For months, intelligence groups around the world have warned that terror groups could be exploiting the European migrant crisis to sneak extremists into the West. And Italian authorities have just announced that they apprehended an Al Qaeda leader who has also been linked to ISIS trying to sneak into the country.
The Tunisian, Ben Nasr Mehdi, was first arrested in 2007 in Europe and sentenced to seven years in prison for planning terror attacks in coordination with ISIS extremists. While in custody, Mehdi was held in the high-security Benevento prison in southern Italy. Following his prison term he was expelled from the country and forbidden from returning.
Last month, he attempted to sneak back into the country among 200 migrants whose boat had to be rescued by Italian authorities in the Mediterranean Sea.
Mehdi attempted to use a fake name to get past, but was caught when his authorities identified his finger prints, according to a report from The Independent.
More than 770,000 people have arrived in the EU by sea so far this year, overwhelming border authorities and reception facilities. Many have used boats, while others have made the arduous land journey on foot through the Balkans in search of sanctuary or work in countries like Germany, Italy or Sweden.
The EU’s 28 member nations have pledged to provide experts and funds to help manage the emergency, and to share refugees among them.
To help manage the influx, EU border agency Frontex has called for 775 extra officers, but member states have so far only offered about half that amount. Slovenia asked for 400 more police officers within a week to help out. Almost three weeks later, less than half has been pledged.
Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn said the ministers had discussed setting up “processing centers” in the Balkans, where people could be registered and given information as they travel further north. But they would also have to accept to have their fingerprints taken, which some migrants are refusing to do.
The Associated Press contributed to this story
Why Europe? None to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait etc. In the past 100 years, Germany attempted to destroy Europe. Angela Merkel’s policies seem to follow this rotten tradition. It was in the news yesterday that more than half of the Middle East Christians have been removed from the middle east via genocide or fleeing persecution. Do the “sophisticated” Europeans think that letting in millions of folks who think that hate and intolerance is the norm is a good thing?
You are right
I cannot understand if this was happening on Tuesday, why everyone was so surprised on Friday when they did it in Paris. The warnings are there, but all of our governments are acting like they cannot see their nose on their faces. These extremist muslims are not fighting a fair fight. Why do we all think we have to be fair. War is not good for either side, but the object of it is to win at any cost. Even war in the old Testament was brutal, and if not followed like the leader told them, their was consequences. We shouldn’t have to lose another persons life of the free world and wouldn’t if we would just put everything else aside for one or two days and send our best artillery over and destroy everything living. Most of the innocent victims are gone. As President Reagan told them in the Iranian hostage crisis,” if those hostages are not freed by the time I am inaugurated into office, I am coming over there and turning the whole place into glass” The very day he took office, every hostage was set free, WHY??? Because they knew uncle Ronnie was serious as a heart attack. Our biggest problem now is our commander does not do anything he says he will do, then acts like nothing serious happened. If we let them keep coming, we will be a third world country in just a little while, and I mean a LITTLE while.
Out of the hundreds of thousands that have already entered our country, HOW MANY ARE EXTREMEST??? Why is it not just women and children??? These young strong men coming in should be staying and fighting for their homeland instead of us having to take care of them also!!!!!!! We are deceiving our own selves if we think they are not extremest mixed in. Paris knows this now and we should learn from their loss. What it is going to take to heal our land is clear” If my people which are called by my Name will humble themselves(First big problem, we won’t humble ourselves, too prideful) pray and seek my face(second big problem, we just seek His hand)and turn from their wicked ways(third big problem, we are coming up with unheard of wickedness)then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin AND heal their land!!!!!” The so-called Church of today don’t believe this, most of them don’t even preach repentance or the Power of the Blood of Jesus, leading many astray. Look at all of the warnings in the New Testament about not being deceived, bewitched, beguiled, by these preachers without any power(having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof) The whole muslim religion goes back to Isaac & Ishmael, Abraham’s two sons. Isaac was the son of promise(the spirit) and Ishmael, the son of self effort (the flesh) Today in our own lives it is still that same war between the flesh and the spirit. Yes, I realize only those that have been born of the spirit will understand because, to the natural man(unregenerate man) it is foolishness. Okay, I’m off my soapbox!!!
Refusing to be finger-printed is an indication of wanting to remain unidentifiable, one basic motive of a foreign agent. All such persons should be arrested, finger-printed, and immediately turned over to the embassy of their homeland, for deportation. This should be immediately done with the alias, Barack H. Obama.
Bravo, that’s exactly what I wanted to say. The reason they are all coming to Europe is two-fold. For one, their own Islamic countries don’t want these people. They couldn’t possibly fulfill their agenda there anyway, which leads to the 2nd reason that we should all except the stupid upper enchelons know by now. It is part of their comprehensive agenda to take over and invade Europe as they are slowly doing in UK and set up sharia law and a caliphate. It’s so obvious that even a non-political person like myself can see. Government leaders are obviously getting some kind of kickback for bringing them in and that’s why they’re allowing it. But to the heads of each country my question would be, what kind of father takes in strangers to care for and provide everything for when his own family and kids can barely survive? There is so much corruption in every government nowadays, it’s no wonder the only way to restore truth, honesty, and fairness in leadership is for the prophecy of Christ’s return to rule our lands is the only way it will get back to what it should be.
