Despite numerous accusations of election fraud, dirty tricks and unfair party favoritism, Hillary Clinton is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic party. Even though her coronation as the Democratic presidential candidate didn’t go as smoothly as political analysts first predicted, Clinton heads to the Philadelphia Democratic convention in July as the clear party frontrunner.
But did the controversies surrounding her suspicious primary victories cost Clinton the last remaining goodwill of voters?
Poll after poll show Clinton rapidly losing ground against Republican nominee Donald Trump — and it’s quickly getting so bad, some top Democrats are afraid the Clinton nomination will be “a disaster.”
That’s according to Jarred Weaver, campaign manager of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, in an email to voters, who cited Clinton’s increasingly poor reception among voters.
Weaver writes,”The Democratic Party must decide if they want the candidate with the momentum who is best positioned to beat Trump, or if they are willing to roll the dice and court disaster simply to protect the status quo for the political and financial establishment of this country.”
The warning comes after surprising exit polls in West Virginia primary illuminated a new bloc of voters: About a third of the Democratic primary voters revealed they would choose Trump in a general election matchup over Clinton.
“Donald Trump’s support has surged and he is now running nearly even with Democrat Hillary Clinton among likely U.S. voters, a dramatic turnaround since he became the Republican party’s presumptive presidential nominee,” according to a Reuters poll released on Wednesday.
Weaver said the Democratic Party and its superdelegates must reject Clinton and embrace Sanders soon — or face defeat at the hands of Trump in November.
tommy says
Clintons make Mockery of FBI & Land of LAWS that DO NOT APPLY to Monarchy ?
Jan says
Surprise, surprise! Hillary losing momentum. The slimy trail behind her is beginning to show.
william says
When she was first witch,,,,,, the aircraft’s call sign was “BROOM ONE”…….
John mundt says
Ray says
Trump’s is “TRAMP ONE”…
Danny says
When trump is president he is going to create jobs so get ready to start supporting yourself because the gravy train and been relaxed by the trump train.
Danny says
Has been replaced I don’t know where relaxed came from.
John says
What have you been smoking? All of Trump’s proposals,that he has released so far,are ALL destructive starting with dissembling the One of the few Constructive programs to have come out of a Republican administration in over 50 years. The EPA has been responsible tor holding industries accountable for polluting our air, water and soil contamination’s with toxic waste. Remember SMOG and Burning Rivers? Lack of State and Federal funding for water has been instrumental in the Lead contaminated water in Flint an other Quality Controlling agencies. The first place that industry rst to save money is Quality. That is the very last thing they should be cutting. O’ That wall he boast about would take 30 years before the first spade is turned.
Rosech says
And Bernie is just as bad as she as he is a communist whatever he calls him to date, and his wife is going to trial for moneys that “disappeared” or were “used wrongly”. Remember too that Bernie lived on the government tit until age 40 but somewhere it showed he has over a million $$ himself while again wanting the government tit to somehow create money that we don’t even have now! The DNC should just fold up its tent and fade away, just as we are forcing the RNC/GOP to do. Their day has come and gone because WE, THE PEOPLE ARE THE GOVERNMENT and we taking over! Get used to it you power and money hungry users and losers of our trust!
James Maxwell says
Trump is an unknown in many cases, but Hildabeast is a known bottom feeding traitor
to the Unite States and its Citizens. Even the Democrat Socialist know this and are
afraid of her. That is why Berne is picking up steam with them. They know he is a
avowed Socialist and the damage he will do to support them and their “Free” Society
where no one works(?). The only thing they do not know is who will pay for all their
freebies or how that will happen.
ERic says
Obama has already guaranteed that she has done no wrong! Since he doesn’t know wrong from right you can take it from there!
Tsegaye Beyene says
This absurd and wishful thinking. Hillary Clinton the most formidablele candidate w
Ho is a nightmare to Donald Trump.
She will beat him by a landslide.
