Donald Trump is facing a campaign crossroads, say some. In the face of fading polls, critics say he should either withdraw from the race or apologize to voters.
Instead, on Monday Trump will choose his own method — use his strengths to revitalize his campaign, and remind voters why they elected him as the Republican presidential candidate.
And it could save his campaign.
Trump is focusing his economic message on boosting jobs and making America more competitive globally by cutting business taxes, reducing regulations and increasing domestic energy production.
With a speech Monday to the prestigious Detroit Economic Club, the Republican presidential nominee seeks to reset his campaign and delve into a subject — the economy — that is seen as one of his strengths. It also is aimed at showing that Trump is a serious candidate despite a rough stretch in the polls.
Trump has been immersed in controversy over his repeated criticism of a Muslim-American family whose son, an Army captain, was killed in Iraq, and his refusal for days to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan in Tuesday’s Wisconsin primary. He announced his backing of Ryan on Friday.
While polls have shown that voters have deep concerns about Trump’s temperament and fitness for office, he fares better on the economy. On that topic, recent polling puts him ahead of or on par with Hillary Clinton.
Even former Republican establishment rivals are prepared to get on board with that message.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich recently hinted he’s preparing to endorse Trump. And George P. Bush broke with his family’s “Never Trump” stance over the weekend to issue a call for party unity behind the GOP candidate.
When Trump speaks in Detroit, he is expected to reiterate his plan for reducing the corporate tax rate to 15 percent from the current 35 percent — in an effort to draw new investment — as well as eliminating the estate tax and calling for a temporary moratorium on new regulations.
Among his specific proposals will be allowing parents to fully deduct the cost of childcare from their taxable income. He also is expected to call again for boosting domestic energy production — a plan his campaign estimates can add $6 trillion in local, state and federal revenue over four decades.
An economic adviser to the campaign, Stephen Moore, who helped work on the speech, said Trump’s policies were aimed at boosting economic growth to bolster middle-class workers, whose wages have stagnated for decades.
“We need much, much faster growth if we’re going to have wages rising and salaries rising and middle-class incomes rising,” he said. “How do we get back to a healthy rate of economic growth which we haven’t had in a decade?”
Trump will also discuss new investments in infrastructure, revisit his opposition to current trade deals and vow to improve intellectual property protections.
Trump is also expected to spend much of the speech contrasting his approach with that of Clinton, whom his campaign accuses of pushing the same “stale, big government policy prescriptions that have choked economic growth in America and led to over 40 years of wage stagnation.”
Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort said Sunday on Fox Business Network that with the speech, “we’re comfortable that we can get the agenda and the narrative of the campaign back on where it belongs, which is comparing the tepid economy under Obama and Clinton, versus the kind of growth economy that Mr. Trump wants to build.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
Hillary has tons of tv ads on here in the Boston market. I have not seen any Trump ones. He needs to go on the offensive. The majority of new jobs are low wage/part time ones. Since 2009 the economy has grown at 2%, the slowest rate since the mid 1930’s. The middle east is in turmoil. China is becoming aggressive. Voters need to be educated on these facts. Time for Trump to get serious.
Main Street says
What scares me most aren’t the candidates. It’s the clueless state of many of our citizens. Fixated to a computer or smart phone. Obese. Uninformed and overly apathetic. Nearly half on some sort of welfare program. A story in the Sunday Boston Herald highlighted this. In Fairhaven, Mass near New Bedford is a historic Revolutionary War Fort. In recent days the fort has received thousands of visitors playing a pokemon game. The historic site is filled with trash from the mostly adults playing this game. An example of the mindless adults we have today.
Trump 2016 says
I agree with you Main Street, but each of us who are informed got to do are part by informing others 🙂
Nancy says
What the hell is wrong with us!!!! I’ve been around for a long time — as long as Trump and the Clintons — and I can tell you, there’s only one way to go. We have to change our direction, right now. The only way to vote this time around is Republican. Donald Trump is our guy. Let’s stop pussyfooting around. We can make this happen…………………talk about him to everyone, friend or foe, let people know why they have to do this. What’s in it for them. We can do it guys. Let’s make America great again…………………..
retired says
The baby boomers, the police, the unions and the well informed will get Trump/Pence in 2016, as they are the only duo who are for all legal american citizens……. vote, vote, vote ,vote
TRUMP/PENCE 2016 THRU 2024 the only two who are for making america great again..
NO MORE CLINTONS, NO MORE OBAMAS, NO MORE LORETTA LYNCH, NO MORE COMEY, NO MORE KERRY/// all the above are (against) the voters not for the voters….
Welcome to the White House President Donald J. Trump and VP Pence its better to make the correct choice this time around as we may not have a second chance here !!
Michael Tagliaferro says
The uninformed are not only pathetic they are the source of the (once great) United States of America, Success of liberal policies is a result of their very effective propaganda machine to keep the ‘uninformed,’ uninformed. The informed are ideologically “locked in” liberal policies because they, too, have a stake in keeping the uninformed where they are..
Sandra Grewe says
I agree the people voting for Clinton are either plain stupid or have their heads in the sand! Praying you will win Donald Trump. Please make America Great Again!!!
doer says
Clayton Sibley says
In my opinion everything in the article is a plus for growth in the economy, something not mentioned to often in economics is the estate tax possibly not to important for big corporations but small businesses it is a crippling effect many small businesses families are forced into bankruptcy when the proprietor passes and the family can not afford the taxes.
Ken says
I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again, You are Spot On!!!!!
William says
I do believe he will.
retired says
Trump/Pence are the only way to go 2016 thru 2024.. there are too many people who do not want trump in….. and why do you think they are spending so much money to discredit him????? The true answer is Trump speaks the truth of all the problems here in the U.S. He has the plan to bring back as many jobs as possible to the U.S.
