Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had previously vowed to run on a third-party ticket in 2016, should he feel the Republican National Committee is giving him a raw deal.
On Monday, Trump repeated that threat, implying he was willing to break ranks with the GOP if the Republican establishment continues to use what Trump alleges are dirty tactics.
The declaration came as the GOP race entered an increasingly nasty phase, with numerous negative ads airing on local television following an unusually caustic debate this past weekend.
Some of the harshest ads have been aimed at Trump, often using the political newcomer’s past words to attack his current positions on issues including abortion and gun rights.
Trump is disliked by the Republican establishment, according to the bombastic billionaire, and he accused the GOP of packing its debate audiences with mainstream donors — a move he claimed violated the loyalty pledge he signed in September vowing to run as a Republican and support the party’s eventual nominee.
“I signed a pledge, but it’s a double-edged pledge,” Trump said at a luncheon in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. “The pledge isn’t being honored by the RNC.”
Trump also went on the attack against rival presidential candidate Ted Cruz. “If he doesn’t take down his false ads and retract his lies,” Trump said in a statement bashing Cruz, he will immediately file a lawsuit challenging Cruz’s eligibility to serve as president.
Trump has previously said a federal court should decide whether Cruz meets the constitutional requirement of being a “natural-born citizen” to serve as president. Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother, and many legal experts have said he meets that test.
“Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual. He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them. His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous,” Trump said in the statement.
At events in the Charleston area and at a rally in Greenville, Trump piled on, slamming Cruz as “the most dishonest guy I think I’ve ever met in politics, “nuts” and a “basket case.” He also questioned Cruz’s faith.
“He goes around saying he’s a Christian. I don’t know, you’re going to have to really study that,” Trump said at a freewheeling news conference.
Laurens resident Tom Kennemore, who attended Trump’s evening rally in Greenville, said he grows uneasy when Trump starts tearing into fellow Republicans. But he also appreciates Trump’s willingness to tell the truth no matter what.
“I’m done with establishment people,” he said.” The Republicans have taken the House and Senate and done nothing with it. We need a little more kick.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
Trump is upsetting the status quo. Sanders is too. The plan was for Jeb vs. Hillary. However the voters don’t want a family ties coronation. Trump is wealthy. The status quo doesn’t know what to do.
Wendy Luckie says
Mr Trump just wants FAIR TREATMENT. Pitiful he needs to even state that. Corrupt Repubs. Both parties are run by Lobbies and donors. All about da money right???!!! Well Trump is SELF FUNDING!!!!! What a novelty. He loves his country. Has 5 winner kids after he retires that need a business friendly govt.
Lorie Detter says
Well said!
Grover Syck says
why should he get special treatment.
they do not treat anyone else fairly.
Larry says
They also don’t play games with the others like they do with Trump. You are absolutely in denial if you think that not a true statement. How stupid to attack him based on the fact that he may have sworn a time or two. Which one of you has not done exactly the same? Which one of the newscasters or hosts hasn’t also done the same? This is just crap. Mr. Trump has been treated unfairly from the get-go and that is all there is to it. He has never asked for special treatment. He is only asking to be treated in a fair and similar manner as the other candidates and that is the right thing and we, “the people” ought to demand the same thing from the hosts at each of these debates. In fact, all candidates, in either party, ought to be asked exactly the same questions either at the same time or at different times, using exactly the same wording. That would be fair and would give everyone a fair and equal opportunity to speak.
Wendy Luckie says
Good point Grover but you must admit the potential puppeteers have hit a stumbling block with DONALD. J. TRUMP. He can’t be bought. Sucks for them. Sweet for USA. Only hope he has a taster though. Corrupt world could serve him a plutonium fajita!! Look at no autopsy SCALIA.
Shelby says
It is okay for him to down all the other canidates but he should not have to hear what others think of him. Who is this man, the king of the USA? He is like a child who is mad because someone stole his lollipop. He said in the first debate he would not change parties but now he is thinking about it. Who cares, Donald, not me and not most of the population of this country.
TRUMP (GOP or Independent) = Defeats Democrat nominee. He is the best you have against the DEMS.
CRUZ (the liar) = LOSES to Democrat nominee. I was interested in Cruz but all his debating lies and half-truth facts says he is out,
RUBIO (the robot) = LOSES to Democrat nominee. Make no mistake, Rubio is a1st term RINO. Christie was right about Rubio.
JEB! (the forgotten BUSH) = LOSES to Democrat nominee. He doesn’t have the chops for it. He is like a bad 3rd movie. Got the name, and that’s all.
KASICH (The other Lehman Brother) = LOSES to Democrat nominee. Not a snowball’s chance in hell. Kasich is the REAL DEMOCRAT in WOLFs clothing.
Marilyn says
Grover Syck……You can only be treated unfairly if you let it happen. If the others like it good for them. It was a “PLEDGE” do you know what that is??? I can’t believe some of the stuff that is posted……
what a profound statement!
Gena says
I WAS for Trump 100%. However, his threatening to run 3rd party shows where his TRUE heart is! NOT FOR AMERICA!
Patricia says
He; Mr. Trump, is not asking for special treatment. He wants it to be decent and fair. Bringing up past comments about twenty years ago is utterly silly. People can change their minds and get wiser on beliefs as Mr. Trump did when he chose pro life over pro abortion killings. He belongs to NRA as a member so he is for gun rights. Cruz is a snakey liar and I do not trust this turd at all. Anyone that claims to be such a great Christian and do what Cruz did to Dr. Carson in Iowa and then lie until it was proven a fact then after fact said sorry, it a lying scumbag that should not be trusted. We have had to many liars in as presidents in past to present. Mr. Trump is refreshing for he speaks truth and is not PC which by the way PC is a communistic front to get our freedoms of speech censored. Same as with hate crimes the DNP put it, another communistic front to get at our free speech. You see communists are afraid of truth for love of truth to the children of Satan is not in any of them.
Simone says
So very true, Republicans are so damn jealous of Donald Trump. Give it up ! He is telling it the way it is, not beating around the bush like you all !!
Maurice Salander says
Donald Trump is telling the truth he is a honest person, he has all the facts and should be given all the credit.
This country needs a solution and Donald Trump has it. If you don’t vote for Donald Trump ,for get about your jobs, and forget about your taxes ,and move to another state, because you cause a crisis, and their is no solution, to a valuable lesson you not learn .
Jim man says
Trump is telling the truth ??? I just finished the 28 th TV interview of Trump over the last 25 years. This guy is the biggest lair of them. Unfairly. Fox News has had him on 75 times since he said he was running
The first couple of times was ok ?? But from there on what he said was BS. When he made a statement I would check it out. About 90percent is just hog easy When he started calling people names because they called him out
& he could not come with a good answer that was a big turn off !
This guy is a loose cannon. & he is in above his head. Running ( governing) this country is very big & complex. Job
You must have experience in government with success Building a hotel & golf course does not qualify you.
After reading and studying Mr Trump looking at his web site which by way the he can tell you any thing in his site
When ask in one of radio interviews. Trump is BS ing He is in over his head. I would never vote Trump
Pee Wee Hermon before Trump
Jim man says
Jealous. You got to be kidding. He is a washed up fat hog. Go back to New York
Vincent Russo says
I am for Trump going third party if he isn’t nominated. The whole dam government is corrupt and we need him as president.
weary conservative says
That an leprosy.
FRED says
Mary Jane says
Weary conservative you need to stay on your medication
Larry says
Agreed!!! We have a president that freely ignores the Constitution, ignores Congress and does hid best to level end-runs at the country based on his singular preferences in a caviliar manner as if he were a dictator.
Larry says
Agreed and no matter what party.
Gerald says
Trump should run regardless of what they say. The votes from us puts him at 83%. But it is sad that the people don’t elect presidents. We have to pray that the elector it, gives their votes to the person we want as president. Their isn’t any guarantee that they will. I dont think we elected OBUMMER in last election. I watched the election last time and saw he was being given states he didn’t really win. I stopped watching when they gave ohio to him.I watched as they went from county to county, unless they missed up it showed other candidate had more county’s. It was about 2/3 rd done when they flipped it all to Obummer. I think it is time that the people got to elect who they want. If it is a close race then and only then should the electorit be able to use their votes.
Jim man says
Sorry Gerald. The dems. Handed our ass to us. In 2012 They fixing to do it again. If we put Trump up to run against Hillary. You can not run on two issues There are many many and you must know them You can not start yelling & call people names when you are in a debate with Hillary. Be able to talk about shipping in gulf , offshore leasing
BLM. ,USGF , farm bills. Land Drilling leases , plus 100’s. More Hillary can do this Trump can not !! Takes years
Of studying these issues & working on these many issues for 1000’s of hours
Hillary has & will wipe the floor with Trump Please study each & every one if you do you will see Trump is not the one there is not enough time or space to say every thing I know about this This is very important do not be won over by speeches that might have a bunch of Bs With your computer read & study each & every one running
It will take some time but you will see Who we need. Another thing they are not a bunch of crooks &I are controlled
That is the talk of someone that has not been studying. & is a very low information voter Read read. So very very
Noreen Smith says
I like Trump, and would like to see him as President! Do the people REALLY have the vote??? I do not believe it, as they are trying to get Rubio in there, I mean you can see that because the give him most of the questions and ignore Trump! Its all fixed no matter what you do, look at President Obama and what he gets anyway with, it is a joke anymore the way things are run and peoples vote do not count that much and will be over ruled!
Rick says
Amen to that go Trump!
