Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump had a tough week at the polls, but still says he’s an automatic lock for the White House — if Ohio Gov. John Kasich would do the honorable and fair move of dropping out.
Trump is pushing rival Kasich to get out of the White House race, arguing that the Ohio governor shouldn’t be allowed to collect future delegates because the nomination is already beyond his grasp.
Trying hard to right himself after a difficult week, Trump said it was unfair for Kasich, the winner of only his home state’s primary, to continue campaigning. He suggested that Kasich, who has pledged to make it to the summer convention, follow the lead of former candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush — and quit.
“If I didn’t have Kasich, I automatically win,” Trump said Sunday evening in West Allis, Wisconsin.
Trump said Kasich could ask to be considered at the GOP convention in Cleveland in July even without competing in the remaining nominating contests. He said earlier Sunday that he had shared his concerns with Republican National Committee officials at a meeting in Washington this past week.
Trump’s call for Kasich to bow out came as Republican concerns grew about the prospect of convention chaos if Trump fails to lock up his party’s nomination — or even if he does.
Behind Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the polls in Wisconsin, Trump faces the prospect that a loss on Tuesday there will raise further doubts that he can net the needed delegates, making it far easier for his party to oust him in a floor fight at the convention in Cleveland in July.
Cruz, Trump’s closest challenger, has only a small chance to overtake the real estate mogul in the delegate hunt before the convention. Cruz spent Sunday rallying supporters, including conservative Wisconsin talk radio hosts who oppose Trump’s candidacy.
Kasich acknowledges that he cannot catch up in the delegate race, leaving a contested convention his only path to victory. He has faced calls in the past to step aside, but those nudges became less frequent following his decisive victory last month in his home state.
Still, Kasich suggested that a contested convention would not involve the chaos that party leaders fear.
“Kids will spend less time focusing on Bieber and Kardashian and more time focusing on how we elect presidents,” Kasich told ABC. “It will be so cool.”
Republicans fear a bruising internal fight would damage the party in November’s general election. Trump also isn’t ruling out the possibility of running as an independent if he isn’t the nominee, making it that much harder for the GOP to retake the White House.
Such talk has “consequences,” said GOP Chairman Reince Priebus, though he tried to quell the prospect of a convention fight. He told ABC that the process will be clear and open, with cameras there “at every step of the way.”
Frustration with the GOP field has stoked calls in some Republican corners for the party to use a contested convention to pick someone not even on the ballot. Priebus acknowledged that was a remote possibility, but said he believed his party’s nominee would be “someone who’s running.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article
José Almeida-Santos says
Donald trump,lately, shows clearly is lack of preparation to be president. América doesn’t need a bilionair. América needs somebody serious and competente.
John says
Go back to Mexico
Rick says
John – that’s Not a nice thing to say. How do you know Jose is of Mexican decent? Trump Better think through the issues -and give at least a semblance of what he’s talking about. As much as you hate Latinos -we’re not going anywhere.
Lori says
Where have you been?? Trump has detailed his agenda on every topic. Go smoke some more dope..and leave us to the thinking.
Allen says
I’m not certain about that. Trump has thrown out the “we’re going to have take serious look at that” line more times than not.
G.E. says
but do it quick.
bennie says
John, I am hot from Mexico and I say he is right. We don’t need Trump . He is nothing but a wind bag and a crook. And think women should fall at his feet. We need Ted Cruz.
Nancy B. says
I am 79 yrs. old and feel America NEEDS Donald Trump to get us back down to earth and back on
the road to success. He may not know every detail of our Constitution (today) but with his incredible
sharp mind, he will be up to speed by the time we go to Convention. He has wisdom far ahead of
of the remaining candidates as far as how to deal with Isis and Iran/Iraq, etc. Neither of the other
2 show me anything better from them He has backbone that shows me he will FIGHT, FIGHT
& FIGHT MORE FOR ALL AMERICA.. He has common sense far ahead of the other two. Give him a CHANCE. No matter what he does, he will outshine the other two. He has been planning to
run since 2012 when he first announced he would run if Obama screwed up from 2012 to 2016
Knowing the Constitution backwards and forwards is helpful here in America, but who pays attention to it ouside the USA?.
Nancy B. says
I feel Donald Trump deserves a CHANCE. He will fight, fight and fight still more to keep the
USA safe. He has guts and backbone and I love that very much. He is equally afraid our
country will perish if he is not made our President. I do not feel this is a fear for either of the
other two candidates. They just want the recognition. So, please, please get of his back and
let him continue to hold TownHall meetings. You have to know he knows how to handle people by hearing from his family and other employees what kind of leader he is. Thanks. NB
Jim D says
Those are the very same words people were saying about Obama, and look what happened with that.
Stop feeling sorry for someone and listen to what they are actually saying, and how they are conducting themselves while saying whatever it is they are presenting.
St. Edgar says
Nancy B., I’m 78, have been following politics all my life, and I know that Trump is right for America. No one should expect a presidential candidate. to be right on everything. Just the important things. It’s his gut sentiments that tell you the truth about a man. The rest he can learn on the job.
Esther says
How do you know he’s Mexican ? Just because a person has a Spanish surname does not automatically
Define his/her country of origin . Perhaps his family has been here for generations.
Just as yours might have been. Or maybe you’re an immigrant yourself ? Your family immigrated from somewhere!
From your comment, you probably want all Hispanics to “go back to their country”
Best of luck in having that happen! “NOT”
Get over yourself and stick to the subject matter.
Racism is nauseating!
Aachmed Hazmat says
Yep, look at my name! I really from…………………….
St. Edgar says
Bomb thrower!
Madelene Jacob says
People should learn to comment based on reality, not out of self hatred. God is love, and we should love each other regardless race or religion. Trump is not against any nationality, and he is not trying to gain certain race support like Hillary or crus. Illegal immigration and migrants, creates many social and economic problem. If you live in a house with your own family,and you barely able to support your own family, would you share your house with somebody else!
St. Edgar says
That’s not in the Bible.
St. Edgar says
Esther, You do not have a righteous Mind. You are nauseous because of a conflict in your mind between a right idea and a moral precept that is a lie.
Jim man says
John says
When Trump is elected he will tell us who to vote for in the House & Senate so he is going to be a dictator ?
You got to be frigging joking !!! John. Don’t stress your self. Trump will never be elected !!
Lori says
Wanna bet???
Vicki says
Dream on.
Vicki says
I agree Trump will never be elected.
tom says
Jim Man maybe you should run for President you Lamo. I been reading your post and you think you have it figured out. No wonder Obama got re elected. I would suggest you look in you own mirror and access your self. I noticed in your post you never favor a candidate, so are you a wind bag, or mole?
St. Edgar says
Jim, The second clause of your first sentence does not follow from the first clause. –Flawed logic.
Terry says
St. Edgar says
That is the prerogative of the editors.
Katie says
You are wrong, Jose. America needs a businessman.
This country does not need another politician!!
Lee says
John says
This shows how corrupt the whole system is, they the establishment will elect who they want not what the people want
rodney says
why are we in the mess we are in? Politicians who are only out to destroy the nation! Dems and GOP Do Boehner and Mc & Mc come to mind?
Jim D says
The problem with electing a businessman to a government position; T
hey have no idea of all of the rules and regulations self imposed on all government entities as the governments are never to be in business while performing activities of the public trust.
If the Government was to (for lack of better words) go into the business of construction, providing all kinds of services, as well as making the laws of the land.
