With a FBI indictment looming, a new email has revealed just how long Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her team feared FBI Director James Comey’s investigators — years.
A senior aide to Clinton privately complained that Comey was “a bad choice” for them in October 2015, according to a new release from WikiLeaks. The blunt assessment foreshadowed the dramatic tension that has escalated between Comey and the Democratic presidential candidate in the final days before the election, and was regarding Comey’s integrity.
Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri forwarded to colleagues a news article in which the FBI director suggested that crime could be rising because police officers were becoming less aggressive as a result of the “Ferguson effect,” anti-police sentiment following unrest earlier that year in Ferguson, Missouri.
Palmieri wrote, “Get a big fat ‘I told you so’ on Comey being a bad choice.” Critics say the remarks imply the aide was afraid Comey wasn’t easily controlled by liberals. She sent the email to Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, and to the private email address of someone who appeared to be White House spokesman Eric Schultz. Neither responded, and Palmieri did not appear to write further about the subject. Palmieri was the White House director of communications when Comey was appointed FBI director in September 2013.
The release of the hacked email came days after Comey notified Congress that during an investigation of Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s now-separated husband, former Rep. Anthony Weiner, FBI agents found indications that a laptop used by Weiner contained some emails related to the FBI’s earlier probe of Clinton’s private computer server and emails. The disclosure roiled the presidential campaign, and last week Palmieri openly criticized Comey about the notification.
Comey had announced in July that he was recommending against criminal charges in the investigation of Clinton’s use of her private server, but the FBI director also delivered blistering criticism that Clinton and her colleagues at the State Department were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”
The Palmieri email was among more than 2,000 messages newly published Thursday by WikiLeaks. The emails were hacked from Podesta’s private account.
The U.S. government has said the Russian government was responsible, although WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said earlier in the day that no government or any other state parties had given the stolen emails to WikiLeaks.
In another hacked email published Thursday, Palmieri told Podesta and longtime Clinton adviser Neera Tanden in June 2011 that it was time to “bust in that house and get Huma the hell out of there.”
Palmieri was not explicit in the reference but it appears to have been prompted by the sexting scandal involving Weiner that forced him to resign from his New York congressional seat. Palmieri sent the email, which she titled “time to get in the hazmat suits,” the day before Weiner stepped down after admitting he had sent a sexually suggestive picture of himself to a 21-year-old woman over Twitter.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
I am happy that there is some type of investigation -but my fears are that it will again be somehow “no charges – no criminal intent or activity” that is something I truly do not understand -documents were destroyed – not everything was turned over – a private email server and on and on — I unfortunately believe that no matter what she will not be charged – the worst thing could happen is putting her in the White House with total power –This needs to be taken care of immediately – she should not have even been allowed to run for the Presidency until she and her husband and the Clinton Foundation was cleared or all and any illegal operations — this used to be a land that the people respected – trusted and admired — but today I feel that we are not trusted – admired or respected – we have become a disgrace……
Sad, but true
This is all a game of O’Vomit’s doing. They are rushing this so O’Vomit will be able to pardon her from all charges. This shows what people elected was nothing more than a muslim that was hell-bent on destroying America!! I didn’t vote for the scumbag muslim so I don’t have any guilty feelings. We the People ARE sorry that O’Vomit was elected by a lot of people that were EASILY misled into thinking they knew what they were doing!! Imagine that!! And now those same people are thinking with the same mindset when they want ANOTHER loser for president! (Hill-Da-Bitch) Shit NEVER ends!!
I agree. He was NEVER my president. I knew the first time I heard him speak that there was something hinky and off with him. I couldn’t explain it but I just knee. And here wwbate almost 8 years later in the biggest mea a this country has been in since I have been alive. And that’s a long long time.
Here we are am.ost8 years later. Sorry.
I agree with you. We should all abide by the law and greedy people shouldn’t get a free pass.
I am the victim of he same type of “justice”. Can’t wait until she is no longer in office. I will finally get justice. Will County Circuit Court Clerk will finally see what she married. The brother of a convicted felon.
