It took just one appearance on the GOP debate’s main stage to launch former technology executive Carly Fiorina into second place in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
Even more alarming? Most of her new support seems to be coming from voters who were previously backing billionaire Donald Trump.
According to a CNN poll taken after last week’s GOP debate, Trump remains the candidate to beat for the GOP nomination. But his support dropped from 32 percent to 24 percent — a fairly dramatic swing.
At the same time, Fiorina jumped 12 points from 3 percent to 15 percent, and has been the clear beneficiary of Trump’s downturn.
A second poll of nearly 3,000 New Hampshire voters taken the day after the GOP debate actually has Trump trailing Fiorina by four points in the state. That’s another relatively dramatic reversal, especially for a candidate like Fiorina who wasn’t especially well known among voters just a month ago. It remains to be seen, experts warn, whether those numbers can hold.
Could Fiorina be the newest frontrunner-to-be? And might Trump’s support among voters be softer than he or the GOP establishment ever believed?
Fiorina has the same appeal as Trump in many ways – she’s financially successful, a political outsider, and comes without a lot of the controversy that has surrounded the Trump campaign.
But political insiders are warning that, despite Fiorina’s rise and Trump’s slip in these recent polls, it would be unwise to count The Donald out just yet. Especially in a race that has already proven wildly unpredictable in its early stages.
“I keep looking for the speed bump that knocks Donald Trump off track,” said Tea Party co-founder Mark Meckler. “I haven’t seen it. We’re in uncharted territory.”
So far, Trump has proven every prediction of his campaign’s demise to be premature. Often, he’s emerged from such moments with stronger support.
On Friday, Trump told The New York Times he was prepared to spend $100 million of his own money to win the nomination.
Fiorina, on the other hand, currently lacks the money and organization for the lengthy campaign most expect. Wealthy donors have been waiting for signs that she’s politically viable — and they may now have the evidence they need.
The Associated Press contributed to this story
Vicki says
No, NO. NOOOO. Fiorina. Con’t trust her. She has been planted.
Pancho Villadeltren says
The liberal media always lies in favor of whom they think will weaken America. Right now, those liars are tying to make us believe a loser like Fiorina , who does not have a snowballs chance in hell, is coming on stronger than Trump, as they fear Trump. If , with their lies, they can divide, than they can conquer and place the queen of corruption , (Hillary), in to win. Fear not America wants Trump.
glen says
You are soooo right. The LIB MEDIA is dieing to get TRUMP OUT. DO NOT trust them or believe them. Carly has ZERO chance to win. She is just the latestes pawn of the COMMUNIST MEDIA !!
Dr Lynne Pirie says
Carly’s poll surge is somewhat of a reflection of the public’s’ new found awareness of her. Trump will resurge again, as he has the greatest leadership qualities. Carly is a “bean counter” wheres Trump is the “bean maker”.
Carly has a fantastic ability to spin the numbers regarding her CEO years. She’s hard wired to execute those yarns, Most politicians are.
She is a remarkable survivor, not a leader. She simply does not have the engaging personality qualities of Trump that draw people and engender trust.
Watching The Donald insult people (and he only goes after those who fire first) reminds me of watching Don Rickles. It’s part of the politically incorrect package. Trump’s sense of humor is a welcome presence on the debate stage.
Yap says
Finally, someone besides Trump who says it like it is. Thanks for your review.
Vote Trump….Vote to save America. Last Call.
Speaking of saying it like it is, How about one of Hollywood’s elite actors, get on the Trump bandwagon and stop worrying that someone may boycott your movie. Take a stand you wussies. Support REAL change from someone who knows how to fix a malfunctioning corporation, the USA. Trump has, and will.
Come on Baldwin, Pitt, Depp, anyone with huevos enough to support your country. Haven’t you had enough of Politics and Corruption, FDA, FTC, FCC, Big Agra, Big Pharma, Monsanto, etc; Get off your lazy asses and lead, not wait for another celeb to stand up and fight for what’s left of this Country.
