By Stephen Dietrich, Managing Editor
The controversial backup quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, Colin Kaepernick, made waves this weekend by refusing to stand for the national anthem during Saturday’s preseason game against the Green Bay Packers at Levi Stadium.
He claims he did so in protest of police brutality.
He needs to stop.
This disrespect wasn’t a symbol of revolt against an oppressive government. It was an exercise in vanity by an over-inflated ego. Somehow, by virtue of being an overpaid bench warmer, Kaepernick thinks it is appropriate to inject himself into a national conversation about race relations and policing in America.
Give it a rest. No one wants NFL players as politicians. We want them to play football.
Instead of respecting the amazing opportunity granted to him — and the country that made it possible — Kaepernick has decided to become a barely-coherent political sideshow.
Here’s what he is missing – the opportunity he’s being given is better than anyone else in the world.
It’s because he was born and raised in America that he is being paid tens of millions of dollars every year to play in the NFL. Kaepernick is making generational money for his family — $114 million over six years, not including his endorsements.
Instead of honoring the country that offered him that, he’s disrespecting it.
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way.”
It’s part of his vague, rambling indictment of police officers in the United States, in which Kaepernick all but accused cops of being state-sanctioned murderers with less training than cosmetologists.
No, really. “There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder,” Kaepernick said, referring to the leave officers are placed on following a police-involved shooting.
Of course, Kaepernick — the millionaire sports star that grew up in Wisconsin in a loving, successful family — failed to provide a single example of what is wrong with policing.
In case Kaepernick is unaware, since Friday there has been 9 deaths and 40 people wounded in shootings in Chicago alone — almost all were people of color. One was a mother, Nykea Aldridge, who was shot in the head and killed while pushing her infant in a stroller down the street.
I don’t expect anyone making a grand political gesture towards these victims on national television. Where is Kaepernick’s outrage over the people of color being targeted by gang members every single day in our dying cities? The outrage towards the systematic corruption and violence that has ripped our cities to shreds?
That’s the environment millions of our fellow Americans live in. It is tragic. It is unacceptable. It has got to stop.
Everyone agrees on that. Not many agree on how best to go about it.
But there’s one thing we can all agree on – our country, even with its flaws, is the greatest nation on God’s blue Earth.
The freedoms we enjoy as Americans are so pervasive, we often taken for granted what opportunities are afforded to us.
For example, even rich, moron football players with half-cocked ideas about policing are allowed to disrespect our national anthem because they feel put upon.
Our nation deserves the utmost respect from every person, regardless of their race, creed, or gender. We are all united in brotherhood as fellow Americans.
There are things to fix in our country.
But good sense tells us there is an appropriate way to discuss them. Football players insulting our national anthem isn’t it.
He is welcome to his opinions, but Kaepernick’s rambling, half-baked political commentary can wait until Monday morning.
Clearly he should be more focused on football instead.
Jay Glazer said Colin Kaepernick faces an "uphill battle" to last on #49ers roster. "May not even be on it in the next 2 weeks."
— Evan Silva (@evansilva) August 28, 2016
— Stephen Dietrich is the Managing Editor of The Horn News
frank cutler says
He will take US dollars without a complait
Sam Nigro says
RACISM TODAY—White Privilege and BlackLivesMatter
BY Samuel A. Nigro, MD, copyright c 2015
(Preface: The failure to confront prominent Muslims with African ancestry is totally discrediting. There are no “African” descendant groups in the Islamic Middle East where more slaves were imported for more years than in the Americas where there are over 35 million African descendants of slaves in the U.S. alone and many millions more in the rest of the Americas. The 450,000 Africans brought to the Americas have descendants. In contrast, Islam worked all their slaves to death and prevented reproduction. Where are the 35 million + African descendants of over 14 million slaves taken to the Islamic Middle East over 12 centuries? There was no civil war over slavery in Islamic countries or anywhere else. In the American Civil War, over 620,000 whites died in combat and over 475,000 whites died of wounds, and at least 300,000 white soldiers died of diseases–over 1.5 million whites, overwhelmingly Christians, served to bring world slavery to an end, numbers far exceeding the numbers of the original slaves brought here. For every African slave brought to the Americas, more than three (3) whites of the North were killed, wounded or died supporting the war, to end slavery by the Civil War. The South had almost as many whites dead and wounded and their entire social structure, plantation economy, and cities were destroyed–quite a payback, and nothing comparable ever occurred in the worse enslaving Islamic Middle East. Regardless, any group not protesting Islam’s murderous slavery, which still goes on sub rosa, more than Western slavery is a fraud. Any African descendant joining Islam is a traitor to humanity and their race, and to the millions of aborted would-be descendants deprived of life by Islam.)
“Instead of calling Caucasians “privileged whites” (like they did not have to work hard and struggle too as if life was always easy), more friends will be made by thanking Caucasians for their past help, their successes and successful ancestors–beginning with the one and a half million North Caucasians who died in combat or in military related deaths and their fifteen million Caucasian supporters of the North, all of whom defeated the slavers of the South in the Civil War. Freedom was not free. Also, instead of parading BLACKLIVESFAILURES, more friends will be made by remembering the thirty million Negroes today who ARE successes having descended from the four million slaves freed by the Caucasians of North America! Maybe more people will want to help positive fully human Negroes or African-Americans than angry, intimidating, exploiting, victimhood cry-baby pigment/melanin obsessed blacks.”
WHITE PRIVILEGE (white affirmative action) AND BLACKLIVESMATTER (black privilege–which IS wanting to do with “black” what white slavers did with “white”)–
entitling the police to do the same…
COLOR POWER-MAD IDIOTS, just like slavers of old
proving the law and all in it are jokes when anarchy reigns
to those in subcultures paralyzed by self-enslaving victimhood.
Most African Americans (depersonalized as “Blacks”) know they are better off in the United States, if they LIVE America’s Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness by education, family integrity and self development. Millions of successful virtue-filled African Americans did not play the poor-me, victimhood, runaway angry slave crybaby routine because it is just self-paralysis, self-patronizing, self-stagnation into virtueless classless loud noise automatically identifiable as willful ignorance and inferiority, insulting to their slave ancestors. As US Representative Louis Stokes would repeatedly say: I have been and lived everywhere else long enough to know there is no place better to be than in the United States–Stop whining. Stop blaming others. Stop blaming slavery which, thank God, got us here. Make the most of it! Get an education. Build your family. Work works! Build yourself and your family! Go to school and learn something. You cannot stand tall without hard work for your family. Millions have done so. Bring honor and thanks to your ancestors by virtue instead of begging. And, without Loving Truth, nothing works well for long. Acting out your perceived abuse as if entitled will not work and is deservedly self-destructive. Adoring melanin is stupid ineffective manipulating idolatry. Go for VIRTUE! Be better than they are; not “the same or worse.”
VIRTUE MATTERS….color is what white slavers used…
PERPETRATORS WOULD HAVE GOT–that should be the law.
