Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump says he has narrowed his list of running mates to “five or six” people.
But one name that doesn’t appear to be on the list is conservative darling Dr. Ben Carson, who has instead been charged with helping to spearhead the vetting process.
That news is certain to disappoint conservative evangelicals who had pushed for Carson, but is in line with previous Trump claims that he wants an experienced politician as his vice president.
Trump’s comments came as he begins to prepare for a long, expensive general election campaign. His two remaining Republican rivals suddenly dropped out of the race last week, anointing him the party’s presumptive presidential nominee faster than even the confident candidate expected.
As part of his general election planning, Trump told the AP at his office in New York that he’s moving aggressively to identify a running mate with deep political experience. While he would not provide a full list of names, he did not rule out New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the former rival whom he’s already tapped to head his transition planning.
Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, is running the vice presidential vetting effort “with a group,” Trump said, that includes former competitor Carson and himself. “Honestly, we’re all running it. It’s very much a group effort,” said Trump.
A first-time political candidate, the celebrity businessman said there’s no need for another business person on the Republican ticket and he wants a running mate who can help him pass legislation as president. By joining forces with a political veteran, Trump would also signal a willingness to work with the Republican establishment that he’s thoroughly bashed during his campaign.
Trump said he doesn’t plan to announce his running mate until the Republican National Convention in July, a four-day event that he’s planning to remake with a showman’s touch.
“The concept of some entertainment from a great singer, a great group I think would be something maybe to break things up,” Trump said. “You’ll be hearing plenty of political speeches.”
In the interview, Trump outlined a general election campaign that banks heavily on his personal appeal and trademark rallies while spurning the kind of sophisticated data operation that was a centerpiece of Barack Obama’s winning White House runs.
“I’ve always felt it was overrated,” Trump said. “Obama got the votes much more so than his data processing machine. And I think the same is true with me.”
He also ruled out for the first time the option of taking public financing for his campaign, money that would have saved him the time-consuming task of raising vast sums but would have dramatically limited the amount he would have been able to raise.
“I don’t like the idea of taking taxpayer money to run a campaign. I think it’s inappropriate,” he said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
eve hunter` says
I want a business man to run the country. we are $19,000,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) in debt. our pension money is in there! you people who worked and earned a pension better pay attention. if you work for a company and they pension you off and then go out of business do they continue to send you a check? yeah…right…
Larry342516 says
It doesn’t take a business man to stop spending and giving money away. Just takes a person with common sense which Obama has none.
Wendy says
Obama has not been alone in increasing national spending. America hasn’t lived within its means since before WWII.
Mike m says
But, by the time his term comes to an end the national debt will have doubled under him from just under $10 trillion to about $20 trillion. Mind you that he said what happened under Bush when the debt increased by $2 trillion was unamerican. Obama has increased our debt more than all previous presidents combined and we have nothing positive to show for it.
William says
Bullshit troll. We have had balanced budgets a few times since WW11.Obama purposely increased the debt with the idea of hurting America. He is an Arab POS.
Big Hal says
William – there is a difference between a balanced budget and our debt. We can have a big debt but if we take in 2 Billion and only budgeted 2 Billion to spend, that’s a balanced budget.
Barb Alexander says
Obama has no business sense.. he has been like a kid in a big ole candy shop and spending like a crazy wild man, why not ??? its not his money , they have had a field day big run the past 7 1/2 years.. and am sure they hate to give this all up ..
Bernie says
Common Sense :::if you had any, would tell you that’s why he won the election! Twice!
LJ says
He won the election TWICE b/c of the cheating and rigged voting. I wonder if the dead will rise again to vote in 2016 like they did in 2008 and 2012.
Jeane Green says
Well, it is not as simple as that. He won the second term because his opponent was so bad..When Romney picked Ryan as his running mate, and Ryan with his pursed mouth talked about a rape pregnancy being a ‘gift from God as well” – that is when our newspaper ran full page adds “Republican Women for Obama”.
I chatted with the woman who led the movement. And yes, she was from a long line of Republicans, and this was the first time she voted outside of her party – AGAINST Paul Ryan/Romney ticket. She said she could not care less about O’,but could not stand a thought of having Romney/Ryan at the helm. So it was not Obama’s greatness that won him the second term ! –If Romney picked a better VP he would have won.