Confoundmeonce says
Vincent Russo, It would Be The Biggest mistake of All….If Trump , Out of Pure Frustration..and Anger at the “”Special Treatment ” he is being Put THRU [ and Not Just By this Press/media he is having to contend with on a constant basis..) did Decide to ‘go forth as a Third Party Candidate For the Presidency.. I AM certain ‘The Donald ‘ Knows how disasterous That “Action’ Could Turn out to BE. The VOTES Would Be so >>Divided’ Between Three Parties….. That IT Could Throw The Win to Hillary.. Or to Sanders. Too many People Do not Know What Is Happening With Our “Vote Choices” and even less about ‘Third Party .’. Too many do not Even Realize we have a Two-Party System That ‘agrees >>Or Disagrees’ The SAME on Most Every Issue ! This is SO prevalent Now That The Blues..And The REDs Have “Intermingled To such a degree There is very little Distinguishable differences to be Noted..Between The TWO. A Third Party would not Draw enough “votes” To top The number Either Of these TWO Would Draw in. For Trump to Switch ‘ Boats ‘ now, Would Not Gain him The Presidency. But Would Most Surely Throw It To the RED ( The Democratic Party > ) Why ? Because. pure and Simple, There Are Too many Of our Citizens On Welfare..Out of A job with no means of Supporting Themselves And Family… And The Democratic Party Planned IT This WAY>>>To Garner More VOTES From The Needy..To Keep The Power. Judge human nature All you Like, But Keep in Mind..It is ” Need…And the lack of MONEY ” that Winds UP being the The Decider factor.. How unfair is This ? So, Donald, Hold The Course ! Don`t Let Them Back YOU Up..And win > You Are One Who CAN ‘lead this Country OUT Of this Cess-pool of Problems ‘This Bunch of Wannabes ‘ Have Shoved This Country’s Citizens. Only YOU Can Get Our Borders ERECTED and Fortified Against This Invasion Of Illegals That Swarm in..Weakening Our Country MORE..Every DAY. Don`t Allow Yourself TO Be Forced Into A “”Third Party Position. You Would Lose. WE Need YOU as OUR Leader..Our President. ” Not one of the other Choices who are presenting ” will ‘Go Against the present Status-Quo. If you continue..( we who are now awake ! ) We will be honored to have you as our President .
Lee Fisher says
Why does everyone say, “Trump tells the truth”? I just don’t get it. Don’t any of you actually read some of his speeches and listen to his campaign remarks? Trump has been for or against just about everything being discussed. Often in the same speech! Somewhere in there he IS LYING. I don’t know about you, but I find it difficult to be for and against something at the same time.
He is mad because everyone is bashing him. You are bashing them just as often. When Cruz is declared a liar, later fact checking is finding him correct, but most of the media won’t print that will they?
Every President since I can remember (I am 71 yrs old) has been outrageously bashed the week he took office, and it never lets up. GW Bush (whom I don’t like much) is still being bashed today. (Some true, some not) What the hell did Trump think is going to happen when he ran for POTUS?
You know I have noticed over the decades that those that lie a lot are the first to accuse others of lying. Those that steal, often think everyone is a thief. Men who sleep around often think their wife is cheating on him. Trump is just a big BABY and no one is jealous of Trump. Afraid, maybe. Wish they had as much $ as him, OK, I can believe that some are like that. The more I like and study Trump the less I like him. Same is true with all the other candidates, Except Ted Cruz. Rubio lost me in the past 4 weeks. RINO for sure.
Everyone knows Trump is NOT a conservative. That does not bother me, but he’s a big Progressive politically and that does bother me. (so are all three of the Bushes) If you don’t understand what being a Progressive means, you are way behind in your education.
Too big a subject for me to explain here. Google and YouTube it.
Jim man says
Mr fisher
You are about the only one here that has been reading Trump I feel does not tell the truth As you said Go back
Google. His many interviews over the years His very vague. On his answers He does not know the issues. That effect us. Which are many. Hillary spent years in the Senate studying these issues 100’s upon 100’s of issues that effect our country our economie Our many social problems The 18 year old black woman that has 4 children by 4 different men. No education There are many just like this !!!! What are you going to do get Karl Ikon to negotiate with her We have many things going on in our country that needs someone with experience
I do not know what establishment means. That means experience does it not.
If I go in get my heart operated on I want some that is experienced As with any serve I get I want some one that has experience As with Governing I want some one that is smart & has successfully governed before Every one on this that says they want some one to do this job with no experience is not using thier head. Thru out our history
Business men never make good Presidents Even ones that have made their our money Un like Trump who inherited his !! Building Golf Courses & Hotels. Do not quiafy you to run a ver complex country. Not the same !!!
Gena says
If Trump runs 3rd party, this will give the election to the Democrats. It happened several years back.
Jim man says
Not so
Jerry Gilles says
Wendy ,you are so right and we have to support Donald even if he goes independent .Yes to Russo you also said it right . Where and what ever Trump does he has my vote. They are all crooked ,yes this country needs Trump ,he is also a Reaganite .
Helene says
Yes the country needs Trump, hes the only one that can fix what Obama did to our Country
Dan Lugo says
Ahh did you mean what George W bush,let president Obama in the table,because as far as I know George W Bush didn’t leave the economy in that good shape,always happens the republican come to the house and bleed the country,and then blame the democratic president,for not be able to recuperate for what the republicans always do,destroy everything in the way,and then how bad president Obama is,but nobody said nothing about the worst president in the history of America George W Bush
Jim man says
You are one that does study. Trump is a pig
Joan says
You doodle holes who voted for Obama got this country in this mess and he did it on purpose . He should have been tried for treason in his first term. But no one had —– to do so. Now you have to decide between one evil woman who should be in hell and an old jack ass that wants to make us like Russia. Why don’t you go to the library and read some history books on Wars .
But then again stupid is as stupid does
weary conservative says
You make a good case for IQ testing before people are allowed to vote.
DS says
You the one that needs the IQ test.
Michael Meding says
Just because somebody what’s Trump In the White House You think they need an IQ test.
That’s a true democrat! Just one sided nose up in the air with now brains. Trump for President!
Grover Syck says
any one who wants any of the clowns in the teabag republican clown car in the white house needs an IQ test and a lot more.
Gerald says
TRUMP for president.
Shelby says
You are so right. He is like a child
Dan Lugo says
In 2020 Trump and Kanye west for president lol????
Neal says
How stupid are you? The RNC Establishment has given the seated President everything he’s asked for since they were elected a Majority! They, along with the DNC Establishment have our GRAND-CHILDREN 19 TRILLION DOLLARS in DEBT and climbing every day! Who do you think caused this? Who’s taken the seated President to task for the SCANDALS within his administration? NO RNC/DNC ESTABLISHMENT Congressmen, right? Wake up oh weary conservative!
Larry says
Yes, the RMC has given this president whatever he has asked for and that is wrong! The problem is that they are all weak politicians, talk a good game but do not and have not taken care of business. For the most part, they are all asleep at the wheel and this is symtimatic and part and parcel to what a politician is all about. No balls but just do what you need to do to stay in office, continue to kick the “cans” down the road and worry about nothing except one’s own reelection… What has happened to this country? How could we have been so wrong and gone down so many wrong roads? Folks need to wake up and vote for Trump!
Lori says
Lobbyists and superpacs should be outlawed!!! Donald make this illegal when you are president!!
Larry says
You go girl. Super pac & lobbyists have no place in what the people of our great nation want. They simply want to “buy” our next president and then do whatever the hell they want. Let’s try our best to not let that happen!
Helene says
I agree with you, Trump is doing it because he loves our coutry not for money like the others Bush can go to hell hes nothing like his brother or father hes a pussy
Grover Syck says
No. trump is doing it because he is an ego maniac and publicity hound.
Neal says
Cruz can’t be elected because the Independent Cross-over Voters won’t vote for him. Same for Rubio, And the Jeb. You want a Communist Democrat President or a Loud mouth who loves this country and isn’t afraid to say it AND is not RNC ESTABLISHMENT!!!! Two out of three for any candidate isn’t all bad!
Gerald says
Cruz is a Canadian. He isn’t an American. He wasn”t born here.
Mark says
Agreed very much. I’m tired of the GOP. They need to do what the People are saying not them. I say remove them…
Gerald says
I agree. We need to vet the people that was elected by us, to see what they are doing. They should they post it so we can see if we need to replace him or her that is willing to work with the people that elected them.
paul says
trump is the only one i trust american people first he is in it for the people he does not need the money or all the other bs just wants to do the right thing not like all the others lie lie lie for there own good not us the people
Gary Smith says
Shelby says
Yeah, he sure is a cry baby. Someone took his lollipop and now he is mad. He is the liar for sure.
Eddy B says
If Trump is self funding Why does he still have a donation key on his website, which has earned him MILLIONS???
Rick says
Go get them Donald! Eddy B is right on they done nothing but sold us all out since they got the house and senate, their all bought and paid for! And the fact is Trump would win as an independent!
Jim man says
Trump changing his positions on almost a weekly bases makes him very dis honest
He is not self funding He has been on Fox News Over 70 times for free They figured that is about 40 million
Dollars worth of free campaign ads
He has 3 issues & he is wrong on all 3. This a loose cannon that should never get near the White House
He can not do any thing he says he can. He has called the leadership in Washington stupid & idiots These are the very people
That a president needs to get anything done the 2 leaders in the Senate & the 2 leaders in the house
All four of these leaders have said he does not know what he is talking about !!!
We are not a Dicatorship This is how our government works the congress writes the bills the president signs them into law then Enforces said law The president does not write law period !!! If the president wants to re write some our trade bills he has to get congress to ratify ( approve) any changes to any agreement If he wants to build a wall between Mexico & the U.S. He must get the approval from congress !! as far putting import tariffs on goods coming in from other countries Guess what you got it
Congress has to approve ,! All this stuff Trump is going to do. He will not get done We need some on our senators & house members will work with. That is not Trump. Don’t waste your Vote on Trump
Paul says
You are very long winded.Our republicans are just as dishonest as democrats. The only person to vote for is Trump.
