Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has defied projections, polling, and media backlash before. But in a rare show of humility by the boastful billionaire, Trump is acknowledging that his presidential campaign faces challenges and could ultimately fall short of defeating Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
The only hope? Americans stop acting so P.C. and start toughening up, Trump said.
The Republican presidential nominee is straying from his signature bravado as he campaigns in the battleground state of Florida, even telling a gathering of evangelical ministers Thursday he’s “having a tremendous problem in Utah.” The same day, the reality show star acknowledged that his lack of political correctness could cost him the election if Americans reject his blunt approach.
Trump then reminded the ministers that the next president could get to nominate up to five high-court justices. “It could cost us the Supreme Court.”
After trouncing 16 challengers in the Republican primary, Trump is encountering a new challange as his campaign moves into the general election. If national polls are to believed, Clinton’s lead over Trump has reportedly widened in recent days, while a vocal collection of anti-Trump establish Republicans have declared they’re against their own party’s nominee.
Asked how he planned to reverse Clinton’s advantage, Trump said he simply planned to do “the same thing I’m doing right now.”
“At the end, it’s either going to work, or I’m going to, you know, I’m going to have a very, very nice, long vacation,” Trump told CNBC.
In Utah, typically a reliably Republican state, Trump’s challenges have been particularly striking. The state’s large Mormon population has voiced serious skepticism about Trump, though the state’s GOP governor has endorsed him.
“We’ve really been given a false narrative,” Trump said of his struggles in Utah.
The billionaire real estate mogul’s andid reflections about the uncertainty of his electoral prospects come as he’s struggling to keep the focus on his opponent’s weaknesses in the face of mainstream media backlash.
Earlier this week he caused a major stir with comments about the Second Amendment that were perceived as advocating violence against Clinton, then faced questions yet again after declaring Wednesday that President Barack Obama was the “founder” of the Islamic State group.
Will America vote for Donald Trump in November? Or will the P.C. Police ultimately stop him? Comment below with your opinion.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Main Street says
Not a positive thing to say!!
OracleGuy says
Trump finally said something truthful: “Clinton will win”
Joseph says
She may win and if she does we all lose. The only good thing about that is that you, OracleGuy, will suffer right along with the rest of us. I hope that makes you happy, you idiot!
cathy says
wait till the new world order comes, these people dont have a clue of whats going on, they are blind and foolish, they will even think the fema camps are a good thing , till they start killing people , by then its to late for them, and they will look foolish when they find out hillary is a satan worshiper ,and wants the new world order, sucks to be them, there are on the losing side with satan,
Lester Howley says
1000% correct younger generations will be soooo surprised when they see what communism and socialism is all about when they wake up it will be too late.
Julie says
Lena Toledo says
I have a feeling that this female Presidential nominee will eat her own words uttered at the Benghazi hearing. I believe she said something like What difference does it make at this time…when Trump takes his Oath of Office for the Presidency.
Isabella says
It is possible a country so beautiful as USA is, to have so many zomby people? How can you explain to them that, this is not the democrat or republican’s fight. THIS IS ABOUT THE FUTURE OF THE USA, the American people, the future generation, our children’s , children. A hand of criminals,a big number of hypocrits who care about nothing, just POWER AND MONEY, , they are ready to SACRIFICE A COUNTRY? For those traitors, Country does not matter, they stole enough money to enjoy a life with no remors. Gread, money, transform them into the worst human beings any country could have. No wonder, all of them belong to One World Order. We can’t name them but many of us know who they are.
Jo Lee says
thank you for telling the truth. Yes ONE WORLD ORDER. Heard about it back in the 60’s
That is no joke. GOOD PEOPLE ALONG WITH THE BAD WILL GET RIPPED TOP TO BOTTOM & SIDE TO SIDE. This has been decided way back then. Glad that some one is willing to tell it like it is. ONE WORLD ORDER. Every one knows who they are. But just not saying. Be carefull every one. The rich of the world. Billionairs of the world
Brenda Lee says
I totally agree with Jo Lee
Peggy says
If only people would trust GOD to take care of this problem. Everyone please pray for the best person to win! I’m pretty sure it’s Donald Trump, so I’m praying for him!!
Steve says
You may be right about the dangers of Hillary winning this election. Is Trump any different in having such a meeting with present day Pharisees, as mentioned in this posting? I have seen in the bible how this mindset pissed off Jesus during his time.
Edith McGlynn says
You are so correct I hate to hear this however, my daughter told me from day one that Hillary had bought and paid for this position she is an Attorney. I just could not believe that people could be so stupid after Obama. I am just heart sick over this corruption in our Government.
froggy57 says
Proof that Hillary is Satanic, can be seen watching her laughing about the child rapist she got off in court. A rapist who beat and raped a 12 year old gilr so badly she cannot have childredn. And she laughed about it. If that isn’t Satanic, then I don’t know what is.
Robert says
the first thing is these polls are screwed, there have been several polls taken that are honest, and Donald Trump is leading big time and will win by a big land slide. Hillary and her thugs are going to try and steal it. Not going to happen. The news media are a bunch of liberal liars, don’t believe anything they say. They are so scared of DT, they know , he will put most in jail. We need to use the fema camps to put Shilly, Billy Boy and O Bama in these camps along with all the news media, and trash them!!!
Jeff says
Amen! These polls are a joke, and the democraps even know it. They are scared to death! We are going to win, get out and support Trump, we will take our country back!
Rob says
Don’t worry they did the same with the polls in the brexit referendum and look how that turned out
Julie says
Roberta Watson says
You sound like a reader of truth. I applaude you and enjoy your commentary. One thing though. It is said that we will get America BACK.
When did we let it get AWAY?
Eileen Ross says
Yes to everything you said. The only glitch is if the election is rigged in the Hildabeasts’s favor. Then we are doomed. God help America!
Maxine says
I pray trumpt wins
Jan says
I have been thinking about the way the country is turning against conservative principles and I suspect that the kids are learning it in school. If the parents are talking politics and the importance of know what you stand for and the importance of voting maybe it is the school systems that are doing this for us. Is this why they are pushing for same sex restrooms in the schools. It is trying to desensetizing us towards families or sex., etc…population control. Something to think about.
Brenda Lee says
I agree with Robert! The news media is reporting what they want to happen!
Just the Facts. says
Wake up Robert you are dreaming.
agree, but they have to keep saying that Hilary is way ahead of Trump in the polls so that when they steal the election via voter fraud it will seem reasonable to the average Joe that the media was correct and Trump lost fair and square…..all total smoke and mirrors and b.s.
Jeanette says
I just read a story about people being afraid to put out Trump signs because of the reaction of Clinton Communists.
I suspect that a LOT of people who are going to vote for Trump aren’t going to announce it before hand, and that their numbers might even be high enough that the number of fraudulent votes that the Clinton Communists would need to overcome Trump would automatically reveal that fraud.
Don says
@Robert: No probrlem for oral guy, his mommy will still let him live in her basement.
Ty says
No he’s a Fu%#ing Idiot!
Kenneth L Green says
Turn it around Joseph how idiot you can be, Oracle boy is absolutely right. If Trump gets President we all will suffer completely. But now if Hilary gets President America will be safe so if I were you Joe vote Hilary
Rob says
He’s aving a laugh!
Dragon says
WRONG! Hillary’s criminal record and growing, should not be in the White House.
Only corrupt/blind minds support cons. If you let evil or anything that is not good control your family/home, to bad, maybe that is your conviction or principals, and this is why you think this was. Reality is that evil support evil to create evil, there’s no other combo.
Dale Ralston says
Kenneth your are an idiot if you truly be anyone is safe with Clinton or Obama. Wake up. Jerk
Charles Hood says
Kenneth L Green,,, You are the nearest thing to Dtotal stupid I have read their post on the internet. You could not have one active brain cell and post this kind of unbelieveable trash when there is so much information that gets by the “news media” that proves what kind of person Hillary really is.
Eileen Ross says
Oh no, not another flaming mentally ill liberal. Kenneth Green, what is the matter with you? Did your mother drop you on your head, or are you a paid Hildabeast employee? It has to be one or the other.
debdell says
LOL – Wars are started by the corrupt establishment for profit. Bush and Clinton are peas in a pod and the parties are only there to divide the public. The reason McCain said the war can last 100 years is because the corrupt establishment conditions the public to expect wars. Obama has increased the wars everywhere. Trump is right when he says build the military and just stamp out the bad guys and get it done and over with, but that is not the agenda of the corrupt establishment globalists of which Hillaroid is their puppet. When wars drag on they make money in corrupt ways, so they need the bad guys and so they don’t wipe them out. Are you kidding? The USA military against ISIS – lol – with the intent we could wipe them from the face of the earth in a few weeks. If you want peace and a better life Trump is the only way because he is the only one ever that won’t sell out to the corrupt establishment even if they offered him a billion dollars. Who but Trump would turn down $1billion to sell out?
Jan says
Are you kidding!!!!!
Judith OConnell says
Kenneth why don’t you apply for an Ambassadorship to BENGAZI and see how she takes care of you! That is how she will take care of America. YOU BEST VOTE FOR TRUMP! She will again tell your family it was “the HILLARY MOVIE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steven says
You hit the nail on the head!!! How can people be so stuped, how many times does hillary have to get caught lieing and being bought and sold before people admit she’s a crock.!!!
Cecilia says
Can you read. Have you researched Hillary? Not what she tells you but the truth…?.Has anyone that is going to vote for Killary read about her past, starting with representing the radicals and black panthers in her younger years. Nothing but scandal after scandal with lies & deceptions.. If she were a STRONG woman she would have dumped her husbands sorry cheating ass years ago. What a disgrace for the Commander in Chief to take advantage of a young woman while in the Oval Office and she Hlilary threatened and paid off every woman he was caught with…money and power was worth more to her than her dignity..Plus they stole the furniture out of the White House when they left. Really???Who does that???.As a woman I can NOT vote for her. Then recently her emails, then Benghazi, then the Bernie situation, The DNC murders, then the Clinton foundation donations from our enemies….. REALLY KEN you think TRUMP is worse than her? Dont you find it strange that Bush, Cruz and Rubio from day one viciously attacked Trump? It was a disgrace like a dog fight….BECAUSE the GOP told them too. No one OWNS Trump that is why they will not back him…No special interest groups. Wall Street, oil companies, drug company, Ins. company! Watch the debate without prejudice!! …Trump is soooo frustrated that he shoots his mouth off. Trump has never had to answer to anyone, Unlike the rest of us that faced ramifications for bad behavior. so this is not easy for him. …We need jobs, we need our health care system corrected, we need money for our vets… Michelle Obama claims she wants to help the poor kids and families . Well that 2 Million dollar vacation (one of many) she took with her husband and family and friends… to Hawaii sure could have fed a lot of families. They are starving right out her back door…! Check out George Soros and his role with Obama–you want to feel scared? You better….The last 8 years have not worked for America!!!. And yes Ken I am a Democrat!! At least I was until I did MY RESEARCH!!! No one can pull the wool over my eyes again…especially the Clintons! Don”t be fooled Ken,,,dont vote for someone who feels she is ABOVE the law…Do NOT reward her for stealling from us tax payers and jeopardizing our safety by playing with our enemies!
connie says
i couldn’t have said it any better! if clinton wins, our country is gone and everyone will suffer. trump is our ONLY chance to live in a safe, secure country again! i can’t believe hillary has the followers she has with her history.. folks need to wake up and pay attention to what’s going on. she will only defeat us in every way. we need to make american great again!
A Trump Fan says
If Hillary wins, all of us even you Hillary supporters can kiss your a**** goodbye.
Mary Jones says
janet says
I suspect OracleGuy is something worse than an idiot…
Lorna Beth says
Great testimony!!!
nj says
So agree.
I, for one, do not want to see our borders open to Muslim immigrants and have our country experience what Germany is.