By doing so it would give extreme unfair advantage to all citizens who have worked their entire lives to build a business and future for themselves and family.
With the mindset of Mr Trump, and his past demonstrated business practices, this Countries demise would come as swift as a tornado in the mid west, leaving destruction and devastation in its path.
bootcamp says
“The problem with electing a businessman to a government position; T
hey have no idea of all of the rules and regulations self imposed on all government entities ”
Like politicians do??
John says
What rules and regulations does Cruz know except how to change his wording and how to miss meetings to place his vote and get away with it.
Kathleen Shipley says
Most politicians start out as lawyers or business men. In Kansas the best governor we ever had was a business man.. he left our state with millions in extra funding and we always had a balanced budget. Then Kathleen Sebelius came in and we haven’t had a balanced budget since. We have had politicians and they screwed our state up. Trump doesn’t have to know everything to be a great President there are tons of people that take care of that. Everything Obama screwed up was intentional. I can’t say this enough look up Heidi Cruz she works on NWO and open borders. And on having a new North American bank for when we are none border North Americans. Do it before you let Cruz take over where Obama left off. This is serious folks.
rodney says
well if they DO, they sure don’t ACT like it! We need a change, a drastic change. Ted Cruz with a measly 3 years as a senator is not qualified to be president anymore than DT. If anyone understands Washington it is Kascich. The people are speaking, they want a non-politician. if the GOP ignores that, yes there will be chaos at the convention. If the will of the people if ignored, then the GOP is telling US the American people that we have no value, our vote and opinion mean nothing. Is that the message the GOP wants to send out publicly to the electorate? That is what a brokered convention would be doing. What kind of signal does that send to those who expended the effort to run for President and spend all that energy getting out the vote to have it nullified by a bitchy GOP “Establishment’? There are some serious implications out there and there needs to be some serious thought given to the implications of not liking the two people running. The GOP is at a turning point; IMO and a foolish decision could destroy the party. There could be a massive exit to somewhere else. Does the GOP really want that potential happening?
Deb says
No way. He is extremely intelligent and owes nobody any favors. He took no superpacs money. That is a big deal to me. I am sick of pharmaceuticals controlling our gov when they ask for favors since they helped candidates campaign. Many other reasons I like Trump but self funding is a big one. I believe many ppl just don’t understand what that means.
Jim D says
Jim man says
You don’t have a clue Trump is not self funded He is a fuckin con artist
Jim man says
Deb say
Trump is real ignorant He does not know issues And is very vague on every thing He will never to be president
The problem with America is in your bathroom mirror
Deb, forget theses losers… they are desperate and denying the fact that Trump will win nomination and then the Presidency. The Dem’s have no one that can win in November, so it is the GOP’s to lose… If they are smart they will stop trying to block Trump and his American Majority of voters…
Alan Humphries says
Jim and these so-called experienced politicians have served us so well,right? For your apparent lack of understanding we have been in the path of a destructive tornado the last seven years.
I can’t believe you can actually believe this country is in such good shape.Doing the same thing over and over again expecting things to get better when they’re not going to is pure insanity. Wake the F up Jim.
Jim man says
Robert Dennis
Tell me how Trump will rock the boat ?? Tell me what he would do as President Give me some details ???
How. Much can he do by himself ??? He has said congress is stupid & idiots ??
Jim man says
What am saying is how our government works Trump is not the answer The structure of our government will stay the same. If you think that some one with out experience in government will straighten us out???
He still has to follow the same rules and the laws !!! Congress writes law , controls trade laws , the President signs and enforses laws He is not a dictator. He can not put taxes & tariffs on goods coming into this country from Mexico
China , Japan or any country that we buy from , that is the job of congress in conjunction with President
Do you really think one man in our government can do all this. You can not be serious ?? How did President Eisenhouser , President Reagen. And President Johnson get things done ??? Asswer that Look it up and you will see Trump is not the answer. You do that and you will see how our government works ( how it should work)
You are letting 7 years of Obama bad governing. Influence your thinking A novice is not what we need. As President This is a very complex job that needs some expertise
I have watched Trump thru the years and watched him make bad decisions one after.the other from the United football lLeauge. He really screwed that up to Trump university , to his many bankruptcys he still owes millions to venders and put 1000s out of work No excuses !! Bad. Bad bad.
Jim man says
Who says we want Obama back. We need to replace him with A. Very conservative candidate that will work with congress to implement Less regulation on our businesses fix our tax system Fix our milatary know how our government works A novice will not do !
Jim man says
Give me the defination of politician ?? What does that mean ??? Is that a profession ???
I personnel think that is the dumbs statement a person can make When I vote for some to represent me in congress
He is a politician and that is bad ??? Your senators @ your house members that you voted on are bad ??
Do you want to elementate them and let Trump run every thing for you ?? You don’t have a voice ??
My senator @ house representive hold town hall or conference calls every 6weeks There are 100 senators @ 550 congressial districts so you want Trump holding 500 to 600 conference calls every 6 weeks ?. Or do you want him doing what’s best for us ??? I think that’s what Germany , Russia , Japan and Italy did ?? We should not let Obama get us so screwed up in our thinking that we think on person is going to come and save us. I think that was the Dems thinking when they put him in office Trump would be a bigger mistake than Obama Carter Mondale @ Hillary rolled into one
Jim D says
I never said the country is in great shape, just the opposite.
We just do not need a tyrant or dictator to get us out of it, the Indication given bye trump are he is in this for self glory as he failed once before in a bid for president.
I am always Leary of anyone who claims he is this, or he/I will be/or do that; to gain favor
When others are speaking in the context of WE seems more in-tuned with the people.
You may think this is wrong thinking however, I have enough experience in life and have taken notice of historical events, that I can see the writing on the wall when it comes to a personality like Mr Trump. Adolf had the same persuasion in 1938 and look what happened then.
There is an old saying that I have found also to be true. it goes like this.
Every TRUTH passes through 3 stages.
1. Ridicule from others.
2. Opposition by those against
3. It becomes self evident to the previously mentioned
Mark these words and see how this world evolves after this event.
No President makes decisions on his own, except Obama. They surround themselves with smart people who have expertise in areas they are weak in. No one can know everything. Cruz is a politician and an attorney. Do we need more attorneys in Congress? Cruz has never run anything in his life and he has lied about amnesty. He does support it.
Jim man says
The president has advisers He does make the final decision Senater Cruz did not lie and neither did Senator Rubio
I have read all of this bill and there is not amnesty any where in the bill or additions to it.
Ted Cruz would & could be a very effective President he does know how our Government works which is very important. I think we do need a very good lawyer that can read and understand these very complex bills
You are right one man can not know every thing and needs very good people advising him
Even your advisers needs experts There is a constant learning going on. We have thousands upon thousands of situations that effect the governing of this nation The idea we don’t need lobbyist or the lobbyist will influence
Shows how little people know about how our nation is run !!
Jim man says
Who says we want Obama back. We need to replace him with A. Very conservative candidate that will work with congress to implement Less regulation on our businesses fix our tax system Fix our milatary know how our government works A novice will not do ! Horn quit fucking with me post or unsubscribe me
Girlie58 says
Can’t get any worst than it is today with the democrats and Obama.
John says
It sure can if TRUMP does not become POTUS. He has the correct people behind him to run this country just like he does with his businesses. Cruz has done nothing and all he does now is pick on Trump. He doesn’t say what he is going to do or how. Everything he says is right out of Trumps mouth as to what he will do.