Cheryl says
Exactly. I predicted from the beginning he would run as Independant and hand the the to Democrats. This is the only way Replicans can lose. After all Trump has been democrat all his life. I would love to hear him talk policy rather than insulting everybody whom says something negative about him. I’m not wasting my vote on Trump.
IF Trump runs as an Independent this marks the end of the GOP because GOP cannot survive after feeding conservative Republicans lies and broken promises last 40 years. Yes, we had Reagan and Bush-1, but largely the GOP has betrayed conservatives time after time. Its as if Republicans had a lesser of the evils choice of GOP or Democrat. This will end in 2016.
As a Trump Independent, The Donald would carry a large portion of common sense conservatives across all incomes brackets, color, and gender, as well as the “Reagan Democrats” and fed up GOP voters. Trump in 2016 is no Ross Perot in 1992 re-visited because Americans have had enough.
ROSS PEROT COST BUSH-1 THE PRESIDENCY IN 1992 – Ross Perot got into the mix in 1992, but he didn’t have the full package, and choosing Admiral Stockdale (retired) as his VP selection proved a disaster.
Still Perot received 19% of the popular vote, which I understand still remains the highest vote total won by a third-party presidential candidate since Theodore Roosevelt back in 1912. It gave Bill Clinton the win and George H. W. Bush went down for the count in a loss to Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas. The Gulf War-I victory could not carry Bush-1 as his previous read my lips “no new taxes” was a lie that no one appreciated.
Lois Wenk says
The problem is you believe the lie he do3es not use donor money. He is running not his kids or other family members. We should focus on Donald Trump not his family members. Donald Trump is the real reason Donald Trump should not be elected. He is an arrogant, lying, slanderous, woman hating, racial bigot (black- segregated housing under his watch and buying people is slavery, Hispanic-most border crossers are not drug cartel nor terrorist they are poor people who want to feed their children, build the wall to protect American jobs not to blame them for wrong intentions. Also Asian-comments blaming the Chinese for behavior of taking advantage of the American government when he did), hypocrite, spoiled rotten, temper tantrum throwing, bully. Who is developmentally a child. Who taught people through his behavior toward other women it is ok to disrespect women, This caused Mrs. Donald Trump it be asked a rude question “are you going to be (rude-name the rude) as first lady?”. He did not socially protect her by behaving in that manner, liberal king until the run for president people who make dramatic changes feel shame and change he felt no shame so he is not telling the truth. You want a president who is most likely able to change things for the better vote Ben Carson!
nancy frye says
What is wrong with you? Don’t you love your country? Have you noticed how many people don’t work?, Not because they can’t find work, But because they don’t want work. Its easier to get free money, go to school, Put your children in Private School, Go on vacation whenever you want. All you have to do is show you have children and are not married, Free food, housing, medical, new vehicles, and not living with your boyfriend. And you can get a life style you couldn’t pay for on a salary. These people are not checked on and unless someone turns them in they get away with this, The reason no one will report it is because they will tell them who reported them and then this cause’s problems with Nabors and people can be very vicious when they find out who turned them in. As far as Dr. Carson, he is a fine person and deserving of president, But Donald J Trump has more experience then our POTUS and more compassion, How would you feel if some Muslim came after someone in your family and cut their head off, just because they did not think the same way you do. I for one will be voting for Donald J Trump and pray he gets in and shows people how great this country really is.
CLENT says
Jim man says
Trump is not self funding. He has got close to 100 free appearance on fox & competitors close to 48 million dollars in free
Campaign appearances Not fair to the others never learn any thing new Same 2 or3 issues.
Wendy says
Self funding means that you are not accepting $$ from big business or special interest groups. I also have not received 1 request from the Trump campaign only from the GOP. The GOP and other candidates are relentless with their solicitations. Trump brings any network money because of the ratings. He has the right to earn money and make a living. It shows his wisdom!
Jim man says
Trump is a total clown he needs to get out for the sake of the country
Jim man says
But screws around on his wife’s Many many times As stated by him he is areal pig He thinks it is ok. He can not deny it
It is 3 different inter views he stated how many married women he nailed & the sex was great with married women. We need a President with morals Charerter , honesty. Trump has none of this. He is a big time skirt chaser.
Walter Morris says
Both parties are one party, The Republicans are more like the Democrats, use to be. The Democrats are so far out there as Socialist, real close to Communist that scares me and many Americans that have common since. Most Americans know’s what Hitler did, as a Socialist Communist. Hitler killed Millions, if they didn’t like what he stood for, Or if they were different. Hitler used children to tell on there parents. to help him to establish his agenda. Look who is around Sanders, all collage kids that don’t have a clue, what is going on around them selves let along this country. Sanders promised them free collage, with out telling them there is no money.The United States is 18 trillion dollars in dept .I have heard if we get to 21 Trillion dollars in dept, every one can expect the world to go into a deep depression. No one will have any money. Social security will be no more, welfare will be no more, retirements will be gone. Wake up America we must vote for a person that is going to make this country great again. and it will not be a Democrat or a career Politician. They can’t get it right. I am voting for Trump I believe he is our only hope for a future America. This Country is in trouble.
Jim man says
Wendy You are full of crap. Trump is getting millions of dollars in free coverage from fox & other net works
He is such a pig
Robbie says
THANK YOU JESUS…………People need to get past the hair, ego, tone, so called “bad” language and whatever else they are complaining about. They NEED TO SEE THE MAN, #Trump, and what he wants to do for our country and for us!
Robert Early says
Don’t be fooled! The Establishment Power Brokers will hand the election to Democrats rather than support Trump. This is the simple truth.
weary conservative says
Might as well. Either way we get a democrat.
DS says
Maybe the Republicans could listen to someone besides their business lobby and globalist buddies. Oh no, we can’t do that can we.
Jim man says
DS. You are full it. These are very good men. Do your home work
KM says
BINGO weary conservative, Len! Trump will call himself, and say whatever it takes (true or false) to be the commander in chief. I stand amazed at the sheep following this Wolf! Yes we need change, however, we the people should be more cautious as we have already seen how our current president slid through the election, presenting and convincing many with lies.
Gerald says
So which one of the other ass holes are you pushing. Probably Bernie
Jim man says
You are right you are of the few on this that actual can form. A sentence !
Low info group
Jim man says
Gerald is one that has hard time forming. A sentence. Very low education Very low info or no info person.
Needs to go into re hab
Grover Syck says
Either of the democrats would be far better than any of the clowns the tea party republicans are putting forth.
My preference is Berny
Jim man says
So you want to pay 90 to95 percent taxes. So if you make. $5000 /month you want to give the government $4750
You get $250 to live on No thanks. Get out of my way I don’t need the government taking care of me
What you need to do is go back over to Hillary site & her folks her goofy people
Jim man says
Leave Glover
Cheryl says
Trump is not a conservative! The Dems put him in the race for a reason. He still supports PP. I can’t wait to hear the potential First Lady to be interviewed, she barely speaks English!!!
Abigail says
Yes about that, for all of those who blindly follow Mr Trump and his assertion that illegal immigrants are taking over the country. What say you about his “immigrant” wife who barely speaks English? Oh that’s right! she’s different.
Also for all of those who “blindly” follow Mr Trump, do you know how your own government works?
“I will build a wall”, how is that possible if Congress does not appropriate money for said wall? Or, is he intending to use his own fortune to pay for it? Unlikely at best!
“Free college for everyone”, again, where does the money come from?
“Raise taxes to 90%, only Congress can change the taxation laws!
“Deport all illegals”, only Congress can change existing immigration laws to make deportation possible.
So my many Trump supporters please take a minute to think about your choice for President – he cannot effect the changes that he says without the likes of Senator Cruz and Rubio and others. He is merely pandering to you to secure your vote – he is “lying” to you!
Read up dear people, pick up a book and learn about how your government works!
Len says
If Trump wins then the Democrats wins.
Trump was “planted” by the Democrats for this reason….to fracture the “conservative” Republican’s votes. He says all the right things to the American people but he doesn’t believe over half if not all of it……he even says he’s a Democrat! How much “stupid” to believe that of Trump.
Plus, examine he’s “speeches” or attacks and insults, it’s annoying because he’ll say something untrue or lies about it but he’ll leave it for his supporters to believe him or not:
“He goes around saying he’s a Christian. I don’t know, you’re going to have to really study that,” Trump said”…..
“Ted Cruz is a totally unstable individual. He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across, in politics or otherwise, and I have seen some of the best of them. His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous,” Trump said in the statement.”….
Trump has no moral compass except being a business man, a salesman and he’s selling his “Art of the Deal” all the way to the presidency hook, line and sinker.
Helene says
Who are you to judge like that i guess it is people like you is the reason why the country is like this the worse ever, Trump your the best thing for our Country you got my vote and i will make sure you get alot more votes as well
Eddy B says
Helene, You are a FOOL to believe without doing your own fact check, Ill give you one you can look up. Read Trumps book that was written in 2000, He says that Iraq has WMD’s and Hussein has to go. Now he was all against it, This guy is all over the map, He is totally into HIMSELF and will lie and say whatever he thinks people want to hear at the time, People do some fact checking on this reality showman from NEW YORK, NEW YORK learn the truth not just follow blindly that’s exactly how we got Obummer,
Paul says
Very good Helen Trump all the way
j.carter says
Eddy – AMEN
Jim man says
No Helene you are the type of gullible people that put Obama in. And you wanto put a guy that builds Golf courses
&Hotels. Not a good businesses man a lot failed businesses. Being president is very complex We need a person with experience No on the job training. We have seen how that has worked out in the last. 7 years
Neal says
Your RNC Establishment SUCKS! 19TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT AND THEY GIVE THE SEATED PRESIDENT ANYTHING HE WANTS! WAKE UP to what’s happening to this country and THINK for a change!
