Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s rise in the polls had been dismissed by many political analysts who have repeatedly said he wouldn’t last.
According to the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll, these analysts appear dead wrong.
The poll shows Trump surging ahead of the competition, with 42 percent of likely primary voters saying they support him. That represents a 17-point climb from earlier this month.
And it’s come mainly at the expense of other GOP candidates, who have struggled to gain traction.
Dr. Ben Carson continues to hold 25 percent of likely Republican voters’ support. Marco Rubio holds 10 percent, while Jeb Bush holds just 4 percent.
Over the weekend, Trump made headlines for a speech in which the real estate mogul used a four-letter word not common to presidential campaign speeches, viciously attacked a rival and called voters “stupid.”
But Trump’s sometimes outlandish behavior doesn’t seem to be costing him support.
Dick Graves, a Trump supporter who attended the rally, said that while the candidate’s comments were perhaps “a little rash,” he wasn’t offended.
“It’s Donald. And he’s an entertaining speaker. I didn’t take it too seriously,” he said.
Trump’s political demise has been wrongly predicted numerous times already. But his support only grew stronger after he repeatedly insulted popular Fox News host Megyn Kelly and after he questioned former prisoner of war John McCain’s hero status, saying he preferred people “who weren’t captured.”
In the theater at Iowa Central Community College Thursday night, the mood changed as Trump continued past his usual one-hour mark and turned his focus to lambasting Carson, the soft-spoken retired neurosurgeon.
In recent weeks, Trump has been spending less time lobbing insults and more time talking about how his business experience and negotiating skills qualify him for the presidency. He was visibly mellower during this week’s fourth GOP debate and told reporters he’d been trying to be nicer.
But the performance Trump delivered was far from that.
In a dramatic monologue that at times involved voices and acted-out scenes, Trump expressed concern about Carson’s childhood temperament and questioned his religious conversion. He also railed against the people of Iowa as naive and gullible for believing Carson’s stories.
“How stupid are the people of Iowa?” he said. “How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?”
On foreign policy, Trump laid out his anti-Islamic State policy by saying he would “bomb the s— out of” their oilfields.
Carson said Trump’s broadside was “expected” in politics, but he decried “the politics of personal destruction.”
“I’m hopeful at some point that we reach a level of maturity that we can actually deal with the issues that are facing us right now and stop getting into the mud and doing things that really don’t matter,” Carson told reporters in South Carolina.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
marlene says
We need to get rid of our corporate congress, the racist traitor in the white house and the criminal supreme court. Please keep carson away from the white house – he is not who he claims to be and would be obama’s third term, TRUMP 2016-2024; Give peace a chance.
Lee Terry says
Trump Can do it Marlene Trump 2016
Linda says
#DonaldTrumpForPresident Wake up America. We are in perilous times and only Trump can fix it.
TRUMP is not our candidate. TRUMP is our MURDER WEAPON and our intended victim is the Establishment! “When you need a job done right, get a busy man to do it.” Donald J. Trump has been a busy man all his life. Trump builds stuff. Trump gets things done. #StandUpForTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Join some of the web sites for Donald Trump – #StandUpWithTrump #TheTrumpFactor TEXAS. We need Trump to take care of this mess our politicians have gotten us in. BUILD a wall.
Lori says
Yes..agreed!! Trump 2016!!!
Dorothy Whalen says
Some may call Donald Trump brash, for his outspoken ways, but he gets peoples attention, he speaks the truth, which is never printed in a newspaper, or any news service article, anymore. We understand what he is saying, and the only way he can do the necessary things to bring peace and order about, is to be elected president of our great country. The wimp in the WH is either one of those causing all this chaos, murder, etc. or he is a sympathizer of their cause. either way, it is to cause the destruction of all free nations, including the United States. Donald is paying his own way, he is beholden to no one but those who will elect him, honest, hard working americans to see what is happening, while others who should be aware, are wearing rose colored glasses. Wake up and print the truth, even if it hurts.
Gary Smith says
Trump is just a loudmouth egomanic if you listen to him I will do this I will do that but not how.
cheryl says
Christine Garcia says
Yes You are so right!
Masanja Balele says
We Democrats are not worried about Trump. It is the Repubs and TPs that are concerned Trump may win the GOP nomination. GOPers are now in panic mood; they are losing the WH again.
Lori says
Lindsay says
I second your LMAO @ Masanja
Lucille Benitez says
We need a businessman to run this country and not a politician. A well known successful businessman is our candidate, Go Donald Trump!!!
Maxx says
Every time we have had a professional politician as a president or member of Congress since the 1920’s America has been diminished and the tax paying citizens have been shafted again and again. What the entire government needs is a damn good “house cleaning” from the very top all the way to government employees who do the dirty work the politicians dictate. The people are supposed to control the government but we have had any power we had wrestled away by three corrupt and complicit branches. Thomas Jefferson and Jams Madison have verbalized their solution for such criminality by government.
cheryl says
Donald Trump will be the BEST President we have had since Regan!!! He is brash and sometimes he is Very strong…but WE have been PC and soft too long! That is what got us exactly where we ARE! Donald Trump is the ONLY candidate that WILL SECURE THE BORDERS! And WILL REMOVE ILLEGALS from this Country! As he says, many of his opponents and the LEFT want to make this ALL about Hispanics!! As TRUMP SAID THEY ARE COMING IN FROM EVERY AREA OF THE WORLD> WE ARE NOT SAFE!! Paris stated THEY are NOW going to SECURE their borders! Another part of the propaganda is the cost? The costs of supporting all the ILLEGALS together with the CRIME and HOUSING of CRIMINALS outweighs the costs of removing them! Lets put it this way…. if 11 MILLION AMERICANS decide to just STOP PAYING ALL THEIR TAXES…do YOU think the GOVT would FIND the MONEY to track them down and put them in JAIL….you bet they would!!! The costs are well worth bringing back our economy AND KEEPING ALL AMERICANS SAFE…those that are all ready here waiting to do the unspeakable to AMERICANS…. CAN WAIT in their OWN COUNTRY! TRUMP 2016!! FOR A BETTER, SAFER AMERICA!
Christine Garcia says
He will be 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, times better than Reagan and any other president! I can’t wait till he’s in the Oval Office, which will be a huge step down from what he’s used to! So I have to thank him for all he’s doing to save our country. Thank You Donal Trump!!
merle says
Trump has a BPD. and he will not stay with the ship when if it starts to go down !!!!
Mindy Zumba says
yeah, right, regan sold arms to our enemies, lied about it in order to finance the Iran/Contra arms game to make money for the CIA in their importing drugs to get poor people hooked….
cheryl says
REALLY????? Now lets hear some truth… I know its hard but just try!
nancy cuseo says
Trump will not waiver will not leave he has said so and yes his life is so much busier and toughter running but he is determined to make us great again and even greater . We have been losers since the 50s and we must take back our country and the only one who plainly sees it and speaks the truth and is honest and has great integrity and intelligence he is ahead of all the politicians in knowing admitting and plans good plans to reverse the direction we are going . he is ahead of the curve ghe americdan people are fed up and god bless him . we have been praying for our country and god is showing us the corruption the corrupters and now we have a true leader running I swear god is showing us what is wrong through trump but the choice is our s and until and when we voters vote for country family and set things straight make good choices we will be no longer . WE are on the brink broke and the very ones that did this to us now want a pay raise can you believe it the put us broke with pork payouts and attacking our friends and allies and arming our enemies and ignoring the very one who helped us build a true god loving nation is now laughed at and stepped on with such immoral behavior unpatriotic demeaner both sides of he isle gop establishment and rinos all with democrats to fulfill their own agenda we are now the laughing stock of the world . we have putin doing all that we should have been doing . god bless America and trump for jumping in finally it is a huge sacrifice on his part but he happens to love his children and grandchildren and ours and will not stand to let it go down at their future their expense . we must fight with him to accomplish this goal. go trump # Trump for president
annice rogers says
Nancy, this is sooooo beautifully stated!! We are definitely in the process of losing our free speach rights by being told to speak only as the government demands. To oppose or debate or think for ourselves is politically incorrect and we are labeled racest. Mr Trump is taking back his right to express himself with truths ,which are
guaranteed by the constitution, but at the present time
the constitution is being ignored and is being replaced
by something evil .I want to hear people greeting one another with a cheery Merry Christmas and attend a concert or a soccer game without being bombed away.