Nor do I want Hillary who is bought and paid for by terrorist countries, who has armed and trained the same enemy we are sending our soldiers against, to be our next president. She says she will raise taxes on the middle class.
She does not support our police and she has no plan for creating American jobs.
Anna Pacatang says
True, very true!
Pat says
Joan Haman says
I have already decided to quit the Republican Party if the do not support Mr. Trump! They do not want to lose the GRAVY TRAIN if he is elected. Congress may actually have to earn their money for a change.
Nancy says
I’m with you. The Republican party is part of the Democratic party — the Elites that is — same old, same old. They’re part of the New World Order, and will obviously do anything to stay in power, even screw their own candidate. Trump was/is the people’s choice — and they don’t want him. Guess they don’t want us either……………………….
DRGB says
Good post, Nancy. You hit the nail on the head in as few words as possible. Those that have come to this realization should take time to read and reflect. Long ago it was said “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between a Democrat and a Republican”. By now the truth of that statement should be clear to every thinking American. They’ve used the “divide and conquer” technique (Dem vs. Repub; Left vs. Right; Liberal vs. Conservative) far too long and we the people need to wake up. It’s really the ELITE vs. EVERYONE ELSE. Gotta give ’em credit—-it worked for a long time but thanks to the internet the jig’s up. We need to elect the one being attacked by the estalishment and re-elect very few to Congress, as the vast majority have sold out.
Anna Pacatang says
I agree.
Steve says
Maybe this could be the best thing that could happen for the Repub party with their social issue baggage to crash so that the Libertarian party can take their place. Hopefully Hillary does the same with the Demo-rat party. AS much as I do not like her, she may not be able to serve the full term, due to health issues. Also there are other issues that could not only force her to resign but also put her in jail.
MARYANN33 says
Joan Haman says
If Killery is elected and cannot serve her full term, that ferret Kain will be in. God help us! We are trading one shmook for another.
MARYANN33 says
We hate the GOP elite and we are voting for Donald Trump who is running as a real Republican. They cannot tolerate this as they are all in bed with Hillary…Oh yucky!!! We will continue to vote in Donald who is speaking OUR truth. They are trying to make him lose or turn him into a rotten politician like themselves…He is almost running alone in that GOP mess…Help him every way you can…He is God sent.
Joan Haman says
The Donald should have chosen Ginrich!
jerry holbrock says
Misunderstanding is one thing and twisting the truth is another. It goes back to McCain beig a hero, What was said was that if he had not been a pow would he have been a hero. Of course all pow’s are not considered hero’s but probably should be. It is like if your enemy runs you down in a car and you spend 2 years in a hospital and rehab but live are you considered a hero? I strongly suspect he first became a hero when he first ran for some ofice, don’t gt me wron i am a McCain fan i like him i think he is great but not because he is hero above any other pow. See what misunderstanding can do.
Scott says
Yes, he is running alone and he is the only one who tells the truth and calls things by their name. Except Gingrich, Giuliani, Sessions,Christie, Perry, Carson,Bolton,Hackabee and a few others, the rest of the GOP elite wolf pack are afraid as if Trump wins they will lose their corrupt chairs and double spoons and that includes spineless McConnell. They all feed on the back of decent conservatives and take advantage as they care neither for America nor the American people but for only lining their pockets while engaged in a mutual back scratching with the Dems at the expense of the American people. All these useless hypocrites are fighting for the perpetuation of corruption. Years ago, President Nixon was forced to resign for the Watergate fiasco. That was a joke in comparison to what has been going on now including endangering the national security and the lives of the American soldiers and people, all because of the incompetency of the GOP political caricatures, self called politicians. The GOP is responsible for handing the WH to the Dems for two terms and their audacity goes so far as to voting for hillary just because of a vendeta. Except a “Few Good Man” the rest corrupt GOP establishment Rhinos are a herd are driven by dishonesty, are contaminated and they lie to the American people. Trump is an outsider and that scares the hell of the corrupt useless yo-yos posing as Republicans.
Steve says
Then why does he not drop these social issues and focus all his energy toward small government, so that he would have a chance of stopping this broad from winning this election. Why would he also have such a meeting with these present day Pharisees and go along with their radical agenda of packing the Supreme Court with extremists who want to deny women of their privacy rights, as shown in this posting.
Lorna Beth says
Constitutionalist says
Jerry Holbrock-
You should google “Songbird McCain” and see what comes up, especially about how he shot down, stifled, or classified as much info as he possibly could about the POW/MIA in Vietnam.
More recently, of course, he’s got pics taken with some of his newest buddies – ISIS terrorists!
As far as i’m concerned, McCain is nothing more than yet another sellout NWO/OWG globalist neocon punk. He could care less about Americans or America.
Anna Pacatang says
Trump is trying & he is getting a lot of guidance from God-led Christians who are praying and counseling him. We all need to vote in Trump in order to save our country from ISIS & NWO.
Dale Ralston says
Walter Hatfield says
OracleGuy, You want to talk about truthful? Hillary hasn’t told the truth about anything yet, e-mails, murders of people that have been in her confindence ie: Barbells, Suicides? the list could go on and on but I don’t have time to publish a book.
Robert says
I saw a reporter on TV interviewing a Trump supported, who was talking about the man that was killed by Clintons that was going to spill the beans on them, the reporter said it was not murder, it was a robbery. He must be a Hillary idiot, The man was shot in the back had all his money, billfold , with credit cards and watch and etc still on him. Ok thats a robbery???? what an idiot this reporter is. These AH believe americans are so stupid. they will believe anything they say
Donaldo says
Whether it was a robbery or not a robbery, will someone please tell this dumb reporter the man is still dead so it’s still murder.
Donaldo says
Whether it was robbery or not a robbery, will someone enlighten this reporter that the man is still dead therefore it’s still a murder.
Arthur Hartsock says
This is an example of the media’s support of Ms. Clinton and the Democratic Party. Early on the media laughed at Mr. Trumps jokes and antics. He could do no wrong-and the other Republican candidates could do nothing right. So it was an all-out assault on Bush, Rubio, Kasich, Cruz, Christy, and the others. As soon as Trump wins the Republican nomination the media takes off the gloves and shows their true colors. Now they’re treating Trump like they did the other Republican candidates, and Hillary can do no wrong. The media never was Trump’s friend. Just his enabler.
Ron says
Maybe, if Clinton wins, it just might be God’s punishment of America for electing Obama twice, and for the immoral society we have allowed to gain power.
cathy says
you maybe right
Nicou says
If the witch Hillary wins America is gone for ever. Trump is our last chance.
connie says
i agree, trump is our ONLY chance!
Steve says
You are absolutely right about Hillary, but what is also going to happen if Trump wins this election? Considering what has taken place in the above mentioned meeting with these evangelicals and what he wants to do with the Supreme Court, could his victory be the beginning of the Fourth Reich? Either one is going to spell disaster. This is why I am voting for Gary Johnson instead of staying home or doing some silly write-in for Kermit the Frog.
Kenneth L Green says
Well Ron if Hilary win it will b God reward with a smile on USA for doing the right thing by electing Hilary for President
Rob says
KLG Witch god god are you talking about
Charles Hood says
Kenneth,,,, I think your last active brain cell has died.
Vito Geneovese says
Kenneth, without being rude and with all sincerity, you really need help.
I do not want to be insulting but, have you had formal education at least elementary school?
Your comments are pathetically stupid that is the nicest way I can put it without trying to be demeaning????
Steve says
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Connie Condra says
Not maybe–WILL BE! God’s will not be smiling on the USA. He began His judgment of our immoral society with the election of Bath House Barry. Electing the Hildabeast will be a continuation of His judgment against us. We are so busy chanting “God bless America” that we never stop to ask WHY He should bless us. After all, we have removed him from our classrooms, our athletic fields, our courts, our public venues. We have sanctioned the sacrifice of 53 million innocent human beings on the altar of Choice! We turn a blind eye to what He calls “abomination.” A traitor who has caused of the deaths of only she and God know how many may possibly ascend to the highest elected office in the land and very few people see anything wrong with that.
Trump is no prize either. He strikes me as a spoiled little boy who throws a tantrum when things don’t go his way. However, compared to the Hildabeast, he is a diamond in the rough. She knowingly set up a private server–not for convenience, but to evade oversight by the people We the People elected to make our laws. She left Americans to die in Benghazi, then lied to their families AND the American people regarding the cause. She sold her office to the highest bidders when she was SoS. She is probably the most corrupt individual ever to seek the presidency. And many people, like Kenneth Green, think that is okay and that God will smile?!?!?! Don’t kid yourself, Kenny. God is going to take the USA to His woodshed if the Hildabeast is elected.
So, will someone tell me why God should bless America. He chastised His chosen people when they disobeyed Him. What He will do to the USA will make the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah look like a church picnic.
Dawg# says
Connie Condra:
Just the Facts. says
Connie are you sure you are sane? Go see a Doctor fast.
Norma SmithFrumpT says
True Am I missing something? I love the Trump family and so many people I know have not even one child who honors and /or shows such respect for parents as his children. That is a huge credit to Mr. Trump. In my prayers for our country I felt God was going to use D.T to give us another chance
Kaye says
How true, and we all know that America’s punishment is coming at some point for what we have let happen in this country. Shame on us, and shame on “Tolerance and Political Correctness”.
I am so praying we can get Trump elected and turn this country around.
cathy says
your so foolish and blind, better you then me
Main Street says
Her and her sneaky rebel husband are a disgrace.
Joan Haman says
Boy o boy! Slick Willy can have fun breaking is all those bright-eyed interns. Wonder if the Oval Office has an occupied sign on the door?
Gary Sipes says
Not unless it a Iliegel rigged system. Donald J. Trump will be our next President
bruce says
Don’t think so!!! Just look at shillary s rally attendance! Then look at Trump’s attendants; big difference and I don’t believe the polls,,
And that will be the END of FREE America thanks to you all. thank you.
Robert says
no Hillary will not win, we will put you and the Clinton’s in the fema camps with O Bama where you belong. make your life miserable
Al Wood Sr. says
With people like you who do not care about the liberal supreme court and what this presidential election has at risk. If you can with clear conscience vote for a proven lie such as hillary then go for it. I for one have seen what obama (you probalby voted for him) has done to drive a deep divide in our country and have seen what a moral and lie billie clinton is so I don’t care if mickey mouse were on the ballot that would be better than the biggest bogot, racist lie hillary clinton. Go and vote your conscience……………………….
Richard A. Blake says
TRUMP/PENCE 2016>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Obama/Hillary>>>GITMO 2017 !
woodlands60 says
You won’t hear any truth out of Hillary’s mouth.
jerry holbrock says
the one thing he left out as to what we can do is “pray” and i say the christian community ha better get wirh it,
dskap says
The Lord God Almighty gave this earth to Satan way back when the fall occurred and things have got darker by the year and now they get darker by the day and these are all to be as Christ told us would happen just before He comes on that last day, the resurrection day, the judgment day!
The gospel has gone out into all the world for a witness and as Christ told us, when that happens, the end will come!
Things will seem somewhat normal, and wickedness will increase and 95% of the world’s population will not be looking for Christ nor desiring Him to come, but He is coming soon and when most do not expect Him to come…as a thief in the night!
Come Lord Jesus, come!
Hardy says
and you,your family and the rest of the world will suffer!,just like you have only worse than the past 8 years! God will have the last say!
Hardy says
my reply was for OrecaleGuy!And all the rest of you that think Hillary is not of the Devil and will be good for this country,God don,t like liers!
Patricia says
If was the optimal word. His loss is our country’s loss!????????????????????????????????
jrburns says
If Clinton wins the working class is screwed and one of her appointments to the supreme court could very well be Obama and there goes our 2nd Amendment rights. The OrecaleGuy must be on the Obama plan
expects everything for nothing.
tweeter says
Her trip into the cage house!
Robert Monahan says
Judy Katz says
Read on twitter a couple of Drs have been watching Hillary’s episodes. They say looks like she has advanced Parkinsons!