Samuel A. Nigro, MD copyright c 2016
Rosech says
Well written and clear, Dr. Nigro. Until Obama our country was great but with his puppeteers, especially the over rich hate-filled Soros many are seeking to bring this country down to their supposed African (not all are Africans in any case, think Oprah) antecedents still deserve America to be punished when it has given these descendants opportunities the same as available to anyone of any color or status in America. I know discrimination but my parents were poor and enforced getting an education and moving up, and my siblings and I have done. If you feel discriminated against or hate the America way of the greatest Constitutional Republic and Bill of Rights in the world, you are STILL FREE TO PACK UP AND LEAVE. Why not try Mexico, or Venezuela, or go back to Africa and live in those countries. NOTE: WE REAL AMERICANS ARE SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR BEING BOUGHT AND PAID TO DISCRIMINATE HERE and you are asking for a serious backwash SOON! Fire this idiot who is brainless while he over earns big bucks that he had no chance of earning before this. He is requested to leave and we keep his passport because he is not worthy, along with BLM, to even be here! Dr. Nigro’s post should be spread everywhere on blogs!
Elizabeth Davis says
You are so right To begin with they should not be called African Americans. They should be called Americans just like the rest of us. Should I be called Irish American because my ancestors were brought here as slaves? I am not wealthy and neither are they. If they want to know what really is slavery let them go to African countries work the mines and earn nothing for their work. There is still opportunity in this country to better yourself but I am wondering how much longer. You have to apply yourself to get ahead in this old world, not sit around and take hand outs . Start with getting an education, clean up the drug houses in your community.Stop having children you can not take care off (there is birth control). Find something to do if is not anything more than cleaning up your neighborhood. Do something beside riot.
david corbett says
how about plain hate filled bigoted niggars
Gladys Clinton says
In this country all Americans should be called AMERICANS only, who are born here period.
Irvan Johnson says
You have hit the nail squarely on the head……GOOD FOR YOU!
JOHN says
Nancy says
I agree. I’m Irish-American, and French-American, but my forebears were poor and got here by the seat of their pants. They worked in the coal mines of Pennsylvania and the copper mines of upper Michigan — and began as children of 6 on one side of the family, 9 on the other. They raised large families and everybody worked, generation after generation, including me, and eventually became middle class Americans. Africans should drop the hyphen and join their fellow Americans.
Charle says
First of All there is no such race as African-American . My race designation on any legal document is caucasian or white . A black persons race designation on any legal document is Negro or black . African-American is a feel good term made up in the late eighties to pacify the black population in the US . Just remember the Alinsky tactic , tell a lie often enough and soon it will become the truth .
Silent Hammer says
Thank you, Lyndon B. Johnson, “Civil Rights Hero” of the United States, for perpetuating the slavery of Blacks in America by making it more profitable for them to lay-around, have fatherless children, slap hands for Al Sharpton and get “gifts” by burning down their own neighborhood……….and blaming Whites. Thanks a lot, Democrats who once were and now ARE the most flagrant practitioners of RACISM and SLAVERY in the United States, buying votes from the Blacks guilty of self-destruction, and labeling Blacks who raise responsible children who actually CONTRIBUTE to their society “Uncle Tom”. Tell ,e, Kaepernick, are/were your WHITE parents Racists?
chuck garrison says
Tell Kaeperrnick to take his millions and give it to the oppressed. They will take it and then laugh in his face and call him sucker!
Charle says
Pre LBJ ,” We will have those N Words voting democrat for the next two hundred years “
joe says
Bravo Dr. Nigro,
You are right on. How do we get these facts out into the mainstream?
JOHN says
Get them forwarded to Trump and he will make them known
Bonnie E says
Awesome and thank you so much… it’s about damn time someone said the truth but you know that not enough people will see it this way nor do they even know because our schools are not teaching our children the correct history or the truth. As for the NFL they are not more than a bunch of thugs and spoiled brats with very few exceptions.. STOP WATCHING THE GAMES, STOP BUYING THE GEAR AND STOP EVEN TALKING ABOUT THE NFL –START HURTING THEM IN THE POCKETS AND THEN THEY WILL SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!! I use to be a huge football fan until they let Michael Vick back in the game and that is when I said the NFL sucks and they are nothing more than a bunch of thugs.
Susan Ifland says
I agree!! He would not make millions any place but America. If he doesn’t like it here pack his bags and don’t let the door hit him in the ass.
GS Smith says
This Guy makes 114 millions (6-years) as a “JV”!!
paulette says
This isnt just about cops killing blacks they are killing whites to for no reason,why does a cop feel the need to kill a deaf guy trying to sign to him,the killing is out of controll and paid vacations when they do and then nothing more is done,i agree with this guy
Joan Skee says
Boycott the 49ners games till he’s gone let him take his millions an help some of these poor people
Mary Mazzeo says
He should be Fired , He got too Big For His Shoes , you disrespect our Flag , You disrespect ALL of Our Military who are and did Fight For That Flag so that You ,, You Ignorant Person Can make the Make Big Bucks , while The Men And Women in the Service of Our Country Cover Your Ass,,,Throw Him OUT ,,, !!!!
denny parks says
I agree with you 100% !! if he wants to do something,tell him not to accept his paycheck,it comes in American dollars !!
paulette says
No he should not be fired,i totally understand wheres hes coming from and you not understanding tells me your part of the problem,theres way to much killing going on by cops where people are unarmed and didnt deserve death but maybe you agree with the recent death sentence served to a deaf man for trying to sign to a trigger happy cop,your making a big fuss because he didnt stand for our flag,why dont you make a big fuss over the ones that are burning it and stomping on it,hes making a stand and i agree with him,oh and btw im white
Dawg# says
I have read your statement and it makes no sense to me. What does anything you have said have to do with the American Flag? Are you saying just because a person dies, we ought to throw 238 years of BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS down the drain? A lot of people have suffered for you lady, so you had better get a grip and lighten up on my Flag! If you or that crap-head football player don’t have any respect for our Nations Flag then I think I have enough money saved to send you both to any Country that you think is better………….. Just don’t walk sideways through the turnstiles.
Dawg# says
Sorry, that should be 240 years.
Dawg# says
Mary Mazzeo:
Thank you so very much for your sentiments concerning our Nations Flag, and it is a blessing to me as a disabled Veteran to see such Patriotism. Notwithstanding, I must clairify your statement somewhat, for you see the Flag does not represent the Military, or Government, or Veteran but rather We The People. When the Military is called into action, they fly the Flag as a constant reminder that they are fighting and protecting the American People and our allies against all enemies foreign and domestic.
WHEN I LOOK AT THE FLAG (a soldiers perspective)
When I look at the flag I see the red stripes which reminds me of the tremendous amount of blood which has been shed to keep her flying high and free. I also see the blue stripes that speaks of honor, loyalty and dignity for which we serve. The white stripes reminds me of the purity of heart and mind that can only come from a just God, and teaches us that whatever we do should be done with in love for our fellowman. I see the stars of course and it is in those where my allegence lies, but there is more to see for woven within the strands is the history of every American man, woman, and child that has ever drawn a breath of her fresh air. When I look at the Flag, I can see the faces of every person who has blessed me with a smile, or offered a kind word. Oh yes, the Flag is more than a symbol, it is me and you and all our ansestors. That is why we should be offended when it is trampled on or burned with disrespect. Also, the Flag should never touch the ground because that is a sign of defeat and a very disrespectful thing to do and is a slap in the face to every soldier whether he be wounded, dead, or alive.