!!! America wants LEGAL Naturalized Citizens , ones who learn English and pledge allegiance to our flag
and want to live with freedom and justice for all. I pray
for a return to law and order for our Magnificent USA!!!
My vote is for Mr Donald Trump!!!
josie says
you are either stupid, or insane
anna bates says
Jenny Golembiewski says
To Dan, You Must Be A Liberal Or Democrat Am I Right ? Well For Your Information Donald Trump Has Spoken About Where Our Country Is Heading Fore, And Its Not Good, So Who Would You Like To See? A Wimp And A Person That Gives Out Freebies? Or A Person That Can Get This Country Back To Us? You May Like The Way He Talks, But His Supporters Do, He Means What He Says, And He Means What He Will Do. So I Guess You Are The One, Like The Others That Don’t Want Our Country To Survive. So You Must Be On A High Note. So Get With The Program, For Trump Will Win By A Landslide, Like Him Or Not.
factseeker says
Up until the rise of TRUMP; the media got to pick whom the party nominees might be however, today Americans are tired of all the PC bull-chit and illegal aliens walking around like they own the place! With the rise of ISIS and other radical agents of Islam contributing to the fear and threat they pose; I’m sure new “conceal carry” applications will be on the rise as well. We can deport by starting TODAY!
Dan says
Y’all just keep drinkin’ that koolaid.
Carol says
Just like you Obama idiots.You and he has made our once great country the laughing stock of the world,Go draw another red line maybe it will work for you but sure didn’t for Obama but Putin got a good laugh at America out of it
Den says
You kidding or simply stupid??
Dems LIE, CHEAT, IGNORE LAWS- You best hope DONALD wins and saves you A.
ella says
Democrats are desperate. During the last debate, someone actually challenged Hillary. It may have been staged though. Democrats are afraid of someone who will say what needs to be said to gain the attention of us Americans. We have been lulled or deceived into believing we had no choice. News Flash! We do, and Donald Trump is telling us to take it. You bet we will!
EJC says
You do not know Mr. Trump or you would not say those things. I do & I would like to inform you that there is not another Individual that I could recommend higher. He is high energy & will not sell our Country Down the Drain like OBAMA the Muslim Lover—-Please Smarten Up
mia says
As a conservative I can.say that’s true. Trump is a fool.
Jenny says
What universe do you live in??? Trump is ahead in all the polls. I think it is Hillary that is shaking in her boots! We the people are coming buddy!
Mindy Zumba says
…’dumbo the strump’ is an idiot blowhard fat white angry know nothing who has offered exactly ZILCH as far as REAL ideas for SOLVING PROBLEMS, he spews HATE, RACISM, MISOGYNY, HOMOPHOBIA…and if you buy his #$%$, you are the fool. HE WILL NEVER BE POTUS!!!!
…he has said he will build a ‘yugge’ fence and make Mexico pay for it…good luck!
…has he offered any other concrete ideas for the future of this country except to say he woud be/act as a racist president….
…the guy is nuts, lies about his wealth (read the latest from Forbes), lusts after his daughter, raped his ex wife, ….shall I continue….
…if any of you are crazy enough to vote for this vile idiot you deserve every lousy situation that comes up in your life….
Anita says
terri says
Marlene you are so right…
madhen says
was this poll after the Iowa” tirade”. The mainstream media CNN, NYT etc has still not published this??
Shari Nmichener says
Yes he can
Joaquin says
Yes…please keep Carson away from the white house….I did a research of him and Trump was right….a pathological liar will always be a liar for the rest of their life. Trump is our answer to get America great and the greatest country in the World. He will make us safe by supporting our military and wipe out ISIS once and for all…The American people need Donald Trump NOW.
Publius says
Ben Carson is not a pathological liar. He did not even lie in the first place. America needs someone who will make the correct conservative decisions. Ben Carson has the character to stand up and be that man who will model the way a President should act and carry himself.
Billie Zotos says
Publius, Truth well spoken! I agree with you! Dr. Carsons character is definitely superior to people whose only concern is ‘money & power, rather than good character and love for others’ God bless America! ????
Billie Zotos says
Please remove the ‘question marks’ that I did not have in my ‘reply’! Thank you!
Melody says
Did he listen to Carson on the news last night. Apparently not. When asked how he would handle ISIS and who he would call for help he stepped all over himself with one excuse after another. He is not the man for this Country. We need someone who will stand up for America and make it known that we will not take this bs anymore.
nancy cuseo says
never happen carson has deceived himself his books contradict himself not us nor trump he does this to himself a fine man good surgeon are not qualifications for a president nor a commander in chief . amen
mia says
Exactly right
terri says
Yes we need him now… We needed him yesterday!! He should be in the Whitehouse now!! Can’t wait for Obama to pack up and walk out the Whitehouse door!!!
merle says
Easy to say but no evidence ?
Irene says
What proof do you have that Trump is who he claims to be and that Carson is not? Since Tump contributed to the Clinton campain and for many years was a strong dem, how do you know that he is not just a democratic trojan horse put in place just in case Hillary loses the election? So, maybe neither are who they claim to be, or perhaps they are both who they claim to be. One should not discount one because of color. That is plain stupid. Had Obama been properly vetted and had not the news media lied about him, he may have not ever become President. All one had to do is read his books and pick up on the most influential people in his life and one would have realized he was not suited as President for the U.S.
As far as Carson, I truly prefer his style much more then Trump’s. And as far as Christianity — who is and who isn’t — unless one is a true Christian, one would not understand the change that Christ makes in a person’s life. Actually, I question that if one does not understand the changes Christ makes in a person’s life and that person claims they are a Christain, are they truly a Christian? I doubt it as the Bible states, “You know a Christian by their fruits.” In other words, one Christian knows another Christian by their actions.
Edcuate yourself politically and judge Presidential Candidates on what they believe they can accomplish in office, check their records and see how they voted on issues. For Carson and Trump, listen closely to what they say as they don’t, to my knowledge, have political background — do their ideas line up with yours? Don’t base your judgement on on one lousy President, religion, color or sex. 2015 — shame on you!
Frank says
Nice try on the race card, Irene.
I do not like Carson for a number of reasons and I’ll state them.
1) soft on amnesty, wants to legitimize illegal immigrants.
2) questionable on 2nd amendment. In a 2013 interview with Glenn beck, he stated he felt weapons should not be allowed in urban areas. Either you believe in the 2nd or you don’t.
3) Believes in the global warming hoax
4) Critical of officer Wilson’s defending himself against thug Brown. Has stated deadly force should not have been used. Huh? Brown was trying to kill Wilson.