TRUMP 2016
Margarita says
Listen voters if you care for America Señor Trump is the only one with the COJONES TO SAVE AMERICA AND MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN. He’s the only one to get rid of the cancer that’s killing America. SO DON’T BE DUMB VOTE FOR TRUMP!!!
Kathleen Mugnolo says
Good point that needs to be brought out to the public regarding Fiorna being planted to weaken the Republican side and push Hillary to the forefront! We need to discredit Hillary and get her far away from becoming our next President – she is corrupt and our country is already weakened by the Obama Administration – it can’t stand another 4 years of a Democrat in the White House, and especially not Hillary Clinton! God save us!
Fierce Look says
The state-run, fifth column propagandists, as usual, want to select the beatable GOP candidate! Not that I am totally enamored by him, he is the most patriotic and independent candidate that will take no sh^t from the communist Left and that is why they are out to savage him along with the “Re-PUNK-lican” chicken-sh^t turncoat bastards!
This is exactly what I have been espousing for some time now and I am encouraged to see that Special Operations has had an epiphany and has awaken to the truth and has the wisdom to try to communicate it to the sheeple!
This message would be heard on the evening news if we had one rather than the state-run, fifth column propagandists that we have now! This is why the cancer is spreading and the patient is on life support! Unless AMERIKA starts to hear this from the so-called Right and Consevatives, especially those that are campaigning for the presidency, you can kiss your asses, freedom and country – what little is Left of it – goodbye or realize that: REVOLUTION will be the SOLUTION!
Our Gov’t has been diagnosed with an aggressive, deadly cancer which needs to be treated ASAP for as it spreads it does extensive damage to the quality of life of our nation. Everything else becomes a much lower priority, for treating & eradicating It as quickly as possible is of prime importance to our survival. All cancers have a name & this particular caner is called the “Communist & Radical Muslim Takeover of America” or CRMTOA for short.
This cancer has infiltrated our Gov’t for quite some time. It started out very slowly to spread & as it did it damaged America & it’s people. The symptoms of the disease seemed liked a cold then the flu for the longest time, coming & going The American people should have gone to the Doctor to get checked out, but we kept putting it off. However, recently the symptoms worsened & America’s people began to suffer more & more. The cancer continued to worsen as well as spread & our nation was growing very sick. then within the last 4-5 years the cancer escalated within our country ravaging nearly every aspect of its well being.
after many tests the results clear showed it was CRMTOA cancer which had mutated into a strain the Doctor called BHORL, which stood for the “Barrack Hussein Obama Regime plus Liberalism.
So the American Gov’t has a very deadly fast growing cancer with it’s origin located in Washington D.C, & emanating specifically from the White House & Capital Bldg. which are the heart of our nation. The Doctors were asked how did we get this disease & why has it worsened so quickly. They said the constant violation & abuse of the US Constitution by greedy, power seeking politicians who through their selfishness took what once was a healthy functioning Gov’t with 3 coequal branches of Gov’t which served the purpose of maintaining its health & with the help of lawyers destroyed it. The source of the aggressive growth of this cancer was being caused by none other than the questionable POTUS Barrack Obama, his close associates Valerie Jarrett & Eric Holder, who it is believed obtained much of their sinister instruction from an elite oligarchy..
To save our free Republic immediate treatment & eradication of every bit of this cancer must be undertaken as the top priority. But the nation is confused about how to eradicate this cancer. Many Conservative believe that focusing on the 2016 Presidential elections is the answer putting all their hope in the hands of a new POTUS who will destroy the disease, solve all of America’s problems & make us great once again. Liberals who strong adhere to the ideology of Liberalism which is poison & evil see no disease but believe what is occurring in America is exactly what should be to finally attain the global utopia they desire. But neither of these groups understand anything about cancer & are putting our free Republic in danger of collapsing from within & dying. Being a cancer survivor, understanding it & seeing what happens if it’s not completely eradicate & returns I would suggest a different approach in dealing with it.
