They seemed like the perfect American family — blonde, beautiful daughters and a happy church-going couple.
Now, as facts emerge in the case of two Houston girls allegedly murdered by their mother, reality appears far different.
The Texas mother, Christy Sheats, had called her two daughters and her husband to a family meeting — where, according to sources close to the family, at the height of an argument allegedly killed the girls to punish her husband.
The Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office says Sheats’ husband and two daughters, 22-year-old Taylor and 17-year-old Madison, joined her in the living room Friday before the argument and shooting began.
“The wounded women and their father managed to run out of the house, but Madison Sheats fell to the ground on Remson Hollow Lane and died. Jason Sheats sprinted for cover around the end of a cul-de-sac,” According to The New York Daily News. “Christy Sheats followed them to the street outside their home and shot Taylor Sheats one more time, according to the sheriff’s office. A witness told investigators that the mother went back inside and reloaded her weapon before shooting her elder daughter again.”
Sheats was later killed by police for refusing to drop her gun.
Madison Davey, a close family friend, told local station KTRK-TV that Madison and Taylor were caught in the middle of their parents troubled marriage — and that Christy killed them “because she wanted him to suffer,” the station reported.
The heartbreak doesn’t stop there. The station had also previously reported that the oldest daughter and her longtime boyfriend were set to be wed Monday.
“Y’all were a part of our family and that will never change,” according to a relative’s Facebook post cited by KTRK-TV. “The greatest in-laws anyone could ever have, and the sweetest, most wholesome and caring girls in my life. I look up to ya’ll so much. Y’all were a light in the midst of this crazy world. We will all love you two until the end of time.”
According to The Associated Press, the Texas sheriff’s office says its officers had been called out multiple times in the past to the home.
Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Caitilin Espinosa said Monday that the call outs were for several different reasons. Espinosa earlier told People magazine the calls involved Christy Sheats’ “mental crisis.”
A Facebook profile consistent with Sheats’ biographical details included a pro-gun post, alongside posts about how much she loved members of her family.
Nehls says the two daughters had already been shot when an officer arrived. The officer shot and killed the woman, who was apparently preparing to shoot one of the daughters again.
An officer who responded to the shooting saw the daughters lying in the street and Sheats with a gun in her hand. Sheats refused orders to drop the gun and the officer fired one shot, killing Sheats.
The sheriff’s office says it has responded to 14 calls at the house since January 2012. Some of the calls were over alarms, but the sheriff’s office wouldn’t describe the reasons for the other calls.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Donna says
So if the husband/father was there …. what happened to him? Why didn’t he do something? Like tackle her when she took the first shot or when she was reloading?
Nellie says
There are several drugs on the market that cause people to go crazy. Side affects change their personally.
By- polar medications.
patricia says
zanax is one of them…so sad unlike a mother to kill her children.
Wendy says
But becoming far more common in our pressure-cooker world. Twenty different things put a person over the edge, and you signal one out and they wash their hands saying, “Someone else is 95% responsible, I’m insignificant.”
Mike says
And yet, no one is protesting the bribes/contributions the pharmaceutical industry presses into congressional hands. 80 times more than contributed by the NRA. Many of the ‘mass shooters’ were on SSRI’s, or had over dosed or stopped taking the drugs. Causing them to have suicidal or violent thoughts. Just listen to the ‘side effects’ of many of the drugs that are hyped on television. It’s frightening.
Georgia says
Aachmed Hazmat says
yep, gotta been the SSRI’s docotrs prescribe this Sh!t and don’t care what happens to the patient.
sylvia says
excellent comment–so true.
Psychotropic meds, which are given out like candy by doctors (legal drug pushers) say right on the Black Box Warning that it will cause homicidal and or suicidal tendencies among other horrors that destroy peoples lives!
They know this to be the case and give them out anyway, after all, the kickbacks help them pay for their nice homes and toys!
