When the United States declared independence from Great Britain in 1776, it inspired a series of revolutions in Europe around the world.
Now, Britain may be exporting the desire to live in freedom back to the United States.
The United Kingdom will vote tomorrow on whether to leave the European Union after 43 years as a member, denying the EU the right to pass laws on issues like trade and immigration from Brussels. The strategy for a British exit from the international governing body is sometimes called “Brexit.”
And it has inspired some Texans to eye the highly controversial idea of secession themselves.
Is the only way to solve America’s worsening problems of taxes, cultural and social issues, and ever-greater national debt to declare independence from the Obama administration and start over?
“There are a lot of people asking, if Brexit why not ‘Texit’?” said Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement. He said the arguments UKIP party leader Nigel Farange uses for Brexit are no different than the ones he uses for Texas independence, except for his accent.
A lot of Brits agree. One of them is Lord Christopher Monckton, a former adviser to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who is known for his outspoken opposition to global warming theories.
He sees America pulling apart in a perpetual divide between “red states” and “blue states” over the most fundamental issues, including the right to life, the meaning of marriage, whether America has meaningful borders and a common culture, and whether people work for a living or wait on the government to dole out their daily bread.
“Unquestionably, the quickest solution to this problem for Texas is to exercise the right of secession, which instantly cuts off altogether the power of the federal government to interfere in Texan affairs,” Lord Monckton said.
Independence would allow Texas to discourage illegal immigrants and domestic entitlements by “paying lower welfare rates than the Union pays,” he said.
A lot of Texans think that makes sense. Like in England, people in the Lone Star State have been chafing at a far-away government that seems increasingly hostile toward its people for years.
In 2009, then-Governor Rick Perry said he could not see the state leaving the union at that time – but he warned, “If Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may came out of that.”
After seven years of the Obama administration, led by a president who promised to bring Americans together, many Americans consider the country more divided and disunited than ever.
In 2009, 18 percent of Texans would have voted to secede. That swelled to 36 percent by 2014, with 46 percent opposed, according to a Reuters poll.
In the past year, 10 county Republican Party chapters have endorsed a motion to “”hold a non-binding referendum asking the people of Texas to decide on whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation.”
Last month, the state GOP narrowly voted down the resolution.
Unlike most other states, the Republic of Texas was an independent nation for nine years, between winning its independence from Mexico in 1836 and joining the union in 1845.
With a GDP of $1.65 trillion, it would be the world’s 12th largest economy, between Canada and Australia. Its population would make it the 47th largest in the world.
Some see Texas becoming an independent nation – or possibly the capital of a new nation of red states, if Hillary Clinton wins in November.
But the right to secede is highly controversial.
Contrary to popular myth, the state constitution does not retain the right of Texas to secede. And many legal scholars would say the question of leaving the Union was settled in 1865 after the Civil War ended. The first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, once said that “no state, upon its own mere notion, can lawfully get out of the Union” – a view of perpetual union most still hold.
But one group dedicated to secession says the War Between the States “only affirmed that violent coercion can be used – even by governments (if unrestrained) – to rob men of their very lives, liberty, and property.”
That’s why Miller and his allies are closely watching what happens in London tomorrow. If the nation cuts ties with the EU, it will prove that a large, prosperous nation can voluntarily exit a socialistic, globalist government of its own free will.
The British people are split evenly, with 44 percent supporting the EU and 43 percent favoring withdrawal, according to The Economist’s average of polls.
First Brussels, then D.C.? That’s what Lord Monckton hopes.
“Will the people of Texas find the courage to break free and establish a libertarian paradise in the Lone Star State? I pray that they will,” he said.
— The Horn editorial team
Do you agree with the Texan independence movement? Or do you think state secession is illegal? The Horn News invites you to share your thoughts below.
Texas is part of the whole American image. We need a federal government who enforces the borders, especially in Texas.
Thumbs up
There is nothing in the Constitution of the United States of American that attempts to prevent any state from seceding! If we are to survive as “free men” we must secede! WhenTexas secedes other states in the heart land of America should follow!
Something needs to drastically change. The November elections will be the deciding factor in many people’s decisions. If we continue with the regime we have….and Texas does succeed…I believe there may be an influx of people looking to move there. I read a few years ago that Texas has enough of everything to live independently….agriculture, large companies, self-sufficient in every way. Not to mention that ‘they’ will actually be able to secure their borders. Go Texas!