Larry says
Trump, a dem. plat… That is hogwash.
Eddy B says
You can’t prove differently though can you!!
Jim man says
That is how he has voted He did not vote for Obama he did vote for Hillary for her New York Senate race
He voted For Bill Clinton he voted For Bush He has donated to Jimmy Carter & Walter Mondale big time
He has been a Demacrtic This guy can not be trusted.
Lori says
Then you will see a revolution of enormous capacity!! We the people will not settle for the corrupt!!
Grover Syck says
Berny is the least corrupt.
Hillary is some what corrupt, not clean, but far better than any of the slimy crooks the teabag republicans are offering.
Gerald says
Killary is the worst of them all. I am hoping she will be in orange before the election.
Shelby says
You are right on the spot. He is a democrat also.
Jim man says
Trump is not electable The American Mexicans 65 million 35 million voting age do not like Trump !! 85 percent to
5 percent 10 percent don’t care To win you need at the very least 30 percent of the. Hispanic vote !!
Trump needs to drop out Or we are going to see President Hillary Clinton
Jim man says
I dis like the Dems But dis like Trump more. He is not the guy. If he runs. It will be the first election I will not show up for the election in 12 elections This guy is a total pig
Jim man says
The Dems are very bad for our country. But Trump is worst than the Dems. He is a total out of control loose cannon
James Addler says
that is totally true what you are saying about the establishment wanting a Clinton vs Bush!
James Addler says
These GOP mfs are going to lose the house and the senate when elections come up!”
Grover Syck says
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!!!
Then Berny or Hillary can nominate Obama to replace the sleze ball Scalea.
That way the American people will have retaken their government.
Gerald says
What shit
Eddy B says
And the whole country goes down the drain
Jim man says
You are a loony tune
Jim man says
Not true James !! I want any one but Trump If we get Trump If Hillary is not in prison She will wipe the floor with Trump
Trump does not know the issues. Hillary does. There are 100’s she will make him look like a fool He has been very lazy
& not studied He gets by with not answering questions on the debate stage because they don’t want to upset him
& he goes 3rd party He has never answered a policy question ever !! I was all for him when first came in to the picture
But after seeing a couple of his speeches I seen that he was saying things that were not true Plus just talking & not saying anything if people know how our Government works. Everything he says. Can not be done by one man it has to be done by all 3 branches of government together. A lot of congress hates him &twill not work with because of the real bad ideas he has come with
Jim man says
They are not wanting a Clinton / Bush What we need is a very talented smart experience person in the White House
Not some one that has chanced thier mind every week. We do not need a loose cannon That has called our leadership in Washington stupid & idiots. These are the ones that a president needs to get us out of this mess the congress makes the laws ,they ratiff. All treaty’s trade deals control the purse strings. The president does write laws He signs bills into law then en forces said law. The president can not put tariffs on goods coming into the U.S. Both from Mexico & China This is done with the approval of congress The President can do any thing by him self. 8 senators will not work with Trump because of his dumb ass ideas He will never get that far. He must be stopped. Google him Read read
The Redhawk says
OH let this Egomanias, thin Skinned Uninformed on REAL events go and admit that he is a LIBERAL Member of the Progressive POH party ( Party Of Hypocrites) and STOP BARKING LIES like he learned from SHIL-LIAR-RY, his friend…. he is beginning to sound and look like the NEW version of tat WHINIG JACKA-S, Howard Dean..
Jeannie says
Love the nickname for HRC! ,,
Gary Smith says
Janet says
Just like most of my friends. I don’t care if a Democrats wins or if a Republican wins. We want someone who is going to help all of the people and who loves this country. We all believe Trump is sincere in wanting to make America Great Again!!! I worry about the people of the USA every day and pray for all of our safety. Trumps strength makes me and my friends feel safe. So he has my support and all of my friends support.
Grover Syck says
there is only one choice for you an your friends, and that is Berny.
You must also must vote for the democrats for the house and senate.
Gerald says
We dont need another liberal. We need TRUMP
Shelby says
He is a liberal.
Eddy B says
Sounds like a real good sheep to me believing this showman TRUMP will do 1/4 of what he says he will do, He calls evey body else liars when he himself is the biggest one. Once he is in office you will be singing a different tune
Loretta says
Bernie Sander is a Communist Socialist, he is lieing to you. Nobody gets something for nothing. The Entitlement man. You get what you work for, not sit on your ass and let the government give it to you. You, everyone all rich, middle class all of us, will pay for everything he is calling free. Why change our country, we just want to fix it and make America Great Again. Trump for President under any party.
Jim man says
You & your friends are very low info voter. One party wants to tax the hell out us Given every one every thing.
Tax us 95 percent Other words. If you make $3000 you give the government $ 2850 You get $150 a month to live on
How in the hell can you not care what party gets in. .?? Donald Trump wants unverical health care How can the average American want this ??? It will cost the hell out us People this not a popularity contest. Study study Google these guys
Learn learn learn. Make a good choise This so important. We need a very smart experienced person in the White House
Not a loose cannon
Theresa Naccari prugna says
The bible says that there will not be another president in the United States and now that MR trump is treating to go for what ever its called the bible has just confirmed what we who no the bible to hold the truth.GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Jim man says
The bible don’t anything about the President of the U.S. You need to get back on your meds Or quit drinking so early in the mornings You people are beginning to scare me. You must not breed you must get fixed
Mary says
Let him run 3rd party. Quit talking about and do it otherwise quit talking
American Born and Bred says
Did someone step on the Duck’s toes… or maybe get just a little to close…. what a damned cry baby…
j.carter says
American Born – AMEN
Loretta says
The rest of these candidates are upsetting your apple cart. Trump was doing fine until they all started attacking him at once. He will finish this and come out and winner, and I don’t care what party or how he runs. I am Voting for him. Thank God we have someone like him that isn’t a dirty politician, like you want.
Jim man says
When called him out because of his BS Please google this man. We don’t need him you will see
Jim man says
Loretta You don’t. Care what party Trump is in ??? So if he gets to be President ?? How will he get things ??
This is not a Dicatorship The congress. Writes bills. Congress has control of the purse strings !!
The president can not do any with the approval of congress You can not start putting tariffs on goods coming into
The U.S. From other countries This what congress would do is pass bills to put tariffs on goods coming from each country
Not a blanket bill that covers all countries The president does not have this power. The president must be able to work
With the congress Trump has called the leaders of congress stupid & idiots
t most of the senate will not work with him Because of his dumb ass ideas He would be neutered other words Trump could not get anything done because he can write bills & can only do anything but enforce the laws on the books
Learn our government &I how it works Obama has caused this probably a good experienced man that can work with congress
Could get things done Not Trump !!
Trump DID NOT SAY he was going to run THIRD PARTY! The author of that article was INTENTIONALLY MISLEADING THE PEOPLE, I think we have all had enough of that bull crap!
Ann Sherrod says
We’ve been long term Republicans but this year we have switched to the Independent Party because the Repubs we elect have failed the people miserably. The Dems and Pubs go to Washington to become wealthy and will lie through their teeth with their promises to listen to the people and behave accordingly. We are in our very late sixties and our wisdom tells us Trump is already wealthy and is saying all the right things to get elected. It’s about time we switched from the ones who will do anything for a buck in Washington and give Donald a chance. He is our last hope.
Jim man says
Learn how our government works we have 3 branches. The president can do any thing by himself. He must work with congress to get things done Congress writes laws. The president does not Tariffs put on goods from others countries are done by congress. Not the president !! Trump is so full of crap he can not do any thing he says. Congress hates his ass
So you think they are going to work with Trump ??? You can not punish Mexico so they build a wall A total clown
Robert Early says
Trump could run as an Independent, and still caucus with the GOP. In short, a third party is not the only option.
j.carter says
Robert, if Trump “loves America” as he says he does he will not run as and Independent. Let’s see.
Jim man says
All of congress hates his ass because of his dumb ass ideas. They will never work with him !!
The President can not write law The President can not put Tariffs on goods coming from other countries
Congress has to that. They will never do that Start a trade war. How stupid is that ??
Nothing gets done with out congresses approval They control the purse strings you can not be a ass hole like Trump
He would never get a thing done period Would probably be impeached and spend time in Leavenworth
Apelcart says
Your implication is well founded. Trump will not need outside money to fund his run for President. Therefor, he will not have a need to influence future legislation to benefit his “Friends”.
Jim man says
Not true. He owes a lot of people. Read the above He would get nothing done period !!
Mary Kliewer says
Mr. Trump is a big baby. If he can’t get his way now he threatens us so we will do whatever he wants. Will he threaten the Senate and the House if he doesn’t get what he wants when he is president?
He has yet to explain his financial plan for the country. He eludes to some of a plan but doesn’t get down to basics. He is just going to hire smart people to figure it out.
He needs to go back to TV.
Jim man says
Well sad Mary !!
Wendy says
Trump is more Republican than any candidate up there, at least a Reagan type of Republican. Trump has stated that he has evolved in his beliefs. Trump is Prolife, Trump supports the Constitution, the second amendment. Trump supports growing our military and protecting our borders. Trump is for competition among health Ins companies which is hugely unpopular among health insurance companies…who buy polititions…this includes drug companies. Trump has named two people he would recommend for the Supreme Court. Trump has released his financials and will release his taxes soon. The man is completely Republican and completely transparent! Believe me, if he has done something wrong, it would have been brought to light by now. This man has passion for what he believes in, and he speaks New York. He will be a Great President and Make America Great Again!!! Trump 2016!!
Jim man says
Not true Wendy. Read above of why he will get nothing done !!
Main Street says
Trump talks to the working class. The GOP and Democrats no longer do. The big event for both parties now is to decide which politician in a robe should be on the Supreme Court.
weary conservative says
Don’t kid yourself. Trump has spoken for democrats right down to the ground, his whole life, and very little has changed except the lies he tells.