I totally agree. I’m sure the other countries are marveling at our total stupidity and the morons that were elected to run our government….or should I say NOT run it, but dictate to we, the people.
I thought if a person got a criminal background can’t run for President?
good point, but there are laws that H.C. will never follow because she feels above the Laws. Only one way to end this is vote against her !!!
There is one law that no one on planet earth can escape, and that being the law of the bullet! If a bullet were to reach out and touch you, you would no longer be on this planet! You would be going to stand before the last judge you’ll ever want to in front of you! This judge has the power to allow you to be remembered, or he can send you into oblivion where you won’t even be an after thought!
O’L Glory is hanging real low! IShe will
Fly high agin when Trump wins!!!
You are so right. I can’t stand her yelling voice anymore. I am broken hearted to tears for our homeland
Me too! :'(
Myself also!!! ????
maybe at some time she will get so upset the will follow Vince Foster and commit suicide
Do you really think that he committed suicide? It’s impossible to shoot yourself twice in the head. In the deaths of 47 of their friends or acquaintances or employees the death are all suspicious and made to look like suicide or accidents with no witnesses.
… it has something to do with a Felony Conviction.
copy of the actual order (law) Clinton broke.
OK! For those who will take an active stand against Mrs. H. Clinton, first read this post to decide if you agree. If you do not agree then do nothing, but if you agree then copy this and demand your Representatives do something about it.
This law, 18 US Code 2071 (b), is the law Mrs. H. Clinton violated while holding office as the United States Secretary of State. Here is the reading of the appropriate code section:
Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(NOTE; this section (a) does not fully pertain to Clinton. It would, if applied, equate to the person(s) who took the items and put them on other devices but were not the custodian of such records.) The next section pertains to Clinton who was the person who had actual custody of the records as the “top Boss” of the Sec. State office.
(ALSO NOTE the use of the words “or” as used then continue reading) (anyone recall the Bill Clinton problem and his statement of “what is is”)
“Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”
The whole law has compound sentences: “The structure of a compound sentence sends certain messages to readers, no matter how you fill in the blanks. First, it tells readers that the sentence contains two relatively important ideas, each one deserving its own independent clause. Second, it tells readers that these two ideas are approximately equal in importance, since they are balanced as a pair. And third, it alerts readers to the relationship between the two ideas, depending on the connector. For example, and suggests that the two ideas are being added together, but indicates that they are being contrasted, and or tells us that they are alternatives. A semicolon suggests balance between two similar or sharply contrasting statements.”
By following the rules of punctuation we can easily and accurately settle on the things she willfully did. (Compare this “she did this OR she did that” to the writing of the law. Doing either is also illegal and falls under guilty.)
First Mrs. Clinton did have custody of records, documents or other things (electronic documents). Next she did willfully and unlawfully conceal or destroy the same.
So let’s break this down to her (Mrs. Clinton’s) actual actions pertaining to files that were considered work related. Mrs. Clinton did willfully and unlawfully initiate work related documents to be placed on her private computer. Mrs. Clinton did willfully and unlawfully allow work related documents to be removed or destroyed from her private computer. We could proceed further, however those two actions alone fulfill the requirements to be prosecuted under the law as shown in this document. Even if Mrs. Clinton is not fined under this title (18 US Code 2071 (b) or imprisoned, she is still disqualified (if found guilty) to hold any office under the United States as per the cited US Code. However, Mrs. Clinton has admitted and the FBI has stated she did in fact do these actions. You should take notice that “intent” is not mentioned in this section of the Code. Further, “ignorance of the law is no excuse” is a statement we have heard many times and by virtue of her position she either knew or should have known what she did was illegal.
Any person with the knowledge of and the authority to take legal action to implement this US Code against Mrs. H. Clinton and does not do so is guilty of dereliction of duty. If the legal action allowed and demanded by this US Code (18 US Code 2071 (b)) is not taken in a timely manner then later action could be implied as “election tampering” which would give the President reason to intervene on behalf of Mrs. Clinton. A pardon usually cannot take place unless the person is first convicted of a federal crime but the President may have other options. One of these options would be a blanket pardon which pardons crimes committed or may be committed in the future sort of like Mr. Ford did for Mr. Nixon.
