For nearly two years, dozens upon dozens of trained Afghani soldiers have escaped from United States military bases and have lived illegally in our borders — and President Barack Obama’s administration has done nothing about it.
Since January 2015, 44 Afghani security forces have deserted training facilities on U.S. soil, a serious safety concern considering the Afghani military has been frequently infiltrated by Taliban militants.
The frequency of these Afghani desertions is “out of the ordinary,” says Defense Department sources.
That’s according to Reuters, who first broke the story and wrote the escaped Afghani’s are “embarrassing for U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration, which has spent billions of dollars training Afghan troops as Washington seeks to extricate itself from the costly, 15-year-old war. The disclosure could fuel criticism by supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who has accused the Obama administration of failing to properly vet immigrants from Muslim-majority countries and has pledged a much tougher stance if he wins.”
The Obama administration bills taxpayers billions to bring an estimated 245 Afghani military personnel into the United States annually for extra military training.
Quick math says that approximately 10 percent of every Afghani soldier brought to the U.S. is deserting, roaming untraced through America.
Defense Department officials insist they vet every foreign-born soldier brought to the United States for training. However, this is little comfort to opponents, who note that failures in the vetting system are disturbingly frequent.
The Islamic radical behind the recent bombings in New Jersey and New York, the father of the Orlando night club massacre gunman, and one of the San Bernardino terror attackers had all been vetted by this same system before entering the United States from Afghanistan.
In 2014, an American general was assassinated by a Taliban militant that had infiltrated the Afghani security forces. Following the terror attack, The New York post reported, “US. military intelligence now fear as much as 25 percent of Afghan security forces are Taliban or al Qaeda operatives and sympathizers, which means we may be arming and training an army of some 87,500 enemy infiltrators with easy access to US personnel and intelligence. The massive infiltration puts the entire Afghanistan exit strategy at risk. The compromised Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) takes over the country’s security on Jan. 1, 2015.”
In the two years since, it would be foolish to assume none of them have made it to U.S. soil.
— The Horn editorial team
John G. says
Just another example of O’bozo the “Big Eared” Clown’s failed programs – lives in the White House with 24 hour a day armed security while we the people are expected to take of our families and all while they are trying to disarm us – makes a lot sense to “Moron’s only”, oh I forgot they Democrats so now I understand.
Gerry says
I don’t believe it is a failed program — I believe this is exactly what obozo wanted to happen, all part of his agenda. My best guess would be that this administration knows exactly where these radicals are and will call on them when obozo declares or tries to declare martial law to stay in power. I absolutely believe obozo thinks he can use these people along with the UN forces against U.S. citizens.
retired says
lets look into some being armed guards at the Clinton mansion and also Obamas new residence once Trump gets elected as our next commander in chief….
Sz says
You’re so Right!!
Jackie Ray says
you are right. its good to know some people in our great country still have brains left are not drugged out
Nellie McConnell says
You are right. Obama getting elected so he could take over the country and our Congress and Senators have done nothing to stop Obama. RefUgees and illegals has put our country in debt.
Obama and no one else knows where the prisoners from Cuba have disappeared too.
Obama’s another Hitler/Castro. Hillary will keep Obama for some appointment. Maybe a Supreme Justice?! Them the democrats control the house. Obama wouldn’t follow our constitution. He hasn’t so far in 8 years.
TRUMP has my vote. He is right about our present government or lack of using our laws.
God Help Us.
Gene morris says
Let them come and let them die, we are not a third world country and will not be no matter how hard the Democrat party is trying to make America one. Obama said he was going to make change in this country and the Democrat party is working on it. The Democrat party has become the Democrat Socialist
Commonest Party. Look up what Hitler was. The Democrat party has changed and they can break the law any time they want. Power to the politicians not the people. Everyone who has a Gun is going to need them hang onto them tight. There is change coming if the Democrats win.
Jeanette says
And they didn’t “escape;” Obama likely ordered them to be let go, then had the records of that order sealed.
Bukkake Joe says
Greg says
I have to disagree with you on that. When I was at the NA in the early 70’s, there were quite a few foreigners there. These were folks from smaller counties, friendly to us, that had navies but no formal military schools for them. Training them at our academy helped our friends and provided a lot of young Naval officers with some cross culture exposure. I never heard of a problem with any of them.
I realize that circumstances are different today. Vet them, yes; shut it off, no.
Sunshine49 says
You’re right in one sense because it is against the Constitution to house and train foreign troops on US soil. I wish people would learn our LAWS so that they could dispute what our government does that puts US citizens lives in danger.