Thomas E Stanley says
But it does take a businessman to construct a deal and review a deal and being about to tell if you are being snowed or and how to slant it so it’s prosperous to you. A point that NONE of our government seems to be able to comprehend..
The Redhawk says
@ eve hunter>>>>>BUT then IF DUMMIE C RATS force Companies like Ford.. Carrier EIC EtC to Move Production to Mexico for Lower Taxes and labor costs.via OVERREGULATIONS …Do you Blame the Company or the Sad state of affairs of a government run by IDIOTS like ODUMBO?????
kathy says
i blame them all. Obama for his policies and our representatives and the senate for not exercising the power of the purse, defunding Obama and Nancy Polosi’s disastrous government insurance scam; Obamacare. I blame them for funding sanctioned murder of unborn children; Planned Parenthood. I blame them for funding wars that Obama has NO intention of winning. I blame them for giving Obama money for shovel ready jobs and now Obama is going around talking about needing money for what he calls some of the worse infrastructures in the free world. I blame them for going along with stupid, illegal and unconstitutional agenda Obama has thought of. I blame them all for only worrying about themselves and none of us while lining their own dirty pockets with our money and our children and grandchildren’s money. They are all thieves!
Joe SPANN says
U got it brother that whole bunch of rascals need to go and then two four year terms
Charlene Holt says
Kathy: You have ‘hit the nail on it’s head’………everything you voiced is exactly the truth. How in the world can you name one or two people for the cause of all the issues that have surfaced in the last 7 1/2 years? You can’t. It has to be blamed on every one in this administration, Democrats or Republicans. No one in our congressional congress put a stop to anything Obama wanted……..Obama got. As far as our debt is concerned our Congress was just as bad as Obama about their spending. They all had little “pet programs” they could not say “no” to. Don’t get me wrong, I am definitely not a supporter of Obama and never have been. I figured him out after a couple of speeches in his campaign and a lot of research I found myself doing. Wish more people would do that instead of just voting for a name, they know nothing about and just trusting the media/press. This is what got us into this situation. Thank you for posting and expressing the same sentiments as I do. You expressed it all perfectly and truthful.
MikeT says
Well said. And unfortunately that only scratches the surface of the atrocities committed against the middle class and this once great nation as a whole by this tyrant!!
William says
Your right. 100%
Plus SS and military pay
We need to build our military back up from
What Obama has destroyed
Need a military so big countries will even be afraid to SAY BOO
NotJim says
Eve, that’s 19 quadrillion (you have three zeros too many).
g says
Trump has went bankrupt 2 or 3 times. Leaving the businesses he hired holding the bag. Don’t trust him.
Gary says
He did not go bankrupt, some of his businesses did, corporations did so. Bankruptcies are a part of business. I am not sure what you are worried about!? At 19 trillion, we are already
Dan Buie says
you have three too many 0’s
Jim Gregory says
You sure have got that right !
jwb says
start over and get rid of trump …………………
Thomas says
You piece of obama squeeze, go crawl up his butt and die.
Larry342516 says
Six months after the he takes office you won’t admit you voted for him. You are brainwashed, and can’t think for yourself.
Ted says
Is that what happened to you in 09′ and 13′?…
The Redhawk says
Wendy says
And what, give Killary a clean run to office?
Clayton Sibley says
and replace him with another looser? Yeah right.
Rob says
We have voted insanely for 50 years.
We keep putting in politicians to fix the financial problems The politicians were responsible for. Yet they keep telling us they can fix it!
walt jones says
A question for JWB, Why get rid of Trump???? you sound like Racist, are you a Racist??? You sound like you will lose your welfare goodies. Are you afraid you’ll have to go to work ???? If and I doubt she will be, elected an if she or he follow through on what they promised where will they find the money??? You had better hope TRUMP is elected and gets us back to the great nation we once were, which means we all have to sacrifice and WORK together!!!
Stella says
Yes!!! Vote Trump and you will see history be made to make our country great again. He may rant & rage to fight our battles how much more should we ask of this man that doesn’t have to use his millions of dollars to fight for our causes. Wake up America and stand up behind my Donald & that goes for all the women out there too…vote Trump!!!!!
Patricia says
Right on!!
LJ says
Absolutely. Trump is the only one besides God who can help this nation get back on track. Get rid of the flaming liberals and put some folks with common sense and who are true patriots to this country in control.
