Republican Donald Trump on Sunday refused to rule out an independent bid for president in 2016, a move that could divide Republican voters and offer an easy victory to Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton.
Asked on ABC’s “This Week” whether he would consider a third-party run if GOP opponents try “to take you out,” Trump said, “I will see what happens. I have to be treated fairly. If I’m treated fairly, I’m fine.”
Pressed by George Stephanoloulos to give a yes or no answer on a third-party run, Trump refused. The billionaire and former reality show star has threatened in the past to launch an independent bid if the Republican party didn’t give him a fair shake at the nomination.
Trump is leading the race for the GOP nomination for the fourth straight month, with Republican establishment candidates such as Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio far behind. All the GOP candidates, Trump included, have signed a pledge to support the party’s eventual presidential nominee and forgo independent runs in 2016.
He suggested that his lead in the polls, unshaken by disparaging remarks he’s made about ethnic groups or his lack of specifics on foreign policy, has vexed the Republican party.
“They can’t understand, you know, how come an outsider can be doing so well within the party,” Trump said.
His standing in national polls has only solidified since recent Islamic militant attacks in Europe, particularly the Nov. 13 strikes on Paris that killed 130 people and wounded hundreds of others. The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for those attacks.
Trump has pledged to be the toughest of all candidates toward people posing threats to the U.S. On Sunday he said he would bring back waterboarding on terrorism suspects.
“I would bring it back, yes. I would bring it back. I think waterboarding is peanuts compared to what they’d do to us,” he said.
Trump this weekend has tried to back away from his support for a government database to track Muslims in the United States, an idea that drew sharp rebukes from his GOP rivals and disbelief from legal experts. On Thursday, an NBC News reporter pressed Trump in Iowa on whether there should be a database for tracking Muslims in the U.S. Trump replied: “There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases.”
Would he put such a database in place as president?
“I would certainly implement that. Absolutely.”
He tried in another interview to clarify that position, suggesting a “watch list” for the Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S.
On ABC Sunday, Trump was asked if he rules out a database on all Muslims in the U.S.
“No, not at all,” Trump said. “I definitely want a database and other checks and balances. We want to go with watch lists. We want to go with databases.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article
james aud says
That was Trump’s main goal to begin with, to get Hillary elected.
David Easley says
Get real James, I don’t understand why everyone is still stumbling all over themselves over the rhetoric of his ‘Independant Run’ would just automatically hand Hillary the keys to the White House. People, in general, aren’t quite ready for a woman president with all that’s going on in the world.
Robert Hagedorn says
People may be ready for a Margaret Thatcher. But her we don’t have.
Jeff A. says
Good Point. Hillary is certainly no Margaret Thatcher. The Iron Lady led with truth, not lies.
“The problem with Socialism is eventually you run out of other peoples money”. She would have downed Sanders with one line.
Ellie says
We are not ready for a woman like Hillary at all. Nor Carly
old lady says
I think it would hand it to her , right now he has my vote, but if he does this he loses it ..he signed a paper and said he WOULD NOT run as a independent so if he does , he breaks his word and becomes a liar just like a lot of the Washington bunch …so if he lied about that what other things will he go back on that he promised …
Jay Sadler says
Well, as for me, I was supporting the Donald at the beginning and will support him in the end, even if I write him in… and just watch me, I will do just that. I’m mad as hell and I’ll show the establishment mainstream GOP a thing or three and ‘m pretty sure I’m not the only one. To hell with the republicans if they can’t give us any better than Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush. Note that I have been voting a straight Republican ticket for some 47 years, but I, for one, have had enough of spineless liars such as Boehner and Ryan. Bush the brother, Dr. Carson, and Rubio are no better. Yes, in case you wonder, I did vote for Richard Nixon twice. I would have voted a third time if I had been old enough the first time he ran! At least he had a spine!
dano says
Jay, don’t be so irate you can’t see the forest for the trees. With your apathy, and conviction, under that scenario, you might as well vote for Hillary, and by admitting what you would do is an instanter of just that. Are you a Hillary voter?
dano says
Also as and addendum, I noticed you didn’t mention Cruz, who is the only true proven conservative in the bunch. Thats who I would put my money on.
Tom says
You go Jay! We should get the ‘Trump Train’ running hard and fast towards the White House.
Jim says
I agree with you and did the same.If they are afraid of Trump giving the election to Hillary then they better nominate him.They said he can’t beat Hilary,but today’s polls show he is ahead of her and would win if the election were held today,Do they think Bush,Rubio or Carson could beat her? I don think so, The only other one I would support is Cruz.
Henry says
What happened when Ron Paul went 3rd Party? That’s right. The democrats won the White House. Add to the mix those states having ballot initiatives to legalize marijuana. It will make the Reagan/Cater election look like it was a tight race. Reality is what it is.
justdon says
Jay, spoken like a true Liberal. You have obviously bought into the rhetoric the Liberals have been throwing around before, during and after electing your savior Obama. People with your mentality on politics frightens me when representing yourself with the Republican party, Have you paid attention to your buddy Barack and his vetoing of bills put before him and exercising his executive orders on things like Immigration and healthcare. You can blame it all on the establishment politicians, however it will take more than promises on the campaign trail to really make things happen. What do you think the response of the 911 would have been if a Liberal was in office during that time? Do you think our country would be safer now had Al Gore or John Kerry would have been elected over George W Bush?….I thinking maybe you backed Ross Perot back in 1992.
Lovette says
Jay, you are absolutely on the mark. As a fellow-died-in-the-wool-Republican, I agree that you are not the only one “mad as hell” at the establishment Republicans (many of whom are RINOs), and I also believe that if Trump has to do his thing via a third party, things will go the same way they did when Perot ran and when Ron Paul ran…tantamount to handing the election to the Democrats. Maybe the establishment Repubs are hoping it will go that way. I think some of them are crazy enough. They had better chin up and support the clear leader of our Party, and wipe the egg off their faces when it’s Donald Trump! We have a plethora of petty people in the Party, and they seem like school yard bullies who want to take their toys and go home when the game isn’t going their way. Grow up, or get out, Republican Elite. It’s high time for an outsider who knows how to build an empire to take the reins of ours and get us back on track!
Terry says
Jay Sadler you are right Richard Nixon was one of the best President in my time he didn’t do a drop in the bucket wrong compared to what this POS has done and he was forced to resign where this one should be impeached!!!!!!!
Dennis says
I’ll vote for the Donald what ever party he’s with, the others are all wimps and won’t do a dang thing for this country!!!
rosemary says
Finally someone who appreciates honesty I joined the Republican Party because they said they had the same beliefs as I have. . I am beginning to wonder now. Here’s a man who is honestly speaking what we all are thinking. Don’t say we’re not. .I saw a movie once called the CANDIDATE It shows what politicians want. To be elected and to be elected and do nothing but be elected. They don’t know what to do. I think Trump knows what to do and will do it.,
rosemary says
The mainstream GOP are lilly liverd scared nobodies who think they know all.
Politicians desires are not to help the people but to get elected. I saw a movie once called “the Candidate” where the politician won and all he wanted to do is to keep getting re-elected. I think we should have our politicians work for free….Maybe we would get something done.
Olga Rhoades says
I was going to vote for Trump, until I decided Ben Carson can do a better job than Trump. Trump signed on the dotted line just like all the others – saying he would not run third. He’s ahead, so what’s his problem? He’s a hot head and can’t believe there is no one better to be president than himself. Well, he’s wrong. I’m tired of listening to him. In order to do what he wants he would have to have a pen handy just like Obama so that he could veto everything sent to him from Congress. The man is insane.
Mike says
Donald has my vote too, one way or another.
Jeffrey says
The Donald was asked (I think in the first debate) about giving money to Democrats and expecting something from them. He responded that he did give money to Hillary and others and he did expect something from them.
Isn’t that the definition of corruption? Buying politicians? Doesn’t him being a buyer make it more likely that he can be bought?
Then he joked that what he expected from Hillary was for her to attend his wedding. Not really buying it, Donald.
Ernie says
The wussie now controlling Congress like Boehner and RYAN have taken millions in insider trading ,Boehner 5 Million plus his 250,000.00 pension and RYAN cutting the Veterans pension ,BUT NOT HIS CRONIES IN CONGRESS ,who will draw 174,000.00 at age 55 was not cut >> And the voters vote that thing back in office and now he’s going after Social Security >>Guess WISC. doesn’t care for the elderly who have paid in along with their employers for over 50 years. THE establishment ( The GOOD OLD BOYS ) who control those they will support makes ME MAD AS HELL >. RINO’s and Liars to stay in office and wish to keep the CORUPTION going >> Ask YOURSELFS ,How many have been held accountable ?/They spend all their time C.Y.A. and pass laws and bills that control OUR LIVES and except themselves >>Guess they feel they are better than “WE the PEOPLE
Rick Traylor says
I will only vote for Trump.
Allene Creacy says
Get you head out of the sand. That ‘oath’ was a joke. Other candidates signed it immediately and pledged to support whoever the nominee was – yet, several have ALREADY publically stated they would NOT honor it now because if Trump was the nominee, they WOULD NOT support him.
Talk about hypocrisy. And, you want to jump on Trump for ‘going back on what he promised’???
At least, he was up front and honest about that pledge from day one. He seems to be the only one who has a backbone. And, he is the best out there running for President because of his strong stance on immigration, security for Americans and our nose diving economy.
Tom says
This is so true. Just goes to show you how the mainstream GOP will lie to their own gain. Donald has always maintained if he were treated fair. The mainstream GOP just didn’t think he would last this long, let along be in the lead. They just can’t stand to loose to an outsider. All the rest of the candidates just want to be president, but Trump wants to “Make America Great Again” ! That’s the difference between caring for the people and wanting to further one’s career.
Audrey Jane Spaulding says
I am with you on that, I will write Trumps Name in, The Hispancis won’t write it in, because they don’t want to go to the end of the line, where they should be, he would make them go, or run them out of the Country, We need a leader with Strong Leadership and who will stand up and fight for the American Seniors and all Taxpayers, What I like about him is his Principles and the fact that he doesn’t need the money, he just “wants to make America Great Again” have you heard anybody else say that,. Carson is too soft spoken and he is a surgeon, he doesn’t know how to run a Country, Here we go again with Hilary, Hell anybody can beat this Witch, and old Blue Eyes who wanders around looking at every Skirt there is around, Who needs those two again, She can’t close her big mouth long enough for anybody to see what she really is, Go Trump Go, If the Republicans have a clue what the Election is really for and about they will put him on the Ballot and run somebody with him as Vice President, or let him pick his own choice, He will help get this Country back on its feel, He is a Business Man and not a Party Planner, which the Dumocrats thinks that Obama is the great Allah, He is just a Glorified Party Planner that Harry Reid and Pelosi put in there to get their Health Care System in Place and to get a bunch of Bills Passed and get millions of Hispanics in here to vote to they can stay afloat,
Olga Rhoades says
Trump is the only one that I know of to go back on his word. I haven’t heard anything on the others. Where did you get this information? I would like to see it. Trump reminds me of Biden. He always looks angry.
Rich says
The stupid self-serving voters would hand it to her. Wake up!
William Harrison says
Trump said “If they treat me fairly” and he was truthful and he meant it. With consistently so many points as the head runner, if it was any other contender they would have joined them on the band wagon but they have not for Trump. They talk about his rhetoric and vocabulary, etc. but the real truth is most every president and those in power in the government stink to high heaven in that regard in private, at least he’s open about it and you know what you’re getting before you put him in office!
shirley says
The RNC promised to treat him fairly…which they are trying to renege on. That was Trump’s contingency on signing the pledge. Now a group is working (have filed an LLC to keep donors secret) to take Trump down. This is despicible! If they are not keeping their side of the bargain…how do they expect Trump to stand by and let them do this? It is the GOP that is causing this!
Tom says
If I did’t know better? I’d would think the mainstream GOP were Democrats, pulling a stunt like this. If this succeeds, America is Done!!!!!!!!!!
Pete C. says
You are absolutely correct, Shirley. That was his stipulation on signing the pledge, and the GOP seems to be reneging on their word to him, unless they want to nitpick and say it was Reibus the head of the RNC who made the promise of fair treatment!!! Either way, it’s BS!
Tom says
Then explain why the GOP establishment wants to take The Donald out? He is the only one with the where-with-all to lead this country. The Dem. are out to destroy America.
Dominic says
The most important thing is that Trump is using his own money–not having to deal with lobbyist or special interest groups.
Al Schmidt says
If the GOP backstab Trump & nominate Bush or Christie, they will hand the election toHillary. Conservatives will stay home.
wendy says
You are absolutely right! People just won’t vote as there is no other to vote for in the Republican or Democratic party. All the way with Trump/Cruz!
Judy smith says
Trump said when he signed the paper that he would not run as an independent if the Republican Party treated him fairly. Last week, a Republican insider stated that the party was spending 2.5 million on a “take Trump out campaign”.
This doesn’t sound fair to me and if they follow thru with this in order to get their establishment candidate as the Republican candidate, I will write in Trump’s name.
betty thompson says
me too
Norm says
If the Republican party takes steps to “take him out,” I will absolutely vote for him as an independent. If they are such cowards, as most Republican politicians are, then every conservative in America should vote for Trump, even as an independent candidate.
Victor says
If you remember he had to sign the pledge under direst. If he didn’t sign it they were gonna ban him from all debates. In other words what they did to Trump was extortion. I wish he had ran as a Independent in the first place but if he changes I will still give him my vote because he is the best for this Nation. The GOP elites don’t him because they know they can’t control him, yes their afraid of him and they want someone they can control and go along with their agenda’s. Think about it, why would the Republicans try to keep a fellow Republican out when they want a Republican for their party as President ??????????????? Semper Fi
Cricky says
Just last week David Avella was on a News Show being interviewed for GOPAC and he said there would be NO OUTSIDERS for the GOP. I sent him a tweet asking about that and here is his answer:
Nov 14
@david_avella Why are you (GOPAC) ignoring “outsiders”? If you really want to look at “outsiders” is Rubio and Cruz Natural Born Americans?
David Avella
Nov 14
@kligup53 Not ignoring. Pointing out that GOP Primary voters have not nominated one since 1940.
Dkdoyle says
Relax folks he is a negotiator. He just sent the establishment republicans a message not to pull any shenanigans or suffer a loss. This is exactly why I want him.
Yvonne says
Trump agreed not to run Third party as long as the Rep Party treated him fairly and with the same respect as others. …..Now , how do you think the GOP is treating Trump???? I have noticed a few times that the GOP was obviously not behind Trump …..and after those occasions I made the decision for myself to stand by TRUMP………Rep. or 3rd party!!!. I believe that TRUMP is for America and for the American People !!!!
