President Barack Obama was in Laos Wednesday, not only to increase our national debt by $90M to help clean up bombs left over from Vietnam, but also apparently to bash American citizens.
Obama told the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI), “If you’re in the United States, sometimes you can feel lazy and think, ‘We’re so big, we don’t have to really know anything about other people.”
And he didn’t hold back after that statement.
As he continued his speech, praising Laotians for their fast growing economy we could learn from, he called Americans lazy a second time in reference to climate change.
So clearly, our nation’s president who is supposed to be the strongest fighter for our citizens, thinks we are all unenergetic and naïve to other cultures.
But Americans weren’t idle in criticizing the president’s remarks.
Social media was booming with remarks from Americans, some even suggesting Obama need not return to the states.
Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway tweeted a response.
Tell single mom w/ 2 jobs & no health ins.
Obama: Americans Too ‘Lazy’ to Know Anything About the Rest of the World— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) September 7, 2016
And conservative commentator Glenn Beck also commented on the fact that Obama has been sipping on coconuts in between his lambasting of American citizens.
Obama Sips from Coconut in Laos, Calls Americans ‘Lazy’
— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) September 8, 2016
Columnist Ben Shapiro returned that attack to the president in a tweet, calling him an elitist who “thinks anyone who disagrees with him is a rube from the sticks, not a principled American capable of thinking differently about risk assessment,” a view point he calls, “truly lazy.”
Maybe Mr.President needs to take a look in the mirror in between golf games and vacations and ask himself, who is truly the lazy one?
Main Street says
He is an expert on the lazy. He is the official advocate of laziness. Check off the right box at hiring time. 47% of Americans on some type of welfare. Just ignore the misery of the Christians and Kurds in the Middle East. Take many vacations yearly. He is the king of lazy. Laos? That land is such a bastion of progress, right?
Rob says
This guy is a joke, but he is know for attacking the hard working citizens that pay his salary, perks and secret service.
Just wonder what would happen if his secret service was being lacy in one of those Hinckley moments.
Obama and his worthless family members are racist punks!
If we look at his work record, we would find that he is most likely the most lazy president in history. He golfsore than Tiger Woods!
Then there are the well needed vacations flying to Hawaii for Christmas. After all, it takes a tremendous amount of work to use his pen and phone!
If everyone is lazy, its his doing because they can’t find a real job!
I loathe this jerk. He makes us look lazy and cowardly like he is!
Lori says
He’s calling out himself!! Gee, where’s our president??? Always on a golf course. Who’s the lazy one???
Frankie says
You are correct. He is a Muslim and wants Americans to. Be.
Mikeyavelli says
He’s more than our First Black President, he’s America’s First Black Eye, the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on any country at any time in history.
KEN says
William krumholz says
Yup sure looks that way from every angle .
Impeach the SOB
Constitutionalist says
Impeach the SIB
Only legitimate officeholders can be impeached. To impeach him would be to declare to the world and to history that yes, D’OweBama IS natural born and DOES have a right to the presidency. He isn’t, and he doesn’t.
He should just be arrested, tried, and convicted like every other traitor. No ‘impeachment’ needed. Personally, i’d love to see him snatched up from his golf cart, handcuffed, and frog-marched to the nearest paddywagon.
Edward A. Swisher says
Kind of late for impeachment…. do the next best thing and vote out every US Representative and US Senator that has not pushed for Obama’s impeachment and/or removing John Kerry from office and/or supports the Clintons overtly (or by their inactions to have them both prosecuted and in prison.
Edward A. Swisher says
Why is this comment “awaiting moderation”?????
Ivan says
This is almost as if the president is trying hard as he can to denigrate us and annoy us and agitate us in his last days. If this is his motive, even if he is out of office, this could come back to bite him and Michelle in their ASS! After he is out of office however, I don’t want to hear another word FROM him or ABOUT him. He might try to be a meddler like Billy but it won’t work for Obama. Final comment: What ASSHOLES they are.
He is a disgrace to both his races….. half the black population does not like him and three quarters of the white population can not stand him.. a very disliked (oreo)
Charles Masterson says
Remember Change is coming tI America !!! BS HORROR IS COMING TO AMERICA !!!!
Michael says
There he goes again. ” Not doing his Job.” Wasting TAX $ over and over again, an actro Jamie Foxes Lord and King Obuma, as ” ELECTED TO DO but Keeping the brand name Of DemocRATcy in play.” !
