by Stephen Dietrich
The liberal bias of the mainstream media isn’t a new complaint from Republicans. For decades, GOP voters and Republican lawmakers alike have railed against the slanted coverage given to their issues by journalists.
I can remember my grandfather complaining about the liberal media in the late 1980s, when I was just a young pup.
Since then, the mistreatment of conservatives by the media conglomerates has gotten worse and worse – and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his supporters are by far the biggest target.
It has gotten historically bad out there. Just look at some of these examples:
- National Public Radio called Trump supporters “morally tainted”
- Esquire magazine called Trump supporters a “cult”
- A Boston Globe editor wrote that Trump has forever tainted the Republican party
- USA Today talked about how Trump and his supporters are puppets for Russia
- The Huffington Post has a constantly updated list of examples of Trump’s so-called racism
- A polling expert at The Washington Post compared Trump to a former KKK grand wizard
- A columnist for The Washington Post called Trump “toxic” and unfit for presidency
- The chairman of NBC Entertainment stated publicly, “[Trump’s] actually corrosive and toxic because his ‘mind’ is so demented; and his effect will unfortunately linger long after he’s been told to get off the stage.”
It’s gotten so out of control, they’re not even pretending anymore.
Take a look at the lead story headline on CNN for Tuesday, August 23rd.
Give me a break.
In fact, some members of the media are acknowledging they INTEND to misreport the facts.
In 2014, CNN’s Chris Cuomo confessed on air that he and others in the mainstream media were so biased for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, they were rolling out the red carpet and cheer on her campaign for the White House. No, really, he said this on air while his co-host smiled and agreed.
“We couldn’t help her any more than we have — she’s got just a free ride so far from the media,” Cuomo said. “We’re the biggest ones promoting her campaign, so [Clinton entering the presidential race] had better happen.”
Even more shameful? Cuomo is not alone.
Recently, a member of The New York Times editorial staff confessed that he and his colleagues were proudly biased against the GOP presidential candidate – and then turned around and blamed Trump and his supporters for it.
The wonderful, trusted Gray Lady has become a hag, drunk on power and eager to abuse anyone who disagrees with her.
It leads one to wonder — can we have a fair election, if the media is so staunchly against Trump and his supporters?
The short answer: No.
It’s not going to be fair, because there’s a narrative that has been established.
So what do we do? We can’t demand the truth from the liberal media, because they won’t give it to us.
That’s the straight rub — nothing can be done to stop them. The media is beyond control… and no, we can never go back.
But there’s something that can be done to turn the tables. It’s simple, but it will be extremely effective.
We can hit the mainstream media right where it hurts — in their wallets.
Their bloated production costs and big penthouse suites and huge paycheck are dependent on our eyeballs.
If we simply look away, they’ll lose.
If we want real change in the media, it’s time we unglued ourselves from their narrative. It’s time we moved on.
Here at The Horn News, we’re not beholden to any media conglomerate. We’re truly and honestly independent. We speak our mind, and we don’t care who hears it.
Straight talk, without fear — and most importantly, without a boss upstairs hammering his liberal bias into us so our message is well received by the advertisers signing his fat paychecks.
We — and conservatives like us — are the future. We hope you join us.
— Stephen Dietrich is the Managing Editor of The Horn News
Betty Clark says
I thoroughly agree!!!!
marlene wolthuis says
Washington Post is owned by CEO of Amazon (Bezos). STOP buying from Amazon. Macy’s is closing 100 stores since they opted out of contracts to sell Trump Ties. The people responded with their wallets. We can do it again.
kay says
Most certainly ! Just change the channel and watch the ratings drop, maybe some paychecks too. They are very dependant on those ratings. But as already pointed out earlier, the reason this problem exists is because media is literally in bed with Congress or other political figures, with either a relative in a political seat, dating or married to someone in a political seat influencing the reporting. How can we get an honest report on anything when it’s controlled by this factor.
