A Texas county sheriff says an officer has been shot and killed at his own home just north of Austin.
Travis County Sheriff Greg Hamilton said at a news conference that the body of Sgt. Craig Hutchinson was found early Monday in the backyard of his own home in Round Rock, Texas.
No arrests have been made.
Hamilton says the officer used his law enforcement radio to call for help shortly before 1:30 a.m. Monday.
Round Rock is about 15 miles north of Austin.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
I guess the bastards have killed another officer. My heart felt prayers for family and friends. May they receive justice and closure quickly
Maybe Karma visited Him, unfortunate but I feel Police need a new and updated style of training. If they shoot someone without a gun on them, they need to be held accountable just like you and me. It’s getting much harder to trust the Police officers these days.
Geno, I hope you’re not serious-unless you’re prepared for anarchy. Are you prepared for a ‘Walking Dead’ type of society? Think about it.
Geno, how sad that you would take that attitude when a police officer has been killed. If you were in danger, I think you’d be hoping a police officer would show up and you wouldn’t even worry about “trust.”
Geno, you’re a pure excuse for a human being. You are probably one that would commit murder on a policeman. It’s thugs like you and your stupid misconception that make our world such a dangerous place. You disgust me!
if the DOJ & FBI was an independent entity investigations done for facts would clarify these situations but when it follows a narrative
supporting this administration THIS WILL CONTINUE HAPPEN !
Grant3ed some poilice are bad and should be punished but the large majority are good men who run in to trouble to help people. I know I called the police when a surgery scars opened up and I thought the intestions were going to come out. The police man talked to me and put his hand on my stomach and told me. “ON my watch you are going to be fine. He rode in the ambulance with me with his hand on my stomach. When we got there he had blood all over him but that did not stop him. He came to visit me in the hospital a few days later and told me it was a pleasure to meet me. mY huband was there and told the man we have no police protection so it was good of you to come. The policeman said that is my job.