Why do Americans continue to allow this atrocity to take place?
debdell says
Before 1988 depression was not that big of a problem. What changed? New medication that makes big money for pharmaceutical companies.
The reason there are not enough births now, but there used to be is the side effect of anti-depressant drugs. Drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, etc. kill the libido and for those that have taken the drug for any length of time, the libido does not return when the user stops taking the drug.
Research it yourself and you will read from people over and over with this problem. Before 1988 no one was taking these drugs and we didn’t need them as a society. Now there are millions of people on them and guess what? Once you take them for any length of time you can’t get off them. They change your nervous system and your se x drive never comes back – therefore no babies. The pharmaceutical companies and doctors are responsible for this wide spread problem. Someone has a bad day or a problem with a death or something and right away the doctors are giving them a drug they will be hooked on for the rest of their lives. Great for the drug companies, but disaster for se x lives and population growth as well as other health related issues.
Also, when people taking these drugs try to stop they get intense feelings of wanting to kill others and suicide. You can view people telling you about these feelings to kill on youtube. Withdrawal from these drugs are responsible for the mass shootings – not guns, but drug companies that cover up these side effects to protect their cash cow.
John says
All my medications come with a letter describing the side effects and uses of the medication.
It’s when you ignore either the symptoms or don’t read the medication’s letter is when troubles begin.
Though I don’t care much for the way big pharmaceutical companies are run, ultimately the patient must bare the responsibility their actions.
Not meaning to sound racist or anything but why is it when a black person kills or robs someone society labels them as “Thugs”, but when a white person as equally horrific they are mental and the blame is placed everywhere except where it belongs? I’m just trying to understand the diffference.
valerie ziebarth says
He ran and hid at some cul de sac.
Quek Cumberbatch says
Well, the father apparently not only ran but also abandoned his daughters to their own devices. He obviously doesnt understand basic responsibilities. As soon as that firearm came out hed should have been all over her to disarm her, demanding his children call #911 as he acted.
How in the Hades could that fellow allow an unlocked, loaded hand firearm around such continuing domestic problems? He’s as cray as she apparently turned out to be,
But, look at that face in the photo. Is there any aspect that is not synthetic, cosmetic, putting-on-a-face-for-the-faces-that-she-meets? Forget the purile comparisons to Hillary. It smacks of HS princess of days gone by still clutching at the illusions. A local version of The Last Picture Show. It doesn’t reflect balance, peace of mind and both understanding and appreciation of reality in life.
There’s way more to this, and of long standing and unarrested development.
Wendy says
Unless she’s been declared unable to possess a weapon by reason of mental incompetence, she’s just as much a right to the guns as he has. For all we know, they could be HER guns, not his.
As for “being all over her,” the vast majority of recommendations tell you not to rush someone with a gun. Even if you don’t believe the logic of that attitude, it’s still a huge amount of conditioning for the average American to overcome. Most Americans will immediately abandon the offense and go to capitulate/negotiate mode as soon as a weapon comes out. It sucks that elitist liberals have made America this way, but it’s the truth.
Pedro Zorza says
I wonder how complicated it is to get classified as a danger to us weapons. If the NRA is involved, a person would need to be shooting at Jesus, Mary and Joseph on the back of a camel before any action restrictions would take place. This is what happens when corporations take their own profit over benefit to the society. Sad story…the use of the drugs mentioned above is another example of corporation writing laws to protect their profit over the benefit of the society…..this is clearly oligarchy…
June says
Maybe his knee jerk reaction was to run from a crazy woman!
Peter Joffe says
Talk about a mentally insane woman. This certainly is what happen here.What a pointless and stupid thing to do.
