hearing the name of the movie. Jon Voight went after Robert De Niro for what he said about #Trump.
GySgt Wilson USMC (Ret) says
Because it was really over before it began! Clinton is clearly out classed by Trump, not to mention she woefully out of her depth.
robert says
Now she will try playing the victim card saying it is only because she is a woman.
ArribaPosts says
Good Morning – the debate ended at 10 EST
mike says
Actually 10:30
Victoria Barrett says
Donald won and his idea of having a news conference with the women Bill abused before the debate was genius.It took all the wind out of the sails of the moderators who had intended to make the whole debate about Trumps remarks. They couldn’t deny Bills guilt. The evidence was in the room.It gave Donald the chance to attack Hillary on substance. I think the news conference was a total surprise and knocked Hillary and her team off mark. Now back o the business of campagning and looking forward to the last debate. No one knows how that will be.Wallace swings both ways.
John Wy says
100% correct.
att333 says
Trump the Fraud keeping up his sterling ranking of 71% lies during the debate,a minor inconvenience which his followers totally choose to ignore.
joe says
And hilLIARy lies almost 100% of the time. Look at her miserable record and scandals. She was not SOS when o drew the line in the sand. LIAR! How can anyone with half a brain vote for her? She is corrupt to the core. “hilLIARy belongs in the Big House, not the White House.”
Robert Young says
A vote for Hillary is a vote to make America a third world country with the government controlling everything in our lives from birth to death.
robert says
Bullshit. I don’t believe Trump lied about anything, but I think you lie about almost everything!
James Fletcher says
Yes Wallace is unpredictable. All the Moderators up until now have been pro Demonrat. Trump and Pence both knocked it out of the park so this third debate in Vegas should be good and bring any undecideds over to Trump & Pence. Honestly, how can any American be undecided? The economy sucks due to Demonrats. Large cities with their poverty and unemployment are thanks to Demonrats This trojan horse invasion of islam which will have America looking like Europe…Germany, UK, France, Sweden, etc. in just a few years is Demonrats fault. The corrupt Washington elite are the 80% of politicians most if not all Demonrats and quite a few Rinos. Trump will clean house God willing. (Y)
HHH says
Demorats=communist rats. there are a lot of turncoat rats in the republican party. Have you ever seen a world war 2 bomber it usually has a picture of a scantly dressed pretty women up front near the pilot nest the boys kiss her before going to battle. the president would rather kiss your ass.
RD says
At 11:30 pm (Atlantic time) the journal panel + Jake Tapper, had Donald at even or winning the debate. By 2:00 am the panel of 6 dems and 2 repubs. had Hillary with a dramatic lead. I suspect the slightly dem. overweight voters were more like the 6-2 journal panel. The situation today will further riddle Donald with bullet holes as they load up their interviewees, question those who cut Donald some slack first, and undermine their statements, with the other two +, before cutting away to a commercial and leaving those going to the polls (today) with a negative thought. CNN got caught off-guard with a couple of interviewees when they responded favourably for Donald, something CNN was not expecting. Donald may be a lot stronger in the polls than what is being reported.
Robert Graham says
Right I do not trust the any of them. But I can tell you that I am voting for Trump!!!!!
dave says
I do not trust anything the lame scream media says, they are demoncrats, and anyone with one live brain cell would know, or should know that there is not one truth in any of the CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, or NBC news stations and even many of the FOX can not be trusted to tell the truth. This country WILL NOT survive 4 more years of the demons in the demoncrat party, anyone that votes for Hillary, has done the same as she has and lies, and sold their very souls to the father of lies, Satan is their god… and they hate this country, and they hate their children, and grand-children, they hate the Holy Bible and the real god of Heaven.
David Kimber says
Dave, you are so correct. The Democrats have destroyed our country. O’bama is the worst thing in our history. They are only interested in votes, not helping the country. Hillary as well as her
low life husband are exactly as you see–corrupt, cheats. Can not tell the truth. They cater to
the minorities. Once elected, they forget them. These people are not wise enough to see that.
The problem we have and why we are being destroyed is that the minorities, welfare, illegals,
and non working people out number the rest of us and they only want government to provide
for them. Their numbers are rising, but some one has to work to provide the money.
muwabuzi says
thank u sir for this great comment
RLS says
The issues were discussed too, its about time. Hillary wants to let in 65,000 more unvetted Syrian Refugees, there will be terrorists among them that will bring wars to America. WE cannot let that happen.
Rosech says
Depends in which time zone you live in, my dear. Surely you knew that!
Clint Hall says
Debates mean very little in todays world.
Election day is the bottom line, legal or illegal.
It’s not Hillary or Trump.
It’s Socialism or Democracy.
James Fletcher says
Correct. It can be looked at many ways. Democracy vs Socialism, Good vs Evil or Trump vs Hellery. God Bless America.
Dave says
Trump needs to bitch slap our Israeli-CIA and STOP SUPPORT FOR ISIS!!!!
Robert Graham says
I’m with you buddy it is time we make stronger allies with Russia.
keith says
Put the Vodka up !!!
Robert Taylor says
This poll question was sent at 7:21 pm on the west coast and the debate is still ongoing. How can a winner be picked if it is not over yet.
Rosech says
It was for 90 mins. and started at 6 PT and actually did end on time.
EmilieLouise Ille says
Of course Mr. Trump wins the second debate !
Gabrielle Jones says
debate not over,but Trump is clearly winning.
EmilieLouise Ille says
right on
Zz says
D.Trump was a strong winner, he was a presidential first class. 11 years ago is over ….. he apologized. Issues are important and he was on them, and on the attack too.
Juan Two Three says
You bet he is…and Killery can’t defend her corrupt Libya policy, ‘Slick Willy’s infidelities or any of her past 35+ Years of LYING to the FBI, Special Independent investigators/Congressional Committee’s, LYING face-to-face to the American citizen’s publicly This old ‘Hag’ LYES from the ‘get-go’ to the people/citizens of Arkansas to being the ‘Boar Hog’ 1st ‘Tramp’ 1st lady….she is a disaster for America, then and NOW!
Tina says
AGREE!!! She should not be elected! AMERICA WAKE UP! DO NOT LET HER BECOME A PRESIDENT. If she elected, that be the END OF OUR BEAUTIFUL Country and us. VOTE TRUMP!!! ONLY HOPE IN HIM!!! Unfortunately, she has a very long hands, removing people hands, I am afraid about TRUMP’S safety.. Really afraid… She was killing him tonight with her eyes, it was visible how much she hates him. We need a miracle to stop that corrupted liar, and protect Trump from her hands.
John T Koszalka says
She is a professional liar, and what else shows, 25 to 30 years of doing nothing.
She stood over the remains of 4 Murdered Americans, and lied. The director of the FBI concluded that she was irresponsible.
Zz says
Read on Facebook she paid to FBI director lots of money, true/falls no idea, but they all. Overnight for her lies, how and why, what behind all of this the American people don’t know?
cris says
no true,er said, thank ye from alaska.
John T Koszalka says
If your watching this she is going DOWN.
Debbie says
Absolutely Hillary is going down.
Juan Two Three says
You’re SO right Gabrielle Jones !! Killery presented herself as a LYING, conieving, POS that she has been covering up for 35+ years! She LOVES Muslims coming into our country and WITHOUT even being ‘vetted’, the hog wants OPEN BORDERS in the South and the North, and the dip-shit wants to increase the Obongoloid Muslim immigration to 550% OVER what Obongoloid wanted! “F” her and her Saudi contributions to her PHONY Clinton Foundation, “F” her for selling 20% or OUR uranium from Wyoming to Russia while she was supposed to be our ‘Secretary of State’, “F” HER for destroying 33,000 of OUR e-mails, and on and on and on. This broad should be in prison, not on a podium trying to get the undereducated/illegals/felons to vote for the “HO!!’ This rage weed is absolute disaster for America as we know it!
mark says
fuck hillary clitoris wantabe commander & clit!!!! she should be shot for treason!!!!!!!
