Kim Jong Un, the mad dictator of North Korea, has threatened per-emptive nuclear strikes against the United States if our armed forces go through with their plan to carryout the annual military drill with ally South Korea, which the communist north calls an invasion rehearsal.
The U.S. military’s response to his threat? They won’t back down.
The North’s military said in a statement Monday that it will turn Seoul and Washington into “a heap of ashes through a Korean-style pre-emptive nuclear strike” if they show any signs of aggression toward the North’s territory.
The North’s “first-strike” units are ready to mount retaliatory attacks on South Korean and U.S. forces involved in the drills, according to the statement, carried by Pyongyang’s state media.
The U.S. military isn’t going to blink, however, and plans to carry out the drills, knowing that such fiery rhetoric by Pyongyang is not unusual.
However, these latest warning comes at a time of more tension following the defection of a senior North Korean diplomat and a U.S. plan to place a high-tech missile defense system in South Korea.
“The situation on the Korean peninsula is so tense that a nuclear war may break out any moment,” the statement said, adding that it is “waiting for a historic chance to blow up all strongholds of aggression and war and liberate the southern half of Korea.”
The 12-day Ulchi Freedom Guardian drills that began Monday involves 25,000 American troops and 50,000 South Korean soldiers, according to the U.S. and South Korean militaries.
The drills come just days after Seoul announced that Thae Yong Ho, No. 2 at the North’s embassy in London, had recently defected to South Korea because he was disillusioned with the North’s leadership. Pyongyang’s state media called him “human scum” and a criminal who had been ordered home for a series of alleged criminal acts, including sexually assaulting a minor.
South Korea’s President Park Geun-hye said Monday that there were signs of “serious cracks” in the North’s ruling elite class after defections of key figures she didn’t identity. Park told a security meeting that Pyongyang could carry out cyberattacks or other provocations on South Korea to divert public attention away from such domestic problems.
Many analysts said Thae’s defection was an embarrassment to the North Korean government of leader Kim Jong Un, but would not weaken the unity of the country’s elite class.
North Korea has already boosted its war rhetoric because of the planned deployment of the U.S. Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system in South Korea, which Washington and Seoul says is needed because of the increasing North Korean threats.
About 28,500 U.S. troops are in South Korea to help deter potential aggression from North Korea, a legacy of the 1950-53 Korean War that ended with armistice, not a peace treaty.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
Mac Arthur was correct 65 years ago.
william says
Very true…. But remember, Truman fired him over this comment.
James says
Because Truman was a typical Democrat, commie-appeasement pussy.
jim says
DPM says
Look at Truman’s entire body of work while he was President. In my opinion one of the top 5 all time and in the top two for modern day Presidents, ((1900 to today). I doubt he would be a Democrat today but if he was he would be a very conservative Democrat, more conservative than many liberal Republicans. While I did not know Truman personally from what I’ve read and seen about him he would have little use for either of the Clintons.
Mathew Molk says
Agree, He, and most others in the Democrat party today would have nothing to do with it today.
Howard says
The last two good democrat president’s were Harry Truman and John Kennedy.
Don Kneuer says
Truman was put in office for one reason and his faith in God led him to the decision to endorse Israel as a nation ! The United states was blessed by Truman’s decision ,despite every single cabinet member’s objection. America prospered for years after his decision !
Michael A. says
DPM says
I would go with Truman and Johnson.
Arthur Hartsock says
Don’t treat Truman this way. He is the one who gave the order to drop nuclear weapons on Japan. He was willing to make tough decisions. Actually bombing Hiroshima/Nagasaki was probably more for Stalin’s benefit. If you don’t behave in Europe, Joseph, we have a few more. So don’t treat Truman like Obama. Harry could take the heat. (He also integrated the US Armed forces in 1948. This was major step in civil rights movement. And this nearly cost him the election. So he was willing to make a decision based on principle.)
Main street says
Truman was a great leader.
William Penrose says
You are exactly right.
NoraB says
Go U.SLA.!
James says
It’s time for an organization like Blackwater to go in and do what our government never will, and go in a kill the 4-foot tall little queer and any top Generals and government officials they can take out.
Arthur Hartsock says
Very good suggestion.
female tax payor says
Like one who makes a bomb threat here, there should be action taken against the terrorist making nuke threats. Not the whole country but the man issuing the terrorist threat.
Arthur Hartsock says
We have modern missiles accurate enough to explode on top of their launching pads. Why not test a few?
Ron Coon says
Kim Jong Un wishes he was 6′ TALL, also, and could stand “FACE TO FACE” to the Average American soldier. But, that dream will never come true either. Nothing but a dream, a nightmare, and then he woke up.
jack says
This is as it should be until Obama hears about it. Yellow stripe will fix it for n. Korea as he snd h. Clinton fixed everything abroad for our enemies over the last 8 years
Dale says
Obama won’t do anything, but hide and play golf along with Clinton who will take a nap. That little half man should have been
gone long ago.
