Donald Trump accepted the Republican nomination for president on Thursday, delivering a stirring 72-minute speech that brought listeners at the Republican National Convention to their feet — and wowed voters at home.
Trump’s speech painted a dire state of affairs in the United States and the world — instability abroad and crumbling infrastructure at home — and blamed those problems on President Barack Obama and his former secretary of state, presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
“This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton,” he said in Thurday’s primetime address. “Death, destruction, terrorism and weakness.”
Trump then promised anxious Americans that they will be safer and richer if he is elected in November, and the message appears to be resonating — especially when Trump focused on government corruption, according to a focus group live-polled of Fox News’ “Hannity”.
One panelist told host Frank Luntz that he entered the RNC as “Never Trump”, but was converted by Trump’s speech. “I’m 39 years old. That was the best speech by a presidential candidate I’ve heard in my entire life. And I don’t say that lightly, ’cause I’ve heard them all.”
Another said he came in supporting Bernie Sanders, but is now voting Trump. He told Luntz, “I feel patriotism. I feel completely safe. I feel there is love of country, and with a leader like Donald Trump who believes in the people, the chaos in this country will turn to unity.”
Closing the four-day convention in Cleveland, Trump pledged that as president he’ll end crime and violence around the country, and said he would speak for those who don’t feel they are heard by government.
In an appeal to Americans shaken by violence at home and around the world, Trump promised that under his presidency, “safety will be restored.”
He stuck to the controversial proposals of his primary campaign, including building a wall along the entire U.S.-Mexico border and suspending immigration from nations “compromised by terrorism.”
But in a nod to a broader swath of Americans voting in November, he vowed to protect gays and lesbians from violence and oppression, and said he would ensure that young people in predominantly black cities “have as much of a right to live out their dreams as any other child in America.”
In typical Trump fashion, he cast himself as the only one who could solve America’s problems.
“No one knows the system better than me,” he said. “That’s why only I can fix it.”
Still, he set aside much of his usual bravado. As the crowd, fiercely opposed to Clinton, broke out in its oft-used chant, “Lock her up,” he waved them off, and declared, “Let’s defeat her in November.”
He was introduced by his daughter Ivanka, who announced a childcare policy proposal that the campaign had not mentioned before.
“He will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all,” she said.
Trump said he will overhaul tax laws and energy rules, get rid of regulations and decrease taxes, and said he will not sign “bad” trade agreements.
“I have made billions of dollars in business making deals – now I’m going to make our country rich again,” he said.
What was your reaction to Trump’s acceptance speech last night?
Comment below with your opinion
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Main Street says
A very good speech. It was about putting people back to work and strengthening America. Things Democrats USED to talk about. Actually most of what Trump says and wants to do is similar to what Democrats wanted way back in the FDR, Truman and JFK era. My Irish-American Democrat family are all voting for Trump in November.
Merida McKnight says
I will be voting for Trump because now more than ever we need someone who believes in America, in our people and in our Constitution. Go Trump 2016 AND 2020!
Andrew says
I’m with you 100 percent Merida McKnight.
Patti J says
Ditto – he’s got our back, our kids back and our grandkids back and he is going to bring our country together again!
Gloria says
I enjoyed Donald Trump’s speech last night and believe that he will make America great again. I voted Democrat for many years but it is time for a change. I am now voting Republican on the next election. I know a lot of people feel the same and will also vote for him. Go Trump ???????? In Nov. 2016 !!
Lorraine says
I am independent. I am 100% with Trump. For. The first time in years just listening to his voice made me feel safe I honestly don’t care about political correctness I care about the safety of my world and my country
AL says
Same here Loraine. I have no political affiliation. I have shun paying attention to our “politics as usual ” innuendos. But after listening to Mr. Trump I think the guy has proven his point. He is getting my vote this November.
Ginger says
I’m an Independent too voting for Trump. For me he is the only choice this fall. Trump/Pence 2016!
Ann says
Finally ! – hope for those coming up in the ranks…Citizen Donald J. Trump – President. How historically exciting to know that “citizen” can win the Presidency as our Constitution has prescribed…
Ann says
Trump’s first day as President could have started yesterday -Obama can leave now – Forget the debate with Clinton – its over! She’s over. Thank God.
Nancy says
I agree. My French-Irish family would have voted for Trump too. And I surely will, because he’s all about giving our country back to us, the people. Its a new and more inclusive Republican party — which is long overdue. Mitt Romney, the Bushes and the rest of the the ELITE can sit in the corner and sulk — and Ted Cruz can sit in the corner and talk to the mirror — I’m voting for Trump because he’s the best choice we’ve been offered in years. GO TRUMP GO!!!!
I was very impressed by all the speakers. I want America back, that’s why I watched the convention for the first time and I’m 86 years old. GO TRUMP.
Mary Florek says
I think his speech came from his heart. I will vote for him because he will do as he says; he will not be controlled by special interest groups that pad their own pockets; and he truly cares about this country. Unlike lying HRC. She only cares about herself and money. She is owned by Soros and banks and will not put Americans first. Look at her statement of Benghazi ” four people are killed, what difference does it make?” It would have made a difference if it were her family. That is the biggest difference. She doesn’t care and trump does.
mollie mccarthy says
And BIG PHARMA! To the detriment of many. BIG PHARMA gets richer every year and they pay her well for it….of course through her foundation or through speeches that they pay Hundreds of thousands for. It is such a crock…but it does stay just above the illegal line in most cases. She did not get as rich as she is by her Government pay check that is for sure!
STMA says
She sold the Whitehouse furniture…
SLB says
Bill Clinton and Hillary made their fortune in inside trading the time Martha Stewart got caught with her inside trading but the Clintons got away with it. They also received a lot of gifts from foreign Mid Eastern countries.
Gifts that showed that something was not kocher in the Clinton administration.
mona says
God bless Donald Trump and America and the legal American citizens. President Trump will make America great again. Lyin’ Ted go crawl back under the rock you came from. You don’t deserve to live in America.
mollie mccarthy says
Mine Too!
Roberta says
I watched every moment of Mr. Trump’s speech last night and I must say I was totally impressed! I have been a
#Trump fan from day 1 BUT last night just clinched it for me. He is what our country needs right now. We are “broken” and we have to trust someone to fix us. #Trump is the man and he will try his hardest to do what he
said he would do. We have to rally round and support him 100%. Whoever has compared Mr. Trump to Hitler should be ashamed of themselves because that person is not a “true American.” God Bless America and Mr. #Trump!
marti s says
So true, my vote is for Trump also, the speeches that his children just shows u how they were raised, they have worked from the bottom up, they work hard to be where they r now, also, the Pence family r the same, worked hard from the bottom up, i believe the both will work well together, May God be there for them to help fight Lucifer Hilary.
I am with TRUMP – PENCE in November.
Trump will deliver on all fronts – and last night’s acceptance speech set the case v. Hillary and his program as POTUS. Trump resume is his life, and proves Donald means what he says and delivers it, on time, and under budget. I cannot foresee Trump conducting himself anything less than that – you just can’t turn it off, so it’s a very good sign — maybe why he broke the record book on GOP votes – bringing in a big following – called the silent majority!
Best Line;
Hillary credo: “IM WITH HER” = coronation and dictator in chief
Trump credo: “IM HERE FOR YOU” = public service and champion leader on behalf of we the people.
Trump is our voice!
P.S. – TED CRUZ WAS A JACK-ASS Wednesday night
Robert S. Allen says
Both Cruz on Wednesday and Trump last night showed real class! Each would make a great President – far better than Hillary. I pray that they may heal their differences and work together for a better America.
Dora Meyer says
NOT SO FAST – Cruz is the enemy in the camp – just received – the enemy in the camp check it out – Cruz Rides on Air Force One With Obama – Cruz is not for the American people – Cruz is definitely is a GLOBALIST – the establishment – we got to get rid of Cruz!!!!!
Jack says
Trump donated to Clinton, repeat Trump donated to Clinton. And socialized with the Clintons, repeat socialize. Trump tried to buy his way into the establishment.
Arthur Hartsock says
You can quit worrying about Cruz for now-and probably quite a while. Unless you live in Texas and have to decided whether or not he continues as Senator.