And why isn’t this being prosecuted?
They are all criminals. Both Clinton’s have had their law licenses revoked. Mr. and Mrs. Obummer had their law licenses revoked all for lying to the American Bar.
Already the machines in some locations are being reported as rigged. If ONE machine at your location is being reported as recording a vote wrong, you can bet that ALL of them are rigged! Immediately remove these machines ands seal them for further investigation. Get a paper ballot and be sure they are HAND COUNTED, and not MACHINE COUNTED!!
We have to monitor our polling locations for fraud. If using voting machines, if possible, HAVE THEM TESTED before election day by a certified computer technician. Do what voters in other states are doing: AVOID THE MACHINES IF POSSIBLE; DEMAND A PAPER BALLOT. If using the ALMOST tamper proof paper ballots, set up a committee to monitor the counting of them. NO MACHINE COUNTING!!
Any illegal caught voting should be deported immediately. The hard part would be checking for illegals or non-citizens in those democrat-run states, like WHEN they came here and WHEN they were naturalized. (Don’t forget, those ”naturalized” from July 2015 to today DID NOT SWEAR BY THE ORIGINAL NATURALIZATION OATH, where Obama had amended it!) We also know we have to keep an eye out for illegals and felons being driven to the polls in groups, so we can take pictures or videos, including the plate number of the vehicle. Too bad we couldn’t have ICE agent’s in uniform at all polling places where Sores’ machines were placed. We should also be putting “Alien or Non Alien” on all drivers licenses! We have opened the doors to the country, given away all legal citizens benefits and removed all reason for those people to stay where they are. Here is another good idea from a FB friend.
Jose Leo Garcia says: Any polling location accepting, knowingly or unknowingly, illegal voters to cast a ballot, democrat or republican, must have all ballots cast to be held for verification by the proper authorities and witnessed by an independent committee of registered voters. Results should then be declared and official count then included in the national totals and all illegal votes declared null and void and those casting such votes must be brought to justice and deported.
If each state, COUNTY, CITY, AND TOWN follow the above steps, we might get a more honest vote
Do NOT leave the machine, call STATE POLICE, take pictures if possible, Liberals are running scared and are desperate, YES if in doubt about machines, get a PAPER Ballot, do not let someone take it from you, IT IS YOUR RIGHT to make sure this is deposited in a secure box. PROTECT OUR HERITAGE, many PATRIOTS fought and died for us to have the right to an HONEST election. I heard where someplace a Poll worker said they could not give out paper ballots as they were illegal, this is NOT TRUE, they don’t want to lose, and will go to any length to get control over US.
You can’t deport some of these people for illegal voting. They have been dead too long.
You are so right!!
the no charge in july was a surprise I cont think it will be the same this time if it is going to be the same, whats the point
June Fiore, Amen How right you are.
It was the plan all along.
THERE IS A DIFFERENT SET OF LAW RULES, for clinton and for you and me, look at all the crimes the Clintons have got away with until now. covered up unexplainable deaths, drugs in arkasaw ,hillary threatening very lives of rape victims and their families if they came forward told of bill clintons serial rapes, the fact clintons are involved in sex pedafile ring where young girls and boys are kidnapped took to an island to be raped by high officals for their pleasure, this has been proven and the most horrific crime against children YET THE CLINTONS GOT AWAY WITH IT ALL why obama has covered for the clintons as OBAMA is a part of all clintons crimes
True because dumbass obuma will her a pardon
Hillary scary if she does win we are going to end up with Tim Kane as president yeah scary the Clintons have again let the people of the US. Look like idiots at least Trump seems like he wants to help this country God Bless him
Thank you some one finally brought up Tim Kaine. Now this is one character who is not dealing with a full deck and she probably knows it too you can tell that by his actions and just looking at him. Also Obama should not be stumping for Hillary because I do believe he knew everything that was going on and he is just as guilty as her. He should quietly sail into the sunset plus also should be held accountable for his actions. He should also be charged with a crime because he knew what was going on, he is not dumb. He also is an A.H. ad is the first real jack ass we had in the W.H.