5) has sided with the “black lives matter” group in their protest against police
6) favors forced vaccinations
7) supports the ACA
8) associates with Sharpton and Fahrakan
1) wants to secure our borders – build a fence
2) fully supports the 2nd amendment – believes our carry permits should be good in all 50 states, same as our drivers license
3) deport illegal immigrants and let them reapply for admission to the U.S. through our legal immigration policy
4) will overturn Obama’s executive orders
5) will replace the IRS with a tax code that is workable – details: single person income of <$25K and family income of 50K 10% flat tax. Corporate income regardless of amount, 15%
6) with lower corp. tax rate, business will return to U.S. thereby creating jobs and revenue.
7) Will do away with bureaucratic agencies like the EPA, IRS, Dept. of Education which will reduce the size of government.
8) will strive for a balanced budget
9) will restore our military to the strongest force once again
10) Will insure our Veterans get all the benefits and medical help they are entitled to.
Any questions??
Frank says
Got to fix Trump #-5
Should read:) will replace the IRS with a tax code that is workable – details: single person income of <$25K and family income of $50K, 10% flat tax. Corporate income regardless of amount, 15% tax.
Frank says
The moderator or someone is playing games with this portion of my post This is my 3rd try at correcting it.
#-5 should properly read as follows:
Trump will replace the IRS with a tax code that is workable – details: single person income of <$25K and family income of <50K , NO TAX.
Income over $50K, 10% flat tax.
Corporate income regardless of amount, 15%
Christine Garcia says
Yes I have a question. I thought Trumps tax plan was to exempt anyone making 30K (more or less) or less from paying any taxes at all and the same for a couple making around 50K. I’m happy to hear he wants to get rid of the IRS but I also heard him say “Someone has to collect the money”. Can you please clarify these things? In any case Trump definitely has my vote! He is so much better than any other candidate. Carson????? No way!
Christine Garcia says
OK Frank, I just read more of your posts and you have tackled this question with grace and finesse!!
Anita says
I don’t know that he said get rid of IRS, but more to reduce it’s size greatly.
Margery Holder says
Good for you . Well put …. Trump all the way … ????
Dfinch says
Trump won’t be able to do anymore than any other candidate. Everything will have to be approved by Congress. Even the overturn of Obama’s EO’s.
Sally says
Actually, Ben Carson has stated that he thinks that the Affordable Care Act is the worse thing that hahappened in America.
Billie Zotos says
sounds like ‘hype’ to me! In watching the issues on both sides, I saw no way that what is said about Dr. Carson is properly interpreted. It is like taking what is said, and only taking out of it what someone wants to use as a factual statement, eliminating part of what is said to convert it into what it isn’t. In reading the blog, I saw that what was said about Mr Trump can also be taken apart to make it into what it isn’t. We really need to have awareness of people as who they are, not who we wish them to be. We live in a free country, not ‘free for the taking, but free to live a decent life, not infringed upon by others. After some of our past errors, let’s unite together to have this truly be what our forefathers had in mind.
merle says
#2 on Carson, he once said that but has said several times since as he has talked to the american people and watched the crime rate that he now does believe in the second amendment . he did used to say he thought it was ok for rural families But now sees the truth in the matter .
#5 and #7 Where is your proof?
Not sure your talking about the same Carson that I know !!!
Carlene says
I agree with you 100% #TRUMP2016
Jenny Golembiewski says
Thank You Frank, For Setting Irene Right, You Know Some Americans Are Really Living Under A Rock, Or Maybe Just Don’t Care In What They Say, When They Say Stupid Stuff, To Me That Means that They Are Not Educated Enough To Know Right From Wrong. And Its Sad. But Yet They Make Sure They Get All The FREE FREEBIES That They Can Get From Us TAXPAYERS. And I Am Fed Up supporting Their Butts. Trump Is Our Man And He Will Do What He Says. Carson Is A Nut Case. We Can’t Afford To Have Him As President.
June says
You are so right. Obama isn’t ignorant. All this he has done is deliberate – he wants to bring this country down to her knees. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a closet Muslim. He is nothing but a traitor and should be impeached immediately, before his Muslim “JV’s come and start killing us. .
Daughter says
I have same concerns about a Trojan Horse, but the fact is that ANYONE could be one, including Carson. However, Trump has been in the spotlight for decades and we know more about him than any other candidate. Yes, he may have contributed to Clinton, but he contributed to Republicans as well, that is a smart business move and The Donald is very Business savvy, another reason to give him your vote.
The only sure way to know is to Pray to God for guidance on the Subject, WE ARE FIGHTING A SPIRITUAL BATTLE, we must fight it at the Spiritual level as well as physical.
Ephesians 6:12King James Version (KJV)
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
wayne says
Amen! Trump is a God send.I fear that if he loses, they will make it impossible for an anti-establishment and anti PC candidate to ever rise in the ranks again. He has gotten this far because they did not see him coming. He is truly savvy and just what this country needs to reverse its path of destruction.
Patty says
So you’re ok with amnesty and Ben making statements in his book but doing the opposite in real life? That’s Ben candidate profiles
Janice says
Great going! I stand for Ben Carson any day! Trump is about like Al Sharpton! He like to agitate people! Carson is a good man and he is not a liar. He speaks the truth. He had a rough life when he was younger, but made something of himself. He did not have a father to give him a Billion dollars to start a business. Unlike Trump he worked hard at becoming what he is today! Trump likes to brag, he is arrogant, self-centered, boastful, and a lot more. No one can do all he says he can. You have to work with both sides of the isle in Congress to get things done. It takes more than just saying you are going to do such and so, because you have other people to consider. Just my opinion!
nancy cuseo says
trump a gop for over 35 years carson just gop to run for president carson is not qualified to be president and commander in chief not track record of experience to do the things need doing . Trump created thousands of jobs what has carson had a few nurses
Lorraine says
I agree with you Marlene, Carson is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, also don’t like his associations with Sharpton and Farrakhan, He also seems to forget facts about his past business dealings as well. Trump1016!!!
merle says
Have you seen any proof on him having connections with Sharpton and Farrakhan?
nancy cuseo says
videos showing him with al Sharpton speaking to sharptons group and he in interview about that said he agreed with sharptons goals and he also went to wh asking Obama to appoint farakan to Chicago a position. he is his own enemy carson cant remember what he said and then says he opposite .
Dale DuBois says
Someone said that Carson is not what he seems to be. Is he Obama’s third term man? Don’t forget that Carson was picked by Obama to make a speech way before America ever knew he existed and his speech sounded good like a person who might make a good President. Could this have been planned by Obama so he could keep his unlawful crap going even after his term is up? So far the Democrats have found nothing bad on Carson but are they really trying. Maybe I’m all wet on this but this could be something to think about.
Publius says
Dale it sounds like from your above posted comment that you need to do research on Ben Carson. When you have done research then comment on Carson. BEN CARSON IS IN NO WAY ASSOCIATED WITH OBAMA. He does not stand for the same values. He does not lie about matters as our President has.
Billie Zotos says
Publius,again I agree with you! All I find, is that Dr. Ben Carson is by far the most honest person running! He is a real American without any personal agenda for power & prestige, but only to see our country move forward with peace & freedom. God bless America!
merle says
Just another made up story on Dr Carson . The same bad things can be said a bout Trump . I have ” heard “, ( that is what most do ) that he isn’t allowed in some of his enterprises because he messes them up and losses clients . Is it true ? Does he see a Psychiatrist?