So far judging by GOP past performance, I don’t trust them….their past performance speaks for itself……………they have had no courage or intention to stand up for “We the PEOPLE OF AMERICA”
Most of the Republicans in office have not paid attention to the will of the people and have done nothing except go along with Obama and the Dems……..and look at where we are now!!!
Conservative Republicans are the only ones who have stood up for the American people………..
I encourage Trump to stick with it …..I will vote for Trump if Republican Party or 3rd Party!!
I encourage the Republican Party to get some integrity, stand by your word instead of being totally lacking of integrity and lying to we the American people. The agreement with Trump went both ways so straighten up and stand by your word………..!!!
Frank says
Begging you pardon, but the agreement was that all candidates and the RNC would support the nominee. That is what Trump agreed to. Now, the RNC has hired people to deliberately stop Trump from winning the primaries and keep him from obtaining the nomination. Seems to me like the republican establishment and the RNC in particular are working against Trump and mean to subvert his campaign. They are stabbing him in the back and yet you fools think he should just turn over and let them do it? They are the ones breaking their word, not Trump.
I would not blame Trump for being angry. I am too. If Trump goes 3rd party and we lose the election to Hillary, you have the RNC and the RINO’s to thank and to blame. They, not Trump, are handing the election away, again.
Donna Martin-Netherton says
The Republican Party are the ones breaking the promise…ALL candidates signed a pledge to support the eventual Republican candidate….NOW there are many news stories that dishonest Liz Mair & Rick Wilson are putting together monies from the REPUBLICAN candidates to run a negative campaign against Trump…in essence an anti-Trump campaign full of lies ( by her own admission). Since this new group is known to exist BY the RNC and has not been denounced by them OR even by any other Rep. candidate…The RNC is being dishonest by standing by and allowing this to go on.
~WHY should Trump be held to his pledge when the other candidates have BROKEN their pledge ??
We will stand with TRUMP all the way !
Sam says
Hillary is a foul-mouthed liar and is actually worse than Obama if that is even possible. I cannot believe people fell for Obama for two terms. His true colors are now for all to see. There are numerous books out about Hillary revealing how she talks, how much she hates the military, and her socialist position. We don’t need her. Obama got elected because the public fools were enthralled with electing the “first Black Man”, now you want to elect “the first woman”? Neither of those reasons are valid.
eric says
I certainly agree with you . But what if Trump drops the republicans and runs as a democrat . I think he could get the democratic nomination too . Carson and Trump seem to have about the same ideas any way . I think they both are good men . I suspect the democrats are probably about as sick of the political correct lies our politicians from both parties have been feeding us . Trump would make a good honest democrat too . Imagine a US election with two good men running against each other with the same agenda . Either way we win . This would be just the opposite of what’s been going on where we have been getting two bad men with the same agenda running against each other .either way we lose . I think Trump would cleanup the democrat party and Carson could still handle the republicans . I honestly believe the American people are ready to dump both of these dishonest parties today . Truth is they both should be destroyed for poor job they have done in running this country .
Rosa Lopez says
Don’t believe every thing you read that is a trick to confuse people , my cote is for Trump .
Bob says
Trump would be justified in running as an Independent if the Establishment Republicans and the RNC came out publicly and monetarily to destroy him. Karl Rove, with his PAC, appears to be doing exactly this. For me, this would be justification enough to go back on his word. Remember, Trump did say he would support the Republican nominee, even if it was not him provided the RNC treated him fairly. In other words, by Karl Rove spending money to run ads to destroy Trump’s candidacy, this would be justification to run as an Independent. How many more ways can this be said?
Loretta says
David as a woman and several lady friends, I Agree with you 100% and especially one like Hillery.
Edawrd Smail says
Hillary is not going to be elected, and there are enough independent`s and liberal`s that have crossed over to vote for Trump that he will be a able to walk right in the White House.
dano says
don’t underestimate corruption. How do you think “O” got his second term?
Cricky says
EXACTLY! The people’s vote did not get him was the Electorate votes! Those BOUGHT votes! We NEED to abolish the Electorate! It is just a bunch of elite who think the American voters can’t make their own choices!
Pat says
I agree with Dano. You do not understand the amount of corruption in Washington, or who is behind it. Elitist, Multi- Billionaire said in a interview in 2009, that Obama was chosen for this position to bring in the One World Order. George Soros also said that America was the only thing at that time, standing in the way of them going World Wide. If he was chosen, groomed, and put in office by Elitist around the world, then the American vote is ????????? Henry Kissinger said basically the same thing. Research the Elitist, Secret Societies, and the One World Order, and you will under stand the comments.etc
Virginia says
The right woman wound be great the right man wound be great Hillary is neither she a very bad Idea
Cricky says
Hillary caved on Benghazi..she couldn’t handle even that! Had to take an excuse of something with her brain..and take a long vacation! IF she truly has problems with her brain..we sure don’t need her running as prez! She really belongs in prison! Wonders if our elected has guts to get her in that nice orange suit? Tho Obummers just may “pardon” her!
Ltpar says
What you really mean to say is that people are not ready to accept a President who should be in prison and not the White House. Also, remember Hillary Clinton is the #1 Candidate of choice of the New World Order Cabal.
Diane says
He would split the republican vote and the Liberals would win
Cricky says
maybe the GOP wants that?? AS they are the ones who are not backing Trump and saying things like GOP will not have an outsider! David Avella said it on TV last week even! When I tweeted him about it he said there hasn’t been one since 1940..he didn’t say that on TV so he is backtracking a bit??? We need to bombard the GOP for him saying that!
Peggy Mullen says
Ross Perot threw the race back in 1992.. that’s how the other Clinton got in! He did not win by a majority vote. Here we go again !
Elaine St Andre says
I agree and people are not stupid enough to believe this. If Trump continues to lead and the GOP does not give him the nod, time for Trump to start the American Part and be its’ first POTUS. Nothing to say people have to vote for a Republican. Those waiting Hillary vote democrat and those wanting Trump vote American.
Trump in 2016
Cricky says
Also many would vote Hillary for Federal I would also!
Let me tell you all something why Trump may be suggesting IF he NOT treated fairly by the GOP….I Heard myself on TV when David Avella from GOPAC was being interviewed on a news show he stated point blank that GOP would NOT have an outsider…sooo folks..pass that around..I sent him a tweet asking him is what he sent me back:
Nov 14
@david_avella Why are you (GOPAC) ignoring “outsiders”? If you really want to look at “outsiders” is Rubio and Cruz Natural Born Americans?
David Avella
Nov 14
@kligup53 Not ignoring. Pointing out that GOP Primary voters have not nominated one since 1940.
That is NOT what he said on TV..he said point blank that there would be NO outsiders for the GOP.
SOOOO tell me..wouldn’t that bother you if you signed that oath they wanted him to sign and then they say that?
Richard says
Unfortunately, the people have very little to do with it. The people certain;y did not reelect Obama and he was put in as president and remained despite the fact that he is not qualified under the Constitution. Obama is a Marxist and so is Hillary and most of the democrats and even some republicans. The next election, if there is one, will most likely be fixed. The European Marxists are running this country.
Randy says
Actually a bid for the White House as an Independent doesn’t necessarily hand it to HIllary. Obviously nobody considers that he could get more traction as an Independent, but I do. I think it might be good for him. He won’t lose many of his true supporters, and if you consider the dissatisfaction many have with our current 2 parties, then it is conscionable he could embarrass both parties.
We The People want an outsider with the gnads to stand up to those that are not listening to them. The majority of the people are thinking this country is going in the wrong direction. Fact, 7 years of bullshit, on top of nothing for the people from both parties. Name one thing they have done in 7 years that benefits the average Joe. I’m waiting….
Jondarmes says
Don’t hold your breath.
James Jones says
we are definitely NOT ready for Hillary. Another woman like Sarah Palin I can see but Feinstein or Clinton should be taboo. Hillary is as croocked as a sidewinder and feinstien is too liberal.
Fred1 says
It would hand hillary the presidency. If the conservative vote is split,like it was with in 1992, it would most likely give the Presidency to the demoncrats.
Kurtenbach says
A woman President?SURE! But not THAT woman Hillary! Carly Fiorina would be great as President.Everyone bolts the Republicans and votes for Trump, especially if Bush is the eventual nominee.We`re too smart to let Hillary come within a million miles of the White House.That would spell the end of our Country as we once knew it!
Nicholas MacLeod says
You have absolutely no basis for such an idiotic statement! You have no credibility when you state something that foolish!
Johm says
The Republican party should start to back Trump. Most of the people are not looking at Trump as a Republican, but he is for the American people. He is going to win the President election. The GOP needs to get on board, they are out of the loop and not connecting with the people, because they really are not for the people. That is why Romney could not win. Trump has the people vote, wake up GOP stop attacking Trump. Trump is going to win.
old lady says
I agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
josephgrissman says
josephgrissman says
Cricky says
I agree whole heartily!
Mark P says
I totally agree
Virginia says
The right woman wound be great the right man wound be great Hillary is neither she a very bad Idea.
Gary Smith says
yes she would be another liar in chief
Virginia says
The right woman wound be great the right man wound be great Hillary is neither she a very bad Idea.
Patty says
You are right on! With or without the RNC, Trump is going to win because the PEOPLE are behind him!!!
Charles S says
Your right John he will win,we don’t need another Hillary in the White House ..
Edawrd Smail says
You got it right on the money. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha
Rich says
The Republican party won’t support Trump because he won’t carry on with the Bush and Obama plans.
dano says
Sorry, I trust Cruz more than I trust Trump. Rumor has it though, that Trump is considering Cruz as a VP. I would rather have it the other way around though. Allen west has crossed his mind as a VP also.
Terry Champaign says
I hope and pray that Trump will big, but I fear Hillary will be our next president. Remember, Obama controls all the government.
Terry Champaign says
” trump will win Big”
Gary Smith says
Trump would be the braggert in chief
Julia says
I agree as well… Trump said, “As long as I’m treated fairly.” He would not run a 3rd party… The man is resonating with AMERICANS. Dems, Reps and Ind’ies!!! The GOP needs to acknowledge that PEOPLE HAVE CHANGED. We are more informed, more opinionated, more involved than ever before. NO MORE BUSINESS AS USUAL… trying to get us to shut up and go along… It’s not going to happen!
R.Drum says
Trump is the only one who isn’t owned by contributors and is a great threat to the corrupt hellery
MQC says
I’d be happy with Trump. He can most definitely beat Hillary. Don’t overlook Cruz. Some women voters will vote HRC based on anatomy … not another-thing; and she’s not above stuffing ballot-boxes as did Obama.
Terry Champaign says
With Obama’s help
Eleanor says
While discussing on Newsmax a conversation I overheard while living in Tennessee (in which a woman was boasting how she got to vote 3 times because she worked at the polls (her man got in) this was forwarded to me. I received the following comment:
“Rigged polls?? I believe we need look no further than at the S.E.I.U.! That union has had (for several years) the job of setting up and maintaining most of the voting machines in our country. They are one of the largest donors to the democratic party. I have learned that one who knows computers well would have to do very little to alter a vote.—just a thought”
SO – Hillary Clinton picked up another labor endorsement from the Service Employees International Union (S.E.I.U.! ) Tuesday, a critical potential source of labor support. S.E.I.U.! is one of the nation’s largest unions with 2 million members in a wide range of industries, from home healthcare to janitors to security guards, (and what the media has neglected to mention, they also set up and maintain most of the voting machines in our country). It’s also one of the most politically involved unions, spending almost $24 million in the 2014 midterm election alone.
I’m wondering, who’s going to be monitoring the poll for THIS election??? Does this mean the democrats are going to “win” this election, too?
Dennis says
What a stupid comment!
robert barnes says
The GOP is a boat anchor in the effort to restore the republic and freedom. check out clik on RINOS.
With TRUMP as president he can empty the white house of all courption, communist, and others POS. And most inprotant disable and remove all past excutive orders.
Mark P says
Anyone would be better than what we have now
Mark P says
……………Except Hillary I meant to say, yikes!!!!!!
Jc says
Cricky says
whew I was getting worried there..NO KILLERY! Has anyone noticed she sounds more like Obummers when she feels she is being attacked? They get all hairs bristled up!
Patty says
Right on! Trump 2016!!!
Eleanor says
All the way with Trump. He won’t let us voters down.
Mary says
Sally says
betty thompson says
I agree with you trump for president 2016
No James, you haven’t been paying attention,its the rhinos,the republican establishment who says they would rather see hillery as president than Donald Trump.George Will one the establishments favorite backstabbing rhino’s is a Trump hater to the core, he came right out on foc and was challemged on it,he said the country would be better off with hillery that Trump,thats includeds no border fence or stopping illergals from coming in, keep the mu-slime refuges coming in millions if they want to come in,and went on to say Trump would be bad for America!! REALLY???!! is that vhow you think?? pay attention,its obvious you haven’t been!! Trump wants whats good for this country and to make it better,as a matter of fact 2 weeks ago,a reporter asked one of the Koch bros. is he was a democrat or republican rhino,he said he has no problem whatsoever being labeled a liberal republican rhino.Know this,as fact, when the democrats, all libtards,…….rhinos all libtards, as well as any and all establishment republicans,all HATE Trump,we know he’s the right pick for this country,nobody likes trump but the grass root republicans and some democrats as well as some who have never voted but will for the 1st time !!
Mary says
You are exactly right
Walter Flatt says
Moe Verner says
Uh, I haven’t heard of any democrats who want to vote Trump. Except for stupid teenagers who think it’d be funny to get Trump in the WH. Because he’s ridiculous. Who would want Trump as the most powerful person in the world? Oh right, Trump would love that. Because he’s bored and wants more. Hilariously obvious. But please, show me counter-evidence and give me some reason to take back what I just said. I’d love to hear a good argument (instead of “you’re stupid”–which seems to be Trump’s MO… so very presidential, that one).
Gleep says
Trump did not get to this level of success by hiring stupid people or just his friends. His big ego is out for everybody to see, he doesn’t hide it behind lies, bribes, executive orders and school yard bully threats. Trump also has some experience beyond a community organizer. Trump will not respond to other world leaders with “What difference does it make” he will flat out say what the difference will be.
Don’t expect the GOP to do anything smart, they can’t even read the polls.
One last thought–The main stream media is the George Soros arm of destruction of a FREE AMERICA!
Moe Verner says
He got to this level of success because he had extremely wealthy parents. So there goes the good ol’ American dream of the “self-made man”. But that’s okay, right? He worked for his dad’s company Elizabeth Trump & Son, then when he was given the keys renamed it to The Trump Organization. And after all, he’s the best businessman in the world. Except he’s not. Many other business magnates have done much better than him. He’s failed many times but had enough cash to fall on that he was okay. Good for him. Except if he thinks he can fix America’s financial situation, he needs to actually understand why we’re in the hole we’re in. And I honestly haven’t heard a peep out of him that indicates that he’s intelligent enough to realize it. As for “reading the polls”–seems like Trump himself can’t even really read the polls. He’s making people think that he’s at the top. And I’m sorry to say it, but A) that’s not going to last among republicans (which is why we’re seeing this article) and B) both Bernie and Hillary beat him out in most polls.