We do not need a federal government in Texas. We can control our own border, we have done it before. U.S. needs Texas, for all the money it brings in. I say screw the Feds. and bring the money back to our own GREAT STATE of TEXAS and we can control our border. The Feds. won’t be able to stop us. It won’t be none of their business. I’m all for telling them where to go.
Texas should be able to free them selves from the government.the government has no right to run any ones lives.
Too bad Mexifornia doesn’t feel the same way. All the idiots in Sacramento couldn’t find their rear ends even with their hands glued to it.
I know….Mexico has always been upset…they said the USA stole CA from them. I say we give it back to them. They’re buried in so much debt they’ll never see day light. Let if become Mexifornia…we’ll all be happy as they won’t be able to file bankruptcy with us and we won’t have to bail them out.
Vicky, I agree. Since Obama and the Democrat’s have had their way, the Country we once knew no longer exist. If the Federal government cannot do it’s job to protect legal citizens and it’s borders, I say good for Texas. I may move there.
I have often thought if the Treasonous Felon Cackling Witch was to win the election my country would very quickly in no way even closely resemble the nation I loved and fought for and I would not want to live here anymore, but where could I go? — My answer has been nowhere.
Maybe if Texas was an independent,,,,and conservative country I might have a place I would like.
Texas would have a MAJOR migration problem many time what they have from South of the Rio Grande if they were to secede…. What would they do with all the refugees from the now communist USA?
I like the idea. I suspect that the extreme number of issues in establishing laws and covering all aspects of being an independent nation would take years and cost an extreme amount of money. It would be great if you could just flip a switch and everything would be set up and paid for.
I agree – Trump 2016 – really make America great !!
Forget succession and inform the White House to enforce our laws that we do have which stops the bullshit we have with Obama the piss ant and impeach him now. My opinion only, but a good one.
I hope texas does secede .then we may have a domino effect. I am sick and tired of dictator obama
Texas cannot secede from the union. And neither can any other state in the U.S. I wish Texas could secede. That is where all the crazies right winger nuts have come from. Right after the Civil War it was put into law and agreed upon by the northern and southern states that no state may secede from the union ever again. So dream on Texas.
You are incorrect. Texas was annexed and will always have a Constitutional right to secede. The ignorant Left loves to ignore the truth in History and rewrite it to their version of what they want it to be.
Well, well, someone on here knows the truth. Texas annex agreement gives them the right to leave.
First of all. I can not think of Anything THAT IS A ”Forever…That can`t be changed.’ As for Texas Being Annexed. Of course it Can. BUT..Would that not Create More Problems for Texans than they DO Now Have to Cope With ? What about ALL the Illegals who have Filtered in thru that OPEN ..non-border ? What is going to be done TO Stop THE FLOW ? Is the Rio Grande Going to Sweep them All off to a different Landing ? ” Will the State of Texas Be Able to Supply Its` citizens with the Same Quality Of Protection This Federal Guvmt. Is Now Responsible for ? Are the Taxes In Texas Sufficient to Cover And Keep up the infrastructure OF The STATE ?? Lot of Questions. I would Hope And Expect Everyone of These Questions HAVE Been.. Addressed ? Is THIS Just A Grandiose Dream So many Texans Hold Close ?? What IF This Great Nation Was Attacked..Or Invaded ? Where WOULD That Leave A Lone State >>Like An annexed TEXAS ? Questions….. A Pipe dream ? What ??
The BEST answer Possible for ALL States is TO Elect Donald Trump To the Presidency, AND Stand With him in HIS Efforts TO Grow This Country Back to Being A Great Nation again.. YES..Obama Was ( Is ) The Worst Bad news We have Endured >>Next to The Bush Regime …that HE Has Been Following along …In THE identical Same Foot- prints .
my error. I Meant ” secede’.’ Texas was annexed into this Union,,but Can Secede If The Citizens So Decide . BUT,,Another Scenario…IF Texas Did Secede…And Then,.,,Mexico Decides TO Invade Texas..Would Texas Have The Right to BE Protected ? By the Other states ? Just asking …..
I agree. Wait until the election. If Trump is elected then Texas won’t have to leave.
If Texas was to leave they would pass their own laws about illegal immigration and everyone there owns guns, so they would be off to a good start. If the corruption in our shiit government does not stop and Texas leaves I would seriously consider moving there.