We need a ruling that no one will be allowed to hold a media job if has a family member or spouse in a political seat. That would be grounds for termination.
Maybe then we could get more honest reporting. But for now Change the channel & stop watching.
Adrienne says
I am sure When Trump is Presiddnt he will take care of that problem – but for now stop watching and that is what I am doing!
Lori says
Me too!!!
TEL says
I stopped watching news 4 years ago. I recently emailed them all with a message of the fact I quite watching and why.
Holly Cow says
When Hillary is on TV I go in another room. She makes me sick how could any true American listen and vote for her.
name b free says
In addition the majority shareholder of the NYT is one Carlos Slim the Warren Buffett of Mexico and Central America.
cristoiglesia says
Surely this column is written tongue in cheek as both of the candidates for POTUS are lifetime far left liberal Democrat ideologues. Albeit, Trump is further to the left on many issues like abortion, the funding of planned parenthood, gun control and health care to name a few issues. The Trump’s and the Clinton’s are close family friends and have been for decades going back to the days when Bill and Donald flew together to Brian Epstein’s island together to be with the young underage girls that Epstein provided. The whole purpose for Trump running is to split the Republican vote to get a leftist like Hillary elected. I am sure this is a scheme that the Donald and Bill came up with during one of their weekly golfing excursions together. Who would have thought that while being a lifetime far left wing liberal Democrat ideologue that Donald Trump and his Democrat handlers could re-package him as a conservative. What this proves is that the dumbing down of America is complete by the left. If people are now that gullible they will believe anything. God help America with these two far left liberal Democrat ideologues as the only candidates for POTUS.
Pete says
surely your comment is tongue in cheek-or youre an idiot-which is it?
Nancy says
I agree too. The media is owned — for the most part — by four or five VERY rich liberals. All Democratic, Now that they’ve gotten rid of Roger Ailes, they’ve become even more biased. Fox News has already begun to change its attitude. More cautious about Trump, less angry about Hillary’s actions with the e-mails, the Clinton Foundation, and all the rest. We have nowhere to turn. OAN is good, but they have a limited audience. All we can do is support Trump as best we can, trust each other, and VOTE. I realize the voting system is rigged, but I pray something happens and justice will be served in the end. Here’s to us. Stay brave guys!!!!
Lori says
FBN..LOU DOBBS very good still and Sean Hannity refuses to succumb to Rupert Murdoch ..good for SEAN!!! Greta not bad just a couple others..that’s it. All rest are brainwashing news. I listen the Michael Savage 560 am. In CA. He’s excellent!!! Sean is on at 6
Stella says
Me too
Dave C. says
I’ve said before that those voting for Hillary are “dead asleep”. So is main stream media…..”dead asleep”.
John G . says
Everybody knows the mainstream media is the tank for Hillary the “Hun”.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Those damned POS white trash Clinton’s control & bully the MSM and own the media.
Sherry says
I no longer watch MSM. I watch and Matt Drudge; the only two places, I know so far, who present the truth, good or bad.
George D. Benham says
As Jack Webb used to say several years ago in the TV show Dragnet, “THE FACTS MAM, NOTHING BUT THE FACTS”.
JOHN says
In order to stop the media we should stop buying products advertised by them and they would lose the ad money and go broke overnight. This would remove them from our society or else make them to do their job properly for a free america and not a demo america
Greg Dean says
Good point! I don’t watch network media or network tv! I don’t watch movies with liberal stars! I don’t use products endorsed by liberals!
I can’t understand any Christian that helps these evil people by doing anything I just iterated!!! I don’t understand any Christian supporting Demoncrats who want our GOD taken from ANY public display, supports murdering babies in the womb, etc., etc. etc.
Read 2 John if you think it is okay to support evil – just as guilty as them!!!! HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT THESE EVIL-DOERS?