IMO, Americans need to first put the 2016 elections on the back burner & come together & eradicate the cancer by literally removing the traitor in the White House, his treasonous regime & all treasonous Liberals, RINOS in Congress who are all a part of this cancer. If it is not removed I don’t care who is elected POTUS he will be fighting this cancer rather than restoring America & sadly the cancer will win. Don’t minimize the strength & aggressiveness of this cancer. Unless we can go into this election cancer free, we will eventually relapse & die. Can you understand this?
Obama is a very stubborn & aggressive cancer, he still has 1.5 years left in his term (assuming he leaves) & he can do a hell of a lot of damage to our nation in this time. This cancer must be removed now, If this isn’t dealt with now there very well may not be any 2016 elections. Obama could literally rule over our country as a Dictator & transform it both a communist totalitarian state which is Muslim nation with Sharia law as the law of the land.
What will it take for Americans to rise up as Patriots & remove the cancer which is destroying America from within? I wish I knew.
Joseph Stalin said ““America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” Since at least from 1970-current Liberalism has made this quote their mission statement.
The truth about America is that the cancer of Liberalism is destroying it, In essence Liberalism = Socialism = Communism. Barrack Hussein Obama & many other Gov’t officials are communists. Liberalism is poison, it’s evil & for some reason no one is willing to take stand against it & remove it. Those that think a new POTUS will solve all of America’s problems simply don’t understand the nature of cancer & how hard it is to become cancer free.
America needs to make some very hard decisions, decisions which could either save America & its freedom or kill America. If America dies it along with Canada & Mexico will become part of the North America Union. America’s sovereignty & constitution will be absolved. It is my belief that all will be relinquished to the United Nations. The EU, the Arab League, Africa, South America & all other nations will do the same & as a result the NWO will be created.
Having dealt with cancer repeatedly I believe it must take top priority & be eradicate. If it’s not it will return with a vengeance. I’ve seen this happen too many times before. Even the Declaration of Independence supports this radical but necessary approach. Read more at Special Operations Speaks – See more at:
Mary LeSueur says
Was really pleased to see Trump going down in the polls, the only thing I have heard him say, we are going to make
America great again, does he ever tell you what he is going to do?
He knew that statement would bring him many votes, knowing the condition our country is in today, & of course so many wanted
our country to become great again so they all fell for that.
In my opinion he does not have the character to be President of our great country. Think of just one of his statements , (look at that face) you know the rest.
I believe the statement someone made, “he wants to make himself great”. We all need to pray for our country to have a good honest person to lead our beautiful country, someone with character & love for our fellow men . May we all have your prayers?
Mary LeSueur
Harold Bennett says
As a Canadian watching this political show, I see most missing the point that the USA is in a freefall of political suicide caused by allowing life time tenacy to politicians and then allowing them, if they retire to become lobbyists…totally setup for continuing corruption at the hightest levels of government and corporations, that is easy to see…no law to touch these people and now the supreme court stacked with liberals and catholics, who are making laws when only your congress is to make laws! Also, many politicians have dual citizenship with Isreal, no adhereance to the Republic Government that you are supposed to operate under, even your president calling it a democratic government! WHY?
What have you citizens allowed to happen? Are you not paying attention to the government, which is now ran by a corporate structure, including the courts, and most departments are incorporated and hence Oboma can call it a democracy ( which is the will of the majority forced unto the minoities…with no guarantee of person freedom as assured under a republic! ). The corporate structure is a democracy…get it! You are not operating under your republic, but an imposter government. Maybe if you researched yourselves you would be as discusted as I am.
You are not alone, as we have the same problem in Canada! Goverments have become dictatorships that make decisions only for their own welfare, not the welfare of the nation! Allowing the seeds of corruption to go unchecked leads to total corruption and that is where you are at today.