I disagree about Cruz. I would have voted for him since he is from my state, if he had won the nomination; however, he acted like a child that someone took his cookie away, in his not honoring his commitment to support the RNC candidate. His skin is too thin to run our country. Trump tells it like it is and has no agenda to make more money and is beholden to no one. He is not plolitically correct (pardon my spelling). but that is what makes him the greatest choice to be our President. Maybe after he is elected, HRC and little Billy and Obummer and his cronies will be prosecuted for treason and put were they belong, in an orange jumpsuit. Lets see how they spend their money then. All the money in the Clinton foundation and other accounts should be turned over to the American People. Let them see what it feels like to struggle to pay their bills and feed their family and not jet setting all over the world like Royals.
Jack says
Your wife is ugly. Your father is a spy. How do you like me now?
Ken says
I have to agree with you. Another note that some like neutral Jack and any pro Cruz person has to agree on is the fact that Ted Cruz is not an innocent little baby Christian. He initiated attacks along the way against others. Like where Ted has his team contact Carson supporters to let them know Ben had dropped out of the race. A big fat lie… Then prior to Trump unloading on him, (he was pre-warned) Ted run’s a dirty TV ad of Melania Trump on an old cover of a national magazine modeling for a lingerie company. Making her out to be some kind of slut.. So, Ted is just an innocent guy my ass….
Now people want to dig deeper? There are plenty of back room video’s and video clip takes of Ted and his family of their two-faced action caught on camera making un-Christian like comments and actions during the filming of his fake Christian life… He is actually pretty darn fake, but darn good at it.. Just like George W. Bush played it off. Most of these people tied to the Bush/Clinton crime family are in the middle of total collapse.
Time to keep moving forward with the Trump Train…
Oh by the way has anyone seen the video from yesterdays Hillary press interview where she had another type of seizure. Either her mental capacities are imploding or her mind controlling demons are freaking out… You can be your own judge… She is showing she is not fit for office in a metal capacity let alone an ethical one…
LYIN TED….he will do anything for a vote… a real loser rat in my opinion. I would like to see him out of politics all together, especially after last night which crossed the line – his personal agenda was more important that our fight to beat Hillary.
Cruz blew it, and he is cooked now. 4 years from now his speech will be shown over and over — see ya.
He should have just declined to speak if he had any class…. but he doesn’t. Cruz would accept Hillary Clintons invite to be Democratic VP if it was offered…. that who he is, and thats what he does..
From a so called Republican to Tea Party to Conservative establishment — and now I predict Cruz will keep in the news to bash Trump and then change again to be a Libertarian hoping to grab some Johnson-Romney space in the race, and like I said, if Hillary asked him – Cruz would switch to Democrat faster than his campaign leaked “Ben Carson dropping out of race” in Iowa.
I have no use for a guy like that.
Cy says
Cruz is hopeless. He only cares about himself and not about the country so I don’t believe he will have any role in the Trump administration. Last summer, when this all began, I liked Cruz, but his dirty tricks, his lying, his self-righteous and pompous arrogance wore me down until I lost all respect for him. Wednesday night was the last straw. I hope he disappears from the political scene permanently and returns to being a private lawyer where lying is a virtue.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Ted Cruz should go to next weeks Demoncratic convention wearing none other than a jackass costume, he would fit right in there since he made himself into a jackass. Ted Cruz is nothing by a male version of Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton minus the dead and/or missing people like Vince Forster, Steve MacDugal, John Ashe, the late John F. Kennedy JR, his wife Carolyn & his sister in law, the 2 teen age boys found dead along the Union Pacific railroads St. Louis to Marshall, TX line, the Waco massacure, the 4 Benghazi murders and many more to count. The Clinton’s are murderous, cut throats and have and had people killed off. Ted Cruz didn’t have anyone killed off at all.
Dora Meyer says
Gayle says
Cruz should not be put back into Congress on any level in fact Trump needs to clean house of all corruption in our government. People please do not vote for the ones who have been in the WHouse all these years it is time for them to leave their position, to help make America Great Again!!!
Rosie says
Bob if U’R DAD was bashed as ted Cruz’s was— U’R attitude would B to B more understanding.
peto says
alright ,im with you also, i used to be democrat also but im voting for trump and so is my family
Mary k. Cheshire says
Pray that folks will see the good in this man and vote him in as our President.
Barbara says
I loved his speech! I believe in him! I know he loves our country and wants to give everyone a fighting chance. I pray everyday that he will save our country and i pray he will win. When you see and hear his family you have to know he’s a good man. I’m for Trump/Pence!
Joan Chaffin says
It would make me so happy to have the opportunity to talk to Mr. Trump. My feelings on how badly this country has sunk to its knees. How I would change congress for the better. I would make so many changes to get this country running better. If only I could get someone to listen. Sigh..
John Snow says
We owe it to our younger generations to vote for Mr Trump in November. Hillary is acting like a crazy woman, turning against our law enforcement officers. America desperately needs a Trump Victory in November. There are too many Supreme Court judges that may retire during the next term. Hillary has all ready said that she’ll but Obama on the court! Our country, our future generations, our grandchildren, our elderly don’t deserve what will happen to them if hillary succeeded in November!! Trump/Penze all the way!
J. James Jones says
It was a good speech but if Dems and Repubs don’t work together and get thing done none of this will happen. Our super power status will seize if the US dollar is downgraded from World currency. It seems that all the country are coming together to make this happen. If the US keep the number currency status we control the world because every country use the dollar. The IMF voted that the dollar be the world currency when in 1946, I do believe when the UK debt did the same to them. If the US Control the Money…We control the world! We are the number 1 currency. If we lose that we lose everything.
All presidential candidates make promises of what their ideas are but if Washington leadership does not make it happen the same will happen when Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump takes office. President Barrack Obama had some good ideas but no one worked together. In 1926, and 1941 we went through the same changes. Recently we just print money to buy our own debt. That only patch the problem. In order to fix the problem we will have to stop print money, tighten our belts. I rather have less money than no money. I say cut 30% of everything across the board You can have the money or you can have the power.
I want a new direction. It doesn’t matter whose in the office. If no one works together we are doomed. Think of a way to keep the number 1 currency and everything else will fall into place. A lot of countries that are jumping on the bandwagon with Russia and China to dethrone the US should think hard what the US done for their country. No other country will do what the United States of America will and is doing for you. Your status will become lower than what it is now. You countries that are not might become a communist country. What is your status now? Think about!!!
Deb says
My family is also voting for Trump!!
His speech was great !!
He is the only one that can come in and fix a lot of things right away. We need him now but we have to wait till Nov. ????
Jack says
Nope, he’s not my voice, I don’t sound like Hitler.
DustyFae says
Yes you do just by saying what you said.. Trump is the People’s voice .. This is what true Americans want. No more establishment of taxing the taxes and robbing the people
M. Susan Williams says
Amen to that! Mr. Trump is the American President we’ve been longing for for YEARS!!
Now we must vote for him!!!
Deb says
Yes. We must go to the polls!! Dems already have an advantage they say. I guess due to the way the country is divided up with electoral college numbers.
So please get yourself and any others to the polls.
Jack says
With all due respect, the people do not know what they are hearing, nor do they really care. They hear slogans and they are ecstatic. For example: Trump listing all the problems, and then saying “I will fix it”.
NO, that’s not how it works, we do not want dictators. You complain about Obama, and you are willing to take a white Obama.
Love America says
How sad! I feel sorry for you. Open your mind and eyes and look around you.
Jack says
Not only my mind and eyes, I’ve opened more than one or two books and did my OWN research, didn’t accept what was handed to me.
Now I don’t feel sorry for you, because ignorance is bliss.
valerie ziebarth says
Yes – If you don’t want a dictator – well, we’ve HAD one for the past 7 1/2 years! He was NOT willing to have laws passed by the legislature as they SHOULD be – he puffed up his office to pass many new laws himself with Executive laws which were NEVER run by the American people like they should be! Therefore he was NOT accountable to anyone as a legislator would be – I call THAT a dictator!
mollie mccarthy says
LS says
Obama puts our nation in terrorism danger, inflames BLM anger and cops killing, incites people to use violence against differences, promotes divisions, illegally uses taxpayers money, obstructs justice system and exemplifies himself as lawlessness, threatens education funding cuts if not following his restroom rules, cares about supporting UN’s request to flood in more unvetted refugees in spite of ISIS’s warning about their operatives coming as refugees, arrests reporters on the border who tried to document open border issue, threatens who dares to speak out against muslin (his true love), repeatedly promotes his desires to affect 1st & 2nd Amendments, … And, Hillary is his 3rd term.
No, I don’t see Trump anywhere nearby as a “white Obama.” Everything Trump said is the opposite of Obama.