Mathew Molk says
I’d love to have him on a jobsite. He would be calling me SIR by coffee.
Like “Sir,,,,,PLEASE let me go home. I never have to work this hard on the golf course. Please don’t make me work any more”
This POS never did an actual day’s work in his liberal moslem life.
William krumholz says
The man is a Hoax and we the people with our wonderful leaders are complicit for allowing this Joker to remain in office for this length of time .
Paula says
The poor middle class that can’t afford taking a day off, never mind iravelling the world to get to know other Cultures?
Obama made sure we do not miss out on anything, he simply has brought Millions of the lowest denomination to us!!!
This way he can justify using OUR money for HIMSELF, his ARROGANT WIFE and SPOILD BRATS of DAUGHTERS, while they jet around the World at OUR expense. There is no limit on how many vacations in the most ELITE places they can take! This does not include him playing Golf every other day.
Now for the next 30-40 Years we can support this CABAL with massive RETIRENTMENT ! Like Bill Clinton , a fat Pension and 16,4 Million for extra EXPENSES? That will double for the Clintons, if HILLARY wins.
OracleGuy says
Main Street, I like to think of “47% of Americans on some type of welfare” as my Social Security pension payment.
And Matthew, my uninformed friend, Obama is not a moslem nor a Muslim. When will you imbeciles realize that is another hoax.
Mikeyavelli says
Barack Hussein Obama, raised in the madrassas of Indonesia, celebrates Muslim holidays, praises islam constantly, and Barack Hussein Obama is not a muslim?
twocool says
I’m with you Mike….I think Oracle guy…is not being realistic….all signs are he is a Muslim….I notice since the day he was inaugurated he no longer attends any church…Well maybe that is because he is needed on the golf course.ya, I can see that….This guy is the worst of the worst…Wish he would leave the country….
SW says
Hey Oracle Guy,,exactly who are,you channeling. That is what an oracle does.
twocool says
Good One…clever…
Steve Clark says
You should be full of the Kool-Aid by now you jerk
Hanko American says
Hey OreoGuy—Get the hell away from all of us that knows the difference between a muslim “bastard” of a president & YOU!! By the way—The only difference is YOU suck in 3D surround sound & Bonzo O’vomit is a muslim chimp in our highest office!! Very little difference, huh!?! BOTH of you are TOTAL LOSERS!!!!
Alan Humphries says
So oracleass face. You personally know Oblamer? How the hell do you know what King fuzzy britches does behind closed doors? How do you personally know he doesn’t posess a prayer rug and kneel in prayer to the Mooslime prophet?
Hanko American says
I totally agree with Allen!! Come clean with us OragelGuy–You are probably MooseSlime yourself!! O’Vomit a cousin of yours?(Or is he your mama maybe?)
Constitutionalist says
i gave you a link to a youtube video in which he confesses to his “Muslim faith,” and it goes on to a compendium of the multiple times he quotes “The Holy Qu’ran.”
He’s convicted out of his own mouth, many times over.
Yet, you will not believe him. Were you born stupid, or did you have to practice stupidity on a regular basis in order to attain to the depths of imbecility you now demonstrate?
ron says
MS …
. Who gets the $90M ? …
. Would the US get clean up help from a war we asked another nation to help US with ? …
. Did we in the past ?
Elizabeth says
He’s lazy and everybody I know that Voted for Dumb ASS wish they hadn’t. He lies, at times of Need runs off to play Golf. How long does Our Great Nation have to Deal with Clinton’s and. Obama. They’re All Ignorant, Puppets, Sold- Out, losers. At Least Trump gets Off his Ass and Flies His Plane to right place and Picks the people’s Morale Up iAt Louisiana Floods, Idiot Obama hooping it up at Martha’s Vineyard. What a Rat. These FOOLS don’t have Any Charisma , Class, they come across as Low- Lifes BUT have a Title and they think IT is okay. WELL ITS NOT OKAY. They lose touch with Reality with Real People, the Voters. When’s the last time they were in traffic, driving to a grocery store, standing in line. Paying a Bill, they lose touch and their so called Power goes to Big Fat Huge Head..HOW CAN ONE RESPECT THAT. NONE HAVE VIRTUES OR INTEGRITY. None of em will go down in History, as time goes on Be a Deceptive Ugly Memory cause that’s what we have here with this group, Deceptions. The Devil’s Puppets. Surely not God’s Warriors..” Hail Mary Versus Hail Cesar. God BLESS America. “
Judy says
How did the America people ever elect him, not just once, but twice. He needs to get out of the Whitehouse before he does any more damage.
