Keeping guns out of the hands of Americans doesn’t make us safer — it makes us sitting ducks.
That was the message that billionaire GOP hopeful Donald Trump sent at a Vermont rally yesterday, as President Obama took to the airwaves to try to sell new gun-control measures.
Last evening Obama participated in a CNN town hall to try to convince wary Americans to back a series of executive orders on gun control that he announced this week.
Obama’s measures would add heavy red tape to the gun resale market. They expand mandatory background checks to gun shows, flea markets and online sales, and would force resellers to register as gun dealers.
But just as Obama was taking the stage, Trump told attendees in Burlington that an increased focus on reducing gun ownership is making us all less safe. Trump took aim at Obama’s executive orders and the gun-free zones at schools and military bases.
“You know what a gun-free zone is for a sicko? That’s bait,” Trump told the crowd.
Edward Martin says
I totally agree, any “gun free” zone will only deny the protection of honest and responsible citizens from having a counter force. These zones are open invitations to any criminal, sicko, or terrorist to do what they wish without fear of being stopped.
James Andrews says
He is correct; gun free zones have helped injure and kill a lot of innocent people!
Carlos J. Negron says
I am astounded that no family members of ” gun free zones ‘ have NOT sued establishments which require NO guns by their patrons.
These businesses have, IN ESSENCE, aided and abetted the assaulters, by making their patrons defenseless and have violated their CONSTITUTIONAL right.
Angelo Campanella says
What’s so unreasonable in having a school appointed armed guard (aka “bodyguard”) on duty where your children go to school? It’s the utmost of stupidity (or treachery) to NOT do so!
jcs says
I think politicians should have the same protection they provide our children.
Donnie Johnson says
I Agree
Joe says
Meli C. says
I absolutely agree with Angelo. We raised our kids in a different era, but if I had children in school, now, I would demand that there be at least one individual at every school, who was an experienced gun owner. It could even be a volunteer – but someone designated to be there during normal school hours, who is licensed to carry and is an experienced gun owner. Better yet, have police-sponsored training available for anyone who would be willing to be an armed ‘security guard’ in our schools. These kids and teachers are sitting ducks everyday they are attending school. It’s frightening!
nancy says
There are armed guards at our banks where our money is. Why not at our schools were our precious children are
Richard Cunningham says
You don’t know what you’re talking about. Some terrorist type walks into a school or any other gun free zone he plans to simply shoot everybody in sight. With an armed, uniformed guard that trash will probably have second thoughts since there’s a uniformed presence. Also the guard will be qualified with his weapon and will be firing at only ONE TARGET and not everybody in the area. Speaking for myself I was a member of a volunteer organization that qualified annually with any weapon we carried, exactly the same as law enforcement. I now carry concealed and never leave home without it. Anybody who walks in where I am and starts shooting will be met with a number of .45 Cal. 320 Grain JHP bullets. Obviously you wouldn’t approve of that. Until someone attacks you and at that point you’ll no doubt scream like a little baby for someone with a gun to protect you.
Richard Cunningham says
I think I misread one of the posts and apologize for that. I strongly believe in armed guards at our schools, as I stated. Perhaps I should have worn my reading glasses.
Donald M. Flippin says
I absolutely agree with you; however, I rather suspect that those .45 caliber slugs weight 230 grains rather than 320 grains. Perhaps you inverted the 3 and the 2?
Philip Countryman says
I believe that establishments that put up the gun free zones owe you and your family an armed guard. Since they have taken you right and means of protecting you and your family in their “gun free zones”, they now owe you the protection and should be required to provide that protection by having an armed guard on site. McDonald’s and every other store that was so eagerly to put up those signs, where are your armed guards?
Echo Zebra says
Philip, great point. I never thought of it that way.
Teryll Baker says
Don’t forget Schools; like Umpqua College in Oregon! Even one person with a weapon that is assigned to monitor the School could possibly end the assault immediately or at least limit the deaths and amount of injured victims. Not to mention the deterrent factor, if it was well advertised that the school had at least one armed Faculty Member or security guard. Like Sean Hannity suggests; it could even be a retired Police Officer or detective at the school when classes were in session!
