South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy, a Tea Party favorite who was mentioned as a possible successor to former House Speaker John Boehner, appears ready to endorse a candidate in the GOP presidential race.
And it’s Florida Senator Marco Rubio.
The Rubio campaign announced that Gowdy would be making appearances with Rubio in Iowa on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Gowdy could help Rubio shore up support among Iowa conservatives.
“Marco is a rock solid conservative and a leader we can trust,” Gowdy said in a release issued by the Rubio campaign. “I look forward to campaigning in Iowa with him, and introducing my good friend to voters across the state.”
Gowdy’s endorsement of Rubio is likely to anger Republicans who have rallied around outside candidates like billionaire Donald Trump.
In anticipation of Gowdy’s endorsement of Rubio, Trump went on the attack.
During a Sunday appearance on “Fox & Friends,” Trump blasted Gowdy’s performance on a Congressional panel that questioned former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about the 2012 on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.
“So I hope he does a lot better for Marco than he did for the Benghazi hearings. Because they were not good. That was not a pretty picture,” Trump said.
Main Street says
They claim to want change. However, what they really seek is to be a part of the status quo. Trump speaks the awful truth to power. He feels like many Americans that our leaders from both parties have little care for the working class. Gowdy made a lot of noise about Benghazi. However nothing came out of it. Trump scares the status quo and politically correct who think that government should only serve them.
Should Trey Gowdy endorse Rubio then that will hurt Rubio – because the Benghazi hearings were a disaster and smells of government waste. After all that time and money spent by Gowdy ‘s commission – with little results – is nothing to be proud. The voters of South Carolina should demand he retire in 2016 – and if he refuses vote him out next term in 2016 I believe.
Olin Hadden says
I thought Trey Gowdy was one of us but he is showing different colors. rubio is just another RINO.All the stink raised over Benghazi accomplished NOTHING.If he backs Rubio he is finished and no longer a tea party favorite,.He screwed up when the house seat was offered an d he turned it down..He is no longer the Darling of S.C.
Betty says
Bud webster says
Spoken like a true liberial Progessive Marxist bastard, Benghazi , reset button, wasn,t a waste of time. You think people who had loved ones killed think it was a waste of time you inconsiderate fool. Hil,s ineptitude is on full display for all to see, only the Marxist like yourself Bob are blind to it. apparently you have a problem with your hearing as well if you don,t consider this bitch a lair as well
jemb says
Trey’s BIG mistake
B. Roger Smith says
Bob…you’re bashing a good man. Gowdy has tried every angle possible to get the truth out about Benghazi but the State Department and every other government agency who supports Hillary has stonewalled him. He is very frustrated and can only play the cards in his hand. You can subpeona these a@@holes in Washington, but if they don’t respond with the information requested you can’t really do anything. If you check out Gowdy on his many youtube hearings on the floor of the senate you will see that he is a pit bull. They are all scared of him, and mostly Hillary. He would chew her up if he were given the information requested and she actually showed up for a hearing. That would be the end of Her Majesty’s run for president. So please give the guy a break. There’s not one person that he ever interrogated on the floor ever was able to get the better of him. He makes other lawyers look like fools (the fools that they are!!!) I want to see him as Attorney General when we get a new president, provided it isn’t Hillary. No dumbocrat would ever make him AG because he would have half of them in jail.
Jay Bell says
I agree, B. Roger Smith. The Dems made sure that Gowdy could function as nothing more than a paper tiger. But give him real authority as the A.G. with the Justice Department behind him and there would be no stopping him–and the Dems know that. That is why the neo-Libs like the Clintons and the neo-Cons, like the Bushes have set out to stop Gowdy,Trump and Rubio. They know what needs to be done but will they be able to get their hands on the levers of power? Time will tell.
Bob Marcum, Sr. says
To B. Roger Smith; I agree. Trey Gowdy was given an impossible chore but, he gave it his best shot. I also believe, Paul Ryan is given, equally, a bum-rap. He wasn’t in the chair, long
enough to change what was already debated and scheduled for vote. I firmly, believe we
should reserve judgement, on Ryan, until he’s had a shot at his own bills, to bring to the floor.
But; while I’m not going to pass harsh judgement on Gowdy; it does not mean however, that I
have to agree with him, about Rubio. I still place Cruz well above Rubio, on my favorites list;
although, TRUMP is my main man.
But; people;; People;;; People;;; listen up. WE MUST VOTE. WE MUST VOTE. that’s the
truly, critical issue here. For God’s sake, people; if things don’t seem like they’re going fairly,
it is NOT the time to sulk and take your marbles and go running home to pout to momma. It’s time, to vote against the wrong ones, to counter the vote, of the stupid voters. So; PLEASE;;
Jay Bell says
I think that people are judging Rubio too harshly–and also Trey Gowdy. Republicans MUST be unified if there is any hope of undoing some of the damage done by the Obama administration. The elites always try to divide the opposition. We are up against Democratic elitism that is driving the country further into socialism. If the Republicans don’t stand together, they don’t have a chance of standing. I like what Donald Trump has said during his campaign–he tells the truth about Washington and what most people have been saying for some time. But Trump will NOT be able to unify the GOP and Rubio will. He is conservative enough to capture the right wing of the Party and yet, has seen enough of Washington to understand what needs to be done to make the Federal Government more responsive to the people.
