House Speaker Paul Ryan held a conference call with key Republican officeholders and candidates this week, suggesting they join establishment Republicans and disavow their party’s presidential nominee, Donald Trump.
It’s not going well. Across the country, the core of GOP lawmakers are reaffirming their support for Trump, arguing that a Trump presidency is key for issues for like energy and the Supreme Court — and despite Ryan’s efforts, American simply cannot afford a President Hillary Clinton.
“Hillary Clinton will not change the Obamacare disaster, the out-of-control regulators or our terrible foreign policy,” said Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, who is running for re-election. “I think with a Republican Congress, that he may be able to do that.”
Said West Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole, president of the state Senate, “You have one candidate who wants to be there for our coal and our natural gas industry, and another one that wants to destroy them.”
North Carolina GOP Sen. Richard Burr, who’s also fighting to retain his seat, said he accepts Trump’s statements that he didn’t commit sexual assault and still supports Trump politically because he’s worried more about Hillary Clinton’s “lack of judgment.”
In the wake of last week’s disclosure of the 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape of Trump talking inappropriately about women, some big-name anti-Trump Republicans jumped at the chance to withdraw their support, including Arizona Sen. John McCain of Arizona, New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, and Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, all of whom joined Ryan and swore off their party’s candidate.
But their efforts seem lonely — there appeared to be no one new jumping ship on Thursday, perhaps because of the fury of GOP base voters over the original defectors. A few of the original defectors even got back on board the Trump train, including South Dakota Sen. John Thune, a member of the Senate’s GOP leadership.
Despite the controversy surrounding Trump, Republican consultants generally believe that he has a core of supporters who will not abandon him. So for elected Republican officials in red states like Missouri, West Virginia or Arkansas, especially anyone running for office, denouncing Trump may not be a smart move.
Those GOP officials who already had distanced themselves from Trump were largely silent on the new allegations Thursday. Ryan, who on Monday announced he would not defend Trump or campaign for him, appeared before the Waukesha County Business Alliance but refused to take questions from reporters. He told the group he wanted to have a discussion on ideas and not “all the mudslinging and the mess that’s out there on TV.” He did not dare mention Trump.
In Arkansas, Gov. Asa Hutchinson reiterated his support for Trump on Thursday, saying that while the candidate’s remarks about women are troubling, their being raised amid a political campaign makes the situation “very muddy.”
“You have two candidates that are both flawed, and the American public just has to evaluate it,” Hutchinson said. “My evaluation is on the big picture items of where our economy goes, where we go in fighting ISIS, in terms of the Supreme Court.”
In Kansas, Rep. Lynn Jenkins has urged voters to remember that the next president will determine the direction of the Supreme Court. Jenkins said Thursday: “I’m not going to come out with a new statement on the presidential race very time a new headline hits the papers. My position on that race has been known for months.”
And in Nebraska, Rep. Adrian Smith said that electing Hillary Clinton “would be a disaster.”
“The choice in this election is between Clinton and Donald Trump,” Smith said, “and on issues such as border security, terrorism, repealing Obamacare and appointing Supreme Court justices, my support has always been for the Republican ticket.”
Are you still supporting Donald Trump? Comment below.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Dallas Yvonne Auldridge says
I’m pleased to see repercussions popping up for Paul Ryan and his band of traitorous MISFITS. It is past time for Americans to take back the control of OUR country. If our elected officials vote against us then we need to throw them to the curb. There are enough maggots I.e. Ryan, Beck. Warren and there little band of evil self righteous holier than you who think they are above the law. Well they are now showing their true colors and campaigning against THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. THEY WORK FOR US. WE DON’T WORK FOR THEM. VOTE OUT REPs. AND DEMs WHO COMMIT ACTS OF TREASON AGAINST. WE THE PEOPLE.
Patti says
You are SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Trump!!!!!!!!
I have been for Trump all along & will not change. He is our only hope.
Linda says
You are correct.
Debby Pratt says
And the media is claiming ‘women’ aren’t ‘for Trump’?? Once again–way off base!! Sounds like ‘wishful thinking’ to me!! I, too, have backed Trump from the beginning. I may not particularly ‘like’ the man, but I do like his policies and I heartily dislike Clinton!!
AFVET says
This should really be the wake-up call for all you Undecided. Reliable, Knowledgeable sources in both Sacramento and Southern California have verbalized assurance from Mrs. Clinton her committed choice is President Obama for the vacant Supreme Court seat, he is committed to accepting, living in DC.
I have six scary little wordsfor all voters who backed losing candidates in the Republican primaries and who are threatening to sit out the November election because they don’t like Donald Trump:
Supreme Court Justice Barack Hussein Obama.
The choice in November is very clear it will be either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton!
A no-vote is the same as a vote for Hillary Clinton.
If Hillary Clinton, arguably the most dishonest and corrupt person ever to run for President of the United States, wins, I have no doubt that a President Hillary Clinton will name President Obama to the Supreme Court for several very good reasons:
He has covered her backside, no easy task that in itself, in the email server scandals and now wants payback; he claims credentials as a Constitutional lawyer; he is buying a mansion in Washington D. C. and has made no secret of his desire to stay in the capitol; and he could complete his fundamental transformation of our Republic during a lifetime on the Supreme Court. If that’s not enough to scare a conservative Constitutionalist into voting, I don’t know what will.
Even if you dislike The Donald, grit your teeth and vote for him; the alternative in simply too devastating and unimaginable!!!!!!
jimmy says
nothing the LIBs come up with against Trump can match the misdeeds of Ohillery. Sexism is no match for murder, treason and outright selling of the American free world.
michael pilgrim says
you all are sooo right. I am older and have seen the clintonovs in action since slick willie first ran. his sexual escapades proceeded him at our white house. but you ladies who like to look good in the latest fashons will not have to worry because if slimey killery wins, you all will be reduced to CHATTLE AND WEARING BURKAS AND VEILS. I agree with your statements as well. thank you for taking a
Debra says
You got that right! She is also sick with Parkinson’s Disease & that’s why she has been taking time off, she is too sick to even care for her self without help, so how the crap is she going to be able to run a country into Hell? So she is very ill & it shows in the News what her eyes cross, her hand on the podium scratch or her thumbs cross & shake she is trying to hide it from the people! She is too sick as well as in the head mentally to even run for office. This needs the peoples attention! Who takes her place when she can’t even stand or think straight? God help us all. Trump, you fight like it is for your life & the life of every person in the United States, because it really is! The Democrats know she is sick & have been helping to hide it as well as some of the news!
bad boy says
can anyone imagine, hillary in the white house, obama on the supreme court, good old bill as secretary of the u n, comey stays director of the f b i and our best friend, lynch gets a life time appointment as head of the d o j? turn out the lights and drink the cool-aid !
Patricia Krenik says
Thank you. You are not a Paul Ryan.
arrie says
me too i will vote fortrump
Soonie Watson says
So do I, only Trump can fix our corruption and I agreed with all of American protect our country, who is don’t like our USA please, they have free choice get out and go some wherelse.
Eugene Chilson says
I agree Trump is the man for the job. He is my choice of the two. But let us “NEVER” forget. These words…one nation “UNDER GOD” .He is ultimately the one who determines whether America will be restored or not. Also consider; it will take more than just voting to restore Our Nation, which we all love. It was The Love of God that made America great in the beginning of our nation’s history. Our constitution was and is patterned after God’s law set forth in his Holy word. Want to see America great again?? Then let “us” Repent and Return to the Lord and his ways. Let “us” restore God to his Rightful place in America, First of all in our Hearts, And then Let us “SHOUT” to the world our God is a good God and we are not ashamed of him!
Maxx says
There was a time when the U.S. actually deported communists and subversives. Back then most were foreigners living/working in Hollyweed. Promoting or taking part in subversion is still against our Constitution. It was easy to deport the foreigners but there is no reason why citizens can’t have their citizenship revoked and be deported or even jailed as “persona non grata”. The government civil service ranks would be decimated.
Felix Mosso says
Trump is the only one to save the USA !
Eyzy Wone says
Trump is the man and I am a dem0crat go trump
Pat says
Is this this too late…the Republican party should have shown their support as soon as he was elected…..Our country is in a mess …………….People want something for nothing so how we got here is because people do not look ahead and vote for the party says that they will give them all kinda stuff……………..eventually they find out there ain’t anything free….you just take from one thing and give it to another…….common sence
This Republican Party is going to implode over this and destroy itself ! R.I.P. GOP!!! You along with your Democratic Comrades, stopped doing OUR bidding some time ago.
Why has the Tea Party been silent? Because that is how Hillary, and her Media Flunkies want to keep them, Neutered. This Election was a huge turning point for this Country. Why did so many so-called Party Members shun Mr.Trump? Because he is an outsider! These jaded fools have forgotten what they got hired by us to do!!!! If
If they are not stopped now, then the Republic fails, Simple as that!
K says
I second that!
John Dammarell says
My wife and I have been for Donald Trump since the get-go love the man and believe he is very sincere and making America great again go trump
And by the way all you Christians we need to do a lot of praying because this is a major spiritual warfare going on right now against trump
Zelda says
Yes I am still supporting Trump, Ryan is a snake in the grass
and a traitor! He is standing with Clinton so I have no respect for him!
Debra says
Amen to that! Snake is right & he needs to be voted out of his position! Elect someone with the balls to stand up for what the people want1 They are all a bunch of puppets!
Dorothy says
Paul Ryan’s wife is a democrate…
Dorothy says
His wife is a democrate…
Patricia Kuhlman says
Debra says
I second that vote!
Wes says
I agree with that Heller has been bass news since AR. gO group Go
Shirley says
I third it so 3 strikes and send her to prison where she belongs to be, unless we can put her in front of a fireing squad!! That would be even better!!
frances quinn says
Go Trump……i already voted for you!
Rev. Richard F. Davidson, F.S.G.G. says
Daniel Spickard says
This is the time for every red blooded American to stand up and tell their state officials to push for the 28th Amendment to our constitution, which places term limits on all elected congressional persons! It also takes away their ability to be a lobbyist for 7 years after their term in office ends, it makes them responsible for their own health insurance and all those who work for them, and it makes so not one of them can retire from that elected position! So if you are serious about hope and change, you need to push for the 28th Amendment! Also those in congress who do not sign the amendment will be singled out by their state, and will not be sponsored by their party!
Mike Lowther says
I’m for it!! Besides the obvious straightening out of or corrupt government, term limits would be a way to bring fresh new ideas to Washington.
Bob Morrow says
Amen! The Convention of State project is also for the term limits and does not require Congress to approve it or vote on it. It is entirely up to the States and the State Legitlatures to get on board. Look it up and get after your State Officials to join the Convention of State Project now!!!
Esmda says
go Trump! I can’t believe people who can’t see what the liberals are doing to the middle and lower class. The libs and elite establishment have decimated their income, their hopes and dreams for a better life. The corruption is rampant. we need an outsider!
Charles says
Great idea! Good luck getting it passed.
Mark Franchi says
Trump is monster, he MUST resign as a candidate NOW! Mark Franchi New York republican.
Debby Pratt says
So, speaking of ‘monsters’—you’re saying you’d rather have ‘Medusa Clinton’ in charge?? If anyone should resign–it should be her! If her health continues to deteriorate, she may not need to!
Robert Taylor says
If you truly think Trump is a monster then your vocabulary must not be large enough to voice how low Clinton is. Go look up this law…18 US Code 2071 (b), Both she and the FBI has said she did the things in it and there is no mention of the word intent in that law.
Sherry says
Hillary Clinton is a courupt murderer. Is she the better of the two evils. I’ll take my chances with Trump. At least he is a financial genius. Maybe he can help with the deficit.
Lori says
You must be for Hillary you must be for Hillary
Maxine says
Yes, let’s get back to the Constitution – the Original before Amendments and see which one’s were added that helped presidents etc. do their own thing and then clean up and clean house at same time.
Debra says
I second that vote!
Robert Taylor says
There are a few Amendments in the Constitution that have not been ratified by the required number of states. Women’s equality has never passed and is not the law yet.