kathy says
Tsegaye Beyene are you kidding? you are either too young to remember or too stupid to care.;_ylt=A86.J7.76DRX.SUAfagPxQt.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcwMDU1OQRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1pcnktZnVsbHlob3N0ZWRfMDAzBGdwcmlkA0xQMFBNalFSUndhNU5tUnpfWEJ5ZEEEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzEwBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMxBHBxc3RyA1RoZSUyMENsaW50b24lMjAEcHFzdHJsAzEyBHFzdHJsAzI2BHF1ZXJ5A3RoZSUyMGNsaW50b24lMjBjaHJvbmljbGVzBHRfc3RtcAMxNDYzMDg1Mjgw?p=the+clinton+chronicles&fr2=sa-gp-search&hspart=iry&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003¶m1=1¶m2=f%3D4%26b%3DFirefox%26cc%3Dus%26pa%3DWincy%26cd%3D2XzuyEtN2Y1L1Qzu0Bzz0A0CyC0F0Azz0D0FtDyC0BtDtA0FtN0D0Tzu0StCyDtDtAtN1L2XzutAtFtCzztFtCtFtDtN1L1Czu1StN1L1G1B1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2StDtC0DyCyDyByCyDtGtCyD0B0DtGtByEtByDtGtB0BtDtCtGyEyD0FzzyByC0EtB0CtC0D0C2QtN1M1F1B2Z1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2S0DyEtDyByB0CtDzztGyBtByE0DtGyE0DyEzytG0AyC0CyBtG0C0AtD0CtA0F0CyBzyyC0BtA2QtN0A0LzuyE%26cr%3D1258303156%26a%3Dwncy_instlmtrx_16_06%26os_ver%3D6.3%26os%3DWindows%2B8.1%2BEnterprise&type=wncy_instlmtrx_16_06
follow this link and then follow this next one.;_ylt=A86.J7.76DRX.SUAfagPxQt.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcwMDU1OQRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1pcnktZnVsbHlob3N0ZWRfMDAzBGdwcmlkA0xQMFBNalFSUndhNU5tUnpfWEJ5ZEEEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzEwBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMxBHBxc3RyA1RoZSUyMENsaW50b24lMjAEcHFzdHJsAzEyBHFzdHJsAzI2BHF1ZXJ5A3RoZSUyMGNsaW50b24lMjBjaHJvbmljbGVzBHRfc3RtcAMxNDYzMDg1Mjgw?p=the+clinton+chronicles&fr2=sa-gp-search&hspart=iry&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003¶m1=1¶m2=f%3D4%26b%3DFirefox%26cc%3Dus%26pa%3DWincy%26cd%3D2XzuyEtN2Y1L1Qzu0Bzz0A0CyC0F0Azz0D0FtDyC0BtDtA0FtN0D0Tzu0StCyDtDtAtN1L2XzutAtFtCzztFtCtFtDtN1L1Czu1StN1L1G1B1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2StDtC0DyCyDyByCyDtGtCyD0B0DtGtByEtByDtGtB0BtDtCtGyEyD0FzzyByC0EtB0CtC0D0C2QtN1M1F1B2Z1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2S0DyEtDyByB0CtDzztGyBtByE0DtGyE0DyEzytG0AyC0CyBtG0C0AtD0CtA0F0CyBzyyC0BtA2QtN0A0LzuyE%26cr%3D1258303156%26a%3Dwncy_instlmtrx_16_06%26os_ver%3D6.3%26os%3DWindows%2B8.1%2BEnterprise&type=wncy_instlmtrx_16_06
then read this…
you need to educate yourself. I lived in Arkansas when Billy boy was Governor. he was a womanizer then and he is a womanizer now. It is a given he got some of those women pregnant or got in trouble for his groping along the way and you can be since he was being groomed for a very long time for the WH that those “problems” would be taken care of. You can bet Hillary knew if not ordered the “problems” to be discharged for good. Both the Clintons’ carry a whole lot of baggage and none of it good. But you go ahead and vote for her. If she wins the election, I hope you get everything you ask for. no job, no money, and not hope.
Larry says
She may appear calm on the outside but she is paddling like crazy underneath the water.She will be busted!
DickPalmer says
Her pants are down and no one wants to see her ass.Her and baggy eyes need to go back to where they came from.
Sheila says
You are truly a looser!
richard wallace says
when she was secretary of state she was called the blob as a nick name from the white house.. only thing i would change would be to put an “ugly” in front of blob. as i think it would be easier to understand and agree!!!
Ken says
You may not realize how correct your first sentence was. She took frequent secret trips to California to attend some secret “conferences”.
azjenn says
Yes, the were witches conventions & I did not misspell ‘witch.’
drew says
I’ve spent time listening to all candidates from both sides – Bernie included. Hillary has no message outside of criticizing today’s economy (Obama economy she was part of) followed by regurgitated taxing the millionaires and billionaires. In which Bill and Hillary are now a part of that talking point.
Bernie says, she courts Wall Street and she does/did. Bernie is willing to increase taxes to give freely to those that are youthful and never worked before. But someone else has to pay for it. Then we have Trump, seemingly the last GOP candidate standing, offering fresh ideas. Ideas that drive the P/C police of the Dems and GOP crazy.
Now that Trump wants to out the People first, the gravy-train of the past seems to be subsiding causing panic through the media.
The Texan says
People like Hillary and Bernie always talk about raising taxes on the ultra rich and insist that it will not affect the average tax payer. But when the smoke clears away we all end up paying more taxes. a vote for Hillary is a vote to continue expanding the Federal deficit.
Carol says
Agreed!! I am voting for Trump because I cannot AFFORD 4 more years of Barack Obama politics!!
Al Dziukiewicz says
Check out Uranium One. It is a Russian group that has just bought 20% of our Uranium mine in the United State an ok by the State Department while Clinton was the state department head. Check how much she was paid for that deal.
Spencer Washington says
Here’s the timeline of the Clinton’s and their “Charitable” Foundation’s involvement with Uranium One.
September 2005:
Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining financier, wins a major uranium deal in Kazakhstan for his company, UrAsia, days after visiting the country with former President Bill Clinton.
Mr. Giustra donates $31.3 million to the Clinton Foundation.
February 2007:
UrAsia merges with a South African mining company and assumes the name Uranium One. In the next two months, the company expands into The United States of America.
June 2008:
Negotiations begin between Uranium One and the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, which is controlled by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Uranium One and UrAsia investors make $8.65 million Dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One investors and the Russian Leaders stand to profit handsomely on a Rosatom deal.
June 2009:
Rosatom subsidiary ARMZ (the Russian Government) takes a 17 percent ownership stake in Uranium One.
2010 to 2011:
At a time when Hillary Clinton was the United States Secretary of State, investors in Uranium One and Rosatom give’s Millions more Dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation.
June 2010:
Rosatom says it does not plan to increase its stake in Uranium One or to take the company private.
Less than 18 months into Hillary’s term as Secretary of State, Rosatom goes back on it’s word and seeks majority ownership of Uranium One. Of course this is pending approval of the deal by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. The State Department is a member of the CFIUS and Ms. Clinton is the head of the State Department.