But hey, I bet he’s making tons of money from his book sales right now. Pulling the ol’ Newt Gingrich pretending to want to be president while making bank on book sales. And of course his followers are like religious zealots (you can see some here), so he’s also taking some tips from good ol’ L. Ron Hubbard. “You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.”
Just saying.
Dick says
Just wait, when the Musloms get 8-10% of this country, for millions start counting your days.
Cricky says
Hi 5! You got it right! The GOP is afraid of Trump because he will do what the AMERICANS want and need! Therefore Dems and GOP Both will not have control except for the house and senate and we know how that goes already! Trump will lead..and give the House and Senate direction and order1 Right now its more like every person for themselves..and people .like Reid and Pelosi who throw fits and try to block any votes at all with their “hero of hell” vetos because it will stop them from turning our country into a 3rd world which would be perfect for those Syrians..they don’t know anything better!
pAUL says
Hey Moe your are a ass THRUMP & CRUS ALL IN
Mary says
You are exactly right!!
rosemary says
MOE Don’t you believe he worked for his money? TRUMP took one million from his father and turned it into 8 billion. I bet you couldn’t take $1.00 and turn into $5.00 because you don’t know the sacrifice it takes to invest and save. You are just jealous. I think that is what is wrong with the Repulican uppers. They are jealous, they hate that he has been successful and they are truly scared of him. They don’t want to lose their little secured places in the party where they can get little PERCS from their position. I pray to God that TRUMP wins otherwise I think we will be a third world country in no time. Maybe even before the election with all these strangers coming in. Oh by the way…how do they qualify for food stamps and welfare and medical care etc. This is what we pay for with our salaries. Boy are we S…..?
Eleanor says
Obumma will try to create a reason to declare martial law. We need to get that rat nest in the WH out and Trump in. We can’t expect Trump to wave a magic wand and “make it all better”. He has a helluva uphill climb to do the task he’ll be elected for. I look for him to fire all of Obama’s “appointees” and replace them with people, men and women, who’ll be expert advisors in the field he appoints them to. HOPEFULLY, the state legislatures will recall or impeach the traitors. That will also tell us how deep into the individual states this Muslim corruption has gone and how deep a cleaning our government needs. Obama has had a long time to try to finish his plans and he still isn’t done. I look for him to pull something unheard of in order to stay in office. He has a Muslim government in the WH, and he has corrupted our news media so we can no longer trust them. I consider them to be traitors to America in the worst way. Before Obama sells the American people down the river, he’d better make sure that’s where we want to go. If he’s depending on the traitors in office – he sure doesn’t know the American people!!! Trump loves America, and so do we Americans. He and his advisors CAN do it. If he has Cruz as his VP, he’s smart. Checks and balances. They’d make a dynamic duo, and believe me, the democrats and RINOS’s know it. If the GOP candidates continue this dirty fight of theirs, I’d work and campaign to see they’re never elected into any political office again. They’re proving they are liars, as bad as Kiillary.
Loretta says
Why is The Horn News publishing such garbage, any news true or False, Trump Never said such a thing, the left media is trying to scare us in not to vote for him. All this does is raise his polls. Wake up People, read between the lines. Trump is too smart, in not answering, he knew this would be the headline.. Go Trump
Mary says
NICK says
Elaine says
Yeah, I am going to unsubscribe too, but first I want to see where this all goes.
oldkoreanwarvet says
I totally do not believe that.The very last thing Donald Trump wants are another Clinton in the WH.
He most certainly would not put out the effort that he has so far in his campaign, just to get Hillary elected!
I truly believe Donald is sincere in his feelings about our country, and is doing his best to be in a position to correct all that has happened in the past two decades, that is bringing our country down into a third world status!
He has the first hand experience in the handling of other countries that have been allowed to take full advantage of our inept leaders, Trump is running for Trump no one else.
As most remember, in the very first question of the very first debate by FOX, all candidates were asked to raise their hands if they would not support the nominee of the party, Trump was the only one to raise his hand, saying that he will not give up that leverage at that time. He has already used that as leverage when the RNC chairman delivered a pledge to the Trump tower, where in turn Trump made it into a nationally broadcast signing celebration!!!
He is still holding that leverages over the heads of the RNC, as long as he is in the front runner position the RNC has little choice, knowing that Trump might jump ship to independent, we as well as the RNC knows what that means. So when Trump told FOX news in that first debate that he did not want to give up his leverage, we now see what he was talking about! This man takes the worst case scenario and turns it around into a masterful outcome! I would think that is the type of person that we all are looking for as our president!!
William Harrison says
Thanks OLDKOREANWARVET – me too -please just don’t call us old! In fact I joined the Air Force right out of high school to participate in the battle and did it with pride and for the very best I was able to, but you know what I’d never do it for that a–hole Ovomit and the military leaders he has now after forcing the real Generals, etc. to resign because they didn’t adhere to his anti-American policies. At age 84 I would proudly serve for Donald Trump and put our country back on its rightful course!
Gleep says
Thanks to both of you!
Eleanor says
You’ve got me beat by 4years, William Harrison, but I remember watching presidents come and presidents go, from FDR to the present “thing” now in office. (didn’t want to disparage a snake, weasel, or even a rat). My favorites were Truman, Nixon, and Reagan. Loved Eleanor Roosevelt. I was named after her. The next great POTUS will be Donald Trump. He is loud, bombastic, has a funny hairdo, doesn’t talk with finesse – in other words, he’s not a JFK or Reagan. He is Donald Trump! A strong, America loving patriot, who isn’t afraid to tell the truth, won’t back down from an issue, is an In-your-face type of man who will retaliate quickly and strongly against any attacks on him. This is what Putin and Hollande did when they were attacked. I have a lot of respect for both those men. What do you think Trump would do if the USA was attacked on his watch?? Right!!!
rosemary says
Rich says
It is not Trump that is the problem. It is the uneducated voters that would put Hillary in place for the hopes of more free stuff and higher min wages and not to pay federal taxes.
Hillary knows how to win. She and Bill will do what Obama did to them and now her to any Democrat or Republican that gets in her way of being POTUS. google the 2008 interviews by Jerome Corsi of of Hillary’s campaign staff and supporter. She knew Obama was going to usurp the presidency and knew how it was being done at the voting booths.
The Republican establishment will endorse Bush just for show, he is their chosen one so Hillary will win and receive the electoral votes. They knew the people will not stand up in protest for Trump as they will just take their deserved lumps.
Remember, not one Republican has ever stood up on the floor of the peoples house and said, wait a minute – who is this guy Barry Obama – really who the hell is he? Be careful who you vote for or don’t vote and protest in large numbers as was done in the 70s protest and demonstrations. Or you get what you deserve.
Dick says
Very sad, but so very true.
Robert Metro says
“Republican Donald Trump on Sunday refused to rule out an independent bid for president in 2016, a move that could divide Republican voters and offer an easy victory to Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton.” Doesn’t this sound like he just said this? Well that is a lie by exclusion, Trump has signed the pledge not to run as an independent! It wasn’t until the 4th paragraph that the author admitted Trump had signed the pledge!
“On Thursday, an NBC News reporter pressed Trump in Iowa on whether there should be a database for tracking Muslims in the U.S. Trump replied: “There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases.”
“Would he put such a database in place as president?”
“I would certainly implement that. Absolutely.” This entire quote is taken out of context and is a liberal reporters best shot he could do in a noisy autograph signing line and is the response to the previous comment. This was a cheap shot all the way around!
BobK says
Are people that stupid to vote for a woman who is devoid of character, guilty of criminal behavior, etc.? What will it take for the democrats to wake up? Do people really think the gravy train will continue forever? Argentina just elected a conservative. I’m sure Venezuela would welcome one, given what they’ve going through with Chavez et al.
Maybe the country will get lucky and indict Hillary before the election.
ROB says
I totally agree with you. This is all a silk screen so in the final event they can blame him for weakening the GOP party. Lets all undestand that it was Bill Clinton who encouraged him to run. The greater powers have already selected Hillary as our next president just like they did with Oblabla I mean Obama…
Cricky says
I still have to laugh at Obama (I like Oblabla best!) when over in Turkey he was shaking his finger and telling us to “STOP’ like we are his little kiddies and he is our parent? I CAN’T believe anyone over there listens to one word he says..and I bet their eyes keep rolling at how much he talks but says absolutely nothing!
Rudy Binder says
That is redicious he is shaking up the republican party and it has been long over due.
Jeb Bush and the other party leaders are more concerned about retaining their power than with Wining the election. They need to pack their bags ant get out of the way.
Lilly says
I have read through a lot of your comments and agree alot with what you are saying. . What you are not saying is why more and more people are stepping up and saying enough is enough. We like him because he lets it be known that he does need the super packs and even fired the ones that was trying to run adds on his behalf he told them to give the money back or help the poor people.This man is his own man. He doesn’t buckle to the rotten adds that they will come out with trying to make him look bad. They tried that once and his ex wife shot that down. ‘t you think if they was not scared shxxxless they would be doing this? Ted Cruz is on line begging for money because he is $500,000 short for what he needs to continue his campaign. If he doesn’t have it buy the end of Nov. he most likely be shutting down. How long are the big supporters going to spend money on losing campaigns. Hashai is so lothe polls that during debates you very seldom see him. All Trump to do is ride the wave until they all run out of money and he could win buy default. You know default of no money. We all as Americans need to Stand Up For Trump keep the faith and let the course run its course.
wade hall says
Not all the candidates are like Bush. Ted Cruz is the true conservitive who has demonstraited that he will do the things neccessary to restore this country. And he is not threatening to hurt the republicans by going a 3rd party route. This is just Mr. Your fired trying to stay in the running when his numbers are dwindling. Bye Bye dumptrump. Support a real leader Ted cruz
Richard Cunningham says
At least Trump comes on as an honest man and that’s a damn site more than ANY of the career, professional, establishment type politicians can honestly say for themselves. Trump also speaks the same language as the man on the street instead of that Potomac doubletalk we constantly hear from ALL the politicians. If you don’t like Trump that’s obviously your right but why don’t you and others who want business as usual in D.C. just stick with the issues instead of this off the wall stuff about giving the election to Hillary. The GOP is trying to destroy Trump and speaking for myself I wouldn’t blame him if he does form a third party. Did you ever stop to think that if he does that he just might win and leave people like you eating humble crow?
wade hall says
stopped reading your post when you called him honest. He has lied about Carson. He has lied about Christian beliefs. He now has lied about not running a third party candidate. He is corrupt when he admitted to buying politicians. No dumptrump. Support a real honest, conservative, principled leader Ted Cruz.
Terry says
Richard I agree with you 100%!!
William Clapp says
The one thing that will guarantee a Hillary win is another Neo-con representing the Republican party for president regardless of whether Trump goes independent.
Henry says
You mean the DNC is going to pay Trump to go 3rd Party to split the Republican vote? Is history going to repeat itself? Ron Paul did. I just wonder how many millions of dollars he is being paid to do so. Also, I just wonder how many States will be putting ballot initiatives for the legalization of marijuana to get the youth vote out to vote? We are f*cked if this is the case.
pAUL says
Henry they can’t buy Trump that’s why they are bad mouthing him .
Jeff A. says
Trump scares the crap out of Democrats and Republicans aren’t that keen on him either because he thinks like an American. That’s why they both try to attack him. This article is old news. He stated at the beginning of his campaign, he may run as a Independent if he was treated unfairly by the Republican Party. His negotiating tactics backed the Republican Establishment off right away. This is an example of the type of president we need. Bush sank the economy. Obama isn’t much better and when you add in his massive debt and his lack of world leadership, he is even worse. We need someone different than either of them. That someone is Trump.
betty thompson says
Donald trump is the only one that can beat Hillary Clinton you talk like you know nothing
Liz says
NO BODY wants Hillary in office, Obama would be insulted if a mere “woman” took HIS JOB. Remember, Muslims rank women somewhere below camels. Trump is a businessman. He’ll vote for what’s in his and the country’s best interests. And like many Americans, he sees no such person is running. So, he’s taking time out of his business to put this country back together. And don’t be too sure a Third Party can’t win. The American people are overly pleased with Dems or Reps right now.
Moe Verner says
Oh quit it with the stupid Obama-is-a-Muslim stuff. Shit gets old. He’s Christian. Deal with it. Go look at his policies if you want to attack him.
Besides. If you want to talk about how people treat women, let’s all just remember when Trump’s ex-wife said he made her feel violated when they had sex. But of course, you’ll just side with him. He’s your Lord now, after all. Forget Jesus, you’re all Trump worshippers. He’s the golden calf and you’re all a bunch of fools.
Dick says
Sick, sick talk if I ever heard it.
Cricky says
he can’t even quote the Bible right yeeeehhhh he is a Christian..who told you he was? OHHH HE DID! you KNOW the serpent in the Garden of Eden was devious. The Devil is very wise to the Bible and can use it as well..but they can’t quote it right! HECK Obama can’t even state anything right about American History! He was not schooled in the USA and that is obvious!
pAUL says
their you go again Moe YOU MUST BE ON DRUG;S as a disable vet I take Trump as my leader
wade hall says
nope don’t support Mr. Your fired. But because he lied about being Christian does not make Obama a Christian. Neither one can hold a candle to a real Christian. Now Ted cruz, there is a man of faith and principles. He has the intelligence and honesty and courage to really turn this country around. dumptrump, dumpobama, and support the real deal Ted Cruz
rosemary says
Pete C. says
Verner…really?? “He’s Christian. Deal with it.” The only POTUS ever to bow down and kiss the ring finger of the King of Saudi Arabia!!! Can you comprehend the ramifications of that Verner? JFK did not bow down and kiss the ring finger of the Pope even though he was Catholic because in his position as POTUS he represented all Americans of different religious affiliations. “From their fruits you shall know them … every good tree produces good fruits, but the corrupt tree produces evil fruits.” (Matt. 7:16-17). Obama is a liar. Where has Obama been in the effort to support or rescue any Christians in all the Middle East suffering persecution from Muslim fundamentalists (those are the one’s that Obama refuses to call “Islamic” extremists). Read the damn Quran, read the Hadith, look at the life (fruit) of Muhammed. These Islamic extremists are actually interpreting their religious literature in the literal sense that Muhammed intended (and thus, fundalmentalists). So back to Obama, does it somehow seem to you that “his fruit” is in keeping with a true believer in Jesus Christ, or does Obama exhibit the attitude that the USA has been the great evil of the world (the great Satan!)??? And what are the inscriptions on his wedding ring? And why does he insist that Islam is good, the USA is not the enemy of the prophet, and these terrorists have no connection to the Quran and Islam?? These Muslim fundamentalists are inspired to their jihad by their scriptures and Muhammed, and the two cannot be separated, Obama!!! The only “peace” in Islam if you are non-Muslim is if you are “submissive” (bow down to)their authority, rule, and pay the tax…otherwise, you are dead meat! Obama is Christian — Islam is peace…. give me a break!!!!