Olin Hadden says
We had a chance to really do something for the country when the so called republicans took over the house and senate and then rolled over like a puppy wanting his belly rubbed.
Sonbuck says
I agree Olin and now at each others throat and turning on each other. Trump is the only true leader and Gowdy is just looking for a seat in there someplace. But he just hurt Rubio with his endorsement. I am not for rubio anyway so this is just fine with me and it will help Trump and Cruz even more. Glad we found out about him before he wiggles his way into the white house staff somehow. They can say all they want and I am stil lwith Trump and Cruz and nothing is going to change my mind.
Frankiedoodle says
And he’ll do the same thing if, heaven forbid, he becomes president. He’ll fold like a cheap tent. We need some one that will stand up against the establishment. Cruz has proven that many times.
Jack says
Rubio is another insider – wishy washy wimpy go with the good ole boys club called RINO’s. More big government and with lots of wasteful spending.
Ron says
Neither party is serving the interests of the people. Mitch McConnell in the Senate and Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House have shown us that they are all giving Obama what he wants, even more. And the RNC is trying to rig the election to eliminate Trump and put in Jeb. or another of their own choosing. The establishment is for the Washington Establishment, regardless of Party and will do whatever it takes to serve themselves, with no concern about what the people want. In my view Ted Cruz is the only one who has stood up to Obama and to the RINOS in his own party.
Jay Bell says
There’s an article over at Real Clear Politics today that speaks to the problem of our Presidents acting like Kings. They are able to make many end-runs around Congress and Congress knows it. They are all afraid of Presidential power.
Robert Early says
Are you serious? No true Conservative will ever vote for RINO Rubio. No unity here. Only pitiful defeat.
Diana says
Agree if he indorses rubio he needs to quit have no use for trey, rubio, christy cuz, are all no good, I will vote fo trump unless Santorum gains the rest are just the same, cuz is a obama he wants Control of all, rubio is not fit he can’t even show up for the senate that he was voted in for so a mother obama as well gulf instead of doing his job, he has made a fool of himself and this Country, tired of lawyers in our gov. They twist and turn our laws for the perverted and muslums anything to distroy this Country, and our schools are way out of hand, and parents what a mess, one needs to be home and make a home, watch your kids tend to them teach them Right from Wrong, and Good from Bad, and our gov. Is the fault for most of it causing both parents to have to work, because you really have to struggle on one, I did it but I guess they can’t.
Bud webster says
Everything you wrote is true, with the exception of Ted Cruz . He has fought the demonrats, in both parties. Course, I thought the world of trey gowdy until this latest news.mvery sad indeed
Bud webster says
Jay, Marco Rubio is an establishment guy, Washington insider, this is why he was part of the Washington 8. A vote 4 Rubio is a vote for another 4more years of the progessive agenda, and the further downfall of America. Rubio votes with the progessive left, he is a rino, and you have been duped
Jay Bell says
Rubio has played ball with the Washington establishment to some degree but, as a not-rich man, you will never get anywhere in Washington unless you do. Trump has the luxury of not needing the establishment. Rubio is a good man who has been much maligned. He has been held up to ridicule by Bush and Clinton for missing Senate sessions. But Clinton found the Senate so boring when she was in it, that she hardly ever attended. There is one standard for those in the elite establishment and another for those who are distinct underdogs, like Trump and Rubio.
Betty says
How true you are.
Sheila says
Rubio is not for the American citizens or people. Rubio wants the illegal aliens to have a path way to citizenship and is in favor of Amnesty. Do not vote for Rubio unless you want the taxpayers to keep taking care of these illegals and people coming here from all these different countries illegal.
Tim says
We don’t need to unify with a Party that is and has been the water boys of the global elitists! Rube will only do and be what he is told to do and be. This is why he is the only one the establishment wants out of the top 4 front runners. If we don’t want change, vote for Rube or worse yet Bush. The way many see it is that if the establishment is vigorously against a candidate (like Trump) , then that is who we should vote for! This Party does not have our best interests as it’s agenda and neither do their brothers in crime, the Dems! I find it hard to believe that people still are drinking the kool aide of the Republican Party! Who cares if someone unites this horrible excuse for a Party! We need a political turning of the soil (or sh!#). If you want four more years of something like Bush, then Rube’s your boy! Real change will take strong , tough leadership. Not more promises of a candidate who will be controlled by the ones that put him there! The globalists use Obama just like they used the Bushes and Clinton…Trump may seem rough and to some “scary” but we need rough and tough and not a party zombie goose stepper. I’ll place the chips on Trump. At least we have a chance of real change! I don’t see this change happening with anyone else…Maybe Cruz … for VP.
Cindi777 says
Well said and so true! We need to stay unified and Trump will not carry the vote against Hillary. Rubio can and will.
DixieBelle says
Are you sure that Gowdy wasn’t paid off by the DNC to pass on Hillary’s guilt ?