I am a legal immigrant, I am an Independent. I believe in hard working and contribution and building more for betterment, not welfare. No fascism, no socialism, no dictatorship, no terrorism, no globalism, no lawlessness, no bailout poor corporations performance.
And, I proudly endorse Trump!
Ken says
Jack, jack, jack,,, Wow man I’m appalled by your statement. I’ve spent so much time studying all GOP and Dem party candidates. Read multiple books and truths on many and with an open mind. Spoken with people and shared so many reservations on different facets of different candidates. I have voted for candidates from all political spectrum’s.. The biggest con’s in the past 50 years have been LBJ, Bush 41, Slick Willy, Bush 43 and Obama… These guys were all out for the same things, a one world government while enriching themselves along the way.. I’m not saying that Nixon, Carter and Reagan were innocent or 100% trustworthy, but much better than those others..
I’ll be honest here, Hillary R. Clinton will be worse for America then probably anyone in the last 100 or so years.. I have plenty of attorneys in my family who most always vote Democrat and will not vote for her. In fact they stated they would be hard pressed to vote for another lawyer for president after Obama. Trump is not perfect, but he does have a very big heart and pretty much everything he does or touches turns to gold. That is what are broken government and hurting people need now more than ever.
I’ve had my ups and downs for quite a while regarding Trump, but something always struck home about the guy. I truly believe he is pretty honest, yes as a business man he takes advantage of tax laws, usually that is your accountants or tax attorneys job.. In a larger company, you will lay your trust with many professionals surrounding you on a daily basis… That is business.. I’ve been personally doing this for over 35 years…
A successful business man such as Trump, who has fallen and risen, made billions of dollars, built multiple classy well managed high rises, having many wealthy self-made billionaire friends (the non-Soro’s NWO types), who don’t need the money. Many of his friends will always be there for advice and to lend a hand without expecting something in return.
Trump’s charities have been real and most never publicized etc… Someone like Hillary on the other hand who have been bilking billions from it foundation donors all over the world and not actually given squat to a real cause.. And I have personal proof of this…
There is most definitely is a character difference here… Even if you happen to be a Cruz guy and feeling cheated, well, that is a whole another story.. Cruz picked and started that fight and lost…
I was also a little perturbed on the Pence choice, but after more research and listening to the guy, he is a humbled man also. The TRUMP/PENCE tickets will reign supreme and ignite the candle that has all but withered out sending us on a path to total darkness.
Without a shadow of a doubt, we the people of the USA need this man.. TRUMP/PENCE 2016/2020….. Make America Great Again!
Jack says
Proof that he is a billionaire? his word
Proof of his (personal) charitable donations? his word
Successful businessman? numerous bankruptcies no that is not normal, one maybe two
Trump University awaiting litigation
Examples where he paid MORE in deals that he negotiated
Scotland,- promised many jobs, didn’t deliver
Outsourced jobs – not very patriotic
Billionaire friends – I have a couple too, does that qualify me?
Weigh this against his childish behavior, inappropriate twitter wars, inability to read off of a teleprompter, lack of education, unfamiliarity with foreign affairs (what a nuclear triad?) outright lying (fact check some of his claims), inability to consistently describe his policies, vindictiveness and bullying behavior (I’ll spill the beans…)
So now Ken, Ken, Ken, wow man……make my day.
R DeWitt says
Sorry Jack, but your head is in the sand and you are bloated from drinking the Kool-aid. Who sounds like Hitler? HRC and BO. The first thing Hitler did was confiscate all the citizens guns, then he enslaved them with no chance of fighting back. The Democrat party has already enslaved nearly half of the nation through welfare. They are totally dependent on the government with no hope of freedom ever again. BO has made sure to keep them there and subjects of his party by destroying there chance of ever getting a job. This is all part of their plan, otherwise the trillions of working peoples hard earned tax dollars would have liberated them over the last 50 years. Now all they need to do is get all of the guns from the honest, hard working, productive, law abiding citizens and they are free to rule forever.
tom says
There is know one better running for president then Trump. God bless Trump
Gayle says
Hey Jack have you lost it, the present government is sooo corrupt an is trying to get us in a world war, they are destroying our country an you can’t see that. We are broken an someone has to fix it and Donald Trump is the man it sure isn’t Hillary Clinton. Get real!!!
Rosie says
If u get rid of Cruz there won’t b anymore honest Senators left.
Why is it when liberals run out of valid points it always turns to the guy is a “racist” or “hates women” or the ole liberal backstop name — “Hitler”
You want a dictator and be controlled by government — go vote for Hillary, and be on the losing side come November..
J. James Jones says
All of the promises…He can not fix them if Washington leadership does not work with him. As for Ted Cruz acting like a baby that lost his pacifier. No one likes him Democrats or republicans. No one is listening to him. Dude stop already. Go into hiding or something.
Where are Al Gore or Colin Power when you need them. You know what…the next thing you know the Castro twins of Texas will be President and Vice President…maybe 2020 or 2024? Wouldn’t that be cool? Ok people don’t get excited. It was just a thought but they probably could enter right now and win the Pres and Vice Pres. Hahaha
Jack says
No more establishment of paying taxes? Then why do you embrace someone who avoided paying his fair share of taxes?
mollie mccarthy says
Prove that please. If he has abided by all the tax laws and paid nothing then who would not do the same? Most Americans…I would guess you as well, pay only what they HAVE to pay by law. Why pay more especially when the professional politicians squander our hard earned dollars to buy votes with? I take all of my legal deductions, if you do not then you are a fool sir. No offense taken or meant/
Jack says
He has been quoted many times as saying he pays as little as possible. He has taken advantage of loopholes that allow no taxes on his buildings. Professional politicians may in fact squander our taxes, but our taxes also pay for many things, such as roads, which we all use. Why should a billionaire not contribute?
I in fact do not work diligently to find and take every deduction. If I still have enough to live well, I don’t feel everyone else should pay my share. But then again, I have never gone bankrupt and left others holding the empty bag, because I realize that some of those creditors that get the shaft are small businesses that can ill afford it.
L Wright says
He did pay his fair share according to our tax codes. Taxes codes are on the list of fixes. Were you listening or are you so stuck that you can’t see anything beyond DEMO blah. blah. blah
Reed says
Socialism doesn’t work…Bernie is out of the race. Wake up!
Jack says
Did I say I supported Bernie?
If you can’t read between the lines, just ask.
Jack says: I guess you would prefer a rotten lying low life HRC. If that is your choice then so be it. But get off your high horse. You have been Blessed and probably have never been in a situation that would require the same outcome that he has, because you have never built the businesses that he has. He may not be perfect, but no one is and he is our only choice to try to bring our Country back to a decent, respectable and safe place to llve. I love our country and served my country when I needed to, did you.
Jack says
Hah, did he serve his country? Oh right, bone spurs. He doesn’t have any trouble playing golf, does he?
Jack says
Jerry, did Trump serve our country? Or did he have bone spurs? Those bone spurs don’t seem too hamper his golf game.
I have “never been in a situation that would require the same outcome” no, I didn’t inherit millions of dollars. Do you have even a toe in reality?
Freida says
I think you’re more than a little mixed up! It’s Obama who is sounding like Hitler. You must be listening to the tone of voice, not the content. Listening must be done with your mind, not just your ears.
MKB says
Jack is just another Liberal commenting.
LS says
Stop Government Corruption says
I just don’t see how people can compare Trump to Hitler? Do you actually think Hillary would do a better job for the People? She is in the pocket of the elite this year. She will keep the minorities down 4 more years.
If businesses are rewarded with lower taxes to keep or build companies here, and face higher tax consequences when they move abroad (the flip of where it is now), the elite – Including Hillary – will fight this. Interesting to see how this turns out.
Don Old Guy says
Hilliarly IS the elite. Above the law. I do want to say that my larger fear than just her corruption and lying, is the probability that she will allow people like Feinstein, Pelosi, and Warren to continue their destruction of all that made America successful, while we protected so many other countries. It is a three chambered government that requires each to do their job. If we allow Congress and the Supreme Court to stop following the U.S. Constitution, it makes no difference who we elect as President. I truly have no confidence that Donald Trump is able to do anything unless he picks outstanding advisers and listens to them. He has never run a company with a Board of Directors, nor listened to anyone as far as I can tell.
Fred says
Stay w/ killary she will do nothing but the SOS. We need change
Boyd Tracy says
Jack, please be more explicit. Identify those specific things he said that you believe sounded like Hitler.