Moe Verner says
Oh please. Oh yes he’s a Muslim because he kissed the hand of the Saudi King. Guess who else did? Bush. I guess Bush is a Muslim too.
Listen to yourself. You sound nuts. Islam isn’t evil. It’s no more evil than Christianity. Religions aren’t evil. Religions aren’t anything. Islam is good. Hinduism is good. Buddhism is good. Christianity is good. People are what matter. Interpretation is what matters. If you want to go around blathering about how other religions except your own are evil, then maybe you should move to a country that bans other religions. Because in America we believe in freedom, which clearly you and your ilk do not. You complain about Christians being prosecuted but you don’t give a hoot about anyone else. That’s not what Jesus would do. You ought to know better. Jesus would be ashamed of what he sees here in America from you folks.
You know, the only reason people like you insist that Obama is not a Christian is because you don’t want to identify with him. Give me a break. Grow up. You’e all a bunch of children.
Pete C. says
You damn right, Verner, I do not want to identify with Obama!! His color (or lack thereof) has nothing to do with it (but the left must maintain that dialogue to mask reality). He is a deceiver, a liar, a divider — with an agenda to change the USA into a socialist/communist country. Influencing the ideology and implementation of the blueprint by Obama would be the likes of Alinsky and Ayres-Dorhn (Chicago), and Cloward-Piven (Columbia U.), and this influence would include Hillary Clinton. I tasted of the communal way of life back in the late 60’s early 70’s and quickly realized it was Bullshit (with a capital B)!!! So Verner, it is ideology and policy and character that repulses me concerning Obama, and that is why I will never identify with him! Also, I see you haven’t read the Quran yet, and until you do, you will not understand the actions of the Muslim fundamentalists called Islamic terrorists (except by Obama and the left). Wow, if we call them for what they are and condemn the evil they perpetrate for the cause of Allah, they might get really (really, really) mad, and really (really, really) angry at us — and that will give them cause to kill even more innocent people. Finally, Verner, the operative word regarding the Saudi King is “ring-finger”, and kissing the ring-finger (which, by the way, is much different than merely bowing in show of respect — a greeting also shown to dignitaries in the Far East as per their custom)!!!!
wade hall says
give me a break. 1st he has no knowledge of how to run this country, foriegn policy, working with congress or how to be anything but a bully. 2nd He has lied many times about Christian beliefs to get support. 3rd He is corrupt when he admitted to buying politicians. 4th He insults all opposed. 5. He has praised Obama and Hillary for doing a good job. 6th He now has lied about running third party, remember he signed a letter saying he would not do that. dumptrump and support a real conservative, honest, principled, intelligent, courageous leader. Ted cruz.
Angryman says
Regardless what Mr. Trump’s intent was for running in this election I stand with him on his platform issues of :
Those who oppose such measures are asking for a poke in their eyes with an AK47 or suitcase bomb etc. provided gladly by those whose LIFETIME MISSION it is to remove all ” non – believers of Islam “. They are taught that it is acceptable and , in fact , necessary to LIE in order to fulfill their demented religious requirements in hopes of attaining a final resting place inhabited by ” 72 Virgins “. This is also why Bammy has LIED to ALL Americans since he left his role as ” community organizer ” to become ” nationwide propaganda speechmaker for his Muslim Brotherhood allies.
Patrick Ferguson says
Oh yeah, like I would think ur right!
Frank says
Bull. If the RNC is so much against him that they will deliberately try to subvert his campaign and stop him from getting the nomination he deserves, then the Republican party is falling on their own sword and giving the election to Hillary.
the panacea is simple. The RNC should support the strongest candidate, Trump and band together to stop Hillary. If they treat Trump unfairly, then it is the establishment that is causing Hillary to win, not the trump supporters.
I’m sick and tired of the RNC pushing their RINO candidates and establishment favorites. They did it in 2008 and 2012 with disastrous results and obviously want to repeat their defeat in 2016. I’m supporting Trump all the way and if he deserves the nomination and is not given it, then I’ll vote for him either 3rd party or write-in.
If Hillary wins because of a divided vote, blame the establishment republicans, not the conservatives.
merle says
The election in 2012 was the most illegal election ever !! Romney actually won when they cleaned it up as much as possible . The ISIS wouldn’t have formed so fast or so large if they had gave the position to him like they should have . Instead we get a radical MUSLIM as our president who shows every day how much he hates the american people and the USA !!!!
wade hall says
Better look at the poll numbers again. Ted Cruz is catching fire and will win the votes. He is the real deal. dumptrump and support a real honest conservitive leader Ted Cruz
Bob says
Frank, you nailed it.
merle says
He signed a agreement that said he would not run on a 3rd party ticket . He might as well have ran as a democrat if he is going to do that . He was a registered democrat all his life until 2010 when he re registered .He is just a man with a big ego and a PD. He has really messed up the election if he stays in . He is a liar !!!!
wade hall says
I agree
Big Sam says
Trump supported Hillary when she was a US Senator and was able to obtain many contracts that build his money chest. He knows that if she is elected, thanks to him, the world is open for Trump, i.e. the world of money, which every billionaire always likes to increase their value.
Did you ever hear him criticizing Hillary like he did Bush or Rubio?
Irene Pine says
You are nuts!! You must be a democrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look who the polls are asking to be PRESIDENT???? Get over yourself!!
wade hall says
Yep he is a liar and a corrupt person. Why did he sign that letter earlier that said he would not run 3rd party? Just trying his best for the dems isn’t he.
Terry says
It won’t be Trump who puts Clinton in if he runs a 3rd party it will be the GOP because they don’t want him elected!!! I’d hate to see him run on a 3rd party but I can’t blame him if the GOP does him dirty!
wade hall says
Mr. Your Fired is a fake. He has admitted to being corrupt when he said he bought politicians. He has lied about Christian beliefs and now about running third party. He has praised Obama and villary for doing good jobs. He has insulted all opposed to him. He has no knowledge of anything about running the government. dumptrump and support an honest, courageous, conservative leader, Ted Cruz.
Roy Engstrom says
He said if he is not treated fairly, and most of us are sick of the Beltway’s Dirty Tricks. Carl Rove and his cohorts are slime.
If he runs against some asinine setup RNC candidate, that candidate will be lucky to collect 5% of the vote and there will be no more donor support for the RNC and it will have committed suicide.
Jack Thrift says
What a stupid, Demon-cat or RINO remark. That’s the same line your establishment pals said about Ronald Reagan, who Made America Great after the malaise of Jimmy Carter. Thank God that Reagan defeated the Peanut Picker from Georgia. Now, Donald J. Trump will Make America Great Again. Jack
Shirley McGee says
Trump is the only one qualified to be President.. Hillary is no where capable to be his equal, and he knows it.
She is a want a be and can’t handle herself let alone be President of the U.S. She has been involved in so much crime. There money has been made by hard working Americans.
Don’t think the U.S. Citizens are stupid we see and are dumb founded how OBAMA is treating America… How can anyone let these go by..He is right he has changed America with Congress help…They let one person brake our constitution our laws mean nothing to him..He is did one disaster after another.
He has no business since… Look at the money we owe no Budget….Healthcare is so must up….IRS was involved is such a mess…Our Constitution is not enforced…Cash for Clunkers….Our Military is so discouraged with his actions and down to nothing…Guns to Mexico….Open our Boarders to Illegal’s and we are suffering all kinds of crimes. Our jails are full our prisons are full…Jobs are taken…. Not to say giving them Driver License, so they can vote in our elections. He shut down the White House so school children can visit…and now give large party’s. Shut down the airports… Ignores our Vets…..Gives Gays marriage rights….Gives support to Egypt… Won’t help Israel….Britain Queen he doesn’t Bowed…He bowed to Egypt Muslim. He disobeyed his law degree and it was taken away. All of his records are not available along with friends only friend that knew him and spoke up said he was illegal. We are so ashamed of how he is allowed continually gets away with all his control…
No way can we afford to play with a meek uninformed person for a President…We want Trump…Not just Widows and Orphans coming look at all those young men are coming in….We need Security he will do that. Lock our borders he will do that…Get jobs he will do that. He is sincere He has a record of sucess…
brewer says
I don’t no but he’s got our vote I’d vote for him just on the muslim issue alone
connie says
If Trump goes outside the GOP camp, he is putting Hillary in the WH.
All the hard works of the GOP as well as Trump, will go with him to the drain.
He won’t win, neither any candidate of the GOP..
rosemary says
Donna Martin-Netherton says
James…Oh please !
james durham says
I said early in the game that this would be the dirtiest presidential race EVER run in this nation. I’m certainly right. There’s nothing the Clinton’s and the democrat party WON’T do to win this election. It’s in the best interest for THEIR financial planning. However this also applies to the republican party. The GOP had planned for Jeb Bush to be the nominee. It hasn’t come close so the GOP will do anything they can to”kill” Trump, even though he has dominated the other candidates with the voters and the polls. This proves that the politics of this nation and the career politicians, along with the media, are truly the ones that “elect” a president. Someone once said ” it’s not the one who votes that elects a politician, it’s the one who “COUNTS” the votes”. I certainly believe that this statement will apply in THIS election.
Sally says
I don’t see what all the todo is about having data bases for all foreigners coming to our country. All Americans are on all kinds of databases from birth records, social security numbers, licenses, property ownership, etc. etc. . If they don’t like it they don’t have to come here. Trump is on the right track to protect this country. He tells it like it is and thank heaven he is not a typical phony politician who says what people want to hear.
Molly Cook says
He is such a brat. What ever made him think running for President would be “fair?” Seems like he thinks he’s the only person in the race who’s perfect. He signed the agreement, now if he goes against it, we’ll know FOR SURE, that he’s NOT a man of his word, not to be trusted…..AND a poor loser. He reminds me of some middle schooler.
Ernie says
You need to see a doctor as your so called brain is DEAD
Ernie says
Brain Dead >. Sorry obamacare will not pay for it
Glenn BAILEY says
I would tell the GOP to go to u no where ! —– I BELIEVE THAT YOU SHOULD SET UP YOUR OWN STAFF , LIKE YOU DO WHEN SETTING UP A LARGE CORPERATION ! YOU KNOW WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE YOU WANT AND NEED ! IT is TIME all of these POLITITIANS get there ass’s thrown out of the GOVT> and the people take back what we have always done the fighting, and dyeing to protect this land of ours !
THEY AND FAMILIES stayed home and made lots of MONEY on the PROFITS from the ARMS SALES ..WE paid the TAXES— THEY lived for free ITS TIME WE HAVE SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO RUN A COUNTRY like a business and is accountable !
Bob says
james aud, you have it all wrong about Trump. He, like most Republicans, are fed up with the Establishment Republicans constantly caving to their friends (Democrats) on the other side of the isle. Trump would be justified in running as a 3rd Party candidate if the Establishment Republicans (Karl Rove and others) try to sabotage him by running attack ads. Hillary Clinton is evil, a liar, and can not be trusted. She is also a socialist/communist and would continue the destruction to our country that Obama has started.
Clumpner Archives says
He’s now certainly proven himself as a typical political chameleon from this latest statement.
Trump and ‘Shrillery’ deserve each other!
Recall, he pledged in one of the first debates that he wouldn’t form a third party run.
Nicholas MacLeod says
You people are all just eGOP shills and it’s not going to work! Horn News is a sham of a news agent! No credibility! Trump didn’t even say he was going to run as a third party candidate. He said he would have to think about it if he was treated unfairly by the GOP! Wake up! You guys kill me! LOL
Mark P says
Yes all based on being treated fairly….if the GOP breaks the rules it’s open game
Frank says
Agreed 100%
Roy Engstrom says
Mary says
Go Trump
Henry says
If Trump goes 3rd party, Hillary Clinton will make the Reagan/Carter election look like it was a tight race. Add to that any and all states that have ballot initiciatives to legalize marijuana, and Hillary would get 127% of the vote. You can’t make this stuff up.
wade hall says
But if I remember right he did sign a paper saying he would not run as a third party candidate. So who is being fake? Support Ted cruz.
Bob says
Why does the RNC always eat there young… if they would stop trying to give munitions to Hillary and pushing the Super Packs to bring him down god forbid maybe she should win over you fool’s. He is the best hope to beat her, He is the only one who would not be politically correct in a debate with her …put your balls back in your pants guys and if not back him not be against him
Mary says
Agree! Go Trump
Earl says
We republicans need to do one thing…GET THESE OLD WHITE MEN RHINOS OUT. Mc Cain…Boehnor is already gone…Lindsay Graham, Mitch whats his name…these “dems” have been all Kennedy all democratic leaning for ages. Republicans need to completely re-vamp the party. This is our chance to take over…I really feel the republicans will give it to hillary…We have the senate and the congress and the gutless piece of crap people we have running the republican party wont even ATTEMPT to bring something up for a vote…obama hollers VETO and my worthless party puts their tail between their legs and runs. Maybe I go Independent…or not even vote. If you write up a law and it doesnt go thru or gets vetoed, fine…at least try. My gutless party wont.
pAUL says
Mark P says
That pledge was BS…just a formality…meaningless.Trump can do what he darn well pleases and I would not blame him if he is unfairly targeted and booted …even though he is leading the polls.
Mary says
Rudy says
And the republicans pledged to support him if he’s the nominee, and he is double digits ahead yet they are not rallying around him. good for trump!
Lois Wenk says
Trump is arrogant, like Obama. Trump is already a liar he either will stay with the Republicans or not but saying he will leave or could leave shows that. He like the others made that pledge to support the nominee. If he does want the republicans to give him a fair chance. Get rid of lying about him having a firm stance about being pro-American. About 1/2 of us are female. He is anti-woman this is seen by his only looking at their looks not content of person or thoughts. He is not willing to look at the behavior of planned parenthood. He flips on issues to much to know where he really stands. He is arrogant and wont listen to others he views as lesser than himself. Not a good diplomat. We are in for frivolous war under him. Yes we need to put all we can to fight terrorist. We do not need to add others who are not.
Rich says
You have poor reading comprehensive skills. You must have gone to a government and union run school system.
Gary says
No he didn’t !!!
He was the only one on stage who raised his hand as the one who would NOT pledge his allegence to the GOP. If they miss treated him, he would go his own way. It was only later in the week that he had to clarify that argument.
Lois Wenk says
That was not the first debate. He did it before at a previous one. Look up all the debates before sounding ignorant on purpose.