Remedy: Make it your prioity to study what has happened, do not rely on the mainstream media which is totally controlled for government’s objectives. So, in conclusion, voting out most of the encombants and replacing them with honest people is your only solution. Your country is in a very dangerous place right now. DEEPLY in debt from the Obama government giveaway for votes, reporting false statistics, promoting recover lies, it is about to get much worse, so time to take a very serious interest, become politically active in persuit of truth, before a revolution is the only solution, wake up, get educated in truth of your situation, and vote your common enemies out, as right now your government is your enemy! You can tell when they are lying, as they are speaking double talk! Good luck!
Gary Jensen says
I could of not said it better myself!
Joe Flo says
The thing that really bothers me is that just like the rest of the GOP, he is a warmonger. If a GOP wins the presidency we will have a war with Iran, the handwriting is all over the wall. Here is why a war with Iran is a bad deal:
By economist, professor and author – Robert Reich
Robert Reich’s Credentials:
An American political economist, professor, author, and political commentator:
1.) He served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.
2.) Was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997.
3.) Reich is currently Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley.
4.) Formerly a professor at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government
5.) Formerly a professor of social and economic policy at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management of Brandeis University.
6.) He has also been a contributing editor of The New Republic, The American Prospect (also chairman and founding editor), Harvard Business Review,The Atlantic, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.
7.) Reich is a political commentator on programs including Hardball with Chris Matthews,This Week with George Stephanopoulos, CNBC’s Kudlow & Company, and APM’s Marketplace.
8.) In 2008 Time magazine named him one of the Ten Best Cabinet Members of the century,
9.)The Wall Street Journal in 2008 placed him sixth on its list of the “Most Influential Business Thinkers”.
10.) He has published 14 books, including the best-sellers The Work of Nations, Reason, Supercapitalism, Aftershock: The Next Economy and America’s Future, and a best-selling e-book, Beyond Outrage.
11.) He is also chairman of Common Cause and writes his own blog about the political economy at
12.) The Robert Reich – Jacob Kornbluth film Inequality for All won a U.S. Documentary Special Jury Award for Achievement in Filmmaking at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival in Utah.
Darl Krtetsinger says
You conveniently forgot the two most important qualifications. 1) Council on Foreign Relations member and 2) Devout socialist.
Floraetta Jones says
She is a smooth talker but we have one of those already and look what he has done to our country. Trump tells it like it is . She tells it like everybody else
Tony says
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Don says
You my friend have hit the nail on the head. So very true.
oldkoreanwarvet says
Trump,is not going anywhere, don’t underestimate Donald Trump!
Joe Flo says
It appears that Trump is very popular, at least 10 to 1.
The powers that be, succeeded at stealing the election from Ron Paul, now they are starting on Trump, he had to know this was coming, I trust he has a plan we just haven’t seen it yet. .
Steve Wimer says
I’d vote for Trump, but for no other Republican. I’d rather vote for the socialist than one of them.
Mary says
The GOP establishment have backed Carly to “Dump the Trump”. They are desperate to get rid of him
because they can’t control him and the pundits will be out of their cushy jobs. America needs The Donald,
even if it is only for one term. He will kick a***** and take names and clean house…..get rid of the many
RHINOS, Socialists, Marxists, Communists running our government.
Robert says
Stanley M. says
Fiorina Wants to take our guns, wants to keep the illegals here, and backs many of Obamas ideas. I think she is a closet Muslim. If she got the nomination I would stay home because it would just be another Obama with a split between her legs and a little bleached out from him, other wise the same.
[email protected] says
Firing is a lose who says she has no money. She got 21.5 million as severance pay fr hp. She laid off over 30000 people there, while voted herself a huge pay raise, bought on a security detail to protect her highness acted impetious, bought 5 yachts and 2 airplanes.
She was voted the worst leader of her tenure.