Trump wants to profile the people who are here and should not be here. Trump wants to make better deals for the U.S. some thing the Clintons helped in removing jobs from the U.S. The high rollers are spending a hell of a lot of money to block Trump, that alone should tell people these high rollers are not for the legal american citizens.
Trump/Pence are the two best fit to run our country….. Let the high rollers waste their money on a dead horse Hillary who is a lier, who was proven to be a lier by James Comey and still the FBI did not have the balls to indict????/ Wonder why ! There are a lot of deaths un-natural surrounding the Clintons. Maybe this is why Comey rolled over and decided he did not want to make the suicide list of un-natural causes… Trump/Pence are the only two who have the nerve to bring down the biggest house of corruption that has been going on too long in Washington D.C. No matter who tries to discredit Trumps campaign in my opinion are wasting more money than all the illegals here in the U.S. can save in their lifetime..So sad some voters will let the same evil liers in office who are apparently working against the same people who voted them in…
TRUMP/PENCE 2016 THRU 2024 ******************MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AND #1****************************
Rick Worthington says
LIERS?:-LIARS, actually. But ‘retired’ you’re quite correct!
t. lawrence shannon says
Go retired!! But perhaps Comey is not the castrated coward he appears to be. Although it’s perfectly reasonable to speculate he was bought and paid for by the clinton apparatus, perhaps he set the stage for President Trump to prosecute lyin’ Crooked Hillary. The idea behind this is that if he recommended an indictment then and there, Obama could have pardoned her as he was expelled from office, and that would be the end of that!
Roger says
At this point in time Trump has to go on the offensive, accentuating the positive and refraining from the “foot in mouth” insult comments that have beleaguered his campaign in recent days. He needs to present the facts on the issues that have crippled this country for the last 7 1/2 years and offer constructive ways to get our country back on track again. TRUMP 2016!
cristoiglesia says
The problem is that with Trump there are no positives. The only reasons we hear to vote for Trump from the right is that he is not Hillary even though he is an ideological clone of Hillary and a despicable human being just like her.
paul says
wow.. what planet do you live on ? there is no comparison between Hillary and The Donald…I would make a list but I doubt you’d get it.. so let’s leave it there.. we already know that your DNA is fractured and that there is no known cure…
William Scotrt says
Get back under your rock! DUMBASS
Gregory Pek says
Nonsense cristoiglesia. Trump’s policies have, for the most part been spot on. His analyses of world events and situations are brilliant and have been for decades. He understands the evil in the globalists and is the only one willing to fight them. He is good in all points of substance.
Beyond that he has made a huge contribution in exposing the media. They are not news sources but rather propagandists for the elite.
He has already done more for the US than any president before him back to Reagan.
You need to read more and think. Get off your phone games.
retired says
WELL SAID Trump already explained what he wants to do and some people just do not listen very well…. Trump did not get to the point where he is today by playing the political games, if Trump did this from the get go he would have been gone by now…… Trump speaks the truth and the people know it….. this is why Trump/Pence will be in the White House in 2016……
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo Trump– do not let up on the corruption by the Obamas, the Clintons, Loretta Lynch, Comey or Kerry…… Keep pushing and pissing off the high rollers who are very afraid of you and your new game that excludes them…
Trump/Pence 2016 thru 2024
John says
The High rollers do not need to be excluded, when investors have the vast fortunes that these folks have it is very easy to make Vast amounts of money the more you have the easer it is to make more. The problem here is that most are so greedy and corrupt that they are not satisfied making a Fair profit they want to make a killing on what every they do. I have known some very wealthy people who are content to make there fair share and share the profits with there employees in these situations everyone is happy. How nice it would be if more people felt this way. Trump is a very smart individual and his economic plans are sound I for one could not stand another 4 years of the what we have had for the lase 8 years. Thanks for reading, God Bless America.
Woodlands60 says
Sorry you feel that way cristoiglesia. The big difference that I see between Trump and Hillary is their love of the USA. Hillary has the love of $$$ and her heart is in her pocket. I believe Trump cares for the USA and the welfare of the people that make America great. Read up on Hillary’s involvements in past deals as Secretary of State that landed the Clinton’s allot of $$$. She didn’t care what happened to the environment or people as long as those $$$’s rolled. She lies about her lies. Her documented rage of behavior towards the secret service that protect her (and Bill). Her rage toward Bill resulting at least one black eye. She does not sound emotionally staple.
Stanley Head says
Trump understands business and he realizes no one can make money in a failed economy. A living economy will help each American.
Sharon says
Trump has many postives. If you lazy people go on his website and look at where he stands and some of the other speeches he made and do research but make sure what you are researching is not by the stupid msm changing it you would know where he stands. Plus watch all his rallies at the conservative treehouse blog. Subscribe at the conservative treehouse. This stupid thing about him being down the polls is hogwash. I can’t believe so many people take this as the truth. The media is totally for Hillary and are doing all they can with their lies also. Anybody with common sense and a brain can see that. The truth # are he is ahead nationally by 10. You people that claim trump doesn’t talk about his policies just don’t do your homework at just rely on the corrupt media! Get a brain and switch off the TV!!
skippy says
I totally agree
Real voters is for Trump while all Pollster predictors are for criminals like Hilary the Godmother for the mobs sadly enough about 50 percent of the population is uninformed Cnn, MSNBC, New York times La Times are irrelevant. Nobody pays attention to them anymore.
Marycos says
What are you. A loyal plant for Hillary. Mr Trump is so much more ready and able to be our President.
Hillary Clinton has way to much against her. Legal and otherwise.
Her time came and went when she bowed down to obama.
Get real, we need tough, loyal, leadership.