June 29, 2010:
Bill Clinton is paid $500,000 by a Russian investment bank that has ties to Vladimir Putin for a speech Bill gives in Moscow. The bank then advises it’s clients to buy Uranium One stock.
October 2010:
Rosatom’s majority ownership is approved 4 months later by Hillary Clinton’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.
January 2013:
As soon as Hillary is out as the Secretary of State and she is safe from blow-back, Rosatom takes full control of Uranium One and takes it private, again going back on their prior promises.
J. Russell Lemon says
And the Rancher that bought land in Oregon over a uranium deposit is attacked by the BLM, thrown in jail for not giving up his land. [without compensation] It seem the NWO supports land confiscation because “land belongs to the people”. In the NWO all homes will also belong to the government and rented to those that support the NWO.
Wendy says
Considering she’s probably got enough back-door connections to be writing the exit polls, yeah, that is a surprise.
Frank says
The Texan says
A pardon provides forgiveness for a crime and waves punishment. But it also implies quilt, or a pardon would not be necessary.
uncle_fweddy says
And, since Bernie has never held a job, his call sign could be Job One, similar to Monika Lewinski’s call sign…
The Texan says
Bernie should be appointed Ambassador to Russia so he can observe the failure of communism first hand.
Roy Fredrichsen says
If she gets in, Billy Boy will be chasing every skirt in Washington. Senators and Representatives be sure your wives are wearing chastity belts and YOU have the only key.
William says
No need for chastity bels. Slick Willie is up for blow jobs.
Kimberly says
I know. The press is brain-dead. Gee what a shock that people want Trump over her.
csthomas says
If trump had of the dems would have pounced on that..instead of his many mariages..yet no one dare mentions hillary is a lesbian
Robeat Ewing says
NEVER !!!!!
Carol says
I SOOO hope that you are right!! I’m thinking that the Republicans will wait until after the election before pressing charges over the email scandal – that way Obama cannot grant her a pardon!!
robert duverger says
are you saying that she is a slug ?
Deb says
Sure is!!!
Henry says
Imelda Marcos Klynton gives EVIL a whole new level. Whether bank fraud, involved in at least 49 murders, “suicides,” and “accidental” deaths, lying under oath, storing Level 2 Top Secret emails on an insecure private Server, four Americans killed in Benghazi….what next? I thought America use to execute Enemies of the State!
Carol says
Don’t forget Whitewater where the Clintons threw their friends under the bus and sent them to prison!! Slick Willy or Killary did not spend a day in jail!! This scandal was pure evil!!
Jc says
LOL!!! Slimy trail. In Texas we would call that her snail trail.
Thomas K Masterson says
John says
Oh, too bad for the “Wicked Cackling Witch” from the East.
fred says
Whoever controls the Diebold machines ,will determine the winner. apart from that It’s easier to forecast the loser no matter who wins and that is the people of the United States. If voting helped the people you know it would be made illegal
Constitutionalist says
Yep, fred, you’re right – and it’s more than just the Diebold machines.
Have a visit to Bev Harris’ website,, for more info; contact your State reps and ask what security measures are in place, which State employees have access to the machines, whether or not they have a plan in place to prevent remote access to the machines by ANY parties, especially in the central tabulating hubs – and if they have paper ballots available for those who do NOT trust those machines(and their owners). If there are no paper ballots available, demand that they MAKE them available, and a damn sight sooner than October of THIS YEAR, too!
FMO, most American Idiots push the buttons, collect their “I’m Stupid” sticker, and go home – never caring whether their vote was counted AT ALL, if it was switched for someone they DIDN’T vote for, or if their vote was “denied” due to some (usually imaginary) “invalidation” criteria.
Gerry Pilgrim says
I’m sure that the libtard dumbocrats wiil continue to support the criiminal Hillary, the proven liar, the proven cheater, the proven disregarder of our laws, the proven hater of women, the proven murderer (Benghazi)!
r lawler says
Just an aside here…I know it’s an old paen, but…I think, the only answer to this cluster F… that we call our Government, is ..Term Limits. Break up the old boys club every eight years, and we MIGHT be able to do something to salvage this disaster . If it’s good enough for the Pres, it should b e good enough for the elected (…,you fill in the dots), no more CAREER Politicians! !!! I don’t care how altruistic one is going into Congress or the Senate. In the first term, they figure out your price..Second term, are bought and paid for, third term..grab what you can , fourth term..lay back and let the payola roll in. And it will!! For sure. One more thing..IF, you go into the Senate and or the Congress, with say a million dollars in assets, and come out eight years later with several million dollars, you should have to prove to a committee, just exactly HOW you did that, and this investigation should be done BEFORE you are allowed to leave office. Pipe dreams, I know, but really, wouldn’t it be nice,..just for once, to put some form of honesty back into Government?? I know,..dream on.. I thank you
Constitutionalist says
r lawler-
Yes, some sort of honest accounting should be made, indeed, upon any CongressCretin’s exit from “public service” with an increase of net worth that’s completely unjustified by their salaries alone.
But i remember reading awhile back that when CongressCretins wrote and passed the “insider trading” laws, they SPECIFICALLY EXEMPTED THEMSELVES from having to obey those laws! Naturally, since legislation affects stock prices TREMENDOUSLY, that loophole should be immediately shut down, and any further violations subject to criminal penalties and loss of office/benefits/retirement. i believe that info came to light during the mock trial and conviction of Martha Stewart, who was a piker compared to participating CongressCretins.