She has been unable to get a job since. No fortune company wants her. They say she is stubborb, always wants her own way, does not want to take advice, it’s her way or the highway … it’s totally absurd how America can be so wail fooled. THIS ARROGANT EX hp exec us desperate for a job.
Oh she speaks well but lies abt her tenure at hp like hell She attacks Hillary Clinton as a liar, but she is the bald face lit
She does not belong in the white hse. The media k own of her history…tgey
william koch says
I agree cannot trust her she rehearse very well got the right spot at the right time. But Trump I hope will survive all the doomsayers he will make our country great again now he has the right persona.
frederick says
As You have indicated when TRUMP goes down HE ” POPS ” back up stronger
than ever before. The People are very aware the ” OLD ( BULLS ) ” of the
( REPUBLICAN – PARTY } are doing every thing THEY can to WRECK
allow these old GEESERS WIN, WE NEED a WINNER and that is ” DONALD TRUMP”.
bernard olbrys says
It is obvious that Carly is capturing the women vote. I still believe Trump will be victorious!!!
Kathleen M Blazer says
I sure ope Trump i the winner and the next President…. I think he would be great!
[email protected] says
Carla is a liar and don’t take advice. She is stubborn. U can see it in Her face.
After 10 yrs no firm wants her
What does that tell u. If she was that good at hp how comes she has been out of a job since
That is how Barbara Boxer won.
Wgen she ran in Ca. Barbara used carla’s own words to beat her. CARLA IS A DENAGOGUE. sorry.
U guys are BE ING Fooled By THE Media
Phil Sargent says
Either one would be a Godsend in comparison to what we’ve had to persevere for the last seven years, but the horrible damage has been done, and won’t be easy to reverse.
Pancho Villadeltren says
That is why Trump, a successful businessman, and not Fiorina, a dud, should be given priority.
nick says
You’re KIDDING Right? You’re REALLY going to quote Lying, Cheating, BS Polls from the Propaganda Ministry? Wait, you’re being Sarcastic. Had me going there for a minute. You guys are FUNNY!
Fred says
No way the GOP polls could be inaccurate. So it must be true!
Pancho Villadeltren says
Those ‘G.O.P’. polls are written by lying liberals to misguide you.
Danny Stewart says
I don’t think this is a real poll of republican voters. I think it’s twisted to reflect a desired outcome.
Maxx says
Sounds like polls from the left side of the tracks. The liberals only hope Trump dropped in the polls because they fear him and should. The jump for Fiorina was to be expected because due to the first (debate?) she was unknown. I believe she was the big winner. I also believe her support is being taken from others like Christie, Kasick, Huckabee, Rubio, Paul, Walker and the rest of the RINO’s that the MSM wants conservatives to back. Lets chose our own candidate this time around. The last 2 times the MSM and the liberals chose McCain and Romney for us. Never again people! Never again!
Kathy says
I think what they will do is cook the numbers like they always do to get the people they can control.
There is no way that someone is in front of TRUMP! Fionia could not even run one of the biggest companies in Amerika, of course they are no longer here, they are in Mexico.
Bones1941 says
CNN is behind these polls and I don’t trust them period !
We will see after 2 more debates where angel eyes is .
Bones1941 says
CNN is behind these polls and I don’t trust them !
So what did you expect ?
CM says
Americans are always sympathetic to the underdog. We’ll see once the sympathy wears off. Cant help but observe it seems obvious the media is manipulating the public and of course that’ s thrashing the candidates. If they can present a divided republican party with lots of infighting their happy. They are after all the party of division that has kept them in power to date.
Jondarmes says
CNN is the Communist News Network, they couldn’t even manage to host a debate, why would anyone believe their polling???
Rick Smith says
Oh please!
Fiorina doesn’t stand a chance because her illustrious career wont stand up to
ten seconds worth of scrutiny, and the sympathy card will quickly wear as thin as
Hillary’s integrity.