Neal says
And you actually believe 50% of what Cruz, Rubio, and Bush tell us? TWO of them are Establishment Candidates with I.O.U.s up the Yengyang and the 3rd is Tea party who can’t be elected and has his own I.O.U.s! I don’t care if the next President has voted Democratic most of his life as long as he is now Republican! Reagan was a Democrat! I want one who IS NOT RNC Establishment (they give the seated President everything he asks for and HAVE DONE NOTHING about the 19 TRILLION DOLLAR INDEBTEDNESS)! NO ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE!!!!!!
Eddy B says
You had better look at Dr. Ben Carson he is a man of his word
Neal says
I like Ben Carson a lot and believe he could do great things for this country. That said, he does not have the killer instinct in him and it’s required to be President! Trump does.
Jim man says
Establishment what does that mean ?? I think that means experience. When I want a service done. I want successful experience in that field
If get my heart operated on give me a establishment surgeon , House worked on Plumber , roofer etc
The establishment catch word for the day is I think really dumb Give me experience all day long
Obama is the problem. The Republicians that are running are very honable honest very talented men
Except Trump Dr Carson falls into the honable ,honest man but should get out of the race Trump should get out because he is in above his head
Ann Sherrod says
So you are saying a person can NOT change…shame on you. I hope your record before God is spotless!!!
Jim man says
Ann Yes change weekly no!! Trump changes with the polls His interviews over the years which you can google
You will see he is such con artist :I have found 28 interviews on Trump What a pig !!
Mary Lou says
One thing for sure is to keep BHO OFF the Supreme Court!! That’s the last person who needs that job.
Lori says
Gerald says
They should only fill that slot temp. The new president should pick one.
Ray Hause says
Let him run in a 3rd party. Personally, I tired of all his BS and threats. He thinks everything should go his way and all of you Trump lovers this party doesn’t just to you. We expect a lot more and Trump isn’t that fit.
Sandy says
Get your head out of
The clouds trump speaks
For the majority of this
Country remember we
The people who both
Parties fluff off when they
Wanted Jeb and hill ask
Yourself why?
Neal says
In case he can’t figure it out, THEY (DNC/RNC ESTABLISHMENT) CONTROL THEM ALL!!! Possibly not Rubio but HE CAN”T BE ELECTED AS HE’s TOO MUCH Tea Party and the cross-over voters WILL NOT VOTE FOR HIM!
Gary says
Trump is the only one America should be looking at.Im tired of the same old B/S we have had in the past. That’s all the rest are. If I would vote for him as a Rep. I would vote for him as third party Trump 2016 wake up people.
Kathleen says
i believe all of his supporters would switch to 3rd. party for him if that is what it takes.
Raks dog says
I’m already setting up a third party celebration party. We need people to vote for Trump in the hopes of making america great again. As far as Obuser going to the supreme court. That would sure be a slap in the face to the people of this country.
Trump is the man.
Ann Sherrod says
I totally agree Raks dog
Larry says
I agree! Wake up folks and vote Trump – Fiorina! that’s the right ticket for sure. Both bring a business sense sdto govt…something the govt. has lacked for a very long time. Too many politicians with too many lobbyists and funding mechanisms. They owe, they owe so off to politics they go and then they owe some more. We need a non-lobby, non-beholding typle and that is the only way this country will come back to the people and the only way our country’s credibilitey will improve in the eyes of the world. WAKE UP FOLKS! TRUMP – FIORINA…
Ann Sherrod says
YES!!! Larry!!
Jim man says
You would vote for Trump 3 rd party and give it to Hillary ?? So what you are saying you want Hillary as your President ??
Lori says
You’re an idiot!! Get your head out of your butt!! All Trumpbever asked is it to be fair..the repubs cannot even keep their word. That should tell you what they’ll do in office..Trump is 100% correct!! If he runs’ll be the largest independent landslide win ever!! Screw the Dems and Repubs who don’t care about the people anymore..all they care about is their money in their pockets and who can outdo the other!!!
Larry says
The truth is that the party, neither party nor any of thoses running care about individuals or any of the issues. They are out for themselves and that is all there is too it. They will do or say whatever is necessagry to keep them where they are. Trump is the exception. He is self funded and beholding to no one and when is the last time you ever observed that scenario? The answer is no time in our lifetimes no matter how old or how young you might be. This country is going down the tubes and it is barely a little older than 200 years…Keep voting for politicians and liars and we will be the shortest lived democracy that has ever come to power. Vote TRUMP – FIORNIA! Neither is a politician, both are Americans that care deeply about this country and the horrible position the dems and the past 20 or so years have put this country in.
Gerald says
Trump tells the truth, that is why the other Rep. dont like him and wont support him. They want some won who they can control.
Eddy B says
If Trump is self funding how come he doesn’t give the millions that has been donated on his website back to the people who gave it, you will be the sucker if he is elected
Jim man says
Trumps is getting 30 percent of Republicians vote !! Ross Perot got 38 percent In the Genral Ross 22 percent Bush 35percent
Bill Clinton got 43 percent and won the presidency
Right now. Trump would get 15 percent republican would get 35 percent. Hillary (if not in prison) would get 50 precent
Then get use to saying President Hillary Clinton. Trump is not as popular as Ross Perot Trump is to dis liked by to many
65 million Mexican Americans hate his ass. This a real scam artist Married 3 times lied & cheated on his first two wife’s
Dozen upon dozen of times as admitted in 3 of his interviews Easy to Google He is a real pig. Lied to the ones he loves
Cheated on the ones he loves He is telling you the truth ??? The president must be a man of honesty ,high morals , Charater
Trump has none of these. Don’t take my word for this !! Google his 38 interviews.over the years !!He opens his big ego. Mouth
& his lied his ass off. This guy is complete pig. I don’t know who I am voting for but it won’t be Trump. Folks read read read
LEE says
The Redhawk says
W T says
Obama was more of A SPOILED BRAT than Mr. Trump could ever be obama was likes a child when he did not get his way are ways he would jump up kick over a chair and walk away as a baby would do when he did not get his way WITH his TOYS, WEIRDLY TRYING TO ENTERTAIN HIMSELF at the cost of the Real Americans Peoples Life at state.
WAS? …You mean, IS!!!
weary conservative says
Spot on, Lee.
Lori says
brenda morgan says
sorry to inform you, but when his money he doesn’t have to entertain himself , he can pay to be entertained. The bottom line is that there is no one in either party that can come close to fixing the mess that this country is in.. Regardless of
who each of us vote for, we are still in a world of shit for a long time in this country……
DS says
Brenda, you seem to be one of the few that understands this. Many here are not talking about the Country or the people, they are just worried about which party controls the Country for the next 4 to 8 years. While I prefer Conservatives, give me one that cares about the people, H1-B and TPA TED? How about gang of 8 Rubio. Maybe, “It’s an act of love” Jeb? Don’t even believe Affordable care act Kasich.
Lenore Burns says
That’s why I’m voting for Ben Carson. MSM ignores him totally! Why? – because he is highly intellectual, honest, and fully qualified to answer ANY question put to the men on that stage. He knows more about world politics than any of them. We should be ashamed of how he is treated.
Mary Jane says
Agree, independent voter Go TRUMP
Larry says
There is a lot of truth in what Brenda says in her comment. The US is in a world of shit, and probably for years to come, but the only person that stands any chance at all to turn this country around in any way, big or small, is Trump. All of the rest of the candidates, in either party except for Trump, are bought and paid for. Sorry but that is the bottom line friends.
Eddy B says
Larry you just talk blindly if people would wake up to the real Trump before the election you would know that everything he says is for show and he know how to play this reality show game, except now it’s not a game it’s with the future of this country. My man is Ben Carson he has the intellect to actually make this country great again not just a slogan like Trump throws around
Jim man says
Not true Trump can not turn any thing around. You must work with congress The president is not a dictatorship
No one man can turn the country around it will take all three branches
Trump does not have these skills.
He has called the leadership in congress stupid &idiots Please know how our government works. The President does not write law ! Congress writes the law congress controls the purse strings not the President ! Congress ratiffs ( approves)
All trade bills. The President can not put tariffs on goods coming into the country. This has to be approved by congress
We have 4 good candidates that can work with congress Trump & Carson are not in mix. You must know something
About how to governing
Gerald says
That is true. That is why we need Trump. It sounds like most people here that don’t like him, is because he is rich. I don’t care if he is rich. Less chance of corruption. He will support the people. TRUMP
Helene says
Trump is not spiiled brat he worked hard for what he s got your just jealous you can be big enough person to do what hes diing using his own money to help this country when all the others need the money b s on that wake up people get your head out of your butthole
Jim man says
Trump inherited his money He has made some good business deals !! But has made more bad deals that lead to 4bankrupies
I want to be rich but not in the crooked way he has
Gary Smith says
An egomanic crybaby
Neal says
Sooooooo….You want a Democratic setting in the White House next time around, correct? YOU must if you think the MAJORITY of the people who are fed up with and DISLIKE the ESTABLISHMENT, BOTH DNC and RNC, will vote for ANY OF YOUR CANDIDATES! Chances are Trump is more Liberal than you’d like. Other than the fanatics of our Party (Establishment, Evangelical, and Tea Party) there are more votes out here than you would like to consider. ADD to our votes the Independent Cross-over Votes and we make up a LARGE BLOCK OF VOTERS WHO WILL VOTE for ANYONE but Establishment Candidates or the Fanatic Tea Party!!! It’s time for you to wake up and smell the Roses as NO OTHER CANDIDATE BUT TRUMP can appeal to the Majority of Republicans AND CROSS OVER VOTERS! OR, you can help elect the Socialist-Communist Democratic ticket!!!!!
