Hillary Clinton has long been planning to ride the female vote all the way to the White House.
But it looks like she’s run into a major problem — women are starting to abandon her and back her rival, billionaire Donald Trump, instead.
Trump is surging in national polls, and additional support from women is helping to fuel his charge.
A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll found that Clinton is still leading Trump by 14 percent among female voters. But that’s nothing for Clinton to crow about — she’d previously been leading by 21 percent.
The shifting demographics bode well for Trump, and have helped him draw even with Clinton in several recent national polls.
“Anybody but Hillary,” said Carolyn Owen, a 64-year-old educator from Clayton, North Carolina, near Raleigh. She said Trump wasn’t her first choice, “but it’s better than the alternative.”
While Obama won the support of women overall in his two White House campaigns, white women have increasingly been shifting toward the Republican Party in recent elections. Obama only won 42 percent of white women in 2012. Romney won 56 percent of white women, more than Bush and the party’s 2008 nominee, Sen. John McCain.
Clinton seems to be hoping that some Republican and independent women who can’t stomach a vote for Trump but don’t want to vote for her will just stay home instead. That would at least keep Trump’s vote totals down.
For Angee Stephens of Indianola, Iowa, that seems to be the only option at this point. She’s wary of Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, which is the subject of an FBI investigation, and her past political decisions. But “Trump sort of scares me,” Stephens said.
In Georgia, Trump supporter Sue Everhart said she talks regularly with suburban Republican women struggling with whether to vote for Trump, and said some cite his boorishness. The former state party chairwoman said she tries to bring the conversation back to Clinton and remind Republicans “who we are running against.”
Lupe Sanchez says
I know Trump is going to win the women over, he’s better for our White House and will get the job done that should of been done by Obama.
Lori says
Yep!! He’s got mine!!
Loretta says
I am a woman and I am for Trump. for sure they are not counting the votes of us women!!!!! These polls they take are all false. There are more women for Trump than they are saying. #NeverMurdererHillary #NeverSocialistCommunistBernie. #Women4Trump #Trumptrain
Pamela says
I am a woman and I am for Trump.
‘Hell’ary claims to be for women but is owned by the Saudis who follow Sharia Law…yep just search that horror story.
Joe LeBlanc says
Agreed and wondered why woman cannot see that they gave 85 million for Hilary. Quid pro quo and they expect something for their investment. I suppose the young woman have ignorance of the meaning of Sharia Law. They cannot walk side by side with a man and certainly not in front on him or expect to be beaten, stoning is a reality for gays and even the hint of adultry in a one sided court of ALL men. Beheading or at least the removal of a hand for a theft.
Roy Fredrichsen says
Yep! While Secretary of State she was too busy collecting money from Saudi Arabia to aid in protecting our Ambassador and two others in Benghazi even after multiple requests from Ambassador Stevens. She IS NOT my choice of candidate based on that alone. Then has the audacity to lie about it. “What difference does it make?” was her reply to the commission.
pop diesel says
Well I guess the media and soros and osama can’t help the bovine queen now. Momentum is clearly on Trumps side. He has a positive message. He has baggage BUT it isn’t nearly to the depth of Hillary the universal oxen look alike princess . Thank you women of America.. with all of our votes for Trump AMERICA WILL BE GREAT AGAIN
Karan says
She is the lowest from of life a hypocrite
Jacqueline Irwin says
Hillary isn’t right or left. Just have her tailor make her an orange burkha!
The whole of Sharia (Islamic laws) is biazed against women and non-Muslims. Other religions just cannot survive whenever Sharia is strictly implemented. Wife beating, female genital mutilation and child marriage are all perfectly legal under Sharia.
Teresa Schaeffer says
I agree – I would never ever vote for Hillary. All she’s got is the woman card and she must think we are really stupid to fall for that.
Deb says
Me too!!
Elaine says
Count me in!
Barb Alexander says
I am a woman and am 100% for Trump as well as many of my female friends.. We are in BIG trouble in every way if Hillary gets in office..
Carolyn says
I am a women who changed from being a lifelong Democrat to a Republican in AZ to vote for Trump. He is the only one who knows how to attract jobs and protect our country from would-be Muslim terrorists. What’s not to like? Our children will prosper and be in a safer environment.
GC says
You are right…I’m behind you 100%!!
Juan Jose Ortega says
Trump is not a Republican .
Big TED says
Hillary is a crook and a liar.
destiny says
Oh get real! He is running as a republican. The establishment republicans have caved to obozo on everything so you can keep your “real” republicans. I vote for Trump!
Lori says
Juan Jose Ortega and where are you from? Hillary hell?
John Magurn says
That’s a plus!
Dawg# says
Juan Jose Ortega:
Trump is not a Republican
Juan, who really cares what Trump was or for that matter what he is now? It is not a darn Party that we want to run the Country, it is an intellegent and resourceful person like Trump who loves America that we are voting for. I have been a Republican voter all my life, but after taking several readings, I have to conclude that there isn’t a coin flip difference between the two and both parties are responsible for the screwed up mess that we are in now. A prime example of this is the way Obama runs roughshot over Congress and not a darn thing is done to stop him. Then we look at stupity such as Benghazi and the IRS scandal; all they have done is waste taxpayer money and still haven’t prosecuted or impeached anyone. I believe that every person, male or female that is going to vote for Trump have the same mindset as I do.
Arthur Hartsock says
Right now most Americans, men and women, could give a damn about the Republican label. Just vote for the man.
Constitutionalist says
Juan Jose Ortega-
Trump is not a Republican.
Strange; he keeps on getting delegates who will vote for him in the Republican primary, he’s running as a Republican, and he’s collecting more votes from Republicans than any presidential candidate in American history.
Looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck …what is it? Must be Donald (the republican) Duck!
myworld2 says
Some continue to say ‘Trump is not a Republican ‘ …Why don’t you realize that we are in deep trouble and the time for voting Party over Country is far gone ….Vote Trump for Country !!!!!!!
B. Roger Smith says
I don’t know if Trump is a Republican or not but I do know that OBAMA IS A MUSLIM. And if you disagree let’s hear some FACTS!! From the time he was a few months old he was raised in Muslim countries (Indonesia et al) by Muslim mentors and has made many statements over his political career indicating he is Muslim. Example: In his book he has stated (and I am paraphrasing) “if if comes right down to it, I will side with Muslims every time. He also said that the most beautiful sound in the world “IS THE MUSLIM CALL TO PRAYER”. He has bowed to Muslim leaders around the world, wears a Muslim wedding band, has many members of the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD on staff in the White House (bet you didn’t know that, did you). Has appointed a Communist to his cabinet (Van Jones, a self professed Communist), his chief adviser is VALERIE JARRETT, an IRANIAN (born and raised in Iran). He was unavailable for hours when Muslims were killing four Americans in Benghazi so he wouldn’t have to make a decision to counter attack the Muslim slime that killed our Ambassador and other security members. He then covered for Hillary (or perhaps arranged with her) a fabricated story that the Muslims attacked our consulate because of an offensive video that, by the way, never existed publicly. All of that being said, he has doubled the national debt (by nearly 10 trillion dollars) and unemployment is a disastser (forget the fabricated 4.8% the administration claims because household income has dropped an average of more than$4,000 during his 7 years. He has destroyed our military and forced great Admirals and Generals into retirement. He has given Iran a clear path to nuclear weapons. I’m running out of room but I will gladly await your reply to tell me why he is such a good president. AND REMEMBER, FACTS, NOT YOUR LIBERAL BS.
Sharon says
Michelle says
I AM A TRUMP WOMAN …. ALWAYS HAVE BEEN! People like to get upset about his marriages… Well Ivana cheated on him….yet he did not drag her through the mud, he still supported her. Marla Maples cheated on Trump with their bodyguard ..they were found at 4 am in the morning having sex on the beach. Trump did not drag her thru the mud, he supported her and their daughter . And he has been with Melania since early 2000!! Also people want to forget he endorsed and helped finance JOHN MCCAIN AGAINST OBAMA AND MITT ROMNEY IN 2012 AGAINST OBAMA… yes he may have donated money to actual charities of democrats, however charity should be for ALL AMERICANS IF NEEDED!!! So let the “nevertrump” group keep crying… I will bet my life he will be the greatest president in decades!!!
GC says
I’m with you 100%….Hillary should NOT enter the White House again….who knows how many more stuffs she’s going to steal from the White House!!!??? We don’t want to hear more lies coming out of her dishonest mouth.
B. Roger Smith says
Not only that, but how many young women would be in trouble in back rooms and dimly lit hallways if Billy Boy would become the “First Man”. In fact, when the Clinton’s were in the White House almost everyone working there HATED Hillary. This has been written about many times over by very credible authors. She is a garbage mouthed dictator. She was always swearing at the FBI agents and the Secret Service personnel that were protecting her. She was downright filthy to them. This can be verified by doing any one of a number of google searches.