Frances Allen says
Then we’re doomed.
Ruth Holmes says
michael says
If Hillary wins fat ready for ci IL war. The country can ‘t withstand four years of her and the justices she would appoint. When seethe notary to collect the guns the war will start.
michael says
If Hillary wins , get ready for civil war. The country can not withstand four years of Hillary and the justices she would appoint. The country will be far to devided. I fear her win w
ill cause the country to be ripped apart and bathed in blood.
Steve says
Trump is only defeating himself by chumming up with these religious wackos in support of their social issues. This scares me of his party forming their own big government. Look at what has happened when the medieval church had their big government over Europe, where they also burned the people that they did not like as with Hitler. I am not fond of Hillary, but I am afraid that electing Trump, as things currently stand, to stop Hillary from winning will be the same mistake that Germany did with Hitler to stop a communist takeover.
James says
I am one of those religious whackos, believe me it is not a waste of time! We need God back in the U.S.A.! Things are getting out of hand, the country is becoming a Sodom and Gomorah!!!
We need all of the Spiri Filled “whackos” we can get behind Donald!!!!!!!
Richard McDowell says
God help this Country if she wins. She is a demon from hell. mark my words. .
Peggy Limp says
If Clinton wins it means that Obama has put America in the toilet and Clinton is going to flush it. There is so much corruption in DC that they may be able to buy, give away because of donations and have enough illegals vote for them they may pull it off unless the American people finally get their heads out of the sand and realize that all the free stuff is putting them into slavery as the blacks were before Lincoln freed them. This time they are being bought by welfare, free cell phones, food stamps, free education and myriad other give aways. Please America, wise up!!!!!
MARYANN33 says
The problem for him in Utah is that Mormons are guided by the devil. It is not a Christian religion. That needs to come to the light. Once he knows they are not part of Christianity he can expose them for the fools they are.
Denise says
You are exactly right. Seems half the world is guided by Satan.
dskap says
All the world is being ruled by Satan and he knows he has but a short time!
The Lord God Almighty gave this earth to Satan way back when the fall occurred and things have got darker by the year and now they get darker by the day and these are all to be as Christ told us would happen just before He comes on that last day, the resurrection day, the judgment day!
The gospel has gone out into all the world for a witness and as Christ told us, when that happens, the end will come!
Things will seem somewhat normal, and wickedness will increase and 95% of the world’s population will not be looking for Christ nor desiring Him to come, but He is coming soon and when most do not expect Him to come…as a thief in the night!
Come Lord Jesus, come!
Nancy says
You don’t know a thing about the Mormon religion, they are true Christians, whether you think so, or not. I believe that Trump would be the best thing that ever happened to the US. He gets in trouble because he speaks from the heart & sometimes it doesn’t come out right, so people that are looking for bad things really turn it around & make it a bad thing, when it really wasn’t. If you really checked things out about and studied about him, you would learn that he is a very kind, feeling, type of man, for people, women, workers, legal aliens, police, veterans, & service men in the military. Hillary wants to get rid of religion, & a lot of other things that would hurt the US. She would be a disaster for the US. I just watched a video about a man from Haity where her & her husband had all the money come into their establishment to supposedly help their country after their disaster. The people did not get very much of the money & are still hurting very badly. So much for her being such a good person.
Dr. Clifford N Alford says
He told the truth. I have lost friends who are outraged that I will not vote for her simply because she is a woman. I would gladly vote for a moral woman, but not for a traitor, liar and murderer. Eith people get over the PC bit, or we are in deep trouble.
Dottie Robeerson says
I have voted in 67 presidential elections. The reason that the republican old guard does not wont Donald Trump elected is that he will up-set their apple cart. Where do you think they got all their money? They can not control Donald T. He will get rid of all the corruption in Washington. Yes he speaks out sometimes when he should not but don’t we all.. The media is going to crucify him because they are biased. If any of Donald’s people are reading this, my message is stay on course, talk about your plan for this country. Also preach about Hillary’s wrong doings. What about the news media and all the play they gave the Khan family who’s son was killed? What about the Mother’s of the men that were killed in Bengaza.(misspelled). What lies Hillary told in that case. If you wont 4 or 8 more years of the same, then by old means vote for Hillary. I wont be around but my grandchildren will.
Mathew Molk says
He has said a ton of things that I agree with but canning the PC crap is the best one yet.
James says
If Hillary wins our country will go bankrupt
mary jane koehn says
I pray everyday that Jesus who died for us will raise a great president. Hillary is for giving freebees to people who really don’t need it..She will ruin our country. On the other hand Trump will get jobs, open up the pipelines,,,gas will be much cheaper..he will keep immigrants out of the country…get in the way your suppose to…taxes will be raised for the middle class..etc….in the Bible ,many kings were evil. God destroyed them and there people..don’t let Hilliary win..She will ruin our GREAT COUNTRY..
mary jane koehn says
I pray everyday that Jesus who died for us will raise a great president. Hillary is for giving freebees to people who really don’t need it..She will ruin our country. On the other hand Trump will get jobs, open up the pipelines,,,gas will be much cheaper..he will keep immigrants out of the country…get in the way your suppose to…taxes will be raised for the middle class..etc….in the Bible ,many kings were evil. God destroyed them and there people..don’t let Hilliary win..She will ruin our GREAT COUNTRY..
Jane says
I am so frightened that Hilary will win and I can’t convince my husband what a devil she is!! He is not the type that reads anything and he doesn’t really listen to the news, so he is clueless just thinks the dems are a better party because of the Unions and he is a Union man thru and thru. I try to talk to him but of course he doesn’t listen. I am sorry to say that my vote for Trump will be vetoed by his vote for the stupid Hil, I will of course go vote and hope that he forgets too. I pray everyday that God’s will, will be done and Donald will win! At this point that is all we can do is pray like we have never done before for our country!!
Troy Omar says
For many years it has been said that people get what they deserve. The problem here is no one is willing to accept that or understand the message. It means if you are meant to be rich you will earn it. If you’re meant to be poor you will sit on your ass and hope to get rich. So if the voters vote a Socialist, Communist into office, then they deserve it and all that goes with it. “IF YOU WANT SHIT BAD ENOUGH YOU WILL GET SHIT.” THAT’S WHAT HILLARY IS ALL ABOUT, SHIT.
Elly says
Let’s hope and pray that the PC people will wake up and see what a disaster Hillary will be for this country. Adios America!
Portia Barberis says
I second that motion
L says
Third that motion
Wendy says
If Hillary wins we are in for more trouble. I have lived through 12 Presidents and by far these last 71/2 years have been the worse for our country. Trump may not say what the media wants him to say, but it sells papers for them. Truman was exactly the name way, saying what he pleased and he got us out of WWII by sticking to what he said. Also Carter refused ALL Iranians into our country and he was a democrat and was cheered for that. This new generation believes too much of social media. Trump will be a good change for our country and it will be safe on his watch.
Ed says
Let’s vote, TRUMP for POTUS
Wendy says
Sadness abounds as left universities promote RULES FOR RADICALS mentation. Same vile thinking Clinton and Obama have. Sad.
Art Cate says
Ladies and gentlemen the hold out Republicans and RINOs will have a notch on their belt when they say “told you so” unfortunately they will be contributing to the destruction of the Republican Party and America … George Bush will be the last Republican president of the United States … and if Hillary Clinton succeeds she will probably leave us defenseless on a personal and national level … every time I hear the song “It’s the end of the world as we know it” … I cringe
Judy moran says
Hillary is just bad for our country from day 1 of the Bill Clinton days she was not trust worthy then and not now
Joseph Disque says
Donald Trump is anointed by God to be our next president. “If God be for you, who could be against you?”
dskap says
God is for righteousness and godliness and He is about to destroy not only America, but the entire universe on the last day, the resurrection day, the judgment day!
Are you ready?
Are you saved?
Have you sought His mercy in Christ Jesus?
If not, you’d better start praying for your soul because eternity is forever!
Wonder how Mexico will feel when millions of American flood their country to get away from crooked Killary?
Robert Ross says
To Jim, where do you think HRC learned how to be as crooked as she is ? She and Slick Willy learned how to murder by by suicide. 51 To their credit by now. It was on the “net” this morning. Yes, 51 victims.
Connie Condra says
Won’t happen. PC people are brain-dead and what they use for a brain is located at the opposite end of the body.
Martha says
We are headed for Hell if Clinton is elected. Trump may say things , but look at her., I can not grasp, how anyone in there right mind vote go such a crooked and untrustworthy and lier.,
deb says
he did not say you, you, and you, follow me and we will be isis. his actions created isis, his actions enabled and sustain, isis
we already know divide and conquer, so we both support isis and talk of defeating isis. this accomplishes much both ways
and on top of that we paid a ransom
OracleGuy says
ISIS existed as the Islamic State of Iraq back in 2006. They joined ISIL in 2013. Trump is displaying his ignorance to the entire world.
I still think the Dems are funding his campaign to ensure that Hillary wins.
Robert says
what an Idiot you are, did you ever go to school or you must be a grammar school drop out like your buddy O bama
Joseph says
In a way you’re right. ISIL took the name in 2006 and remained a backwater outfit as it had been since 1999 under several names, but it was 2010 when it really began to grow and, of course, it rooted in Libya around 2013. Obama may not be the father of ISIL but he nurtured it like a father, through his inept and moronic policies, to it’s present state. Let’s not forget who was Secretary of State during this time. Yes, Hillary, I’ll sell my soul to the devil, Clinton.
Gram says
The reason ISIS came alive in 2006, because the total Congress went to Democrats in the fraud voting system. Although G W was President, Congress controlled everything that was done. Nothing was passed to stop ISIS. That is when the Troops were starting to pull out of Iraq, because Congress said so. Remember when LBJ was president back in the 60’s, if you are old enough to remember, they refused to support the troops that were in Vietnam. The democrats do not want to win any wars, because it would make the other countries look inferior to the U S.
The Great Society that LBJ created is what we have today. No body working to better themselves; take themselves out of the problems like it was doing the depression time under the ruling of democrats. That is why so people are depending on the government for every thing. This is the Great Society created and continues to this day under the democrats, Clintons, Obamas, and democrats in Congress.
Constitutionalist says
D’OweBama publicly admitted to training ISIS(ISIL, same thing); i’ve seen the words issue from his own mouth. So can you, if you go to Youtube and put “Obama ISIS” in the search window.
In addition, he’s supplied tanks and jet aircraft to the Muslim Brotherhood(a self-declared Enemy, and for a LONG time), as well as given well over 100 BILLION to Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism…with zero conditions attached(or perhaps i should say “zero ENFORCEABLE conditions).
The only crime defined in the Constitution is Treason. Part of that definition is “giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States.” He’s clearly guilty, and that’s even BEFORE you count the vehicles, weapons, ammunition, money, and ordinance given to ISIS via Swiss banks and the CIA…or the COMPLETELY irresponsible orders for US troops to abandon perfectly good equipment in Iraq, which was promptly seized and USED by enemies of the United States. Every military commander worth his salt knows how IDIOTIC it is to leave working gear behind that has not been sabotaged. i have ZERO doubt that serious objections were raised to D’OweBama’s stupidity – or was it complicity? Seems clear now that the latter conclusion is far more likely than not.
No reasonable – or sane – man or woman can look at the preponderance of evidence available and conclude anything OTHER than D’OweBama is a traitor. Too bad many of his promises were not made under oath, too, or he could be prosecuted for perjury, as well – though since he’s betrayed the public trust by lying under his oath of office, a case can still be made for that charge, as well.
Bill Weldon says
You are 100% correct.
Michael Badagliacco says
Very Sad that the PC crowd are directing this election. Political Correctness has done more harm to the American ideals than virtually anything else in our history.
Government intrusion into the lives of PRIVATE business is a great example of this farce called political correctness.