Jim man says
Neal you started out ok but then you went off the rails !!! If the Republicians l put Trump up against Hillary will win the President
Of the USA trump does not know the issues He has been to lazy to study them. There 100’s of issues that effect this nation he does not know them. In general election you can not say you are going to build a fence and deport everybody you must be able to talk about shrimping to farm bills offshore leasing plus hundreds of other issues Trump can not period. I have heard him on local radio interviews He made a complete fool of him self That is the reason he does not do these any more That is the reason he does these rallies & few town hall meeting He can not answer a lot of questions If you are For Trump read & Google as much as you can On his interviews over the past 25 years. No excuses. You do that & study how our government works. You will see Trump is in over his head. Read read. Read
Peter Douglass, age 95 and holding says
I am a Canadian citizen, born in Nova Scotia. If we were able to vote in this USA election, my choice is Donald J. TRUMP ! Here’s why
T…….. R………………. U……………M…………P……………… This……..Republican…..Unites……..Most…….People.
The Redhawk says
Stay home PLEASE.. YU just elected a COWARDLY PM ..Running away from Syria and the ISIS fight…
Lori says
RedHawks!! Bull!! He’ll have ISIS dead in no time!! Even the Navy Seals are with me on that one!! Who are you kidding!!!! Shut up!!
Sandy says
Right on Peter right on
Main Street says
Nova Scotia is beautiful.
weary conservative says
He’s united the mob mentality of the morons who refuse to even look at what he actually stands for.
Lori says
Are you afraid that your entitlements will be taken away ..phony conservative.
Neal says
Have you actually looked at what the other Republican Candidates stand for? ESTABLISHMENT, ESTABLISHMENT, TEA PARTY!!!! Two are already bought and paid for and the third CAN”T BE ELECTED, NOWAY, SHAPE, OR FORM! YOUR ESTABLISHMENT HAS got OUR country 19 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT and LETS THE SEATED PRESIDENT DO ANYTHING HE WANTS TOO!! TIME FOR you Old Time Thinkers to shut up and see if new blood can straighten out YOUR MESS!!! P.S. I’m 76!
Lori says
Peter Douglass you are a smart man!! I’m voting Trump all the way with all my Navy Seal and Marine family!!! These people on this site who are bad mouthing Trump..they are all sheeple who cannot see beyond their azzez!!! I love Canadians!! My cousins are here now but they’re from Vancouver and Lake Louise areas. When I visited Canada several times, I was always treated with such respect. What a beautiful country!!! Thank you for writing your opinion on this post..I sure appreciate it. By the way..Trump is winning in all our polls by a landslide..thank God!!!
Kathleen says
Love it!!!!
Helene says
Great i was born in canada also and i live in the us legally and if i could vote it would be for Trump, but the elligals can vote how fair is that Thanks Trum for doing what your doing we love you as a president
Larry says
I agree with Peter Douglass of Canada. He is dead right. We have a series of huge crises situations facing our country and we need to stop kicking the can down the road and actually committ to fixing them, our military, borders, our credibility all over the world and we need to do these things in honor of and pursuant to our Constitution. TRUMP in 2016!
Mary Jane says
Lol Thank you
James Addler says
Thank you South Carolina!!
Janet says
I live in North Carolina and support Trump as well. If he decides to run as a third party. I will still vote for him. He loves this country and wants to help all of the people of USA. Loving this country is a big plus in my eyes and he has my support 100%.
Lori says
Hell yes!!! Trump 2016!!!
Jann says
Great to hear!! Thank you, South Carolina! Go Trump!
Sandy says
And the south will
Rise again!!! Go trump
Jerry Gilles says
Sandy ,I say let them fly the confederate flag too.
Lori says
Me too!! All the way with the Confederate flag!! Next we must get rid of that phony repub in office ..our governor!! How dare she try to get rid of our flag!!! She’s a dem in disguise!!
Larry says
I think so too. The SC govenor simply shose to go with the loud voices regarding the confederate flag. It has been around a very long time and primarily represent the battle flag and the flag of what might have been. Sorry, I am not bothered by the Flag itself. The Union won as it should have. We are one nation and every state has its’ own flag, whatever it might be, and that does not change the fact that we are one nation, united and working towards becomming more united. Trump in 2016.
Lori says
Hell yeah!! Go Trump!!
Jerry Gilles says
Right on Bonnie !! I hope you are right.
weary conservative says
Another case for IQ test before you’re allowed to vote.
Gary says
All my people live in Charleston and surrounding areas and I Live I Tennesse I’m also tiered of al the B/S. All the ones except Trump is the same as we have had in the past a yes and no because of there supporters. Trump said I do t have to answer to anyone except the American people. People had better wake up. Our country is in trouble and I sure feel Trump can get us back on the right track.
Mary Jane says
Thank you South Carolina Go Trump
blackajck mcd says
thank you and I agree, I’m stuck up here in the Northeast part of America
democratic society ,
Rigger says
Like I’ve said before, IF Hilary wins, this Country will have a Gay Muslim on the Bench replacing Scalia.
Mary Lou says
If a Democrat wins, we won’t have a Supreme Court to worry about, we will have Sharia Law soon!!
JoAnn Graham says
If Trump with his antics hands the election to the Democrats, we’ll have a gay Muslim on the Supreme Court ANYHOW.
Neal says
Oh weary one –Then YOU better get on HIS band wagon as HE IS THE ONLY POSSIBLE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE WHO CAN MARSHELL ENOUGH VOTES TO WIN! NONE OF THE OTHERS CAN GET THE CROSS-OVER VOTES HE WILL! Unless, of course, YOU and your friends want a Socialist-Communist setting in the White House next election!
Sherry says
I love all the things that Trump says however I am concerned how he would work with the other world powers. I hope to goodness that what he says he will do he would be able to because he will have a legislature and a Congress that will fight him on most everything. I admire his ability to say what he feels and if he starts a third party then I will vote for him.
Mary Lou says
I’m with you, Sherry, all the way!
Jann says
I don’t think Trump objects to attacks on his positions if they’re truthful. Cruz is a liar. This isn’t a big shock. Trump is correct to set the record straight. And the RNC’s handling of these debate audiences is so obviously anti-Trump that it’s ridiculous. Trump’s strength to weather all this mistreatment by the Establishment and the media just demonstrates his commitment to do what’s right for our country. He’s got my vote for sure.
Kathleen says
The debates are a joke. It just keeps the same things being said by the candidates reiterated. How many times do we have to hear about Rubio’s and Trumps statements that they have made in the past. Those two are always hammered by the others as soon as they argue back or defend themselves. Trump tells it like it is. It is about time we take our country back and put the Americans first. We have always managed to help other countries and have brought tons of immigrants to this country, but have put our own country first. It is going to happen again. Put our guard down and we’ll have another Pearl Harbor, or devastation of the Twin Towers and Pentagon. It seems as though it takes a tragedy to happen before we take any action. Trump will make sure our military becomes the best again, and that no one will enter the country anymore that will murder our people. We have not yet began to see what the terrorists are capable of, and once they have their plans in place, it will be too late to take them all down. He is not racist but he loves our country and sees that if things are not put in place that other politicians have ignored, that all Americans will never be able to sleep at night again without fear of attacks.
It’s Trump all of the way for me. He doesn’t have to worry about the other candidates changing his supporters minds because we have chosen him from the start and all of these debates will not change our minds.
Derw says
Spot on!!!!
We the people have two choices—the establishment from the two party paradigm corrupt establishment Washington elite NWO scum or an outsider self funded non political man who says he want’s to make America great again or again and again the hand picked establishment NWO scum who have committed high treason by selling all true Americans down the river.
If Trump does NOT do as he says we the true Americans will be in a civil war the fake progressives of AmeriKa—run by the NWO scum 1 % elites—-Berni sanders is another progressive who wants to destroy America to usher in the new AmeriKa.
Go TRUMP—-may you be true to your word and make America great again!!!!!!
My vote is for Trump—-I am from Texas.
Larry says
I really like Jann’s statement! That is absolutely true. For all the attacks he has had to endure at the hands of inept interviwers, he’s come out stronger and yes, this is a good test of his committment to serve the American people. Trump 2016.
Joanne says
Let Trump run as an Independent he’s not a conservative, he continues to threaten Cruz with a lawsuit, everything he talks about is just bs, he’s so vague never giving specifics and he’s ruined the GOP race.
Sandy says
No that’s full of holes
Trump is running on
The G o p ticket but he
Is for all people weather
Dem or rep independent
He will do what is right
For this country with
All citizens in mind just for the record tell lies long enough people take
It as the truth✍????
Gary Smith says
Trump is like a spoiled brat if I do not get my way I will cry
j.carter says
Amen Larry – such an ego!!
Neal says
Look at facts please. Cruz, Rubio, and Bush CAN NOT BE ELECTED!!! The rest don’t count! The PRESENT Majority Republican vote is Anti-Establishment! Two Establishment Candidates already bought and paid for and a Tea Party one who is too far RIGHT!!! NONE of which will get a SINGLE CROSS-OVER VOTE! You better hope Trump get the Republican nomination along with ALL HIS CROSS-OVER VOTES or there’s a good possibility the REPUBLICAN PARTY WILL NOT SURVIVE! If Trump is our Republican Candidate it will survive BUT as a changed Party of the People Nand OT RUN BY YOUR WEALTHY ESTABLISHMENT BUDDIES AND CONSOLE!!!!!
Joan Di Nello says
I truly hope that the RNC opens their eyes., listen to the people. We all want TRUMP
Dale says
I would support Trump if he were to go To a third party. The RNC either needs to back Trump or get out of his way, they can’t have it both ways
Jon says
Obama, Cruz and Rubio all have one thing in Common, they all are first term inexperience Senators! Cruz will do anything to obtain the presidency, including but not limited to lying and cheating to steal the presidency. Rubio, is a nice young man, who needs to go work in the private sector and cut his teeth in the real world of work and that does not mean work as an attorney. Rubio needs to get a real job, hire, fire, make payroll and prove your successful, including showing up to work!