David Cluett says
USA will die with her in office
Ed Meyer says
If you have been watching both left and right politics over the past few years, then you’d know that America is already dead…If not dead, then at least on life support…with the doctor at the plug.
Teresa Schaeffer says
Lynette says
He is a businessman he is a family man , Hilary is a liar and only cares about getting in the White House she has stayed and supported a sex maniac husband, come on Women do what’s best for America Trump
will try his best to save America!!!
David says
I am pleased to see the women are wising up to Hillary!
Juan Jose Ortega says
That is why they are going for her , Trump is not a republican .
George says
What concrete evidence do you have that Trump is not a Republican? What is he then?
Jay Bell says
No, Juan. All of the women I know (a sizeable number of whom voted for Obama) will NOT be voting for Clinton–they call her “crooked Hillary”–LOL. While some of the independents aren’t exactly keen on Trump, they will either stay home or hold their noses and vote for Trump. All of the Republican women I know, are voting Trump.
Don’t trust the polls–many of them are constructed to try to produce a “bandwagon effect”. The really accurate polls are “internal polls” that the campaigns contract out to expert pollsters. That is why they know well in advance what the election results are going to be. Unless the Hildabeast can get on a roll, she will be toast in the general election (if she doesn’t get indicted) In that case, she will not BE in the general election. Even the crooked Dems don’t have the nerve to run an indicted criminal in the general. The liberal-loving media will totally desert her. There must be no joy in Hillaryland these days. LOL
B. Roger Smith says
Hey, Juan…..don’t you understand that WE DON’T CARE WHAT THE HELL HE IS. I don’t care if he is a transgender rodeo clown. That would still put him a level or two above the biggest liar, cheat and two faced crook….Hillary. I don’t know where you are from, but please go back and take Bill & Hillary with you. They love people whose minds they can control.
John says
What is the difference of what party you believe he belongs to for he is not a senator, governor, lawyer or anything else that is in the white house presently and destroying america.
Give him a chance for he is a great business man and has contacts all over the world which is more than Clinton has. He also is not owned by anyone due to donations.
D. Johnson says
Trump is actually the most conservative Republican we have had run in years!
rosemary says
Mr Ortega….Are you afraid that you will have to go back to where you came from if
Trump is elected? You seem to think that being a Republican is different from someone who wants America to be great by having defense against enemies, who wants the government to get out of personal business of its people, Save money have laws that will help people not tell them what to do with their personal business…..I think that is the basis for Trump. I can’t wait til he builds the wall to stop the drug cartels from getting rich on our young people who fall for the happiness that a drug can give them. Mr. Ortega…go back to where you came from.
Michelle says
Juan we get it… You say Trump is not a republican…. Answer this…. What type of country are we?! You DO REALIZE THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY WAS CREATED BY THE KKK AND JIM CROW LAWS RIGHT?! Besides its time for a new party. Read the book 1984 you may learn something!!!
Jay Bell says
Bill Clinton is more than just merely a “sex maniac/addict”–he’s a SEX PERVERT. He took 26 rides on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express”–a brothel of underage girls (some of which were 12 years old). Jeffrey Epstein is a convicted pedophile. Supposedly, Bill Clinton was on “Clinton Foundation business” when he rode on Epstein’s private jet. The Clinton Foundation is worth billions. Are we REALLY supposed to believe that Bill couldn’t afford to lease his own private jet and was forced to sponge rides off of Epstein?? What was he doing on all of those plane rides? Disgusting.
Albert says
Hillary has a history of criminal activity, but even now she isn’t being indicted for her treason crimes in revealing top secret information from her email. That and her incompetence clearly demonstrates that she would be as bad of a president as Obama. She has already demonstrated that she has little concern for security. ISIS must be hoping that she will become president to make their terrorist attacks of the US easier. She has enabled the big banks to put large amount of their capital in Derivatives which is going to cause one of the greatest depressions that the US has ever experienced.
CINDY says
Your absolutely right on target I completely agree , who in there right mind would vote for Hillary , she’ll say or do what ever she has to and not mean a word of it , I don’t know about you but I’ve had my gut full of the Obama administration. I’m a woman and I am a solid TRUMP SUPPORTER. I think he will make American great again it’s going to take some work after all the damage that Obama has done . GO TRUMP
Teresa Schaeffer says
The only ones that will vote for Hillary will be the ones that think everything is free. She will continue with Odumbass’s legacy.
The Globalizer says
Her email system was never penetrated according to FBI investigations. In fact her emails were more secure than those on government servers that were exposed by the traitor Edward Snowden. But the question lingers on … what does Trump really believe in?
Before Donald Trump opposed the Iraq war, he supported it (see interview with Howard Stern 2002).
Before Donald Trump opposed the attack on Libya, he supported it.
Before Donald Trump was against sending troops to defeat ISIS, he was for it.
Before Donald Trump was against torturing captives, he was for it.
Before Donald Trump became pro-life, he was ‘very’ pro-choice (his own words!)
Before Donald Trump was against Chinese imports, his brand and his wife’s were all ‘Made in China’.
Before Donald Trump was against immigration, he used cheap immigrant labor to build Trump Tower and his Casinos.
Before Donald Trump railed against Wall Street, he was totally for Wall Street.
Before Donald Trump didn’t want to criminalize women who have abortions, he wanted to
Before Donald Trump expressed flexibility on deporting 11 million illegal immigrants, he wanted to deport them all.
Before Donald Trump opposed the Iranian Nuclear Deal, he was for it.
Before Donald Trump was against H-1B visas for skilled workers, he was for them, and before that against them. Can this guy not make up his mind?
Before Donald Trump was against Syrian refugees, he was for them.
Before Trump wanted to repeal Obamacare, he wanted a system like that in Scotland to cover everyone.
Before Trump said he would renegotiate the US Deficit at 50c to the $ (ha-ha), he said he would pay it off in 10 years.
Before Trump was in favor of the Second Amendment, he supported the ban on assault weapons.
Before Trump claimed that Hillary Clinton wants to disarm good Americans, his position was identical to hers in guaranteeing that ‘law-abiding Americans have the right to self defense’ but gang members and criminals would not have that right.
… the list goes on … and on ….
Will the real Donald Trump stand up please?
Just sayin’
Jay Bell says
Hillary’s email WAS penetrated on numerous occasions. The Russian foreign ministry is debating with the Russian security people on whether or not to release 20,000 of her emails that they hacked while she was Secretary of State. This is a well-known “secret” in Washington.
Trump is in favor of what is right for the main bulk of the country–not what is good for the super-wealthy who control Hillary. I trust him to make those determinations and act on them. Period.
Even now, he has said that he will sell a building, if he has to, in order to fund his campaign. When the big-money guys come around, they want “considerations” for their funding. Trump says that he has so far resisted in taking any money that has strings attached and he’s not about to start now.
Sheila says
You have valid points. It is proven that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer! Trump is one of the rich. He himself reminds you of this. What does he really know about the plight of the middle and low income. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR . . . We thought Obama would redeem us, remember. I agree that Hilary IS NOT the answer – she too is with the rich!
What a quandary!!
B. Roger Smith says
Hey Globalizer…..you apparently went to a lot of trouble to publish all of this crap that NO ONE REALLY CARES ABOUT!!!!! I could come back to you with a list ten times as long as yours with all the evil that Hillary has done in her lifetime but I won’t waste my time. You are not going to convince anyone to vote for this piece of female sewer slime so why not spend your time looking up something that people might actually enjoy reading, like how GoldieLocks got to her gandmother’s house without a GPS system.
Louis says
Donald Trump should be seen as a pragmatist. He says whatever he thinks will bring him personal advantage at the moment. I am sure that he made certain his pool was cleaned and his lawn was mowed before saying that immigrants should be deported.
Ken Pat says
Despite the fact that as far back as 1988 Donald Trump appeared before Congress warning of the dangers to the economy and the Country from ‘Illegal immigration’
One sub contractor Trump hired used illegal immigrant labor. He was caight and fined and Trump has never used that contractor again.
mrsh says
“Globalizer” is right ….for his chosen name, that is.
You stinking globalists are what has ruined this whole nation and brought us a huge infiltration of Socialism, headed straight for Communism. Trump and Ben Carson were the only 2 Americans running in the entire race. Everyone else, ESPECIALLY Hillary, are all globalists.
Think about it- both the parties support all the global agendas that undermine our Constitution and rights, and they are now both the same, and “the establishment” is one party living in both houses. That is what “the establishment” is all about- its about the communist based globalism infiltration and takeover of America.
Now, REAL Americans (Trump and Carson) who are interested in the rights of the people and the USA, as it was prior to the globalism destruction that came onto the scene, have run for President and of course BOTH of our globalist parties cast them out.