As far as I’m concerned, Trey Gowdy did nothing regarding the Benghazi affair, he didn’t ask the hard questions to Hillary, she would have lied anyway to be sure, but nevertheless, he could have zinged her good & hard if he had wanted to! What does he think Rubio can do? I like Rubio, he would be good but he really doesn’t have experience in the ‘battlefields of politics’ to begin with, he’s for the ill-legals entering the country though he says he would put boundaries on the influx of the people, goody for him! For this election, Trump is by far the best choice to date.
Jay Bell says
I agree that Trump is the better of all the choices that have been put in front of us–but the problem is that he cannot win without the independent vote and independents will not vote for him unless he has a more moderate V.P. candidate running alongside (like Marco Rubio). Rubio IS a natural-born citizen (he was born in Miami). I like Cruz but he is ineligible. Not only was his father not a U.S. citizen until 2005 but he was NOT born in the U.S. (Cruz was born in Canada). Since Obama was supposedly born in the U.S., we can see that it doesn’t really matter whether one of his parents was not a U.S. citizen. Obama’s father was a British citizen until the day he died (in a car wreck). What happens if Cruz gets the nomination and then is declared ineligible by the Dem-controlled SCOTUS? The GOP would scramble but it would be too late and that would hand the election to Clinton–something that MUST NOT HAPPEN.
Steve Dolyniuk says
Jay: you are dead wrong. I am an independent & I know many others, & all of them I have spoken to said they ear voting for TRUMP.
Jay Bell says
Yes, yes-the indies who fall on the conservative side (like you?) will vote for Trump (and would be even more comfortable if he had a more middle-of-the-road backup, like the well-spoken Rubio). But we are going to have to woo conservative Dems (like Hispanics and the religious left–Catholics) from Clinton. And Rubio does that. Trump reaches a different demographic than does Rubio–together, Hillary would not be able to defeat them.
Mic Miller says
Trey Dowdy already endorsed Hillary when he let her slide over the Benghazi Massacre, Time To Clean out the Establishment GOOD OLD BOYS….
Jeff says
I agree! Rubio is not even a Natural born citizen! We don’t want another obumbler in the White House!!!!!! I don’t care how much of a conservative Rubio is, he is not Presidential material!
Jay Bell says
Rubio IS a natural-born citizen (born in Miami). It is Cruz who is not (was born in Canada) and both of his parents would have needed to be U.S. citizens (as McCain’s parents). Cruz’ father was not a U.S. citizen until 2005. Being born on U.S. soil is apparently, by far, the most important consideration as Obama’s father was a British citizen until the day he died in a car wreck. Obama was supposedly born on U.S. soil though.
Steve Dolyniuk says
Jay: Once again, I think you are supposing Obamas father was a British citizen, I beg to differ with you, I also know Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii. He also went to Muslim schools, & even went to college in Russia, before going to American colleges as a foreign student. Quit pretending to know what you are stating until you really study the facts.
Jay Bell says
No, Steve, it is you who are incorrect. Obama Sr. was a British subject by virtue of the fact that he was born before Kenya got its independence from Great Britain. Actually, that makes our President, a British subject as well. If B.O. Jr. was really born in the U.S., then he is a dual-U.S.-British subject. Here is an excellent blog-post which explains why B.H.O., Sr. was a British citizen, making B.H.O.,Jr. a British citizen as well.
Yes i think Trump tells it just like it is. These people don’t want a change that is why they want to destroy Trump. I’M VOTING FOR TRUMP AND PRAY THAT SHE IS PUT WHERE SHE BELONGS IN PRISON.
Time for Gowdy to go
Bud webster says
You mean DICK Durban, what are you people in Illinois thinking having that Marxist represent you? Disgraceful
Main Street says
Rubio is another white dude who thinks he is special because of his linguistic group. Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Irish, Polish, Italian,Lebanese and many other ethnicities came here and worked hard too. Yet we don’t have to press 2 for their languages. He and Gowdy are insiders who look at Trump as someone who will upset their status quo views of government.
Jay Bell says
No–the Republicans simply want to win–and certainly, the Dems have had more than enough of a crack at ruining the country. What we really need is a third party to keep the other two honest–but that has been tried many times before and Americans always seem to prefer a two-party system.
day says
And, I almost contributed to his campaign,,, his Benghazi investigation was pitiful… the Republicans should have locked up all who would not tell the truth at the hearings, like the dummy rats did in the watergate hearings… Then they would have talked, including Lois Lerner and the IRS liars…. I guess he is just going RINO also…
Jay Bell says
The Republicans knew that all they could hope to do was to bring Hillary’s ineptitude in front of the people and harass her a little. Hillary and Bill have ALWAYS made sure that their behinds were covered in every situation–they are NOT careless (except when they want to be and do not expect to get caught). Like all lawyers, they understand how to stay just barely inside the law. Hillary has probably screwed up on the private email stuff, though. That was clearly against the law–for that, anyone else would be in jail by now. So far, she is under the Administration’s protection–but that may not last.
Cindi777 says
And to think, the masses still choose to vote for Hillary. What does that say about the people in our country when it comes to ethics? We are a minority to oppose fraud, lies and corruption in our government. This is why Trump will not win against Hillary, he speaks too direct. As you can see, the majority of America loves being lied to and prefers lies. It is going to take a Republican that speaks truthfully but, does it much more subtly. Rubio will reach more people than Trump and is a much stronger opposition to Hillary due to America’s thinking over the past couple of decades. He will be truthfully conservative but, is smoother than Trump and will reach more people. Our country has been ruined by the Socialist/Communist movement in the Democrat Party. America has been poisoned.