Amendment 15 – Race No Bar to Vote. Ratified 2/3/1870. History
1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Note that the right to vote extends to “previous condition of servitude”. But it still did not let women vote until the 1920’s. Although it is widely accepted fact women still have not gotten equality extended to them within the framework of the Constitution. The Amendment died of non-ratification in 1982. It is still alive in separate bills in both the House and Senate in bills within the Congress. But so far has not made it out of Congress. Just thought you ladies out there should know. Even the women in Congress have not brought this to the attention of the citizens.
Desert Lion says
Dear “Term Limits” supporters – the Constitution already defines terms limits at 6 years for Senators and 2 years for Representatives. Beyond that, any problem you have with people staying in office too long is a problem caused by the voters; i.e., us; i.e., YOU. If you didn’t get involved early enough in this election to have an effect in the primary to get rid of someone not doing their job, don’t blame the system and don’t think some additional law is going to fix it for you.
We have additional term limits in Ohio, and all it does is create a Lazy Susan approach to governance. People roll from one elected position to another as they are limited out of the previous one. Good people doing a good job representing their constituents are routinely fired by stupid law put in place based on exactly the same frustration the prompts people to support it at the national level. It’s DUMB. It’s LAZY. Do your job as a voter instead. Why should we be stuck with representatives or senators for more than one term if they’re not doing their jobs? But that’s exactly what term limits do – they basically extend the current defined term to however many the law decides. Could someone be fired early? Sure, but it never happens. This year, several people were “primaried” out of their jobs and will not be re-elected because they aren’t going to be on the general election ballot. If there were term limits in place, that would almost never happen. I’ll agree it doesn’t happen often enough now, but it would happen even less often so-called term limits were enacted.
Term limits are such a bad idea that they’re on the ballot in Ohio, this time to have them repealed. Don’t push for the same mistaken idea on a national level.
Term Limit laws are the Obamacare of election policies – something tried at a state level that was proven to be a bad idea so should NEVER have been even considered at the national level.
“But I don’t like the current system, and people I don’t like keep getting re-elected.”
The solution to that problem is staring you in the face – in your mirror. Get off your blessed ASSurance and start working to make sure it doesn’t happen next time.
Carol says
Excellent thoughts. Term limits don’t need to be added to what is already there.
Come on America, take responsibility for you lack of action. Get out and vote. Claim the rights you already have. Those rights were given to us by our forefathers. We have blamed everybody but ourselves for our problems. Get rid of them. They are OUR employees. Fire those that don’t follow orders.
St. Edgar says
The really big problem is that there are not enough good people to run against an incumbent in the primaries.
Debby Pratt says
I’m beginning to see a huge ‘flaw’ in our general education!! First of all, as school age children, we need to be made aware of our responsibility as citizens and be made proud of that. We need to understand much better how our government ‘works’ and ‘why’!! We are a nation ignorant of these critical understandings! I’m thinking, maybe, we’re learning the ‘hard way’ just HOW important this knowledge is for our well being and survival as a country!! This election may be just what we needed to get our ‘attention’!!!
Robert Taylor says
I am a 78 year old vet and the schools have changed what they teach so much none of the kids get exposed to their government. I recall things like American Government, Civics and American History being required subjects but my grand-kids had no clue of what I was talking about. Parents, you need to take charge of the school’s subjects and let your voice be heard otherwise, the result is an uninformed population who may want do something but have no idea what they should do.
Linda says
I agree with most of your reasoning, however, before we start rolling out the do nothings we radical changes to their compensation plan. It is outrageous that a one term do nothing who looks good enough to get elected can “retire” with a pension and full medical. Leave them if they are working but how do “we the people” make them limit their post service compensation?
benjamin bolin says
Daniel, Yes I agree, We need TERM LIMIT ON ALL.
jj says
Woohoo! That would make them accountable again! Not staying in office forever and then retiring on the taxpayers money would certainly bring the deficit down tremendously. None of them from the President down (including the Suprema Court) would make this country great again. No matter whatever else is done. (banish the U.N., Federal Reserve, Trilateral misfits, the Council on everybody’s affairs, the NAFTA, GATT and all the other blood suckers!). I really here the TRUMP-ets now. Wish my Mom and Dad (who literally fought and died for this country could see Trump win).
Debra says
Debra says
Amen to that!
Robert Taylor says
It is an unfortunate fact that the Congressional members set themselves up a long time ago with a cushion. They can retire on full pay and perks after only one term in office so we will be paying them for a long time.
joe says
Daniel, I agree with you 100%, its time the American people stand up to the people we voted in to do what we want not what is a best for their political future. this is the most important election in my70 years on this earth ,and it starts with term limits. I must interject as special thought to the holy catholics who would vote democrat ,every vote costs the life of a innocent being, I have so called catholic friends who will vote for Hillary and I cant believe they go to church on Sunday, pray before every family meal and yet vote for her. Term limits will change our Great Nation and until it occurs we will be forever be in this evil circle of mistrust. The time is now, vote out All who are opposed to TERM LIMITS!
Debra says
Amen & I second that!
Diane says
I agree.
Francisco Machado says
Ryan has substantially supported Obama and there’s no reason to assume he will not support Clinton. He is a Progressive infiltrator holding office because a majority of the Republican House members are, to a considerable degree, also Progressive – which has a lot to do with why budgets, despite publicized Republican objections, have continued to fund Obama’s programs – despite strong campaign promises preceding the 2014 elections.
Sharon Jenkins says
Wisconsin constituents need to impeach Ryan. Throw him out of the Republican Party. (SJ)
Buzz says
Ryan and the other “DEAD” Beats are afraid Trump will expose them in taking Millions in “BRIBES” to let Obamacare pass. Its all about Greed and personal gain.
Shirley Howard says
I agree with you…all Americans should stand together we put them in office we can take them out!!!!
Debra says
You got that right!
John says
Ryan made a deal with Pelosi and Reid who said if he agreed with them, they would make him the speaker of the house? He should be removed from office as he does not represent “‘we the People”
Marvin Foster says
Paul Ryan has turned out to be nothing LESS than a RHINO. A wolf in sheeps clothing.
Hougo says
Don’t give that Snake Ryan to much credit – NO Wolf — try CHICKEN !
Debra says
Got that right! Vote him out of office!
Civa says
I agree, and if Rob Portman doesn’t support Trump, he’ll not get my vote.
Sharon Jenkins says
If Ryan and McCain aren’t with Trump, it proves they are DEMOCROOKS. There is no candidate nor will there ever be a candidate that isn’t flawed. We all are humans and make mistakes. Only one perfect person ever walked on this Earth, Jesus Christ and he was crucified. Go Trump!!!!!!!
Maxine says
Reba Nicholson says
I am for term limits…..!!!!!!!
Wendy Tuch says
Great remark! ‘Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.’
Debra says
Debby Pratt says
Didn’t Ryan say he’d ‘step down’ if Trump won?? Looks like if he does—Trump has already started ‘housecleaning’! LOL!!!
herb portere says
Thank God there are people like you…we MUST elect Trump or we will lose our country for years and years…from a Korean War Veteran and patriot!
Sandra says
You are so right I am for Trump
Maria says
I dislike Paul Ryan, he is a back stabbing fool. There are two choices, Dem Hillary and Rep Trump, if you are a Republican you must choose Trump period, if you are a Democrat and you love your country you must vote for Trump. You must cast your vote for either its your duty and privilage.
Irene says
We went on a trip yesterday from one end of Colorado to the other. I saw Trump/Pence signs everywhere. Didn’t see a single Clinton/Kaine sign. Trump rallies are getting 5,000 to 10,000 attendees and they are very strong Trump supporters. You can tell by how lively those rallies are. Every statement Trump makes gets a lively confirming response. This has become a large movement and Trump voters are determined to win. I believe that’s why the news media is trashing Trump constantly to try to turn the voters toward Clinton. The news is so biased that they are not telling the truth about Clinton or spending any time telling the adverse stuff Hillary has said or done and they are not telling the truth about the poll results. They are only out to get Trump. I am disappointed in the Republican leaders that are pulling away from Trump at a time when we need them most to help turn this country around. All this negative stuff from the news media about Trump just shows their bias. We quit watching several of the channels because we know the news media is not being honest.
Buzz says
LOOK around the Ski resorts and other places where the “IDLE” Rich people hang out. There are Plenty of Hillary Supporters still in Colorado. (unfortunately) I spotted a HILLARY sign in Norwood yesterday, Don’t these people have a clue? GO TRUMP 2016
Mathew Molk says
Here in North East Ohio (including Cleveland) it’s well over 10:1 Trump Signs over Clinton Signs….That is if you don’t count the “Hillery for Prison” Signs and the “Stronger WithOUT her signs and bumber stickers.
These polls are totally full of shit. (I’m like Trump – Screw PC)
Pat says
Right on! Trump all the way!
Beatrice says
My husband and I are supporting the Donald because we know that he is the one who can change things for the better. We immigrated to this country 30 years ago, and what we’ve seen in the last 15 years makes us very sad and worried about the future of our children and grandchildren. I don’t care how many women he has slept with or not, and the things that is reported that he said, I don’t care about them because in my entire life in the corporate world I have heard a lot worst, those women who are complaining have to decide what they want, someone who will bring this country out of the hell hole its diving into or someone who only cares about money and power, and who lies to them every day of her life. I am shocked to read that “educated suburban” are not in favor of Trump. It makes me wonder how educated they are indeed.
Patti says
Beatrice, you are so right!!!! I worry for my children and grandchildren. This country is a sham because of all the corrupt politicians. We need a NON POLITICIAN. We need a President who is capable and knows what this country needs to be safe and profitable for ALL LEGAL CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY!
Budman says
I understand why Paul Ryan and some others dropped their support of Donald Trump because he believes they have to protect their own hide. This is wrong thinking on their part and Ryan quickly learned this at the Rally in Wisconsin where they booed him and said shame on you. He will be lucky now if he retains his post as Leader of the House because the others in Congress are very upset with him and the other turncoats as well. McCain should have been replaced years ago because he is a covert Democrat in my opinion. We shall soon see but I think they had better rethink this move if they value their seats in Congress.
Jim Grant says
Remove Ryan as speaker and out f the house he a turncoat traitor of the worst kind. Never elect him for another office. Ban him for life out f the GOP!!!!
Carl Pyzowski says
I am with you!! Ryan is a weak Republican and gave into O’Bama every step of the way. What does he think he is doing. The people chose who they want to represent them in the Oval Office and it is Donald Trump. Put away your petty bull— and stand united for a change. The Dems are doing it and their policies are all wrong. Work with someone who is on your side and OUR side, the side of the people not the establishment and big banks and Wall street. I voted for Romney and Ryan last election. But this time I’m for Trump. You bootlickers and spineless dolts are playing right into the hands of the Dems and Clintons. Stop the bull and get behind the only one who can fix this mess. What have we got to lose? If Clinton is elected the corruption and weakness of our country will continue and pretty soon some dictatorship in Africa or Asia or Europe will be governing us.
With Trump more than ever…..his battle is the world’s battle in beating back the forces of evil so apparent today..
Wendy Tuch says
But what are we going to do about VOTER FRAUD?! Already in New York and Virginia leaders have stated that already there has been much voter fraud. How the hell do we stop it?
It scares the heck out of me!
John says
I saw an article on AOL a couple weeks ago that showed a guy ( agent) standing in front of a number of storage containers marked Ballots? the article stated they had already found over 150 thousand democratic ballots marked for Hillary? 2 months before the election? ELECTION FRAUD at its finest.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Paul Ryan has egg all over his face now. TRUMP-PENCE ALL THE WAY, TRUMP-PENCE 2016 & 2020
Maxine says
Watch what they say to appease us and how they vote/voted..opposite.
Le Rogue says
Right on!!! I can’t believe this happening the country of the land of the brave and the free. I harken back to the days of our forefathers who fought the British with whatever they have on hand for freedom, for country and for the people. And the women and children along with them, contributed whatever they can. It makes me cry and my heart bleeds from the cowardice most of these Republicans in the Senate and Congress offer for what had been passed on to us – a free country and a beautiful planet and all the bounties and blessings that come with it. Ours is one of the most beautiful real estate in the universe. So my love and hugs to all those who come out openly in support of a candidate who is beleaguered on all sides. Who has come out swinging right, left, front, center and back for what he feels is the right thing to do despite all his flaws which he certainly admits. It is something to find someone who accepts accountability for what he is and what he has done. So, my fellow humans and fellow compatriots, what we see is what we get!