Pete says
I really dont understand how a christian or any believer in God can vote democratic-its like saying its ok to kill your kids,its ok to murder those that you dont like ,its ok to lie and then lie to protect the first lie.
roger tijerina says
John that is a very good idea.
marlene wolthuis says
No more Macy’s. No more Amazon.
ProudTexan62 says
I’m for doing anything we can do to bring all the MSM down. They are as corrupt and crooked as the entire Obama administration and Hillary Clinton and just as big liars. They are truthfully anti-American and I will do all I can to destroy them
Holly Cow says
So true!!
Linda Abernathy says
Good idea!
Stop Government Corruption says
Another liberal rag had the headline, “Donald Trump’s $100,000 “donation” to Louisiana flood victims went to a local anti-gay hate group “. IT WAS A CHURCH!
Steve Smith says
Well, some churches, like Westboro Baptist are more like the Klan than they are a church. Membership there is highly bigoted.
ron says
Steve … How do you know that ?
Constitutionalist says
i’ll tell you how he knows that Westboro Baptist “church” is quite akin to Nazi’s and Nazism; a bare minimum of research.
Google “westboro baptist church” and do some reading, for starters: enjoy their “God Hates Fags” signs, and how they harass the families of dead servicemen and women at their funerals, for God’s sake!
Gaffer says
I quit my church because they are anti-gay. I quit before I said something we both would regret.
I’m not gay, just not a hater.
marlene wolthuis says
No donation from the Clinton Foundation or the Clinton’s!!!
James Clooney says
I never watch the MSM—have not done that since the muslim took office 7+ years ago—i do watch football on NBC or FOX and even then some of the announcers try to be politically BIAS —which aggravates me very much—other then that their BS and lies do not enter my house !!!!
Suzanne OBRIEN says
Has it been confirmed that the jobs of the reporters have been threatened by the Obama government if anything derogatory regarding his actions and administration are printed and all items to be printed must first be reviewed by the Obama press corps?
Steve Smith says
Who confirmed that jobs of reporters have been threatened by the Obama government? Where is that documented and reported, other than in your post here? Please provide facts.
TruChristian says
Steve Smith, read Suzanne’s post again, She is asking “Has it been confirmed,…” not “It has been confirmed…” Who’s the cerebral leprechaun now? You can’t even read!
Chris says
If Hillary doesn’t like it, it does NOT get printed. She knows what’s gone to the editors, and tells them
to “embellish” some – – or to “cut that totally”. She has a strangle hold on every one of the papers.
marlene wolthuis says
Many in high positions of the liberal press have spouses or other relatives in White House positions.
Jamie Cook says
The media is so Bias it is disgusting. With all the proven issues plaguing Hillary Clinton she should see the inside of a jail cell not the White House. I believe Trump has caused an awakening of the people just like the Brexit vote did in England. I want free trade I want immigration but as Trump says it must be done fairly and legally if we are to exist we must all follow the law.
Abe says
News flash,
HilLIARy supporters are cerebral leprechauns.
Steve Smith says
I’m a Clinton supporter when it comes to her or Trump. Post your IQ here and I will do the same. Let’s see who is more of a cerebral leprechaun.
Wise Owl says
Hitler had a high IQ also! Someone can be intelligent but nuts!
Jerry says
Steve, your IQ may be out sight, but you’re way short on common sense. Wake up!
Darrell says
IQ one thing , common sense another , take the black vote these people have been in poverty-stricken existence for years and they still vote for the very people who keep them there , hopefully they will wake up soon and see that there is light at the end of the tunnel
Dragon says
my IQ – ” I ” “Q”uit on corruption, No Hilary, no Democrats, never.
your IQ – “I” don’t “Q”uit on corruption, I support it. She lies, she cheats, she kills and she’s female.
marlene says
Dragon, You were doing fine until you said “female”. Proven fact female CEO’s are great! We just had 8 years of a male president and look at the mess we are in.