F16Vet says
Dawg, I LOVE your statement about our flag! As a 29 1/2 year veteran I would like to repost this on Facebook if you don’t mind. Clearly, one of the best descriptions of what our flag AND our country stands for.
Buzz says
bruce says
If he cares so much why doesn’t he give at least half of his 114 million to Black fellowship organizations.
Howard says
Another overpaid jack-ass shooting his mouth off.
joe says
Everybody that is upset with kaepernick should contact the 49ers, NFL and 49er sponsors that you will boycott all 49ers games and will boycott all sponsors that are associated with the 49ers until he is cut from the team.
paulette says
I totally agree with this guy and it needs to stop,why does a cop get a paid vacation for killing a deaf man for trying to sign to the cop,its out of controll and if somethings not done we are all in for a anyday death senerio
craigmoon says
How many “deaf” men,”signing” to the cops,have you known to be killed?So are you saying the cops go out looking for “deaf,signing” men to kill?I do not know the circumstances surrounding this obviously isolated incident but I DO KNOW it is NOT something that happens on a consistent basis,thus I would have to conclude,you are way off…As far as the police shootings go,I have an almost foolproof method to prevent the police from killing anyone who may be black,white,yellow,purple or green..DO NOT INVOLVE YOURSELF IN CRIMINAL CONDUCT OR ACTIVITY….If that is just not possible and you are approached by Law Enforcement,COMPLY WITH THEIR EVERY COMMAND…
Terry Wilson says
Because he resisted arrest.
Main Street says
Another child like grown up being played millions to play a child’s game.
Gary says
Another piece of trash. Never served his country, but wants to trash it. Another wimpy spoiled little boy. Probably transgender.
Joy says
Send his spoiled rotten ass on his way. He has no problem taking from this country. He hasn’t earned the right to be here. Send him to the Middle East It’s more suitable for his likes. He needs to stop using blacks as a way to disrespect our country. Ungrateful disrespectful moron.
Rick says
JOHN says
Send him without his money. Freeze it and use it to help the black community that he cares about
Wendy says
He should be fired yesterday. Or fine some of his millions to inner cities charter schools.
Leallen Crabb says
He works for a football team franchise as a paid quarterback not as a political pundit. I would think bringing this kind of behavior and heat to the team would get him fined and fired. Maybe he can get a contract on cnn as a political pundit. But I doubt that.
Gladys Clinton says
I do not
Ed Munson says
I am sick and tired of these spoiled ass brats who have given nothing to this Country…..they only enjoy the spoils of success……….and he is not worth a crap…… more ways than one. I, and thousands of other veterans towed the line so his ilk could have that freedom of expression. And there are people who are lauding his actions. They all need a dose of responsibility and commitment. They have never had to engage anyone…… the real sense of the word. Why am I not surprised that he would play for San Francisco? Could it be that he reflects the attitude of that City……and State?
F Mayo says
Right on!!! Get rid of his ass which is the only part of his anatomy he knows how to use.
Terry Wilson says
True .Where is the Com. Goodel aT ON THIS .. CUT HIM
Gladys Clinton says
You r soooooooo prejudiced. You r the ones we should be afraid of. The football player has freedom of speech and I m with him 100 percent and I am white. I love President Lincoln.
CW says
Al Wood Sr. says
Maybe for a few it might be racial, but for most, this is about honoring those who fought for this guys right to speak freely, but not to disrespect the flag and the American way. Like many have already stated he need not cash his American dollars check rather he should unselfishly donate all ACCORDING TO him to (his people) even though we consider all people of all color that were born in America, AMERICANS (I BELIEVE THAT IS THE RIGHT TERM) Enough on that. Like someone suggested we will boycott the games and “gladys” you can have the whole game to yourself. You and the (it is hard for me as a veteran) to hold back so I will just call this person who thinks he is a 1/4 back and you can enjoy your freedom as AMERICANS and we will wait until we can see two AMERICAN dedicated teams with 2 AMERICAN dedicated quarterbacks play what they are paid to play football, not POLITICS……………………..
You see WE THE PEOPLE have the same priviledges and right as you two ………..have..! ! ! !
William Pinamonti says
I agree with C.W. mORON!!✔️
Billy Rose says
As a former Marine who fought for our right to speak freely, I agree with you Gladys, that he has the right to voice (or demonstrate in this case) his opinion. However, I think the rest of America who think he is an ass should do as Joe says and boycott everything he is associated with until he gets his comeuppance.
Terry Wilson says
There is a code of behavior when your in the NFL He has no right to demonstrate at and NFL game ..
Dawg# says
Gladys, It is because of the Flag that the brainless idiot has those rights! The Most Aggravated Form Of Tyranny Comes From The Most Extreme Liberty! (Plato) While the Libtards are exercising their “Rights” they infringe upon MY RIGHTS! NOBODY has the RIGHT to disrespect and dishonor our Flag. It is not just a symbol, it represents the freedom of EVERY American Citizen.
Charles says
Im sure blacks who fought for our country and the ones who lost their lives would stand when our National Anthem is played why not this clown you are not to bright are you just another libtard .
Dan says
A spoiled lucky guy who thinks he’s bigger than life. Well guess what, one blindsided hit can end his career and he’ll be just another football spectator like the rest of us. I think he ought to count his blessings.
Gladys Clinton says
How awlful
JOHN says
They should put him into the games without protection and let him see what it would be like to live in a world without someone else out they protecting you so you can enjoy what you have. Then at the end of the game fire him.
Watcher says
49er Fans should boycott their Games until Kaepernick is long gone from the scene and memory. He is an overpaid and erratic benchwarmer, who for some unpublished reason failed to live up to his potential. He is certainly not doing the 49er’s Organization any good at all with his continued presence. He can try another career in ‘Iran.’
DAVE says
That sounds good to me, send his ass packing.
Gary says
Right on,he is cry baby bench warming punk,with no CLASS or regard for his country or people..
Billy Rose says
Personally, I always thought he looked more Iranian than black. He should fit right in there and not just because he looks the part but because he seems to height America. As previously stated he should leave his money here with those he is supposedly protesting for.
Sharon says
I don’t get it. He has been raised/adopted by a white family, because his ‘people of color’ dropped the ball. He’s been educated and privileged. But disrepects the Country who gave everything for him, to have these privileges? What’s wrong with this picture?
Gaffer says
The guy’s a mental whack job. Let’s hope he sees the light one day.
Sharon Guthrie says
Obama does the same thing. Black father deserted him, was raised mostly by white grandparents, was privledged his whole life, and all his does is rant his racist mouth, and stirs up racial violence instead of working to better the lives of all Americans, white, black brown or yellow. How utterly disrespecting to all military and law enforcement.
Sharon Guthrie says
moderation for what? the truth?????
Richard says
Has been so he thinks doing that crape will get him in the lime light it did but for all the wrong reason what a mother nut case
Henry Spath says
Another over paid self serving pathetic excuse for a citizen.. Maybe next Sunday a 250 lb lineman will ring his bell and wake him up.. One can only hope… He does play football in the right state.. He and their fruit loop governor have a lot in common.