“With a FBI indictment looming, a new email has revealed just how long Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her team feared FBI Director James Comey’s investigators — years.”
This quote, symbolizes the state of our justice system!
In all of this “investigation”; not one solid question or incident has been followed!
The “prosecutors”; have taken the role of defendants!
Does anyone think Hillary is afraid of being found guilty of anything?
Hillary admits to being “responsible”; and that seems to resolve the problem!
What is she responsible for??
Questioning Hillary, is like asking a sophomore “adult” questions!
Not one single answer of “yes” or “no”, is given, but instead a search of the thesaurus, to find a diversion!
Very simple; Hillary is getting away with murder!!
How can she even run? She has committed Treason! Why hasn’t she been removed from the race?
Lock her up NOW !!!
Cornell Law Library
Former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only is Hillary Clinton’s private email server illegal, it “disqualifies” her from holding any federal office. Very specifically points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071.
For those of us who do not have United States Code committed to memory, here’s what it says:
“(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”
Yes, it explicitly states “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”
Shouldn’t voters know that? Why won’t the criminal media them?
So it’s up to us Americans!
Can you imagine if this story was about the republican candidate (Trump), it would be front page news until he withdrew from the campaign. And people still deny media bias?
yes trump groped women, while BILL CLINTON WAS A SERIAL RAPIST OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN, but this is not in headlines why think hard.. OBama IS INVOLVED in all of the clintons crimes, if he let hillary go down so will he and most of the government officals in washington dc, Hillary has a love affair with huma, and has has with many women why has this not hit the news? why the clintons paid off the media, news casters. to not expose them if they do THEY DIE AS MANY OTHERS DIED DUE TO THE CLINTON CRIME FAMILY
And the Clintons and Obamas have given the news reporters’ spouses cushy jobs in what we refer to as “the government” for lack of another label.
Hillary isn’t afraid of Comey or anyone else. Hillary has more than enough fraudulent votes to win the election one Tuesday. This election being fixed with money and people who are interested in turning America into a police state. (See George Orwell’s book 1984)
The only thing Hillary has to fear is being put to death by a country with 450,000,000 guns in the hands of free men and women. The odds of her surviving her presidency or 1 in 100,000.
I totally agree…The Clinton gang, Obama and the rest of the Democrat Trash are “TEFLON” coated, nothing will stick to them. Comey (FBI) seems to finally be trying to do the right thing but LORRITA LYNCH (bought and paid for via Clinton) seems to have the final word. If Clinton is charged with anything OBAMA will “give her a free pass”, mainly because Hillery could bring him down “””because he is worse than Hillery”””…”Looks like it’s time to “lock and load”.
Those emails were private. They are nothing in comparison to the kind of garbage being spewed out by you all. I pray for you. I pray for our country. Please let us Heal the World with Love and Peace.
Take a step back and rea what you all are writing. I hav enot read anything as hateful and cruel as this.
The polling sites are being better monitored by ICE to catch the illegal. That’s deportation for trying to vote illegally. In other countries it means death, but here, we ”soft” Americans just deport. As for the dead – I have no idea how they’re stopping that, but they are finally getting a handle on that, too. Would like to know how.
Maybe people should have to present their SSN when voting. Illegals should not have a SSN. They should be paying taxes to the IRS general fund as an illegal/VISA. Until they become a US citizen, they should not be drawing any SS or receiving any government benefits. Also, we shouldn’t have to use our education fund to teach their children English. Parents with school age children that can’t speak English should have to pay for their child to learn English. I’m tired of these freeloaders.
Amen ????????
Amen ????????
I think they are deporting them also. Mostly to Haiti.
I’m not so sure about that. I read that Obama has had more attempts on his life than any other president. Not only have all of them failed, but they have been kept totally under the radar.
Hadn’t heard that jeanette but That under the Radar may be so as not to discourage the next one from trying
Cornell Law Library
Former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only is Hillary Clinton’s private email server illegal, it “disqualifies” her from holding any federal office. Very specifically points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071.
For those of us who do not have United States Code committed to memory, here’s what it says:
“(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”
Yes, it explicitly states “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”
Shouldn’t voters know that? Why won’t the criminal media them?