Peter says
Obama exemplifies his species of subhuman creatures,of course he’s a criminal traitor
Cap'n Kirk says
Oh the man only wanted the office for the money… he is the epitome of lazy… 75 million per vacation, at least 3 per year but more than likely squeezes 4 in, all the while taking money from our own who need it…way to go O
Lori says
Obama Makes me sick ,Every Time I See His Picture I Want To Throw Up, I can’t believe they have kept him in office all this .He is an Ass Hole Get Him Out Of Office, Use your Brain in Washington
Michael says
And the Hildabeast Thinks like Obama we are Deplorable.We need ” Real Ex Military men.I support R Congressman Joe Heck,who endorses Trump, of Nevada,For US Senator,no more Democrats. and Congressman Ryan Zinke R of Montana heading up the SEAL PAC of Ex Retired Military Men whoa re running o current Duly elected. who will challenge any thing in the future against the sick twisted Libtards in The Senate and Congress. We want a Tax revolt if Obama wont step down and quit Campaigning for Hildabeast and Supporting Islam.Hillary adn her Ilk are The Filthy RICH Anti Christ LGBTQ No More..TAXes into their Pockest. Please Google Search or what ever Search engines you use,the two names.
farmer john says
The only reason this TURD is in Loas is to take advantage of ALL the young boy’s…….!
Typical Dumborat piece of horse manure……..he needs to be HUNG…..for TREASON!!!
OracleGuy says
Sorry, farmer john, only Conservatives seem to like young boys.
Mikeyavelli says
So does Bathhouse Barry…
Kenneth Stelter says
Are you speaking from experience Ollie? Now that you are trolling as an Establishment Puppet.
Dawg# says
Oracleguy must be Obamas facilitator.
Michael says
He he
Arthur Hartsock says
I’ll bet that Mr. Obama doesn’t know a single hard-working American. First, through most of his youth, he was raised in Indonesia studying in a Muslim School. Next, when he was returned to the US he was indoctrinated by communist radical relatives. Then of course he attended a super-liberal Ivy League school. The only hard workers there are the support staff who clean up the students’ messes and feed their slimy faces. Finally he graduated to political agitator (oops I mean community organizer). Nowhere in this resume is anything resembling a real job. Hell, he could have worked on the campus commie rag newspaper, but that would have been work. So he has never seen a hard working American in his life. Too bad too many hard working Americans voted for someone who hates/despises them. So don’t make the same mistake this election.
Margaret says
This is so true that it makes me smile ! Mr Oblamer spends more time on the golf Course that in the pres Office doing his job ! Maybe that is a good thing so that he cannot sign a bunch of bills that increase the taxes on the average American who is working his tail off trying to make a living on a salary that is compared to 20 years ago !
OracleGuy says
Arthur, when you say “Too bad too many hard working Americans voted for someone who hates/despises them. So don’t make the same mistake this election.” are you telling us not to vote for Trump who seems to hate and despise anyone less affluent than he?
Arthur Hartsock says
Let’s look at the two choices. Unfortunately. we know exactly who Ms. Clinton is. And the commercial bankers and other fat-cats do, too. They know the price it takes to buy her. Now to Mr. Trump who still remains a wild card. No one can say for certain exactly what he’ll do if elected. Which promises he’ll keep or forget or deal away. I’ve already said it’s like entering the casino and throwing those dice. I know that as a real-estate tycoon he has bum-paid many contractors via bankruptcy. I’ll just hope that he cares enough about the US to get the money flowing again-and to secure the border. The only other alternative is Johnson, and that is a wasted vote. I know a vote for Trump is a crap shoot, But what other choice do we have?
Another stupid remark from the Oral Guy……..what a troll
Robert Early says
I’ll be so happy when the revolution finally comes. That’s when he and his minions are going to hang for treason.
CJ says
Is that not a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
Susan says
Arthur said what I would have very well indeed. BO is a lazy person who has absolutely no clue about the real legal Americans. He is a disgrace as our president and the democrats and rinos have banded together to support him. I suspect all are on Soros’s payroll in some form or other. He should have been impeached long ago and stopped long ago. In fact with his fake birth certificate, he should never have been our president if anyone had some balls in congress that is to challenge his qualifications as outlined in our constitution and our laws. Of course, we know none do!