Donna says
And yet oboma has 55% approval rating. What the hell us wrong with these people
Snappy Thom says
That 55% is probably just the bias media poll. No way does he have that much support in this country now!! Well. maybe just from muslims and black lies matter people!
Greg says
I just checked Rasmussen and it had him at 50%.
Nellie McConnell says
Don’t trust these polls. I tried to vote for Trump on Second amendment and the poll changed my votes. From Trump to Hillary. That’s how Obama got in office, FRSUD.
Dee says
I think you’re right . I also think this is such a Fake number . The liberal media doing what Hitlery and obumma do , LIE LIE LIE , to make uninformed Americans think they’re not being lied to .
Stell says
Yes, the brain is locked in place with certain people and can not think outside the box which brings disaster to others.
Linda says
I agree with every word. The last comment made me laugh, even though it is true!
DustyFae says
Bet they are NOT missing… They know exactly where they are. We can NOT trust the USA government , especially with all that Brotherhood crap in the Government offices , they sure as hell can find you and me any time day or night…. lol that is if they wanted to do so. And with them painting the airplanes to look exactly like Russia airplanes… umm , leave one to ponder what they are planning next . Then people are questioning the WALL that Trump wants to secure , l am voting Trump.
Masanja says
This article is a complete and stupid lie. I think US AG Lynch should start prosecuting firms and sites that lie. This should be a lesson to liars.
Sharon says
Masanja , the border is still open , go home. If you ever had one.
John G. says
Masanja, don’t know if you’re a man or woman, but regardless you’re a stupid, asinine Kool Aid drinking “Liberal Democrat” and should be jailed along with the Clinton’s, O’bozo’s, Lynch, Comey et all for being a willing participant in crimes against we the people and America or go back to where your ancestor’s.
Gerry says
masanja — you sound like you just might be one of the unaccounted for dirt bags. It won’t be long now that you will be accounted for and dealt with properly.
retired says
I think Lynch should sharpen her pencil and brush up on her resume, because once Trump gets in as CIC she will need new employment along with a slew of others….
TRUMP/PENCE all the way to the white house.
G.D.Cul says
Masanja…. Get out of the US. while your able. Your diatribe convicts you… Stupid IS as Stupid Sez.
V.P. Kowalski says
What proof do you have the article is a lie? If you have varifiable PROOF, lets see it. Most of us seek the truth and if you have it……., SHOW IT!! Or, are you ok with a world or government who shuts down corporations or imprisons those found to be liars only on accusation with no PROOF?
Dont forget, if thats what you want, and that should happen, YOU will be subject to the same fate. Your friend gets jelouse, a work mate dislikes you, your life partner wants a divorce and your assets and drops an email to the liar police, with no proof or justification, just inuendo and off you go to the nwo liars prison.
So, with that in mind, do you want to re think this and repost with PROOF of how and which parts of the article are “lies” or are you going to roll with unsubstantiated allegations? Were waiting……….
Donna says
Lynch that traitor
Snappy Thom says
Masanja, the article is a fact reported by the Associated Press and they are about as liberal as you are. However I do agree with you about Lynch. If she would do her job then HilLIARy and Obummer would be cell mates!! She is a documented corrupt serial LIAR and as his ears indicate, he is nothing short of a trained chimpanzee!! But another fact is Lynch is as corrupt as ALL the top Democraps and not capable of telling the truth and keeping their oaths of office.
Keith says
Masanja if she did that every democrat would be going to prison.
Jeanette says
Prove it, or shut up.
Tom E says
Lynch will do nothing. She is as far under as Obama. She is another Muslim.They are all in the same boat!
Sharon says
What do expect from a muslim POS ! Stupid liberals ! Lock them all up ! They are the waste in our dumps .
Marvin B. Cohen says
Get a search warrant for the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. Barack Hussein Obama is hiding his comrade brother. There are enough bedrooms to accommodate them. And, enough weapons to fully arm them. Any questions?
CJ says
You know how you can “chip” a dog. They ought to chip these people so they can tell where they are at all times. It sounds Orwellian but the times have changed.
LARRY J says
It is coming sooner then you think…666 ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT
G.D.Cul says
Not a bad Idea.. Smart in-fact.. Should Chip Immigrants that lack documentation, and/or cannot be vetted properly. Any Muslim Middle eastener, in fact.
Greg Collins says
Careful what you wish for make no mistake about it WE are the “terrorists” as far as the corrupt globalist government is concerned. The Patriot act was designed to target law abiders not foreign terrorists. Any program we support that violates.
Jeanette says
Those men think nothing of little girls being mutilated to the point that there is nothing between their legs but raw, bleeding hamburger – and then they are married off the next day to grown men, who repeatedly rape these girls in special rooms away from other people so they don’t have to listen to the girls screaming in agony.