At any rate, currently, that’s EXACTLY how more than a few CongressCretins increase their bank accounts – and they made sure it’s “legal” for them to do so, even if unbelievably unethical. i mean, come on! How hard is it to figure out that if certain companies are going to reap huge financial rewards depending on how you vote, to go and buy stock in the company BEFORE the the vote is made and the news is announced, GUARANTEEING you massive profits!
And these “speaking fees” should be capped at, say, 20k each, too, perhaps with increases tied only to COLA increases for Soc. Sec. recipients; as it stands now, it’s naught but a disguise for bribery…a thinly wrapped disguise, to boot.
Deb says
To be honest 20k seems high to me!!
$1k should be sufficient plus travel/hotel expense. Some salaries are just crazy!!
Gigi says
Not only do we need term limits, we also need to do away with a lifetime outrageous retirement plan that the elite get. Most of them are lawyers so let them go back to work. Also, they should have the very same medical care that we do.
Kimberly says
These crazy liberals act like nothing is wrong putting forth a candidate who’s under FBI investigation. It’s scary.
Larry says
She has a lot more than Benghazi blood on her hands!
Karen says
With all her lies, stealing from White House and so on; how could she even be allowed to for the trust of the people of this country. She never had my vote, I don’t care whether she a woman. She doesn’t deserve to be the first female President.
Bill says
I couldn’t agree more. Hillary is in it strickly for her benefit “more money” and she could care less about the people.
Deb says
I think her motivation is ego. She helped get her husband elected and finally is hoping she gets to be president. Maybe the Obammies will steal all the things they did including paper clips. Lol Then the Clintons will just spend our money on new things and take when she leaves. It’s very hard for me to see the DNC supporting a criminal that if not for Obama would be headed to prison. Even if she is convicted and sentenced, he will give her clemency or pardon her. Just like the over 300 Obama has let out of prison in recent weeks.
Dave says
I would suspect, that if the Democratic Party cares about the way they’re viewed even in the world, would cut Mrs. Clinton lose. She comes with to much baggage. Top Detective/Police of our Federal Government, have been doing a very special, and complete investigation on Mrs. Clinton, leaving no rock unturned. She’s going to have to face the music. Sadly it couldn’t be coming at a worst time, but she needs to know that most of what she did was illegal. .For younger people, she’s always been this way. She’s an attorney so she is accustomed to stand there looking innocent, when in fact she’s not. She can do that for hours.
Constitutionalist says
“A lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns.”
— Mario Puzo(1920-1999) Novelist
Source: The Godfather
It may also be time to resurrect the Original 13th Amendment, which barred attorneys from holding public office. (google “original 13th amendment” for precise info.)
But that quotation is exactly why and how CongressCretins get rich…especially the attorneys who learned where the loopholes are so as to stay within the bounds of the “law” THEY WROTE! Wotta racket THAT is, eh?
drgb says
Since the original 13th Amendment was never properly repealed, but merely replaced by the present one, the original that bars arrorneys (“word-twisters”) from serving in public office should be the Law of the Land. It’s incredible that such a fraud could have occurred by just reprinting a new version of the Constitution. Politics hasn’t changed much in 160 years!
Chris Beliveau says
Hilary has proven she’s unethical, sneaky, buyable, and more; that’s why I’d vote for
Trump if Bernie does not get the nomination he’s earned and deserves. Trump and
wife have no long history of skirting laws; unpolished and bombastic as he is, his baggage is pocket-sized compared to Hilary’s. Bernie has no dirty hands. Hilary brings along Bill as her baggage, and I’d rather see Trump’s wife in the White House than Bill !!! Jane, on the other hand, has a long list of credentials that would benefit ANY president. We’re electing a couple, actually, and Hillary PLUS Bill is unthinkable double trouble!! I’d vote for Mickey Mouse to keep Hilary & Bill out of there. What happens if she is president and is found guilty of a crime requiring incarceration? We’re in deep, uhhh, trouble!
Charles hall says
She’s got the gull just to pardon herself…..
MRP says
Crooked dirty politicians have to be made to pay for their crimes. So good to hear that in New York, State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver will be spending 12 years in prison for his corruption and Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, five years. It’s about time to end the free ride and pay the piper. Hope this is just the beginning. Hillary and Obama should be next. And it’s time to get rid of presidential pardons and clean up the system.
Constitutionalist says
it’s time to get rid of presidential pardons and clean up the system.
Since presidential pardons are a named presidential power(done so that injustices could be immediately corrected, like Jefferson did by freeing everyone convicted of violating the Unconstitutional “Alien and Sedition” act), doing away with the presidential pardon would literally require an Amendment to the Constitution ratified by 3/4’s of the States, or a Bill to that effect approved by the legislatures of 3/4’s of the States(for State legislatures can exert their majority will and create law WITHOUT Congress’ approval OR the president’s signature, iirc).
I totally agree with cleaning up “the system.” i believe that Term Limits will ONLY be made law if the 3/4’s majority of State legislatures MAKE them and IMPOSE them on an unwilling Congress; i think that ANY CongressCretin who just introduced term limit legislation would be committing political suicide…if not setting him-or-herself up for a hit!
Charles hall says
She’s got the gull just to pardon herself…..
Constitutionalist says
Charles hall-
She’s got the gall just to pardon herself…
She might TRY it, since the Constitution doesn’t specifically FORBID it, but it’s against common sense and long-established principles of law to sit as your own judge in any case in which you figure prominently, much less are the sole defendant.