S. Chase says
Totally agree
Ever notice when Soetoro or Clinton label decent law bidding Americans with words like lazy, islamaphobe, racist, etc. it always applies 100 per cent to them. Alinsky play book. Barry, why don’t you just stay in that hellhole you find so superior.You are most likely on a pedophile vacation that Thailand and Laos are so well known for. Disgusting POS son of a who’re.
Arthur Hartsock says
Maybe instead of worrying so much about the birth certificate, someone should have paid more attention to his college records. I just wish Rush would have offered a million bucks for this information. We know he changed his name at this time. And this was for religious or political reasons. I’ve always wondered why he was so worried about his college and medical records. (For example did he go to college as an Indonesian. Maybe he got a price reduction or scholarship on that basis.) Just random thoughts.
Ronportsmouth says
Right after he said these things, he turned to his golfing Caddy, Bill Clinton, and said, hand me the 9 iron bubba before Michelle gets bacl from her World Tour vacation.
Bud webster says
You mean before Michael gets back.
Main Street says
He’d rather take a trip to Laos than to visit an unemployment line or working class city or town here in the USA.
JCP74 says
What do we expect from a Muslim that is trying his best to destroy America.
Heather, funinthesun says
What do you mean trying, he has destroyed and accomplished his agenda of the US, quite easily with no interference from a sole. Really sad! He took his lead from the CLINTONS, who did a good job in passing it on. They have never been challenged and still getting away with it?? Hopefully they will all get their COMEUPPANCE SOON!
madmaxschnauzer says
Why don’t you just stay away from “All Us Lazy People” Mr. Soetoro, or better yet resign and do every one a favor. What would a Community Organizer know about work. You could not even get the energy to vote or make a decision when you were in the Senate, voting present was not what your job was, but since you never “Had a Job” you would not know that.
You are a joke, Mister. We can not wait until you are gone. You are not Presidential material even if Mr Bill Ayers thought so. We (The People) are not stupid, you seem to think you are the “King” of the U S, with your Pen and Phone, E.O’s are not law, if you were a constitutional scholar you would know that. We don’t need your petty insults. Just Go Away.
Were we to see Barry’s valid BC and his legal credentials, the left’s world would crumble before their eyes….
Maria says
He bends over backwards when in the presence of any Muslim nation Wake up people this is a man whose biological father was Muslim and his Indonesian step-father was Muslim and he spent the better part of his childhood in Indonesia which is Muslim….. he wasn’t raised a Christian!!!! He comes to Hawaii and goes to school among the coconuts and all of a sudden he’s an AMERICAN!! Give me a break!! This guy is a Muslim through and through and Michelle knows it. He is the greatest APOLOGETIC president of all time…… If you voted for this turn coat…. you should be ashamed!! It’s about time we defend out country and teach our children the true meaning of being an American!! God Bless Out Troops..God Bless our Country!! God help us at election time!
OracleGuy says
Gee, ONETIME and Maria, even Trump stopped trying to peddle that old birther story when he found out he was wrong. Probably the first time in his life that has happened, huh?
Maria says
Just because you stand in the garage doesn’t make you a “CAR” and just because you live in the White House it doesn’t make you the “PRESIDENT”…. I’m not questioning his birth certificate but I am questioning his beliefs….He is NOT an AMERICAN!! His heart belongs to the Koran and all those despots who live and breathe to destroy us…. You need to read more about Hussein’s upbringing and activism…. OH, unless your one of them!
ron says
Maria …
. You would be right to question B HO’s old birther story ! …
Anyone who believes that utter garbage is an irretrievable fool !
The proof is irrefutable.
Ronald Sarson says
The real fools are those who cannot see the certificate of birth is an obvious forgery that a 5th grader could see.
Sue Collins says
Something I learned very early in school…….”Takes one to know one!”
Bud webster says
Na na na na na na. Grow up sue, you progressive troll. Takes one to know one, how old are you 10? RUN ALONG NOW, TIME FOR RECESS
OracleGuy says
Actually, Sue was less infantile than the normal person of limited vocabulary on this site.
ron says
Sue …
. Actually ! There are intelligent NORMAL people here, then there are TROLLS infestations. …
. Not saying you are.