TRUMP 2016 and beyond
rodney says
Hillary will be worse, she was in 2012 and is even worse now.
debra says
Our country operates in a worldwide economy. We need an international businessman like trump to bring our companies back by getting rid of excessive regulations and taxes that drove them away in the first place. By renegotiating fair trade and imposing import taxes to give our business a chance to compete, trump will make it profitable for manufacturing to come back. for every 1 manufacturing job created, 4 ancillary service jobs are created. Thus bigger tax base. save social security, etc.and charge Japan, Germany, N.Korea, etc for our military protection instead of giving it away as a free benefit to those countries. Trump has common sense answer to every issue. He is a Patriot!
plus, establishment has all their families working as lobbyists, Trump will eliminate their free ride. Thats why they hate him.
Jim man says
Debra says
Give me the defination of a lobbyist ?? Do you know what that means If Trump ever got to be President which very unlikely There will be thousands of lobbyist He was one along with his dad.
Paul f. says
Most people don’t know it but the us is a corporation since 1871 and running a successful corporation is something that Trump knows a lot about.
Wendy says
Dont be an idiot! Trump is a quick study, nobody’s fool! He will pick the best of the best to advise him in his quest to bring the Country back to greatness! We certainly dont need anymore double talking lawyers mucking up bills for presentation that are hundreds of pages long , written in legalese that o ly a lawyer can understand! We need a business mind to clean up the mess the lawyers have caused, and obumma has exasorbated into a daily norm!
St. Edgar says
Jim, your conclusion was not proven by your previous text. Get logical!
Jim man says
What does a businessman have to do with governing ?? Totally totally different !! You are right Jose !! I did not see where you said you were From Mexico ?.? Trump has never governed anything.
Cruz has never run anything. He is an attorney and a politician. He has lied about his support for amnesty. Can’t trust him.
Girlie58 says
Neither did obama ! At least Trump is a patriot.
debra says
The bunch of corrupt lawyers that make up our government are spending us into bankruptcy and have never created a business or jobs like Trump.
If you won the lottery for 10 million dollars, who would you entrust it to. the DC lawyers or Trump? You would get back a huge profit in 4 years with Trump. The lawyers would have it diveyed up and gone in the first year.
Jim man says
There are at least 45 multi millionaires in the house and at least 10 in the Senate that made their money before getting elected I think most think Trump is nothing but a blow hard He is not as rich as he claims. Lot of failed businesses. 38 Plus 4 in bankruptcy
Wendy says
Another idiot speaks!
Robert Dennis says
The establishment is wanting to keep Kasich in to keep Mr. Trump from winning. They don’t want someone who will rock the boat to the old ways of cheating the tax payors.
Jim man says
Robert Dennis
Tell me how Trump will rock the boat ?? Tell me what he would do as President Give me some details ???
How. Much can he do by himself ??? He has said congress is stupid & idiots ??
Jim D – Trump will make changes in how our immigration laws are enforced. Build the wall at the border. Did you know the money for this wall has been sitting there for years but our lame Congress will not let it happen? Right now the only thing our politicians are thinking about is protecting their jobs and listening to the big donors and lobbyists. Trump cannot be bought. He doesn’t need this job. He has a wonderful family, great business interests all over the world. Over the course of his career his has created millions of jobs for Americans. Cruz has not created anything! HE has not run anything and is an attorney and a politician. Cruz is lying about his support for amnesty. You can’t trust Cruz!
John says
When we vote in November 2016 for Trump he will tell us who he wants in congress and the house to run this country properly and we will at that time make the proper changes in DC
St. Edgar says
Jim Man, It’s really simple, He will Just declare the government Bankrupt. That will cancel all the debt, and force re-organization.
Jim man says
Sorry if Kasich got out most of vote would go to Cruz. Trump would get blown out
Jim man says
What is a politicain ??
Jim D says
He has mentioned on several occasions how he knows better than anyone else on how the system works. His wealth shows that much for his claim.
Now he wants more because he I quote: “Is greedy, and wants more”.
Jim man says
Running a business is not like running our government If you are a good businessman maybe. Trump is not a good businessman to many fallers !!
St. Edgar says
Jim man
Re. Good business man and failiers.
I suppose your idea of a good businessman is one who never fails. Great businessman fail and come back, then do great things. They are not quitters.
Shirley says
This Country needs a COMPETENT leader. Look at the way that Trump is running his campaign, can we really expect anything better from his administration if elected? His campaign manager feels it is necessary to accost a female reporter, even though the Secret Service are there, then they use personal attacks against her, with supporters threatening her life and make life horrid. You have the problem with Megyn Kelly, who Trump seems to not be able to get out of his head. Or, the reporter with the sausage finger statement in his article, that to this day receives pictures of Trump’s hands with the fingers circled in gold sharpie. His BEST PEOPLE staff, well one of them managed to insult the top female in the Tennessee Republican party even before the voting for delegates began, he then called for a protest by supporters who brought violence and death threats with them. Is this the type of man and organization, we want in charge of this country?
Lori says
TRUMP 2016!!!!
Dusty says
G Bush and Obama have proven it takes 0 skill to be President.. People are fed up..had enough from lieing dishonest ..last decent Pres was Reagan..before that Kennedy..need new Trump can handle it with ease..U.S.Army Vet here
Lori says
Exactly!!! Go Katie!!!
There is nobody more serious than Donald J Trump. Go to and see his positions and issues videos… Trump will get American government working for the American people again by (partial list below)t ;
1) Securing America’s borders. It is OUR COUNTRY, not a global picnic area.
2) Protect and support our 2nd amendment right which is under attack by liberals.
3) Stop once and for all ILLEGAL immigration including Visa overstays. Our Country is great through LEGAL immigrants, NOT those who enter illegally.
4) Stop and retract the government over-reaches beyond what the Constitution stipulates. Critical.
5) Fortify America’s military, and have foreign Countries pay their fair share for America’s military protection – or USA Military can leave. We all know they will pay or risk losing their own Countries.
6) Correct America’s foreign trade imbalance.
7) Create jobs in America for Americans (multi-factors make this happen, including lowering corp. tax rate).
James Mickey McdCarthy says
You are probably the first Trump supporter, who has shown some semblance of knowledge about our problems. Naturally, all comments can be improved; however, the history and very nature of the candidate, Donald Trump, leaves too much to be desired..
Philip says
Where were you when Obama the Blowhard,was VYING for that job? None of the Presidents know everything, and Oblowhard has been on the JOB Traning, going on (8) eight years now and still knows nothing about how to be a leader of this Country. If he is a commander-in-Chief/ Liar-in-Chief I am an air plane pilot,never been one just like Oblowhard.
I am sure Trump can do the job with the right help of others if they will work with him.
Jim man says
Trump has called congress stupid & idiots A large majority says he does not know what he is talking about and will never work with him I think it is a wasted vote if you vote for him. No one can tell me in detail what & how he going to do all this stuff with out congress. Please convince me debate me show me the way. I am listening I am not being a smart ass tell me and I will listen I am a very successful business man all over the world none of his numbers add up. Most are over exsagrated that’s when I started looking closer I could not believe that people were buying into this guy. For example. He said Gov Katich was been successful in Ohio because oil being discovered and new thing called Fracing. Ohio produces 69 thousand bibls of oil a day Texas produces 2 1/2 million bibls a day. NM 800 thousand a day. Hydraulic fracturing start in 1948 We have done close to 45 million frac jobs in the last 70 years Oil is not making. Gov Kasich look good or saving Ohio We are drilling wells out in the Gulf that are coming in at more production than all of Ohio
debra says
He is honest. doesnt have the slimey schmoozing backstabbing manipulative nature of a politician. So he has fallen victim to the lawyer politician/media traps, but he has only been doing this since June so he wont fall for their tricks for long. Doesnt change his desire to truly make our ecomony and country great again.