Jack says
He is running on a platform of fear where he is the only one who can fix everything. He quoted crime statistics that were wrong and misleading. He cannot dictatorially decide that we will not participate in NATO, extort money for protection of other countries, negotiate trade deals without increasing the cost of goods here, tell companies they cannot move overseas, renegotiate our debt without affecting our bond rating. Why are you believing that he can and will do all these things? Check his records….racism, ineptitude, why are you content to listen to a crowd chant “yes you will” instead of “yes we can” and think it’s not the same.
mollie mccarthy says
You may want to read the news today. Fact checkers (even the liberal ones) have stated (some begrudgingly) that his facts are indeed facts. They tried very hard but could not find anything incorrect in his speech. You are going by lies told you to make the other side look better than they are. Sorry but you are wrong again.
froggy57 says
Well said, Mollie
Jack says
I don’t know what fact checkers you are talking about, but I read different. But more importantly, not only did I read different I checked the facts myself, So just to point you in the right direction, some of his facts on crime statistics were wrong or they were misleading. It’s called cherry-picking, So go and do your own checking and then come back and tell me I’m wrong.
Love America says
What is your solution? Is it Hillary? Vote for her and be happy.
Jack says
I don’t support Hillary.
My solution is to stop voting for the abysmal choices we are offered. Don’t support them in any way. Make your discontent known. Vet your candidates thoroughly. Demand that they answer your questions, provide their tax returns, participate in debates, etc.
And don’t equivocate that he’s better than her, so I’ll vote for him, admit they are both bad and demand better.
But the very worst thing is to shut down someone like me who is trying to open a debate.
Lorraine says
Are you serious? Do you know who Hitler was. This is a horrible statement to make about any human being especially a fellow American.
This is why I will vote Trump.
Because of infividuals such ad yourself tgat throw out these names, taught by Wasserman, so freely without any understanding of meaning
Did yiu actually know his grandson is jewish?
Say what you wish – you are an American / but Hitler analogy is way off base – even for a liberal.
Jack says
After I read comments about how Cruz not endorsing Trump was slimy for placing loyalty to his wife and father over that of loyalty to trump; for placing his family before a political figure, and made the observation that the attacks and comments were shameful, you LECTURE me?
I don’t care that his in-laws are Jewish; if you want to talk about loyalty then why does he have the man who placed Kushner Sr. in prison hanging around? He really could do without Chris Christie on his team out of respect for family loyalty.
So now, it there is NO family loyalty, why will he be loyal to YOU?
I am not a Democrat, BTW, but I am actually educated, do know who Hitler is, and recognize dictatorial speech when I hear it. I also know how to research someone’s background instead of taking their rhetoric as fact.
MKB says
Jack, do you really think Hillary will do a better job for our country. You seem like you are full of hate for the condition the USA is in now but don’t want any change. Hillary wins, we all, including the people who voted for her, will louse. Thump wins, we all have a chance for a better country. Speaking of one wanting to be a dictator, that person is sitting in the White House now. Wake up Jack. You have been listening to and believing too much Liberal propaganda. A little common since and positive thinking might help you. Have a nice day.
Jack says
Here is news for you; I am not a Lib.
I think that Hillary is better only because I think Trump will be worse.
I do not like the condition the U.S. or the current election cycle is in, because we are again being handed inferior candidates and are told to expect superior results.
When people stop accepting garbage by pretending it is caviar, we might have the right to demand better.
Along with common sense, a little education about the candidates would go farther.
froggy57 says
Cruz started that fight, and Donald finished it. Get some new material, boy.
cristoiglesia says
Indeed! Now he is not only promising free health care for all but free child care. He is the most far left liberal Democrat to ever run for POTUS and proves it every time he opens his mouth. America is about to take a sharp turn to the left regardless of whom is elected to POTUS.
JR-IA says
Cristoiglesia, He didn’t say free, he said affordable. Big difference.
Constitutionalist says
Actually, he said that Americans could “choose their own doctor again” and “make childcare affordable for all.”
He promised nothing about “free.”
Seriously, why bother to claim Christ if you’re just going to spout easily provable lies? i just listened to Trump’s acceptance speech. Apparently, either you didn’t or you’re just msu to try to smear a good man who’s an Everest compared to The Liar’s Death Valley.
txgal says
YOU SHURE DON’T KNOW YOUR HISTORY DO YOU . you are just repeating the Dems propaganda without any facts to back it up. It’s empty words. Take some time and study Hitler and how and why get got in and did what he did. If you don’t know your history nor want to take the time to learn then you don’t have a leg to stand on.
Jack says
I SURE do know my history and a few other things besides, including how to spell.
Love America says
Jack! Did you serve your country?
Jack says
Love! Did Donald? Bone spurs, yes I know. When all the other poor schmucks were fighting, he considered navigating the perilous dangers of venereal disease just as honorable.
LS says
Jack, don’t be an ass. See many comments posted throughout many articles? The intentions and meanings conveyed from the writers are more important than the misspelling or typo, especially people often using small keypads on the cell phones. Stay on the subject, not nit pick details like Obama on his little restrooms dictator rule.
Jack says
Yes, I am civil and respectful when people are the same. I don’t know why there are ever personal comments made about me, I am talking about trump.
mollie mccarthy says
The media feeds your mind. He sounds NOTHING like Hitler. Think for yourself. Actions speak louder than words. You may not like all of his words but his actions bring results and include all Americans. The other side is professional politician elite. They say all the right things and will lie to say what you want to hear but their actions are ONLY self-serving. We have a broken, do nothing, Congress and White House. The corruption in DC is beyond bad.
Jack says
I do think for myself. I have researched his actions, I suggest you do the same.
I agree there is corruption. I do not think the solution is to put a corrupt person in charge of cleaning up the corruption.
I do not support politicians who have betrayed the will of the people. I do advocate checking their records YOURSELF, not relying on second hand reporting.
Love America says
If you did you would not say those things. JACK!
froggy57 says
He (Jack) is reading off a cue card. All his sentences are right out of the communist manifesto.
I am 76 and sat through every politicians speech’s since, and including, Eisenhower. He impressed me. Idiots like Jack, do not. I passed my Mensa test in 1975 and read voraciously. I researched Trump thoroughly with the experience and IQ not available to trolls like Jack.
Yes, Trump has made mistakes. Had his ups and downs. But wisdom does not come without trial and error. But he has rode the bull and finished. His employees love him and he has raised quality children. Not an easy task, as any parent can tell you. Failed business men litter the skid rows of every city. Let it be said of Trump: ‘He was a runner, and finished the race in the top 2%.’
I’d settle for that on my tombstone.
mollie mccarthy says
Jack, good luck. Sounds like you won’t vote for Trump because of what you have been fed and if you truly believe the corrupt should not be in charge of cleaning up the corruption then how in the world can you vote the other candidate? Stay home and vote nothing.
Ken says
I’m not going to get into a bunch of demoralizing antics with you. Many people here including myself have done plenty of research on Donald J. Trump. You may feel he is another slimy billionaire like a couple of your so-called billionaire friends, and maybe there are some skeletons in his closet. Most people do have a share of them.. But to even remotely compare him to the evil and disgusting slime of Hillary R. Clinton is just incomprehensible to me.
The Clinton’s have extorted billions and are responsible for dozens of murders, which I know you think I don’t know what I’m talking about here, but I actually have verifiable proof through a family member.
I better just leave it at that…
Enjoy voting for Killary the Butcher… Say no to Monarch Q1
Connie says
Neither did he …
Kathleen Shipley says
Shame on you. He is a good man and he panders to no one. He will be the People’s President. Try this, turn off the Media and nust listen to the candidates. Are you telling us that you want the keeper of our top secret information to be Hillary? I have been a Democrat my whole life but Hillary and Obama convinced me I was wrong so I am now a proud card carrying Republican. Trump 2016 for a greater America.
froggy57 says
Some people… like you, Jack… will say anything to draw attention to them selves.
Shut up and get back under the bridge.
Jack says
Stop claiming intelligence, quoting Mensa, and then start flinging personal insults at ME to make your case. Everyone assumes I’m a communist, liberal, uneducated and stupid. I am none of those, except you will argue that I am a troll because I don’t share your point of view. Where people engage civilly, I will discuss in kind.
Carl says
With all the yahoos shouting approval, with a little change and pitch and less of a change cadence he could have been the Hitler I hear in1940. It’s amazing how people like the posters here fall for such a demagogue. Hitler was against the establishment who had sold Germane\y out, and he was going to make Germany great again. Both have a 300 year old merchantilist view of economics. Thanks but no thanks. A defeat of Trump is the best thing that could happen to America and the Republican Party
froggy57 says
I was actually around when Hitler was. Trump sounds nothing like Hitler.