Dfinch says
You can take your post and put Trump’s name in it. I haven’t trusted him since he said that Bill Clinton called him and asked him to run. That’s his words. Not mine. Did Clinton do that and if he did why? If not why would Trump lie about it. The other issue I have is Trump doesn’t make these deals he talks about. His kids now are basically running that business and a whole entourage of attornies. I’m guessing but I doubt he knows a whole lot about them buying and selling until he goes into the board room. Donald Trump will not be able to do anymore than any of the other candidates because Congress will still be making those decisions.
Anita says
And I suppose you think the attorneys trained his kids to be able to take over his business. Really, does that even make sense.
Walter Flatt says
Margery Holder says
Agree absolutely with you . Right on . Go Trump !
STUSH says
Randal Peterson says
And you believe this about Carson because of lies from the left and rinos?!?! The one who’s not who he claims to be is Trump. He’ll do anything to be elected, including spread the lies about Carson, even adding some of his own. The rush for people to vote for someone who tickles their ears about things they think they want to hear could put someone in the whitehouse who, in his own way, is just as bad as Obama for the country. Those who throw mud usually play in it themselves!
Publius says
merle says
Thank you .
wayne says
Carson will be worse than a third term Obama because he is smarter. Al Sharpton will continue to be a frequent visitor to the White House.
terri says
I am with you 100%!!! Trump is exactly who we need!!
Betty Howerto n Squires says
I think BEN Carson is a great surgeon; however, I do not trust him. I really do believe he would be another Obama in our White House. Obama has run our country into the ground. He allows illegals to come into our country every day. We have people who recently came from Syria. One of the terrorist in France was from Syria. I truly believe we are going to see death from ISIS in our USA soon. If Eisenhower could get rid of Illegal Mexicans,,,Trump can do it. We have to stop allowing people from other countries to come here illegally.
Marlene Langert says
I am enterin g a comment because I do not want people to think I am that other Marlene, who casts Carson aside. I was for Carson, then pulled ove to Trump. However, now that Trump is telling lies about Carson, I can no longer stay in the Trump group Glad Trump tells things as he sees them, but i do not believe even Trump believes the things he said about Carson. I am definitely back in the Carson Camp nowto stay. Carson is the most recent , and yet strong, human being I have ever known of. He does not back off from any accusation. He answers with truth, determination, and exact words. He is doing his best to stay out of the mud and he is succeeding. God bless Dr Ben Carson.
Sally says
I agree.
Patty says
Marlene Langert: What lies has Trump told? Ben states things in his book but does the opposite in life. Also, are u ok with amnesty?
merle says
Patty , do you really believe Trump is going to get 11 million illegals and all the muslims out of the country in two years ?Do you really think he is going to be able to tear down mosques. Do you really think he knows more about ISIS than the generals ? .Many of the things he has said he will do he can’t legally do !! Of course that doesn’t stop Obama.
Carlene says
Well he can always pull an obama and VETO whatever he wants too. I do not trust Carson either. I am voting for TRUMP. TRUMP has everyone running scared because he will clean house. They are all scared of losing their jobs. And I for one will say we have far too much government WASTE. TRUMP all the way. I don’t care if it takes him 3 years to get rid of all the damn illegals and Muslims. obama didn’t do crap in 8 years but destroy the USA
Betty Howerto n Squires says
I think BEN Carson is a great surgeon; however, I do not trust him. I really do believe he would be another Obama in our White House. Obama has run our country into the ground. He allows illegals to come into our country every day. We have people who recently came from Syria. One of the terrorist in France was from Syria. I truly believe we are going to see death from ISIS in our USA soon. If Eisenhower could get rid of Illegal Mexicans,,,Trump can do it. We have to stop allowing people from other countries to come here illegally. Trust me people, America is a business and Trump is our only hope
Sally says
I agree.
Mike says
Yea we need the greedy clown
mistymi says
Marlene, Joaquin, Frank and others: You seem racist. You don’t like the black man in the WH and you want to keep another away from it. However your racism is no concern of mine. I don’t care if Carson wins or not. I don’t care if Trump wins. I realize that neither your comment or my reply will have any impact on who gets the nomination.
As for those of you concerned about “illegal” Mexicans, may I remind you that Mexicans occupied both Texas and California ( and probably other territories) before the “illegal” Europeans mad themselves the “legal” residents with the power to decide that people of color are illegals. That is quite laughable. You are getting ready to celebrate your Thanksgiving holiday. Are you also celebrating that the Europeans killed the natives right after their celebration?
The Most High did not give this land to Europeans and evict Mexicans. By the way, I do not support either Europeans or Mexicans as owners of the land. I only want to bring it to your attention. However, I would NOT import Syrians or more Muslims. Now you can blast me for saying that. Perhaps you will see me as racist or Islamophobic. That’s life.
Raincroft77 says
Trump is not a secretive pig, you know exactly where he stands. He’s not afraid to call a pig a pig. Being ‘politically correct’ is not one of his strong measures – nor is it mine. It’s been a long time since we’ve had honesty in the W/H.
josie says
I agree Ben Carson is not strong enough to be President. It would be another community organizer who doesn’t know how to run THE country. I DO NOT FEEL SAFE WITH HUSSEIN OBAMA IN OFFICE. GOD HELP US! AND GET HIM OUT BEFORE HE AND CONGRESS KILLS ALL OF US.
mike says
You are delusional! Americans are fed up with Obama who in six years has turned the best and most successful country in the world into one huge mess of communist ideas and ideals, where the young people are becoming useless complainers and parasites without any initiative . The government is rewarding deadbeats and criminals and protects them, throws out divisive rhetoric about inequalities, wants transfer of wealth from the “rich” who are now the criminals, retires that have made their contributions over their lifetimes but can’t get an increase because the government has blown their money by rewarding the groups that are or are considered lifetime voters that the gov. can manipulate. So thet are looking for a savior. Trump is the loudest and is promising big changes that realistic people know he can’t do yet you call Dr. Carson a community organizer. Take his example of humility, calmness, reason and above all dedication intent and resolve and vote him to guide the country back on track to stability and success!
Anita says
How many great things have been accomplished in spite of the people who said it couldn’t be done. Don’t underestimate Trump. He has already done things with his business dealings that people said can’t be done.
Mindy Zumba says
…’dumbo the strump’ is an idiot blowhard fat white angry know nothing who has offered exactly ZILCH as far as REAL ideas for SOLVING PROBLEMS, he spews HATE, RACISM, MISOGYNY, HOMOPHOBIA…and if you buy his #$%$, you are the fool. HE WILL NEVER BE POTUS!!!!
…he has said he will build a ‘yugge’ fence and make Mexico pay for it…good luck!
…has he offered any other concrete ideas for the future of this country except to say he woud be/act as a racist president….
…the guy is nuts, lies about his wealth (read the latest from Forbes), lusts after his daughter, raped his ex wife, ….shall I continue….
…if any of you are crazy enough to vote for this vile idiot you deserve every lousy situation that comes up in your life….
wm. and carmen luster says
hi I am so glad that Obama is in office today.. I feel safe with him.
Stephen Lind says
Why don’t you move in next door to one of those radical muslim extremists he is letting into this country and see if you feel the same way. You are one of the stupid people Mr Trump is talking about.
Lori says
My sediments exactly Stephen..what stupid people.
mistymi says
Are you the stupid people who are going to vote for Trump if you get the opportunity?
Carlene says
Yep we must be the stupid people…its funny when you start calling people names…you know the truth about our president who has done nothing to help the USA…Trump will and you are all so scared…
Joe Bush says
People like you is what is wrong with this country.
Becky says
wm. and carmen luster:
You are either ISIS members who have been “resettled” in the U.S. or idiots. Please advise.
