They are our nation’s finest, and are sworn to protect and serve the public — even with their lives.
Two more police officers were gunned down in the line of duty in California early Friday, authorities said. One officer died and another was wounded after a gunman opened fire on them in a San Diego neighborhood.
The suspect was wounded and taken into custody a short time later and hours later police surrounded a home as they searched for an accomplice.
The slain officer, a husband and father of two children, suffered multiple gunshot wounds and died early Friday, Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman said. The other officer underwent surgery and was expected to survive. His wife was at the hospital.
The officers, members of the department’s gang suppression unit, made the traffic stop around 11 p.m. Thursday in San Diego’s modest Southcrest area and were shot in the upper torso. They quickly called for assistance from other officers, and the critically injured officer was rushed to the hospital in a police vehicle.
The male suspect was captured in a nearby ravine and was being treated Friday at a hospital. Police did not identify him and his condition was unknown.
Residents were ordered to stay in their homes throughout the night as San Diego police and officers from other law enforcement agencies scoured ravines, yards, streets and alleys for other possible suspects. A helicopter hovered over the neighborhood.
About nine hours after the shootout, heavily armed police officers surrounded a house about a half-mile away, one of them using a bullhorn to urge a man to surrender. Authorities also detonated several devices at the scene that made deafening booms.
It was unclear whether the standoff was related to the shootout with the officers. A police spokesman didn’t immediately respond to messages seeking comment.
Zimmerman was emotional after visiting the home of the slain officer to notify his relatives.
“It is extremely difficult, but something you have to do,” she told reporters outside Scripps Mercy Hospital. “There’s nothing that prepares you to do that.”
After visiting the wounded officer later at UC San Diego Medical Center, Zimmerman told reporters that the officer’s prospects for recovery were good.
“It’s a little bit of a long haul until he makes a full recovery, but the good news is that he is going to survive and he is going to recover,” she said.
The shooting came as law officers around the country are on high alert following the killing of officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, this month.
“Violence against the men and women who wear the badge is violence against us all,” San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer said after the shootings in his city. “I ask all San Diegans and all people across our nation to join together in support of our officers who courageously protect our communities. We need them and they need us.”
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch mentioned the San Diego shooting during a meeting Friday with police officers and other first responders in Baton Rouge, where a gunman killed three on-duty law enforcement officers earlier this month.
“I know this community, more than most knows exactly what these families are feeling at this moment,” she said.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
save the tax payer money just shoot the scumbag
Right on!
That is what has happened in the past. The policemen have shot and killed so many black men that they don’t know what to expect when they are stopped probably for a little incident that grows as the cop and the person tries to communicate. The NRA don’t want to get rid of guns from people who don’t know when to and how to use them. It is getting to the point that Blacks should not be out of their homes after dark because they are pulled over just because of the kind of car they are driving. The remembrance of innocent Blacks who have been killed and the reports that are turned in are falsefied to show that the victim was totally at fault. Let’s be reasonable about this issue, I don’t like to see anyone killing another because that is one of God’s children and that he has a family that will go on the roles of children living in a one parent home, the community soons forgets that this father was killed in the line of duty. The one doing the shooting I don’t know what was on his mind when he shot the policeman not once but twice, was he thinking about his own family and how they will get along without him. We need to think positive about each other and if you are not in the wrong surrender and pray that the cops will act like a child of God also.
The majority of the crimes are committed by the Blacks so whats not hard to understand or expect? People have to work together for peace, it is not a race issue as much as a society gone mad issue. Sometimes in the line of duty police officers will make a choice that is wrong but at the time is the best decision. If you do the crime,pay the fine or in this case the consequences. Stop whining about being Black. Most of the Black murders are done by Blacks. Anyone can get ahead, regardless of race, and no matter who we are. We just have to have a goal and work towards it. Learn from your mistakes and keep striving for success. Keep God in your life and he will guide you.
Democrat SCUM at work again
whats Lynch trying to put her pennies worth in on this. he and her boss are the ones pushing for all this crap against the police.
So sad
God Bless Our Police Officers and Our Military Men and Women.
God Bless TRUMP!!!
Praying for healing, only Jesus can help us.
Prayers are nice but a helping hand from Smith & Wesson must accompany all prayers……
I like your comment, but I prefer Henry Ruger. .45/70 Henry and .357mag Ruger Blackhawk bunt line special. Love that six-shooter.
cannot post on this piece of crap. Not enough room
Obama’s and Hilliary s assault soldiers at work. We need to sweep flush out and Distroy these enemies and make an example. Wild west justice.