NJ says
Right on. You said it well. I agree with you wholeheartedly.
benjamin bolin says
Right On Dallas Yvonne.
Dina Rowton says
I agree. Ask yourself: if they aren’t working for the American people, who are they working for?
jj says
Ditto and Cudos to this fine patriot. Wow! Said in a nutshell! Loved it.! Just AWESOME!
Mathew Molk says
Don’t forget who these back stabbers and saboteurs are when they come up for re election. – Make sure they never hold another Federal, State, or Local office as long as they live.
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house !
The RINO/Democrat elite establishment for the out house.
Maxine says
you bet I will I will be watching and write names down
Betty says
I agree Paul Ryan needs to get out of leadership and go take a walk somewhere if he can without Hillary giving the
approval. One thing the TAPE ON Trump last Friday just for purpose to try upset his huge lead cause she is not
capable of doing an honest debate, she has no honesty and unfortunately she is dragging Chelsea into the mud who I am most disappointed in after reading how she herself does workers at the foundation, other businesses. Private Citizens now are finding ways to get Trump word they are now following him even more closely, his rallies
are even more huge, compared to her 100 or so attendees and some of those are family required or else to be there. Good journalism is finding its way to get the message out. A few have made a somewhat apology to Trump supporters for allowing themselves to be harassed, threatened, and other if they did any reports on how good he
is doing! I am one to admit at one time I liked Glenn Beck who has sold out his family and his own soul to be a lap
dog for Hillary. I took his book and burned it and advised others to do the same!!
Eyzy Wone says
William says
Get rid of the crooked politians the liers and thieves the turncoats like John McCain he is one phony sonofabitch his mother was a nice person. But it did not rub off on him. He is a lying phony.
Ladd says
bre says
I AGREE 100%!
Teresa says
Get this NO GOOD REPUBLICANS out of Circulation.Ryan shout hide in a Closed because he a Hide Away Clinton/Obummmma Lover.Forget this man in the Future he is not worst your vote for any Job concerning the American welfare of the People.
Lee Stickland says
Yes, I am still supporting Donald J Trump, I live in a care center, am less than 70 years old, have been to Wash. DC 12 times to be involved in the process, I let everyone I talk to know why I believe TRUMP is the best candidate.
Dr. Thomas E. Davis, Colonel, USA (Ret) says
John McCain, Kelly Ayotte, Rob Portman and Paul Ryan showed their true colors following the Stab in the Back audio about Donald Trump. All are nothing more and sure as hell nothing other than dyed in the wool, RINO’s. That is allthe proof we need to abandon the Political Party skullduggery and criminality therewith associated. The Clintons, Obama, ?Reid and every democrat being the imperfect examples they are along with the Main Stream Media. Too much money in too few pockets and absolutely no character left. They Lie, they cheat, they steal and they kill, and they fail to Protect and Defend. Congress should have IMPEACHED Obama five years ago after the “Fast and Furious” Debacle or in 2013 following Benghazi and the GIFT of 20 f-16 Fighter jets , 200 Abrams Tanks an One Million Dollars CASH to th Muslim Brotherhood; an out and out clear case of Treason. Clinton, Kerry, Jarrett, and every Democratic Senator and 23 Republican Senators gave the cowardly bastard Obama the “Green Light” on that treacherous deal for which EVERYONE SHOULD BE HANGED BY THE NECK UNTIL DEAD! That was Clearly and intentionally TREASON.!!!
There is still time Director Comey or General Dunford unless both of you ae too timid or just plain cowards. Personally, This is one old Soldier who is fed up with and does not trust a damned soul in our so-called government.
Cy says
If any Republican candidates are against Trump, they are supporting Hitlery. If they oppose Trump, I oppose them. They are no different than a nation destroying Democrat.
Eveline Infanger says
I will support Trump…… no matter what they try to dig up on him.
There is no way I would EVER support Hillary.
Gary says
Exactly. The bigger picture is to have a huge base of voters who are anti establishment . No one is more establishment than Hillary . The Dems will stick by her no matter her lack of judgement , character and compassion. Her line about “What difference does it make” concerning the 4 Americans killed in a bloody attack which She played a huge role in their deaths. She is cold and manipulative . As Secretary of State she put our country in grave danger. She cannot be trusted. Our veterans do not want her. Law enforcement doesn’t want her. Border patrol and ICE don’t want her. Who wants her ?? Lame street media , Hollywood. Professional sports people. People receiving free stuff. They call us deplorables? Really?who is more so than Hillary and her sheeples.
Sally says
You are so right! I’m sticking with Trump, I don’t care how much more crap they throw at him!! She’s got a lot more crap on her and a WAY more serious stuff, but the media (except Fox) won’t talk about her SERIOUS crap. Thank God for Fox. I’m praying for Trump.
Will says
There is no one else for the TASK AT HAND !!! TRUMP IS THE MAN FOR THE JOB
Jason Silverman says
Well said. You can see how the media is controlled by the left. I would stretch that to say that some of our Republican Representatives are controlled by the left also. This election is exposing them as they show their true colors. Lets make a note of who is against Trump in the Republican Party, and vote them out because that will clean out the liberals in the Republican party. Look at these FACTS: George H. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Anderson Cooper all went to Yale University. Obama went to Harvard the sister college of Yale. For the past 28 years straight the same group of people controlled our government. If Hillary gets in that would add at least four more to eight more years of that same group controlling us and cleaning out our treasury and enslaving us with debt and fewer and fewer jobs and lower paying jobs and a nation flooded by illegal immigrants taking more of our jobs and lowering our wages even more. Kick them out of office and the Republican party, by voting against them.
E F B says
AMEN .THANK YOU! We need a lot of people that thank like we do.
Patti says
I AGREE! You hit it perfectly! Yes they do work for us. Where do they get off telling US what to do! Totally out of control. Go Trump!!!!!’mmmmmm
Angel says
Very well said. All the Republican elites, like Ryan who by the way has not accomplished much of anything, even though the American people voted both Senate & House Republican- need to get out of the way, They are simply pissing off our tax dollars while we support all these jokers in DC. Enough is enough. Time to clean house. Anyone not supporting Trump (the will of the people), including Ryan needs to go. Let’s make room & spend our tax dollars on politician who have our interest at heart, instead of just caring about lining their pockets! I’m with Trump all the way!
Cynthia Hill says
Totally agree, how can they deny the will of the people? I’ve read enough about HC not to elect
her dog catcher.
These men need to pull up their big boy pants and elect DJT! I’m more offended by their wimpy actions than those alleged against Donald.
God bless our Country .
Fran says
I agree with you whole heartedly! Since when do we have to send a contribution to Paul Ryan to have the will of the people complied with? I keep getting emails asking if I want to have this or that, voted on by them, and then they request a contribution to get the job done? What are we the people paying our taxes for? They get paid to serve the country that elected them. I guess they all have memory lapses.
Vickie says
I have also been for Trump from the beginning…also like Pence. I am sick and tired of the Paul Ryan greater than thou cronies…we need to vote out the non-Trump-backers…let them pound pavement for a job!!!! Hail to a Trump/Pence win on November 8th!! Want to see Hillary in an orange jumper!
Elge says
edward g gamils says
Barb Anderson says
Exactly! In fact, what Ryan did the GOP should not only censor him, he should be removed for the Speakership…he is a power hungry Republican with a D in front of his name; he has nothing to “try” Trump on..look what he has done since he became the speaker! Worse still is the fact that he, single handed has SABOTAGED his own party, split them.
The Dems win because they stick together come hell or high water; we lose because of people like Ryan.
carvon hudson says
I am one of those un-educated which Hillary Clinton thinks stinks and belongs in a ces pool. I believe that the silent majority will carry the day in the final poll on November 8th. He is the outsider and that is what this country needs.Finally MS. Clinton may very well get 197 electoral vote. Enough said!!!!!!!!!
Francis Connolly says
Yes, In our house we are supporting Trump. There are 8 votes here and I have 12 children who are all voting for Trump.
Lydia Mclaughlin says
wow!what a patroit!
wish there were more like you.
Billy Ray Aldridge says
There are 12 in this house ALL IS FORE TRUMP.LN N C 28128 zp code
Maria says
Congratulations, in my house three votes and other family members and friends are also voting for Trump. Go Trump
Mathew Molk says
4 more here.
Rubykin says
Budman says
There are five in our family who are voting for Trump Francois and to all the others who agreed with her, thank you.
It i interesting that a former Director of the FBI said that Trump would be dangerous for this country. Since I was among those agencies some years ago, I can tell you that Hillary Clinton is far more dangerous than Donald Trump because most do not know she and this administration are in the tank for the New World Order. Everyone was upset with England when they pulled out of the European Economic Union (EEU) for the reason it was affecting their sovereignty. It amounted to the EEU forcing their agenda including refugee resettlement. Think about this because I believe the EEU was set up as an experiment for the New World Order. If Hillary is elected, she will continue down this road. Joe Biden verified the administrations tie to the New World Order so it is not a secret anymore. This will be a world Socialist government with one currency.
Encourage everyone of your friends and relatives who ate registered to vote for Trump as this is the most critical election ever to retain this nations sovereignty.
Will says
The Bush administration also backed the NEW WORLD ORDER … The same PEOPLE who BACKUP Barach Obama, also backed HRC., Bill Clinton, & the Bush’s . The world’s top 100 richest People. Are the N.W.O.
Budman says
Francis, I sincerely apologize for misspelling your name as Francois. Normally, I go back over what I write but was in a rush to get to other email which numbers more than a hundred each day.
Derek M Schulz says
Trump/Pence 2016 and anyone running against Paul Ryan!!!
This is the ONLY and GOOOOD Choice we have.Vote Trump/Pence for President and V. P.
Bill says
The voters want Trump, period. Those not wanting him are in oder, the Democrats, our so-called elite Republicans, Wall Street, the Big Banks and the lobbyists
Trump can’t be bought and that scares the D.C. bunch
Do away with the Electoral vote system and let the voters decide who they really want.
Bye, bye Clinton
Sharon Jenkins says
Do away with machine voting and go back to paper ballots. My state has paper ballots so there is a checks N balances. There is no checks and balances with the electronic machines. I hope the systems isn’t rigged for Hillary.
Kris says
Change your state laws governing the electoral college but understand that democracy is mob rule. All that has to happen for mob rule to be effective @ending a Constitutional Republic is taking a look at sanctuary cities & BLM.
Desert Lion says
Thank you for a moment of sanity. All you fools who think the electoral college is a problem ARE the problem – you haven’t bothered to study enough Civics to even be allowed to vote.
Jim Grant says
The system is already rigged, if Trump loses it should be revolt time.
Wendy Tuch says
It is! Same as it was for o’asshole.
Kris says
Change your state laws governing the electoral college but understand that democracy is mob rule. All that has to happen for mob rule to be effective @ending a Constitutional Republic is taking a look at sanctuary cities & BLM.
Ron says
We the People! Not Mob? Electoral means (Dictator like controlling Politicians Rule!) Like how Hillary controls The Media? Ruler of the Free World, Controlling the Electoral Vote. The End.
Desert Lion says
Thanks for proving my earlier point.
Maxine says
America, Come back to following our Lord God, worshiping and glorifying Him. That no one can take from you. They can destroy the body but not the soul (only God can destroy that) while true believers get a new body. God says pray for your enemies as He wants them to follow Him also, their choice. There will be a parting when Jesus returns, to heaven and hell will be the options for us, which we have decided by our life on earth before he returns. We don’t make up any of the rules, it’s all His and in His hands. Praying God also awakens American’s to John 3:16.
This would be the best first move from Trump to do away with the Electoral votes because then Votes could not be bought.