So it’s up to us Americans!
I don’t know why she would – O’bozo the “Big Eared” Clown and “Thunder Thigh’s” Lynch won’t allow him to indict her or impanel a Grand Jury so it’s business as usual for the Clinton’s lie and cheat your way to whatever the goal maybe.
Look up the definition of {corrupt} T his is the middle name for HILLARY THE BEAST CLINTON.
It is time that we not only remove Huma from the equation, it is time to through that pervert Anthony Weiner in jail.
what a sick and twisted individual. it was my understanding that he received counseling for his awful behavior. Well it appears that counseling doesn’t work in his case.
Through that “Nasty Women” and the Clinton Cartel in prison.
The most perfect place to send that Clinton cartel is to Devils Island dressed in thick black & white striped wool prison uniforms with a ball & chain attached to their left ankle or since the Clinton cartel loves those trouble making ragheaded Iranians, send them to Iran.
The Clinton Cartel has got to be exposed for what it is! The greatest PONZI sham in history and Pay to Play. Bring them all down before they finish bringing America down. Make America Great Again. Drain the swamp Trump!
The first thing I want to say is that I am absolutely PETRIFIED about voting for ANYONE of the candidate that have been presented to us by the two major political parties and some of the fringe groups. I DO NOT LIKE DONALD TRUMP POSSIBLY BECOMING OUR PRESIDENT, but if all of this email nonsense was HIS DOING, ALL OF THESE LEFTWING LOONIES WOULD BE ARMING ALL OF THEIR STREET AGITATORS for the next American Civil War (which we may actually get anyhow when HITLARY attempts to disarm all of the currently law abiding gun owners.
You are right the South will not give up their guns I can not speak for the North but here they say she will get my gun when she prys it out of my cold dead hand
NO MATTER WHAT!!! You have to VOTE TRUMP… He wasn’t my choice either but if you don’t vote or vote 3rd party then that is a vote for ((%$&* HILLERY… In other words “IF MY DEAD DOG “KUG” RAN AGAINST HILLERY I WOULD VOTE FOR KUGO” !!!…Mainly I am voting “AGAINST HILLERY”.
To me it is a “3rd grade decision” “ALL POLITIONS HATE TRUMP SO HE HAS TO BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT”. Also His biggest enemy is his “OWN PARTY”.
It seems like a simple decision….VOTE TRUMP!!
The GOP elite establishment don’t like Trump because he is his own man and will not be a puppet to anyone including the RHINO’s. What we need is Trump for President, Pence for VP and eliminate the RHINO;s, liberals, then maybe we can accomplish something in Congress.
russa is a red herring, as the main source of hacking is the world when it comes to hillary unprotected illegal server. as for election, another russian red herring. the odds are that george soros’ busineess’ that own voting machine software and centralized counting centers that the precincts send their totals to, is the ”rigged” part of the election. soros owns lots of machines, softwar and centralized centers and that is where he can adjust the vote. im sure the fbi is aware of this. i have to assume the world of spies are aware of george soros, as he does not confine himself to the usa alone. he can fix an election just about anywhere.
I believe that is the true and real issue at stake! Doris controls 17 states voter machine and counting. He could get a piglet made president if he wished. Just don’t understand how we have let it happen. Not all of us have our heads in the sand, we’ve been vigilant for years. Yet this fox is camping in the henhouse..
NOW!!!!!!Impeach Obama, indict, convict Hillary/Bill/Uhma/her aides,etc.—Biden in till Jan. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT
That’s a good idea Joan. However, Congress reminds me of a constipated mathematician. At least, the mathematician can work something out with a pencil, but Congress can’t work out anything. I just hope and pray Trump will win big time when the voting counts. Don’t believe polls…..
Putin is wondering if the USA has turned into a banana republic. Elites control the masses and money. He is probably right.
If Jim can stay alive long enough to bring charges and force the AG or DOJ to appoint a special prosecutor/grand jury we may see some justice. I’m afraid the government is so corrupt it will take a revolution to change things.