Jim man says
Go back and look at Trumps interviews over the years He brags about how many married women he has nailed
He says he has slept with more than 100 married women. He has broke his marriage vows many many times. He has the morels of a alley cat Has lied and cheated on the two women he says he loves If he lies and cheats on the ones he says he loves He does not know you but he is going to tell you the truth. .? Take and Google just type in Trump love affairs this is public record now He has bragged about this on more than one interview
Jim man says
Bob you can not believe Trump really writes any of the things When ask. He does not have a clue of what’s on his site
Only congress can do any of the things he rambles on about. Only congress can change trade laws Not the president !!!
Only congress can deal with regulations or taxes The President can not write laws !!! Only congress can do this !!
The President is not a dictatorship Most of congress will not work with him !! He needs 51 senaters &250 plus of the house
He can not muster even half of this. So the bottom line is he will get neutered. And would never get anything done !!
But not to worry. Trump will never get elected Preident. It is either going to be Hillary. Or Cruz If we put Trump up against Hillary. Polls show a landslide for Hillary. If it is a large turn out Polls said it could be a 50 state sweep for Hillary
If it is Cruz vs Hillary. Cruz has a 6 percent average in 28 polls lead and will probably be The President But will be a very tight race. but could go either way. With Trump his negectives are to high to win. Highest in history by far. ( dis liked big time )
vivi says
Really ? Well tell that to Obama who does not understand that Congress is the One .NOT OBAMA.He is writing laws as if he is a Dictator!
Jim man says
The president has advisers He does make the final decision Senater Cruz did not lie and neither did Senator Rubio
I have read all of this bill and there is not amnesty any where in the bill or additions to it.
Ted Cruz would & could be a very effective President he does know how our Government works which is very important. I think we do need a very good lawyer that can read and understand these very complex bills
You are right one man can not know every thing and needs very good people advising him
Even your advisers needs experts There is a constant learning going on. We have thousands upon thousands of situations that effect the governing of this nation The idea we don’t need lobbyist or the lobbyist will influence
Shows how little people know about how our nation is run !!
Polls do not mean a thing right now Jim Man. Reagan had no chance to win in 1980 either at this point either, then he swept the nation in the General Election. This is all mindless rhetoric by everyone… maybe there is a return to focus on both sides after the nomination process has ended, but until then, neither party is going to tip their hand.
We certainly don’t as President a congressman (Cruz, Sanders) or a Governor (Kasich) or an ex-Secretary Of State (Clinton). They can go back to their respective jobs and actually start doing some work or leave office. We need leadership, and that is Donald J Trump.
A Trump Presidency equals leadership with common sense, and an agenda to back down and tame Federal Government with run away over-reach. He will support the Constitution as written.. a fresh change.
Ken says
Jim man, you are one “Rude Dude”! I have read too many of your rude one-sided comments. My question to you, is are you a government employee of some kind?
I hear you keep saying that only congress can change different laws etc.., but all these different presidents over the years keep signing executive orders.
I contribute to many polls, I have literally met dozens of folks in the past few months that make statements to the complete opposite of what the media polls is leading us to believe. Some of the polls are somewhat accurate, but many are hogwash.
I despise Hillary for all her deceptive practices, but I do believe she will annihilate Cruz in a general election. I’m still somewhat undecided but have a good idea who I believe is best.
I have a feeling Cruz is just another wolf in sheep’s clothing like Bush (whom I voted for twice) aarrgghh… Trump could actually be the opposite of what people such as yourself think he appears to be. Trump is far from a dummy, he does come across rude, and definitely any more than a person like you must see when you too look in the mirror.
My suggestion to you sir, is be a little more open to thought, dig in even more on your research and quit pounding your biased agenda in such a hateful manner.
NotJim says
@Ken “another wolf in sheep’s clothing like Bush (whom I voted for twice) aarrgghh…”
Seems to me that you dodged two bullets (Al Gore, John Kerry), so why the aarrgghh?
Jim man says
Jim man says
No I do not work for the government. ,! I have just followed Trump for many years ! Am I rude probably !!
When people make comments that the President can do things that he can not & does not have the authority to do
So you think we should be governed by executive order.!! That is a temporary for a short period of time
Obama has used it to much !! I know how our government works which is the best of all time !
Perfect no!! But no one man will ever fix our problems it will take The President working with congress or nothing gets done !! If you don’t like our government. Change it to a dictatorship Which is what you are saying Trump will give us all good paying jobs Hate to bust your bubble but Trump will never be President period to disliked by most of the common hard working folks that know how our government works It is obvious you don’t !!! Move to Iran if you want a dictatorship to take care of you or Russia I like ours where each state has it own representatives and not one ass hole taking care of me or going to save me.
Philip says
Did you ever hear Obama the Blowhard did just what you said a President can not do???
I would think Trump has enough grey matter in his head too know the legislators in the Congress, make laws.
Oblowhard did it with his phone and pen, called Executive orders. Where were you when Oblunder was doing all those unlawful things, with his phone and pen EO’s?
Rich hill says
Couldn’t say it any simpler then that. Make our country ours again then having all these foreign investors taken over our business. Look at 3/4 of your stuff in your home and it’s made from another country. Our country is great we just need someone to run America properly. Trumptrain 2016
Deb says
Well said!!
Well said Bob. I completely agree with you. Too many people are listening to the MSM and not thinking for themselves. The establishment and 1% are trying to take TRUMP down because they like the status quo because it is working for them but no Americans. The establishment does not want change.
Cruz is an attorney and a politician. He’s lying about amnesty and cannot be trusted. He has never run anything ever!! Just like the rest of Congress who are running our country in to the ground. Don’t we have enough attorney’s in Congress already? TRUMP 2016!
Philip says
SCSOCAL; you hit the bulls-eye dead center.
Ken says
Bob, you make some great points. There have not been too many politicians anymore whom have are best interest at heart, just their wallets. Both of my parents were lifelong democrats, which I’ve never been. After going into the service back in ’79 while living in one crummy economy, everyone said vote for Reagan and we all get a raise. This I did and yes we got our raise. I had been a republican ever since. Over the years I have studied quite a bit regarding the different political parties realizing probably 80-90% are now bought and paid for. I have since derailed from the party and live in a state where we can vote anyway we choose during the primaries while enjoying the option. I consider myself a conservative with libertarian leanings. I just can’t take anymore of the career politicians and their corruption.
I too, am now believing Trump without being a so-called dictator, will be a great leader or manager of our government. He is surely use to working with a board of directors which is pretty much what the house and senate act as.
Lori says
Lori says
Yes!!! TRUMP 2016!!!
Gail Doyle says
Wrong on all points.. Donald Trump should win the nomination.. His expertise in building business knowledge is what is needed in politics.. The more you build relationships with other Countries Leaders , the easier it is to have a dialogue without argument but, of commiserate ideas.. This is a fundamental ideal and has worked in politics over centuries… My Vote still stands with Donald Trump.. I do believe he understands politics better than any other candidate..