Kathleen Shipley says
Count how many folks involved with the Clintons have died in the last two weeks . Three, three people and that does not include Hillary’s Iranian spy that she left behind to be put down.
Rick Worthington says
Really, I’m surprised actually the amont of ignorant b/s some folk spout! I simply can’t believe that some people like yourself, Cristoiglesia, actually believe such tripe! Or is it that you are simply saying nonsense to ‘bait’ other posters on The Horn?
Steve Smith says
Trump is always offensive. Oh, you said go on the offensive. Well, he’s been on the offensive every time he opens his mouth – mostly offensive to what he pretends is his own party. Offensive to Ryan, offensive to McCain, offensive to Ayotte, offensive to Bush, offensive to Rubio, offensive to Fiorina, offensive to anyone who questions him or does not kiss his fat wrinkly old butt. He is truly and un-redeemably to just about everyone that he speaks about. Can you imagine how he would undermine US relations with the rest of the world thru his ignorance and his narcissistic offensive demeanor?
bob herman says
Your comments are the exact type of reason the US is in the mess it is in. We are no longer respected around the world because of O’bama’s lackluster policies and having a dope like TUB (that ugly bitch) as his Sec of State. She will go down as one of the worst Sec of State’s ever; yet, you want her to be President? Isis will continue to ramp up with her in control so please don’t talk about narcissistic behaviors here. I would encourage you to read Gary Byrne’s recount of TUB in the White House if you think Mr. Trump is narcissistic. She would be an absolute terror similar to what she was like as a first lady. If she had any real balls, she would have left her husband when he cheated on her right under her nose, but our liberal media never points out stuff like that!
Jack says
We will be very respected with the hooker/First Lady in the White House. And rumor has it that she is the one Trump cheated on when married to Marla Maples. So it’s really difficult to have a double standard. How about neither one is acceptable?
Lilly Putney says
Would you rather have a wussy President that goes on apology tours and kiss the hands of foreign rulers which should never happen or do you want some one who will go To Washington and kick as and take names and clean up our gov which has been going down hill for a lot of years. We don’t have a clue who are real Rebs and who are Rhino’s. Time for a change and that is not same old Hillary.
froggy57 says
How he would embarrass the U.S. with his offensive behavior? Are you kidding me? You mean like getting a BJ in the oval office while on the phone with The Russian Leader? Or stealing $200,000 in taxpayer property from the White House when leaving office.
Or accepting $750,000 for a one hour speech from a party engaged in negotiating with Sec of State Hillary, and Hillary consequently finding in the donors favor as a result. Or Hillary saying, ‘At this point, what does it matter’ about Benghazi? You sound like a Hillary paid shill.
t. lawrence shannon says
I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I am in confident agreement with everything you say about those white trash grifters – Bubba and Hill. I have a good friend who’s reluctantly voting Crooked Hillary. Just to show how dishonest the journalists are, this friend, my friend, didn’t even KNOW about the clinton white house grand larceny, and he actually thought that TRUMP threw a mother and child out of one of his rallies! TRUMP must concentrate on his narrative and direct his energy to undecided voters and independents. Trying to convince Crooked Hillary minions is a lost cause. Fortunately the TRUMP base is sticking together behind DJT!!
And another thing about the crooked journalists, I just read that Crooked Hillary has not yet released its plan on the subject of taxes or the economy. Meanwhile, after TRUMP’s economy speech, the stacked news people attacked his plan as inconsistent, attacked his choice of economic advisors (all men, all billionaires, real estate moguls and hedge fund managers), attacked his delivery as clunky and x-rated, and these obsessive, compulsive “fact-checkers” went on a feeding frenzy like jackals, like ravenous hyenas, to discredit everything he said. The zeal with which they went about all that clearly shows that they are running scared.
Sharon says
Steve your a idiot if you can’t see the people you mention like Paul Ryan and the rest. They are all globalist who don’t care for America. Perhaps you do know and are a stupid globalist too!
MacBob says
“His fat wrinkly old butt”? You must know you’ve been there lickity split!
Adela says
Let’s hope his advisors take care of re-directing him correctly in NOT saying the wrong things…..except the truths he said before about the arab terrorists, and all the other maladies that obama and the clintons and I’m sure many previous administrations too, brought to our country.
t. lawrence shannon says
He does. Mike Pence is a perfect Trump foil. Pence can prevail upon and guide him. Clearly they go well together.
Joseph Farruggia says
Trump had a bad week. The press and news is so pro democratic Hillary! Let’s show them she is no better than Obama! Trump 2016!!
t. lawrence shannon says
Good going! I can’t tell you how sick of Crooked Hillary I am. That woman is a constant annoyance on a daily basis! If she wins that Oval Office, can you imagine how unbearable she would be?