Agreed, hang’m high !
When I used to puke it sounded like rraalph. Now it sounds like baaarrrak.
We have more killing now than we ever had on our Police offers. Where are our LEADERS. Everything is up in 7 years. No respect for the LAW at the highest level. I am a black MAN and respect the LAW of the LAND.
Obama has done a fine job of dividing legal americans against each other…. time for legal americans to take a stand and the first thing to do is get the corruption out of Washington……
Trump/Pence 2016 the only duo who can get the job done….
Headlines: “COP KILLED LAST NIGHT”. Would an honest ‘Reporter’ please tell us how many Citizens were killed by Cops last night? Or does that not fit the Media’s agenda?
I wish the media would report how many black people are murdered by other black people in just Toledo Ohio. Every day there murders in Toledo blacks on blacks. What a shame. There are so many good black people who are receiving the blunt of the publicity . Toledo is full of drugs, and it seems as though most of then murders are drug related.
YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!! Where the Black leaders? But we hear black lives matter. Something is wrong! Do we see a movement for blacks killing blacks with the news covering it. I must say there is a big problem in this country. AND THE DEVIL IS Loving it. GOD wants us
to LOVE all people. We have people that is preaching hate.
The same goes for Chicago the beloved home city of our first family who never responds to the death and distruction in his own city, except to say we need more gun control. Chicago already has the tuffest gun laws and has it stopped the killing and the crime? NO IT HAS NOT….. We need a leader who denounces the crime regardless of the color of skin, we need a leader who will stand up and support the men and women who wear the badge and protect our neighborhoods. We need a leader who believe s in the fundemental rights of citizens under the Second Amendment. We need a leader who puts American and American cuitizens first. We need a leader who will call out Radical Terrorism out for what it is. I do not care whether he is black, white, brown, yellow or red whether he is man or woman. but by God whoever they are they better take the oath to defend the Constitution seriously and Put Americans first.
Amen brother
The liberal agenda is at work again. They are only after your vote. They are creating havoc and chaos in this great nation. It is not our law enforcement creating the problem, but the lawbreakers! It is not about race, but about those who believe (as Hillary does) that they are above the law and can do whatever they want, regardless of who gets hurt. ALL LIVES MATTER! Do not blame law enforcement; blame the perpetrator. Law enforcement is trying to protect ALL lives; however, if you break the law, you will suffer the consequence of whatever your crime is.
The vast majority of those killed by police are caught in the commission of a a crime or for fighting during an arrest. Cops don’t just go out and killed people. The dynamic has worsened sin Obama took office and that can’t be disputed. The problem can easily be solved by simply not commiting crimes and obeying police orders when arrested.
Probably none. How many people’s lives were saved because there were cops on duty in the hood and bad neighborhoods..
Innocent Citizens ????
Are you a member of “Black lives matter”. Sounds like you may be
That;s easy,,,,,NONE, you assbag.
Are you for real? Cops don’t go out on patrol to shoot anyone. They go out to protect citizens, even idiots like you. As mentioned in subsequent posts, in the commission of a crime, don’t resist, don’t fight it, just accept the fact you were caught. It helps everyone. Too bad you don’t have the common sense god gave you. I do forgive your comment and will pray for you.
Daniel, You couldn’t have said it any better. Life can be hard to face at times. God bless our police officers. They put their lives on the line for us day in and day out. Where would we be without them.
Only an idiot would ask that question unless he had investigated and found evidence of one thug killing or robbing or beating a women in the great disaster called Califronication state. I have never seen a state of disaster like this state. I think they are all out of touch with reality.
You are an ass.
Well, they didn’t kill you and it pains me that they didn’t, but it ain’t over till it’s over you cowardly scumbag that won’t give your last name.
More importantly, how many of those killed by cops deserved to die and how many of our cops deserve to die defending and protecting the citizens? Would you be willing to die protecting your neighbors?
i was willing to lay down my life for this country.would you be willing to lay your life down for this country . if not shut your mouth!!!!!!!!