Jim man says
Sorry Building a business. Is nothing like. I mean nothing Trump will never get to be President as I have said it will be Cruz or Hillary. Hillary if Trump run against her
Wrong Jim, You have been listening to the MSM too much instead of thinking for yourself! We don’t want the status quo and I believe Cruz has sold himself to the establishment to win. He lies about not supporting amnesty. I don’t trust Cruz. I will vote for real change, TRUMP 2016!
Dr. D says
Poor little Jimmy
Running a business is a lot like governing. I can see your opinions do not come from actually running a business yourself. Sitting back as you must be doing and collecting your welfare check and whatever other government assistance you can does not even qualify you to leave a comment!
Jim man says
I run 22 very successful businesses built from the ground up in 9 countries All built thru blood sweat @ tears
Paid my way thru school working hard manual labor
I am surprised how little or nothing at all people on this page know how our government works and what a disaster hiring some one with no experience would be !! De bate Issues and how to fix them you don’t do it with insults.
Can’t do it with any detail can you ???
Ken says
Jim man, Obozo made a similar statement about businesses and their owners. I recall Hillary saying something last year as well. We have had some great presidents in the past whom were business owners.
Deb says
Yes. I agree. I really hope Wisconsin voters go with Trump. Cruz is knowledgeable on the constitution and maybe would be better suited as a Supreme Court appointment. Kasich needs to go home and govern Ohio.
Kasich cant go back, he wants out of Ohio because Ohio is ready to implode because all of Kasich’s reforms and so called programs are mostly back-ended on cost…. he wants to leave and then after Ohio collapses economically he will say “it was all fine while I was governor”.
If Kasich goes back to Ohio he will have to take responsibility and ownership for his so called leadership. As Kasich himself he says, he was the lead “Architect” when he was in DC, and building consensus — well “Kasich Consensus Negotiations” in DC meant giving all comers all the money they needed and run up the national debt…. its easy to spend someone else’s money (e.g. tax payers money)…
Dave --VCHUNTER says
Wisconsin is an Evangelical State and Cruz knows it. Cruz is playing the Poor me poor me routine with the People there and they are falling for it. He told them that Trump is Responsible for the Ad in the Enquirer about him having 5 affairs. Cruz doesn’t say how him and Rubio talked about that article months before it was sold to the Enquirer by one of Rubio’s people. and how would Trump have that Knowledge in the First place. He won’t say the truth. Cruz also knew about that front page ad that was run in Utah of Trump’s wife posing on a cover of a Magazine. Just to get Votes. That’s what I’m saying here. CRUZ IS A LIAR for Votes not a President does that make.
Ken says
Deb, those are both good points for Cruz and Kasich. Both of these candidates can talk a great talk, but I do not believe they can walk the walk. Remember Obozo talked a great talk and now look where we are at.
Trump is not a politician. He is not schooled in lying like most politicians. He hasn’t had to think about some of the questions being posed to him and done so to trip him up. He is a very smart, successful businessman who loves his country and like us is tired of seeing the 1% control our government. The establishment likes the status quo because it is working for them but it is not working for Americans ! We want to take down the culture of Washington and make our government work for us! If you want the status quo vote for the Marxist or Socialist Dems. If you want change vote for TRUMP!
Victor- says
Why don’t you take your greasy arse back to Mexi-city, or are you a damn troll
Thomas E Stanley says
As I understand it you are saying America needs a lying cheat with zero morals and the goal to defraud the American people – like Mexico?
william says
Jose’,,,, Chupa PUTA!!!
Pam says
I agree Trump clearly is not prepared he has not his home work on the issues and his pushing for Kasich to drop out shows just how selfish and unprepared he is. He’s running scared
Dave --VCHUNTER says
No Pam he isn’t running Scared, Trump is Right Kaisch should drop out. He is going no where and he is Spending the peoples money needlessly. However Trump isn’t the First one to say Kaisch should Drop out. Cruz said it 2 weeks ago but you don’t hear about that. Just that Trump is saying it. So who is running scared. Cruz wants Kasich to Drop out to get his votes and hopefully his Delegate votes as well. Rubio isn’t giving up his Delegate Votes to anyone. That’s OK too. TRUMP IS THE MAN and everyone knows it including Hillary, and if anyone is Running scared it’s her. You should read the Ad about how many Abortions she had, and yet she is all about saving lives. Such a Lying “B#T$H”!!!! HILLARY IS FOR HILLARY and no one else… GO__TRUMP!!!!
Dbl. D says
Jose , you need to learn how to spell, go back to Mexico and try again, oh but don’t bother to come back ,you and your’s are not welcome here.
Dbl. D says
Jose, you need to learn how to spell, go back to Mexico and try again, oh, and don’t come back , you are not welcome here.Self deport before you are chased out.
Trump hasn’t had a bad week, the Establishment Despots are being the lying, underhanded cheats that they have always been since Trump started running.
These Jackals are preying on the weak easily brainwashed minds of so many Americans. For instance, the Trick question by Chris Matthews, “If Abortion was Illegal, would you punish the woman?” Trump said exactly what anyone with a BRAIN would have. Of Course, if ABORTION WAS ILLEGAL, EVERY PROSECUTOR IN AMERICA WOULD HAVE TO PROSECUTE THE WOMAN, AS SHE WOULD HAVE BROKEN THE LAW!
It is truly freighting, the simple weak minds of so many Americans. It gives validity to the research that shows Fluoride in the water and Chemicals in the Food, decrease intelligence!
Trump is truly Brilliant and has proven himself to be able to stand against INSURMOUNTABLE PRESSURE AND ATTACKS!! I have never seen a man with more Will and Fortitude!
Dave says
Maybe some one that knowa how to spell would be good to.
Mario Marrero says
What do you prefer? Liars as Hillary and Cruz, that besides have never done nothing in theirs live,? Or Marx and Lenin lover like Sander? Seems that you want the worse for USA. Sad and nasty thinking
Terry says
WET BACK illegal go back to MEXICO!!!!!!!
Lori says
Are you kidding??? He’s leading in Wisconsin latest poll. Go back to wherever you came from and don’t show your fear.
Lori says
Get serious!!
Dee says
You’re dreaming if you think Cruz can beat Hillary. No such luck.
Dora says
What do you call the last 7 yrs? A well running administration? Bullshit! Look at the truth of these people that are representing us! Trump is ready & will be more so once he gets elected! He’s got some fine people lined up & they will all help. Each his own expertise, this will not be McCain, Ryan, mcConnel, Reid, graham etc..looking out for their own hides AND the money of course! Did Obama get his raise, anyway?
Wendy says
Way too many p!ants spewing their venom on this site! Idiots all! Trump for President 2016! The only man running that is not in someone’s pocket! The only one running that is not in it to take in Government money! Use your heads for a change!
Lynn Willis says
Trump, hasn’t always been rich, he’s been threw the ringer him self.
He made himself what he is today , I think he will be a great president.
We need a man with guts not a candy ass ????
Milena says
Jose you are Mexican, your computer is set up for Spanish language,please give advise to Mexican president and go back to your country, I would really appreciate let Americans to decide who will be out next President
tom says
Hey Jose, learn how to spell it before you try to say it, Trump has more worldly experience than any of the other Jack asses that are running. You see Clintons world experience set the Middle east on fire. Don’t worry if you are here legally you have nothing to worry about with Trump. Quit listening to the Media and vote with your mind this time. Eight years ago people voted with their hearts and look where it got us.