Betty says
You must be another RINO
Brenda Huddleston says
Trey, say it ain’t so! I had so much faith in you, but with this decision you have failed me. I was hoping to see you being a part of the Trump administration where I believe you could actually make a difference for our country.
Bud webster says
I,m with you Brenda, I am hoping trey doesn,t realize whom Rubio really is, as hard as it is to believe. Did trey sell out? I wonder what the tea party thinks of him now?
Tom Bass says
Rubio has supported amnesty, I can’t support him. Trying to decide Cruz or Trump. They should team up.
tom s says
Yeah Tom, I agree, a Trump/Kruz ticket sounds the best out there.
DixieBelle says
Trump/Cruz in 2016 for sure !!!
Jay Bell says
Cruz is almost certainly ineligible to run for the Presidency (and thus for the Vice Presidency) as he was not born in the U.S. I have no idea why the RNC allowed him to declare his candidacy. All that needs to happen to hand the general election to Clinton is to have Cruz win the nomination and then have the Dem-controlled SCOTUS declare him ineligible just before the election. I like Cruz but he is too far to the right to gather the VERY important independent vote anyway. For the independents you need a more middle-of-the-road type of candidate. If Trump gets the nomination, watch him pivot to a more central position in order to woo some disaffected Democrats and the independent vote.
Steve Dolyniuk says
Jay: Obama was not, legally allowed to run for President either, but to our so called reps in Congress & the Senate, it makes no difference, as long as to them as long as you follow their crowd. A democrat Congress told me after many E-Mails & phone calls to him asking why Obama was allowed to run, told me, & these are his exact words; (Early on we voted & elected not to pursue the matter). So to the general run of the mill idiots in Washington DC, do not really give a damn, as long as the clowns go along with them. And which party was in charge at the time? The Democrats were. I dare say 95% of them are corrupt liars, & about 85% of the Republicans are no different. Anyone voting for an incumbent is crazy or stupid, or both.
Jay Bell says
But you should know by now, Steve, that there are different rules for Dems than there are for Republicans. What the Dems get away with, no real Republican could. Fake RINO Republicans like the Bushes could and did get away with a lot, but real, conservative Republicans cannot. The Dems will nail Cruz on the eligibility issue, if nominated for either spot on the ticket. Count on it.
Frankiedoodle says
We DON’T need any more middle of the road candidates, that’s partially what got us into this MESS in the first place. We need somebody that stands for something and has the cahoonas to stand up for AMERICA.
Frankiedoodle says
We do not need any more middle of the road candidates, Jay. That is partially why we’re in the BIG MESS we’re in. We need some one that is BRAVE enough to stand up to the establishment and for AMERICA. That candidate is Ted Cruz, he’s actually done it.
Harold says
Is someone kidding? Rubio,
OnLocation says
Let’s seeee… Rubmeo’s big$ supporter/controller is SINGER. Let’s seeee… who did Gowdy meet with for hours one on one behind closed doors… oh yeah, that would be Sidney Blumenthal… the mouthpiece for Soros who directs Hildabeast… So… Singer & Blumenthal Inc. have corralled Rubmeo ( easy catch) and Gowdy (threats tactics) and seem to now have stranglehold on both. They think they have ended Gowdy’s career for sure… and think they have stained Rubmeo (more to be “revealed” about Rubmeo) enough to push their Jebburitto up front… and they are working to destroy Trump… all for Jebburito the doughboy for war pushers.
Not too hard to figure.
Bud webster says
I,m with you Brenda, I am hoping trey doesn,t realize whom Rubio really is, as hard as it is to believe. Did trey sell out? I wonder what the tea party thinks of him now?
Bud webster says
@ on location, the bush train left the building, there is no way he wins the nomination, he has enough money to stick around to the end and be a nuisance, but that,s it. The bushes represent everything that is wrong with our country. Wolfs in sheeps clothing. Turncoats. They profess one thing( being conservative) when in reality they are progressives
DixieBelle says
Doesn’t Sidney Blumenthal also works for the Clinton Foundation ? The whole lot of them are corrupt to the bone. I read that a group of Republican senators and candidates are planning to disrupt and bring down Trumps campaign. I hope the majority of the Republicans keep account of the ones playing this dishonest game, and show them the punishment they deserve when they come up for re-election.
Its obvious that Gowdy can be bought.
Bud webster says
When you have traitors, it,s not enough to vote them out. They should be hung for being traitors to the commonwealth. By doing this a clear message would be sent to all tyrants. Oasshole, Reid, DICK Durban, nan polosi hillary, bitch McConnell, McCain, boehner. In that order
Jay Bell says
That’s because the Bushes and the Clintons are on the same team. Remember how chummy Bill Clinton and Pappy Bush were at one time? That tells you all you need to know about the agenda of the Bushes and Clintons. It is the same agenda. Hillary loved to talk about the “vast right-wing conspiracy” knowing that there was no such thing. But there is a vast, left-wing conspiracy–and she is part of it. Blumenthal and Soros (and so many others associated with VERY big money) are members of the same gang–as are the Bushes and Clintons.