Hey Don,
You must be some kind of “special ” person to say that. This is exactly why I’m not a cop. I would’ve saved the trial time and shot the idiot and claimed self defense. But these POLICE I hate the word “cops” Citizens on patrol is what that stands for. Go into dangerous situations to help idiots like you and the BLM movement morons and like everyone else have families to go home to…they’re not robots. There are bad ones out there but then there are bad apples in every bunch…including BLM..some ppl have a good intent…but some ie..jackson…Mckesson, Black Panthers are no better than the KKK…and by the way, my wife BLACK,,I’m an American Indian…so don’t start the racial bull crap with me…THUGS ARE ALL COLORS…
You are a 100% idiot! I hope you call 911 and they send a dog catcher!
There is a difference between shooting criminals / thugs committing crimes and the cold blooded murder of an innocent person and if you can ‘t see that someone needs to shoot you!
Those innocent Civilians did not lose their Life protecting you, also most innocent Civilians Murdered every night are in Major Democratic Cities with the most strict Gun Control Laws, most illegal Guns & Courts that throw them back on the Street with a slap on the wrist. If the Major Democratic Cities were removed from the World Death by Firearm list we would be at the Bottom as it is we are at the Top which proves Gun Control is a Stupid way to address the problem.
If you shoot at a cop or other LEO types your trial and sentencing should be handled before you get handcuffed.
After 7 years, things have deteriorated greatly. I’m still waiting for Obama to say, “Bush, Bush”.
And Clark and Rudy had to Shame the DNC to honor the fallen cops. They are a blight on America.
No name must be a Jamal something
Once convicted and sentenced to death the suspect who kills a police officer should be tied to the ground and police cars driven over them like they are speed bumps in the road.
Ya’no folks I keep telling you that if you don’t recall your history you will repeat it. I am unfortunate enough to have witnessed this twice in my life time. The first time in the sixties. There is only one thing terrorist, home grown or otherwise, know and that is the rule of revenge. NOT JUST JUSTICE, but revenge ! Support your local law officials. Watch his/her back because they are watching yours.
Go fishing. Hook’m up and fry’m !
Don is a typical thug with no morals or values.
Cops serve and protect. Don you are an idiot!!
Take your head out of your a$&&
Killing police is now a new sport for these damned trouble making thugs. The trouble making thugs believe killing police is the solution to all of their troubles when they are because of the choice they chose are the true & real cause of their troubles.
I am so sick and tired of the Disrespect in our Country today. Our Police and Military, I’m going for TRUMP/ PENCE or were going to have a country like Kurt Russel’s movie Escape from New York!
There is a saying (It is better to be Judged by 12 Than Carried by 6)I think the Police need to protect themselves 1st in order to be alive to protect us and those who disrespect them are the 1st to call for help. Come on People we need to protect those who Protect us!!!
we were all born naked and with no learned morality or culture,
Our human experience is a result choices, most of us know God,
And believe in the his guides, USA has a constatution to believe,
Unfortunately many choose to Go Wrong, without the above, We
Have Today….
They put themselves in harms way example being the Dallas officers who used their bodies to shield a woman and her 15 year old son without the slightest hesitation for their own well being while being denigrated by the dredge of the earth “Black Lives Matter”.
As an aside this woman took all three of her sons to the demonstration which had no impact on the way the officers comported themselves. In spite of the treatment they receive from the certain segments of the public and the little compensation they receive they still do the jobs they were fired for – too bad we don’t have an abundance of Sheriff’s Joe and David Clarke.
people who support the black lives matter movement are useful idiots google Saul Alinsky make note of 8 for scocialism
There are many like Joe Arpaio and Sheriff Clark. They just are not publicized like these two great officers. I was an officer for 42 years in Texas and finally made it to retirement. I went to the assistance of one of my officers and was seriously injured in the process I gave my health for another officer without even thinking about the consequences of my actions. If I had it to do over again, I would do the same thing, even though I will be paying for it the rest of my life. Ninety nine percent of the police officer in the USA would have done the same thing with out even thinking about it even if it was an ordinary citizen. Black Lives Matter are a bunch of paid agitators funded by George Soros, a left wing Billionaire just like Barack Obama. their goal is to destroy Ameeica as we know it and Hillary Clinton wants to succeed the worst President in our history and continue the task. Vote for Donald Trump to restore America.
Well said. Trump is the answer, but God first.
