Supermodel Kate Upton has condemned the four Miami Dolphins players who knelt during the national anthem, writing on Instagram that their actions are “a disgrace to those people who have served and currently serve our country.”
The four players — running back Arian Foster, outside linebacker Jelani Jenkins, free safety Michael Thomas and wide receiver Kenny Stills — were down on their right knee as the song played before the Dolphins’ 12-10 loss to the Seahawks in Seattle on Sunday.
Their decision to not stand during the national anthem was the latest in a series of protests undertaken by a number of professional athletes in recent weeks, with San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick beginning the demonstration prior to a preseason game last month.
Upton, who is engaged to Detroit Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander, specifically condemned the players’ actions as “more horrific” because they occurred on the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.
“I could never imagine multiple people sitting down during the national anthem on the Sept. 11th anniversary,” Upton wrote. “The lessons of 9/11 should teach us that if we come together, the world can be a better and more peaceful place.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Dagonet says
These ******* can always leave the country and not come back if they’re not happy.
Old Man says
I want these players to tell us what have they been victimized by in our country!!!! I also want the NFL management to tell us how they can forbid Dallas from placing stickers on their helmets for the heroic Dallas policemen that were ruthlessly murdered by a fanatical lunatic that had the same type of feelings that these players do against our country; yet, the NFL, an employer of these players, will not require them to just stay in the lockers until our sacred anthem is over!!!! THEY DON’T WANT TO BE OFFENDED BY OUR ANTHEM, SO STAY IN THE LOCKERS!!!!! BETTER YET, QUIT TAKING THE MILLIONS YOU GET FROM YOUR EMPLOYER AND GET OUT OF OUR COUNTRY SINCE YOU HATE IT SO BAD!!!’ YOU IDIOTS ARE GOING TO POSSIBLY HAVE ENOUGH FANS TO BOYCOTT YOU THAT YOU WON’T HAVE JOBS ANYWAY!!!
Antonia Yanni says
Couldn’t have said it any better myself. You said it with class – something that those idiots don’t have. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Bob says
I didn’t know there were so many ungrateful jerks who obviously aren’t aware of the sacrifices that out veterans and their families have made on their behalf. They are like a bunch of sheep who don’t have an original thought among them.
Every one has the desire to serve a god. Some serve the flag of their country.A study of the flags (any national flag) you will find it is considered a god and worshiped.
wayne sittner says
These are NOT professionals in any sense of the word. Personal politics does not have a part in any form of entertainment sports, acting, music or otherwise.
They should be fired and banned from “professional” sports.
Old Man says
Amil says
During World War II, a lot of people gave up their freedom to fight for our country. They felt it was their duty to protect the United States of America.
My one Uncle spent 39 months in a Combat situation. He was one of the first Soldiers that crossed the railroad bridge over the Rhine River
and they establish a bridge head and hung on. The Germans was throwing everything at the bridge to knock it down and finally did after 5 days, but the Combat Engineers had already built another temporary bridge and the American Army just kept coming and right on into Germany and to Berlin. After that the war was over virtually. I had a number of Uncles in that war, one got shot with their 8mm Gun by a German tank. The tank kept coming as he was on the ground and was trying to hit him with the tread of the tank and he managed to roll under the tank and lived. All those men served their country, in fact just before the V.E. day the War Department had issued a draft for everyone under 40 years of age. If it had not been for this great bunch of Soldiers, this bunch would be speaking German or Japanese. I was too young for that war but went to Germany and seen some of the results and was assigned to an Armored Cavalry Unit that patrolled the East West German Border.
Charlie Rhodes says
Just perhaps these young men were mourning the 911 victims Think of that
Old Man says
Yeah, just like Horn News won’t publish my comments but will publish all other idiotic comments!
CruiserChris says
This DISRESPECT is another glaring sign of what has gone wrong with our Country. These so called Sports Elites are only showing their Comtempt, Greed and Racism. If it were not for the sacrifice of our Service Men and Women, they would not have the freedom to make FOOLS of THEMSELVES.