The globalists are not Americans anymore. They are acting as agents on behalf of the UN and have nearly destroyed our entire country- the country whom none of the other Communist/Socialist nations could conquer from the outside. Well, they did get pretty far in conquering from within, which is why our country is such a mess right now….and “they” are the establishment.
The globalist parties don’t want any REAL Americans to beat them and send them packing back out of our nation, because it has taken them SO long to get this far. If one of the “good guys” becomes President again, all their incrementalism work at destroying our nation will be flushed down the toilet.
To that …”Globalist”, I say HAHA- good riddens to your slime and ilk. We can’t stand your destruction of our country and we want all of you globalist CREEPS to be thrown OUT! We want our country back, and Trump is going to give it back to WE THE PEOPLE and deliver it out of the hands of you infiltrator globalist scum.
The two parties should really be announced right now- the two current parties are no longer Republicans and Democrats- the two parties are now A.) Globalists and B.) Americans. Globalists want to bring America to destruction -to the joy of all the other Communist nations in the world- and Americans are the only ones who want the USA to become great again and return to our former strong stance as the #1 Nation in the world!
Trump and Carson were the only 2 Americans running in this Presidential race. GO TRUMP!!! Make our nation GREAT again! ;()
D. Johnson says
Your analysis of facts is fatally flawed in every circumstance. Some of these events I was actually there. Finally a non politician comes along and you want to assess each take on his positions back then…..remember he was not in office, not on the dole from someone or some supporter, your conclusion about secret documents though shows how little you know…..the FBI works for a Democratic president. They are following orders from Obama….but if you have followed any of that, especially if you had ever had such a security clearance (you didn’t) then you would know that was a huge breach of security. As to did anybody get these secrets…..we virtually all know the truth here…..so go hide your head in the sand and stay out of politics as you are not well suited to anything vaguely related to national security
Michelle says
TRUMP was never for Iraq war… He made it clear that ONLY if weapons of mass destruction should we go!!
TRUMP has always made it clear he hated abortion, cringed at the thought (what have you done to stop abortion)
TRUMP was asked a hypothetical question about abortion IF IT WERE ILLEGAL! Yes anyone breaking the law should be punished (GUEES you think murderers should walk free) example..if a pregnant woman is murdered..the killer is charged with her death and death of baby in her womb!!
TRUMP has always said POWs..prisoners of war should be water boarded and tougher if need be.. Every other country does it…other countries kidnap journalists and missionaries just to brag..tortue their families and post BEHEADINGS !! But
I guess you feel we should treat them gently.
TRUMP has made his fortune for his background and degrees in economics and business development, so yeah Wall Street is where any billionaire would invest… If you have a 401k where do you think that stock plays out?!
TRUMP has always said he would deport ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS… do you understand what illegal means?!
TRUMP has always acknowledged that if someone is here on a Visa they are supposed to be working, so yes he hired many that APPLIED FOR WORK..again there is that difference..APPLIED..he didn’t smuggle immigrants across the border just to have “cheap” labor!!
TRUMP has always supported the 2nd amendment and been a member of the NRA!!
TRUMP has made it clear CRIMINALS AND GANGS SHOULD NOT HAVE GUNS (only a nut would feel they have a right to own a weapon, belong to a gang and guess what CREATE MORE CRIMES!!!
TRUMP has stated he would re negotiate our debt.. It’s called balancing a buddy for a reason!! You want your assets to be worth more than what you owe!
TRUMP was never for bringing Syrian refugees.. If you have paid attention to anything..Trump TOLD EUROPE THE REFUGEE CRISIS WAS A TROJAN HORSE…HE WAS RIGHT!!!
TRUMP did say flexibility on certain issues IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO HEAR THE VOICES OF OTHERS (like Cruz has not) you can not work with all branches of government… Flexible doesn’t mean you change your mind, it shows you can look at all aspects of a situation!!
TRUMP has never said boots on the ground for ISIS… he said bomb the hell out of them and cut their money supply by taking the oil!!
TRUMP has never liked Obamacare and has explained what I know is a FACT… you have insurance companies stay in the private sector and compete. Obamacare is a dictatorship
T4US says
So what’s your point,, Is Hilary a Saint in your eyes,
As far as we know, Mr. Trump the business Man
has never committed murder,,
But like you said, He has hired or caused to hire thousands
up on thousands of workers,, to build his fortune,,
All of those employed paid Taxes, state and federal,,
Who else in politics can say that,,
Hence the name,, Business man,,
Masanja says
Do you remember what I told you yesterday. Trump and Bernie fooled a lot of gullible people – but not me. These two love to stir up gullible people. They are the extreme of the other. Bernie wants everything be free for everybody in this country. Well, it does not work that well in socialist countries. Trump wants to kill women who abort and those smart ones pay them lower than White males. Trump also wants to kill all illegals and does not want to pay tax. I do not know who will work here for Repubs and TPs kids are at beaches drinking and doing drugs. You know why Rome and now Greece fell. And you know what caused the 2008 melt-down -extreme political and social policies. Please do not bother listening to Bernie or Trump. They are good as entertainers but not fit for the WH job. Let us listen to Obama. He made this country as it was during Jack. Hillary will take over from Obama. What a day!
Jazmin says
Not to kill Illigal I think you don’t know what you are talking ???????????? Trump 2016 Make America great Again ????????????????????????????
The Globalizer says
So, wait a minute Jazmin … just because he says he will make America great again, you BELIEVE he will do it.
After all, he’s had 4 bankruptcies, 3 marriages, and he has kept $millions from the Vets he had that big fund-raiser for.
Maybe he’s just a snake-oil salesman!
Just sayin’
Jay Bell says
I think your title tells us all a lot about you, “Globalizer”. The globalizer, Hillary would be your cup of tea. The globalist’s agenda promises to be just awful for the U.S.–we got a huge dose of globalism during the last 16 years–and we DON”T LIKE IT. Hillary Clinton is totally in bed with the globalists. NO MORE CLINTONS–NO MORE BUSHES!!
Jazmin says
Not to kill the Illigal?? I think you don’t know what you are talking ???????????? Trump 2016 ???????????????? ???????? Make America great again????
The Globalizer says
So, let’s get this right, before Obama took over from Bush we had 10% unemployment, the economy was going down the drain, we had the worst depression since the 1929 depression, and you think that Obama all but destroyed America when now we have 5% unemployment, rising wages, and the best economy in the world (China, Europe and Russia are all still messed-up).
What freakin’ alternative universe are you living in, or is that Vicodin cutting in again?
shirls says
Boy you better go check your unemployment figures. Someone has got you brainwashed. As for the rising wages, with his minimum wage proposal, a lot of people will lose their jobs and the cost of goods and services will go up. Not to mention most of his executive orders are against the constitution. What planet have you been living on?
TruthMeister29 says
You forget the Clinton model that encouraged bank loans to marginal creditors and set up the housing bubble that precipitated the 2008 collapse. You don’t mention the NAFTA Pact which Hillary supported and Bill signed. Experts at the time warned the next sound you hear will be the “Whooosh” of American jobs being sucked into Mexico. Clairvoyant? Now we see the slowest economic “recovery” in history. We are on the verge of slipping back into recession/depression. I was only three years old in 1932 but I know it wasn’t any picnic. We had a farm but some weren’t as lucky. And the war-time rationing would surely inconvenience today’s entitled youth. We now have the lowest labor participation rate since 1973. Full time employment at record lows. Part-time work and minimum wage earners at an all time high. Wages on a par with 1982 when adjusted for inflation. The median income is down substantially since 2008. The rich got richer and the middle class shrunk. Ten percent more people living in poverty since 2010. Any good statistician can take any set of numbers and tell any big fat lie you want. As my grandson says, “Lay off the meth and get a clue.” Your comments can only be explained by stupid on steroids.( I made that one up. Pretty good for a geezer, don’t you think?) More people have health insurance, but most can’t use it because the deductible is cost prohibitive. The Federal deficit has doubled since 2008 from nine trillion dollars to twenty trillion and steadily climbing. Libya was a stable country in 2010 until Hillary decided Qaddafi needed to go. In 2011 she laughed. “We came, we saw, he died.” And that set up the Benghazi debacle. Race relations are worse now than at any time since the early nineteen sixties. I know. I lived it. I could go on and on but facts will only serve to confuse you further. If you vote for more of the same, you are sure to regret it and you deserve what you get.