Don Bower says
He is just trying to get his last attention, before he is cut from a Pro team, it only took a couple of years for people to realize he was a fluke as a pro player and now a fluke as a US citizen…Who is he kidding, his parents are not of the same race, he is rich and wants to draw attention to himself…where was he when black folks needed him, where was he when hispanic folks needed him…he certainly had the wealth to step up…No this is all about me! Also, I didn’t hear him complaining when he attended Nevada and was treated like royalty???? Try Iran or Iraq maybe the guys over there fighting for his sorry hind end don’t care about our flag! Have a great day!
Trenton Spears says
Maybe Colin Kaepernik should retire from football and become another Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson. If his version of oppression of minorities under the American Flag is more important than football make the case that he should retire from his millions of dollars a year salary that is paid by all football fans not just minorities. I would gladly attend his retirement party.Trenton Spears
Victoria Barrett says
When he enters the field for his season bow the fans should stand up and turn their back on him. Perhaps he should go to an African country and see what being a black football player does for him there.
Cathy says
These guys need to quit complaining and come up with a solution! If he is so unhappy making $114 million dollars in the United States of America, he should go to another country and see what type of income he can make. I say, remove him from any public football roster and cancel his huge contract…or if he stays on SF team, boycott the games until the NFL removes this spoiled brat from the extraordinary life he has been given.
Elizabeth Davis says
Goldie Welch says
Boycott all of SF games, do not watch them on TV either. Dive there ratings down until they get rid of him.
John G . says
Having closely followed Colin’s college career at UNR we never saw this side of him and are totally taken aback by his actions and lack of respect for our flag and what it stands for; hopefully he’ll get some playing time and a linebacker will show him what respect is all about.
Peh says
What a ungrateful disrespectful individual this ball player is. He should be ashamed of himself. He probably makes Millions of $$$$$$$$$ every year and he has no gratitude for that. Too bad he was not raised with respect for the USA. Perhaps he
will leave the USA with all the other Left Wingers who are saying they will leave if Trump is elected. None of them will be missed.
Dianne says
Did anyone mention that this ball player converted to Islam? Did anyone mention that his parents are white? There are pictures around with him hugging his “oppressive white parents.” No one except the The Conservative Treehouse has reported this as far as I can tell.
Maria says
He’s a disgrace to our country. He thinks of his race before his country ( who is paying him millions). Look who is killing our neighbors, his own race.
outlawliberalism says
Looks like a filthy muslim to me. If you hate America, move to a better country. Is there even one country in the world being led by a black or muslim that is doing great? I can’t think of one, including the U.S.
Sharon Guthrie says
You nailed it.
Christine says
The young man has grown up in America where for the last decades the children have been taught Cultural Marxism in public school. Further if one does not research the police shootings of allegedly unarmed black thugs, one quite likely believes what the mainstream feeds the public. White police bad – poor black criminals are just victims of racism. Facts are purposely distorted by all of the major media outlets.
JOHN says
The news media sucks with giving out proper news and this includes political which is the worst news media can do
Tweeter says
America, don’t watch his ball game. He is ungrateful ignorant trash, worships his money as if it will never end. But America, by cot his games, and flush him to the drainage system. UNGRATEFUL!!
gm says
francine wendelboe says
spectators who go to 49’ers games should boo him every time he comes on the field. People should continue posting face tube videos burning his jersey (probably not many since I understand he is all that good of a player for people to have wanted his jersey) Boycott any company he has endorsements with, write them letters, write the NFL, don’t buy tickets to 49 home games…..DON’T WATCH TELEVISED GAMES WITH THE 49’ERS IN THEM.
I care less if he became a Muslim, but he is showing extremist attitudes and he should be treated with the utmost suspicion. I hope the 49’ers can his sorry ass and then he can go to Syria or Iran and play for their football team. HAHA
I feel sorry for his poor parents.
Carl says
Kaepernik is now and forever “damaged goods”.
Martin says
Kaepernick forgot that it was a Black policemen that shot a Black thug that pulled a gun on him after he was told to stop and drop the gun. Also he has forgotten it is the police that he says he protesting against their brutality that keeps him safe while he is going and leaving the stadiums. Kaepernick needs to go.
James Bullock says
What a disgrace when someone is able to obtain the dream of many young men in this country regardless of race or color and then bash this great United States that made it possible for him. His disrespect for our National Anthem for what he says is oppression of people of color??????? Look at his paycheck. How oppressed is he? 49’s would be smart to drop this loser like a hot rock.
jerry canning says
if he wantsto sit down….let him…let him do it at home after he is let go.
ROBERT Lujan says
San Francisco should get rid of him, asp. This guy is what is wrong with some people that have not served our country and have been handed everything. No respect at all for the men and women that have put their lives on the line.
Ron Paynter says
Until this piece of trash is sent on his way,we all should boycott every 49er game
ch says
What a hyprocritical overpaid ass. He was raised by a white family when his black family threw him away. He obviously was given every opportunity and now makes 19 million a year to warm a bench for the 49er’s. But yet he bashes this country, bet you have made your parents proud. Anyone who resists arrest, green/pink/black,brown/white runs the chance of being shot by police. If you were in their shoes at that time, I can bet you would shoot also to protect yourself.
How about talking about all the blacks killing each other, oh that is NOT news, that is just the way the black race operates. How sad is that. If you really cared Colin, you would spend some of your millions by going to those cities and helping out your fellow blacks, but as usual, it is easier to blame someone else
Steve Primak says
August 28, 2016
Levi’s Stadium
4900 Marie P. DeBartolo Way
Santa Clara, California 95054
cc: National Football League
345 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10154
To the 49’s Management:
I believe that everyone in this country has a right to practice whatever religion one chooses and should be free in their pursuit of happiness. But just like you can not shout FIRE in a crowded theater, (although Kaepernick’s actions were not a criminal act), it is equally irresponsible as the 49’s field general and the face of one of the NFL’s premiere teams, to allow personal conduct that reflects so poorly on the sport and the youth of America.
After all, when Mr. Kaepernick is on the field, he is no longer acting in his individual capacity, but rather as an employee and/or agent of the NFL and the San Francisco 49’s. What a disgrace and affront to the NFL, 49 fans, and football – America’s favorite sport and his team.
If Mr. Kaepernick wants to use his station in life as a platform for hate, racism and anti-American sentiment, then the NFL and the SF 49’s should tell him that if he wants to sit down during the national anthem, (such a display of disrespect), then the NFL and/or the 49’s should bench him !!!! After all, who’s the boss . . . the employee?
Kaepernick should be free to throw a football for ISIS or Al-Qaeda . . . but he should not be free to disseminate his anti-American rhetoric while using the NFL as a public stage. You would not allow him to wear a headband promoting (a cigarette or liquor product), then why in the world would you tolerate his anti-American behavior as an employee.
In closing, the First Amendment is designed to protect an individual’s right to freedom of speech and as such, an individual can be a corporate entity, e.g. the NFL. Unless you have authorized Mr. Kaepernick, as a representative of the NFL and/or the 49’s to behave, as an employee, in such an anti-American fashion, then why in the world would you tolerate this behavior from any player. Be careful what precedent you set by your inaction. We the NFL viewing public, your consumers are deeply offended. PLEASE FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY . . .
Should you have any questions and/or comments regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your time, consideration and anticipated cooperation in this matter.
Respectfully Submitted,
(702) 856 – 6614 Direct
E-mail: [email protected]
Simone says
Roger says
I would say I hope someone knocks him out of a game this season but then I remembered that his sorry butt is a bench warmer! The 49’ers need to do the right thing and cut him from the team before the season starts! Let him donate all his time and money to the oppressed without having to worry with playing football!
Chucky says
If SF continues to keep this bench warmer, I will not watch their games! Maybe someone should plant a Canadian flag in his yard with a sign saying (maybe they’ll take you on CFL football league). He’s obviously not happy or appreciative in the U.S. Don’t let the door…….!!
Jerry says
Simple to me! the 49er Organization should send his ASS packing, ABSOLUTELY! Fans, who are patriotic, should BOOO him if and whenever he enters a game. His endorsements should, WITHOUT HESITATION, send him packing as well. Forget about how good he may be as a quarterback for a successful organization! It’s a scary thought but there are many other players in the NFL (or any pro game) that could follow his lead and totally ruin the game. KISS YOU ASS GOODBYE KAEPERNICK, YOU’VE LOST MY RESPECT AS A PRO ATHLETE AND AS A PERSON!
JOHN says
If the 49 ers don’t get rid of him and when they put him on the field the fans should make so much noise so they cannot hear the count to hike the ball and this will make the team look like it should. SHIT
richard churchill says
this man, if you call him that, is a disgrace.
Pastor Dick
Burna J. Hoover says
He needs to find another country. We don’t want or need him. Turn in your passport and leave and take along with you all those who protest and carry foreign flags on American soil. Enough is enough! If you don’t like this country we are not holding you here go go go. On second thought you should be strongly encouraged to leave.
Ron says
Disappointed that the guy would buy into the false “black lives” narrative, particularly since his adoptive parents seem to be good and decent people. I would’ve expected more from him. If you’re going to stand for something, at least know the facts and get it right. I also heard that he’s dating a girl who has middle-eastern roots (she may be Muslim) and is a member of the drive-by media………………so, her influence may be playing some part it Kaepernick’s newfound disrespect for the country that gave him everything he has.
Wally says
Why doesn’t the press ask him the real reason he is disrespecting the flag?
He is a Muslim that doesn’t believe in our flag, or our constitution. Muslims are required to lie to non believers, USA, to gain their objectives.
Jeanette Dunn says
This football player deserves to be fired and be excommunicated to any game of entertainment in USA! The brainless man did not remember how our forefathers fought for our flag and all the well-deserving military men who give their lives!! He is a traitor!!!! Perhaps he is another man that is working for the ISIS and should be removed from this country. He deserves nothing and all his USA money should be donated to clean up the ISIS!
Jeanette Dunn Aragon says
I did not understand the moderation..
FRED says
I want to see that little pussy pull that crap in North Korea and see what would happen to him , spoiled little brat that he is !!!!!!
Gary Petrella says
He is a friggin idiot. Hopefully, the 49’rs will give him the broom. More hopefully, no other team will pick him up. But should some desperate team do so, another hope is he will suffer some bone crushing hits from the many respectable NFL players who are smart enough to not infuse ignorant political narratives onto the political stage. Our great country has had enough of these privileged jerks.
Wally says
At least this NBA star Muslim has told the truth about this beliefs, Colin lies about his:
“My beliefs are more important than anything,” Abdul-Rauf said. “If I have to give up basketball, I will.”
Calling the American flag “a symbol of oppression, of tyranny,” Abdul-Rauf said: “This country has a long history of that. I don’t think you can argue the facts. You can’t be for God and for oppression. It’s clear in the Koran, Islam is the only way. I don’t criticize those who stand, so don’t criticize me for sitting. I won’t waver from my decision
Dee says
I wonder if mr NBA has read the Koran. If he has he does not understand it. Islam does not tolerate what is called oppression. They simply cut off your head or any other horrible things if you don’t agree with them. If a sports person can’t stand for the anthem etc. they must fear what will happen to them as Muslims. Sad. My God teaches love not fear. So if these well paid performers feel their religion more important then get a job in a country of that religion.
Jim says
Amen,Stephen.You hit the nail on the on the head. If he doesn’t like it here he free to leave and I’ll help him pack.
90 % of crimes against blacks are black on black crimes. Black Lives Matter shiould start cleaning their own house and stop blaming law enforcement for their peoples problems
Dr. Curt says
Apparently, Colin is unaware of the many brave people who gave their lives for this country thus making it possible for him
realize his American dream. Rather than demonstrating against our country, he should spend his energy and time trying to
improve it.
paul sturgeon says
dear black people you have never said a thing about the 4hundered an fifty thousand white people who died
for your freedom . sad times in amercan war history, i will never forget, but it seams you have.
Simone says
Know your history, Black people have sacrificed their lives in each conflict the USA has been involved in, even though second class citizenship was given to Black soldiers when they returned home.
Robert Bennett says
Let his sorry ass go. If he want’s to live in THE UNITED STATE’S he should damn well serve OUR COUNTY and show the proper RESPECT, if not send him to a COUNTY that will allow him to enter so he can practice his PIGISMS.
Donna L says
Shameful! At one time, early into his career, I was on board with this young and rising star, even though I’m a Denver Bronco die hard fan, it was expected and good to see the new “kids on the block” beginning to take the reins of our beloved and well revered veteran QB’s. Annnd now this extremely disappointing act of disgrace towards the USA and our anthem?? As a daughter, mother and wife of veterans of conflicts and wars, WWII, Korean conflict, Vietnam, Desert Storm, young Colin has lost all my best wishes & respect. Thank a vet for your freedom young man!
Politically incorrect says
This is all to funny to me and for the following reasons.
1.Are these people even sure they are descendants of Africa? There were just as many slaves brought here from the Islands not just Africa so maybe they should check their DNA to see where they really are descendants are from.
2. It is okay to sit out the national anthem and be told by the NFL that no one is forced to stand for the anthem, but The NFL tells the Dallas Cowboys they can not wear insignias to honor the police officers that were gunned down.
3. If Kappy was not abandoned by his real parents he would not have been blessed with the life choices he did get.
4. This is a prime example why being politically correct has screwed up this country with people picking what is suppose to be right or not right.
Why aren’t the Muslims in this country not protesting ISIS, Why is Black Lives Matter (BLM) not hammering the black thugs that are killing other blacks (mostly thugs themselves but some innocent blacks also) you don’t here of any protesting about those and where was BLM when the flood victims are in need of help in an area that is predominantly black and low income areas.
BLM are getting millions donated to their organization but they are only complaining when a cop shoots a black thug.
All this mayhem in this country is caused because to many people want to be politically correct… Well how is that working for this country?
Ken says
He will rightfully now loose a ton of followers… Just a POS.