Larry Nardini says
I’m REALLY Surprised on how many AMERICANS had NOT seen OBUMMER NOT salute the American during his inauguration!
THAT alone should have been a warning what America got itself into!! Well like I have heard from many people ; “FINALLY we’re getting what we deserve!”
Put it all together folks! He’s the Enemy within!
I still hold to the fact that Halfast B’Ob the “unknown” is not a American and the DNCommunist have worked hard to keep their agenda of malice with intent on track and rape this nation leaving it no better than a 3rd world country..the evidence is visible, tangible and tacit, it has a smell, a taste and a vile look…..The RINO contingent is a joined at the hip operation designed to steal away your inalienable rights, freedom of choice and all representation you might think you have and substitute oppression unlike that of American expectation of Constitutional government…The loss of America as the shining beacon on the hill would plunge this world back into the dark ages……..You who support the left, as a American, think long and hard before you throw away your precious vote…..
Val says
Just had a letter misdirected to Taipei that was supposed to go to the Caribbean a month ago. Some lazy-ass postal worker didn’t know anything about geography. Over the years we’ve had mails missent to the Bahamas and Bermuda! Too many Americans don’t care to learn anything about the outside world. What a shame! An AT&T employee once asked me what part of Jamaica my country was in. Laziness? Not sure. Ignorance? Most likely!
Vernon Fuller says
He spends all of his time golfing and lying to the American people and trying to run our country in the ground and wants to call us lazy, impeach him.
Samuel Ulsaker says
A few of you may think this is ‘ fear mongering’, but those probably think the recent California murders and Orlando murders were ‘work place violence’ (hate crimes) not ‘terrorism’. Wake up and get over your ‘politically correct’ idiocy. Obama is a Muslim. “Infiltration” is taking place in America. He is a “domestic terrorist”.
Can Muslims Be Good Americans?
This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish and send it on to everyone. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.
Can a good Muslim be a good American? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years.
The following is his reply:
Theologically – no. . . . Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon God of Arabia.
Religiously – no. . . . Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)
Scripturally – no. . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.
Geographically – no… Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
Socially – no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
Politically – no. . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan. Domestically – no. . . Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34 )
Intellectually – no. . Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically – no. . . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually – no. . . . Because when we declare ‘one nation under God,’ the Christian’s God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran’s 99 excellent names.
Therefore, after much study and deliberation…. Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. – – – They obviously cannot be both ‘good’ Muslims and good Americans. Call it what you wish it’s still the truth. You better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be forour country and our future.
The religious war is bigger than we know or understand.
Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. It is called “infiltration. For the record; I am not islamophobic – that would mean I fear islam. I do not. I am, however, miso-islamic. Using the prefix miso indicates “that which is loathed or despised.” Islam is SEDITIOUS (insubordination, insurrection, mutiny, treason, agitation, defiance, disobedience , dissent, insurgence, insurgency, revolt, revolution and uprising) against every nation and government on earth. Islam demands that all muslims work to overthrow all nations, governments and non-sharia laws. Yes, Obama is a “domestic terrorist”.
Mathew Molk says
Hear, Hear!
“Good Moslems? Kill them all and let the moon god, allah sorth them out.
Paula says
I have travelled in many Country’s all over the World for Business and Pleasure,including Country’s that were taken over by MUSSLIMS !
It is absolutely tragic of what has become of the Native People. They had to either to Convert or they live like Slaves.Many also simply disappeared.
Samuel Ulsaker has explained this better than anyone I have ever heard in this Country. Americans underestimate the Pover of the Musslims ,their religion and will pover is enormous.
Not dumb blonde says
I’ve never heard/read this before, and I am so glad you posted the information. I wish all people that care about this country could read this information. We can not play dumb and look the other way any longer. I pray (to God) that America will once again be the country it used to be, before Obama took “control” of all of us….and pray Hillary will be defeated, so she can not continue with this madness…
wizard says
This is all in keeping with his foreign policy of appeasement and apologies. He constantly puts America and American citizens down. And he unilaterally apologizes for anything that he perceives as an injustice or wrong from our nation’s past. He has easily been the laziest President in the last seventy – five years. Foreign leaders either ignore him or mock him. He has single handedly lowered American prestige in the world to its lowest level in the last one hundred years.