Linda says
Illegals alot of them have bad mouth Republicans //because Its been known that they let all illegals in US if only they Vote for Dems //thats why the Dems got into office 2nd Time and this Country is still a Mess.I say NO MORE DEMS//////Vote Right Trump is our Man //lets show what we all think of Hillary and her Leaders ///Do not like Liars …. VOTE……….. Trump 2016 He is our Leader .
Lori says
mistymi says
Don’t be stupid. Can you show me ONE person who does not lied and never has?
Raincroft77 says
Jesus Christ – [Stupid]
Lori says
I’d say libtard idiots ..low information voters. Most likely entitlement leeches.
Christine Garcia says
Or people with a completely different mindset. You know the type, the NY times, PBS, NPR “intellectuals” who think they are so high-minded and so good-intentioned, and so sanctimonious and if you don’t think like them you are a moral degenerate. Some people very close to me whom I love are this way, so I don’t even broach the subject of politics. It’s just a nasty, alienating, waste of breath. I just see the good in them and focus on other topics. Does anyone appreciate what I’m saying?
mistymi says
Yes, Christina, I see the validity in what you are saying. I appreciate that.
Joy says
You are just plain STUPID to not read what is actually going on. If you did some reading and listening to
other stations that are not Liberal, you would see that Obama is a disaster and he still wants to bring in
more refuges. YOU DON’T CALL THAT STUPID? Then you are the STUPID one.
I am sick of people like you who want handouts and I am assuming you do, because if not, you would never
feel safe with Obama or any of the Liberals. We are being attacked here in the U .S. and more plans
are on the way to bomb 15 states. And Obama wants to bring in MORE refuges when the ISIS are
coming in with them. I never make comments to people but this one angers me that you feel SAFE with
Lori says
You are right on point. Stupid people shouldn’t breathe!
Raincroft77 says
She’s no doubt been educated in our Communist Muslim School System…didn’t learn a thing…just to follow orders…
Linda says
20 mind-blowing quotes from Barack Obama about Islam and Christianity
#1 “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”
#2 “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”
#3 “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”
#4 “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”
#5 “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”
#6 “Islam has always been part of America”
#7 “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”
#8 “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”
#9 “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”
#10 “I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”
#11 “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”
#12 “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”
#13 “In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”
#14 “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”
#15 “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”
#16 “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”
#17 “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”
#18 “We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”
#19 “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
#20 “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”
#DonaldTrumpForPresident #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Lori says
Unbelievable! That evil piece of crap should be imprisioned for treason or taken out! He is here to bring us down. People better wake up before it’s too late. Donald Trump 2016 ..for eight years!!! We need to repair..and it’s gonna take more than 4 years.
Jerry Byrd says
I have never heard a single word that you sited.Especially from Obama. If he was so bad for America, how did he win two terms ?
Margery Holder says
Idiots & leeches voted for him . Wake up ! Go Trump , All The Way .
Raincroft77 says
He won by the votes from all the illegals. I have heard many of these comments. You are very narrow-minded if you haven’t. He was raised a Muslim, and once a Muslim – ALWAYS a Muslim. You cannot get out of the Evil Political/Religion except by death – and sadly he is still alive.
You don’t remember all his Muzzie pigs visiting the W/H? His big Party for his Ramadan celebration; it was all over the news…your head is so far up your a$$ you have no idea what has been going on.
Mindy Zumba says
…too much faux and koolaid…
merle says
Then you on’t listen . You just let him lead you around like a puppy dog . He has said each and every one of those things and some more than once !!!
Raincroft77 says
Wonderful information for all. Excellent work, Linda. Hopefully you have enlightened the masses.
Now, everyone, en masse, contact your Representatives solidly and demand his Impeachment and Removal from Office.
Thanks again Linda.
Mindy Zumba says
the only people who need to be impeached are mcconnell, ryan, cruz, rubio, bush, and the rest of the
sack of lying guppie teabaggers….
Carlene says
I see he did everything for his muslim faith. What a disaster. Sure glad I never voted for him. He is the one who kept the race card going through his term. Made him feel more powerful or more like a feel sorry for me people “they are picking on you and singling you out because you are black” Thats bullcrap and he knows it. He has tore the USA right in half. He is the Dream of My Father. He is nothing more than a community organizer his wife Moooschell even lost her license to be a lawyer.
Mindy Zumba says
your statement belies intelligence…where are you getting this crap?
michael matusewic says
Your smoking some bad weed lady.
Linda Thomas says
Have you fallen down and hit your head??
B. Turner says
What are you nut’s !!!! HE IS LETTING ISIS in the USA>>
Irene says
You are out of your ever liv’in mind! He has done nothing but unstabalized the world. I feel more fear from ISIS and the Middle East then ever in my life. He has caused us to lose all of our allies and he has lined up with our enemies. Take off your rose colored glasses!
Raincroft77 says
Right, Ilene, he is in the process of making America a completely Muslim Nation. Deport all of the Muzzie Pigs.
Mindy Zumba says
so France, Germany, Canada, Russiia are not our allies?…so Jordan, Tunisia, Greece, Poland, Austria, Poland, Mexico, Brazil, China, Cuba are not our allies?…which ALLIES are you saying he ’caused us to lose’ and which of our Enemies is he lined up with?
James says
Just plain Stupid , that’s what you just proved yourself to be
Edith Moore says
Have you lived under some rock or in a cave all your life? REALLY What part of STUPID don’t you understand?
Linda says
Then you are in a sad place dear! Obama’s agenda is to destroy America and put us under Sharia Law! Wake up please!!!
Raincroft77 says
In Sharia Law, women cannot drive, cannot speak to any man, cannot be seen in public without their husband or another man in the ‘family’, and must wear the head gear at all times in public. Are you really ready to give up being a woman, and being a plain slave?
merle says
Good point but the women will probably stand up and fight faster than the men against those demons . I will if needed
Mindy Zumba says
so France, Germany, Canada, Russiia are not our allies?…so Jordan, Tunisia, Greece, Poland, Austria, Poland, Mexico, Brazil, China, Cuba are not our allies?…which ALLIES are you saying he ’caused us to lose’ and which of our Enemies is he lined up with??
Steve says
What fantasy world are you living in?
Marlene Langert says
mary starr says
Is Obama Prepared to Wage “Pitiless” War Against ISIS? Obama has ordered our military to not bomb any ISIS targets if there is a possibility that civilians will be killed. Of course, that greatly limits targets which is why so few air attacks are launched. “Civilians” either aid or support them. We weren’t worried about civilians or collateral damage to Berlin, Tokyo, Dresden, Nagasaki..nor were they towards the Chinese or Brits in London. Bernard Goldstein said he doesn’t want to win a war against ISIS …. AND HE’S RIGHT !!! Obama is one of ’em!
Democratic Senator Feinstein escalates this to an explicit demand for action to preserve our own national security, not just an intervention to stop multiple genocides and restore stability in the region. Paris taught Senator Feinstein a lesson that Obama refuses to acknowledge, and in fact openly disdains.
I wonder what he’ll have to say about Feinstein “popping off.” She’s one of his Democrats. She speaks for many more of his base including Benghazi’s Killary Clinton which is wobbling big time today!! A jolt when they know he’s a traitor.
FOR NOW MUSLIM OVOMIT BIN LYN SAID THERE IS NOTHING TO DO AGAINST ISIS … nothin’s happenin’ man says the boy liar!