I can’t WAIT to see King Ovomit out of office. Wonder if he will go back to his homeland Kenya? I certainly hope so.
William says
Trump is our chance to start over idiot.
Terry says
jwb Obama’s rear end wiper!!
Jeane Green says
Start over jwb ? Wow…go crawl under your rock, or under Hilary’s skirt hem. Your troll game is over !
We now that large amount of money has been allocated for TROLLS.
Are you getting paid for posting here , jwb ?
Bill Bartus says
As long as it is not one of the liers who took the pledge .
Typical political HACKS! !
Patricia says
I was the same. No more. Seems they forgot Bush signed an oath to the party, not a person. Very sad to see these childish games!!
lemmont washington says
Don’t be too sure. The thug has no ethics.
LJ says
Call him what you will. Trump is what this country needs. If a thug, he’s a thug who LOVES it and has a plan to get it back on track. I’ll take a patriotic thug over lying, cheating, TRAITORS and MURDERERS like Ovomit and Hillary Clinton ANY day!!
Matt says
It is not surprise, Trump constantly said he would nominate a person who has political experience.
Pamela says
I don’t care if he chooses Bozo the Clown …. Anyone, absolutely, anyone is better than another civil rights sucking democrat like ‘Hell’ary.
Trump 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John says
Trump is Bozo the Clown.
Karen says
you don’t know Bozo
Clayton Sibley says
sounds to me like he is bozo
Ted says
Doesn’t he live at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in DC?
JCS says
You guy’s shouldn’t insult Bozo, he would be an improvement in the WH
Bill says
No you are
Mary Widzicki says
Oh yea! Well than you are totally out of touch with what is brave a an is all about!
He wants to protect our nation, bring jobs back, he knows how to deal with other countries like China and Mexico!
He will respect our vets, rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, and you’ll get more $ back at the end of the year! This man loves America! Google trump & you’ll find out he’s been saying same thing for 35 yrs! Take A chance on him… Because
he is our last chance… Please!
jwb says
he knows how to deal with china and mexico since his business are there and he is importing goods, yea he really wants jobs here, just not his own ……………………
Pamela says
And just how many jobs have you created in the USA jwb. And standing in line for a free Obamaphone doesn’t count as a job.
When you civil rights sucking democrats realize that those self-serving elite left wing nuts such as Killary are only using you for votes and in the end you’ll end up standing in line for toilet paper like they are in Venezuela maybe you’ll get it then. I hope Donald Trump sends every one of you to go live in another country and in a ‘no go zone’.
Larry342516 says
You are totally brainwashed. Trump will have our young men fighting 2 or 3 wars in his first year in office. I hope you aren’t draft age. Trump will say anything to get in office, and Congress will not okay what he wants done. Just like Obama, they don’t like him, and another wasted 4 years in office.
Dawg# says
Dear sir, you have been asleep since 09/11/2001. WE ARE IN A WAR AND HAVE BEEN SINCE THAT DATE! Just because Pansy’s like you and Obama quit fighting, does NOT mean the war is won. That sorry sob caused ISIS to be formed when he pulled all the troops out of Iraq. All he had to do is leave enough troops there to clean up and stabilize the country after Bush left, but he decided to follow his own narsistic advice. Now, he keeps dribbling troops back into Iraq so they can be used as targets by ISIS. Take it from a disabled Vietnam Veteran, if we have to fight a war, then fight a war and get it the hell over and done, but don’t pussyfoot around costing even more casualties. The news doesn’t cover all the Inocent people that are being abused and killed over there, all because the Libtards refuse to acknowledge that A WAR IS GOING ON! The same was true in Nam, there are 53000 names on that black wall, and many of them are there because they were not allowed to fight back, because of your darn PC crap. Of course I haven’t mentioned all the Inocent lives that were lost in the NVA invasion after we pulled out, forsaking them.
Stella says
Then vote for Clinton and hope you don’t go to Bengal . She’ll never have your back.
Clayton Sibley says
All I can say is I totally agree with you.
Briguy says
Says people who hate America!
relic211 says
I agree, Bozo was loved by all… Just like the Donald.
Bernie says
PCommon Sense :::if you had any, would tell you that’s why he won the election! Twice!
Jeane Green says
He won twice because unfortunately Republicans did not place a good guy as his opponent.
I have met several people who picked Obozo as the lesser of two evils. Not much to say about common sense..