Robert Dimmock says
I believe in Donald Trump, He is the only true hope for this country and our way of life. The Press is being told what to do and what to print by Hilliary and Sorros and others. True Americans should stand behind Trump and pray that he is elected. Mr. Ryan and his Cronies are showing true rhino colors and should be sent home in disgrace. They are in it for the money and not the country. Kick them out of the republican party.
sam says
Pull their card
Every time I see or hear this guys I have to drew up. What a waste of good Food I cook my self.Get rid of them for my sake or I am ending in the Poor House and have to apply for Food Stamps and other Helps from the Fine Lady Hillarious like all the other Free loaders if she is elected.
Tommy D says
Unless dead bodies are discovered in Trump’s basement, the choice remains clear! #NEVERHILLARY!!!! ☛☑Trump℞/Pence ☐Clinton☠/Kaine☢
Kris says
RIGHT! Vote for the only candidate that said these word in the same sentence, “Constitution & Supreme Court Justices” Odd that the other candidate never said the word “Constitution” when outlining qualifications for SCOTUS. That’s their only job! Interpreting whether cases are Constitutional or Unconstitutional!! No legislating & no activism, PERIOD!
Caroline Cofer says
That’s right, Kris!! Why has that combination been ignored this entire election?
Carrie Cofer
Maria says
Right on!!! I agree!!!
Mathew Molk says
Not too sure,,,let’s say the bodies were the Clintons and Obamas.
I think I’d still be voting for him.
Jh says
CAreful. Billary may dump some of theirs there
BillyDawn says
Meg says
Behind trump more than ever..wake up all Americans especially women….hilliary is trying to win criminally….eight years of complete failure under obama….and destruction to the very fiber of AMERICA/AMERICANS…She will be even worse.Please stand up for our country.lock her up!!!!
Not again…
Mary Eich says
Those who came back to Trump are looking at the situation in the long haul and that is what we need to do because we have to deal with the problems that our country is embroiled in . We also have to look at the future of our Supreme court and make sure that we have judges on the Supreme Court that will use common sense instead of liberalism because that is one of the reasons that our country is in the rut it’s in right now.
Sharon Jenkins says
Those turncoats that are coming back on Trump side are looking out for their own skin and re-election. We drastically need term limits in Congress. (SJ)
Desert Lion says
Not if you don’t want the large urbanized states to overthrow rural “flyover” America, SJ.
clem says
Take time and CONTACT your congressmen and senators that are up for re-election and give them the choice of supporting Trump or Being voted out.
Desert Lion says
A little late for that now, clem. Should have done that during the primaries. If you fire someone up for re-election now and the opponent is worse, you’ll find the fire much hotter than the frying pan.
Ladd says
Yes, that would lose the majority in the House and Senate — We NEED those.
Mathew Molk says
I’d love to kock Portman off his stool, but the other choice is Strickland. – He’s even worse and a Democrat to boot. . I did send Portman a “YOU SOB” letter and told I will not vote for him ever again as long as he lives and will work against him, but he is in this time no matter what. Let’s see what we can do to get him out next time.
Ladd says
Agreed. That IS how we have to do it. Make sure that there is a Republican alternative to get in. Otherwise we lose control and cannot do much even WITH Trump in place.
Liz says
When EVER has an election been based on behavior ?? Jack Kennedy , Clinton both had horrific flaws on sexual assalts to women. Get on with issues. Get out of the gutters !! The Media is horrific!
Kris says
1st, men are extremely vulnerable to these kinds of accusations. How can anyone defend themselves? Who the he’ll knows where you were, who you spoke to & what happened on any given day let alone a day 10-30 years ago? Once done, you’ve been slandered & your life is ruined over an accusation that’s never proven. I can’t believe the distance we’ve moved away from due process. UnAmerican & shameful that the Democrats have stooped this low.
Harrel Johnson says
I still support Donald J.Trump. I am sick and tired of these rino’s. They should join the democrats, because that is how they vote. If you people don’t understand what is happening to America you are pretty stupid. There will not be an America if Hillary Clinton becomes president. Blacks and Hispanics are just another vote, they don’t give a crap about you and you will get nothing. How stupid is that.
Every time I see or hear this guys I have to drew up. What a waste of good Food I cook my self.Get rid of them for my sake or I am ending in the Poor House and have to apply for Food Stamps and other Helps from the Fine Lady Hillarious like all the other Free loaders if she is elected.
Clarence Lipscomb says
REP. P. Ryan who is at the moment still the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. needs to be IMMEDIATELY REPLACED WITH A NON-RINO REPUBLICAN !!!!!!! Proceedings to accomplish this replacement need to be immediately accomplished !!!!!!!
Micheal Smith says
A Soviet-style Amerika or a free nation under God? Warts and all…it’s got be Trump!
I like his Way he likes to deal with Russia and China.Putin respects a Man but not a Puppy like Obummmma and especially not a crock like Hillarious who does not stand for the People of here Country.Putin is a man to get the best deals for his country and so is Trump.America was in good Standing with the other Nations before this man in The W.H. started his Ruler Ship in the Third World Style.I am King and do not care about your Constitution and Writings from your Fathers.
Kenneth Rhoades says
Always TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sharon says
Do not vote for incumbants ! Period. Trump/Pence 2016
Desert Lion says
Absolutely! Throw the bums out, even though it means the opponent, who is far worse, gets elected!
Oh, wait – on second thought, …
Ladd says
Just make sure there is a non-incumbant replacement for each clown that IS good.
jerry schild says
it wont take me long to vote 1vote for trump and out of there.
Janis Miles says
I will continue to support Donald J. Trump for President, and I truly believe that he will make America great again. He is the only candidate who can!
lizaz says
Why is Paul Ryan so arrogant he thinks he can flaunt the will of the People??? It’s possible his actions may backfire and representatives who refuse to support Trump may lose their reelection. Have they thought of that??? This really proves that some individuals’ rhetoric is only for campaign use….when they get elected, they focus only on getting reelected….just like clinton……the rest of us are “deplorables” at that point……
Dolfin says
I agree wholeheartedly, Ryan has miscalculated himself. He thinks that he’s the guy in charge but he needs to realize, the people are in charge, they work for us. I have written 7 letters to him, every time he requests money for the RNC. I send him a letter on their dime in their envelope and tell him that I donate to the Trump campaign only and that he’s a POS and needs to step down. 7 letters and you would think that they would remove my name from their mailing list. I’m switching to independent after this cycle, the Republicans anymore are in name only and part of the problem. I say we get rid of all of them.
Louise Manthey says
I totally agree with you. After this election I also am going Independent and am also going to stop watching FOX News. The only conservatives I see are Hannity and Cavuto, maybe Bolling and Guilford. I will only tune in to watch Hannity. Can’t stand the rest of them. FOX News is going the way of CNN and all the rest. Sickening.
Kim Kim says
I have been with Mr. Trump from the start and I cannot be swayed by anything that the crooked ( MEDIA) says and prints. There has been a rumor that the Clintons would buy the election, wake up everyone before it is too late. My family and friends think that life under the Clintons would be like living under the Nazi rule. As for Paul Ryan, down with this traitor. Let us clean the Republican party and get the garbage to the curb.
Mathew Molk says
Backfiring on the “Never Trumpers” already. Ever since Mitt Witt, every time someone takes a shot at Tr ump he gets stronger.
Barbara H says
I’m offended and disgusted with Paul Ryan!! Let’s not stand behind him, fellow Republicans!
I’m sick of his nanny-pamby attitude.Give him a pacifier!
I’m for Trump! Can’t believe how Clinton has the media in her control. I’m not listening or viewing any more. Let’s see how their ratings go. Remember, without us, THEY ARE NOTHING! THEY ARE OUT OF A JOB!!!
Douglas Graves says
With Hillaries health concerns, if she is elected and dies while in office they will keep her body on ice and prop it up at her desk for an occasional distant still picture while slick willie and Soros run the country.
On the other hand if Trump is elected you can bet the assignation attempts by the elite liberals will start before he has a chance to accomplish anything.
Charles says
I’ve been saying this for a while. He’ll be lucky to make it out of 2017.
Mathew Molk says
HIM ????? WTF, over. If nobody has taken that cackling witch out yet don’t worry at all about killing anybody.
Kay says
Yes, still supporting Trump. We are electing the leader of the free world, not a Sunday School superintendent. This is America’s last chance, politically speaking.
Sam says
Will says
I no u Sam I am… ho Trump!
Martin says
Sad that these Rino Republicans that are opposing Trump and are doing all they can to stop him. Have done nothing to stop Obama in the last 7 1/2 years.
Jude says
Mike Franer says
Trump/Pence is the only chance we have to protect our freedom, our country and our constitutional rights. Killary will totally destroy this country!
hijalibre says
I would like to believe that you are giving us true reporting. But when you make statements that Paul Ryan is TRYING to destroy Trump, and is encouraging GOP leaders to vote against him, that is just outright exaggeration!! I don’t appreciate you trying to spin the reports you feed us! Ryan never said to vote against Trump! He said, “Do what you must to win your campaigns.” You are obviously trying to demonize Ryan to meet your agenda! I won’t read your propaganda anymore when you are so obviously biased! Yes, I’m voting for Trump, only because his vision for the future of this country aligns itself with mine. Hillary is sure disaster for us! Like someone said, “Trump doesn’t share my values, but he shares my vision for our country.” I am voting for him and encourage everyone to vote for him. If we want to win, we must all push in the same direction. Demonizing Ryan is downright stupidity!
jack says
Actually Ryan is doing the Demonizing of himself. He didn’t want the job in the first place.
Rubykin says
Maria says
He has turned his back on the republican candidate who was elected by the people, yet he has done nor said absolutely nothing to stop Obama from doing all he has wanted, he has not said a word against him! The guy is a fool.
Mathew Molk says
Where the hell did you come from? If you can’t see RINO Ryan is trying to throw the election to his pal the Cackling Witch you got to be blind, deaf and in a coma.
The guy is a class A snot ball and had never actually done ANYTHING to help the country.
David G Hildebrand says
I think we have too give as much money to the Trump campaign as posable, so we can defeat Hillary!
Malcolm Proctor says
if you are a true american and want to save your country you have to vote for trump.he is a true american he has not sold his country down the river to foreign gov; s for money like the clintons.they are evil
Eagle63 says
Yes Trump all the way!
Daniel Spickard says
Have you ever noticed how all of a sudden all of these accusations come up on the Republican party because Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party couldn’t win an election if they had to be honest! Donald Trump tried to run for president back in 2012 and not even so much as a peep out of the media! Donald Trump has been in the public’s eye for how many years, and not even a whimper was heard! Now all of a sudden Hillary the Liar Clinton is in a real fight, and she couldn’t win without throwing accusations, and paying people off to lie! I bet if you look really deep into Hillary’s background, you find things that would put any other person in prison, or even give them the death penalty! It’s time we the people throw Hillary Clinton under the bus, and elect Donald Trump. Then let us dwell deep into Hillary Clinton’s past! I bet you find things in there that would send her to the death penalty 20 times over! If you vote for Hillary Clinton, you are just as guilty of treason as she is!
Wendy Mantooth says
Without Trump our country(which is already circling the drain) will fall apart! The thought of Killary being president makes me physically ill…..what is it going to take for all the brain dead sheep who are blindly following her to come to their senses? The choice is crystal clear VOTE TRUMP!!!! Stand up to all the rampant corruption that is the DemocRAT party..led by the despicable duo….Obummer and his evil partner in crime Killary!! TRUMP 16 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Malcolm Proctor says
if you are a true american and want to save your country you must vote for trump
K says
Maybe we should all cancel our subscriptions to our local newspapers for the next three weeks(at least). See if that sends a message.
Mathew Molk says
Too late, Shut them down a couple of years back. Don’t watch either the MSM or Fox either. Between the commies on CNN and Megan Kelly I have had enough.