I for one, and I would hope millions more, will give thought to where YOUR DOLLARS are going in the future. I will no longer support anyone or any company who is so callous towards those, including our Police, who protect our Freedoms.
Lance Elliott says
I would (and do) choose another way to register my disgust with racial disharmony, and oppression of social subgroups. This would even be more important if I were a college educated multi-millionaire. Privilege comes in various forms, and I support the players’ rights to not stand, as self expression. I also support the rights of others to register THEIR disgust by shunning, boycotts, and other non-violent means. I would add, though, that this protest, expressed this way, smacks of hypocrisy. Not much of a testament to advanced education.
lizaz says
If they really feel so strongly about the “oppression” why don’t they take some of their big money and give it too NGOs who are trying to help the poor. It’s disgusting to see them dishonor the rest of us in that way.
Dot says
They are self centered little boys just trying to stand out and be noticed for their brave stance but they only look like brainless thoughtless little punks pitching a silent temper fit . They are really unfit to be called any form of a patriotic American . One, I agree with they should wait in the locker room if they don’t want to stand with their teammates and appreciate America for what it’s given and afforded them these coaches need to get a spine and do something and I hope the American public just boycotts those teams I’m a dolphin fan I lived in Miami but no more will I support them and it’s sad because the good ones will have to suffer with the bad because the NFL the coaches or the anyone who can do something does nothing so shame shame shame on you !
Dot says
They are self centered little boys just trying to stand out and be noticed for their brave stance but they only look like brainless thoughtless little punks pitching a silent temper fit . They are really unfit to be called any form of a patriotic American . One, I agree with they should wait in the locker room if they don’t want to stand with their teammates and appreciate America for w
hat it’s given and afforded them these coaches need to get a spine and do something and I hope the American public just boycotts those teams I’m a dolphin fan I lived in Miami but no more will I support them and it’s sad because the good ones will have to suffer with the bad because the NFL the coaches or the anyone who can do something does nothing so shame shame shame on you !
CeeDee says
Let’s look at it from their point of view. You knell down to God when you say you bedtime prayers; maybe they are just kneeling down in respect for the flag or just to tired to stand up. A real American would never disrespect the flag because of what the flag represents.
if the N F L doesn’t want to do anything, just show them that you refuse to go to games that disrespect our great warriors that gave everything, this football player should be pulled from the game, no way that a ball club should show disrespect to any of our fallen soldiers, or to our country.. the player may be at fault but so is the ball club for letting this happen. boycott the bastards!
John Lamb says
Don’t only boycott the teams, boycott all NFL games. Then boycott the TV channels NO VIEWERSHIP then finally boycott all advertisers of the NFL for a month. Get on the companies internet sites and tell them you are not buying their product because of this. Do this for a month, see the quick results.
christine says
It just shows their ignorance.
They will, unfortunately, always be ignorant.
They don’t even know what the flag stands for and I doubt very much if any of these multimillion dollar players even know the words.
All they know how to do is play football and beat people up. E.g., OJ, wasn’t he a wonderful guy…dumber than dawg shit.
John Hickman says
I believe he got away with two murderer
Betty L. Smith says
I agree with everyone. These men who are paid millions in our country have the nerve to kneel instead of standing and saluting our beautiful flag. I live in Florida and am very embarrassed that 4 of our players with the Dolphins wouldn’t stand, especially on 9/11 when our enemy killed all of our people. As you saw these men were black players and should be fired, but the big guys think if they fire them they won’t win any games, and would be sued. Someone should have all of these guys on TV and ask them, why did you do this and have you ever been treated badly by the police? Have you been pulled over and harassed? The cops out there are only doing their duty, but now they can’t do anything but stand down. That’s Obamas fault. I say boycott these teams and let the NFL bosses know we aren’t going to support any team or any man that is connected with these low lives. I’m glad the Seahawks beat them. This all started because this one bi-racial guy who was raised by whites and makes millions of dollars in America is willing to show what a complete low life he is. How can these guys sleep at night? Load them all up and send them to Afghanistan to fight for their country, and if they get out of line over there, they will be beheaded. Don’t they understand they live in the best country in the world.