We the People need to rip our country back out of the hands of the PC Socialists who currently control it… And all of you #nevertrump idiots need to wake up and understand that you are not keeping Trump out as much as you are putting Hillary in… a HUGE mistake for America…
Portia Barberis says
Do the ” gimme free stuff” voters outnumber those of us with dignity and work for a living?
John says
No, I don’t think so, but add together these non-productive voters with the Brain dead PC crowd, and all the other Socialist who don’t care killary is a crook and Killary will win!!!
Barb says
One of the problems is complacency. If we all got out and voted she wouldn’t stand a chance. Plus the GOP needs to support its candidate.
OracleGuy says
Nope, and they certainly don’t outnumber the “give me a tax break because I’m special” folks. Too many people want government to leave them alone and stop taxing them for the “good of the many” until they become one of the many and need Medicare or Social Security. Then they want what theybelieve they are entitled to.
Kate says
Well at least we paid into the system, which the majority have not – you think!
Nancy says
Thank you, you are so right. We worked a lot of years & put our money in, so that we would have money to live on when we couldn’t work any more. It is not an entitlement, it is what we worked for.
Wendy says
I believe I am entitle to what little I get–$1,000.00 a month. That probably would not pay your credit card bill. We paid into Social Security when wages were so low that only a small portion was going to social security. Give me a break–at lease I worked and my very successful children worked their way through college to doctorate degrees. Thanks to their hard work, I am able to live comfortably with their help.
Toni says
You are one of the people who are misinformed!! The people who have Medicare, pay every month for it and the Social Security that you speak of does not belong to the government!! Everyone paid into SS that worked, it was supposed to be put in an account that collected interest, then handed out to people who retired. It has always been the people’s money! The government were not supposed to touch it. But, starting with Pres. Johnson, the government started “borrowing” it, but never paid it back. SO IT IS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT FROM THE GOVERNMENT!! It belongs to every person who has worked for it! Do some research before you mouth off on a post.
Dawg# says
If I work for it, I am entitled to it because I earned it. Thing is, the government has stollen it from us worker bees and squandered it on lowlife parasites that have never paid a dime into the program or paid a dime in taxes all their lives.
Mary says
Trump does not pay any taxes. That’s why does not show his tax returns he know it would make at least 75% of the American people mad. I will not vote for a person who says over and over how rich he is that pays no taxes. This country cannot operate with taxes.
dskap says
Oracle…Social Security is what people pay into with their hard earned money over many years and they have it coming to them….it is not a hand out nor freebie…that is unless you’re an ILLEGAL who will be voting Democrat to continue to receive benefits that they have never paid into.
NoraB says
You are absolutely correct! Time to take back our country from the crybabies who are offended by EVERYTHING.
The PC police have made our society WEAK, undisciplined, whiners and without respect for others. Grow up people! Sometimes you have to just “buck up” and go on. Clint Eastwood has the right idea.
Jan Hewlett says
The PC crowd directs every election. They need to be voted out now.
Jack Leeman says
We are at war ,with some intruders ,illegals and some trying to take over the country by devious means. Now in past wars, and I have never been in the military, the good guys tried to overwhelm and eliminate the bad guys. Because we ,the good guys , haven’t done our part so the enemy gets stronger every day. Isn’t it good sense to admit that we need to declare war, even tough it is on our own soil,what is left of it, and fight back. We would have to ignore political correctness they are part of the enemy. Thank You.
William A. Spencer says
So very true, this P.C. crowd is just a schill for socialism. She may win and then you will get exactly what you deserve and want. MORE WELFARE, MORE GOVERNMENT INTRUSION, LESS INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, LESS FREEDOM, LESS AND WEAKER MILITARY. THEN WE WILL HEAR ALL OF YOU CRYING FOR LIBERTY AND FREEDOM!!
John says
Every republican that is never trump better get there head out of the sand start looking at this election is really about the Supreme Court. And stop being a bunch cry babies and Realize that finally we have someone who is tough enough to tell it like is because it should be America first
Beth Hamilton says
Mr. Trump needs to stop ‘bashing’ and concentrate on presenting his plans for the future. The economic condition of this country, the ISIS situation, ObamaCare, jobs-jobs-jobs, discrimination against Christians, 2nd amendment.
His bluster won the primary votes – his knowledge and skills WILL win the general if he makes a sincere presentation. Plus, he needs to eliminate “twitter.” That’s one avenue the President of the United States of America should not pursue.
Wendy says
I agree
red/white/blue says
voter machine fraud/no ID voter fraud is the only thing that that will make Trump fail
OracleGuy says
Why do GOP supporters see voter fraud everywhere they look? Wisconsin passed a voter ID law to deter fraud even though they were hard-pressed to cite a single instance of intentionally fraudulent voting. The U.S. Supreme Court saw these worthless laws as what they actually were – a method to prevent indigent and homeless people from voting. A better approach might be to require that voters demonstrate some knowledge regarding the position of the candidates but then 90% of Americans wouldn’t be allowed to vote since they are voting based on emotion rather than fact..
Joseph says
I responded to one of your posts and called you an idiot. I want to retract that. After reading your last two posts I’ve come to realize you are a very sad idiot who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. So, having said that, I’m going to go do something more constructive than responding to your idiocy like praying for your poor lost soul.
Susan says
Make no mistake, voter machines WILL BE TAMPERED WITH in favor of Clinton…….sadly and any other crooked means used to assure a Clinton victory….and the USA will be done forever as we knew it.
Linda says
I am afraid that America will not vote for Trump. I am not saying Trump is the perfect person to be president but i believe he is in it for the right reasons. America will not respond to the corruption that is evident because America in general does not really see what is going on because of the main stream media bias and many do not care. I have never been so convinced that it is the beginning of a very dark time for our country. I don’t want to believe it and i have never felt this way before but if people don’t wake up and take a stand we will see the steady destruction of our country unfold right before our eyes.
BarnicleBill says
It really saddens me to say it, but I feel the same way. Maybe GOD will intervene.
law5960 says
That is correct. Clinton will win, unless ….
Unless Trump drops out of the race this week. After this week it is going to be too late for a real candidate to pick up the pieces.
sss says
Wow are you wring in so many ways. Corrupt Hildabeast is quite ill health wise and she wants ro tell the truth in all things but doesnt have tje ability. It will be a sad day if this N
brch gets into office. She is a devious,conniving,untrustworthy, bold face lier with a nasty raspy angry voice. People go out and vote. Trump 2016 the push is on!
Sharon Curran says
This is our last chance to make America Great. They Republican’ s think we are uninformef and the Democratic’ s are so afraid of Donald Trump. So Please be smart and show each party we are sick of them and Trump should be the nect President. Remerber the politicians work for us This is our last chance to Take Back America
Tony Trapani says
I agree.
Ted says
Yes I agree also but trump should stay with the issues ,talk about Hillary,Obama,I’m sick and tired of all these right groups walking away from Trump .Stay united see what will happen ,but never Hillary the complete lier,inconsiderate of all people, only out for herself.She was broke,from leaving the whitehouse wow also a thief taking items from the White House,folks you vote for her we are in deep trouble
Rick Phillips says
This country is doomed if Hillary gets in office. DOOMED!
Sandee says
Hopefully the evil witch health fails God help us all if killary gets in America will be no more
sagatel says
Mr. Trump, you pissed this so called democratic and republican establishment off, you pissed 1% off, those banksters, big corporations, oil companies. I should also mention neocons and cold war warriours and their way of life…they used media to demonize other countries and their leaders in order to invade them and take away their resourses. You exposed the fact that they did not win a single war and instead created a sea of chaos in middle east and destabilized the world. Presently these very people are demonizing Russia and its leader and pushing us closer to war with another nuclear power. You are now realizing that corrupt liberal media, neocons, big corporaions, banksters will never let an outsider to become a president. Even if you used the outmost politicaly correct language they would have gone after you with character assasination or used some other means of eliminating your chance of ever becoming a president…..You were a phenomenon in american politics and because of you it has become obvious that democrats and republicans merged into one party system. They serve their own interests and the interest of those who control that corrupt political establishment.
Rich Cammeron says
There was never any doubt at least in my mind that Hillary was going to be the next President. The deck is stacked and has been for a long time and unless all Americans (and I mean all) stand up and say enough is enough its all over. When Hillary and her goons get finished with us we will be just another third world country. Most folks just don’t get it but all and I mean all politicians have their hands in the cookie jar and remember no matter what their political preference even after one term in office they have a paycheck for life paid for by you and I so why rock the boat.
Scott Ladd says
This is a repost: Here is what a Real Poll looks like in America. Please take the Time to Read.. A Total of 50,000 people Polled in 50 States….
PG Farnsworth We have just completed our own poll since we cannot get factual information from the mainstream media!! We called 1000 homes in each of the 50 states and asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick.
Economy was the number one factor that Americans are concerned about and terrorism was number two.
Presidential pick was Trump by a large percentage.
Trump 33478 votes 67%
Clinton 9788 Votes 19%
Undecided or other 6739 votes 13%
My friends and I are all Graduate students from all walks of life we meet to discuss stuff. 13 people who like and have served in the Military. It took us most of two weeks to be sure our calls were to all people and not just one party or an other we called Americans.. our poll is by taking registered voter lists and we accumulated 33% repub, 33% dems and 34% ind.. our poll consisted of 1000 calls per state. all 50 states. 50,000 people are in this poll not the 100 like other polls.
Please everyone copy and paste to your status so everyone knows that the other polls are rigged!
John Siemens says
Thank you. This is really good information to have. You have done a tremendous job. I need to think about reposting this though. On the one hand, it would serve to bolster the attitudes of those who support Trump but on the other hand, it would send a message to Hillary and the media that they are failing, possibly causing them to redouble their efforts to win. Although causing Hillary to double down could cause her to make some bad miscalculations. I have this gut feeling that Trump is holding back getting ready to let the hammer drop at the first debate. I hope so.
Marsha says
I sure hope your poll is correct. I am literally scared to death of what will become of our country if Clinton wins.
Louis says
LOL! Good joke!
What field were these “graduate students” studying? Obviously it wasn’t English – or math, since they got more responses than they made calls. That means they got more than a 100% response rate when all the other polls are getting about 5%. It also means that each of the 13 pollsters called more than 3,800 people – and every one of those people answered their phone and took the time to respond to the poll.
If anyone believes this is real, I have some Trump steaks I would like to sell you. Remember, polls have shown that 71.31% of all the statistics you read on the internet are simply made up.
OracleGuy says
If it makes Trumps supporters feel better, then they should, by all means, quote the results of this poll. Of course, saying that ‘graduate students of an unnamed University phoned 50,000 people and found that 67% percent support Trump’ may not be sufficient for most reasonable people. For example, if each call only lasts one minute, 13 people would spend 64 hours over two weeks talking on the phone. That would require about 5 hours of dialing and talking per day and would probably need to be done after 6:00 p.m. so the callees would actually be home. Even if every single person called was home and were willing to talk, this is not a likely scenario.
Tony Trapani says
I agree.
Every on line poll I have seen,trump wins by a large margin.
I am now thinking of quit watching fox news they are getting as bad as CNN and rest.
OracleGuy says
Look at an online poll that is not presented on an ultraconservative website and you will find a drastically different story. People who sample a broader range of online offerings see Trump gradually setting in the west.
Ray says
Trump all the way, we better hope Trump wins or it will be muslins who have won . As Christin knows how muslins treat us
OracleGuy says
Actually, muslin is a lightweight cotton cloth in a plain weave. I prefer a higher threadcount and don’t believe that muslin will ever win.
Tiger says
Political correctness will be the end of this country. Wake up America unless you want the United States to become like Germany and the rest of Europe.
Dee says
I’ve read ALOT of these polls are Incorrect . It’s more Lies by the media. Seems they are up to something again. They are working to cover their cover up of Hitlery winning . We Must come out in Record numbers to vote .