Donna Davey says
I emailed Kelly Ayotte that she just lost my vote, and I had been an Ayotte supporter from the beginning. No Mother Theresa would stand a chance against the Clinton/Soros people. A nice guy like Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush wouldn’t stand a chance. Trump is a street fighter, and thank God, has money. Only a street fighter with money would stand a chance against them. He is not a professional politician; our country’s founding fathers did not intend for professional politicians – those elected were to come from the fields, the factories, all the walk’s of life, do their stint, and then return to their lives outside of politics. Donald Trump has honesty and sincerity, and the ability to streamline inefficiencies among multiple government agencies duplicating efforts. He owes no one, unlike Hillary Clinton, who has foreign countries, corporate donors and favored DNC people queuing up to cash in their chips once she is President. If she wins, there will be no recognizable US in 4 years. Soros organizations has so-called American citizens (expatriates) living abroad, many of them for decades and who have not voted for that long, signing up to vote Hillary. If you believe that all of them will really have Am citizenship, you are naive. The Dems have dead people and non-citizens signed up all across the country.
St. Edgar says
Trump a Street fighter eaa, He is more like Rocky. He is a good guy who just keeps on coming back.
Joe says
The whole world is enthusiastic to see Mr. Trump wins this election. Being unleashed he will be able to negotiate peace to all nations, and the USA will be respected again throughout the world.
Sharon Mathias says
It is time to unite together, to make our Country strong again. If you want the American people to vote down ballot ,we need all factions of the Republican Party to support the people’s candidate. (Romney, Ryan. Bushes). Donald Trump is our candidate !! The last thing we need is at least 200 million to be spent on adds to show the difference between our policies and the disastrous results of Hillary’s policies..( Immigration, National Security,Religious, Educational, Taxes and 2nd amendment Rights ) I believe in God’s timing. We still have time to unite and win for our Country. Spend that PAC money for the American people you say you LOVE and serve. Support our next President Donald Trump. Help make America Great and Safe again.
Farquard says
The Dems are hoping the entire election turns on a “locker room” conversation Trump held years ago. Where men are men and political correctness has no standing, these are meaningless incidents of bravado and conquest by normal, red-blooded men. We have all been “guilty” of such private indiscretions (women included, about men). In spite of this, we still honor and respect our wives/women. These indiscretions are meaningless. Look at “holier-than-thou” wimp McCain who told the joke, in public, back in the 1980’s, about a woman being raped by a gorilla and wanting more after the encounter. Trump is a MAN and has had to apologize for having a normal, testosterone driven male conversation (an hormone our present POTUS is sorely lacking) with a Bush (more wimps who leaked the statement) relative. This is an all-out “hit-piece” by the mass media to malign a man who truly has our country’s best interests at heart. Most of us “normal (and patriotic) Americans” can see through all this negativity and will not allow the Dem/Socialist/Communist cabal, led by HRC and her ilk, to take from us the America we know and love. A vote for Hillary is a vote for Obama and his failed policies and anti-America agenda. It’s time to take America back and make her GREAT again!
Mathew Molk says
If RINO Ryan thought THAT was bad he ought to come on a jobsite with Iron workers Carpenters, Tin Knockers, Brickies and Electricians. He would die of heart attack. – And Don’t even THINK about coming to the bar after work with us. You should see me and a black pal of mine throw BS racial insults at each other just to scare the hell out of the yuppies that wounder in. . (we are close friends, BTW)
Sorry but going to use the “vernacular of the workplace: here so avert your eyes if you can’t take it. These sanctimonious assholes can kiss my ass. They are nothing but a bunch of dick headed hypocrites that have no place in my country.
Ever hear that sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me ???? A first grader in my day was tough enough to live by that but RINO Ryan can’t take it today. Him being a PC wimp is more then enough reason to send him down the road, but being a back stabbing turn coat takes the cake. – Off with his head!
Ladd says
What is REALLY ludicrous about that video is, it starts in the middle. WHAT DID BILLY BUSH SAY TO CREATE THE EXCHANGE, AND WHY WAS IT CUT? I am SURE that he instigated the whole thing. Notice that when they get out of the bus it is BILLY who rushes over to hug the actress, NOT TRUMP. TRUMP was a gentleman.
Patti says
I agree with you 100%! You are so right about the conversation between Donald and this weasel Bush relative. It has nothing to do with this election, period! In my day TV would never allow it first of all because young children also watch TV. But this country has gone to hell and if we don’t change all this crap, there is no going back, period.
Donald Trump has nothing to gain personally with this election. HE IS DOING IT FOR US! The citizens of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WAKE UP UNLESS YOU DON’t GIVE A DAMN. But I think you do!
E says
People, keep supporting TRUMP. We need a better leadership. Vote TRUMP.
Ben L says
Are you kidding me??? All those people know is lie, lie, lie, the truth is not in them, they lie to themselves and believe their own lies…DONALD TRUMP is a man, a real man… A real MAN for us all…Kick those lier’s butts Mr. Trump, we believe in you…My VOTE goes to: DONALD TRUMP!!
Karrie says
Between Trump & Hillary – we have two not-so-great choices. But…since I have to choose, Trump is it.
natalie Eyman says
Ryan, Bush, Mccain, Romney, Kasich, they are helping Hillary, They are not Patriot, betrayed American people, Trump is Patriot he will make America safe and great again, I believe trump will be great president, but we must help Trump to tell the people doesn’t know about how evil Hillary, she will destroy America and she let American people in danger, bring more Muslim refugees,
Trump have to fight with Hillary also fight with selfish Republicans,
Eyzy Wone says
doris kulp says
I am absolutely supporting donald trump. however i will not support any republican candidates on the down ballots. the republican party plays too many games, and im afraid they may loose this game because of their stupidity. they are acting like babies. why cant they introduce all this wiki leaks papers and try to persecute justice. they have no interest in their party. my only answer is if you invest little, you get little. thank god for donald trump.
name b free says
Doris I intend to vote for Trump and am working my polling place to politic against Pat Toomey and Ryan Costello as they are not supporting Trump.
Patti says
I agree with you Doris!!!
B.C. says
I wonder if Ryan has any connection to the infamous “Clinton Foundation”
Kim Kim says
We all think that Paul Ryan by the way he has been acting that he is a Democrat posing as a Republican to bring down the best candidate Donald J> Trump.
GO TRUMP, 2016
Caroline Cofer says
aha!! Great question, BC…GO BC GO BC GO BC !!!!!! ASK THOSE UNCOMFORTABLE QUESTIONS, see if you get any answers!! I’d like to place a wager on the outcome of the question, and I am one of those who only bet on a sure thing …lol
Carrie Cofer
Kim Kim says
It looks like we have a person who has the hot’s for the traitor RYAN. In the old days, they HUNG traitors, in the modern day world the liberals look the other way like they are doing at the present time with Hilliary Clintons crimes against the (AMERICAN) people, she even has the head of the FBI in her pocket, including Lorreta Lynn who is the Attorney General of the United States of America. Now we know why we call her CROOKED HILLIARY.
Jh says
Loretta Lynn is for Trump. Think you meant Loretta LYNCH. HUGH difference!!
Trainman says
I really don’t care who the hell Trump sleeps with along as he is a good president.
After all ,,, Vulgar Hillary is already in bed and doing a gang bang with all the corrupt politicians, media, and bankers.
Plus,,, She has always acted like a pimp for her pedophile hubby Old Slick Willy.
Hougo says
10 Stars to you . **********
Billie Stambulic says
Elect Trump America
Eleanor Gunsallus says
I cannot understand why the Democrats are so up in the air about Trump going into a room with undressed beauty pageant contestants when they are all for our young people using same bathrooms and showering together in school (Bigots?). No one is focusing on Hillary’s misdeeds with emails and Wall Street speeches. If America can’t see what a two-faced woman she is then they deserve what she will bring to all of us.
We the American people don’t want to hear about Hillary and her scandals… We all know she is dishonest, and dangerous to our country and it’s people. We want to hear about the future of our country, our children, grand children, jobs, open borders that will ultimately destroy our economy and our safety, a strong military, lower taxes,The Supreme court, etc. We want to take our government back from the present establishment, and run our country the way it was meant. A government “Of, By and For the People”. This election is not about Hillary or Trumps personalities, but about us the common people, and the person who can bring us back from an inevitable collapse. My Choice? –DONALD TRUMP–
Jean Libby says
I have been for Trump from the start. Look at the 30 plus years of bad baggage that Hillary carries. If for no other reason, the appointment of Supreme Court judges means we must vote for Trump. Term limits is another point. Being a Senator or Representative is not a career. It is an appointment to serve the people of your state. Being bombarded by lobbyist every day for years begins to break even the strongest. Pray to God for the right leader.
name b free says
The high moral democrats annointed Ted Kennedy ” the lion of the Senate” . It was his car that drowned poor Mary Jo Kopechne not that slitherin snake.
Pat says
I continue to support Trump and will support the Republicans who support him. Will go against in any way possible those who do not support him.
Maria says
Me too!! And I have emailed all that have turned their backs on Trump to let them know it.
Lynn says
I’m been for Trump since the beginning and that’s where I’m staying. When I get my mail in ballot and I vote I’m going to hand deliver to the elections department in my county. Go Trump/Pence 2016
Hougo says
Paul Ryan & Traitor Buddy’s – what a bunch of two faced Snakes in the grass.
Comes election in November trust me we the people will remember – you had the Majority
for 8 Years and have done ***** NOTHING ***** but blow smoke up people ass, pardon my french.;
Gail Bowman says
We are human. Trumps words on locker room talk is just that. Men bragging on how many women they had in front of friends is high school kids talk. Who can porve it happen. I did the same and it did not happen. But that does not take away his ability to be a good leader. The clintons are isis demons . They have sold there soles to satan for power and money. And nothing will stand in there way. But most people think it is all above lol. It Is all planned.
linda says
I feel this way about this election I think mr. trump will make a good president if he stays on the issues that got him there, i also believe if he has the stamina to stand up to these cheap shots by the democrooks he will prevail, but if he fails to achieve higher standards then crooked hillary. this woman is out to destroy America as we know and love, please dont let this happen by not voting for Mr.Trump and mike pence i think he will save our country from crooked hillary demise. this woman is pure evil and every word thats out of her mouth is lies because she never had a job to prove she can bring them back to america so the middle class to her sucks ans is better than all americans which is wrong, i love this country and i am still voting for trump because i believe him and these claims are false, why bring them up now because the democrooks dont have a leg to stand on except obama record which has been a disaster for 8 years, i dont know about you but for me its been a crying shame of where i sit now,pls vote trump no matter what,thanks for listening.
Jh says
His best chance to get his changed through is with a Republicsn House and Senate – even a bad one – over a democRAT one.
Justin W says
Paul Ryan needs to focus on holding the House. Mitch McConnell needs to focus on holding the Senate. The rest of us needs to focus on getting Donald Trump elected.
Mr. Trump was not my first choice in the Republican field, but he is the best choice of those whose names will appear on the ballot. In the last election cycle Herman Cain’s presidential aspirations ended following a bimbo eruption. Once he withdrew the eruption ended. This last minute tactic was pulled from the Democrat’s dirty tricks playbook. They know the election will be over before these women’s stories can be fully investigated. They know that by time the truth is known the election will be over. What we see, my friends, is a last-minute desperate attempt by Hillary Rotten Clinton to win this election.
Thanks to the email leaks we know that Hillary knows no limits to her corruption when it comes to winning. Hillary and her accomplices in the media are lying to you and me in the hopes that she will be able to win the election. Together we can expose this dirty trick for what it is and send old Hillary into retirement. Are you in?
Sharon S. says
We need to get a President who cares about people and Donald Trump is that person. He cares or he wouldn’t give his plane over to fly a sick child to a hospital for special treatment. He wouldn’t go out of his way to send truck loads of goods to Louisiana when they were flooded out. Hillary Clinton was home when all this happened. She doesn’t care about anybody and if she wins, everyone will need to carry a gun especially if she wants to open the borders. Its not safe to go out now but if she does that, no one will be safe. Think all you Americans before you vote for this two faces liar, cheat and murderer.
Liisa says
The negatives of both candidates have been laid out . Donald Trump…whether true or not are sins of personal nature for which he , his family and all Republicans may pay dearly if the election is not won by Trump, BUT Hillary Clinton’s evil doings, not only show further her despicable, ungodly character , but also has, and will further destroy not only America but potentially the whole world.!!
A nuclear war is most probable with a Clinton administration. There are rumours that Putin has said so if Clinton gets elected. Allegedly Putin has already called “home” all of its people? For all the years of politics, what did Hillary achieve to this end?