Courage USA says
Mynickelsworth says
I am not enamored of either Trump or Fiorina. I’m not sure exactly where Mr. Trump stands on the Constitution and the Left-Right Scale but Fiorina has previously supported such dictatorial things as the cap and trade fiasco. So I do not trust her at all and am very leery of Mr Trump.
I prefer Mr. Cruz or Mr. Walker.
The GOP problem is that the leadership wants a moderate aka Romney or McCain which will cost them the election because the people want a Conservative with some backbone and a strict Constitutional position.
Hazel Reynolds says
NO WAY!!!!! unless people are more stupid that with bummer!!! She has almost ruined 2 other comyanty. one being HP. If She can’t run a computer co. How is she fit to run a country She made deals with Iran that HP didn’t know about!!! Suppose Iran is paying her way to run for president? NO way a washed out ceo could pay for it!!!! will she take a pat check for being president? Trump has said he will not take pay!!!
Wayne Waters says
It would be great for America if there were two Female Canidates running for the Presidency of the U.S!
Jeff Irwin says
You have lost yer dang mind !!!! These two women can’t handle the task: One is a loser and the other Liar onlt fit for an orange jumpsuit(pantsuit) in GITMO !!! Next to the stinkin potus !!!
People are saying Trump cant or isn’t the man to be President…….I love to see either Carson or Trump become President….. I believe our foreign relations one would be better……….We would not be disrespected as we are now……… our President now cares nothing for what our soldiers fought and died for….. Europe forgot who saved their asses in WWII….they be all speaking german other wise……..Carson would be a great surgeon in cutting out the unneeded fat in our system…making us financially stable again………..politicians have ran special interest groups agendas for way tooo long and if we don’t take back our country from these life long politicians we will be with out the dreams for our children……….. we will be leaving debt and bankruptcy….lets have a fair taxation system….. flat tax eliminate irs and its bad collection squad……….biggest thing is coming together and making it work for the people eliminate the selfishness and greed……smiles best day to you all……….
[email protected] says
No matter what u think, Ben Carson does not stand a chance to becoming president, as a Black person
Not in this racist country; they rejected pres. Obama. There IS A SEGMENT OF THE Govt – and populstion – that refuses to have a Black man reigning over us.
Marc says
Carly is pathetic a salaried idiot at HP she does not get her facts right she just wants limelight in hopes of gaining more women. During her tenure HP was one of the worst companies to do business with now she is gone and they may not be healed nut are much better. She needs a salary trump generates positive cash flow. Go trump
Beano says
Don’t trust polls. They just feed the political machine, Carly was a failure at HP and praised Hillary a few years ago. Yes Hillary, the lady that defended her rapist husband. So Carly is a flippant fony.
John Gavin says
Trump is a WINNER. And America needs to WIN. Make money is WINNING too. Trump MAKE MONEY on casino. Fiorina is weird. TRUMP 2016!
Bruce Rutkowski says
Everything and anything you read in the newspapers, on the internet or written in any type magazine, and or hear on any TV station is pure inundate bullshit. All the rectum’s in Washington DC, decide and approval what bullshit you get to hear!!!
oleta states says
I thank that women that running is just .to help Heaely win , I heard it said that Obama will never leave the white house . so you know what going to happen, we will be under dicktarda ship, by amarcia. be causwe Obama has all ready got it sew up. good luck ever one.
George Lander says
Donald Trump is the only TRUE AMERICAN that I see in the race, Republican or Democrat, who has a snowballs chance to win the presidency. He is not subservient or beholding to the money powers that wish to control our lives. True, he outspoken, at times to his own detriment. However he speaks his mind and lets the chips fall where they will. Our country does not need any more of the “same ol same ol” that we have endured for too long. Like Ronald Regan, I believe that “The Donald” will bring a breath of fresh air.