Liz says
That pledge was made when there were some possible candidate running. The American people have pretty much told the Rep that they want Trump. They want their borders secure and they want their country back. He’s the only one not pre-campaigning for 2020.
Angryman says
Mr. Trump said that he ” would not form or run as a 3rd Party representative IF he was treated fairly by the GOP.
He has since recently repeated this pledge.
Cricky says
you should have listened to David Avella on TV when he said the GOP would not have an outsider then! I heard it live and at first thought I I tweeted him..he gave me some lame it is:
Nov 14
@david_avella Why are you (GOPAC) ignoring “outsiders”? If you really want to look at “outsiders” is Rubio and Cruz Natural Born Americans?
David Avella
Nov 14
@kligup53 Not ignoring. Pointing out that GOP Primary voters have not nominated one since 1940.
He said POINT BLANK there would be NO OUTSIDERS for the GOP SOOO tell me why Trump would maybe (even though he did not say he would right now…) consider 3rd party still? The GOP wants Jeb..they been bought by the Bushes and some may even want to “make history to have another son of same family” LIKE we had a “black man” to make history! So many people don’t think anymore! I’m from the SOUTH and we use cast iron frying pans to force sense into people’s heads! LOL
Roy Engstrom says
BS, the Beltway RNC has been using Dirty Tricks against Trump from the start, and they have set up much more for the future, they aren’t playing fair, so they are breaking the contract.
brewer says
I don’t care as long as he becomes president
Keith says
This causing a lot of faux outrage! I am not a Trump guy but I have to ask, how is that different from E-VERIFY???
Harriet Brinker says
Hi- Just want to mention that E-Verify is for Employers to check out potential new employees if they are legal in the US that would qualify them to work. That is a data base and what I think Trump is referring to those who are in the US illegally. Trump talks about those here illegally and yes E-Verify is a good system according to employer’s that I have talked to. Just saying.
Nate says
After a year of Trump all of you would be looking for that black boy unquote named Obama. The Trump organization has plenty of undocumented workers. Rarely have I seen so much stupidity in 1 place. OBAMA now and forevermore.
Lois Wenk says
You want a black man. Ben Carson, he is also respectful unlike Trump.
Angryman says
Those STUPID enough to vote EVEN ONCE for Bammy are either liberally minded FOOLS – .already on the government dole OR both.
Bammy is a TRAITOR – LIAR and has earned the nickname
” The Great Deceiver ” to all that actually care to investigate his past.
PAUL says
Hey Nate kiss it
Ernie says
Mary says
Good to know! Thanks! I am a voting for Trump! !
Angryman says
Two candidates make sense in this election –
Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz
I believe that they should team up right now and leave the others behind PERMANENTLY.
Ernie says
You SIR are one of the Smartest MEN in this country >. THEY HAVE MY VOTE
Stephen says
It’s different in that it would violate our 1st amendment rights to freedom of religion. Not all Muslims in this country are immigrants – many of them are Americans who willingly convert to Islam. They would lose their 1st and 4th amendment rights to privacy.
David Easley says
Nicholas MacLeod says
We have laws on the books now that allows the law enforcement agencies to monitor any group religious or otherwise if they are suspected of conducting illegal and or treasonous activity. Trump really isn’t calling for anything new or radical just enforcement of existing laws. We should watch people already here very closely. In Syria ISIS is chopping people’s heads off! As for those coming in, especially from Syria and the middle east, we should have a list of every last one of them and we should watch them very closely!
frank says
do we have any orther way ..
Mary says
Good to know! Thanks! I am a voting for Trump!
Cricky says
Brings to mind the IRS and what they did about people of religion requesting tax they are entitled..strange they sure know how to get our money but can’t serve us without bias?
Rob says
Verify is the same thing. That reporter with the Muslim database hit him during his book signing. It was noisy and I question if he heard the question right because that statement is out of context. He began talking about different things including the wall, but that is not included in the quote.
Republican PACs are going to be running millions of dollars in trump attack ads. One is Trump card plc. The head was fired after 2 days from the Walker campaign for unethical behavior. Bush was said to want to sign on but was worried about a paper trail leading to him. RUBIO and Kasich are also on board. It is said that Trump will lose to Clinton and they can do much better. Well, if they can do much better, why are they so low in the polls? No one wants them!
We will see, but I think the republican party is doing a.huge miscalculation. This is not 1992 all over! Trump is extremely popular, not just on one issue, but many!
I will back him one way or the other!
David Easley says
Mary Widzicki says
It’s not a woman! It’s THAT woman!
frank says
I think a good nan
Frank says
Mary says
I agree! I’m voting for Trump
frederick hubbard says
I hope Donald will stay within the Party, the thing the ” OLD BULLS ” don’t understand is If it hadn’t been for Donald We would have the ratings we have had, also If the old Bulls are planning on trying to do to the membership what was done the election O was first elected where we were more or less had
a different individual placed forward by the “OLD BULLS”.
David Easley says
sonny says
A BULLET would work nicely for the RNC
Mary says
Thank you! I agree Trump is that man for POTUS and the RNC needs to get on board with we the people
Lois Wenk says
Best reason to vote for Carson
betty thompson says
no way Carson is not strong enough to beat Hillary yes Carson is a nice person but that does not work with politicks GO TRUMP STAY WITH US NOW DON’T LET ANYONE GET YOU DOWN YOU ARE TOO BIG A PERSON FOR THAT THANK GOD FOR YOU
Cricky says
not sure about Rubio’s checking account..but he needs to be in his seat where we voted him in to vote on the issues at hand..he has missed waaaay too much because he wants to be president..he needs to fulfill his duty to the Americans to show us he is able first! YOU JUST don’t get elected for a position then not do what you were voted in and expect everyone to move him on up!
Steven says
If the RNC is stupid enough not to back Donald Trump then they will get what they deserve.
I used to call myself Republican no more, they should change the name to the RINO party because that is what it is.
sonny says
AMEN, Steven, they are ALL a bunch of crooks and communist Obama butt kissers. I would like to see most of them DEAD.
Mary says
I agree!
Norma Ibach says
I think Donald Trump is a big mouth Talk is cheep you can say all these things but doing them is a different story he no different the all the other men that want to be President
Norma ibach
David Easley says
Nicholas MacLeod says
Norma it always is all talk by every candidate until they are elected. You don’t get presidential experience until you are elected and serve as president. It only makes sense right? Tump has a proven track record of the highest levels of success in the international real estate market and a number of other businesses. What has any other candidate done? Some govern or represent in the senate or congress, but none have the record of producing jobs and success like Trump. And just about every candidate has flip flopped on one position or another. Even Trump has evolved over time with learning experiences and seeing the failure of some ideas the government has tried in the past. At least we know Trump is for America and Americans first! He wants to help people in war-torn countries, but over there not here. He wants to ensure Americans are as safe as possible.
Mary says
I agree Trump is the most qualified and he has my vote!
Mary Widzicki says
Trump will do what he says! He doesn’t need to suck up!
He has all the $ he needs! Very independent!
Loves this country! Has a very nice family that
stays out of the limelight!
Mark P says
Why else would he be running….he has everything he wants. Running for president is the last thing he should want to put himself through unless he was sincere and really wanted to make a big difference to improve things in this broken country.
Mary says
Trump is the best man for POTUS. .
sonny says
Eddie G. says
Go ahead and vote for Hillary, Norma, then kiss your freedoms goodbye. Hillary is an avowed Marxist and with her credo her first goal is civilian disarmament same as Obama. That second amendment has nothing to do with duck hunting but instead is the essential base of our freedoms. As a result we’ve been government tyranny free for some 200 plus years until Obama and Hillary came along as the biggest threat ever to the American way of life. The goals of both personae is absolute political power. Obama’s done a pretty good job with his coup to screw this country up and Hillary will carry the torch to continue the same only worse. Dumbass Americans like yourself Norma, can’t get their head wrapped around that fact of life. Trump hasn’t professed cheap talk nor has Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. You haven’t heard real facts in so many years, you’re brainwashed by not hearing it any longer. “Hope and Change” was like selling pet rocks to the people and stupidly they lapped it up like barking seals flapping their fins together. So Norma, keep barking while the rest of us keep working to depose these maniacs who think they have a better idea than what this country has represented to the world in over 200 years. If you and your ilk don’t like it here why haven’t you moved to a more socialist country where you’ll be happier? I can tell you why not because your liberal talk is as cheap as it comes minus any cojones whatsoever. Offered a free one way plane ticket to you leftist clowns to another country that embraces your love for what your Democrat party has given you here, you run like mice for the nearest hiding spot and never get on that plane to fly out to your socialist dream destination.
Mary says
Alicia Darlene KIllgore says
I agree, we need some kind of checks and balance. We know nothing about anyone that is coming into our Country. We are not to change to please them . They are suppose to change to our laws as if I were to go to anyone of the peoples country then I would have to change to their laws. Good luck Mr. Trump….But, If your not in the running I would hold my nose and vote for who is running.
Elaine Montgomery says
I don’t believe he’s threatening to run on an independent ticket. I think he’ll just enter the race as a Democrat if he feels inclined.
Zoe Fleming says
My husband and I had been democrats all f our lives. We admire and will vote for Mr Trump we think his business acumen is needed to keep America strong financially. So what if he makes these statements? They will be tempered with his election he isn’t an inside, the rest are.
Mary Widzicki says
Mary says
Appreciate that you and your husband are going to vote for Trump..
Nan says
Mr. Trump fight these bleeding heart Republicans and don’t let them run you from the race on the Republican ticket.
If you do what is right for our country and ask God to lead you in the right way you will be fine.
Close borders let no muslims in the country from any place.Send all illegals out and don’t let them back in.
We should make sure our people have jobs and bring the companies back to provide the jobs
I will pray for you to have wisdom, God can work miracles.
Read Phyllis Schlafy books.She will let you know how to send the illegals packing out of this country.Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams books two good men.
David Easley says
R.Drum says
Ed says
I am not sure trump is the right person to be talking to God. God may not know who trump is.
Bill Lappen says
Do you think God knows Obama?
sonny says
Ed: what a STUPID COMMENT. Religious belief is a PERSONAL thing. Who are YOU to say what Trump or anyone else believes? God may not know who YOU are.
Mark P says
That is a ridiculous statement…does God know who you are?
Mary says
Cricky says
And you playing God and Judging?
Mary Widzicki says
For sure!
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
SO TRUE, and AMEN’- to backing Trump– He is concerned about families,and is not backwards about saying so.–Did you see the Barbara Walters Interview–IT WAS FABULOUS, and for REAL’- Lets’ just PRAY that Trump is out next President’-. then we can say
“THANK YOU GOD”, as lound and openly as we want–and ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’–, and “MERRY CHRISTMAS” can also be heard again.–It is the BETTER person, that also relates to our worlds, not the political correct’, thing that matters.
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
“is our next President” sorry about typos–GOD TRUMP!!–
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
sorry for typo’ again,……; GOOOOOOOOO’- TRUMP’——
Charles E. Miller says
The Republicans made a mistake when they stole the nomination from former President Teddy Roosevelt in 1912 and gave support to President Taft. It lead to the election of Governor Wilson of New Jersey and made the Republicans a “Third Party” that year since Roosevelt came in second in the main election. Do the Republican leaders of today want to make that foolish mistake again? I wonder. Whom are they going to nominate if they have learned anything from the past century: Trump! Do not be foolish party of Lincoln; on the contrary, nominate a winner. We all know who that is, don’t we?
Mary says
I sure do …TRUMP!!
Ron Adams says
Donald Trump is the only one to vote for.
I don’t trust any one ells.
Russ says
Amen to that! Trump 2016!!!
Mark P says
I generally agree with you….but Cruz is also trustworthy.
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
AGREE’ –Cruz, would be really good, if Trump not winner.
Mary says
Wendell says
I don’t blame Donald Trump one bit! The GOP Establishment is treating him like crap. They are actually working against him. It’s unbelievable!
David says
I am with you Wendel! My vote goes to Trump where ever he is.
barbara holroyd says
D onald Trump is the only man suited fo America needs
he is not after a paycheck like all the others .he is the only
honest mah in polls that will secure america.A-man who cares for all being a true resident of USA . GO TRUMP /
bob arnold says
do you really think that the ones that have run a state successfully and have a good record of doing what they said they would do and also are not part of the Washington elite are actually looking for a paycheck, if they were they would not be governors, the best records of running the country when they go right in.then I have a flying pig to sell you
Lois Wenk says
Liberals claim to think I hope that you realize I expect non brainwashed responses.
Heather Winton says
If Trump is being targeted for distruction by a secretive GOP group. They can kiss their butt goodbye .Because no other Republican will be elected. I guess they must be trying to get Hillary elected after all. It’s hard to be the GOP would stoop that low . Trump has everyone running scared except the American People.
Loretta says
Republicans and others are the voters, he’s ahead in every Poll, it’s The People who will elect him, who cares about what The GOP does, I think he’s being treated fairly. It’s the Left Wing media who is trying to scare the Republicans to Not Vote for him. Wise up people.
Mary Widzicki says
Most of the news channels are slanted to the left!
They are hoping that there are people who will think their telling the truth
And not vote! They lie!
Right after 1st debate a young Hispanic woman said that some of her friends
Are disgusted w/the turn of events & they are going to vote for Trump
Just not telling friends & family! I do believe that their are many that are frightened
And will do the same!
R.Drum says
Good Show Wendy Trump-2016
Mary says
I agree!! RNC needs to get on the Trump Train with the Americans who want to make America Great Again! !
Glenda says
Why does the media and other GOP make such a deal of this database idea? We have a database on all of our citizens. We should know who is among us. He is not trying to discriminate, he is trying to protect our country
Just like Carson said we need a way to check all of the people coming into the Unites States . No matter who they are !
Mary Widzicki says
Mary says
It’s just the media reporting negative things about Trump.. Trump will do the right things for our country.. I don’t even care what they have to say.. I care about what Trump says and IT SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!!!
Dora Gourley says
This is old news. Trump has said many times he is a Republican.
B. Monger says
My son along with many other soldiers were submitted to water boarding as well as bright lights and loud music for sleep depravation so the y would know what it is like. I am in favor of using it where necessary. If our own military intellegence service are subjected to it why not terrorists.
bob arnold says
you are right of course now the terrorist no that we are not going to hurt them by waterboarding it definitely is not that affective
Mary says
Charles E. Miller says
If you are wise, you will publish my comment. It comes from history and one should learn from that. Isn’t that true?
Dawn Simmons says
It is true the Republican Party is not happty with Trump’s lead..they want one of their own be it: Rubio or Bush
the do not get the ‘silent majority’ are fed up with the crap in DC…..if he goes it alone he will still win…he does not need their money…we are just plain tired of the current administraion…the polls are a joke…he could beat Hillary anyday of the week.