Sorry but the UN has changed the international law the usa signed and accepted. When william clinton , forced Russia to release their satellite states he was warned that if he signed the treaty it could be used against the usa to free its very own state of Texas.
Self-determination in International Law
The principle of self-determination is prominently embodied in Article I of the Charter of the United Nations. Earlier it was explicitly embraced by US President Woodrow Wilson, by Lenin and others, and became the guiding principle for the reconstruction of Europe following World War I. The principle was incorporated into the 1941 Atlantic Charter and the Dumbarton Oaks proposals which evolved into the United Nations Charter. Its inclusion in the UN Charter marks the universal recognition of the principle as fundamental to the maintenance of friendly relations and peace among states. It is recognized as a right of all peoples in the first article common to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which both entered into force in 1976. 1 Paragraph 1 of this Article provides:
All peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
The right to self-determination of peoples is recognized in many other international and regional instruments, including the Declaration of Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation Among States adopted b the UN General Assembly in 1970, 2, the Helsinki Final Act adopted by the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) in 1975, 3, the African Charter of Human and Peoples’ Rights of 1981, 4, the CSCE Charter of Paris for a New Europe adopted in 1990, 5, and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action of 1993. 6, It has been affirmed by the International Court of Justice in the Namibia case 7, the Western Sahara case 8, and the East Timor case 9, in which its erga omnes character was confirmed. Furthermore, the scope and content of the right to self-determination has been elaborated upon by the UN Human Rights Committee 10, and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 11, and numerous leading international jurists.
That the right to self-determination is part of so called hard law has been affirmed also by the International Meeting of Experts for the Elucidation of the Concepts of Rights of Peoples brought together by UNESCO from 1985 to 1991, 12, it came to the conclusion that (1) peoples’ rights are recognized in international law; (2) the list of such rights is not very clear, but also that (3) hard law does in any event include the right to self-determination and the right to existence, in the sense of the Genocide Convention.
The inclusion of the right to self-determination in the International Covenants on Human Rights and in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, referred to above, emphasizes that self-determination is an integral part of human rights law which has a universal application. At the same time, it is recognized that compliance with the right of self-determination is a fundamental condition for the enjoyment of other human rights and fundamental freedoms, be they civil, political, economic, social or cultural.
3 Notable cases of self-determination
3.1 Australia
3.2 Azawad
3.3 Basque Country
3.4 Biafra
3.5 Canada
3.6 Catalonia
3.7 Chechnya
3.8 Eastern Ukraine
3.9 Falkland Islands
3.10 Gibraltar
3.11 Kashmir
3.12 Kurdistan
3.13 Nagalim
3.14 South Africa
3.15 Sri Lanka
3.16 Turkish Cypriots
3.17 United States
3.18 West Papua
3.19 Western Sahara
@ M. Sattler: Canada and Australia are members of the British Commonwealth. Even though they have their own parliament and prime ministers the Queen of England is their official head of state. She is on their money. You should have used as an example, the Republic of Ireland. They severed all official ties to Britain and became independent. The northeast corner of Ireland still is under British rule.
Hey dummie! the UN didn’t EXIST during WW’s presidency. The UN didn’t form until 1946-49. When Woodrow Wilson was president iw was the League of nations, which like the UN is/was a dismal failure. Get your history straight. The reason we HaVE the UN is the failure of the League of nations.
The UN is a joke.
Texas never agree to the Union of States and l guess it has the rights to this day
It doesn’t make any difference what the law says. That has been proven time and again by the left. Look at how many people the Clintons have killed? Who in the House and Senate must comply with Obama care? Look at all the bribery that is going on in the beltway. Look at all the bribery accumulated from communist and muslim countries by the Clinton foundation which we all know is a Canadian money laundering machine funding the Clinton campaign. Look at all the laws our leaders have exempted themselves from. How many times have our leaders been told they are to represent us and not themselves (Gov for the people, by the people) and how many thousands of times have they simply thumbed their noses at us. When laws don’t apply to any of our leaders and the Government, we are no longer a Republic governed under the rule of law; and that is the bases upon which the Union was formed. We have devolved into a socialist nation controlled socialist leaders intent on stripping all those who work for a living of all their resources so that they are forced to join the rest of the socialists enslaved by welfare. That is precisely why the Republic of Texas held and continues to retain its right to secede from the Union and that is why it has always held the right to fly the Lone Star flag at the same level as the US. Never above but never below the US flag. Equal in every sense of the word. I cant wait till they do secede because I will be one of the first to immigrate me, my family and my business to that old but new country, The Republic of Texas
Can sure tell you went to public schools. It can be done. Would love to see all of you left wing loons sink with the rest of the Titanic.