George Lander
Ruthie Zepp says
There is good & bad in all. With God all things are possible. With faith thru prayer, believe God will make a way for the best person to be elected for the best for our USA. I am thankful to see candidates with strong faith in God,step forward, not afraid to announce their faith, their concerns. They know what the Bible warns of in the end times on this earth. The Great Babylon will be destroy from within, it is so close. We can all see what Obama is doing to destroy us. Wake Up,This is a very serious time for us. My heart aches for our Country, for our children, their children. Please vote for a strong Godly Leader: doors that should not be opened can be close, door that should open can be, for the welfare of our nation, our people. We reap what we sow. It’s time to get back to the Basics of Life, the Bible will lead us to do right by each other, our homes, our jobs, our Great Nation under God can again be blessed. May God and the Holy Spirit Reign over all at this time. Seek first the Kingdom of God, His Righteousness and it shall be done, not our will but His Will be done. A concerned citizen, wife, home maker,, mother, grandmother, care provider, secretary, retired citizen of USA. Amen
Tim says
Don’t believe any mainstream poll. Trump has to battle the Democrats, the Republican establishment, and the far left wacko treasonous mainstream press. Trump wins all polls when ordinary citizens are polled and not just those housed in liberal areas of far out leftist states. Trump is the real deal. And when nominated he will not be afraid to release his college and passport records, unlike Obama.
Jeff Irwin says
Absolutely correct ! Yes Trump 2016
Beverly says
Could not have said it better myself!!!
Jonesy Ynot says
I believe that Donald Trump is the answer to what is ailing the U.S. at this point in their history. He is very unlikely to be beholden to corporate interests and it’s very unlikely that he will clandestinely arm a murderous radical group like a certain individual who is currently running the States. Mr. Trump actually points out the blatantly obvious stuff that’s wrong that the rest seem to ignore or pretend doesn’t exist. I’m suggesting that a big mistake was made in the last two American elections but if there is a chance to pull this back into reasonable territory, I believe D. Trump is the man to do it.
Beverly says
I agree
Arden Keck says
Fiorina is a lair. She lied about her so called child…that died of drugs. It was her husband’s adult child of 35, and have you seen or heard her making FUN of Barbra Boxers hair behind closed doors on film? Check that out on Youtube! She is no better as a person. You can’t trust her anymore than people say they can’t trust Trump.
Michael Guyton says
Fiorina is the Left’s first choice for Republican contender. As soon as she is elected they will pull out the Barbara Boxer playbook from 2010 When Carly lost in her first and only bid for office!
Beverly says
Carly is just the new person, of the moment! She does not rank that high in the “National” polls!!!
Juliet Lacross says
Trump needs to bring his rating back up again… the Sissys, (ISIS or ISIL) I call them that because they are not being men keeping those black masks on, what are they afraid of? Without those black masks they are exposed and they are feared of being caught. I would call them Black Masks monsters (BMM) Some midea are saying the BMM are bringing more into the United States becauses the borders are open and nobody is monitoring them. What’s wrong with that picture? We need a strong leadership and I don’t think Carly F. is going to be that person… we need a kick A ___ leader like Trump. I think they are all trying to come into our country before the current occupant leaves the White House because they know when the new occupant comes into the White House, they don’t stand a chance trying to come into United States.
James Asher says
Do not believe the liberal news media as they hate Donald Trump, as that was more than obvious during the last Republican debate. After Trump gets the nomination he will bring out the many lies that Hillary has told, her mishandling of classified documents and he will point out her many failures as Secretary of State. Hillary is anti Gun, anti Second Amendment rights and wants Amnesty and a path to citizenship for millions of illegal aliens that have broken our immigration laws. Hillary has changed her mind on the TPP, trade deal which was no doubt for political purposes. Isn’t it time the American people get some one in the Presidency that tells the truth for a change and some one we can trust? Trump tells the truth as to the horrible situation this country is in financially, how we are being ripped off by rotten trade deals and how our open borders are exposing us to possible terrorist attacks. A country that can not control it’s borders will cease to be a sovereign nation. Trump is the best Republican candidate to face Hillary Clinton in Nov 2016. Go Trump!