Rob says
You bet!!!
Earl says
replace Reinse Previus first off, Term limits next. No reason for any politician to be in longer than 2 terms. do away with electorial college, when it is debate time…like now…after the 3rd debate if you dont have 10% or better, you are gone. Why do the blithering idiots with 1,2, or 3 percent or negative 1 percent even want to stay in when they know they cant get a higher percent. How the hell do you register negative 1 or 2 percent???? Laugh if you may…how about the Tea Party and Sarah Palin??? I really feel the republican party is on the way out.
Mary Widzicki says
I believe you’re right!
Mary says
Yes!!!! I agree!!!
rosie6600 says
The Republican establishment dreads a Trump presidency because they have absolutely no control over him, and that’s Trump’s greatest selling point.
Mary Widzicki says
The person that wins: has the most money because Money equals Power!
bob arnold says
Mary says
Yes it is!
Julie says
Very true, nor does wall street or the Bilderberg group…check them out on Info War
W.Smith says
Trump’s innuendo that he may run as an independent hurts his credibility re earlier claimed support for the party nominee.
David says
Don’t be so foolish. If the RNC changes their position it is only fair for Trump to do so also!
DW says
Mary says
Yes it is! GO TRUMP FOR POTUS 2016!!!
Nicholas MacLeod says
That’s BULL SLOP! He didn’t say he was running as a third party candidate. He said he would have to consider things “IF” the GOP doesn’t treat him fairly! The GOP also took an oath…to treat the candidates fairly. Why is there a group of established republican party members trying to bring down THE FRONT RUNNER??? Why did they hire Rick Wilson who called for the donor class to shoot Donald Trump? The GOP is losing all their credibility! Trump is going to win this election whether they like it or not because “we the people” are fed up with all the games and false promises of the establishment parties. Trump will beat all republican comers in the primaries and the liar, murderess Hillary Clinton in the general election. He will win as a republican or as an independent because we are going to vote for him and not the party! If the GOP doesn’t straighten out I’m not going to vote for ANY republican, and I’ll encourage everyone to do the same!
Mary Widzicki says
Mary says
Lois Wenk says
He is upset because the GOP is. The truth is this rich man is used to being cow towed to
Cricky says
Again I will repeat this for all to see…I HOPE! Last week on a news show they had David Avella (GOPAC) as guest. He said GOP would not have any outsiders. I heard I tweeted him and asked. Here is copy of my question and his answer which he DID NOT say on TV..he just said point blank No OUTSIDERS for the GOP
Nov 14
@david_avella Why are you (GOPAC) ignoring “outsiders”? If you really want to look at “outsiders” is Rubio and Cruz Natural Born Americans?
David Avella
Nov 14
@kligup53 Not ignoring. Pointing out that GOP Primary voters have not nominated one since 1940.
1940 was NEVER mentioned that I heard! EVERY Republican should call the GOP on this!
Charles E. Miller says
As an historian, I see a repetition of 1912 coming. When we they ever learn?
BA, Old Dominion University; MA, Liberty University School of Divinity
Elaine says
So what, this is new?!??? Why do you keep trying to “hit” Donald Trump for saying what most constituents think and feel? I’m beginning to think I made a mistake subscribing to your emails, this is useless information.
Mary says
I agree and if these attacks on Trump don’t stop I will unsubscribe from the horn news. I don’t think they will care though because the want to influence the people against Trump.. I’m not influence by no one.. I love what Trump has to say and you can tell he is a True Patriot! I will vote for him!!
Jim Vallance says
Trump is ahead because he tells it like it is. No white wash and stepping around questions. The GOP isn’t ready to do that. SO if Mr. Trump leaves the GOP Party he still has my support.
The GOP party today isn’t the GOP party President Reagan represented years back. This one has no balls.
bob arnold says
and you do not think that Christie has no balls, think again
Mary says
Frankie Mary Alexander says
I Stand Up Strong Beside of Donald Trump. He Will Clean Up America And Save All Of Our Lives. Vote For Donald Trump 2016 Trump For President !! Mary 🙂
Mary says
I agree and Trump has my vote
Dennis says
Who the hell says Trump would win in the GOP? If you believe the Fox Republican cable channel Polls of mostly bias right wing nut dirt bags you have problems?
Cricky says
actually Fox News is looking more and more left wing to me!
Lavonia H. Hollinger says
The GOP had better get used to Mr. Trump running for president and had better support him TOO. He will take a great many people with him if he has to run as a Third party candidate. I feel part of the GOP’s problem is his unwillingness to be controlled by them and that is part of his appeal. They would like to see that milk-toast, jeb bush get the nomination. We lost Virginia governorship because of the GOP and they have yet to explain anything about it. I really think they wanted someone else to get the nomination and they lost all the way round and so did we the people.
Mary says
I’m voting for Trump!! Not the RNC.. I AGREE AND WELL SAID! !
Rc says
Mary says
Joe says
A very misleading title…basically a lie!
Media often tries to make a conflict when there isn’t really one, because it captures attention. (In a sense they try to “make the news” instead of report or talk about it). This is a perfect example. Trump never says “I’ll run against you” An attempt to pigeon hole him into saying such was made by ABC when they asked what would you do if GOP opponents try to “take you out”…a very defensive question. If Trump,myself, or anyone else is treated unfairly, it is a normal and good idea to keep options open to not be wronged. You may imply that he would keep his options open and he should. He did the wise thing and did not directly say this despite George Stephanopoulos trying to force him into a yes or no response. Despite this The Horn prints the title “Trump to GOP: I’ll run against you”
Mary says
The media is always trying to say something to make the people turn against Trump.. IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN! The silent majority has been awaken by the TRUMP!!!
Jack C. Newkirk says
If he doesn’t get the nomination, (which I hope he doesn’t) that would be the stupidest thing that he could do. I have ben saying for about three weeks, we cannot trust Donald Trump. He is running his campaign just like Obama is running his presidency; with intimidation, name calling, attacking people, selfishness, and evasiveness on the issues. He is an overrated gameshow host that thinks he can buy the presidency.
bob arnold says
you are right and I do not think he can win over Hillary
Robert in Tn says
Jack! you need to get your mouth and brains out of your A&&& thats where your crap comes from. Go get on Billery and Hillarrry show
Mary says
Mary says
Pam Ela says
Hang in there Mr. Trump. Do not divide us. That makes the Democrats stronger. The more the GOP attacks you; the more they show their true greedy colors.
bob arnold says
divide us he is the first one to do that
Nicholas MacLeod says
Your headline is not at all in keeping with the Trump statement. Why didn’t you add “if they don’t treat me fairly?” Your quote presupposes that the GOP WILL treat Trump UNFAIRLY! And, if the GOP or you, think the election will be easily won by Clinton if Trump runs as an Independent, then it behooves them to treat him FAIRLY! This Horn News is turning out to be just like all the rest! Sensationalized statements to grab a headline. Very poor reporting. Why don’t you include the full crux of a person’s remarks before writing your article? You wind-up slanting the story to advance your agenda which probably is to get another eGOP candidate elected that is owned by the billionaire donor class! At least Trump is his own man, and is spending his own money! And I may add he is doing so at a much more efficient rate than the other candidates!
Sandra says
Everything Donald Trump has said, has come to happen. I’m behind Donald Trump 100 percent. Trump can save this country. Trump has the business mind and backbone to save America. There again Everything Trump has said has happen… And I know Trump can do what he says he will do, and he will do it!!!!
Mary says
I agree 100%
Danny Stewart says
I will vote for Trump regardless of how he runs.
Mary Widzicki says
Mary says
Me too!!
Loretta says
I consider myself an independent, however, if Trump leaves the GOP, he’s lost me my family and friends. I’ve campaign for him and convinced them to vote for Trump, they are Not all Republican, most were for Rubeo or Cruz. Don’t know Why he thinks GOP is treating him unfairly, he has the highest numbers in the poll. Let him drop out and Rubeo or Cruz can take over. Trump will let them know THEY won, they were able to push him out, unless Trump is tired if running, however I’ve never thought if him as a quiter.
Nicholas MacLeod says
Why does he think they are treating him unfairly? Wow, don’t you read the news? The GOP has hired a number of party operatives with the expressed purpose to bring him down! Read the news! Look at the jerk they hired, Rick Wilson, who earlier this month called for the donor class to shoot Trump! He actually posted that on Twitter! You really need to look at what is going on and why! They are afraid of Trump because he is for America and not just the big billionaires who take American jobs and ship them overseas. If you’ve campaigned for Trump as you claim to have done, you would already know these things and more! Read Trump’s book Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again! He has a plan to bring America back to it’s once great place. An example of freedom and democracy. A country where anything was possible for all Americans!
Mary Widzicki says
Yes! Don’t believe the media! They are out to get him! He knows that!
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
AGREE–Our only hope is through TRUMP–, His words’,– “”I AM NOT A QUITTER””.
Mary says
Robert in Tn says
Loretta, u are a complete idiot. Donald Trump is going in with landslide, whether, REP or independent. this election may turn out it did when Harry Truman , was elected. party shut him out and they laughed at him and he ran as independent , and went in with land slide. same thing will happen with Donald Trump
bob barnes says
Trump is right, do what you have to do to keep us all safe, as for how to send the people back to mexico, they walked to the usa, let them walk back, that is not impossible , because they for the most part, walked here.
Dale DuBois says
If Trump does go independent we can blame the Republican Party. From the start the start the Republican party had their minds set on another Bush. I think if the Republican party does get Trump pissed enough to leave and run as an independent there will be lots of voters that will follow Trump and that will be the end of the Republican Party. The American peoples thinking will be that the Republican Party ran off the best candidate ever and that’s what I think as I will vote for Trump.
David says
I agree!
bob arnold says
then welcome Hillary as the next president if Trump leaves and runs as a third party and all the idiots that thought he was so great and vote for him
Robert in Tn says
Bob Arnold sounds like you are the idiot
Charles E. Miller says
Running as an Independent will not hurt Trump; however, it will harm the GOP. Again I say: Remember Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson. Governor Wilson, a Democrat, became our president. Do you want Hillary or worse Sanders?
When will you ever learn?
drbhelthi says
American citizens have not elected an American president since James E. Carter of Plains, Georgia. The 1980 “October Surprise” coup-treason, by (CIA) George HW Bush and William Casey, interfered with an honest election in 1980. Since then, American voters only press the desired buttons. The voter-machine programming decides to whom the vote is assigned. The procedure will be repeated in 2016, if a US Presidential election occurs.
My prediction is that with a genuine election, voting machines programmed honestly, Trump would win whether as GOP or as 3rd party candidate. Americans who pledge 1st allegiance to the USA are “fed up” with the parasites who pledge 1st allegiance to a foreign country.
Charles E. Miller says
President Carter is a great-grandson of Andrew Cowan and I am a great-grandson of Charles Edward Cowan. What does this mean? We are cousins! I voted for him in 1976 and made the biggest mistake of my life. We had the worst interest rates of all time. Loan rates were at over 20% and unemployment was higher than during the Great Depression of 1929. Cousin Jimmy made Herbert Hoover look good. Therefore, I voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and within a few months I had a fantastic job. Interest rates and unemployment were back at respectable levels. Reagan was a New Deal Democrat who become a Republican. Jimmy was nothing but an Eisenhower Republican running as a Democrat. In 1958 and 1960, the country also had economic troubles. Don’t tell me about the great James Earl Carter.
Charles Miller
Former Officer, Bank of America
Rosa says
What’s the difference in a database of gun registration whenever a person buys a gun and a Muslim database?? Every person that carries a gun must register. In this country we must carry a license to drive & hunt so what’s the difference? I’m not ashamed to tell anyone my religion and I was born here. What’s the big deal with registered Muslims?? Especially if they have nothing to hide
David says
I agree with you!
Margarita says
I like Señor Trump and I will vote for whatever party he chose to participate. What the GOP is doing is not right and they don’t realize that Señor Trump is the best candidate. He’s the only candidate that will make our America Great Again and if Señor Trump is not our next president our America IS DOOMED.
Wells says
Thrum has already done well for our USA
PC is out the door
Calling the media out for who they are
Let’s it be known he would Debate Obama !! Like to
See that Trump 2016 !!! Go Trum
karen cherubini says
If they do not accept him as their candidate he has every right to run as an independent. He definitely has many people who believe in his beliefs
frederick hubbard says
We understand You are still a democrat, however it seems You are truly making an effort
to be fair to Republicans when You interview them, that I salute You for. I think Donald Trump has awaken those Republicans as well as Right Leaning Democrats. Many in both party’s feel We Need New Blood, but We also need Experienced Leadership in this Next General Election. This Nation must have a steady Hand at the Helm, I look at Hillary and
sadly from my observation I see very Little their. She doesn’t cut a candle to Bill, Sorry,
but from my observation.
George, I lived 4 years in the middle east from 1964 thru 1968 and I have seen many things as I will be 73 in December But WE are TRULY facing a ” THIRD WORLD WAR “..
We need to understand Most Muslim’s Place their Religion above that of their entire Family.
To advance their Religion they can lie, kill, cheat or steal if their actions will enhance the growth of their religious Convictions. Sadly down the road we are going to truly find out more of the truth, I just hope Some Great Individuals within our Nation has the wisdom
to understand as it’s like a train on the tracks with NO Breaks.
Good Luck and God Bless You,
Frederick Hubbard, Alma, Arkansas.
([email protected]) .
Tom Parent says
I would love to see Trump as president and either Fiorina or Carson as a running mate. These three all have more qualifications of any who have served in a long time. They have proven intellect and management skills under pressure.
Johm says
The Republican party should start to back Trump. Most of the people are not looking at Trump as a Republican, but he is for the American people. He is going to win the President election. The GOP needs to get on board, they are out of the loop and not connecting with the people, because they really are not door the people. That is why Romney could not win. Trump has the people vote, wake up GOP stop attacking Trump. Trump is going to win.
Kent says
There are a good number of ideas out there to solve our nations problems. Trump does not looks like he wants to rule any out at this time and appears willing to listen to the people and engage in discussion and analysis of all reasonable ideas at the proper time unlike our current person in the white house who does whatever he wants and whatever he can get away with, legal or otherwise, ethically or otherwise, morally or otherwise. Trump is a leader who coordinates people and ideas and get results. I am sure that the ideas change course somewhat as they move through the vetting process. Our current occupant looks more like a socialist dictator severely agitated when anyone does not agree with him.
OldRockerguy says
The IRS has a database on every LEGAL American citizen. The IRS and the Dept. of Justice have gone after conservative organizations that are composed of American patriots that want to preserve our freedoms and constitutional rights. Why is that okay but tracking people that have proclaimed over and over again that they are at war with us is not okay? In my opinion the biggest threat to our national security is our federal government, their associates in the liberal news media, and the idiots in our country that believe all the BS that the media spews.