First time he promised Hope and Change…did not elaborate on details. By his second term people knew change was mostly all bad, hope was gone.
But for many women the option to be able NOT to carry a fetus from a rape, specially in case of inter-racial rape was extremely important. They worried about their daughters still having that option, if God forbid that was ever necessary. But Ryan’s – keep the fetus of the rapist, lost Romney to election. Remember, there are MORE women who vote than men.
Thomas says
The best part of you ran down your mothers leg at some cheap sleazy motel.
Larry342516 says
You are a low life Thomas. What mama gave birth to you?
Thomas says
You’re Satan child, and a loser to boot.
Wendy says
I’ll take Bozo over Killary or Bernie Spenders.
Ted says
That’s better than obumer the muslim traitor….
Terry says
LJ says
And how did you make your millions?????
FRED says
nancy says
I agree with you ——-
Carolyn says
Me too. Gingrich. He is pleasant, experienced and well spoken.
Larry342516 says
Hell no, not Gingrich.
Christine Thai says
Yes, Gingrich or Dick Cheney. Either one of these men. The people loves them. Decent excellent politicians.
Ted says
Works for me….
Terry says
I also agree !!
LJ says
Newt is smart like Trump and knows the in’s and out’s of the politics. Just what Trump needs in my opinion. I’m sure Trump knows more about it that all the rest of us put together, but Newt would be a cool, smart head to assist him. That would be a great ticket! Trump/Gingrich 2016!!! If Trump names Bozo the Clown as his VP running mate I’ll STILL vote Trump.
pat derby says
Fred, Wake up. A senator as speaker of the House? You must be a dumbocrat.
eve hunter` says
they leave public service millionaires.
lemmont washington says
And a third party candidate, anyone that is a REAL conservative, is better than those two liberals, Trump and Hillary.
pat derby says
Trump just beat the hell out of yours (and Mine) REAL conservatives You had better get on the Trump bandwagon or we will end up with Killery..
Paul says
Funny how ALL other candidates take everything they can get their hands on. GO Trump
Ken says
All other? The “other” seems superfluous.
Tom says
Wow, Ken! I’m even more proud of you than you are of yourself!
Wendy says
I believe Paul was referring to campaign contributions. Which the Donald has been absolutely unique in refusing.
Ted says
Super-what? Hey, don’t curse at us….lol
Pamela says
Trump: NOT owned by the puppet masters. Works for the American people!!! He has his own money, private plane etc. He is not in it to line his pockets.
‘Hell’ary: IS owned by the Middle East. Works for the Saudis who follow Sharia Law who beat, stone, and behead women.
The rest: Paid prostitutes.
TRUMP 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LJ says
Right on the money Pamela. I’ll ditto your post!
DickPalmer says
I hope it is a war vet!We need some body that can run wars with real wisdom.not with there head up every bodys ass
wizard says
So, Trumps wants a politician as Vice President to help pass legislation? Someone should remind Trump that regardless of what Obama may think or has attempted to do the President does not pass legislation. That is the job of the Legislative Branch (Congress) of government and not the Executive. Trump will be expected to abide by the Constitution and honor the Oath of Office! People want an end to the abuses of the past eight years. Congress is expected to reassert that that authority and power granted to it by the Constitution. This is something Congress should have done after the last general election. Non the less they could start to so now. Today would be good. It might make a difference in November.
EES says
I want Trump to issue one order, do away with everything Obama done in 8 years. He can do that and get this country back to the people instead of the government.
wizard says
An executive order to abolish all the executive orders of Obama would be a good thing.
wizard says
An executive order to revoke all of Obama’s executive orders wood be a good thing. And while he is at perhaps he will fire all those unnecessary czars that Obama hired.
Rebecca says
For sure! Trump has to get rid of all those Executive Orders that Obama did. Obama is a Muslim and has never been for Americans. God bless Trump and may God give him the power to make America Great Again!!!! Vote Trump!!!
Dee says
Obama has passed anything he wants. It didnt matter to him who was suppose to pass it.
wizard says
That is the sort of abuse that must be stopped!
Ted says
Your right and as soon as everything obummer has done is undone it should never happen again and legislation should be passed and signed into law to see to it that it doesn’t….