Bill says
What’s so sad about all of the comments above, you really do believe that you are PRIVILEDGED! You think that AMERICA is only for you and what your wicked and demon ideas entail. To many of African Americans President Obama is just as WHITE as you! After all more has been done to provide for Western Culture than for those he says is of his ancestry. So you are actually speaking about yourself and what’s inside of you. We know this. You are alright with wicked and evil law enforcement MURDERING innocent folk of color. You applaud the homicidal mentality of injustice for folk of color. Could it be because you felt you were in charge of America all these years and now that you are surely migrating to the minority, you can’t handle it. We have been there for centuries. You don’t even have a clue what a man endures until you walk in his shoes. You struggling because you see it coming. It’s in your guilt ridden mind. Nobody want to hurt you. Nobody want to see revenge upon you. It’s your GUILT and your fear of an anticipated situation that is never going to happen. The other sad aspect of this is I will be willing to wager, don’t do it, that many of you are Christians who is suppose to love your BROTHER and SISTER? And if not CHRISTIANS, then…………………………………We understand whole heartedly.
CW says
Another deranged moron. Simple minded beyond all conceivable comprehension. Please do not breed anymore, your kind is dumbing down this country.
Corsica says
Oppressed people? Who are they? Can’t be the blacks. I see blacks walk around everywhere with their noses up in the air all cocky and smug and nothing seems to stop or “oppress” them. If he’s talking about the few blacks that were killed by police for no reason or for moves mistaken as hostile, they’re way overshadowed by all the thugs that grabbed for cops’ guns and killed them since the 60’s. So tired of these light-skinned, half-white mulattos fancying themselves as black freedom fighters. The truly oppressed are the non-blacks of this country that are subjected to black criminality, lawlessness and savagery on a daily basis.
JOHN says
I go to the supermarket and the blacks are dressed better then the whites with nicer jewelry. They go out into a nice car and what they buy is items I cannot afford as a working man. Then they pull out the food stamps which prohibits them from buying junk food but the store takes them so they don’t loose the sale. This is not right.
jack says
Next time he gets in trouble, the police should not answer his cry for help, or is that what he is advocating; civil war rather than try and change why the Blacks are being picked on (hint, lots of years under Democratic rule). Easy answer is; jump on the violent band wagon but this does not inspire any black youth in the better direction to avoid violence. And not standing for the playing of the National Anthem says a lot about what he is not, and, really has no direct connection to police brutality; which I imagine there is, but bad apples are in every basket, and, it is our responsibility to remove them, but not kill them or others in any such process—-on this point he is wrong, and no better than those who advocate violence—whether local, state or national leaders.
Jemb says
This KID has no respect for all his parents and friends have done for him growing up. I’m sure they’re as ashamed of his behavior as his teamates, fans, friends and etc. He needs a WAKE UP call. When fans are burning his #7 team shirt, there’s a real problem. I understand the 49’ers tried to get rid of him with no takers. The 49’ers need to either leave him in the locker room or force him to meet with some of our veterans who can let him know just what the Pledge of Alliegance really means. If his behavior continues into the Season games he will become a real liability for the 49’ers. Next, they won’t play him (leave him on the bench), his teamates will have no respect for him, they will start losing the Season games that really count, and sooner or later the 49’ers will cut him = the END of his FOOTBALL CAREER.
jack says
Another way to look at it, as my buddy says, rather than use his position in football to inspire and influence youth in a positive way, he now choices to be negative and call on the age old argument of police brutality and violence. He should be working with youth, his community and police to promote a positive solution to the problem—-we have enough violence, why would one promote more????!!!! A lot of young people are out there crying for good, positive leadership; not someone screaming police brutality.
Jim says
What a jerk. So many times, common people who arrive at financial independence based on their physical prowess, or some other some other non-technical capability, become so self impressed that they unilaterally declare themselves, by their actions,
to have become pundits worthy of the
public’s ear. By virtue of their newfound wealth, they feel they can
discuss, intelligently, any subject correctly and coherently. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only reason he has a voice on the national scene is due to gifts God has given him, not for anything he has done intellectually or through higher education. My father always said that the best thing about stupid people is that the idiots think they’re smart. They have a tendency to make their underlying stupidity widely known, as is the case here.
As a combat veteran, you know exactly what I think of this ungrateful
piece of crap. Rest assured he’ll be off the national stage more quickly than he realizes. His ego is clearly unjustified, and out of control.
Of course I’m an idiot for having responded to someone who deserves only
to be ignored
NAN says
Lee says
I can’t believe the ignorance and/or blindness of the comments on this article (actually, I can because Americans have become government zombies).
The zombies have missed the latest news about all the ways in which the government continues to erode our freedoms, undermine our sovereignty, abuse our trust, invade our homes, invade our privacy, destroy our property, hijack our bank accounts, and generally render itself above the law.
This is all par for the course from a militaristic government that is armed to the teeth, wages war against its own people, imprisons its citizens for profit, marches in lockstep with the corporate elite, and treats human beings as little more than cattle to be branded, bought, sold and butchered.
Free speech zones, bubble zones, trespass zones, anti-bullying legislation, zero tolerance policies, hate crime laws and a host of other legalistic maladies dreamed up by politicians and prosecutors have conspired to corrode our core freedoms.
Despite the revelations of the past several years, nothing has changed to push back against the American police state. Our freedoms—especially the Fourth Amendment—continue to be choked out by a prevailing view among government bureaucrats that they have the right to search, seize, strip, scan, spy on, probe, pat down, taser, and arrest any individual at any time and for the slightest provocation.
Despite the recent outrage and protests, nothing has changed to restore us to our rightful role as having dominion over our bodies, our lives and our property, especially when it comes to interactions with the government.
Forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, forced inclusion in biometric databases—these are just a few ways in which Americans continue to be reminded that we have no control over what happens to our bodies during an encounter with government officials.
On a daily basis, Americans are being forced to relinquish the most intimate details of who we are—our biological makeup, our genetic blueprints, and our biometrics (facial characteristics and structure, fingerprints, iris scans, etc.)—in order to clear the nearly insurmountable hurdle that increasingly defines life in the United States.
With every court ruling that allows the government to operate above the rule of law, every piece of legislation that limits our freedoms, and every act of government wrongdoing that goes unpunished, we’re slowly being conditioned to a society in which we have little real control over our lives.
Indeed, not only are we developing a new citizenry incapable of thinking for themselves, we’re also instilling in them a complete and utter reliance on the government and its corporate partners to do everything for them—tell them what to eat, what to wear, how to think, what to believe, how long to sleep, who to vote for, whom to associate with, and on and on.
In this way, we have created a welfare state, a nanny state, a police state, a surveillance state, an electronic concentration camp—call it what you will, the meaning is the same: in our quest for less personal responsibility, a greater sense of security, and no burdensome obligations to each other or to future generations, we have created a society in which we have no true freedom.
Government surveillance, police abuse, SWAT team raids, economic instability, asset forfeiture schemes, pork barrel legislation, militarized police, drones, endless wars, private prisons, involuntary detentions, biometrics databases, free speech zones, etc.: these are mile markers on the road to a fascist state where citizens are treated like cattle, to be branded and eventually led to the slaughterhouse.
We’re operating in a new paradigm where the citizenry are presumed guilty and treated as suspects, our movements tracked, our communications monitored, our property seized and searched, our bodily integrity disregarded, and our inalienable rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” rendered insignificant when measured against the government’s priorities.