Don Green says
The republican party every election cannot get together. Why is the GOP trying to take Trump down because I think the GOP people like Carl Rowe and others want have a job. Donald Trump is a conservative and he is the best candidate to get this country on the right track. Go Trump!
cheryl says
It is RIDICULOUS that the GOP has not completely gotten BEHIND their front runner and given him 100% SUPPORT!! Trump is NOT the one talking about an independent run… this IS the MEDIA as usual. BUT the GOP needs to STOP playing these games if they WANT to Win the WH!! This is how they LOSE every election! Just the way they just lost the Governorship in Louisiana! They are too busy running around trying to cram Bush & Rubio down the voters throats and IT IS NOT WORKING!! WE DO NOT WANT the same people who have LIED and changed their positions based on public sentiment ONLY to get in their and do NOTHING! Donald Trump IS the PEOPLE’S candidate and has brought MILLIONS more voters to the Republican Party! It is OVER for the others and the RNC NEEDS to step in now and UNITE the Party behind the front runner!
Joie Thomas says
The Grand Old Party GOP may be corrupt, as are the individuals in it. Donald J. Trump is the obvious CHOICE of the larger percentage of the American People of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…maybe HE and WE THE PEOPLE are tired of being railroaded by greedy, self serving POLITICIANS….He is a PATRIOT, and we want and need him…Perhaps they should listen to the VOICE OF THE AMERICAN CITIZENS!
teddura says
amen to that !
G. Smith says
I am a 79 year old conservative patriot and have voted republican all my life.
Today it seems the significant difference between Rhino’s running the party and the Democrat party is brazenness. Whereas the Dem’s openly flaunt the Constitution, preach confiscation of privately owned guns, celebrate the continuing mass murder of the unborn and partial born, and seek to buy votes via mass illegal immigration the Rhino’s on the other hand do pretty much the same thing by sneaking in through the back door and pretending opposition.
I will support only Trump (#2) or Cruz (#1) because they are both strong, anti-establishment candidates that tell it like it is.
teddura says
cruz cannot be president–not natural born citizen, born in canada only accepted US citizenship a few yrs ago–but he could be VP, IF TRUMP GETS OFFED THE SPEAKER WILL BECOME PRESIDENT AS CRUZ CANNOT ASSUME THAT POSITION–
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
You saying that one not even able to show a birth’-certificate from U S, can and is considered’ ‘commander in chief’–,
but a real U S citizen, cannot become our needed President, –Things are very messed up, and have been for going on 8 yrs.–No dis’respect, just FACTS. and SAD ones at that. No matter who or what, as said, ” A PERSON IS ONLY AS GOOD AS THEIR WORD “. that too is a FACT’-.
Dan Perez says
Donald Trump is the only candidate who can do whats best for this great nation. What ever happened with the GOP, I will vote for Donald Trump. Go Donald go..
Kathy Walker says
I dont care if he is republican or a independent I will vote for Trump he’s the last hope that we have from all the corrupt mess in this U.S.
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
Wells says
Trump 2016 hey Rinos you better wise up !
He goes third party Hilary may win
Rinos may be okay with that – As long as know one bothers
Their agenda and greed
LeeShoup says
i think that the last thing nwen need is another politician as president. Especially not hillare the murderer and lier she should be in prison for what she has done to this country.If she gets elected she will be worse than obama. Then we all can bend over and kiss our asses goodbye.
Djm4706 says
Trump is the only candidate that says what most conservative citizens believe and stand for. We are tired of liberal RINOs that side with Obama on virtually everything. They only offer rhetoric but no action. Trump will not stand for that and will not be controlled by whatever power that is behind both the democ-rats and the so-called republicans. If he does run as third party, he has my vote!
Lois Wenk says
I know a lot of conservatives who are not represented by Trump nor his rude and disrespectful behavior.
LeeShoup says
fine remove my comment
Pete Daily says
Of course a database is required on refugees, especially when there is a risk that some may be dangerous. The government keeps data on everyone anyway, which can be sorted under any parameter including religion, so what’s the big deal. Nevertheless, the US should be open to receiving a lot more refugees from countries like Syria, which their actions have caused to destabilize. Both Syria and Iraq were safe places for Christians before the US and allies started meddling in their affairs.
Jimmie Bowling says
I am with Donald. Wherever he goes, I go. If he chooses to break with GOP and go it as an Independent, I am with him.
Virginia Kinser says
Hey, I agree with Donald Trump on a lot of things. It is muslin terrorists you can’t change the name to suit this president we have now. Remember in his book he said, “I will always stand with muslins.” And he is, as I haven’t seen anything from him about all those Christians that were beheaded. They should put all muslins in a data base as they are the ones that are killing innocent people. There are good muslins, but why don’t they all speak out against theses terrorists? I haven’t seen any have you? And I don’t trust letting all the refugees that Obama wants to come to our country. We can’t afford them, take care of our Veterans, our seniors, and give the young kids a chance to have a better life. Put Americans first as we will be footing this bill also. Take back our America and vote out people who aren’t for the American people.
Randall L Scott says
The GOP is fighting a losing battle- I do not get it-They need to get behind Trump and take ahint-we the people are fed up with the establishment GOP. As to trump saying he would build a Muslim database-False-listen to the actual remarks by the reporter that invented that propoganda
Kathy Hadley says
In my opinion, I KNEW he’d turn the tables and run as an independent, therefore, splitting the Republican votes so that the Democrats win. He didn’t become a shrewd businessman by being a concerned, humble, sensitive guy to the companies that he runs! He is out to win his pursuit of dividing Republicans! PEOPLE WISE UP!!!
Lois Wenk says
Speak the truth more!
Henry Saltsman says
To presume without foundation, that if Mr. Trump were to move away from the GOP, it would be a win for Clinton, is not just a scare tactic by the Republicans, but stands an equal chance that, because of the flawed Democratic field, a new vision for the direction of America would be joined and endorsed by many who are not interested in voting for the GOP. Though many identify with the GOP, they may not endorse the GOP agenda, entirely. A third party candidate would provide an option which is currently unavailable, thereby allowing a more conservative American option. Is this not the original concept established by the Constitution?
Clearly neither party have been effective, in their own right, in preventing many of the plagues which have metastasized in the American culture since Woodrow Wilson and FDR. I could expound on these beliefs, but I believe it to not be necessary.
I see America as being more and more disenfranchised with the two-party system as evidenced in the ever mounting discontent and spirit of hatred. A new party that would put God back in the formula, put individualism back in vogue and educate our children deeply and thoroughly to not depend on government for hand-outs and to create their own futures, I believe could and would gather much steam.
We could refer to ourselves as the “Founders Party” and put America closer to the center than either of the other parties. While they continue to attack each other in an effort to pat themselves on their backs with greater vigor, the “Founders Party” would be busy restoring the values that made “America Great” beginning with an unintimidated, brash but honest Christian leader in Mr. Donald Trump!
Denis says
What’s with all the BIG-ASS panic, anyway. You idiots that are screaming about this list and monitoring Muslims??? The government already knows more about you than you know yourself. Try making a non-politically correct comment on the internet that sounds threatening and the Feds will kick your door in. Who gives a damn unless you have something to hide. I think every one of the Muslims should be on a monitoring watchlist. Get over it!
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
“If you can’t talk about it–, DON’T do it”. and always ASK GOD first, before you do anything.–HIS’ yes or no, is the only answer.
Earl meyers says
Trump will win
Bill Vaughan says
How can we support all the refugees coming in from Syria but cannot give our seniors a raise in the Social Security Program. We never hear that Welfare that welfare may end but we always hear that Social Security will. What is going on!!!
Jan says
I go with Trump regardless. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party have degenerated into pond scum living of the American people. This scum is now allied with TV and cable Media to pile on aand destroy any candidate from outside the crime family.
We need a third party and term limits.
Charles E. Miller says
I must agree that a new political party is needed. Two parties do not represent the total scope of political beliefs in this country. I am a social conservative and a fiscal liberal; therefore, I represent the views of Harry Truman, Jack Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. You could say that I could be a Rockefeller Republican also. The parties today do not represent me at all. Democrats are mostly social liberals and fiscal conservatives. In other words, they are really Eisenhower Republicans. Bill Clinton said to his cabinet: “We are all Eisenhower Republicans here.” That is why the economy went do the tubes near the end of his second term. George W. Bush also represented the same views as the Clintons. He was an Eisenhower Republican. That is why the economy was so much in a mess during his two administrations. Obama is also a part of this mold. In my opinion, he is at heart a Moslem also and that is why he will not go along with President Putlin against ISIS. I am a child of the cold war; therefore, I never thought I would say that the Russians are right that ISIS must be destroyed. We also do not need Jeb Bush since he is also an Eisenhower Republican. He will ruin this country.
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
What we need is –, If we are allowed to vote one in, then we certainly should be allowed to vote them out, in the same way.–
Teachers are hired, and FIRED, when they do not do their jobs, in TEACHING correctly, or, if they are not a benefit.–I do not see where we have benefited for several years,and NO I am not taking sides, just facts, and “ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER’ THAN WORDS”.
There has been allot of ACTIONS’, spoken.–NOT to our benefit. We do need out Social Security that WE have PAID in years ahead of time, again years’ ahead of time, to help SUPPORT US, –. Where is the database on that?– TRUMP, please help us’– in that way too. Lets get the right one in there this time–“”GO FORWARD’–TRUMP!!– GO FORWARD”-
Dennis says
The Republicans are in a chess game with the Democrats to see who gets to be the “lead puppet” controlled by “big money”!
How many of these @$$ clown politicians are in it for the people that elect them or the constitution?
Hitlery is just the absolute worst of the lot! If she gets elected, then that just goes to show the country is hopeless! And, you better prepare for the worst!
Earl meyers says
Who runs the country? It’s a republic. The electoral college does. Not the republican party, not the media. They want to, but with Trump, they can’t. Rubio is Repub version Of President BO. No experience but a fast talker.
Lawrence O'Connell says
I recently heard over the weekend that George Stephanopoulos said that Donald Trump was wrong when he said that the Arabs we’re cheering in the streets in NJ when the World Trade Center was bombed. Trump was correct… A week after 9/11 I was doing a radio commercial at CBS and made a comment that in Patterson NJ they we’re cheering in the streets and the studio director said to me at the time yes I was correct and that CBS had it on film. Donald Trump is the best that we have today and true Americans know it.
Dolores F. Tamoria says
The GOP does not own your vote. You can vote for anyone you please write-in’s included. If the GOP is determined to field their own candidate it does not effect the vote of their candidate unless you chooses to let. Our votes on the ballots at the polling place are what counts. Hillary is not a threat that they make her out to be. She’s a pile of crap and the Democrats know it. Don’t be fooled by these straw polls they are conjured up to show what they want you to see and believe. If you are a fool enough to believe them and sit out the election you will be the cause of a loss.
Ralph says
If the GOP would like to still be operating in the future they need to get behind Trump for we will be backing trump no matter were he is running and we will take down every thing that is not for him
Anthony says
Trump is the best hope to salvage this U.S.A. Anyone that thinks old Hill or any of the other “candidates” could do a better job than Trump, is an idiot to the core including liberals of course. TRUMP will handle it 180 degrees from our So-called-leader!
If you vote Trump, you get the Real America. If you are silly enough to vote ole Hill or any other, you will virtually have a leader with no backbone at all.
You will eat it, I assure you, YOU WILL , and will rue the day that you didn’t VOTE TRUMP!
A.W. says
Swampfox1965 says
I believe the headline is wrong. Trump did NOT say whether he would or would not mount a third party run. According to the article he said, “I will see what happens.”
I was starting to gain a little respect for the man, and at one time even considered voting for him in the primary. If he doesn’t get the nomination and does in fact mount that third party bid, I’ll have to consider him for what he truly would be: a spoiled brat more interested in himself than the nation. Kinda like the Democrat he used to claim to be.
teddura says
THE REPUBLICAN party has always been pro business and anti american in general–Trump is self funded, owes no one,tells it like it is, anti-politically correct and speaks the truth no BS –yes he has a love em hate’em personality, way better than the rest of the crappy candidates out their–Hillary can’t and won’t win regardless this is not a country of dems and repubs the average joe could give a crap for either party–america is in dire need of changes, Trump is the only one with the balls to do the hard choices for america–i defy anyone to dispute that !!so forget the pundits that say if Trump runs he’ll give the white house to hillary thats pundit scare tactics not founded in anything–HILLARY IS NOT THAT POPULAR— AMERICA HAS FIGURED OUT HOW BAD SHE REALLY IS.
pauly pickles says
Go Donald go. I’ll see you at your swearing in on 2017.
Charles E. Miller says
I also wish this blog had a way to correct spelling errors. I noticed that I made a few mistakes. I am having trouble with my keyboard. It sometimes does not type a little that I had put down.
Charles E. Miller says
Oh, little was meant to be letter. I know how to spell. Please give us the ability to correct or edit our mistakes.
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
Yes, AGREED’-, I have made several mistakes–and YES’- we need an edit option–, PLEASE’-.
Charles E. Miller says
I wish to make one more comment. The Republican Party has not always been for big business. Just look at Abe Lincoln, Wendell Wilke, and Teddy Roosevelt. They were pro-labor Republicans. Teddy Roosevelt even proposed a National Health Insurance Program in his 1912 campaign.
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
It has gotten to where, if one hears or, sees the word ‘WORK’–they just run. No one wants to put forth physical effort anymore….and look at all the medically sick people in the world now. A little physical work is Healthy and,Great for the body. –‘works’ wonders–
Cynthia MILLER'- skaggs says
When was the last time you worked in your own yard, or even mowed your own yard?
Charles E. Miller says
I was a Bank Executive for thirty years and I later became a school teacher. Before I became too old and sick to do the work I once did, I would also work in my yard and enjoy it. I have diabetes and problems with my heart. I also have asthma. I am unable to do the things I once did. I even worked as a supply pastor for the Southern Baptist Convention. Do not judge me, madam. What I receive, I earned. People sometimes need help. Even President Theodore Roosevelt knew that. Perhaps you need to do more reading. I was an international executive with Bank of America. What did you do? If Trump’s followers feel that way, I may vote in the Democratic Primary for Sanders. I do not agree with his social liberalism; however, he is right with his economics. It seems you want to drive people away from Trump.
Charles E. Miller says
Cynthia dear!
You haven’t answer my question about your life. What was your career? I was an executive with Bank of America. What did you do? Cook hamburgers at McDonald’s. I wonder. Please do respond.
Sy says
Remember… was under President Herbert Hoover, a great, but much maligned, Conservative/Republican, that the Social Security system was proposed and would have been enacted had he not been smooth talked out of the Presidency by FDR who was much like smooth talking Barach Hussain O……
Charles E. Miller says
There is some truth to that. Also, it is true that President Hoover passed unemployment insurance. I know about that. Franklin Roosevelt was not like his uncle in law, TR. FDR was originally a conservative Democrat. You did not know that, did you. As the governor of New York, FDR agreed with President Hoover. It was only later in 1932 that Hoover’s economics was doing nothing. Adam Smith’s invisible hand did not exist.