Billyboy says
America needs a businessman who can pull us back together Again!
St. Edgar says
Jose, Please learn to use the spell checker. Give Trump a break, He can’t know everything. I hate to say it, but his campaign needs a producer just like the radio talk shows have who will speak into his ear when ever it looks like he will say something stupid.
Arthur Hartsock says
I am somewhat conflicted in this Presidential race. I support Mr. Cruz because of his stand on major social issues. I’ll support Mr. Trump when Mr. Cruz’ campaign is over. 3/4 of the loaf is better than none-or Hillary. So I hope that Mr. Trump starts to concentrate on the key economic and security issues. Quit worrying about who posted a photo for example. I’ve read Trump’s website, and his plans for taxes and for encouraging US Corporations to return jobs/capital to the US are encouraging. (But if these companies rebuild their manufacturing base in the US, modern technology will mean less people working in the new factories.) So, I’ll support you Mr. Trump. Now you need to focus. Quit being distracted. Focus!! Focus!!
catfish says
I think you should go ahead an support Lieing Ted an or companies will keep leaving the U.S. for your information all these foreign countries charge us 3t to 50 percent import tax an we charge them no import tax for them to send goods to our country so our companies leave. They face no problems with the EPA in other countries cheaper labor they can bring there money back in with no penalty
Jim man says
CatfishSorry Building a business. Is nothing like. I mean nothing Trump will never get to be President as I have said it will be Cruz or Hillary. Hillary if Trump run against her
Jim man – you are becoming a bore with you same posts! Cruz has sold his soul to the establishment to win. He cannot beat Hillary. He lied about amnesty, he does support it. Can’t trust Cruz.
Deb says
Dave says
Cruz will never be President even if Trump don’t get elected. And with any luck Hillary will be in Jail. Cruz isn’t nothing but a Liar and a Hypocrite. He no more believes in God then the Man on the Moon. He is just using religion to get votes just like what he is doing in Wisconsin.
Ken says
Jim man, why don’t you reread some of the statements you make. You criticize folks and throw out all kinds of random insults. Which is hypocritical of what you are saying about the language during the debates.
One has to admit that if you are not an establishment politician running for office, you are cast aside like a ragged doll. You see this political season after season. Aren’t you tired as well of all this nonsense.
Anyone of these characters on either side of the isle can surely get us into another war just like both of the Bush’s have. Especially either Cruz or Kasich. Trump might get us into a trading war, but I highly doubt it would ever escalate to anything more than that. Personally I have done quite a bit of business with Chinese and Mexican companies. They both know they are making out like bandits. Both countries would re-negotiate trading agreements that would be better for the US without hurting either of their countries. I think Mexico might balk the most, but hey they do get free military protection from their neighbors right across the border just as Canada has for a very long time. Why shouldn’t Mexico at least help build a wall or implement better security measures on the border.
I highly doubt most people take Trump 100% serious on all fronts. He has to come across more aggressive with his talk and rhetoric to gain any ground. Even if he delivers on 20-30% of what he says, we would be light years ahead of the direction we have been heading in over the last 20 plus years.
tom says
Jim man what the hell type of business you building? I hope it helps you to focus on how to put sentences together. Listen Trump has as good a chance as anybody running. Don’t get suckered into the Media BS as millions are being spent on trying to take the man down. Knows people, has funds to support, knows how to make money, successful business man, has a plan for things, I agree he can be corrosive some times, but he is not a puss. will work hard to make our country proud again. Would be nice to walk down the street and here people talk about this country on a positive note again
Jim D says
You mean instead of supporting Ted you support Deceitful Donald. A man who has no control of what comes out of his mouth, and has to walk back half of everything he said, or just to deny that he ever said it in the first place. Even when video and audio proof is presented documenting the correctness of the content when questioned on his statement Mr. Trump doubles down insisting he never said it, or backs up with that was not what he meant to say.
I have a hard time understanding how gullible the Trump supporters are when it comes to believing this man.
Alan Humphries says
Oh and Hildabeast never walks back statements or sticks her fatazz foot in her mouth. Everything you said could have Killery’s name inserted where you put Trump’s name and no one would have disputed it.Except for diehard supporters of the biotch.
Constitutionalist says
Jim D-
And i have a time getting the slightest clue how ANYONE with two brain cells to rub together would support Cruz, who has now allied himself with the Bush crime family, who has accepted MILLIONS from the oil and gas industries, who was BORN IN CANADA and w/in the last 2 years finally renounced his Canadian citizenship(yet won’t produce records of his US citizenship), has a wife who is willingly compliant with the NWO/OWG agenda working for the company that got the LARGEST bailout from US taxpayers(and paid the highest “bonuses” to their executives with taxpayer money) – and besides all that, has little bean-teeth, a widow’s peak like a young Grandpa Munster, pasty skin like some nerdy Dracula, the sleazy mannerisms of a used-car salesman – and will likely be shortly exposed by either the Enquirer or the DC Madam’s lawyer(or both) as an adulterous hypocrite, a whoring slut masquerading as a “christian.”
Reminds me of another Ted – Ted Haggard! At least he isn’t dogged by the homosexual Rubio rumors.
It’s too bad that so many Americans are Constitutionally illiterate, for Cruz(who may shortly become known as “Scruz,” once his whorish, adulterous ways are exposed) simply is NOT a “natural born” citizen as the First Congress Second Session defined the term, and as S511 confirmed when they declared McCain eligible during his run for the presidency, for the Senate CITED that very First Congress’ definition when issuing their declarative resolution! On that ground ALONE, he should have been soundly rejected, but American Idiots have either succumbed to ignorance, have accepted their roles as part of the dumbed-down hoi-polloi, or have outright refused to cure their ignorance on the subject…either through being “too busy” surviving to read up, or by choosing to remain stoopit, or by choosing to be “entertained” by the hypnotic and ubiquitous TeeVee’s in nearly every room instead of using their time more wisely, these days.
Gail Doyle says
*smiling last comment catfish 🙂
Tim Duncan says
One of the problems is there is NO LEADERSHIP in the GOP. Reince Priebus is a front man and that’s all, but he has shown no leadership skills whatsoever. That is the whole problem with the GOP…lack of leadership…and thereby…lack of unity. Very sad. I hate to admit it, but the Democrats look much more united than the poor ole out of date…out of touch…GOP. They are imploding.
rodney says
well, I guess you can safely say there is no leadership in the Demwits neither. Debbie/ Give me a break. It’s gonna be a telling summer. The fall may not be like ANYONE could have guessed but those in this forum. There may be a lot of write ins. I know i will if BOTH Cruz and Trump are bypassed.
Diver Dan says
Awwww. He’s just afraid of the wall! Maybe his buddies won’t get to come over and enjoy the
fruits of we Americans labor. Free healthcare …. free housing ….. free education ….. free… free….
free. I’m sick of it !!!!!!
Marc says
It is actually real simple if you are a Trump or Cruz supporter. Supporters for both candidates should start blasting “Prince” Reibus and the GOP establishment to force Kasich out of the race. Cruz has argued that he does better 1v1 against Trump and now they both want the same thing. Kasich has ZERO shot at the nomination and all his talk about magic pixie dust and the contested convention fairyland where he beats everyone is pure and utter nonsense. The establishment is pandering him to stay in because it further divides the remaining delegates ensuring they can change the 8 state requirement to put Romney back into the race or Paul Ryan. It is time for the people to put the pressure on the GOP and force Kasich out after Wisconsin. It is time for the GOP and Mr Kasich to do the honorable thing and suspend his campaign.