You, however, sound like every second troll.
Jack says
Yes, and he’s running on the same kind of platform. Now you can see how and why Hitler was elected; we are in the minority here, and I will bet the ones who truly want to see the best for the country.
Gigi says
Obama is the Hitler of this century. Our only hope is that with God’s help, Trump can undo some of the horrible changes that Obama has done.
peto says
well you can have hillary, she is a satan worshiper , who wants a new world order,
Candace Samuelson says
A Powerhouse of a speech leaving
his audience wanting more! The true
test is in the pudding, and we must
defeat the Democrats in November,
but we don’t have much time now! We must all roll up our sleeves to
get Donald J. Trump elected President of The USA!
John says
Excellent in every way. There is no doubt who will be in charge when he is elected and I truly feel that he will deliver on his promises. When you consider the lifestyle he is giving up to run for this office, it is obvious that he does love this country and all Americans and I truly believe, again, that he will make this country great again. He is now owned by anyone and owes no favoros to anyone, which is a breath of fresh air. Because of that, he is not going to be constrained in what he does. Finally, he has already hinted at who he will surround himself with in his cabinet and it will be awesome. He will too, appoint Supreme Court Justices and Federal Judges that will be conservative and will be guided by the law, not their emotions, and will enforce the Constitution, not ignore it as we have seen each and every one of the Democratic appointees do. Great job, Donald. I think you hit a home run last night. The party is now energized like never before and we will have the Senate, the House and the White House come next January.
froggy57 says
I believe he will do his best to deliver. His ego is too big to let him fail.
However, getting by congress with its ‘pork barrel’ habits may be a real
Grayling says
I agree with you 100% John. He has shown thus far in his race that he will not bow nor change for the establishment. He is his own man and is very adamant about saying what he feels regardless of whether the establishment likes it or not. I was taught when growing up that ” if the boat doesn’t leak then why change boats” however I believe the United States has been riding in a leaky boat (no pun intended) and it is time to change before we go completely under. I see Donald Trump as that change. If I’m alive and able to get to the polls in Nov. I will be proudly voting for the Trump/Pence team. Oh by-the-way I am encouraged by his pick of Mike Pence as his choice for V.P. I really liked his speech and after researching him I think him to be a good man, one who has our country’s welfare and not his own at heart.
Joan Skee says
He will be a strong leader not a dictator that’s what unlawful violent people are afraid of they only use dictators as a scare tactic because they don’t like to obey the laws even the media should step back always negative the people have spoken
Eric Addlestone says
He is now the man to truly lead our Country back to where is should be !
herb dwyer says
It is about time that we have someone stand up and address the issue(s) rather than papering them over as before, tell it like it is! If we don’t face the issues (wages, unemployment, child care, health costs, terrorism, unfair trade, illegal immigration, taxes, etc.) we can’t make any progress. This is a map, is it perfect, no, but at least it gives us a sense of direction along with an achievable objective that impacts everyone positively.
CaroLee Hosley says
A great speech. Too bad the commentators have to put their two cents in after the speech. Last night those two arguing after the speech were apparently from a different planet, for they did not hear or see the same speech as I did. Let the people make their own decisions on what they heard. He will make a great president, and if I am wrong…no worse then what we have had the last 8 years or would have with Hilary.
Gayle says
I saw a post about watching the RNC on C-Span bI watched it on that channel so I would not have to listen to the garbage the media spews out. ????
Joanne says
After living in HELL for 7+years under Obama I welcome DONALD J. TRUMP as our next POTUS. I believe that he has the best intentions of making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Peggy says
Amen! Father heal this Nation and bring you back. Drive out Satan in Jesus name.
peto says
Janie says
Amen! Praying that All eyes and ears will be opened and see what is happening to our country! We need God back and Trump will bring Him back!! My family and I will definitely be voting for TRUMP/PENCE!! ❤
Joanne says
After living in HELL for 7+years under Obama I welcome DONALD J. TRUMP as our next POTUS. I believe that he has the best intentions of making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Roberta says
I truly believe, In my own personal opinion that Trump will do whatever he can as promised. However it is only God through him that can turn this country back to one nation under God!I am praying he will realize that he alone can not accomplish things without Gods help.I am hoping and trusting that he has been born again as reported so if if so he will be seeking the Lords face for answers and decisions that need to be made. GOD BLESS AMERICA and MAKE THIS COUNTRY GREAT ONCE AGAIN!
RDS says
I thought the speech was great and firmly believe that having a business man, not a politician, going in and trying to run this government as a business essentially for profit, instead of running it as a never ending bank for politician to draw from when ever they like. I also realize nothing is going to happen over night but will be nice to see it start to happen.
mollie mccarthy says
He is NOT a politician. He NOT owned by anyone including the RNC. He does not need this job, like the other candidate who is not but a professional politician. He has been very successful in his life and basically is a self-made man. He has strong opinions but also listens. He knows when he needs help and finds the best people to get the answers from. He is generous and kind. Regardless of what the media spins…he is neither racist nor sexist he is for AMERICANS period. AND he has a very smart daughter whom he can groom to be the first female President of the US.. Please do not vote for Hillary just because she is a woman…I am a woman and I fear if she wins the mess she will leave will make it impossible for another woman to ever win the office again. Wait for the right woman and Ivanka just may be that person. Only time will tell but so far she’s looking real good.
T winter says
I’ve been a supporter since it started. I’m fired up after the speech. Can’t stand Clinton. Trump is a leader. Cruz,Kasich, stay home, could care less
Lewis C. Powe Jr. says
I feel safe and supported by Donald Trump. This man likes a challenge and right now America needs a correction in many ways.
Giving money away to folks that hate us will be on his agenda.. Bringing back jobs, restoring our health care that is out of control.
and do a balanced budget as soon as possible. The immigration needs a fix and I agree if Mexico violates our borders then the wall will be needed. I agree on immigration but do it the proper way. Our judicial system needs to shape up and rule with the Constitution as it should be. Be aggressive in foreign trade but American industry MADE IN AMERICA should come first. and the dead beats in Congress should be called out for poor performance for what they were Elected. Lets Move forward to make America great again. and the college graduates should have opportunities for employment and rewarded by their own hard work and dream in life.
Donald Ryman says
The Democrats are against the production of goods and services. This reflects their elitist base. Trump and the Republicans (except for the elitist Republican establishment) are for the production of goods and services. It is as simple as that. We must vote for Trump for that reason alone. Trump knows how to lead. Hilary does not. After 7 1/2 years of no leadership from the White House we must get back on track.
Bob Spaugh says
If Mr. Trump is our voice; then he will support “We The People” taking our Country back; that means taking back our rights and our freedoms and finally instituting an american and constitutional Taxing policy, one that does not threaten peoples lives and forces people who opt to work in governement positions to realize who the Boss is! and that is something they all have forgotten………”They all work for we the people”; We need to end the Dictatorship and reestablish the Republic. Stop all foreign aid until we can fix this Nation first” There is much more that needs fixing than he can accoplish in 4- short years…….If he starts well, perhaps he can make it 8- or even longer. Mr. Trump if you wish to be my voice; you can do so! but make sure you talk with me first………I am a people of We the People – thanks for representing our voice! Bob
Ginny Johnson says
Best speech EVER by “the Donald!!” When I first saw him running for President of the U.S., I thought he MIGHT BE good; but
then when he started “blasting” so many people, and women, I stepped back. I thought I could never vote for him. He’d
“NEVER” be any good with foreign affairs or with other dignitaries. However, I have to say, as time has gone on, and he has
perhaps given more thought and introspect to things he has said in the past, he has changed his attitude and remarks to
people, and has improved the way he expresses himself and his values. He isn’t talking “off the top of his head;” he speaks
from deep in his heart! He’s not saying what “someone has asked him to say;” he is saying what “He” feels strong about; the things that have been burning inside of him for years; things that are a challenge to him; things that he wants to see changed; things that “the people” want changed! As he said last night…….”I will be your voice!” I believe he can be, and will be, trusted.
Ramon Rojas says
I beleave in Donald Trump determination to fix all problems in USA and all over the world. As hispanic I think that building a wall along Mexico border will bring less crime, less drugs. Even Mexico will benefit, because less weapons will get into the mexican territory making the country safest. Some Caribean countries like the Dominican Republic are going to benefit too because the drog traffic is going to diminish, and less goverment corruption and miliatary involment in drogs is going to happen.