Jerome A Gray says
I keep telling everybody this man is a MUSLIM a radical MUSLIM.Just take a look a his upbringing!His father and mother were radical people!This main teacher in college was a socialist!He consider America too big and a bully against the rest of the world! That’s why his MAIN CAMPAIGN SLOGAN WAS”CHANGE IS COMING”!But,we thought he was talking about good change for Americans!He is a traitor and his administration is built in lies and deceit.It is a EVIL administration.
mike says
What do you EXPECT from a PHAKE, PHONEY, PHRAUD, PRETEND POTUS, COMMIE DICTATATOR that is running for UN Secretary-General?
John G . says
This clown never ceases to amaze.
Wayne says
These next two months can’t pass fast enough
Wolf Iklov says
To call Americans Lazy is insult to nation, But not the Smart ones that for sure ,if we elect him twice for presidency.
That the FACT.
lizaz says
He loves to insult Americans, especially overseas……
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The only lazy Americans there are are the ones that don’t want to work, want to be poor & the POS whinny, coddled brat, cry baby, constantly complaining,fault finding, finger pointing NON VOTER. Off their mouths in public that will never vote at all for no reason.
King Kong vs. Godzilla says
The Horn News…, you are full of scare shit to print my comment about Obama…What are you afraid of….?
Justin W says
I will take the president’s words under consideration when my 12 hour work day is done. Barack Hussein Obama is the most corrupt, most incompetent, most lawless and most lazy president in American history. Barack Hussein Obama is an utter disgrace. If this clown thinks America is so bad perhaps he should stay in Laos.
America deserves better. We deserve a leader that is proud of our nation. And thanks to the numerous blunders of President Obama, we deserve a president that will make America great again. Hillary Clinton is NOT that candidate. She will be just as bad of a leader as President Obama.
Anonymous says
Well said! I agree with you completely! Obama needs to stay in Laos if he thinks Americans are lazy. The lazy ones are his wife or whatever it is (Michael) and his bratty kids. The ones that he has made lazy are the ones who sit on their asses and have their hands out for FREE phones, food stamps, FREE housing, FREE medical and what ever they can get for FREE! They refuse to even look for work, as they have it better by just staying home, whereas the rest of us take what ever jobs are available. Which, thanks to our LAZY President, are far and few between.
BTW, have you ever noticed that people on food stamps seem to eat better than you and me??
I can not wait for him to get out of the White House! He has done so much damage to the USA.
Go Trump/Pence 2016
crockett says
Lazy ? You POS haven’t had a job that required labor , you’ve lived off the people . Your Dad should have beat your ass when you were growing up. You have done nothing for WE the people since you’ve been in office , NOTHING AT ALL . Your golf games and vacations are all you’ve done . You are just like that POS Bill clanton , screwing other women . Michael should leave your scrawny ass after she beats you. You couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag . SISSY RUFFLED underwear man woman
Joanne says
Obama is a JERK, a SLUGGARD, INCOMPETENT, EVIL, a LOSER and a FRAUD. He probably looks at himself in the mirror daily and believes he is the greatest. What most of us see is a useless piece of human waste. HIS LEGACY WILL BE THE WORSE PRESIDENT THIS NATION HAS EVER HAD.
Terry says
Who was O directing his words to? I think he is trying to convince the islamists he is one of them so he will have a place to go when he is exiled for not being an American citizen? Who would want an ex-illegal American president? And like all muslims he is a trouble maker/agitators. This idea was mentioned to me by a friend from India where they have had to contend with muslims for centuries. I think their “nationality” is muslim and sharia law is a universal legal system to them they must obey no matter where they live. They are are subjects, not citizens, in the Nation of Islam. Which when complete all nations will be part of the kingdom of man with the caliphate as the king of the world? It will be “heaven on earth” to them, but in reality it will be more like hell on earth. Which is visible in existing islamic nations. Where there are no freedoms.
Solo says
Yep, Americans are lazy…smh…but yet, he can spend over $44 million of tax payers dollars going on vacations and playing golf, and a lot of us work 8-10 hour days, attend our staff meetings and briefings, take our kids to day care or school, pay for day care/child care, pay for our own vacations, pay for our own travels, etc., etc., etc….and we are lazy….better check yourself, Mr. President!
Ron says
They need to take the keys from AIRFORCE ONE away from him now.
He has taken trips all over the damn place doing nothing but causing trouble and talking
down the U.S. about everything.
I would guess a remark about 911 is forth coming from him anytime.