Rev. Tom says
Can’t wait for President Trump to verbally put this little man, Kim Jong Un in his place. God willing his own generals will put him out of his miserable existence ASAP
ChicagoThunder1 says
Why kick the hornets nest? Are you board? Or do you just want to test out the new toys and get wealthy doing so? The weasel bankers will fund both sides and make us all more broke than we already are. Both sides against the middle class some things never change. You have no Commander in Chief you have a micro managing Community Organizer as a leader that will be worse than having LBJ looking over your shoulder second guessing your every move. In short you will end up the same way as MacArthur there is no way that he will let you win it’s not Politically Correct better wait until we have someone who is not P.C. if you plan on winning. Its admirable to be un-afraid however the Battleship that you believe you have in mind using will suddenly become a row boat with this man in charge. WAIT!
Mathew Molk says
My platoon pulled combat engineer support for the Koran White Horse Division when we were in Vietnam. Don’t sell the ROK army short either. They are as vicious a fighting man as you will ever see.
I only wish I could be with our guys if it goes down. If Obama the coward doesn’t hold our guys back they will be watching the remains of the North Koran army drowning in the Yalu river inside of a couple of months.
Mathew Molk says
And BTW,
Just how are he going to get his mostly defective warheads here. Fedex will not transport nuclear materials, you know., and outside of Fedex he is out of luck.
William Sowles says
The day before the CCF crossed the Yalu and invaded Korea, Truman asked the CIA, “Do you think the Chinese will come in?”
Ronald Lee: Sells says
I must have missed something in my learning experience! How can you ‘liberate’ someone by enslaving them?
Keith says
Lets see you try to nuke us you sawed off little pecker head. We’ll flatten you and North Korea.
Justin W says
Kim Jong Un needs to understand that the United States could easily wipe him out without any problem. Eventually some sane minds in North Korea are likely to get tired of their crazed dictator and bring an end to the Kim regime of crazy despots.
Until then, North Korean TV is likely to playing this up to their citizens. They are seeing their “bold” young leader standing up to the world’s superpower. In a few weeks the war games will end and North Korean media will probably bill it as the West backing down in fear. The North Koreans will think their great leader is extremely powerful and the rest of the world will realize that he is completely insane.
Bobby Wills says
Mr Truman was a great President and a terrific shoe salesman.
He and his little sweet lady were both great Patriots.
They were two of my hero’s.
I remember when I would ride the Sante Fe from Tulsa, to KC Mo and catch the bus to school in Lexington, Mo., (Wentworth), we would drive past Truman’s home in Independence. I remember a few times, I saw him walking down the sidewalk, by himself. No escorts. I do not think he had security. When he finished his job in DC, he went home to Independence and lived a very simple life. We all should strive to be as good a man as he. And his wife,…. talk about a “stand by your man” gal, she was the true definition.
Pres. T, was the complete opposite of what is in DC now.
as well as the one that hopes to get in next, on the D side of the isle.
Regarding N. K.
As usual, we never finish what we get into. i.e. Korea, Viet Nam and all since WW II.
When i was in V.N., III Corp, I saw that we could have bombed hell out of Hanoi NVN and ended the war, would have ended very quickly. and we would have ended this the right way. Again, as was Korea, we stopped short and did not deliver the knock out punch.
Why not ???? Why do they do that ????
Please stop that and end it the right way.
If you must have a war, fight it to win.
I saw a belly laugh today on TV. Slick willy was telling every one about
“How Great Thou Art” Mrs. C.
(ok, i will tell this in “my eyes” way.)
Poor Billy, he was saying, he just did not understand how all of those bad people could make up such awful things about his sweet little innocent wife. He said…. i just dont know how they could make up all of those bad things about her that are just not true.
He was conveying how good and great she is.
Saying we should believe in her and trust her, because she is so wonderful and will do a wonderful job of being our next President.
I was in complete shock and awe. I did not know whether to fall on the floor and LOL, or go to the bathroom and throw up.
What short memories. These two thugs have one thing in common that I know of.
Neither have a problem lying under oath. Both would rather climb a tree and lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth. If you say i am wrong…. you are a blind individual.
Trump may not be the greatest. He does have a loose jaw. Does not know when to shut up.
Was born with a golden spoon, had his daddy wiping his butt when he was a young adult, His daddy made him rich and after his backruptcy, (i think), he figured things out and got on the right track to success. Sure he leveraged his way there. and still is. But from this seat, he sure looks like the only choice that we true bloods have for our survival. If I am wrong, I sure would like to know.
tell me, who is the third alternative.
and no…. it is not Teddy C. the Koch puppet.
Time, always tells the true story.
But the Clinton’s, hell they cannot move out of the White House with out lying and stealing things.
When this poor ass white boy grew up, my daddy and mama taught me that what the Clinton’s did, when they moved out of the White House (stealing all kinds of things) is what “white trash” do.
Mama said “White Trash” steal things that dont belong to them and take advantage of folks with less. I wonder what will disappear when the one that is there now moves out.
Who knows, maybe he will find his birth certificate. Taking odds on the birth place ?
They run Trump down for not showing his tax returns and this loser cant even come forth with a legitimate birth certificate.
My oh my, our children have quite a ride in front of them.
This traveler from the East says…
May God continue to Bless our country.
Thank you, all of you fantastic USA Olympians for the great job you did.