Rosech says
Well, remember that the DNC and now with Hillary do this garbage EVERY time there is a Republican running anywhere in the USA. Since they own the MSM, etc., to try and con the people about Trump. #1 HE IS NOT behind in the polls (which, in any case, are bought and paid for by those who want to ruin America and hence cannot be considered trustworthy and why I don’t read or listen to phony garbage, #2 now we know a LOT MORE abouth Khan the con and everyone I know he was a Hillary, who thought it was a good idea) employee, did thei phony tax returns, #3 why wait 12 years to talk about a son that had an argument with them just before entering service, #3 Hillary doesn’t have a healthy leg to stand on and I have yet to hear any real “policies or plans”, but a lot of spouting which is normal for DNC candidates, #4 the DNC via Hillary wants to takeover America in the last step or steps to One World Government/New World Order (you remember Heidi Cruz on this one, I hope so Ted had to know and agree to communism), #4 the DNC, like the RNC, is dying on the vine, BUT the RNC and we real Americans have Trump, who can trump anyone they throw at him because he is way more honest, has actual accomplishments while the DNC and Hillary are never honest but lie and only want more slaves as they consider themselves the “elites” (evil ones for sure), and #5 we the people are winning in spite of all the lies, plots, miseries they throw at us. We, the People are the Government and that scares the heck out of them because we want Trump to be our flag bearer and that means no more money or doing nothing to help and/or better our country but rip it America off as the democrats have been doing for over 100 years with so many Progressive (read communist) DNC presidents we have had during that time telling us what to do, think, believe, etc. Now, we are the awakened BULL in the China cabinet and they are petrified with fear of losing it all and about time. Yes, there are those RINOS and moderates who really are part of the DNC by their words and actions, but that is our fault for not properly vetting them or keep our employees under control. They, too, do not want to lose those honeypots of the almight donor dollar and no that under Trump we will take away all perks/benefits and they will leave with nothing but the money they have stolen from us through perks and porking (like Feinstein, Pelosi, Reid, etc.) and live on the money they have “gotten” beyond the salary they were given for doing very little of anything worthwhile like McConnell, Ryan, and so many others who said they are Republicans when they meant “thieves, robbers, liars, and did nothing good for America but only for themselves. Wake up out there, this is our last chance to save America and you and our future! You have been lied to for so long and yet you believe every darn lie again and again. Where are your morals, ethics, brains, etc.? Hopefully, for America and Trump or all will be gone soon if Hillary, the commie, gets the WH.
cristoiglesia says
Rosech, you are obviously living in an alternate universe. Stop and think for a moment…Is there any reason to vote (((for))) Trump? Clearly no rational person would ever vote for Trump. That is why everyone including yourself pontificate on people voting against Hillary and not for Trump. The problem is that Republicans are not Democrats. We do not vote against candidates but instead we vote (((for))) candidates and there is just no reason for any Republican to vote for Trump. Conservatives do not vote for far left liberal Democrat candidates like Hillary and Trump.
Byron Mullen says
Are you kidding? Vote for Trump because he will not stack the Supreme Court with OBAMA liberals that will destroy America forever.
cristoiglesia says
All I keep hearing from the pundits is that we must vote “against” Hillary but never do they give reasons as to why we should vote for Trump instead. I do not know of any conservatives that want to vote for either of these lifetime far left liberal Democrats for POTUS. The problem is in this election tht we do not have a conservative choice for POTUS nor do we have a true Republican running for POTUS. The reasons they do not give reasons to vote for Trump is because there are no reasons for a rational person to do such a despicable thing. The only sound advice we got out of the convention was from Ted Cruz who said that we should vote our conscience. Since Ted Cruz is the only candidate I can vote (((for))) I will write him in and on the down ticket I will vote for any Republican that publicly opposes Trump and his policies.
Nick says
You will be throwing your vote away which will actually be a vote for Hillary. I agree that Trump is a gamble but this election is no longer about him or Hillary. It is about the Supreme Court appointments in the next four to eight years. Hillary will definitely appoint judges that will continue to erode our rights specified in the constitution. Trump promises to appoint judges that will support those rights. Trump is the only logical choice. If, after being elected, he turns out to be truly horrible as President, there is a remedy for that.
Lilly Putney says
Thanks for the vote for Hillary. She will appreciate any vote she can get. Me I will vote For Trump as he is the better candidate.
Jeffrey says
You, and others like you, are going to be the very ones who elect HiLIARy and pull the flush lever that plunges our country down the tubes of the sewer. If you can vote for a habitual liar, murderer and wicked, money and power grubber, who sells out to thte highest bidder, then there is no hope for you. Americans have to make a stand now, or our country is GONE!
froggy57 says
Another paid Hillary shill heard from.
Constitutionalist says
First, i’ll give you an excellent reason NOT to vote for Cruz, and NOT to “write” him in.
Poll workers are instructed to do this with every vote for anyone NOT on the ballot: toss them. Straight into the circular file. You may as well write in Attila the Hun, Count Chocula, or Zbigniew Bryzinski – none of THEM are on any ballots in America, either.
Don’t know about YOU, but i’m not driving for miles, scouting out a parking space, waiting in line to vote, voting, then reversing the process to go home with my “I’m Stupid” sticker, all that money, time and effort being completely wasted. There are many other reasons to NEVER vote for that slimy weasel, that snake – no, wait, those have backbones – that jellyfish, foremost among them being that he’s a CANADIAN, and NOT “natural born,” ergo Constitutionally and PERMANENTLY barred from the office of the presidency. In addition to that, he’s been a toady and lickspittle for the Bush Crime family his entire political career, which puts him squarely on the side of the NWO/OWG punks the Bushes promote and assist, which is TREASON to the United States. Oh, and his wife works for Goldman-Sachs, and she wrote a lovely brief for the CFR about ELIMINATING US BORDERS and forming “one big, happy family” with Mexico and Canada – again, quite a bold act of TREASON.
i also have a “yuuuuge” number of reasons to vote FOR Trump:
First, he has a great economic plan that will bring a large number of cost-and-profit-conscious businesses back to America, quite similar to the styles that have resulted in huge gains for Texas and Pence’s home state, Indiana – both of which have a better credit rating than the USG…namely, the reduction of business taxes to 15%, plus a rollback in the unconscionably-large number of federal rules and regulations that stifle and kill American businesses.
Second, his building of The Wall, and his absolute refusal to reward illegals with citizenship.
Third, his plans to require foreign governments to pay for US protection and/or increase their contributions to orgs like NATO.
Fourth, his love for and intent to CARE for veterans.
Fifth, his plan to grow the US military and reverse the pernicious designs of D’OweBama, which have had repair techs scouring airplane graveyards for parts, and/or special forces teams sharing weaponry.