James Fletcher says
Mark if I may be so bold as to suggest a slight change to your post. I would say…fuck HELLARY clitoris wantabe commander & CHEAT!!!! she should be shot for treason!!!!!!!
Otherwise GREAT comment brother. (Y)
Ladd says
Hillary was still as arrogant as in her first debate, but STILL the worst admission she has made was IN thjat first debate, when she said that she had been “stupid” to have those 33,000 emails deleted, and she TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY. That, coupled with the laws extant stating that anyone who damages, alters or deletes any classified documents AND quite a few of those emails WERE CLASSIFIED. So she is disqualified by her ADMITTED ACT from holding ANY government office, AND is subject to large fines and jail time. This is true EVEN if she was so innocent and it WAS a “stupid” act. In my opinion, THAT ONE ADMISSION ON HER PART decided the election/.
Westnlas says
The special prosecutor Trump would appoint is more than enough reason to vote for him.
Politicians who hide things the law requires be made public are stealing the right we have of a government by the people. Back room politicians steal our right of self determination.
att333 says
Somehow you do not understand that personal emails were permitted to be deleted under the terms of the subpoena. You also fail to undestand that Clinton did not delete the emails, but a staff member. But then facts and truth don’t matter to Trump the Fraud supporters, or his ranking by Poliifact of being able to tell the truth only 4% of the time would be important to you.
RD says
Was it ever proven that Kubala Khan made part of his income by importing Muslims and that Donald’s plan to restrict Muslim entry, would interfere with Khan’s income? It has also been stated that Khan was instrumental in setting up Hillary’s e-mail service. She mentioned Khan and his family again last night.
John T Koszalka says
Right now—— on energy he is crushing her.
Politically incorrect says
I am still watching the debate as of 1030 EST, as for who won it’s almost over but I think this is a tough choice because Trump is doing rather well but still interrupting from time to time while she has not. The mud slinging is a bit annoying because they really need to answer the questions on issues but can’t blame Trump for getting his points across and loved the one where he said she should be in jail and if he was president she would be.
But I am leaning towards this one is a tie
Bleed Red White And Blue says
Trump HAS to interrupt because the moderators let Clinton talk for as long as she wants to, then try to shut him down before he can respond.
BarnicleBill says
No tie here! Trump was clearly the winner. I could not say that about the first debate, but no question here!
Wanda leonard says
BarnicleBill you are so wright president Hillary wore this one to no tie here ,
Robert Anderson says
Wanda what WORLD you in? HILLARY got trounced. She could do nothing but lie as usual @!!!
John Wy says
I agree with you. Vote Trump-Pence !
Victoria Barrett says
I would love to have seen the look on Clinton and her camps face when they found out Donald was having an unscheduled news conference with Bills accusers and they were going to be in the audience during the debate. What genious.
Wanda leonard says
Victoria for Trump to have three x wife’s I Guss he is such a good clean God fearing man ,I don’t see him that way so with that being said ,he can’t throw stones at Mr Clinton,Bill not running for the White House his wife is his accusers are ladies of the night Trump payed them to be there they charge by the night its what we call hookers Iam sure Trump will get a treat from them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IAm sure bill was glad they were with Trump and not him Bill didn have to pay out money to the ladies of the night,
Truth says
Way to go, Wanda…calling 12-year old rape victims hookers and sexual assault victims of Bill Clinton hookers. And you’re in the Party that supports women?? I’m sure the Democrats are proud of you. Talk out of both sides of your mouth just like Hillary.
rafael says
Wanda :
LOLITA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER .?????????????????
RD says
If Hillary went too hard on Trump for sexual indiscretions, what might have come out of the four accusors could have been devastating for the Clintons. I think she was right to stay low on that one.
RD says
I think Hillary was wise not to attack Trump too hard on the subject of sexual misconduct. What would have come out of Bill’s accusers could have been devastating to the Clintons.
RD says
Sometimes I post and it does not show up. I repost and they both show up. Must be time delay.
Tom says
The moderators allowed Clinton to go over her time repeatedly and said nothing until Mr Trump objected,then didn’t stop her. Clinton did interrupt, and they kept panning the camera on her with that stupid grin. She did not fare well in this debate. SHE LIED ABOUT LYING FOR PETE SAKE!
Elena silvestri says
Donald trump is disgusting the more remarks he makes the more he will loose the presidency very poor sportsmanship
RLS says
Everything Trump said last night was the Truth, that’s why he is so popular. Hillary cannot tell the truth!
rafael says
Elena Silvestri ; Sei molto confusa .
Mark Clancy says
Donald won the debate hands down.
RLS says
Trump hit a Grand Slam!
Bleed Red White And Blue says
Trump crushed it. The first debate, he was getting his feet under himself. It was the first time a man debated a woman one on one for the office of the President. It’s no surprise that he was a bit timid about going after her. This time around, Trump took off the kid gloves and gave her several hard jabs and hooks. She wasn’t nearly as smug as she was during the first debate. Here’s hoping and praying that the last debate gives him the opportunity to land the knock-out uppercut.
Sharon says
Trump is the winner. The bag robot has a face like a liar…continuous false smile. What a lying lying thing she is. She always brings up the children she has helped over n over. Why has she never helped the American children ? Always children in or from other countrys ! Discusting…
Patti P says
I almost threw up when Hillary said she has helped children. Look on the internet and see this article. When Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas they had an easter egg hunt and their were some mentally challenged children there. Hillary was upset because they were taking so much time collecting the eggs. She was heard saying loudly ” When can we get those F—–g retards out of here. Also a friend of hers said in an article that when Hillary was pregnant she told her that if the child was defective in any manner she would kill it. She can actually stand up on stage and lie continuously without any shame. You cannot offend her. She is like a robot that memorizes lines and repeats them over and over. I hope the American people can see what she plans to do to this country if she is elected. She will not put the american people first. I think Donald Trump got her good tonight. Bill Clinton is going to get told off by her when they get home because of his infidelities and rapes.
Charles says
Not to mention thier cocaine addictions and Hiliarys lesbian affairs that turn Billy boy on.
Carol D says
I think we, and they, should stick to the truth and the issues. Much of what we hear is media related and just people who pass along stories. Nothing concrete. I am glad Trump make some facts known tonight. I wish he had not interrupted so much and his facial expression was not as smug. Hillary had that smug look last debate and Kaine was the interrupter of all interrupters and he was like a cat on a hot tin roof. The truth would be good. That is what I want. The moderators I thought were very fair. I wasn’t expecting it to be but they were fair in my estimation.
Hondo says
The Good Book say that her sins will surely find her out!
Fret not, she is going down just like the Titanic!
Rosech says
She loves and wants to continue Planned Parenthood and that means more black babies will be aborted and parts sold. She actually was told to have a child so the AR governor and wife would look like a family. Stores have it she had already had several abortions, and Chelsea is obviously no relation to Bill because her features are like one the man in AR who suffered a “strange death”. I loved this site giving us a lot about Hillary, her profanity, her arrogance, her hated of women and denigration of them (and by the way she pays her female staff 38% less than her male staffers), how Bill loved Chelsea and had more association and raising of her than her not loving mother ever did, and I can bet the grandchild won’t see much of her either as she has a stone heart and full of hate. Her father by the way was a textile manufacturer and sold the material to the drapers who “painted” them, mean another lie hitting the ground because she grew up with money and not poor. This info is from a 30+ years of one of Bill’s mistresses and Hillary doesn’t like it: http://patriotpowerednews.com/bill-clintons-longtime-pal-hillary-losing-her-mental-capabilities/ She hates children and if you have noticed when she approaches a child it doesn’t want her to touch it proving animals and small children are smart! She has pushed to close coal mines, and then wants the miners to vote for her? Get real, Hillary, that boat sailed a long time ago. When two good sizes unions are going with Trump, you haven’t got much going for you. Again, I loved what Krauthammer wrote about the evil criminal Clintons or in my view they are far worse than was the Mafia! They control with their money and if anyone is going to expose (and she did say she wanted to have Asange killed lout and clear) the Clintons, suddenly they are found dead in strange ways and just recently two more! And, yes, it has been brought to light that Loretta Lynch was threatened by Bill not to pursue anything against Hillary. Loretta has NO grandchildren so another lie that hit the floor.