Phil stone says
Rubio had two Cuban national citizens as parents who naturalized years later. He is not eligible to be pres or vp. Anyone endorsing him is committing fraud. Goudy not very bright.
Jay Bell says
Then how did Obama become President? BO’s father was a British citizen until the day he died. Apparently, all that is necessary is that one be born in the U.S. and Rubio clearly was (unlike Ted Cruz, whose father only became a U.S. citizen in 2005 and CRUZ WAS BORN IN CANADA). If anyone is ineligible, it for sure is Cruz. What happens if Cruz becomes the nominee and then the Dem-controlled SCOTUS rules that he is ineligible just before the general election? The GOP would scramble for a candidate. But it would be too late and Hillary would get elected.
Bud webster says
Jay, unless Britain still had sovereignty over Kenya, oasshole father was a Kenyan national. Since he was never naturalized oasshole is ineligible. Remember they barked up the wrong tree. Once the false documents were released, that,s when their “trump” card should have been pulled. Monkey ears, can you show us your father,s papers that he was naturalized and is an American citizen?. That was never mensioned.
Jay Bell says
Here’s a blog-post explaining why B.H.O., Sr. was a British citizen (Kenya did not gain its independence until 1963).
Betty says
It sure is nice when someone speaks and knows the true. You are right about Cruz, he is just like Obama born somewhere else.
DixieBelle says
Rubio was born in this country, and is therefore a natural born US citizen, just as anchor babies are citizens. You need to do some research, instead of sounding like anchor babies should be accepted.
Anchor babies should never be issued a birth ccertificate in this country. They should be sent back across the border with their sponging mothers where they belong.
Jeff says
Don’t be Stupid! One’s parents have to be citizens and one has to be born in the Country in order to be a Natural born citizen! Get an education for Pete’s sake!
Jay Bell says
It’s more complicated than that, Jeff. There have been a series of laws that deal with the issue. So far, what has shaken out it that one must be born on U.S. soil (including its territories). McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone and the U.S. Senate passed a bill specifically to pass on McCain’s eligibility to run for the Presidency. Since McCain’s parents were both U.S. citizens and the Canal Zone was, at that time, considered to be U.S. territory, they made it possible for McCain to run. But Cruz as a nominee is probably a bridge too far since his dad was not a U.S. citizen until 2005 and Cruz was born in Canada. In this case, two strikes and you are out. In a nightmare scenario, Cruz could be nominated and then a couple of weeks before the general election be declared ineligible by the Dem-controlled SCOTUS. The GOP would scramble but it would be too late to support someone else. That would hand the election to Hillary.
Jay Bell says
But the law to end automatic citizenship to “anchor babies” was passed AFTER Rubio’s birth. Marco Rubio was a citizen from birth–unlike Cruz who was a Canadian citizen by his birth. Cruz disavowed his Canadian citizenship a few years ago–but CRUZ WAS BORN A CANADIAN, NOT a U.S. citizen.
norman says
Gowdy wants to keep things the way they are. Elect a boy to do a man’s job. another attorney trying to get another attorney elected. Gowdy couldn’t do anything about Benghazi but put on a show with not consequences. Rubio is/ has been a career politician since graduation. No private sector work history, none. Rubio would be manipulated as are all the other politicians. he is not strong/forceful enough. he is for blanket amnesty and does not have the life experiences to lead anyone much less a country.
Paul Cosenza says
Gowdy is a hero – honest and brave, knowing the blowback he will get. Rubio is a bright light for the Republican party who has a solid understanding of what it will take to turn around the nation. He has an ability to communicate it like nobody since Reagan … without offending half the people, as Trump does whenever he bloviates. In short, Rubio can win, he can bring the people together, and he actually has policies, unlike Trump and his tiresome bromides.
dave3200 says
Rubio isn’t constitutionally eligible to serve as our President. If he becomes the GOP’s nominee, the ensuing lawsuits will end any chance of the GOP winning against Clinton. Rubio knows this, as does Gowdy.
Jay Bell says
Rubio IS eligible or Obama IS NOT. You can’t have it both ways. Rubio’s situation is very similar to Obama’s. Obama’s dad was NEVER a U.S. citizen but he was supposedly born on U.S. soil (Hawaii) –as was Rubio (in Miami). Rubio’s parents both received their citizenship when Marco was four-years-old. Rubio was a U.S. citizen from birth, unlike Cruz who was born a Canadian citizen to an American mother and a father who was a Cuban citizen until 2005.
Bud webster says
Paul, are you sure your not George constanza? What planet are you from to compare Rubio to Reagan ? What an idiot you are, you are exactly what is wrong with the party. Your ignorant & have no clue what,s going o around you. Educate yourself fool
Jeff says
Sorry but he would have NO CHANCE to bring the people together, NOBODY wants him, well except for you.
norman says
yep,Illinois Bob, I agree, time for Gowdy to go. I personally have had enough of his ineffective big mouth.
norman says
yep,Illinois Bob, I agree, time for Gowdy to go. I personally have had enough of his ineffective big mouth.
marlene says
I TOLD YOU. He’s a globalist who joined his enemy to undermine them. He should be deported! BTW – it would be legal to do so.
marlene says
PS – oops – I meant Rubio should be deported, Gowdy can give up the ghost.