Sixth, his plan to repeal the worst plan ever, D’OweBamacare, and replace it with a plan that will allow for competition for health insurance and benefits, which plans usually result in massive savings for The People…after all, if health insurance companies are allowed to compete nationwide for business, instead of having their ability to compete STIFLED by various ill-considered regulations, the People will benefit…especially if they can negotiate with Big Pharma for reductions in costs of medicines.
Seventh – and not least of all, by any means – is his TOTAL opposition to the globalist NeoCons and their NWO/OWG satanic plans for America and the world by initiating and instituting “America FIRST!” principles, which will bring income to America and Americans far nxs of anything seen over the last forty years.
Doubt you’ll respond – you never do, especially to anyone who easily refutes your silly contentions/opinions – but would you be interested in hearing the vision of a retired, disabled firefighter about Trump that he first received in 2008, iirc?
Angie says
Amazing! That was laid out perfectly!! You are my new hero! #TRUMPPENCE2016 #THEONLYCHOICETRUMPPENCE
Susan Lea says
Mainstream media and political Insiders have been scared of Trump’s refusal to be as dishonest, deceitful and corrupt as the Clinton Crime Family. Trump has remained more bonded to real Americans, something that hasn’t happened in memory. Trump has shown a real empathy for the situation Americans have been in and that has given him supporters. Hillary Clinton lies endlessly and her lies are causing her brain to start shutting down with seizures coming more often. The simple slogans of the DNC, and its nonstop use of extortion and bribery have kept others in check, with “endorsements” coming from the most silly sources. Since when do Americans need an endorsement from an old CIA bureaucrat? But, Trump must exercise strength to avoid the many personal attacks that have been coming fast and furious. The Clinton Crime Family needs to return to the White House or the whole House of Cards tumbles. They will say and do anything. Trump must take a deep breath, stand back and just point out the obvious. Trump must stop getting personally involved. The Khans were “insiders” used by Hillary Clinton to viciously attack Trump. Khan works for Hillary Clinton and the entire DNC. Conflicts of interest. He knows or should know that his son was killed in the illegal wars started by the Bush Crime Family and continued by the Cartel/Cabal running Obama and Clinton. Khan’s interview published in Arabic last week exposes the true purpose of Khan’s involvement, which purpose totally supports everything Trump has been saying about the failure to vet Islamic immigrants and the fact that Islamic immigrants intend to replace the US Constitution with Sharia Law. Khan mockingly admitted all of that in his interview. Even Khan’s waving of a US Constitution was mockery. Khan laughs that Americans are so stupid we protect Islam by our Bill of Rights all the while Islam intends to eliminate the Bill of Rights and subject Americans to Sharia Law. Wake up Americans!!!!
Steve Smith says
Can you name some of those in the Cartel/Cabal running Obama and Clinton. If there is such a Cartel/Cabal, there must be some concrete proof and some indication of the members. When and where to they meet. How do they control everyone else. They must have controlled the voters who elected Obama in 2008 and 2012. How do they do that? Unless you have facts, your assertions are simply delusions in you mind and have no relationship to the real world.
mike says
Jacob Rothschild you FUCKING IDIOT
Constitutionalist says
Yep, that’s one. David Rockefeller is another, as are many of the DuPonts, Morgans, Warburgs, and etc.
Steve Smith, i don’t know if you’re simply ignorant, willfully ignorant, or deliberately complicit with the globalists, the NeoCons, or the OWG/NWO types – the first two are forgivable – the latter, not so much, as you would be identifying yourself as an Enemy of the Constitution and all the honorable Oath-KEEPERS that have sworn to it’s defense “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
If you wish to cure your ignorance and inform your discretion, first, read this essay:
Next, read up on the history of the CFR, especially it’s founding as a “Round Table” group begun by the Fabian Society funded by the terms of the old megalomaniac, Cecil Rhodes’ will.
Then, investigate the Trilateral commission.
Next, look into the Bilderbergers.
Then, if you want a little “comic” relief, watch this vid of part of a George Carlin performance:
After all that, feel free to mock, and deride, and cry “conspiracy theorist” all you like; neither reality nor Truth disappear because of these things.
Then you can reflect on this fact: When it comes to human history, there are only two logical theories for why things are the way they are: either things happened by accident or on purpose. If the majority happened on purpose, there’s a nearly 100% chance that someone or a group of someones planned, in secret, for something to happen to someone or a BUNCH of “other” someones, which, by definition, is a conspiracy…ergo, no longer “theory,” but FACT.
janice says
He needs to stay on Hillary’s back and focus on her emails and being above the law, her health. This is the most corrupt person. I to believe the election is rigged, I mean how can you not.
cristoiglesia says
Janice, You are wrong…Trump needs to give Conservatives a reason to vote for him and show us where he has changed from being a lifetime far left liberal Democrat ideologue. I want to hear about his conversion to the Republican party and why he embraced conservative ideology and abandoned his leftist past. So far not a word on this pertinent information needed to vote for him instead of voting against Hillary. Many of us conservatives are principled and we do not give our vote frivolously. I want to see that Trump is a changed person from his far left liberal Democrat past.
Angie says
He has repeatedly stated why and when he converted to Republican in name and ideals. If you don’t vote FOR Trump, it is a vote for Killary Clinton and slick Willie to go back into OUR White House. Plain and simple. I would vote for Satan himself before I would either vote for her or throw my vote away by not voting for Trump OR writing in a name that had ZERO chance of winning. There is FAR to much at stake. If she goes into the White House the Supreme Court will be left controlled for DECADES to come and the constitution that all or most of these nutty never Trump idiots proffess to LOVE so dearly and live by, will be HISTORY. She will see to it. Obama thinks it is an antiquated document that needs to be updated and she thinks just like him. Life as we know it will be GONE!! First amendment and most definitely the second, immigration on steroids and she won’t stop there. If you think the “minority” that is ruling now -walking all over the rest of us ….. shared bathrooms with someone based on how they feel that day, abortion just to name a couple, but there are more. A no vote for Trump HANDS the white house back to her and slick Willie. Make no mistake about it. Donald Trump is our ONLY hope. PERIOD.