Anita Cannon says
I thought Donald did a good job. Did I hear that he was a democrap when he made those stupid comments? I also wish that people could hear ( as I have) audios of HER SCREAMING at her staff horrible things. Hmmm. Media bias again?
George Barbarow says
Pastor Shares Concerning Trump
My friend and one time fellow pastor, Dalton Douglas, shares some powerful thoughts concerning Donald Trump: “I’ve heard too many say lately that we, the American people have no choice in this November election!
Do you really think that God would leave us with no choice?
Come on people! Where’s your faith? He has heard our cries!
In defense of Donald Trump: Try to keep these in mind:
Donald Trump did not steal your money.
Donald Trump did not raise your taxes.
Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food.
Donald Trump is not starting a race war.
Donald Trump did not leave any US soldiers in Benghazi
to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims.
Donald Trump did not send the US Navy to fight for Syrian Al-Qaeda.
Donald Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate
Christians throughout the Middle East.
Donald Trump did not betray Israel.
Donald Trump did not provide financing and technology to Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
Donald Trump did not give our military secrets to China.
Donald Trump did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia.
Donald Trump did not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans.
Donald Trump did not cripple our economy.
Donald Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars.
Donald Trump did not ruin our credit, twice.
Donald Trump did not double African American unemployment.
Donald Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight years.
Donald Trump did not sign a law making it legal to execute and imprison Americans.
Donald Trump did not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay.
Donal Trump did not steal your rights, violate US Constitutional law,
or commit treason hundreds of times.
Yet Trump is being ripped apart in the news, nonstop. Barrack hissing Obama,
Hillary Clinton and the criminals occupying our government, are not.
The media is the Democratic Party; save our culture. Stop listening to them!
DJTX says
God gave us lots of choices in the primaries, which we picked apart and allowed Mr. Trump to win, but we now have the choice between Mr. Trump and Hillary, and God has given us one last chance to choose a free country, or a socialist/communist one. Between a Constitution-led, rule of law government or a corrupt, banana-republic government that sells influence to the highest bidder. This may be our last chance to save America for our kids and grandkids, so be sure to vote, vote wisely, and remember, where will you go if we lose America?
liberty49 says
What a wonderful, clear, concise list that definitely puts things in the proper context and priorities!
cris says
YE speak the truth on all of it, hillary is a evil frauding lier , and acts like its ok, to have blood on her hands.
ClaudeA says
Untill you phony preachers face up to NO CHOICE for brutally murdered unborn citizens and lead YOUR OWN UNIVERSAL fasting and prayer for the time it takes to irradiacate this DEATHLY BLIGHT across America, for get “CHOICE.
Ladd says
ClaudeA, Hillary is the one who is for abortion, NOT Trump! So you are RATHER OFF-BASE THERE!
Juan Two Three says
Ladd…have you figured out yet that Claud is a fuking ass-wipe Killery loving Libturd?? He’s a fuking IDIOT from the ‘get-go!!’
Ladd says
OF COURSE. I habitually invalidate their posts for the people who are subjected to reading them later, my answer means nothing to THEM.
Juan Two Three says
My choice, you racist mf’er Claude, is exterminate fuks like you, like immediately….Keep your racist eyes in the back of your head because there will SOON be a day that you just might be on the TV show The First 48 Hours………you will be just another dumb fuk with a few bullets in that racist head of your’s! Just one more useless racist mf’er our cities or country DON’T need or WANT….good riddance YOU dip-stick, ass-wipe instigator!
Carol D says
Claudia, Phony preachers you say. I think you have made a huge mistake. It is Hillary that wants choice and she is worried if Trump gets in he would kill Rowe V Wade. Do your research and you will see your after the wrong person.
A Trump fan says
What ?
Sandy Ssmith says
Amen!! TRUMP/PENCE 2016
Juan Two Three says
George…what a MAN you are and a most truthful, honest and spiritual presenter of facts! Love you brother!!
A White Cracker
ivani says
Right own man i had the same true statt
Jim says
It’s shameful that people of the cloth indignify religion by rendering political opinion; it is within the province of man to make fools of themselves. That lies within the dominion of Caesar. Because of such behavior men of God have lost their sensibility to other men. Why do you preach and what do you preach about? We all need your guidance not your insult to scripture.
Carol D says
Thanks George for sharing Pastor Douglas’s list. I am disgusted with this whole Presidential race. It is however refreshing to see that someone is paying attention. We all make mistakes in our lives and we also have a chance to make things right. Hillary and Obama both have had the media in their pocket. I don’t like some of the things Trump has said and I make no excuse for him. People soon forget about what Bill and Hillary have done. He taking advantage of women and Hillary defending him against the women she swears now, should be believed. She isn’t for the blacks, Latino’s, or women. She will say she is in order to get their vote. End of story. We will loose what rights we have left if Hillary gets into Office as President. No matter how well Trump does we could very well end up loosing with all the fraud that has already started to be committed in Indiana, Colorado, Virginia and Ohio. This is probably just the beginning. Why would democrats oppose photo ID’s if they had no plans to deceive?
Wanda leonard says
George ,You forgot Trump don’t pay taxes or his workers why would God be so happy with this draff dogger??????????????????
Ladd says
Clinton was the draft dodger, not Trump. Trump had ordinary deferments that he fell out of, so he went in and was not passed in the physical. Perfectly ordinary, and he DID report for duty. I did so and WAS inducted in the Army, so I served 3 years, as I volunteered rather than going in as a draftee. BIG DEAL! As fpor his taxes, he made a large LOSS, which was a deduction for years, and you apparently do not understand that he was a DEVELOPER, not a Builder. So he hired General Contractors to build his buildings, THEY sub-contracted a lot, and some of THEM stiffed the sub-contractors, that field of work is KNOWN to be like a shark tank. But Trump was NOT the one who stiffed anyone. So you are wrong about EVERY point you made, as well as illiterate when you call a “draft-dodger” a “draff dogger”. God WOULD be happy with the GOOD MAN Trump is.
Phillip Schwartz says
Good comment
KC says
Well said !! Thank you for putting it in black and white.
Robert Early says
As a retired pastor, I wish I could have said all that you just said.
Bless you, Brother.
Fred says
That was great! Get that out to the media, which they would never use!! GO TRUMP.
Hondo says
You forgot to mention that Donald Trump is not for murdering babies in the womb!
Recce1 says
I’ll vote for Trump but I think that once again Hillary won the debate, barely. Trump started off by not addressing the questions directly, but got sidetracked. He also interrupted Clinton too much and refused to stop at his allotted time. While I agree with his comments about having Clinton investigated, I don’t think it was wise to bring up here. Then he bitched too much at the moderators. Also, his pacing around made him look insecure.
Hillary is far more polished as a politician. Of course that’s not necessarily a good thing. It seemed she lied about quite a few things, especially about emails.
By the way, I loved Trump’s zinger about Honest Abe and that she wasn’t. Reminded me when Sen. Bentson put done Sen. Quayle. I also liked his bringing up facts but wish he could’ve been more concise.
liberty49 says
I wish he might have been more concise on the amount of uranium Hillary sold to Putin while Sec. of State. And he should have demanded to know WHY her Clinton Foundation was paid over $135 million for that traitorous deal?
Phillip Schwartz says
That was my thought too!
Ladd says
The moderators WERE on Hillary’s side, they interrupted Trump several times in the middle of actual policy statements he was making. She IS more polished, but she is EVIL. This election is about NOT TRUSTING ANOTHER POLITICIAN, that is why TRUMP is here.
Hondo says
Yeah, she is “polished” alright….just like a “white walled sepulcre with dead men’s bones inside!
Kenneth Smith says
I’ll vote for the candidate who promises to fight to enact term limits on all Senate and House members
George Barbarow says
Hillary’s Emails Expose Undercover US Spies, Identify Foreigners on CIA Payroll !