Neal says
There should be staff or students (where applicable) carrying firearms and should be carrying concealed and not be in uniform. The uniform is simply a target if anyone is bent on mayhem.
Linda says
Marta says
Yes Linda I’m with you , I only feel safe with Trump as President. He has guts and is smart to straighten all this other so called candidates for president.
Trump will handle the borders and keep illegal aliens out and temporarily keep Muslims from entering the USA Lots of bad Muslims are penetrating our country as REFUGEES… there are many training camps in the USA where Muslims are training to attack us…They hate Americans..& OBAMA is allowing more refugees from Syria into our country.. Would you call this a smart move..
I think OBAMA leans toward the Muslims. I don’t care what people think, if they believe our Dumb President , we will all go down, he need the Book President for DUMMIES, immediately..
Bill says
I see a number of people have commented about “gun free” businesses. A business is a privately owned organization and they have every right to prohibit guns in their establishment(s). Of course you then have the right to NOT do business with such establishments. Even though I don’t carry, I still do not patronize businesses that have “gun free zone” postings.
Since the Court has played rather “loosie goosie” with the Constitution, that right to prohibit guns technically might NOT apply to shopping malls which the Court has in a number of cases ruled that such places must be considered as “public places.” Of course the Court has NOT (at least so far) made such a ruling for the 2nd Amendment but has done so with respect to other rights.
William M.Lahti says
Here we go again with ridiculous law suits. Gun free zones are bait for the sickos as stated here. However, to sue these places is ridiculous. The most significant of gun free zones by law are public buildings, government offices, LE depts, schools, military bases, and other such types of facilities. These other private places such as movie theaters, department stores, malls, etc. where it is lawful to carry but only posted as gun free zones are not subject to any legal action if you “violate” their requests. Because that is all it is is a request. Some states have enacted laws that enable those places to have you prosecuted or ticketed but most don’t have any legal backing. I carry everywhere I go except for the public buildings that I need to visit such as the police dept, court house, the VA where I go to frequently. I don’t need the hassle of possibly losing my so called “privileges” or rights (2nd amendment) over something like that. Suing anybody over these issues is a stupid move. What should be done is to gather enough support to challenge or change these laws aka requests so that we don’t have these kind of catastrophies any more.
Mark P says
Why doesn’t everyone subscribe to this COMMON SENSE??????????????
Somebeach says
Because it is not so common!!!!
Michael Peltier says
I read a year or so ago about gun control in other countries, I had asked google which countries have invoked gun free. You to can request a list. In every country the crime rate went up, up, up.
America get your heads out of your donkey. Its hard to understand why anyone in there right mind, did and will again VOTE for any Democrat in this day and age. Bill is, or was a whore, Hillary is a proven lier and a vicious person, and Obama is a bad and conniving president in my opinion.
Well folks these are my openions, agree or disagree, if you agree feel free to send this to ALL your contacts, if you don’t trash it. I am 76 years old and have seen a lot of political crap in my years but the last couple of decades are lowlife! My name is Michael Peltier, yes I live in Texas where folks still have pride and yes I well vote for Trump. How about you.