Constitutionalist says
So, let’s get this right, before Obama took over from Bush we had 10% unemployment, the economy was going down the drain, we had the worst depression since the 1929 depression, and you think that Obama all but destroyed America when now we have 5% unemployment
You must be a sap who has fallen for governmental statistics on unemployment. You ARE aware, aren’t you, that when unemployment benefits end for the unemployed – and they STILL have no job – gov’t wonks simply STOP COUNTING THEM, right?
rising wages
Where would THOSE be? Wal-Mart? Fast-food? Hotel/Motels? Casinos? And do NOT forget that medical/dental, retirement, stock-options, and all the lovely little niceties of yesteryear are long gone.
and the best economy in the world (China, Europe and Russia are all still messed-up).
America’s economy was great when we had manufacturing here; during the Shrub and D’OweBama administrations, conservatively speaking, over 60,000 manufacturing plants of all kinds SHUT DOWN. When you factor in all the suppliers for all those manufacturing plants, all the businesses that relied on the purchasing power of those employees to buy their goods or services, etc., well…as Perot put it, “You’ll hear a great Sucking sound,” as in “sucks to be you.”
Either you don’t get it, you’re a damned fool, or you’re totally ignorant of the globalists plans for America – to turn it from being the most self-supporting, industrious, prosperous, generous nation on the planet into the most dependent, debt-ridden, SERVICE economy in the world. If you think that the continued destruction of America is in American’s best interests, you need to take your opinions with you to the Scandinavian countries where Socialism is working so well that incidents of sexual assaults, robberies, and massive immigrant crime have skyrocketed – and don’t let America’s door hit you where the Good Lord split you when you go.
Just think about it: if you make and sell more stuff than you import, you have a sound economy. Trump has known this for DECADES, and has MOURNED the idiotic policies that have wasted this country – who knows? Maybe an Unconstitutional declaration of “martial law”(on some false-flag excuse) will be the only way Trump can be stopped from at least TRYING to cauterize the bleeding. No one else in politics seems to give a flying f. They’re too busy getting while the getting’s good, selling our country down the tubes while fattening their retirement accounts…while they write “laws” that make it easier for the Mittens Robme’s of the world to buy up successful corporations, strip them of their assets, fire all the employees, and chortle their way to Fat City over the bodies of those whose lives they ruined and destroyed.
What freakin’ alternative universe are you living in, or is that Vicodin cutting in again?
Umm…my guess would be that looking-glass world you have your eyes fixed upon, because most here see quite clearly that the objectives of the OWG/NWO krime klowns are only good for wasting American and the world itself. And you’re on THEIR side? If so, you’re just a traitor, a Quisling, a betrayer. STFU and GTFO. No one needs or wants your kind but devils and demons.
Stella says
Masanja, do you want Killary to send your son or daughter to Benghazi and forget to help them and let them die!!!! Wake up woman!!! Bernie is in a make up world of fantasies he will bankrupt our country with freebies & you cannot tell me anything about my Donald watch and see he will make history to better our country & you will have had a free ride.
Bonnie says
Where or where have you read/heard such garbage (Killing all illegals???) Good GRIEF!! And where have you been for the last 8 years, saying Obama did a great job? People with your crazy information really scare me…
Joanne says
Masanja: You are so misguided if you compare Trump and Sanders the Socialist. What in the hell has Sanders ever done for this country????? Now think about Donald Trump who has built a vast empire. I rest my case.
Sheila says
Trump built a vast empire for HIMSELF! And he says he does everything he can to NOT PAY TAXES!!
Does that not tell you something! He is in this for himself and will tell you what you want to hear! Listen carefully.
T4US says
Sheila, poor misguided soul. Trump knows that if the Dems get in there one more time,
America dies “Forever”. If that happens he and the rest of the Country are down the
tube. Do a little research, it might give you a positive direction instead of the one
you are on. He has way more to lose than most who are FOUR keeping America
Great. Sounds to me like you still have a chance, research for you is the answer.
Good Luck Sheila.
Trump 2016—2020
Skepteekal says
Do trolls really get paid? Where can I sign up? In this Obama recovery I need a third income stream to meet expenses.
Trump has his issues, but he has never indicated a desire to kill women or anyone. Period. Drop the crack pipe and pour your glass of cool-aide on it. Hillary has defended her “husband” (the proven sexual predator) and she has attacked the women he abused. Doesn’t that bother you? Clinton pays her female employees 38% less than their male counterparts. Does this sound like a woman’s friend? #NeverHillary
There should be a movie: “Clinton2: A Nation’s Worst Nightmare”
Make it a double feature with “Obama2012: Revenge of the Morons”
I’m no fan of The Donald, but the alternative makes me shudder.
Dawg# says
Do you get your info from Muslem extremist? We do not condone arbutarally killing unarmed or innocent people in America! I think you had better go back and do some research on which of the Candadates have been more instrumental in killing, torture, and other mayhem!
Trump loves America……… Women are an integral part of America, so I surmise that he also loves women, he just loves them equally with men…… No more and no less!
Marrabella says
Hillary will make all children sex slaves of her pedophile masters. Your children will be taught every sexual perversion imaginable in school. ANYONE who makes ANY money will have it confiscated to pay for crony political jobs where NOTHING gets done. The streets will be filled with illegal aliens who will rape and kill your “Slut” daughters. Everyone’s Social Security will be cut in half to pay for these illegals and mosques. Anyone who disagrees will be sent to a FEMA camp. Hundreds of millions of people will be killed. (China killed 60 million and Russia 30 million).
Michelle says
GLOBALIZER…. you must be on something much stronger than pain meds!!! How old are you?! A kid that still lives at home?!
TRUMP yes has been married 3 times… My God half of Americans have! Now Ivana cheated on him but he kept it quiet and they divorced with her still getting a lot of money. Same with Marla maples, she was caught in the act at 4am in Florida with Trumps bodyguard!! And he has been with Melania since early 2000s. Trump has raised and been deeply involved in all of his children lives. Trump has been threatened by the biggest Mexican drug lord, El Chapo and has put his money into his campaign and any brilliant business person knows you loan it to yourself from your companies!! And these 4 bankruptcy issues… It absolutely amazes me that people do not know what types of bankruptcies there are!!! Trump bought several businesses that were going under… So at that point you file chapter 7 .. That means you gather all debts and re negotiate… Banks do NOT LOOSE ANY MONEY…. AS THEIR INTEREST RATES ARE HIGH AND THEY GET INTEREST UP FRONT. so when you renew the loan..the old loan is considered bankruptcy as you are signing a new loan and forfeit the original. Other lenders or vendors are paid their cost back, they may not profit from their products however they do get the equivalent of product return. The ones that make money on a bankruptcy is the attorney. PEOPLE GOOGLE THINGS AND EDUCATE YOURSELF ON HOW THINGS WORK!! These laws were put into place for reasons. And as far as the $$$$ raised for veterans… Again keep up…several of the supposed foundations were caught misusing the money so Trump put a hold on it til the investigations are completed. He raised 6 million $$ over 3 million $$ has been distributed… Once he knows who he can trust to do right by our veterans he will have it in an account earning interest. But last week he gave a great deal of $$$ to service dog trainers for veterans with severe PTSD and other issues that service dogs can be there to save their lives! Stop being so dishonest in your posts!! You are apparently jealous of Trump. His dad instilled good work ethics to him and he is doing the same with all of his children and grandchildren!!
B. Roger Smith says
What I think you intended to say is THAT HE DON’T KNOW “JACK”. That’s exactly what Obama knows is jack!!!!! The guy is a radical socialist, a destroyer of everything that American exceptionalism is and all the values that American families have created over the years. If you’re a wacky LBGT of any kind Obama will love you and make an exception for anything you do. You can be a man one minute and a lady the next, then a man again….take your choice for what best suits you at the time. Want to check out a good looking chick going into the ladies room, you’re a female and you have the right. Get f*ckin serious, this guy is a Muslim clown, but not a funny one!!
Liz says
Yes he has my vote don’t trust Clinton and Sanders never had a chance to get my vote
Thank God those women cam forward to tell of all the LIES the Media are spewing to make Trump look bad in the eyes of Women! The Media thinks Women are SOOOOO STUPID!
Frank henderson says
Obama WAS getting the job done…in dividing and isolating US Citizens. Foreboding has been mentioned many times. Women that have turned away from Hillary for fear of who they would be releasing into the W.H. are fearful of voting for Trump as well. But they must get involved with this campaign if they don’t want Trump losing the presidency. To stand on the sidelines and do nothing is playing with fire. This keeps Hillary having a door ajar and possibly sliding in to office. There can be no question as to who’s leading in the polls and the vote of those who are standing back will not be questionable if they take affirmative action and vote for Trump. Don’t leave anything to chance in this race to the W.H. To have Hillary as president would be the end of our world as we know it.
Roy Fredrichsen says
Was just listening to Rush Limbaugh on radio and he says the more Hillary speaks the lower her poll numbers go while Trumps are rising. If Trump is so bad (according to Hillary) why is he beginning to get more votes and recognition than she is?