JCP74 says
Trump has won but we have not heard from the liberal media.
Ladd says
They, MOST of the media, are irrelevant.
Robert Early says
It doesn’t matter what the liberal media says or does. We know what to expect from all of them.
Big Ed: says
I for one do not need to see this debate to the bitter end to make up my mind about who won. There is a big D behind my name and has been from the first vote I made to put John K. in office. The Dems. lost my vote when they forced Sanders and Clinton to be my only possibility. Question: Is this the big October surprise on Trump? If so, How dose guy talk compare with Bill’s oval office activities. Bill get impeached and the Dems. refused to kick him down the road. That is when I saw the real face of the party. I will change my party to R after November and then die happy. We also need to rid our government of the closet Dems. that call themselves Republicans. You know who they are by the large horn on the end of their noses.
Rose walton says
Trump won…..no question about it….Hillary was clearly rattled many times!!!
Ann L Mitchell says
Donald Trump won the debate tonight. Hillary Clinton is not to be believed and calls
so much of what Trump said as not true, while if what we’ve heard in the past several
weeks they are true. If I voted tonight, my vote would have to be for Donald Trump.
Robert Hagedorn says
He interrupted her. But he did it in a way that he didn’t look like he was flailing, like Joker did against Pence last week. He won tonight, simply because he did a much better job than the first time, which was judged to be a tie. Clinton was no better and no worse, just the usual terrible. Tonight the old Trump was back, but tonight he also looked and sounded presidential. The fuzzy stream of consciousness was gone, and was replaced by a tighter focus on facts. And he totally dominated the moderators.
louann says
I’m so proud of trump ! You can tell he really does’ care.thank you trump for honoring those brave women who went through hell from the Clintons. You have had to fight against media/ the corrupt politicians/ the biggest liar Hillary Clinton. She wants open boarders .ask uk/ Germany / Paris / sweden/ ECT ECT bad deal. Thanks trump.
jackie says
This poll is a joke. Trump is drowning. I predict that tomorrow even Paul Ryan will disown him. Not only is Trump going to liose big-time he may well drag down the house and the senate with him and that means Hillary will get to appoint the next Supreme Court Justice.
Politically incorrect says
I still think it was pretty much a tie but I have to give Trump credit for bringing it to light that the moderators did not interrupt Clinton at the beginning when her time was up and the comment of 3 on 1. Also when she brought up Russia helping the Trump campaign I really don’t think anyone knows for sure who is doing the hacking but I will say with all the mainstream media and most news channels hammering Trump then it’s only fair someone else helps him.
What is pissing me off right now with the Kelly files (Fox News) is she still running the tape and the media is still trying to keep this going. Bring up 24 hours of all the scandals she has going on all the channels and in the media I am sure the will still sell just as many papers and have just as good ratings.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for gov’t corruption, destruction and death to America
Bob says
My reply on the comments Trump made about women 11 years ago would be-
I was a democrat then and they all thought it was OK. Bill Clinton laughed his head off.
Ladd says
In reviewing the earlier part of this debate that I had missed, Hillary stated again that she had been stupid and takes full responsibility. So that is TWICE now, that she self-incriminated herself on the issue that DISQUALIFIES her for the Office. Even if she was qualified and good in everything ELSE, this ONE ISSUE makes her lose the election by her admitting that she is guilty of an action that makes her unable to hold ANY office at all.
Joseph Green says
Is Trump the greatest candidate ever! No, of course not. But at his worst he is a thousand times better than Hiltery at her best. He won tonight but I wish he had brought up her hundreds of millions of dollars funneled through Canada from the Middle East muslims to her campaign through her fake charity foundation.
joyce adkisson says
He won now she will pay more money to. Try and find more dirt on trump truth or not. More will be coming as she was to take the eye off her it should be off her she should be in jail should not have to hear any more of her bull shit!
Mikeyavelli says
What part of deleting 33000 emails can be denied?
Wanda leonard says
I delet emails every day and so do you she didn’t denied deleting she said she did but it was every day junk that was her answer!!
Ladd says
Yes, but which INCLUDED many emails that WERE classified. THAT was PROVEN.
Charles says
She should go snort some coke and hook up with one of her lesbian lovers now that Trump put her in her place she will look super in her prison jump suit when Trump is our President.
Ladd says
Amen to THAT!
Constitutionalist says
Wanda Leonard-
The Liar – and almost ALL liars – hate the truth. God is Truth. Those who hate the truth hate God.
You said:
I delet emails every day and so do you she didn’t denied deleting she said she did but it was every day junk that was her answer!!
Here’s the truth. At the time those emails were not only deleted, but UNDER SUBPOENA(this means that Congressional investigators had issued a legal demand that they be produced), they weren’t ONLY deleted, but a “bleachbit” program was used on them to make then IRRECOVERABLE! In addition, several of the devices – phones, blackberries, servers, etc. – were SMASHED WITH HAMMERS, at a time when they were all ALSO UNDER SUBPOENA! That’s called “destroying evidence” and “obstruction of justice.”
That’s the great thing about the Truth: you can yell at it, curse it, throw crap at it, deny it, pretend it doesn’t exist, cover it in manure or lead or radioactivity – or smash at it with hammers – and it shines through, remaining just as true as it was from the Beginning.
To reiterate: The Liar – for the entirety of her career as an attorney as well as her every day in public office – has been lying, hiding or destroying evidence, intimidating witnesses, laundering drug money, bribing or threatening or murdering media figures about to expose her or her husband, murdering virtually anyone who could have provided incontrovertible evidence(then destroying whatever evidence they could find), then when she got more power as SoS, sold US secrets AND ASSETS in exchange for “contributions” – massive, multi-MILLON-dollar “contributions” – to her Klinton Klepto Krime Kabal Kollidge, destroyed the lives and cultures of MILLIONS in the middle east, and has been a witch in a coven since the Arkansas days, if Larry Nichols – a Clinton insider from the Arkansas days – is to be believed(and he should; he’s dying of lung cancer, ergo the “hearsay” rule can be negated under the “dying declaration” rule), which means she has deliberately consorted with demons, devils, and probably satan himself in order to continue her ability to roar and devour prey unencumbered by the prison sentences she has long deserved.
So of course i’m quite happy that Trump promised on live teevee last night that he’d appoint an individual with INTEGRITY to head the DoJ, then have an Independent Prosecutor – perhaps with full access to EVERY gov’t agency(including the NSA, which – since it collects and saves ALL internet transmissions despite their denials, will have EVERY email ever sent OR RECEIVED by The Lying Witch – to investigate, collect evidence, and have her IMPRISONED for the longest period of time US law allows.
i think that if you honor the Truth, you should cut’n’paste this answer to a doc, then print it, then read it until it’s memorized. Should Trump win – and it’s looking more and more like it, despite the TRUCKLOADS of boxes of pre-filled-out ballots, all for The Liar, recently discovered – your “prophetic powers” will be exposed to the Light of Truth.
w says
Donald J. Trump clearly won. He would have won bigger if he had noted that he has occasionally indulged in locker room talk, but in his 70 years of interacting with women he has never been accused of rape or sexual assault and none of his wives have engaged in the politics of personal destruction against the women who presented “bimbo eruptions.”
Wanda leonard says
W If his x wives bad mouth he will cut out the money he didn’ leave them they lefted him and the new wife wants to leave him !!!!!!!!!!!
Benchavan N. Shale says
I am an emigrant who called America – My Home Sweet Home for the last 48 years. I cannot wait to see Mr. Donald Trump sworn in as our President in January 2017. I cannot see someone who has been sponsored by Mr. George Soros won this coming Presidency of the U.S.A. Mr. Soros’ envision is to destroy American and Israel. Shame on him!!! He came to America and made himself prosperous, and this is the way – he would reciprocate his adopted country, to destroy the United States of America!? There are so many ways Mr. George Soros can make himself Famous with money he has made here in his adopted country. It’s so sad to hear and see how the Clintons became his puppets. Aren’t you ashamed of Yourselves!? The 3 of you!?