Robert says
What a beautiful cold-blooded murderer! Who would think this incredibly beautiful woman would slaughter her two lovely daughters? You never know “what goes on behind closed doors”, although this woman had a mental history. Where are the authorities when you need them? 14 calls to the same address in 3+ years regarding the “woman of the house”, should have alerted someone in the police department. Duh! Another missed opportunity, for the police to do their job the right way. Reminds me of Casey Duggan. Wake up people! Now two beautiful young women are dead and will never live a full life. Maybe they were too busy chasing drunks instead of checking on a woman with a mental history. And to think, one was to be married days away. Don’t blame this on the gun. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. Blame it on a crazed woman who lost it. She should have been institutionalised years ago. That is how you prevent these mentally disturbed people from taking human lives. Second Duh! At least the responding officer “did the right thing”. Shoot to kill and save the taxpayers from defending her. Funerals are a lot cheaper!!
Lola Martin says
Is not even easy to get them to go to treatment. They tell you it is her life, so you cannot even make them take the medicaments.
froggy57 says
For those who don’t believe in demonic possession. Harken.
L. Shamus McQuade says
Exactly but there is no way the police would have been involved earlier to somehow “help” or solve a problme early it was for professional psychologial help. This woman was definetely disturbed and emphasises the rampant expanse of mental disease and warped realities that people are walking around with. This has nothing to do with guns. If it weren’t guns it would have been cyanide poison or run over with the car…..It what lies in peoples hearts. As we progress into more disfunction from the leadership of this country right on down to the family level you will see MORE not less of this……..
Bernie says
Oh wow! Where is your compassion. The mom was obviously troubled. Why can’t you show empathy for her! All you’re concerned about is the cost of disposing of her remains? I don’t think in her right mind, she would’ve contemplated killing her children. We need to be willing to love and care more for each other! I pray that GOD WILL HELP US ALL TO BE BETTER! Where did the love go?
Fredrick Rehders says
Well, Bern; I suspect the love was gone when the mom shot her daughters. It most likely died with them. Your prayers for them would be well deserved, but most of those, ‘ I know could give a crap what the mother’s motivation was, as she obviously proved herself incapable of living among us, in a civilized society, by committing murder. Save your prayers for the victims, and trust that God is in charge of un-repentant, lost souls.
June says
In other words she can go to HELL! May God be with them All.
froggy57 says
I doubt if Bernie is that stupid. Pathetic trolling for other nut jobs.
froggy57 says
Yes.. cop lives matter.. Whack jobs lives don’t matter.
He shot her and saved the taxpayers the 65 grand a
year it costs to keep them locked up
Di says
more like1.2 million per year, at least in Kansas. My daughter researched this for a college course she was taking. I could not believe what it cost to house one prisoner….
Room and Board
Clothing (uniforms )
Personal Care
Exercise Facility, TV with Cable access to the Internet
Health Care with Med’s if needed
If they cannot afford an attorney, guess who pays for that too!
Di says
sorry for the loss of this family….
Wendy says
Police are always in a “he said/she said” situation when they answer a domestic. And there are plenty of cases where the “victim” was actually the abuser. It takes more than what a first responder sees to figure out what’s really going on.
Robert says
P. S. I feel sorry for the grieving father who is left with nothing but an empty house with horrible memories. What a nightmare!
I pray for the girls soul. The mother can rot in hell!
froggy57 says
I lost any sympathy for the father when he bolted and ran like a dog, leaving his daughters to bleed and die. Sorry excuse for a human being.
gena says
You would feel better if he had been killed as well? He was as unarmed as the girls were. And as for those who say he should have disarmed her? That is just not that easy to do when she had a gun, he did not, and he knew she wanted to kill all three of them. All three tried to run, unfortunately only he got far enough away without being killed also. My main concern is why was she allowed access to a gun in the mental shape she was obviously in? Since the cops had repeatedly been called to that house for her “mental crises, why was there a gun in the house that she could get to?
Eric says
Exactly. The Father likely would have died had he charged his nut bag wife but unless it was a head shot he should have been able to disarm her. Then put her down like the animal she was. People seem to think you get shot and area instantly dead. It is not the case. As seen in this reporting. The older daughter ran out of the house… after being shot.