Mindy Zumba says
…oh mary, are you ever spouting ignorance…
Robert M Mason says
Donald Trump LIKES Donald Trump a lot and so do I ……….Bob
Linda Thomas says
Me too. Trump 2016!
terri says
We need Trump badly!! Maybe he can straighten up the mess Obama has made of this failing country he has and is still destroying!!
Mindy Zumba says
…’dumbo the strump’ is an idiot blowhard fat white angry know nothing who has offered exactly ZILCH as far as REAL ideas for SOLVING PROBLEMS, he spews HATE, RACISM, MISOGYNY, HOMOPHOBIA…and if you buy his #$%$, you are the fool. HE WILL NEVER BE POTUS!!!!
…he has said he will build a ‘yugge’ fence and make Mexico pay for it…good luck!
…has he offered any other concrete ideas for the future of this country except to say he woud be/act as a racist president….
…the guy is nuts, lies about his wealth (read the latest from Forbes), lusts after his daughter, raped his ex wife, ….shall I continue….
…if any of you are crazy enough to vote for this vile idiot you deserve every lousy situation that comes up in your life….
Mindy Zumba says
…’dumbo the strump’ is an idiot blowhard fat white angry know nothing who has offered exactly ZILCH as far as REAL ideas for SOLVING PROBLEMS, he spews HATE, RACISM, MISOGYNY, HOMOPHOBIA…and if you buy his #$%$, you are the fool. HE WILL NEVER BE POTUS!!!!
.…he has said he will build a ‘yugge’ fence and make Mexico pay for it…good luck!
.…has he offered any other concrete ideas for the future of this country except to say he woud be/act as a racist president….
…the guy is nuts, lies about his wealth (read the latest from Forbes), lusts after his daughter, raped his ex wife, ….shall I continue….
Raincroft77 says
TRUMP 2016!!!
Frank says
Direct quote from the Horn News – “Freedom of Speech is an American right and The Horn encourages healthy debate. However, please refrain from personal attacks, profanity and hate speech. Comments that don’t meet our standards may be removed.”
You mean freedom of speech as long as you approve of what someone says? Your interpretation of the 1st amendment is astounding. So much for freedom of speech, you are hypocrites!!
Raincroft77 says
Agreed, they bumped me…
Mindy Zumba says
…’dumbo the strump’ is an idiot blowhard fat white angry know nothing who has offered exactly ZILCH as far as REAL ideas for SOLVING PROBLEMS, he spews HATE, RACISM, MISOGYNY, HOMOPHOBIA…and if you buy his #$%$, you are the fool. HE WILL NEVER BE POTUS!!!!
…he has said he will build a ‘yugge’ fence and make Mexico pay for it…good luck!
…has he offered any other concrete ideas for the future of this country except to say he woud be/act as a racist president….
…the guy is nuts, lies about his wealth (read the latest from Forbes), lusts after his daughter, raped his ex wife, ….shall I continue….
…if any of you are crazy enough to vote for this vile idiot you deserve every lousy situation that comes up in your life….
Hoffhack says
Donald Trump is exactly the right person, at exactly the right moment in History, in exactly the right place! And the more I look into Carson, the less attractive he becomes! Sorry, but I will not over look serious short comings just because he is Black!
Jjb says
Trump – yes exactly. My “Dream” ticket:
Trump – Cruz. .. Pres./ V.P.
Allen West .. Sect. of State.
Dr. B. Carson .. Surgeon General
Trey Gowdy .. Attny. General.
Mike Huckabee .. Director of DSHS.
Marco Rubio .. Amb. to Cuba. (If we still have relationships with Cuba.)
Carly F. .. Since she has been fired from every job she had as CEO. I don’t want her near anything!
Jeb Bush .. Amb. to Mexico.
Diana says
Like all your picks but Cruz.
Carlene says
This is perfect in every sense!!!
Linda Thomas says
Thank you. Well said.
Linda says
Carson is a liar. He made a lot of money making speeches for Mannatech, a nutritional supplement that “cures” cancer, autism, MS, and many more incurable diseases. Best friends with Alfonso A. Costa and he and his wife made a lot of money with Mr. Alfonso, a convicted felon. Many conflicting stories about father, childhood home, mother. Just do a little research.
Margery Holder says
Agree totally … Carson worries me . GO TRUMP ! He cannot be bought .
mistymi says
Will you add to them because he is black?
Raincroft77 says
Hitlary would eat him alive. Besides, the way things are going, we will not get any chance to vote again, unless the true American people stand up NOW and demand their Representatives Impeach him NOW. It will take a total deluge of calls and mail to make them listen. How serious are YOU at saving America?
Mindy Zumba says
…’dumbo the strump’ is an idiot blowhard fat white angry know nothing who has offered exactly ZILCH as far as REAL ideas for SOLVING PROBLEMS, he spews HATE, RACISM, MISOGYNY, HOMOPHOBIA…and if you buy his #$%$, you are the fool. HE WILL NEVER BE POTUS!!!!
…he has said he will build a ‘yugge’ fence and make Mexico pay for it…good luck!
…has he offered any other concrete ideas for the future of this country except to say he woud be/act as a racist president….
…the guy is nuts, lies about his wealth (read the latest from Forbes), lusts after his daughter, raped his ex wife, ….shall I continue….
…if any of you are crazy enough to vote for this vile idiot you deserve every lousy situation that comes up in your life….
Pat Finch says
To wm and carson luster. How in the world can you feel safe with Obama??? He is letting in refuges who are probably hiding ISIS,
he refuses to go after ISIS like France, and he will not call ISIS Islamic terrorists!!! I hope you are ready for an attack like they had in Paris, because it is coming!!!
Linda says
Obama just gave a press conference and still upholds his intentions of continuing to admit the refugees from middle east. 20 mind-blowing quotes from Barack Obama about Islam and Christianity
#1 “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”
#2 “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”
#3 “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”
#4 “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”
#5 “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”
#6 “Islam has always been part of America”
#7 “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”
#8 “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”
#9 “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”
#10 “I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”
#11 “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”
#12 “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”
#13 “In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”
#14 “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”
#15 “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”
#16 “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”
#17 “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”
#18 “We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”
#19 “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
#20 “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”
#DonaldTrumpForPresident #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Steve says
No Muslim has ever won a Nobel Prize in any scientific field, They are not innovators.
Diane says
11/16/15 = Good afternoon Linda, I had heard Mr. Obama say many of those quotes, but #9 is confusing to me. He is comparing America to Islam. AMERICA is a PLACE and ISLAM is a RELIGION. That is like comparing Apples to Oranges! It can not be done!
Raincroft77 says
Diane, he is so stupid he doesn’t realize what you are saying. But he did say #9.
Mindy Zumba says
…’dumbo the strump’ is an idiot blowhard fat white angry know nothing who has offered exactly ZILCH as far as REAL ideas for SOLVING PROBLEMS, he spews HATE, RACISM, MISOGYNY, HOMOPHOBIA…and if you buy his #$%$, you are the fool. HE WILL NEVER BE POTUS!!!!
…he has said he will build a ‘yugge’ fence and make Mexico pay for it…good luck!
…has he offered any other concrete ideas for the future of this country except to say he woud be/act as a racist president….
…the guy is nuts, lies about his wealth (read the latest from Forbes), lusts after his daughter, raped his ex wife, ….shall I continue….
…if any of you are crazy enough to vote for this vile idiot you deserve every lousy situation that comes up in your life….
Phil Sargent says
Ted Cruz !……Still the only consistent Constitutional Conservative in the race….He takes on Demo’s, Repub’s, maimed street media, lobbyists, chamber of commerce, the Washington cartel and a lot of SO-CALLED Conservatives….You need not take my word for it, check him out for yourselves…..Seek the truth !