Please God, please Lord Buddha – please protect our loving country. Please show American people who CAN MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN?
Even though, I have been a Republican but I still love President John F. Kennedy’s famous words of wisdom and I have been following his slogan to my heart: “Ask, not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country.” And now – we American people who love our country to: VOTE TRUMP
Wanda leonard says
Hillary won !!!!!!! Trump should have stayed in his seat and stopped standing over Hillary He looked very upset he is a big bully with a big mouth he is very nasty to women if you are a lady you will not vote for Trump !!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so crazy nut crazy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My vote will go to Hillary .
erwin essig says
who dah moon trump won just hillerie going tu jail asap
yu mus be wonna the stupid ones
Politically incorrect says
A vote for Hillary is a vote for gov’t corruption, destruction and death to America
Ladd says
So you LIKE the present level of corruption then. Whatever, you can vote for whomever you want, it IS still (barely) a free country!
Bill says
it was the camera angle, not him walking over and standing over Hillary,
Trump treats women better then the Clinton’s, but maybe you enjoy being lied to! if so Hillary is your person,
if you like to see your nation go down with overflow of Illegal immigrants, the down fall of our social services as a life net for those in need then by all means vote for Hillary,
if you wish to see your Taxes go up, you health insurance go up and the quality of either the Government or your medical care go down vote for Hillary.
If you enjoy watching our men put in harms way killed and ignored and then lied about then vote for Hillary,
But If you wish to see America rise from the ashes of the last 8 + years because Obummer did not do it alone then Vote for TRUMP!!!!!
Don says
I REFUSE to vote for Hillary JUST BECAUSE SHE HAS A VAGINA, in much the same that I WOULD NOT VOTE FOR BROKE OBAMA JUST BECAUSE HE IS BLACK. (well, half black anyway) In utilizing this reasonibg: One viewpoint would be sexist and the other viewpoint would be racist
Rosech says
Obama is 50% while, 40+% Arab (can see that in his bone structure and coloration), and a miserly 6+% black. So he is a white man pretending to be black and maybe born here but he is not a citizen here but of Indonesia via his stepfather there. Hence, no documents will be presented to prove he really was a qualified candidate either. Hillary has committed heavy duty federal crimes and also not qualified but the DNC really don’t have anyone else and hope her lies, her very obvious serious mental and physical conditions are affecting and even if she were qualified under the law, she is not fit to be in OUR WH nor ripping off again items that belong in OUR WH and then returning only a portion. Thieves as well in money and our WH items. They think they are special. NOT! They are traitors and need to be hanged asap and we have plenty of rope to do. No prison to coddle them ever!
Carol D says
Wanda Your comment makes no sense. Sounds off the wall. He will cut off the money he didn’t leave them? What kind of nonsense is this? More stories started. Where did you get the idea his new wife wants to leave him? I say anyone that is stupid enough to vote for Hillary, should just do it. We have free agency to make our own choices, but we do not have a choice as to what those consequences will be for making that choice. I think it is crazy women voting for her because she is a woman. That’s like black folks voting for Obama because he would be the first black President. Where did that get them. White people voted for Obama too, but yet white folks are called racist. Something is wrong with this picture.
Wanda leonard says
Carol Iam half white what does that have to do with Obama being racist,? Trumps is the one that’s a racist Iwas going to vote for Trump but I changed my vote !my vote will go to Hillary and no Iam not stupid, you are for voting For Trump the low life fool when he said he didn’t pay taxes that’s when my vote went to Hillary he has had a free ride for 20 years not giving anything to help pay for schools or. Anything in Our already Great United States ,you may think Iam crazy but Iam not voting just because she is a women Iam voting for her because she is very level headed If Trump gets in the White House he would push the button,he said he likes war and yes his last wife said she would like to leave him on the view !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DBMagnum says
There’s a reliable source……. “The View” …….Are you just crazy or plain stupid??? Sounds like Forest Gump had it right……. “Stupid is as Stupid does!!” You can’t fix stupid!!!!!!!0
A Trump fan says
Trump won – Hillery was caught in her own loop.
Robert Early says
That’s right. Vote for the traitorous criminal who would willingly destroy you and your entire family for a little extra profit.
amalia stepanyan says
Trump is a clear winner. He was under a lot of pressure but he did well. Hillary with all the help from woman moderator did poorly, she came across as repetitive and tired person. She talks in general terms, she does not have any issues to talk about but she sure does have a big baggage of problems. He hit those problems good, what a fighter. Bravo Mr. Trump, you did well tonight.
DBMagnum says
President Donald J. Trump won the debate.
Even though the Hildabitch tried to get him side tracked, he made a quick comment about the recent mud slinging of the far left libturd/ democratic press and pivoted quickly to substantive issues that are far more important than locker room banter of 11 years ago!!! I’m wondering why no one has brought up her language and attitude toward secret service people when she was First Lady, and I use this term with great deference. Her telling secret service men to “F..k off” when greeted with a simple “good morning madam First Lady”. Read the accounts of several of her “language” issues in several books written by the very men she slammed with her FOUL mouth!!! ……. And you go after DonLd Trump about his 11 year old PRIVATE remarks!!!!!!!
More mud from hildabeast because she can’t run on anything she’s ever done for the America people!! I have just one phrase that I think puts this all in perspective……. When asked about the 4 individuals that died in Benghazi she stated…….”What difference does it make!!!” End of story!! ????????
DBMagnum says
President Donald J. Trump won the debate.
Even though the Hildabitch tried to get him side tracked, he made a quick comment about the recent mud slinging of the far left libturd/ democratic press and pivoted quickly to substantive issues that are far more important than locker room banter of 11 years ago!!! I’m wondering why no one has brought up her language and attitude toward secret service people when she was First Lady, and I use this term with great deference. Her telling secret service men to “F..k off” when greeted with a simple “good morning madam First Lady”. Read the accounts of several of her “language” issues in several books written by the very men she slammed with her FOUL mouth!!! ……. And you go after DonLd Trump about his 11 year old PRIVATE remarks!!!!!!!
More mud from hildabeast because she can’t run on anything she’s ever done for the America people!! I have just one phrase that I think puts this all in perspective……. When asked about the 4 individuals that died in Benghazi she stated…….”What difference does it make!!!” End of story!! ????????
Susan says
“He had told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do Justice, and to Love Kindness, and to walk Humbly with your GOD.” Micah 6:8. The Donald is like David & Solomon, a rich man who serves his Lord and Nation.
Mary Martin says
I just saw a poll showing Trump at 96.1% to Clintons 3.99%. You’ll never see that talked about on any of the Main Stream Media,
CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox…….that should tell you something!!!!!
Politically incorrect says
Mary keep in mind that the majority of the people reading the Horn are in fact Trump supporters so I really wouldn’t put much trust into this poll
Phillip Schwartz says
So where are the Hillary supporters?
Wanda leonard says
Mary where did you see this poll in your sleep ? Hillary is ahead in all the polls she has never been lower than 45%
Ladd says
Are you so stupid that you didn’t even see the poll that you are commenting on?
Robert Early says
The people who run the polls are the same people who run most of the media. Vote for whomever you please;
but don’t believe the corrupt polls. Do what
I did. Run your own poll. I contact 430 people at random in five states from a social network.
Not a single one will be voting for Killary.
Dick Shinn says
Well? I thought that the last question was the most telling one of all, “Can you state one good thing about each other?” I’m paraphrasing. Hillary said what great children he had (but nothing about him) and then launched into a last minute monolog as to why she should be President. Trump, on the other hand, had nothing but compliments about her toughness the entire two minutes allotted. I also noted that he continually glowered with just a few smiles. She on the other hand, had a rather wide-eyed, smile plastered on her face, except toward the end when he obviously got under her skin. Then she glared.
I enjoyed it. However, nothing new revealed.