A revolution may be coming soon………………………………………………. especially if Hillary wins………………………
Vote Trump………………….
Scroll down to blond speaking: https://twitter.com/DBHnBuckhe…
Anonymous message: https://s14.postimg.org/7lkh61…
* plus *
Wikileaks already correlating and working with other U.S. agencies with their evidence.
Everything is about Trump and what he said or did 11 yrs ago if there is anyone in this world that can tell me he or she has not done or said things in are pass I would have to call you a lire to your face as for the office of the President goes I only hope we have of starting to clime out of the place this country has gone is to Vote for Trump I might not like the man that much but I do believe he is for the country not big business or special people in this he seems to be for the working class and that is what we need to get this country Great again and have the other countries look up to us
When you Lie and Cheat as much as the Clintons , eventually you’re bound to get caught . It’s her time !! Hopefully all of this will shut down the Clinton foundation too . I still don’t understand why they haven’t been called out on their lies that 90% of that money goes to charities , when it’s more like 10-15 % . I think Americans need to be aware of this . Even in the vp debate they let kaine get away with that lie .
I’m Soo Over seeing hitlerys , obummers , and Micheles faces !! Hurry up Nov. 8 th . Let’s hear it : AND THE 45th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS
Simply disgraceful how Hillary Clinton gets away with her corrupt activities time and time again. How is it that she’s always protected and shielded from the law given her unlawful actions? If the same lawless acts were taken by a Republican, the Democrats and the liberal media would not rest until an indictment were issued and you can bet, this would be front page news. Since it’s Hillary, there’s essentially nothing to report on NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and the grand datty of all liberalism MSNBC. Only Fox News reports on her corruptness.
Wake up America before it’s too late.
You have to understand that the Clinton’s and most of the big shots in Washington D.C. are of “The New World Order” which is an organization that is set up to destroy 80% of the world’s people. It is Satanic and we all know how strong Satan is. It is like WWII when the Europeon Jews were warned to leave but they just didn’t believe that they would be taken away and put in Concentration Camps and later be put to death. This is going to happen in America if Clinton gets elected. She is a snake in the grass and absolutely has no business being in the White House. She will finish what Obama started. The United States will be under Marshal Law sooner than we all think. Nothing would surprise me in the next few days. We need to pray earnestly for Donald Trump’s safety. I believe that the Clinton’s will try and have him killed. They seem to have a history of murdering anyone that really gets in their way. Many members of the Republican Party starting with the old Pres. Bush on down are New World Order. Why they believe in that I will never know but we know the Devil is strong and he must have them under some sort of veil.
If you are a praying person, I would advise you to keep America and her safety in your prayers.
There is another hypothesis that states that the elites of the world are descendants of the Nephilim (who were NOT all killed in the Flood), and therefore, are only part human but are totally evil. (They would be the TRUE “irredeemables.”)
I used to think that was too far out, but lately, the idea has been percolating …
I believe that God is in control. He has to let the evil expose themselves so that his Judgements are right. Get ready for a BIG EVENT that is about to happen.
I agree with you a 100%. I am sure that God is taking control of everything.
When is our congress going to grow some “Balls”. They are just as guilty as the rest of the crooks. They have all the power in the world, but won’t use it to impeach Obummer, Lynch and he rest of the crooks. Trump needs to CLEAN THE SWAMP”, THE SOONER THE BETTER. HE IS OUR ONLY HOPE.
This is ridiculous blah, blah. Ultra-Conservative interpretation of semantics does not make a legitimate case for prosecution of any person.
I have know that the Clintons and obama where bad crooks for a long time and I am not a smart man so why is there so many dumeis out there
Hillary thought Trump had about as much chance of winning the White House as the Cubs did winning the World Series. Hmmmm.
Go Trump/Pence!!!!!