All The gov’ts around the world are on board with thus on going situation. They’re getting rid of western belief system for a corrupt islamic one. Where rap and murder is the rule of law. They reason they leave there countries because they don’t like sharia law themseves. Instead our leaders allow them to come to the west to break ours laws and get away with whatever they want. Watch as crime risesin Europe. They’re full of Pedophiles and Rapists, because they’re not allowed to have sex, except with boys. The women get rape then murder by there family because of this backward belief. Where is our leaders to speak out against this.
Our leaders want to emulate the EU. That’s what happens when Progressives promote Socialism and choose a Muslim to lead our nation. This is not happenstance! This is by design and has been creeping forward for a hundred years. The hero of the Progressives, Woodrow Wilson, signed the Fraudulent Reserve and the IRS into law in the same year! Coincidence? I think not!
I Love Your Comment!!!
Time to shoot the terrorist. Well it’s a thought. Because we know he will try to kill you if he has a chance. Or is it time for the European nations to create their own GITMO. Where? How about in St, Helena Island in the south Atlantic Ocean where Napoleon died. Or how about someplace in Northern Siberia. Terrorist problems will not go away until they are all dead.
ISIS extremists need the death penalty not imprisonment
Do NOT WORRY!!! They’re ONLY looking for work like 0 says!! NOW what work are they trained in so WE can HELP them be successful in their goals!! That sounds real smart and tolerant doesn’t it????
What? Just one jihadi? What I want to see in the press is the fruits of an investigation into those “traffickers” supposedly getting thousands of dollars per head for the impoverished “refugees” then piling them onto those extremely unstable raft-life vessels that prevent the embarcations from being turned back to their point of departure, thus guaranteeing that the invasion can continue unabated for yet another “humanitarian” reason. I strongly suspect enabling by one of the many nefariously destructive Soros “foundations”.
I have been saying that terrorists are sneaking in with the immigrants but nobody listens until it is too late.Wise up people.
I cannot understand if this was happening on Tuesday, why everyone was so surprised on Friday when they did it in Paris. The warnings are there, but all of our governments are acting like they cannot see their nose on their faces. These extremist muslims are not fighting a fair fight. Why do we all think we have to be fair. War is not good for either side, but the object of it is to win at any cost. Even war in the old Testament was brutal, and if not followed like the leader told them, their was consequences. We shouldn’t have to lose another persons life of the free world and wouldn’t if we would just put everything else aside for one or two days and send our best artillery over and destroy everything living. Most of the innocent victims are gone. As President Reagan told them in the Iranian hostage crisis,” if those hostages are not freed by the time I am inaugurated into office, I am coming over there and turning the whole place into glass” The very day he took office, every hostage was set free, WHY??? Because they knew uncle Ronnie was serious as a heart attack. Our biggest problem now is our commander does not do anything he says he will do, then acts like nothing serious happened. If we let them keep coming, we will be a third world country in just a little while, and I mean a LITTLE while.
Out of the hundreds of thousands that have already entered our country, HOW MANY ARE EXTREMEST??? Why is it not just women and children??? These young strong men coming in should be staying and fighting for their homeland instead of us having to take care of them also!!!!!!! We are deceiving our own selves if we think they are not extremest mixed in. Paris knows this now and we should learn from their loss. What it is going to take to heal our land is clear” If my people which are called by my Name will humble themselves(First big problem, we won’t humble ourselves, too prideful) pray and seek my face(second big problem, we just seek His hand)and turn from their wicked ways(third big problem, we are coming up with unheard of wickedness)then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin AND heal their land!!!!!” The so-called Church of today don’t believe this, most of them don’t even preach repentance or the Power of the Blood of Jesus, leading many astray. Look at all of the warnings in the New Testament about not being deceived, bewitched, beguiled, by these preachers without any power(having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof) The whole muslim religion goes back to Isaac & Ishmael, Abraham’s two sons. Isaac was the son of promise(the spirit) and Ishmael, the son of self effort (the flesh) Today in our own lives it is still that same war between the flesh and the spirit. Yes, I realize only those that have been born of the spirit will understand because, to the natural man(unregenerate man) it is foolishness. Okay, I’m off my soapbox!!!
This is trojan horse season. While Europe opens its borders to the refugees it is going to be accepting a large number of terrorists and criminals who are taking advantage of the situation. The United States should let the refugees stay over there rather than bringing them to our shores.
If they are legitimate migrants, why refuse to be finger printed. Are they hiding something?
Why are they going to Europe and not other Arab countries? What, they don’t like their own Islamic folks … or maybe it’s just more mayhem of the same sort over there?
Terrorist will surely come in with the refugees.
Idea: If we could give them a short quiz with a lie detector attached to them, we could go through 100,000 in a week with 50 machines and 5 minute questions. It doesn’t have to be admissible in court, it’s just a hearing. What else can we do?