Wendell Fountain says
I’ve been perplexed by the media’s insistence that Mr. Trump did not appeal to the female voters, because nearly all of the women I know are fully supportive of him.
shirls says
I agree. Most of the women and men I have spoken to are going for Mr. Trump.
Florie Hntze says
Hi, I am a woman and a grand aunt and I am for President Trump. If one cares for other people – jobless and families that need job, one is for Trump!
Marrabella says
I’m a woman and I know Trump can make things happen. Hillary is a middle management, whiney, nebish.
Zinka says
“Women for Trump” very wrong.
Hey Mr Trump! Women and disdain, you know that most will never and would not vote for your!!!!????
Lori says
Get over yourself!!! If a few words insult you..than you deserve Hillary!! Vote for the murderer….IDIOT!! TRUMP 2016-2024!! TRUMP FOR AMERICA ..TEAMSTERS FOR TRUMP!!!! WOMEN FOR TRUMP!!!
The Globalizer says
Oh yeh, Hillary is a murderer only in the Fox alternative universe. Ha-ha!
The latest conspiracy theory is that she’s a he … right.
Joanne says
The Globalizer: Stupid is as Stupid does.
Robin says
He has my woman vote!
DB says
If you cannot even make a post that makes any since why should anyone even take you seriously? Grow up and pull your head out of your ass so that you can start seeing where you are going.
Prm says
DB; To WHOM is your crazy post intended for? Wake up and smell the coffee.
Louie says
Another incoherent hillery supporter!
The Globalizer says
Who is Hillery? … back on your meds Louie!
mike hunt says
FOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goetz von perlichingen……………
Rosech says
Boorish? Trump is not boorish but straightforward in his speech, policies and plans, and like many women, I and my lady friends are voting for him. Of course, I would not want a communist whether it be Hillary or Bernie. Trump is a gifted leader, intelligent, knows economy and money, not a politician, not owned, and loves America, and actually most of the women I know and myself see these as gifts lacking anyone else for decades and time for a real change for America. They fear Trump? Why? Because they are afraid of thinking and acting on their own without some government creep telling them? That is what I see when they say they fear Trump. He is forceful, loves this country and men and women and that is why he is respected by his long term 32K employees, ex-wives, his children, he doesn’t drink, smoke, or take drugs. What’s not to like when you counter it with the traitors we have elected for decades falling in love with their rhetoric and being shafted as our reward. I love this:
http://personalliberty.com/anonymous-lawmaker-reveals-how-your-congressman-really-feels/ So bring this up and read up, you wussy women, and then think about all those we voted in and look at the results! and then this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Buz5DEcoISg Wake up and use your brains to think and not accept words of the MSM and other who had started controlling America and many of us decades ago! I know living and working abroad sure made me happy that Trump is running to get my America back to us!
John says
Rosech said exactly what I was going to write. Trump is not some limp wristed government lackey doing as he is told by the oligarchs. He knows how to run an organization and doesn’t take crap.
Finally a leader running for president. Let’s make America great again!
The Globalizer says
You think that “Trump is a gifted leader, intelligent, knows economy and money …”
Jeez is this the same guy that was going to ‘cure’ our national debt by renegotiating it at 50c on the dollar? I’m sure China, Russia and Europe would go for that, right?
Yup, the Don knows money … after all he went bankrupt 4 times !
And as for being a ‘gifted leader’, as we saw on the Apprentice, his “You’re fired”, doesn’t quite work with the Senate where a certain diplomacy is required.
Will the real Donald stand up … since we have no idea what his real inclinations are …
Before Donald Trump opposed the Iraq war, he supported it (see interview with Howard Stern 2002).
Before Donald Trump opposed the attack on Libya, he supported it.
Before Donald Trump was against sending troops to defeat ISIS, he was for it.
Before Donald Trump was against torturing captives, he was for it.
Before Donald Trump became pro-life, he was ‘very’ pro-choice (his own words!)
Before Donald Trump was against Chinese imports, his brand and his wife’s were all ‘Made in China’.
Before Donald Trump was against immigration, he used cheap immigrant labor to build Trump Tower and his Casinos.
Before Donald Trump railed against Wall Street, he was totally for Wall Street.
Before Donald Trump didn’t want to criminalize women who have abortions, he wanted to
Before Donald Trump expressed flexibility on deporting 11 million illegal immigrants, he wanted to deport them all.
Before Donald Trump opposed the Iranian Nuclear Deal, he was for it.
Before Donald Trump was against H-1B visas for skilled workers, he was for them, and before that against them. Can this guy not make up his mind?
Before Donald Trump was against Syrian refugees, he was for them.
Before Trump wanted to repeal Obamacare, he wanted a system like that in Scotland to cover everyone.
Before Trump said he would renegotiate the US Deficit at 50c to the $ (ha-ha), he said he would pay it off in 10 years.
Before Trump was in favor of the Second Amendment, he supported the ban on assault weapons.
Before Trump claimed that Hillary Clinton wants to disarm good Americans, his position was identical to hers in guaranteeing that ‘law-abiding Americans have the right to self defense’ but gang members and criminals would not have that right.
Just sayin’
Constitutionalist says
Globalism is for punks, creeps, and tyrants.
Just sayin’.
dawg# says
I’ll AMEN that, Constitutionalist!
Michael A. says
To Zina he/she is a Muslim uses English from one of the people to peak or write English for the phony sinks, what,s his/her intension is has got to be bad. For us. Zinka you little coward go back to your sandcastle. And learn how to defend your own country huh? Cowards.
Roseanna says
Shove it Zinka you mosquito virus …….
kiburt says
Your FOS.
David says
Sorry Zinka, you forgot your meds. You are having a reaction!
Jazmin says
???????????????? you are the only women who will not vote for Trump ???? Trump 2016 ????????????????????????
Jazmin says
???????????????? you are the only women who will not vote for Trump ???? Trump 2016 ????????????????????????
Liz says
I would and wii
Stella says
Zinka!!!!!! You can only wish. We women are all for My Donald!!!!!! You can stay in your world while we are on the Trump train making America great again
MamaKnows says
“Voting for Hillary because she is a woman is like eating a turd because it looks like a Tootsie Roll.”
T4US says
Zinka, The loser line you are in is getting shorter at a high rate of speed, you still have time to align yourself with
a positive majority. Following Hilda beast is easy,, it’s all down hill, then is when the S#%T hits the fan.
Wishing you the best,,,,
Trump is the Man,, 2016—2020–
kiburt says
Women are getting smarter about where the country has been taken and are more and more worried about the sneaky radical Muslims who are infiltrating the infrastructure of Washington D.C. If anyone is in doubt, watch 10 min. of: https://youtu.be/PFO1AtjoUoo (copy and paste) If you don’t feel like voting for Trump after watching, I’ll eat my computer.
Kathy says
Any voter that stays home is a silent vote for the other.
Maria Dimalanta says
Yes, all the way for Mr. Trump to the WH to be our POTUS…GOD BLESS HIM.
kiburt says
Trump employees as many women as men and pays them equally in their job rolls. And, they love him like family.
Ask any of them…………
Carolyn says
Trump is entrusting his business to his daughter when he becomes president. He has faith in women.
Richard Schwartz says
What can Trump do that no other candidate do? He makes deals. 30+ years o doing thin and he always wins. He runs a tight ship and anyone not loyal is a memory. This is what we need to clean up government. When has this country has anyone prior had the tools this guy has? He will clean up government and eliminate much of the waste, corruption and theft. Obama has no expertise in this area. The government claims we lose 50% of revenue is lost for some reason. why is this tolerated? Why no corrective action? My conclusion is this is a happy family with inbred corruption. Nobody else has the ability to clean this thing. That is why he is special. Trump
Anyone else make deals for the last 30+ years? How else will congress do there job?
David says
Agreed 150%.
Liz says
Yes we need a wise business man
barb says
We want to be proactive and move ahead to straighten out the mess of the last 8 years. People still come into my clinic with no insurance and worry about taxes for insurance they cannot afford!! Trump for our next President!!
Sammy Morello says
Carolyn says
Hillary is FOS (Full of Shi*) literally and figuratively.
Bonnie says
totally agree with you Carolyn!
John says
Hillary says stupid things as well. But the media are paid off to not report on her flip flopping and lack of intelligent discussions.
Liz says
Obama and Clinton should be in jail
bryan e jordan iii says
DB says
The big thing is WHAT has Hillary done for women. Well she ignores the fact her husband is a rapist, lies about believing that women should be believed when they report it, and then attacks women who have reported that Bill Clinton has indeed raped, fondled, touched, and made advances on them. Besides being a scum bag of a POTUS he is a serial rapist and liar. The same basically with Hillary only she also goes after women. Bill Clinton even says she prefers women for sex than men, and she is a well known Lesbian. If any women out there think she has a shred of decency or ethics about her then they are fools and blinded by the fact that Hillary is female. Yes, we will have a female as a POTUS one day but hopefully not this one who cannot be trusted not to lie, cheat, and steal to and from all the citizens of the United States of America.
kiburt says
Every time Hitlary lies, her ASS gets bigger. Has anyone else noticed that?