Phil Zamora says
I think he was referring to helping get some legislation passed, there are things that the President wants passed and has to have someone in congress sponsor a bill that he may need to get this country moving in the right direction…..someone that shares in his ideas and can work with congress.
wizard says
No doubt you are right. He must have meant and should have said; to help him get legislation passed by Congress. It is to be hoped that we will soon hear more about the issues that matter from him..
pat derby says
Phil, The wizard can’t comprehend what he has read. You have it exactly right.
Sue says
Obama has been passing “laws” for years through his bureaucratic agencies, and the many leaders he “assigned” to those agencies. Executive orders are also considered laws. Obamas EPA just instituted 2300 more regulations against landowners and businesses concerning water. Dont tell me and other discerning Americans that Obama hasnt been making laws with his “phone and pen”.
wizard says
Would not dream of attempting to tell you any such thing. The question remains, how legitimate are those regulations and executive orders? What was the original intent of allowing a President to make an executive order? What restrictions does the Constitution place on them? What in the Constitution authorizes those agencies to pass those regulations and then enforce them as though they were laws? Some of those agencies are unnecessary. Others should be relegated to an advisory only capacity. As stated before: Congress must reassert that authority and power granted to it by the Constitution. Only Congress has the right to pass Federal legislation, regulations, or laws.
Constitutionalist says
The worst thing the CongressCretins ever did was to Unconstitutionally delegate their responsibility to coin money and set it’s value to the FRB system, privately-owned by foreign banking interests – the flood of irredeemable fiat currency will be like Monsanto’s terminator seed. Once it goes bad – and it’s just a mathematical matter of time before it does – then the world-wide depression which will ensue will make the Great Depression look like a picnic; after all, back then less than 10% of the population held any stock at all, and most had either farms or access to relatives who had farms. Today? Not so much…and many are heavily invested in stocks that are easily manipulable by the super-rich, who will do as they always do: sell off most of their holdings to precipitate a panic, wait ’til the prices drop to pennies on the dollar, then buy again.
Ted says
Would it be okay by you if Trump writes some executive orders to nullify the illegal ones that the HalfBreed bestowed upon us?
LJ says
However…….Ovomit passes “legislation” by executive order. Do the executive orders not count? He RULES by executive order!!
EES says
Wait till Trump opens up all the crime and corruption ther Clintons have been involved in. Does anyone wonder why Hillary used own private email , She was getting large sums of money from foreign governments for her own use, and she did not want anyone else to know. She stated she never sent or freceived any top secret info on the emails. If that is true she must have done nothing for 4 years . She is such a lier.
FRED says
Carolyn says
Because politians are followed like Rock Stars.
People dont care if Rock Stars are drug abusers or spew out trash in their music.
Its the same with politicians.
People follow charismatic people. The bible warns of
False Profits, they consist of
Charismatic preachers, politians, and Yes Rock Stars.
Awake says
Allen West is a nice choice
But, like the poster above—we will accept anyone DT chooses. !!
Hillary for PRISON
Donald J Trump for PRESIDENT
eve hunter` says
I like and respect allen. when I start getting negative on race…I have to remind myself that Obama is not a pure bred. he is a mongrel.
Twin1by41 says
Yes, Allen West!
wizard says
Allen West would also be a good choice for Secretary of Defense.
Dawg# says
Really ironic, that is the same thing I stated to my wife this morning, lol.
Masanja says
I hope not the Ex-Arizona governor Brewer. “That face.” She is so wrinkled that people will run away from polling stations if they see her face. She better joins Dr. Oz program before her face is put on ballot.
Al says
This is not a beauty contest this is a brain contest if you will. Before making comments like that take a good look in the mirror… A persons thoughts reflects their heart..
eve hunter` says
that face comes from the hot climate and probably the irish- English background. the Italians-greeks-Spanish do not wrinkle like that. I like the brain behind those wrinkles.
Dawg# says
Wow! What an idiot. But, it is looks that got Obama elected!
THEY WAK AMONG US FOLKS, They are identified by a shotgun mouth and a BB brain and they elect people with the same mentality, so BEWARE!
Dawg# says
“WAK”? I meant to say WALK.
Rdl says
If you like the Donald or not, you have to support him vs anyone on the Democratic ticket.
He has the sense to run and manage people. We need that today! Can Clinton or Sanders claim that? We need someone who’s not part of the “establishment”. We need someone who can make decisions, and can do it without costing me taxpayers more money. He knows how to manage money.