Raincroft77 says
I, too, like Ted Cruz. I want a Trump/Cruz Ticket. That way we’ll have Cruz for 16 years…☺☺
Ed M says
You must be polling the same Trump supporters multiple times, as sane voters do not accept Trumps lunatic rants. This will not support actual votes at the booth.
Sandra says
Raincroft77 says
It’s not the sand it’s in – this remark shows it’s in his @$$…
Jjb says
Ed, you must be part of the MSM that is still scratching your head at, “Why is Trump still here???”
Well let me enlighten you: We the people, are no longer buying the “business as usual” – “life time politicians”, who are more worried about being there ‘forever’ and forgetting the REASON why they are suppose to be there!
We the people .. GAVE the Republicans the HOUSE & SENATE and what did they do with that POWER! Nothing … Zero …. Zilch …. NADA. They became “Democrat Lights”.
That is NOT what we wanted! So now, we have a voice of one who is listening to us WE THE PEOPLE …. no more business as usual. And I think this is what is scary – No more politics as usual, either. WE ARE TIRED!
I find it amazing that the “Pundits” – do NOT ‘get it’. I find people like you amazing as you also do NOT ‘get it’. It’s right there for everyone to see and those who claim to be ‘smart’ are the stupidest people right now. They cannot and do not see or hear the OBVIOUS.
We the people are tired … and finally are saying: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Trump – 2016 for obvious reasons and clear headed people hear and see why.
Raincroft77 says
Get rid of ALL Politicians. They are ALL greedy and power hungry. We The People ARE going to take America back – and will start by DEMANDING our Congress Impeach this buzzard pig.
josie says
the different polls all show the same thing, TRUMP 2016
DixieBelle says
Its Trump for sure. Why do you think ISIS tried to put a contract on his life. He’s the one they are afraid of, not Obama or any of his ilk.
Clarence says
Donald Tramp is a white racist. He did not attack Carson’s policy but attack his personality.
josie says
as has been done to h9im
Raincroft77 says
You’re a crackpot. Mr Trump has MANY blacks working for him. He was mostly REPEATING what Dr Carson’s book stated.
Carlene says
I am so sick of people saying Vote for Carson or you’re a racist. Bull crap!!! I don’t care what color anyone’s skin is…if they run for president and they stand to help you and me with saving the USA then I will vote for that person. If they stand to get rid of ISIS…I vote for that person..If they stand to get rid of illegals I vote for that person. I vote for that person for my children and grandchildren and ones after them…Besides the bible says we started from Adam & Eve (2 WHITE people) which means Clarence we all have BLACK and WHITE in US!!! Now who’s calling who a racist? Get over it the race card is soon yesterday.
David Renaud says
Trump will make a fine president. He dosen’t take crap from anybody. He is just the person to be president at this time. Our country needs someone like him in place of the “BUFFOON” we have as president now. Obama is as muslam as they come.
Jay Bell says
Trump will bow out before Iowa in favour of _____. And who will that be? A moderate who can win against Hillary but who is not tainted by neo-Con history and politics unlike Jeb Bush (he’s only polling at 4%–evidence that Republicans simply do not want yet another Bush in the White House).
Roy Engstrom says
What you are saying is very “special.”
Roy Engstrom says
Yes, Nice “moderate” choices, such as Mitt “loser/wimp” Romney, or the “Gang of Eight Guy.” HMM! Other DIM Lights.
merle says
Worse , if he gets elected and decides he doesn’t like the job he will leave the duties to his VP and resign .
peggy says
IMPEACH THIS TRAITOR …he has just removed any doubt of who he is with his question and answer in France …and I am soooo ashamed …..our Country is in the hands of the enemy……I just made up my mind I will vote for TRUMP and it can’t be soon enough for me
Raincroft77 says
Good for you Peggy. Now get one the horn and DEMAND Impeachment of the Traitor in OUR W/H.
Raincroft77 says
That should be get ON the horn…☺☺
Lori says
Clarence..get off the racist’s not working anymore.
Raincroft77 says
Right, Lori, that Race Card has been overplayed. Time to scrap it. I have a black daughter and 2 black grandkids. My family is so speckled it promotes jokes at family gatherings. Anyone playing the Race Card now is an absolute idiot.
Lettie says
Why is Ted Cruz not acknowledged in your report??
peggy says
I just listened to Obama ‘doing ‘ his shameful broadcast in Turkey ….IMPEACH THIS TRAITOR ……..I AM SOOOO ASHAMED … everybody in DC better get him out before the people do their job for them and especially the question and answer spot …if you haven’t listened to it wake up !!! or we won’t have a country —
Lori says
Yes so did I..what a disgrace is right. What an idiot. He won’t do he’s just a weasel with no balls or two he wants bloodshed here on American soil. Take your pick. Either way he must be put behind bars for treason or taken out by our military. That piece of crap is not trying to protect us.. he is making us all into decoys and people better wake up or suffer the consequences. Lock and load people because it’s coming..I hope I’m wrong but as long as our idiot in chief stays in office the more doom is coming our way.
Justin W says
Ben Carson’s mouth has created a lot of problems for him over the past few weeks. I’m not sure if this is some part of a shrewd strategy or a sign of a person not-yet ready for the national stage.
Donald Trump’s bluster resonates with many Americans. Over the past seven years we have watched the weak and ineffective ramblings of an inexperienced president. As Obama has babbled we have watched our country grow weaker. It’s safe to say that a President Trump would approach many of our nation’s problems much differently than the current president.
Lori says
Agreed! Obama takes the title from Jimmy Carter as the worst president of the United States. He’s embarrassing. What a weasel..he is a disgrace to this once great Nation.
Raincroft77 says
Amen to that!!! He’s got the guts and intestinal fortitude to bring us back from disaster.
Lori says
Trump is exactly what we need. Ovomit and his transforming America..yeah look where that got us. It didn’t need any transforming!! This Country was the best..I’m with Trump. Make America Great Again Donald!! The true American patriots are with you! They did it the libtard way already and we have never been weaker than we’ve been at this moment. Now it’s time for the Conservatives to show em how it’s done!!! How can Ovomit bring any Syrian refugee into America after the wake of what has happened in Paris. Seems to me our STUPID IDIOT in Chief wants tragedy to happen here on American soil. You bleeding hearts..if something like that comes here, you all will be the first to scream and run for cover. Only then will you realize what YOU have done to this Country. All my friends and family ..and there are many around the U.S. will be giving our vote to Donald Trump. In fact we all think a Trump/ Cruz ticket would be unbeatable!!
Frank says
Lori, I like your posts and your thinking.
However, lets consider a nefarious reason why obama (deliberately not capitalized) is allowing these potential threats into the country. Just suppose the ISIS group starts to attack us here in the U.S. Many patriots will take up arms and wipe these barbarians away. The fact that we will start to defend ourselves against any attack could be reason for him to declare Martial Law and bring in the U.N “peacekeeping” troops. And, he may be looking for an all out civil war so he can continue as dictator and wipe out the “terrorists” as he sees them; Namely: American Patriots, Veterans, Christians, Conservatives, 2nd amendment supporters, etc.
Just a thought, as to one of the reasons for his actions.
Jim says
You are 100% correct!!!
Raincroft77 says
Call your Representatives and DEMAND Impeachment. YOU are their boss, you pay their salaries, and if enough of their bosses get on them…they’ll have to come forthright. THEY work for YOU…not the other way around.