Linda Abernathy says
If you are still a Clinton supporter after all the lying, cheating and corruption that already been HAS been proven and yet the rigged system still plays on then I think it is you that is the cerebral leprechaun. Ya, lets put someone in office that hasn’t done one thing while in office aside from her email writing, letting those men die in Benghazi on HER watch, trying to place gun control as the culprit for the Islamic terrorism, giving money to the Black Lives Matter movement instead of bringing people together she is trying to get everyone at war with each other, and ya and how could I forget the favors from the State Department to the Clinton foundation. How can one NOT vote for Trump! I am so done with this bullcrap! I am prepared for the end of days after November 7th, are you?
Adela says
You must’ve voted for obummer then because if you choose hitlery over obummer you’ll get another 8 years of obummer!
Philip McKee says
You mean you support a CROOK and a LIAR, what are you trying to prove?
What is your IQ? Must be very low if you support this kind of stuff, of Barack Hussein Obama the Blowhard
and LYING Hillary.
marlene says
What issues are you supporting? Lying to the parents of our deceased veterans? Lying about the emails? Cover ups for her husband’s perjury? Shall I continue? The corrupt contributions to the Clinton Foundation and her pay-for play?
Snappy Thom says
Steve Smith you are a brain impaired half witted idiot!! To support HilLIARy you are nothing but pig shit! Take a break and go have another glass of HilLIARy kool-aid!! Maybe a muslim will slit your throat and it won’t go down!!
Constitutionalist says
Everyone voting for Hillary, raise your hand. Ok, now slap yourself with it, you’re an idiot.
westnlas says
Every since it became painfully aware the Media would tell outright lies to further whatever agenda they have, I look outside the USA for my news. The “Duke rape case”, the edited Martin/Zimmerman 911 tape. The inciting of civil unrest in Fergueson, Mo; are just a few examples of how our Media has become uncreditable. As there seems to be a lack of honesty in our government, it seems to have spread through our media. Historically, it follows the same path as the rise of the Nazi regime. But as a people, we have become too lazy to question it. We just don’t make an effort to look beyond the waves of propaganda. We are not disturbed by watching the exact same falsehood reported by every media outlet. Maybe because there are so few? And that ownership is cloudy. I suspect the control of information is in the hands of fewer people than there should be. It’s come down to one idea………theirs. We’re told constantly what we should think and feel and believe or there is something wrong with us.
I disagree with that and hope the future generations will begin to ask the questions that go unanswered today
marlene wolthuis says
Buffet owns a great many newspapers in this country and he was sitting on stage with Hillary! Bezos of Amazon owns the Washington Post. If you want the truth watch Fox News.
Gia says
Only fox and friends and hannity these days. Greta is pretty fair too. The rest are pushing liberal crap too.
Philip McKee says
I also like Fox and Friends, Hannity, Greta. But Megan Kelly the know it ALL, she is always
talking over those she is so called interviewing, to me that is just plane RUDE. She Megan should
be FIRED from FOX, or Quit and go to work for one of the liberal stations like CNN”Clinton News Network” or MSNBC, ABC Always “Barack Chanel”
Richard W. Metz says
Attacks by radical never-Trump types in both parties often differ in emphasis from political attacks of previous years. Presidential candidates have always been subjected to name-calling and mud-slinging. This year is no different except that something very toxic has been added to include supporters of the targeted candidates. Trump’s supporters are attacked as mentally unbalanced, unhinged, hateful and bigoted. While there may always have been some of that, it has now become so widespread that it amounts to attempts to stifle free speech and intimidate those who support a major- party nominee. It is possible that this toxic trend will go beyond words and “peaceful” protests and phase into physical attacks and mob violence if that has not already begun to occur.
Livingston says
The problem with not buying the products of the advertisers who support them is that we would need to watch their disgustingly slanted shows to know who to boycott!!
marlene says
So far the left is not in control of social media. If we don’t use Amazon we will make a huge statement!