Dr. Eli B. says
Gowdy is a mediocre politician. Bengazi hearing is the worst work done. If his endorsement is a gain for Rubio, it supports that Rubio is on the same level – level of mediocrity. God forbids from such President!
mama bear says
HE IS wrong, if Rubio a Bush guy, and same with Cruz who both voted for legalizing ilegals andnow talks crap. why does America forget so much truth..lazy? IF either of them get in we will have the same imigration problem with millions coming in and get a welfare check with all the trimings. I have thot why did gov not just follow our true immigration laws build the fence etc and when these same freaks turn about 1800 men from prison and said it was a accident. yeah right.. I say, the only one with truth is TRUMP period..
Lindy says
Tea Party leader my big patootie. Not one true conservative would align him or herself with Rubio, the man who said, I too would break the law and enter the country illegally if it meant a better life for my family.
Bud webster says
Solid post lindy
Jack says
If Trump doesn’t get elected this time around you can kiss this country goodbye for many liberal reasons.
Mark says
I would prefer Cruz over Rubio by about a mile, but Trump, Carson, Rubio or Carly would certainly get my vote over Hillary or Bernie. Heck, I’d vote for their turds before I’d vote for Hillary.
Jay Bell says
Look folks, we are up against a leviathan–globalist elites want to usher in a worldwide socialist order and EVERYONE in the Democratic Party is in on it. Some of the GOP is in on it too (the Bushes) but there is some chance that a Trump / Rubio ticket would work against the globalist forces. Trump would speak the hard truths and Rubio would help unify the GOP. Right now, Trump and Cruz are allied but Cruz IS INELIGIBLE for the V.P. position because he has two strikes against him–he was NOT BORN IN THE U.S. (which is apparently the most important consideration) and both of his parents were not citizens till a LONG time after he was born (his dad only got U.S. citizenship in 2005). If Cruz is declared ineligible by the Dem-controlled SCOTUS just before the general election, it would be a disaster and hand the Presidency to Hillary.
Joseph C. Moore, USN Ret. says
Those standards preclude Rubio also.
Jay Bell says
No–Rubio is on firmer ground as he was born on U.S. soil BEFORE they messed around with the “anchor-baby” legislation where the baby becomes a naturalized-citizen when his/her parents do. Rubio is a natural born citizen. He was born in Miami. Cruz was, unfortunately, born in Canada. He almost certainly would be seen as ineligible by the Supreme Court. We need to be smart about this election and nominate those who have the best chance against Hillary–that would be Trump / Rubio. And maybe Rubio could coach Trump on thinking strategically before he speaks! I understand that Trump entertains himself by saying whatever is on his mind (and much of it is what we all think anyway) but to avoid alienating the important middle, he needs to moderate his tone.
Bud webster says
Jay, most of what you said has validity except for the part about Cruz, his mother is American so is her womb. Cruz had duel citizenship. He renounced his Canadien citizenship to avoid scrutiny. If your gonna make comments that have power, make sure they are factually correct. Ted Cruz is an American
Jay Bell says
Yes, Bud, Cruz IS an American citizen but the Constitution says that a candidate for the position of President MUST BE A “NATURAL-BORN” citizen–meaning, at the very least, that he /she must be born in the U.S. or in a U.S. territory. Cruz was NOT a “natural-born” citizen–Rubio was (born in Miami). You need to familiarize yourself with the various tweaks. It just isn’t as simple as people would like it to be. It would likely go to the SCOTUS to interpret what the Constitution means by that phrase. And with a Dem-controlled SCOTUS, it will mean whatever the Dems want it to mean.
ZuZu says
Your policy is PC correct. Let’s not tell the truth. Only
one candidate is. And The Tea Party cannot bear the
truth. Hence, the GOP will run a PC nerd..and we
will lose. Again? Why vote?
Bud webster says
Your an idiot Zuzu.
donald says
I wonder who and what they have on Trey?
Joseph C. Moore, USN Ret. says
Any esteem that I had for Gowdy has flown out the window with his endorsement of Rubio who would be a RINO president.
Bud webster says
Your a great American joe. Thanks for your service. May God Bless you and yours this Christmas season and into the new year. Cheers
Mike Perri says
To quote an Old Indian; “What if I told you that the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird?”
Justin W says
Politicians tend to endorse primary candidates. There is always a danger that an endorsement is going to conflict with the politicians supporters. If Mr. Gowdy had endorsed Donald Trump a different group of people would have been mad.
Bud webster says
Not me, I will not vote for trump in the primary, should he make it to the general election, when he will get my vote.
Mike says
It is time for a completely new Senate and Congress, it is time to vote OUT all of these people that think they are safe from the voters wrath and to let the replacements know that they can be replaced as well if they don’t wish to speak as the voters want. The first thing should be a cut in their pay until they can balance the budget, not a raise in pay because there isn’t enough money to properly pay our military as they have done several times. Get some honest people in there or vote for NONE OF THE ABOVE. Write your own name in if you wish.