So if a woman wants to leave her wife beating husband and he beats her and puts he into the hospital then she can’t ever try again to do so? Get real.
why shouldn’t texas leave , the gov didn’t do want they promise , to keep Americans safe and secure are borders , the gov is full of treason on the american people, the gov gives are tax money away to people that dont belong in the usa , meaning illegals , or other country’s that want to destroy us ,if the gov is above the law and brakes the rules, then texas should be able to brake the agreement also
Hope so too!
Taking the oil producing states, NM, OK and LA will wake those twats UP. We the people need to send a very clear message to the democraps! We aren’t going to put up with them any more.
YES, ME TOO! The East rejects the real West.
It would be great TX has really never been from Mexico or the US according to its own Constitution
It would be the best move byTexas. We are an independent thinking state that will not tolerate absolute control by a run away socialist government. The state is self supporting in all needed areas. We can and will defend our borders bc the government is lawless and refuses to. I can think of several states that would follow our lead and want to join us. YES, SECEDE!!!
I’m for it too.. If my state wasn’t apart of it, I’d be liquidating and moving to one that was. It would keep me from leaving the country entirely. Unless of course someone like the Donald can get in and really turn things around.
The west and east need to realize one size fits all does not work.
too much illegal immigration too fast
Texas would have a HUGE problem if they secede from the union. Where to put all the people wanting to move there from other states!
BTW – The War of Northern Aggression did NOT change The Constitution for the United States of America; nor did anything in history void or nullify the Articles of Confederation. There is no legal authority for the federal government to stop any state from seceding – only the use of force.
@ Completely: I think that Texas as well as the rest of the nation is being cheated with open border policies. Texas is one of my favorite places. I find the south to be interesting and a cool place. However, didn’t the American Civil War begin when Confederates fired upon Ft. Sumter? That was southern aggression too.
We’ve managed to chase most of the Democrats (original Slave holders) out of Texas so the aggression would most likely come from elsewhere. We are slow to anger but have had enough BS to get MAD.
Main Street-
IIRC, S. Carolina people specifically told people in the North, especially DC, that they were NOT to re-supply the island, or they’d consider it an act of war. Lincoln DELIBERATELY ordered the re-supply. Now, who’s at fault?
Doesn’t really matter anymore; all those crippled and maimed in body and mind are now dead; all those who endured the Occupation after Lincoln declared all the Southern States fully restored to the Union are also dead. All those who had their legislatures Unconstitutionally dissolved by CONgress post-war, all those who were appointed to take their places, again unlawfully, are also dead.
Why should Southerners hold onto their memories of injustice and Unlawfulness by Congress and compliant Northern States? Why should they bother to call for justice and restoration of what was stolen? Bunch o’ damned ingrates, ain’t they?
Finally a STATE will be in favor of it;s citizens !!!
Moving to TEXAS soon !!
Think I will make a trip to Texas and stake out a homestead – just in case this election once again goes more liberal. Always loved the west, this would just make it more desirable and a lot closer than going to a Caribbean country.
‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness— That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seems most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…….
But when a long train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Objective, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.
It was true then…it’s certainly true now….
A wonderful reminder. Thanks
The only problem with your post is that our government is and has been a dictatorship. The elections have been a sham. The corrupt establishment elite globalists have been picking our nominees, so our vote was meaningless. Now that we have a candidate of and for the people, Trump, the corrupt establishment elite are doing everything in their power to defeat him. The gov corruption is rampant.
REMEMBER THE ALAMO! Long live Texas. “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to the separation”
“Governments are instituted among people , deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government.”
“Prudence will dictate that Government long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same objective evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government.”
Our Bill of Rights are under constant attack. There are already those politicians who choose to ignore or twist those rights. Removal of the Bill of Rights from our Constitution would be to remove our protections and destroy our freedom.
If Texas secedes, its citizens won’t have the bill of rights or the constitution to protect them, so hopefully, its state constitution will have everything they need, or maybe Trump can be persuaded to be president of Texas.