Adela says
And also we’d have to let them know of our boycott for it to have more weight.
Rosech says
Why in the world does anyone with half a brain watch any of these channels or listen to them on the radio is beyond me as I stopped listening and reading garbage when I lived and worked outside the USA and that was many years ago. For decades they have been DNC buddies and they hire babes and idiots who know nothing but like being seen or heard. Most is drivel, they keep the good stuff out and just labor on as good little slavies do! If we can get more people to not tune in, yes, they will continue to flounder and then drop dead. Even Huffington herself has gotten out of the business because her brainless stupidity and lack of common sense to be OBJECTIVE finally caught up with her and her bird paper! I am reading here many of you still tune in while stating how bad they are. Question: why do you still tune in and by doing so prove you are a big part of the problem!
TruChristian says
I have stopped my subscription to Washington Post, and no longer watch CBS, NBC, CNN, et al, and even their shows. I watch Fox News, Hallmark channels and other non-political cable channels. The only papers I keep up with are. Washington Times and Wall Street Journal.
I have received phone calls from the Wahington Post to renew, and they have even offered free daily subscriptions if I subscribe to their weekend editions. They got an earful from me!
marlene says
In addition to your patriotic actions, let’s share the information that AMC Theatres are owned by the Chinese government. Every time we purchase an AMC theatre ticket, we are helping the Chinese expand their military.
Linda Abernathy says
Greg P says
Just as the Congress is supposed to De-fund bad legislation that their constituents do not like. We should stop buying the products and services that the Mainstream News is being sponsored by. It’s all operation mocking bird anyway.
Justin W says
Much of journalism is about judgment. Someone decides whether a story is worth covering. Someone decides who to talk to, what information to use, and the order in which that information is presented. Someone determines how much time/space is allotted to the story and where the story appears in the publication or TV show. Each of these decisions affects what is presented and what the reader/viewer/listener actually learns from the story. Each of these judgments is made by someone based on their value system and world view. We all have a worldview and value system. It’s a good idea to keep this in mind when watching/hearing/reading the news.
The best way to fight media bias is to stop watching the biased media. I kicked the evening newscast habit several years ago. It seemed like the teleprompter reader was more of a cheerleader for President Obama than a true journalist.
marlene says
A good journalist reports on the subject matter but doesn’t judge. That is why O’Reilly is our best source of news. He doesn’t spin!
Donna Halford says
The only channel I watch is fox the other news channels just keep putting Trump down .we as the people want change and if Hillary gets in we just soon kiss our behinds good bye .vote out all the old in Washington and bring in some new faces that aren’t bought or paid off.all the one’s in office do now is lie cheat still .Hillary should be in prison for all she has done .
Rob c says
Anybody who supports Hillary has never had a son or daughter in harms way in the military.
I know for a fact she is unfit to command anything. She needs to be in prison for leaving our folks to die without support in foreign embassy’s.
So corrupt for all to see what the hell are they thinking.
marlene says
Let’s also keep in mind that Hillary supports Planned Parenthood. She has two LIVING grandchildren but denies many other women the joy of holding a grandchild.
Wise Owl says
Atttention: Bleeding heart libs who support Clinton
You will be the first to take the influx of illegal immigrants into your homes and neighborhoods. And no gun either to defend yourselves. Cops not allowed to do their jobs and no second amendment!
You will support them through YOUR OWN taxes!
We are definately going to have succession of states if she wins.
Ken Brodeur says
Way ahead of you Horn News, stopped watching ABCNNBCBSFOX news, and all the rags out there in lamestream media!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Ever since the 1960’s the media has become very pro liberal and is biased. The media hated every single former Figurehead except former Figurehead Sleazeball, draft dodger, POS, white trash,Facist,racist,sugar coated bigoted, greedy, whinny cry baby, egotistical Bill Clinton who can’t, couldn’t & wouldn’t take critism, but could sure dish it out. The Clinton controlled media needs to stop being pro Clinton. The media should & ought to be neutral
in the very first place to begin with.