Not long ago, i googled “presidential pardon limitations” and found that there are few if any other than ONLY federal crimes can be pardoned, NEVER State crimes. Here’s more of what i learned about it:
“The scope of the pardon power remains quite broad, almost plenary(unlimited). As Justice Stephen Field wrote in Ex parte Garland (1867), “If granted before conviction, it prevents any of the penalties and disabilities consequent upon conviction from attaching [thereto]; if granted after conviction, it removes the penalties and disabilities, and restores him to all his civil rights; it makes him, as it were, a new man, and gives him a new credit and capacity….A pardon reaches both the punishment prescribed for the offence and the guilt of the offender….so that in the eye of the law the offender is as innocent as if he had never committed the offence.” A pardon is valid whether accepted or not, because its purposes are primarily public. It is an official act. According to United States v. Klein (1871), Congress cannot limit the President’s grant of an amnesty or pardon, but it can grant other or further amnesties itself. Though pardons have been litigated, the Court has consistently refused to limit the President’s discretion. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, however, in Schick v. Reed (1974), seemed to limit the Court’s restraint to pardons under “conditions which do not in themselves offend the Constitution.”
The possibility of a President pardoning himself for a crime is not precluded by the explicit language of the Constitution, and, during the summer of 1974, some of President Richard M. Nixon’s lawyers argued that it was constitutionally permissible. But a broader reading of the Constitution and the general principles of the traditions of United States law might lead to the conclusion that a self-pardon is constitutionally impermissible. It would seem to violate the principles that a man should not be a judge in his own case; that the rule of law is supreme and the United States is a nation of laws, not men; and that the President is not above the law.”
Sheila says
Not if Bernie is VP!!!
Robert Mucia says
I couldn’t agree more I can’t say without a crystal ball who will win this November, but I can say with certainty who the loser will be “America ” with that said I will just throw this out there, supreme court balance in the mix , Isis running wild Iran with nukes Putin growing bigger balls China believes it ownes most of the wold and a complete nut in North Korea mmmm Hillary may not be the way to go. I’m just saying. God Bless America we’re gonna need it.
DULIA says
Charles hall says
Your nuts…
Sheila says
Knowledge is not power!
If corrupt.
Larry says
But Hillary is a lot uglier and not much younger!
mark says
crooked hillory will continue to go down in polls how can she even play the woman card when it is proven she pays males more when she was in the senate pays males more in her own staff while she takes a salary out of these campaign funds and the Clinton foundation pays males sometimes up to 38% more the DOJ gives her money while they are supposed to be neutral on things like email slush funds etc
the only thing trump needs to do is to reach out to sanders at this point nd draw those voters
and that point it wont matter how many illegal voters and dead people vote for her
MRP says
Illegal voters and dead people are the only way she can win and historically are the only way she ever won. That’s why voter ID must be implemented to ensure honesty at the polls.
Constitutionalist says
That’s why voter ID must be implemented to ensure honesty at the polls.
voter ID won’t do squat as long as those with the knowhow can remotely access voting machines and change the results.
Get hip.
“It is enough that the People know there was an election. Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”
Know who said that?
Josef Stalin.
Will says
Regional tally computers can be programed for a result, or hacked, electronic ballot counters can be programed for a result or hacked, the data sent accross the network can be intercepted changed and re-sent, and the main tally computer can be programed for a result or hacked. If a highschool level geek can hack into the pentagon, there is no computer safe. We need to return to paper ballots, (one to a customer), hand counted and witnessed by all interested parties, with the results called into regional tally stations, with all inputs recorded on tape, and saved, and the regional stations called in to the main tally machine, witnessed and recorded. Our elections are totally unverifiable and are a joke to the outside world.
PeterR says
Hillary to jail, no questions asked! She couldn’t beat Obama because of all her baggage! Anyone voting for her should put their head under the sand for they haven’t got a clue! Trump will prevail and we’ll get the smaller government and a more powerful military!!
Nellie says
Trump! Only way to save our country.
Maxx says
You can tell crooked Hillary has her own agenda at heart! For her to stay with Bill after all the philandering he did, lying about Benghazi, and other cover-ups, like
e-mail,shows how truly dishonest she is!
ANDY says
Shes a piece of the establishment and thinks she above the law. I pray they cook her a— before the election. 8 MORE YEARS OF OBAMA WHO WILL NOT AND HAS NOT PROTECTED OUR USA MAKES ME SO A SHAME.. THAT WE APOLOGIZE FOR HURTING THE ENEMIES FEELINGS. What’s wrong with this country can’t they see Hillary will hurt us just like OBAMA the fore runner of the devil. VOTE TRUMP, hes a wonderful person who wants to make us be able to survive in a world of freedom and justice for all. My wife and I can’t even make it now with both of us working 7 days a week. What will we do if Hillary gets in, live with all our families in the same house in order to survive. Screw Hillary shes rich and worries only about making more money for Billy and HER BABY DAUGHTER. Shes a scum ball and a disgrace to the world. Barking like a dog, well that took the cake.
William2 says
What will you say about Hillary when she makes Obama VP.
Texas Son says
Slick HIlly for president? OH HILL NO!! Never Hil(liar)y!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary says
God Bless America Hillary should be in jail Trump is the way out to get this country back for all working. Familys
crockett says
Hopefuly Clintons people have seen the real clinton and change their minds and vote for Donald Trump 2016. Clinton is lying to the Blacks to get their votes then throw them aside just as obama did it to them . Wakeup and smell the coffee people of the democratic’s votes , get those votes to The Trump The Man that will get us out of the red and back into the black .