Roger says
Trump has continued to sabotage his own campaign by making stupid blunt statements like the one about Obama being the “founder” of ISIS. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that Obama has shown over and over again that he’s a “muslim sympathizer” but the founder of ISIS? C’mon! He has to stop with these blunt non-factual pronouncements because that’s what is killing his campaign! Everytime it looks like he’s turning the corner he shoots himself in the foot again! Yes a lot of the things he has said have been taken out of context by the Dems and/or the bias liberal media but other things not so much. In addition he’s not spending any money on attack ads whereas Clinton continues to bombard him with untruths that her supporters most with the IQ of a gnat soak up like a sponge. Trump has to exude more confidence then ever NOW if he wants to be competitive come November instead of back-peddling on the issues. It’s do or die time for the future of America! TRUMP 2016!
John Siemens says
Trump speaks the blunt truth. He just needs to provide the evidence to go along with the truth. I would not call Obama the founder of ISIS but he certainly enabled them to rise from the ashes. Obama’s pull out of all troops from Iraq left no cohesive units in place to oppose them. He called ISIS the JV team and did nothing to stop them. Hillary and Obama armed many muslim factions in order to destroy the Syrian government. A large number of those newly armed muslims joined ISIS. What Obama and Hillary did to aid them is called TREASON!
OracleGuy says
Obama pulled the tropps out of Iraq because they insisted we do so. The fact that they could not defend their own country without our assistance never occurred to them. ISIS has been waiting for destabilized middle-eastern countries in which to grow their ‘Caliphate’ and Iraqi and Syrian leaders provided fertile ground.
Lisa says
I agree!
My most wincing moment was with the Khans. He should have said that their son was a true American hero and he was sorry for their loss. THEN shifted the narrative back to the fact that it’s impossible to tell the good guys from the bad. Case in point – the Boston bombers and the wife in the San Bernardino terrorists. Then reiterated why he wants to TEMPORARILY ban Muslims from terrorists countries until we have a better method of vetting them.
One sentence and he could have avoided all of the controversy. That would have taken the wind out of the sails of Hillary and the Khans and put the spotlight back onto HIS policies and how they will safeguard America v. Hillary’s.
He won’t be able to sidestep too many more blunders like this. Hillary set him up and he fell for it and I am a HUGE supporter of his!
M Hennesy says
Non factual ? Who let out Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi the leader of ISIS ? Barack Hussein Obama that’s who ! We had him and most of Zarqawi’s Al Qaeda jihadi killers in cages in Iraq and Obama let them all out. Then he pulled all US military out and we all know the rest of the story. I think Abu Bakr even told American soldiers who were guarding him when he was let out …” I’ll see you in New York ” Now , its not too far of a stretch to say ..yes …Obama could be considered a Founder of ISIS . Come on my fellow Americans learn something about Islam , the Qur’an , Muhammed , Abu Bakr …the source of ALL THE KILLING …and then tell me Trump is a loose cannon with what he is saying. The government and the main stream media are endangering EVERY AMERICAN with their propaganda about Islam, Muslims and jihadi terror.
OracleGuy says
Okay, I’ll say it for you: “Trump is a loose cannon” who has no concept of the irrationality of the statements he is making. He is so uninformed/misinformed that he doesn’t even realize that what he is saying is untrue. Even Rubio would have been a better candidate.
Zinka says
Trump is never &…. “have victory!!!!
Constitutionalist says
i’ve seen video of D’OweBama saying that he’d “recruited” ISIL fighters to help overthrow the leader of Syria, and that they’d been supplied with training.
And much more than just training, too. They’ve been given weapons, ammo, vehicles, ordinance, even tanks and jets(the latter, to the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt), and MONEY.
What D’OweBama has done is commit TREASON, for “giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States.” It’s the only crime defined in the Constitution. Look it up.
John Siemens says
The media are influencing this election like never before. Why do the media continually give Hillary a pass on crime, lying and support of terrorism? She will continue the destruction of America like no one before. She will outdo Obama in all aspects of destroying America.
OracleGuy says
Trump supporters: It is unclear to me why his comments don’t outrage you but the reporting of them does.
dewey says
I feel this country is doomed if Hillary wins.
Richard says
You know, if the voters in general would just understand that no matter what Trump “says” or “the gaffs he makes” rises to a nano-level of importance when compared to the murders, lies, illegal rico activities, money laundering, and all of the rest of the immoral activities inherently found in the DNA of the Clinton’s, then they would realize that their very existence as a citizen of this country is at a “final” cross road via of this election. But, the brain of the average citizen has been so strategically altered by the Liberals over the past 50-years to purposely arrive at this moment in history that I am afraid the International influences on the Hillary “installation” as President is now completely inevitable. Even, if Trump were to receive ALL of the Electoral votes Hillary would still become President because they own the Justice system and no one will accept voter fraud charges against the DNC as we have all witnessed in the past few months. We are done!
Dave says
I’m a Democrat that’s now going republican. We can’t keep going on this way….We need Trump or we are going to be just like France and Germany..Our children will be doomed to a life of fear and Poverty. ..Please Wake up America .These last seven years have been a nightmare!
Carmine Sarno says
I can only say that Hillary Clinton has proven time and again that she, much like our current president are above the law. The reality is that she should not even be running for president, based on her total disregard for government protocol, with her e-mail and private server issues, but somehow only God knows, she got away with it without any penalty? Just the fact that it is very possible Mrs. Clinton can discredit Mr. Trump enough to win the election makes me sick.
I lost what little faith I had in this countries morals when our current president was able to defeat John McCain. A war hero was defeated by a man that supports Islam and down grades Christians, the vary thing that this country was founded on.
Constitutionalist says
You may wish to google the phrase “Songbird McCain.”
Tom Morrissey says
Trump is telling it like it is. What else is new? The only thing we can do is, tell it like it is to everyone we know, and then some. And get on our knees and pray for this once great country.
M Hennesy says
We are committing National suicide in the USA . Obama has brought in 61,232 refugees in fiscal year 2016 of which 95% are Muslims from countries like Syria , Iran…where they chant death to America everyday , Afghanistan and Iraq . According to the World Terrorism Index , 3 of these countries are where 4 out of every 5 people killed by Muslim jihadis occur. Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. He plans to bring in over 100,000 in fiscal year 2017 and Hillary wants to bring in even more . Yet the media wants to critize Trump for simply stating the truth . Americans BETTER WAKE UP because what is happening in the Middle East ,…Obama and Hillary are bringing HERE !
Carolyn Clarke says
God have mercy on us if Trump is not our president. Yes, Mr. TRUMP YOU CAN GO BACK TO A GREAT LIFE but what about the American people. I thank you for putting out the effort to change our corrupt government. I realize what you are going thru as my friends and I are loosing sleep and are very stressed as I know you are. Our only income is SS and have the fear of terror in our own country. We pray for your safety and success to become President of U.S.
MPH says
Those who believe the constant manipulation of facts coming out of the media today prove their lack of intelligence. I even question the “fair and balanced” Fox folks. All media is owned and controlled by the big boys with a keen interest in shoring up the establishment for their own monitary gain.
Tiger says
Agree wholeheartedly with Scott Lad. There is a silent majority out there that supports TRUMP. I believe that every time an establishment Republican or an elected Republican goes against Trump more and more people get converted to Trump. These RINOs are only concerned for their own power and don’t give a s**t about “We the People”. They are all part of the PC police and crowd.
Steve Johnson says
Lose the Supreme Court and you lose Freedoms to worship, defend yourself, speak freely, etc,etc. In addition, mental illness will be deemed normal and child molesting will be decriminalized. It really is all or nothing this time.
Alan says
Political Correctness (PC) is the new undeclared official religion of the US (and the world). The 1st amendment clearly states the US government cannot establish any official religion. PC is now being forced upon the people of the US like the medieval monarchies used to force the religion of the monarch on the people. If you were in the monarch’s clique, you could get everything you want. Those who chose not to follow would be shunned, treated like 2nd class citizens and pushed into poverty. Socialism and communism shun religion and claim everything is good for everything. The forced ‘religion’ of socialism and communism is: if you are not a member of the ruling inner circle: your like a slave. If you think socialism and communism are good: look at Venezuela now: a very rich top 1% everybody else fighting for food and basic needs like animals. If Hillary Clinton gets in the Oval office: the country will soon look like Venezuela.
The Republican Party should be ashamed of itself for not supporting its candidate. The fact that he is blunt and says what he thinks is refreshing. At least you know where he stands and believe it or not that is what the Republican Party is afraid of. PC should go right out the window. Donald Trump should be our next President. Hillary Clinton is nothing but a liar, a thief and she should be behind bars. Just the thought of her appointing our next 4 or 5 Supreme Court Justices is enough to turn my stomach.
Go Donald!!!!
MA in MO says
The only way Trump wins is if the America people vote so overwhelmingly for Trump there can be no question who was elected. This country is just about evenly split right down the middle. Those who agree with the socialism/communist — oops I mean progressive democrats — and those who want our country back, our laws respected, illegals kicked out, etc. May the Lord have mercy.
Awake says
Utah better wake up!!!!
if Hillary wins Utah – it will be the ultimate hypocrisy. Mormons claim to be so goody goody. Yet, they are willing to allow a LYING SCUMBAG to become president?
You always need to be Leary of a religion that has so many rules. Doesn’t allow outsiders into the temples. Yet, if the men are 200 miles away from their wards, they are most happy to drink all of your beer, and ear mark your wife’s name to join them in eternity, with all of the other women they meet in their lifetime that they are attracted to.
Brainwashed cult followers. Yet.. A beautiful woman like Melania- that’s a problem. Give me a break!!! Such hypocrites. So,,, I just realized. They will be EXACTLY like Hillary and probably vote for her. “What difference does it make”.
I know Many many many Mormons. They are all the same. And more than 70 % of the Mormons I know- voted for …. Get ready…..OBAMA!!! And that’s because Mormons LOVE FREE STUFF!!!!! So many of them are on the dole. Utah is one of the most corrupt states in our country !!!!! All do to ,,,you got it!! Mormons!!!!!!
I’m NOT PC. And I am telling the TRUTH!!!! I have lived it and I know!!! It’s a sick CULT! It is similar to the Muslim cult
But then… The new pope is a communist. So what does that tell you about organized religion.
Use your brains when you vote and stop trying to be so goody goody- and stop feeling entitled. Get a JOB!!
The real reason people are scared to death of trump is because he is going to make people WORK. So many lazy a$&pussy punks in this country. Little mamby pambys. Just like the one in the WH
Dan Galluzzo says
I would rather vote for a patriot who used his own money 52million then Hillary who doesn’t care about anyone than herself and uses foreign money. Btw Trump loaned the money then forgave the loan. What’s wrong with people who vote for her? Everywhere she goes there is trouble and death.
Genevieve says
I believe the media is very proud of the fact to viciously attack Donald Trump for a feather in their cap. Come November when We The People vote that their little feather will float down to the nothing that they turned out to be.
Dwight says
The American people and the so called Republican Party needs to wake up. The Republican Party is showing their arrogance and that they and the Democrat Party are all one big happy family. They are willing to let Hillary Clinton win the White House which means the possibility of (3) to (4) supreme court picks, which would be a disaster for the country, cementing Obama Care in place (0) job growth as the past (8) years,. Which 90 plus million workers will remain out of the work force with millions more being added each year . The real unemployment numbers will remain at 15 / 25 % depending on your ethnicity. This all because they don’t like how Donald Trump handles himself. Get over yourselves and for once in a very long time think of the American People before your life long careers in politics. Do the right thing act like a Democrat. Look at their candidate they have Hillary R. Clinton. A criminal and a pathological liar at best and you don’t see them walking away from her. Instead they circle the wagons and between the media and her party they defend this poor excuse for a human being to the bitter end. Do the right thing get behind the candidate that the millions of more than any other candidate in history by the way wants as their President. Help push him over the finish line and into the White House and help him make this country what we all know it can be again. GREAT !!!!!!!
