Donald Trump is warning voters that a Hillary Clinton victory would bring her husband’s sex scandal back to the White House.
Injecting Clinton’s marital troubles into the 2016 campaign was Trump’s latest effort to reveal the weaknesses of a Clinton presidency.
And he took it a step further on Thursday.
“The American people have had it with years and decades of Clinton corruption and scandal. Corruption and scandal,” Trump charged. “An impeachment for lying. An impeachment for lying. Remember that? Impeach.”
That was a reference to former President Bill Clinton. After an investigation by an independent counsel, the House approved formal impeachment charges in late 1998 in connection with Clinton’s testimony about his affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, and other matters. He was acquitted of the charges by the Senate.
And on Friday morning, the billionaire real estate mogul renewed his harsh criticism of 1996 Miss Universe winner Alicia Machado, going on Twitter to say that she was “My worst Miss U.” In a verified tweet, he maintained that “crooked Hillary was duped.” He went on to say that Clinton “floated her as an ‘angel’ without checking her past, which is terrible.” In another tweet, he questioned whether Clinton had helped Machado to “become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?”
“Using Alicia M. in the debate as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT! Hillary was set up by a con,” he tweeted.
Trump’s team said he had been prepared to bring up the Lewinsky scandal during Monday night’s debate but decided otherwise because the Clintons’ daughter, Chelsea, was in the room. Trump did not bring up Lewinsky by name on Thursday.
Asked about the possibility that Trump would raise her husband’s infidelities, Clinton said: “He can run his campaign however he chooses. That’s up to him. I’m going to keep talking about the stakes in this election.”
With Election Day less than six weeks away, early voting already is underway in Iowa and some other states. Trump and Clinton remain locked in a tight contest.
In recent days, Trump and his supporters have raised anew a number of personal attacks against Clinton, questioning her role in her husband’s infidelities and casting her as a corrupt tool of political donors and special interests. Trump has also assailed a 1996 Miss Universe pageant winner for her weight gain — an incident Clinton used in this week’s debate to portray Trump as sexist.
“The Clintons are the sordid past. We will be the bright and very clean future,” Trump declared in New Hampshire.
Trump and Clinton meet again on the debate stage in 10 days, this time in St. Louis.
In a nod to the concerns expressed by some Trump allies that he was insufficiently prepared for the first faceoff, Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee released a survey intended to engage supporters online. It asks whether he should use the second debate to criticize Clinton for her policies on terrorism, economics and trade. Absent is any inquiry about whether Trump should bring up her husband’s infidelities.
In another reminder of how far this year’s campaign has veered into baffling territory, third-party candidate Gary Johnson, the former New Mexico governor, was being ridiculed after he was unable, in a television appearance, to name a single world leader he admired. The awkward moment drew immediate comparisons — including by Johnson himself — to his “Aleppo moment” earlier this month when he didn’t recognize the besieged city in Syria.
Perhaps no state knows Clinton better than Iowa, where she campaigned on Thursday, but she has consistently struggled to connect.
Her campaign is banking on the state’s in-person early voting, which started on Thursday, reflecting the premium that Democrats are placing this year on trying to get their voters to turn out long before Nov. 8. Democrats are concerned that a lack of enthusiasm will keep their voters from showing up in the same numbers that led to Barack Obama’s victories in the past two elections.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Trump for president! Corrupt liar sicko Hillary for prison!
Personally, I’d like to see the Donald get under her skin, get her frustrated, boil her blood pressure. And once she gets frustrated, and the lies start babbling forth, keep up the pressure. Talk about slick willies numerous marital affairs, Miss Piggy’s troubles with the law, Hillary’s constantly changing political views, (which shift with the wind) her failed foreign policies in the middle east as well as her ‘Russian Reset’.
There’s certainly no shortage of material to cap on in her miserable, pathetic life.
Three things:
1 www dot arkancide dot com
2, Stolen Valor; the lie about being under sniper fire
I heard a rumour. The Clinton News Network was sending a barrage of journalists to Russia to teach the Russians better how to manipulate an election!
I’m not sure either candidate should be talking about sex scandals and marital issues. Donald has been through enough wives that he isn’t likely to win any marital awards.
in this day and age who hasnt had many marriages, just another bad blow for TRUMP. hes the most fit, i am a Trump supporter and will vote nov the 8th for TRUMP, who ever votes for the corrupt liar , has a mental problem.
Trump is the most fit. Tweeting at three AM shows stamina, working late or up early.
At least he changes wives by getting rid of one and getting a new one unlike Bill Clinton who just keeps on screwing around. As he is quoted as saying, Hillary like women much more than men and has probably had more than he will ever have. Being straight as an arrow with their married partners is not exactly on the plate for both Candidates so it almost becomes a wash except for the embarrassing moments that Bills affair with Monica gave American History. The spluch that resounded around the world!
you are right. as long as he can be humbled, but not too much. just keep his cool is good enough. bringing up the sex scandal is like kids fighting one another.
Trump wasn’t in the white house as president. Bill Clinton was president groping and having affairs right under Hillary’s nose.
There is a difference, a HUGE difference between having marital troubles/dicpvorce etc and sexual assault/rape. Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones.
Both Candidates should consent to undergo extensive LIE DETECTOR QUESTIONS prior to election day
Trump may have had several marriages; but that is not the same as “Raping” Women. No Comparison!! Trump/Pence!!
I for one would say Trump should not step to that level because of a few things.