Joy Ann Roberts says
AGREE !!!!! Everything that you say is right on the mark !!! They are trying to disarm us so that they can take this country over more than they already have, and the o turd plans on martial law once we are sufficiently disarmed and becoming a DICK tater forever !!! THEY will not leave the rainbow house, and all of the m o s l e m brotherhood members that he has appointed to HIGH OFFICES/POSTS within the government do NOT want to lose THEIR positions, either, as THEY are part of the army that o turd a is building. Add to that the invaders coming here every day, plus the ”refugees” coming from Syria, and you have a perfect storm of takeover !!!! Those ”refugees” are waswas invaders !!! SO, like I say … I agree, but I go further with MY COMMENTS than you did with yours !!! I am sure I am on a watch list somewhere … I am 69, and it makes me sick to my stomach what is happening to the USA today !!!!! Poor cotton pickin’ former slaves, and WE horrible former slave owners !!!!! WE are being blames, as WHITES, for all of the problems that the poor cotton pickers are having. It is NOT THEIR FAULT that they don’t bother to get a proper education or look for a good husband/wife before having a dozen chillens !!!!! It is NOT THEIR FAULT that they have been on generational welfare all of their lives and have NO RECOURSE to a great life. It is OUR FAULT at whites that WE for the most part WORK for a living and are FORCED to support those who refuse to work !!! So now we have that bunch of cowards, B owe L M ovement, and fairy con & the grey pussies and all sharp less and the ”president” calling for the slaughter of the working class … WHAT will they do when the working class is no more !!??! WHO is going to supply the demands of the lazy & useless !!!?!?!? AM I MAD ??? DAMNED STRAIGHT, SKIPPY !!!!! RANT OVER … I will be surprised if I do not get a spanking for this, and be called a racist … a word that is so overused that it means NOTHING any more. I am NOT a racist, I just hate lazy people, and it is NOT MY FAULT that most of the lazy are of a darker skin color than my own !!! Just a fact, Jack !!!
Roseanna says
I love you Jack !! I have all those same thoughts and I’m called a racist to , I don’t care if that’s being a racist then so be it !!!
William M.Lahti says
We have a black county sheriff here where I live that has become well known nationally for his stance on those exact issues. He advertises frequently on the radio that we all need to get carry permits, training, and watch each others backs. He advocates that even though the deputies and LEO’s get there as quick as possible it still takes minutes when seconds count. He runs as a democrat and is highly supported here. I think he runs as a democrat because the voters in the urban areas are either to stupid, brainwashed, or indoctrinated to pull any other lever that the big D. He is against gun free zones also except for where required by law. I support this guy all the way. He is a national treasure and should be emulated everywhere.
joe says
you are 100% right. i also have a CCW permit, and don’t leave home without it. i wouldn’t even go into, or be around a place that says gun free zone. you are just a big target.
Bill says
You have a few years on me but I agree. Even Reagan slipped in a few “bad ones” though the amnesty was not as bad as it has been billed as. Reagan’s mistake there was to believe Congress when they told him that they would secure the border!
When we had peanut Jimmy, I was sure that we had dipped as low as you could go. Boy was I wrong!
Remember John Lott? The “anti-gunner” that turned pro-gun when he started researching to write a book… which itself turned out quite different from what he had expected ( book was Unintended Consequences).
Marta says
Yes I agree. OBAMa has been a lousy president from day one.. no guts and shows little interest on what is presently going on under face… he has big enough ears to hear what the people want done..OBAMA wake up and smell the problems infiltrating our COUNTRY…..Maybe he preffers playing golf and getting away on vacations. than helping his country..
Elena White says
I agree, he is so correct
Gun Free Zones are KILLING ZONES…
Eleanor says
Trump is right again! America should NOT have “gun free” areas, NOR “safe” or “off limit” cities where terrorists and other criminals can hide while planning more mayhem against the American people!!
JimN. says
If we put a muzzle on Hollywood and their SOCIAL INDOCTRINATION of GUN VIOLENCE in the MASS of their PRODUCTS and the GLORIFICATION of the BAD GUY image we may find our Social Behavior changing.
Next time you watch mass media (TV and MOVIES) see how many times VIOLENCE is GLORIFIED unnecessarily and USUALLY in the DISPLAY of a GUN? This SOCIAL EDUCATION of Violence for PROFIT must end! We see our Kids acting like the characters in Movies and on TV and in our trending styles and behaviors. Where are the examples of CORRECT SOCIAL BEHAVIOR in the mass media? Right, there is very little coming from mass media! Our kids, especially the vulnerable, emulate their heroes, as we all do!