WhiteFalcon says
As far as I am concerned, we are seeing the death of the Republican party. It is time for a true conservative party to emerge and fill the vacuum created by this wing of the democrat/NAZI party that calls themselves Republicans.
Shannon Johnson says
Its obvious to most now! Trump is not trailing Clinton! Thats part of the lies told by the liberal media, keep on keeping on Mr Trump! Trump/Pence-2016-“Stop the Lies”
Olafthegodi says
Trump is winning by a landslide and he may not even realize it. The libtard press twists everything around to help the #ClintonCrimeFamily, but the few honest polls have Trump winning by 8 to 12 points. And if that’s not enough, look at the crowds they draw…she pulls a max of 150-200, where President Trump is bringing in 10s of thousands in the very same halls of the very same towns.
Abe says
How’d Putin put it? “I may not have a soul, but at least I have a brain”.
Look who supports Hitlary. The really stupid, and the really corrupt. I’ll bet Romney, Bush, and McCain are infested with fleas.
Patty Teufel says
As Jack Nickelson said in a movie, :”You can’t handle the truth!” Even very good people are lacking courage to stand up and tell the real truth! People are sooo afraid of someone pointing a finger at them! We are cowards!! WE must pray for REAL COURAGE and tell it like it is and not be afraid of hurting someone’s pitiful misplaced feelings!! Free yourself and tell the TRUTH!! OUT LOUD!! Quit allowing the bullies to scare you into sitting back down!! A bully is only a bully if you ALLOW them to be so!! Make your life count for something good and true and honest and change the world!!! We all need more honest courage!! We are taught too much to not make a scene and be quiet and mind your own business! Who’s business Is it to change the world for more honesty if not yours??
Rob c says
I don’t believe the polls, I have traveled to 4 states on vacation and not ran across a single Hillary supporter several people wish she was in prison, I might also add I never asked anyone’s opinion I just listened to them talk and express their opinion freely.
Ken says
I have largely incurred the same impression from most everyone I meet traveling around for business. People seem glad to share their distaste for Hillary. The only place I have seen some support for her is among certain poor groups whom are afraid to lose their handouts. Of course their are also those hardcore Dems who are just trapped in their party reality.
Janie Mills says
We need Donald Trump… our Father can use him. Our nation has suffered so much shame and heartbreak from Christians that WILL NOT put their heads from their ass and take a stand. Donald Trump needs to win so that all our foul parties in government is subject to the people again not themselves. TRUMP for President!!!!!! I will continue to pray that Our Father God the One and Only help him
Barbara Gladde says
I wonder if the reason the email investigation ended with the FBI, etc., is because the POTUS had also sent and/or received emails to/from HRC’s private server. Of course we will never know as long as he is POTUS and if HRC becomes POTUS we will never know. Trump is not a politician but there is so much he can go after her with and I pray he will begin to do that in earnest. No matter what he might say though the media will still continue to do their best to bring him down. I also wonder who killed the guy that worked for the DNC…..seems like people die when the Clinton’s are questioned about their criminal acts and then it’s called suicide etc., and they continue on to a new venture. Trump has a way of saying things in a way I prefer he wouldn’t but I think he is for America and I just can’t trust HRC. My vote is for Trump!
Shirline says
Trumps followers will not abandon him but those undecided may be confused. Some do not grasp the seriousness of this Presidential race. It is hard to understand why anyone can believe anything this administration says so why are they believing the Trump accusations by Hillary and the Democrats? Do they want conservative judges, honesty, non politically correctness, jobs, good trades, fair health plan, more money in their pockets in order to make America Great Again or do they want all the corruption demonstrated by the Democratic Party? i.e. lies, cheating, stealing, money laundering, pay to play, fraud, threats, obstruction of justice some of which were recently uncovered and some that go way back to Arkansas. What Hillary has to offer is poverty for ALL but herself and her constituents. Think hard on this before the November election. Your life and your livelihood depends on it!!!!!
Vote For Truth says
I have been reading many other articles on Facebook today, and I have read many comments from Republicans who said, “We told you not to vote for Trump, but now you did and you are stuck with him. He is the candidate who cannot win against Hillary Clinton.
These commenters are Ted Cruz supporters who are poor losers just like Ted Cruz is. The want Donald Trump to lose because then Ted Cruz will run for President in 2020. I told them the Trump supporters will not vote for Ted Cruz just like the Ted Cruz supporters are not voting for Trump, so Ted Cruz will lose badly. They don’t say they want Trump to lose, but they will not support him because they have principles (like Ted Cruz wouldn’t endorse Trump because he has principles. Right, he put up bad pictures of Melania, then Trump posted a ugly picture of Heidi Cruz besides a beautiful picture of Melania. So Ted Cruz started the war with Trump. I read an article today that said Ted Cruz was supporting Hillary Clinton and working for her campaign. There were some Hillary e-mails that showed Ted Cruz asked Hillary and the DNC for donations so he could take down Trump at the Republican Convention. He is a snake, a liar, cheater and hypocrite and I, personally, will NEVER vote for him for any political office. He only cares about himself, not the Republican Party or the people in America. These are the people who are not voting for Trump and there probably are a lot of them. Of course, the Establishment wants the RNC to stop giving Trump any donations, and give them to the other lower candidates running. The funny thing about that is Trump has been collecting lots of money for them and has given it to the RNC already. These people are insulting Trump in every possible way and it is disgusting!
HELEN says
If you really hate America, the freedom it offers you then vote for Hillary, she is only too willing to take away all of it. Hillary is for her own power, Hillary is for abolishing the Constitution, Hillary is for higher taxes, and lower wages, Hillary is a thief and a murderer…and hates your freedom!!!
I came to this country because I thought this was where the real brains of the world was to be found, but I am disappointed to see that our voting public is falling for the false information the President and the Clinton’s are feeding to the electorate. The reason they do not want Trump to win is because he will clean up all the corruption where ever he finds it in the Republican or Democratic Parties they are nearly all the same using their position and power to become illegally rich from the highest office to the lowest. Wake up America use your God given intellect and vote the RIGHT way. God Bless America.
M Hennesy says
Glad to have you as a fellow American citizen . It is a shame more immigrants don’t think like you !
martha says
I agree with what Trump said, I know exactly what he meant when he said. I will blame the Republicans RINOS if Hillary wins. And will not donate any penny to Republicans whoever runs for the office. How bad Hillary said, Dems are behind her but look at those cowered Republicans, they are stabbing each others back. It’s sickening to watch tv, I just turned it off and watching Food net work.
Greg says
Unfortunately, I feel we are at this point that we are a one party country. Nothing he does can change that. We are still voting for him as to political correctness never mattered to me in 40 years. I feel he will lose big time. To many libs in the world.
M Hennesy says
I simply can’t believe these RINO Republicans who are actually helping Hil liar y get into the White House again. They are traitors because she will be the worst disaster,…next to Obama ,…to ever be in the White House . A lying criminal crook ,…..they prefer her to Donald Trump ,…a successful business man WHO LOVES HIS COUNTRY . He doesn’t have to do this make money …unlike Hilliary who scams the money she gets ,…..Trump is taking all this verbal abuse because he KNOWS OUR COUNTRY is ….BEING DESTROYED. Hillary = ADIOS AMERICA.
Coldcowboy says
The United States has become the suberb of hell!!!
Karrie says
Sadly…no matter who wins, we all lose! Two terrible choices!
Old1 says
I got behind Trump because he struck me as a man who did what I respect. That is when the going gets tough it’d damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. He tells it like it is, had plans to fix the mess we’re in and loves America. Now I think I was wrong. I will never vote for clinton but Trump seems to have thrown in the towel. The one thing I have to give clinton is she’s not a quitter. People might have been right saying this was just a game and now he’s taking the easy way out. I hope I’m wrong and if he gets his act together he has my vote. No smart person backs a horse with 3 legs.
Joy says
This Country NEEDS Donald TRUMP. HILLARY IS A PROVEN Liar who will say anything and Do anything for Power and to pad her own pocket. She will find nailed the Failed agenda of Obama’s Alinsky’s ideal change in America. Clinton wrote her Thesis on her friend Saul Alinsky. Their problem is most Americans will never follow them to their World of Socialism. Hillary is best suited to become retired from Politics and sent home to Bill. I am personally looking forward to a Woman POTUS one day. This is Not the time and Hillary will never be a suitable candidate. JMHO Peace!.
COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK. I sat through the Cuomo lies about blessed Donald Trump with Rudy Guiliani as his guest. Have you noticed the communists alway ask for an apology? CNN is in league with the devil. To watch these rats commit sins is a sin.THIS MORNING IT WAS 3 AGAINST ONE. 3 PAN FACES
AGAINST ONE COMMON SENSE TRUMPATEER. I would rather watch Russian TV and get semi truths.
sagatel says
don’t call these stupid liberal corrupt media communist,,,,commies had at least principals for which they fought and died. Main stream media in this country has become a tool for those who hold the power. The funny part is they use our tax money to manipulate our minds and push their crazy agenda.
Marilyn says
As long as the USA citizens strain at a nate and swallow a camel they will lose. DONALD will always build make money etc. But you pathetic people voting for Hillary are letting a snake out of the cage; a lion out of its compound and are about to suffer permanent scarring. You are bringing a Zika virus and infestation upon yourself. You country will be raped/ defiled/ as you scream HELP but in that day all wI’ll laugh at your calamity. In my world you are about to receive a succour punch. GET READY.
M Hennesy says
Don’t fall for the peaceful Muslim propaganda . Look how Christians are treated in Muslim majority countries and even in refugee camps where they are told to not bring out their Bibles and that they are unclean . Muhammed said “fight the unbelievers and let them find in you hardness ” He didn’t say live in peace with them . These jihadi killers ARE NOT RADICALS …they are FUNDAMENTAL MUSLIMS …who are simply doing what Muhammed commanded in the Qur’an . Watch some of David Wood’s short YOU TUBE videos on the Qur’an and Muhammed ….learn something about what is coming to the USA.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The only way that Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton will win is by cheating and having e elections fixed & rigged just like they were in 1824, 1840, 1848, 1888, 1972,1992, 1996. There will be those damned constantly complaining, whinny cry baby, coddled, spoiled brrat, fault finding, finger pointing, non voters that have never ever voted at all for no reason and never will ever vote at all for no reason, but will constantly complain and point their fingers at the political corruption that goes on. The non voters let that go on by not voting at all for no reason. The non voters are HKRAKC’s best friends, best supporters & are for HKRAKC. Not voting is a vote for HKRAKC & throwing away a vote at the exact same time. NON VOTERS ARE
Henry says
I’m from South Africa where the President -Zuma has 783 corruption charges plus the rape charges, yet he is untouchable.If Clinton wins she will enjoy the same freedom as Zuma does, and SA, is down the toilet and the U.S. will be the same.Come on Americans DON’T be stupid, once these corrupt politicians get in, you don’t get them out. WAKE UP AMERICA. No more PC. Before you know it you will be saluting ISLAM.
Randel says
Keep fighting. The polls are rigged by media.
Get people out to vote.
Jewel kiser says
God help us all if Hillary wins.isis is already here and will take over.Mr Trump put a zipper on that mouth I understand you are as frustrated as the rest of us are and saying what we would
Like to say but afraid to for we would probably go to jail.
Vicky Donnelly says
I don’t know about hiw America will vote. But I know how I and all other freedom loving Patriots will vote. There is only one choice. Donald Trump or a lying phony hypocritical criminal. I would love to live to see a woman President. Just not HILZILLA!
Buffalo says
The 1% elite, bankster, Wall Street, and their DC servants are scared to death of Trump’s populism and his exposure of their corruption. They are using their lapdog liberal media to twist every word he utters into their PC bullshit propaganda and smear him, while protecting the most corrupt, crooked, incompetent and lying bitch clinton, while ignoring all her corruption and crimes.