Jesse J says
Ray, your comment about “Tramp One,” was rude and unnessesary! Milania doesn’t warrant anything describing her as a tramp. Your humor proves you have no class at all! Stoop and stay down with Hillary.
Harry Shaw Jr says
Wow, such a reliable and unbiased source, Bernie’s campaign manager. Then they usebexit polls from West Virginia to support his claims? What a joke this is. Crocket, why would I change my vote to support an egotistical racist who I kmkw is going to tax me into oblivian so his rich cronies can get richer?
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
If I were Radio DJ I would be playing the Rolling Stones song When the walls start tumbling down the day
that damned b@$ch Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton gets burned & fried for all of the evil, crooked, lying,
cheating, stealing and election rigging that her & former Figurehead Draft dodger, Sleazeball Bill Clinton
did, and also their damned former First Brat & her husband.
MRP says
As a member of Goldman Sachs where Hillary made speeches in return for significant financial rewards and refuses to divulge the content of said speeches, First Brat’s husband, son of another crook who went to jail when a member of Congress, Marc whatever just lost millions of dollars for his investors in Greece. He should be held accountable and have to repay and go to jail We taxpayers should NOT have to bear that burden, when they live such an exorbitant lifestyle. The apples did not fall far from the tree with Chelsea and Marc.
jack says
Maybe her lying, shady past is catching up with her. And, to see her speak, that shrill and those almost demonic facial expressions is very scary of things in the past we didn’t want. Obama has hurt her to because anyone with any sense of paying attention can see he has been and continues to lie to us about everyone and thing; a liberal trait (truth and facts don’t get along with liberals). Hillary continues to play Obama’s game, but trying to call it her own. The danger here is that she is so desperate for the high spot she will do ANYTHING to get it, and, if she does, will be insane with it’s power to exploit, and, ultimately destroy, the American people. Like Obama, she disdains Congress and will live by executive decree and edict alone; like the manhatter. If Trump is even half way to better America, he only can save the republic now!!!!!!! But BEWARE, Hillary will use any MEANS she deems necessary against Donald Trump (with help from others); including voter fraud at the poles on election day (if Obama does not try and strop the election). The tempest is brewing!!!!!
MRP says
She looks like she was bitten by a rabid dog, screeches when she speaks, cackles when she laughs and walks like a duck. Such an animal is not fit to be president.
Justin W says
Newsflash for Democrats: Bernie Sanders is as bad of a choice for America as Hillary Clinton. Although Donald Trump has been rather caustic throughout the primaries and is not as conservative as I would like, he is more likely to be a good president than either Sanders or Clinton.
I think the nomination of a fringe socialist or the incompetent, corrupt Hillary Clinton will be a disaster for Democrats. The best thing the Democrats can hope for is that Donald Trump fails to unify Republicans and that people eventually get tired of his caustic nature.
Vish says
[email protected]
Donald Trump has not paid his Taxes for over 33 years. This has denied Middle and Working Class a better Life.
Wake up America, Wake Up People .. Do not allow him to continue to disrespect the Laws and People of Us.
As for Bernie Sanders he has extracted Wealth from the Government and People of the United States.
Hilary will make a better President at this time . All America “Support and Vote Hilary for President of the UNITED STATES
OF AMERICA; come November 2016
Joanne says
Vish: What in the hell planet do you live on????? You must be hard up to vote for Killery who I refer to as MA KETTLE. Get a life and open your eyes.
VOTE DONALD TRUMP who will make America Great Again.
Constitutionalist says
More like Ma Barker…(head of the Barker Gang from 1930’s America.)
MRP says
What propaganda are you spewing that Donald Trump has not paid taxes in 33 years? Have you checked on the taxes paid by the Clinton Foundation. they have failed to report most of the income and charities receive less than 10%. And Bill Clinton, Ross Perot and Ronald Reagan were the only modern day presidential candidates who failed to produce their tax returns. So Hypocrite should not be going after Trump for his tax returns. Pot calling the kettle black.
Jan says
Where did your information come from that Trump has not paid taxes for 33 years? That’s a new one. He’s been audited many years in a row, so I believe he has paid taxes. He has many businesses and the IRS is keeping tabs on him.
pogopatti says
I left the Democratic Party quite a while ago. I have no allegiance to people who do not try do what they promise when they take a seat in the Government! We are the people of the United States of America. We are not idiots. We see what you try to do and don’t do. We know you sometimes are poor when you go into politics and come out wealthy. If you did your job when you were in your position, it is okay to prosper. I’m back to being an independent voter and I will vote for Donald Trump. I think we need someone in our system who is NOT a politician, but is successful, a true American, and knows how to work the financial system we have. You don’t have to be a politician to talk to other countries, you just have to do a lot of traveling abroad….and that he has done. I just hope he will be the 2nd President to “The buck stops here”…the first being President Truman who put our country in the position of being the best and wealthiest in the world and was a believer in God. Trump is smart. Believe me, he will figure it out and fast! That’s just what we need. If you don’t want to work with him, get out of the House and Senante.