Deb says
I can’t stand the thought of Mitt Romney. Got rejected last time. Come on now!! I can’t even stand to see his face in tv. Ugh!!!!
Jan says
I will support the GOP nominee no matter who it is. I prefer Trump, although this has become a Jerry Springer type race. I think Trump doesn’t think before he speaks sometimes, but what you see Is what you get with him. Deinately not a politician and maybe not clear on a lot of the policies brought into question. I still believe he can surround himself with the people who can enlighten him. He’s new at politics and has had to back step on some of his “stupid” comments, but he’s learning. Unlike most politicians he is not prepared to lie or have his speeches all planned out so he can dance around a subject and confuse the American public. It’s refreshing in a way, even when he stumbles. The other runners, democratic or republican, can all defend themselves or get angry when they’ve been attacked, so why is it so out of line when Trump does it?
RD says
“It will be so cool” is that how presidential candidates should speak in public you absolute moron Kasich? Somewhere Washington , Lincoln, Jefferson TR and Reagan are shaking their heads or maybe even crying.
Deb says
Juan Jose Ortega says
It is obvious that if Trump drops out of the race , governor Kasich would also win the race out right. That is another angle that we can look at . This could also be another angle for Trump to use to get back at Cruz . People aren’t dumb and will be buying everything Trump tells them .
RD says
Sorry Juan Kasich has already been mathematically eliminated and Cruz needs a miracle. Trump is the only candidate who actually has a chance to get the 1237 delegates he needs. I’m sure you are st anxious that he doesn’t. I hope he does or its adios America. Did I spell that right Juan ?
Louis says
You stupid bigot. You should go back to whatever hole you crawled out of. By the way, your spelling is fine but you need work on proofreading.
rosie6600 says
Trump may not be a professional politician, but he is well aware of the game of politics. Why does Kasich, relatively unknown, and with insignificant support, stay in the race when candidates like Rubio and Carson have dropped out?
It should be obvious that Kasich was “ordered” to stay in the race by the bitterly anti-Trump Republican establishment, which is hoping for that brokered convention to stop Trump (a brokered convention is instituted when no candidate has clinched enough delegates from the primaries to be awarded the nomination, and in which, after the formality of a first vote, ALL delegates are free to vote for anyone).
And just who might that “anyone” be? Why, good ol’ Kasich, who just happens to be conveniently on hand, and who is the only one who can “heal” the terrible breach now ripping “the party” apart. Who can deny Kasich under those conditions? It’s almost like God, Himself, has stepped in, just in time, to save the Republican Party.
Jan says
Rosie, good point.
rodney says
we NEED God to step in and save something. this nation is in beyond deep crisis. it is on the tipping point of collapse if you read the economic pundits! If that happens who can we blame? As Ron Paul, he will gladly tell you.
Justin W says
If Gov. Kasich pulls out, Donald Trump’s prophesy becomes self-fulfilling. He could also make the same call to “Lying Ted,” as Mr. Trump calls Sen. Cruz. Although I would agree it is unlikely that Gov. Kasich has a chance of winning he should remain in the race. He is probably the most experienced of the presidential candidates in running a government. Unlike the other mainstream candidates he has run a state government. Hillary would be the next in line experience-wise, but her time as secretary of state showed her to be incompetent and corrupt.
RD says
The president doesn’t create jobs. That’s not his job. What a good president, like Ronald Reagan was, does is create a climate where businesses can grow and therefore hire people, which creates jobs. You do that by cutting taxes on these businesses not by confiscating their monies. Cutting taxes works every time.
Texas Mak says
Reagan was not a career politician nor a lawyer! Neither were the majority of our founding fathers. Most of them were farmers and businessmen!
Zack-Lee Texas Mak! Businessmen make government work for the people (and then they profit from it on the back-end.
Career politicians (most being lawyers) make government work for their own benefit o nth efront end AND the back-end… the people are left out.
Kristi says
Kasich needs to go! He’s so proud to be a spoiler and thinks a contested convention, “would be so cool.” Losing loser needs to leave!!!!!! What an idiot.
RD says
Louis that’s the way to do it, call someone a bigot when you are unable to intelligently engage them. Clearly liberalism should be in the DSM.
Louis says
RD, I admit that I responded without thinking to what I perceived as a bigoted comment. My ad hominem comment was uncalled for, and I apologize. I hope the rest of your day goes better.
RD says
Me too. Sorry. Hope we’re square.
RD says
I and by the way Louis I’m a white guy as you may have imagined but I’m married to a black woman who is also a Hispanic Honduran who’s parents came to our country LEGALLY. Might be good for you to think before accusing. Have a great day.
Jo says
Kasich you need to stay in the race. The only thing that the pompous ass Trump like do to is intimidate people. Don’t let him intimidate you Kasich stay in the race. Remember Trump even said he could kill someone and he will still get votes. I believe that we don’t need someone like the in the White House or someone that has filed for bankruptcy so he can keep his money and his businesses also. I so on the internet that Trump filed for bankruptcy I believe four difference times.
Jan says
Jo, I know Trump has been bankrupt a few times, as so many people have been. He always pulls himself out of it. He usually does better than before, because he learned from his mistakes. That’s more than most people (and businessmen) can say. He goes out on limbs, learns and bounces back. I like the fact that he has this knowledge behind him. Our current leader has put us in a huge dark hole and can’t seem to figure out how to climb back out. Just because someone makes an error in judgment certainly doesn’t mean he’s not capable of learning. Trump had learned how to turn things around.
V L H in AZ says
If Trump dose not make president, HELLery will walk all over Teddy and If she runs this country and you think things are bad now, just watch
the news on what is going on in this world. Wake up people!! Don’t be stupid all your life. There is a chance for America to be on top again, what part of that do you not understand? We are laughed at because of Obeganobe in office, what do think is in store for us with another Clinton? Ya Ted lies but what do we know about HELLery that is so much worse? Maybe a Hitler HELLery is what we’ll get. As if America has not been in deep @&$@ long enough, now we want to go down the tube and say to God, sorry you blessed this country and you should have blessed more with enough brains to come in out of the rain because we in America can’t understand what being a blessed nation means, so The “In God We Trust” don’t mean anything.
Come On people, try harder to understand, no trick answers here, Trump was sent to help this country So Let Him!!! And we should be thankful that he has given his time, money and talent to turn our country around after our government showed us how bad they can screw things up.
Did you know that Mr. Trump is a true Christian? He also wants this country great again for his own children and grand children? Don’t let the Hitler crowd take over this country.
Joseph Coppola says
Trump has quite a high opinion of himself. Rather than Kasich quitting, I think some of the candidates who already stepped aside should jump back in to really mess things up.
Joanne says
Why not Donald Trump for those who are against him and say it’s because he’s a businessman? We currently have a “pansy” in the WH who doesn’t know what the HELL he’s doing. How’s that working for you?????
Lou says
Wait until the general election when Trump begins campaigning against the Democrats. He might change his tune about accepting money from pacs. This article might be interesting to some.–no-matter-how-rich-he-is-213525907.html;_ylt=A0LEV7wyuQJXeRQALu4nnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByNXQ0NThjBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM1BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg–
Ken says
Lou, you may have somewhat of a point here. If I was Trump, I might consider taking some pac money no strings attached, while not taking anything from the government coffers which comes from we the people. I could care less if a politician takes money from a pac as long as the candidate never bows down to any of the constituents of a so-called pac.