Trump has promised to focus on the safety of all Americans with more secure borders and serious selection of immigrants. Hillary will open the borders and allow whom ever in….along with good people will surely come more ISIS, which is already here.
Trump will save the Economy..which is in serious peril….Job creation through fair treatment of the job givers who have left to go into places where their risks are less.
SELECTION OF JUDGES who value the constitution and who will thus rule according to it and not their BOUGHT beliefs
Freedom of religion, and speech for all INCLUDING Christians…
Abortion restrictions….Sanctity of life.. Protection of the unborn…. is a Trump promise
Review of the Vaccination situation….and the pharmaceutical control of medicine….
Removal ov Obama health care and replacing it with a better system
Exposing and cleaning up government corruption in all areas (This is what probably is most feared by the interest groups and politicians who are owing to them for all the political donations they have received…THIS IS HUGE)
Please ….Republicans…and all who want a better America …join together…you have only a couple of weeks left
to begin working on the building of your country by preventing a very Goliath like Clinton network of evil in destroying your country and even the world. May God save America !! Good luck Trump/Pence
A woman says
I agree!!!!!Vote for Trump!!!!
CaroLee Hosley says
YES! I don’t care about a tape from 2005…ever work in a VA hospital or live near a training military base, you hear language like that daily. He was a bit star struck and egged on in a moment by the media …silly locker room chatter. I want him against North Korea, straightening out our VA, wiping out the tax codes, creating jobs. Come on Americans lets show the media who really hold the finger on the button on election day!!! We the American people! Get out and VOTE for TRUMP!
paul trewin says
Hilary Clinton is a globalist(one world govt) and she’s for open borders……you don’t want her under any circumstances………………………………Trump has flaws but hes a nationalist ,he will work tirelessly for the usa……………………………………………….paul
Dennis Berg says
Are we electing a Pope or a President? The Clintons have committed acts of Treason, Felonies, Corruption, sold our country’s secrets for personal profit, and have a list of dead people who have opposed them that is long and keeps growing!!! Do not believe the Media and the polls that show Hillary far ahead of Trump, they are totally controlled by the democrats and the Clintons. Pray that there are still enough honest people in our election offices to keep them from stealing the election as they will surely try to do!!! Try to get everyone you can to watch the movie” Hillary’s America” out on dvd and on cable. It tells the whole story about the Democrats and the Clintons and little known historical facts you didn’t learn in High School. VOTE TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!
GEO. says
Lorna says
GLAD I am not voting in the US election. TRUMP is not only a SLEEZE BUT A LIAR. he said this was Locker Room Talk. Well he knew the press was there and recording this, he just feels that he can get away with anything and he said so in that tape. He talks about BILL CLINTON (who is not even running) well he should sweep his own stoop before casting dirt on others. My opinion is that people suporting Trump should open their eyes and ears and really listed to what he is saying and how he acts. He appears to be following HITLER as NO ONE will ever tell Trump what to do.
steven says
At least he has not had anyone killed like the 50 or so the Clinton mafia has. Muslims rape women so you lorna better watch out.
Rubykin says
Jh says
If you are supporting Hillary you should do some research starting with her college thesis
And get some idea of what you can expect from this communist
Ladd says
How STUPID you ARE! This was recorded by Billy BUSH, NOT the press, and he left out all the statements he had to have made to get Trump to say what he did. Billy is the one who rushed out to hug the actress that met them, HE WAS THE PIG HERE! Don’t you wonder what came before in a video that OBVIOUSLY starts in the middle?
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
My vote is for Donald Trump on Election Day. The country doesn’t need the status quo, time to end the status quo, end the electorial college, it’s outdated, useless, a wast of time, crooked, corrupt. Our country is the only country in the entire world that has an electorial college when it comes to Figurehead & Vice Figurehead elections. The country doesn’t need Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton in the White House. Since Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 in a fixed & rigged election, there have been government shutdowns, Bill Clinton invented the government shutdown, has had military cutbacks, military base closures left & right during his 8 years as Figurehead. If HKRAKC is our next Figurehead, expect more government shutdowns, military cutbacks, military base closures left & right, more money going to our enemies Iran, Syria, the PLO. Also expect a lot of unrest, riots,
Civil war & World War III. HKRAKC wants lots of trouble makers in our country coming in from Iran, Syria and give those ragheaded animals everything on a solid gold platter & then some while telling our own people who serve and have served our country and our senior citizens to go to hell, shut up and pay your taxes.
Mita says
We need to repay JULIAN ASSANGE WITH HIS FREEDOM!!!!!!! We need to demand THAT
Interceede for ASSANGE
May he be bless richly!!!!! Freedom and prosperity!!!
Now: for this Woman, Hillary have the power over THE MEDIA SHE IS NOT ON HER OWN!!!!!!
This is important
WHO ARE?????
The EXTEND???????
All THIS VIPER ( stupid cow )
A momentary ambitious tool
Sooo proud of her capability to betray us!!!!!
Her own country
Very sorry if you ever thought she loves youuu!!
All the fake loving dramatic job!! In
WHICH OF COURSE!!!!!!! She is glued to
BANKERS!!!!! Etc
… …
RK says
Yes, The choice in this election is between Clinton and Donald Trump and on issues such as border security, terrorism, repealing Obamacare and appointing Supreme Court justices, this should be a no-brainier for all of us and for our Great Country, the USA, right now, – not this soap opera the media is spinning while ignoring the serious and beyond important issues which are the emails that are being leaked finally, and note “every” time a new batch of Hillary’s emails comes out the media says nothing about them- zero, but yet talks crap about Trump- that in itself should be a wake up call for everyone that has a real brain.
In fact, note the word “fact” these emails put all of us and our Country at great risk and danger and tells us all how Hillary truly feels about this Country and the American people. Those that support her are nothing but pawns in her game of power and greed! Its time to stop all u’r denials and wake the hell up!
You may not like Trump and he may not have been u’r 1st or 2nd choice but at least he has a real vision of change in the right direction for all the American people. So get over u’rselves and do the right thing here.
Stay on point people, this IS a very serious time for our Country and the American people. Our support should be for the Republican ticket.
This is about our future and our children’s future, again I say, stay on message please everyone, please. If U honestly want soap operas then turn on all the crap on our TV’s in this day and age- its shameful. The media, TV shows, has turned this Country into brainless destructive dumbing down of American youth and people.
So stop playing into the Clinton democrat media games and turn all that BS around into what truly matters- AND THAT IS OUR LIVES, OUR COUNTRY, OUR FUTURE!
Manoushag Samaan says
I will continue to support Donald J. Trump for President, and I truly believe that he will make USA safe again and he will bring jobs back and work for the American People. He loves USA, he has so much money, he does not need this job. He wants to give back to America and its people a better life. He is the only candidate who can control the Republicans, as they are all in for themselves. Can you imagine four more years of the same and worse, lies after lies and being able to get away with such big lies. Hillary will never be able to handle the diplomacy with foreign countries. Whatever they have touched, has turned real bad, every county is laughing at us. Do the right thing for your children and grandchildren, VOTE for Trump. He is the only person who can improve the economy and make fair trade deals. Just see the empire that he has built. Hillary is just spending the money of big donors while Trump is spending his own money. We have had enough of all these lies!
Concerned citizen.. says
Thanks to all of you who see through the ugly ones that are trying to hurt Trump… Thank you..
We really must elect Trump.. We love America and we stand for good in the world.. Obama & Hillary has made us look like evil snakes… Sneaking and hiding information selling the USA out to our enemies… WHOHA THERE HILLARY!!!… I want the world to know WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE LIKE THESE SO-CALLED DEMOCRATES. We will overcome with TRUMP at the helms…
This ole ship hasn’t sunk yet… Go TRUMP GO!!!
jj says
Is it “Democrats” still or have they turned into “Demonic Gods”? I hear the TRUM-ets now. Trump just has to win.
jack allbritten says
Leo says
This week Oct.10-12, on a TV mainstream “news” channel, a reporter led off a story of Donald Trump,
(at a political rally in Pennsylvania), who at the request of the crowd, held up a little 3 year old
boy, that had hair like Trump and was dressed in a blue suit and red tie – very cute. But the
reporter led off the story by saying “A very troubling video surfaced today of Trump holding
up a young boy..” “Very Troubling!!” Are you kidding me – Mainstream media in America
is very, very, very SICK. Anybody who pays any attention to them badly needs a remedial thinking
Desert Lion says
It is troubling, just as much as it is when parents pump their kids full of liberal progressive talking points and send them in front of cameras. Using your kid as a political statement might be cute, but it’s troubling.
Yeah, I know, that’s not the context of the mainstream reporter’s comment, but even a blind squirrel sometimes finds an acorn.
Using kids a political props is disturbing no matter which side of politics does it.
Aida Medina says
I do Stand with Trump who loves this country and care to make it great again. I don`t care a bit about his street talk. Those throwing stones must be very carefull their christal castle will be coming tumbling down soon. Better watch themselves before they will be on every news around the world with their own stories. It`s disgusting how low our country had gone. There is no respect whatsoever for their fellow citizens. Just care to be in the seat of power to enrich themselves and mistreat those who elected them to the seat they are occupying. They had forgot there is a Judge who is watching and sooner than expected will do His Real justice for their evil doing & whose name is Almighty God! TRUMP 2016 Till the finished line~!!!
YES! The GOP should read my book they didn’t want me to publish concerning Veterans’ benefits and Heathcare. It tells what will happen to them if they cause me and other Veterans Physical or Emotional; Distress??? That will be the Main ISSUE in the upcoming Election!!! Not only will they lose their SEATS, but WILL RECEIVE, any other reward??? that the One True GOD determines they are entitled to receive??? The TITLE of my Book??? ” How GOD Found ME ” ??? A picture of a small boy on the cover. Dump Trump and GOD will dump you!!! Just saying??? Read it and LEARN??? THE MEDIA is supposed to be the watchdog for the rights of the people,RIGHT??? THEY are NOT supposed to take sides in the political ARENA posting FALSE OPINIONS and negative INNUENDO offered by celebrity contributors to sway the public viewpoint supported by the FACTS and VOTER TURNOUT RATHER THAN unsupported opinions as reported by POLLS conducted by BIASED FACTIONS BENT on Forcing their INFLUENCE on an uninformed or misinformed PUBLIC???
warren says
Vote Paul Ryan and all of his friends that represent the democratic party in sheeps clothing that are planted into the republican party out of office. Including the Bush family who are pushing a new world order that started from Adolph Hitler.
Will says
Started with Bush Senior. I heard.him SAY it. During operation desert shield. And Desert Storm… He’s behind the NEW WORLD ORDER… The TRAITERS… BOTH BUSH’S, OBAMA,% % THE CLINTONS… ALL OF THEM… BUSH JR PASSED THE PATRIOT ACT… what a crock of BULL shit… THEY NEW about the plan to attack the twin towers, before hand, & ignored it. Oh? Yeah, Just another, I made a mistake… just like Haggardly Hillary… ALL HE did was take away our privacy in our own Homes … I voted for both Bush’s for President . But I didn’t see them slipping It on us then. But hind sight is 20/20…
TruChristian says
I have travelled on US airllines planes on first class since 1973, either thru points or work-related. Back in the 1980’s the seats were separated by a large armrest that could accommodate both passengers, and it was bolted to the floor. How this woman could say that it disappeared, Trump would have had to remove the bolts that held the armrest down. I am very sure that the other allegations will also be proven to be false. Trump should pursue his lawsuit against NYT after all this hullabaloo is over.
tom Dalton says
Go Trump
GEO. says
Desert Lion says
Look up the terms metaphor and simile, dumbass. I think her story has plenty of holes in it, but a writer using rhetorical devices is hardly something to use to throw it out. Is it a bald-faced lie? Possible, just as was Harry Reid’s about Romney not paying taxes. And he was caught in that lie.
“Well, he didn’t get elected!” was Reid’s answer when confronted with is own lie. The ends justified the means in his mind. I suspect these accusers think the same thing. They pulled the same crap on Herman Cain when he ran, only Cain wasn’t willing to put his family through more of it.