Charles E. Miller says
I also must disagree with you concerning FDR. Ronald Reagan liked FDR until the day he died.
Shocker says
The RNC is not listening to the people. They have their own agenda; To get Jeb elected so they will have another New World Order puppet in office. People are tired of Bushes, and many Democrats are tired of Hillary, but would vote Democrat if they ran Satan himself. Which probably isn’t that far from Hillary. I’ve had my suspicions about Trump, if he was a shill for Hillary, but I think as a businessman, he sees how the government is driving businesses into the ground, and really does want to shake things up. Build up our military, see that Vets are treated better, make the government more business friendly, instead of smothering them under a ton of federal regulations. and enforce immigration laws. I suggest that the RNC treat Trump fairly, and don’t pull dirty tricks, like keeping him off the primary ballot in key states. If they do, I would not blame Trump for running as a 3rd party candidate and handing Hillary the presidency.
JDHise says
I will vote for Donald Trump if he does decide the RNC is against him. I ask all voters, when a party decides it wants to destroy one of its own, would you stay in that party Well, I guess some would, I would not. Go Trump.
Verna Whitney says
Obama was a neighborhood advisor when the Democratic party picked him to run for office.
Clifton Webster says
I’m seeing both sides go to Donald Trump. People are sick of business as usual in DC. I do not see Trump losing. If I have to I will make my own sign vote for change put in Donald. Maybe once there he will put in term limits for congress also. Lobbyist will hate him because they lose their power also.
A.W. says
Donald says
Maybe because of him being a landslide at this time would be a great time for the Independent party to fix the broken system we have today. Everyone knows this two party system is all for them and screw us so if we smart people stand up with him we can win our country back from the backstabbing MFR’s the dumbies voted in. Don’t run away from our new President ! not now ! or you will be the reason Killery get elected.
A.W. says
Charles R Moore Sr. says
Trump pledged to not run as a third party candidate. He has my vote for the nomination if he plays by the rules. All may not be fair in the nomination process, but if he can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. In the end he has to be more specific on all subject matter. To hand Hillary the nomination would be obscene by any stretch of the imagination.
Charles E. Miller says
Were your parents Mitchell and Inez Moore? I was just wondering if you were the son of Mitchell and Inez.
Henry says
Republicans! Get ready for history to repeat itself. Who remembered when Ron Paul ran 3rd Party? It split the Republican vote and the Democrats walked into the White House. If Trump goes 3rd Party, Hillary Clinton will get a free ride into the White House. Add into the mix those States that plan on having ballot initiatives to legalize marijuana and the Youth vote will come out in droves. That being the case, Hillary Clinton will be riding into The White House on a white stallion.
Terry says
What is it that you people don’t understand about the GOP they are the ” Establishment ” and don’t want their apple cart turned upside down and they know that Trump is going to do just that. If we write him in on a third party we give it to Hillary so we have to let them know that we WANT TRUMP and they will suffer at the polls if they don’t nominate him. Lets be smart about this !!!!!
Charles E. Miller says
Please review my suggested amendments to the office of vice president and the Supreme Court. What do you think?
Charles E. Miller says
It seems that Ms. Cynthia Miller is judgmental against handicapped people. Her day will come since it comes to us all. Then she will be crying for help. I wish you had been born one hundred years ago. Then you would know what life really is. You know nothing.
Justin W says
All the Republican presidential candidates deserve fair treatment from the party. The primary voters should be the ones who choose the nominee, not party bigwigs. Donald Trump, much like Mitt Romney in 2012, has a financial advantage over the rest of the field. He can wait for the others to run out of money and pick up the remaining delegates. That’s a great way to win a convention and, if the voters aren’t behind you, it is a great way to lose the general election.
In the next few days most people are going to shift their attention to the holidays. When people turn their attention to politics in early 2016 someone else may be at the top of the polls.
I think Donald Trump is like the rest of us on the refugee issue. We want to make sure this doesn’t become the biggest Trojan Horse in world history. We need to work out how we can reject the possible terrorists before the refugees are allowed onto American soil.
wendy says
If the GOP is smart and wants to win, they better keep their mouths shut regarding Donald Trump! He could, in fact, run as an independent which would make Hillary our next President. The others need to quit and rally behind Trump as their front runner. He is going nowhere but up based on all of these comments The others need to quit already. I heard the Ohio guy, Kaisch (?) is going to run smear ads against Donald. He’s the last person that I would vote for……….too whiney!!
Al says
I am a long time Republican. If Trump loses to one of the other candidates in a fair election, I will vote for the Republican, but if Trump is not treated fairly by the party establishment, I will vote for Trump or not vote. I don’t care if Hillary gets elected. It is ridiculous that the establishment is trying to get Trump beat. Can you imagine what his numbers against Hillary would be if the party was supporting him. I have confidence that Trump will beat Hillary if the party will just stay out of the way. If they try to take down Trump, I and many others will support an effort to start a third party for the next election. The establishment needs to stay out of this and then support the candidate who wins. To take down Trump is to destroy the party’s chances in the next election. It will be the fault of the establishment not Trump.
Charles E. Miller says
Please review my suggested amendments below. What do you think?
tom says
If trumps leaves we will follow so if I was the GOP I would get on board or they will lose Trumps what we need and the GOP will hear Americans one way or another.
Roy Engstrom says
Your headline is false, as Trump just said he needs to be treated fairly, as he, like all of his supporters, is becoming aware of all the Dirty Tricks the RNC has pulled and the intensification intended for those Dirty Tricks in the future. We are all sick of you and the other Bought and Paid For so-called conservative news sites are acting — quit acting like Leftist MSM swine or suffer the results of being Traitors.
Sy says
Nearly all things that Trump says needed to be said. The way he says them, however, is so obnoxious and, for such a brilliant man, seemingly contrived that I cannot help but wonder if he does not, in fact, want to irritate the Republican power brokers so much that they successfully will oppose his nomination and give him an excuse to run as an independent. His doing so surely will result in Hillary’s election. This was the original goal of the Hillary/Donald coalition that was forged at the Donald’s wedding that Hillary attended. Next…….Donald as Secretary of State!!!!!!!
Roy Engstrom says
I find your writing and stand so obnoxious, the RNC simply does not like Trumps stance on Immigration and they have been out to get him ever since he took that stance. They would also go after Cruz that same way if he was leading as they hate him even more for his Tea Party positions.
These pigs (the Beltway Donor Party RNC) are not playing fair and are using constant Dirty Tricks. Carl Rove and several other of his cohorts have invented several serial Dirty Tricks to STOP TRUMP. The Donor Pigs are all about Cheap Labor and nothing else, and they want the hordes of Immigrants to keep coming, and so does the Leftists.
Roy Engstrom says
BTW, your stupid comments are exactly one of the Beltways preplanned narratives to damage or destroy Trump, so either you are just a robot buying into their BS about Trump being a planted Lib, or you are a Troll, and one of the intentional liars. SO get lost TOOL.
You won’t get any traction here Traitor.
Shirley McGee says
Trump is the only one qualified to be President.. Hillary is no where capable to be his equal, and he knows it.
She is a want a be and can’t handle herself let alone be President of the U.S. She has been involved in so much crime. There money has been made by hard working Americans.
Don’t think the U.S. Citizens are stupid we see and are dumb founded how OBAMA is treating America… How can anyone let these go by..He is right he has changed America with Congress help…They let one person brake our constitution our laws mean nothing to him..He is did one disaster after another.
He has no business since… Look at the money we owe no Budget….Healthcare is so must up….IRS was involved is such a mess…Our Constitution is not enforced…Cash for Clunkers….Our Military is so discouraged with his actions and down to nothing…Guns to Mexico….Open our Boarders to Illegal’s and we are suffering all kinds of crimes. Our jails are full our prisons are full…Jobs are taken…. Not to say giving them Driver License, so they can vote in our elections. He shut down the White House so school children can visit…and now give large party’s. Shut down the airports… Ignores our Vets…..Gives Gays marriage rights….Gives support to Egypt… Won’t help Israel….Britain Queen he doesn’t Bowed…He bowed to Egypt Muslim. He disobeyed his law degree and it was taken away. All of his records are not available along with friends only friend that knew him and spoke up said he was illegal. We are so ashamed of how he is allowed continually gets away with all his control…
No way can we afford to play with a meek uninformed person for a President…We want Trump…Not just Widows and Orphans coming look at all those young men are coming in….We need Security he will do that. Lock our borders he will do that…Get jobs he will do that. He is sincere He has a record of sucess…
Charles E. Miller says
Do you agree with my proposed amendments below? Please make a comment.
Gregory D. MELLOTT says
Just my 2 cents. Yet perhaps, we need an automatic run-off system for Presidential elections. We used to have two votes in the Presidential Election system. The founders had little, if any discussion about the effects of political parties when they wrote the Constitution. There was no where else where the election process had been used to such a large scale before then. So party politics had not arisen yet. Their Amendment fix for having a near crossing of the Party’s desired President and Vice-President that took over a month and a lot of lost sleep to sort out; only tightened the Parties’ grip on our political system. The Italians, to prevent the recurrence of another Mussolini now leans to about 20 political parties.
Anyway, what ever the case, having more diversity in the Administration wouldn’t hurt. Though their system may struggle under Italy’s diverse Party leanings. South Africa which harbors high wealth industries of gold and diamond mining, went to a system where there is diversity in the Administrations that matches the diversity of the peoples House (like our Congress’s HOuse of Representatives). They require this in both the Administration’s Cabinet as well as letting any Party with over 20% representation have a Deputy President. This helps to insure there is a way to report corruption to a entity that has a desire to really listen AND has a way to investigate the matter.
Gregory D. MELLOTT says
In a run-off type ballot you can vote for any and all your can favor. You just put then in prefered order, as you see it.
I noted a large article previous Obama’s first election that said it would not work as intended. For all I read it, I could not figure out where their argument(s) came from…
Oh. well, what’s in order these days, anyway…
Charles E. Miller says
Please do review my suggested amendments below. Do you agree or disagree?
David Jones says
Donald Trump has my vote. I am tired of a politician holding the highest office in our country. A VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP IS A VOTE FOR ALL AMERICANS<no matter which color or man or woman.We better get someone that will straighten this mess we are in.Please vote for our next president "President Donald Trump."
Charles E. Miller says
He has mine too!
Charles E. Miller says
Oh, someone should look at my proposed amendments below. Do you agree or disagree?
David Jones says
Charles E. Miller says
You are most certainly correct. This Independent-Democrat in Virginia is going to vote for Trump.
Charles E. Miller says
I want to say one more thing before I depart from this interesting subject. All of you must realize that conservative Republicans must stand for the average people as well. Even though I am not fond of Dwight David Eisenhower as president, he did realize that the sick and the elderly do need assistance with their lives. Capitalism is not perfect; however, it is the best system that exists. But I must state again that there must be safety nets within the system for it to work properly. President Eisenhower realized this and supported the establishment of Medicare. Jack Kennedy saw that General Eisenhower was correct and supported this measure too. As Sir Winston Churchill once said:”We must show the people that Conservatives stand for them too”. Eisenhower’s philosophy of Modern Republicanism supported this concept as well. Our society must not turn their backs on the poor, the elderly, and the oppressed. Conservatism should not mean love the rich and hate everyone else. Conservatives must stand for the people as well. Do you remember Alexander Hamilton? He believed as I do and he was a conservative. Under his leadership, the state of New York abolished slavery seventy years before the American Civil War. If the rest of the original states had followed pursuit, there would have been no Civil War! I am proud that many of many family members belonged to the Whig Party to which Abraham Lincoln also belonged before the formation of the Republican Party. Whigs were the political descendants of Alexander Hamilton. As he believed, a national bank was needed and the government should take an active part in developing our country. Did Eisenhower or Reagan dismantle the New Deal? The answer is no! Do not think because we are conservatives that we should also be unkind to those in need? Even President Reagan realized the need of government safety nets. Why do you think that Eisenhower said that the New Deal should not be dismantled? He said that any party that supported such a measure should not exist. He was referring to Robert Taft Republicans when he said this. Remember, bad times could come to all of us. That includes the great Cynthia Miller. By the way, I do not believe she is related to my family. Goodbye all. Do not eat too much over Thanksgiving.
F Mitchell says
I will surport Trump, any which way he goes,It all about jealous and resentment,they can’t do the job, but they don’t want him to be Pres. pitiful lot.
Cesar A Mendoza says
So you support Trump, fine. He will win the nomination but not the WH, what good is that? Ben Carson will win the Black vote without which Hillary cannot win the WH. You have to think that we want to win the WH. You vote for Trump and you win the Republican nomination what good is that? We want the WH!!. Only Ben Carson can win the WH. Only Ben Carson appeals to the nation in general. Trump makes enemies as he speaks how can he appeal to the national vote. HOW!!?
Charles E. Miller says
I have seen a poll today. Mr. Trump is in the lead. If the election were held today, he would get 79% of the Democratic vote, 75% of Republicans and 51% of the Independents. Oh, Cynthia! You have made anymore rude comments to me.
Charles E. Miller
Former Executive, Bank of America
Charles E. Miller says
I am not an editor of this blog; however, I believe it is time to close it. Enough comments have been made.
Gary says
Trump believes he is being treated unfairly if you disagree with ANYTHING he says. Trump only wants “bobbleheads” to support him. Will be a relief when he runs as independent. The Democrats will be very thankful to Trump regardless how he runs. The man speaks but says nothing. His solutions and/or policies are simplistic to say the least. He is a great salesman and certainly knows how to attract the “bobbleheads”. He is clearly detrimental to the GOP.
Charles E. Miller says
I believe you are wrong. Does anyone else agree with this statement? We need a businessman in the White House instead of another lawyer.
Charles E. Miller says
I have suggested to Mr. Trump that two amendments should be made to our federal constitution. The first is the office of vice president and president de facto of the Senate should be separated and the vice president should be the secretary of state. This would make the vice president a true member of the executive branch and he/she would no longer be a figure head. The second is that we should make term limits for the Supreme Court. No justice should serve more than ten years on the bench. Also, a justice who has served ten years should not be reappointed. The second amendment that has been propose by me would prevent the Supreme Court from functioning as a monarchy.
Charles E. Miller says
Does anyone agree with these two proposals? I hope that someone does. I know there are other issues that are more important; however, these would bring on valuable reform to our government, especially the one related to the kings of the Supreme Court.
Mindy Zumba says
…he will never be POTUS,
Charles E. Miller says
Never! Oh, we need another Castro. Does anyone else want a Castro?