Violence is being shoved down our Children s throats, because it makes a Bigger PROFIT than movies based upon normal/acceptable behavior. If I am wrong, so be it, but I know this for sure: You become what you think and feel and you act/react to life in accordance to your feelings and emotions.
KayO says
I’m not a huge fan of Trump, but sometimes he hits the nail on the head. This is one of those times.
Teryll Baker says
I am a big fan of Trump and 99% of the time he is right. It might take some people time to realize he is right but since he has been running for President it is obvious a very large number of people in America think he is right!!
Eleanor says
I look for the democrats, liberal media, GOP RINO’s, etc to pull more dirty tactics against this man! He is a very potent threat to their “living high on the hog” on the taxpayer’s money, plus other gravy train perks. They will use the foulest and in some cases, illegal, means to derail Trump. Don’t they realize yet that the more they attack him, the more constituents he picks up? Americans don’ t like the oath breaking politicians and liberal media that run campaigns using such dirty tactics.
Kenneth Topper says
The most dangerous places in America are gun-free zones.
Marta says
Of course gun free Zones, just opens the door for gun carrying muslims and crooks, why not , good citizens will no have guns,,, just bad people…..Shane on this crazy laws…
Eleanor says
Why do we actually obey laws that can get us and our families killed??
Ricky Schrader says
Finally a leader that thinks like the rest of us, Common Sense! TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!
Donald C Knoll says
That’s exactly what I tell people. He is only saying what most Americans feel.He may be off color at times,but he speaks lower and clearer than any of the other people running.He had my vote right from the start.
Donald C Knoll says
I meant louder and clearer.
Marta says
AGREED Trump for president he is smart and out spoken not afraid to face any one and will keep us americans safe….More than any other candidates.
I was never a republican, but with the Democrats we have running I have changed, Hilary is the worst WHO needs another Clinton in the white house. Same as another BUSH…Hilary is a liar she will stab you in the back to save her skin.Plus she is probably going to the change of life, and forgets things and mood swings, and crazy ideas, a woman her age should stay home and knit…
Ken Moyes says
None of the measures President Obama is implementing would have stopped any of the mass shootings. The focus should be on Chicago, Baltimore, and other big city gang murders, where innocent children are murdered regularly or at the minimum live in fear everyday. Where illegal guns are rampant and the prosecution for illegal guns is failing. His goal is not heart driven, it is agenda driven.
Roseanna says
I agree why don’t the libbys go after gangs , and all the hard core criminals ?? All this time spent on harassing law abiding American citizens , when they could be going after the real issue of gun crimes ??
Aman says
Yes and all these big cities you talk about a run by Democrats if that don’t tell you something
Bobby says
Fortunately Trump is right about a lot of things and if the American people don’t start waking up we finished our way of life is finished Look at what’s going on around us in Europe I’m a retired fire battalion chief and if you think 9/11 was bad it’s the dirty bomb That we really have to worry about when we have 20 to 30,000 dead and we can’t go back to our homes. So when you voting 2016 take a hard look at who is going to protect us and it’s not going to be Hillary and it’s not going to be those other hungry crook in Washington that steal money from us miss place and giveaway our tax dollars to other countries Trump will do a good job for us go.Donald Trump.
Peace and love
Doc says
Interestingly enough, the last two major terrorist attacks on the West were perpetrated in the most gun restricted places, France and California. Let’s face it, it’s getting to be the”Wild West” out there and do you know what happened back then to those who didn’t carry a bunch? They were dead ducks.
Justin W says
Once again Donald Trump shows the difference between a weak leader and a strong one.
President Obama made a lot of wonderful promises when he was trying to con America into embracing his health care reforms. Well the Affordable Care Act is now law and insurance rates continue to rise. In addition to steadily rising health care costs, a variety of taxes and fees have come into existence to help bankroll the free health care that some are being given.
I wouldn’t trust any promise made by this president. His gun control wish list would not have prevented any of the mass shootings. He should be ashamed of himself for using the cruel murder of schoolchildren to con Americans into supporting his radical agenda.