I see so much hate and anger. When you tempt weak, selfish, ruthless people by sending them to Washington to run our country and our purse, what do you expect? Looking at the polls all I see is that about 50% of the people in our great nation today are too dumb to see what is going on and will blindly vote for proven thieves, liars and murderers. You know what you are going to get, the same old corruption we have experienced the last 30 years by both sides of the political spectrum. We may not know exactly what Trump will bring but he is a breath of fresh air. The Oval office is home for the Nation’s Chief Executive and Commander in Chief. Trump is far more capable to fill those positions. Look at what he HAS built here and throughout the world, how he HAS negotiated deals with foreign countries vs the sterling record of failure and destruction from the Obama / Hillary side. I would rather vote for Trump than vote for proven failures and hope & pray for something new they are “GONNA” promise. To my African American friends I suggest you simply become “Americans” and understand it was the party of Republican Lincoln that set you free, it was Republican that gave you equality, it was Democrats who started the Abortion Movement to control the black population. 8 years with a Black President, Black AG and many Black Mayors & Governors, are you better off than 8 years ago ????? If you answer yes, stop complaining, if you answer no, vote for Trump.
I feel the same way, shoot them the same way as they did the officers. no need to waste our tax dollars on trash!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing in the report I read said the perpetrator was black, white, red, or green! Nor did it say if it was a man or a woman!
YES, THE PERP IS A SCUMBAG, NO MATTER WHAT. That’s the only slur you can throw at the article.
Jack i did find one article that says the suspect is a hispanic male, did not mention if he is here legally or not!
Sad and extremely alarmed for America’s finest and America.
I feel bad for the family of those police officers according to previous reading more than half of california is under those pharma power drugs and they dont care who they kill. Ill bet you anything that Hell-lary will be happy with these shootings because they give her more power to inflict her communist ideas of gun control and total domination
It is unfortunate but today about as may cops as citizens have been hoodwinked into following our lawless Muslim President into his backbiting ways to create lawlessness and chaos among we the people to fulfill our Presidents globalist New World Order agenda so he can declare martial law which sets aside our constitution, laws and way of life so he never has to leave our oval office.
Understand… the majority of cops on the force today are great… and have signed on to protect and serve us… but beware… there are a few cops that have signed on to complete our lawless Presidents agenda to bring America and her people away from being a Sovereign free nation to not being free people in a free nation but… to being under the authority of a third world nation as commoners [slaves] not citizens who have rights or authority as voters would have.
Case in point… twice in the last ten months I have been targeted by Highway Patrolmen who have stopped and ticketed me for not wearing my seatbelt when I was delivering newspapers where in California the DMV codes clearly show newspaper carriers are exempt from the seatbelt law when delivering newspapers.
But it wasn’t just the stopping and ticketing me for a violation I was not guilty for… it was the way these two officers conducted themselves… both standing outside of my car [ten months apart] looking down at me with their fancy uniform and shinny badge pinned to their chest as if I was a dog with my tail tied to my leg… and with their gun strapped to their side they were screaming at me like mad dogs as if I had murdered someone… acting more as if they were my judge, jury and executioner than to protect & serve… and this for a supposed seatbelt violation.
Except for the fancy uniform and shinny badge… there was no discernable difference between these two Highway Patrolmen than the thousands of armed robbers and murderers who came into the 7-Eleven Stores to shoot and murder me during the eleven thousand nights I worked there.
So… are we to start randomly shooting each other like mad dogs?
If we do… then our lawless anti America President and the third world globalist’s win! and we as a people cease to be a free people. Thus the reason I am here in court today… hoping for a resolution founded on our constitution, laws and way of life according to the ways of our founding fathers… not a lawless third world nation lording themselves over the American people.
As a retired LEO.i am so sorry for the loss of these fine officers. Now if the dictatorship of the State of California just does not turn them loose.I am from San Diego and it’s heartbreaking to see what is going on there the city I used to live in is now covered with homeless and scum bags and with one of the best welfair systems in the US those shitbirds won’t be leaving soon. No guns, no smoking, no drinking on the beach or piers and the list goes on & on. & on it use to be a wonderfull place to live and work but now unless you make over 200,000 a year you better stay out of calif.I left in the early 70 to take an LEO position in Florida and now live in the free state of Arizona thank God.
Let people come out of the vehicles with their hands up and stand behind the vehicler for the Police to question them.
Blue life is important to make people obey the law first.
If they do no come out of the vehicle blow the vehicle with people.
No other alternative if people behave like savages.
Who is responsible for in sighting these people to be heroes.
Hilary and Obama has had eight and eight years to correct these problems.
They failed miserable. They have made it worst. What makes you think they will do it.