I have a sign in Massachusetts, where I live, that says: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH DONALD TRUMP, to show to friends and others.
Katie says
Wonderful in all ways….honest, tough, sincere, and capable. The question is …Is the Clinton machine so connected to media and others so that fairness will be overcome by the lies of the machine?
Cal gal says
I hope that the voting machines are not taken over by the machine as we have seen in the past. She and her ilk will do ANYTHING and I mean any thing. I hope those Officers that she has so maligned in Philadelphia and now the country, will stand in every polling place in the country to TRY to stop her fiddling. But, so unfortunately with her, “where there’s a will, there’s a way”.
Gloria Abramo says
Magnificent! He spoke to every American! He spoke to their hearts!
law5960 says
What I absolutely loved about the speech was the way he started by saying he wouldn’t lie to us, and then lied about at least 20 basic facts that anyone could look up over the next hour. I am glad to see he is finally fitting into the political mainstream. Still, he would be better off if he didn’t use (apparently) the same lying speechwriter who works for Hillary Clinton.
Also, after alienating R.E.M,, Bruce Springsteen and Queen, he also has the Rolling Stones mad at him. While it’s true that we can’t always get what we want (and this election is a prime example), I was looking forward to a rock and roll president. At least Bill Clinton played saxophone. With Trump it is going to have to be karaoke in boarded up casino.
txgal says
As if we care what Druggies rock and roll bands think REALLY? And as far a Bill Lo Wondering was he blowing on his Saxophone when he was getting blown under the Pres. desk?
law5960 says
I think you are being too judgmental. Keith Richards has written that the Stones never had a drug problem – they only had a police problem. You also missed the point of the comment.
froggy57 says
You quote a out and out addict like Richards as a source.. lol
You just lost what little credibility you had.
Shirl says
A rock and roll president? Really? Rolling Stones? Bruce Springsteen? Queen? Mr. Law 5690, this is a presidential election, not a concert event! I respect your right to your opinion….that’s what this country is all about…but is that what influences your choice?
law5960 says
Oh no, of course not. I simply enjoy the irony of Trump using music from a bisexual Englishman (Freddie Mercury), a British druggie (Keith Richards), a Canadian staunch environmentalist (Neil Young), etc. – all of whom can’t stand him – to campaign for making America great again. Perhaps he is trying to hide the outright lies behind the loud music, but it isn’t working.
Lee Perez says
A very strong and powerful speech! If he keeps his promises, which I hope he will, it will be awesome! Although Mr. Trump has trouble expressing himself to please the mass media and those who accuse him of racism, homophobia, etc., at least he does not pull any punches speaking his mind. A hypocrite he is not! He tells it like it is, wherever it takes him. That in itself, makes him refreshing. His speech last night was inclusive of the gay and transgender community, Hispanics, African-Americans, etc. That should put to rest all that the biased media has said about him. I hope they go and get a life……
Georgia says
I have felt from the beginning Donald J Trump would make a great President for the people. I truly believe he loves his country and wants to make it safe again; not on fort he children, but for all of our children.
Lupie Riley says
First of all Trump does not have to be putting his life on the line. He’s a self made man that is not owned and dictated to by the elite who run this country. He’s dedicated to strengthening our ties to Israel and gives thanks to the Christian community for their support. Everything he said was the voice of the American people and how we feel about the instability of our leadership today and the mess the country is in with threats from radical Islamic terrorists who want to kill us and bring in Sharia law. He loves this country and it’s people and his beautiful family was a testimony to his character. God Bless America and God help Trump in November to become a leader it’s people are crying out for. We can make America great again vote Trump.
Barbara Klein says
There is no one in the world who would be better at repairing the damage that decades of politicians have caused in regard to our economy (the former wealthiest nation in the world is now the largest debtor in the world (how many trillions of dollars is this great country in debt???…such a disgrace). He will turn this around because he is not a politician, thank God. He is a very successful LEADER in business. The American people are so used to being lied to by the establishment that the majority cannot comprehend the truth when they hear it. Mr. Trump has proven time and time again that he can do what he sets out to do. God bless.
Mike Dar says
I’ve several family members with small mom and pop enterprises and am continually amazed at the restrictions via regulations they have to contend with. My small business days date back to the 70s-90s and there simply is to much for a small business man/woman to contend with.. they have to take time off from their enterprise, to bookkeep their enterprise.
We’ve a million ‘mom and pops’ that all wish to hire people, many hope for a resurgence is spending habits to accomplish that goal, but everything awaits regulatory effectors IMO.
Will the ACA kick in for Employers in larger numbers, will larger numbers of bigger businesses layoff people like in 2011 after Obama was re-elected, will taxation increase.
This is all on top of Inventory accounting/taxation, filling for an FBI investigator if you cross a State line with a commercial vehicle, payroll accounting all the way down to hours for each individual for the State Disability, for insurance..
the list is getting long and hard to be in business without having the ‘economy of size’ forced by bureaucratic red tape and reports.
Most of my family, has been in business for themselves for decades and all have the same opinion of government, it is there for the big business and the poor, but not those in-between, the middle class.
Diane says
Trump’s speech last night was terrific. Hillary has no credibility. Really stupid people will continue to support her. If illegal aliens, convicted felons, ghost voters, the paid constituency, & those who bragged that they voted more than once for the current president don’t put Hillary over the top, we might have a fair election. However, the votes of our active military must be allowed to be counted this time, unlike 2012.
Carolyn says
I will say a prayer that he wins the election and puts America back on track. America started with the believe in God and the development of the Constitution was developed to protect our rights as a citizen, somewhere we have gotten off track. We need to start at the beginning and move forward.and Trump is offering us that opportunity to be safe, support our family, practice our religion without fear of being sued because we believe in God.and he is working to gain back the respect that our country has lost.
Jack says
Outside of this country (and in many places inside this country) he is viewed as a buffoon. But if you make this country so nationalistic that no one looks outside our borders, you will never realize it.
Maybe you should go to one of those countries- where you can be appreciated, Jack. Trolls!!
Love America says
JACK! Have you traveled to other countries? Jack all I can say to you some are wise and some are otherwise. Which one are you?
Jack says
Yes, and know people in other countries/
Richard Knight says
Rough as an uncut diamond, last night Trump polished some facets and let them shine through that we might see the potential jewel that lies beneath that surface. I came to the RNC as a life-long Republican determined to vote for Trump as the lesser of two evils, but I’ve had my views changed after hearing from Ivanka and the Donald last night. Like so many talking heads have stated, you can’t fake family and children. I’m met multiple rich kids in my 79 years and to a one they invariably were spoiled, purposeless and imperious brats. These fine young men and women embody…in a much more refined and erudite manner…the true character of Donald Trump. Yes, he is crude in his unscripted conversations. Yes, he is tough in his idealistic policies, and yes, he is not the sort of fellow you’d want to lead your prayer meetings, but he has proven (through the example of his children) that he cares as deeply about the American dream, our country and our future as any American can possibly care!
The most important thing to me is his willingness to surround himself with those fine men and women who can bring to fruition all the things that he wants done and that he…in all his sometimes vulgar ways and grammar…desires for the restoration of this country that we all desire and is smart enough to know that he needs help in this new…to him…arena. He has my unconditional support!
Ken says
Sir, I could have not said it better. My hat is off to you and yours.
Lisa Moore says
If his speech last night did not open the eyes to people and see that America needs him so bad right now it’s only because you choose to just close him out no matter what. He is the best for the job by far and if we ever needed a strong confident leader it is now. He knows how to help build our military to make us safe and fabulous at business to get the US back on its feet. WE NEED HIM!!!
Alma Rodriguez says
I hope to god he wins and takes us out of the mess were in but I’m afraid as crooked as the system is he will not win.he is in for a brutal fight with hilly and she will do any thing to win. He is a wonderful man to leave his wonderful life he has just to go through all this just to help us all have a better life. I will be praying he wins.
Abe says
I was on the fence, but his speech really jazzed me up. I was really impressed with his kids! I was thinking of Johnson because I was expecting the kangaroo court to be in like 2012. To say that one was rigged and the fix was in would be the biggest understatement of all time! I hope he wins and lives to complete at least one term. Maybe he can get some of those self serving public servants in the slammer!
drbhelthi says
Considering the control of the United States and the NATO countries of the EU that is exercised by the Bush-CIA-MOSSAD, Mr. Trump will be blocked at every attempt to remove control of the Western World from their grips. It is frightening to think of the possible assassination plans the Bush-CIA-MOSSAD have in store for Mr. Trump´s family members and for him. For sure, he will have to enter a cooperative agreement with the leadership of Russia to be successful.