Trump hasn’t had a bad week, the Establishment Despots are being the lying, underhanded cheats that they have always been since Trump started running.
These Jackals are preying on the weak easily brainwashed minds of so many Americans. For instance, the Trick question by Chris Matthews, “If Abortion was Illegal, would you punish the woman?” Trump said exactly what anyone with a BRAIN would have. Of Course, if ABORTION WAS ILLEGAL, EVERY PROSECUTOR IN AMERICA WOULD HAVE TO PROSECUTE THE WOMAN, AS SHE WOULD HAVE BROKEN THE LAW!
It is truly freighting, the simple weak minds of so many Americans. It gives validity to the research that shows Fluoride in the water and Chemicals in the Food, decrease intelligence!
Trump is truly Brilliant and has proven himself to be able to stand against INSURMOUNTABLE PRESSURE AND ATTACKS!! I have never seen a man with more Will and Fortitude!
Dave --VCHUNTER says
TRUMP is the Man you need in the White House. It’s True Congress Governs everything that gets done but I thing Trump can pull it together with Congress and the Senate. with the Democrats and the Republicans He can make things work because he isn’t a Politician, He is a Thinker and a Business man. He is going to stop all the needless spending that is putting us deeper, and deeper in the Hole. We are not the Care takers of the world. We are a Country just like everyone else that is willing to help IF WE CAN!!!! Let some of these other countries do their Part. We need to rebuild our Country and Soon….
Dave --VCHUNTER says
I’m sorry I miss spelled a couple of words I think: I Think Trump.
Dave --VCHUNTER says
I seemed to have misspelled a word: Should be think and not thing. Sorry.
Judy Atterberry says
Kasick will never get out! He is being paid by George Soboro?? & instructed by Hillary Clinton to disrupt the Republican Party & his pockets have no bottoms to them! He has millions of dollars & does this for the fun of it!
Me says
Off Topic: Stick it to Big-Pharma & The Medical Mafia if you or someone you know has cancer, sign up to watch the entire series for free (nothing to buy) coming mid-April and help to spread the word and you can even earn prizes –
rodney says
yeah with a 20′ purple shaft
leah morris says
trump lacks the background, credentials, temperement and stability to be president. if he gets into the white house i dearly hope he selects a savvy, erudite, skilled people person as a running mate who can capably take the reins when someone dispatches him before he can cause too much harm and global embarrassment to our great USA.
Constitutionalist says
Yeah, Trump must’ve been tired of Matthew’s badgering; with 20/20 hindsight, it may have simply been smarter to say “Chris, that’s a hypothetical, not reality. i deal in realities. The reality is that abortion is legal in this country,” and have been done with it…or if he wouldn’t shut up about it, just tell him to move on, that you’re not dealing with hypothetical situations, especially ones that are such a hot-button issue for the simpleminded who cannot think beyond a single issue, for the presidency is probably the most complex job in the world.
tome says
All Kasich is doing is making more chances for Hillary. He is so far behind now he can’t ever have chance as president. But taking votes from Trump and Ted! We are just giving the election away like we did the last two. McCain did not have a chance in hell! Then they came up with Romney which was the best person for Obama again! Republicans are coming up with loosers like Kasick, Cruz, The other Cuban. and figure they have something! But the Republicans are trying to kill out Trump. So will be a automatic Hillery presidency! If she goes to prison then will be the Commie Bernie! Getting to be a embarasment to be a Republican!
Arthur Hartsock says
I know that no one alive remembers 1860. At the Republican Convention Abe Lincoln was in fourth place. A Mr. Seward was leading, but he didn’t have the necessary 50%. Several votes later Mr. Lincoln was the Republican nominee (the first Republican Presidential candidate). If Mr. Trump falls below 1237 delegates, which is 50%, he probably won’t be the nominee. Trump supporters won’t vote for Cruz and vice versa. Ten or twelve votes later there will be a compromise candidate. That’s the fact. Sometimes-actually all of the time-politics is messy. That’s why it’s called sausage making.
Confoundmeonce says
Haven`t we learned Anything YET ? That 99% of Politicians Are “”Bought and Sold To the Highest Bidder ( It all Amounts to What Is “”Needed At any Given time. It Would BE So Refreshing to Have A “Business Man As OUR President. AND Better YET, ONE WE Never Even Had TO “”BUY !!” People, Let`s don`t screw it up ! Choose Trump..AND Make IT your Mandate to Protect Him And Make Certain NO Harm Comes TO HIM ! Don`t you realize he is in Danger simply because HE IS ‘for Real ? ‘ [AND Will Continue To Be FOr US..In spite of The “”Ones Who Do not Want TO Give UP their ”Power !! ””
ray says
I wonder how much Kasich is charging the Clinton Foundation to stay in the race
rodney says
It seems this Kascich thing is suspect. And the GOP “establishment is to blame. No real good will come of him staying in the race when better qualifieds are out. Someone needs to bring out in the open his record in Ohio…all of it. Failures and successes. Sure like Hilary, he talks a good line. What about substance? That’s what i want to see.
Constitutionalist says
IIRC, Kasich is strongly suspected of having stolen the votes in Ohio to get the delegates there, too…and the PtB tried mightily to do similarly in Florida for the Rube(but failed, there).
Don’t know if any good will come out of anyone suing, either, as any court dates are liable to be FAR too late to affect the outcomes of either Convention’s pick – for iirc, H “I Liar” Y Klinton has stolen MOST of the delegates she currently has, for the POPULAR vote – you know, the “Will of the People”? – has been circumvented by H “I Liar” Y’s strategies(bribery, threats, intimidation, deceit, abuse, intrigues) since the outset of the Demolican “race.”
The People need to hold officeholders ACCOUNTABLE, and STOP them getting away with this crap.
Breanne Fleisher says
It is a sad state of affairs we are in with NO candidate really qualified for the job. Certainly not the first time for that, but surely the worst time. Once again, Americans will be forced to choose from loose cannons, with uncertain thought processes, low moral and ethical values, very limited abilities, all packaged with immense egotism. A choice that at best, will leave us with a status quo of continuing economic decline, and a loss of respect from other countries, many invested in the US, who will then pull out. The US does not exist in a vacuum and our economy is subject to profound effects from other countries. As we go to the polls in November, each will vote for who they see as the least of the evils, most likely based on the fears their own personal situation in life bring to the forefront.
Ken says
Breanne, you are probably right about no one being exactly qualified for the job. Looking back on history there have been several not so qualified for the job presidents. Probably the least of all being the likes of Harding or Obama. Obozo a guy that dropped out of law school (but thinks he knows our constitution best), became an activist, was a half term junior senator, with not really any other real experience qualifying him for the job of president. He is a great bs’r though.
Most any of the candidates in and out of the current running should be able to do a much better job than what we currently have. I’ll be optimistic for now, unless Shillary gets in, then we are toast. I would never want a socialist/commi like Berny, but I don’t think he will send us off to war like Shillary as the Dems go.
I also think that whomever gets in there, a lot will have to do with their VP pick and other cabinet members in order to rally the right support and call to action. Then I believe the house and senate will come around. Many of them are tired of seeing our country going down the drain so fast and hard. They need someone to rally them off of the bought and paid for list.