Abe says
Even with legs Hitlery leaves a trail like a slug!
chucktilley says
So many Americans will turn against the Democrats if Hillary is Nominated . When they know she has committed a felony while in office . Their party is already split , Young Democrats won’t support her . Senior Democrats , can’t win with just old Democrats . When young Democrats refuse to vote for Hillary . Democrats I know say anybody but Hillary ! Trump has Democrats and independents crossing over to him . Because they are sick about what the Democrats are doing .
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Fish, the Clinton’s are why I have become a Libertarian, and the damned Clinton’s are liers, stealers,
Cheaters, have elections rigged in their favor. The Clinton’s have ruined and destroyed the Democratic
Party. The Clinton’s have done far worse than what the Marcoes of the Philippines have ever done.
It’s people like Sleazeball, draft dodger, sugar coated white trash redneck Bill Clinton and that damned
B@$ch Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton who go pointing their fingers and the late Ferdinand E. Marcos
and Imelda Marcos for doing wrong, but yet for the Clinton’s and others like them it’s alright if they do
wrong, but not anybody else. If that damned b@$ch Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton is our next Figurehead
I will leave the country once I have everything I own all sold in the damned Loser City Tucson, Mexizona
Metro area.
Rob says
Trump needs to back off from Hillary until she is the nominee. This way it is a slam dunk. Otherwise we are dealing with an unknown.
Sanders policies can be brought down by Trump, but 47% of his voters will vote trump if Bernie not in race.
We don’t know how Biden would dare. He is well liked and personal attacks on him could go backwards.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful for hillary not to win election, but prosecuted too?
Don says
Uncle Joe Biden is dumber than a day old ______. The one thing that he is consistent about is making a fool out of himself. That being said;
If ANYONE would vote for skank Hillary, they wouldn’t have a problem voting for Weird Uncle Joe.
I suppose the ONLY thing we can be thankful for in Obama surviving his presiidency is that Uncle Joe didn’t automatically assume the President’s position. The very thought of that makes me cringe!!!!
DT reality says
Slippery Hillary! Only a Clinton could stand up there and lie like this. It is beside me what people see in her. She lies whenever her mouth moves, was a disgrace as a Secretary of State, caused people to be murdered (remember the “what difference does it make”), shading campaign funds, email servers, and so on and on. Broke so many laws, so many times its unbelievable that she is still out there on the street. If this was any of us we would have been in jail a long time ago, thanks to “Billy”. But I guess it is only applicable to the common folk, like people that work for a living.
CNN loves here and all they can talk about is Trump’s tax returns. Who cares about Trump’s tax returns? Thank God we have CNN to explain everything to us with their panels of commentators that are about as far out of reach of the American people as the rest of the talking head politicians trying to manipulate Washington.
Good for you Trump, I hope you prove them all wrong and we can get back to reality.
Truly unbelievable! There should be a NEVER HILLARY committee! Bernie is as bad or worse, he has lived of the government all his life just like Obama has and his wife have, no wonder they think like this, its all they know!
Albert L Biele says
Hillary is involved in so many scandals, lie’s, deceptions, and criminal activities that it would be impossible for her to convince the people of this country that she could be trusted with the responsibility, of becoming “Chief dog-catcher, much less, the presidency. She blows with the wind, campaigning on what she believes the people want to hear. The fact is, she’s a dictator and will do her will, if elected. Even the Sander’s people have recognized her true character. The only one that can straighten out our corrupt political system is an outsider! Choose wisely, the country is heading toward a financial catastrophe
John King says
Hear me and hear me well, Hillary Clinton will loose to Donald Trump and also go to jail, before this is all over with, of this I have no doubt what so ever. So when it happens, you know who told you so, months before it happend.
C V Bennett says
Just exactly what does the Clinton Foundation do? Who earns or benefits from the Clinton Foundation? How much is the Clinton Foundation worth? Why do Wall Street firms continue to pay Hillary Clinton those outlandish speaking fees? Is she that smart that she can predict the future to a special few? Why does Hillary always wear those Chairman Tao looking pant suits? Do she every wear a dress? I guess her memoir should be reading between the lines or never tell the truth when a lie will do!
DT reality says
collect money
DT reality says
does somebody have a definition of a Hillary supporter? Would just like to know what that is.
Constitutionalist says
DT reality-
does somebody have a definition of a Hillary supporter? Would just like to know what that is.
Don’t think i can define one, but i can describe a couple:
Among the poor, i’m seeing a divorced woman on welfare who knows little, but understands gov’t checks with her name on them.
Among the wealthy, i’m seeing corporate board heads who have bribed the hell out of her – and expect a ROI.
Greg says
Democrats will do the dance, spend the cash and line the pockets of the media outlets who are the major beneficiaries of the elections. TV, Radio, Print media will thrive from the wasteful spending of the candidates. Its too bad we just can’t just have a general election following the last state primary. I say we move election Day to April 16th and we have all state primaries completed by then. TERM LIMITS, should be on every ballot for every American to vote on this. At the end of the day Trump will win this election. Hillary will be in Jail or in court, Bernie will be at his assisted living location, and America will become a much better place.
rodney says
That’s what the communist party of America GETS when they b try to coronate, a moralless, godless, criminal for their party. Time to UNvet the bitch and get a real democrat running…too late, you made your bed now you have to sleep in it!