Steve Smith says
Can you explain just how the election is rigged? The election will take place in 50 states, the District of Columbia, and elsewhere such as American Samoa, Puerto Rico, etc. In each of these places, there will be dozens, hundreds, and thousands of voting stations. Are all of the poll workers – who are both Democrat and Republican, part so some giant conspiracy? Who coordinates it? How?
mike says
2 computer companies handle ALL the votes you ASSHOLE
Jeanette W. Bennett says
You are so right, Mike. George Soros controls or owns these companies…..Obama won because of voter fraud and the rigged electronic machines……Thank goodness, my area uses paper ballots..There were people in areas that use the machines and they were pre set to favor Obama…In other words, when someone voted for Romney; the vote went to Obama….That is how he won some areas by 109 % to O for Romney….Now, tell me how that could legally happen!!!!
There are dishonest poll workers, too…..One lady voted for herself and and then voted for her relatives….She was found out and arrested….No telling how many illegals will vote..It would be a good thing if we did away with electronic machines…..VOTE TRUMP/PENCE and hope that everything will be on the up and up….
Jack says
Not sure of the method used, but when more Democratic votes come in than the voter roles list, some one from the grave yard is voting! I just wish some of the attorney Generals would investigate and start sending these frauds to jail.
Jack says
And she needs to stay on him about his taxes and let the public decide who they think is the most corrupt. I am not a Hillary supporter, and I am not a Trump supporter either. I think we can do better than either one.
jwb says
Absolutely, give the people what they want to hear. You will never do anything but boast which is why – I WILL VOTE FOR U BECAUSE YOU ARE FUNNY AND HAVE NO ABILITY TO DO THE RIGHT THING. THE PEOPLE BELIEVE YOUR LIES, SO, LET’S WIN THIS THING ……
Faye Bussey says
Best Wishes to Mr. Trump and Family for the sacrifice they are all making, for the good of this country. Don’t ever walk away, this country needs a man with business and moral character. This thing with the soldiers family, he is an immigration lawyer, educated at Harvard. He capitalized on this, monetarily. The real, honest people of this country know this. Stay strong, take some time for yourself and your family. You will endure and be our next President.
Peter says
This country is going under because of increased government dependence, liberal professors who preach the failed liberal doctrine, news media outlets who distort the truth that lead to a total moral brake down in what little values we have left
mike says
Et TU Hornay???? What EXACTLY the HELL is YOUR point??? Instead of giving MORE CREDIBILITY to the LYING CHEATING POLLS YOU, of ALL outlets, should be telling the TRUTH. There is only ONE Poll in the Country telling the TRUTH right now. That’s the one showing DESPICABILERY losing her ARTIFICIALLY GENERATED LEAD HOURLY. ALL the rest are PHAKE, PHONEY, PHRAUD just like O’DICTATOR and do NOT belong in American Politics, JUST LIKE O’DICTATOR!!!!! POLLS can be made to show ANY RESULT YOU WANT THEM TO as YOU WELL KNOW!!!!. THEY ARE A TOOL USED BY THE PROPAGANDA MINISTRY in this country. You KNOW that and yet you NOT ONLY QUOTE THEM but in your article, by YOUR OWN admission, you include “CONTRIBUTIONS” from the BULLSHIT, LYING, PROPAGANDA TOOL known as the ASSOCIATED “PRESS”. WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON???
Steve Smith says
You might want to consider getting professional help.
mike says
Is that your opinion? You FOOL! Your opinion is SO MEANINGLESS that it’s FUNNY. You have NO IDEA what’s coming at you like a Runaway Train. You’ll go down in the FIRST VOLLEY. Good Riddance!
Jack says
Sure he has an idea. Whatever the RINO’s want to throw at him. I thought everyone on here hated that!
Maybelle P Cross says
Donald Trump is the man that we need to be President of the USA. Obama has never been a legal American born citizen nor egal American born President of the USA. He has only been a liar (and still is) and s ruination of America by playing Pres., but is not legal to rule America. He is a Satan/ISIS/Muslim worshiper and the truth is not in him. He has ruined American for 7-1/2 years, and we need Donald Trump to fix what Illegal Obama caused to be asunder! Obama is an evil man and so is Hitlery. They both will be going to Hell, where they have been heading for a long time. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT
Donald Trump is the man we need for President of the USA! Obama has never been a legal American born citizen of the USA and has never been a legal American born President of the USA! He has lied about his birth certificate and had the woman killed (who was carrying his REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE TO THE COURTHOUSe to be filed! He paid the pilot who was carrying the woman (with his real birth certificate to the courthouse) . He was told to have the plane who was carrying that woman and 35 other passengers to crash before she could get to the courthouse. The pilot did so and all but the woman with the real birth certificate survived because they were given the true sized life jackets so they could survive, but the woman carrying the real birth certificate was given only a child sized life jacket and therefore drowned, which is what Obama wanted, so he could get his real birth certificate and destroy it and he thought no one would suspect that he tore the real one and burned it or whatever to destroy it. Now, do you see what an evil man has been illegally sitting in the WH deceiving all of you, but I have the real true story stored in a safety deposit box, which Only I have access to. Dream on, Obama, God will be throwing you lying self and Hitlery in Hell throughout eternity soon, before you can do any more illegal damage to us people of the USA!