If you think about it, he has more postivies than negatives. Clinton and Sanders have more negatives than postivies, so there you are!
I do wish he would cut out some of his expressions ( kind of childish), and watch his language. He should want to encourage young people to watch, and if I had young children at home, I wouldn’t want them hearing our future president talk that way. Our English language has plenty of words that would be more appropriate. Having said this, there’s your negative!!
not as if those young children have never heard off color statements before, those little urchins could put the dice man to shame, with there vile vocabulary.
Judy Red says
Mr. Trump…….
Newt Gingrich for VP!! The two of you would truly make America great along
with the rest of your smart, dynamic and powerful team. I am on your
train all the way! God Bless You!
Judy Red
Anthony says
I call bs wizard! I want Trump to do exactly what the rats have done for 8 years, undo all their executive orders with our own set of executive orders. Lets get things done quickly, we cant wait for the greedy pigs in congress to decide. Move quickly and decisively before they can attach pork onto every good idea.
eve hunter` says
I would go for term limits except they would just steal faster.
wizard says
To each his own. But he if he chooses to do so, Trump could do much good without becoming another Obama. And some of those things he could do almost immediately. Resend all of Obama’s executive orders. Unseal all of Obama’s records i.e. travel, education, etc. Fire all those worthless Czars, Nominate some good qualified people for his cabinet and other key administrative positions. This is not so much about revenge as it is about justice and setting America back on the right track.
Derek Schulz says
Dr. Carson has come out and said that he does not want to be on the list. Trump is respecting that I am sure the discussion was had between Trump and Carson many times which is probably why the VP process is going this way to begin with.
wizard says
Dr. Carson would have been choice for either President or Vice President. As he didn’t get the first and does not want the second he would still be a good choice for Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Gary says
I agree we need a VP that is a veteran or at least has some military experience. I believe that MR. Trump is going to need this kind of help almost immediately with our current situation.
Ken says
OH yes Donald is the best to be our President….The present Office Holder has taken from all the little peo[le and middle class to pocket for him self. he is like mrs Clinton SELFISH greedy
WE WANt an honest person like TRUMP to bring back the basics of Government for the people by the people like our Founding Fathers set up for AMERICA
Donald my Voice is for YOU our Next President God guide all voters in your direction And Bless you and your family and all AMERICANS.
Roy says
The return to 3 divisions of power heading this great country will be most appreciated by this 73 year old, former instructor in the secondary public school in Indiana. Everything was carefully planned by the Founding Fathers and worked quite nicely until “O” took over. Unfortunately it will take time and LOTS OF MONEY to correct his well planned takeover. It’s time to get started!
Patsy Hanrick says
Pamela says
What a profound comment. Who told you that ‘patsy’ ….. ‘Hell’ary.
Jan says
Go Trump!
Ken says
So who’s (what’s) the big surprise?
Konstance says
Dr. Ben Carsen not on the the list as the big surprise?
roger domnie says
i’m sure donald will make the right choice, he hasn’t missed yet! we all have to stick by him, can’t be any worse than what we’ve put up with for the last eight years! lies, deceit, perjury, resignations, lobbyists control, do nothing congress, voter corruption, illegal immigration, va benefits, defense spending gone, economy lost, debt, unemployment soaring, healthcare a disaster, etc. legacy here it is!
Joanne says
I believe that Donald Trump will pick the perfect VP after conferring with the intelligent men and women he surrounds himself with. Trump has no fear when it comes to speaking his mind. If some people find it offensive who gives a damn. All this “Politically Correct” rhetoric is ruining our country and I’m fed up with it.
I predict Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States of America and hopefully GOD will eventually heal this nation.
Dave says
According to an article just recently said, Dr. Carson said he wasn’t interested in running as a vice president. He would have been my choice too.
Chuck H. says
That being said, you are in all likelihood a useless citizen.
Chuck H. says
The above was directed at Patsy Hanrick, who stated that “TRUMP WILL MAKE A USELESS PRESIDENT.”
Briguy says
Donald Trump is the ONLY choice for President of the United States, if you want to see this country continue as a country the way it’s gone since 1781. Killary is a murderer and should be in prison! Bernie is even a worse whack job than that!
Jon Exner says
Dr. Carson may not be the V.P. nominee but he will be in the administration.
He would be best suited for Surgeon General.