Sandy says
Russia already laughs at the choice in office now. Most of the world does. Trump will be under siege from not only our own government that is in place but the world. I believe in him and maybe we can get things straight again.
William Owens says
I am a veteran of Vietnam. USAF Medivac Chopper Crew Chief. I am 72 and a Staunch supporter of our next President. Donald J. Trump! WE NEED OUR MILITARY THE BEST IN THE WORLD AGAIN!! I truly trust this will happen quickly with Trump “Commander in Chief.” No soldier wants war, but, if we have to defend our country and allies we need the best equipment in the world to get it done and fast, with no BS rules of engagement. Let us do our JOB as the Best of the Best!! Thank you Presumptive President Donald Trump for the recognition of this country’s veterans!!!
Finally, a man who cares with his whole heart! God Bless the United States of America! Thank you, SSGT William P. Owens. Ret.
froggy57 says
Putin has already endorsed Trump.. they will make a good team.
Sandy says
When Obama Took office we could see the separation between black, white, red, etc. starting to get wider instead of smaller. It has been getting worse every day he is in office and we have worked so hard to bring all Americans together. I want an America that loves it’s country not hates it. Hillary is the same as Obama, they just want position and money and power, not to lead us. Trump may well be the one to get us out of this horrible debt problem and terrorists just might take us seriously. I will be voting for Trump also.
Nityabhushanam angalakurti. says
I believe he will safegaurd the integrity of the great country and make it rich. I will also congratulate him for his decision of controlling the immigration and terrorism in the country. I wish his election is already decided. May bless his ideology.
Suzanne says
I was impressed last night; by both his daughter & Trump’s speeches. The sometimes far-out, whacky stuff from the campaign was not there. He couldn’t have kept his composure for 72 minutes last night if he hadn’t been speaking from the heart. I prayed he would surround himself with advisors that would show him the way to get his dream of a great America accomplished. He proved that he accomplished that last night & I have no doubt his cabinet & judicial choices will complete the dream machine. Voting TRUMP with 100% confidence..
Johnny B says
It is long past time that an honest leader takes office and represents the people….. Nobama was a joke and belongs in jail along with his criminal cabal….. Hillary should never be nominated…. Are the democraps all mentally retarded????
Lets get back onto the road to recovery….. and Trump Hurrrraaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Lorene Bowles says
Donald J. Trump’s speech was phenomenal!
He touched upon everything people wanted to hear.
He was calm and yet firm in his statements.
He was so excellent!!!!
He has my vote and my husband’s vote and my sister’s vote and my niece’s vote and her best friend’s vote.
Marie says
We all need to pray hard and frequently if we want Trump to win. We have only one vote but our prayers can be numerous!
froggy57 says
Lord let him win, and let him be true to his words, and let Congress’s blinders be removed and let them get behind Trump and help him make America greater than it now is. There is evil afoot in the land. We need this Knight in Shining Armor. Amen.
He really is a men that as a plan and not only dot he really as AMERICA and the AMERICAN people in his heart !!
I will vote for him.
jwb says
yea, I have heard this for months, nothing new last night. He should have played the replays, would have been a lot cheaper. Hope he wins and will do at least half of the lies he has come up with. Everyone thinks things will change on day 2, not. He has big shoes to fill, his own, or get impeached for lying to the constituents. HE GITS MY VOTE JUST TO SEE SOMETHING CHANGE, GO LYIN’ DONNIE FOR PREZ !!!!!
LS says
Hillary is not lying? She never lied before?
froggy57 says
That was my thinking when I listened to Trump the first time.
I thought, ‘Hell he can’t do any worse than his predecessors,
give him a shot, see what he can do.’
But gradually he has won me over. He is a little naive, but
that is better than cynical. He reminds me of Ross Pero.
I really think he is our last chance. No pro pol can be trusted.
They all come to D.C. and are soon corrupted. It’s just like
Hollywood. Full of make believe and pedophiles.
jwb says
I agree with you, although I am choking on my spittle.
Marie says
Excuse me. Please delete YOUR addition to my comment and don’t try to say that “You already said that” when I said no such thing.
Please, let’s be fair and not add or detract from another’s statement or whatever appears here can be suspect due to your interference! I am speaking to whomever added to my statement and deleted another statement of mine! Do you do this sort of thing frequently? Then you cannot be trusted!
valerie ziebarth says
Totally the best acceptance speech I have ever heard from a candidate Democrat OR Republican – and I am 74 years old and a Reagan Democrat and have heard it all, believe me! And, best of all, he MEANT it all, it was NOT just political speecifying either. All of his children told us that is because he REALLY cares about and loves our country and is NOT doing this for riches (NOT necessary – he has way more than enough), and not for power like the OTHER candidate – (he has way more than enough). He TRULY wants this country to be a great country again, like it used to be and even greater – absolutely NOTHING wrong with that! I say – “Let’s DO IT – Let’s elect him president in November 2016 – w GO e have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain! We can DO this, people!
God's Child says
In all the Presidential speeches that I listened to, I really liked Mr. Trumps speech in simple language that I could understand & relate to. I remember Obama invoking the earth and sea In his speech which I thought was so fake. Mr. Trump, your speech was so authentic it captured my heart. You have my support for sure. May the Almighty God bless you, your family and your running mate Mr. Pence & his family and grant you success to be the next President of these United States of America! ????
Gregory Pek says
I have little doubt that Donald Trump will be perhaps the best president ever. Better even than my beloved Reagan who not only was effective and visionary, but also such a warm human being with a great sense of humor.
Trump just has so much to do, and he is a complete maniac in terms of getting things done. Like no one before this man is a force of nature and thankfully he is completely governed by decency and a love for people and a sense of honor and duty.
While his speeches aren’t smooth, you understand what he is saying. You get it and you get that he really is going to do what he promises. Unbelievable presence. And what a vision of what has to be done.
Gwen says
Loved it!!Loved it!!Loved It!!! It made me feel like there is still hope for our country. Only time will tell. If Shrillery (that horrible raised voice) Clinton is’s is totally over for our country. Even the thought of Bill getting back in as 1st husband makes me cringe at the thought of it. Shrillery already said she would put him in charge of economic issues because she is not good at it like her husband…OMG. If our country did not learn it’s lesson after 7 1/2 years of Obama then there is no hope.
LS says
People who are afraid of change keep attacking Trump from nit pick to untruthful comments, YET, don’t have a better solution but returning back to Hilliary for the 3rd Obama term while continuously complaining this country has corruption and is heading to the wrong direction. Some people choose 3rd party, instead, to make a stand. But, who are you kidding? Honestly, believe in a 3rd party will be a POTUS this time? Just like “never Trump” thought they had a chance. Wrong. Then what? Going back to the same old Obama 3rd term option? Thinking it would be a “better” or “safer” option, despite the combination of terrorism, lawlessness, shaky economic with historical high Fed debt, deep divisions, killing cops all surrounding us at this sad and dangerous times. Really?!
NAN says
Patricia McLeod says
His speech was wonderful and if anyone can accomplish those goals, Trump is the one who can do it. God bless Trump and God bless America.
Nancy Ward says
Inspirational. Promises well spoken. Can’t wait for 2017. It won’t come soon enough.
LS says
Does the Comment here do not allow website links? It appears automatically putting comments into “awaiting for moderations” mode whenever I inserted a website link.
Constitutionalist says
Yes, links are allowed.
However, The Horn staff usually checks links to make certain they contain no malware before allowing them through.
Sandra says
One Chinese philosopher said, “may you live in interesting times.” We people of America
and the whole world are witnessing the most remarkable and interesting political event of our lifetime! The path and state of our nation, and the political rise of Donald Trump have intersected one another and America will never be the same again.that is a good thing because I believe at this particular point in our country’s history, Donald Trump is the only person who may lead our country forward toward to safety, economic growth for all and peace! I have been liberal and conservative in my lifetime. Most recently since Bill Clinton’s disgrace of the presidency, I have been a conservative. However, Donald Trump seems to carry a great combination of both liberal and conservative philosophies and as such will appeal to, and serve every segment of our society.
I have watched and read about Donald Trump daily since he announced. I have heard all the opinions about him and his candidacy. He has frustrated me, disappointed me, thrilled me, made me happy! Most of all he has made me proud, thankful he has offered himself to help our country at this critical time, inspired and motivated to be a better citizen of this country and of this world. With Donald Trump as our president, all Americans may again begin to feel the hope and promise for a better future, a better life, and a positive legacy to
leave for future Americans!