Geoff says
Freedom of speech should not be a freedom to lie and deceive, Liars and deceivers need to be punished.
tommy says
If you are so worried about Trump as POTUS think about this for a Minute …. Trump will be Impeachable if you don’t like the way he is being POTUS …. Hillary will be Unimpeachable , because if she can get around these corruption issues now then there will be NOTHING that can stop her Agenda !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Very true there Tommy. The damned POS white trash Clinton’s are exempt from all of the laws, they can do anything they damned well please. The country as we know it now will be no more if that damned POS white trash B@&CH is our next Figurehead. The Clinton’s Bill,
Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton, their damned brat Chelsea & their brat son in law will totally destroy the country, plus
the entire Western Hemisphere & free world as we know it.
marlene says
Christopher, I like to think that Republicans can express themselves without vulgarity. You forgot to include the fact that Chelsea’s father-in law is also corrupt and spent time in prison.
Lu Snyder says
How to correct all of this mess……Vote HER OUT……That will maybe show some o these money grabbing crooks that the people have spoken and we want change…The right change…The people must speak out and demand that these crooks leave our government and look for another job and the first ones to go must be the CLINTONS…Obumers……Please people, lets’ all work together and make these changes and take our country back. If we all don’t work and make changes happen, then we have only ourselves to blame…
ron says
Lu … In no way would I suggest you not vote but with all the corruption in place it will take much more to put Trump in the WH.
lizaz says
We don’t watch any of the mainstream channels or their affiliates…ABC, CBS, CNN, NPR and we held our nose to watch the Olympics on NBC and wore out the MUTE button in the process due to an incredible amount of commercials. I wouldn’t wrap my garbage in the NYT…never have subscribed to or bought it. The bill and hillary media has no credibility these days and we watch only Fox and Fox Business. Unfortunately there are so many uninformed and uneducated people who watch the biased channels that they are brainwashed by the continual references for clinton and against Donald Trump. Free campaign advertising for the fascist liberals…….
Catlady says
Last nite I watched the beginning mono on Fallon and the next following show-NBC. Both of these totally spent their mono ripping Trump. Nothing about HRC. I love some of the series shows on NBC, but their “NEWS” and free comment shows are terrible. What happened to equal time.. for them HRC is good time and Trump is ripped.
marlene says
If you want change in Washington, then you need to make the “sacrifice” and exclude NBC from your channel selections because when you view these programs you increase their ratings.
Frank says
Here is what I do…..Whatever the News Media says is fact, I look at it as not true. If they say crooked Hillary is ahead in the polls, that means it is trump who is ahead but they want you to think otherwise
marlene says
Let’s not get complacent!
Bruce says
Well this fine piece of Journalistic Excellence is putting up a good fight? Isn’t that good enough?!
Paul says
I refuse to watch any of the liberal stations and I WILL NOT buy a paper!!!! WILL THIS HELP?????? Probably not unless you have a nielson box hooked to you TV!!!! Nobody knows what you’re watching except for Nielson!!!!
ron says
Paul … Nielson lives down the road from us but we don’t have any TV.
Praise GOD !
clarence lipscomb says
I am greatly relieved and hopefully will see you/read about your courageous efforts to counteract the shameful LIBERAL BIAS in the BIG MEDIA.