Says who?
They did just fine between the time they won freedom from Mexico and annexation to the US.
I am ready to secede. Trump won’t be Pres. We Texans want TED CRUZ!!!!!!!! The majority of the folks I know would jump at the chance to Secede. Can’t happen soon enough.
You have to be the dumbest person on earth. You would secede from the federal government and then put the corrupt shyster lawyer who is owned by the corrupt federal establishment as the president of Texas. LOL
Lying Ted Cruz would not be much better than Hillaroid. Voting for Ted Cruz in the primary just because he was from Texas was stupid. I changed my mine about maybe moving to Texas because there are too many suckers there. I forgot that you dummies voted for Cruz. Cruz was clearly establishment owned – paid for – lock stock and barrel by the very corruption you want to get away from. Cruz would sell you out in the blink of an eye.
Debdell is right about Cruz, but a bit mean-spirited to be calling you “dumb.”
Consider the following facts about Cruz, if you will:
He was born in Canada to 2 naturalized Canadian citizens.
He gave up his Canadian citizenship in May of 2014.
He refuses to show any evidence of his US citizenship.
He worked for the Bush crime family for many, many years.
His dad may have been involved with the Kennedy assassination.
His wife works for Goldman Sachs, a banking cartel fully on-board with the OWG/NWO agenda.
His wife wrote a document praising the removal of US borders, making Canada, America, and Mexico one nation – part of the NWO/OWG agenda.
President George H.W. Bush spoke favorably of the NWO in the UN.
The Bush crime family gave mucho dinero to the Cruz campaign. They OWN him, and have owned him for years.
Cruz KNEW that because NEITHER of his parents were US citizens when he was born, that he was COMPLETELY barred from the office of the presidency because he is not – and never WILL be – “natural born,” as Congress defined the term. Therefore, he has provided primae facie evidence of deliberate FRAUD, and should be prosecuted for that crime, of pretending to be able to serve in the highest elected office in this land, and taking contributions AS IF he could lawfully serve, when he KNEW he could not ab initio. Upon conviction, he should be required to refund every penny he received in donations.
I strongly suspect that this CANADIAN will lose his next re-election bid. And he should. He should retire to the Bush estates and serve as a butler or pantry-scrubber.
Texas can’t afford a military
We need to adopt state policies that defy Washington’s corrupt, anti-middle class “politically correct ”
We can’t be independent and still be in the union
You telling me Australia can’t afford a military, then? About the same GDP as Texas.
The from taxes that go to the Feds now, if used without waste will easily pay for a big enough military .
Texas can’t afford a military
We need to adopt state policies that defy Washington’s corrupt, anti-middle class “politically correct ” policies
We can be independent and still be in the union
It seems, according to this article, that Texas does not have the right to secede from the Union. As much as I would love to believe that Texas does have that option, I think it would be an uphill battle to actually get it done.
I think it would be in the Best interest of the people of Texas. Why should they be forced to keep bailing out a sinking boat. The eminent failure of the US economy because of the greed of corrupt Washington politicians and it’s failed policies that support people unwilling to make our country successful again. I believe this as much as both of my dad’s ancestors who signed the Decleration of Independance!
Thank God for Texas !!! Show the rest of us the right way we should be free people not slaves we do not kneel to the king obama let the battle cry of freedom start in Texas
You may neither believe this nor understand it, but due in large part to the fiat-money system imposed upon Americans long ago, we’ve ALL been slaves ever since…i daresay every American now alive, btw. Did you get a “license” to marry? A “license” to drive? A “license” to hunt or fish? A “license” to own a firearm? You know that a “license” is permission to do something that ordinarily would be illegal without one, right? Do the free ask for permission from their public servants? How can a master be at the mercy of his slaves, or a boss at the mercy of his employees?
“Beware of whom you must ask permission, for they will be your masters.”
Here’s the basic precept, from Proverbs:
“The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.”
This Proverb explains why Banksters are so eager to lend to governments, worldwide; if a government is indebted to banksters, the banksters OWN it, and THROUGH it, the People thereof.
“Give me control of a nations currency,” said the scion of the Rothschild clan, “and i care not who makes it’s laws.”
“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control credit.”
