Controversial Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wasn’t backing down from another potential fight with GOP officials at his campaign rally Monday.
At the American Airlines Center Monday in Dallas, Trump loudly renewed his campaign against illegal immigration, telling a cheering crowd of thousands that “it’s disgusting what’s happening to our country.”
The timing seemed to be aimed right at Republican National Committee officials – Trump’s speech comes the day before the Republican party is launching a new wave of outreach to Latinos to mark Tuesday’s onset of Hispanic Heritage Month.
The Republican National Committee is touting 25 different events in eight states, including battleground destinations like Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. Hispanic Heritage Month runs from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15.
Perhaps Trump feels he’s not getting a fair shake from the GOP he was promised? He told the crowd that the United States is “a dumping ground for the rest of the world.” And he promised Republican leaders he’s just getting started.
The GOP front-runner decried “anchor babies” and gang members among the immigrants living in the U.S. illegally, drawing huge ovations from a rowdy audience. The 20,000-capacity venue was at least three-quarters full for the evening rally.
RNC deputy political director Jennifer Sevilla Korn said many of Trump’s statements and his deteriorating standing among Latinos — an NBC/Marist poll on Monday found only 22 percent would vote for Trump against Hillary Clinton — have “not impeded our ability to go out and have conversations with the community about the issues.”
Previously, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has encouraged Trump to soften his tone, yet the former reality television star has refused.
Angry rhetoric on immigration has defined Trump’s presidential campaign from the very beginning, when the billionaire businessman called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals in his June announcement speech.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Why is it so hard for Hispanic, some Blacks, and some white American citizens to understand the rule of law? Goods and services are going out the back door to persons that didn’t earn them by the boat loads to cheaters and GOD knows who else. Is America better off today than yesteryear????? Hardly!!!
90% of these illegals are on welfare as well as the Asians Obama is bringing into our country 93% of them are on welfare. This country is going to go broke, that means no more SS, SSI, pay for our soldiers, medical care for our citizens because the illegals have to have medical care ahead of U.S. citizens. I myself am very tired of supporting these leeches. I will VOTE FOR TRUMP to get rid of these leeches, thugs, slimebuckets. I say we take care of our Veterans ahead of these leeches. No more slime buckets allowed in U.S. BAN ALL MUSLIMS FROM U.S. SOIL.
You said everything I am thinking. My husband and I are in our 80s he said Ben Carson puts him to sleep. We are very exited about trump he is a real man. I don’t like some one who wants us to feel sorry about their poor background. Trump will save the USA. For us Americans who truly loves America vote trump for the future of our nation God bless. America
What does it take to get through to these RNC idiots? WHAT PART OF ILLEGAL DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND? And this “Anchor Baby Bull Durham!” So momma waits until 8 months and 29 days, pops across the border, drops a kid and now we are stuck with not only Momma Bear, Poppa Bear and Baby Bear! But any other Baby Bears down the family Tree! THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!
Yes it is about time . A woman(illegal) has a baby and then gets $1500.00 per month and keeps having them at $1500.00 each and sometimes the gang members take the money .the children grow up and can get free college. Then they draw social security and never do work free social security and it go’s on and on.
The average social security that I paid into since I was 16 is $1250.00 per month.sick of it. Deport them all and the many many illegals who have no desire to become a legal American citizen. IN THE PAST people who came to America learned some English and strive to become a legal American citizen. . They were proud to be a citizen of this once great countey. The country who stopped a little “Paper Hanger.”.Hitler from taking over many other countries.Including America as he had rockets, jets and so on… I grew up with Germans ,Italians, Irish and so on all wanted to be American citizens. They fought in wars j ust like every vet, did. These people should rise up and be counted they should rise up and do something besides vote a Democrook ticket.And I do not believe the GOP will ever elect Trump .to run for president. It seems the all ready “bed partner deal “is stressed with Trump and the GOP..
. The speaker of the House(Ohio man just like me) should resign as he is sold out. Sure the GOP and the Democrooks will keep on doing everything they can do to get votes from illegals.
I say go for it Mr. Trump and do find a general who will clean out ISIS . We know that Obama is removing all the good officers from america. As a Vet I am sick of losing in every military conflict..Trump is correct on chastising Mc. Cain he knows vets do not get the care they need. Lats time I went to V.A. they said do you have flash backs?? We have a brand new pill just for you.Not hardly as next month they say that pill will cause you to …well we do not want to know but it will not be good.
Obomination,s deal pays Iran $150,000.00 billion up Iran.. No inspections, The touted Obama care has caused people to pay thousands of dollars in co pays it is very very hard on the middle class. Yet they keep backing very very bad officials in government. Why ???do they not read. Just as all of of Obama,s past was posted over and over before he was elected. A felon who received college funds under at least two names.He ran to Hawaii and had his birth records sealed.I about lost it when a woman on CNN made reference he was going to his birth place in Africa. Oh no not a spear chuck er!!!
How about All G D America Sharpton as his pastor.. And how did Sharptn get a T V show to spread more of his crud??? Oh happy day ,I just found out he was finally fired ,.Now he will entice more young black people to become more aggressive in protests and even murdering our police force.
Another thing people come to America … they get a business and pay no tax, then sell it for a dollar and to a relative who just came illegally to America. the next (usually a relative) Check out the gas/ food/ hot dogs ,pop etc. no tax’s. everywhere in Florida..
So I will Shutuppa my face now.
Reported in IMPRIMIS, A political science professor in California said babies born to illegals here have no birthrights to citizenship. IMPRIMIS is a free publication from Hillsdale College.
I am an American living in Mexico and I do not get anything from the Mexican Government. The Mexican people here are split on the issue, some are loyal to ethnicity and some understand what the word “legal” means. Our country has been divided ethnically and a divided country is not strong. There was a time when immigrants became Americans first and foremost above their ethnic heritage. That was a time when immigrants made America stronger.
What part of ILLIGAL that people misunderstand.????Means CROOKS. America is the only country that takes in ILLIGALS & treats them better than its own citizens. Name one country?????????????????NO SUCH COUNTRY. The ILLIGALS GET MORE BENNIFTS THAN OUR MILLTARY MEN & WOMAN. & the CITIZENS. Come on now. WE THE PEOPLE IN GOD WE TRUST. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
This is true. People are rallying to Trump because he is not scared of the issues. Immigration has deteriorated so badly it will take a strong guy to take the lead and begin fixing our broken systems.He is still off on taxes because business (big) get the best breaks. There are other ways like get rid of the EPAs regs on some businesses except where health and safety is involved AND OTHER WAYS TOO.Anxchor babies was set up for frred slaves not for mexicans etc just coming here and tsking over. And we dont need more muslims coming in and changing our laws.
my last comment is awaiting moderation
OM Garsh not God
i VOTE FOR TRUMP PLEASE READ HIS BOOK…………..iT SHOWS HOW WE ARE BEING RIPPED OFF BY OUR GOVERNMENT AND oBAHMA……………. I have a business and sick of all these people on SSI and working under the table. Get free food sub. housing free cell phone, free internet and free medical. This has to stop
I will vote for Donald Trump. He owes no favors to the election money suppliers as does President Obama and the others.
I like Ben Carson but I strongly believe that he will not be able to resist the verbal urges, promises and demands of the many black Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons, and other race hustlers that will infect the White House as is now the case if Ben Carson were to be our next president. I want our borders defined and protected by walls.