Jude says
Mr.Trump has had to fight EVERYONE to get to where he is today. This is unheard of in your own party. I hope the American people will remember this when the RINO’S in their districts come up for re-election, I will. The election system in this country has become nothing but a farce. Never in my almost 75 years have I seen anything like this nor been so disgusted. I would not even vote this year if It were not for giving Hellery a vote. Now I read where they are bringing a 3rd party candidate on board with lots of big money Repubs behind him. It is so odd that they had rather assure Hellery’s election than one of their own. Of course, most do not want ANY CHANGE from the last 8 years, not realizing how Supreme picks coming up will change America forever for generations. Our hope is God will rapture us out.
dav consalvi says
Mr. Khan, who appeared on tv at the democratic convention waving a copy of the constitution into the television cameras surely understands that a president has the right to deport illegal immigrants. 3 past presidents have done so. no disrespect to Mr. Khan, but he works for a law firm that funneled money from Saudis to the Clinton Foundation. That same law firm also handled the tax returns for the Clinton Family.
Strangest of all, however.. is why did Mr. Khan pull his website from the internet the very next day? What was his real goal and what did he feel he needed to hide???
law5960 says
Remember back in 2012 when Mitt Romney was going to turn his campaign around by giving a major speech on economic policy to the Detroit Economic Club? Just like Donald Trump is doing now? It was such a major speech that they had it in 70,000 seat stadium; but fewer than 1000 people showed up. Trump’s appearance probably won’t be that bad, and his speech will probably make some good points. However, when it is all over, the news reports will most likely emphasize that he appeared to be drugged and reading from a teleprompter. Then, when Trump starts tweeting that the election has been rigged so that Evan McMullin will be the next president, no one will remember a word he said in Detroit. Remember … you read it here first.
law5960 says
I was wrong. I watched part of Trump’s speech (which is continuing as I write), and he is not making any good points. He seems to think Hillary Clinton’s emails have caused jobs to move out of Michigan – or something like that. He does seem to be drugged, though, and seems to be reading and saying words he doesn’t understand. The tweets about Evan McMuillin should start after he gets off stage. I don’t think he will tweet from the podium.
Jack says
I particularly liked when he got cities mixed up and talked about titties. The man cannot even read a speech off of a teleprompter, let alone craft a good speech or design an economic policy all by himself. Wait until he gets a detailed question on any part of this policy and he won’t know the answer. It’s pathetic that people really think this will set him back on track, as if we are satisfied with so little substance. Oops, I just read the headline and the comments.
dprato says
Don’t listen to the polls particularly on the liberal media because they are structured to get the result they report. There is ample evidence by the size of the crowds which are bigger than Hillary’s of people wanting to hear what the Donald has to say. Also, if you look at AOL and HP news the majority of comments run 9 to 1 in favor of Trump and they are as liberal and biased as you could possibly get. Also, note who is actually committing all the violent acts, destruction of property, and trying to suppress opposition free speech, the left. Anyone who votes for Hillary Clinton has to be equally morally and ethically bankrupt to reject the reality of what she has and has not done throughout her career and she is a proven, many times over, pathological liar who simply cannot be believed to do anything she says she will do. No credibility whatsoever. The saddest part of all is how many Americans must be just like her if they can support someone that degenerate.
Jack says
Trump is trying to read off the teleprompter at his 5th grade reading level. He doesn’t dare take his eyes off because he does not have a clue what his policy is unless he reads what they tell him like he read endorsements for the RINO’s, McCain, Ryan and Ayotte. What happened with that, everyone on here was dogging Ryan the other day? BTW, did you now know that Trump is anti-fracking?
sagatel says
Just go away will you. Benghazi parents are suing your corrupt to the bone short circuit liar.
Jack says
Did I say I support Hillary?
The Texan says
How will Hillary Respond? Will she merely attack Trump and his ideas? Or will she offer a solid, realistic counter proposal of her own? At least this is a real issue that can be discussed factually and openly. This is what is needed; more real issues and less name calling slurs.
Justin W says
Hopefully Donald Trump will be able to use this speech to get his campaign back on track. Decades ago Bill Clinton’s adviser said “it’s the economy, stupid.” There is still a lot of truth to that remark. If people see that their chances of prospering are better under a President Trump than a President Clinton, they are likely to vote for Trump on election day. People will ignore a lot of things if they are doing well.
Louise van Vianen says
Hillary Clinton is a Rothchild puppet. What do you expect? Added a rigged voting system, and foreign countries hating America and want this country destroyed, paying Hillary and voting for her, to do the job, what do you expect.
Don’t be surprised when she wins the “Rainbow” house and keeps it going or worse, as it already is – Satan controlled.
Vote for Trump to stop it from happening. Remember you are an American. Love this country and be proud of it. So, Americans,
act accordingly. Vote for the best of the two candidates – Donald Trump. Time will tell if your vote for him pays off. He is the best of the two solutions. Look at how he raised his children. That alone is a reason to trust his leadership. He knew what he was doing when he became a father. He knows what he is going to do when he becomes the “father” of this country. Just look at
his children. Perfect example and reason to trust him. So my fellow Americans – VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP!
Bruce Rutkowski says
I have a saying. “Option’s are like a–holes, everyone has one, some just stink more then others”. After reading various, so called editorials by the Horn News writers on what is support to be correct news??? I’m leaning to the the belief the Horn News is just another bias, inaccurate news source. Some day, some web site will print the real truth. If anyone out there can suggest a decent, non-bias website, please let me know. I’m really getting very tired of Bull—t like the Horn news.
jwb says
I would agree, just a gripe site, it is only entertainment because this stuff has to be made up. There is nothing here to debate, just pumps for Donnie…………
law5960 says
No, this site is more than that. The same company that brings us the Horn News also brings us Health Sciences Institute to tell about the evils of Big Pharma and the FDA; the Sovereign Society to remind us that Social Security is bankrupt; Stansberry Research to warn about the “end of America” and sell $3000/year investment newsletters; and several other newsletters. All of them will give you free “news” and will let you pay for more information. The Horn News is a little different in that it doesn’t seem to have a paid subscription, but it does regularly send out advertisements for others. In each case, then publisher compiles a list of those whose interests reflect a certain demographic and uses the information for financial profit. The demographic of those who support Trump (in spite of all he says and does) is a fairly unique one, so I assume the publisher is making some money.