Trump not only faces the obstacles of the PC police, he must overcome all the dem vote fraud that is going to be leveled against him.
john fennell says
if Hillary wins,kiss our freedoms goodby,to m.hennesy you are so right
M Hennesy says
Americans don’t quit …and don’t give up . Did George Washington give up after losing most of the early battles of the War for Independence ? No,…he kept fighting …and that is what all America loving Patriots need to do now. I will because…our Country is hanging in the balance . Trump has to get out the silent majority voters in every State because the Democrats are going to vote illegals, dead people and anyone without an ID they can pay. If 70% of Americans believe that the Country is going in the WRONG DIRECTION …..WHY would they EVER VOTE for Hilliary ? Fertile ground for Trump TO CONNECT WITH.
DC in TN says
We need a business person in the White House not a crook who just wants to get rich. We need Trump to get things done the business way. God help us if Hillary gets elected! All our freedoms will be gone!!!
Shirley says
Hillary ford not quality to run for president because she has lied to the American people had an elegal server in her basement people being killed fraud Clinton foundation pay for favors,I could go on and on
She sold be running for which jail cell she would pink. Trump is the only person to save this country and clean out all the lying and crime in our government. Lets start all obrr and give our country back to the people and let them make rational decisions for their lives and families. Donald Trump knows what is best for this country. He will be our next president but he had better watch his back because everyone knows how the Clinton machine
Dale G says
I guess no one likes folks who are as blunt as Donald. But I’ve met a lot of businessmen who are blunt. Most of them were just so busy that they didn’t have time to say, let’s sit down and talk about this. They were always in a huge hurry. may I suggest you sit down and do some homework? Look up the background of Hillary, and even Bill, starting as early as the late 60’s. Hillary raised money for communist causes, Bill led demonstrations in England against the US and chanted VERY anti-American phrases. You’ll find enough very quickly to type up several pages of notes. Hillary would have us believe she has our backs. You’ll quickly find more information than your stomach can handle. Do it. Become informed. Your vote is more important that just accepting what the news networks tell us. You have to get it yourself.
Barbara Gladde says
Too many freebies in our country now. The democrats have been providing just enough that some feel they don’t have any choice but to vote for Hillary because it has become a way of life for them. Instead of job offers they give hand outs. They could do so much better in a good economy but I think they are afraid that they can’t make it without the government’s help. Trump could make it where they can get out and get a job and feel proud of themselves by being able to provide for themselves. These voters will vote for Hillary and there is a huge number of them that Hillary preys on. Without their votes I don’t think she could win. I’m praying for a miracle that Trump prevails in this election! PRAY!
NAN says
Lillian says
Well Stated!
LJ says
I agree! 🙂
Geneww38 says
“We the People” will win if we do our work, provide $$$ support to candidates (not party). pray, and let others know. We want a TRUMP who will have “we the People” control our government and not Hillary’s government controlling us.
Please search the WEB.!!!
“47 deaths of Clinton friends” …or “barbells crushing throat of former U.N. Diplomat John Ashe” (day before he was to testify about bribery 6/23/16) …or “DNC staffers, Seth Rich, Sean Lucas and Molly Macauley worked on exposing recent election fraud during the Democratic primaries were all found murdered” …summarized … “Clinton Body Count +5 in Just 6 Weeks” …or “Cash flows to Clinton Foundation from Russian Uranium Deal” …or “Clintons Take $1M to Ignore Nigerian Foreign Aid Theft” … or “Clinton friend Fethullah Gulen, Pocono Mountain, PA” …or “Hillary Middle East contacts (funding Clinton funds) starting ISIS and coup in Turkey” …or “Hillary’s huge scandal list 25” …or “57-Nation Coalition” to sink our dollar” … and then “The Clinton-Cash-movie” on Utube as ‘ /watch?v=7LYRUOd_QoM ’ … or should we forget domestic policies like “Ruby Ridge” … “Waco TX” … or “$.5 Billion dollar Solyndra scandal” … or her support to “Obama-dozen-scandals-counting”… or “Misplaced $6B Under Hillary Clinton” … or “$400,000,000.00 cash ransom secretively flown to Iran” … or “Turkey has at least 50 nuclear bombs impounded” …(for ISIS use?) …or “Criminal Aliens Released by the Department of Homeland Security 4/28/2016” …or “Operation Zero Footprint” … or “MH17 evidence shows two Ukrainian fighters” …tied to… “Biden’s Son Ukraine Oil Deal (May 2014)” …or “Clinton Mena Airport Drug Drops”. You can easily add a dozen more. Her real body count could easily exceed 100.??? Pass on to contacts and Facebook etc. What a tee shirt or bill board these would make.!
Vote For Truth says
If everybody would give as much as possible to the Trump campaign, he would get the necessary funding he needs. Their goal is to raise $7 million dollars next week to help Trump (we know the RNC is not helping him now with funding). I guess they think if they continue to put Trump down, take away his funding and help, he will quit and then they can get a Globalist NWO candidate who will help the UN take away America’s borders. Most of the Establishment are Globalist NWO people, so they want someone who agrees with them about the direction America should go. Go to and see if that is where you give donations.
Continue to pray because God is in control and can help put Donald Trump in the White House!
john says
why is it that republicans want to lose the president & congress so badly? The more thy bad mouth trump the more thy hurt the party. Grow up the public have spoken git with the program.
Geneww38 says
“We the People” will win if we do our work, provide $$$ support to candidates (not party). pray, and let others know. We want a TRUMP who will have “we the People” control our government and not Hillary’s government controlling us.
Geneww38 says
We will win if we do our work, provide $$$ support to candidates (not party). pray, and let others know. We want a TRUMP who will have “we the People” control our government and not Hillary’s government controlling us.
Frank says
You all have yourselves to blame. You should have picked from any of 16 candidates each of who would have given the Republican Party a fighting chance. But no, your enchantment and unbridled desire to rub shoulders, identify and be associated with a “billionaire” whose antecedents in business you cared not to notice, completely blinded your reasoning faculties. Who told you that a real estate developer with a number of questionable and sharp practices and who had worked for no one else in his life but his father, not to talk of his personal relationships, was the right choice to be President of The United States of America. Good for you that we are now faced with a reckless candidate who shoots from the hip all the time in all matters and to the extent real smart people are now actually wondering if he really wants to be President. And come to think of that, for a man who has been totally obsessed with and engrossed in building a financial fortune, and who has done so very successfully to a large extent, to all of a sudden, abandon that business empire (because that is what he must do if he wins the presidency) leaving it in the hands of his children who, though are educated, are still wet behind the ears as far as running a business of that size is concerned??? It is too late guys. He will not change between now and November. By the way, given his inability and lack of capacity for deep thinking, there is no doubt that Hillary will take him to the cleaners come the debates and that is why he is now looking for an escape route off the debates; you all would have been quite foolish and hiding your heads in the proverbial sand if you did not know that already. Hillary’s continuation of the Obama legacy appears all that we are left with and will surely be better for America than this immature spoiled-brat lose canon who is not even qualified to lead a banana republic. You all had your chance during the primaries and you blew it.
jwb says
Vote For Truth says
There is another Ted Cruz supporter who wants Trump to lose. Did you think what will happen to America when Hillary is our next President??? She will destroy America!!! Why don’t you vote for Trump and give him a chance because he does care about America and he sure is not in it for the money (like Hillary Clinton is), we KNOW how bad Hillary will be. Please stop putting Trump down. How would you like it if your own Party wouldn’t even support you even though the American people voted for Trump because of who he is. Don’t ignore the will of the people in America and disenfranchise the voters who want Trump!
I know the Ted Cruz supporters want Trump to lose so he can run for President in 2020, but what you don’t realize is that the millions of Trump supporters know who is not voting for Trump and if Cruz runs, they will not vote for im either because of how you Cruz supporters wouldn’t support Trump. Think about that because if Cruz ever seriously wants to win, he NEEDS our votes. Ted Cruz can run when Trump is done and then we can all be on the same page of working together instead of trying to destroy the Republican nominee because YOUR candidate didn’t win!!
Jan says
Cruz is too immature. He screwed up his race all by himself and I don’t think it will ever go away.
LJ says
Well said, and so true!
Don't Tell God How Big The Storm Is, Tell The Storm How Big Your God Is! says
He sure can’t do any worse than the current president, or his sidekick that wants to be president.
Wanda Crosby says
Mr. Trump I am behind you all the way! My husband and I both are voting for you! I know the issues you are facing are very hard and steep! I can not believe how much has gone on and is still going on and she is still walking around free! This is unimaginable yet we are all living proof of the degree of her corruptness prompted and fueled by Obama! I pray that God will save us from all the evil swirling around this nation in the form of you becoming our President! Finally once again one in whom I am proud to call President! I can honestly say I haven’t been able to do this for almost 8 years now! That is a long time to watch and feel the surgeance of manipulation, degrulidation, and murder and complete take down of our country go down. And yet we see the evil cancerous diabolical changes evermore growing in its destruction by means of the devil infiltrating the very souls of man! You Sir are our only ray of light on this plain who with Gods help to save this country! We must stay the course and give America all we can give to cut her free from this massive growing dander that threatens her very existence! I shall continue to pray for you and our country and through The love of our Lord God we will prevail. God speed your mission to completion!
Awake says
Hillary keeps pushing Donald to show his taxes. F off Hillary!! Show us your emails!!! Trumps taxes are NONE of your business. The emails are ALL OF OUR BUSINESS!!!! Trump is NOT responsible for any Americans lives. Hillary is responsible for THOUSANDS.
Let’s get to the bottom of the LIES, MURDERS, MONEY TRAILS, EMAILS, VOTER FRAUD, ENTITLEMENT FRAUD etc etc. the list goes on and I don’t have all damn day.
Wake up Americans. You vote for this flea infested piece of filth? You’re the problem!!!!
Trump/Pence. Our ONLY TRUE PATRIOTS!!!!
Dr Chaim Larsen says
I was a republican until this election and DTrump started his “OUTRAGIST” (very very Unchristian) speeches. This man does NOT speak for Christians in THIS NATION. and has no “business” representing out nation.
Awake says
Dr Chaim Larson
You call Hillary a “Christian”. You “Christian” folks would rather vote for a pro abortion, low life LYING SCUM of the earth, rapist pedophile loving idiot than a true family man. You need to learn what a “Christian” is
LJ says
EXACTLY. And NO Christian is perfect. Not a single one, Dr. Larsen
Jan says
and you are trying to say that Hillary is a Christian????? Not sure I understand your argument. Anyone who votes for abortion which is what you do when you vote for a Democrat has to not understand what God expects of us.
Steve Vinzinski says
I would not count either out.Look at Gore v.Bush 2000.Ralph Nader basically recovered 100,000 votes from Gore in Florida.Even then the Supreme Court ruled that Bush won by 372 votes.In some of their comments of the 67 counties in Florida Gore recounted I believe the three most populated.In reality they were Democratic and 64 counties if my memory serves me right where held by the GOP.Some justices were wondering why all the counties were not recounted.George Herbert Bush had an 93% approval rate and lost.Of course that tax issue popped up.I think the election is eighty five days away plenty of time.
crossroads says
Oh how the Liberal Media Lies, if you Poll 12-15% more Liberals than Conservatives, the Poll will always lean toward the party most called. Any person that knows the true History of the Clintons and Votes for them must be Retarded or In Love with Corruption and Evil-Or as grandma use to say Bird and Feathers always flock together…
Trump for President says
“Birds of a feather always flock together.” 😉
Berna says
He had this and threw it away. So I guess the art of the deal fell through.
Mary Greenwood says
You people are as scary as that hippocrite Trump. Hope I don’t come in contact with any of you. Never knew there were so many angry crazies in this country but you trump worshippers really take the cake. Scary. That’s all I can say.
You must be talking about LYING HILLARY, She says ONE THING IN ONE STATE AND ANOTHER IN ANOTHER STATE JUST TO GET VOTES . Just one example she going to put coal miners out of work along with their companies, and then in another speech i’m going to help them. Another, lying to the parents who sons died in Bengazi that it was a movie when she new it was a terror attack.