Roseanna says
It was hillaryous to watch that moslem do his fake crying act , you know he soaked his fingers in onion juice for 5 mins before his sore butt hit the stage !! Then when the crying cue was given he rubbed his onion fingers into his eyes , and poof his onion tears came creeping out lololol…
Marie says
The Connecticut shooting at the school was a big hox. Nobody was killed, they were all acting. That school had been closed for years. It was
the media that put on a big show. You can find info on internet. And Obama wanted it for his gun grab.
Rocky says
I agree with President to be Trump. Gun free zones, are where the majority of crimes happen. Obama is trying to do what they did before world war two in Germany disarm all the people. We as the taxpayers and voters of this country, need to stand up for our second amendment rights. Trump and Cruz are the main ones supporting Americans rights. Lets get out the vote and tell them Politicians what we the people think. We can not let Pacs and special interest groups tell us what to think anymore.
Teryll Baker says
Every Tyrannical Dictator in History disarmed the people before they took over there lives! The Radical Muslim Dictator in Our White House now, is just as bad as any of them. Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse-tung and many more! He needs to go the same way they did; it’s up to the PEOPLE!!!
Marta says
Agree but Cruz is out as se it he shows me nothing he has a bad presentation not believable
and is hard to look at… sometimes looks help and individual he is a very homely looking man..
Warren Newhouse says
Here in Montana most everyone is armed. Criminals think twice before trying to commit a crime with a firearm because retaliation is just a heartbeat away. It’s all about balance between good and evil. God bless America. ⛄️
calvin lacy says
Hallelujah!!! Finally someone of note has stood up and said what needs to be said. It’s only common sense. If you only remotely suspect that God is-you need to pray that Donald Trump gets to the Oval Office. It’s time for Americans to call for all of the egoists to abandon their silly dreams of being president and get behind the Donald and quit with the name calling and get to the business of saving America! Get rid of the ‘anchor babies’ Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, Santorum and Mitt Romney once for all. The dream of Democrats is for the Republicans to select one of the anchor babies for president or even VP and they’ll tear into them worse than the Republican ‘birthers’ ever did Obama. Anyone but Trump means America is doomed for ever.
Republicans can stop this silly nonsense of having multiple candidates every four years by making them file a civil service type application as you would if you applied for a civil service job. In that way they can severely vet the candidates to see who needs to omitted from the debates and they must set and impose standards. The goods on Cruz is easy to get. Iv’e got it and you can get it too. Why hasn’t the Republican Party gotten it as well? His mother was not born in America as Cruz contends.
Charles says
Mr. Trump is like a Trump Card for the USA. (AMERICA) and getting things done that needs to happen. The career Capital Hill Gang have had it their way, now it is time for “THEM TO CHANGE.” I have had it with Harry Hillary BILL “OBAMA” and etc.
It is time for them to change. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!
Charles Husbands says
I have been a TRUMP & CRUSE FAN FROM THE START, my thinking is they are a pair, President & vice president
Pam Ela says
TRUMP 2016!!!
TRUMP 2016!!!
TRUMP 2016!!!
keepyourpower says
I appreciate that Trump is getting the info out there.
But, I still do not trust him as President.
He is a narcissist, just like Obama. All Narcissists do, and say, the same things.
If Trump, as President, could not get a law passed, he too, would shred the Constitution, and write an executive order, to do what he wants! He is a my way, or the highway guy! IF you don’t believe me, a survivor of narcissism, then wait and see.
Rick Worthngton says
Well, dude – if you wouldn’t trust The Donald as Prez – then who would you trust? A LIAR or a MUSLIM?
Donald Trump is as good an American as one could ever get. If you can’t trust someone as patriotic as Donald, then you’ll never trust anyone!
Until I really started looking into The Donald’s back ground and history, I didn’t know much about him and wouldn’t even have considered him as Presidential material – but NOW, Donald Trump is a clear head-and-shoulders over any of his opposition. He looks as though he’s gonna be the guy that makes America great again!