NAN says
jwb says
sounds like you are making my decision for me, thanks from all of us unbelievers …………..anen
Louise van Vianen says
Hillary Clinton is a Rothchild puppet. What do you expect? Added a rigged voting system, and foreign countries hating America and want this country destroyed, paying Hillary and voting for her, to do the job, what do you expect.
Don’t be surprised when she wins the “Rainbow” house and keeps it going or worse, as it already is – Satan controlled.
Vote for Trump to stop it from happening. Remember you are an American. Love this country and be proud of it. So, Americans,
act accordingly. Vote for the best of the two candidates – Donald Trump. Time will tell if your vote for him pays off. He is the best of the two solutions. Look at how he raised his children. That alone is a reason to trust his leadership. He knew what he was doing when he became a father. He knows what he is going to do when he becomes the “father” of this country. Just look at
his children. Perfect example and reason to trust him. So my fellow Americans – VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP! The above cannot be said enough. Look at his children, trust him and vote for him. Hillary is Satan’s puppet. That’s reason enough to dump her. And remember: God is in charge. His decision is final and He is soon going to make one. Send His Son Jesus to end it all. Despite all the votes for or against He is the final decision maker because He owes America by the right of Him being the Creator of this country and everything living in it. He is Life and the source of it. Without Him there is no life.
Keep that in mind. We all depend on Him whether we like it or not. He is our ultimate President after having destroyed this
earth with fire send from heaven, at the soon coming of His Son Jesus, and re-creates it, bringing it back to where it once was
The Garden of Eden, but then occupied by His present followers living their reward: eternal life, eternal happiness, eternal freedom from what we are going through now on this with sin poisoned earth, But most important eternal life in the presence of our Creator and His Son. That is the future for those who are willing to sacrifice everything they love and owe to be on God’s side in this 6000 years battle that is fought between God and Satan, between Truth and deception, between good and evil. We all have to make a choice between the two warriors – God or Satan. There is nothing in between to escape to. Our choice is our future – eternal life or eternal death. Make that choice as you vote.
jwb says
really weird………but cool
Concerned Voter says
Trump is a pragmatist. He sees a problem, knows what needs to be done to solve it, and proceeds to get it done. It may not be in the most “politically correct” mode, but he will do what he says he will. Hillary, on the other hand, wants to promote the status quo and keep pushing Obama’s agenda. Do we want another four years of that? How about she comes as a packaged deal and we get Billy Boy again. I don’t know about you, but I’m all done with the Clintons. We need a desperate change in this country and Donald Trump will deliver it.
farmer john says
We should not worry folks, the polls are juggled in the favor of the lying turd that wears those huge gunny sacks.
Trump is way ahead in the REAL polls….so don’t worry folks ……Trump will win by a landslide. Gunny sacks is very SICK….!
jwb says
no one here needs to worry, Donnie all the way dude…………….
howard roberts says
hpr says not to worry, the dumbocrats are trying to keep u from the pools, get out and vote Trump, hes actually leading and ahead of crooked hilarry
Charles Higgins says
Most of the democrats have never had a thought of their own, they vote by the party and most never know why, and the ones that do are voting to maintain their welfare program.. This is why that the democrats keep repeating failure because they are so money hungry and have tunnel vision. A lot like a spoiled child ME, ME, Mine, Mine and will scream and bang their head on the floor until someone gives in! Democrat 101.
A very smart man said if you keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
(This is the Definition of Insanity)!
Sounds like the democrats on steroids!!
Helen says
Many of you that are for Donald Drumpf seem to forget which party brought you Social Security and Medicare and now the
Republicans want to privatize both Social Security and Medicare so the rich bankers and millionaires can get richer. If they stop using the trust fund from Social Security there is no shortage. When you find you have lost all of these benefits with the Repubs in control don’t go start crying you can’t survive because you let them invest your money in he stock market so the rich get richer and you lose .
Angie says
Donald Trump doesn’t want to privatize social security. Do some research!
Constitutionalist says
Do you agree or disagree that the Constitution and Amendments are the Supreme Law of the Land?
(if not, see Article 6.)
If you do, then please point out any portion of the Constitution which would make it LAWFUL(that is, Constitutional) for any such program as Medicare or Social Security.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The pro Clinton media only want those damned Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton’s ads being cramed & shoved right down our throats
and don’t want ads from all of her opponents at all. The lying, cheating, vote & election rigging, fraudster Clinton’s don’t like competition at all, they want to have everything their way or no way at all. HKRAKC is needing help to climb steps, uses a stair lift to go up & downstairs which the media Don’t want the people to know the real truth at all. There is more support for Donald J. Trump & Michael Pence. TRUMP-PENCE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Betty says
Worried about her health and if she can hold up to be President .Does she have real problems ?
Constitutionalist says
Well, i don’t think she’s faking the lesion on(or hole in) her tongue, the need to be helped up stairs, the coughing fits, or the seizures.
Behind closed doors? Who knows what else is going on with her – but her ill health issues are only the final nails in her coffin…perhaps literally. The rest of her character flaws – to put it nicely – have done the job on her already. When McCain ran, his health was vetted extensively and intrusively – but i’m not seeing any of the CCMSM whores closely questioning her on these points, which speaks to me of collusion.