Trump for President says
Supporting Trump; is not worshipping him Ms. Greenwood. Just sayin’…
Nakana says
Anarchy has been here with this administration and even will be worse with Hitler Hillery in office. Her murder of the whistle blower Seth and others shows how desperate they are because she had to step down in 2008 by the powers to be so Obama could run and was promised to win now. If anyone does not believe this are idiots or a liberal which now has ruined this country, and as always if you disagree you are racist. as for me i will vote trump even though we know this election has been bought and paid for by the powers to be for Hitlery Rotten Clinton in their quest to divide America up. As i said before be ready for the hell that is coming and do not forget your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. We will need it for when the totalitarian government is put in place and the division of America happens. Each regional area that thinks like minded will have to unite and take care of themselves. This is the goal of the democrats. Open your eyes people or accept the consequences of your actions. Oh that’s true Liberals always blames every one else for things instead of themselves. It is always blame the other guy. F**K The Dems (FTD)
P. Fox says
The votes will not be counted fairly for Trump ,but he can still win… ! Because those of us who pray and believe that God loves his people , and this Country…. Know He will help us.!.,.,”Trump is for such a time as this”..Man is not in control!! Mr. Trump is not perfect … But , God has chosen him!! The news media. Not telling the truth about the polls!! So everyone be of good cheer!! AND … TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! Pray for the …never Trump people… that they will join us who ,Love God , and this Country!!!!
Trump for President says
That’s right P. Fox!
Freeamericanow says
Wow–a lot of people commenting need to watch “Hillary’s America!” And take ALL your black friends! If Trump doesn’t our freedom and nation is doomed big time!
An honest poll of 50,000 people done by graduate students showed something like 59% for Trump, 19% Hillary, 19% undecided. My guess is, they plan to cheat at the polls 10x worse than they did in 2012, and are skewing the polls so nobody’s surprised when Hillary “wins.”
And by the way, “generous” donators Clintons got over $10 mil this yr, mostly in speaking fees for places that donated to their Clinton Foundation–and of their $1million plus a little donated to charity, 1 MILLION WENT TO THEIR OWN CLINTON FOUNDATION!!! OH; and CHELSEA WORKS FOR THE FOUNDATION AND GETS PAID 3 MILLION A YEAR!!! OH. And of all the $ PEOPLE DONATED TO THS FOUNDATION FOR HAITI, only 10% GOT TO HAITI!
Jan says
We are at a point where we have to vote for the person who represents our values. I realize that Trump should not talk so much. Overall, he walks the talk. We know what Hillary is. There is no other possibility but Trump. Anyone who does not vote or votes for Hillary is a disgrace as far as I am concerned. I feel pretty sure that voting for Hillary is the same as voting for socialism in our country and everything that America stands against. Hold your nose, get some gumption and vote for Trump. Sorry, no other choices.
jwb says
sorry, neither are worth a vote, Donnie is a nut job, makes no sense and is a joke to the civilized world ,,,,,,,,,,,,
LJ says
jwb, even if that were true, he’s definitely better than the alternative!
AG Loyd says
Trump may not be a RINO in hiding as his GOP elitist are, but lets face it…its either Trump or the elitist one world order with George Soros and crew running the WORLD..I am sure that Cruz, Rubio, Ryan, Romney and others already have been preselected to serve in high positions in this Satanist group…Hillary has been exposed as a professional crook for a long time and I can’t imagine any sound minded person voting for a crook, whether it be democrat or republican. America!!! this is our final chance to save our country…Do what’s right.
mike says
PLEASE LISTEN! It is our last chance folks!
Both republicans and democrats are against
Trump because they will lose their back door payola. Wake up America both parties are corrupt and Trump is a threat to them.
LJ says
LL says
Donald J. Trump will be the next president of the United States. He is God’s selection; nothing can stop him. When God is on your side, all opponents can forget it.
(How can anyone want a criminal who lies, has people killed who oppose her, who takes from third-world countries to line her pocket, to be the president??? IF THE LEADER IS WICKED, THE PEOPLE WILL SUFFER!)
LJ says
Yeah, pretty much!
Esther says
Trump is our only answer to saving America for our children sand grandchildren. Read the book or see the movie “Hillary’ America” by Dinesh D’SOuza. He tells it like it is and how it will be if Clinton wins. She doesn’t know how to tell the truth and only wants power. I would like to see a woman President. Just not her. She will screw America for power. Wake up voters!!!!
LES says
mike says
The backer of the biggest LIARS that have ever been in office. What has TRUMP lied about? Tell me, Are you that f**king brainwashed?
LJ says
It is abundantly clear that the media is being paid off by “the bad guys,” to make it look like Clinton is in the lead. Trump had been ahead by miles upon miles, then recently, out of the blue…Hillary’s more popular??? Not possible without lies, and tampering. I mean, with all the horrible things she’s done, she should have been taken out of the race way before now! What does that tell you? I mean, they want her in because she’s the perfect puppet. The “bad guys” are doing this so when election time comes, and they rig the election to make Clinton the next president….they think people won’t notice. Bullshit…we WILL know! Because when a person is disliked/hated as much as Clinton, and Obama, and even a couple of the ones before, there is NO WAY they will become president without “the bad guys” rigging the election! No Doubt. A lot of us are fully aware of what they do! You “bad guys” will have to answer to God for everything you’ve done, in the end, just like anyone else. Stop being tyrants, and trying to control everyone! Why can’t you just “live and let live?!” I mean, REALLY.
FRED says
Remember all you zombies out there in never never land , these polls are all BS Trump is way ahead of the devil clinton !!!
If that bitch gets in office you will defiantly see WW3 , not if but when , the only thing you can hope for that is not a
nuclear war , pray it is not !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Richard Barnett says
The Media is running Hillary’s campaign and says nothing but trash about the only chance America has Donald Trump simply put they cannot control him and do not like him in fact they HATE him because he calls it what it is. They never move the camera to show the 20,000 plus crowds, why? because it proves Trumps has the largest turnout in history for a truly most important election in the History of America, they are for socialism and are bias beyond belief. I cannot believe that no one in the GOP has not planted a few cameras around the rallies that prove he has Ten (10) times more support then Clinton. The truth will hurt Clinton. Important to note: Check how many people have been murdered or shown up as a suicide since Clinton have been in politics the latest is Seth Rich murdered because he leaked the truth about the party he found was totally corrupt and leaked it to the press, note they will not report anything about why he also had to die. WAKE UP AMERICA if all who want freedom and truth in place of the corrupt Senate and Congress and White House, you have only one voice and one chance Trump! The time for a drastic change is here, total corruption or vote for a total outsider who is not afraid to stop being political correct and tell the truth, American is at the end, its less government totally corrupt or TRUMP like him or not, he is going to turn this country around and put us back on the right tract. Hopefully, cameras will start showing up at these huge crowds at TRUMP rallies in side and out, not Muslims on stage with Clinton and sitting behind her. I would have said a lot more then Trump about the DNC having this Muslim with a hero as a son pointing the finger at Trump and lying as he did, Trump was not tough enough on this liar and very active hate filled Muslim Khan who’s recent background if reported would lose the election for Clinton, but the Media is so corrupt they are part of the lying Clintons gang. Better watch out, turn them off vote your soul the DNC and Clintons have no soul She admits to serving Lucifer check it out its in her background as is her raping a young girl. I know the truth is not popular but read about the Clinton Chronicles and Tyson, Clinton, killings and Drugs in his history as Governor or AR.
David Aanerud says
Stop referring to these anti Trumpers as Republicans.
They are RINOs Republican In Name Only.Infiltrated under the cloak of deception, just another name for liberal.
The GOP/Tea Party is rock solid in support of Donald Trump.
Marlene Binger says
LJ says
Marlene, you are partially describing Clinton to a T. And you are right, we don’t need a person like her as president of our country!
Kim says
Ok I am not sure why people do not have a problem with a women who let people die in Bengazi when help was just a few miles away. And then lied to the parents of the solders about what caused the fight to save her good buddy Obama’s reelection. It takes a pretty low scummy person especially a women to look mom and dad in the eye and lie to a parents of fallen solder. And then to lie over and over about her email and private server and not to show any concern or remorse when it comes out that she lied about everything!
Hillary will make Obama look like a preacher if she is elected. She will spend this country into oblivion to cow tow to all the special interests and the we want it all to be free scumbags.
The media is in the shed with the democrats and I think we should shut our tv’s off during the news and get our news from the sources we feel are truthful and honest. It would be nice to see CNN the Clinton New Network have to let their reporters go home and shut down because nobody thinks they can run a non bias, honest, truthful, without the spin news report. My wife gets mad at me because I call them the Communist News Network.
Well I could go on and on but I am not a fast typer and it is late. GO Trump!!! Kick her Sorry Lying Corrupt Ass!!
Bob Johnson says
I have followed how politicians think, scheme, and after over forty years of talking with them over issues I have learned how they function. They were born to be dishonest, corrupt and only to do whatever it takes to be elected and serve those that finance them, not those that elected them. They come out wealthy.
Shelba says
Trump is correct if people are so stupid that they renounce him for not speaking politically correct he will lose, but I believe the people who voted for him in the first place don’t care about his political correct speech just continue to tell it like it is, remind people that hillary wants to bring a million muslims to this country and then tell them to look at what Europe is getting by letting muslims in their country that was undocumented ask them if they more incidents like the little five year old that was sexually molested by three muslim boys, this not the only incident there has been countless reports of muslim men molesting women and girls, do they want more for their women, if hillary is not stopped that what we get
scott says
All I can Say is we have a very Corrupt Country, Bible Said we are in the wrong way of the Lords Commandment, Folks there is only two was in this Earth, Good, And Evil, Witch way you want to go is the way you choose your Life,,,,,, Only 1 Way to Heaven Hope you chose to Live,,
JESUS Loves you and want you to come back Home ( Meaning Lost Sheep).
scott says
Ways instead of was
Jack D. Davis says
Please listen to what all of Trump supporters are saying & join with them & Vote for Trump this man was God sent to us
so this USA can be straighten up to where we the people & our kids & Grandkids will have good & decent place to live in.
All Hilary Clinton is going to do is bring in people that will Destroy us and our country that we have lost so many trying
to defend it. From a veteran who fought is now 100% service connected disabled. Please Vote For Trump! Thank You!
Stephen Russell says
Go Donald GO.
Maybe staff NOT reading audience correct.
Divide 1/2 with RINOs & Clinton & other side is Yours.
Rethink planning for winning.
Change data IF warranted.
Dismiss Leftist media polls.
joem says
obama ran on change and that he did-of course not for the good of the country,
now it’s time for a change–get out and vote!
dskap says
The Lord God Almighty gave this earth to Satan way back when the fall occurred and things have got darker by the year and now they get darker by the day and these are all to be as Christ told us would happen just before He comes on that last day, the resurrection day, the judgment day!
The gospel has gone out into all the world for a witness and as Christ told us, when that happens, the end will come!
Things will seem somewhat normal, and wickedness will increase and 95% of the world’s population will not be looking for Christ nor desiring Him to come, but He is coming soon and when most do not expect Him to come…as a thief in the night!
Come Lord Jesus, come!
youknowwho says
there’s’ 5 or 6 billion too many humans on this planet. if hitlary is the next pres she’ll take care of that. you me and most of the people in the good ole u.s. are not exempt. goodby cruel world. chicken little was right.
Freddie Adair says
A vote for anyone but TRUMP is a terrible mistake. Clinton will sell the Whitehouse to the Highest bidder!! SHE IS EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
paula brashear says
I agree with Jeff:
Amen! These polls are a joke, and the democraps even know it. They are scared to death! We are going to win, get out and support Trump, we will take our country back!
Just keep in mind….Hillary has no integrity and TRUMP has plenty….what is so hard about that decision?