Just for conversation, let’s talk Clinton out of the race for President. and assert any democratic Senator. Congress Has been giving us a choice of 2 people to choose from for over 2 hundred years. They want you to think YOU have a choice, we DO NOT. In 2 hundred years the National Debt has soared to 20 Trillion dollars and everything has gone to hell because they write the laws to benefit themselves. Example : Look at RNC. We the majority of the people said, we want Trump there as our Nominee. Look what happen. Congress went way back to find a law they could use to derail Trump AFTER we the PEOPLE voted Trump there. See, we do not have a choice. If Congress wants someone other than the people, They just in act the lays they passed for just this reason. Now Trump. Is he a politician No! he has no experience in this field. As 2 Senator’s have said, we don’t need another politician right now what we need is Business Man for change. With Hilary or any other politician, you get the same sewage. You don’t have to like Trump however it is NOW time to drain the swamp of career politicians just to get rich! I might add. Look at the Clintons. They don’t even have a job!!! and look they are worth 1/4 of a billion dollars? How is this even being close to being lawful? We needed a business person come forward and thank god someone did. Please Vote Trump/ Pence. We just can’t have another 4 years of Obama. This country needs real change.
I think our buddy Snowden is the person operating the computer crowbar prying loose the hidden truths… not the Russians. He’s got a hard one for these government a-holes, for sure!
No one is kidding me into thinking Comey was feared by Hillary or Obama. Comey let her off the hook, and then seeing Trump was going to be the next President feared he would be sent to prison with Hillary. Much pressure from his co-workers was enough to make Comey do a 360 and do what ever it takes to get himself off the hook. Even Obama is starting to go and turn on Hillary to protect himself. I don’t know who really wrote this article but lets get real here. Comey is running scared himself, and doing what ever it takes to protect himself.
Yep. New pictures and emails of Hi-liar Clinton and sex rings with under age children.
Leave it to the mainstream media to try to hush this up with nonsense articles….
Hi-liar must be so proud of the liberal media and her voters for promoting and voting for criminal pedophiles.
Thanks for the lawless government you all have helped to create.
Let’s hope the NYPD are not the on the Clinton payroll and they and the FBI will do the right thing.
Heaven help Donald Trump into office to clean this disgusting mess up.
Too bad it is up to us to go into Facebook and the Mainstream Media and post this and hope it doesn’t get taken down…sometimes I have to re-post but ….one person at a time hearing the truth…better than none.
Trump: build the wall; hand out blindfolds; pull the trigger on these corrupt ba$tard$ !!’
She should be afraid. She should be V E R Y A F R A I D!!! It’s all coming back to bite her in the butt
Avoid the “rigged” voting machines . . . You say??? . . . But we should just Demand paper ballots?? Are you nuts??? That will solve nothing!
I’ve got news for you . . . . Paper Ballots can and have been be lost or conveniently misplaced! … INTENTIONALLY, of course!
Paper ballots solve nothing .. . . they often get conveniently misplaced or lost . . .
Just like in the commercial for Paconti salsa……” GET A ROPE”
Hillary rotten Clinton and her band of criminals should fear an FBI that is operating according to the law. Regardless of world views and political ideology, a nation has to have a set of laws which all are expected to follow if the country is to survive. In one of the debates Clinton labeled the email scandal a mistake in judgement. The truth is that Hillary has a long track record of poor judgement. There is no indication her judgement will change if she becomes president.
Our nation deserves better than Hillary rotten Clinton. On election day I plan to vote for a total Republican slate in hopes they will end the corruption of the Obama administration.
We don’t have to build a wall at the border …..Very easy and probably the cheapest is to run a full length of several hundred thousand volt electric fence and let the illegals try to cross it … have a bull doses handy with a trench already prepared when they start falling just have the bull doses close the trench. Period end of problem of illegals.
If you take away the cheese the rats will stay away….E-verify and ending welfare and SSI for those who are scamming the system will stop the flow.
From the couching of her emails Palmieri seems a strange immature person to be wielding the power Clinton had vested in her – as indeed with Huma Abedin – and if for no other reason we were to judge Clinton simply for the types of people she designates power to it, is surely clear she should not get the ultimate position of president of the USA.
Commie already sold his soul to the Devil when he accepted Hitlary’s hush money there is no faith in him after that . But it is not this life I would worry about if I were him.