John says
It’s difficult to tell since she wears those Chairman Mao frocks.
Bonnie says
Ha,Ha… Yes, that’s why she is always wearing a “large cover up” pant suit, for the fat butt and fat gut.
David says
Hillary hasn’t ignored the fact that her husband is a serial rapist! She doesn’t care as long as it doesn’t become public. When these women complain or rather press charges, Hillary attacks them with a vengeance and ruins their lives for telling.
Danny Manley says
Women are smarter than they are being credited for. They are seeing the democrat for what she is; liar, enabler, self centered, egotistical, coke head maniac that looks to line her pockets at Americas expense!
Davie Whiteflower says
B.S…. Trumpkins will believe anything ..just print the logo on a hat and its truth ..
Whether you get on the trumplethinskin train or get hit by it.. Either way you are getting Hillary..
Voting democrat has never worked..
Southern By Choice says
Say what – “voting democrat has never worked” – you are so right. Guess your inner subconscious must be telling you something! Or did you forget that Hillary IS a democrat!
Davie Whiteflower says
I wouldn’t vote for either one of the last 2 democrats.. Hitlery /trump
in your trumpkin world you have 3 democrats in the race
Skepteekal says
They mist that. lol
D. Johnson says
Hillary is actually right now heading for an indictment. If the timing is right…..she is going to keep dropping in the polls, but if she can’t get elected she will be censured, and possibly facing criminal charges…..but she will not keep people ignorant of her violations. There are way to many skeletons in her closet…..don’t believe in ghost stories? Hillary is going to be living in one! Which side are you on? Want a non politician for president, or a selfish person just bent on her own election to the degree she has broken almost every rule in the book!
Evelyn says
Women who only vote for Hillary because she is a woman are pathetic. Our country is at stake here. To vote for one candidate or another because you like one thing about them that you may agree with, but disregard the rest of their policies is just ignorant. We need to stop worrying about being so PC and think about our country. If Hillary gets elected we may as well kiss this country as we know it good bye. She is an uncaring bitch, only worried about getting into the White House for her own personal gain. She could care less about anything else.
I really hope people won’t stay home instead of exercising their right to vote and hopefully, they will educate themselves on who to vote for.
Carolyn says
Hillary divides people by race and gender to succeed. These people don’t realize she has a global agenda instead.
Liz says
They voted for Obama because he was black and where did that get America debt …more racial tensions.. Less power and laughing stock
Stella says
You are so right Killary wants the White House especially this year because she can squash all evidence of Benghazi, her e-mails etc. Every word out of her mouth is a lie do you notice she has to think before she talks.. long pauses, so Crocket Hillary
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Those registered voter that will not vote on Election Day are friends of the constant, whinny, coddled, spoiled brat, not voters
that constantly complain in public who have never voted and never vote. Not voting is allowing corruption to run rampant and
allows those in power to do whatever they want to do. Non voters are destroying the country on purpose, non voters also rig
and fix elections by not voting.
Jerry says
The excuse for not voting for Trump, Oh, he’s boorish, he scares me, on and on, well try thinking about the economy, terrorism, immigration, our military, our Vets, USSC judges, healthcare, out of control regulations killing jobs. So you see the alternative is another four years of failure and decline of America if you stay home or do not vote for Trump..
Our country needs a straight talker like Trump who feels the same anger most Americans do who see where the liberals want to take our country, to third world status with anything goes evil..
The Globalizer says
Another 4 years of decline … are you freakin joking?
Are you forgetting the mess the economy was left in by Bush, a car industry in ruins, 10% unemployment, and massive layoffs. Do you remember how long it took to get over the 1929 depression? Well we are still in recovery from the mess created by Bush but wages are rising and unemployment has dropped to around 5%. Still not perfect, but a lot better than under the Republicans.
You think Trump is a straight talker …
Before Donald Trump opposed the Iraq war, he supported it (see interview with Howard Stern 2002).
Before Donald Trump opposed the attack on Libya, he supported it.
Before Donald Trump was against sending troops to defeat ISIS, he was for it.
Before Donald Trump was against torturing captives, he was for it.
Before Donald Trump became pro-life, he was ‘very’ pro-choice (his own words!)
Before Donald Trump was against Chinese imports, his brand and his wife’s were all ‘Made in China’.
Before Donald Trump was against immigration, he used cheap immigrant labor to build Trump Tower and his Casinos.
Before Donald Trump railed against Wall Street, he was totally for Wall Street.
Before Donald Trump didn’t want to criminalize women who have abortions, he wanted to
Before Donald Trump expressed flexibility on deporting 11 million illegal immigrants, he wanted to deport them all.
Before Donald Trump opposed the Iranian Nuclear Deal, he was for it.
Before Donald Trump was against H-1B visas for skilled workers, he was for them, and before that against them. Can this guy not make up his mind?
Before Donald Trump was against Syrian refugees, he was for them.
Before Trump wanted to repeal Obamacare, he wanted a system like that in Scotland to cover everyone.
Before Trump said he would renegotiate the US Deficit at 50c to the $ (ha-ha), he said he would pay it off in 10 years.
Before Trump was in favor of the Second Amendment, he supported the ban on assault weapons.
Before Trump claimed that Hillary Clinton wants to disarm good Americans, his position was identical to hers in guaranteeing that ‘law-abiding Americans have the right to self defense’ but gang members and criminals would not have that right.
So this is your straight talker, huh?
T4US says
Vote the loser, H C, not a problem,, we’ll all go down the tube together,,
Constitutionalist says
Familiar tactic: repeat the exact same thing over and over, pretend to authority, and soon others will come to believe it. What, is this like the third time you’ve posted your list of inconsistencies? Do you think that by repeating it, that will make it any more true than it was at first?
Globalists are pukes – either “useful idiots” or Quisling collaborators. Go gnaw the ends of old plots in the dark, useless POS. The NWO/OWG punks are on the run, and the People are closing in on your asses.
Jerry moore says
I cannot believe how women could vote for a Republican. They are trying to take away all your rights.
They want to take away abortions as well as contraceptions …..but they are not going to help you take care of all of these babies. Most women would not have an abortion unless medically necessary, but they would be using contraceptions to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Joanne says
In my opinion no one is better qualified for POTUS than DONALD TRUMP. He WILL definitely make a difference in the WH and I believe that the “wheels are already set in motion” on his first day. He’s intellectually creative in his business ventures with the analytical mind of a strategist. He cares for this Nation and as a woman I am behind him 100%. We currently have the WORSE fraudulent president in history who doesn’t give a damn for this country. Make this country great again with Donald Trump as our leader.
kiburt says
You are one knowledgeable lady. Thank you for your inspiration to all intelligent women.
I thank you and America will thank you.
DB says
One has to remember that being a POTUS is not like being a cheer leader. A person has to know what they are doing and have a background of being ethical, someone who tells the truth, has accomplished more than occupy chairs, and not lie to people. If you are the one who ignored pleas from your own State Department employees for more security and yet ignore then or place them in danger to where they get killed, there is absolutely no place in Government you can be trusted to do a job ever again, much less the position of Commander in Chief responsible for thousands upon thousands of peoples careers and lives. In my opinion Hillary cannot be trusted for anything other than continuing her irresponsible and unethical ways of life and I want nothing to do with her or be subject to her tantrums.
Rosemary says
I also was a Democrat that changed to Republician when Obama was elected, staying right where I am. No wY am I going to responsible for putting another Clinton in the Whits house.
Jerry says
I knew the women would get behind Trump, Nobody wants Hillary for President, She will turn the White House from a Mosque to a Clinton Bank
El Tejas says
Hillary is not at all empathetic with the working people of America. And she is not very perspicacious as to the mood of most women voters. On the other hand she is good at obfuscation though not very veracious. A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue the awful legacy of the past eight years.
H Tyson says
I think the only thing that Mr.Trump has to worry about in Nov.is how many dead people Hillary and her cronies are going to vote, this needs to hit the air waves. HFT
Justin W says
Hillary Clinton assisted her husband while he was sexually harassing women during his days as governor and as president. I can’t understand why women would want to support that. Hillary is also solidly pro-abortion. The abortion industry makes a huge profit every year off preying on women at a difficult time. That same abortion industry fights common-sense legislation that would force their clinics to meet the same standards as other surgical centers. The abortion industry also opposes efforts for women to see the ultrasound of their baby before they kill it.
Hillary Clinton’s political career has been based on using women to get what she wants–power and wealth.
