Donald Trump is applauding the prospect of former Texas Gov. Rick Perry mounting a possible primary challenge against Republican Sen. Ted Cruz in 2018, saying, “Boy, will he do well.”
At a fundraiser in downtown Austin, Trump was standing next to Perry when he was asked about the Texan’s chance to unseat his state’s junior senator. Cruz, who unsuccessfully fought Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, notably declined to endorse him at last month’s GOP national convention and faces re-election in 2018.
In a recording of the event first posted online by a Democratic group, the Lone Star Project, Trump answers that he’s been “hearing a lot about that.”
“I don’t know if he wants to do it, but boy, will he do well,” Trump says of Perry. “People love him in Texas. And he was one great governor.”
Two fundraiser attendees verified the recording on Wednesday on the condition that their names not be published. The fundraiser occurred Tuesday.
Trump hasn’t been shy about criticizing fellow Republicans — even those up for re-election. He initially declined to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan’s re-election bid earlier this summer, then formally threw his support behind it before Ryan crushed a primary challenger in his Wisconsin district.
Cruz sparked an outcry at the GOP convention in Cleveland last month by refusing to endorse Trump during his prime-time speech — rebuffing calls for Republican Party unity behind its nominee.
Perry left office last year and was a harsh Trump critic as he briefly ran for the Republican presidential nomination, even calling the billionaire businessman a cancer on conservatism. Perry has since endorsed Trump and become a surrogate who has praised him on national television.
The former governor has kept a low profile since dropping out of the 2016 presidential race last fall. Recent polls suggest Cruz’s popularity in Texas has suffered since his convention speech, and one even indicated that Perry would top Cruz in a hypothetical matchup.
Those close to Perry say he’s laughed off the idea of a Senate run, but Perry hasn’t publicly ruled it out.
While running for president, Cruz originally said he’d endorse whoever the eventual Republican nominee was. He said later he’d changed his mind because Trump insulted his family during the bitter White House campaign.
Mica Mosbacher, an Austin resident and former finance co-chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, was a vocal supporter of Cruz’s presidential run but is now is backing Trump.
“I am deeply disappointed in our senator that he did not honor his pledge,” Mosbacher said by phone Wednesday, referring to Cruz’s reneging support for Trump. “And I, along with a lot of other donors, are very upset.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
ratbite says
Just further proofe of how the do nothing , conservative hating, capitulating, LYING Republican Party is finished. If they’d support their own they might keep on existing. They’ve alienates Tea Party conservatives like myself. They are attempting to screw Donald trump which will forever alienate his supporters. What’s left for the elitist swine that run the GOP?? I guess they’ll disband & join their true party the Democrat Party.
Wendy says
Man Cruz sure has shut his piehole after ENQUIRER showed the photo of his “Preacher” dad with JFK assassin. Ha!! GOD DONT LIKE UGLY.
cristoiglesia says
Why are you so impressed with gossip tabloids doing photo shop images.
cristoiglesia says
Remember, the source was Trumps friends gossip rag. When is the last time the Enquirer ever published anything truthful.
fred todd says
If I was from Texas I vote for Rick Perry for Senator over Tetty Cruz cruz lies to much
Texas voter says
Agreed!! Cruz screwed himself at the RNC convention. Perry would be a great senator!
cristoiglesia says
Not at all….he is even more popular for standing up against the lifetime far left liberal Democrat Trump who is pretending to be a Republican and conservative.
King Kong vs. Godzilla says
I agree with you Fred…, If I were in Texas…, I would shoot that son-of-a-Bitch in the head for lying and betray against Donald Trump and RNC delegation…. Ted Trick American people by added his lying story….Ted Cruz has Hillary Clinton style…. I strongly believe Ted is very Bad Taste to Run Public Office…, He can be intimadated and American public doesn’t see it…… Yes he is No F*#Ken good…So, don’t messed with TEX…!
cristoiglesia says
You leftists supporting Trump are intellectually impaired.
Robert Early says
The old Republican Party is dead. It’s either Trump”s New.Republican Party, or it does not exist at all. Tiis is reality.
cristoiglesia says
Ted does not lie . You must have him confused with Donald Trump who cannot be truthful.
cristoiglesia says
WE do not need any more leftists in Texas like you.
cristoiglesia says
Ted is far from being a liar. He is the most qualified person in my lifetime to run for POTUS. He would have been a great President. Trump promises to be the worst ever.
Don says
@cristoiglesia: Think you might be able to put ALL of your thoughts in a single paragraph???
It would appear that your attention span or thought process has diarrhea.
I lost ALL respect for Lyin’ Ted when his campaign announced that Dr. Ben was dropping out of the race, so “VOTE FOR ME” It either shows extremely poor judgement, or a win at any cost attitude. We already have one of those ‘occupying’ 1600 Pensylvania Avenue.
John says
Perry is a Good Honest Texas Rancher but it took him a while to realize that the Karl Rove machine had sold out to Crony Capitalists. Between now and 2018, the facts will become clear and Texas will elect PERRY.
DJTX says
We need Ted Cruz in the Senate. He’s been fighting against corruption and “undocumented democrat” RINOs in the Senate since he walked in the door, and THAT’S why they don’t like him in Washington.. I do like Rick Perry, and would love for him to replace Sen. Cornyn, who has managed to use cloture votes to cover his liberal tendencies and get conservative ratings. He votes in favor of cloture so that it takes fewer votes to pass an unpopular, liberal bill, then votes against it, knowing it will pass anyway due to the reduced number of votes it takes with cloture. He’s done that for years, always voting conservative when there’s no chance a bill will pass, AFTER voting FOR cloture, which will ensure it can pass with the amount of Dems and Rinos willing to vote for it.
King Kong vs. Godzilla says
Ted Cruz and Mark Rubio are easily recognizes as Corruptive during the time of Presidential Debate…, They both are untrustworthy…, they were team up very hard to put Donald Trump away….., But FAILED….. I don’t like them at all…, they can do more damage in America if they were to be elected President…. They both are so dirty liar like Hillary Clinton…..I bet they would be fit comfortable with Hillary and do real bad decision making…, YOU MUST REMEMBER THIS…., THEY ONLY WANT MONEY AND POWER…..OVER AMERICAN PEOPLE…
Donald Trump don’t need Money and Power…..WHY…!?!?, Because, Trump use his own Money and Power…
He is for “FOR”, “BY”, “THE” AMERICAN PEOPLE…… He has the Right FORMULA for AMERICA…., NOT THE CORRUPTION INSIDER WASHINGTON CAPITAL…. Most Politician are “CROOKED and RIP-OFF” and BIG FAT LIAR…….!!! I studies half of my life since JFK and I have seen it all Corruptive Government system…..(I would not Stop ISIS if the enemy destroy the Capital…., because, they all are Crooked anyway…. and Money and Power.
Let Hope Donald Trump can turn America around…. (He is the Best yet to come……Donald Trump Elect 2016……
Justin W says
If Trump loses in November, the voters of Texas will need to decide whether they want a senator that is going to be on the job or one who is going to collect a paycheck until the next presidential primary roles around. The voters should know the future presidential aspirations of both men before the primary.
Ted would probably do well to focus on serving the people that he was elected to represent. A certain percentage of his votes in the primary came from the anti-Trump group rather than being from people who truly wanted him as president.
Emilie Louise Ille says
Go Rick Perry, go!