John Hickman says
Sorry they to dumb to know that
Eduardo says
They all need to be fined at least $25,000 per player by the National Football League
Betty Lowery says
These guys are receiving too much publicity….if that stopped, their protests would be stopped….simple.
Dot says
I’m know what would stop them. Their own team mates and the opposing teams should take them out . A few broken this and a few broken that should make a very short career and take care of business and we wouldn’t be hearing anything from them anymore and God help them amen PS you are a disgrace to your own mother’s never mind the country .
Steve says
Remember this is BLM issue. Bullshit, wake owners and fine each one of them.
David says
The NFL embraces racism, so long as black millionaire players are the ones demonstrating their ideology. A player showing a raised fist, symbolic of “black power”….really? In support of the fledgling terrorist organization ” black lives matter”. If a white player displayed the same level of disrespect or racial symbolism, they’d be shown the door and contract ripped up. They’d be publicly castrated by the liberal media for weeks. So, to show my solidarity with all present and past brothers and sisters in arms (Veterans to you black NFL millionaires” I’m boycotting all NFL games until the NFL requires the players to unanimously show the respect to the Flag during the playing of the National Anthem.
Joan Skee says
Of course again they had to turn something almost all Americans love football an turn it into ugly if u think your treated so bad here go to a third world country an you will kiss the ground of the USA boycott those team games yes
Stephen Russell says
Blame NFL Corp Mgmt
Blame Team Owners, Mgmt
Fire players OR reduce salary
OR do Civic duty for locality based IF so concerned for values
OR quit NFL.
Give choices.
AW says
John Lamb says
It wasn’t Nationalism that created America, it was Patriotism. A very different animal. Nationalism can sometimes be bad, Patriotism never.
paula brashear says
These anti-American millionaires who sit during the National Anthem should be ignored by the press and all citizens. The NFL should require them to be fined if they accept an interview by the press who are looking for their own publicity and a chance to stir up a story from anti-American clutter. The American citizens (me for instance) should not be subjected to people who sit during our National Anthem….we do not want to hear ANYTHING from people who do not acknowledge their US citizenship, and I resent that NFL takes our ticket money and TV audience count while allowing their millionaire players to perform anti-American theatrics. Do we need to hear from them?. DOWN With THE NFL, DOWN WITH THE PRESS and bring on the bands, flags, citizens, patriots and those of us who CARE about USA, our Anthem, and remain patriots. I’ve had way too much from people who do not contribute one good thing to our country. How much longer can I stand this before I join and round up other patriots to march down the streets with flags and trample on those who do not love USA. But then, we would no doubt get arrested if we waved a US flag out on the streets singing our National Anthem.
It would be part of your worship.
Arthur Hartsock says
I see that sponsors are starting to get involved-starting to hit individual players in their wallets. It’s time the big bully sponsor got involved. I’m talking about Busch. Come on you big beer conglomerate, kick ’em all where it hurts. And tell the NFL to get in line. I remember the influence Busch had in the Adrian Peterson case. They forced the NFL to suspend him.
The only reason for Kaperdick to do what he is doing is for the money….His agent informed him that in his contract there is a clause that if he is fired or let go he gets approximately $12,000,000.00 Yes twelve million dollars. That money can easily be used for his girls friend , who is Muslim, with an attitude that can be used to expanded into more hate for our natation . This can easily be explained by his actions alone by totally disgracing and Dishonoring the Flag and all service connected people as well as all AMERICA IT SELF.
If he really believed in his cause there are certainly many many others way to get a much better solution than then stepping on every veteran still in the service as well as all the people who have died or are in a bad way while doing their job to protect all Americans…..EVEN HIM..
I know he is real Big on BLACK LIVES MATTER. Which in itself is a raciest statement…HOWEVER SHOULDNT ALL LIVES MATTER!!!! I GUESS NOT TO HIM!!!!! Really Selfish SOB. Again all of his antics are strictly about his money… Which again if he truly believed in his cause he could take his money per game ,that he is not playing in and use that to further a cause that could actually help…..not using the backs,bodies and the beliefs of further his personal financial gains…TOTALY DISCUSTING..