Cruz is hopeless, all he knows how to do is argue like most attorneys and in Cruz’s case lie and cheat. Cruz is another one that needs to go get a real job and cut his teeth in the private sector and not as an attorney, so maybe he learns not to lie and cheat! Cruz would be a disaster as a president.
Bush, his kind are finished, its the beginning of the end of the establishment, wether they like it or not. Bush has a back bone of a jelly fish, with no leadership qualities, he is certainly not his father or even close to his brother.
Hopefully, Trump has started a revolution and a third party emerges out of the dust, which will break up the partiseian stalemates of the two party system.
Trump is what this country needs right now in its dire state. During world WWII, Patton and Mcarthur help save the world and America, some of the establishment felt threatened and some of the meek felt scared of them. Some did not like their egotistical bombastic narcissist ways, but they were get it done guys. America needs a Mcarthur and Patton once again in the form of Trump. Trump does not know the meaning of failure and the word is not in his vocabulary. Like Patton and Mcarthur, once Trump is done fixing this Country, we will honor and thank him and let him ago on his way.
Wake up America, band together behind Trump and let the firestorm of a man make our country great again.
Concerned patriot.
Larry says
Right on Jon! Cruz, Rubio need more experience and real world experience before they are given an opportunity to act on behalf of the people. Bush is not even in their league. He does not have the strength of character to lead or accomplish what this country is now facing. Carson is a good man and deseerves some recognition…, maye Surgeon General of the US and Carly Fiorina would be a great fit with Trump to bring this country out of the hold it finds itself in!
Ron Beard says
trump attacks the other canidates because he is afraid to debate them on what really matters, (the Issues). He says what needs to be done but will not explain how he intends to accomplish what he suggest.
He sounds like the guy in the bar trying to save the world. Would we want that type person as our president? I certainly hope not.
Before the debate even started he showed his disrespect and nobody has pointed it out. It seems like the media and everyone else is afraid of him. I’M REFERRING TO WHEN THE MODERATOR ASK FOR A MOMENT OF SILENCE IN HONOR OF SUPREME COURT JUDGE SCALIA, EVERY MAN ON THE STAGE BOWED HIS HEAD WITH THE EXCEPTION OF donald trump.
Kathleen says
It looked as if he was praying in his own way to me. He has voiced and explained several times how he will accomplish putting up a wall, handling immigration, bringing businesses back to the states and keeping them there, taxation, etc. It’s just no one wants to hear what he has to say and judges him before he even opens his mouth.
Helene says
Omg Ron your an idiot, wow wake up!!! Trump is defending himself because everyone is on him, they are scared because Trum is the man that make things happen and what this country needs, HELLO !!!
Debrah White says
Here’s my conspiracy theory . This was Trumps plan all along . Win the loyalty of a large percentage of Republicans then leave the party and split the vote!!! Hillary wins!! He has been in their camp from the beginning
Susan Barry says
Yeah… All u stupid people don’t want to listen to truth! Let’s lay this on the line:
1) Obama/Clinton/Bush ..Are on the same beliefs, lies, Bengazi(lady Clinton killer of US soldiers).Obama bringing in these refugee terrorists to kill American citizens,took down leader in Libya,BIG MESS !!!Bush family started the wars..Iraq,Afganistan destroyed their leaders there and we have a BIG MESS !! Tell me…ALL u AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!ARE ALL OF U AMERICANS HAPPY THE WAY OUR GOVERNMENT HAS HEADED TO DESTRUCTION.IF U CHOOSE THE WRONG PARTY … WE ARE DOOMED IN HELL!!!!!! VOTE FOR SOMEONE WHO’S FIGHTING FOR OUR SAFETY!!! WHO WILL BRING OUR JOBS BACK TO U S A !!!!!!I IT s ONLY TRUMP THAT WILL DO THIS 4 AMERICA!!!!!!!!! Think twice before u vote of what is the most important!!!!!!!!!!
Kathleen says
Exactly right!!!
bob says
In business, a successful ceo surrounds himself with the right people for the job. If Trump.gets in, he will do the same. Pick the best people for the jobs. I support him and wish him well. He cannot do any worse than the way the government is now.
Kathleen says
So many agree with you.
Ocie says
Trump wins all you asswholes can go home and wine like a munch of spoiled rotten babies because you don’t want to see a great America it will be great with Trump 2016
Proud immigrant & American says
Oh, poor little Donald! Nobody wants to follow his rules so he will go and play by himself so that his friend Hillary can join with her team and win the game. Which has been his game plan all along ! Get lost Donald and quit being such a baby.
lou says
You have all the Donors constantly booing what kind of crap is that . By the way what I recall last time there was only like 4 debates why so many this time ?
Lal says
The people of America have been brainwashed by both parties and our comy news media. WAKE UP people, let’s save our county! Do you really think the same o same o is going to change. We are broke, the powers on both sides have sold us out for their pocketbooks. IT is time we stood for strength again. VOTE : Trump: owes no one, he has pride in our vets and military, police and can get us back on our feet? What are you afraid of? The Rhinos of Washington DO NOT care about us anymore!
Beverly Bishop says
It is like this I can put it very plain and simple. Cruz ( Liar and Crook), Rubio (Memorizer), Bush ( Huge Sissy and thinks he is owed), Kasich ( Nice Man just to Weak), Carson ( would make an exceptional Vice President) now we get to Hillary you dont even want me to start on her two words (Benghazi and Traitor), Sanders he is leading these kids down a road of no return with the promise of free college which these kids dont understand the cost that they will pay for this! Now we get to Trump ( Strong and says what all the others are so afraid to say) wheather we like how he says it or not there is a Revolution in our Country and the News Media tries to lignore this. I like all Americans are sick of Lying Politicians and am just done totaly with this Administration shoving things down our throats. I will vote Trump as so many others. American needs a Businessman. Politicians have done nothing but Lie and Take from Americans and it is over. We are going to take Washington and America back!!!!
Nadine says
Dbl.D says
IT is time for Americans to clean house when it comes to our Polititions, THEY ALL HAVE TO GO ,THEY ARE ALL CRIMINALS.We also need to rid the World of the 13 families that have been terrorizing the world since 1779. I am speaking about the Rothschilds, Rockafellars,and all the way to kissinger. They are proven to be behind every crash in America, and now the whole globe. The only way to stop them is to kick them off this planet, they truly are EVIL.
Kathleen says
Illuminati!!! That’s who they are.
Joseph (Joe) says
Trump is my vote for President . His enemies stating , he keeps , changing his mind on some issues. What is wrong with that, I think that is a sign of a thinking man (person). Who of you have not changed your mind on things, after situations, facts have changed.
Additionally , his wishing to become President is not for any other reason(my opinion) than to help us get out of many problens.
1.The crooked politicians both Democrats and Republicans. 2. Out of the illegal and legal immigrant problem from all over the World. We need a break from any/all immigrants for 3 – 5 years. Where those who are here legally can assimilate and those who are not , rounded up and sent back to where-ever ….it can be done has been done , Former President Esienhower did it, rounded up several million illegals , loaded them into freight cars and sent them packing. From a business perspective , Trump has the desire , ability to use legal / business like tactics to get the border secured and paid for by those who have abused its openness.
Lastly, he would not be wasting his time and money campaigning to help Clinton or anyone else…he has and could still do so if he wished by making a financial donation .He is doing what he is doing, running all over this country to become President , so he will have a “Real” Chance to bring about the change he keeps telling us, he wants and I believe he will do. I could go on, but, for this type situation , enough is enough , if you still cannot understand , sorry but your lost in a dream world..
……..God Bless America……..
Eddy B says
Joe did you wake from that dream, Trump will not do 1/4 of what he says he will do, like you said he will change his mind after all “who of you have not changed your minds on things, after situations, facts have changed” just wait until he is president then you will see his change and it won’t be “GREAT AGAIN” he’s just a reality showman and you are one of his sheep
rightlane1111 says
This is extremely important….very important…pls…readers pay attention to this. I do not like Mitch McConnell…and that is an understatement…BUT…we MUST keep the Senate Republican BECAUSE…we cannot change the balance of power concerning the Supreme Court. That has to stay Republican…even though I have no use for many of them. That all being said…should Trump win…I believe that we will get a justice that FOLLOWS THE CONSTITUTION. BTW…Ted Cruz is a liar…that was my added two cents worth.
Eddy B says
You must not have done your fact checks on Trump if you had you would know that it is he who is the liar
Grover Syck says
Run independant.
He would insure Hillary or Berny would win. That is the best out come we can get.
Hudson says
What is the problem. The GOP has been telling us for election after election “we need to elect a Republican that can bring in conservative, moderate, independent and demonstrate voters!” Now that you have that man, you want to please the donors??? Why don’ t you do what you told all of us to do when you lied—- “hold your nose and swallow the medicine!!! Vote Trump 2016
JoAnn Graham says
I am grateful to Trump for raising difficult issues that needed to be part of the conversation during this election cycle, such as our wide-open border and the resulting flood of illegals into our country. That said, since New Hampshire, he is sounding more and more like a DEMOCRAT. His ideology is confused and incoherent, to say the least.
There are some who have said all along he is a Democratic plant and spoiler working to put Hillary in the White House. If he goes third party, I would say they are right, because the ONLY thing he will accomplish by going Third Party is to split Republican and Independent votes and put Hillary or Bernie in the White House.
We simply CANNOT afford for that to happen, with the shape our country and our freedoms are in, thanks to constant assault by the America-hating SOCIOPATH currently occupying the White House. If Trump puts us in that position, he is NOT the patriot he claims to be!