Comey is the only FBI agent that has showed any guts at all so far so I would not come down on him too hard. We wouldn’t have learned as much as we have if it were not for him. He also is in a hard position to be the first one to speak out. He doesn’t know if he will come up dead on the WhiteHouse lawn or not.
Hillary is NOT above the Law. It is time the FBI moves in & puts her under arrest NOW. Do not wait one more minute. The American people must know what is going on here. We do not want a criminal for a President. Hillary will never be trusted by the American People or the people around the world. We the People who would have offended like Hillary would already be in Jail. What are you waiting for ???? I would not vote for her if my life dependent on it. Is there law for Hillary, does money & because she is running for President make the law UL & VOID ???? Do your Job Justice Dept. & FBI NOW. This isa diacusting & the rest of the world is watching & laughing at us. What a Damm Shame.
I am a Union member. We are to vote for Dems, they are supposed to support our Unions. They have done nothing for us. I and many other members are voting for Trump. I call on all union members reading this to do the same, for the good of all members. Go Trump and he will support our interests.
Jim Handy, I agree with you. There are labor unions that are voting and supporting Donald J. Trump. The AFGE that represents the Border Patrol is for Donald J. Trump, so is the United Mine Workers Union, the United Auto Workers Union, the Fraternal Order of Police, Fraternal Order of Firefighters. I’m a member of the AFGE and my local is entirely for Donald J. Trump, my 2 younger brothers who work for Boeing Aircraft just outside Philadelphia in Ridley Township, Delaware County are members of the UAW and their local is for Donald J. Trump, so is the United Steel Workers Union is states where we once had a steel industry. Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton wanted to shut down the coal mines & destroy the coal industry & the nations economy. The UMW didn’t like that, so the UMW is supporting Donald J. Trump.
I want to believe that Comey is a man of integrity and did not bring criminal charges in July because he was ordered not to. I also want to believe that his conscience and integrity got to him and he is trying to right the wrong. If this is true, I believe he has put himself in danger as it seems that many “upper” powers are against him. This seems like a mob movie. People have already been “taken out” for the sake of the HillBillies, and I am afraid this real-life crime saga is far from over.
I wish Hillary’s evil mind would just finally fold in on itself and she would be declared mentally insane, a threat to society and locked up in either an “old school” mental institution or she is driven to complete madness and experiences what a true suicide is. Finding her guilty as a criminal is my preference, but maybe her own mental madness will finally get the best of her!
Go Vote and get several others to vote!
Be vigilant and believe
God is listening!!!
Given the Clinton’s “audit trail” of deaths in their wake, it is probably Comey who should be afraid. I give him credit for “reopening” a case that was never really closed, due to extreme lying, omission and “Lynch” crooked intervention with the Hil-LIAR-y “gangsters”.
arrest clinton as a traitor NOW fools
Bravo,you told it like it is brother….
They want a Revolution and they know its coming.
trump will win
This is hard fight against Satan let’s all hope and pray the good of people will prevail god please Help our country let’s kneel down and pray
Clinton has zero fear of Comey, the Clinton’s got one FBI director fired when the were in office, they can simply do the same thing again.
She fears Comey?
But no fear of God!
She will be in compete fear with great trembling soon when she comes face to face with the True and Righteous Judge of all mankind!
She’s headed for the eternal pit with her father the devil.
COMEY, FBI, pull out all stops & throw the book at Hil-Liar-y, Huma, & Lynch!!!!!
We must be the laughing stock of the world, for allowing a “proven criminal” to run for the Presidency………WAKE UP!
The I’m With Her…DoJ and Whitehouse will keep the hounds at bay….So much corruption..the swamp is much bigger than predicted….Attorney General Trey Gowdy will be working overtime !
Lock her up NOW !!!
He better be very careful exposing her because she can have someone put 3 bullets in his head and then tell the public that he died of natural causes
The headline is incorrect……no charges, really???…….The headline should read, COMEY & FBI FEAR CLINTON!
Why the WEASEL let her off twice!
Killary has said what she wants to do and anybody not receiving a monthly welfare check yet should not give a single thought to wanting more of her to have to look at or listen to.
Pinocchiobama told Comey to shut up and set down or he’ll sic the Clinton mafia on him.