Every American is now in jeopardy of being targeted and punished for a crime he did not commit thanks to an overabundance of arcane laws. Making matters worse, by allowing government agents to operate above the law, immune from wrongdoing, we have created a situation in which the law is one-sided and top-down, used as a hammer to oppress the populace, while useless in protecting us against government abuse.
America no longer operates under a system of justice characterized by due process, an assumption of innocence, probable cause, and clear prohibitions on government overreach and police abuse. Instead, our courts of justice have been transformed into courts of order, advocating for the government’s interests, rather than championing the rights of the citizenry, as enshrined in the Constitution.
And yet, zombie Americans stand and pledge allegiance to, or sing the national anthem of, the USA. Why are you doing this? Do you really support all the evils America subjects us, its citizens, to?
I suspect the majority of the gung-ho zombie commenters are so-called Christians. Do you not know that the USA is a State form of political/social organization that God told the Israelites not to desire and that anyone who desires it is rejecting Him (see 1 Samuel 8)? Do you not know that Jesus, when offered all the Nation States of the world by Satan, rejected them saying His kingdom is not a Nation State? And yet, these zombie Americans who claim to worship the Creator are in love with the evil Nation State known as America. They demand that everyone stand in worship of Satan’s organization by signing its national anthem. Even worse they pledge allegiance to it. Why are people who claim to be Christians pledging allegiance to Satan’s organization instead of to their Creator?
Colin Kaepernick should be praised for his refusal to show allegiance to Satan’s organization and its growing evils. However, his focus is too narrow, his protest should encompass all of the ways America oppresses both its citizens and foreigners by waging immoral wars against both; killing anyone and anything that stands in its way of total world domination.
If you are, in fact, a true follower of Jesus, you should be rethinking your worship of Satan’s organization. You cannot serve two masters. Your eternal destiny hangs in the balance. God said anyone who wants to live under a Nation State has rejected Him (1 Sam 8). Think about it.
David Ruff says
You know, I hear expressions like “God and country” or “My country right or wrong” and I wonder if people ever think about what they are saying. Most people are more interested in politics and what is “politically correct” than God. And lately, the fact is that the “my country” you speak of is almost always more wrong than right. Now, I love America, the land to which I was born. But I don’t worship it, which is basically what you do when you salute the flag. It is not wrong to respect an image that stands for a country but to salute it constitutes worship of the flag and the entity which it symbolizes. So, where does God enter the picture here? He doesn’t…and that’s my point. Where is the GOD in “God and country” when saluting the flag? The truth is Almighty God does not sanction any government as being superior for they are all the work of the Devil. He wants all people, all people meaning all races, national grops, and ethnic groups, to live and work together in peace undivided as a universal brotherhood.
On the other hand, governments are put in place by the Devil to keep the populations of the world divided. The US is no different. Although “born” with the good intentions, the United States today does not remotely resemble what it was originally. I doubt that any of the founding fathers would recognize it as the land they loved. That is because the Devil took a formerly God-fearing nation and thoroughly corrupted it as he has done with every other world power in the history of the world. If you take anything away from this comment let it be this: In the third temptation offered him by the Devil, Jesus Christ was offered all the kingdoms of the world if he would fall down on his knees and do obeisance (a.k.a. salute the Devil as the God of the world) to him. He refused. Thus, if Jesus Christ himself recognized that the Devil owned the world governments, that necessarily means that anyone even blindly saluting the flag is, in effect, worshiping the Devil. I do not doubt that veterans serve their country with the best of intentions and are due a certain amount of respect. On the other hand, this too too is an act of worship toward the Devil, even if unwitting…and the bowels of the earth is filled with the dead bodies of those with good intentions. You see, I still don’t hear anyone speaking up about God (as in “God and country) and what God’s wants or what he requires of those who want to please him.
I do not know what Colin Kaepernick’s real motives are but I have to say this, right or wrong, and unlike the politicians to whom the flag is also suppose to represent, he is at least willing to speak up and stand for his beliefs in the face of public opionion. That first amendment right, the right to speak without being suppressed, when applied properly, is more to be valued than thousands of flag-wavers at a sporting event.
Jerre says
He would not be warming a bench if it weren’t for this countries freedoms and good, responsible men and women, black, white, Asian, and native American that serve under that flag
That flag gives him the privilege to be a NFL players, and the privilege to speak his mind, and smoke his dope or coke or whatever his spoiled ass chooses. Give him a choice as to what fancy car he wants to drive, and where he chooses to live. The privilege to sleep safely in his fancy home at night without worry of someone breaking in and killing his smug ass. See he thinks the world owes him something. You have to earn it. Nobody gives you respect because you demand it and think it is owed to you. You have an opportunity not many blacks get. You can choose to be a good role model or be a smug, disrespectful,
Unapprecifull dumb ass.
disgusted says
I’m sick and tired of all blogs! I wish people would find something constructive to do. Will not read any more!!!!!
denny parks says
don’t accept the paycheck you get in American dollars !! don’t play football,or should I say benchwarm,football !! go into the service,where kids are paid a whole lot less for putting their lives on the line so you can bench warm seats at football games and get a way overpaid paycheck !! best way I can see you wanting to make your opinion heard is to not accept that paycheck !! join the military,that will really teach them !!! shithead !!
mileaway says
I would consider his “protest” as “honest and sincere” if he refused the paycheck as well. Now that would make a statement! BUT, and that is a BIG but, he didn’t,doesn’t, won’t and can’t give up the one thing that America has brought to this ungrateful POS; the money one can be paid for playing a game of sport. He totally has NO understanding or grasp on the principle of why he is afforded this opportunity.
Nor does he have a grasp on the deepest indignation he is guilty of by disrespecting the millions of Americans that contribute to this great country every day so that we ALL can be given the opportunity to live free and succeed.
It’s not just a flag for or of the few you idiot. It’s a representation, a symbol of our nation’s complete history. Our strife and struggles to ensure Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for every citizen!
Your actions expose the lack of knowledge of today’s youth. Your false belief that this country owes “YOU” something. No, it is YOU that owes the country your dedication, respect, and moral contribution to insuring YOU have done the best and most you can to secure those rights and freedoms we as the GREATEST free nation in the world enjoy.
As a Military man, you are an embarrassment to us all. This too is typical of today’s youth. You have given NOTHING and expect us to carry your weight. It isn’t until you sign that check knowing tonight might be the last night you sleep in your own bed, the last time you see your loved one, the last time you get to hug your children, the final goodbye to your parents. THEN and only then will you understand the respect and responsibility that comes with carrying that standard.
If I were the San Francisco 49’er franchise, you would be escorted out that back door at this very moment without so much as a kiss my ass! Sue me would be my response! I’m sure you must have signed an ethics agreement. If not, shame on San Francisco for being so complacent and morally incompetent.
I will never give the 49’er franchise or their sponsors one more nickle of my hard earned American money as long as you are on the roster!
I do NOT wish you well and would trade your life for the lowest ranking soldier,sailor, airman or marine in a flash!
Good riddance to another Muslim wanna be that thinks the world owes them!
BR says
As long as he is on the San Francisco 49ers roster. The San Francisco 49ers do not exist.
BR says
I’ll tell you what. Don’t post my response, I now know The Horn News is a piece __ of ____ web site. Logging off.
