As we get closer to the second debate of 2016, we want to hear from YOU, our readers. Who do you support for the Republican 2016 presidential nomination?
Vote below. The order is randomized for fairness. In a week, we’ll reveal the results.
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None of them because none of them care about the workers. All they care about their rich buddies and how they can take away from the poor and give to the rich. So since they only represent themselves and not the people and sign packs not to work with the President on anything is not representing the people that elected them so we don’t need more of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As soon as we can stop war from being profitable, maybe then we can get real people in there, not yes men and puppets! The banks own all of us, they are the real threats to the U.S. .
You definitely got that right. The banks do own all of us, and are the real threats. All Obama wants is to put ALL AMERICANS in debt. GO BUY EVERYTHING ON CREDIT!!! Then he pushes OBAMACARE down our throats, making our health care premiums, double or even TRIPLE!!! The latest BULL, is that the 2016 Health Care Premiums will not go up. Ours surely went up, by 10%, from 2015. Why doesn’t the MUSLIm FOLLOWER keep his mouth shut, if he cannot tell the truth?? Obama is a pathological LIAR!!! DICTATOR!!!
None of them nor the ones in office now should ever get our votes again. They can’t represent the people signing packs not to work with the President, nothing ever gets done. This Congress will go down in history as the worse even to hold office.
Exactly, For the people has not been for 150 years!
Richard is making statements from emotion. I, too, am angry with the people in Washington, but one must carefully look at everything before pulling a “Trump”…. mouthing off without thinking first. I urge Richard and everyone else to take a close look at Dr. Ben Carson. Ben Carson is vastly more qualified to be President than most everyone else. He really does have plenty of “business” experience, plenty of firsthand experience of living in poverty, plenty of experience of making wise decisions in a crisis situation, and he really does love this country and cares about the people. He is a “uniter” not a “divider.” You need to make an in-depth study of this man’s life. If you do that, you will be out “politicking” to get him elected !!! And, to set the record straight I am an 89+ year-old white woman from the South, and I’m voting for Dr. Ben Carson for President.
It’s time that the media only focus on the top four republican candidates. The others should realize tey have no chance now. Every time I hear the names Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Scott Walker, Chris Christie, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, Lindsey Graham. You are wasting my time. They should be encouraged to quit now. They just dead in the water. I am only interested in people with people who project the energy and power to make a change. With that also add Jeb Bush to the list. He has as much charisma as a zombie from The Walking Dead.
Can’t believe some people trash talking trump! How sad! Illegals have all but destroy this country! These people are criminals period!!! Most of you are either illegals or you have no realistic idea what these people have done!! Illegal immigration has destroyed every country…. Kingdom that has had mixed peoples!! I’m from California and they have changed towns language to Spanish! They have lied constantly on the nightly news about about all things Mexican Latino … From over populating jails and prisons… The jobs the stole from Americans and so much more it is unreal! And if u didn’t like it you were called a racist!! So many injustices…. It’s been awful beyond measure!! It’s about damn time someone, ( Trump ) stands up and starts telling the truth and takes the reins back from the twisted rejects that have been in-control for so long now and to expose their madness…. Lies ….. Deceit…. And the over all twisting and rapping of the truth!!
I was born in the us, my parents, their parents and their parents before them. I resent your statement that anyone who doesn’t agree with you must be an illegal. How stupid can you be? Never mind, I think you answered the question already. Ben Carson speaks when it counts, says what counts and does it firmly and without making an ass out of himself. Oh wait, if you agree with trump, that must make you an ass?!
Trump is the only candidate who has the “Fire in the Belly” and the money ( so he will not be obligated to the moneyed crowd, the puppeteers which includes all the others who are obligated.) necessary to become President.
All the rest are seriously lacking the guts, testosterone,experience and patriotism to do what’s necessary to bring the strength back to our great country. There is a reason he’s resonating with all the people who attend his speeches, he’s giving good answers to fixing what is wrong with America today. Tighten up our southern border, bring jobs back to the U.S. of A, bring our Military strength back up to where we are KING of THE HILL again and treat our Vets like the great people they are, apologize to no minority power ever again, Mooselims who have sworn to kill us do not belong in our UNITED STATES, nor should we be financing any country/group whose religions or leaders have sworn to eliminate us, (does Iran ring a bell , any others??? We should not allow any new immigration in until we clean up and toss out the ones who don’t come here legally and those who have sworn to kill us. We’ve shut down immigration before, for years check our history, it worked before it’ll work again.
We need time to clean up the mess the current miss-fit created. ( I’m being kind)
We need to clean out the Supreme court. They are not supposed to be making laws, those who are, should be impeached ASAP!
We desperately need term limits in Congress, too many old bastards there who should have been put out to pasture a long time ago.
Anybody who has been in congress more than 12 years needs to resign and give new blood and new thinking a chance.
Our two party system is deeply flawed, we need a gutsy Attorney General to eliminate fraud in voting.
Ask me about what I really think.
If you think BUSH +/ OBAMA were bad, wait until TRUMP gets in.
Many people will not bother to communicate with the Lord God of our fathers in decision-making because, they don’t think He exists.
Could he do any worse ?
We are all news driving the media help us like or dislike a candidate, just listening to what each candidate is saying , illegal immigration is illegal, legal immigration is legal, that the definition for both those words, if you can comprehend those words, just like right and wrong, good and bad. Donald Trump is tell you the truth, but people hate the truth, you want to win like O.J., damn the truth. Mr. Trump cannot and will not send those people back, but he will give them a guest pass, and build that fence or wall , no body want to break up a family, not even him, that man have a good heart, and he has character.