Calvin Harwick says
Only a certain element of our society is lazy.Most voted for Obama.
Donna says
Why is man stil president and the stupid American people still think he is so great. Impeach the bastard as he has never like America in the first place. He is George Soris poster boy
Maria says
Just because you stand in the garage doesn’t make you a “CAR”…. I could care less what his birth certificate says….. but his heart is not “American”. HE’S NOT AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT? HE’S A FRAUD OF A MAN!! pretending to care about Americans….He was raised by his father and step-father who were Muslims and lived at one time in Indonesia ( Shocker that he would support TPP that benefits the Asians!!)….. However, everything he says and does favors the Muslims from crooked treaties, to bags of cash, to letting Muslim tyrants pretty much dictate our foreign policy….
SW says
Baraaaaaaaaack, the expert on lazy, golf playing, coconut sucking moron. I suggest he stay there a pick up enough “shiny pieces of metal” to completely rid their countryside of them.
Diane says
09/09/16 = Good afternoon, as I see it, Mr. Obama is so Full of Himself that he can not see, each Nasty Trick he pulls out of his bag and USES, gets him NO RESPECT from other People or other Nations, which he obviously can not see. And….. he makes a Fool of himself and Our Country. = Why hasn’t anyone stopped him?
Jean says
You can’t impeach an illegal alien, who is 44% Arab. The fact he is still prancing around tells me the whole of our government is nothing but sold out souls.
Bill says
I guess Obama is bitter after having to put up with the republican congress & senate for 8 years and having them screw over just about every good thing he wanted to do for the working class. Since this is his last year as president I guess he just don’t give a damn anymore. Ya know,Obama did give us the Affordable Health Care program, and I have seen where it has helped a lot of us citizens , and he did bring us out of the recession caused by the banks & wall street , a slow process but, we’re gaining. I wish he would get stubborn and finish strong, ya know , go on public television and tell the truth about the last 8 years cause the news media will never tell us the truth.
I can’t believe how many stuipd american voters there are! Both candidates have about a 30% like rating throughout the U>S>A> but we all bitch (me included) about if we want a Democrat- Hillery , or a Republican- Don Trump ! Gotta say Mr. Trump is the better choice and he’s got my vote. but, how come senator Sanders got screwed over by Clinton and there was no huge outcry from the american people? Guess everyone was like me and although we were pissed off about it, we did’nt know how to reverse it.
I just don’t know what will happen to this country with us having to put up with just a 2 party system , the corrupt supreme court , the super delegate system & most of our states votes not even counting. Scary!! Bill
AW says
mmarlio says
Obama is a lazy sob, and lazy down to his bones. He does NOTHING all day long except sign a few reports because Valarie Jarett does his job for him because he is not qualified to be president and doesn’t know how.. He may have some degrees, paid for by Saudi Arabia, but he has NO KNOWLEDGE because he didnt earn the degrees and spent few, if any days in class. No one knows him at Columbia period, because he never went to school there. I think he is con artist, a fraud, a non American, a non =Christian and a paid, saudi plant to destroy America. We aren’t lazy!!! Obama and people like HIM are lazy!!!!
Shelba says
obama called Americans lazy because they have not bothered to learn about Laos, China and Thailand what obama can’t understand in his tiny, stupid brain is that most Americans do not want to be good little muSLIMES.\, don’t want to visit Laos, China and Thailand so there is really no incentive to study these countries, people who plan to visit are not too lazy to learn. Most Americans are happy with living in this country you don’t see us getting a visitor visa to another country and then staying past the expiration date, you don’t see us having an anchor baby in some other country and whine about being deported away from the baby because we were in the country illegally and deserved to be deported, you don’t see us sneaking across some other countries border and applying for welfare, medical aid, free housing and other benefits all at the countries taxpayers expense when the taxpayer cannot get these benefits but pays thru the nose for an illegal to get them, if all freebees were cut out and anyone coming into the country illegally was told up front there would be no freebees it would cut down on these people crossing the border, if women who came into the country to have an anchor baby was told the baby would be registered under the country of origin that the mother belonged too that would stop another drain on the countries economy because there would be no purpose of making a trip to have said baby
twykes says
We need a rough gruff MAN as
President. Obama is a woose.
Trump wont back down from
Other countries. He will respect our
Allies..he will help Americans build
America. He will take this old house
Called America…and flip it…..make it
New. Repair it .. And make it better.