― Sir Josiah Stamp – president of the Bank of England in the 1920’s and the second richest man in Britain
The foregoing is the root of evil that few dare even mention, much less take action concerning; yet it is these policies and these goals that have enslaved virtually everyone on the planet. Thoreau famously said, “For everyone striking at the root of evil, there are a thousand hacking at the branches,” and he was right – although these days, it’s more like 10k or a 100k.
“The whole profit of the issuance of money has provided the capital of the great banking business as it exists today. Starting with nothing whatever of their own, they have got the whole world into their debt irredeemably, by a trick. This money comes into existence every time the banks ‘lend’ and disappears every time the debt is repaid to them. So that if industry tries to repay, the money of the nation disappears. This is what makes prosperity so ‘dangerous’ as it destroys money just when it is most needed and precipitates a slump. There is nothing left now for us but to get ever deeper and deeper into debt to the banking system in order to provide the increasing amounts of money the nation requires for its expansion and growth. An honest money system is the only alternative.”
— Frederick Soddy(1877-1956) British author, professor, Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1921
These bankster schemes need to be exposed and simultaneous actions against the banksters need to take place worldwide, similar to what little tiny Iceland did; arrest the bastards, fine and jail them, then repudiate all the “debt” they have created out of thin air. Failure to address the REAL root of evil in this world will simply change riders on the same horse. Jefferson was hip:
“I am not among those who fear the people. They, and not the rich, are our dependence for continued freedom. And to preserve their independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people of England are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four, and give the earnings of fifteen of these to the government for their debts and daily expenses; and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as they now do, on oatmeal and potatoes, have no time to think, no means of calling our mis-managers to account, but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers. Our land-holders, too, like theirs, retaining indeed the title and stewardship of estates called theirs – but held really in trust for the treasury – must wander, like theirs, in foreign countries, and be contented with penury, obscurity, exile, and the glory of the nation.
This example reads to us the salutary lesson that private fortunes are destroyed by public as well as by private extravagances. And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for the second; that second for a third; and so on, ‘til the bulk of society is reduced to being mere automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for sinning and suffering. Then begins, indeed, the bellum omnium in omnia(war of all against all), which some philosophers observing to be so general in this world, have mistaken for the natural, instead of the abusive state of man. And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train, wretchedness and oppression.”
— Thomas Jefferson(1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd US President
Source: Letter to Samuel Kercheval, Monticello, July 12, 1816
The problem in the United States is that we are being controlled by a bunch of corrupt and incompetent politicians who have no desire to follow our Constitution. The Obama administration has had a contempt for the Constitution and the rights guaranteed to its citizens throughout his entire administration.
Last summer in one fell swoop the Supreme Court negated a bunch of state constitutional amendments defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Here in Kentucky we added that amendment to our constitution with a 75 percent affirmative vote. Our nation has increasingly abandoned its beginning philosophy and replaced it with one where unelected judges dictate how our nation will work. Earlier Supreme Courts found a right to murder babies in the Constitution and the right to force atheism on everyone in the Constitution.
We need to either return to a government that is based on our Constitution or we need to give each state the right to leave the union. By the way, I think President Obama has put a lot of effort into destroying the citizens’ support of our nation. He, like many other liberals, hates America and what it stood for. He has worked overtime to destroy our nation during his time as president.
I have signed the Petition for Texas to secede! Sure wish it would happen. The sooner the better !
The USA needs Texas, but Texas doesn’t need the USA.
I am in favor of secession. We of the people of the USA are not being listen to by our so called Representative in Washington D C. So to secede is the only solution.
If a Democrat/Progressive is elected in November, all of the Red States should seceed and split the United States into two countries, The United States and the United Socialist States. In five years the economies of these countries will resemble North and South Korea. We can’t force common sense and morals on the left anymore than they can force the right to abandon ours.
Of couse the best solution is to elect Trump and do our Nation building at home. While the left will never admit they “Might have been wrong”, they will accept the prosperity and security.
States want to secede from the U.S. because of an out of control, greedy, self-serving government that imposes unrealistic taxes and laws on American citizens, making survival an almost impossibility! It needs to be about “WE THE PEOPLE” and not the crooked politicians bleeding us dry!!!!! It needs to be about keeping our citizens affordably healthy and realistically safe, which is not happening today.
We can’t survive another so called leader like obuma, if hillary or biden get elected with a left wing congress, we will have to consider other options!!
God bless Texas!! Let’s get on with the succession, especially if Hillary wins in November.