DBMagnum says
She had a “deer in the headlights” look on her face most of the second half. Also, did anyone notice her or Bill’s facial expression when Trump said he would appoint a special prosecutor?? I’ve played it back, thanks to DVR, and watched that part slowly. WOW!!!!!!! Also, Bill’s facial expression when he saw the 4 women invited by Trump to sit with his family in the front row. That alone was worth recording this debate!!!!!!!
God Bless Donald Trump, I hope he has adequate security to prevent any “barbells” from falling on his neck!!
Mary says
I will point out that this is an UNSCIENTIFIC poll.
RD says
CNN stated their poll was scientific, this morning, (Alysson) I believe. I watched and there was nothing scientific about questioning their democratic participants. The same group as the last debate.
Josephine C Strain says
Donald was wonderful and got most important points in that the people need to know. Hillary looked stilted adn gaave same canned answers to all questions. She lies very well with lots of practice. He acted quite presidential.
SGale says
Donald won tonight by keeping Hillary on the defensive and telling the American people the truth about what HRC has been doing. I loved watching her get flustered when the moderators asked about her paid speech transcripts… President Lincoln???? What???
Hillary was a pompous, snooty liar that will do NOTHING to help our country or raise our incomes. She looks down her nose at us little “deplorable” mere people below her. Her husband is a chronic sex offender and she is a snob and they both live off of taxpayer and foreign donor money like giant leeches and they wheel and deal in secret to make her and her connected friends richer and more powerful. How can anyone like her?? It just baffles me how she has ANY supporters at all! Donald Trump is not perfect but at least he is human. Hillary’s polished promises and talking points will never come true for the middle class. Empty Promises… like all politicians!
doc says
You people said Trump won the first debate??? Nothing changed one a rat and the other a roach.
Ladd says
He DID win. AND, Hillary ADMITTED that she has to be disqualified for ANY government office when she stated that she was “stupid” when she deleted the emails but “TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY”. But doing that she accepted that the laws extant regarding it call for her disqualification for any government office AND fines and jail time. She ROYALLY cooked her goose with that one! In the second debate she mentioned it again, but was a bit cagier, didf not outright admit that she is responsible.
Rosech says
Might want to go to this site and learn how much big banks/businesses, etc. paid for 30 mins. speeches and they pay it knowing if she is in the WH (I just can’t say president!) she will take are of them. They form a foundation in Canada where no contributors are named, give charity 10% and send the other 90% to the Foundation, she has no motherly feelings and actually dislikes children, especially retarded children, has a sailor’s profane tongue, has no courtesy but expects it, and more. We need her alive in this country? No way. In the WH, even less so. I have no desire for her and the Soros owned DNC to take us into the globalist evil elite communists of One World Government/New World
Order reaching the final step of the DNC’s 1963 published Communist Manifesto. They are evil criminals, liars, cheats, greedy, power hungry and hate America but want it riches for themselves.
Rosech says
Oops, here is the site I forgot to give out:
terence says
I think neither came out a clear winner. Trump failed to make enough of the scoring points available to him – particularly in failing to emphasize the difference between his own 11 year old vulgarity and sexist language compared with the actual sexual assaults by Bill Clinton in the White House and Hillary’s pursuance of the victims with threats, etc. It was clear she was at a loss to exonerate herself and her husband when he did raise it. He should have expressed shock at the list of prejudged attitudes on a number of issues Hillary said she expected to find in Supreme Court Judges to make them acceptable to sit in judgement: whereas in truth justice should be blind, it should approach each issue on its own facts and circumstances without bringing the least pre-existing partiality to bear – Hillary’s concept of justice sends a shiver down one’s spine. Trump however was able to score on the final question, asking what positive virtue each saw in their opponent – she could not bring herself to see any in Trump other than through his children – whereas he magnanimously claimed to admire her tenacity: that should definitely have won him brownie points by comparison with Hillary’s answer.
Constitutionalist says
it should approach each issue on its own facts and circumstances without bringing the least pre-existing partiality to bear
Ah, IF ONLY that were true! Perhaps it was, once upon a time, maybe for the first 20 years or so of SCOTUS; after that, they began to rely far more upon “precedent” than the Supreme Law(to which even they pledge their fealty). Once they accepted the 14th Amendment as “law”(even though it was NEVER properly ratified), they have used it’s various provisions to distort, misapply, stretch, and extend the power and reach of gen. gov’t powers FAR beyond their original intent, which was to DEFINE – and MORE importantly, LIMIT – the powers that officeholders could lawfully exercise. The “commerce” clause has also been repeatedly raped and abused, to where a farmer growing his own grain for his own cattle in his own state has been declared to be “subject to federal law.” And this, even though such grain was not even to be sold to anyone anywhere, not even in his own county, much less state, much less any OTHER State, either!
Colin says
Click on the link below to vote in this poll.
ivani says
I have one email i voted as soon as it was over i see Trump Slayed it and i am a former bartender i heard it all and woman can be just as crude as men just as long as you don’t rape someone like Bill .grow up people who live in glass houses should not throw stones like the woman who claim she is breaking glass ceilling she cracking that ceiling
db says
We saw her desperation October Bombshell and it was more like a ladyfinger firecracker compared to what she has done in her public career. Let’s see, a public career, making a living off the tax payers and you rip them off and sell them out. Yup, that kind of describers her career. I can only hope that Trump released the “dogs” on her as he said he would after he takes the oath of office to be the next POTUS.
Bill says
Hillary for prison, With Trumps help, finally justice equality in America!
Don says
I think Trump was the winner. Hillary was on the ropes most of the night, visibly uncomfortable. Especially since the questions were (supposedly unknown) Her ‘pat’ (what I have to offer) answers are delivered at every rally.
I think Donald missed a good punch relating to Hillary’s comment about his children. ‘I will make all parents proud of their children if I am elected President, they will ALL be under my mentoring and leadership in Making America Great Again”
Robert Early says
My personal scoring has Trump with about a five point win.
However, he should have won by more than twenty points.
Harvey Schneider says
One comment that Donald made that brought a cheer from the people present was that if elected President was that he would prosecute “Over the Hillary,” The cheer that went up was the sign to me that he won the debate and those present confirmed that this is a point that he and Governor Pence need to stress as they go into the final weeks before the November 11th vote. If and when convicted it would remove her as a possible candidate for office in the future plus the time in prison and the confiscation of the Clinton Foundation money would teach the Clinton’s the lesson that “Crime doesn’t Pay.”
It was again obvious from the woman candidate’s eye movements and body language that she is possessed by demons who were disturbed by the points made by Mr. Trump. Her behavior suggests that Mr. Trump’s protectors may have their hands full protecting him. The high body count of Clinton’s enemies is more then coincidental.
Ladd says
Maria Fowler says
Didn’t anyone notice that only Trump was wearing an American flag pin? He is telling us who he is for. Personally, I think she is for herself. He will make the greatest effort to bring American back to her Glory. she will tear it down. She talks a good game, but does nothing. She has plundered America and will do it again. she is getting rich on the backs of the poorest of the poor. He has plenty of money and does not need to steal our money. Ask her what happened to all the money that was SUPPOSED to go to Haiti? She is not an honest person and has no business in the oval office.
clarence lipscomb says
Like THE HERETOFORE SILENT MAJORITY, I know that I will be able to sleep peacefully tonight because I witnessed Donald Trump successfully represent my political concerns and win tonight’s debate against three (3) other DEMOCRATS. That man is an honest-to-goodness winner who WILL make America Great Again !!! VOTE TRUMP & PENCE NOVEMBER 8, 2016 !!!
Ladd says
amalia stepanyan says
O, God please make WikiLeaks leak Hillary out of Presidential race altogether…
Hondo says
Stay in prayer Amalia….God hears our every word!
I too have been much in prayer that He would bring her to utter ruin that she never again hold ANY office in our government.
I hope she repents while in prison and turns her face to Him who alone can save ( that is if Christ tarries a few more years).
Stay the course!
Jeanne Tatum says
Personally I don’t care what Trump did or said 11 years ago.