Lorraine E says
Read Roger Stone’s book “Clintons’ War on Women” to learn how both hillary and bill have treated bill’s girlfriends and victims. Also view “Clintons death toll documentary” on line and then read “Ron Brown’s Body” by Jack Cashill.
Louis says
I don’t know how much you know about Roger Stone. I have never met the man, but am fairly certain that I would dislike him if I did. I think Will Rogers is lucky he never met Stone or he may not have been able to say that he never met a man he didn’t like.
A few years ago, before I knew anything about him, I read a book he “co-wrote” that proposed that it was Lyndon Johnson who planned and orchestrated the assassination of President Kennedy. While I have no reason to doubt that that is true, the book was a rehash of previous conspiracy theories combined with tasteless and salacious gossip. Roger Stone has been the “co-author” of several other books exposing the dark side of other political figures, but he does not seem to have ever written anything by himself. That makes me think that his “co-authors” do most of the writing. I doubt that he actually wrote any of “Clintons’ War on Women” himself.
Mr. Stone was previously an adviser to Richard Nixon, and he seems proud of that for some reason. I even read in The New Yorker that he has a tattoo of Nixon on his back. His public relations/lobbying firm has represented such clients as the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) , while UNITA was receiving tens of millions of dollars of “covert” American aid to wage a civil war that killed more than 100,000 Angolan civilians.
He is a self-admitted master of “dirty tricks,” and also seems proud of that for some reason. It is not a big surprise that he is now described as a long-time “ally” of Donald Trump. A friend of the devil …
Elizabeth says
Everything has been said as to why not vote for Hillery . My question is why would Trump do this if he clearly did not believe that we have major problems .i am a US citizen but Canadian born having been a legal immigrant for 40 years . This will be my first presidential vote . My observation until now is that it did not matter who was president ,they just keep passing their jobs around . Utube the Oprah/Trump 1999 interview , he has said the same things for years !
BG says
I am a woman of Hispanic descent who has been a fervent Trump supporter since the beginning. He makes sense for all the reasons that many smart women above have mentioned and I know lots of women who are also voting for him along with Hispanics voting for him. Come on women and Hispanics, don’t listen to the liberals!!! Let’s make America Great Again w/jobs for all, education, proper treatment of our vets, rights to own guns, finally following immigration laws so that all the ones who want and should be here are. etc., etc., etc.
Louis says
A month ago, polls showed that 65% of voters had a negative opinion of Donald Trump, while 56% had a negative opinion of Hillary Clinton. The polls last week showed only 55% had a negative opinion of Trump and 52% had a negative opinion of Clinton. The American people are getting very frustrated with a terrible system that seems to be presenting the two worst presidential candidates of all time. If the two major parties had not fixed the rules to make it difficult, or impossible for third parties to participate in national elections, this would be the year that any good third-party candidate would elected.
Doug says
Jerry Moore, Republicans are primarily the ones trying to protect our rights, including the rights of innocent, unborn children. You have things backwards. Trump isn’t perfect but he loves this country enough to tell it straight. Loving our country and its people sometimes includes not being “politically correct” and not worrying about who you offend. Tough love is what we need. If Trump is not 100% pro-life (against murdering children) I have a problem with that but not to the extent of allowing the much worse choice, Hillary Clinton, to take the White House (maybe literally take things again from it). Wake up and see that it’s the Democrats that are trying to take away our freedoms, while giving it to the very small percentage (e.g. -1% transgenders, etc.)!
Bobby Brooks says
The Clinton’s are the biggest Political crooks, thieves and money grabbers in political History. Digest this, their Foundation in the
the State of Arkansas took in over 50 billion dollars, From mostly very unfriendly countries to American. Obama negotiates with our enemies, but hates our allies. and the Clinton Machine will continue the same shit and/or worst. She gave Her Brother some very impressive Money making contracts when She was S.O. S. Money does not make power, Power makes Money.
If she is voted in as President, she will most defiantly appoint Obama to the United States Supreme Court, just think about that.
The Clinton Political Machine is one if not the most powerful in the World. The Clinton’s are all about Themselves and Money, Money and more Money. They could care less about You and I and the true way of American life. Via Obama policies Our Military is totally depleted. Just remember, Strong Military, strong Country. Weak Military, Weak Country. That is the reason several Countries are flexing Their muscles against Us at the present Time.
I am an Arkansas Resident, 75 Years old, A Vietnam vet. and have followed the Clinton Machine from it’s Infancy, So before You Vote doing a little background check on the Clinton’s. Do you know where Bill Clinton was and what He was doing during the Vietnam War era?. Check it out. That was a Brutal War, No one wanted to be their, but the Men who loved and still loves American went there to Fight and Fight They did-we never thought we were coming home, but People Who Love America will Fight for this Country until Death and many did-God Bless the ones who gave their Lives in Vietnam and I salute and appreciate the service of the one’s like Myself who made it back Home but we have a lot of mental scares. I despise those who tucked their tales and run to
England and other places to evade the War-They are Cowards and are Not true red Blooded Americans.
jwb says
This will be a brutal election, pray for peace in D.C. ……
The Globalizer says
Oh, and where was the Don during the Vietnam war … didn’t he also get numerous ‘deferments’ … ha-ha. And then he has the utter temerity to call John McCain a ‘loser’.
Oh well, at least under President Clinton, our economy was booming and our deficits disappeared !
T4US says
Globalizr, You are definitely on welfare or some sort of government assistance and brain dead
to make comments as such. Please don’t respond,, we can see who you are,, stay in your room.
D. Johnson says
Did you serve in that war? If not just move along, find somewhere else to spread your crap!
Dawg# says
The Globalizer:
Oh, and where was the Don during the Vietnam war … didn’t he also get numerous ‘deferments’ … ha-ha.
Hey Dude, I was drafted on the sixth of March, 1970 and spent one tour in Vietnam. I have never in my life thought bad toward anyone for getting deferments, in fact I would have done the same thing if I had a reason. The ones that I have a problem with is the draft dodging, card burning, hippy SOBs like BILL CLINTON AND THE OTHER LIBERAL BASTARDS THAT THINK THEY ARE TO GOOD TO SERVE. Also Billyboy skipped off to Canada but Jimmy Carter granted him amnesty and so he came back and instead of being shot for treason the SOB became president! The Clintons, Jane Fonda (sorry lowlife bitch) and all other liberals are not worth the air they breathe.. And yet Obama has recognized her as being one of 100 honored women! People like you only want to throw your own slime onto someone else, hoping it will stick but, nothing is going to stick to Trump so just get a life dude!
T4US says
Read between the lines folks,, Trump is a supporter of our American women,, He is a little hard to understand at times, but bottom line he is very much for American values, MEN and WOMEN. He is also very compassionate towards OUR Country.
T4US says
Beware of the snake in the W H,,, This Transgender thing is nothing but a big smoke screen to cover up some thing very big that’s about come down and kick our butts,, Think about it,, he always tries to take our attention away with things like this to go behind our backs to fulfill his hidden agendas. Some thing that could create Martial Law in the US just before the ELECTION for TRUMP
is what I think mr snake is up too.
“TRUMP” 2016,,, 2020,, VP, Col Allen West,, good man, good American
Skepteekal says
I know you are correct. Scares me, and I’m fearless.
The Globalizer says
T4US: Martial Law … ha-ha-ha … keep smokin’ those banana skins so that the Martians don’t getcha and operate on you in their alien spaceships and make you … wait for it … transgender …
It’s a Martian conspiracy to turn good folks into gibbering transgender Fox News addicts … OMG it’s already happened …
T4US says
The funny books you read have taken control of what’s left of your brain, Globalizer,
The Star ship Enterprise is looking for empty brain cells( Democrats with hands out
welfare recipients) like you, for experimental purposes,, good luck in your blindness
Trump 2016——2020—- Col Allen West for VP
Dawg# says
My wife and I have discussed the same scenario as you described above…….. You have tremendous intellect, keep posting!
Awake says
In fact- women have ALWAYS LOVED DJT.
It’s the stupid media that tries to put these ideas in the Americans heads. And guess what? Americans have FINALLY WOKEN UP!!!! The media and the liberals and the RINOS and DEMS can NOT change our minds any longer!!! We the PEOPLE want a man that is FOR THE PEOPLE.
Trump has had MY VOTE since last election. He just decided not to run.
Thank GOD he has taken this challenge. We LOVE TRUMP!!!
Can’t wait for President TRUMP !!!!
Heinz Schmidt says
If any time is the time for us to chart the course of our country this is it. Donald will do right for all American’s. Thank you to all the women that have the smarts and wisdom to see it as well. May God Bless America!