Dennis says
If you don’t vote TRUMP don’t be the first to complain when the establishment takes more money out of your pay check, decides if you get to see a Dr, when ypu can collect SS, hand over your 2nd amendment and so on.. I understand the young vote, when I was young I wanted free stuff too. But someone (us the tax payers) are the ones paying for it. People wake up the system is rigged against the average person. Black, white, hispanic does not make a difference. It’s politicians, and special interests that only count.
I’m voting TRUMP no matter what!
j.carter says
Yeah, Dennis that’s the problem vote for TRUMP “no matter what!”. All you hear is I will fix America out of Trump. Too bad he can’t deliver on his promises.
Dennis says
Lets give him a chance. We have had both parties in office and how has that work out so far? Real managers have a goal first then they build a team and wprk to achieve the out come. We need to run this country like a business, if you loss money, cut back. When you are in the black then you can spend. It’s ffinancing and management. 101. OnlyTRUMP can do it!!!!!!
Justin W says
The primaries are showing us what each of the candidates are made of. I’m beginning to tire of Donald Trump. Are we going to have to listen to this sort of pettiness for four to eight years if he is elected president?
I would welcome Trump’s challenging Ted Cruz’s eligibility to seek the presidency. A judges ruling would clear up the issue for a lot of us. If Cruz isn’t eligible it would give his supporters time to pick a different candidate. If Cruz is eligible that would help many of us feel more comfortable voting for him. As a presidential candidate Donald should have standing to file a court challenge contesting Cruz’s eligibility.
jo says
It’s all about POWER, they can not BUY nor CONTROL Mr.Trump, so we the people will vote for Donald J. Trump all the way to the white house no matter what title he uses. This time it is about stopping the deception, treason, no security, abuse spending of our tax dollars and much more abuse coming from our white house. It is not about D&R titles. Stay focused Mr. Trump, we the folks of this great nation are still standing firm beside you…..and behind you!
j.carter says
Jo Speak for yourself re standing behind Mr. Trump.
Dennis says
Jo Im with you. I think TRUMP is going to run away with this win! I this J Carter must be a Hilary lover……
William Penrose says
I would like to see Donald Trump and Dr. Ben carson on the Rep. ticket. Two honest people running together would be a first in a long,long time. It will be a miracle if anyone can save this country from our free spenders running our country, but trump and Carson might be able too.
And to the people saying anything bad about the people from Nova Scotia, they should run a search about how our people were treated by them during the 911 attack !
William Penrose says
Why was my comment banned ? I didn’t say anything bad about anyone. My main point was Trump and Carson for the Republican ticket.
George J Bellamy says
Only if he would turn all of his anger toward Hilary & Sanders he would do better. I’m tired of him going after the other Repubs.
Richard Wienshienk says
I have always been a Democrat but if Trump runs I will vote for him. The other so called conservatives that fat ass Rush Limbaugh is pushing is enough to make me a proud Trump supporter. Faux News hates Trump because he won’t lay down and stay the party line, well the party line sucks and that is why with Republicans holding the House and Senate for the last three years nothing got done, really nothing.If I hear one more of those morons say I am a Reagan Republican I will shot my T.V. Reagan was actually a pretty liberal president do those dumb bastards ever read the record? I just can’t listen to them anymore, I tune them out because it is the same old crap from each one with a tiny different slant except for the Donald and get real he would definitely to a better job than the clown car holding the rest of them.
Eddy B says
Shoot your TV, and get a life, you want a totally different America than I do, Ben Carson is the most honest, and would do this country good. Killery needs to be in jail and Bernie will take all your freedoms away and redistribute the wealth in which only the ruling class in this country would succeed
Dennis says
No chance for Carson. TRUMP needs to surround himself with energetic people. Carson might be a good surgeon. General.
J. A. Bishop says
If Trump runs as a third party candidate, he is guaranteeing that the Lib/Dems will win in November. He lied and cried so much he thinks he is telling the truth. He surely understands that if he is nominated that he has a real chance to become president. If he runs as a third party candidate, he guarantees a liberal majority on the Supreme Court.
F. C. Hilnbrand says
I think Trump is NOT being treated fairly. They NEVER figured him to be “THE MAN” and now they do not know what to do. WE the PEOPLE want him and I am pretty sure that WE the PEOPLE would vote for him even if he goes in as a IND. I know I would. What about you all?? Would you vote out of your class and vote IND even if you are registered as REP?? I want Donald in the White House and want Dr. Carson as his VP. The White House would have 2 people with no political background and want to help get our country back. Is that not what you want for our country?? The BEST people that can’t be bought. If you REALLY do want this then write to Mr Trump and Dr Carson and tell them and then stick by your words. These are the BEST of the BEST. Or would you rather have Hillary or maybe 4 more of Obama. Stand up and show these 2 man that you want them to run our country for we have had enough BULL already. Is 8 years not enough??
Eddy B says
first of all Trump would never pick Dr. Ben Carson as a running mate because he is presidential and Trump isn’t he’s a cry baby who can’t take criticism, and he’s a progressive in most of his thinking not the same as the good doctor. Keep dreaming it isn’t happening, go worship the reality showman who will disappoint once in office, mark my words
j.carter says
bull?????? That’s what you’re getting from Trump.
will cliff says
I will vote for Trump because I like the way he encourages deal making with MOSCOW instead of CONFLICT.PRESIDENT REAGAN had agreements with Gorby which were violated by Clinton, Bush, and OBama because of Neocons.Hope Trump is WEARY of these troublemakers in D.C
Eddy B says
You are not weary of Trump, do some fact checking, I couldn’t vote for anybody who says they will get along with Pelosi and Shummer
will cliff says
You will lose California and New York.
Eddy B says
They are liberal anyway and if you think sanctuary state California is going to vote Trump you are a dreamer, He will probably win NY I will give you that one but he will loose most of the other red states in the general
j.carter says
Trump sounds like a child – whining because he doesn’t get all the attention or everyone doesn’t agree with him. He shouts liar, liar when someone is getting to close to the truth about his personal life and he pouts and threatens to ‘sue’. That and his promises that “I will”— fill in the blank. I – I _I will. He does not know what it is to live on a budget. His father gave him a small loan to begin his buisness ($1,000,000)!!!! Who do you think he will remember when this election is over should he win? He would probably make Trump Tower the new White House since that’s the only place he will sleep; after all everything is ‘gold’.
People you need to think seriously about who you will vote for. We don’t want another Obama in the white house. WAKE UP. He can’t fix this world as he promises to do. He is not God as some seem to think. There is a higher power.
Dennis says
J Carter, We know you don’t understand, TRUMP and not voting for him…… Go waste your vote on the establishment candidate. Be a good voter and. believe everything the media tells you.
Brian says
The article is not true. trump never said he is thinking about going third party. He said his agreement with the GOP not to go third party was based upon fair treatment but the GOP is not playing fair. They want Jeb Bush in and Jeb Bush doesn’t have what this country needs to lead it.
But your article is very slanted trying tomake people think Trump is saying he might go third party. That is a lie, he did not say that. He said simply said there was an agreement where both parties, He and the GOP made certain promises and the GOP is not living up to their promises. He is calling out their fraud. He is not saying he will run third party. He agreed not to if they agreed to play fair. They agreed and have not kept their promise.
Wahid Elnashfan says
Trump is the most spoilt candidate I have ever seen by the GOP and the media. On the other end the wise and real gentleman and man of God Carson is being treated in the media as though he is a candidate for “Health and Human Services Secretary”. I have no doubt that no matter who wins (other than Dr. Carson) conservatives (specially Evangelicals) as well as every American will regret that we wasted this clear choice of wisdom after no more than one year. I still have hope that he wins, it’s too early to lose heart. If another wins his wisest VP pick is Dr. Carson (my second best outcome).
william says
donald could join any Party he wants ,the fact of the matter is that everyone who supports him like myself are LOYAL to the Corp,it will not affect anything as far as his incredible support he has. Go Trump 2016 !
Constitutionalist says
The last time that a 3rd party candidate one, it was Teddy Roosevelt, with the Bull Moose party, iirc.
But with rampant voting fraud everywhere, and nowhere NEAR enough people DEMANDING that vote COUNTING be closely monitored(and voting machines permanently BANNED), let me tell you what a 3rd-party run will do:
It will allow the PtB to throw the election to whomever they want, and have a ready-made Oswald to cast blame upon.
Of course, they’ll do that ANYway; most American fools think their job is done once they pull the lever or push the button and collect their “i Voted!” sticker.
Guess who said the following?
“It is enough that the People know there was an election. Those who vote decide NOTHING. Those who COUNT the votes decide EVERYTHING.”
Give up?
Josef Stalin.
i can remember how clever i thought myself when i finally figured out that we haven’t had a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” for a helluva long time. Then, i read the following quote:
“This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people no longer. It is a government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations.”
-Rutherford B. Hayes, 1876
See? Smart people figured this out damn near a hundred and fifty f***ing years ago. Most Americans still think that “democracy” gives them a “choice,” when all they DO get is the ILLUSION of choice.
Democrats. Republicans. May as well call ’em “Demolicans” or “Republicrats.” They are the bought-and-paid-for faces of the ONE party in America that the Corporate entities routinely donate to, essentially making them “wholly-owned subsidiaries” of the Corporatocracy – as evidence, tell me the last time you heard about ANY party other than democrat or republican(other than Libertarian), or better yet, heard from ANY representative thereof on CCMSM, eh? Know why not? Those who OWN the mass-media DON’T WANT YOU TO GET ANY IDEAS, especially ones that would tend to threaten their monopoly on power.
Constitutionalist says
Apologies, folks; that first line should’ve read “The last time a 3rd-party candidate WON” *smacks forehead*