In the Words of Jesus, ” Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” All I know is we can’t let Hillary get elected – she is a big fat lair and wants America to be a Socialist country, where Government controls everything. I think Trump wants what is best for everyone. I know a lady who worked for him for several years and she said he is a good man and was a very good boss. And he has her vote. That is becoming from an insider. So continue to pray for Trump and this election. I have heard that Trump is called of God to be President. And speaking of called of God what about David and his sins. Thank God that He uses sinner to do his work.
WAH says
Even though I felt that Trump won, I feel the deck has been stacked against him by the media trying to cover their backside. And I know this is a poll which is viewed by mostly those against Hillary, but lets be honest folks, she should be in jail, and maybe in an adjoining cell with Obama. It is a crime what he has done to America, and she will do nothing but pad her own pocket with the possible exception of having someone else put to rest. I agree with the person who said how can anyone in their right mind vote for her. However here is the problem this country is facing, has anyone read about the boxes of ballots found, all voting for Hillary? There are thousands of ballots in those boxes, and just like the last vote, Obama did not get in office fair and square, it was fraud and our Congress turned their backs. I would like someone to explain how you could have 140% of a county vote, there is only one way, dead people are voting, fraud. I would like to suggest that when you go to vote, watch the voting machine, I have been reading something very disturbing, the machines are rigged to default to Hillary just like they did for Obama. Some people hit the Romney button as many as three times and the machine still defaulted to Obama. If you don’t watch it close you will vote for Hillary and not realize it. Just a suggestion. We must save this country or find another place to live, or they will take everything we have leaving us as another third world country, just as Obama wants. You know, distribute the wealth, not theirs, ours.
Joseph says
Donald Trump scored a touchdown and somewhere now Hillary is having a fit because her past has, on national TV, caught with her and bitten her in her behind. I think even the two ultra-liberal moderators knew it was a touchdown and they weren’t able to stop it. One more thing, for you people in the central, mountain, and pacific time zones, this survey was early for you but it didn’t mean you had to stop and answer; you could wait until was over, duhhhh.
Joseph says
Sorry I left the “it” out. Excited I guess
Ladd says
I totally agree, this made a huge difference, and Trump DID WIN. Interesting that Luntz’ group of uncommitted were about 80% affected by Trump, only about 20% by Hillary. Luntz said that HE had thought Trump was done, but with this debate is back STRONGLY. Kinda interesting.
Jim Macklin says
I’m hoping somebody will talk about the 2 cent dollar, a dollar that has lost 96% of its value in my lifetime and only a total of 98% since WWI. Can’t fix jobs, savings, GDP grwth without a sound dollar.
Democrat welfare give-away spending , not NASA, not the military, welfare spend is what did this.
I supported CRUZ, but now Trump as the only viable candidate that will support the Constitution. hillary says she supports te Second Amendment but she plans to appoint to the SCOUS people who will remove all the meaning that the HELLER case recognized. There is no “gun show loophole.” All sales at gun shows or over the Internet have the same background checks that a dealer does at the Walmaert, Cabelas or Bass ProShop or Gander Mountain. The “no fly list” is terribly flawed, even Senator Ted Kennedy was on te no fly list and it took the Senator months to get off the list when he found out whan he was denied boarding an airline flight.
I could go on longer, but one last thought, Trump will not have the rubber stamp from a loyal Congress so Congress will rein him in when needed, unlike the Democrats who now protect obama and his executive orders and hillary’s criminal destruction of emails after a subpoena from Congress. hillary will dictate, Trump will have to lead and seek cooperation, so this flap is actually a plus for Trump.
Ladd says
Phillip Schwartz says
I want to know how Hillary gets off saying Trump is not the kind of man we need in the oval office after those tapes. I suppose her husband was morally exempt because he was a president somehow? Where was her outrage when President Clinton ran for office a second time? I think Trump shows he can play hardball too.
Jim Mayer says
MSM calling It A draw? LMAO. Ask yourself, who went home after the debate angrier than a hornet’s nest that just got shot with a garden hose? A draw. The only thing that was a draw was all the BLOOD Mr.T drew from Hillary, Bill, & the Moderators.
Finally a Repub with the stones to call out the 1-sided Media Bias AND the HillBill corruption factory. A too-late lesson for the Dole/McCain/Romney spineless ones.
Finally someone on a Nat’l stage boldly pointing out the Hypocrisy & Double Standards, & not letting Martha & Andy assist Hillary on stage. Raddatz arguing with Trump over Aleppo was a disgrace. Who does she think she is, Candy Crowley? Finally a Rep not afraid to use the ‘L’ word RIGHT TO Hillary’s face – ON Nat’l TV! Not afraid to say she should be in jail! Milk I was drinking came out my nostrils on that one.
I just witnessed a Massacre. Who was the powerful World Leader in the room? Which 1 of the 2 won’t try to fight ISIS with ‘Love’? Which of the 2 inspired confidence? WHICH 1 WORE THE PANTS IN the … uh…, ok forget that one.
They’re probably still mopping the blood off the floor.
Hondo says
Great comment Jim!
Jac. Nuijten says
Offcourse Hillary is the winner ! What the hell with those emails ; it matters what she said in that mails; and that’s not different from her points of view now that she is running for president !. Trump on the contrary is so clever hardly paying taxes ; good thhat there are not so many US-citizins , who are not that smart !! Besides by saying that as president he(Trump) will let investigate Hillary is very from democratic and looks more like the folks in North Korea and so on !
amalia stepanyan says
Hillary won? Wake up and smell the coffee. He moped the floor with her. Even if he never becomes a president because the odds are against him, he showed some real character tonight. I hope Americans realize that this man is a fighter, and he is not shying away from truth and admits when he is wrong and stands by his beliefs and does not flip-flop all over the place like you know who. We know that no person is perfect but we also realize that Trumps words can not compare to Clintons actions. I hope tonight is the turning point for Trump, I really do.
Hondo says
Jac…Trump is going to do and investigation…a REAL investigation and not some simple “hearing” that has NO affect.
Trump is going to do what millions upon million, upon millions of Americans want…a REAL investigation with a REAL trial with REAL justice served for ALL the people.
She will be going to prison soon where she belongs and if she repents not of her evil deeds and does not seek the mercy of God ( soon ) she will be going to the eternal pit of hell!
Constitutionalist says
I just watched the replay(don’t watch teevee: it emits frequencies which induce hypnosis, ergo suceptibility to suggestion/”programming”).
Looks to me like The Donald TROUNCED The Liar; her rebuttals of his fact-based accusations were weak and obvious lies, as were her denials of what everyone knows to be true, were the same as usual. Her pleas of “innocence” in re: the release of the decade + old video/audio of Trump’s “locker room” talk were transparently – and particularly egregious – lies, IMO. “Thinking about it for the last 48 hours” my ass; they’ve had this up their sneaky sleeves for some time, and i’d bet that there will be at least 2 more such “oh, gosh! We didn’t know he was this bad” commercials in the next 3 weeks. OTOH, Trump’s iteration of the ongoing and near-continuous stream of leaks proving her duplicity, prevarication, extremely bad judgement(both in her personal as well as in her public life, not only the deliberate obstruction of justice and DESTRUCTION of evidence, but also the perjury – then the listing of her failures in Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, ad nauseum – and her feeble denials and attempts to change the subject – were THE killers of her campaign(may she go down to ignominious and overwhelming defeat). Have to say that her nasty attitude about Trump being “unfit for the office of the presidency” was the usual – accuse your opponent of what you are quite guilty of, yourself – and anyone who’s read “Rules for Radicals,” dedicated to that thing which was and is a liar and murderer “from the Beginning” – knows this all too well.
When asked about her accomplishments, all she could come up with was health care for children and certain other workers(like First Responders in NY suffering from the poison-laden dust clouds) – but nothing of real substance to benefit these people in any real and lasting sense, especially financially.
i particularly liked Trump’s rebuttal of The Liar’s claim that she’d “fix” D’OweBamacare, a totally Unconstitutional program from it’s inception. i liked how he pointed out that it’s a complete disaster, and even the moderators jumped on BJ Billy’s denunciation of it – to which The Liar responded with “well, he clarified what he really meant” later. My ass. He was no doubt screamed at and told in no uncertain terms what he’d BETTER say – or else!