Jan says
I too am a woman who supports Trump. I would feel much more secure knowing he is in the white house. It’s been too messed up for too long so let’s see what Trump can do. As far as the whole transgender thing, I don’t think it’s the gay people or the transgender crowd we need to be worried about. It’s the perverts, who can look like anyone. When my boys were little, I took them to the bathroom with me. As they got older I stood outside the men’s bathroom and yelled in occasionally to make sure they were ok. Where are all the parents? You’d probably be surprised at who you’ve been peeing next to all these years!
Mildred says
People don’t seem to understand, even though we are women, we are mother’s 1st. Trump will keep our children and grandchildren safe and leave our educational system to the states. (GET RID OF COMMON CORE!)
Louis says
I pray for our children and grandchildren to be safe when President Trump decides we need to start Hunger Games to divert attention away from his own lack of competence. You know DT – anything for a bit of publicity.
Mary Speer says
I’m a woman, an American born with hispanic /Italian parents and I’m for Trump all the way. It’s refreshing to hear all the positive things he wants for a country, is very inspiring to hear.
AW says
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Women that are for Donald Trump are doing the right & smart thing. The wrong & most stupid, ignorant, idiotic thing
any voter can do is vote for Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton and not even vote at all. TRUMP 2016.
cynthia lester says
I am a woman and I am voting for Trump. I don’t agree with everything he says but I don’t agree with everything anybody says! The more I read about him the more I think he can get the job done. I think it will be so difficult for him but he is pretty tough! He will surround himself with a “dream team” and go from there. There is no way I would ever vote for HC: lies, Benghazi, agrees with killing babies, beholden to the Saudis, yada yada yada…
jwb says
Trump will do us all in, just great …………
joseph g says
killary and the foreign exchange student have already done us in. It will take someone with the stones of DT to stand up to the reprobates and hold the garbage accountable.
joseph g says
I would think that most intelligent women will now see thru the liberal progressive bs after the latest fiasco letting men who “think” they are women ( that term “think” is used very loosely) will now see that it is a demonic ideology that “they” want us to succumb to. Sorry Charlie!
dvav says
Open your eyes and take a good, long, honest hard look at the women in Trump’s life.
All of them are well respected, powerful women, dignified, independent, good mothers, good executives.
These are not the kind of women that would tolerate or hang out with or associate with a misogynist.
If Trump truly hated, demeaned and looked down on women, the women around him would be decrepit losers and cowards subjugated to him. BUT NONE of the women in Trump’s life are like this. They are powerful, independent, outspoken women.
Because he respects them, empowers them, supports them, makes them feel great about themselves, honors them.
He’s pretty much the opposite of what the media says. He empowers women. He is a philogynist.
Shelba Herrinh says
I have never voted party I always tried to vote for who I thought would be the best for our country I did not vote for Obama because I thought he was too radical, and I did not believe he was a legal candidate. I would not vote for Hillary if she was running for head dog dung picker upper, I am an Arkie and was present when she treated a woman like she was a piece of trash, the lady had a responsible job but Hillary talked to her like she was garbage and she did not care who heard her. so women believe all the stories you hear about Hillary Clinton because there are a lot of things she has done that only God and the devil knows about. I am a woman and I will vote for Trump if you do not vote whether it is HC or DT you have no right to complain about how the country is run because you abdicated your responsibility to voice your choice so get your rear in gear and vote, hopefully TRUMP
Deborah says
Never has there been a time when this country needed a leader more who had the means and influence to voice and do what was so desperately needed. After a president who is generally on the wrong side of every issue, Mr. Trump astonishes with his unabashed moral and patriotic perspectives which seem for the most part to be grounded in common sense and a genuine love for this country. He is not a smooth talking politician but at times rather rough around the edges (actually a bit like some of our earliest leaders).
But he’s tough, honest, energetic and very, very intelligent. He surrounds himself with the most capable people for the task at hand. At this time in history, I can’t imagine a better solution to the multitude of problems faced by our country. I am a sixty-five year old retired female psychologist and just want to add that most of the women I know are enthusiastically supporting Mr. Trump.
wizard says
So Trump is not a true Republican? If true that could be a good thing. When most Republicans get elected to office they generally do little more than maintain the status quo. If Trump is elected he will be expected to take action on a number of important issues. But if Trump is not a Republican, what is he? He can not very well be labeled a Democrat. He simply does not fit the profile. And he is most definitely not a socialist. After the last eight years Trump would be a refreshing change in the white house. What would be the alternative; Hillary R. Clinton or Bernie Sanders? Hillary would shut down major industries and put people out of work. Either one of them would spend, spend, spend the nation into bankruptcy. Wouldn’t it be better to have a President that might actually have a chance to reduce the federal deficit? A President that might be able to help deflate the bloated federal bureaucracy? A President with ideas that may stimulate the economy and put people back to work? As far as women are concerned; most of them are intelligent enough to consider all the facts and decide for themselves.
Frank Lee Annoid says
Hmmm….Sanders = known Communist; Hillary = known crook, liar, and thief ; Trump = known businessman
welllll, looks like we have a winner! There’s only one choice that will work (Trump).
as for all you ignorant globalists looking for a free ride, the train stopped awhile ago (in Chicago, or was that Indonesia or Africa or Arkansas? either way, it’s a dead-end train now). Guess you’ll have to get a real job, or go back to whatever country serves your purpose.
Oh, and I wouldn’t try Russia, as Putin has figured out the rothschild/UN/Bildenberg agenda and is cleaning house, much to NATO’s chagrin (why else do you think that NATO is trying to make Russia into the ‘enemy’ again?) Nor Ireland, Iceland and several other countries.
America was warned years ago- read the Congressional Record of 1963. In it is published 45 Goals of the Communist Party. They did a bang-up job of attempting to break America, but the gig is up, and America will not fall to such traitors. American people know what they want, and how to fix the problems, and is sure as heck isn’t going to happen by utilizing ‘politics as usual’. The truth surfaces daily about all these crooks and how they’ve taken advantage, but their game is over.
No one cares what Trump is, or if he’s ever changed his mind (I suppose there is not a soul out there that has not done so at one time or another)- All Americans care about is getting the problems fixed. There’s only one candidate willing and capable of doing that (Trump). Americans can see what has happened. They also can see who is capable of straightening out some of the major issues that we’ve been plagued with. They certainly are NOT going to invite MORE sickness into their house(NO Sanders;NO NO NO Hillary). That is why Trump is getting the support of the voters of this nation. You can either build, destroy, or stand idly by watching. Americans are Builders, and will take a Builder for our leader.
Go educate yourselves if you think otherwise. Or better yet, just GO. We’ve had enough of the destructors and the idle. WE have no desire to become ‘part of a…’ global NWO or any other thing. Our strength is in our individual nation, just as every other nation’s strength lies in theirs. The only thing that all of these nations need to do is get along and trade. Cherish each nation’s individuality; we do NOT need a ‘homogenized’ world. Each nation’s culture is special in it’s own right, and these corporate/globalist controllers/manipulators can forget about their NWO. It’s not ever going to succeed, ESPECIALLY in America. They’ve done a great job, though, of conning the world into thinking all those foreign owned so-called ‘American corporations’ were at fault for all this mayhem- too bad the Truth surfaced! America would never want to impose itself like that on anyone. Yes, we’ve had some great inventions and companies, but most of those were sold years ago to globalist foreigners.
It is time to re-build America, truly defend our Constitution, and become the self-reliant nation our forefathers envisioned- THAT will bring us back to the front of the line, setting a great example of how GREAT each nation can be, working together in commerce while maintaining our individual identities. No one like everything the same- no one wants to slave away making a small percentage outrageously well-off while we can barely make ends meet; THAT is the Rothschilds/globalis/UN plan for us. We reject that entire idea. We don’t mind hard work, and choose to invest in ourselves instead. THAT will get us where we want to go. We are tired of these manipulators poisoning our air, water, food and selling our assets. We’re tired of their brainwashing ‘educational system’ and ‘news’. We are NOT here for their ‘labor force’, nor are we here for their manipulation and control. We REJECT their agenda. We are NOT ‘global’ anything- we are AMERICA. And will be Great again. THAT is OUR stance. We recognize our capabilities, our strengths, and our innate desires. Contrary to popular myth, it is NOT to be groomed for the benefit of those wishing to destroy us. No more ‘on-the-take’ gravy-train riders, no more crooked politicians, no more abuse from those wishing to destroy America. We have seen where that road leads, and it is NOT one we Americans will traverse any longer. The time is nigh, and the tides have changed. THAT is why people are voting for Trump.
Any one who cannot see this had better get out of the way, because that ‘new’ train, built from all the discarded broken parts of America, is on its way to piece together a new, ethical, strong,and bright American future.
Dolores Salvatore says
When I see Hillary, all I can see is her with arms raised saying “What does it matter”. Well it ment a lot to the families of the men she left to die in Benghazi. I don’t know how anyone could trust her to be the Comander in chief. TRUMP ALL THE WAY.