This just angers me on both fronts. One that nut bag bitch killed her daughters… two that father ran out and left them for dead. It is easy to arm chair quarterback this one but I would not run and let my children die. Maybe … just maybe… he thought she was only shooting at him. But if that were the case he should have known better when his first born fell dead on the front lawn.
He sickens me. What ever happened to “death before dishonor”? Now it is everyone for yourself, run away!
gnb says
Note her Hillary Clinton “crazy eyes” look..
Little Bright Feather says
Boy ! Was HAARP used on her for her to do such a turn around so suddenly ? Never saw such a sudden and drastic change in a person.
Abe says
It’s a shame, but it makes me think, why are all these people on some psychotic drug? They always blame the gun, and never the drugs! Big pharma kill over 100K people a year, and the Feds seem to protect them. When a vaccine kills or severely or even mildly injure a child, the parents go through pure hell, and if the do win, the taxpayers pay! A lot of loving parents go to prison because the Dr. claims it’s Shaken Baby Syndrome. IT’S NEVER THE DRUG OR VACCINE!!! You can tell who’s bought congress! So sad for the family, and so sad for we the people to have such a bought and paid for public servant’s that are suppose to serve “We The People” instead of the drug companies!
froggy57 says
Drugs cause problems not fix them.
An exorcism works sometimes.
Justin W says
It’s sad that this woman murdered her daughters to get back at her husband. In the end she died. I’m not sure what she hoped to gain from this warped action but her life ended as a result of her actions. At least the taxpayers will not have to keep her imprisoned for several decades.
Judith says
I’m not against guns at all, but when you KNOW someone has mental issues, common sense would tell you to remove the guns until the situation changes. My son-in-law is a hunter and has a couple of guns. A few years ago he was without work due to the business closing. He became very depressed and he is fine now, however during his time of depression they took the guns to his parents. He hadn’t made any threatening remarks, but better safe than sorry.
Texas Mak says
Exactly! All of my guns were locked in the safe when my son was going through some severe depression along with bipolar syndrome. Only myself and my ranch manager knew the combination. My son later told me after he went through treatment that doing that was truly showing how much I really loved him!
Ruth Cherico says
This multiple killing has preyed on my mind. It is the exact description of “insanity.” How come there were
guns in the house? The husband had to know that his wife had mental problems yet she had access to guns!
He had to be more powerful than his wife. Could he not have grabbed her from behind, disarmed her, and
thrown her on the floor? Yes, he could’ve, but he didn’t. Instead he ran!!! Mr. Sheafs will have to live with his cowardice for the rest of his life.
Sure he could have grabbed her from behind…if he was SUPERMAN, faster than a speeding bullet! Ruth I sure hope that you never find yourself in a position where you have to make a decision to run or throw yourself in the line of fire because just like that man, you are human.
R. Falkirk says
Why does a nice family like this feel they need to have a gun in the house?
Guns DO kill, that’s what they’re made for.
Springerpanhead says
Because they are real people living in the real world, full of desperate drug addicts, rapists, robbers, murders, religious fanatics, and other mental cases weather drug induced or born that way. Not some fanciful love children riding their unicorns over the rainbow. That’s why!
Just Saying says
I’m concerned that the Dad ran from the house , leaving the daughters to take care of themselves !!! I can assure you that there is more to this story than what has been told ……bet there is a 3rd person involved in the crazy relationship …….
The Horn, you sicken me! You advertise freedom of speech but delete my first comment but allow some of this crap to be published?! Just shut down and unplug!
My badd…please disregard.
Anthony C. Panepinto says
Democrats always want to blame the NRA (shameful) and guns.for shootings They never accept the responsibility that both parties do not pass a Bill that would restrict people who are mentally ill from possessing a firearm.Some HIPA laws need to be changed so that Dr.’s can report these people to the authorities so they can be denied a weapon.