Oh, and on the subject of SCOTUS judges, especially the 2nd Amendment, she totally showed her hypocrisy. This greasy thing has REPEATEDLY and PUBLICLY stated that she wishes to REPEAL the 2nd! Anyone who can use google can easily refute THAT lie in mere SECONDS. Trump, OTOH, has released HIS list of Originalist, well-respected judges that he’d have on there, LONG ago – as opposed to The Liar, who afaik has NOT named a SINGLE soul she’d want on that bench – well, except D’OweBama, who doesn’t stand a chance of EVER hearing cases involving the Constitution, since he’s BARRED from the presidency ANYway, on natural born grounds alone. That, and a Republican Senate and House would NEVER consent to that jackass getting anywhere near SCOTUS, save perhaps as a DEFENDANT.
amalia stepanyan says
Well Hillary, He came, he talked and you got bolted to that chair. Anderson Cooper and the other one got nailed good today, such unfair donkeys. Cooper asking Trump about sexual assault on woman? Idiot, have some guts, turn around and ask Billy Bob that question. Liberal agenda is to have a black, woman and than a homosexual in the White House. I thought with Obama they achieved all 3 goals but now they want Kim Clin to become a president so she can open borders wide for all, wall street fat cats can regulate themselves, racial tension will boil up further, she is capable of starting war with Russia because she is a nutcase and a neocon.
Roger says
My man Donald beat crooked Hillary from start to finish, plus took care of rhe 2 Hillary news people
jwb says
Go get’em Donnie, don’t try to make sense, just throw some stuff out there, it always sticks. You truly had them from the moment you took the stage …………….your performance was it’s usual stellar rate.
Tarheel says
It was amusing to me that Hillary kept asking people to go to “Hillary.com” to get the facts……..yeah, right.
Rev. Tom says
God be praised! Mr. Trump remained cool, calm and collected with his responses as he was being attacked madam Hillary. I feel his apology for the use of his vulgar statements over 11 year ago was sincere. I believe that Mr. Trump will be our next president of the USA. May God’s Spirit continue to fill Mr. Trump’s heart and mind with His wisdom and guidance as he continues to prepare for Election Day 2016.
RLS says
Trump had some great come backs, especially about Hillary blaming Abraham Lincoln for her troubles. Hillary you are no Honest Abe, Abe Lincoln never lied.
Coco says
If you watched the debate, you saw Trump whip her lying ace! She lied so much, and was caught lying over and over. Trump/Pence, the only real choice in this election. Hillary and Tim are clowns, nothing more.
Michael O Hedges says
Donald J. Trump cleaned Hillary’s clock good at last night’s debate. Good night for all true American Patriots and terrible night for Lefty. The TRUMP TRAIN is back on track and running hard and fast.
downtown says
Look people everyone has a skeleton in thier closet,and were not concerned about Trumps previous escapades.Look to the Trump of today,and let bygones be bygones.Trump will do America the most good while Hillary will take us into the dark ages,with her lies,and bullcrap.Donald may be a ‘PIMP’,but Hillary is a ‘WHORE’.She doesnt care who she sleeps with as long as they leave the money on the night stand.What saddens me is of all the wonderfull politicians we do have these are the only 2 we could come up with.What does that say about our choices.Pathetic.So whomever wins, were in a lot of dung,so put on your boots cause its going to be messy.Choose Jesus over the others and things will turn around quickly.Just a thought
edward bennett says
I was watching CNN after the debate and Gov.Pence, was ask about how Trump’s comments about him and He said as a He forgave Him, Because thats what Christian’s should do .Well is good,but where is the forgiveness for Hillary and Bill .I’f you Claim too be a Christian The take a stand like one .We as Christian should take a stand not have a double standard. God said too forgive all even are Enemies .Also when we trun back too God than he can Bless Our Country
RLS says
Trump was great last night…its time the Corrupt dynasty of the Clintons is exposed as well as the Serial preditor Bil Clinton. Those women that were in the press conference with Donald Trump were not there just for fun…They were abused and should get restitution. The Clintons should never be in the White House again, its up to you to make sure this doesn’t happen. We need leaders who want to work for us and restore America with honor and integrity.
paula brashear says
we know the worst is yet to come….the press, liberals, the witch’s band of bad guys will SEE that trump will be blasted several more ways….far worse than the “locker room chatter” they presented on Friday…and we’ll hope we can survive……if Trump can come through this battle with hillery’s bunch, ISIS should be an easy win for him and his TEAM….
country girl says
No one is perfect. Just the GOD ALMIGHTY!!! Hilary is no saint. Just look at all the things she has done and gotten away with. Trump is not perfect eiither, in fact, no one is on this earth. I think that what people do in their private life should be left alone. Alll this crap has nothing to do with making our country better. That has nothing to do with our country’s situation. We need christianity back in our country. The media, etc. should not find fault with people. IF YOU HAVE NOT SINNED, CAST THE FIRST STONE. TRUMP ALL THE WAY.
El Tejas says
If this election is going to be about moral character we have a no win situation because one is as bad as the other. But Hillary and her crowd cast the first stone and should not be surprised when her and her husband’s past come back to haunt her. Hillary spouted a lot of nice sounding, feel good, platitudes last night but failed to provide any information of substance. It is not clear who can be said to have won last nights debate. But if Hillary were to be elected some of the things that we may expect from her are very clear.
She would strive to continue Obama’s failed policies.
She would nominate socialists to judicial positions whenever possible.
Rather than work with Congress she would ignore or try to circumvent them at every turn.
She would continue Obama’s efforts to rule the nation by executive order.
She would make it one of her priorities to shut down the coal industry and put people out of work along with all the economic fallout that would result.
She would not do anything substantial about the “Affordable Care Act”
She would raise taxes on everyone that pay taxes and not just the rich.
(People below the poverty level don’t pay taxes.)
She would expand the federal bureaucracy and increase the federal deficit.
She would increase the number of business regulations.
She would leave our boarders wide open to all sorts of criminal activity to include gun running, drug smuggling, possible infiltration by potential terrorists, and of course the continued invasion of foreign nationals.
Of course, if this is what people want?
Road Runner says
This current presidential race has made me so disgusted that it seems when I go into the voting booth on November 8th to cast my ballot one button will be for a .44 magnum pistol and the other will be a .357 magnum pistol. Which gun do I use for blowing my head off? We have one candidate who SHOULD ALREADY BE IN PRISON FOR MISHANDLING CLASSIFIED GOVERNMENTAL DOCUMENTS and the other one who is not much of an upgrade over other so called “candidates” philandering pseudo-husband. Where, pray tell, do we turn for help? God Almighty please help us all!!!
Betty says
Hillary just proved to me that she is very unfit to be president.. The media did the same thing to Herman Cain
The republicans that turn against him are very wrong . I don’t want Hillary’s type of government . These last eight years
have been the worst I have ever seen. I am 88 years old. People had better think twice before they vote. Hillary is for the
same thing as Obama. We have more crime ,less states rights, they don.t support Christians, They force things on us
wee do not believe in. We need manufacturing back in the states. Insurance has gone up. Some of these republicans
will go to Hillary because they don’t really care about the country, the top !% earned 90% of the country’s wealth under
Obama and Hillary is for wall street not the average American They are greedy. We need a change
rich orbaker says
what bill clinton did while president and what hrc did to the women that brought forth the truth, is far worse then what trump said on a closed mike!! or have you forgotten about that. if so wake up!!!!!
haje quando says
Bill Clinton smells a little fishy to me.
Carroll Hughes says
I hope that President Trump exiles all of the Clintons back to Arkansas; the place that they hate so badly. I hope that the leaders of the Senate and the House will have enough grace to tender their resignations for they are two loooosers.
Kevin Beck says
From what I see, at the time I voted, this is the inverse of the results from the Univision insta-poll.