Maryann B says
I totally agree with all the comments above, and I have never wanted a gun until now to protect myself. Donald will help to make America a Christian nation again, unlike BHO who is basically a muslim in disguise. Who else would give their son the middle name of Hussein. Let’s wake up and realize why he does not stand up against muslim radical terrorists. Our country can breathe a huge sigh of relief and exhale when he packs his little (NOW VERY BIG) bags and gets out of our White House. He’s a national disgrace.
Socrat says
Go go go president trump 2016
Pure Smoke says
Trump talks loud,but what are his policy/s and who are his people.
Rick Worthngton says
It’s about time you started listening, reading and learning, my friend. His policies are all there for everyone to learn about! I knew little myself, about The Donald to begin with, but like I said, I did all of the above – and now, I’m convinced this guy will make a great President…However – the “Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating!”
Marta says
WE are his people Americans does who do not believe in OUR dead beat muslim president passing as a Christian,he has muslims working in the white hose giving away our security secrets to Isis….He won’t admit it but those are being investigated as of now…
Maryann Brickett says
My husband and I like Trump’s outspoken defense of our country. At least BHO gave me my book title “America – Yes We Are a Christian Nation.” I firmly believe Donald Trump, a great family devoted man will not only help make America great again, but help Americans also to be great again and support their families, make children’s bellies full again as their parents get good jobs, bring down our national debt, and help to unify our country in general.
Earl Russell Jr. says
Very true, I can’t wait for Obama to get out of office and Obama is a Wimpy President, and then Mr. Trump will get things right like President John F. Kennedy and President Ronald Wilson Reagan.
ron howard says
Yes, I really believe Mr Trump will make America great again!
Think about it he’s a self-made multimillionaire in construction and the only way you make money in construction
Is to get the job done on time and below cost.and he’s proven that time and time again!
Besides his ego won’t let him fail,So let’s let his ego work for us in America!
We can see he loves his children and his grandchildren and will work tirelessly to put Our Great Nation back on track!
Go Pres. Trump 2016
Donald M. Flippin says
I am a Cruz man; however, the Donald is correct on this issue. Gun Free Zones are death-traps.
The overwhelming majority of these animals that pull off these mass shootings are not brave
human beings; they are looking for victims, not competition. Furthermore, though each of them
is obviously insane, that does not mean they’re stupid. Predators seek out the weak, the crippled,
the aged, and the helpless, not the strong.
Pedro Zorza says
America is the most violent country in the world. We need more guns to protect ourselves from all these criminals with guns. Since 9-11, we have had more than 400,000 deaths in the US due to guns. Let’s get guards in our schools, church entrances, hospitals, stadiums, etc. This would be a great way to put our unemployed veterans back to work! No need for gun control! Free gun zones, that is ridiculous. Only people with guns will be criminals. It will be open target season!
Charles Tilley says
Anyone who enter a area with a sign that says GUN FREE ZONE , you become a bullet magnet for a Islamic Terrorist or a Active Shooter . This is why all of these signs need to come down . They don’t save lives ,they cost lives . More people should be armed to kill these AH . Until people stop thinking like a Liberal ,the sooner we can save lives . Instead of burying more Americans .
Marta says
Agreed free gun control Zones are crazy.. that is jut where the bad guys who own guns will go and intimidate all citizens that haven’t any guns,steal,rob, rape, hold hostages, & kill…do we need to say more.DOWN with GUN FREE ZONES…..
we need a tough guy like TRUMP he takes no crap from all the so called honest politician..
Like the funny joke says. what do you do with a man with no brain..(.A ) You Make him A politician) and probably send him to Washington….
michael says
I vacation down on the islands at times and they are a 3rd world country
even they have an armed guards in there pubic areas
ROGER says
Guns don’t kill people , people kill people and they use what is handy. Knives, hammers, baseball bats, fists, shovels, axes, and sometimes guns. I have had guns for over 50 years and not one of them have killed any one oh except when that poor bird flew in front of me once.