Otto Wintermeier says
WOW. I love how he addressed my key concerns with the exception of what he’s going to do for Seniors. Also, I’d like to know in great detail where the money will come from to achieve all these noble goals.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Otto the money is there for foreign aid to countries like Greece, Iran,Syria, France, don’t give foreign aid to our enemies, and countries that don’t need it, get the hell out of NATO, seize the money in the Clinton foundation, resize those unfrozen Iranian assists, that is money Iran owes the United States, kick the damned United Nations out of New York City, let the European Union pay for the damned United Nations.
The damned United Nations only cares about the European Union members, Iran & Syria. There’s right there a nice hefty chunk of money right there. The United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,Mexico, Argentina,Chile should all get the hell out of NATO, the 7 countries
I just named plus Great Britain, Germany, Norway are the only European countries in NATO, plus Ireland & Finland which are not NATO members are all paying more than their fair share of NATO’s cost, the rest of the European Union that are members of NATO are and have been getting a FREE RIDE more than long enough.
LS says
Jack and jwb. Another breaking news about terror shooting spree in Munich Mall in Munich, Germany. Does that make you feel safer with Obama bringing (blantantly or quietly) in unvetted refugee (and open border) and Hillary vowed to increase 550% more if she is elected?
jwb says
Jack says
For the umpteenth time I don’t support Obama, Hillary, Bernie.
For the umpteenth time I will say that grabbing on to the straws that someone running for office is holding out to you is just as foolish.
For the umpteenth time I am saying you like his message, but check the messenger. There is nothing that gives confidence that he will be any different, and a lot of indication that he will be worse.
For the umpteenth time, you had the opportunity to vet the candidate and you did not or you would not be appeased by his rhetoric.
Gene Goar, Tyler, TX says
I think that Trump’s speech was great, and the best I have ever heard from any
candidate for the USA Presidency! It solidifies my vote for him to be our next
President. Most anyone would be a tremendous improvement over Obama,
the political disaster & egotist & liar, and general disaster, but not Hillary Clinton ,
who is a classic liar, and incompetent political ex-Sec. of State.!, and a long time Crook!
Dolores Morgan says
God sent us a savior. His name is Donald J. Trump. Get on board before it’s too late. I’m afraid it is our last chance.
Byron Mullen says
Bring it on Mr. Trump. It is about time someone has the courage to BUCK the corrupt establishment, both Democrats and Republicans alike, and start doing what is BEST for ALL Americans. However, I do wish he would acknowledge GOD in all of this because he is the one that ultimately needs to receive the Glory. If we don’t turn back to God we will certainly go the way of so many corrupt nations before us.
LS says
Jack and jwb, is Trump “fear-base” or “dark” (as media and Clinton feeding you) talks or is he “factual” talk” – given the axe killer on the train and 3 more terror killers in the mall in Germany all happened in one week? Trump just talks like it is. His content matters to me, not his personality (not political correct, not a politician, not a puppet to anyone)!
Jack says
He is not factual talk, for instance he quotes crime statistics that are not true or cherry-picked to instill fear and make you think he will fix it. He can’t do half the things he claims he can do. He can’t do them very quickly. He can’t keep you safe. He can’t create jobs. He can’t blackmail countries without repercussions. He can’t renegotiate America’s debt without repercussions. He can’t for companies to remain here if they don’t want. He can’t punish those who leave by imposing tariffs without Americans suffering the repercussions.
LS says
You have no base or facts to say “he can’t” this or that other tha media elites telling you. Pundits/elites/media/dems (like Professor Daniel Drezner of WashPo writer) and even astrologists all said he can’t win primary or he will drop off soon, blah blah blah. But, Trump has proved himself, YES, he CAN win – not just win, but by HISTORICAL RECORD HIGH votes.
Wake up, Jack. Either get on the Trump train or you will be left behind with your disbelief. Trump’s personally is not perfect, but his messages are timely and resonate with truth.
Jack says
I can say he can’t do those things because they are matters of procedure and laws.
I can substantiate his incompetence with his past record.
I don’t care about messages, if he is lying about what he can accomplish, he is lying.
LS says
Hillary is not lying? Hillary has proven record of great accomplishments? The gigantic list of Hillary or Clintons scandles are all lies? Obama is not lying? He kept all his promises? From my research, Obama has broke a long list of promisses. Your zero-in nit pick Trump and ignore all the rest is fascinating – well, no, mind boggling.
Ken says
The best political speech I have ever heard. A bit dictatorial at times but the progression from primary Trump to nominee Trump should have Sillery shaking in her pant suit. He has come a long way since starting the campaign and I was totally convinced that I now have a voice. People like Beck and Cruz need to wake up and realize their petty issues are insignificant when compared to the stark choice we have between the two major parties and the consequences of getting it wrong. No doubt he is a man for the time and the time is now or never for America. May God bless America and may God bless Donald J. Trump the next president of the United states of America.
Scott Ukshe says
poor little jack,
you are no doubt one of those little dweebs who has an opinion and searches frantically for something to back it up. You my know OF a billionaire but it isn’t that community college political science teacher who has molded that cute little brain of yours. So do yourself a favor get in your prius that no doubt daddy is paying the insurance for and tootle off to your grievance group cause the super delegates could not feel the burn
Jack says
poor little scott
has to resort to ad hominem attacks because he can’t argue substantively. sad.
Richard the Lion Hearted (83 yrs young) says
Donald Trump at first bragged on what he could do for the Country. Now that he has proven to be what he is: Honest, Effective, stead fast on the good items for the country. He has shown to speak from the heart, and has a WANT to make the USA great again. Some like, some presidents; FDR; Truman, JFK, and Ronald Reagan. For our family he is a must win in November 2016. Most of our family had served in the arm forces, myself 24 yes (combat in Korea); Oldest son 25 yrs. USAF Academy, A10 pilot; Number 2 son gave 13 yes USAF; grand-son gave 4 yrs (ARMY 13 months in Iraq); and a great-grandson now in the Marines 2 yrs. I am encouraging all our family to vote for Donald Trump. We cannot afford another 4 years of the same old S….
Roger says
God bless President Donald J Trump and guide him as he corrects all of the Imam-in-Chief’s horrible policies and decisions!
lois says
Ride on Trump! Finally, someone who will TAKE ACTION.. Words are WORTHLESS (Hilliary and the gang!)
Lori Webb says
Excellent Speech! I am with Trump all the way….Hillary move out of the way!
jwb says
LS says
I vote for common sense. Trump is the only candidate speaks plain language of common sense. Others want to believe in polished rhetoric which has brought this country to this declining status, go for it. I just hope that those cheering for illegals and unvetted refugees can invite 2 of those to permanently live with them and their families so that they can make a convincing testimonies for their stand.
Arthur Hartsock says
My favorite candidate was Rand Paul. But he didn’t get nearly enough support. And I’d have liked a more Conservative candidate, but even conservatives and evangelicals voted for Mr. Trump. I know that Mr. Trump has been a very successful business man, so he should understand how taxes/regulations affect a business. So I have to believe that Mr. Trump has no interest in destroying the US economy, and hopefully has every incentive to get the motor of our economy running at full speed again. He doesn’t need to be a conservative, but I hope the conservatives in Congress/Senate steer him in a conservative course. He won’t get everything he wants, because he has to deal with Ryan and McConnell. Good luck to Trump and the US.
Justin W says
Donald Trump and Ivanka both did a great job. This wasn’t as optimistic of an acceptance speech as I have heard, but that fits the narrative that America has problems and Donald Trump is going to fix them. His speech demonstrated that he isn’t a politician. That’s okay. The politicians are the ones who have got our country in the mess it is in.
Lizabeth says
Brilliant man and family, he doesn’t need this job but he wants Americans and our country to be great again. I’m all in for Trump!! Great speech and he means ever word!!
jose says
That was a very nice speech but remember there are a lot of parasites milking the system who dont want to work and if HELL-LARY keeps promising them more food stamps more welfare more free rent phones and services they will vote for her because none of them want to work and they have to vote for someone who will keep giving them a free ride. Castro did the same thing in cuba and and the lazy ones who never worked supported him that is how he got in power and became a dictator. Hell-lary is following the same foot prints of castro and hittler
Pauline FitzPatrick says
Trump is the one! I was hesitant in the beginning of the process (debates) but all anyone has to do is look at Trumps children! That alone says it all, as far as I am concerned. It says volumes about their parents. GO TRUMP-PENCE!!