These members of the “Army of Charles Mansons” can’t possibly mind being chipped.
JCP74 says
Masanja where do you get your information that it is all lies. You must be one of the unaccounted for deserter.
Nullnvoid says
I wonder what it’s like to have a position that requires responsibility, loyalty, honesty, dedication, even temperament but not give two hoots about any of those expectations however still demand respect and the belief that your performing above the bar, still get the big bucks but have or take no responsibility? Geezus I want that Government position.
Tweeter says
This is the project of this administration. Train Muslim soldiers in the US in the guise of fighting for their country. Then the trained Muslims escaped perhaps joined the Islam terror cells. It was reported that there are more than 1000 terror cells all over US states.
G.D.Cul says
i’m inclined to believe your scenario. I DO NOT TRUST the Obamanation Misadministration by any stretch of the imagination. Your take on this, is possible and likely. Anyone who thinks Islamic Terrorists or Radicals are not in this country, are dillusional at the very least.
sheldon mankes (rickamanus) says
excuse me the muslems are not stuoid we are they received billions of our dollars what have we goten from them?sh—–so who is smarter?we play give them 10 they give back 2 and o bozo the hill and the rest of them think we are ah,s they are right.
Jeanette says
“We” didn’t do those suicidal things; Obama and the elites did them.
Malcolm Proctor says
this was planned all along.obama is one of them.wait till his term is finished.and watch him change is dress to wearing pyjamas for his daily dress.and if clinton gets voted in it will get twice as least mr trump will keep america for americans.
lizaz says
We know this is designed to infiltrate America with terrorists and, just the fact that they bring these people to this country for “training” should prove the “administration’s” intentions. Let us hope Trump will win the Presidency and we begin to see these types of illegal aliens removed from our country. It will take years, but once he starts the process, many may depart (deport) voluntarily……we can only hope for that scenario……
G.D.Cul says
In addition… ALL mosques in US should be ‘watched’ and monitored for ‘unusual’ activities and members or participants recorded on video. No more Islamics should be Allowed in US, until issues are national concerns are sorted out and proper vetting initiated [.] Suspect Muslim Terrorists should be questioned then Deported post haste.
Jeanette says
Islam should be designated as a cult that practices human sacrifice, and then there would be no question of discriminating against Muslims on the basis of “religion.”
Any other group caught calling to their god or goddess, during the act of murdering a victim, to witness, approve and reward them for that murder would be labeled a cult instantly.
In addition, any of their other practices qualify Islam as a cult
Why are the Muslims being covered for on this issue?
Jeanette says
That should have been “many” of their other practices …
Rick says
I fthe Government can find a Cow CALF boen in Canada, moved to the state of Washington on a farm there, why can’t these FED’S find these 44 TERRORIST . ???????????????
SIMPLE, they don’t wnat to dind them.
D Mark O'Neill says
They can join the other ten to twenty million illegal immigrants that the Democrats want to be here in the United States, they may be future voters and Hillary wants to legalize everyone.
Mark Frederick says
Let’s be honest about this, oBOZO’s Justice Department helped them to escape to gather other terrorist to start attacks on American targets in October and early November so he an declare Martial Law and cancel the elections outcome if it looks like Trump is going to win. He knows that he may go to jail with the Clintons if Trump wins. There are just too many things that could be used against all of them and oBOZO might be the first president to be charged with TREASON along with Sorose and some of the demoCRAP politicians that have aided him such as Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Valeri Jarret, Barbara Boxer and Joe Biden all have known oBOZO was not born in the U.S. And helped the asswipe destroy our country from within. All of these TRAITORS have been right with oBOZO in destroying the greatest military power in the world and reducing it to a Third World military.
Ronald Lee: Sells says
Release their photos just like on ‘Wanted Posters’ then we can either apprehend them or shoot them on sight!
Hanko American says
Hey Ronald–You have the right idea!! Instant gratification! The cure for O’Vomit-led terrorism here in America! Put O’Vomits photo on the wanted posters as well!!
TAB says
F. C. Hilnbrand says
Why the HELL were they here. Why were they not trained somewhere else?? Sounds like another Obama plan.
Soldier says
We talk but who is going to do anything
spunky says
I believe it is open hunting season on these terrorist.
sam says
We will reap what we sow. And it doesn’t look good. There are just to many stupid people.
drbhelthi says
Go to Ft. Benning, near Columbis, GA, and to Ft. Stewart near Hinesville, GA, and if you have the right credentials, you will find many foreigners being trained to be spies in their home countries and surrounding territories. The 44 are a drop in the bucket compared to the thousands that are stashed across the United States on military installations.