Mike says
Time to vote for new names such as None Of The Above in both the Senate and the Congress to let them know the voters can replace them as they come up for election. If it says incumbent then its a no vote for them in my opinion.
Ed M says
Funny how Trump thought Trey would be good for the Justice Dept and now he is worthless. Trump HATES anyone that dosen’t kiss his rear
Betty says
I will call all those people Rino’s that call other Republicans Rino’s, A Rino’s is that person that will only support their candidate now the Republican candidate after the primary, that is why we have Obama today. All the Rino’s did not vote for Romney, we can thank them for the mess we have today.
Richard Cunningham says
By endorsing Rubio, who wants an open border and illegal aliens, including Syrian Muslims, Goudy went from 100% to 0% in my books. I thought he was for US and not for the establishment that’s screwed things up in our country for years. As it now stands, I wouldn’t vote for either Goudy or Rubio for dog catcher.
Richard Cunningham says
Ed m speaks like a true socialist, aka democrat. All they can do is downgrade or insult anybody who doesn’t see thing his “liberal” ways.
val says
Your right…Rubio is a RHINO & now it looks like Gowdy is….! Very disheartening, as I thought Gowdy was on our side & would endorse CRUZ! Can’t count on any of you people any more! Very sad Gowdy…Wake up..Rubio is NOT what we need…voting for him to me, is like voting for Hillary!!! Same, same!!
Jerry says
God bless US, for FREEDOM comes with a PRICE! PLEASE PASS ALONG. Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality for the United States. That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by “force, violence, or other unconstitutional means.” This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House. The laws prohibits entry of “Aliens who the consular officer or the Attorney General knows or has reason to believe seek to enter the United States solely, principally, or incidentally to engage in activities which would be prejudicial to the public interest, or endanger the welfare, safety, or security of the United States.” It also prohibits the entry of Aliens who are members of or affiliated with any organization that advocates or teaches, the overthrow by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means of the US or of all forms of law, and Aliens who publish, circulate and distribute materials teaching or advocating the overthrow by force, violence or other unconstitutional means of the US Government or of all forms of law. Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic. All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life’s guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government. Now the political correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion. Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any “organization” that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited. It also prohibits those who distribute literature that advocates the overthrow of our country, which would include the Koran. In fact, there are many verses in the Koran that command Islamists to kill those who do not submit to allah and the prophet. If Congress so desired to hold the White House accountable to the current immigration of refugees (which also must comply with the law), it has the Immigration and Nationality Act to cite. The Administration is breaking that law. The question is “does Congress have the political will to do something about it?” Or shall we be a nation like that in Isaiah 59:14 where, “justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” I think you know the answer, at least for now. But there are a handful of Congressmen who are studying this. Pray. To read the law, go to this link and scroll down to Chapter 2, Section 212
lucille j. justin says
Mr. Gowdy I called your office and of course no person to speak with only a machine. I called twice. I’ll say it again, your are a disappointment. Of all the people to stand by. I live it South Florida, worked my butt off for Rubio, sent him up to Washington. Your an intelligent man, tell me one thing he has accomplished. I can tell you, for the State of Florida. Nothing!!!!!! All he wants to do is become a professional government worker. Do you need to have the job of Attorney General that bad? How can you trust him. Bush was his mentor, helped to get him elected and see how he turned his back on him. In my book neither of them should not be President. What does Rubio know about foreign affairs and talking to foreign leaders. Nothing!!!!!!! Only what he has been told what to say…. Mr. Gowdy in my eyes you have made the worse decision in your career. I will never vote for you if you every run for any political office in America. You have shown your true colors. You and Mr Rubio can be run by the establishment and have become part of the ESTABLISHMENT!!!!!!!!
Bishop Ken Bolin says
I am so sick of these people who come in after being electioned and not do one thing they stand before God & We The People. Telling America what they will do no matter what then turn sucking up and seeling out. I had a lot of respect for Marco Rubio Paul Ryan & you as well Try Gowdy? Try now I see what your word meant just like Rubio & Ryan NOTHING AT ALL’ I knew when Rubio sold out Try as well same for Ryan when. I saw Graham & McCain running to Rubio I knew it was over they ran like a bear for a honey hole then Ryan Now You Try. I saw you given up on Killary Clinton you will not finish what you’ve promised to the America people on that daughter of satan. If you don’t recant your support for Rubio and back Ted Cruz I’ll be done with you’ all of DC including obama are nothing but liars thefts deceivers destroyers workers of satan wicked wretched takers ofall we have and our freedom. All of you are marxist socialist commie’s you come in broke stay till your to old to walk always sealing everything you can get and Taking everything you can take from We The People. Not one of you is worth killing all of you should be put into a federal prison. I can say with total Certainty that 99% of DC will be in hell for all eternity Try Gowdy your a real disgrace. Bishop Ken Bolin I’m an old southern boy raised by a real man of God and raised to tell the total truth Try so I believe I told you the real truth and I need to say this to you now America see’s your a liar Try
John polacek says
I used to think Trey Gowdy was one of the stars in today’s politics, but after getting no where in any investigation he has headed, proving his total incompetency, it is no surprise that he would endorse Rubio. Rubio is the epitome of phony politics and says everything that anyone wants to hear, just to get elected. After the election his true liberal leaning, yes man traits would come out. Another first year Senator who has had zero experience in the real world job market. A politician since school was out. Gowdy and Rubio would be as effective as all of Gowdy’s investigations.