CW says
And they wonder why they are looked at as God’s little clowns, put on this earth for everyone to laugh at. The uneducated masses are becoming a growing threat to every hard working red-blooded American tax payer. The next civil war is around the corner folks. Stay tuned….
R M says
The only thing that Kaepernick will understand is if no one buys tickets or merchandise for 49ers and they can’t pay his salary as long as people support the team and buy tickets and merchandise not Kaepernick or anyone else on the team will give a damn.
Politically incorrect says
What he is doing, Well being he could possibly be cut from the team and the fact that he has not demonstrated any type of protest for any other subjects such as domestic violence in pro sports, against drunk driving and children starving in this country and across the world just to name a few. All he is doing is setting things up so if he does get cut then he will cry discrimination and turn it into a political issue towards him
AW says
L. R. says
Sports events are where we go to get some time out from the insanities of everyday life. If he wants his voice to be heard he should do it the way everyone else does it, PAID ADVERTISING. Do a commercial. OH that’s right he’d have to give up some of that money. He gets free advertising at the interview after the game at our expense. Same thing with half time shows, we shouldn’t be paying others, and performers, to ram their crap down our throats. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t watch the half time shows anymore. And now it’s gotten where the players are insulting the fans with their childish endeavors. You live in the USA respect it or get out.
Don says
IFA YOU NO LIKA MY COUNTRY, LEAVE IT, ASS BREATH. There are many in this country would REALLY LOVE to have your job, AND wouuld appreciate the opportunity.
Marcia says
Brenda Lee says
First of all I would like to say All Lives Matter!!! Not standing up for where you live is like crapping where you eat.
Any person who is in sports in America should consider themselves blessed.
I have lost respect for this man and I am sure many others have as well.
Stephen Russell says
Earns 11.9M & has a mansion, I say seize assets, kick him off team or have him on Team as Sub for other QB.
Assign other QB to his role.
For ALL NFL Teams, NO exceptions,
Apply regs or delete them, NO Favors.
Or lose Fans & income for Games, your call 49ers.
CUT his pay alone or 2/3rds cut.
Revamp all contracts for players outstanding.
Change NFL Mgt, Change NFL
Justin W says
I’m having a hard time understanding how someone who gets paid $19 million a year to be on a football team has much room to complain about America. I doubt any police officer will see $19 million over the course of their career. Each day law enforcement officers and soldiers lay their life on the line to protect Americans. Should they be killed in the line of duty their families will have to Iive on next to nothing compared to this football player’s wages. By the way, I suspect most police officers had to receive more training to do their job than he had to receive to do his job.
This man should be ashamed of himself. America isn’t perfect. In a perfect world teachers and law enforcement officers would be paid more than adults who play football for a living. Most of us will never see the kind of money that this ungrateful man has seen.
Maybe he should tell us what he is doing to improve the plight of black Americans. I bet the peace officers are doing far more to help blacks than this guy is. The only person this guy is likely to be interested in helping is himself.
Michael Valgos says
Yeah he thinks black lives matter more than his football career. He says he is speaking for the voices that can’t be heard. Well it won’t be long and his dumb ass will not be heard, or heard of. Maybe he can make it in the CFL. This was a fine young man until he became entangled with some idiot chick from blm. Now he sees white America as his enemy, but I guess he forgot about his white adoptive parents. This guy is succeeding in the wrong direction. He has gone from the #1 selling jersey, to not selling any. His career is on a consistent downward path, and now he has taken it a step farther to destroying his life, and reputation. He is taking a page out of Obama’s book in forgetting that even though he looks black, he is still half white.
R Smith says
Let us get the subject of people of color being oppressed, First of all they were sold into slavery by their own kind.
Lets get on with the talk of real oppression to the Native Americans from whom this country was invaded and their lands stolen from them, put on reservations, and after a period were made to relocate to another reservation as OIL was discovered on those lands and they were promised money from the sale of the oil by the US Government. To date they are owed over 100 billion plus dollars, And to ad insult to injury the government performed Lobotomy’s on the males of their culture which was finally halted in 1979. National Geographic published an article 7 years ago stating that they were freezing to death due to lack of money for firewood, And to finalize this news in 1853 the the government lined up 357 women and children and murdered them by a firing squad. Wake up America the Halo over our countries heads is and has long since disappeared .
Yes I servied my country in the US Marine Corps, and my father was killed in WW II when I was 3 years old, And it appears that most voting Americans will have to choose between the lessor of 2 evils for president. Be sure and write non of the above in November. Force the 2 parties to come up with better candidates
God Bless all Americans as. we are doomed on the present course.
Dawg# says
Mankind has always needed a reference point or perhaps a landmark if you prefer as an indicator during his travels to keep him on the right track or as a reminder of where he has been and where he is headed. That’s what our Flag is! It is not a Government symbol and it is not a political symbol, but rather a symbol of the American People and of every accomplishment that we have made, every mistake we have made and every war we have won or lost. The Flag is an indicator of the solidarity and moral character of We The People! When I look at the American Flag, I do see the stars and stripes and I know the meaning of them to be Red as an indicator of the blood that has been shed to keep us a Free Nation and White as the purity of heart and faith in the One Holy God who is the standard we should use to keep us pure. And then there is Blue as the indicator of the royalty and integrity and dignity that we as individuals should strive for. Oh yes, I see all this, but there is so much more that I see when I look at my little Flag as it is moved by the gentle breeze and quietly echoes the voices from within every fiber; for you see, when I look at the Flag, I see the faces of every noble person that has played a part of making our Country the greatest Nation on Earth. When I look at the Flag, I can see your face woven within every fiber, but I cannot see my own face, though I do know that I am there; for that would be a mark of selfish pride and as the Bible says in Proverbs, God hates pride. My friends, have we come so far and sacrificed so much as to be swallowed up in pride as a Nation? We need to be offended and outraged at anyone who would come to eat at our table and then have them insult and mistreat the precious mother who prepared the meal? That would be absurd, would it not? Our Flag is the mother folks. It is the only Unity that we have with each other so we had better DEMAND respect for it or else we will FALL as a Nation!
K Ward says
Here’s an guy who probably has no idea other than what his “black lives matter” cohorts tell him. Black on Black crime and murder is at an all time high in this country and the poor officers caught in the middle of it (even the black officers) are the convenient scape goats for their outrage…
Sorry 49ers, you have been my team for years, but until this idiot is gone I’ll have a hard time even watching.
Ryan Lochte lost ALL his endorsements for being drunk and foolishly embellishing a story. Kaepernick needs to lose ALL his endorsements for insulting the only country in the world that could have and did make him uber wealthy for playing a game! I personally will boycott all products he endorses. He has the right to be disrespectful, we have the right to show our disapproval and unwillingness to let him ride off in the sunset!
CR Colón says
If what the 49rs pay this pea brain jock was given to those that protect this Nation and our liberties, we would not be experiencing this lack of respect. It’s a shame that Amercans prefer to pay these players a lot more than what our soldiers receive. Both wear helmets, but soldiers use their brain and are intelligent. Individuals like Koesputnic, are playing pro football because he only knows how to run with a dumb ball. Soldiers run towards the enemy with a firearm that’s more intelligent than Koesputnic.