Trump’s family is all in and willing to take the hits. Good on ’em.
Albert Tacke says
We’re not electing a pope but a president. You have one candidate guilty of treason, collusion, corruption, lying under oath, destruction of subpoenaed documents etc, and one that had a potty mouth in private a decade ago. One that loves America, and one that is an Ameriphobe. Gosh, how do I make up my mind????? If Hillary wins we go to war with Russia, if Donald wins we have peace and cheaper taxes. This is a no brainer.
Gary Stolp says
I’m for Donald Trump. Any of my elected officials that don’t also support Trump will not be getting my vote 11-8-2016, or whenever they next come up for election!
Phyllis says
Paul Ryan SHOULD loose his seat in congress for his disloyalty to the people who voted for Mr. Trump. This man won the Republican nomination fair and square!!! What sniveling cowards they are. Some of these weasels even signed a pledge to support whoever won the nomination. (i.e. Jeb Bush) It’s time to change my party registration to INDEPENDENT.
Or the CROOKED mainstream media!
Desert Lion says
If you think Bill Clinton’s major disqualifier is that he smoked pot, inhaling or lying about it, I think you’re missing the big picture here. Soiling the White House is the least of the concerns. I’d argue that will happen no matter which of the two major candidates win, and I’ll be voting for one of them. The other has already violated an oath similar to the one I took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies, foreign and domestic…
That aspect is far more important than any personal behavior or attitudes. I really hate how the Holier Than Thou crowd has taken over conservative politics. That used to mean conserving the original meaning and intent of the Constitution. Now it seems to mean conserving my own personal religious preferences and beliefs by having the government enforce them on people who don’t choose them willingly. Is that really what you want? I hope not.
It’s time to get off the moral soapbox and deal with the core issues of the Republic. Be morally upright in your own life, but recognize that people can be good leaders, representatives, and defenders of the Constitution but not follow your personal moral code.
I’m sure that will knot the knickers of the Bible thumpers who think their arguments are enhanced when they quote scripture, but I’m okay with that. If that’s you, Emmalee, or anyone else on the site, it’s time to get your priorities straight. (I’m guessing that it’s not you or you wouldn’t be able to bring yourself to support Trump. Soiled only begins to describe him. I’m okay with that.)
Catherine says
GLOBALISM (One World Government) versus Nationalism (America First). Take your choice — Hillary/Dems and NWO. Or Trump/Republicans and America First whom the elites/politicians are fighting to defeat. Hillary’s campaign plans are revealed despite her lies to the contrary. She /her campaign admit they are supporting dissolving the borders between Canada and Mexico to allow for one big hemispheric country in which we LOSE OUR SOVEREIGNTY to dictator Hillary if she is allowed to steal the election and win the U.S presidency. Just as the European nations are trying to kick off the shackles of the European Union (as Britian recently did and Italy may vote on 12/4/16) the One World controllers will fight to prevent dissolution of the European Union New World Order even as Hillary/socialist Dems/elites plan to enslave us in our hemisphere from North Pole to South Pole. Why? Power and preservation of their continued wealth growth…take your choice. If you want to be enslaved by NWO, vote Democrat. Be prepared to lose your individual rights and freedoms.
Robert Mater says
The tragic truth of the election cycle is that WikiLeaks has become the only honest media research resource available to the American voters.
The Hillary support media now; is not claiming the revelations are untrue. No!!!! They say that, since the information is obtained by internet hacking and is considered illegal it should not be considered credible information. Even Fox news personnel have fallen for this BS!!!
What we have here are dishonest reporters and entire media organizations, posing as journalists. They are embarrassed and unhappy that WikiLeaks has proved what we already knew. They are counterfeit political commentators. They are dishonest Democratic Party hustlers with a election fix agenda!
Don’t let them get away with it.
David Wilson says
The tape was 11 years ago, and was just talk. What about what Crooked Hillary has been DOING – lying, causing the death of an ambassador and 2 Navy SEALS, and who knows who else, giving state secrets to foreign nationals, etc. At least with Trump we can look forward to some common sense in the White House.
John says
The American people are solid behind Donald Trump, in spite of the media hype which tries to tell us all that Hillary is so far in the lead and its useless for Republicans to even show up at the polls. I believe this could be one of the biggest landslide victories for (TRUMP) in history. Less than 3 weeks to go until we find out if the electorate are Patriots of Stupid lemmiings.
ET says
Ryan needs to go, and so does his friends. I hope their electors will remember how foolish they are and put them on the street.
Debbie T says
I sent an email to Paul Ryan and this is what it said!tell me what you think!
Mr. Speaker, “we” obviously have different objectives for this upcoming Election! Your main concern is The House . . . MY utmost concern is our COUNTRY! Why haven’t you FULLY endorsed the candidate chosen by We The People? Trump is OUR choice, and you profess to be a Republican, or are you a RINO? Are you too “big” to put yourself in our shoes, i.e., we the little people who grovel every day and do not have a high-paying, cushy job with the government? “Life” is rough out here in reality, but I’m not sure you’re in touch with reality. You colluded with the treasonous act of trying to destroy Trump, rather than backing your own party candidate. THAT, in and of itself, tells me a LOT about your personal moral compass, and lack of character and clarity in life. BTW, if you DO think you can bring Trump down and you will be the nominee [since you already filed the paperwork to run for both President and Vice President!], I can assure you that you will not get my vote! I will abstain from voting before I will submit my choice to someone who has no morals, such as yourself. You need to repent of your ways, and get on board with the clear choice to defeat HRC ….. Trump IS that choice.
When was the last time you saw a Republican get anywhere near the crowds that Trump gets? That right there should tell you something, unless you are stuck on stupid! It is time to grow a set and “man up” Seems to me that you all were for him until you thought he might win! SHAME ON YOU! Why YOU don’t know how the “Clinton Machine” works is beyond belief! Most of America does! So he got some bad press. Big Deal! He owns up to what he has done. Not so with the rest of you who tried to take him down. She is getting it every day now until the election from Wikileaks and you know what I hear from the Republicans?? Crickets! That’s right Crickets! And I see today another one of the journalist committed “suicide”! How many dead bodies does that make now for the Clintons? I guess what I am saying is You all can either back Trump 100% or I will make it my “cause” to see that everyone of you rats that jumped ship will NEVER set in those seats again. Are you, and the other rats, on the Clinton pay to play list (?) cause that also looks like the case here!
Hillary for prison 2017
Trump/Pence 2016
A Proud But Ticked Off Deplorable from Florida
Eudora McKeesl says
Do you know that Paul Ryan’s wife is a very wealthy Democratic Lobbyist? Is it possible that there is a conflict of interest? I pray that WE THE PEOPLE, who are the not so silent majority, will be able to elect Donald J. Trump, President of The United States of America and that together we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It has been a fight every day for the past 16 months, but he is still focused and standing tall and needs our prayers and support. If he stays focused and doesn’t take their bait, I believe the debate on Wednesday will be one of the best we’ve ever seen. The wiki leaks should be enough to cause her to lose this election and to finally convince her supporters that she doesn’t love our country or the citizens of the country. We love Mr. Trump because he loves us, and he tells us that he does, and he loves this country! My hope is that the polls are way underrated and that after all of the votes are counted, it will be the biggest landslide in the history of this country!
Eva says
I support the candidate who will “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” and will support that our Supreme Court
needs able Justices and loves and forever respect our “CONSTITUTION.” Amen for this|!!!!
Eva says
My vote is Trump. He knows how to make America Great Again, of course with the help of our Almighty God.
Susan says
I am ashamed of our lousy AZ senator, McCain. I voted Ward on the primary. McCain is an old fossil and a rino. I have no idea who voted for him in AZ in the primary. As usual, he is again on the wrong side of the issue. The problem in AZ is the open borders and amnesty besides the other lousy things McCain has sat in DC allowing for decades. And he has not helped the vets the entire time. He is part of the good old boys go along get along cabal in the senate. He needs to go, as in retire.
And I am old but he is even older and AZ should have voted him off the republican ticket after his Gang of Eight immigration bill that stunk to high heaven, like a skunk! Now he who himself dumped his first wife who was dying of cancer for his rich one he has hung onto is condeming Trump for anything to do with women? And what about his pet charity receiving a million from the Saudis? What can he tell us about that? Or how about him explaining his get out of prison card in Vietnam which he did not use to stay with the other real prisoners. The nam vets do not invite him to their get togethers. Now why is that if he is SUCH a hero? And his AZ state buddies are growers who love illegal alien labor. The growers also love the public coffers picking up their benefits tab too. So now who in congress would arrange all of that for his buddies, the growers? And this was done very sneakily decades ago by congress. My, my? And I have been asking about that little happening for those same decades? Still no answer from McCain or Kyl when he was a senator. When I say growers, I refer to name brand rich wealthy men who own most of the agriculture endeavers in AZ and CA, but definitely AZ.
I have heard and learned too much over the years but I am definitely an advocate of term limits and McCain and his pals in the senate and house are proof of my argument. They become jaded, corrupted go along get along worthless tools of big business and those who seek to destroy our constitution, our rights, our country as they have so clearly demonstrated. As this little bunch of establishment rinos have demonstrated, they will support Hillary since her agenda maintains their current status quo. We just have to decide if that is our wish also. Not me. Go Trump, the antithesis of Hillary and BO and the establishment NWO elites.
Alma Engel says
I pray that Donald Trump will become our next president. I also pray that God will change the hearts of all of those voters who are considering voting Hillary, or not voting, or voting for a third party or write-in candidate, and will open their eyes to the fact that, if they care about America, their only choice is to reject evil, corrupt Hillary, and vote for Donald Trump and the USA. I pray for every elected leader of our nation that they will have wisdom and discernment to start trying to save our nation rather than concentrating on their re-election.
stephen says
“But who may abide the day of his coming?” — Malachi 3:2
His first coming was without external pomp or show of power, and yet in truth there were few who could abide its testing might. Herod and all Jerusalem with him were stirred at the news of the wondrous birth. Those who supposed themselves to be waiting for Him, showed the fallacy of their professions by rejecting Him when He came. His life on earth was a winnowing fan, which tried the great heap of religious profession, and few enough could abide the process. But what will His second advent be? What sinner can endure to think of it? “He shall smite the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked.” When in His humiliation He did but say to the soldiers, “I am He,” they fell backward; what will be the terror of His enemies when He shall more fully reveal Himself as the “I am?” His death shook earth and darkened heaven, what shall be the dreadful splendour of that day in which as the living Saviour, He shall summon the quick and dead before Him? O that the terrors of the Lord would persuade men to forsake their sins and kiss the Son lest He be angry! Though a lamb, He is yet the lion of the tribe of Judah, rending the prey in pieces; and though He breaks not the bruised reed, yet will He break His enemies with a rod of iron, and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. None of His foes shall bear up before the tempest of His wrath, or hide themselves from the sweeping hail of His indignation; but His beloved bloodwashed people look for His appearing with joy, and hope to abide it without fear: to them He sits as a refiner even now, and when He has tried them they shall come forth as gold. Let us search ourselves this morning and make our calling and election sure, so that the coming of the Lord may cause no dark forebodings in our mind. O for grace to cast away all hypocrisy, and to be found of Him sincere and without rebuke in the day of His appearing.
Stephen Russell says
Dump Estd GOP & Dems, dead weight, who needs them, when Trump gets IN, see Purge of RNC BIG Time.
Clean out dead weight Estd crap.
Beverly Goddard says
Go Trump /Pence. 8 votes here in our family…I pray that God will watch over him and his family…Saw Trump at a rally in Orlando Florida ….wow so exciting. …the place was packed…media is so biased. .I usually just watch Hannity. ..he also like Donald Trump tells it like it is…Trump Trump Trump here comes the train..