Of course real journalists like you understand HOW & WHY TRUTH no longer exists in the main stream media. From a practical standpoint, the genesis of such pervasive misrepresentation and skewing/spinning of facts and HALLOWED TRUTH……. BEGINS IN OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM at the KINDERGARTEN LEVEL by the supremely devious N.E.A. (National Education Association) AGENDA. If not modified immediately by a new and rational U.S. Congress, Executive, and Supreme Court, our cherished U.S.A. will never be able to recover from its INSIDIOUS DISEASE OF LIBERAL CANCER. This EVIL POLICY managed directly by the N.E.A. is quietly destroying any hope of remission for US. Responsible parents know full-well what I am saying is TRUE. We can only be destroyed from within. It doesn’t take a ‘ROCKET SCIENTIST’ to understand what I am saying is TRUE. With OUR EYES WIDE OPEN I think we can come to understand who is behind this EVIL AGENDA. We all unwittingly suffer from the MOST SUBTLE, CRAFTY, WILY, INSIDIOUSLY INGRAINED MANIPULATION AND MOULDING(MOLDING) OF PUBLIC OPINION. Obviously under ‘OPERATION PAPERCLIP’ (immediately after WWII) certain key U.S. Government officials were able to bring most if not all of the staff and management of GOEBELS’ NAZI PRAPAGANDA WAR MACHINE here along with some 60,000+ other GERMAN NAZI TECHNICIANS to be deviously integrated into our control mechanism/education system. (USE YOUR IMAGINATION ! All this true information is available from public information sources if you want to explore it and have dug deep
KARL MARX & LENIN PRAVDA control our MSM to include FOX NEWS/LEG VIEWS (for the most part), NYT, WP and other outlets by our having been DUPED SINCE OUR CHILDHOOD. We have a chronic, pervasive, seemingly unsolvable PROBLEM.
But people like you have courage and the resources to MARSHAL THE SUCCESSFUL COUNTER ATTACK which if properly thought out and implemented can defeat the THOUGHT CONTROL ESTABLISHMENT herein. Time is limited though. LESS THAN THREE (3) MONTHS REMAINING before THE NOVEMBER ELECTION. REMEDY BY THE PEOPLE: VOTE DONALD J. TRUMP & MIKE PENCE.
Please continue
Barbara Nelson says
I do not waste my time with CNN and even some of the Fox talking heads as they are very liberal. The so called news medias are entertainment as they can spend a week talking about Ben Carson, at the age of 14 years, hitting some boy in the belt buckle, but not spend five minutes addressing Killary taking money from Saudi Arabia or China; or about the four dead people who died before they talk to the FBI. Makes me wonder if it is the FBI themselves are killing off the witnesses against Killary.
Truth Be Told says
People are probably “not” going to turn away. What we need and they fear is competition. Alternate media channels across different sources; and telling the truth, not the spin that they spew in todays media…
Adrienne says
I wonder if anyone out there has an idea about how to protect our votes for Trump! I read what happened in 2012 to Romney’s votes in 52 counties in PA – Romney didn’t get a single vote! How is that possible?
jwb says
Yes listen to lyin’ Donnie, he is the savior to all of us, go get’em dude, 2016. You will be showered with gold an riches of the white house. You are the leader of us to be rich ……….
Gibbs A Williams Ph.D. says
Who are you ‘victims kidding’? You are as much the “media” as the media you are describing. You are as partisan and hyper subjective as any other media example. You are experts in dishing it out not so good as getting it dished back.
Clayton Sibley says
Good article I liked it and it is so true.
Don says
The biggest problem Democracy faces are the people that count the votes. It is so blatantly obvious that if the ‘right’ counters are recruited, the ‘system’ will always get the result it wants. The ‘sheeple’ are too dumb to figure it out.
Don says
This is an excellent article and observation. There’s just one elephant hogging up the picture that is hardly mentioned: THE AMERICAN VIEWERS! The very first act of any tyrant who takes over a nation (Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mousey Tongue :), or any such), is to also take over all elements of the press. The radical New Age Movement has done that very thing. Any nation of people are always so gullible to believe what they are OFFICIALLY being told. Therein is the secret power of tyranny. At the grass roots of American Conservatism is the Judeo-Christian establishment. Since the rise of the New Agers, that has been the chief objective for destruction. Picture the old cartoon of a club-wielding cave man dragging a woman by the hair of the head to his lair. That’s the American media dragging the American people to its godless, atheistic, raw-boned, immoral dog-eat-dog world of lawlessness.