I do not know whether this is a real possibility, but with what I have seen in the past eight years, election of another socialist/Marxist/progressive/communist/democrat/ultra-liberal will produce change in this country that will make it an even less worthwhile place in which to live than those changes have produced. I am a loyal American and I feel very bad to have such an assessment. Although Trump is not my first choice, I, along with many others, could not stand the alternative, which would be unworkable.
As a Fifth generation Texan, to witness the simple mnded, mostly illiterate, yahoos that call themselves Texans, post insanely insipid and moronic chatter about leaving the USA, mocks tens of thousands of fellow Veterans. Veterans that gave their all for their friends, neighbors and even some of these simple minded dolts to be able to post such drivel here is truly demeaning to their memory. Patriots which includes two of my brothers that served in WW II and Korea. Remember, the Alamo was defended by non-Texans. Men loyal to the United States from Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana and many more from other states died here. It’s obvious hate rules your lives and whether you realize it, or perhaps you do, such drivel delights the sworn enemies of the USA. Go ahead, add your names to the Don’t Fly lists, keep on yammering. God bless America. ????
Secession?I say let it be done.We can NOT live under a Socialist ruler,PERIOD!
Texas should go ahead and secede and maybe Oklahoma can go with them. From an Oklahoma perspective I would be in agreement.
It is not so much seceding from Obama or Clinton. It’s all about states rights…again. That’s what fueled the civil war. I see us going thru this all over again. Washington, DC has outlived it’s relevancy. It is occupied by a group of people who believe they can levy taxes to support their lavish lifestyle and shuffle money from one give away to another all at our expense. It’s time to reset. If it means a dissolution of this very broken and corrupt union, then so be it. I vote for Texas. Even though I’m in South Carolina, I would support their move.
Unfortunately me living in NC this wouldn’t affect me. But I am all for Article V under the constitution. Where states retain the power to govern themselves and the Fed reserves the power to print money, hold a standing military and not crush the American people with over regulation and forced subsidies.
Yes Texas, you should leave. I’ve been wondering what country I could move to if Clinton becomes President. I will be more than happy to join you. Legality has no bearing, our country has already been stolen, if we have to start all over, so be it.
texas should seced and all the other states .allstates supposed to be soverien anyway if not then .was it jefferson that said a revolution every 10 years
I believe that the State of Texas should secede and take any red state that wants to join them. Let the illegals choose their own country or the Liberal United States of America. You would only have to worry about the people on Social Security and/or Medicare; but with the crime and corruption introduced to both programs by the Government – that should be solvable. Thank that no Supreme Court or Federal Court can tell you what to do. It is too bad that California is so liberal; but that might change if you secede and prosper.
Obama is looking for an excuse to evoke Martial Law!
Time to Withdraw. Obama has done Nothing for Texas the last 7 years.
Unfortunately, Texas’ biggest problem is the influx of people from liberal states. States like California and New York have such high taxes and numerous regulations that stifle business. So those citizens uproot and move to Texas. Unfortunately they bring their ‘blue’ ideas with them. Ideas like the government having to take care of them, to coddle them, to baby them. So they leave their home states but don’t leave those ideas behind. Sooner or later Texas imports many voters who still think like they did in New York or New Jersey. And ‘red’ Texas becomes purple and then blue.
It would be interesting to see how Washington would react if Texas did secede from the Union. I, for one, would like to see it happen. To take it further, I would like to see all the red states secede from this socialistic nation that has been directed and destroyed by the libtards and Demorats over the last 40 years. It is time for another revolution by the people who believe in the constitution and the fact that our government is supposed to be “of the people, for the people and by the people” and that congress shall pass no law that does not apply to those making the laws. We are now a government “to the people” and it is time for the people to take back “OUR” government.
If our government continues as it has in the past 7 years, then it may be considered that they have forced the issue, and secession is in order.
Actually, TEXAS WAS NOT ANNEXED. The Independent NATION OF TEXAS joined the U.S. A. VIA TREATY. According to Texas history, and the Texas Constitution, Texas has the right to secede at any such time as the U..S. govt. has violated the terms of the treaty via which Texas joined the union. That has been done a hell of a lot of times.
Further comment. When I said that has been done a hell of a lot of times, I mean that the U.S. government has violated the terms of the treaty by which Texas agreed to join the Union.