Proud American says
Trump is the only candidate who knows how to create jobs other than government ones that put more losers on our payroll just because they are owed a favor. I love the way he talks like one of us instead of a typical politician. TRUMP IN 2016!!!
Lori says
Right on point Proud American. I’m with you all the way!
keithmcwilliams says
ONE of the big problems is am american goes to another country Illegally and you will be thrown in Jail and fined but if an ILLEGAL comes to america he will get welfare, food stamps, housing, hospitalization, wic, schooling ,and the red carpet, Whats wrong with this picture ? no one realizes but it costs tax payers billions of dollars a month to support Illegals in the good OL usa and alot of them are causing problems while they are retired in the good OL usa !!!!!!!!!! Im gonna throw up ! But dont you dare stop paying your taxes because you will be thrown in jail , GOD is shaking his head !!!
Jay Bell says
Agreed–European socialist / liberals are finding out, to their dismay, that there are some people in the world who are interested in taking everything you have (including your life) no matter how benevolent you are toward them. The Middle East has been full of people like that from ancient times (why do you think that the Israelites had so much trouble with them?) Islam is NOT a “religion of peace”. Those we in the West term, “radical” are merely returning to the Quran’s prescription of violence against and oppression of “infidels”.
jimbob says
we need a leader we can follow, at least until T R U M P is our leader through being elected.
Abe says
I felt safer during the Red Scare, and the missile crisis than I do today.
STUSH says
Jerry Feldman says
Donald Trump is the only one that makes any sense in spite of all his insults, arguments, errors, etc. I was a Democrat since 1980, but the Iran Nuclear Deal and the actions of our current President plus all the scandals of Hillary have caused me to do new thinking. Which is more important? Protecting women’s reproductive rights by being a Democrat or protecting the United States from a nuclear attack killing millions of American by Iran by being a Republican???????????????????????????????????
merle says
I don’t see too many unhappy republican wives , do you ?
Henry says
Until we get the gay Marxist Muslim cocaine snorting POS out of the White House, America will continue to be beheaded on the world stage. Wake up America.
Brad Sargent says
I think that whole democratic party should be copmpletly done away with. They all seem to be a big bunch of crooks,liars,drug users,money hungry,worthless no good ,losers.
Fed up says
I really can’t believe that the citizens of this great nation could stand idle and watch Hillary Clinton stand on a national stage and laugh that stupid laugh when That dumb ass Bernie Sanders says again..?wevare tired of hearing about your emails.. Well I am tired of hearing about the emails also.. However, I am not tired of discussing the lies, deception and even murder of a diplomat.. When are you stupid democrats going to realize that this liar has been involved in 7 yes 7 major scandals that was even connected to the murder of two people.. Is this a person you can trust .??!!! No morals!! This is who you want for a president ?? But of course even she is better than what we have now!! So., think about just what you are voting for
merle says
Most liberals are indoctrinated
End Fed says
Do you Trump supporters really believe he is going to improve things for the middle class? He is part of the Wall Street elite. He’s part of the billionaire class who get sweetheart financing deals using other people’s money, the class who NEVER lose any of their own money when the shenanigans blows up in their faces. Wall Street promoted, financed and pushed the NAFTA and “free-trade” agreements that have eviscerated the middle class. They made billions off of off-shoring deals and related derivatives. They are Trump’s pals. He says he will bring jobs back to the US, but how to do so? How are we going to compete with $1.00/hr jobs, legalized rampant pollution, an oligarchy and power structure which favors lowest possible wages and least corporate responsibility like is the case in much of Asia and other developing countries virtually owned by MNCs? WAKE UP! You are so desperate you will fall for demagoguery!
tony says
Oh, I heard his supporters say that “ he is a brilliant doctor and Canson will surround himself with cabinet members and advisors that can and will get this nation going again.” Well, Dr. I will say again, Dr. Carson may be brilliant as a doctor but no human being, except God that I know can be brilliant in everything!! Now, listen, you need at least some back ground or some kind of experienced to run any business, otherwise, you’ll have to close down your door as soon as you open it, and beside, no bank that I know will lend you any money for that business knowing you did not have any experienced to start with. The bank will chase out the door and tell you never show your face there again because they think you have insulted them. Now, we are talking about Dr.Carson will run the BIGGEST BUSINESS in the WORLD!!! I have not heard anything that this man Carson did anything else. And you want dr. Carson to run government?????? How ridiculous and laughable this arguments do you think?? Dr. Carson has no EXPERIENCED besides being in the hospital and operate people’s brain. And you want him to run AMERICA!!! Very VERY SCRARY!!
james johnson says
I am a 70 year old person from Ohio who has recently lost my health benefits along with my wife. I served during the Vietnam war and also as 34 years as a police officer. Our governor cancelled our health insurance starting in Jan 2016 so he can support the unemploiyed and people that don’t want to work My one medication in U.S. is $1870.00 per month and wifes insurance is about $500.00 per month. Enough is enough, its about time that we take our country back and take care of our own . Make welfare a 5 year one time program and then make them work. We haven’t won a war since WW11. Donald Trump is a loud mouth but at least he says it the way it is and thats what we need, My vote is for him . Nobody else wants to be a working president , only hold the title as president. Mr. Trump think before you speak but stand your ground, You could make a big differencedifference
james johnson says
difference and we sure need someone to be in charge. Not a persn who has to get approval from all the different groups before acting. Mr. Trump you have my vote and governor from oHIO HAS MADE TIS STATE A TERRIBLE PLACE TO JIVE AS A PUBLIC EMPLOYEE JIM
John Babor says
I must say that we’ve been all waiting for such a man as Donald Trump which by the way speaks what is on his mind and doesn’t give a shit about what others think of him, because he knows he ‘s right and he’ll tell you as it is! He’s my type person and he’s different from any other politician around; No pussy-footen around, no beating around the bush to passing the blame! Trump is a straight forward person and I like people like that, because they make things happen and pushes to get them done and over with!
Most of the politicians we have in office now are free loaders, but some actually do what they were intended to do.
I and many others can see a big turn around in this country when Trump becomes President!
Michael Tarnosky says
I am a lifelong Democrat (voted Regan once). In today`s world of “nothing is as it seems” we have no chance of our great country surviving unless Donald Trump is elected President.
With the ‘New World Order” becoming ever more powerful , it will be only a few years until all middle class workers worldwide are paid $5.00 per hour. Mr Trump is our only chance .. Stand behind him all patriots. No one owns Trump
John says
I must say that we’ve been all waiting for such a man as Donald Trump which by the way speaks what is on his mind and doesn’t give a shit about what others think of him, because he knows he ‘s right and he’ll tell you as it is! He’s my type person and he’s different from any other politician around; No pussy-footen around, no beating around the bush to passing the blame! Trump is a straight forward person and I like people like that, because they make things happen and pushes to get them done and over with!
Most of the politicians we have in office now are free loaders, but some actually do what they were intended to do.
I and many others can see a big turn around in this country when Trump becomes President!
Fred says
I could vote for Trump’s policies if it was’t for his personality. He says Carson is lying (though Carson gave proof), and calls Iowa stupid for believing Carson, etc. . . . If Carson can’t be believed, neither can Trump. Carson has much good policy but more inexperienced even than Trump in political affairs. Unfortunately, he also agrees with gay unions, and agreed that Terry Schiavo should have been deprived of food and drink but it was the deprevation that killed her.
There are other good candidates, Rubio and Cruz for example.
Matt says
Who is Trump likely to choose as Vice President? I assume it’s far too early, but i thought it would be Trump/Carson until I realized how much vitriol existed between the two (or at least coming from Trump).