Ronald J. Gidlund says
When something smells like dog poop…check your shoes…Hitler-y! You’ve had so many scandals you are a national disgrace! Now WE THE PEOPLE find out you cannot even keep government secrets! Everything connected with you smells! Whitewater! Paula Jones! Monica Lewinski! Juanita Broderick! Jennifer Flowers! You tried to destroy all the women your husband Slick Willy abused! You crafted zero significant legislation as a Senator! Then there is money laundering and fundraising violations! Bengazi lie after lie! Travel-gate where you ruined a career employee’s life! How about Vince Foster supposedly commiting suicide with his right hand when he was lefthanded??? And in a park! No bullet found! Top of his head missing!!! Panama papers anybody??? No…and now the e-mail scandal is the finishing touch to you!!!!!!!! Without super delagates old man, democratic socialist Bernie “feel the burn” Sanders is torching you!!! Goodbye Miss Piggie!!!!!!!
Rocketman says
Dear Democrat Party:
If I were you I wouldn’t be worried about a “disaster”. If I’m right then a whole bunch of scandals are going to be breaking just in time for Hillary’s nomination. In order 1) The Bengazi hearing are going to learn that Obama and Hillary could have saved the Ambassador and the three other men but chose not to do so. 2) Bill and Hillary’s international money laundering scheme aka the Clinton Global Initiative is going to be exposed to the world and 3) Hillary’s change on USA fracking will be exposed as a bribe from various middle eastern states in order to kill the U.S. oil production throwing thousand of high paying U.S. jobs out the window. It won’t be a disaster for you Democrats. You will be lucky if after everything comes out that there even IS a democrat party after this.
larry says
Frankly speaking:
This woman scares me.
She has a diabolical face!
Also, her publicity photos are selected to show her much younger than the old woman at age 68 that she really is.
I’m 6 years older than Hillary and even “I” look better than she does!
Sorry, ‘Queen in your own mind;’ I’m voting for Donald J. Trump.
My friend liberal Democrats need to get over your love affair with her.
She’s nothing to admire or even want anymore in government.
There is a time to ‘hang it up’ and retire and be the grandma you are because you don’t have many years left; so, spend them with your only young granddaughter so she will remember you when you are gone.
Look at you – you are going to have a stroke someday!
[Your mistake was not running your 35 year old daughter, Chelsea, for the presidency. She would have captured all the female voters and the younger generation voters. And, she knows politics too.
You and father William Jefferson Clinton could have been grooming her instead of you wanting to have a lifetime of ‘glory.’
You are selfish and want it all for yourself because somehow in your misguided mind you believe that you are ‘owed’ the White House for putting up with Bill’s shenanigans!
Parents are supposed to sacrifice for their children.
You both should have helped Chelsea but there will be no chance for that anymore because you, Bill, and I are both too old and don’t have that many years left!]
St. Edgar says
Regarding John’s comment on 5/12 at 6:29 PM
You must be a typical millennial moron.
You make a big deal out of such issues as Smog, burning rivers, soil pollution, lead in water. You suggest a lie that pollution is a quality of product.issue. If you would rather pay more for product than do so, but you have no right to burden the rest of the world with the cost of your issues. You are of the past John. Where do you get the idea that the Federal Government has the power to to set up agencies to control pollution? The Constitution says Promote, not Provide the General Welfare. That means that they get to advertise. Period.
John, you need to mind your own business, accept your own responsibility, and clean up the pollution that comes your way. Get with The Trump revolution!
The Texan says
The Democratic race started with four contenders but two of those were not even worth considering. Hillary has always been the presumptive nominee but Bernie has stayed on her like a hound dog after a coon. And now with all her legal problems he almost has her treed. Nothing will be definite until the convention is over and of course there is still the FBI investigation to be completed. If Hillary get the nomination it very likely will be a disaster for the Democrats. But if she doe not get the nomination there would be no reason to cheer because Bernie would harder to defeat. And in the end he would be as bad for the nation as Hillary. A vote for either one of them would be a vote for unemployment and higher taxes. Either one of them would continue to expand our already bloated Federal bureaucracy and increase our exploding deficit. Trump would be a gamble but it is a gamble we need to take.
HelenM says
All you people seem to think a person on welfare can stay on it for a lifetime and forget that when Bill Clinton was president he put a two year limit on welfare. You also talk as if you never expect to receive, or want, a gov’t check in your lifetime, so I guess that means no SS for you and no Medicare. Anyone here on food stamps, goes to a public clinic for health care? Do you want to see all that go by the wayside? The two most successful social programs in this country are SS and Medicare. Are you aware that in other industrial nations, health care is a given? They spend less and their citizens have better care, better health, than we do in this country. I agree there is a lot of waste, a lot of fraud. I disagree with badmouthing Bernie’s ideas of affordable college for anyone who wants it. When I was young, I went to a city college, no tuition and fees I could pay. My parents, hardworking poor, did not have the money to send me to school. They only agreed when I promised to work and bring money into the house while attending school. You think today’s youth could not be as hardworking as I was, given the chance to attend school, that I had? The youth are the future of this country, we should be investing in our future by investing in their education. Educated young people are those who will make this country great, not a debauched member of the same elite who have been sucking us dry. My poor country – that it has come to the point where any choice for president is a poor one.
LoveUSA says
Predict: Trump will win the election by landslide
romaine dowty says
I cannot understand why anyone would vote for the same people they have new griping about for the last eight years. THINK PEOPLE…MAYBE IT IS TIME TO GIVE SOMEONE A CHANCE TO TURN THINGS AROUND. DOESNT SEEM LIKE WE CAN LOSE MUCH . WOMEN, If you are giving your vote to Hillary just to get a woman as President …how stupid is that!! I am a woman and have nothing against either sex getting the vote …but for crying out for quality…Hillary is NOT the one!!