Nancy says
Thank both of you, Susan and Alma; I also live in Arizona, Gilbert to be exact. When you mention the Senate longevity our wonderful senator, Mr. McCain has secured for himself, I think of a few pictures of him and various Dems, giving each other hugs and congratulating themselves for the great work they do. They seem to start out in the right direction, and you hear news that Congress is really working, and the next thing we hear is that some compromise had to be made and, excuse the expression, we get screwed again. I also remember a photo, probably one of many, of him and the Hillbilly hugging as though they hadn’t seen each other for years, and think, it’s not good to get that close to the opposition, and also, how much anyone would be swayed after so many years of togetherness, male or female. I want Mr. McCain to retire, and find one of our many young Republicans in AZ to mentor and help that person get elected. Congress was never meant as a lifetime position. We need new faces and new energy, and someone who will bring God with him to Washington. ( P.S. ) I’m 75 and I remember how much I used to love our system and how our representatives were proud to serve. Somehow service has gone by the wayside. We have a bunch of scared y cats now. nkd
This Republican Party is going to implode over this and destroy itself! R.I.P. GOP!! You along with your Democratic Comrades, stopped doing OUR bidding some time ago.
Why has the Tea Party been silent? Because that is how Hillary, and her Media Flunkies want to keep them, Neutered. This Election was a huge turning point for this Country. Why did so many so-called Party Members shun Mr.Trump? Because he is an outsider? These jaded fools have forgotten what they were hired by us to do!!!!
If they are not stopped now, then the Republic fails, Simple as that!
Linny says
I am still with Trump-No one is perfect -we all make mistakes-I want a president who loves this country and I believe Donald Trump will do a great job and surround himself with advisors that are the very best-On the other hand Hillary the ice queen has ice running thru her -both Hillary and Donald have big egos, but love of country is of great importance-She sickens me -She doesn’t fool me -she stuck with Bill just to work her way into the presidency-They don’t call him slick Willy for nothing-Hillary learned from the best-Imagine if the woman is really sick who will be the next president(Mr. Kaine) That’s another nightmare-The woman definitely has some illness going on that is being covered up-I suspect she takes some kind of seizure medication -Nothing will hold me and my family back from voting-Our future and our children and grandchildren are at risk-The Clintons are as dishonest as they come and are a danger to this country and our way of life-The way she intends to rule(yes I said rule) will give no incentive for our young people to strive for a better way of life-We can thank Mr. Obama for staring that(He thinks he is King not president
Terri says
If we are to save our country, our freedom, our future, WE MUST START DEMONSTRATIONS AGAINST HILLARY CLINTON. She is manipulating the news, paying women to lie, stooping to lows I never knew were possible until now. We can’t wait any longer. We know what the Clintons are capable of. I don’t want a pathological liar, a
Person who sells out our country EVER in the oval office again.
Tina says
Hillary for Prison 2016!! TRUMP for PRESIDENT 2016!!
America is behind Trump & Pence all the way to the Whitehouse!! May God bless America & help us get a real president in there who actually serves the citizens & doesn’t abuse the office for their personal greed!
With Trump there is hope for a Better America!
Alan Hedrick says
I have been a registered Democrat since I first was old enough to register. I am now 82 years old. Once before the Republicans produced a candidate that I felt I could cross political lines and vote for. Unfortunately he didn’t win. Now the Republicans have come up with another candidate that I will vote for: Donald Trump. Of course, just when I get excited about the candidate the Republican Party wants to denounce their own candidate. Maybe that’s why I’ve been a registered Democrat all my life. They don’t seem to try and eat their own. But I will still cross political lines and vote for Trump this election. I will probably vote for the other Republicans on the ballot as well whether they have supported Trump or not. Since Trump is calling for change he is going to need all the help he can get and C H A N G E is what we need. When else are we ever going to get back to being a government of the people, by the people and for the people?
Claudette says
Robert Taylor says
The following is just the tip of the iceberg about John McCain. Recall the trouble Trump got in for mentioning his “hero status”. As as an old Vietnam disabled vet I did not write this story (and only parts are shown here) but knew about it. By the way that picture of him on crutches with Bush was because of an operation done in a hospital here in the U.S. not from his captured status. When he first got off the plane here in the states he had no problem walking and no crutches. Here then are parts of the story…
“McCain’s public image took a beating at the end of the 1980s when he became one of the senators caught up in the Keating Five financial scandal, but he managed to survive that controversy unlike most of the others.
By 2000 my opinion had become sufficiently favorable that I donated to his underdog challenge to Gov. George W. Bush in the Republican primaries of that year, and was thrilled when he did surprisingly well in some of the early contests and suddenly had a serious shot at the nomination. However, he then suffered an unexpected defeat in South Carolina, as the large block of local military voters swung decisively against him. According to widespread media reports, the main cause was an utterly scurrilous whispering campaign by Karl Rove and his henchmen, which even included appalling accusations that the great war-hero candidate had been a “traitor” in Vietnam. My only conclusion was that the filthy lies sometimes found in American politics were even worse than I’d ever imagined.
However, those new doubts about McCain were still in my mind a few months later when I stumbled upon Sidney Schanberg’s massively documented expose about McCain’s role in the POW/MIA cover up, a vastly greater scandal. This time I was presented with a mountain of hard evidence gathered by one of America’s greatest wartime journalists, a Pulitzer Prize winning former top editor at The New York Times. In the years since then, other leading journalists have praised Schanberg’s remarkable research, now giving his conclusions the combined backing of four New York Times Pulitzer Prizes, while two former Republican Congressmen who had served on the Intelligence Committee have also strongly corroborated his account.
In 1993 the front page of the New York Times broke the story that a Politburo transcript found in the Kremlin archives fully confirmed the existence of the additional POWs, and when interviewed on the PBS News hour former National Security Advisors Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted that the document was very likely correct and that hundreds of America’s Vietnam POWs had indeed been left behind.
I have taken the trouble to read through John McCain’s earliest claims of his harsh imprisonment, a highly detailed 12,000 word first person account published under his name in U.S. News & World Report in May 1973, just a few weeks after his release from imprisonment. The editorial introduction notes the “almost total recall” seemingly demonstrated by the young pilot just out of captivity, and portions of the story strike me as doubtful, perhaps drawn from the long history of popular imprisonment fiction stretching back to Dumas’s Count of Monte Cristo. Would a young navy pilot so easily develop and remember a “tap code” to extensively communicate with others across thick prison walls? And McCain describes himself as having a “philosophical bent,” spending his years of solitary confinement reviewing in his head all the many history books he had read, trying to make sense of human history, a degree of intellectualizing never apparent in his life either before or after.
One factual detail, routinely emphasized by his supporters, is his repeated claim that except for signing a single written statement very early in his captivity and also answering some questions by a visiting French newsman, he had staunchly refused any hint of collaboration with his captors, despite torture, solitary confinement, endless threats and beatings, and offers of rewards. Perhaps. But that original Counter punch article provided the link to the purported text of one of McCain’s pro-Hanoi propaganda broadcasts as summarized in a 1969 UPI wire service story, and I have confirmed its authenticity by locating the resulting article that ran in Stars & Stripes at the same time.”
If you have read to here please look up the information presented and then form your own opinion. Thanks.
Rosech says
Unfortunately, McCain’s life story is a fantasy. He actually helped the enemy hurting his fellow prisoners. He crashed 3 planes because he thought he could fly a plane. His father helped him to get out of being a prisoner of war and to even get in the service. He is no hero, and reneging on Trump proves once again he is a traitor to America. I was sickened that AZ re-elected this dottering demented old man again! He had and has nothing to offer always flipflopping and money hungry and appearing as a member of Congress. Good grief, the man has nothing and is nothing.
Henry Alcantara says
In more ways than one, each and everyone of us has committed grave sins against God and against our neighbors. Those who condemn others for their sins are actually condemning themselves. A sin against a nation of peoples is graver than a sin against an individual, in the view of men. Who among the two contenders have sinned against the American nation and who have sinned against mere individuals. This is the question voters must consider, find logical answers to and use their judgement in the polling booth. Whose sins therefore have badly and directly affected most Americans. The mouth most times utter words that do not come from the heart but bad deeds like greed and lust for power are very well thought of, planned and executed from the heart.
It is now a question of who to vote for: a guy with a bad mouth or a guy with a black heart. Americans must choose wisely because whoever wins the White House will have to oversee the role of the USA in the coming confrontation with the forces of evil from Russia and the Islamic or Muslim world.
Henry Alcantara says
God chose Isaiah to be His prophet but Isaiah refused because he knew he is bad-mouthed. However, God saw him with a good heart so God restored and purified his mouth. Would God even think of choosing Isaiah for a prophet if he had a black heart??? Think about this Americans before going to the polling booth.
Rosech says
Moralizing on Trump is plain stupid. Just take a few minutes and review many of our past presidents who had mistresses, took and gave bribes, were mostly progressives (read communists), took us in to wars for their benefit and that of their cronies, i.e., FDR and also FDR setting up Social Security to benefit his cronies, and those who had divorces. Truman was probably the best in moral values. Why all of a sudden in this world of lacking morals, ethics and standards are people getting upset? Hillary and family are major criminals in each and every way you can conjure up, and yet idiots out there will vote for her, but will not like the end result of communism with Hillary and all those who actually support her. We see, hear, and even speak nastiness but now all of a sudden we are “saints”. Get real. Go home and stay there Ryan. Elections are coming so many will vote for Trump for fear of losing their re-election to big money so most of them are also phonies! Nevertheless, no matter what it is important to do as we millions have voted in as THE CANDIDATE TRUMP and stop your establishment garbage. You had your day, and now it is ours! Got it? You had better.
Irene M says
I feel for all you Americans but also feel the whole would will suffer from the ramifications if Obama and Clinton are not arrested soon.
If what I saw on youtube is anything to go by, Obama has already started, OBAMA WARNS TO PREPARE FOR SPACE WEATHER CHAOS ON EARTH. Very creepy stuff. Where I live, most people are against Trump because anything about the Clintons and Obama is all good. Nothing is shown here of what the hell that Clinton bitch is doing. I feel there are terrible times ahead for all of us. Good luck to us all.
zane thomas says
Most assuredly FOR TRUMP !!!!He’s the ONLY way we are going to even begin to get out of the mess we’re in !!! VOTE ….FREEDOM FIRST/AMERICA FIRST !!!! TRUMP is the WAY to go !!!
Larry Schultz says
This attack by the left is so blatant and obvious it’s absurd! They know they are in trouble and this last minute hail marry is their only hope to stop the train. The American voters are smart enough to see through this desperate play. We must come out in massive numbers to huge to be ignored to defeat this continuous NWO control of our economy, foreign policy, education, homeland security. And the future for our children and grandchildren for generations to come. I have one last thing for you to think about in that voting booth Nov 8th. SCOTUS!!!
Joan says
I am definitely supporting Trump. Hillary is not for the american people. She is for herself & her foundation. Trump will do a much better job of turning our country for the better! Go, Trump!
Martha Porter says
If we had Term Limits; we would not have the problem with Hillary Clinton. She has been in Government too long.
The terms should also be that a woman or man whose spouse had already been President of the United States could not run for the office. They have already been around long enough; that if they had an evil heart; they could figure a lot of ways to beat the system.
Surely if the Dems were determined to run a woman; they could have found one who loves America and the people. It is apparent that they missed it on this one.
WE NEED TO VOTE FOR TRUMP; even if it is just a vote to keep Hillary out. Also if Republicans would vote straight ticket for Trump; it would give the Republicans a chance to have the white house and the Congress. We had the Congress; but without the White House; so Obama wouldn’t even try to work with them; so he just used his ink pen a lot.
Donald Trump, at least loves America and he has proven that he can bring jobs.
Also, we really need to elect a conservative who will appoint judges who will stick to the Constitution; and not try to make new laws or change the ones we have. We have plenty of good ones; we just need the government to enforce the ones we have. Hillary wants to appoint Obama. We have lost a lot of rights. we need to hang on to what we still Indiana voter
madmemere says
Voting is a privilege I have enjoyed for over 50 years; I mailed my absentee ballot this past Monday morning and YES I did vote for Trump. If I had to do it again tomorrow, I would vote the same way! He IS the only one who can lead a dominant GOP Congress and this nation to a positive position again. He may not be “perfect”, no one is, but he is 100% FOR the USA and not himself. That is far more than you can say for ANY democrat!
madmemere says
PS -And a lot more than you can say for too many republicans – -who should be running as democrats.