1. He needs to stick to how he is going to build the wall and do extreme vetting
2. How his trickle down economics will work and bring businesses and jobs back
3. How he plans on redoing the NAFTA issue
4. How he plans on building up poor cities
5. Why he wants to rebuild our depleted military
6. His past relationships are not much better (although he has never been accused of rape YET)
7. He needs to explain why she is only bringing up the past because she has nothing but a bad track record while being in office for 30 plus years.
If he is able to do this then it will make him a better person and keep the American people focused on what this country really needs.
The other things he needs to stress is
Illegal sever
breeching national security
Pay for play
Lying to Benghazi families
the bad decisions she made in Libya and as Secretary of state
Why with all the years in politics she did not know anything about the differences in classified material
Yes Politically incorrect. very nice. how can we forward this to Trump?
Dear Politically Correct: Everything you have sent here is perfect ! I would love it if you could find a way to send your text to Donald Tlrump ! If there is a way, please do it. He needs to see what you have said and your advice is right on spot. Try, will you please ?
Wouldn’t it be absolutely FABULOUS if people were actually like Pinocchio? We could probably get enough wood from the noses of both Hitlary Clinton and Trumpty-Dumpty to power ALL of electrical power plants (i.e. coal-fired, nuclear, oil, hydro or wind powered) in all 50 states. What would the so called “climate change whackos” say about that? Nothing more than nice, clean burning wood from their snoots. When ANYONE has the chutzpah to talk about so called “global warming”, do they EVER bring up all the “HOT AIR” that is generated in these political campaigns? Yikes!!!
The two biggest money makers today are the words “safety” and “green”. That translates into chutzpah.
When Hillary opens an attack on “what are you hiding” you should immediately counter with:
What about your deleted emails?
What about your medical issues/records?
What about your speeches (transcripts) to Wall Street?
Where is your verifiable list of actual accomplishments?
What about your closest advisors being granted immunity, yet still hiding behind the 5th amendment, or failing to appear at all when summonsed?
What about the obvious attempt/conspiracy with the DNC to undermine Sanders in the primaries?
What about your attacks and other nefarious actions towards Bill’s former lovers in his many adulterous relationships? (Chelsea knows what/who her really father is!)
What about the files found in the personal residence of the White House after the death of Vince Foster?
Hillary, you seem to have so much to hide!!
and that is only a fraction of it… just a tiny fraction…
Clinton has some nerve putting that Machado woman up as a role model for American women, not knowing that young girls and women would research her and see porn, drugs and crime as her forte, then try to make her a victim of Trump. I know this will drive women more to Trump than away from him. Clinton’s team must be brain dead. Msm using her to try to shame Trump, but it’s they who should be shamed for bringing that tramp into the election, nobody care about that ho. By the way, I live in the Mt Vernon area of northern Va, there are no signs for Hillary and I mean 0, I know of no one who is voting for Hillary and i’m Black, the one lady who thought she might, said that if she did vote for her, than Bill would come with her, so she can’t and will give Trump another look. Trump should not back down.
Thanks for stating your race. There are other blacks on this site as well, I believe. We know there will be African Americans voting for Trump but it is nice to see you stated publicly. Hillary doesn’t control all the black vote.
Many of my “minority” friends (an they are many) have seriously looked at the issues and are leaning towards Trump rather than Clinton. Once they look at the current state of minorities and women under the present “administration” they realize that the “hope and change” has been for the worse in most cases.
1. Welfare and food stamps up massively
2. National debt DOUBLED
3. Racial tensions being exacerbated
4. Law enforcement under siege
5. Violence on the rise
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that the country is in a worse position now than 8 years ago, and the status of Blacks, Hispanics & Women are no better and in most cases worse than before. Our leadership is a laughing stock in the world and there is no coherent strategy to combat and overcome terrorism, either at home or abroad. Hell, the so-called “Commander in Chief” cannot even NAME the enemy!
Instead of “hope and change” there is a growing attitude of a “hope FOR change!”
I wonder if your publishing group ever showed the Trump group all the really good items people write to the Horn News could use in his debate with Clinton that matter with most people. Items like the veterans hospital scandal,Bengahzi murder of 4 U.S. citizens in Libya, the Financial crisis most financial gurus including the GAO touting Obama breaking his own law that Horn stated in the article in another segment of this E-mail. There are many, many good zingers you could show Trump to make Clinton crawl.
Can you be concerned as to why Hillairy????,,,, come on, bark like a dog again, that was kind of entertaining….bet my dog can bark better than you….
GO deep into Clinton Fdn, The Clintons in AR pre Governor & post Governorship, Pre Post Presidency.
Allies, theyre friends, Bills “lady friends” alone
DIG Deep & get dirt.
Challenge Hillary on Fdn Taxes, assets next debate etc.
BUT Attack, Attack, Flexible attack.
Know enemy
Take NO prisoners.
Use Dem past to strike Hillary
Dump the minor stuff iE Miss Universe or LOSE the White House.
Your call.
Trump, please do not join the gutter crew and Hillary the Demon herself. You have far better issues to discuss. Give her a one liner if she hits hard at the debate, concerning this nonsense, and get to America’s needs.
Trump ! Start out honoring these women who have came forward with there horrible experience with the Clintons.there lives were hell.put Clinton on the defense. Hillary calling black people predators. Calling millions of Americans deplorables. The private servers and the donkeys pleading the 5th. Lets stop the corruption and make America great again.benghazi and her failed actions to protect Americans.