I think that the mention of Newt Gingrich is a good place to start. I supported Gingrich last election when he ran for President. He wanted to make English the official language, that should have been done decades ago.
jo says
Trump knows what he is doing and will choose his own people to work for him, so we the people just need to relax and start gearing up to vote in Nov. 2016. Obama/hilary/treason = jail/hanging. Undo everything they have done, fire everyone they have put into high powered offices including our military. Get rid of illegal’s, all of them including bulldozing mosque’s and any legal’s obama let into our country. Take our medicare, social security, tax dollars, back and make stiff rules that all in washington leave with 401K, medicare, soc sec, for their short terms….no more giving ea other large raises, bonus, expensive vacation, or pardon ea other’s crimes….take it or leave it. Get rid of the ticks hanging off our tax dollars. Folks, fly your american flags to show you are one that will fight for this country and mean business in bringing back everything they took away including our stolen jobs across this country!……..just do it!
Jon Exner says
Hope you’re correct.
But I just keep seeing trump give several different positions on the same issue in the same sentence.
Only time will tell, and if you are incorrect hope you don’t do anything too damaging to yourself.
Pamela says
@ jo says. I see Trump ‘not being bought off’. I see Trump supporting our vets. I see Trump supporting our Second Amendment. And I see Trump as being the only person who can beat that corrupt slime who calls herself a woman who is owned by the middle east.
Joan says
I hope the G O P don’t steal the election away from Trump or Killery rig the election.
I’m praying they don’t steal the presidency away from the Donald.
wizard says
Who will Trump ask to be his VP? And who will he nominate to be members of his cabinet to hold other key positions in his administration? He said he will reveal the first in July. How about the rest? Anyone care to give him some suggestions?
Bill Yaney says
Hope the GOP would name the former Congressman, who was redistricted out of his seat, former military man who happens to be Black as their Key Note speaker. Have seen clips of him addressing crowds and he is great and his head is in a good place and would compliment the Trump campaign.
Steve says
A long time ago there was a great man that said ” ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country ” that has stuck with me for all these years and millions of others as proof of their actions. There has come a time now that those words taken to heart by us has allowed others in Washington and in the general public to take such advantage of us that the well is dry and our backs have been broken just for wanting to do the right thing. Sadly we can no longer carry those people anymore. We now need help or our great country will be bled dry and no longer exist. If you’re a real American you know what I’m getting at. This will be our last chance to right the years of wrong. My vote will be going to Donald Trump !! If he doesn’t stand good to his words then the country is surly lost to whoever else that takes office anyway. We need help to put our country back on the right track. And ALL the takers out there need to go to work unless it’s impossible to do so, in which case they’ll still be taken care of by the rest of us. Americans leave NO Americans behind. But if you’re here to take advantage of us, then good bye and don’t come back !!
Dee Hughes says
I would like Newt Gingrich, as our Vice President. Should Newt not want this – I would advise a woman- perhaps- the Governor of New Mexico or Joni Ernst from Iowa- if they will not accept- Scott Walker-WI- however, I would hope any of these would accept the offer. I think Donald J. Trump will make a wonderful and a great President who will get things done – and get us out of the mess we are in today!
Dee, Ohio
Tobby Blackwood says
Tobby Blackwood
After voting for 40 years I have come to this conclusion. Limt politicians 2 terms. 1 in office and 1 in jail. They may be honest going in but will be crookeder than a dogs hind leg when they leave.
Justin W says
Donald Trump needs to select someone familiar with the political process who can get things done. Trump can always make Dr. Carson the next surgeon general. Trump may offer other former Republican candidates roles in his administration or other government plums. He may even put Ted Cruz on his Supreme Court nominee short list.
Donald Trump could settle the concerns of me and other social conservatives by appointing people who will work to advance the social conservative agenda.
Jarhead1968 says
There is one thing I learned when I was a Sargent in the Marine Corps I always picked the smartest and the best trained if I was going in to combat. That way I had a much better chance of coming back a live. And when I was a business owner I always tried to pick those that were smarter than I was. And Trump will pick those he knows can get the job done. He will not pick those that are not qualified like all the other politicians do. He is going to have those that are qualified. And he will choose new justice that do not write law,that will hold up constitutional law.
I love it when I hear the lefties in this country say it will cost to much to round up the illegals and send them back across the border. It will not cost a dime. You cut off all socail programs and they will leave on their on dime. Semper Fi