Frank Bond says
The politicions who serve in congress have become too important or “so they think” We the people need to show them who is the BOSS. Our Country is the greatest Nation on the Earth …. Everybody wants to be an American because of our Freedom and our way of life. What happened to the pride of serving your country? It was lost by our lawmakers somewhere along the way to the last dinner or party that they attended at your and my expense. or expense of a big manufacturer or lobbyist who used to be a colleague in congress. Let’s get some patriots back in the halls of congress who will right the “ship of state” and stop it from sinking,
Don says
Sad commentary for Trey Gowdy.
I cannot support a candidate who refuses to address,, and even promotes illegal immigration, therefore, Rubio is not a viable candidate in my opinion.
George Rozenkowski says
Your right Bud. Durbin was a joke even to his own party. His own party laughed when he was elected because he was such a joke. He is still a joke, actually a bigger one. Now also as some claim a socialist. If true I wouldn’t put it past him. That’s why the state of Illinois is broke. They just never learn in that state just like liberals love Hillary. Just don’t learn or care for this country. That’s why I left this crummy state recently. I watched Durbin get elected and regretted it ever since. Nothing but a suck_ss flunky.
Jerry says
Congressman, Trey Gowdy, Every committee chair he serves on he acts like a Mr Know it all, He thinks he is asking tough questions. He is a waste of a another useless congressman, out for himself and the tea party. He is endorsing another looser Senator Marco Rubio another politician that is bought and paid for by big money. I live in Florida Rubio is about as good as Jeb Bush only in the run for president to force feed America his beliefs and the big money supporters there will to control America. I went to Rubio over a month ago with my concerns, They always tell you write or call your Representative with your concerns, Well its been long over a month I never even got an acknowledgement from his office, not even a form letter. At the same time I wrote my concerns to John McCain Chair for Defense Committee at least McCain sent me a form letter telling me he would consider my concerns when he voted. My concerns had nothing to do with voting, I sent a reply to McCain’s office it was never answered. That is how much they care about the people.they serve. They are all waste and it is time to clean house, and set term limits.
Jerry says
Congressman Trey Gowdy did such a good investigation into the Benghazi killings a committee he chaired. He should have just taken Hilary Clinton out for drinks and chatted, cause he gave her a pass on the investigation. I think he is a democrat posing as a republican.
Adrienne says
You are right! Trump is the only candidate who is not afraid to call a spade a spade. He is his own man who will surround himself with brilliant people and together they can turn around America and make her great again. The GOP should be thrilled to have Donald Trump and be happy to see the American people support a Republican candidate who is new and fresh and will bring out many people who have never voted before. It’s very sad that Republicans do not want what is best for America they want what is best for the good old boys. Can someone please tell me what have the Republicans done for the people since they took control of the Senate and the Congress. They have promised much and have delivered nothing. We need a new person and for me that person is Donald Trump.
I my hope is that the more they gang up in him the more the people will support him. I believe their behaviour will backfire on the Republicans.
Louise says
Why is everyone so fixed on Rubio, Cruz and Trump. There are problems with most of the people you are discussing.. How about looking at Dr. Ben Carson. A very honest and highly educated and gifted man! A true American! Then there is Carly Fiorina, a great business professional who would rip holes in Hillary if given the chance to debate her. Also you have other excellent candidates who are Washington outsiders. I would vote for Trump, even with his crudeness. This country voted in a man with no experience, and truly a socialist who only said “Hope and Change” and never offered one bit of what he had in mind. Obviously not even respect for our flag For heavens sake look at the otherCandidates who are regular Americans who want a change from political shadiness! Don’t make the same mistake this time!
Florida Jeff says
Rubio is bought and paid for by big business.
I’m an IT worker and it just infuriates me that Rubio is pushing for more H1Bs (for his corporate masters).
Now Gowdy is on my sh_t list for supporting him. Rubio is no conservative.
He flips with the wind and there will be amnesty for all if he were elected.
Candace Warren says
I am a HUGE fan of Trey Gowdy. I would love to see HIM as president, but he is too smart to subject himself to that. I am wondering what his reasoning is for choosing Rubio over Cruz, and I am hoping one of the media will elicit that information from him. I am not convinced that Rubio can win against Hilary. I am hoping that anyone who calls themselves Republican, OR conservative, will come out to cast their vote for ANYONE BUT HILLARY. Otherwise that Bitch will get elected and RUIN what is left of this once-great nation after Obummer is done with it. I am tired of feeling like a bone the dog has chewed up.
sam says
The inner circle of Washington is being threatened by Trump, the good ole boys of DC have PLENTY to lose if their playhouse gets broken up. Republican and Democrats may be fundamentally different on views but there are fundamentally the same when it comes down to money and they get plenty of it underhandedly, even more when they leave office if they played nice. Trump doesn’t need their money, he cannot be bought, the only reason he is running he loves America and it will take someone like him to save it after 8 years of give-away programs. It has to stop in 16 or this Country will not last, start classes on how to tie your turbin!!