Hector A Freixa says
For some reason these comments from the traitor in charge do not surprise me. Hussein Obama hates our (not his) Country,
William Pinamonti says
Oracle I don’t think Main St was talking about people who paid into Soc Sec he was talking about all free loaders. And by the way when the 47pct. Get to 51 pct. you can kiss this country good bye! And u liberal MORONS will be under Sharia law.
Judith M. Tripp says
I see the Internet is finally using the word TRAITOR regarding Oh-Bum-Bah. I’ve been doing this for eight years. It’s been so patently obvious all along. I have TWO thoughts today to share:
1. I did the research on the reasons one might have a coughing problem and WHEN someone should see a doctor for analysis if the coughing persists. Are you’all READY? Bottom Line: IF the coughing spells persist for three weeks straight, ONE SHOULD SEE A DOCTOR. So I took a total of Hillary’s coughing incidents from January 1, 2007 to present. Then I took a tally of the total number of DAYS between January 1, 2016 and September 9, 2016. I converted the DAYS into WEEKS, and divided her coughing spells into these weeks. RESULTS: UNFORTUNATELY, folks, I’m absolutely sickened to death to report that Hillary’s coughing spells occur on the average of ONE every four weeks, not every three weeks as I’d hoped. And – the reasons for her coughing spells could be as simple as something in the air, or not enough air – to GERD or a tumor somewhere in her body. The ratio of something minor is 96 (minor causes) to 4 (major causes). CRIPES. And I thought we had something here. VOTE TRUMP!!! VOTE TRUMP !!!! VOTE TRUMP!!!
2. One last thought. If you CARE – really CARE – about this country and the disaster a Clinton Presidency will bring, please find a way to either DRAG yourself to the polls (VOTE TRUMP!) OR….simply call your local voting office (find it by calling your Tax Assessor’s Office and getting the voting office’s phone number ), call them and have them SEND you a ballot, which you can return by mail. These “home” ballots will be mailed out the first week in October. So Hurry Up, Everybody. If you can’t get to the polls, get to your own mailbox at least. The great thing about this service is you can VOTE FROM YOUR OWN COUCH.
So Please Everybody – VOTE – VOTE – VOTE. This time it’s absolutely CRUCIAL – and I believe you all realize that.
William Pinamonti says
Oracle guy you are a liberal who looks down on everybody and loves to show how smart u are. Just a topical moron who will be chanting Allah Ak -bar when they take over.GOD BLESS AMERICA
iris cross says
Obama in Laos sips from coconut full of Rum with coconut water the man is drunk. do not listen to his remarks about the American people. The man is the lazy one He knows that better then you. He also knows he is a phony.
Candace Little says
Obama cannot leave Office soon enough for me. This guy takes every opportunity possible to bash the USA. Remember when he stood in front of the UN and lamented death of Michael Brown in Ferguson as showing how unjust our country is BEFORE the facts of that incident were in.
Perhaps the young people would be less “lazy” about learning about other cultures if they were not hiding in their “safe spaces” . Perhaps they would have more diversity of thought if the schools were not run almost exclusively by “progressives” who will not tolerate hearing the views of those who disagree with them.
Obama also noted that Americans turn against “people who do not look like themselves” when jobs become hard to find. In other words, we become RACIST when we compete for jobs. He says this with no concrete proof other than his own opinion that all whites are at least a little racist.
Of course, this is to be expected from a President whose wife said that his election marked the FIRST time she felt proud of her country. Thank goodness we have less than 5 months to listen to this USA hater.
fred russo says
Just remember there are millions of Americans (not all Black) that would vote for this clown again!!!!
Thump wins says
I must add in George Soros is a Nazi that has also been funding Obama and Hillary plus many other hate groups. The Saudis Muslim scum would like to take over the US and Soros would like to bankrupt the US. So far it looks like they’re getting their way.
The only hope the US has right now is to get Trump elected so that he can clean out the scum that has infiltrated the media the government and at the same time educate the liberal idiots. There should be an outright ban on all hate groups that instigates harm to innocent people. Or anyone that instigate rioting. Any of these instigators should get an automatic life term sentence at least. And all properties seized for their actions. Too many innocents including police officers have been killed by these hate groups.
Time to wake up and take America back and hold those accountable for their actions. Islam is the number one hate cult in the world. They prove themselves daily, around the world. How much more proof does any sane person need to understand that.
Trump wins America wins