What is the answer? The pulpit. Until this nation’s preachers light a fire under their congregations, and warn their parishioners of the dangers of watching these enemies of the ground they live on, and organize them into boycotting camps of power, the only change we will see is a worsening of the situation. There are enough Americans in this land to stop them cold, but they must organize like the liberals have done. Sitting around complaining and watching the liberal boob-tube is like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute and yelling over and over on the way down, “This is terrible—this is terrible—this is terrible!!!
female tax payor says
Thank you Horn. I’m making a concious effort to never click on liberal bought & paid for that natoriously spin. Dang I want to understand both sides, but mainstream cutting out important facts, twisting Makes you puke…Freedom of press was to stop cover-up and like all America’s freedoms , the Dems buy the podium and bash, turn freedoms & everything good on its head. Horn is right in that we have power… not in time for to stop Dems propaganda this election…but wise we can make a difference in our quality of freedom of information by simply refusing to go to crooked spins….big mixed bag I know cuz they report on local intermingled, with world & sports in snap shots…hard habit to break…yea I google topics of interest for more personal accurate view, but hey they are launchpad that shouldn’t, wouldn’t be if they abided by our laws and reported the WHOLE truth & nothing but the truth. Yea so gotta stop clicking on upsetting fabrications. Been working on it! Thank you Horn. I cut TV telling me. Play my own CDs much better than suffering commercials & multitude of no relate, drag me and the dog to gutter songs to hear a spite of music your soul loves. No need anymore for that suffering. Love it! Yea I need feeds to check out to be informed…thank you Horn… they are amazing reliable and properly a bit behind of front runners who leap to conclusions before facts are in. I have evolved a recognition of vocabulary, that to me is not just words & phrases ….its anti America. Blacks got everything seriously WRONG in their black on black and looking wrong way to blame…enemies use and abuse. there is no excuse for such. Not by Obama or Hillary… there is no place in America’s system. Trump is pro America, being battered by all the anti-amerca global whores….This Nation under God is blessed he’s standing up agaist tremendous power …..simply for us, The American citizen.
clarence lipscomb says
Response to Adrienne’s comment of 3:19 PM :
All U.S. Attorney’s office officials should take it upon themselves to monitor every voting precinct and the counting and storing of its electronic ballots. Every voter registration office location must be monitored by U.S. Attorney’s office officials (or by their designated, trusted representatives/deputies). There must be an established and uniform procedure by which the voter can be documented as legitimate and having only been able to have voted ONCE for any one candidate in any ONE election cycle (and not multiple times for the same candidate in that same election cycle). Filter out ZOMBIE votes by focusing on a review of results in precincts with a history of such fraud. Keep SOROS out.
Police detachments (with reinforcements nearby out of sight) must not allow candidates or their promoters (and trouble-makers as well) within one mile of voting places where they campaign or intimidate voters in the voters’ right to ‘CLEAN HOUSE’. NO ONE MUST BE ALLOWED TO INTIMIDATE VOTERS ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME ! VOTERS ARE WITNESSING THE MOST IMPORTANT CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT !
We could and should take a lesson from THE NEW GERMANY. They outlawed electronic voting machines decades ago !!! Since then they have been voting with the old-fashioned PAPER BALLOT having been marked with an indelible ball point pen. They safely store the ballots.
Freedom says
Boston Globe…BOSTON GLOB
The Huffington Post….THE HUFF COMPOST
frank says
I have not watched ANY major media source for over three years, except for Fox News. However, I do watch about 5 alternative news sources that report facts and truth. As far as I am concerned any outlet that has the level of bias against American values is the same as a traitor to this country. They are the ones instigating a revolution in this nation. When truth is compromised and eliminated for the sake of elitist control and tyranny prevails, that nation is ripe for overturning.